Interview with Sati Casanova. Sati Kazanova: "On our Caucasian concepts, I have long been an old Virgo

Interview with Sati Casanova. Sati Kazanova:
Interview with Sati Casanova. Sati Kazanova: "On our Caucasian concepts, I have long been an old Virgo

True beauties. With a call and such a playful surname. However, it is not necessary to think that Sati Casanova's life is a solid "thousand and one night". Before becoming the All-Russian Shareherzade, the girl from Nalchik had to go through thorns. And breaking through the stars, she decided ... Start all over again.

Communicated Dmitry Tulchinsky

It is now that the fate of Sati hangs on the hair. To be or not to be, pan or disappeared? Announces the departure from the group "Factory" and start a solo career, she all put on one card.

"It will not work - everything will sell and go to Bali"

In general, I am wildly tired, two days no longer slept, first of all she complained, barely "landed" for a table of one of the Moscow cafes.

- Well, sorry, Sati, peak a little bit. So did you have a crazy life?
- I have the last six months, since I decided to leave the factory and start the solo career. All this is connected with a very strong voltage: physical, moral ...

- Maybe you regret already about the deed?
- No, you just need to get rid of reality, learn to relax, relax. Do not take everything so close to the heart. I think somewhere in a year everything will be stirred, and I will feel like a fish in the water. But so far, honestly, I'm a little worried.

- Thoughts about the solo career have long appeared?
- Five years ago. In general, I always dreamed about it. Even when he fell into a group, thoughts sometimes arose: this is not mine, should one sing. But soon I realized that I was not an ingratary sheep and not even ever think about it. Because, put the hand on the heart, few people are lucky as me.

Ambitions, it means everything is fault. Well, age, perhaps - up to a 30 "girl factory", probably, did not want to jump?
- by itself, you are absolutely right. I determined myself a period after which, what is called either. Either there or to nowhere. In addition, I am a terrible maxim, I try not to be exchanged for the submission of fate, I do not agree to all ready. I do not condemn the people who say: "You go quiet - you will be", "Risk - Durakov's Risk." But I myself believe that the risk is noble, sailing for me - not for me. And now I sail against the current.

Indeed, on the other hand, - where to spit? The group knows, everything has already been established - debugged, the tour of the chart is painted for years ahead. And here is a single swimming, and it is not known what will come of it. There was a lot of doubt about this?
- I will open your thoughts to you. I am so sure that I made the right step. In what should be so, and not otherwise. So convinced that it was quietly sitting and waiting for the weather by the sea - not mine. Well, I do not have the right to myself towards myself and to the sky, as neither pathetic it sounds. And absolutely I did not think about what strategic things and consequences ... Although Igor Matvienko still says to me: "Well, do you understand the degree of risk?"

- And there is no reference path? He did not say: try, it will not work - come back?
- Even thoughts do not allow. Life, of course, makes its own adjustments ... But, you know, once, in my impulsiveness, I even brought the sorry to someone from friends: if it does not work, if I understand that it is either not necessary, or I can not realize, - yes I will leave with a clean conscience at all ...

- Where to?
- Yes, nowhere! She said: "I will sell all your property and I will go to Bali." Once everything was resting there and fell in love with these places, they just dream of me ...

- Well, in any case, Vaklada will not be left: it will be wonderful, no - there is a paradise life on Bali.
- Yes. That is, I don't think so: oh, if it does not happen, then everything is lost, a catastrophe, I will die ... to be killed in any case.

"It's unpleasant to remember yourself for the same"

- When you arrived in Moscow, how much did you have?
- 17.

- With a light heart, parents released?
- How can you get a 17-year-old child with a light heart to Moscow? Moreover, we had a single friend here, who promised to help, and, by the way, kept his promise, for which he had a lot thank you. That is, I practically went anywhere in the unknown. Was confident girl, but was very afraid. And cried, and desperate. I remember the feeling of insane loneliness experienced for the first time. I will tell you how it was. Only two months in Moscow, in October, I'm 18. There were already some acquaintances on school, but it was not yet friends with anyone. I come to the institute. On the one hand, joyful, and on the other - such a sad: I have a birthday, and no one knows. I meet with the guys: "Hi." And everyone: "And I have a birthday today!" - "Oh, congratulations!" - "Thank you!"...

- How did you notice?
- After studying bought a bottle of champagne, a small cake. Came home sadgusite. Sat on the sofa. Tiny apartment, I am alone. And so it became lonely! That's, I first realized what loneliness is. I sit, I drink it champagne. And crying. Suddenly mom calls. "Ma-ma-a! .." - I could not even restrain - so I wanted someone to regret me. She heard that I was roaring, "I also began to cry:" What do you want this Moscow? I ask you - come back, do not suffer yourself and us ... "And here the dad took the phone:" Well, they stop hysterically. Decision is made? On the path got up? Forward!" And for these words, I am very grateful to my father.

- And there were thoughts: everything, tomorrow I collect things and leaving?
- It was all. I thought cried. And when you cry much, you become so weak. But the worst thing is when you wake up at dawn, five to six in the morning. Nailing in any eye. And - fear. He rolls the heart, drop all the insides. And so for a week, two, three. Imagine how exhausting?

- Fear because of what?
- Because of these all experiences: it turns out - it will not work, leave - to stay ... or here is a banal example. Week before paying an apartment - no money. And you wake up in the middle of the night, you are lying, and you can't really breathe from lump in my throat, you just die: scary, terribly. And then all day go broken.

- I know you have passed the sea of \u200b\u200bcasting, samples. Where could it be with a successful situation?
"I almost became a member of the group" Love Stories "- already there was a contract in his arms, a month rehearsed with girls. Then she went to casting to the musical "Chicago". But I was told: you look very young, it is not suitable for us.

- Personally Philip Pobrosovich watched?
"No, I think Philip selected from those who have already been selected ... I looked everywhere, I went everywhere, tried to get a set somewhere. Once he even got the number of the late Yuri Aizenshpis, called him, saying: "Hello, I'm talented, young, beautiful. You must listen to me. " And you know he invited me. After listening, said, True: "Well, there will be money - come in."

In general, the time: in something complicated, and in something romantic, free - how now I remember? It was beautiful, it was terrible?
- No, it was not beautiful. Many mistakes made. That's precisely from this fear and despair. Such a mortar, such thoughts allowed themselves! This is very personal, I would not want to go into the details. And if we talk in common, then the character then I was just the defective. I developed such an attitude to life, like: "Who's first got up - that sneakers", "live with wolves - wolf to pull out." And even in the group "Factory", the first few years was that, believed that it was necessary to be choppy, brazen, put himself. Now I remember myself former - it becomes unpleasant.

- What actions of that time are now being ashamed?
"Oh, there was a case, two years ago, when in Domodedovo at the head of the customs service, a wonderful intelligent young man, very rudely shouted. We flew with a friend from Germany, I was not-slept. In addition, hurried to the concert, right from the plane it was necessary to go there. We were asked: "What do you carry?" - "Yes, we had shopping!" - I am responsible with gonor. "How much?" - "Three thousand euros." - "Do you know that if more than one and a half, you need to fill in the declaration?" And such a hysteria began! The poor young man covered simply along and across, even allowed himself obscene expressions. How can it be not ashamed?

- What was it, a star disease?
- No - just nerves, psychosis. Breaking I did not sleep, a bad mood ...

"I don't want to be a fatal woman anymore"

- Now you also have a disadvantaged ...
- Now I would take and cried. Yes, I'm generally different now. Maybe, because it became a vegetarian - a lot was changed in the character in connection with this.

- What about the kebab from the Kabardian lamb?
"Well, dad joggling me a little bit for it, says: You're thinning too much, there is no facial, exhausted. And I really am really exhausted for the last six months, I think meat will not help me.

- Surname from you from the word "Kazan", so I understand. Do you know how to cook?
- Actually, my surname is not from the word "Kazan". I am not the most masterpiece culinary, perhaps, but I can cook simple dishes. Satzivi, of course, do not master, but a chicken in sour cream sauce is not a problem.

What about the more familiar to us - "Casanova", with an emphasis on the penultimate syllable? It seems to me that it's closer to you.
- It's good or bad, but yes. I won't lie to yourself and you will not lie in my character. Previously, it was terribly proud - ah, I'm such a kokatek, such a kokatka, a rocky woman. Now I understand that these are not those ka-honor that need to be made. Yes, rushed, played. And played. I don't want to be a fatal woman breaking the heart anymore.

- Broke a lot?
- Do not say that a lot. I just had what was called, rarely, but aptly, every time everything is serious. But the feeling of guilt is still gnawing ... How do you say to no one to offend? .. So I was recognized, I was rushing, I was eaten - I was not interested. I already felt the weakness of this man. And the strength of another. And when such a moment comes, I'm not kept ... no, they were not trophies, like men, you know: the first night happened - and "Dosvidos". I have believed every time that this is the last time. But when the passion ended, the panel fell, and their eyes opened on a lot. I understood that this man was not strong enough for me, he was not what I came up with myself. And then I either myself will be unhappy, or destroy it. You see if the woman does not admire, does not bow on a man, she will destroy it sooner or later.

- Did you have unhappy love? So that you do not leave a man, and he you?
"Is that at school ... a boy came to us. So beautiful, unusual. Girls ashung. But they all sighed about themselves, and I said: Girls, he is mine. He wrote to him a note: "I love you, just don't tell anyone." And he, reptile, immediately, in the next change he began to show on me with his finger: they say, this one. Oh, you think such a fucking! But the year three suffered, seeing it with one, then with the other ...

- Sati, you are 27 years old. Probably, all the girlfriends in Nalchik have long been married, narrowed children ...
- A, am I old Virgo?

- Not that ... But the relatives are not indignant?
- Last summer came home to the wedding of the younger sister ...

- So it is impossible! According to Muslim custom, the older sister must first marry.
- No, if the parents and the older sister itself are not against, then it is possible. And the relatives do not bother me much, understanding, so to speak, the nonstandarity of the situation. "Well, you, of course, work ..." They say aunt, no matter how excuse me for an imperfect marriage. And dad and mom, although they are worried, but are encouraged: nothing terrible, and in 30, and in 35 create families and give birth, the main thing is that you are happy.

- And how many times did you offer your hand and heart?
- Not so often, in fact ... you know, the first serious love has happened at the age of 15. The cleanest and romantic - with walks under the moon and with everything that is described in love novels. He then went to the army, on this background we broke up, but not the essence. Once I dreamed that I would get married for him. I woke up - sobbing, in cold sweat. So much this thought was terrified. So I do not suffer from what is not married ... There are, of course, difficult periods. I remember one such when I was so painfully wanted love, so I was looking for her that even from the scene was peering into the hall: "Well, maybe you? No, not you ... "It's funny, of course.
But the woman is always looking for love ... With Ksenia Sobchak, by the way, we have recently discussed this topic. I said that the happiness of a woman is to be his wife, mother. Ksyusha answers: Well, what should I do if I do not have such criteria for happiness. "This is what is better," she asks, "to be well-groomed, rugged, tanned, tightened by the old woman, who achieved everything, or a plump granny, a ringing lawn under the laugh of his grandchildren? I have not yet decided ... "

- And you are closer?
- This is just the question, you can also include fantasy. Well-groomed, the roggy rich old woman inside can be drained loneliness and malice. A chubby granny can cut the lawn under the laugh of his grandchildren, and at the same time think: oh, my life went, I didn't do anything. So I don't want any other, in general I am against extremes. If it is lucky for me to meet such a man with whom I will be absolutely free, with whom I will be able to develop. With huge letters I will write this word: Once-Vi-Wash-Xia ...

- But where are these water?
- It's truth, I hope that I have already met. But no longer a word ...

- Today, with our table, unfortunately, not my whole family gathered. Sister of Light now lives in America and is about to give birth to a second child. The first one - my beloved nephew David - already a year with a little. We communicate with him in the city, I sing to him, and he listens carefully. I adore him!

We have a mother with a dad four, and all the girls. Light younger than me for a year and a half, Marianana - Seven, and Madina - for 11 years. Mariaan lives in Moscow, ends with the production department of Gnesinsky School. At one time she was my administrator, but we did not enjoy it. And the dad warned me: "Do not work with my sisters, spoil the relationship!" - And I did not obey. Marianana has a very powerful character, and I am not a gift. In general, we decided that it would be better to disperse. Now we are well talking, but we see, alas, are infrequently busy. The sister works as an art director in one restaurant. Madina lives in Italy, studying at the School of Design Model Business. She is a real beauty, perfectly draws, and her sense of style is extraordinary. The sister plans to become a clothing designer, but so far I decided to be in the skins of the model itself. And it seems to me that it is right. In short, the fact that I with my sisters behaved in childhood as a real tyrant, did not affect our current relations. We are good friends with them.

- behaved like a tyrant?! How did you finish them?

They looked with me with me, what to say. But in my justification I can say that the time was very difficult. When I was 12 years old, we moved from the village of Nalchik, the family had a desperate position with money. Then the whole country has accounted for. Survived naturally. Dad and mom traded in the market from morning to evening to feed us, and on me, a 12-year-old girl, laying all the economy. I have the first hobbies, the first thoughts about the boys, I want to dress up, walk, like. And you need to wash, clean, cook, spin, dig, raise my sisters. I have always been very clean, I wanted to be the perfect order in the house, and sisters in clean dresses. And in the morning I'll wash everything in the morning, I will remove the girls in beautiful clothes, and then so that they do not get dirty themselves and did not pick me up in the house, put them in the chair and prohibit it. They will put the handles on the knees and do not dare to peel. Perfect cleanliness, perfectly clean children ... Sit and sad. Mom returns from work, girls run to her: "Do not leave us more with Sati, we do not want to sit, we want to walk, play." Mom crushed: "Do not terrorize children!" But I was adamant: everything should be in order! Then I asked for a long time for my mind for a sprawled childhood. Thank God, now no one remembers the offense, remember this time with a good laugh.

I had a difficult character with my childhood. Mom said that he did not pass and the day so that I would not break any doll in an attempt to figure out how it was arranged and what place I say "Mom." And once visiting relatives, the parents lost me at all. They searched the whole house, in an hour they noticed that the master's huge Caucasian Shepherd sits and sadly looks at his booth. Someone guessed to look inside. It turned out that I drove Psa, climbed into his place and calmly fell asleep.

- Wailed you were a girl! And with the household and now deftly manage?

I recently took guests-musicians in my Moscow apartment, covered extremely modest, in my opinion, the table is tea, snacks. And one of the guests delighted: "Wow, what are you doing!" I say: "Do you think I did something extraordinary?" And he is sad: "You see, I just live with a ballerina for two years already ..." I planned him, of course. I do not brag in any way, I simply state: I can do a lot on the housework. And not only what urban residents understand under this word. I can make a cow, dig potatoes, work with robbles, shovel. When I was small, we lived in the village, and we had a huge farm, a garden - one and a half hectares, apple trees and pears who gave a rich harvest. My father has a unique ability: to whatever the plant he touched - everything blooms and fruit. It happened, degrees will pass, the neighbors, the whole garden is ruined - we are all safe. I do not know how he succeeds. It is standing dad to touch the tree, it comes to life. "Come on, we offer," the tree is clear, it is already dying. " And dad gets a little, and it lives again. Once he came to us agronomy state-called and only Diva was given. Never, says, did not see that from one tomato bush, 57 fruits were collected. But nevertheless, when we started in the republic, the market economy and Dad decided to earn money on what he knows: I took it to rent the land, I planted the cucumbers-tomatoes, Rediska - he was not lucky. Its business partners, as they say now, rushed, burned, and we had to sell everything in the village and move to Nalchik.


- How do you, being such a loaded child, have learned more and learn music?

You need to pope thanks to say. He came to mind insane, as it seemed to others and mom first, thought - to take me to learn music. I always wanted to sing. In early childhood, barely started talking, grabbed from the table that the spoon, the plug, took the microphone, and let's sing. Dad decided to give me a chance. The whole family is against was: "What kind of profession is such a singer?" And he said: "Suddenly it is her vocation. Let sings! "

- And along with your family, you often sang in childhood? In Kabarda there are traditions of drinking singing?

You see, the Kabardians are not Georgians. Georgians more southern people, more liberated - in food, in the manifestation of emotions, in songs. They have a saziva of 150 species, and songs at the table, and dance dashing. Kabardians are much ascetic. Our kitchen - pasta (a dish of millet with flour, resembling a thick porridge, like Mamalygi) and dried meat. And dances are more restrained. And we do not sing the song at the table. Even my dad, who in his youth was a professional singer and toured with the vocal-instrumental dance ensemble "Ashimaz" in Russia and Europe, with us did not sing - this was considered a manifestation of incontinence and excessive emotionality. On TV, I also heard a little songs: in the village we had only one channel of television, and he showed with interruptions. But national music has absorbed, as they say, with Mother's milk and, even if he heard somewhere around the grains, still remained in the soul.

I think that in a man at the genetic level lives not only the love of native songs, but also respect for national traditions. Do you notice that?

Yes, noticed repeatedly. In me, for example, genetically laid respect for the elders. In the metro car, barely envying a person at the age, I instantly jump up. My people have many traditions relating to the rules of communication of senior and junior, family relationships. These rules are recovered by centuries. Our ancestors were clearly regulated by everything: what kind of hand should go or sit the mother, which children should go or sit. At large family celebrations, the oldest was sitting in the center of the table and necessarily opposite the door to see who enters. In our family, it was headed: when the grandfather trapes, nor dad, nor mom could sit nearby - this disrespect. By tradition, first ate the eldest and most respected. And only when the grandfather got up from the table, parents began to eat. To us, children, always covered separately. I am in one table with a dad of the village of 17 already. Of course, many customs died. Previously, for example, a reinforced concrete rule existed: if the rider sees the woman going to meet him, he must hurry and greet it, and if the lady goes one, without a man, - spend, following her at a respectful distance. Even if he is in a hurry and he is in general on the other side.

We accepted to obey the elders. Pope in his youth really liked to play, tour. But when he married, the grandfather said: "You are now a family man, be kind, we do something more serious, it is not for an adult man jumping on stage and songs to peak." And dad listened, got behind the wheel of Kamaz and became a trucker. I was lucky more - I implemented my dream in the end. Already from 12 years old, one can say, my professional path of the singer artist began. At the age of 15, I entered the School of Culture and Arts, at the age of 16 became the laureate of the Nalchik Zori contest. And in parallel, I actively participated in the prefabricated concerts, filming the local television channel of the republic. There were even video clips that now seek me so touching and funny!

And one day, when I was 17 years old, my father's cousin persuaded him to let me sing in the hotel restaurant she managed. Mom was outraged, but the father said: "Why not?" The aunt took responsibility for my security, looked after me, and the situation with money in the family still left much to be desired. But Dad worked very much for me.

How much I will live, I will thank my father for wisdom. All our relatives refused to understand him, especially when I went to Moscow. "Where did you let go of a child?! How will she survive there?! " What dad said: "If there is a head on the shoulders, she will not disappear in the tundra. And if there are no heads, even though it will always come for all locks - the stupidity of the loophole will always find. " I have a very wise dad!

It makes the opinion that the daughters of the right and good fathers are difficult to find a husband. Communicating with young people, such girls involuntarily measure them according to the planke that his father asked.

Yes, I just get queries, and they have to go from. When you see all your life next to you, such a nobility, such a generosity of the soul and actions, like the dad, and for you it is the norm, then it is difficult to get enough to you that not all men live like that and so act. Maybe from the point of view of Mom's father - Transzhir, but for me dad is always a holiday. Going to visit, he brings with me gifts. If someone comes to us, no one comes without hotels. And I am sure that it is necessary. I was lucky with the right vitality. But, of course, finding a person who would fit these qualities, and even a love arose between us is not easy. Until it happened. Now I am 30 years old, and I have long been old Virgo for our Caucasian concepts. But I must say that by choosing a profession, I have already defeated our usual framework, so for me for 30 years - quite gentle age and think about the family is still early. Yes, and not before. I inspire very large-scale projects than ensuring myself an uncomfortable existence for several decades ahead. And in creativity, and in business I will only start. And I also want to film and consider some interesting offers. But at all incredible workload, I believe that you can work, be useful society and at the same time happy in the family.

- What are your large-scale projects?

In my life there is a difficult, but an incredibly interesting period. I gradually go out from under the wing of the producer center Igor Matvienko and start a completely independent life. My most favorite brainchild is the festival of ethnic cultures "Ethnostle". I consciously decided to make the name of the festival bilingual, because first of all I want to interest young people. She now has all the advanced, "pro-Western". And personally, I am very sad that the word "ethno" and in general everything is connected with the folk culture, ceases to be interesting. "What kind of boredom?! Harmoshki-balalaika some! " - Teenagers talk about folk music. I try to keep your nose in the wind, keep track of what is fashionable that, so to speak, in the trend. And I understand that reading ethnic culture - vintage songs and dances - in the modern key, it is quite possible and young people will definitely interest it. If, for example, the Cossack choir will come and will sing "oh, frost, frost" in the genre of R'n'B or hip-hop - it hooked. And allow to preserve traditions that are more and more lost with each new generation. If a few decades ago with national songs and dances were familiar, probably, every resident of the North Caucasus, now, alas, no. I really want to contribute to improving this situation!

At first I thought to spend my festival only in the region where it was born - in the Caucasus. But, starting to send the first invitations, I saw that Kalmykia, and Krasnodar Territory, and Stavropol region were interested in my event. We decided to expand. And geography to expand, and genres - that is, we will not only sing and dance. We will have paintings, photos, videos, clothing design, decorative and applied art - all where national motives can be read. Fair to organize people to sell done by their own hands - decorations, dishes, belts, daggers. The hands are gold in people, and not still switched to a computer design, something can do themselves.

At the moment, negotiations are still undergoing negotiations with officials of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus, with the head of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Arsen Bashirovich Kanokov, with the Ministry of Culture of Russia ... My dream is to bring the event to the federal level, and subsequently on the world! I believe in this opportunity, otherwise I would not have taken. The festival is planning to spend autumn in the capital of native Kabardino-Balkaria, in the city of Nalchik. I really hope that everyone will have time and all the stars will stand as it should! And most importantly, the festival will be so successful that it will become annual. The exchange of cultural values \u200b\u200bwe will strengthen the relationship between the peoples of Russia. Here I have ambitious plans.

Living so many years in Moscow, in this city-cosmopolitan, you do not feel that they are gradually moving away from their homeland, their culture?

Nothing like that, even on the contrary. But grow to understanding how important it is its root for a person, I could not immediately. For a start, nihilism and denial of obvious things passed through the usual adolescent. Having moved to Moscow at 18, I experienced a thrill, hearing my native speech, but I didn't want to admit to himself, convincing myself that it was not cool.

I love Moscow very much, I am grateful to her for all that she gave me and gives. Of course, in this city I do not have enough mountains and native air. When I get tired and sad, I remember my native village, mentally go to our huge garden and inhale fabulous tasty smells. And when the forces leave at all, I sit on a plane and fly to my homeland. But after five days of rest, I begin to worry, worry, bored, even the muscles twist from the desire to move somewhere further, to run something to do. My goals are huge, they seem to me to some extent unattainable, but so more interesting to live. When what you do, truly like, the forces are located. And if you see ahead, you see your goal, the dream, it does not allow anybind, nor lose hope.

A family: Father - Setgali Talovalovich, private entrepreneur; Mother - Fatima Ismailovna, doctor; Sisters - Svetlana, Lawyer, Mariana, Art Director, Producer, Madina, Designer, Model

Education: He graduated from the Kabardino Balkar College of Culture and Arts in the specialty "Academic Singing", studied at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins in the specialty "pop-jazz singing", this year ends the acting faculty of rati

Career: In 2002, he took part in the project "Factory Star-1", from December 2002 to May 2010 - the soloist of the factory group. Lead the program "Ghost Opera" (Channel One). He took part in the TV projects "Ice and the Flame" and "one to one" (all - the first channel). Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

After the cardinal change in your life, Sati Casanova told OK! About creativity, own choosing and about who inspires it.

Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov Sati Kazanova

Sati's meeting with us appointed in a vegetarian cafe, because for seven years she is the Adept of Yoga and Healthy Nutrition. The actress was a little delayed and, sitting down the table, said with a sigh: "My coach today I just tortured me!"

I thought only yoga is present in your life.

(Laugh.) Recently, I deliberately engaged in power training, who ignored for many years. After all, I always believed that there would be only yoga in my life. However, strength training, in addition to the body relief, help develop certain character qualities.

Which for example?

Discipline and endurance at least. Let's see how enough me, I started with this coach many years ago, but it took, and now I decided to return. Probably, this is no longer just my passionate passion, but calm, deep love. When I do at home, my husband, passing by, can clap me on the shoulder: "What a strong woman, I believe in you." This is about his participation in strength training. ( Laughs.) But I think that he will come to this.

In general, it is very important when two each other is inspired. Every example is infectious - and bad, and good. And my responsibility is that I applied only a good example. ( Smiles.)

And what example gives you Stephano?

He teaches me punctuality and organization. Stefano North Italian, if he said that he would come at five, it would be without five.

You often visit the spiritual master in Germany with her husband, you both vegetarians and practicing yoga. How did you choose this path?

In general, this is a well-known fact that the more a couple of common hobbies, the more stronger. Here we have their huge number, we also love and follow the teachings of our master - Paramahams Sri Swami Vishvananda. He speaks of love, patience and unity, his main message: Just Love ("just love" or "just love"). I usually concern the topic of religion with caution, but the theme of faith in God is really interested in me. After all, religion is a kind of system, and faith is a state defined spiritual achievement. When I met my teacher seven years ago, I was already ready for an acquaintance with a spiritual mentor. It's good that now it is not something wild, more and more often you can hear "my mentor", "my coucker", I recently came to Moscow, and more than seven thousand people gathered to listen to the Indian sage broadcasts. Now special time. People are more open to self-knowledge, and it's great. My spouse, for example, suddenly came to vegetarianism.

The fact is that he is a photographer, a videographer and traveler, and when he found himself in Namibia, then every day she filmed on the camera nature and animals. He admired Zebrars and Flamingo, and when in the evening in the restaurant in front of him, they set a dish with a steak of the same zebra, he realized that he could not eat it ... It is noteworthy that the husband now looks, and feels healthier than before vegetarianism.

Sati, and in what life time did you experience the need for a spiritual mentor?

The fact is that from childhood I feel some kind of special craving for spiritual. I remember, in childhood, the grandmother often took me to religious holidays, where Zikras (Islamic chants) were performed. I always liked to listen to stories about the saints, about the prophets, and I gladly absorbed all prayers and songs that heard.

But then we moved from the village to the city, and when I moved to Moscow from Nalchik, it was all forgotten - I skidded my life. And only when at twenty-seven years I have almost disappointed in the outside world, I began to look for a new meaning in life and source of power.

And what exactly did you disappointed? You have not satisfied your life?

You see, I achieved what I wanted. But the scene, popularity, fans and even material income did not make me happy. I got up in the morning absolutely unhappy, empty, with a leaning heart, and this emptiness was impossible to fill. In addition, there were several heavy events in life: my departure from the group "Factory", difficult parting with a man plus then I lost my voice. Probably, it is not in vain that a person needs to lose everything he has that he finally appeal to God. So I had the opportunity to know myself, to understand what I live for what. And I tried to find answers to my questions: he listened to lectures, read books. And suddenly it came across the phrase: "When the student is ready - he is ready for him and teacher." I realized that I definitely need a mentor. There was more than a year and a half, and I met him. For the first few years I was very active in the study of various spiritual and philosophical exercises. I began to practice a very powerful practice called atma-Kriya Yoga. A few years later, I began to teach this practice, and now I have more than seventy students.

And the SATI Ethnica project appeared just during your search?

Yes, at that time I listened to Mantra and the old songs of Adygh and other nations, sang them for themselves - they calmed down and filled me. And I realized that I got out of the gloomy state "why live" and finally saw a simple worldly beauty. Then I began to sing for friends in small yoga clubs and suddenly thought: why not start such music to execute on stage.

You did not confuse that fans know you like pop artist? What may not accept a new Sati?

Once I came to my master to the opening of his spiritual center, where he asked me to sing with his friends, knowing that I am Muslim. At first, I was terribly worried, and when I went to the stage, I admitted to musicians that I do not know what to sing. They calmed me, saying that they would follow me. And then there was something magical: minutes forty five we sang in one breath, I was in some kind of cosmic flight. I only remember the flurry of the applause after and the fact that the Russian audience came to me with the words that I should make a new program. Perhaps this episode and became a sign for me: I began to develop the SATI Ethnica project. Just at the beginning of the year the first album was released, in which I connected the sacred mantras and vintage songs. Album can be downloaded in iTunes. Here is a unique symbiosis of sounding ethno and electro - the depth of antiquity in modern processing. For the most part, concerts with this program are held at European festivals. Here, in Russia, I interfere with the cliché pop singers, in this you are right.

Of course, I understand that it will have to make certain efforts to change the view of yourself a multimillion audience. But it does not scare me, but only inspires. Still, I still actively engage in popular music and just the other day I have a new single "Palm Paris".

And your family supported you in this decision?

In this direction, I certainly support my spiritual master and spouse. My family rejoices for me, but also worries, parents ask: "Maybe you will not change so dramatically? We are not visible on TV. " ( Laugh.)

What are you responsible for them?

I say I'm not going to make sharp movements that everything will happen gradually. Although I confess that there were days when I generally wanted to throw pop music. I remember, I told about it to my teacher and he told me: "It is not important what you sing, and how you sing, the main thing that your heart is filled with love." And as Edith Piaf spoke, "even a telephone directory can be singing so that the public is crying." Frankly, I still open myself and find out. My music and my audience only come into their strength. I feel that everything is just beginning.

You are doing so much time yoga. Now you enjoy life?

Oh yeah! A couple of years ago, I still had a novel mood when I did not want to go to secular events, despite the fact that I continued to have songs, like, for example, hit "before dawn." The main thing that I understood after all my pilgrim trips and trips to yoga-retreats is: life is beautiful everywhere, and not only in certain places where everyone goes such enlightened. And the main place of power, the main temple is my heart!

Tell me, and you and your husband continue to live into two countries?

Not quite, all the time when Stefano does not travel and I am not on tour, we spend in Moscow. Now, by the way, he goes to Petersburg for work, and after a few days we will be together in the Caucasus, our parents, then go back to Moscow and spit on Bali. Stefano will travel throughout Indonesia, and I will lead yoga-retreat with a group of girls. We travel a lot, but we live mostly in Moscow, and this is due to the wisdom, the flexibility of my husband and his understanding that my work is connected with Moscow and until it changes, I can not leave Russia. But it is easier for him: he can engage in photograph or video at any point in the world. Of course, sometimes the husband feels lonely here, and I understand that he, in essence, in someone else's country, in someone else's culture and I can not give him due attention. I recently asked him: "Cute, you are bored?" And he replied: "Yes, I have no friends here, all my friends are in Italy, and you work a lot, and I do not see you." I am sad ... I understand that this is a victim to which he deliberately goes to be with me. And I am immensely grateful to him for it. I know that it will come and my time to sacrifice something.

You and Stefano gave the promise to parents to learn Italian and Russian. How are you doing?

While I pull this moment, because I really don't have time, but I promised Mama Stefano to learn Italian, so I will do it for his parents. Favorite joke of my husband: "While I am your translator, in our house there will be peace and love, but when you learn Italian, I wash my hands." ( Laugh.) But this is, of course, everything is only humor, because Mom Stefano kinderwater, she saw me on the wedding of the older brother Stefano and my girlfriend and loved long before we started meeting and got married. As for the Russian language, Stefano is already quite good says, reads and understands a lot.

In addition to differences in cultures, you and religions are different: you are a Muslim, and your husband is a Catholic. This question required solutions?

No one just did not give up his religion. Neither he nor I did not require it, because we are too respected by each other. In our family there is one religion - it is love. But in the cultures of the Kabardians and Italians there are similar features, such as family and respect for the elders. And I would definitely wanted to convey to our future children a certain proportion of restraint, which is laid in the Circassian mentality, and at the same time to instill the absolute heart and sincerity of the Italians. Of course, at first Stefano was difficult to understand what it means to be able to own themselves and not show their feelings in the public. ( Smiles.) In our Caucasian wedding, I warned it before going out: "Do not try to smile! Keep a serious, harsh face. Like jigit. And do not look into the eyes and do not smile. " He asks: "Well, what is this wedding?!" And I say: "Not accepted, what! We have the joyful event, the more serious face! " Then, I look, there is a serious one, it does not look at anyone, chest with a wheel, only keeps the handle of his dagger. ( Smiles.) And his brother, Christiano, asks: "What's wrong with you, smile, this is your wedding!" And since then we love to laugh at that at our wedding, everyone went exclusively with harshs. But this is the North Caucasus ... Military honor, severity remained in the blood of the Adyghe people. Then, already in Italy, when we celebrated the wedding once again, everyone smiled.

Sati, I know you had prejudices about marriage.

Yes, I was really afraid of it, I dreamed of nightmares, but now I definitely became more relaxed and calm. I would say that it became patient, but this quality is not developing in one day. ( Smiles.) When you feel the influence of fate, it is like all the signs of the Universe indicate you that this is your person.

Singers Sati Kazanova, who was called in honor of the goddess of wisdom, did not mind this honor. Questions about raccas, God's cows and fruit trees answered thoughtfully, and at the same time told us what color she had Aura. 1. Why is New York - is it a "big apple"?
Due to the fact that Apple's office is located there?

2. What makes rose wine?
From rose grapes.

3. How does Eho appear?
Everything happens according to the laws of physics: where there are no obstacles, the sound of re-zo-ni-ro!

4. What is the rota-rod tool?
Yourself? ..

5. How and why use hyaluronic acid?
To rejuvenate the skin and combat wrinkles.

6. What is called boxes on a military parade?
This is a form of construction.

7. What is the deepest lake in the world?

8. How does Catalan translated name of California?
NO Idea!

9. When are we covered with "goose skin"?
With strong excitement or cold.

10. Who invented overhead eyelashes?
I think a woman. How could a man come up with this?

11. How is the spa abbreviation decryp?
Salon useful ah-a-a-procedures? (Laughs.)

12. What does the name of Satani?
I was named after the Ossetian goddess of wisdom. True, in the epic, the name sounds like Shagana or Satanai.

13. What trees grew on Earth owned by the family of Sati Casanova?
Pears, apple trees, plums, apricots and a little cherries.

14. The color of Indigo is ...
... blue-lilac green. I recently took a picture of my aura, and it turned out: I have an indigo color.

15. What does the number of points in God's cows mean?
Like people, the different hair color and the number of moles and the ladybirds have a different number of points.

Question to Cosmo from Star: Regent is who?
Cosmo: A man who is guarding the heir to the throne, while he is small or sick.

1. New York guides say that the apple tree is the first of all trees planted by immigrants, gave fruit. Hence the symbol. According to another version, it did not cost without jazzmen. Places where they performed were called apples. New York has become one big apple.
2. From the red grapes with the addition of his peel.

3. The sound is reflected from a flat surface.
4. Raccoon rods rinsing its food in the water: fish, frogs.

Hyaluronic acid is used in medicine, and also include cosmetic tools designed to moisturize the skin and make it younger.
6. Special construction of soldiers in the form of a rectangle.
7. Baikal.

8. "A place where is hot, like in the oven."
9. "Goose skin" appears when it is cold, scary or ... very nice.
10. Makeup artist Max factor.

11. The spa abbreviation occurred from the Latin expression Sanus Per Aquam: "Health through water".
12. In the epic of the peoples of the Caucasus, the goddess of wisdom was so called.

Sati Casanova was at the top of success, next to her was a man who adored her, but, with external attributes of well-being, she felt unhappy and lonely. Through what she had to go, the singer frankly told in an interview.

I read in one of your interviews that there were two serious novels in your life. Tell them about them?

Each of them lasted for three years - these were the longest relationships from those that I happened to survive. Scenarios are approximately the same: the first year is euphoria, passion; The second is the period of thinking on the topic "Whether we approach each other", the third year goes to break this connection relatively painlessly.

It turns out, love lives for three years?

If the relationship lasted only three years, it means that there was not love, but only a passion. In my case, it was generally illusions. For truly love each other, only units can only. Such partners must constantly grow well, work on themselves and their relationship, look in one direction, serve one goal. Such an example of the marriage union was Nikolai and Elena Roerich. I really hope that I can ever create such relationships.

Do you believe in karma?

I am sure that my relationships with men were also karmic. Therefore, it is so important for me to be painlessly complete the novel: if someone suffers from parting and experiencing severe pain, it means that Karma has been lacking for and she will pursue you - you will find yourself in the same situation in this or next life.

All seeds that we sow, sooner or later grow up. If we sow good, love, attention, understanding, then we will get them. If I come across some kind of pain, injustice and deception in relation to myself, I am thinking: for what I have it? Where did I go wrong? Who am I offended?

But after all, in addition to karma, there is also a life scenario, which was laid in us in childhood, are men, similar to our fathers?

I definitely have such a scenario. I always choose the same type of man, and it is very similar to my father - dominant. Over time, passing different courses and seminars of personal growth, I realized that the problem was first of all in me, that I did not respember and did not love myself. This is the problem of many children who are adult in childhood.

I am a senior child in the family, I was just a year and a half, when my sister was born. She had health problems - and all the attention and love were given to her, and I went to the background. And, as often happens in such a situation, I missed my portion of love. And the father was in general for me in general inaccessible. He worked as a trucker and rarely visited at home. Every his appearance was a special event for me, I was very timid before him, I did not even decide to speak. I understand that I suffered this model of behavior to relationships with men, even with my producer Igor Matvienko. I could not communicate with him for a long time, and it was worth it to come to the hall, where we sing, how I lost all confidence.

The same situation was with a man with whom I met: when it was not there, I was quite a self-confident girl, but it was worth it to appear nearby, as I started to stack and follow everything that I was saying and doing. I seemed to give himself to the court and waited for what an assessment he would put me. He was afraid not to please or not please. Over time, I realized that it was to blame for this: if you give a man the right to judge you, he will do it mercilessly.

And how do you yourself feel about the partner?

Always one and the same story. Already at the very beginning of relationship, I overdo with emotions. I'm not waiting until a man deserves my location, and in a hurry to give him so much happiness and love that he, roughly speaking, hindrances. There is nothing wrong with that, because even in all sacred scriptures it is said that a woman should serve a man. But not in the sense to dissolve in it, but become his support and support, give him energy. We must give a man the opportunity to feel the conqueror so that it is in the end aware that your love and care are worth the dear, and did not perceive them as proper.

And how are your relationship with the Father now?

Wonderful. We are with him close friends, we have complete mutual understanding. I share with him everything that happens in my life, and he is my main adviser.

Do you clearly imagine the image of a man you want to see next? Realized what are you waiting for relationships?

In this matter, I rely on fate. I am sure that every person is predetermined to meet his second half - perhaps passing through the trials, through unsuccessful connections ... Now I am in an unusual relationship with a man: we are as if we are polished about each other, align the roughness and become better.

And you also consider marriage too?

Of course.

Why are you still not married?

I can say twice in a long relationship and. And every time I felt that this was not mine, and I was very glad that. It was definitely not mine, and I could not create a full-fledged family with the beloved. All the same sooner or later we would break up, but it would be much more painful.

I believe that any relationships are sent to us for a certain experience, for a lesson, and I was happy and I don't regret anything. I generally seems to me that everything is predetermined in life, we are given only a small right of choice, which can not change something seriously.

Are you worried because not married?

Not anymore. There were periods when a panic attacked me and a depleting fear of loneliness. I was afraid that I was left alone without a husband and without a family. But thank God, it passed, I no longer kill about this. This does not mean that I do not want to marry. Nothing will replace me with a strong male shoulder and hugs, I understand it. I just changed my attitude to this situation. I know for sure that my life will not leave me anywhere, I believe that there is a person designed to me by fate, he may appear tomorrow, and maybe in five years. The main thing is not to cling to relationships that have no future because of the fear of loneliness. While there is a place for you, a person who is predetermined to you with fate will not go into your life.

At the same time, I realized that the marriage is not the main goal in life, there are things that are no less important to me: these are my spiritual practices and my creativity. In general, while I develop, I am engaged in my favorite work, I am happy about life and just wait for my destiny.

Are you ready to go for victims for the sake of a man?

It seems to me, no, and it is not necessary. Many are asked whether I am ready to give up my career for the sake of the family ... From the career - yes, and from self-realization - no. In my life there were men who were disrespectful to what I do, and did not understand the significance of creativity for me. For a long time, they were not delayed near.

Could you forgive betray?

Yes, I forgred and, perhaps, I can continue. It is important for me to understand why a man went to it. Perhaps he, without receiving something from me, began to look at it on the side. And perhaps, I myself do not sufficiently respect, since he allowed himself.

Reminds the history of domestic violence: Women blame themselves in the fact that a man raises her hand on them. So you take a guilt for male betrayal?

This is another, I'm talking about awareness. If you get such fruits, it means you once sowed such a seed. The universe just returns debt. You can part with this man or quarrel, and then reconcile, but internally you should work out this situation and understand what could attract these circumstances in your life.

You talk a lot about consciousness, about spirituality, about the proximity to God, you sing a mantra. Tell me how you came to this?

It is not that it happened unexpectedly, I have always thought about the meaning of life, was in a certain spiritual search, felt the emptiness that you need to fill. And just approached the moment when these questions were particularly acutely worried. Oddly enough, it was at that time my career was at a peak, but I felt unhappy. And during this period I began to get involved in esoteric literature. The first books who shook me were the "Rose of the World" Daniel Andreeva and "Two Lives" Concordi Antaro. Then I started reading the book about yoga, about spiritual people, about where we and what our destination.

Did these books help you stand up?

No, these books have become the first step towards recovery if you can express it. After all, the main thing in life is intentions and the first step. And then the universe goes towards.

I began to go to yoga, communicate with different spiritual people, and I was lucky to meet the true master of yoga. He dedicated me to the Atma-Kriya Yoga, which translates as "the cleansing of the soul." At one of the first seminars, he said: "I do not welcome the people who lie on the sofa all day and suffer from the fact that they are such spiritually developed, but no one understands them. Spirituality and activity go hand in hand. Go and every movement , EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOUR THOUGHT OF YOUR Thought to God. If you want to serve God, serve people. Do at least one person happy. "

Then I realized that active activity, career, public life does not interfere with spiritual development. I found the meaning, and then there were already forces to start life anew and again to become happy.

What about creativity? You did not find calm in it?

Oddly enough, no. Although at that time, our group was at the peak of popularity. In the career everything went well, but I felt a terrible empty. I have not seen any sense nor goals in life. I was annoying what I do. Shooting and concerts seemed meaningless, and the songs are empty. I sat in my apartment on the 35th floor, I drank tea and infinitely listened to the mantra. I asked God or pick me up, or show, for what I live. I could not find people who would understand me. I started a real depression - and the books that I spoke, discovered some kind of door of my soul.

I left the group and put myself a challenge to fill my songs to another, deeper meaning. But I did not find it, and there was a period when I did not understand any producer. Now I realize that it was not that I sing, but in how. Edith Piaf said: even a telephone directory can be felt so that people will cry.

I know people who preached such a lifestyle. They are slightly "not from this world" ... are not afraid of such a perspective?

When a person is immersed in spiritual practices, he sometimes breaks away from reality, it becomes difficult for him to communicate with society. Therefore, you need to go on time. I had such a period when I needed to find a balance between the material world and spiritual, and I found it. It is this perfect combination that symbolizes the cross in Christianity: the vertical is a movement to God, and the horizontal is a worldly life.

They say you already give concerts on which you sing the mantra?

My concerts include not only mantras, but also ethnic music, vintage chants, lyrics from the ancient Sanskrit Scriptures. Now it seems to me that all my former life was only preparations to engage in this - the singing of mantras. They like a prayer for me, from which I get great pleasure. I hope listeners too.

Now I intend to collect my own group and create an album in which ethnic music will be connected to popular. I already work on several albums, I hope, soon they can be heard. I believe: when a person does what his soul dances, he is inevitably waiting for success.