The present prime time is in English Rule. Present Simple Tense - Easy Present in English

The present prime time is in English Rule. Present Simple Tense - Easy Present in English
The present prime time is in English Rule. Present Simple Tense - Easy Present in English

Simple Present (Similarly) is the basis with which a student's grammar should start. Very often, those who have just started learning English are confused in numerous times, which are really quite a lot. This lesson presents full Present Simple Using Rules, supported by visual examples and illustrations. We hope that this will help you deal with the difficulties that have arisen in understanding this aspect of English grammar.

So, let's analyze cases when a simple present time is used, in order.

1. Repeating actions

When we talk about events, actions that have a repetitive nature, periodically occur, use Present Simple. That is, such repetitive actions can be habits, hobbies (hobbies), daily activity, events taking place on a schedule, and in general everything that often happens.

For example, when a person often forgets something or does not, it is worth talking about it using a simple present.

Present Simple Use:

In such situations, the use of adverbs is very common. sometimes, Often, Always and never Which show how often anyone does anything. Pay attention to such adverbs, as they indicate exactly using Present Simple. Of course, if only it is not about the past time. Then the situation is somewhat different.

2. Facts and generalization

Simple Present is also used when we are talking about established facts. That is, about those allegations that are always true and do not change their meaning. Even if a person claiming anything will be wrong, it still uses Present Simple in his speech in this case.

Another point is a generalization. When we talk about some kind of concept or about some things, phenomena as a whole, then we again appeal to a simple present time.

Consider at the examples:

3. Nearest future on schedule

Sometimes Simple Present is used when it comes to scheduled events for the near future, which most often occur on the set schedule.

This can be both the schedule of public transport and other events occurring on the scheduled schedule.

4. Present Simple and Status Verbs

Often, simple present appears in cases where the action occurs or does not happen right now, but only with certain verbs that are not used in a long form (that is, with the end -ring) in general or used only in some cases.

Try to memorize the list of verbs that are used only (or almost only) in the form of Simple Present.

For a better understanding, we give a few examples of the use of Present Simple with the listed verbs.

In English verbs that are not used in long form (Continous) are called non- continous Verbs. or stative Verbs. (verbs of status). Some of the listed verbs are still used in the form of Continous, they are called mixed Verbs.. These include verbs to Appear, To Be, To Feel, To Have, To Hear, To Look, To Taste, To Thinks, To See, To Smell, To Weigh.

5. Description of the plots of books, films, plays and so on

We all love one way or another to share their impressions after watching the film or reading the book, as well as retell the basic actions that are happening in a particular work. The main thing is that you need to remember - the retelling events should be in the form of a simple present.

6. Conditional sentences The First Conditional and The Zero Conditional)

  • If It Rains, I WONT COME TO VISIT.

  • If i See Him, I'll Tell Him.

Please note that the present time is used in the first part of the sentence - after IF. What happens if the condition is not fulfilled, has the form of a future time.

7. After the words 'WHEN', 'Until', 'After', 'Before' and 'AS SOON AS' in suggestions expressing the future

  • I Will Call You WHEN I Have Time. (Attention: not 'Will Have')

  • He'll See You Before He Leaves.


The last two cases of consuming the present time is very important to remember, as there is a significant difference between English from Russian.

Let's compare. As an example, take the proposals "if will be Rain, I. launch at home "and" I i come When I have will be time". As you can see, both parts of the sentence express the future. In English, this is not.

Try to independently transfer these offers into English, given the only described features.

If you find it difficult, here is the correct answer:

"If IT Rains, I'll Stay At Home."
"I'll Come When I Have Time."

That's all the rules concerning Present Simple, which you need to know. In fact, they are not so much. Try to remember as many examples as possible, and then the information will definitely postpone in your head for a long time.

This is a series of 3 articles, which will help to deal with basic English times, their lining and learn how to build their own phrases automatically.

Currently in English is used constantly, so it is important how to understand its logic. Knowing the rules for the formation of simple sentences, it will be easier to master the rest of the English time system.

How to build a phrase in Present Simple

First, let's talk about the verbs of the action that answer questions "What to do?", "What do you do" (the state verbs will be discussed separately).

  • Statement: The form of the verb does not change, except for the 3rd face, units. numbers. In this case, the end adds to the verb -s..

Let's see an example with the verb Sing - sing.

I Sing. - I sing.
You sing. - You sing.
We Sing. - We sing.
They Sing. - They are singing.
He sing. s.. - He sings.
She Sing. s.. - She sings.

  • Negation: In this case, we put the actions of the DON'T before the verb (full form - do not) or doesn't for the 3rd face. Numbers (full form does not). To the verb itself, no endings add!

I. don't Sing. - I do not sing.
You. don't Sing. - You do not eat.
We. don't Sing. - We do not sing.
They don't Sing. - They do not sing.
He. doesn't Sing. - He does not sing.
She. doesn't Sing. - She does not sing.

  • Questions We are just asked: put auxiliary verb DO or DOES to the top of the sentence.

Do. I Sing? - I sing?
Do. You Sing? - You sing?
Do. WE SING? - We sing?
Do. They Sing? - They are singing?
Does. HE SING? - He sings?
Does. She Sing? - She sings?

These questions can be answered "yes" or "no" according to the principle: "yes, i do" or "no, i don't". Replace the pronoun, if necessary, and try not to confuse DO / Does.))

If the question is clarifying, then the question word will be needed. It is posted at the very beginning before the auxiliary verb of Does Does.

Why Do I Sing? - Why do I sing?
What Do You Sing? - What are you singing?
When. Do We Sing? - When are we singing?
How. Does Sing? - How do they sing?
Where. Does He Sing? - Where does he sing?
Which Song Does She Sing? - What song does she sing?

Verb to be

A separate consideration requires English verb to Be - to be, being, to be.

After all, we are not always talking about what you do some action. Sometimes we tell about where we are ("I'm in Paris now", "John at work"), who work ("I am a doctor", "My brother is a student") and so on. Literally: "I am now in Paris", "I am a doctor").

The verb of the action is not needed here, so it helps the verb of the status to be, which has its own forms. They need to be just remembered.

  • Approved proposals:

I. aM. a singer. - I am a singer.
He / She. IS. a doctor. - He / she is a doctor.
We / You / her are Friends. - We / you / they are friends.

  • In denial Add to the verb to Be Particle Not:

I Am Not - I 'M Not.
He is not - He isn't
WE ARE NOT - WE aren't

Please note that in everyday speech enjoy abbreviated forms. Full form I write for you so that you know where and what is formed.

  • Question Begins with the desired form of verbs to be:

AM. I right? - I'm right)?
IS. He Your Brother? - He is your brother?
Are YOU COLD? - Are you cold?

When to use Present Simple

  1. to express the facts that are always true:

The Sun Rises in the East. - The sun rises in the east.
IT Rains in Autumn. - In the fall come rain.

  1. to describe habits and regular actions (words-tips: Twice a month - twice a month, Every Tuesday - every Tuesday, Often - often, Sometimes - Sometimes, Always - Always, Seldom - rarely)

How Often Do The Study Chinese? - How often do they do chinese?
Where does she live? - Where she lives?
What is your job? - Who do you work? (literally "What is your job?")

  1. in the future, when it comes to an official schedule (lessons, meetings, time of arrival / departure of trains and aircraft, schedule of movies to cinema or performances in the theater and so on)

Lessons Begin At Nine Tomorrow. - Lessons begin tomorrow at 9.
Our Train Arrives At Twelve. - Our train arrives at 12.
What Time Does The Film Start? - What time does the film start at?

  1. in the future, after the words if - if, when - when, Until - as long as, as Soon AS - as soon as, After, after, Before

I Will Tell You WHEN I KNOW. - I'll tell you when I find out.
She "LL Call As Soon As Her Sister Arrives." She will call as soon as her sister arrives. "
If It Rains at the Weekend, We Won "T Go to the Country. - If it rains on the weekend, we will not go beyond the city.

  1. to describe the plot of a movie or book

The Main Heroes Get Married at The End of the Book. - The main characters are married at the end of the book.

Also use Present Simple at the time of speech with the verbs of the status:

You look Marvellous. - You look great.
I THINK HE IS VERY SMART. - I think he is very smart.
I Promise I Will Tell You. - I promise that I will tell you.
I Like This Ice-Cream So Much! - I like this ice cream so much!

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Workshop for time practice

Do you want to independently build phrases in all times?

You can pass 4 weeks Workshop 12 times. This is a program with their step-by-step analysis in the complex and in comparison.

I recorded the lessons in the format of video presentations, when it took this course online, and practical tasks and examples added to each lesson. Therefore, you master every time gradually, immediately applying the theory in practice.

You perform a lot of actions regularly or periodically. Sometimes you go to the movies, often do the charge, always clean your teeth, every day there are breakfast or dinner.
How to tell about it in English? The actions that we perform every day are regularly and periodically simple to which people have been accustomed for a long time. And since you describe the actions that occur every day in the present, then you will use the present. Regular actions in the present describes Present simple (Present Simple).

The British use Present Simple when talking about everyday life, Routine and what they always do. Even if a person says something in Present Simple, it is not mentioned that this action is always performed or often, he has already given you to understand what he says about the usual and familiar. But in the presentation in the present simple time (Present Simple), phrases are often used, which make it possible to understand how often actions are performed.

Usually - usually
Always - Always
Never - never
Every day - Every day
Twice a week - Twice A Week
4 times a month - 4 Times A MONTH
On Sundays - On Sundays
On weekdays - On Week-Days
In the morning - in the morning (s)
In the evenings - In The Evening (s)
Often - OFTEN
Rarely - Seldom
Sometimes - Sometimes
Practically never - Hardly Ever
Occasionally - Hardly Ever
Quite often - QUITE OFTEN
Pretty rarely - Rather Seldom
Very often - Very Often
Every Saturday - Every Saturday
In winter - in winter
Summer - in Summer
Spring - in Spring
In autumn - in autumn

These words are always put in front of the verb. In combination with phrase in The Morning - in the morning in The Afternoon. - Day, in The Evening - In the evening, too, serve as pointers to the fact that the action takes place regularly. These phrases are always put at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

Education "Present Simple" (Present Simple)

To begin with, you should remember that we always talk about the verb time (actions). We cannot talk about the time of the object or characteristic. For the formation of "true simple time" take the verb (Read, Write, Find, Eat) and put it after the main object Offers (I, We, They). The main object in the proposal will be the object that performs the action. This is how the "present simple time" is simply formed. For example: I Eat Every Day. We Have Breakfast In The Morning.

The structure of the affirmative proposal remains unchanged:

WHO? WHAT IS HE DOING? Other parts of the sentence
We. live. iN A BIG HOUSE
we live in a big house
They like coffee.
They are love coffee

True, there is some nuance here. Verbs in the sentence always depend on the main objects. And the main objects will affect the end of the verbs. The rule is simple: if the main object is standing in the plural (i, we, you, they, cats, dogs, people), then the verb is used without completion. If the object is in the singular (he, she, it, a man, a student, a cat), then the verb gets the end of -S or -es.
To most verbs in Present Simple add the ending -S and it reads as / z / after ringing consonants and vowels (Plays, Finds) and as / s / after deaf consonants (EATS, COOKS).

Add finish -es if:

1) verbs end on hissing and whistling letters: s, SS, CH, TCH, SH.

For example:

(Watch) WA tCH - WA. tchess.;
(wash) WA sh - WA. shes.;
(Transmit) PA sS. - PA. sses.

This end is read as / iZ. /

2) verbs end on " o.».

For example:

(do) \u200b\u200bD o. -d. oes. ;
(walk) G o. - G. oes..

This end is read as / z. /

3) verbs end on " y."After consonant. In this case, with the letter " y.»Interesting changes. When we add the end " es", Then" y.»
changes to " i.».

For example: (Learn) Stud y. - Stud. iES.;

If the letter " y."Stands after vowels, then it does not change, and we just add
ending " s.».

For example: (play) PL aY. - PL ays..
This end is read as / z. /.

The exception is the word "have" (to have), which completely changes its shape, after the objects in the singular. It turns out that this verb has two forms:
have (after a plural I, We, You, They) I. has. (after the only number he, She, IT).

Offers with the verb "Have" are transferred to Russian as " i have" or " he has", Not" I have "," he has "; Although literally the British are exactly what they say.

Let's summarize that we know about the present simple time:

1) Use this time when talking about actions that perform frequently, regularly, which are characteristic of you. For example, "I clean my teeth and wash every day", or "For breakfast, I usually eat porridge."

2) Code the time with the help of the verb in the first form. If the verb is worth
after the object B. the only number or pronoun he, She, IT, add the end to it " -s." or " -es." An exception to this rule is the verb " have", Which changes his shape to" has."After objects in the singular.

3) Use special indicators words that indicate that the action you are talking about is regular, and not the same that is currently happening. These words include the following: always, Often, Usually, Seldom, Never. Use Always, Often, usually, Seldom, Never in front of the verb. And phrases iN THE MORNING, IN THE AFTERNOON, IN THE EVENINGwhich indicate the time of events, put at the beginning or end of the sentence. For example, In The Morning I. always Eat sandwiches. They Often Drink Coffee with Cream. We Usually Cook Salad. He Seldom Eats in the Evening. SHE NEVER DRINKS MILK.

Offer in russian Chief object Verb Other parts of the sentence
I drink tea every day. I. dRINK. tea Every Day.
We love milk. We. like milk.
They have glasses, cups and plates. They have glasses, Cups and Plates
I want (little) coffee. I. want. some Coffee.
He eats sandwiches. He. eats. sandwiches.
He has a menu. He. has. a Menu.
She has a drink. She. has. a Drink.
She drinks coffee with sugar and cream. She. drinks. coffee With Sugar and Cream
Masha washes the plates every day. Masha. washes. plates Every Day.
Petya prepares meat and salad in the evening. Pete. cooks. mEAT AND SALAD IN THE EVENING

Negative proposals. Negative Sentences.

Imagine that you want to inform others about what you never do or simply tell you that you do not like. Then you need to use negative offers. Remember such an old anecdote: "I do not like cats," says one another. And he answers him: "You just do not know how to cook them." "I do not like cats" and "You can't cook them" just there are examples of negative proposals that we will talk about. How are they built?

We take the word "no" from a negative response (" no.") And we get a negative offer. That is, it turns out that you have long learned to build them and now just learned about how they are called. Below, for clarification, presented the formula of negative proposals.

Remember that you can use the abbreviated form of the verb " do."And particles" not.».
Namely: " don't \u003d don't; Does not \u003d doesn't».

Official form Spoken form
do not don't
does Not. doesn't
I do not I don't
You do not You don't
We do not WE DON'T.
They Do Not. THEY DON'T.
He Does Not. He Doesn't
She Does Not. She doesn't
IT Does Not. IT DOESN'T.

Negative proposals can be supplemented with correct information. For example, "I DON'T Have A Sister. I Have A Brother! " - "I have no sister. I have a brother!" or "My Father Doesn't Write Books. He Writes Only Notes. - "My father does not write books. He writes only notes. " Here are some examples of negative suggestions:

Main object


verb "do"


particle "Not"



Other parts
Mary. does. not. like hER JOB Mary does not like her work
PETE AND JOHN. do. not. go. to work on mondays Pete and John do not go to work on Mondays
I. do. not. watch. TV VERY OFTEN. I do not watch very often TV
Our cat. does. not. eAT. much Fish Our cat does not eat a lot of fish

Questions in the present simple time (Present Simple)

You are already quite well able to talk about the actions that make regularly. But what if you need to ask about something or something to do something? Ask a question or say a negative offer. There is a standard diagram in questions that we have already studied earlier:

In English, there is such a thing as strong and weak verbs (this is a conditional division). To strong verbs, for example, the verb "be" refers, and weak are all the others. And the difference between these verbs is precisely that strong verbs can independently and without support to form questions and denial. For example, "IS IT A PEN" and "NO, IT ISN" T ".

Weak verbs of this luxury are completely deprived. Since they are weak, it means that they need support from the outside. And this support can be said, humanitarian assistance, all verbs have a simple verb "DO". Once it provides support, calling his auxiliary verb (the linguists are called it). The verb on which the meaning of the entire statement is being held (it indicates what kind of action is committed or occurs) is called semantic. The difference between the semantic and auxiliary verbs is that the main verb is translated into Russian, and the auxiliary - no. It can be said that the auxiliary verb is a verb - a ghost, he seems to be, but he does not add sense to offer.

The verb "DO" removes from the main verb, which is called the semantic, the duty to end the end and at all somehow change. Remember that, telling about regular actions, you add the end of "S" or "ES" if the semantic verb stands after the object in the singular (He, She, IT, A Cat).

For example, "He Likes Pizza", "She Has Breakfast Every Morning" or "She Doesher Homework Every Day". When negative and in questions, the verb "DO" ( speaking as auxiliary verb!!!) All the end of the semantic verbs takes over. The semantic verbs themselves, since the end already gave, remain in the first (vocabulary) form. So, once again - the formula of the question:

General question
Normal offer Main object Semantic verb Other parts of the sentence
I Like Food. Do. you / I. like food?
HE GOES TO SCHOOL Does. he. go. to School?
Mary Reads Books Every Day Does. sHE / MARY. read. books Every Day?
Special question
Questionword Auxiliary verb (DO / DOES) Main object Semantic verb Other parts of the sentence
What do. you / I. like
Where. does. he. go.
What does. sHE / MARY. read. every Day?
Alternative question
verb (do / does)
Main object Semantic verb Alternative Other parts of the sentence
Do. you / I. like fOOD OR DRINKS?
Does. he. go. to School or Home?
Does. sHE / MARY. read. books or Copy-Books every Day?
What Does. sHE / MARY. read. books or Copy-Books every Day?

As you notice, if the verb is in the usual sentence with the end of "S" or "ES", then it does not occur in the question. On the issue, only auxiliary verb is worth only. And since there is already one verb with the end, then why use it again?
Special issues on the main object also deserve special mention.
They are built so easy that they did not even make sense to include in the sign described above. If you want to ask a question to the main object, then build a narrative offer in which the main object is replaced by " Who"(If the question is set for an orphan) or" What"(If the question is set to an inanimate object). In these questions, you do not need auxiliary verb and do not change the order of words in the proposal. In it, everything remains as it is.

For example:

"WHO GOES TO SCHOOL EVERY DAY?" - "Who goes to school every day?"

"WHO IS HERE?" - "Who's here?"
"What is in your bag?" - "What is your bag?".

Reply to these questions, substituting the main object instead of the words "WHO" and "What":
"My Brother Goes to School Every Day" - "My brother goes to school every day"
"I am here" - "I am here"
"Pens Are in My Bag" - "Handles in My Bag".

How to answer all these types of questions? And respond to them according to the schemes studied earlier. For general questions of the response formula:

A positive response:

Question Answer "yes" Main
An object
(taken from
Do You Have Friends? Yes I. do. Yes.
Does He Like To Watch TV? Yes he. does. Yes.
Does Ann Learn English? Yes she. does. Yes.

Do You Do Morning Exercises?

(Here the verb "Do" is semantic, so in the sentence it meets 2 times:

once as auxiliary, but the second - as a semantic).

Yes wE / I. do. Yes.

Negative answer:

Question Answer
Main object
(from the question
verb(taken from
particle "Not"
Do You Have Friends? No I. do. not. Not
Does He Like To Watch TV? No he. does. not. Not
Does Ann Learn English? No she. does. not. Not
Do You Do Morning Exercises? No wE / I. do. not. Not

Present Simple Tense, or Indefinite, as it is called in English grammar, has not received such a name. This is one of the main and at the same time that make up the basis of the entire grammatical system. Standard classic explanation of this time Application The following: Present Indefinite Tense is used to express a regular action that occurs on an ongoing basis. It does not emphasize the duration of the situation committed, and only its frequency.

For Present Simple, examples of translation offers may be as follows:

  • THEY GO TO THIS SHOP EVERY DAY - They go to this store every day
  • She Buys Me Presents for Every Christmas - She buys me gifts for every Christmas
  • My Fiends Regularly Come to Me in Summer - My friends are constantly coming to me in the summer

Of course, there are also other cases of Present Simple, which will be discussed in detail below, but for the beginning, it is necessary to know how Present Simple is formed, as well as study all the features of its designs in various proposals.

Present simple education

The Present Indefinite Tense is formed very simply. The affirmative offers here have no special forms and structures, and an infinitive is used as an infinitive without a particle to, that is, the usual first form of verb.

In addition, the present simple time in English has another feature that manifests itself in the affirmative sentences.

When using the pronounter of a third party of the singular (He, She, IT) to the verb, the end of -S (-ES) is added, which indicates this face.

In more detail about the use of the end, it will be a little lower, and here are the offers in Present Simple, which displays what the verbs look like with such endings:

  • He Often Writes to Me - He often writes me
  • She Never Speaks To Me In A Rude Manner - She never speaks rough to me
  • This House Looks Shabby Because of Its Owners' Indifference - This house looks miserable due to the indifference of their owners

Thus, the Present Simple formula looks like this:
V1 (-s, -es)

In the event that there is no sense verb in the proposal, an auxiliary verb to BE comes to the aid, used in the form of the present time: AM (for the pronoun "I"), IS (for pronouns in the singular - "he", "she", "IT") or ARE (pronouncing a plural "We", "You", "They").


they are formed according to the following algorithm: if there is a verb in the sentence, then the auxiliary verbs of DO or Does should be at the beginning. The second is used only for third-person pronouns (He, She, IT), and the first - for all others:

  • Do You Prefer Black Tea to Green? - Do you prefer black tea green?
  • Does She Call You Every Day? - She calls you every day?

Note: In the event that the auxiliary verb is Does, the end of -S (-es) will not be added to the verb, and here it is not even necessary for the explanation: the verb Does is essentially a DO with the end of -es.

Provided if there is no verb in the proposal, then the verb to be put in the right form:

  • Is He Really AS Intelligent AS People Say? - He is really so smart, how do people say?
  • Are these Apples Tasty? - These apples are delicious?


To express a denial, it is enough to use the noto particle. At the same time, the principle of appearance in the offer of auxiliary verbs is the same: if there is a major verb, don't (\u003d don't) or does not (\u003d doesn't), and if it is not, then denial is added to the verb to be:

  • We don't live in this house in winter - we do not live in this house
  • HE DOESNT LIKE Any Vegetables and Eats Only Fruit - He does not like any vegetables and eats only fruits
  • She Isn't SO Stupid As You Suppose - She's not so stupid as you think

Note: In some cases, satellites of questioning and negative proposals do or does are found even for affirmative offers. This is especially characteristic of conversational speech when the speaker wants to give his words even greater expressiveness and emphasize attention on something:

  • I do Want to come to you - I really want to come to you
  • SHE DOES KNOW ALL This Material - She really knows all this material

Rules for writing endings from verbs in Present Simple

The above was information that in the third face of the verb could be the end of both -s and -es. Markers of this time are as follows:

  1. Winning consonant sound at the end of the verb (in writing it --ss, -s, -ch, -tch, - sch, - z, - x): He Pushes, He Watches, He Teaches, He Passes, etc.
  2. Vowed sound -o at the end of the verb: He Does, He Goes,
  3. In case, at the end of the verb there is a letter -y, then it will change to the stationary -Ie, if the consonant sound is worth it; If the sound in front of -y is a vowel, then the letter will remain unchanged: to Try - He Tries, to Play - He Plays, etc.

Present Simple, as it becomes clear, does not differ in great difficulty, but it is equally important to study when it is used, lead its main signs and cases for which this time is characteristic.

Using Present Simple.

Present Simple use is typical for the following situations:

1. Regular, repeated action

and this is the most classic way of use. Present Simple Adcharations, which indicate that it is likely to be this time, - Always, usually, often, Sometimes, Regularly, Occasionally, etc.:

  • SHE Usually Calls Me When She Is Free - She usually calls me when free
  • WE OFTEN BUY FISH From this Seller - We often buy fish from this seller

2. Conditions and actions that are a characteristic of a certain person:

  • He Sings and Plays The Guitar Brilliantly - He sings and brilliantly plays the guitar
  • He Drinks Only Tea and Hates Coffee - He drinks only tea and hates coffee

3. Well-known facts

Another frequent use of the presentation of the symple - well-known facts that include, for example, the laws of nature, physical phenomena, etc.:

  • Magnet Attracts Iron - Magnet attracts iron
  • Water Boils AT A Temperature of 100 Degrees - Water boats at 100 degrees

4. With defined verbs (instead)

Time Indefinite can be used to express the action currently occurring, but this characteristic has verbs that cannot form the Continuous form: sensual perception (Hear, SEE, etc.), mental activity (Suppose, Consider, Believe, etc.), Desire and intention (Want, Intend, Desire, etc.) and some other groups. In this case, indefinite forms are used:

  • I Hear John's Car, Open The Gate - I hear John's car, open the gate
  • I See Tom. ASK HIM TO COME HERE - I see Tom. Ask him to come here

5. To express a future time

To express a future time, The Present Simple Tense can also be used. This uses situations that show actions according to the schedule, independent of human plans. The main tip that can help in this case is what use is characteristic of the verbs of the Category (Come, Arrive, Leave, Etc.). These markers will help to understand that in such a suggestion is possible and preferably time Present Simple, and not Future or Present Continuous:

  • Our Bus Leaves AT 5, Don't Be Late - Our bus is sent to 5, do not be late
  • The Train Arrives Tomorrow AT 7.15 - The train arrives tomorrow B15

6. In conditional proposals

Present Simple in English is also used in conditional proposals of the first type (). Grammatically, the part in which there is a condition (as a rule, temporary), is called the apparent. It is in it that Present Simple is used, and the main part is Future. Major markers that introduce a temporary condition - these are Till, Until, When, Afterter, Before, AS Soon As, As Long As, etc. When working with Present Simple, the rule of conditional offer is very important, because there are times different here about the Russian language, where in both parts it is worth a future time:

  • SHE WILL MEET ME BEFORE I come to you - she will meet me before I come to you
  • THEY WILL CALL US AS SOON AS find. Out Anything Interesting - They will call us as soon as they find out at least something interesting
  • WHEN SHE. brings. You Money, Don't Refuse to Take It - When she bring you money, do not refuse to take them

Such cases of consumption of this time must be taken into account in order to use it for its intended purpose and not mistaken, thereby putting themselves in an awkward position before the interlocutor. Like each time, there are helpers here, at the expense of which you can identify the present simple time. In the event of any difficulties when working with Present Simple, the rules and examples described above will help you understand the structure of this time and forget the errors associated with it forever.

Present Simple - Simple Present. It shows the action that occurs regularly, with a certain frequency. Studying the time forms of verb in English always begins with Present Simple, since it is basic. If you understand the structure of this time, you will easily deal with other times. After examining the material, you will learn, in what cases is the time of Present Simple, you will get acquainted with Present Simple Education Rules and with many other Present Simple Time Nuances shown in separate examples.

Present Simple Use

Present Simple Education Rules

Affirmative form

For the formation of the affirmative form, Present Simple does not require auxiliary verbs. For persons I, You. Single number I. we, You, They Multiple number, the shape of the verb in Present Simple coincide with the infinitive form (the form you find in the dictionary). We remove a particle from the verb to. And we put it on the second place in the sentence, after the subject.

Ending -S / -ES

Only in the 3rd face of the singular (He, She, IT) The end adds to the verb -s. or -es.. These endings are pronounced as [s], [z] or .

Ending - es added to the verbs that end on - o., —y., —s., —sh, —ch, —tCH, —x., —z.. This is done in order to do not stand in the Word next to two hard-acting sounds.

  • SHE DO. es (she does).
  • HE TEACH es (He teaches).
  • She Watch. es (she is looking).

If the word ends on the consonant and - w., Understand is used - es. In this case - y. Changes on - i.:

  • I tr y. (I am doing my best). - He tr iES. (He tries).
  • THEY CARR. y. (they wear). - She Carr. iES. (she wears).

If the word ends on the vowel and -U., Used -s.. In this case, no changes with -U. not happening:

  • You bu. y. (You buy). - He Bu. yS. (he buys).
  • We Pla. y. (we play). - She Pla. yS. (she plays).

If the word ends on -O., in this case, add the end -s..

  • phot o. - Photo. s. (photo / photos).
  • pian. o. - 2 Piano. s. (Piano / 2 piano).
Pronunciation -s / -es

If the word ends on deaf consonant, I say [s].

  • book - Book s.
  • to Like - Like s.

If the word ends on vowels or conditional, I say [z].

  • key - Key. s.
  • to Fly - Flie s.
  • to Seem - SEEM s.

If the word ends with a letter or letter -Sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -tch (sweating, whistling sounds), then pronounce .

  • address - Address es [ədre. sIZ.]
  • to Relax - Relax es
negative form

The negative form is also formed using auxiliary verb DO (Does), but in combination with a negative notot particle. So, in the first place is set to be, followed by auxiliary verb DO (Does) + Negative particle not, and the main verb in infinitive form.

Interrogative form

To form a questionnaire Present Simple Auxiliary verb dO (Does) It is placed in the first place before the subject, and for the main verb in infinitive form subject to the subject.


Modal verbs cAN, OUGHT, MAY, SHOULD, MUST, WOULDas well as verbs to be and to Have. Forms form Present Simple not according to general rules.

In the affirmative form, modal verbs in the form of the 3rd face of the singular not have the end -s.or -es.:

  • I may -he May
  • I ologht -he ologht

Verb to be In the affirmative form has a form aM, IS, Are, Was, Were, depending on the face and the number, and the verb to Have. Forms - have and has..