Italian names are men in English. Funny Italian names

Italian names are men in English. Funny Italian names
Italian names are men in English. Funny Italian names

Adriana, Silvia, Laura, Isabella, Leticia - Women's Italian names are so beautiful that their sound can be enjoyed infinite. They are recognized as one of the most sophisticated and melodic in Europe. These names are the true embodiment of femininity and charm. They emphasize special charm and charm, turning each girl in real syignin.

Male Italian names and surnames in their melodiousness and beauty are not inferior to female. Valentino, Vincent, Antonio, Graziano, Leonardo - each of these words is a true work of art that teachers human rumor is no less than an unsurpassed Italian opera.

Features of the choice of the Italian name for the boy and girls

Starting from the sixteenth century, in Italy there was a special tradition of name. The first son was called in honor of the grandfather on the father's line. My daughter gave a happy Italian name for a girl who wore her grandmother on his father. Second children were made in honor of relatives on the maternal line. In some families, a similar tradition has been preserved to our time.

Very often beautiful Italian names for boys and girls are chosen through the Catholic Scholines. In most cases, children are called in honor of local saints. For example, in Rome, the name of Romolo belonging to the legendary founder of the Italian capital is very popular.

In addition to family and religious traditions, the role of and other, equally important factors play in the process of name. We are talking about the sound of popular Italian names and their meaning. Parents are trying to provide their kids to a favorable future. In view of this, they select only those names whose value corresponds to children. At the same time, they carefully monitor the chosen male or female Italian name sounded on Italian beautiful, harmoniously and nontrivially.

List of the most beautiful Italian names for boys

  1. Antonio. Interpreted as "invaluable"
  2. Valentino. Italian name for the boy. Meaning \u003d "Strong"
  3. Vincenzo. From Latin "Vinco" \u003d "Win
  4. Jozeppe. Translated into Russian means "Yahweh will reward"
  5. Luciano. Beautiful italian boy name. Matters \u003d "Easy"
  6. Pasquale. Translated into Russian means "Born on Easter Day"
  7. Romeo. Means "the one who went to the pilgrim in Rome"
  8. Salvator. Italian name for a boy having a "Savior"
  9. Fabrizio. Interpreted as "master"
  10. Emilio. Translated into Russian means "competing"

List of modern Italian names girls

  1. Gabriella. Translated into Russian means "strong from God"
  2. Daniel. From the Hebrew "God - my judge"
  3. Jozeppa. Means "Yahweh will reward"
  4. Isabella. Italian girl name that is "beautiful"
  5. Letition. Translated into Russian means happiness "
  6. Marsell. Interpreted as "Woman Warrior"
  7. Paola. Italian name for a girl meaning "small"
  8. Rosette. Translated into Russian means "small rose"
  9. Sienna. Interpreted as "tanned"
  10. Francesca. Women's Italian name meaning "Frenchwoman"

Most Popular Italian Names for Boys and Girls

  1. To date, Francesco, Alesandro and Andrea, headed by the most popular Italian names for boys. For them it follows Matteo, Lorenzo and Gabriele.
  2. As for the beautiful female names of Italy, among them are most relevant, such as Julia, Martin, Chiara, Aurora and Georgia are considered the most relevant.

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Italian male names for a newborn boy - the choice of parents who want to call the baby unusually and beautiful. Many of them are pleasantly sounding in different languages \u200b\u200band have an interesting meaning.

The history of the origin of Italian names

In Italian, the names that have different roots are firmly entrenched: German, Latin, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese. In the process of adaptation, they have slightly changed their sound and writing. Men's Italian names usually end on -o or -e. They are also often present suffixes -Ian, -ello, -in or similar.

In Italy, a special law regulates the features of the award of names for newborns. It is allowed to give the kids a complex name consisting of several, (maximum - out of three). For example, Alessandro Carlos or Luka Patricio. However, this tradition is gradually losing popularity, and modern parents choose short and sonorous names for their children.

There are a number of prohibitions. For example, you can not use offensive words or surnames as a name. Name the newborn by the name of the father or the native brothers (Hello) will not be either.

List of beautiful Italian names for boys

Among Italian male names are common in Russian, but with unusual sound, as well as completely original. Thanks to the impact of the media and the knowledge gained, many of them become close and pleasant for us.

Italians - the people expressive. These are energetic people who love to show their feelings. Most names in this country can be divided into two groups. The first: expressive and bright. They indicate active actions or positive traits of character. The second group is the echo of faith. Boys are called in honor of the saints, or the name is otherwise associated with religion.

name meaning of the name origin
Adriano rich Italy
Alberto noble gloss Germany
Antonio flower Greece
Arlando power Orlov. Italy
Bernardo like a bear Italy
Valentino full strength and health Italy
Vittorio victory, winner Italy
David favorite Italy
Dario rich Italy
Jacomo destroying Italy
Gino unreament, immortal Italy
Gerardo brave Italy
Kalisto the most beautiful Italy
Carlo human Spain
Carlos human Spain
Casimiro. known Spain
Leon a lion England
Leopoldo brave Germany
Luke light coloured Greece
Luciano. easy Italy
Mauro. black Italy
Mario courageous Italy
Marcello warlike Portugal
Nikola winning Italy
Oscar spear of God Germany
Orlando familiar land Italy
Patricia man of noble origin Italy
Pietro a rock Italy
Romeo going to Rome Italy
Renato newly born Italy
Roberto known Italy
Sergio servant Italy
Simone listening Italy
Theodoro. this God Greece
Remove bright heart Spain
Fabio seductive Italy
Fausto lucky lucky Italy
Enrique domegrar Spain
Emilio competing Italy

Some of these beautiful Italian names have become quite common, while others are found not often even at the homeland of their origin.

Rare male names of Italian origin

Another half a century ago, the most popular male names for newborns in Italy were:

  • Giuseppe - a multiplying;
  • Giovanni - forbidden by God;
  • Antonio - flower.

Today, kids are so called less often.

Not so often you can meet the little boys named:

  • Flavio - "Blond";
  • Orfeo - "Night Darkness";
  • Bertoldo - "Wise Lord";
  • Baltassare - "Royal Defender";
  • Italian - "Italian";
  • Luigi - "Famous Warrior";
  • Merino - "from the sea";
  • Prospero - "Lucky";
  • Romolo - "Less from Rome";
  • Riccardo - "Harvest";
  • Franco - "free";
  • Cesare - "Hairy".

In international families, try to choose such an option so that the name will sound well in different languages. Sometimes the parents show fantasy and raise their child with a decisive or not existing name.

The most common Italian names and their meaning

Different factors are influenced by the popularity of names in Italy: family living region, trendy trends and personal preferences of parents.

The most common male names in Italy:

  • Francesco - "free";
  • Alessandro - "Defender of People";
  • Matteo - "Divine Gift";
  • Andrea - "Brave Warrior";
  • Lorenzo - "Lorentum's leaving";
  • Leonardo - "Silacha";
  • Riccardo - "strong and bold";
  • Gabriele - "strong from God man."

The baby can be called in honor of the famous public figure, a popular actor, a fortunate athlete or other famous person.

Vintage and forgotten names

Some Italian names for boys are common in certain regions, others have lost their popularity and almost ceased to meet.

For example:

  • Barbaro (male version of the female name Barbara) - "Alien";
  • Arduino - "hardy comrade";
  • Rujsecho - "The famous spear,";
  • Galiotto - "independent".

Previously, in Italian families, a newborn boy was called in honor of the grandfather in the father's or maternal line, and then one name was found in different generations of a particular family. There was a tradition to "numerize" newborns. The first son was called Primo ("first"), the second - Secondo ("Second"). Some families grew decimel ("tenth") and ultimately ("last"). This tradition gradually dies.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on the date of birth

Some names are quite eloquent. For example, Genarro means "January", Ottavio - "Eighth", and Pasquale - "Easter Child". If parents want to link the name of the baby from the date of his birth, they are usually called crumb on the church calendar. Catholics have many holidays dedicated to Saints: January 17, St. Antonio's Day, April 4 - Isidore, June 13 - Anthony, and November 11 - Martin. You can pick up interesting male names of Italian origin from the Orthodox calendar. For example, Pietro ("Stone") is an Italian version of the name of Peter familiar to us. July 12 - the day of Saints Peter and Paul.

Among the great diversity of popular foreign names, the Italian name for the boy can be found for every taste. In the future, the Son will definitely appreciate the original selection of its parents, but for now it is worth considering that the name should be easily pronounced, have a short and gazing forms, and also be combined with patronymic. It is important to pay attention to the fact that once in the future the boy will become a man and will lead his own children ... Already, think about how the patronymic of your grandchildren sounds.

Italian male names: a list of beautiful and popular names for the boy and their meanings

Italy is a colorful state in the south of Europe, with a warm and mild climate, which influenced the national language, including the formation of the names and the names of the indigenous people.

Cheerful, impulsive, energetic people live here. Names and surnames sound reflect the characteristics of their character.

Since 1926, an appropriate institution has been created in Italy to study and process statistical information on the repetition of the names of newborns.

The country's indigenous population includes many nationalities:

  • Italians.
  • French.
  • Romanian.
  • Germans.
  • Slovenians.
  • Greeks.
  • Albanians.
  • Azerbaijanis.
  • Turk.

This imposed a print on the naming of people and the given last names.

The history of the origin of the name

The need for assignment of the names appeared in Italy in the fourteenth century, due to the large number of people with the same names to distinguish them.

In the initial version, the first Italian surnames were assigned to aristocrats, it began with Venice.

Their formation in this country occurred according to the rules similar to the other states:

  • What happened on behalf of.
  • Printed nickname.
  • Mutual combination of the two previous components.
  • Taking into account the geographical location.
  • By profession or occupation.
  • According to the peculiarities of the appearance.

There are surnames depending on regional location. In the natives of the North of the country, they have the end of "І", at South - "O".

It is noted that for most surnames are characterized by a common derivative (root), feature consoles and suffixes.

Especially popular use of options ending with a vowel letter, in front of which double consonants sound, or using suffixes that give a diminutive or burning meaning.

For male and female surnames, there are no differences or changes, they sound absolutely identical.

Features of the Italian names of their own

The melon of Italian is distributed and for pronunciation of names for girls. They have a unique meaning and special sound. Italy's legislation provides for the following norms of their assignment.


  • Call a child to the Father, if he is still alive.
  • It is equally called live blood relatives.
  • Assign a personal name on the sound of the surname.
  • Give offensive nickname.
  • Name children by geographical names of settlements, states, continents, rivers, etc.

A girl can simultaneously be given no more than three names. In communication, it can use any one or all at once.

Often, to identify a person, you have to specify how it prefers to use.

Italians are zealous Catholics, so the baptism of the baby is of great importance for the whole family. Almost always the name given to the sacrament becomes part of the complete one.

If the selected option for the girl is absent in the sacraticles, the saint patron saint is added to it.

Remember! Most often for Italian names and surnames applies the following rule: the emphasis is accounted for the penultimate syllable.

List of beautiful names

Most of the names were gaining great fame and are common far outside Italy, including in our country.

But there are many beautiful Italian names that are not too famous, the list will be submitted to the table:

Name Value
Arabella Answer to appeal to God
Alba Sunrise
Gabriela Endowed with divine powers
Bonfilia Approximate daughter
Juditta Praised
Lia. Depending on
Allegr Joyful, happy
Domitilla Manual baby
Gay Goddess of land
Alessndra Protecting people
Diamanta Diamond
Justina Festive
Orabella Precious beauty
Konchitta Chaste
Lucia Shining
Eugene Aristocratic
Agnes Holiness and chastity
Aria Lioness
Bambin Baby
Bona Cutie
Katharina Unparenched
Donna Lady
Eve Giving life
Fiorella Blooming
Grace Charming

List of popular surnames

Some families traditionally include two surnames. This is due to the need to distinguish between several branches of the same kind, especially when residing relatives in one area.

Usually there are consoles in the form of words: Detto, Vulgo, Dit. Over time, the total number of ethnic surnames has decreased significantly, replaced by the most commonly used.

The most famous belongs:

  1. Yes Ponedra - So called the famous sculptor Andrea Pisano.
  2. Da Vinci - in the city of the same name.
  3. Budzhardini - The surname of the famous artist from Florence, originating from the nickname of his ancestors, meaning a "tiny liar."
  4. Torregrosse - Translated as a huge tower.
  5. Kvittokki - Holding four eyes.
  6. Girlandian - Caring for the garden.


Consider the meaning of some surnames, most often found from the Italians:

  1. Ross. - Literally means red hair color, but may also point to the shade of the skin. The most common among Southan.
  2. Ricci - originated from nickname, these people with a curly chapel.
  3. Bianchi - White, blonde, ceiling.
  4. Marino. - so called people associated with the sea by the nature of the classes or the place of residence or the sailing by the ship.
  5. Maretti. - People with dark color of the skin and hair, so called Arabs, Mauritians, Ethiopians and other Africans. Synonym can be Moriyadi, Morritte.
  6. Bruno (Bruni) - The name of the brown (is associated with hair, leather, clothing).
  7. Colombo - by the name of the pigeon, was given to the pigeons.
  8. Esposito - so called the podlidysh, children who do not have parents. Translated - unnecessary, subjected.
  9. Ferrari - offacarious blacksmiths.
  10. Diversified - Brutal people who jump the skin, was given to cruel hunters.

Many Italian names and surnames are funny, both in meaning and sound, especially if the Italian got into someone else's environment.

But they are very beautiful and melodious, so if you have the problem of choosing a child name, you can stay in the Italian version.

At the beginning, it is necessary to figure out the semantic load standing behind it.

    Related records

Do you know how much it does not exist in the light of Italian names? More than ten thousand. True, some are so strange as the names of them are difficult to call.

For example, another half a century ago there was very common manner of children just to numbered. Until now, full of older men by name Primo ("first"), Selando ("Second") and so on. Recently in the hospital I encountered a venerable eighty-year-old man by name SET ("Sixth"), who explained the doctor that yes, he was the sixth child in the family, to which the doctor was not surprised at all and in responses, he told about his other patient whose name Dechimo ("tenth"). Also known is the real case of the child name name Ultimo ("Last"), and the spouse of the desperate dad immediately got pregnant again and the next child called not to be caught Dakapo ("Re-").

Full and Italian Dazepperm and other renerests are in the direction of historical and cultural characters ( Garibaldo - in honor of the folk hero, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Vero - in honor of the Verdi composer and even Dante - in honor you know who, and the twins often love to call Jordano and Bruno.), then in memory of the historical events and their consequences ( Italy, Libero - "free", Inno - "Hymn", Shopero. - "Strike" and even Impero - "Empire", and the last two - male names), then in honor of some achievements of civilization ( Radio, Formaldeida - "Formaldehyde", Shenza - "Science"), and even just strange names (for example, Antavleva Translated from the Romagon dialect means approximately "you did not want").

If you return to normal names, then everything will be very launched here too. So, one of the chibery fashionable male names today is Maikolwhich is written: Maicol, and there was me, of course, Michael. In general, the traction for foreign names is very strong: they are completely killed for Russian names Katya(Catia), Masha (Mascia), Sonya(SONIA), Catyushia (Catiuscia), as well as another incident in the form of death, lobster, Nathanov, Rebecc and Debor (Deborah, and the last letter in Italian is not read, and every time you have to clarify that it is necessary to write it). Very many girls named Asia and India. The same way is both writing named after Christian: both Christian and Cristian, and terribly popular recently among the non-Muslim population name Aisha They have three: AISHA, AICHA and AISCIA.

Not everyone, however, is in a hurry to move away from traditions, so that normal Italian names, thank God, still did not increase. The first ten most popular classic Italian male names looks like this (in descending order): Francesco, Alessandro, Andrea, Matteo, Lorenzo, Gabriele, Mattia, Luka, David, Riccardo. Antoniotakes the sixteenth place Giovanni - twenty first, and name Mario It did not even enter the thirty.

Top 10 for girls: Julia, Sofia, Martina, Sarah, Chiara, Aurora, Georgia, Alessia, Francesca, Allas. Name Mariawho was most popular for almost centuries, also flew out of the thirty.

A separate and difficult story is a combination of name and surname. Double theses of great people are a matter of ubiquitous and ordinary: the options of Alessandro Manfzoni, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Galileo Galilee and, Moreover, Valentino Rossi meet often and no one long surprised. But it is too simple and uninteresting. Where is the fun and original son with the surname Kverchar ("Oak") give a name Pino ("Pine"). So some citizens are gang up in this plan over their offspring as they can.

For example, simple Italian names Dina and Dario According to the whims of a certain dad-original by the name of the lamp, which itself does not mean anything, turned unfortunate children for life on a light bulb (Lampadina) and chandelier (Lampadario).

The cheerful father by the surname pizza, without meaning anything wrong, called the daughter with a simple Italian name Margherita. Since then, all of its documents are more reminded of the menu, because Pizza "Margherita" is one of the classic and is observed in absolutely in all

One of the foundations in the south of the country Staben By itself, it can turn her owner into a walking alone, for it means nothing but "he / she is fine." But in conjunction with the name Dante, the effect is enhanced, for it turns out that the great Italian poet and in that light feels good.

And how was it not to give my daughter already mentioned here Italyhaving the surname of Albanese, that is, "Albanian / Aya"! Albanian Italy - so that no one doubted
In the hospitality of this country in relation to foreigners.

Sometimes the variants of the combination of the name and the surname turn out to be so on the verge of decency, which remains only to be surprised, as such things have come to the heads. Poor girl by last name Kyapetta (the diminutive version from the word "buttock") received from good parents not some name, and Divine, that is, "Divine". Russian Venus Krivaenka simply flies from envy to this divine butt.

The most severe curses of Italians are considered to be those related to blasphemy - the so-called Parlaccchic. Especially strange to meet a girl named Madonnabut with the surname LappaWhich in separate spelling gives no less as a jargonal designation of the female genital organ! Bind-free parents forced daughter to blaspheme every time you have to see someone.

One of the folk jokes states that the most famous and all beloved Italian is called Domenka Aperto. It seems to be nothing - the name and surname are quite ordinary. Who is this stranger and why does the Italian people sink her? Everything is simple: "Domenka Apersto" is an inscription on a frequently found plate hanging on the doors of the stores, and it means only that on Sundays (Domenica translates exactly as the seventh day of the week) Institution Aperto, that is open.

And finally, the most sad version. Boy with a very uncomplicated name and surname Remo Mori. It is a worthy monument to the pessimism of his parents, for the verb "Morireo" translates as "we will die."

Choosing the name of the baby begins when the baby has not yet been born. Already in childhood, the girls come up with the names with their future sonsides, yes pretty. Over time, it appears the opportunity to realize these dreams into life. Many are called the sacnesses, in honor of relatives, some consult with horoscopes and fail when Mercury is in the constellation of the Virgin, and others are simply followed by fashion.

The child needs to give a name immediately after birth: for him, SNN (Codice Fiscale) is given, which includes the name, surname and date of birth. Here, a clear case, it is necessary and the last name is to be determined. If the couple is not painted, they must both officially recognize the child (first the mother, then father). If the father recognizes the newborn, the child receives his father's family, if not, the last name of the mother. After discharge from the hospital with a birth certificate, you need to contact the municipality of the settlement, where they will make a birth certificate. This act of parents is not issued - it is stored for seven seals in the city hall, they give out an extract, a sheet of A4 format with the coat of arms of the municipality and the seal. Such statements can give as much as you like.


There is a special law of the Civil Code, which regulates the peculiarities of the award named after the newborn. In Italy, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich cannot be, since the patronymic is missing, and, therefore, to distinguish two Alessandro with the same name will be bureaucratically difficult. You can not call a child with the name of brother and sisters (if they live and live). You can not use the surname as a name. Finally, it is impossible to call the child with a funny or offensive name.

If the parents want the child to wear a "noble" multilayer name, this can be done: Angela Stella Giovanna or Janmar Francesco Massimo. But! Maximum - three names, and then in the future, a person climbs to put his full signature.

Well, if the parent fantasy wants to call the child with some asbaryn, and there is no obstacle. It is important that the name is written by Italian letters, and the diacritical signs characteristic of foreign names can be used (tildes, tone accents, etc.).


Some, however, in their desire to seem original, manage to surpass all laws. For example, the famous football player Francesco Totti and his wife - TV presenter Ilari Blazi called the daughter of the name, which is forbidden, - Chanel. The "Formula Uno" manager, as well as the lifespan of the life of Flavio Briator and his wife, the fashion model of Elizabetta Gregorchchi called their son Nathan Farco. Nathan is understandable, ancient European name denoting "given by God". But Falco, friends, translates from Italian as "Falcon." Falcon you are my clear!

There is such a rock singer Dzuckero, or Adelmo Furnaceari (Zucchero, Adelmo Fornaciari). He was uncomplicated by Adelmo (like himself, beloved, which is forbidden), adding Blue (ADELMO BLUE). Poor boy!

There is still a wonderful pair of John Elcan (grandson Gianni Anielei and the head of the Fiat Group) and Lavnia Borromeo (just a girl of blue blood). Leone called their children ("Leone" - "Lion" - the name exists, but its other options are more common: Leo, Leonardo), Ochoano (Oceano - "Ocean", or in honor of the little-known Lidia Saint IVV.: ABOUT DAY His memory on September 4 they got married) and Vita ("Vita" - "Life").

Simple Italians also want for children sonorous names

Oh, how magicly it sounds Italian names! Maurizio, Marcello, Giovanni, Janbattist, Beatrice, Lucia, Francesca ... just music for ears! But why simplify everything. Recently, in fashion foreign names.

Girls name Noime (Nomi - from the Hebrew "joy"), although there are Italian "joy" - Joya (Gioia). Another tribute to the Hebrew Tradition: Girls Rachele and Sarah and Boys Aaron and but e.(No).

Tribute to the Anglo Saxon Tradition - Sharon (Sharon), Kevin (Kevin), Patrick (Patrick), Brian (Bryan), Richard (Richard), Mike aboutl (it is written exactly as follows: Italian, as he hears, and writes: maikol; Well, people did not know how Michael is written).

The Italians of the French are disliked, but the names for girls are used by: Sophie (Sophie), Nicole (Nicole: not say, and "l"), Michelle (Michelle).

Today it is fashionable to "safe" names. Usually, male names end either on "O" (Carlo, Pietro, Savorio, Giacomo), or on "E" (Raff e.le, D. butform, Garbrik. e.le, Dani e.le). Now many boys named CR andstaan, D. butniel, Samuel, although all of them in Italian would have to end on "E".

Somehow Syria and Asia observed at the beach at the same time. Many girls named Sofia.

The boys are also called Matias, Lucas, Nicholas, Marcus.


Personally, I met completely absurd names related to the love of the older generation to Russia or the USSR: Katia (Katia), Katyusha (Katuscia), Women's name (Vania), Maslova (!), Yves butn, Igor (Igor), Yuri (Juri - Children born in the 60s.), Vladim andrO (abbreviated as m andrO).

North and South

There are purely southern names that do not meet any indigenous milaner or tourist: Gaetano, Salvatore, Antonino or Antonio, Carmina, Jennaro, Chiro and others.

Reductantly lasty

As such diminutive names do not exist. It is very funny to see a tiny pup, barely making on the curves of the legs, which grandmother be called: "Federico! Let's go change the diaper! " If desired, of course, some reductions are possible: the same Federico is called Fede, Antonella - Anto, Antonio Nino, Salvatore - Toto, Giuseppe - Pepppe or Pippo (also abbreviated from Filippo). Plus there are wonderful descriptive male souffixes: "Ino" - Paolino, Leonardino, Danielino and female: "INA", "UCCIA", "ETTA" - Angelina (Angelina), Mariuccia (Maruchetta), Nicoletta (Nicoletta). But most often these derivatives are self-sufficient.