Biography Olga Nikolaeva. What is currently doing Olga Sun? Sun House 2 Biography

Biography Olga Nikolaeva. What is currently doing Olga Sun? Sun House 2 Biography
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Biography, the history of life Olga Nikolaeva

Olga Nikolaev (Sun) - the former member of the project "Dom-2", DJ, Singer.

Childhood and youth

Olga Nikolaeva was born in Penza 24aPrel 1983. From the earliest years, the girl showed herself as an active and purposeful person. So, in parallel with school at high school, Olya visited the music class. And after receiving the certificate, two higher education received at once - in the Penza Pedagogical University (specialty - Psychology) and the State University of Management (specialty - Music Manager).

Olga Nikolaeva worked for a while on Penza television leading. So the experience of the game to the public from the girl appeared long before she decided to try happiness in the Dom-2 project ...

"House 2"

Many believed that the sun looks like a boy, but during his stay on the project she repeatedly appeared in front of the audience as a fragile woman, the usual wounded girl, whom he wants to be near a strong man. The word "love" for Oli is inextricably linked with the concept of "forever". At the beginning of the project, the girl had not yet survived the not very successful experience of relations and therefore doubted the existence of love at all.

For some time, the Sun was a colorful pair of C, but since then a lot of water has flowed. I managed to marry another participant and leave the show, and the sun became friends with - one of the most non-standard boys of the project. Gradually, this friendship turned into a romantic feeling and the sun with began to meet. In their fragile Union, everyone defended his principles and habits, but could not get along with strangers. A pair of sun existed for about aven a half years. The sun itself initiated parting when I realized that their relationship with destructive and brings more experiences than joy. Almost immediately began to meet with the "antagonist" of the Sun - that the girl was very upset.

Continued below

The audience decided to support the sun in this "lonely" period of life and made her Queen "House-2". Such a result was not expected by the participants or the Sun itself. The choice of people broke all public stereotypes and confirmed that even if the girl does not possess model parameters and is similar to the boy, it can still be the best.

But soon the holiday came on the sun street. Because the project shone the redhead champions Dima Shmarov. No one thought that the Fair of Internet Grooms would bring some result. And she brought the sun a big and bright feeling. She immediately called the little bartender "Rye Cat", and after some time ... He confessed to him in love. And they began to shine for each other in a VIP-house, which they gave wayless to any questions. Later, another competition was held on the project - this time the couples competed. And the sun again supported the audience! Therefore, they got a prize with a red cat - a trip to the most romantic city in the world - Paris.

And then the room just freed the room in the old house, and the Sun with Dima came there (with Galannah gave them their former Nink and took a room on the second floor). So they began to be considered a "star pair" and long confirm their status: they treated each other with respect, care and did not quarrel. Moreover, Dima made the Sun sentence, and she answered him "Yes," so the audience was waiting for their wedding. But this did not happen ... Over time, Olya realized that her chosen one was too passive, too damnitative, and decided to part with him.

Being a member of the project, the Sun took the most active part in the life of "House-2". The talented girl herself composed and performed most of the songs of the show, besides, it was she who recorded his anthem.

In the summer of 2006, Olga re-received the Queen's title, and with him and a valuable prize - a new pegaut-206 of gold color. In 2008, the sun won an apartment in Moscow. Immediately after that, Olga left the project.

Life after the project

Having left the perimeter, Olga Sun seriously took up his career. On radio and television began to still sound her songs. In 2010, Olga graduated from School DJ Groove, in the same year she became a resident of the company engaged in the organization of the event The World Dj Booking Agency, and then released a debut video clip on the song "The city is quietly sleeping". Later Olga began working at the Fantastic Children's Theater.

The sun is not only a talented actress, but also a kind of man. She is a participant in the federal project "Technology of Good", engaged in charity.

19.08.2018 23:43

For 13 years, a reality show goes to the television screens, in which more than two thousand young people and girls who dream of finding their love and create a strong family took part.

the site collected the pictures of the most vivid participants who once went to search for their love, and compared how heroes look now.

Sam Seleznev

Sam Seleznev appeared on the project in March 2005. He immediately liked many girls, but it turned out his strong relationship with Anastasia Dashko. The couple won in many contests, including in the struggle for an apartment.

However, after that, the scandal broke out - it turned out that the girl sent SMS messages from his phone. After that, their results were canceled, and young people left the reality show, having spent three years there.

Anastasia Dashko

After participating in the reality show, a bright blonde "lit up" in criminal reports. Anastasia was charged on the fact of fraud. She took construction materials for sale, made them at a price below the market and spent this money on themselves. As a result, the girl received two years in prison.

Now Dashko is married, brings up a child, whose godfather was another participant of "House-2" - Olga "Sun".

Olga "Sun"

Olga Nikolaeva, who took herself the "Sun" alias, became one of the very first participants in the project. She appeared in front of the audience with a short haircut and guitar. It was she who became the author of the song, which now sounds as the title.

On the TV project, she built love with May Apricot, but now Olga is completely devoted to his creativity. Olga Sun: "I don't have time to get married"

May apricot

Roman crawled appeared on the project under the bright pseudonym May apricots. For three years, he tried to build his love - first with Olga "Sun", and then with Alena Vodonaeva. However, not finding personal happiness in the framework of a reality show, the young man left the project in 2007.

He moved to the village and is now divided into the network reasoning about the further fate of the most "long-playing" program on domestic television.

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva came to the project, experiencing sympathy for Stepan Menchik. The man also penetrates sympathy to a passionate brunette. Their pair was considered one of the most beautiful and ... hot-tempered. However, their union was not destined to exist long. After the Menshchikov, the girl attempted happiness with May Apricot, but this tandem broke up.

To establish the personal life of Alena could only perimeter - in 2010 she gave birth to Bogdan's son in marriage with Alexei Malakeyev's first husband, and in September 2017 Alena married a second time.

Stepan Menshikov

Stepan Menchikov started a relationship with the most bright member participants, including Victoria Boni. He spent four years on the project. A few years after leaving reality, he still decided to return to "Dom-2" again. It was there that the Menchikov met his future spouse Eugene, who gave him two children - Son and daughter.

In contact with

fotoimedia / Sergey Polishchuk

On the project, Victoria was not looking for love, but fame. And this mission was fulfilled: immediately after the "House-2" Bonya began to host the entertainment show ("Cosmopolitan. Video artist" on TNT, "Love-machine" and "Vacation in Mexico"), to be filmed for men's magazines and in their clips Friends on the musical workshop (Timati, Dima Bilan, Mitya Fomin, Maksim). The girl even managed to get into the cinema. At her account of the comedy "All the Charm of Love" and "And Mom is better!" And the series "University".

Victoria Bonya has always enjoyed success in men, but its chosen one has become the best of the best - Irish millionaire Alexander Meltfit. With him, Boni began a new stage of popularity. Now, for the life of the tele-chalk, not only in Russia, but also around the world - the girl has 2 million subscribers in Instagram, and it goes to the red carpet of the Cannes Festival on a par with world stars. One problem: Despite the joint accommodation in Monaco and the general daughter Angelina, the merfit was in a hurry to call the beloved under the crown. But this task was solved. The other day, Victoria reported that he plans to start a second child, and before that he would play with his fiancian wedding in Europe.

Olga Buzova / Evgeny Fedotov


Thanks to Telestroy, Olga began to actively work the TV presenter. At first, these were the programs on TNT, and then the girl was offered to lead the native show "Dom-2". Buzova also published three books on relationships and style, released several collections of clothing with the C & C brand, took part in the theatrical formulation of the "Gorgeous Wedding" and recorded several songs.

Olga's new life was reflected on her relationship. A three-year-old Roman with a colleague on the "house" Roman Tretyakov ended when Buzova remained on the project, and her lover left him. In 2012, Olga married a football player Dmitry Tarasova.

Roman Tretyakov / Anatoly Lokolov

Roman bribed the audience with his ability to create a holiday: he constantly wrote scenarios and invented contests to revive life on the project. This passion to entertain the public is not random: the student of Tretyakov played in the Taganrog team KVN.

But outside the project, the guy could not find himself for a long time and even fell into depression. As a result, he stopped on what he knew and knows how to carry out corporate events, weddings and parties.

Personal life has not become for the showman consolation. In 2008, he married Svetlana Sokolova, which in a year his son gave birth. But in 2011, the spouses divorced.

Elena Berkova

Elena Borkkov was famous for his light behavior even before participating in the project. She managed to play in five films for adults from the American Pornstar Britney Sky. The girl planned to strengthen his scandalous success with her participation in the "House-2", and she succeeded: the released Cassette "House-2, or how to make love with Elena Berkovoy" broke all records of sales, and the celebrity was called to erotic surveys in several men's magazines . However, the organizers of Telestroyki were not going to rejoice at the Pornokarier of their ward and very soon spread with Berkova. The perimeter of Show Elena led the program "Undoubtedly" to MUZ-TV, I tried myself in striptease and even wanted to run into the mayors of Sochi. But all these projects existed only short time.

In 2011, Berkov was caught in one of the near Moscow clubs with drugs. The term was given only conditional - the girl helped the consequence and besides the minor son of Eugene.

The personal life of the artist turned out to be no less saturated. She was married four times, and among her boyfriends a producer Bari Alibasov and a millionaire Arseniy of the balls. Today, the girl found consolation in the arms of the actor Andrei Stoyanov.

The main source of income for Berkova is still a movie, however, not a porn, but an erotic and comedy genre.

Nelli Ermolaeva

TASS / Elena Nikitchenko

On the project Nelli sang in the "Istra Witch" group, together with Natalia Varvina, opened his beauty salon and married a participant in Nikita Kuznetsov. The couple left the project and played a romantic wedding in Verona. But their marriage lasted less than a year.

Leaving the "house-2" behind, the girl began to drive on the RU channel. TV and found a new fan in the face of the novice musician Kirill Andreeva. True, and here the relationship was not charged. Three years later, Kirill threw his beloved.

Mikhail Terekhin

In "House-2", Terekhin was hidden from problems with the law. He served in the police of Lyuberes in the police, and a criminal case was brought to him because of bribery. When the management of the channel was about the fraud of a policeman, he was expelled from telestroy, but, fortunately, the former major was where to go - by that time his stormy novel began with the TV presenter of Ksenia Borodina. For more than three years, fans have followed their relationships that the passions "at home-2" are not inferior to the passions of passions. There were constantly rumors that a man is on full provision of Ksenia (she paid a lawsuit for him and paid all joint travels), and besides, he often raises her hand on her. In 2014, they announced their parting, but Trejin could not reconcile with a gap, telling in an interview that the former beloved sold the house in which they lived, without his participation, and always prevented the development of his career.

Left without a beloved, Terekhin made a plastic of the nose, stood up and founded the Terekhin Sound Production label for which the singles recorded.

Anastasia Dashko

TASS / Oleg Royal

The passion for fraud woke up by Anastasia on the project "Dom-2". After the girl, together with his beloved Sam Seleznev, won a Moscow apartment thanks to the audience, the show organizers began to check the received SMS and found out that most of them sent Dashko herself. Couple with a scandal left Telestroyka. Far from cameras, the girl continued to play with the law. In 2013, it turned out that the star was fraudulently concluded a deal with entrepreneurs for the supply of building materials at low cost, and after receiving the money he stopped answering calls. The damage caused to 11 million rubles. Dashko sentenced to 3 years in prison, but for approximate behavior she managed to leave the camera after 2 years.

Once at freedom, Anastasia has changed. Now she is ready for a quiet family life with his current boyfriend - athlete Konstantin.

Rustam Solntsev

On the project: 2005, 2007 - 2009, 2013 - at the moment / Anastasia Balachnova

Rustam Kalganov (later he took the surname of the Solders) was successful on TV and to the project: the program was led on the channel of MUZ-TV and radio "Europe +". Therefore, on the project, Rustam behaved like a star, constantly talking about his career and entered into a conflict with other participants. The only friends of Rustam on the project were Alena Vodonaeva and Stepan Menshikov, with him the Solders later launched the Hu from Hu's Internet show.

In 2005, Kalganov left "Dom-2", but in two years he was invited again - the organizers clearly did not want to lose sight of the rating quarrel. The second chance ended with no less scandal: Once a laptop disappeared from one of the guys, and the residents of "House-2" accused Rustam in the steal. Solntian checked on a lie detector, which testified to his innocence. In the end, Rustam confessed to theft and in the fact that he managed to deceive the polygraph. The guy had to leave the telestroy.

However, in 2013, the scandalist began to appear in the issues again. Now he is not looking for a soul mate, but gives advice to the other participants. In parallel with the telekarier, he took up his own appearance: made plastic nose and began to be treated from baldness.

Sophisticated character did not allow the artist to build love not on the show, not beyond it. In 2010, he married a girl from Moscow, but after three years a couple divorced.

Vlad Kadoni.

TASS / Maxim Shemets

Viktor Golunov (Vlad Kadoni is his creative pseudonym) - another participant who made Cambake on the show. For the first time, he appeared on the TNT channel thanks to the "battle of psychics" in 2008. Vlad positioned himself as a Warlock, who received his gift from the Mother-Witch. In an honest battle with other magicians on the "Battle", Kadoni took the third place, and after the end of the show went to Dom-2. Here he left black magic and switched to scandals. So, once he stated that he increased the penis into several sizes.

In 2011, the corner of his own accord left the project to engage in private practice and take part in esoteric show in Estonia and Ukraine. After 4 years, he again appeared on the show, this time choosing for himself the safe status of an "expert on relationships": now Vlad cannot be expelled from telestroy, unless he wants it.

The mysterious Vlad did not build a long-playing relationship with any of the participants. And after the perimeter of "House-2", a short time met with Valery Guy Germanica. After parting, they remained good friends. The director sometimes invites a friend to his paintings. For example, Vlad you can see in a small episode of the series "Short course of happy life."

Vezseyslav Vengrzhanovsky

On the project: 2009 - 2012, 2015 - to the present / Anastasia Balachnova

Yaroslav Sculpov dreamed with the help of "House-2" to prove that he is a white magician. Taking the alias, Wenzeslav Wengrzhanovsky (translated from Polish, this means "wedded glory"), he treated one of the participants from the crown of celibacy and even opened his own salon in which Taro wondered. But the magic was dispelled when a graduate of the Battle of Psychics came to Telestroyku Vlad Kadoni. Vlad forced his competitor to confess in deception.

But it was not the strangest in the behavior of the vendeslaw. For his actions from colleagues, he received the nickname of the main Frienda of the project, and the TV viewers handed him a diploma of the year.

At the end of 2011, he married member Ekaterina Tokareva. Their marriage lasted only six months, and in the summer of 2012, the Vidnik left Telestroyka.

Behind the perimeter of the show, the White Magician went on the "Battle of Psychics" show (he was expelled after the first episode) and the short time was the seller in the clothing store. Without finding nothing better, in 2015 the scandalist returned again to build love for "Dom-2".

Oleg Miami

Stay Oleg Krivikova on the project was dangerous to health. During the first visit, Oleg got from Victoria Bernikova - in the heat of quarrels, the girl poured it with boiling water. Fortunately, he just burned his ear. The guy was kicked out from telestroy, but after a year he was asked back. This time, everything was over injuries again: first Oleg broke the neck, jumping into the pool, and after hesitation, during the next scandal, he splashed on the neck of Darol Frolo to remove fat, which caused allergies from the girl. This time I had to leave TV forever forever.

The guy got a nicknamed "Miami" on the project because of his unfulfilled dreams - to visit Florida. Now Miami has a new dream - to become a singer. He already released several singles under the leadership of Max Fadeev and starred in the clip of the glitch "why".

Olga "Sun" Nikolaev

Olga began to be filmed from the very first day of telestroy, where he came up with the nickname "Sun". Quickly becoming one of the favorite viewers, she won all possible prizes: a car trip to Paris and an apartment in Moscow.

The desire to make music led the "Sun" to the decision to leave the project. The first singles were recorded in the "House-2" (among them and the hymn show), and after him she released a solo album and began to work by DJ. For their merits, Olga won the Golden Gramophone in 2011 and won the Russian Radio Competition. The girl is also actively engaged in charity in the Technology Fund and plays in the Fantastic Children's Theater.

Alena Vodonaeva / MainPeople / Andrei Bolshekov

In 2007, Alena decided to leave the show and start the solo career. She recorded several singles that did not use special success, and began to lead a television and Internet show: Reality Girl, "Popular Doctor", "Naked Dozen" on Ren-TV, "Good night, men" at the DTV, "Vacation in Mexico-2. "

Alain quickly became one of the leading IT-Girls in Instagram. For her account @alenavodonaeva, where she publishes new outfits, workouts and foreign journeys, watching more than a million users.

Personal life stars are no less interesting. Three years she was married to businessman Alexei Malakes, who gave birth to the son of Bogdan. When the couple broke up, the boyfriends began to replace one by one: the girl managed to make novels with a businessman arsening with a ball, entrepreneur Yuri Ande, a rider Artem Markelov, but eventually decided to ever get married.

Natalia Bardo. / Nina Zotina

Natalia Cryptub since childhood dreams about the world of cinema. For this, she graduated from the school of acting skills, starred in the episodes of televisers and changed his father's surname to the motherboard - Bardo. After graduating from school, she entered the Schukin Theater Institute, and in the third year he fell on the scandalous project. The actress was recognized that it did it not for the sake of glory, and for the sake of money - the girl wanted to pay for the treatment of his father.

After "House-2" she resumed the acting career. The graduate of Telestroika was mainly filmed in the TV shows: "Golden" on TNT, "Angelica" at the CTC, "pursuit of shadow" on NTV.

Natalia also tried herself on the music scene. In 2011, she recorded several singles, including Caver on the song Lady Gaga Alejandro. At first, Bardo told the story, as she met on vacation in Dominican Republic with a girl named Stephanie. Only on arrival in Russia, Natalia found out that her beach friend was Lady Gaga, and the Russian woman wanted to walk one of her songs. Having received the official permission from the Gaga itself, Natalia and recorded his single. However, later, Bardo died from dating a diva and argued that the rights to Trust Hit, bought her former spouse - businessman Sergey Rusakov.

Sam Seleznev

After "House-2" Sam did not become a star of the All-Russian scale, but he returned to his native Krasnodar with honor. He participates in the Cascader Show and works leading in nightclubs.

In the walls of the show, Seleznev was a stormy character: he was constantly quarreling with his girlfriend Anastasia Dashko and became the instigator of the fight with Rustam Solntsev, for which he was disqualified for a while. Now Sam meets from far from Show Business Julia and is ready for marriage.

Irina Agibalova

Irina Agibalova came to the project under a pretty pretext - to care for his grandson of the Mieties born on the project. Instead, the telebabushka brought his daughter to the divorce, got involved in an intimate relationship with Alexei Samsonov and climbed with the rest of the show. In the atmosphere of universal hatred, Irina left the show, but still remained in the spotlight. After the show, she made a number of plastic operations, which helped her to lose weight and appear before the subscribers of his instagram with a "new face."

Stepan Menshikov / MainPeople / Vladimir Dolgov

On "House-2" Stepan was a famous Lovelas: he was conquered by the most beautiful girls of the project. Including Alena Vodonaeva. And after Alexandra Kharitonova Stepan left the telestroy. But the relationships of lovers were not charged, but the native channel TNT vowed the guy's work. He starred in the episodes of popular programs and led his own show "Hu from Hu" with Rustam Solntsev. Stepan had extensive plans for life: he dreamed of establishing if not his own holding, then an equally popular TV program than "house-2", and in his wife take a fatal brunette - such as his former girls from the project Victoria Bonya or Alena Vodonaeva. It all happened more prosaic. Idea with your own project burned , We sent a letter confirmation to your email.

Not all the stars of the scandalous domestic realistic Career show are also well enough, like Olga Buzova, who has become a star of show business and the leading central television channel

The start of the most long-playing Russian realistic show "Dom-2" has passed 13 and a half years. During this time, hundreds took part in it, if not thousands of people. Some came to build love, others dreamed of glory. Some of the participants of the telestroy are the stars, others, on the contrary, disappeared from the public opinion. About how the fate of 15 of the most vivid participants in the entire history of the project, in the material site

Olga Buzova (31 years)

This bright blonde, one of the most young participants of the television show, the audience remembered immediately. Self-confident Olga boldly left his native Peter and came to Telestroyka. According to the results of the audience voting, Buzova was recognized as the best participant of the project, its sincerity conquered the viewers. A couple of the most popular participants and Roman Tretyakov I became the strongest in the perimeter of "House-2", and after their rupture, Olga was still alone.

Since 2007, her TV presenter begins: in the Morning program on TNT, Buzova leads his own heading "Carefully, stylists!", And in 2008 it becomes the leading "House-2", replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Today Olga Buzova - TV presenter, writer, designer, actress. After a divorce with a football player Dmitry Tarasov Star blonde radically changes his image. Reflecting the hair into the chestnut, the girl began to conquer the Russian pop scene, released a solo album. Not so long ago, she became the leading channel.


Stepan Menchikov (40 years)

Arriving to Moscow from Yekaterinburg, Stepan became one of the first participants in the reality show "Dom-2". On the project, he won the hearts of the brightest and beautiful girls. After the refusal of his next passion, Alexandra Kharitonova,which he made a proposal of his arms and hearts, the Lighters left the telestroyka, but not a TV channel.

Stepan participated in the project "Stars change profession", worked as the leading entertainment show "Hu from Hu" along with his "colleague on the workshop" Rustam Solntsema, later became the founder and leading program "Good night, men!".

Menchikov quite often participated in popular television shows: he tried to find his love and in the transfer studio "Let's get married!". In 2011, the ex-participant "House-2" met Evgenia Shamaev, who subsequently married him and gave birth to two children. In 2016, the married couple broke up, and on the air show "In fact," Stepan provided the results of DNA tests, which showed that he is not a biological father of the eldest son. After the ether, Stepan Menchikov admitted that he was extremely shocked, but she did not intend to give up his son.

Now the former participant of Telestroyka continues to build a showman's career and develop his own business, also associated with the sphere of show business.

(Photo: Instagram)

Sun (34 years)

21-year-old native Penza Olga Nikolaeva He arrived in Moscow to participate in the project, where he had pseudonym the sun. At the project, Olya did not achieve special success on the love front, but very successfully showed himself in creative terms. She wins one after another contests organized by televostroika, sells themselves as a musician: the sun composed and performed many songs "House-2" and recorded the anthem of a realistic show. Later she wins the title "Queen of House-2", a trip to France, a car, gets an apartment, after which the project leaves.

The perimeter of Nikolaev begins to do tight music, produces a solo album. In her arsenal - the Golden Gramophone and the victory in the competition from the "Russian Radio". Also the sun plays in the children's theater and is engaged in charity. Now Olga, quite famous DJ, also has its own real estate agency.
Nikolaev is one of the few who kept warm relationships with other teleproject participants.

(Photo: Instagram)

Roman Tretyakov (37 years)

After passing the casting in his native Taganrog to a new show, the Roman Tretyakov came to Moscow to Telestroyku, where he soon became a favorite of viewers. In many ways, it was thanks to his initiative at "House-2", competitions and a variety of activities began to hold. After parting with the scandalous participant of the project Elena BekovaWith which they even played a comic wedding, the novel began to build relationships with Olga Buzova. For a long time, the pair had the highest ratings. But over time, the feelings between them began to fade, and by the end of August 2007 the novel decided to leave the project - without Buzova.

The perimeter of Tretyakov did many attempts to return to the screen. However, it was not possible to become a TV presenter. Now the novel is engaged in entertainment events for which script writes himself. The family life of the former teleproject participant did not work out, marriage with the model Svetlana Falcon Oblissed in three years, the former spouses raise a common son.

May apricot (36 years old)

Young actor Roman Torric From Voronezh, it appeared effectively in the image of the knight on telestroy in the distant 2004. May immediately won the increased attention of the audience, he liked the girls with his originality, but did not start the relationship for a long time. During his stay at the "House-2", Abrikosov brighter romantic relationships associated him with Olga Sun and Alena Vodonaeva, But attempts to "build love" in the perimeter turned out to be unsuccessful. Disappointed in relationships and collapsed with leading, apricots leaves "Dom-2".

The perimeter is trying to realize as an actor, but after several unsuccessful attempts to return to the screens leaves to his native village, where he moves away from everyone and goes to religion. For a long time, nothing was heard about him, according to the neighbors, even the Tetrish street appeared rarely.

Now a former participant "House-2" found a job in the village and says that he finally met his true love. Publicity he avoids. Recently, the Roman writes the accusatory notes about "House-2".

Alena Vodonaeva (35 years)


A student of the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh University arrived on the project to Stepan Menistikov. A spectacular girl with expressive behavior immediately gained attention not only to him, but also television views. The interest of the audience was heated by scandals and intrigues, in which Alena was often involved. So without connecting your destiny with any of the participants, Vodonaeva leaves the project, believing that it turned it.

Now Vodonaeva - TV presenter, model and blogger. Actively participates in popular telenotes and fashion shows. In September 2017, Alyona married the second time. Her chosen was the musician and DJ Alexey Kosinus. From the first marriage with a businessman Alexey Malakeyev The girl raises a seven-year-old son.


Anastasia Dashko (33 years)

The girl came to the project from Salekhard, being already divorced. The temperamental Nastya Dasko seglessly received the title of Queen Scandal, she was often closed in deceptions and lies. On the project, the girl tied romantic relationships with Sam Seleznev. Many people call them the brightest in the history of "House-2". However, Sam never managed to tame the challenge of the chief: they went with the project together, but almost immediately separated.

The perimeter Dashko launched wide commercial activities. For fraudulent schemes was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison.
Now Anastasia in a happy marriage, with a spouse Konstantin Kuleshov She growing the son of the climate. The godfather of the boy became a friend Dashko Olga Nikolaile-Sun.

Sam Seleznev (38 years)

Even before the appearance on the project Sam was a star in his native Krasnodar. He was engaged in dancing for many years and continued to develop in a creative plan on teleproy. An independent and judiciary, Sam Seleznev immediately stated that it would not be exchanged for frivolous relationships. His Union with Anastasia Dashko became very popular on the project, but later young people diverged. In the history of "House-2", the young man also entered the man who cooked that he was "not the son of the Rottweller" - it was meant, "not the son of Rockefeller", this Sam said in response to the next financial claims of his girlfriend.

Friendly relationships between former lovers have been preserved: Seleznev supported Dasko when she found himself in a difficult life situation because of the problems with justice.

Returning to Krasnodar, Sam worked the leading on corporate parties, DJ. Now he moved to Moscow, where he opened a firm for organizing weddings, parties and other events. Continues to work by DJ and lead.

Victoria Carasev (38 years old)

A beginner singer, Muscovite Victoria, or Tori, as she called himself, came to the TV project to find his love and attract the attention of the general public. After several unsuccessful attempts of Tori relationships started a novel with Vyacheslav ButlerBehind whom later married. The couple went from the project, saying that they found their love.

In 2009, an accident occurred with Carasevoy. In one of the Moscow restaurants, where they and her husband rested, the pair filed a dish with seafood. In the tragic chance, a fragment of the shell turned out to be a fragment, which swallowed Vika. He seriously damaged the esophagus and the stomach, making a girl in incomplete 30 years with disabilities.

Now Victoria Carasev tries to restore the lost health, engaged in the arrangement of a country house and records new songs in recording studios.

Victoria Bonya (37 years old)

Victoria Bonya model came to the set immediately after casting. Vika soon began to build relationships with Stepan Menchik. Their endless scenes and quarrels were fascinated by the viewers, the pair had a huge number of fans. TV viewers noticed the accuracy and economic activity of the girl, which Stepan could not appreciate. Posing with the Menshchikov, the relationship of the Bonya so did not build anyone, but the friendship was tied Anton PotapovichTo which came initially. After Anton decided to leave "Dom-2", went after him.

Behind the perimeter, the popularity of the girl in the project played her hand: suggestions about the work sprinkled immediately. She began to be filmed in TV shows, cinema, clips, lead television programs. In 2012, Victoria gave birth to Monk Milliona Alex Memyfitu daughter Angelina. In 2016, Bonya diverged with a civil husband, leaving a little Angelina Father due to too dense work schedule. Now Victoria spends a lot of time in America, works the model.


Rustam Solders (40 years)

Rustam Kalganov(Solders are his pseudonym) - became one of the most scandalous participants of the project. Working the model and DJ on the radio, he decided to arrive at Dom-2. In the framework of the project, Rustam Intrigue Plur, was a scandal instigator, I had a rumor. After the conflict with Pair Dashko and Selezneva, he left the project. Then the producers gave a rating participant. New chances: Two attempts have been taken to return to the show, but it failed to build love. In November 2009, Rustamu had had to leave the project with scandals and accusation in theft of Rustam.

The perimeter of Rustam Solntsev opened his beauty salon, which flourishes to this day. A closing party of televostroika also did not disappear from the television screens, in addition he leads his heading on the page in Instagram "Mom dear!", Promotes your youtube channel. Leads entertainment events. He was married, but divorced.

Alexander Gobozov (35 years)

Alexander came to the teleproject after the army. Good and romantic, he tried to build love with all their might. Attempt to create a family with Hope Ermakova The perimeter suffered Fiasco, in 2013, Gobozov returned to the project one. Once again on Telestroyka, Gobozov settled into a VIP-house with young Aliana Ustanko. In October of the same year, the girl stated that Alexander was pregnant, and Alexander was not enough. Participants played a wedding and left the project.

The birth of a child did not bring peace in the family: Gobozov quarreled, fought, swear, but they are still together and raising the Son Robert. The family lives in Moscow and quite often comes to visit "Dom-2", the perimeter Alexander is quite successfully engaged in network marketing.

Daria Pynzar (31 years)

Being a third year student, Dasha black arrived at Dom-2. On the project she tried to build relationships with Rustam Solntsev and Lovelas Andrey CherkasovHowever, the real love came to Darya in the person of an athlete Sergey Pynzar.

In 2010, he made his favorite offer. The wedding was played on the "House-2" set, the pair was not going to leave the project at that time. Being one of the most active participants of Telestroyka Daria Pynzar did not interfere with even pregnancy. After the birth of the child, the spouses went to the city apartment, appearing on the project extremely rare. This began to indignation among fans and as a result, Pynzaryam had to leave the project.

Now Daria Pynzar is a happy wife and mom of two children. Together with her husband, she takes part in various TV projects, works leading events.

Nikita Kuznetsov (30 years)

Once upon a TV, the guy has long courtes for the main beauties "House-2", almost in turn. Returning to the project after he was kicked out for a fight, Nikita Kuznetsov focused on relationships with Nellie Ermolava. In 2011, the couple decided to play the wedding. The marriage ceremony took place in Verona, at home Romeo and Juliet. Shortly after the wedding, Kuznetsov and Yermolaeva left "Dom-2",

Behind the perimeter, the marriage began to fall apart, and the spouses decided to disperse without scandals. After the divorce Nikita is once again returning to the project, where it starts to care for all participants in a row. After the scuffle with the next choices, Kuznetsov is expelled. In 2016, he returns to the project as a leading in Seychelles, and soon again appears in the Polyana as a member of "House-2". Finally, finding your love on the project in the face Darins MarkinaNikita decides to leave him. Now he is engaged in network marketing.

Evgenia Feofilaktova (32 years)

Having come to the "house-2", Zhenya immediately drew attention to Nikita Kuznetsov, but their relationship was in a short time in a dead end. The same expecting her unions with Ilya Gazhenko and Alexander Zadobnov. Everything changed when the project came to the project Anton Gusev. In June 2012, the couple played a wedding, and after a few months, Feofilaktova and Gusev became parents.

A few years ago, the spouses launched their own online clothing store. When the business went to the mountain, the couple opened a boutique in Moscow. Today the Gusevy brand is quite popular, and there are a dozen stores owned by Wife and Anton across the country. In November 2016, the pair was submitted. Now Feofilaktova-Guseva is actively engaged in his model career.

(Photo: Frame from video)

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Two years and 2 million rubles spent the sun on the overhaul of the dwellings in Krasnogorsk. She was one of the most beloved participants "House-2". It was she in 2008 in 2008 at the end of the audience, a certificate of an apartment went. "Starkhit" visited the sun away immediately after repair. "The apartment I chose in the house under construction in Krasnogorsk, two kilometers from Moscow, cost 6 million rubles," the sun says. - The certificate was half the amount. The missing accumulated, working in the morning to night. Entered here in 2010, as soon as the house was built and the workers installed the plumbing. And two more years I had to shut down everything as I wanted. " The most expensive were finishing materials - wallpapers, paints, laminate, ordered abroad. The 73-meter "DVIL" turned into a "treshka": the kitchen was transferred to the living room, and in her place equipped the office, where he was engaged in music. The same place was chosen by the cat Marcel Breed Sphinx.

Next to the house of the Sun - Gym, 2-3 times a week, it happens in a simulator, pool, on stretching and yoga. With the neighbors communicates little - no time. But it is worth walking on foot, there is someone right there: "Oh, and you live here? And we too! " In the free day, the girl collects friends at the cottage under the Volokolamsky, which I bought a year ago, a two-storey house of the 1970s sample and a plot, where the whole company suits "agrofitens": "In the spring, I clean up last year's grass, cutting the trees, recently planted a little potatoes and beds Pansy eyes.

And in the summer just kaifuh. By the way, I'm gorgeous frying kebabs, I cook Dorado and Sibas on the mangal. " Three times a year the sun leaves abroad, where he just did not travel! Yes, and Russia from Russia was not only in Kamchatka. "Thanks to the work in the office I do not sit, - the sun smiles. - I am DJ and singer, touring every weekend. Plus I am a contractor Event agencies, I organize on corporate master classes on decoupage, craklera and origami. "

Two and a half years ago, the sun tried out a wedding dress for the cover of Starkhita. However, the personal life changes are still not foreseen. "My diary is not scheduled to get married and give birth. Children are a big responsibility, I want to have everything you need to appear to appear, "the 31-year-old girl assures.