What does it mean to see purple color. Purple color in clothing and psychology

What does it mean to see purple color. Purple color in clothing and psychology
What does it mean to see purple color. Purple color in clothing and psychology

Color psychology as a branch of modern psychological science is engaged in the study of the relationship of the features of the perception of colors and the functioning of the human psyche. The value of violet color in psychology interests many, because purple color actually fascinates. It relatively infrequently found in nature, and therefore for a long time at the beginning of human history, he was not attached great importance, then he wore mostly white, black, red, yellow and green colors. The story of a symbolism of purple color begins with the middle ages. Along with blue, purple color binds to mysticism, transcendence, spirituality, combining contradictions and opposites. This symbolism was accepted by the Christian Church, and therefore purple color was often present in the robes and decorations of clergy (as a combination of spiritual, divine and human). Almost the same importance was invested in this color of medieval Muslim, although there was still sometimes associated with the phenomenon of Mirage, deceptiveness of earthly human life.

Color in human psychology began to be studied from the works of I.V. Goethe and V. Kandinsky. In their works, purple color binds to depression, sad. In their opinion, purple color in large quantities and not being diluted with other colors (especially yellow, gold) is difficult to transferred to a person and causes a negative emotional state. Color psychology takes into account these early work, besides, they are partly confirmed today.

Purple color in psychology is still represented by the symbol of unity of opposites, because the color itself is compiled by the imposition of two other, opposite colors - red (meaning passion, rage, energy) and blue (carrying calm, relaxation). That is why the current value of violet color in psychology is associated with hidden, veiled sensuality.

Color in human psychology also binds to his individual personality features. According to the results of studies conducted by G. Aizenkom, the purple color (along with black) often prefer the introverts, whereas for ambitates purple is the most attractive color. Another interesting relationship is between high indicators on the neurotism scale (studied by the methods of determining the temperament of Aizenka) and the preference of violet color. Purple color in psychology is considered to be depressing, overwhelming, but this effect is useful in order to reduce the alarm and tension.

Complicated human psychology implies a unique system therefore, many ways have been developed by many ways to use similar color therapy to create a certain mood, as well as to achieve quite definite purposes. Color psychology today is confidently present in all sides of our life, we want it or not. Correctly selected shades of the wardrobe help in promotion on the service staircase, allow you to correct the mood and even image makers specially help our customers choose the right wardrobe in order to conquer certain heights in everyday life.

Color psychology allows you to take the right decision in choosing a partner, you only need to know the features of different colors and listen to your own intuition. For example, a surge of emotion, and blue-gray shades on the contrary are considered soothing and balancing. Colors affect directly onto a sensual human system, advertisers well know this feature that seek new products, by the psychological impact on the feelings of the buyer. They have long noticed that the color can excite, attract and calm down.

In psychology is associated with observation, wit, vanity, increased sensitivity and mood differences. Since purple color is a combination of red and blue (colors of opposite in value), the identity of the "purple" people is extremely contradictory. They constantly have to find a balance between the tranquility of blue and energetics of red. Relationships with such people are sometimes very easy, but it is very difficult to know them very difficult - such people are quite hidden. It is not even for the closest people to understand them, since their feelings are quite incomprehensible and contradictory.

Various shades of violet color allow people to express their sensuality and individuality without an excess appeal. Purple color helps creative and sensitive people, they are easily adjusted to his positive vibration. People who experience nervous tension and mental imbalance are recommended to periodically refer to such shades, because purple color in psychology, due to the mixing of the two opposite shades of blue and red, means veiled excitement. Purple color perfectly affects the nervous system, allows you to restore equilibrium and harmony in personal life, and even has a positive effect on various forms of neurosis.

Purple color in psychology is not considered to be the color of pregnant women, he exacerbates sensuality on the verge of individuality. In everyday use, violet shades are quite heavy for perception, so they are recommended to dilute with gold. The ancient Aztecs called the purple color of the wisdom and the knowledge of the truth, in ancient China, even the evening sky was designated by the principle of courage (Yang) and was expressed in purple color, and in Buddhism this color symbolizes the "color of the spiritual father" in Buddhism. The abundance in the aura of purple shades is interpreted as altruism and possessing high spiritual qualities, especially since purple color in psychology means aspiration to the highest spiritual consciousness.

The desire for harmony and perfection is laid in a person from his birth, for such a feature responded in psychology, but this does not mean that that only "green" - people are harmonious and perfect. Balance of the color range and mental state allows you to find a compromise in communication with the world around the world and feel one of the most important components.

Hello, dear readers. Today you will learn what is purple color in psychology. Find out what kind of people give him preference. Let's talk about his impact on human life.


If we consider the symbol of violet, then they are considered to be owl. In the Middle Ages, he was considered as a ring of repentance. In Catholicism, it is a symbol of the abstinence. In medieval times, this color was perceived as mourned. With all this, only members of the king family could be worn. Custom to combine this shade with sorrow and until today is preserved in Orthodoxy.

Thinking over what the color means, it is worth considering what its origin is the merging of the other two, blue, as well as red. It combines opposites that have completely different effects. Calm and mind is intertwined with the strength and energy of the red. The violet value depends on which shade in it prevails.

  1. When blue prevails, a dark shade of violet appears. Characteristic manifestation of powerful nature and rudeness.
  2. The color of light tones is succeeding, even when there is a strong neurosis.
  3. It has a soothing effect.
  4. Increases intuition, the border between the otherworldly peace and reality is erased.
  5. If the red shade prevails is possible, vanity.
  6. Purple color in the psychology of a woman - the desire to charm the opposite sex. He is recognized as an idealism, feminism.
  7. If a person is often shot by purple things - it may indicate the approaching cardinal changes in his life.
  8. Promotes the manifestation of excessive sensitivity and sentimentality.

What influence has

Let's look at what impact can purple things and objects can have.

  1. Helps in the presence of asthen-neurotic syndrome.
  2. Promotes calm attacks.
  3. It has a positive effect on people having a vegetual-vascular dystonia.
  4. It is believed that you can improve vision in myopia by viewing purple items for several minutes, without interrupting your gaze.
  5. It is believed that it affects the increase in self-esteem.
  6. It helps to establish contact with the human subconscious. A person more often comes insight, he has the ability to hear his needs.
  7. Allows you to strengthen intuition, contributes to greater attentiveness, allows you to notice the smallest details.
  8. It helps strengthen their suggestibility, so it is often used by a hypnologist at. Do not forget that the same property can use charlatans. When this color is in excess - it contributes to the misement of a vigilance of a person, it begins to be clone into sleep.
  9. Allows you to improve memory, awaken the past memories that have long been suppressed in the subconscious.
  10. This color is capable of entering a deep trance. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to use it for rest, after it was a hard shock or stressful situations.
  11. Promotes pressure reduction.
  12. From the point of view of esoteric, purple helps protect the mother and baby during pregnancy.
  13. This color helps to get away from everyday problems.
  14. It is worth considering the negative effect of this color - excess control over their feelings, extreme degree.

In the clothes I.

Thanks to a wide variety of shades of violet color, people with any type of appearance can be applied in clothing.

  1. The ladies having a pale skin are recommended to wear phials or lavender things, combine them with gray or black.
  2. Girls who have dark skin color should choose the warm tones of purple, for example, amaranty. Combine such things with beige and pink.

When choosing lipstick, as well as shadows, it is also worth applying this rule. So, for example, a saturated burgundy color is suitable for brunettes, the color of the fuchsia - browns or blondes. Shades of this color when choosing shadows is recommended to be used for festive or evening makeup. If it is necessary for every makeup, then choose gently purple color. Purple in makeup and clothing allows you to create a mysterious image of a romantic woman. This color will suit people who have non-standard interests and appearance. It allows you to attract attention, at the same time prevents the need for a special approach when communicating with its carrier. Therefore, this color will be on hand to people who want to avoid communicating with the annoying fans. This shade allows on the subconscious level to carry out a parallel with nobility. It is better to give preference to closed outfits from velvet.

In the interior

  1. In the bedroom it is preferable to choose a lilac color. Promotes tenderness, sex. Ideally combined with pink shades, enhances sensuality. Purple affects a slight falling asleep, develops intuition.
  2. If you want to find a shade for a personal office, ideal violet. But you should not overdo it with its use, it is better to dilute with white.
  3. In the room for communication, for example, in the living room or kitchen, it is not recommended to give preference to violet walls. However, you can pick up violet accessories.
  4. It is unacceptable to use purple items in the children's room. Here you can apply a lilac hue that contributes to the improvement of the baby's night's sleep, will develop its creative abilities and curiosity.
  5. Suitable for design of premises for meditation and yoga.

Who chooses such a color

  1. People mainly prefer things of such a shade, without thinking, acts on the classroom of their heart.
  2. Such individuals are open, easily hardened contacts with other people, but do not seek to disclose themselves to anyone.
  3. After communicating with such a person, there is no relation.
  4. Lovers of this color are individuals who are easy to convince, enthusiastically.
  5. Purple painting owners are predisposed to empathy, they sympathize with others.
  6. If a person carries purple clothes, it allows him to get rid of irritation, balance the state of the soul.
  7. It needs individuals with an unstable psyche, as well as with neurosis.
  8. Such a color can prefer people with, pedants.

Now you know the value in violet psychology. Remember that it is seen as one of the mysterious, refers to the most mysterious. He is accompanied by legends and various legends.

Tatyana Kulichich

Purple color is one of the most mysterious in the whole color spectrum. It is located at its very end, as if the crown of their development, the unity of all colors. In fact, the purple is really an excellent symbol of unity of opposites, because it is obtained from a mixture of two colors: red and blue. These shades are completely opposite to both appearance and their symbolism. So, what secrets hides in yourself this mysterious color?

Shades of purple color

Most shades of purple are named after flowers. For example, a lavender is a soft, a little accumulated purple, resembling the color of the famous mountain flower. Purple or lilac - light purple with a slight pinkish subtock. Phials - saturated, deep variety of this color. In recent years, the color of Fuchsia becomes increasingly fashionable. This is a rather saturated tone of purple in a mixture with dark pink. Amaranth color is a purple with a brighter pink subtock. It is named after the tropical Amaranth.

Symbolic value of purple color

At the subconscious level, this color is perceived as a symbol of the whole mysterious and otherworldly. This is magic, astrology, esoteric, healing. Looking at the paintings depicting various magicians and witches, you can replace that they are most often purple apparels. Purple symbolizes the otherworldly world, with which only the favorites have the right to communicate. By the way, since the most ancient times, purple clothing pointed out the uniqueness of who wears them. For example, a purple color, which is often mentioned in ancient narratives about the kings and priests, closest to the purple. Simple people did not have the right to use this shade.

In the Middle Ages, this color was mournful. However, he could still wear only members of the royal family. Custom to associate this shade with noble sorrow has been preserved in the Orthodox Church. During posts, priests put on the versions of this particular shade. It is believed that purple contributes to the internal concentration, abundance from the world, which is necessary for spiritual cleansing. Another value of this color is transformation, the transition from one state to another. This is pregnancy, and death, and deep internal changes. If this color often appears in your dreams, it may say that something will change something radically in your life.

Physiological impact and effect on violet health

Purple color refers to cold, which means that it has a soothing, inhibitory effect on the human body. The uniqueness of this shade in comparison with other cold colors is in its ability to enter a person in a deep trans. Therefore, it is good to use it for rest after extremely heavy, stressful situations. It will clean the subconscious of negative memories and return the spiritual harmony. Violet color, like all cold shades, reduces blood pressure and lowers appetite. In the latter it is even more effective than blue color.

One of the main values \u200b\u200bis colors - transformation. Therefore, meditating on this tint, you can speed up the healing process of wounds, the regeneration of internal organs, health restoration after severe operations. In esoteric teachings it is believed that it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy, protecting the baby and mother.

Polyuret psychological effect

Purple color leads everyday problems from the world and adjusts the philosophical way. No wonder this shade in the design of its temples and religious objects is as often used as representatives of traditional religions and modern esoterics. This shade helps to establish contact with the subconscious. Under the influence of a purple man begins to visit insights more often. He learns to listen more deeply to himself. If you look at the purple candle before bedtime or put a purple stone under the pillow (for example, amethyst), you can see the prophetic dreams. This shade enhances intuition, makes paying attention to the details hidden from most human eyes.

Purple color enhances the suggestibility. A hypnologist, an introduction specialist in hypnosis, often uses the items of this color to quickly cause trance to their patients. This property of violet can use various charlatans. Surplus the color is clone in sleep and shifts vigilance. This color is also known for its property positively influence the memory of man. He awakens the earliest, depressed memories to which it is hard to do without his help.

Purple color in clothes, image

The wealth of shades of this color allows you to choose an outfit for any type of appearance. Cold types ("Summer" and "Winter"), girls with blond eyes and pale skin, stylists recommend using lavender and violet. It can be combined with black, gray, gently blue. Representatives type "Spring" and "Autumn" should try on warm shades of violet: Fuchsia color, amaranty. In this case, it can be combined with pink or beige. The same rule should be applied by choosing the shade of lipstick and shadows. Funny Fuchsia Color Lipstick is suitable for tanned blondes or brown shoes. Saturated burgundy - brunettes. Shades of violet, especially in the form of shadows, makeup artists recommend using in the evening or festive make-up. The daily makeup is suitable gently purple.

Purple color in clothing and make-up creates an image of a mysterious, detached and romantic woman. It will suit people with non-standard appearance and interests. This color attracts attention, but at the same time inspires that a special approach is needed to a person who is worn. Therefore, clothes of this shade will suit those people who are accustomed to enjoy only high-quality communication and want to keep too annoying fans aside.

This color is subconsciously associated with nobility. Therefore, it is best to look like enough clothing from such materials like silk and velvet. Exception - playful Fuchsia color. It can be safely worn in the form of mini skirts and T-shirts.

Purple color in the interior

This shade is perfect for the design of bedrooms and personal covers of creative, non-standard people. Choosing a variety of purple bedroom, it is worth paying attention to a lilac case. Unlike darker, it does not enter trans, but on the contrary, it has to gentle, intimate communication. To enhance sensuality, it can be combined with pink or fuchsia color. At the same time, like all kinds of purple, purple contributes to the best falling asleep and strengthen intuition. In the purple bedroom you will be visited more often. For the cabinet is suitable violet color. Especially it is recommended to people of creative professions. However, making the office in this color, do not overdo it with its amount, dilute it with white or silver.

For home premises, the atmosphere of which should inspire for communication (kitchen, living room), purple as the primary color is not recommended. However, you can easily choose interesting accessories of this color. An exception can be children's, especially if your child can be called an indigo child, original and gifted. Lilac color in the nursery improves the sleep of the child, develops its curiosity and creative abilities. This shade is an excellent choice for the design of various studios of yoga, esoteric and spiritual practices. Here purple will be absolutely in its place.

Purple color in advertising

This color is often used in advertising cosmetics, parfumes of the elite class. Thus, advertisers try to emphasize the prestige and uniqueness of their product. Also, this tint can be found in advertising psychological or esoteric services. Here purple is used as a symbol of spiritual development and self-knowledge. Often you can meet the tender shades of purple in advertising products for child care.

Color and character: love for purple color or his rejection

As mentioned above, purple is a symbol of all unusual and mysterious. People who love this color are accustomed to feeling the "White Vorona" in the crowd. They have completely different interests and tastes than most. Most often they lead a secluded lifestyle, communicating only with several close people. They are capable of deep relationships. Their weaknesses are passivity and shyness. Often they are considered to be eccentrics, unacceptable to the requirements of real life. People loving purple can perfectly understand the philosophy or religion, but do not be able to prepare their meals or remove in the apartment.

Do not like purple color most often landed and rational people. They are straightforwards to rudeness, they cannot tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. Dislikes to purple color often speaks of the departure of all mystical. Such people mock faith in the signs, not religious. They can be well developed intelligence, but not enough creative abilities.

Purple color with confidence can be called the king of all colors. His refinement, nobility and mystery inspire artists and poets. It is not surprising that it is especially likely to love representatives of symbolism, creative directions built on the use of various allegories, riddles. Purple - color of soul wealth and deep unity with space.

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