The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. Crucifixion

 The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. Crucifixion
The difference between the Orthodox Cross from the Catholic. Crucifixion

In the magic of signs and symbols. Continued.


This is the Symbol of Right and Navi, separated by the Yavi line. All sides of the cross of equal length, because All elements are in equilibrium, i.e. Balance of forces is observed.

Christians assigned to themselves this symbol by changing the entire design. They lengthened the Navi line, thereby confirmed as a religion of death. The balance of strength was broken.

Energy of such a cross negative, because Navi field is increased, it is essentially a vampire. And, if we consider that this kind of crosses are hanging on the neck to all people, but in addition, even with the corpse, then it becomes clear the very low energy of the adepts of this religion. When hanging the cross to children, the harmonious development of the child is disturbed.

Now many adults understand that it is necessary to get away from Christian vampirism, but do not know how to do it. So, no matter when the person was baptized (an adult or child), the deduction procedure can be carried out independently, quiet and unnoticed for others. And you do not need to trust this by any "Vrasuals in the N-M generation." For this you need only a desire and conscious decision to leave the sect of the Dead. And the procedure is extremely simple, any person can cope with it.

So, it is necessary to stay in full solitude so that no one distract. It is possible in the room, it is possible in nature. First remove the cross. Then we present at your head of a dark cloud (this is a Christian egregor), from which the hose is coming to our Makushka. Mentally, we take this "hose", withdraw it from my head, but do not let go.

Mentally (and it is possible to aloud) I spend the words of gratitude to the egregor for everything good that he did for life throughout his life. And it does not matter whether it was or not - the main gratitude here. Then we say that our paths have separated, and we have come time to part forever. Only then let go of the "hose", and we observe how it is drawn into the cloud that floats, or dissolves. Everything. Usually a person feels strong relief. Shoulders straighten at the physical level.

As for the cross, he should be cleaned with a chain with a chain together (not church), then it is better to overpay into some other decoration. You can simply be attributed to the church and leave there, i.e. give.

A circle

Circle is a symbol of the sun, planet. All children draw the same sun. That's life.

But with the arrival of Christianity appeared "horror stories" in the form of a unclean strength, from which you need to hide inside the circle. And here everyone is beginning to draw around themselves circles - eternal protection from the surrounding world. And the psychics are promoted, and magicians of all levels and sorcerers in the N-M generation ...

Everyone builds around them protection in the form of circles, raising them in a height in the form of cylinders, barrels, etc., etc. And they do not understand that there is opposition to any action. The more powerful protection from the alleged attack, the weaker actually the person becomes, because He, hesitating from the world, does not affect the energy of the cosmos. All elementary. Any defense always loses. It is necessary to strengthen its energy and then no "nasty" can get.

The main differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Crucifix

The first difference. At the Orthodox crucifixion, Jesus is heard to the cross 4 nails, and on the Catholic - 3rd.

The only difference. The most basic one. Catholic naturalistically and extremely sensually, the Orthodox is more spiritual. At the same time, on the Catholic crucifixes, Jesus is depicted with an afflicted face, in hand, the body, a ternan crown on the head, as well as with wounds and blood. On the classic Orthodox icon, the crucifixion shows Jesus - winner. Its species demonstrates divine peace and greatness. Christ is not helpless in his hands hanging, but he wrapped in the air, as if calling in the arms of the whole universe. The Mother of God is stronger than the sufferings of the Son.

The Orthodox iconography received his dogmatic substantiation only in 692. It was enshrined on eighty second rules of the Tula Cathedral. The main condition is the harmonious combination of realism of Divine Revelation and Genuine History. The figure of Christ expresses peace and greatness. The Lord opens up an embrace with all those who want to contact him. In this iconography, a rather difficult task of the image of the two Ipostasses of Christ - Divine and Human, who simultaneously demonstrate death, and the full victory over her Jesus are successfully solved.

It is worth noting that Catholics did not accept the rules of the Tula Cathedral, refusing to their early views. In addition, they did not accept the symbolic spiritual image of the Savior.

So appeared in the Middle Ages the Catholic type of crucifixion, where the prevailing the naturalism of human torments becomes the predominant. Head of Jesus, crowned with a crown, crossed feet, additionally deurpressed by one nail - innovation of the XIII century. The anatomical details of the Catholic image, clearly passing the truthfulness directly the execution itself, hide the main event - the celebration of Jesus, who defeated death and opens eternal life to us.

Some more important details

The sprawled hands of Jesus in the Orthodox crucifix should be straight. They should not be saved under the weight of the dying body.

A distinctive feature of the Catholic crucifixion is crossed and pierced nail both feet of the Savior. In the Orthodox tradition, Jesus is depicted crucified on the 4th nails.

The palms of Christ on the Orthodox crucifixion are necessarily open. It is worth saying that the question of the inadmissibility of the image on the icons of the bent to the Savior bent under the Catholic influence was lifted by the devil in 1553. Let him be condemned for his arguments about the icon paintings of those times, but the arguments granted to them about the need to image exactly open palms were recognized as correct, after which controversial icons were subject to rewriting.

In the Orthodox Cross there are no naturalistic traces of the sufferings of Christ.

The crown is an attribute of a Catholic crucifix, which in the Orthodox tradition is extremely rare (on Easter arthosa, for example).

Common features

Back in the 9th century, the Rev. Feodor Studit taught that "the cross of any form is a true cross."

Obviously, in Catholicism there are no clear rules for the crucifixion. On the oldest crucifixes the Savior is depicted alive, in clothes, as well as an additionally crowned crown. The crown, blood and wounds, which are going to the bowl, appear only in the Middle Ages with other details that have a mystical or symbolic meaning.

Those. In the Romanesque era, or in the East, where the Greek tradition was successfully preserved, there are no significant differences between the Catholic and Orthodox crucifixion. Naturalism and realism arise into the Gothic Epoch, after which they receive special development during the baroque period. The features of such naturalism switched to the religious painting of Russia's synodal period, although, of course, they cannot be considered canon samples.

It is important to emphasize that the Catholic and Orthodox cruises depict two sides of one important event. As in the Catholic images, where suffering, hopelessness and death is meant the subsequent resurrection and the victory of Christ, and, looking at the Orthodox crucifixes, which are depicted by the triumphant Savior Winner, we clearly understand that he has made his suffering for the sins of all mankind.

Today, stores and church benches offer a wide variety of crosses of various shapes. However, very often not only parents gathered to baptize the child, but also sellers consultants cannot clarify where the Orthodox cross, and where the Catholic, although to distinguish them, in fact, is very simple. In the Catholic tradition - a quadrangular cross, with three nails. In Orthodoxy there are four-end crosses, six and eight-pointed, with four nails for hands and legs.

Form of the Cross

Four-pointed cross

So, in the West, the most common is four-pointed cross . Starting from the III century, when, for the first time, such crosses appeared in Roman catacombs, the entire Orthodox East and today uses this shape of the cross as even to everyone else.

For Orthodoxy, the shape of the cross does not have much importance, much more attention is paid to what is depicted on it, but the greatest popularity was obtained by eight-pointed and six-pointed crosses.

Eight-pointed Orthodox Cross the most corresponds to the historically reliable form of the cross, on which Christ was already crucified. The criste is most often used by the Russian and Serbian Orthodox churches, contains, except for a large horizontal crossbar, two more. Top symbolizes a sign on the Cross of Christ with the inscription "Jesus Nazarenin, Tsar Jews" (INCI, or INRI in Latin). The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of IC HC are a Christogram symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Saint Dimitri Rostovsky writes that "When Christ, the Lord on his shoulders, wearing a cross then the cross was still four-week; Because there was no Title on it, nor foot. There was no foot, because Christ is not raised on the cross and warriors, not knowing what the places will get the legs of Christ, they did not attach the foot, finished it already on Calvary ". There was also no Title on the cross before the crucifixion of Christ, because, as the Gospel reports, first "crucified it" (John 19:18), and then only "Pilate wrote an inscription and put on the cross" (John 19:19 ). It was first that the lots were shared by the "clothes" of the warriors "attending it" (Matt. 27:35), and only then "His inscription put on his head, meaning the guilt of it: this is Jesus, the king of the Jews" (Matt. 27:37).

The eight-pointed cross for a long time is considered the most powerful protective agent from various kinds of non-fat, as well as visible and invisible evil.

Six-pin cross

Widespread among Orthodox believers, especially in the days of ancient Russia, also had six-pin cross . It also has inclined crossbinds: the lower end symbolizes an unrecorded sin, and the upper is released by repentance.

However, all his power is not in the form of the cross or the number of ends. The cross is famous for the power of the crucified Christ on it, and all the symbolism and the miraculousness of it in this.

The manifold of the forms of the cross has always been recognized by the Church is quite natural. According to the expression of the Rev. Feodor Studit - "The cross of every form is the true cross" and has unearthly beauty and life-giving power.

"There is a significant difference between Latin, Catholic, Byzantine, and Orthodox crosses, as between any other crosses used by Christians. In essence, all crosses are the same, differences only in the form "- says Serbian Patriarch Irina.


In the Catholic and Orthodox churches, there is no particular importance to the shape of the cross, but the image of Jesus Christ on it.

Until the IX century, the Christ was inclusive on the cross not only alive, resurrected, but also triumphant, and only in the century images of the Dead Christ appeared.

Yes, we know that Christ died on the cross. But we know that then he was resurrected, and that he suffered voluntarily from love for people: to teach us to take care of the immortal soul; So that we can also resurrect and live forever. In the Orthodox crucifixion, this Easter joy is always present. Therefore, in the Orthodox Cross, Christ does not die, and freely extends his hands, the palm of Jesus is open, as if he wants to hug all mankind, giving them his love and opening the way to eternal life. He is not a dead body, but God, and his whole image speaks about it.

The Orthodox Cross over the main horizontal crossbar there is another, smaller, which symbolizes the sign on the Cross of Christ with an objection. Because Pondi Pilate did not find how to describe the guilt of Christ, the words appeared on the plate "Jesus Nazoria Tsar Judaisky" In three languages: Greek, Latin and Aramaus. On Latin in Catholicism This inscription has the view Inri , and in Orthodoxy - Ihtsi. (either Іnhі, "іisus Nazaryanin, king of the іudia"). The lower oblique the crossbar symbolizes the footrest. It also symbolizes two robbers, crucified to the left and right from Christ. One of them was redeemed in his sins before his death, for which he was awarded the kingdom of heaven. The other is the same before the death of Hoolil and poured his executioners and Christ.

Absorption is placed above the middle crossbar: "IS" "Xs" - the name of Jesus Christ; And under it: "NIKA" - Winner.

On the cross of the Savior Savior, the Greek letters have written UN meaning - "Truly Surrounding" because "God told Moses: I am visiting" (Ex. 3:14), discovering its own name, expressing selfishness, eternity and immutability of the beings of God.

In addition, nails were kept in Orthodox Byzantium, which the Lord was nailed to the cross. And it was exactly known that their four, and not three. Therefore, on Orthodox crosses, Christ's legs are nailed with two nails, each separately. The image of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, first appeared, as an innovation, in the West in the second half of the XIII century.

In a Catholic crucifixion, the image of Christ has naturalistic features. Catholics depict Christ dead, sometimes with blood streams on his face, from wounds on hands, legs and rhers ( stigmata). It manifests all human suffering, flour, which had to experience Jesus. His hands are kept under the severity of the body. The image of Christ on the Catholic Cross is believable, but this is an image of a dead person, while there is no hint of the triumph of victory over death. Crucifixion in Orthodoxy just symbolizes this celebration. In addition, the legs of the Savior are nailed with one nail.

The meaning of the death of the Savior

The emergence of the Christian Cross is associated with the martyrdom of Jesus Christ, which he accepted on the cross on the forced sentence of Pittius Pilate. The crucifixion on the cross was a common way to execute in an ancient Rome borrowed from Carthaginian - descendants of the Phoenician colonists (it is believed that the crucifixion was used for the first time in Phenicia). Usually, the robbers sentenced to death on the cross; Many early Christians who were persecuted, starting with the times of Nero, were also executed in this way.

Before the sufferings of Christ, the cross was a shame and terrible punishment. After his sufferings, he became a symbol of the victory of good over evil, life over death, a reminder of the infinite God's love, the subject of joy. The embodied son of God, his blood consecrated the cross and made him the guide of his grace, the source of consecration of believers.

From the Orthodox dogma of the cross (or redemption) undoubtedly follows the thought that the death of the Lord is the redemption of all , vocation of all nations. Only the cross, unlike other executions, gave the opportunity to Jesus Christ to die with open hands calling on all ends of the Earth (Isa. 45:22).

Reading the Gospel, we are convinced that the god feat of the Bohemian is a central event in his earthly life. He washed off our sins with his own suffering, covered our debt before God or, in the language of Scripture, we were "redeemed" (bought). In Calvary hidden, incomprehensible the mystery of the endless truth and love of God.

The Son of God voluntarily took the guilt of all people and suffered for her shameful and painful death on the cross; Then the third day was resurrected as a winner of hell and death.

Why did such a terrible victim need to cleanse the sins of mankind and did you exist to save people to others less painful?

The Christian doctrine about the godfather's godfather's death is often the "stumbling block" for people with the already established religious philosophical concepts. With many Jews and people of the Greek culture of apostolic times, the statement was controversial that the almighty and eternal god went to Earth in the form of a mortal man, voluntarily underwent a beat, debris and shameful death that this feat could bring the spiritual benefit to humanity. "It's impossible!"- objected one; "It's not needed!" - Approved others.

St. Apostle Paul in his message to Corinthians says: "Christ sent me not to baptize, but to gnaw, not in the wisdom of the word, so as not to abolish the Cross of Christ. For the word about the cross for perishing people is eruption, but for us, saved, is the power of God. For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise men, and the mind of reasonable rejection. Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the joint state of the century? Did God dough the wisdom of this world in madness? For when the world, his wisdom, he did not know God in the wisdom of God, it was well-known to be the scientific of preaching to save believers. For and Jews require miracles, and Elleina are looking for wisdom; And we preach Christ crucified, for the Jews temptation, and for ELLINIONS, the madness, for themselves called, Jews and Eller, Christ, God and God's wisdom "(1 Cor. 1: 17-24).

In other words, the apostle explained that the fact that in Christianity some was perceived as temptation and madness, in fact, is the case of the greatest divine wisdom and omnipotence. The truth of the redemptive death and the resurrection of the Savior is the foundation for many other Christian truths, for example, to consecrate the believers, about the sacraments, about the meaning of suffering, about the virtues, about the feat, about the purpose of life, about the upcoming court and resurrection of the dead and others.

At the same time, the redemptive death of Christ, being an event in an inexplicable in the concepts of earthly logic and even "seductive for dying," has a reviving force that the believer heaves is to seek. The updated and warmed by this spiritual force, with trepidation bowed to Calval as the last slaves and the most powerful kings; Like dark ignoramuses and the greatest scientists. After the descent of St. The Spirit of the Apostles with personal experiences were convinced of what great spiritual benefits would bring them the redeeming death and resurrection of the Savior, and they were shared by this experience with their disciples.

(The secret of the redeeming of humanity is closely related to a number of important religious and psychological factors. Therefore, to clarify the secrecy of redemption.

a) understand what the sinful damage of the person actually consists and the weakening of his will to resist evil;

b) It is necessary to understand how the devilish will, thanks to sin, was able to influence and even captive the human will;

c) It is necessary to understand the mysterious power of love, its ability to positively influence the person and ennoble him. At the same time, if love is most revealing himself in the sacrificial ministry, then, it is undoubted that the return of his life is the highest manifestation of love;

d) from understanding the power of human love should be elevated before understanding the power of the Divine Love and how she penetrates the soul of the believer and transforms his inner world;

e) In addition, in the redemptive death of the Savior there is a party outside the human world, namely: the battle between God and Gordy Dennica occurred on the cross, in which God, hiding under the guise of a weak flesh, came out the winner. The details of this spiritual battle and the Divine Victory remain a secret for us. Even angels, according to the AP. Peter, do not fully understand the secret of redemption (1 Peter. 1:12). She is a sealed book that only the Lamb of God could reveal (from. 5: 1-7)).

In Orthodox ascetic, there is such a thing as the carry of his cross, that is, the patient performance of Christian commandments throughout the life of a Christian. All difficulties, both external and internal, are referred to as "Cross." Everyone carries their life cross. About the need for a personal feat of the Lord said so: "Who does not take his cross (evades the feat) and follows me (calls himself a Christian), that inadequate me" (Matt. 10:38).

"Cross keeper of the whole universe. The cross is the beauty of the church, the cross of the kings of the Power, the cross is faithful to the statement, the cross the angel of Glory, the cross of the demons of an ulcer ", - Approves the absolute truth of the holiday of the exaltation of the life-giving cross.

Differences of the Catholic and Orthodox Cross

Thus, there are the following differences in the Catholic Cross from the Orthodox:

  1. most often has an eight-pointed or six-pointed form. - four-sided.
  2. Words on a tablet on crosses are the same, only written in different languages: Latin Inri (in the case of the Catholic Cross) and Slavic-Russian Ihtsi. (on the Orthodox Cross).
  3. Another principal position is position of the legs on crucifixes and the number of nails . The legs of Jesus Christ are located together on a Catholic crucifixion, and each is nailed separately on the Orthodox Cross.
  4. Various is image of the Savior on the Cross . At the Orthodox Cross, God, who discovered the path to eternal life, was depicted, and on a Catholic man, who experienced flour.

All Christians combines a single faith in the Savior. At the same time, each direction inside the Christian religion offers its interpretation of a particular aspect of the creed. Not every follower knows what the Orthodox Cross differs from Catholic. There are really no differences between them, and it is impossible not to notice them.

When did differences appear?

The split of the Christian church to the Western and Eastern occurred in 1054. However, the prerequisites for it have appeared much earlier. Despite the fact that representatives of Western and Eastern Christianity had one faith, the approach to her was different. Disagreements arose even in ideas about how the priest should look like. Latinians shape beard. For the Eastern clergy, such behavior was unacceptable. Differences have become noticeable and when conducting rites, decorating temples, etc. Christians did not strive to eliminate the difference. They did it even more visible, opposing themselves to those who, in their opinion, worshiped God wrong.

The main symbol of faith and for Orthodox, and the Cross remained for Catholics. With it, it is also possible to determine, the representative of which direction is in front of us.

Looking attentively to both crucifixes, you can easily understand what the Orthodox Cross differs from Catholic. The true faith is determined not to belong to Western or Eastern

Native crosses - One of the most significant shrines for representatives of the Catholic and Orthodox Church. Buying a cross for a baby before baptism or for myself, many do not think about the peculiarities and differences of Catholic and Orthodox crosses, choosing the one that like design. Not always the consultant knows the answers to all questions. In the online store ZLATO, an extensive catalog of Orthodox cross is collected for you, and what they differ from Catholic will figure it out further.

The shape of the cross

The first thing that distinguishes the Orthodox cross from the Catholic is a form.

Orthodox crosses There are six and eight-pointed. The oblique crossbar of the Orthodox Cross, located in its lower part, symbolizes the road to the kingdom of Heaven, leading from the sinful world.

Catholic cross Usually clearly confused without superfluous parts and crossbars. The form of it is simple and well distinguishable.

The value of engraving on the cross

Silver and gold jewelry in the shape of a cross are usually complemented by engraving - a short inscription. It looks like "I.N.TS.I" - the Slavyanian or "INRI" - in Latin. It is an abbreviation, it decrypts as "Jesus from Nazareth King Jewish".

Only on Orthodox crosses from the reverse side is the inscription "Save and Save". There is never on Catholic crosses.

The location of Christ

Orthodox and Catholic crossings have another weighty difference. It lies in the arrangement of a crucified Christ. If you look closely, it is clearly seen that the figures are located in different ways.

  • the palms of Christ are deployed, the fingers are not closed;
  • a triumph and joy is displayed on the face;
  • legs are not crossed, they are naught separately.

Catholic cross:

  • the head of Christ is lowered;
  • palms are closed, hands sag;
  • the expression of the person transmits inhuman suffering.

Choosing jewelry of crosses, just take a look at the number of nails present on the legs and palms of Christ. On the Orthodox cross, their four are one on each palm and one on each leg. On the Catholic Cross, there are three of them - one at each palm and one on the legs imposed on each other.

Modern variations of native crosses

In the online store ZLATO proposed a huge range of cross from leading jewelry manufacturers: Silvex, Metropolitan Jewelry factory, Aurora, Onyx, Hyv, Zarina, etc. Each brand regularly updates the collection of products, and among them there are crosses:

  • for men, women and children;
  • of gold and silver;
  • with inlay and without stones;
  • with enamel, black and other decoration techniques.

Orthodox men's men's crosses are usually larger than women and are designed for massive chains. They are made without stones, have restrained execution. Women's and children's crosses are more sophisticated - with openwork inserts, fianits and diamonds. The more rare and valuable the stone, the higher the decoration price. Pendants are worn on chains, leather and silk laces, often under clothing to hide from prying eyes commitment to their religion. We offer to compare branded crossings from different manufacturers in For each model, we picked up the best photos and detailed descriptions. To simplify and speed up the choice, use the site filters by setting the type of metal and design. This will allow you to pick up and buy a decoration suitable for the style of other your accessories.

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