Nikita Stalnik Pereslavsky Monastery. Rev. Nikita Stalnik, Pereyaslavsky Wonderworker

Nikita Stalnik Pereslavsky Monastery. Rev. Nikita Stalnik, Pereyaslavsky Wonderworker
Nikita Stalnik Pereslavsky Monastery. Rev. Nikita Stalnik, Pereyaslavsky Wonderworker

Publication or update date 15.12.2017

  • To the table of contents: Nikitsky male monastery
  • Pereslavsky Nikitsky Male Monastery.
    7. Rev. Nikita Stalnik, Pereslavsky Wonderworker.

    The collection of funds for the construction of the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and the fortress was occupied by Mytar Nikita, the future Stalnik and the Pereslavsky Wonderworker, who had glorified the Nikita monastery for the century for the century. It is more accurate to call it not Mytar, but a yabednik. Myatenitsa is customs (hence near Moscow, Mytishchi). The collection of filters in ancient Russia was practiced by the Yabranges. Yabrange - the official official of the Prince of Administration or urban self-government. But since the cities of Pereslavl still did not exist, it can be assumed that Nikita represented exactly the princely administration and, therefore, could communicate with Yuri Dolgoruk, and especially with Andrei Bogolyubsky. Yabranges, except for the collection of money, were also the judges of secondary business (world) and executors. In terms of its functions, the yabranges were preceded by Tyunam and Faumingn.

    "Expenditures on the device of a new city and the construction of a dear white transfiguration church in it (the White Stone-limestone was taken by boats and roofs from Kama Bulgaria and Kovrovsky Kamenomanome) could not not touch the inhabitants of the city," the historizon of the Nikitsky Monastery of the beginning of the 20th century, the priest Pavel Ilinsky writes. - The then tax collection system, through special assemblers, a lot has contributed to the formation between these persons of various predators, which were made at the expense of poor people, caused discontent and irritation among him. And when weakness and agility at that time, justice was difficult to look for truth and protection against these greedy oppressants. "

    One of these "predators" was the future great Saint Pereslavl Land Rev. Nikita. He was born and grew in the vicinity of the future "Pereyaslavl Suzdal", later the "new" and "Zalessky", that is, who is at the Debryansk (Bryansk) forests from Kiev and Chernigov.

    Life Nikita does not report anything about the first half of his life. In front of us, he already appears to a person mature: "Beroprious and raised in the city of Pereyaslavl and dosage in the ability of age" and as a tax collector. We see him married to a woman patient and obedient. Especially emphasized by Srebolubiye Nikita, its adamant cruelty, physiciability and aloquence: "Honor of Bo and Cruel Ferry." Completes this unflattering characteristic of the arrogance and always associated with it flatteriness and waters. And besides, the desire for the destruction of the flesh, the curmony, to a fun and trimming lifestyle. Indirect evidence suggests that he was not alien to book scholarship: already at that time there was a school in the city, where they were taught by a diploma on the psaltiri. Yes, and in the speeches of Rev. Nikita, who are abundantly cited in the life of His, often the words and turnover taken from the Holy Scriptures, and some of the Psalms of David he knew by heart. In front of it, a wide field of activity on the field of one of the owners of the new city and the rainbow perspective is rich, cheerful and full life. He is known in the city, deft in affairs, knows how to get along and be friends with influential people for whom luxurious peers are satisfied, externally cheerful and disappointed. He and things are not doing to grief and tears of those whom he is so merciless and unscrupulously hurt. He is not afraid of no complaints or denunciations, no punishment for her wrong. Given the fact that Nikita was assigned money collected on the temple, add to the listed relegations of him also to the sacrence. But even if only one passion of Nikita was indicated in Life - Srebroluby, then the character and lifestyle it could already be imagined until the smallest details.

    But the unrighteous life of Nikita is only half the truth about his character. From the lives of Nikita, it can be seen that he was a man hot and decisive, with an adamant will and an inquisitive mind. In the nature there was such a depth and latitude, which could not fill the worldly joy and worldly concerns. "The Russian is a Russian - notes F.M. Dostoevsky, - I would sull him. " But he also adds that to judge a person and about the people is not necessary in the depths of his fall, but at the height of his takeoff. And this latitude and the height of Nikita was ready to reveal into any MiG, which the all-consutational Lord will choose to appeal and save the sinner.

    One day Nikita entered the newly built Preobrazhensky temple. Most likely, Nikita came to the vigil and listened to Pamentia - selected places from the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, containing prophecies and instructions. Deacon read from the book of the Prophet Isaiah: "Ome, clean; Remove your evil acts from my eyes; stop doing evil; Learn to do good, look for truth, save the oppressed, protect the sirot, join the widow. Then come - and reason, says the Lord. If your sins are, like a crimson, - as the snow I detect ... If you want and listen, you will eat the benefits of the earth; If you renew and persist, then the sword is fed to you: for the lord of the Lord is told "(Is. 1, 16-18, 19-20). Probably, she knew before and heard these words of the prophet Nikita, but only now they penetrated into the very depths of his soul and shocked until a complete spiritual stem. Instantly appeared in front of him all his inappropriate and lawlessness. He seen with horror now in front of him not the icons of the saints, but the sorrowful people of those who were offended by him, heard screams and moans of those whom Once and Osirolov. And it seemed Nikita that the prophet appeals to him and that everything around and the Lord himself was looking at him: "As the faithful capital, performed justice, was done by the Bludnice! True lived in it, and now - the killers ... Princes of yours are the laws and accomplices of thieves; They all love gifts and chase for Mzzuy; Do not protect orphans, and the business of the widow does not reach them "(Isa. 1, 21, 23).

    Nikita from the Temple came out with a heart trepid and deeply concerned returned home. He spent the whole night without sleep and only told the words heard in the temple: "Waste, and brushes" (Is. 1,16). By morning he fell asleep, and waking up, he felt that his thoughts fell down and not so worried him. Nikita decided to resort to its reliable, proven funds and finally free from yesterday's "vague". He ordered a quiet and meek wife to prepare a good dinner, which was going to invite the heads of the city and numerous friends. But the long-suffer and multi-facing Lord once again climbed to enjoy the stubborn sinner.

    The wife, always obedient will of his power spouse, went with a servant for bargaining. I purchased everything you needed and put on fire a large boiler to cook meat. When she once again came to check the vapor, her legs were sinking from horror: she saw blood in the boiler instead of water blood, and the parts of the human bodies were swam. Nikita looked at her cry looked at the boiler, and in this moment, from a terrible vision, the former sinner died in it - he understood the meaning of the vision, he felt like a cannibal. "Mount to me, a lot of sinless! Lord Jesus Christ, God, teach me to work on your will, "- just whispered, hesitating from the boiler, and gratefully rushed out of the house.

    The usual look of streets, houses, citizens was unbearable for him, and he ran from the city. It seemed that her legs themselves carried him towards the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita. "What kind of grief do you have, my son?" - asked the abbot of sobbing Nikita. In tears and despair, he fell to the feet of Hegumen and has been physically confused in all his sins. "Save, Father, Distributing Soul!" - Nikita Iguman begged and asked for a break. After some silence, he knew the case of a man lying at his feet well, and after some silence he noticed him: "In the Holy Gospel, it is written that the wine new in the bellows are not poured, otherwise the beams will break away and the wine will die (see: Matt. 9.17). So you, my son, living in his will, despising his spiritual father, can you incur obedience to me? " Nikita resolutely agreed. "If so," the igumen continued, "then they get up and stand up at the gates of our monastery, they cry there about sins of their own and everyone who belongs to the monastery and coming apart. In this I will see your obedience and then give you an angel image. " "All I will fulfill, Holy Father," I put on your feet, Nikita said with deep humility and went to execute the commanded.

    And in the morning dawn, after a short night rest, he came out of the monastery gate and went to the swampy shore of the lake. Further, life narrates: "And the nurser of the Odemonary country of the monastery is walled and the mountains of the Male and the neighborhood of her heels and the cane and the package of Mossitz and Komar and the Spider", Nikita threw off his clothes and surrendered to the comarama and midges, from all sides of the clouds of having flown on him.

    On the third day, Igumen sent to learn about him. The sent brothers could not long be to find Nikita and have already decided that he could not stand the test and returned home. But, turning attention to an unusual brown column of mosquitoes in a nizin, decided to find out the reason for this strange phenomenon and found a bloody Nikita. He whispered from the last forces, he whispered with the repentant prayer of Mytar: "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful! God, clean my sinning! "

    Amazed by the power of repentance of yesterday's sinner, just said: "What are you doing on yourself, my son?" "Father, save the perishable soul!" - groaned in response Nikita.

    The igumen commanded to bring Vlasanitsa, to wear Nikita's exhausted to her and bring him to the monastery, where soon after this and honored his angelic image. It should be noted that Igumen made a brave and decisive act for the sake of salvation of a single human soul. The cause of the princeless servants without the will of the prince could entail big trouble for the monastery, not to mention the fate of the Ihuman himself. Obviously, the determination of Nikita and the depth of his repentance shocked the consciousness not only citizens, but also became known to the bosses, which was considered to not prevent the correction of a sinner.

    Settling in close Kelly, Nikita was in a strict post, prayer and expectation. This ended the life of Nikita - Zadira and Buyan, a non-merciful and cruel-loving oppressor citizens, and the lives of Rev. Nikita began, Pereslavsky's Strip.

    However, these feats of monastics seemed to him insufficient sins. "For the sake of the flesh, I sinned, the flesh and should suffer," Nikita decided to himself. With the blessing of Hegumen, he laid heavy forged versions - iron coarse chains with three large crosses, and the head covered the heavy stone cap. (This hat has long remained in the monastery for a long time, and, together with Verigami, they wore mantis and sick and sick. But in 1735 it was requested to describe in the Moscow Synodal Office, where it disappeared. Description of the cap, though, preserved: "Stone hat Nikitsky, called Nikitsky, was the white stone, four-fingered stone and on top of the carving of the simplest mastery of scenarios, and on the sides of the cross in cells, and on the parties are shaded. ")

    The image of the reverend Nikita of the Still. Painting on the wall of the holy gates of the Nikitsky Monastery. End of the XX century.

    Reverend Nikita, as well as other devotees - the warriors of Christ, had to lead to a difficult, exhausting struggle with the "Evil Primbuses" (EF. 6, 12) and overcome the demonic temptations and puff. Those of his thoughts and the passionate desires of the former fellow life were doubtful, then the nightmares were tormented, they frightened snakes, spiders and other evil spirits, climbed into his Kellya. After winning these temptations, the Monk came to the thought that for the victory of the spirit over the flesh he needs even more severe feats. After daytime work and prayer days, he became at night in Verigas and a stone hat to leave the monastery and dig well. "The game is two storehouses, the Lavra of the Holy Martyr Boris and Gleb, and the other near the student's stream. From them, human people leaning with the faith of falling, the health is acceptable, "this indicates the life of Reverend. The first well was not preserved. Boriso-Glebsky Monastery (in life, he named Lavra and in the documents of John of Grozny, also referred to as Lavra) was abolished Catherine II, and his temples and buildings were blown up in the 1930s of the XX century. Now in this place is a city cemetery. The second "storehouse", near a kilometer north of the Nikita monastery, at the so-called "student (differently" flow) exists and enjoys great fame of the Bogomolers and citizens due to its healing properties.

    But this seemed to be regardless Nikita not enough, and oh accepted an even more severe feat that did not see the resident in the monastery, neither at all in the Russian land.

    He dug himself a deep pit - a pillar, in which it was possible only to stand, and from the pit proofled the underground move to the temple of the Great Martyr Nikita, so that his prisoner was simultaneously a shutter. Reviving himself unworthy and walking on the ground, the holy buried his flesh in the earthen grave. In this pillar, burning love for God, Dni and at night I prayed the reverend Nikita about the sins of his and human, pleased with several sips of water and a single score a day, sometimes depriving himself and this meager food. Heavy versions and the stone hat were bunted by the emblend to the ground, but the Spirit was purified by repentance, he looked freely to the sky in the humble repeated prayer and the gloriousness to God, who had not gone to the dying sinner. One kind of pillar and Verig Saint brought horror on the demons who did not even dare to look at this place of voluntary suffering of the Great Relief of God.

    Verigi Rev. Nikita Stalnik. Nikitsky monastery.

    Moving on the pillar, as an unusually heavy, I found little imitators even in the east. With the harsh climate of our Fatherland, the priesthood was even less likely. "And entered on the pillar to kill in his flesh of earth wishes and passions, and for the perpetration of the Spirit to God, it was not visible to God," the life of Rev. was told about this.

    The Lord took the feats of Rev. Nikita as a sacrifice disgraced and clean and favorabled to glorify him in the earthly life of healing and insight. Glory about the great devotee quickly spread throughout the city and beyond its limits. And leaked to him the human river. People of any title went to it: rich and poor, healthy and sick, glorious and unknown, young and faded with seeds. As no other understood the reverend Nikita, the true value of any human soul, regardless of her earthly state, for any - it is more expensive than all the treasures of the world. And not dependent on anything from anything, with each could refreate to talk about the main thing - about the salvation of the soul, and no one left the pillar of his disappointing.

    Silver about the gracious gifts of St. Nikita soon reached and distant Chernigov, where, from early ornamental age, he suffered a relaxation of all members of Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich (mind 1245): "It's a random of God's favorabled gravitant to life, Yako and all the body compositions of his spreadslash " The seriously ill prince sacrificed the churches a lot of his wealth, but these pious victims did not help him heal from the ailment. However, solid in faith, the fatters did not lose. Having learned about the miracles that were held at the pillar of St. Nikita, the prince immediately gathered on the road along with his neighbor his boyar - the senior comrade and adviser to Feodor (with which he will later take the martyrdom for faith to Christ in the Golden Horde).

    Vera Prince Mikhail in the possibility of healing on the prayers of the holy waters of God Nikita was great, but it was not difficult to test. For a few fields (the start - near a kilometer) from the monastery, the prince stopped to rest and ordered the tents at this time one ink approached him, which was called by the monk Nikitsky monastery. On the question of the prince about Rev. Nikita Inok gave an answer, who discouraged the prince: "In vain, printed, made such a difficult path. Nikita will not heal the disease. He is no more as a smoothie, only seduces and deceives the people. " After some time, there was another inhibition and then the prince is even more sad, erected on the refreshing slander. The prince was laughed in back, but Boyar Feodor, guessing that the phenomenon of these false indices was Proisian of the evil spirits, insisted to continue the path. And the third ink met them - not far from the monastery. He said that he had soil Blessed Nikita, and pointed the prince on the shovel, which he kept in his hands and which allegedly just poured the grave of the already well. And again, Boyar Feodor insisted on to continue the way, not succumbing to a bit of breath and shovels. In view of the monastery, Prince Mikhail ordered to spread the tents, and Boyar Feodor went to the monastery.

    Upon arrival in the monastery, prudent boyar found Reverend Nikita at his pillar, in the stone hat, in iron versions, in the unceasing prayerful labor, in constant wakefulness and even more strengthened in the belief that the holy devotee was silent to heal his prince. With deep humility, he approached Rev. Nikita for the blessing and told the Holy of the Disease of the Prince, about the duty and difficult path and about the temptations that were comprehended by them in the last days. After carefully heard Boyarin, the Monk Nikita gave him some instructions and handed his staff to transfer the patient to the prince: relying on this staff, the prince himself must come to the dial. Boyar Feodor returned to the tent and presented to Mikhail Vsevolodovich the staff of Reverend.

    As soon as the blessing prince Mikhail took the staff to hand, immediately felt so healthy so much that he himself came to the pillar of St. Nikita, to take his blessing. He told Saint Nikita and about the demonic temptation. The Rev. Nikita commanded the demon who crashed the prince in monota images, to appear before all in a visible image and so stand in front of his pillar for three hours, after which the Saint ordered him no longer to harm people, and the demon became invisible. "The reverend one of the demon, the Wall of Pillars dit the life of three hours. The devils to him his delights and swore to the saint to do not create a forth in a person, "this is said about it in life. After listening to the prince, the reverend Nikita taught him the instructions in piety and the world let go back to Grad Chernigov.

    The gracious Mikhail Vsevolodovich, giving thanks to the Lord, who submitted his aspects to his, Reverend Nikita, grace the healing of the ailments, the insight and the authorities to cast out demons, awarded the abode with many gifts. And on the place where he received the PRESS, commanded to erect the cross in memory of his healing miracle. This is how the power book tells about this event: "Prince Mikhail to put the honest cross on the place, it will be forgiven by the challenge of the illness. And I will accept the blessing, by giving the monastery satisfied, and Otide in Salia, praise to God and His mushrooms and Chudo-Handwist Nikita. The honest of that cross and before now it is worth the inspection of the summer. " It was 16/29 May 1186, eight days before the martyr's death of Rev. Nikita Stalnnik. Later, the wooden chapel was put on the spot, and in 1702 it was replaced by stone. This chapel is still to this day on the edge of the Borisoglebsky old city cemetery, testifying to the great miracle of Rev. Nikita.

    The message about the healing of Prince Mikhail quickly divided the city, and followed her and the news of the rich gifts of the prince of the monastery. Relatives of St. Nikita have learned about the consecration and hurried to the monastery, in order to score from those gifts and at least something. Long talked with them the reverend on the vanity and futility of collecting worldly wealth, about the great harm for His souls, about the unspecified beauty of the kingdom of God and the anger of God on the unreasonable Srebralubs - everything turned out to be vain. By not having received any of the alleged gifts of the princely and none estimating the spiritual gifts - the instructions of the Reverend, they were fierce with a heart. Easily penetrated into them the cramped enemy, and the mind was performed and, and the blind eyes were abandoned by the brilliance of Iron Verig Saint: If so they shine at the spring sun, then probably not made of coarse iron, and from precious silver, which Prince and honored the righteous .

    On the night of May 24/6 June 1186, the attackers secretly penetrated the monastery and approached the pillar, which had some boardwalk and a canopy, defending his rain from the summer and snow in winter. Probably, Rev. Nikita guessed the intentions of night-guests who took fiercely to disperse a wooden fence. But he did not raise the alarms, he did not try to stop and form criminals, because everything was already said, and he humbly betrayed their greedy hands in their exterminated by many exploits, betraying himself in the will of God. Like predatory animals, robbers rushed on the saint and a strong blow to the head killed him. So through criminal human hands, dismissed the enemy of God's designer from him and impotence, having exhausted all possible means to tempt the saint. So, the fishing of God, we received another heavenly patron of the Nikita Resident, the city of Pereslavl and the whole land of Russian.

    The crosses and Verigians were not easily removed from the killed etern, they wrapped them into a semicircled pargy and unnoticed from the monastery. They are not persecuted by anyone, they embarked in horror to run away from the monastery, not dealing with the road and having lost the bill of time, and senomassed only when they reached the banks of the Volga. Here they decided to inspect their prey. Realizing finally, instead of the desired silver, they got the hard crime, the madmen threw the mined to the river.

    In the morning dawn, the monastic rhodes, as usual, headed for Reverex Nikita for the blessing, but, seeing him lying without signs of life, blossomed, and the pillar was revealed broken, he rushed to hegumen from all his legs. Sigumed brothers came running together. With singing and cry, they raised the remains of the devotee and with candles and lamps in their hands carried into the temple. All residents of the city, leaving the case, hurried to the coffin of St. Nikita. The only consolation in the universal grief was that during the coffin of Rev. Many the suffering received healing: it was the key to the Heavenly Representation Reverend for all, with faith and love of coming to honor his memory. Holy Nikita buried near the altar of the temple of the Great Martyr Nikita.

    Icon of Rev. Nikita Stalnik in Life. XVII century. Meeting of the Pereslavsky Museum.

    In those years, on the banks of the Volga, near Yaroslavl, there was a Petropavlovsky male monastery. In it, the pious old man Simeon failed. That morning he happened after fulfilling the morning rule to go to the river bank. He saw something unusual and strange: approximately in the middle of the river, slightly above the abode, the comb of a high wave was as if illuminated by light. The elder, protecting himself with the godmond, returned to Kellyya and created a prayer there, and then he went ashore.

    A wonderful phenomenon not only did not disappear, but it was even brighter, still remaining in the same place. The elder told about his archimandrit on the river. But, noticing in him the distrust, driven by the will of God, went ashore with some of the citizens. When they sailed at the middle of the river, they saw a miracle: in water, like a dry tree, Iron Vergi and Crosses. With prayer singing, they were brought to the Peter and Paul Resident. To the joy and amazement of brethren and pilgrims, the transfer of Verig was accompanied by many healing of patients, with a prayer and faithful to the shrine.

    The rumor about gaining a VERIG from Yaroslavl quickly spread around the surroundings, and then reached and reassemble. The joy of Nikitsky Inokov was not the limit. I hurriedly equipped into a path of several of the brethren who suffered a shrine in the Nikitsky monastery and put in the coffin of Rev. Nikita.

    Reverence of St. Nikita Stalnik in Pereslavl-Zalessky began immediately after his suffered death. Taken about his lifetime miracles and miracles that took place from his coffin very quickly spread in other principalities with Russians and were transmitted from generation to generation.

    Its memory is made on May 24 / June 6 (on the day of martyrdom), June 23 / July 6 and May 23 / June 5 (the days of celebrating the Councils of Vladimir and Rostov-Yaroslavl saints).

    Nikita Stalnik

    Icon sv. Nikita Stalnik

    When Rostov-Suzdal Land got into the lot from the Sons of Vladimir Monomakh, the Great Prince Georgia (Yuri) Dolgoruky, then the light of Christ Faith was lit in that land. The first and main concern of this prince was to build cities and temples of God.
    The Grand Duke, settling the inhabitants of the Lake Pleasses (Lake Plescheyevo), found in one of the elevations a monocar prevail and near her town, acquired by a high earthen shaft. He had a desire to exacerbate him and laid the stone church in him for the glory of the Transfiguration of the Lord. But then, over time, on the calculations, economic Georgy commanded to postpone the town and the church laid in it, ashore, a small river, called the pipe.
    The sudden death of the prince suspended both the device of the city and the final construction of the White Transfiguration Church. Only with his son His Great Prince Vladimir Andrei Bogolyubsky, she was finally rebuilt and decorated with "in Pereyaslavl new."
    The coverage of the costs of the prince required a strengthened fees. All this heavy burden fell on the shoulders of the residents of Pereslavl. These fees were led by a native of Pereslavl Nikita, with a young age distinguished by a cruel character. He mercilessly robbed the inhabitants, caused a lot of evil, collecting huge amounts of money for the prince and for themselves. In their dexterity and the ability to get along with the rulers of the city, he was not afraid of any denunciations or punishments for a lie. Luxury Peters, suitable for Nikita for the authorities of the city, and valuable gifts made by them gave Nikita the full opportunity to spend time fun and carefree, not paying attention to the fact that many of his korestolobius, greedy and oppression shed bitter tears. The same like he had friends. So lasted for many years. But the merciful Lord, who wishes to save all the sinners, and Nikita led to repentance.

    Nikita Stalnik

    Once, after graduating from his classes, he came to the church during the evening worship and heard the words read the words of the Prophet Isaiah: "Tako Ilomolet Lord: The Mozhemnie and Chisthers will, attend the souls from your souls ... Take a good creature ... Relax Court of Syra (protect the sirot) and justify the widow "(Is. 1, 16-17). These words penetrated into the depths of the heart of the sinner and shocked him. In these words, Nikita was heard by the voice of God, turned straight to him, and now all his untrue and lawlessness appeared before him. He wondered with horror now in front of him not the icons of the saints, and the sorrowful persons of those who were offended by him, heard no reading and singing, but the screams and moans of those he had caused suffering. With the heart thrill, Nikita jumped out of the temple and deeply concerned returned to his house.
    All night Nikita spent without sleep, worried about thoughts about his sinful life. Another day, by his habit, he went to his friends, walked in their society and asked them to dine them. For a delicious dinner with expensive drinks, in a society, a cheerful company Nikita thought to finally forget the words of the prophet, so strongly excited his soul, and to completely drown out of gloomy thoughts.
    When his wife began to cook dinner to treat guests, he suddenly saw that blood was foaming in a boiling boiler, and they float the surface of the human heads, then the feet of the feet. In horror, I called her husband, and Nikita saw the same suddenly in him awakened the asleep conscience, and he clearly realized that he would act as a murderer. And, "the Great Fear is obliged by," left his wife, children, unfairly acquired wealth and left home.
    In three versts from Pereyaslavl, the monastery stood in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita (now the Nikitsky Monastery), there and came shocked by the terrible vision of Nikita. With tears, he fell asleep to the legs of Hegumen: "Save the dying soul!" Then Igumen decided to experience the sincerity of his repentance, gave the first obedience: to stand for three days at the monastery gate and confess to everyone who coming their sins. With deep humility and sincere repentance of Nikita performed the first obedience. Three days later, Igumen remembered him and sent one ink to see what he was doing at the monastic gate, but ink did not find Nikita in the same place, but discovered him lying in the swamp: it was covered with mosquitoes and midges, his body was in the blood. Then the igumen himself came to the voluntary sufferer and asked: "My Son! What are you doing with yourself?" "Father! Save the dying soul!", "Answered Nikita. The igumen dressed Nikitu in Vlasanitsa, he himself introduced into the monastery and tonsured a monk.

    St.PRP. Nikita Stalnik Pereyaslavsky and Svmch. Nikita.

    In commemoration of the gravity of the lawlessness of the past life, he laid heavy iron versions (chains) and a stone hat, without sleep, spent his days and nights, staying in prayer and post. In the places of their monastic feats, the reverend Nikita dug up two deep wells (still preserved), but, wishing big feats of repentance, he arranged for himself a pillar. It was a round tip-like pit or just a cave, so that the collision of St. Nikita was, in essence, pinnedness. And he entered him for killing in his flesh of earthly desires and passions, and for the elevation of the Spirit to God.

    Sukwell chapel and bathing at the source of Nikita Stalnik.

    The Lord accepted the sacrifice from Nikita clear and favored to glorify him here, on earth, Nisposlav him the gift of healing.
    Solva about the great exploits of Nikita and his gracious gifts reached him and the distant Chernihiv principality, where heavily suffered at this time by paralysis of all the extremities Grand Duke Mikhail Vsevolodovich. This prince, confused in Russia, in his martyrdom, from Tatars for the name of Christ, was sick with almost young years. Therefore, he, as soon as he learned about Rev. Nikita, immediately gathered, along with his boyar feodor, in the path to Pereslavl.
    For several kilometers before Pereslavl, Mikhail Vsevolodovich ordered his servants to break the hiking tent to relax from fatigue, and then appear to the devotee. But only the tents were sprawled as the prince noticed by one ink, heading towards him.
    - From where and where you keep the way, honest, asked Inok Prince.
    - From the monastery, my son, from the monastery of that very, in which Nikita lives, which is on the pillar; I'm going for buying for the monastery; And you, Choo, from where and where are you going? - asked in turn ink. Prince said who he, where and why rides.
    - in vain, princess, you made such a long and difficult path, "Ink objected," Nikita cannot heal your illness; He is not more like a smoothie, only seduces and deceives the people, "said in the confidence of Inok and, bowing to the prince, went on his dear.
    Such a review of the ink about Rev. Nikita could not not hit the heart of the prince deep sadness. After some time, in front of the prince there was another inhibition and led about Nikita the same speech. After long reflection and doubt, the prince obeying his boyar, ordered his tent and moved forward.
    The holy abode seemed to whom the prince kept his way. I didn't reach this monastery a little, the prince, seeing her on a small elevation ordered to break the hiking tent again to send his faithful boyar to Rev. Nikita and notify him about his arrival. But before the boyar went to the presence, the Ink came to the tent again, the view is no longer young, with an iron shovel on his shoulder. The prince asked the ink from where he, where and why go. Responding to these questions, the ink to the great surprise of Prince, said that the Rev. Nikita died, and, as it were, for the assignment of the prince, he pointed out to his shovel, which was now covered by the grave of Rev.. Boyar Feodor to dispel all doubts, hurried to go to the abode.
    Upon arrival in the monastery, Boyarur gained the great devotee at his column, in the stone hat, in iron versions, in a continuous prayerful work, in constant work on himself. Having carefully heard Boyarin6 Nikita taught him some instructions and handed him his staff to transfer to the patient to the prince so that he relying on this staff himself came to the abode. The boyar hurried to return to the prince, and only the prince took a staff from him, as he immediately felt in himself a lot of strength, and without the help of others, relying only on the staff, to the surprise and joy of everyone, went to the abode to Nikita himself. Having reached the holy monastery, the prince in the thrill approached the wonderworker and expressed his gratitude to him for healing from the ailment. It was May 16, 1186.

    Chernihiv Chapel at Pereslavl-Zalessky Cemetery.

    The Chernihiv chapel was built in 1702 in place, where healing was healing thanks to the prayer feat of the Pereslavsky St. Nikita of the Stalnik, one of the Chernigov Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich.

    Chapel Pillars PRP. Nikita Stalnik

    Chapel Pillars PRP. Nikita Stalnik

    Icon Nikita Stalnik in the chapel

    In the abode to the reverend, the wonderful pillar of him, various people began to flow. The great associate of everyone filed a request, no one moved away from him without any vastness. At night, some of his relatives came to him with a request to pray for them and, seeing heavy verries on him, who were swept away from long friction about the body and glistened, they thought that they were silver. They wondered to kill the saint. And on the night of May 24, 1186, they disassembled the pillar coverage, killed the devotee, they removed the crosses and veries from him, wrapped it into a coarse canvas and disappeared.
    Before the morning worship service, the Ponoloire, who came for the blessing to Nikita, discovered a disassembled roof and reported to hegumen. Hegumen with Brothers hurried to the pillar of the presented and saw the killed saint, whose body had emanated fragrance. Solemnly with singing and candles were buried the honest devotee from the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, on the right side of the altar. At the same time, all the ills received healing. Nikita's killers with their prey farther farther and farther from the Nikitsky Monastery. Nobody pursued, they, nevertheless, did not dare to stop, at least in order to inspect their prey. The fear of the chase behind them drove them farther and farther. Exhausted by fear, the killers finally reached the banks of the Volga River and here, without moving to the other side of the river, on one of her elevations, they decided to inspect their prey. But, by turning it, to his surprise and horror, they saw that instead of silver they mined an iron. With the annoyance of the killer threw her prey in the wave of the river.
    On the same night, Simeon, the old man of the Yaroslavl monastery in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, saw three bright beams of light over the Volga. He reported this to the abbot of the monastery and the elder of the city. The Cathedral of priests and numerous townspeople gathered to the river, saw three cross and verigs "Yako Tree in the waters of the Volga floating". After that, with a prayer and triumph, these wonderful items from the river were extracted and transferred to the Peter and Paul Resident. The introduction of these Verig and crosses to the monastery was accompanied by many wondering. With reverence and prayers were transferred to Verigi into the abode of the Great Martyr Nikita and were put in the coffin of Nikita. In this case, new healings occurred.
    About 1420-1425, Saint Foty Metropolitan Moscow blessed to open the relics of St. Nikita. The igumen of the monastery with Brothers made a prayer, then opened the Beresto, which was wrapped off the net, but suddenly the grave closed the earth, and the power remained under proud. The terrible storm suddenly broke out over people and threw away from the grave of all who had sangs, the land that was at the top of the grave, instantly fell into it again and completely cooked the relics of the presented. Many have fallen from this storm and received damage to the body, and some of the great fear were even degraded.
    So until 2000, the relics of St. Nikita were in the ground.
    In 2000, the relics of the St. Nikita of the Stalnik were acquired on the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. Now they are in the Blagoveshchensky temple and, together with Verigami Nikita, are available to worship believers.

    Cancer with the relics of Nikita Stalnik in the Nikitsky Monastery of Pereslavl.

    Ark with the relics of St. Nikita Stalnik. Voznesenskaya David desert.

    Now the relics of Nikita Stalnnik are revered in the Blagoveshchensky temple, the Verigi Rev. has been being found. And in September 2004, the works and prayers of the Outlists, parishioners and benefactors, the monasses were restored, and the Golden Crosses were again shone over the Cathedral of the Great Martyr Nikita.

    The Blagoveshchensky Temple of the Nikitsky Monastery.

    Today in the monastery about ten people of brethren. Every day the entire daily circle of worships is performed, a prayer is assumed on which the whole world stands. Owners The monastery leads active spiritual and educational work in Pereslavl schools. In addition, much attention is paid to social ministry, care for homeless and disadvantaged people.

    Verigi Rev. Nikita Stalnik in the Blagoveshchensky Temple

    Verigi and Ark with the relics of Nikita Stalnik in the Blagoveshchensky Temple

    Small Verigov and Cross PrP. Nikiti

    The preservation of the Reverence of St. Nikita of the Still (Large and Small) We are obliged to Father Feofan - the last abbot of the Liberty Temple of the Liberty in the Nikita monastery. He lived with the blind wife of Claudia and sick from the birth of his son Boris in Borisoglebsk Sloboda. Due to difficult family circumstances, a new government spared him for some time - not arrested. The Trinity Temple was closed last. But in October 1939, Father Feofan was arrested, despite his old age - he was far from eighty. After the arrest of the rector, his son Boris was sent to the boarding school for mentally ill, and his wife died in three months.

    Shortly before the arrest, Father Feofan, knowing that after the closure of the Nikitsky monastery, Verigi Rev. Nikita is kept at the Storam, asked for two familiar nuns, Alfa and the Glaping, take the Verigi to themselves, and they with risk for their lives burned these shrines. The nuns had to wander, hiding in the day of different acquaintances, and sleep in a little Kelly under the bell tower of the Trinity Temple. Verigi, carefully wrapped, was reverently stored in a special, wicker from an Ivnyak box, which recorded on the castle. Believers, secretly who came to nuns, had the opportunity to make it to these shrines. The modest offering of these people was the main source of food intake.

    In 1942, the Alphaneta's nun was killed, and the shrine continued to keep the Glafira nun. But soon the versions were transferred to storage in the Pokrovsky Temple, on the blessing of his abbot, Father Alexy Gromov, since he considered that the Verigi would be saved here. Glafira's nuns soon was also killed with unexplained circumstances and was buried next to the Alphay Near the Trinity Temple. In her Kellia settled the nun Misaila, who returned from the link. In 1945, the third holmik appeared near the gifts of the nuns: the nun Misaila was resting next to his predecessors.

    In the Pokrovsky temple of Verigi Rev. Nikita kept the nun Antonia. The Pokrovsky temple never closed, yet the rest of the temples of the city and in its surroundings were closed and many of them were destroyed (during the years of Soviet power in Pereslavl from forty temples, more than twenty were blown up, the rest are shown in the "non-church view.").).

    The Pokrovsky Temple survived, apparently because his abbot, Father Alexy, joined the renewed church, at that time encouraged by the Soviet authorities. He was sent from the city of Vladimir, he had a big family (Mother Antonida and Three sons), and, probably, for the sake of salvation of his family, he showed the fools and joined the "living" Ledcers. Served by the priest Alexy Gromov practically in an empty temple: the Orthodox residents of the Pereslavl did not recognize the renewed church. The nun Antonia, a professional regent, for the sire of Saints, agreed to serve as a father Alexy. Over time, the news of the Verigas of Rev. Nikita began to attract into the Pokrovsky Temple of Bogomoltsev, seeking spiritual fortification on the prayers of Rev. Nikita.

    Gradually, the liturgical life in the Pokrovsky temple was becoming more intensive, but this was caused by regrettable circumstances: the residents of the city of "Funeral" from the front began to come, and people went on wanting their dead relatives to the only Pokrovsky Temple.

    In 1949, Alexy's father brought publicly church repentance, was forbidden and left with his family to Vladimir. Subsequently, all his three sons - Paul, Boris and Oleg became Orthodox priests. After him, the priests served in the Pokrovsky temple, who sent the Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra from among the young people who graduated from the seminary.

    In 1953, for several months, the rector of the Pokrovsky Temple was Archimandrite Tavrion (Batosky). By that time, large versions of Rev. Nikita were already transferred to the Pereslavsky Museum: then his director, although he was unbelieving man, managed to get into the Verigi Museum, realizing that they had a great historical and cultural value. Small versions remained in the Pokrovsky temple, but they were risky to keep them there. Soon, Father Tavrion was translated into Jelgava under Riga, to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky desert. Before his departure, a familiar pilot came from Riga from Pereslavl to him, who took small Veri to Yelgava. Many believers knew about it and went to the Spaso-Preobrazhenian desert to make it to the Verigam.

    The spiritual son, Hieromona Sevastian, who was the secretary of the Diocese under the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Sergius (Larina, † 1967) came from Yaroslavl to the father of Tavryion. Subsequently, Sevastian father left the Yaroslavl diocese as a state of health and settled in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky desert near his spiritual father. When the Nikitsky monastery was returned to the Church, Father Sevastian took care that Verigi was returned to their original place, and the shrine was brought to the Nikitsky monastery.

    Large Verigi was kept in the museum stoves and were not available for believers. After the resumption of worship services in the Nikitsky monastery, the then director of the Mikhail Mikhail Mikhailovich Semenov, a believer, a noble man, handed over Verigi to the monastery.

    So the Nikitsky monastery again gained one of his main shrines.

    Memory Days: - June 5 (Cathedral of Rostov-Yaroslavl Saints);
    - June 6th.

    Male Babies Born June 6. And in the coming days, according to church traditions, they are called in honor of the reverend Nikita of the Stalnik.
    Nikita is asked about the breakdown of the evil spirits, about healing in the relaxation of the body with insomnia, the loss of appetite and the deprivation of any members.

    Prayer Reverend Nikita Stalnik, Pereslavsky Wonderworker

    Oh, all-way glavous, Rev. Father is predicted, Nikito Reovership! Do not forbid to the end, but remember us always in the holy and favorable prayers to God and not forget their children. Moths for us, the father of good and chosen by Christ, also have a dying towards the Heavenly King, and not preglotes for the Lord, and do not despose us, faith and loving you. Purchasing us, unworthy, the throne of the survival and not to stop praying for us to Christ to Christ: You are given to the grace to pray for us. Not Mimy Baja is dead, it is more like bo and the body was pressed away from us, but also after the death of the taste is alive. Do not retreat from us with the Spirit, keeping and observing us from arrogant arrows and all kinds of charming, the intercessory and prayer, our kind. Through bo and the power of your cancer, before the purification of our, you can always eat, but the holy soul with the angels of the Militia, with challenging faces, with the heavenly forces at the throne of the Almighty of God, is fun to have fun. The leader's leader's leader and in the death of alive is fortunate, you fall, and you pray, and we mile, I am praying for our all kinds of ourselves about the benefits of our souls, and we succeed at repentance and impartially from the earth on the sky, and bitter solarms And the air princes, and the eternal flour get rid of us, and the Heavenly Kingdom of the heir to visit all the righteous, from the century to him, the Lord to our Jesus Christ. Jested with all the glory, honor and worship with the original father and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    Troper Reverend Nikita, Pereslavl's Slatnik. Tropear, voice 4.
    The Orthodox Mission of the Youth Waving Association, the enemy won the enemy, and in prudence, God had taken away, and more than him to receive the gift of miracles, demons to drive, ailments of healing, Nikito Preslav, the moths of Christ, God, will save our soul.

    In Tropar, Glas 4.
    Christ the martyr Teso-geneitis was Esi, Reverend, many feats and works have undergone Christ for the sake of the sake of Verigi, the sake of Verigi, the blessed, the now about us moths, Nikito Reverend, the shower and bodies of passion to remove, faithfully and the love of you honored with your memory.

    Kondak, voice 8.
    The sake of Christ for the sake of your slaves the need for the necessary death of Esi, and the crown of nonsense from him was perceived by the same, coming with the faith from the honestly of your coffin, about Nikito Reverend, prayer about our souls.

    Rev. Nikita Stalnik Pereyaslavsky and Rev. Macarius Uzzhensky.

    Copyright © 2015 Love Certificate

    Rev. Nikita Stalnik Pereslavsky was a native of the city of Pereslavl Zalessky and headed the collection of state-owned files and taxes. In 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky suffered the city of Pereslavl and the stone temple in the name of the all-consant rescue for a new place. In connection with the costs of construction of the city and the temple, a strengthened fees were made from the residents of the city. Nikita, who led by these fees, mercilessly robbed the inhabitants, collecting huge amounts of money for themselves. So lasted for many years. But the merciful Lord who wanted to save all sinners, and Nikita led to repentance.

    Once he came to the church and heard the words of the prophet Isaiah: "Issuate, and you will be clever, the twist of your souls from your souls ... Take the good coolness ... Rave the Ogudimago, judge Sira (protect the sirotom) and justify the widow" (Is. 1, 16-17). As if thunder, he was shocked by these words, penetrated into the depths of the heart. All night Nikita spent without sleep, remembering the word: "I wonder and clean". However, in the morning he decided to invite friends to forget the horrors of the past night in a fun conversation. The Lord, again, urged Nikita to repentance. When the wife began to cook dinner to treat guests, then suddenly saw in a boiling boiler, then a pop-up human head, then his hand, then the leg. In horror, she called her husband, and Nikita saw the same thing. Suddenly, the asleep conscience awakened in it, and Nikita clearly realized that he would act as a murderer. "Alas to me, I have sinned a lot! Lord, thump me on your way! " - With such words, he ran out of the house.

    In three versts from Pereslavl stood a monastery in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, where and came shocked by the terrible vision of Nikita. With tears, he fell asleep to the feet of Hegumen: "Save the dying soul. Then Igumen decided to experience the sincerity of his repentance and gave the first obedience: to stand for three days at the monastery gate and confess everyone to the sins of their own. With a deep humility, Nikita accepted the first obedience. Three days later, Hegumen remembered him and sent one ink to see what he did at the monastery gate. But ink did not find Nikita in the same place, but discovered him lying in the swamp; It was covered with mosquitoes and midges, his body was in the blood. Then the Igumen himself came to the voluntary sufferer and asked: "My Son! What are you doing with you? " "Father! Save the dying soul, "answered Nikita. The igumen dressed Nikitu in Vlasanitsa, he himself introduced into the monastery and tonsured a monk.

    With all my heart, adopting monastic vows, Rev. Nikita spent the days and nights in prayer, the singing of Psalms and reading the lives of the Saints devotees. On the blessing of the abbot, he laid the heavy versions and in the places of its monastic feats, two deep wells were sought. Soon the reverend strengthened his feat - he dug a deep round pit and there, laying on the chapter the stone cap, became, like the ancient strippers, on a fiery prayer. Only the blue sky Yes, he saw the night stars from the bottom of his pillar-well, and a narrow underground move was conducted under the church wall - according to him, Nikita went to the temple for worship.

    So having hoored a good feat to the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita, Rev. Nikita, and himself completed the life of a martyr's death. One night, the relatives of the saint, who came to him for blessings, were abused by his brilliant trials and crosses, having accepted them for silver, and decided to master them. On the night of May 24, 1186, they disassembled the pillar coverage, killed the devotee, removed the crosses and veries from him, wrapped them into a coarse canvas and ran away.

    Before the morning worship service, the Ponoloire, who came to the blessing to St. Nikita, discovered a disassembled roof and reported to hegumen. Hegumen with Brothers hurried to the pillar of St. and saw the killed saint, whose body had emanated fragrance.

    Meanwhile, the killer, stopping on the banks of the Volga River, decided to divide the prey, but they were surprised to see that it was not silver, but iron, and threw the Verigs in the Volga. The Lord glorified these visible signs of the secret feats and works of the saint. On the same night, Simeon, a pious old man of the Yaroslavl monastery in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, saw three bright beams of light over the Volga. He reported this to the abbot of the monastery and the elder of the city. The Cathedral of the priests and numerous townspeople came down to the river, saw three cross and verigs "Yako Tree in the waters of the Volga floating". With reverence and prayers were transferred to Verigi in the abode of the Great Martyr Nikita and were put on the coffin of Rev. Nikita. In this case, healing occurred. About 1420-1425 Saint Foty, Metropolitan Moskovsky, blessed to open the relics of St. Nikita. The igumen of the monastery with Brothers made a prayer, then opened the Beresto, who was wrapped by a non-reserved body, but suddenly the grave closed the earth and the power remained under proud. In 1511-1522. It was erected by the appeal in the name of Rev. Nikita, and in the XIX century Archpriest A. Swirlin was the Holy Akathist.

    Pereslavsky Nikitsky Male Monastery.
    Rev. Nikita Stalnik, Pereslavsky Wonderworker.

    The collection of funds for the construction of the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral and the fortress was occupied by Mytar Nikita, the future Stalnik and the Pereslavsky Wonderworker, who had glorified the Nikita monastery for the century for the century. It is more accurate to call it not Mytar, but a yabednik. Myatenitsa is customs (hence near Moscow, Mytishchi). The collection of filters in ancient Russia was practiced by the Yabranges. Yabrange - the official official of the Prince of Administration or urban self-government. But since the cities of Pereslavl still did not exist, it can be assumed that Nikita represented exactly the princely administration and, therefore, could communicate with Yuri Dolgoruk, and especially with Andrei Bogolyubsky. Yabranges, except for the collection of money, were also the judges of secondary business (world) and executors. In terms of its functions, the yabranges were preceded by Tyunam and Faumingn.

    "Expenditures on the device of a new city and the construction of a dear white transfiguration church in it (the White Stone-limestone was taken by boats and roofs from Kama Bulgaria and Kovrovsky Kamenomanome) could not not touch the inhabitants of the city," the historizon of the Nikitsky Monastery of the beginning of the 20th century, the priest Pavel Ilinsky writes. - The then tax collection system, through special assemblers, a lot has contributed to the formation between these persons of various predators, which were made at the expense of poor people, caused discontent and irritation among him. And when weakness and agility at that time, justice was difficult to look for truth and protection against these greedy oppressants. "

    One of these "predators" was the future great Saint Pereslavl Land Rev. Nikita. He was born and grew in the vicinity of the future "Pereyaslavl Suzdal", later the "new" and "Zalessky", that is, who is at the Debryansk (Bryansk) forests from Kiev and Chernigov.

    Life Nikita does not report anything about the first half of his life. In front of us, he already appears to a person mature: "Beroprious and raised in the city of Pereyaslavl and dosage in the ability of age" and as a tax collector. We see him married to a woman patient and obedient. Especially emphasized by Srebolubiye Nikita, its adamant cruelty, physiciability and aloquence: "Honor of Bo and Cruel Ferry." Completes this unflattering characteristic of the arrogance and always associated with it flatteriness and waters. And besides, the desire for the destruction of the flesh, the curmony, to a fun and trimming lifestyle. Indirect evidence suggests that he was not alien to book scholarship: already at that time there was a school in the city, where they were taught by a diploma on the psaltiri. Yes, and in the speeches of Rev. Nikita, who are abundantly cited in the life of His, often the words and turnover taken from the Holy Scriptures, and some of the Psalms of David he knew by heart. In front of it, a wide field of activity on the field of one of the owners of the new city and the rainbow perspective is rich, cheerful and full life. He is known in the city, deft in affairs, knows how to get along and be friends with influential people for whom luxurious peers are satisfied, externally cheerful and disappointed. He and things are not doing to grief and tears of those whom he is so merciless and unscrupulously hurt. He is not afraid of no complaints or denunciations, no punishment for her wrong. Given the fact that Nikita was assigned money collected on the temple, add to the listed relegations of him also to the sacrence. But even if only one passion of Nikita was indicated in Life - Srebroluby, then the character and lifestyle it could already be imagined until the smallest details.

    But the unrighteous life of Nikita is only half the truth about his character. From the lives of Nikita, it can be seen that he was a man hot and decisive, with an adamant will and an inquisitive mind. In the nature there was such a depth and latitude, which could not fill the worldly joy and worldly concerns. "The Russian is a Russian - notes F.M. Dostoevsky, - I would sull him. " But he also adds that to judge a person and about the people is not necessary in the depths of his fall, but at the height of his takeoff. And this latitude and the height of Nikita was ready to reveal into any MiG, which the all-consutational Lord will choose to appeal and save the sinner.

    One day Nikita entered the newly built Preobrazhensky temple. Most likely, Nikita came to the vigil and listened to Pamentia - selected places from the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament, containing prophecies and instructions. Deacon read from the book of the Prophet Isaiah: "Ome, clean; Remove your evil acts from my eyes; stop doing evil; Learn to do good, look for truth, save the oppressed, protect the sirot, join the widow. Then come - and reason, says the Lord. If your sins are, like a crimson, - as the snow I detect ... If you want and listen, you will eat the benefits of the earth; If you renew and persist, then the sword is fed to you: for the lord of the Lord is told "(Is. 1, 16-18, 19-20). Probably, she knew before and heard these words of the prophet Nikita, but only now they penetrated into the very depths of his soul and shocked until a complete spiritual stem. Instantly appeared in front of him all his inappropriate and lawlessness. He seen with horror now in front of him not the icons of the saints, but the sorrowful people of those who were offended by him, heard screams and moans of those whom Once and Osirolov. And it seemed Nikita that the prophet appeals to him and that everything around and the Lord himself was looking at him: "As the faithful capital, performed justice, was done by the Bludnice! True lived in it, and now - the killers ... Princes of yours are the laws and accomplices of thieves; They all love gifts and chase for Mzzuy; Do not protect orphans, and the business of the widow does not reach them "(Isa. 1, 21, 23).

    Nikita from the Temple came out with a heart trepid and deeply concerned returned home. He spent the whole night without sleep and only told the words heard in the temple: "Waste, and brushes" (Is. 1,16). By morning he fell asleep, and waking up, he felt that his thoughts fell down and not so worried him. Nikita decided to resort to its reliable, proven funds and finally free from yesterday's "vague". He ordered a quiet and meek wife to prepare a good dinner, which was going to invite the heads of the city and numerous friends. But the long-suffer and multi-facing Lord once again climbed to enjoy the stubborn sinner.

    The wife, always obedient will of his power spouse, went with a servant for bargaining. I purchased everything you needed and put on fire a large boiler to cook meat. When she once again came to check the vapor, her legs were sinking from horror: she saw blood in the boiler instead of water blood, and the parts of the human bodies were swam. Nikita looked at her cry looked at the boiler, and in this moment, from a terrible vision, the former sinner died in it - he understood the meaning of the vision, he felt like a cannibal. "Mount to me, a lot of sinless! Lord Jesus Christ, God, teach me to work on your will, "- just whispered, hesitating from the boiler, and gratefully rushed out of the house.

    The usual look of streets, houses, citizens was unbearable for him, and he ran from the city. It seemed that her legs themselves carried him towards the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita. "What kind of grief do you have, my son?" - asked the abbot of sobbing Nikita. In tears and despair, he fell to the feet of Hegumen and has been physically confused in all his sins. "Save, Father, Distributing Soul!" - Nikita Iguman begged and asked for a break. After some silence, he knew the case of a man lying at his feet well, and after some silence he noticed him: "In the Holy Gospel, it is written that the wine new in the bellows are not poured, otherwise the beams will break away and the wine will die (see: Matt. 9.17). So you, my son, living in his will, despising his spiritual father, can you incur obedience to me? " Nikita resolutely agreed. "If so," the igumen continued, "then they get up and stand up at the gates of our monastery, they cry there about sins of their own and everyone who belongs to the monastery and coming apart. In this I will see your obedience and then give you an angel image. " "All I will fulfill, Holy Father," I put on your feet, Nikita said with deep humility and went to execute the commanded.

    And in the morning dawn, after a short night rest, he came out of the monastery gate and went to the swampy shore of the lake. Further, life narrates: "And the nurser of the Odemonary country of the monastery is walled and the mountains of the Male and the neighborhood of her heels and the cane and the package of Mossitz and Komar and the Spider", Nikita threw off his clothes and surrendered to the comarama and midges, from all sides of the clouds of having flown on him.

    On the third day, Igumen sent to learn about him. The sent brothers could not long be to find Nikita and have already decided that he could not stand the test and returned home. But, turning attention to an unusual brown column of mosquitoes in a nizin, decided to find out the reason for this strange phenomenon and found a bloody Nikita. He whispered from the last forces, he whispered with the repentant prayer of Mytar: "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful! God, clean my sinning! "

    Amazed by the power of repentance of yesterday's sinner, just said: "What are you doing on yourself, my son?" "Father, save the perishable soul!" - groaned in response Nikita.

    The igumen commanded to bring Vlasanitsa, to wear Nikita's exhausted to her and bring him to the monastery, where soon after this and honored his angelic image. It should be noted that Igumen made a brave and decisive act for the sake of salvation of a single human soul. The cause of the princeless servants without the will of the prince could entail big trouble for the monastery, not to mention the fate of the Ihuman himself. Obviously, the determination of Nikita and the depth of his repentance shocked the consciousness not only citizens, but also became known to the bosses, which was considered to not prevent the correction of a sinner.

    Settling in close Kelly, Nikita was in a strict post, prayer and expectation. This ended the life of Nikita - Zadira and Buyan, a non-merciful and cruel-loving oppressor citizens, and the lives of Rev. Nikita began, Pereslavsky's Strip.

    However, these feats of monastics seemed to him insufficient sins. "For the sake of the flesh, I sinned, the flesh and should suffer," Nikita decided to himself. With the blessing of Hegumen, he laid heavy forged versions - iron coarse chains with three large crosses, and the head covered the heavy stone cap. (This hat has long remained in the monastery for a long time, and, together with Verigami, they wore mantis and sick and sick. But in 1735 it was requested to describe in the Moscow Synodal Office, where it disappeared. Description of the cap, though, preserved: "Stone hat Nikitsky, called Nikitsky, was the white stone, four-fingered stone and on top of the carving of the simplest mastery of scenarios, and on the sides of the cross in cells, and on the parties are shaded. ")

    Reverend Nikita, as well as other devotees - the warriors of Christ, had to lead to a difficult, exhausting struggle with the "Evil Primbuses" (EF. 6, 12) and overcome the demonic temptations and puff. Those of his thoughts and the passionate desires of the former fellow life were doubtful, then the nightmares were tormented, they frightened snakes, spiders and other evil spirits, climbed into his Kellya. After winning these temptations, the Monk came to the thought that for the victory of the spirit over the flesh he needs even more severe feats. After daytime work and prayer days, he became at night in Verigas and a stone hat to leave the monastery and dig well. "The game is two storehouses, the Lavra of the Holy Martyr Boris and Gleb, and the other near the student's stream. From them, human people leaning with the faith of falling, the health is acceptable, "this indicates the life of Reverend. The first well was not preserved. Boriso-Glebsky Monastery (in life, he named Lavra and in the documents of John of Grozny, also referred to as Lavra) was abolished Catherine II, and his temples and buildings were blown up in the 1930s of the XX century. Now in this place is a city cemetery. The second "storehouse", near a kilometer north of the Nikita monastery, at the so-called "student (differently" flow) exists and enjoys great fame of the Bogomolers and citizens due to its healing properties.

    But this seemed to be regardless Nikita not enough, and oh accepted an even more severe feat that did not see the resident in the monastery, neither at all in the Russian land.

    He dug himself a deep pit - a pillar, in which it was possible only to stand, and from the pit proofled the underground move to the temple of the Great Martyr Nikita, so that his prisoner was simultaneously a shutter. Reviving himself unworthy and walking on the ground, the holy buried his flesh in the earthen grave. In this pillar, burning love for God, Dni and at night I prayed the reverend Nikita about the sins of his and human, pleased with several sips of water and a single score a day, sometimes depriving himself and this meager food. Heavy versions and the stone hat were bunted by the emblend to the ground, but the Spirit was purified by repentance, he looked freely to the sky in the humble repeated prayer and the gloriousness to God, who had not gone to the dying sinner. One kind of pillar and Verig Saint brought horror on the demons who did not even dare to look at this place of voluntary suffering of the Great Relief of God.

    Verigi Rev. Nikita Stalnik. Nikitsky monastery.

    Moving on the pillar, as an unusually heavy, I found little imitators even in the east. With the harsh climate of our Fatherland, the priesthood was even less likely. "And entered on the pillar to kill in his flesh of earth wishes and passions, and for the perpetration of the Spirit to God, it was not visible to God," the life of Rev. was told about this.

    The Lord took the feats of Rev. Nikita as a sacrifice disgraced and clean and favorabled to glorify him in the earthly life of healing and insight. Glory about the great devotee quickly spread throughout the city and beyond its limits. And leaked to him the human river. People of any title went to it: rich and poor, healthy and sick, glorious and unknown, young and faded with seeds. As no other understood the reverend Nikita, the true value of any human soul, regardless of her earthly state, for any - it is more expensive than all the treasures of the world. And not dependent on anything from anything, with each could refreate to talk about the main thing - about the salvation of the soul, and no one left the pillar of his disappointing.

    Silver about the gracious gifts of St. Nikita soon reached and distant Chernigov, where, from early ornamental age, he suffered a relaxation of all members of Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich (mind 1245): "It's a random of God's favorabled gravitant to life, Yako and all the body compositions of his spreadslash " The seriously ill prince sacrificed the churches a lot of his wealth, but these pious victims did not help him heal from the ailment. However, solid in faith, the fatters did not lose. Having learned about the miracles that were held at the pillar of St. Nikita, the prince immediately gathered on the road along with his neighbor his boyar - the senior comrade and adviser to Feodor (with which he will later take the martyrdom for faith to Christ in the Golden Horde).

    Vera Prince Mikhail in the possibility of healing on the prayers of the holy waters of God Nikita was great, but it was not difficult to test. For a few fields (the start - near a kilometer) from the monastery, the prince stopped to rest and ordered the tents at this time one ink approached him, which was called by the monk Nikitsky monastery. On the question of the prince about Rev. Nikita Inok gave an answer, who discouraged the prince: "In vain, printed, made such a difficult path. Nikita will not heal the disease. He is no more as a smoothie, only seduces and deceives the people. " After some time, there was another inhibition and then the prince is even more sad, erected on the refreshing slander. The prince was laughed in back, but Boyar Feodor, guessing that the phenomenon of these false indices was Proisian of the evil spirits, insisted to continue the path. And the third ink met them - not far from the monastery. He said that he had soil Blessed Nikita, and pointed the prince on the shovel, which he kept in his hands and which allegedly just poured the grave of the already well. And again, Boyar Feodor insisted on to continue the way, not succumbing to a bit of breath and shovels. In view of the monastery, Prince Mikhail ordered to spread the tents, and Boyar Feodor went to the monastery.

    Upon arrival in the monastery, prudent boyar found Reverend Nikita at his pillar, in the stone hat, in iron versions, in the unceasing prayerful labor, in constant wakefulness and even more strengthened in the belief that the holy devotee was silent to heal his prince. With deep humility, he approached Rev. Nikita for the blessing and told the Holy of the Disease of the Prince, about the duty and difficult path and about the temptations that were comprehended by them in the last days. After carefully heard Boyarin, the Monk Nikita gave him some instructions and handed his staff to transfer the patient to the prince: relying on this staff, the prince himself must come to the dial. Boyar Feodor returned to the tent and presented to Mikhail Vsevolodovich the staff of Reverend.

    As soon as the blessing prince Mikhail took the staff to hand, immediately felt so healthy so much that he himself came to the pillar of St. Nikita, to take his blessing. He told Saint Nikita and about the demonic temptation. The Rev. Nikita commanded the demon who crashed the prince in monota images, to appear before all in a visible image and so stand in front of his pillar for three hours, after which the Saint ordered him no longer to harm people, and the demon became invisible. "The reverend one of the demon, the Wall of Pillars dit the life of three hours. The devils to him his delights and swore to the saint to do not create a forth in a person, "this is said about it in life. After listening to the prince, the reverend Nikita taught him the instructions in piety and the world let go back to Grad Chernigov.

    The gracious Mikhail Vsevolodovich, giving thanks to the Lord, who submitted his aspects to his, Reverend Nikita, grace the healing of the ailments, the insight and the authorities to cast out demons, awarded the abode with many gifts. And on the place where he received the PRESS, commanded to erect the cross in memory of his healing miracle. This is how the power book tells about this event: "Prince Mikhail to put the honest cross on the place, it will be forgiven by the challenge of the illness. And I will accept the blessing, by giving the monastery satisfied, and Otide in Salia, praise to God and His mushrooms and Chudo-Handwist Nikita. The honest of that cross and before now it is worth the inspection of the summer. " It was 16/29 May 1186, eight days before the martyr's death of Rev. Nikita Stalnnik. Later, the wooden chapel was put on the spot, and in 1702 it was replaced by stone. This chapel is still to this day on the edge of the Borisoglebsky old city cemetery, testifying to the great miracle of Rev. Nikita.

    The message about the healing of Prince Mikhail quickly divided the city, and followed her and the news of the rich gifts of the prince of the monastery. Relatives of St. Nikita have learned about the consecration and hurried to the monastery, in order to score from those gifts and at least something. Long talked with them the reverend on the vanity and futility of collecting worldly wealth, about the great harm for His souls, about the unspecified beauty of the kingdom of God and the anger of God on the unreasonable Srebralubs - everything turned out to be vain. By not having received any of the alleged gifts of the princely and none estimating the spiritual gifts - the instructions of the Reverend, they were fierce with a heart. Easily penetrated into them the cramped enemy, and the mind was performed and, and the blind eyes were abandoned by the brilliance of Iron Verig Saint: If so they shine at the spring sun, then probably not made of coarse iron, and from precious silver, which Prince and honored the righteous .

    On the night of May 24/6 June 1186, the attackers secretly penetrated the monastery and approached the pillar, which had some boardwalk and a canopy, defending his rain from the summer and snow in winter. Probably, Rev. Nikita guessed the intentions of night-guests who took fiercely to disperse a wooden fence. But he did not raise the alarms, he did not try to stop and form criminals, because everything was already said, and he humbly betrayed their greedy hands in their exterminated by many exploits, betraying himself in the will of God. Like predatory animals, robbers rushed on the saint and a strong blow to the head killed him. So through criminal human hands, dismissed the enemy of God's designer from him and impotence, having exhausted all possible means to tempt the saint. So, the fishing of God, we received another heavenly patron of the Nikita Resident, the city of Pereslavl and the whole land of Russian.

    The crosses and Verigians were not easily removed from the killed etern, they wrapped them into a semicircled pargy and unnoticed from the monastery. They are not persecuted by anyone, they embarked in horror to run away from the monastery, not dealing with the road and having lost the bill of time, and senomassed only when they reached the banks of the Volga. Here they decided to inspect their prey. Realizing finally, instead of the desired silver, they got the hard crime, the madmen threw the mined to the river.

    In the morning dawn, the monastic rhodes, as usual, headed for Reverex Nikita for the blessing, but, seeing him lying without signs of life, blossomed, and the pillar was revealed broken, he rushed to hegumen from all his legs. Sigumed brothers came running together. With singing and cry, they raised the remains of the devotee and with candles and lamps in their hands carried into the temple. All residents of the city, leaving the case, hurried to the coffin of St. Nikita. The only consolation in the universal grief was that during the coffin of Rev. Many the suffering received healing: it was the key to the Heavenly Representation Reverend for all, with faith and love of coming to honor his memory. Holy Nikita buried near the altar of the temple of the Great Martyr Nikita.

    Icon of Rev. Nikita Stalnik in Life. XVII century. Meeting of the Pereslavsky Museum.

    In those years, on the banks of the Volga, near Yaroslavl, there was a Petropavlovsky male monastery. In it, the pious old man Simeon failed. That morning he happened after fulfilling the morning rule to go to the river bank. He saw something unusual and strange: approximately in the middle of the river, slightly above the abode, the comb of a high wave was as if illuminated by light. The elder, protecting himself with the godmond, returned to Kellyya and created a prayer there, and then he went ashore.

    A wonderful phenomenon not only did not disappear, but it was even brighter, still remaining in the same place. The elder told about his archimandrit on the river. But, noticing in him the distrust, driven by the will of God, went ashore with some of the citizens. When they sailed at the middle of the river, they saw a miracle: in water, like a dry tree, Iron Vergi and Crosses. With prayer singing, they were brought to the Peter and Paul Resident. To the joy and amazement of brethren and pilgrims, the transfer of Verig was accompanied by many healing of patients, with a prayer and faithful to the shrine.

    The rumor about gaining a VERIG from Yaroslavl quickly spread around the surroundings, and then reached and reassemble. The joy of Nikitsky Inokov was not the limit. I hurriedly equipped into a path of several of the brethren who suffered a shrine in the Nikitsky monastery and put in the coffin of Rev. Nikita.

    Reverence of St. Nikita Stalnik in Pereslavl-Zalessky began immediately after his suffered death. Taken about his lifetime miracles and miracles that took place from his coffin very quickly spread in other principalities with Russians and were transmitted from generation to generation.
    Cancer with the holy relics of Nikita Stalnnik and his veries in the Blagoveshchensky temple ...

    Pereyaslavsky Nikitsky Male Monastery

    On the northern outskirts of the city of Pereslavl-zalekoy, on the banks of the Lakes, surrounded by white walls and the blisters of silver domes, there is a Nikitsky male monastery. The exact date of its foundation is not known, but there is evidence that the monastery originates from the churches laid at the very beginning of the XI century (approximately 1010 g).

    The power book states that these Orthodox churches, the first in the local pagan regions, were laid by the Bishop of Rostov Hilarion and the son of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich - Boris Vladimirovich. Thus, the Nikitsky Monastery is the oldest monastery of Pereslavl-Zalessky and has more than a thousand-year history. The monastery was founded in honor of the Great Martyr Nikita (Nikita Gothic), who distributed Christianity among his tribesmen and accepted martyrdom through the burning.

    However, the monastery was famous thanks to the prayer acts of the Pereslavsky St. Nikita Stalnnik - a repentant sinner who acquired a gift of healing.

    Life of St. Nikita Stalnik

    Scientists refer the period of life of the saint to the second half of the XII century. At that time, Prince Yuri Dolgoruki founded the new city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, and the construction of the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral began. Nikita was a native of Pereslavl and a collector of state-owned files and taxes. It so happened that the construction of the city and the temple took to strengthen the fees from local residents. Being cruel and greedy, for many years he robbed the inhabitants of the city, assigning significant amounts of money to himself. It's time, and the Lord called on Nikita to repentance. One day, going to the same Preobrazhensky Cathedral, he heard the words of the Prophet Isaiah, pronounced by the priest, but as if faithful to him by the Lord himself:

    "Waste, and clean, throw the lucavism from your shower of your ... Taken up good creativity ... Rare offeadimago, judge Sira (protect the sirot) and justify the widow."

    Words penetrated into the heart of the sinner, and there was no rest to him that night. However, the Day would be appointed in the morning, and soon, for a fun conversation with friends, he began to forget his torment and nightmares. Meanwhile, his wife in the kitchen prepared a treat for guests. When she stirred food in the bowler, he saw boiling blood there, and in her pop-up human heads, hands and feet. In horror, she screamed, and Nikita rushed to her, feeling that it concerns her cry. Looking into the bowler, he saw there the same. Nikita understood the meaning of the sign, he is a killer and cannibal. Realizing all the inhumanity of his acts, with the words "Alas, I, much I sinned! Lord, to react me on your way! ", I won't say goodbye to anyone, he left the house.

    Remaining led him to the monastery in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, not far from Pereslavl. Pouring to the legs of the monastery's heads, he asked to save his soul. I did not immediately believe the rector in the sincerity of the smoking, he knew who Nikita. And commanded him to stand for three days at the gate of the monastery and tell everyone about his pre-sakers. After the expiration, Igumen sent one ink to see what the sinner does at the gate. But it was not in place.

    The monks found Nikita not at the gate, but in a swamp, made by mosquitoes and midges, to whom he gave himself to excitement, his body was in the blood. Hegumen saw the depth of the repentance of the aspecting, introduced into the monastery and tonsured into the monks.

    Never retreated Nikita from his intention. He lived by the recovery, in a strict post, the days and nights spent in prayer and occasion. With the blessing of Hegumen, he laid heavy forged versions - iron chains with three crosses, and the head covered the stone cap. But all this seemed Nikita was insufficient for the redemption of their sinful acts, and he was solved on something, before that was not accepted into the monastery, neither at all in the Russian land. A deep narrow pit in the ground, in which it was possible only to stand, he spent time in her prayers. The day and night was idle in the pit, from which the underground stroke into the Nikitsky Cathedral was caught by only one scoring per day and a few sips of water. For this, he is starting to call the tribbon.

    Many years passed, the Lord took the repentance of Nikita, and sent him the gift of healing. The glory about his acts was separated far beyond the city.

    One of the wonderful healings is connected with the name of the Chernigov Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich, who since childhood he was sick. The legend states that the prince, having heard about the power of the monk Nikitsky Monastery, immediately went to the Pereslavl lands. Near the monastery was broken tent, and a message was sent to Nikita to appear. Nikita did not come out to the prince, but sent him his staff. Prince leaned to the staff and wonderfully became healthy. Having got a get rid of the disease, Mikhail Vsevolodovich ordered to put a memorable cross on the spot of his healing and knock out the date - May 16, 1186.

    The life of the St. Nikita Stalnik was cut into a martyrdom. One night, the relatives of the saint came to him for blessings. Iron Vergi, so long wearable to them, over time they fell to the brilliance, and were accepted for silver. The greed of mastered them, they killed the saint, took his crosses and veries, wrapped them into a coarse cloth and ran away. The saint was buried on the territory of the monastery.

    Currently, the relics of St. Nikita Stalnik are located in the Blagoveshchensky Church of the Nikitsky Monastery.

    History of the monastery from the XVI century to the present day

    Initially, the monastery was wooden, so until today they reached the buildings that were performed in XVI and later centuries in stone. The first stone building of the monastery was the one-eyed church, erected in 1528 by order of Tsar Vasily III. However, the majority of the preserved buildings are walls, the monastery towers and the Nikitsky Cathedral (1561-1564) were built on the orders of Ivan the Terrible. Withdrawing the monastery, the king provided himself with a backup fortress in case of rebellion of the scrambles in the neighboring Alexandrovskaya Sloboda. Other preserved buildings of the monastery - Celi Monks, the Annunciation Church with the Food Chamber, a chapel above the Saint Nikita Sticky Beach and the Short Bell Tower - built at different times and are considered later (XVII-XIX century). The Nikitsky Cathedral is the oldest preserved building of the monastery. The consecration of the cathedral happened with the personal presence of Ivan the Terrible, and his wife presented the church embroidered personally the image of Saint Nikita.

    In 1611, the monastery resistated a two-week siege of Polish-Lithuanian troops under the leadership of Yana Sapgy, after which fell, was looted and burned. The restoration of the monastery was carried out on the means of the Romanov family. In 1643-1645 The walls and towers of the monastery were restored, as well as the Annunciation Church with a two-story refectory and tent bell tower. In the rooms of the second floor of the refectory chambers, King Peter I was stopped when he came to Pereslavl to build his funny fleet.

    In 1702, the Chernihiv chapel was built on the site of the healing of Prince Mikhail.

    The Board of Catherine II, when many holy monastery suffered, the monastery successfully survived. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, construction continues on the territory of the Nikitsky Monastery. In 1768, the saint of the St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker was attached to the refectory of the Annunciation Church. In the XVIII century, a chapel was built over the pillar of St. Nikita and some service buildings. Already in the XIX century, on the site of the old screw church of St. Archangel, Mikhail, built in the time of Ivan the Terrible, a high bell tower was built.

    Great damage was inflicted by the monastery in Soviet times. In 1923, the monastery was eliminated. All his farm was nationalized, and the construction of a long time held the school, workshops, home researchers and even a female colony. Two fruit gardens and an old monastery cemetery disappeared. Some valuable items managed to transfer to the museum. However, bells were removed with bells and gilded crosses from the Nikitsky Cathedral. The iconostasis of the XIX century was destroyed and burned.

    In the 1960s and 1970s under the guidance of architect Purishev I.B. Restoration work of the Nikitsky Cathedral were held. In 1984, his central chapter occurred, and the cathedral was in emergency for a long time. Since 1993, the monastery is reopened again for visitors, including for women.

    Today, the Nikitsky monastery does not stop the flow of pilgrims who want to touch religious shrines. The monastery is kept the relics of St. Nikita Stalnnik, particles of purposes, veries and a cross-laying with particles of relics. In the territory of the monastery there is a grave of St. Nikita, and the chapel on the site of his challenge is open to visitors.

    Source Nikita Stalnik

    In a kilometer from the Nikitsky Monastery there is a holy source, digging by the Nikita Stalnik himself. Initially, there were two such wells, but one of them was not preserved, now there is a city cemetery on that place. The same well was dug away from the "student flow" and acts to this day. Nikita kept the wells at night, after day prayers and conversations, in heavy versions and the stone hat, it was his redemption. It is believed that water from the holy source helps from many diseases. "From them, the man of people leaning with the faith of falling, health is acceptable." Near the source is chapel and two fonts are equipped. This source is quite famous, and in winter and summer there are many visitors who come to plunge into cold healing water and take it with them.