September 21 Orthodox holiday what means. Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs and Interesting Facts About this Divine Festival of the Orthodox Calendar

September 21 Orthodox holiday what means. Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs and Interesting Facts About this Divine Festival of the Orthodox Calendar
September 21 Orthodox holiday what means. Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs and Interesting Facts About this Divine Festival of the Orthodox Calendar

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: What can and what can not be done

Each year, Orthodox Christians of the whole world celebrate the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The history of the holiday has deep roots - for the first time it is mentioned in the IV century. As the Holy Scripture says, the angel brought childless spouses Anna and Joachim the good news of the birth of her daughter, who in the future will become the mother of the future Savior.

So we find this symbolism, especially translated and in the most ancient era, solely on the funeral art, in the tomb of the catacombs and sarcophagus. Probably, only later, by the fifth century, this symbolism developed and extended to the life of worship, to the life of the Union with the Church; We understand this when we notice that at this time the eyes of Christians are distracted from death to turn mainly into life, which is considered to serve God. It was at that time that Rome marked the honor of Quarter-Temp, giving them the meaning of the initiation of four seasons when you were offered only the characteristic fruits of these seasons.

So it happened - nine months after receiving the joyful news to the world, a girl appeared, called Maria. Today we will learn about the signs for Christmas to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also what you can and what can not be done on this day?

Our ancestors on this day tried not to engage in severe physical labor, and was still banned spring-cleaning in the House. At Christmas, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the whole family is going at home for a festive lunch. True, you need to act at the table carefully: it is impossible to fit the crumbs to the floor. If crumbs remained, they were given pet.

Moreover, these products are expressive symbols of the Church, as well as materials of the main sacraments. Therefore, we understand that Christians saw in a four-third crown of flowers, shells, grapes and olives, woven around the Divine Lamb, the image of the liturgical year with the Eucharist and other sacraments, that is, the lives of the cult of the cult, in short, the sanctification of the natural year, work and nature.

Thus, we see that the symbolism of the time of the year unites two fundamental ideas Primitive Christian art, for which we can reduce almost all images and all characters: Hope on future life And the life of the cult. First, in the most distant times, he, therefore, means eternal life, resurrection of flesh; Later, in less work, he is a type of life in the Union with the Church.

Highly an important rulewhich many are trying to adhere to, this is a ban on the use of the Holy Mother of God, live food and alcohol. On September 21, the Church strongly recommends observing the post. And this applies not only to food, but also behavior: do not quarrel with loved ones, do not conflict, try to solve any controversial moments peacefully and make compromises.

Now we describe the main forms of expression of this symbol. We will highlight two periods: the burial art of the first four centuries and rear art from the 5th century. In the funeral art presented seasons of the year. Under the image of heads or busts, in the form of a crown formed from the attributes of the time of the year. In the form of scenes in which geniuses perform the work of the corresponding season: for example, florists, boards, collectors and collectors of olives or hunters. In the form of jewelry: garlands, wreaths, bouquets consisting of season products.

In the art of the fifth century, the motif of the season appears several times in the form of a crown that surrounds the image of a divine lamb. At all monuments, the motive, as usual, the decorations borrowed from the plants of the season remain unchanged: flowers for spring, shoots for summer, grape vines and clusters for autumn, olive branches for the winter.

Thoughts on this day should be clean. It is impossible not only to quarrel, but also to increase the voice, you can not desire an evil to another person or think about someone bad.

But what the holiday needs to be done, it pray and go to church. On this day it is important to pray a lot, attend worship, bowwards to be keen higher Forces And thank the Most High for all that is in the house.

Only some examples; The most beautiful and most classic is in Saint-Jevane, in Catakombe Saint-Prepactate, since the Septim Sivre. The crypt is crowned with a vault with four sides, in which a wide hole for lighting is practiced. On each of the four sides, the four-part guild is deployed in the form of hangers to the central window; First, they are made of roses; in the second episode; In the third - the leaves of the grape vine; in the fourth - olive branches; All this is a kind of foliage cradle, which is tied to four corners with large wreaths of flowers and fruits.

In the temples on September 21, solemn services are held for the Christmas of the Virgin. And the hostess baked at home bread with the initials "p" and "b". Then, according to tradition, bread is stored under icons. During the sorrows, the fall of the spirit or diseases from baking should be broken down a small piece and eaten.

Since Virgo Maria personifies fertility, well-being and family harmony, people tried to complete the main work on the field to this holiday. The Mother of God often thanked the crop and already collected autumn wealth.

On the branches hang nests, from which you can see open beaks; Everywhere birds fly or posted on the branches. The olive branches panel, symbolizing the cold winter season, is the only one who has no birds. If these panels are already showing greater love of nature, the lower pictures produce the most charming effect. Below these four sections of the repository passes a circular frieze, where many children are represented. Here, young boys and girls choose roses; it is spring. There they cut harvest, return it and beaten; this summer.

In the third picture we see the autumn harvest. In the fourth - Vintage Olives; Scales are supported by olive trees; We collect olives; this is winter. Despite the shocks caused by a magnificent composition, we can admire the life of nature and love for nature here; Eyes with pleasure look at so much freshness and so much innocence. Now let's remember that the place where these wild images Nature dominated over space, is the burial site. They very loudly and joyfully confirm the faith in the resurrection of the flesh, and we seem to hear how the ancient Christians sing the Alley before the grave of his friend.

September 21 for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary is allowed to eat fish, despite the fact that the celebration is always for one of the most strictest posts.

And guests are treated with mushroom skirt with cakes. Baking is not only home, but all needy. This kind of ritual will attract even more wealth to the house.

In the second period, when the divine lamb is surrounded by the crown of the seasons of the year, we find a beautiful pattern in the mosaic of the Cenni Chapel of John Theologian, Lateran: We see the Lamb of God with the Lamb; All around, four-part crown of roses and other flowers, seashells, bunches of grapes and olives. Here symbolism is no longer so expressive, because we are not dealing with the burial crypt.

We can think about the resurrection of Christ, but also about the sanctification of nature by Christ and, finally, about all the reasons for worship, which was mentioned above. If we consider the scope of this symbol, we can say that study modern period Also shows its utility. Therefore, the joy of nature and elevated feeling Nature is well suited for an ancient church, which created this symbolism and which still perpetuates her today in his liturgy. From this point of view, the celebration of the Quarter-Ttem, which was in disrepair, restores all its sanctification and consecration of the seasons.

On September 21, it is customary to attend newlyweds who not only treat guests, but also humbly listen to all their advice and instructions.

According to folk signsIf, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, a woman will remember before the sunrise - it will be able to preserve his beauty until the oldest, and if the girl is waiting until the sunrise is to be in that year in a wicked one. True, for this not enough tap water: it is necessary to wash with river water.

Let's follow all the instructions that our mother, the church, left us in her liturgy and even more deepened the role of nature in worship. Let's really bind the crown of four seasons around the Eucharistic Divine Lamb. Let's sing and read with a big mind. Bliss and all the psalms of nature. Let's keep the custom of the blessing of Nature products during the year: St. John's Wine gold rose, bread, grapes, plants, harvest. But we will celebrate those whom the church borrowed from the seasons: bread, wine and oil.

Let them lead those who are sacrificed. We can also use flowers, especially roses, for decorating the church. In some areas, on the last Sunday of October, it is customary to decorate the church in wreaths and fruits. Poor is allowed to take offered fruits.

It is known that people have always followed changes in the weather outside the window and already in the summer they knew what to wait for the winter. IN autumn holiday September 21, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signs indicated the following:

if the day was clear, then such weather will continue until the end of October;

Thus, as in an ancient church, at the sight of the symbols of the time of the year, nature thoughts can be applied to the supernatural and worship. Recall that the first verse replaces the whole psalm, and we sing among others: you are crowding the crown of your goods, your fields are dripped with fat.

Here, the symbol of the seasons is presented for centuries as the image of the resurrection of the flesh, from which he draws a monument. Twice, three times, four times. Thus, one has primitive three times. In the fifth century, the first Saturday of Carcumme becomes the day of ordination and, therefore, Jane: So it can be two months of the first month. The order of four times has a Roman origin and, finally, universally imposes itself.

if in the morning fog - you should expect rainy weather;

if the fog funerals unexpectedly quickly - the weather will be changeable;

if it rained in the morning, it will pour it for another 40 days, and the winter will give it cold;

if a bright sun In the morning quickly dries dew on the grass - you should not wait a lot of snow in the winter.

This holiday is considered female: all girls and women can pray the intercession of mercy, about the fulfillment of all their desires and dreams, that everything is always good in the family. Starting from September 21 and September 28, girls and married women Take part in the rituals, wondered.

Daniel, "four times in September" and a holiday

Judaism in the times of Christ knew three especially solemn holidays: Easter, Pentecost and Kushchi. The latter, which took place from September 15 to September 22, was the most solemn, "biggest and most holy of all," says IP. It is very strange that, while the other two persisted in Christianity, acquiring a new meaning, September disappeared. Only "four times" are remnants. This is a term long storyin which we will try to trace the main directions.

One fact is undoubted: New Testament Contains many and very important hints for a feast. It is not indifferent that it is on the occasion of the holiday of the buncher we will see it. Then he goes to Jerusalem, but in secret. In the midst of the holiday, he rises to the temple and teaches there. Finally, on the last day, a great holiday, Jesus stands in the temple and proclaims: if someone wants to drink, let him come to me.

For all who are interested in religion, it is important to know what orthodox holiday September 21 to keep all the rules rich in christian tradition. Therefore, we are greatly publishing information about the birth of the Most Holy Virgin holiday.

Birthday to the Blessed Virgin

Christmas of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin and Nestlodel Mary - the most important religious holidaywhich in Orthodoxy refers to the number of the two-month. The holiday is set by the church in the 4th century. Recall that it is stated in legends about the divine holiday on September 21. In the Galilee city of Nazaret, elderly married couple - Joachim and Anna. They were very pious and righteous, but many years could not have children. Once Ioakim B. big holiday Brought the Lord God to the Jerusalem Temple of the Lord. But the priest did not want to take gifts, because he was densely, and the children were considered the blessing of God. Having learned about this, Anna Poklakla. Seeing the nest in the garden, in which small chicks were singing, she thought: "Even the birds have children, and we do not have such a consolation in old age." Then an angel came to her and said: "You will warm up and give birth to a daughter, blessed, above all. They will receive the blessing of God and all the earthly nations. Through it will be given to all people salvation. The name will be Maria. With the same news angel came to Joachim. In nine months, Anna was born daughter. The birth of the Most Holy Theotokos motivated Joachim to bring God the greatest gifts and sacrifices. He received the blessing of the high priest, priests and all people for won the blessing of God. The church calls Joachim and Anna by Bogottsy, because Jesus Christ was born from the Blessed daughter of the Virgin Mary.

As they say Sacred ScriptureThe rivers from living water will flow out of her Lono. It was often noted that this hint of living water appears in relation to one of the rites, which characterized the last and solemn day of the tabernacle. They brought water from the source of Siloa and served on the alternation on the altar. The meaning of the word of Christ is clear. Recalling the prophecies that said that in eschatological times the source of living water will arise in the middle of the temple, he claims to be this eschatological temple.

It is interesting to compare this text with a description of the future of Jerusalem in the Apocalypse: "Then he showed me the living water river, transparent, like a crystal arising from God and Lamb." In both cases living water It is an expression of the eschatological outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Since then, the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin on September 21 is always celebrated by believers with a big trepidation.

Festival September 21, Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary: Signs

September 21 - Orthodox holiday, which has always served for believers and during the day when you can contact requests and even see your future for certain signs. Therefore, read further on September 21, the Orthodox holiday signs. Earlier it was believed that by September 21, the holiday should be collected entire harvest with fields. Under this holiday, people arranged great feasts. The richer was covered with the table, the richer harvests the harvest for the next year. This is a kind of gift nature for her generosity. Depending on what kind of harvest was collected, as much as the celebration lasted: the great harvest was celebrated for two weeks, and a small one - just three days.

Moreover, this excerpt from the apocalypse is not the only one that refers to the rites of the festival. Comblin carefully studied this question. On the one hand, chapter 7 describes the elf procession with two features borrowed from the holiday. First, it is a hint of a hand, which carries a hand, which is a certain hint of Lulab, who the Jews kept in their hands during the procession around the altar in the eighth day of the holiday. The second is the call that they sing: "Welcome to our God," which is transferred to Psalm 118, fulfilled during the procession.

In church holiday on September 21, 2016, the old men passed their experience with young couples. We went to the newlyweds and passed the wisdom from grandparents. If the young people listened carefully and followed all the advice, it was believed that their life would be happy and comfortable.

The Most Holy Theotokos holiday on September 21 was considered a day when autumn fully entered his legal rights. From this day began the cooling. If on this day the weather will delight with its good warmth and the sun, then the autumn will be warm and clear. If, on the contrary, frown and overcast for the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, do not do without umbrellas and warm clothes in autumn.

On the other hand, chapters 21 and 22 contain two motif related to the holiday of the bunch. We have already mentioned the first thing that is the subject of water. Comblin shows that this is the only holiday that ritual can exchange. Secondly, this is the motive of light: "The city does not need the sun or the moon to enlighten it, because it is precisely the glory of God illuminates him, and his lamppost is a lamb." It is clear that this refers to Isaiah. But it is wonderful that at night an apocalypse introduces a "lamppost". But, notice the combine, "there can be only one element: street lights illuminating the temple on the night of a bunch."

Also looked at vegetables. The more the husks in the bow, the fact that you believe the signs, more harsh and cold will be winter.

There is even a sign regarding pets for this day. Since previously all kept cattle or other pets in the villages, it was believed to see the casting in the house - to the ambulance of someone from the pets. But this could be avoided, taking wool from the animal, it was necessary to burn it in the place where the briefing was hardened. In this case, misfortune managed to avoid.

Therefore, we can say with Philip Karrington that "from the gospel and the apocalypse it is clear that the feast of Kunich was a living tradition in the circles of Johann." We also note that the holiday is apparently associated with Messianic waiting and eschatological prospects. Chapter 7 of the Gospel of John is concentrated on the manifestation of the Messiah on a festival.

And the heads of revelation refer to the eschatological events described in the ritual atmosphere of the holiday. This is fully consistent with the fact that we know about the value of the festival in the modern Judaism of Christ and his connection with Messianic expectations. It has already appeared in the cheek, and the foliage huts were considered the predication of Sukkota, where the righteous lived in the upcoming century. Thus, it writes Risenfeld, "very accurate eschatological importance was attached to a more characteristic ritual of the holiday, as noted in the days of Judaism.