The best glute exercises to increase their volume. How to enlarge the butt? The practical side of the issue

The best glute exercises to increase their volume. How to enlarge the butt? The practical side of the issue

There is no limit to perfection. Especially when it comes to the most important human instrument - his body. What about the buttocks? I dare to assume that almost all the fair sex want to have a pumped-up ass.

Hey! Do you want to know how to enlarge the ass at home? Then this article (by the way, also some others), dear girls, will help you do it quickly. Read to the end and you will learn the exercises, as well as some secrets for pumping up the buttocks.

What I like most about the buttocks is their shape. Basically, like all guys. But in second place for me is their feature - the ability to fully download it not only in the gym, but also at home. The rest of the muscles will sooner or later have to be "switched" to the gym.

It just so happened that the gluteal muscles work in those exercises that can be easily applied in a small area - on the floor of a hall or room. Moreover, it is not necessary to have special equipment: weights, if necessary, can be made by yourself. Well, let's move on to the presentation of the material because of which we all gathered here today?

What weights can you make yourself if you don't have a dumbbell?

Well, to begin with, you will have to purchase water. Yes, you understood me correctly - water. But in five- or six-liter eggplants. Drinking can be drunk or poured, and the containers can be filled with either tap water or sand. The second option is more relevant for later workouts, when there is already some strength and endurance.

If five or six liters is a lot, you can fill plastic bottles of 1 and 2 liters in the same way. In general, I advise you to do it all at once.

Remember if you have a long piece of elastic rubber? If not, don't be discouraged. Just purchase a rubber band - it will serve you as a countermeasure, which will also become relevant a little later. In the meantime, start exercising with your own body weight, if there is no experience at all in the exercises, as well.

By the way, the topic concerns how to increase the ass. You can still eat it, but since this is not a blog of Vladimir Manerov's bad advice, I will not disclose it. I think you yourself know that this is not difficult.

Exercises for priests at home

With the help of exercise, the ass can be changed beyond recognition. The principle is simple: target the muscle tissue in this part of the body, which will grow and increase the size of the buttocks in a natural way.

A little distracted. The butt will temporarily increase immediately after the end of the workout. Consider this a personal victory, albeit a temporary one. The fact is that the muscles are pumped with blood, which causes the increase in volume. Exercise regularly and the gluteal muscles will be constantly pumped with blood and enlarged. This is called "pumping" or "pumping". This is so, if anyone is interested. But this is not the main way.

The first and most effective exercise... What do you think? No, not squats. According to research by Brad Contreros, it is best to stimulate the buttocks to grow by lifting the pelvis lying on the floor or gluteal bridge. It is quite simple: lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet also on the floor. Your task is to raise the pelvis so that the torso and legs create a straight line.

There are some modifications of this movement: bringing the knees together when lifting with tension of the buttocks, increasing the range of motion (putting your feet on a hill: a stool, sofa, chair or ottoman), raising the pelvis with an emphasis on one leg (the other is straightened and located above the floor).

Now we can talk about squats. You can squat in different ways, you will not believe, but all kinds of variations - the sea. The most common are:

  • classic (feet shoulder width apart, socks forward);
  • "Plie" (legs wide apart, socks apart);
  • squats against the wall (back slides along the wall, legs are slightly forward);
  • jumping out (after squatting, you push off the floor with your feet and jump);
  • with different stance of legs and feet: legs together, middle stance, wide stance, socks in and out;
  • squatting on one leg of the "pistol" type (it is especially convenient to do this from a hill, holding on to something stable with your hand).

It is no exaggeration to say that in all exercises it is possible (and in some it is even necessary) to use weights.

Since the gluteal muscles (large and small) are responsible for straightening the legs in the hip joints, as well as for bringing them together, I can recommend lunges for you. This is the third exercise. Again, here you are free to choose any modification of the movement. Do in place, walk around the room with lunges, jumping out and changing legs in flight, to the sides or crossed lunges (right to left, left to right), back lunges. Again, the burdens will not be superfluous here.

If the buttocks bring the legs, then naturally you need to do the adductions. This is the fourth. Tie a rubber band to the ankle of one leg, and the other end to, say, the leg of the sofa. Move a distance and move your leg to the side (or back) further (towards the sofa) so that the tourniquet stretches quite a bit. Now place the abducted leg against the supporting leg. Do you feel resistance?

Fifth. Standing on all fours, lift your straight leg or leg bent at the knee back as high as possible (you can adjust the expander in the same way). Then change the working limb. This exercise is called "standing on all fours".

Sixth. You can do (Romanian). It is the straightening of the pelvis that leads to hypertrophy of the gluteal muscles, which is what we need. By the way, here you will need the maximum weights of the available weights. Eggs with sand will help you.

Seventh. Weighted forward bends. These movements are more of a grinding movement, unleashing their potential at the end of each butt workout. So don't do them in the beginning.


The described exercises (for the most part) are basic, so you will be able to quickly pump up your ass. Just give your working muscles a rest for at least a day between workouts, and also adhere to the regularity of training. In principle, everything. Share these exercises with your friends on social networks - suddenly they need it too.

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All girls dream of a healthy, beautiful and elastic body. Most of them start working on themselves because of dissatisfaction with their own booty - it seems to them unappetizing.

In order to pump the gluteal muscles and make the ass "juicy" there are many simulators, special programs are being developed, fitness instructors devote about a third of the duration of the lesson to this topic.

In fact, it is not so important - where to study. The gluteal muscles can be pumped equally well both during independent work at home and during training in the gym.

How to pump up your glutes without squats

By the way, we have a great complex.

What is really important is the girl's strong desire to have delicious buttocks and work on them, because contrary to many marketing promises, not a single simulator and super-famous trainer will help you pump up your ass in a week. Alas!

What does a girl need to do to pump up a beautiful ass?

In order to pump up a beautiful ass, in addition to desire and time, you need:

  • eat properly;
  • master the fundamental backbone of "gluteal" exercises, paying special attention to the technique of execution.

The basics of healthy eating

Now we will talk about proper nutrition, which should be the basis of a healthy body, and not about short-term (and often ineffective diets!):

  • The diet should be balanced and the foods consumed should contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • You should exclude "bad" fast carbohydrates: snacks, sugary drinks, cakes, pastries and other sweets, monitor the amount of flour and grain products consumed.
  • It is necessary to exclude the consumption of "bad" animal fats: sausages, smoked meats, lard, margarine, do not abuse milk fats, butter and fatty sea fish.
  • Drink plenty of water, limit - consumption of tea and coffee, exclude - alcohol, sugary and carbonated drinks.
  • Control the salt content of food.
  • Eliminate fried foods from the diet, preferring steaming, boiling, stewing.
  • Saturate your diet with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, herbs.
  • Include in your menu cereals, legumes, dairy products, eggs, fish, lean meat.
  • After training, be sure to eat something from the group of "healthy" fast carbohydrates to restore strength and muscles.

In addition, you need to try to be less nervous - girls like to "seize" stress and rarely do it with the help of healthy products.

Proper nutrition and exercise

Before starting workouts for pumping the gluteal muscles, you need to assess your weight. After all, they pump up muscles - with the right balance of exercise and nutrition. When pumping up muscles, the diet is made more nutritious. If a girl is overweight before starting workouts, then first you need to lose weight - otherwise, instead of muscles, fat will grow. To do this, you need to start adhering to the rules of a healthy diet, including in your diet all the products the body needs, choosing among them the most non-nutritive representatives.

When the body weight becomes desired, they begin to gradually increase the calorie content of the diet. The calorie intake should be enough to feed the growing muscles. You can entrust the calculation of your daily calorie intake to a sports nutrition specialist, or you can do this calculation yourself using special programs that are easy to find on the Internet.

As an initial workout at the stage of losing weight, it is better to prefer cardio loads (running, walking, swimming, aerobics), which will improve metabolism, blood circulation, muscles and joints. Then exercises for pumping the buttocks are gradually introduced.

Even if everything is in order with the weight and the only imperfect part of the girl's body is the butt, then it is impossible to build a training session only on exercises for the gluteal muscles. Any training begins with a warm-up (dancing, running on the spot, jumping), and ends with stretching.

Exercises for training the gluteal muscles

Now let's look at the basic exercises and their correct technique for training beautiful gluteal muscles.

The most important exercises for pumping the gluteal muscles:

  • Deep squats are often called sumo squats.
  • Lunges.
  • Swing your legs.
  • Deadlifts with weights.
  • Raising the pelvis (half-bridge position).

Deep squats- the foundation of a pumped-up priests with the correct execution technique. The legs should be placed slightly wider than the shoulders, the body should be strongly tilted forward, transferring the body weight to the heels. You need to squat as close to the floor as possible, keeping your back straight. The knees should not protrude beyond the toes of the feet and fall inward. Squats, when an angle of 90 0 is formed between the lower leg and the thigh with the buttocks, pump the muscles of the thigh, and the gluteal muscles do not work much with this technique of performing the exercise. In the lower position, the muscles of the buttocks need to be tense and rise up on tense muscles. At first, you can put a low bench behind you and try to reach for it with your booty when squatting. Read more about. In the future, the exercise can be complicated and squat with a barbell. The frequency of the exercise is 3 sets of 10-15 times.

Lunges especially effective after squats. They can be done on a flat floor, a step or a Smith machine. The main thing is to watch the knee, it should not go beyond the socks. You can increase the effectiveness of the exercise with weight - dumbbells are ideal for beginners. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 15–20 times.

Girls are often ignored "Romanian" or deadlift on straight legs, considering it a man's exercise. And in vain. For those who want to have a beautiful butt, this barbell lift is an effective way to make the muscles of the buttocks work. One of the few exercises that form a beautiful transition from legs to butt. Here it is important to bend your knees as little as possible while pulling, dropping down due to the "protruding" of the priests. This exercise burns fat well! It is enough to do 3 sets of 10-12 times.

Swing your legs are effective when performing standing on all fours with support on hands, you can perform them from the "standing" position, tilting the body forward or with the help of special simulators. The main trick is to strain all the muscles of the leg, especially the gluteal and thigh muscles. The exercise should be performed with each leg for 3 repetitions of 25 times.

Raising the pelvis from the "lying" position makes the gluteal muscles work well. In this case, it is important that the back is "pressed" to the floor as much as possible, and the pelvis is raised due to the tension of the gluteal muscles. Frequency - 2 sets of 20 times.

Effective exercises to pump up a beautiful ass at home

Of course, the list of exercises aimed at pumping the priests is not limited to those presented, however, they are basic and enough for beginners. The main thing is the correct execution technique. In the future, if necessary, you can include additional exercises. Good luck! And your beautiful ass!

A beautiful and harmonious figure cannot be imagined without firm and toned buttocks. This is the part of the body where most girls want to add volume, not get rid of it. This will be helped by exercises for increasing the buttocks, which can be performed both in the gym and at home. Let's consider which of them are the best, and what are the features of their implementation.

A slender and fit figure of a dream is the result of complex work on oneself. In addition to special exercises, in order to keep the muscles of the buttocks in good shape, you need to reconsider your habits a little:

  • walk more - walks have a beneficial effect both on the figure and on the general condition of the body;
  • use the stairs instead of the elevator - this is a simple but very effective workout of the buttocks;
  • dance is a great way to cheer up and improve your figure.

The most effective butt enlargement exercises are swings, lunges, and, of course, squats. Their advantage is that they can be performed at home.

The correct approach is very important in working on increasing the priests. It should be comprehensive and include the following:

  • morning exercises;
  • an extended set of exercises performed several times a week;
  • active lifestyle in general;
  • proper nutrition.

Having found the right set for yourself, you can start training with a small number of repetitions and increase the load over time.

When doing exercises on the buttocks to increase their volume, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to warm up before exercising. Perform jumps, body turns, arm swings, run in place. A 10-15 minute warm-up is enough. Muscles will warm up over time and will be in good shape, which will help to achieve maximum results.
  • Perform a set of exercises in several approaches.
  • Remember correct breathing. On inhalation, the muscles should relax, and the main effort is made on exhalation. Breathe out through your mouth and inhale through your nose.
  • After finishing your workout, do a set of stretching exercises. This warm-up will help relax the muscles and relieve tension. Take a warm shower to recuperate after exercise.

Let it take about 1.5-2 hours between eating and exercising. After class, you can have a snack after 30-60 minutes. Let the food not be heavy.

Many people wonder how to increase the butt without exercise. Unfortunately, it is hardly possible to achieve clear results without them. Just leading an active lifestyle, using the stairs instead of the elevator and taking long walks, you can tone your figure, but for a noticeable increase in volume, you still need more serious physical activity.

Already simple morning exercises will help improve the condition of the buttocks. To do this, include the following exercises in it:

  • Squats... Start with 10-15 shallow squats while keeping your back straight. In the process, pay attention to the fact that your buttocks are tense, not your knees.
  • Lunges... For correct lunges, take a wide step forward with the leg bent at a right angle. The second should practically touch the floor with the knee. First, do 5-8 lunges for each leg.
  • Jumping... Thanks to jumping, especially on a rope, you can significantly improve your figure.

Active walking will also be very beneficial. Much has been said about its health benefits. Please note that to tone the muscles, it is important to focus not on walking speed, but on the strength of their tension. Swimming is also helpful. In the water, you can do various exercises, for example, all the same swings. Water will increase the load on the muscles, but the effect on the joints and spine will be more gentle.

And one more assistant in the struggle for a beautiful figure is dancing. And you don't even have to go to the studio - you can safely dance at home.

The Best Exercises for Buttock Enlargement

To become the owner of a beautiful priests, you need to choose the right set of exercises. You also need willpower, confidence in the result and a good mood.

You can do buttock augmentation exercises at home. For this you will need a rug, dumbbells or other weights, sportswear, and some free time. You can pay attention to the following exercises:

Squats on one leg

Do an incomplete squat. Bend one leg at the knee, leave the other straight. In the process of execution, you need to bend your arms and hold them in front of you. You can start with 10 squats for each leg, gradually increasing this amount.

Plie squats

These squats are done with legs wider than shoulder width apart. At the same time, the socks are turned to the sides, the back must be kept straight, the hands must be placed on the belt. Do 10-15 shallow squats in one set. To improve the effect, you can use a dumbbell or other weighting material.

Raising a leg

Starting position - standing on all fours. The back is straight, palms need to rest on the floor, placing them shoulder-width apart parallel to each other. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks and lift the leg one by one, so that the thigh is parallel to the floor and the heel is directed upward. Do the exercise 10-15 times for each leg.

Raising the pelvis

This exercise is also known as the glute bridge. To perform it, you need to lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, turn your palms down, bend your knees. Spread your feet slightly and place them parallel to each other. Inhaling, lift your pelvis without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. The muscles of the buttocks should be tense. Exhaling, slowly return to the starting position.

Swing your legs back

Lean forward and lean on the back of a chair or chair so that your back is straight. As you inhale, gently move your leg back as far as you can. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds and slowly lower your legs as you exhale.

Start your workouts with minimal loads and gradually increase them. A dedicated monthly squat program can be effective. It includes cycles: three days of classes and a day of rest.

Start with 50 squats and increase by 5 daily:

  • Days 1-3: 50, 55, 60.
  • Day 4. Rest.
  • Days 5-7. 70, 75.90.
  • Day 8. Rest.
  • Days 9-11.100, 105, 110.
  • Day 12. Rest.
  • Days 13-15. 130, 135, 140.
  • Day 16. Rest.
  • Days 17-19. 150,155, 160.
  • Day 20. Rest.
  • Days 21-23. 180, 185, 190.
  • Day 24. Rest.
  • Days 25-27. 220, 225, 230.
  • Day 28. Rest.
  • Days 29-30. 240, 250.

All squats do not have to be done in one go. It is better to divide them into several approaches with a break of 1-2 minutes between them. It is also important to remember the correct exercise technique.

Exercises to increase the buttocks in the gym

You can make it even more efficient thanks to the large amount of equipment in it. Remember to warm up before exercising. You can use a treadmill or exercise bike to warm up.

Use the following exercises to enlarge the buttocks and hips:

  • Squats with dumbbells or with a barbell. Pay attention to the execution technique. The back should be straight and the legs should be stable. Squat slowly, pulling your pelvis back. Return to the starting position smoothly and without jerking.
  • Lunges... If you perform them with dumbbells, then you need your hands to be lowered along the body freely. In general, the technique for performing the exercise is the same as when doing it at home.

The workout to enlarge the buttocks will be more effective if you use various simulators... The following are especially beneficial for the gluteus muscles:

  • stepper - a simulator that simulates walking on a ladder;
  • exercise bike and treadmill - cardio load, which is used both for warm-up and as a separate element of training;
  • ellipsoid - this simulator combines the properties of all of the above simulators, contributing to both weight loss and the acquisition of an attractive shape of the buttocks and legs;
  • Smith machine - acts like a squat with a barbell, but with an increased load;
  • hack machine - makes it possible to pump up both gluteal muscles and abs and calves.

To draw up the most suitable and effective program for you, it is better to consult with a professional trainer.

When you can see results

The effectiveness of your workouts will be determined by the correct technique of performing the exercises and their regularity. Great results can be achieved both at home and at the gym. It is only important to have patience. If you do morning exercises every day and do exercises for the buttocks 2-3 times a week, then the first results will be visible after a month. And after a while, the shape of your buttocks will noticeably change.

To improve the efficiency of classes remember the following:

  • the load should be increased gradually;
  • exercise should be regular;
  • it is important to eat right;
  • additional measures will also help (walks, an active lifestyle, massage).

In order to quickly get in shape, it is important to work out intensively enough. If you have already achieved the desired result, then to maintain it, you can exercise for 10-15 minutes a day.

Exercising regularly will help to enlarge your buttocks. The main thing is not to be lazy and give all your best, and the right set of exercises to increase the buttocks will help with this.

How to enlarge the buttocks: video exercises

We have collected all the exercises for the buttocks that you can practice at home, using the minimum inventory. With due diligence, your priest, if suddenly it is sad, will soon become more cheerful. Forward, for a beautiful rear view!

The gluteal muscles of the body are 3 paired muscles: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.

The gluteus maximus muscle- the largest muscle in the entire body. It starts at the hipbone, attaches to the back of the thighbone just below the hip joint. The function of this muscle is to extend the thigh with a slight outward rotation. When fixing the hip, she tilts the pelvis back. It is this muscle that is responsible for the volume of the buttocks. When this muscle is trained, the butt becomes muscular, fleshy, and large.

Gluteus medius muscle begins on the gluteal surface of the ilium, passes into a short, wide tendon and is attached to the greater trochanter of the thigh. Mounted on the lateral surface of the pelvis. This muscle is responsible for leading the leg forward, backward, for stabilization during extension. This muscle seems to "hide" under the gluteus maximus. During training, it will not give any additional volume, but it will give a beautiful contour of the buttocks.

The gluteus maximus and medius muscles are easily controlled for the degree of activity. During training, they are felt and are responsible for the general elasticity of the priests.

Gluteus maximus muscle located under the gluteus medius.

The appearance of the butt depends on how much adipose tissue is between the skin and muscle. This fat can be transformed and stretched by various factors.

Factors responsible for the deterioration of the appearance of the priests:

  • drastic weight loss or weight gain
  • gravity
  • passive lifestyle
  • bad habits
  • lack of sports.

All this leads to ptosis of the gluteal muscles- sagging buttocks.

Training features

If you have a small pelvis and you just need to tighten up your glutes and make them firm, choose a workout with large weights. Train 2 times a week, at least 2 days should pass between each workout. Do 4-5 sets of 5-8 reps. If pain is haunted, don't be alarmed, just take a bath or do cardio.

If you want to make your glutes look smaller, skip weights or do exercises with small weights. But you will have to do it 5-6 times a week. Do 5-6 sets, 18-20 reps.


  • Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward

Lie on the floor, stretch your leg up and lift your pelvis, squeezing the muscles. Do 15 reps for each set, 6-8 sets. To pump up the ass more efficiently, the leg can be loaded with a shot weight (sold in any sports store).

If it's hard to do with a raised leg - just lift the pelvis, squeezing the muscles of the buttocks.

  • Swings back and to the sides (from the lower block or with the simulator lever)

A fantastically simple exercise - just grab the back of a chair and swing. Just don't swing too fast - on the contrary, swinging slowly will be more effective. Don't rest at the bottom of the swing - start the next swing straight away. At the advanced level and in the gym, hook up a lower block or butt trainer.

  • Forward lunges

The most important exercise for a beautiful butt. For weight loss, they are ineffective, since they help to build muscle mass. When they are performed, the gluteus maximus muscle and the front surface of the thigh and lower leg work. Take dumbbells in your hands, stretch your arms along your torso and start lunges. You can do them both on the spot and moving forward around the room. The wider the stride, the more the gluteal muscles are involved.

Keep your body and back straight;

The knee of your back leg should touch the floor;

Keep your hands with dumbbells parallel to the body.

  • Squats

    Without a doubt, squats are the most effective exercise for the glutes.

The king of ass exercises also improves the tone of the quadriceps and hamstrings. Pump it up like this: first squat without weight to avoid sprains and injuries.

Squat Technique:

Stand up straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Squat, pulling your buttocks back and, as it were, sitting down on an invisible chair. Once you reach a 90-degree angle, lift yourself up, also shifting your weight backward. Do every fourth squat, lingering for 10-30 seconds at the lowest point.

At an advanced level, pick up dumbbells or squat with a barbell or bodybar. Weights seriously increase the load.

Do 4-5 sets of 10 squats, rest no more than a minute between sets. Squats are done deep, the ass must be brought back as much as possible, the back is straight. Squat to the lowest possible position: the lower you squat, the more your glutes will be involved in the squat. Your legs should be so wide that it is comfortable for you to do deep squats.

Squatting uses the following muscles:

  1. quads (quadriceps muscles of the thigh)
  2. gluteus maximus
  3. adductors of the thigh
  4. soleus muscles (lower leg)
  5. calf muscles
  6. hamstrings

And with weighted squats, the muscles of the back and abs are also worked out.

So squats are not at all isolated and not aimed exclusively at the butt: they are basic and train everything at once. Therefore, before performing it, it is imperative to do a warm-up to avoid injury.

Squats effectively get rid of cellulite and improve the shape of the thighs (do shallow squats on the thighs). When doing squats 3-5 times a week, the results will become noticeable in a month. And the more squats you do, the faster your ass will become seductive!

  • Bridge (pelvic lifts)

When performing this exercise, lean on your hands, then the load will be evenly distributed, and the spinal section will not be overstrained. Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your torso, bend your legs and bring them as close to your buttocks as possible. Now lift your pelvis, making a bridge and contracting the muscles of the buttocks. You can linger in this position if you feel an effect, such as shaking. Do this exercise "ladder": 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps.

  • Swing back on all fours

Swinging on all fours is a very useful exercise. Just get on all fours and swing back, say 50 with one and 50 with the other foot per day. It will also be effective to perform the exercise "ladder: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions. For efficiency, you can put a dumbbell under your knee and raise your leg with it - just not quickly, so as not to drop the dumbbell. Do not relax the muscles of the buttocks.

Exercise variation: bent leg raises. Raise your leg as high as possible, as if you want to push through the ceiling with your heel. Do not be lazy, follow the technique.

Exercise helps to enlarge the gluteus minimus and medius. Lie on your side on the floor, support your head with your hand. After inhaling, lift your leg off the floor, leaving your knee straight. The leg should be no more than 70 degrees with the body. Maintaining an isometric effort, hold your leg, then lower it.

  • High chair

Press your back against the wall and sit down as if sitting on an invisible chair. Hold on for 30 seconds, then rest and do 2 more approaches. Try to increase the time by 10 seconds every day.

  • Breeding legs on the simulator

The increased tone of the thighs gives them a roundness, which visually favorably narrows the waist. Exercise tightens and strengthens the leg muscles. To do the exercise, sit on the machine, inhale and spread your hips as far as possible. If the back of the simulator is tilted back, the gluteus medius muscles are more involved in the work. When the back is upright, the upper gluteus maximus muscle works. To cover both muscle bundles, change your back tilt right during the approach.

  • Raising the hips

Lie on your stomach, bend your knees. As you exhale, lift your legs up, linger in this position. Do 2 sets of 15 seconds each.

  • Cross slope

Stand up and cross your legs. Take dumbbells and bend forward, keeping your back straight. Then change the cross of your legs and repeat.

  • Bent leg lifts

Lie on your back, straighten one leg and bend the other. In this position, raise your pelvis as high as possible, keeping your legs in their original position.

Find a stable, stable plinth about 30-40 cm high and jump onto it. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. If this exercise starts to come easy for you, pick up dumbbells or put weights on your legs.

Stand in the starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. Squat down to a 90-degree angle, then jump sharply out of this position. Do 4 sets of 12 reps.

  • Sumo squats

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet with the inner surface forward, sit down from this position as deep as possible. Do 4 sets of 12 reps. When the exercise starts to come too easy for you, pick up a dumbbell.

Stand in the position of "legs slightly wider than shoulder width", take a dumbbell or barbell and begin to bend down, pushing the body forward, and putting the ass back. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

When performing this exercise, you should not replace the dumbbells with a barbell. Dumbbells allow you to "feel" the muscles of the buttocks more clearly. The barbell deadlift works primarily on the extensor muscles of the back, while the dumbbells force the hamstrings and glutes to work.

The platform leg press is an effective exercise for the muscles of the buttocks and hips. To increase the load on the gluteal muscles, place your legs closer to the upper edge of the platform. To further increase your efficiency, do one-leg platform presses.

To avoid overloading your quads and focusing on your glutes, place your feet closer to the edge of the platform. And if you leave only the heels on the platform, the buttocks will literally "burn". The lower you place your feet on the platform, the harder the quads are loaded. Usually girls don't need this. Another secret of working out the buttocks is to put your legs wide and turn your socks to the side. To engage your glutes, lower the platform as low as possible. Bring your knees literally to your ears.

Do you want to know the secret of how to make your ass bigger and get seductive buttocks? Leave the search. I will show you how to build big buttocks quickly and efficiently. Just follow my recommendations and be patient.

It may seem strange to you, but hard work and determination will help you quickly build high-quality and strong muscles of the buttocks. Everyone has different organisms, so the timing of achieving results is different for everyone. However, by following this proven workout program, backed up by information and nutritional advice, you can reach your goals much faster than those who are in the dark and confused. Let's figure out what and how you need to do it.

Be attentive and focused!

Firstly, your soft spot consists of more than one muscle, but we will generally use a familiar and understandable concept - the buttocks.

We often hear the questions: “What muscles work during a squat? Can I tighten my buttocks? Will the volumes grow? How can I burn fat on the inner thighs? ”And many others.

There are actually three types of buttocks that are the same for both women and men. There are the usual buttocks of "medium fleshiness". The second type is flat buttocks that cry for calories. And finally, the saggy buttocks, which were full - ate, but did not train.

It sounds funny, but this is the only way to understand the role of proper diet in building healthy and massive gluteal muscles. By the way, owners of magnificent forms will be much easier.


They just need to do special exercises for the buttocks, and slightly reduce the calorie content of the diet.

For those who cannot boast of voluminous buttocks, the task is more difficult. The reason is that you will need to consume enough calories and exercise your glutes to get bigger and more prominent (and not hang).

People with average buttocks will need to stick to their daily calorie intake, leaning on protein and fat to promote muscle growth. Decide which category you belong to. After that, you need to calculate your current calorie intake in order to make the necessary changes.

How can calories help you get bigger buttocks?

The excess calories you consume to gain weight and build muscle is stored everywhere. In an ideal world, we would say, "let's add some fat in this area to make it bigger." Unfortunately, this is not the case. Remember that when you consume more calories, they also go to the stomach and other areas.

Make progress gradually by getting better with healthy foods.

You can often see bodybuilders gorging on pizza during the bulk phase. This is not dangerous for them, because they strive for an even distribution of fat throughout the body. You are trying to increase the volume of the buttocks with health benefits, so all junk food is excluded.

Instead, focus on healthy calories, such as those found in whole milk. You can find enough fat, calories and protein in every glass of milk. Choose chicken or turkey instead of red meat to supplement your diet with protein in addition to saturated fat from milk.

Calories from fruits and vegetables are encouraged as they are the least likely to contribute to fat storage. Unless you overdo it and eat a bag of potatoes in a day. Other good foods include quinoa, cottage cheese, yogurt, brown rice, tuna, avocado, and eggs.

We build up the buttocks with weights

There are many options for weight training, but the most commonly used are sports equipment or body weight. People often misunderstand the term "burden". They associate it exclusively with the gym and weight lifting. This is not the whole truth. Weights are what causes your muscles to contract, overcoming resistance. This means you can even use your own body weight instead of athletic equipment.

Sports equipment is great for building muscle volume, since it makes it easy to increase working weight for more resistance. But some exercises are effective even without the use of any additional equipment. Therefore, a variety of exercises should be included in the training program.

As a rule, when you work out at home, you do more exercises, because the load on your muscles is not so intense. When working with weights, you will need about five to six exercises to fully work the muscles. Basically, you need to train hard, but the amount of exercise should match the calorie level of your daily diet. Excessive exercise can cause the body to break down muscles for energy.

Exercise machines, barbells, dumbbells, and resistance bands are very effective in increasing the size of the buttocks for health benefits. Let's take a look at some of the exercises that get the most out of your glutes.

Ladies, try to lift your buttocks while working on the leg abduction machine. I found that my buttocks work harder this way than sitting!

Exercises to create bulging buttocks

Exercises aimed at working out the buttocks are ideal for building muscle. Not all leg exercises will activate your glutes the same way. But they do make a great addition to your glute workout program to keep your lower body overall looking balanced and proportional.

The results will have to wait a couple of weeks. But it's best not to expect dramatic changes to occur before six to eight weeks.

Perseverance and patience is the key!

Dynamic glute bridge in Smith's car

This exercise is unmatched in the development of strong and strong gluteal muscles.

The glute bridge can also be done with a barbell or free weights. But the Smith machine keeps the weight in one place, and in this case it is easier to take the starting position without unnecessary effort before the start of the exercise itself.

Use medium weights so you can do 7-10 reps. If you can do more than five sets in this mode, then take the weight more seriously. Introducing a new exercise using a Smith machine will require adjusting the weight to a comfortable level, which will be an indicator of the correct weight.

The greatest effect you get from a gluteal bridge is when you push your hips up and keep your glutes tucked in for a couple of seconds. At this time, your buttocks and abdominal muscles are reduced as much as possible. This exercise can also be done without weights if you are exercising at home.

Swing back with weights on a crossover

Swing back is an exercise with many variations.


Because you are free to apply body weight, leg weights, or a crossover. For home workouts, simply do the exercise slowly and with concentration, concentrating on squeezing the buttocks with each leg lift. However, a crossover will provide the best result.

The exercise can be done in two different ways. First, some crossovers are equipped with a non-removable cable sleeve. In this case, it can be adjusted so that you can insert your leg into it up to the middle of your foot for such movements. Do not use metal handles.

The second method is to work on a leg curl machine, but not in the usual flexion-extension method. Here's what you need to do: Sit with your back to the machine roller. Next, get on all fours and extend one leg, resting your foot on the roller. Do the exercise by simply pushing it with your foot. Repeat for the other leg.

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Sumo squats work great for your glutes, quads, and thighs. Using one dumbbell allows you to go deeper into the squat with a wide stance. Hold the dumbbell sharply in the middle, just below the body, to increase the weight of the dumbbell with gravity. If you want variety, you can do another variation of this exercise - the goblet squat.

The biggest benefit of doing this exercise with the proposed technique is that your muscles will have to contract harder to overcome the force of gravity increased by the dumbbell. You can take two dumbbells, but then you will not be able to squat as deep as possible.

Don't have a dumbbell?

It's OK. Just put your legs wider in the sumo position, bring your hands clenched into fists between your legs. This will not add weights, but it will mimic a dumbbell, allowing you to go into a deep squat.

Gluteal bridges

This exercise does not require any special equipment, unless you want to grab a yoga mat so that it is not so firm. All you need to do is simply squeeze your buttocks tightly using your own body weight.

To complicate things, lift one leg off the floor and continue with the exercise. This is one of the best ways to work out the buttocks, not appreciated.


Deadlift is one of the most effective exercises for increasing the size and strength of the gluteus muscles and hamstrings. Most people, hearing the name deadlift, immediately imagine an exercise that works primarily on the upper body. This is not the case.

Deadlift is performed on straightened legs, practically turned off from movement. But when you lower the weight, you do not touch the floor with it. Instead, you stop the barbell or dumbbells just below knee level. Don't go too low, or this will put undue stress on the hamstrings and knees.

Too heavy weights are also not worth chasing. Medium weights produce even better results, allowing you to use adequate weights for the required reps, helping your glutes grow. You can use a barbell, dumbbells, and even a straight handle on the lower block of the crossover.

How to stimulate the growth of the buttocks by putting all the exercises together

So, you have learned the most effective exercises for your buttocks. Now we will combine them into one complex, which you will do once or twice a week if you train different muscle groups of the upper body separately. Or three times a week if you focus on the lower body, working the upper body once a week.

The superset mark means that you will be doing the second exercise immediately after the first, without a break. Pause after the second exercise.