Comparison of Oblomov and Stolts Relationship to the family. Bugs and gallets (comparative characteristics)

Comparison of Oblomov and Stolts Relationship to the family. Bugs and gallets (comparative characteristics)
Comparison of Oblomov and Stolts Relationship to the family. Bugs and gallets (comparative characteristics)

V. G. Belinsky said that the fate of every person was solved by the upbringing. This can be fully attributed to Oblomov Ilya Ilyich and Stolz Andrei Ivanovich - two main characters of the novel "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov. These people seemed to be out of one medium, class, time. Therefore, they must have the same aspirations, worldview. Why then, reading the work, we notice in the gallery and the brood mainly the differences, and not similarity? In order to answer this question, you should refer to the origins that have formed the characters of the two characters that interest us. You will see that the upbringing of the gallery and Oblomov had its own characteristics that influenced their further life.

Sleep Oblomov

The first head of the work is devoted to the child's childhood. Goncharov himself called her "Overture of the whole novel." From this chapter, we learn in general terms about what was the upbringing of Oblomov. Quotes from it are not accidentally given to the proof that the life of Ilya simply could not work out otherwise. In the first chapter of the work, it is possible to find the raystery of the nature of the capital hero, an inactive, lazy, apathetic man who is used to exist at the expense of labor belonging to him.

It was worth just to rear words Ilya Ilyich, as he started to dream of the same dream: the gentle hands of the mother, her gentle voice, embrace friends and loved ones ... Every time, bugs in a dream returned to his childhood when he was loved by everyone and absolutely happy. He like fled to children's memories of real life. In what conditions was his identity formed, how was the upbringing of Oblomov?

The atmosphere that reigned in a crushing

Ilyusha childhood spent in the crushing, in the genital village. His parents were nobles, and life in the village was on special laws. In the village reigned the cult of nonesthelnia, sleep, food, as well as nothing disturbed calm. True, sometimes the quiet course of being was broken by quarrels, losses, diseases and difficulties considered for the inhabitants of the village, from which they sought to get rid of the first opportunity. We will tell about what kind of education got brooms. You probably have already compiled some idea about it on the basis of the above.

How did the desires of Ilyush be pretended?

He was expressed mainly in the forbids. Ilya, a moving, dexterous child, it was forbidden to perform any work on the house (there are servants for this). In addition, his desire for independence each time was taken away by the cries of the nannies and parents who did not give the boy and make a step without supervision, since they were afraid that he would catch or whistle. Interest in the world, activity - all this in childhood Ilyushi was redeemed by adults who were not allowed to frolic, jump, run on the street. But it is necessary to any child for the development, knowledge of life. The incorrect education of Oblomov led to the fact that the forces of the Ilyoshi, seeking manifestations, turned inside and, fading, Nicli. Instead of activity, he was given a love for a strong afternoon sleep. In the novel, it is said as a "true similarity of death", replaced by the upbringing of Oblomov. Quotes from text, no less bright, can be found and dedicated to good food, the cult of which has become almost the only occupation in the village.

The influence of the tales of Nyanki

In addition, the ideal of inaction was constantly reinforced by the tales of the nanny about the "Emeyle-Fool", receiving various gifts from the magical pike, while doing nothing. Ilyich will subsequently be sad, lying on his sofa, and ask himself: "Why is life - not a fairy tale?".

Ilya Ilyich is all called the dreamer. But after all, the upbringing of Oblomov endless tales of nannies about the heat-birds, sorcerers, heroes, Militis, Militis, could not sit in his soul hope for the best, faith in the fact that problems would somehow be allowed by themselves? In addition, these fairy tales gave rise to the hero of fear of life. The lazy childhood and the upbringing of Oblomov led to the fact that Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide from reality in his apartment located on a pea street, and then on the Vyborg side.

Parents' ratio of Ilyusha to education

Parents tried not to burden Ilyuly education, considering that study is not worth passing holidays and lose health. Therefore, they enjoyed each convenient case in order not to put on their child's classes. Ilyusha and soon realized that he had such a sluggish and measured existence. Childhood and education of Oblomov did their job. Habit, as they say, the second nature. And the adult Ilya Ilyich completely satisfied the situation in which the servants are doing everything for him, and he does not have anything to take care and worry. So childhood hero imperceptibly flowed into an adult life.

Adult Life Ilya Ilyich

Little has changed in it. All the existence of Oblomov in his own eyes was still shared by 2 halves. The first is the work and boredom (these concepts were synonyms), and the second is peaceful fun and peace. Zakhar changed the nanny, and the Vyborg Street of the city of St. Petersburg is a crushing. Ilya Ilyich was so afraid of any activity, he was so frightened by any changes in his life, that even the dream of love was not able to bring this hero from Apathia.

That is why he had a joint life with a good mistress wheat, because it became nothing more than anything else, as a continuation of life in the village of Oblomovka.

Parents Andrei Stolz

The exact opposite of Ilya Ilyich is Andrei Ivanovich. Ringing gallets took place in a poor family. Andrei's mother was a Russian nobility, and the father - the rubbish German. Each of them contributed to the rapidation of the gallery.

Father's influence

Stolz Ivan Bogdanovich, Father Andrei, taught his son German, practical sciences. Andrei began to work early - to help Ivan Bogdanovich, who was demanding with him and in Burgers strict. The upbringing of the gallery in the novel "Oblomov" contributed to the fact that pragmaticism was developed in it, a serious look for life. For him became the need for everyday work, which Andrei considered an integral part of his life.

The influence of the mother

Andrei's mother made his contribution to the upbringing of the gallez in the novel "Oblomov". She looked at the methods that her spouse applied, with anxiety. This woman wanted to make a cute and clean and clean boy-Barin, one of those whom she saw when she worked in rich Russian families with a governess. Her soul was talked when Andryusha returned after the fight the whole washed or dirty after the field or factory, where he went along with his father. And she was taken to cut his nails, sew elegant manic dogs and collars, curling the curls, ordered clothes in the city. Mother Stolz taught to listen to Hertz sounds. She sang on his colors, whispered about the vocation of the writer, then the warrior, dreamed of a high role that falls into a share of other people. Andrei's mother, in many respects, wanted her son to look like Oblomov, and therefore he was happy to let him go to Sosnovka.

So, you see that, on the one hand, the practice of Andrei was laid by practicing, father's business, and on the other - the mother's dreamability. Everything else, there was a breakdown nearby, in which the "eternal holiday", where they sell work from the shoulders as Igo. All this has affected the gallery.

Parting with home

Of course, Andrei's father loved him in his own way, but he did not consider it necessary to show his feelings. Before the tears is a piercing scene of goodbye gallery with her father. Even at that moment Ivan Bogdanovich could not find good words for his son. Andrei, swallowing tears of resentment, goes down. It seems that at this moment Stolz, despite the efforts of his mother, does not leave the place for "empty dreams" in his soul. He takes with him in an independent life just that, in his opinion, it was necessary: \u200b\u200bdedication, practicality, calcality. In a distant childhood, everything else was left with the way the mother.

Life in Petersburg

He goes after graduating from the university to St. Petersburg, where it is accepted for affairs (sends the goods abroad), travels around the world, leads an active life and everything has time. Despite the fact that he was a peer of Oblomov, this hero succeeded in life much more. He gave money and house. Energy and activity contributed to the successful quarry of this hero. He achieved heights that could not even dream of. Stolz managed to properly dispose of life and abilities laid out in nature.

Everything was in moderation in his life: and joy, and sadness. Andrey prefers a direct path that meets his simple look at life. He was not disturbed or dreams nor imagination - he simply did not allow them in his life. This hero did not like to build guesses, he always retained a sense of self-esteem in the behavior, as well as a sober, calm opinion on people and things. Andrei Ivanovich considered the passion for the devastating force. His life resembled "Slow and smooth burning of fire."

Galley and brooms - two different destinies

The upbringing of the gallery and Oblomov, as you see, significantly different, albeit that, and the other were immigrants from the noble environment and belonged to one layer of society. Andrei and Ilya - people with different worldviews and characters, so fate were so unlike. Very difference in the upbringing of Oblomov and Stolz. The comparison makes it possible to notice that this fact was strongly influenced by the adult life of these heroes. The active Andrei tried until the last day "convey the vessel of life" and not shed in vain any drops. And the apathetic and soft Ilya lazy even just stand up from the sofa and get out of her room so that the servants were removed. Olga Oblomova asked once in the Ilya longing about what he thwarted him. He answered this: "Oblomovshchina". N. A. Dobrolyubov, a famous critic, also believed that the "Oblomovshchina" - the fault of all the troubles of Ilya Ilyich. This is the medium in which the main character was forced to grow.

The role of education in the formation of a person's personality

In the novel, "Oblomov" was not accidentally emphasized by the author. As you can see, lifestyle, worldview, the nature of each person is still in childhood. The environment in which the development of the personality, teachers, parents - all this greatly affects the formation of character. If the child since childhood does not teach labor and independence, in its own example, do not show him that every day you should do something useful and it is impossible to spend time, then you should not be wondering that he will grow a brown and lazy man, like Ilya Ilyich From the work of Goncharov.

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich - the protagonist of the novel "Oblomov". A landowner, nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Leads a lazy way of life. I do not do anything, only only dreams and "decomposing" lying on the sofa. Bright representative of the Oblomeness.

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich - friend of childhood Oblomov. German, practical and active. Antipode I. I. Oblomov.

Compare heroes according to the following criteria:

Memories of childhood (including memories of parents).

I. I. Oblomov. From the earliest childhood, everyone did everything: "Nanny is waiting for his awakening. She pulls his stockings; He is not given, Shalit, chatting his feet; Nanny catches it. " ".. She washes him, happing the head and leads to the mother. Also, since childhood, I was bought in parental affection and care: "Mother shoved him by passionate kisses ..." Nanny everywhere, for days, for days, he didn't finish a second, the permanent guard did not end for a second: "... all the days and nights of Nanny were filled with a turmoil, Empty: I try, he is a lively joy for a child, that fear that he will fall and hurt his nose ... ".

Stolz. Its childhood is useful in useful, but tedious studies: "From eight years, he sat with his father for a geographic map ... And with his mother read the sacred history, taught the Basinie Krylov ..." Mother was constantly worried about the Son: "... she would have held him near himself." But his father was completely indifferent and cold rolled to his son, often and "put his hand": "... and pushed the foot from behind so that he had sought off his feet."

Attitude towards study and work.

Bakes. I went to school without much interest and desire, with difficulty leaving the lessons, overcome any book for Oblomov was a great success and joy. "Why are all these notebooks ... paper, time and ink? Why educational books? ... when to live? " Instantly chose to some kind of activity, be it study, books, hobbies. The same attitude was also to work: "... you study, you read that it is a good disaster, unhappy man; Now you are going with the forces, it works, he comes up, terribly tolerates and works, everything prepares clear days. "

Stolz. He studied and worked from childhood - the main concern and the task of his father. The doctrine and books were fascinated by the gallery, throughout all their lives. Labor - washed away the existence of a person. "He served, resigned, engaged in his affairs and actually gave home and money."

Attitude towards mental activity.

Bakes. Despite the lack of love for study and work, Oblomov was far from a stupid man. In his naked, some thoughts constantly spinning, pictures, he constantly cost plans, but in completely incomprehensible reasons all this was postponed in a debt box. "He, as he gets in the morning from bed, after tea will be lying immediately to the sofa, it will go his head with his hand and blows up, without sparing forces, until finally, the head is getting fat."

Stolz. Realist to the bone's brain. Skeptic in life and in reflections. "He was afraid of every dream or, if he entered its area, he was part of, as included in the grotto with the inscription ..., knowing the hour or a minute, when you get out from there."

The choice of life goals and ways to achieve them. (Including lifestyle.)

Bakes. The life of the same name is devoid of paints, every day is similar to the previous one. His problems and worries are breathtakingly funny and ridiculous, even funnier he decides, turning over from the sides on his side. The author justifies Oblomov with all their forces, they say in his head he has many ideas and goals, but none of them materializes.

Stolz. Skepticism and realism manifests itself in everything. "He walked firmly, cheerfully; He lived on the budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble. " "And everything went stubbornly on the chosen road."

So, the chief hero of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. But not enough attention by the author gives the best friend of Oblomov - gallery. Live both hero at one time, and it would seem, should be similar, but is it? Oblomov appears before us by a person "... years of thirty-two-three from the genus, medium height, pleasant outfit, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, ... In all the face there was a smooth light of carelessness."

Stolz is the same manner, "thin, his cheek is almost not at all, ... the complexion of a smooth, swallowed and no blush; eyes although a little greenish, but expressive." Oblomov's parents were Russian nobles, owned several hundreds of serfs. Stolz on his father was half a German, his mother is a Russian nobleman.

Faith, Andrei Ivanovich, confessed Orthodox, spoke in Russian. Oblons and gallets are familiar with childhood, they studied in a small board, who were in five versts from the crushing, in the village of Verlev.

Half's father was the manager there. "Maybe he has Ilyusha and managed to learn something well, if there was a broom in the verses of five hundred from Verkhyshva ... The charm of the Oblomovskaya atmosphere, lifestyle and habits extended to Verkhlovo; ...

There, besides the house of the gallets, it all breathing the same laziness, the simplicity of morals, silence and immobility. "But Ivan Bogdanovich brought up his son:" From eight years he was sitting with his father for a geographic map, he analyzed the Gerder's warehouses, Viland, biblical poems and summarized the illiterate accounts of the peasants, burghers and factory, and with his mother read the sacred history, taught the Basinie Krylov and disassembled the warehouse of Telemaka. "As for physical education, the Oblomov did not even release to the street, and gallets" ran away from the pointed Rang the bird nests with boys, "sometimes it happened, disappearing from the house for a day. Oblons from childish was surrounded by the delicate care of parents and babysitters, and Stolz was brought up in an atmosphere of permanent mental and physical work. But here and the broom, and the gallery already in thirty, What are they now?

Ilya Ilyich turned into a lazy barina, whose life passes in lying on the sofa: "Lena in Ilya Ilich was not needed, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the chance, like that who was tired nor enjoyment, like Lazy's: it was his normal state. " Stolz does not represent life without movement: "He is inconspicuous in motion: it will be necessary to send the agent to Belgium or England - send it; you need to write some project or adapt a new idea to the point - choose it. Meanwhile, he goes into light and Reads: When he has time, God is news. " Comparing Oblomov and Stolz, we see that they are very different, but what do they unite them?

Yes, undoubtedly friendship, but what else? It seems to me that they are united by an eternal and disobedic dream. Oblons sleep on his sofa, and Stolz sleeps in his turbulent and rich life. "Life: Good life!", "Says Oblomov," what to look for there? "

Interests of the mind, hearts? You look where the center, about which all this rotates: there is no it, there is nothing deep, hiding behind the living. All this is the dead, sleeping, worse than me, these members of the world and society! ... Isn't they sleeping all their lives while sitting?

What am I guilty of them, lying at home and do not infect heads with three and currencies? "I fully agree with the broom and I think that people living without a certain, elevated goal, just sleep in pursuit of their desires. But who needs Russia more. Oblons or galley?

Of course, such progressive people as gallets are simply necessary, especially at the beginning of the third millennium. But the broomstones will never die, the piece of Oblomov is in each of us, we all in the soul a little broom.

It seems to me that the problem of the "sleeping person", raised in the nineteenth century Goncharov, is relevant now. The words of Lenin are known that after the three revolutions "the old brooms remained and it is necessary to wash it for a long time, clean, flutter and tear, so that any sense will come out."

Oblomov and Stolts.

Gallez - Antipode Oblomov (principle of antithesis)

The entire figurative system of the Roman I.A. Balov "Oblomov" is aimed at disclosure of the nature, the essence of the main character. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a bored Barin, lying on the couch, dreaming of transformations and a happy life in a family circle, but nothing doing to embody dreams in reality. Antipode Oblomov in the novel is the image of the gallery. Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is one of the main characters, a friend of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the son of Ivan Bogdanovich gallez, the Russo German, who manages the estate in the village of Verlev, that in five versts from the crushing. In the first two chapters of the second part there is a detailed story about the life of the gallery, about the conditions in which his active character was formed.

1. General features:

a) age ("gallery gallery gallery and him already thirty");

b) religion;

c) Training in the boarding house Ivan Stolz in Verkhvoye;

d) service and fast resignation;

e) love for Olga Ilinskaya;

e) Good attitude to each other.

2. Different features:

but ) Portrait;

Oblomov . "It was a man of thirty-two-three years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant exterior, with dark gray eyes, but with absence: every definite idea, every concentration in the facial features. "

«… winds not for years: from the lack of movement or air. In general, his body, judging by the matte, alloy white neck, small chubby hands, soft shouldersIt seemed too uttered for a man. His movement when he was even alarmed, constrained also softnessand I do not extend a kind of grace lazy. "

Stolz - Rovel Oblomov, he already has thirty. Portrait of Sh. Contrasture Portrait of Oblom: "It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, his cheek is almost not at all, that is, the bone and muscle, but not a sign of fatty roundness ... "

I get acquainted with the portrait characteristic of this hero, we understand that the gallery is a strong, energetic, purposeful person, who is alien to dreaminess. But this almost ideal person reminds the mechanism, not a living person, and that pushes the reader.

b) Parents, a family;

Oblom has parents - Russians, he grew up in a patriarchal family.

Stolz.- The immigrants from the Meshchansky class (his father left Germany, I was struck by Switzerland and donkey in Russia, having done the estate of estates). "Stolz was German only half, on his father; his mother was Russian; Faith he professed Orthodox, his native speech was Russian ... ".The mother was afraid that Stolz, under the influence of his father, will become a gross burgher, however, the Russian setting of the gallery prevented.

c) upbringing;

Oblomov moved "from hugs in the arms of relatives and friends", his upbringing was patriarchal.

His son Ivan Bogdanovich brought up strictly: "From eight years, he was sitting with his father for a geographic map, he analyzed in warehouses Gerder, Viland, biblical poems and summed up the illiterate accounts of the peasants, blessing and factories, and with his mother read the sacred history, taught the Basini Krylov and disassembled a telemace on warehouses."

When Stolz grew up, his father began to take it in the field, for the bazaar, forced to work. Then the gallery began to send his son to the city with instructions, "and never happened that he forgot something, reeded, he did not get a slip."

Education, like the formation, was dual: dreaming about the son of "Good Bursh", the father strongly encouraged the boy's fights, without which the son could not do, if Andrei appeared without the teacher of the lesson, Ivan Bogdanovich I sent my son to where I came from, - and every time the young Stelts returned with the learned lessons.

From his father, he received "labor, practical education," and the mother joined him to the beautiful, tried to put love for art into the soul of little Andrei, to beauty. His mother "In the Son ... Moved the ideal of the Barin," and his father killed him to a heavy, not at all the Barquet works.

d) attitude to study in the boarding house;

Oblomov studied "In Neo-Purpose," "Serious reading was tired of him," "But the poets of hurt ... for living"

Stolz always studied well, everyone was interested. And was a tutor in the guest house

e) further education;

Bakes had lived in a crushing to twenty years, then graduated from the university.

Stolz brilliantly finished university. Parting with the Father, sending him from Verkivo to Petersburg, Stolz. He says that he will certainly fulfill the Father's Council and will go to the old friend of Ivan Bogdanovich Ringold - but only when he, the gallery, will, like a rangold, four-storey house. Similar independence and independence, as well as confidence in their forces. - The basis of the nature and worldview of the younger gallery, which so hotly supports his father and which is so lacking a breakdown.

e) lifestyle;

"Lena in Ilya Ilyich was his normal state"

Stolz has thirst for activity

g) management of the economy;

Oblomov did not do business in the village, received a slight income and lived in debt.

Stolz is successfully served, comes in retirement to engage in his own business; Puts home and money. He is a member of a trading company sending goods abroad; As a company agent, Sh. Rides in Belgium, England, throughout Russia.

h) life aspirations;

Oblomov in the youth "was preparing for the field", I thought about the role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded social activities from his dreams, his ideal became a careless life in unity with nature, family, friends.

Stolz, chose an active start in his youth ... The ideal of life is galley-incessant and meaningful work, it is "image, content, element and purpose of life."

i) views on society;

Oblomov believes that all members of the world and society are "dead, sleeping people", they are characterized by insincerity, envy, the desire by any means "to get a loud rank", he is not a supporter of progressive forms of management.

According to the gallery, with the help of the "Schools", the "marigos", "fairs", "highways" old, patriarchal "broom" should turn into landscaped estates that bring income.

k) attitude to Olga;

Oblomov wanted to see a loving woman who can create a serene family life.

Stolz marries Olga Ilinskaya, and Goncharov is trying in their active, full work and beauty of the Alliance to present the perfect family, an authentic ideal that fails in the life of Oblomov: "Worked together, dinners, went to the fields, engaged in music< …> As dreamed of bugs ... Only there were no dorms, the despondency of them, without boredom, and without apathy they held days; There was no sluggish look, words; The conversation did not end with them, there were often hot. "

l) relationship and mutual influence;

Oblomov considered the gallery with his only friend who could understand and help, he listened to his advice, but it was not possible to break the barbecue gallery.

Stolz highly appreciated the kindness and sincerity soul of his friend Oblomov. Stolz does everything to awaken Oblomov to activities. In friendship with broomstone gallets. Also turned out to be at the height: Replaced the Zhulika manager, destroyed the tricks of Tarantieva and Mukhoyarov, deceiving forced Oblomov to sign a fake borrowed letter.

Oblomov got used to living in the pointer of the gallery in the smallest affairs, he is needed by a friend. Without Stolle, Ilya Ilyich can not decide on anything, however, and follow the advice of the gallery of the bugs, they are not in a hurry: they have too different concept about life, about labor, about the application of forces.

After the death of Ilya Ilyich, a friend takes on the education of the son Oblomov called himself in his honor, Andryuha.

m) self-esteem ;

Oblomov constantly doubted. Stolz never doubts himself.

h) Features of character ;

Oblons - lackless, dreamy, sludge, indecisive, soft, lazy, apatichenic, not deprived of subtle spiritual experiences.

Stolz - actors, cutting, practical, careful, loves comfort, is open in spiritual manifestations, the mind prevails over feeling. Stolz could control his feelings and "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was constantly. According to Goncharov, he "knew the price rare and expensive properties and so Skapor spent them that he was called by an egoist, insensitive ...".

The value of the samples of brood and gallery.

Goncharov reflected the typical features of the patriarchal nobility. Oblomov imagined contradictory features of the Russian national character.

The gallery gallez in Roman Goncharov was assigned the role of a person who could break the grunce and revive the hero. According to critics, the ambiguity of the representation of Goncharov on the role of "new people" in society led to the unconvincing image of the gallery. According to Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not depict the hero in concrete activities. The author only informs the reader about Tom, was gallez, which reached. Showing the Parisian life of the gallery with Olga, Goncharov wants to reveal the breadth of his views, and actually reduces the hero

So, the image of the gallery in the novel not only clarifies the image of Oblomov, but also interests readers with its originality and the full opposite of the chief hero. Dobrolyubov speaks of him: "It's not that man who will be able to give a language that is understandable to the Russian soul, tell us this almighty word" forward! " Dobrolyubov, like all revolutionary democrats, saw the ideal of the "man of business" in serving the people in the revolutionary struggle. From this ideal gallez far. However, near the Oblombovy and Oblomechlorian gallery was still a progressive phenomenon.

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich is a wonderful Russian realist writer. His creativity firmly entered the classical literature of our country. The originality of his artistic world is, according to N.A. Dobrolyubova, in the fact that he was able to embrace the full image of the subject in his work, to bother him.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bGoncharov in the novel "Oblomov"

In his novel, Ivan Alexandrovich condemns the nobilitylessness. Characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" proves, and soon you will be convinced. The author welcomes the businesslike in the class of entrepreneurs, which bombarded at the time. For Goncharov, the character of Oblomov is essential is its Barskaya spoil, as well as inactivity, the next of it, the powerlessness of the will and the mind. The image of this hero at hand, such a famous master resulted in a wide picture, on which the reader is represented by the pre-forming life of the country's local nobility. More than 100 years ago, a work was written, but it attracts attention to him so far. This novel is definitely a classic work created by an excellent Russian language.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

What is the characteristic of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"? Having read it, everyone probably wants to understand who he is closer in spirit: gallez or Ilya Ilyich. Characteristic of Oblomov, at first glance, devoid of attractiveness. In the novel, this hero appears the person is no longer the first youth. He tried to serve in the past, but he moved away from any activity and became unable to return to her. He does not want not only to do something, but even to go in society, go for a walk, dress, just get up from the sofa. The serene state of this hero violates only visitor who come only with mercenary goals to Oblomov. For example, Tarantyev simply robes him, occupying money and not returning them. Oblomov is in the work of the victim of their visitors, since he cannot understand the true goal of their visits. The exception is only Stolz, a friend of his youth, who comes to visit him into the crushing.

However, the characteristic of Oblomov is not so uniquely negative. We will come back to her.

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz

Stolz is an antipode of this hero in the novel. Goncharov portrayed him with a "new man." Stolz from the very childhood was brought up in harsh conditions, the usual gradually to the difficulties and adversity of life. This is an alien and official careerism, and the noble laziness of the dealers, which is characterized by such a level of culture and such activity that at that time were not peculiar to the Russian merchant. Apparently, not knowing where such a person is to find among the business Russian people, Goncharov decided to make his hero by the epitian family of the family. Stolz, however, the upbringing received from the Russian mother who was noble, and also studied at the metropolitan university. This hero believes that by the device of road roads, fairs, marins, patriarchal "broomsticks" will turn into income-generated estates.

Life views Oblomov

Not only apatine marked the characteristic of Oblomov. This hero is trying to "philosophizing". Ilya Ilyich contrasts the sincerity and kindness of the patriarchal life of the moral corruption of representatives of the official-nobility society of the capital. He condemns him for the desire for a careerism, the lack of serious interests, covered by the dismissed courtesy of mutual incompleteness. In this regard, the author of the novel agrees with Ilya Ilyich. Characteristic Oblomov is complemented by the fact that he is a romantic. This hero dreams mostly about quiet family happiness.

Attitude to the life of the gallery

On the contrary, Stolz is the enemy "Dreams", the whole mysterious and mysterious. However, he understands under the "Sonya" not only a pink romance, but also every idealism. The author, explaining the beliefs of this hero, writes that in his eyes is what is not being analyzed by practical truth, experience is an optical deception or fact to which the experience of experience has not yet reached.

The value of the love conflict in the disclosure of the characters of the main characters

The comparative characteristic of Oblomov and Stolz would be incomplete if we did not disclose the relationship of these heroes with Olga Ilinskaya. Goncharov introduces their characters into a love conflict in order to experience their life itself, which will show what each of them costs. Therefore, the heroine of "Oblomov" should be an outstanding personality. In Olga Ilinskaya we will not find either secular flutter, no bald boric, nothing mannered, with intent made for success in life. This girl is characterized by beauty, as well as the natural freedom of a deed, words and views.

Both main characters created by Goncharov, in love relationships with this woman suffered defeat, each in their own way. And it reveals the inconsistency of the author's illusions in the assessment and the other. "Honest and sure", "Golden" The heart of Oblomov suddenly turns out to be in doubt with his decency. It should be noted that the hero of this with a "deep, like a well, heart," in front of the girl shamefully lucavit, referring to the fact that he warned her about her character. Olga understands that Ilya Ilyich "has long died."

The sequential characteristic of the brood and gallery opens all new interesting details. Again, Andrei Ivanovich appears in the novel. He again arises in the work in order to take a place that previously occupied bugs. The characteristic of the gallez hero in its relationship with Olga reveals some important features in its image. Goncharov, showing his Parisian life with Ilinskaya, wants to show the reader the breadth of his hero. In fact, he reduces it, because everything is interested in anything systematically, in-depth, it is not seriously carried away. This means learn everything with other people's words, take from other people's hands. Stolz could barely sleep for Olga in her vigorious willing of will and thoughts. Contrary to the will of the author, the story of the collaboration of these two heroes, which should have been praiseing gallery, eventually turned out to be a means of exposure. Stolz at the end of the novel seems only a self-confident resonant. This hero, who could not save a friend, give a beloved woman of happiness, the reader no longer believes. From the full collapse of the gallery saves only the author's tendentiousness. After all, all the same on his side was gonchars ("Oblomov"). Characteristic of Oblomov, created by the writer, as well as the author's voice in the novel let us judge about it.

The weakness of both heroes and classes they represent

In addition to his own desire, Goncharov was able to show that not only Russian Baroge degenerates. Weak not only bugs. The characteristic of the Hero Hero is also not deprived of this feature. Compact entrepreneurs cannot historically become successors of Baria, since they are weak, limited and are not able to take responsibility for solving indigenous issues of the country's life.

The value of the image of Olga Ilinskaya in Russian literature

So, the comparative characteristic of the Oblomov and the gallery shows that neither the other can not be, each in its own way, cause sympathy. But the heroine of the work, Olga Ilinskaya, will become a prototype of an enlightened Russian woman. This prototype will later meet in the works of many classics of the 19th century.

Often comparing Ilya Ilyich and Andrei Ivanovich seems to be a table. Characteristic of the brood and gallery, presented visually, helps to better remember the information. Therefore, the comparative table in the literature lessons as a type of work is often used in school. When a deep analysis is required, it is better to refuse it. Namely such a task and stood when creating this article.