Idioms. Examples from works

Idioms. Examples from works

Furnished 105 years since the birth of the German writer Erich Mary Remarka, the author of the novels "On the Western Front Without Change", "Three Comrades", "Life" and other, no less well-known.

Erich Maria Remark refers to the "Writers of the Lost Generation" - his novels about the First World War had a huge influence on the subsequent German literature and caused a violent public reaction.The feeling of the brittleness and fragility of the whole earthly - and first of all the human perception that gives the world to the world and the shape, the constant breath of death behind his back - gives high spirituality everything that the remark writes, even the most landlinated, "low": Schnaps "from the throat ", Hike to the regimental brothel, disassembly of a drunken soldier ...

Writer survived a stormy romance with a kinodiva Marlene Dietrich, escape from the native country and world famous glory. His novels are full of heartfelt attitude towards women and thinking about the nature of man. Remark books were repeatedly shielded, and quotes of them know by hearting thousands of people around the world.

"Erich Maria Remark is one of the best foreign writers whose works were translated into Russian.Remark is a whole epoch for the world, and for our Russian literature. And all his novels have always been published in a beautiful translation, which absolutely not distorted the special style of the writer. But neither cinema, nor theatrical versions, worthy of the pen remark, I have never seen. So I recommend it to everyone only to read and read the works of Erich Mary Remarik once again, and not to look at the screen or at the stage of production, which is unworthy and inaccurately reflect the inner world of this outstanding writer. "M. Boyarsky

Present full name of the writer - Erich Paul Remark. The name Maria appeared in signatures to the novel "On the Western Front without Change". Thus, Erich honored the memory of his mother Mary, who died in 1918.

Erich Paul was born in a large family of book twigs Peter Franz. After the death of the mother in 1917, he took her second name - Maria. In his youth, Remark read a lot of Dostoevsky and German writers Goethe, Manna, Collega

In 1904, Erich Remark entered the church school, then went to the Catholic seminary. In 1916 he was called up to the army, the first world war went. After a short learning, the platoon was sent to the West Front. In July 1917, Remarik wounded in his leg, hand and neck, and the balance of the service, until 1919, he spent in the hospital.

After Army, Erich Maria Remark changed many professions: he worked as a teacher, the seller of tombstones, an organist in the chapel at the hospital of mentally ill.

In 1920, the first roman was released the first Roman "Attic Dreams" (or "Single Grezard"), which later the writer was ashamed, and bought all the copies. In 1921, Remark settled the editor to the magazine "Echo Continental". After six years in the magazine "Sport IM BILD" published Roman Erich Mary Remark "Station on the horizon"

For 500 stamps, Erich Maria Remarik acquired a noble title in 1926. His adoptive "Father" became the hugo von Bukhvald. After that, on business cards and seals, the writer put the crown.

In 1929, a grand success had his novel "on the Western Front without Change", the circulation was 1.5 million copies. For this, a work in 1931, Remarika nominated the Nobel Prize, but the Committee refused to the Writer.

The novel "On the Western Front without change" was written in 6 weeks, but lay in the table half a year before the remark managed to publish it.

In 1930, the novel goes on the screens and has a great success and big profit. On the adaptation of Erich Maria Remark earned a whole condition.

After coming to the authorities of the Nazis in 1932, all his published books were burned. After this remark forever moved to Switzerland

Nazis have been pursued by the writer for many years, accusing him in Jewish origin. Failing to find a remark, the police arrest and execute his sister.

After the immigration, Erich Mary travels a lot in Europe, his novel "Three Comrades" comes out. In 1940, the remark moves to the USA, and in eight years he receives citizenship there. In America, Erich Maria Remarik helps to shield the work "on the other side."
After the war, the writer returns to his homeland, he again meets with his old buddies, and his father and unexpectedly falls. In 1958, Erich Maria Remarque played the Polnán in the screening of his book "Time to live and time to die."

In 1970, Erich Maria Remarik was hospitalized and died on September 25

Personal life Erich Mary Remark / Erich Maria Remark

In 1925, Remark married the dancer Ilzech Utat the Zampon, which suffered from consumers. She became the prototype of the Heroine Pat from the novel "Three Comrades". Four years later they divorced, but Erich Maria once signed with Utel to help that go to Switzerland, where he himself lived. They officially divorced in 1957, but after the writer paid her a manual and left a part of the inheritance.

From 1929 to 1931, Erich Mary had a relationship with Brigitta Neuner.

In 1936, Erich Maria Remarik get acquainted with Marlene Dietrich, with whom he had a long and stormy romance. As they say, the writer suffered a lot at this time, since Dietrich did not differ in loyalty. This period of his life was dedicated to the Roman "Triumphal Arch". The correspondence remained after their death was published by a separate book.

He called her "Luxury Puma"
In New York, the writer enjoyed great success in women. His mistresses were Vera Zorin, Greta Garbo, Francis Kane, Loupe Veles. The longest relationships were with Natasha Pale (Brown). After severe parting, the remark is ill. His disease is rather psychological, he goes to sessions to a psychotherapist, where he is diagnosed with Menieret's disease. Under the influence of flight, a year old writer is fond of Eastern philosophy and Zen Buddhism. He married her in 1958.

Flight of the year the former wife Charlie Chaplin is the last love writer.

Three main women in his life experienced a writer, but even after his death, they did not cease to compete: the flowers that Dietrich sent a funeral to the funeral, Fallet, Goddar never put on her husband's grave.

Quotes. Racing about loneliness and love, about life and death, money and happiness.

What is the current young people are strange. The past you hate, the present despise, and the future you are indifferent to you. It is unlikely that it will lead to a good end.

Money, however, do not bring happiness, but act extremely soothing.

It is necessary to balance everything - that's the whole secret of life ...

After all, you need to be able to lose. Otherwise it was impossible to live.

Love is not a mirror pond, which can be laid forever. She has tides and flow. And fragments of ships, crash, and sunken cities, and octopuses, and storms, and gold boxes, and pearls ... But pearls - they lie very deeply.

If you do not laugh at the twentieth century, then you need to shoot. But it is impossible to laugh at it. Rather, we are from grief.

A person is losing just when he dies.

Money is freedom forced from gold.

Conscience is usually tormented by no one who is to blame.

The character of a person truly can be found when he becomes your boss.

Let's drink guys! For what we live! For what we breathe! After all, we feel so life! Do not even know what to do with it!

But, in fact, it is ashamed to walk on the ground and almost nothing about it. Even several colors names.

Life is life, it is not worth nothing and there is an infinitely much.

Only one who has lost everything is free, for what to live.

Ways back in love is not. You can never start at first: what is happening, remains in the blood ... Love, as well as time, irreversible. And no victim, nor the willingness to all, nor good will - nothing can help, such is a gloomy and ruthless law of love.

In life more misfortune than happiness. The fact that it lasts not forever - just mercy.

What can one person give another other than a heat drop? And what could be more than this?

A woman from love cleans, and a man loses his head.

Loneliness is the eternal refrain of life. It is not worse and no better than much more. About him only too much they say much. Man is always alone and never.

Everything in the world contains its opposite; Nothing can be creatureswithout your opposite, as the light without a shade, as the truth without a lie, like an illusion without reality, all these concepts are not only connected with each other, but also inseparable from each other ..

Who too often looks back, it can easily stumble and fall.

Live - it means to live for others. We all eat apart. Let even sometimes the light of kindness will be warm ... no need to give up her. The kindness gives a force to a person if it is difficult for him.

Life is a disease, and death begins from birth.

The world is not crazy. Only people.

The worst thing when you need to wait and can not do anything. From this you can go crazy.

Allows only the simplest. Water, breathing, evening rain. Only one who is alone understands it.

We are for equality only with those who surpasses us.

If you want to do anything, never ask about the consequences. Otherwise, you can't do anything.

There will always be people who worse than you.

Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready to let go with a smile - Togo try to keep.

Just not that. Stay friends? Dissolve a little grudge on the faded senses cooled lava? No, it's not for us with you. It only happens after small intrigues, and it turns out the fee. Love is not stifted by friendship. The end is the end.

Who does not expect anything, will never be disappointed.

Love does not tolerate explanations, she needs actions.

No one can become more stranger than the one you loved in the past.

A man has a greater degree of lust, a woman has a sacrifice. Men have a lot of vanity, a woman has a need for protection ... Many people call the usual town of feelings. And love is a feeling first of all peaceful spiritual.

Love is sacrifice. Often and selfishness is called love. Only one who according to the goodwill can refuse his beloved for his happiness, really loves the whole soul.

Remember, your support is in you! Do not look for happiness in the outside ... Your happiness is inside you ... Be true to yourself.

Mother is the most touchable of everything that is on earth. Mother means: forgive and sacrificing himself. For a woman, the highest meaning of which is in her femininity, motherhood is the most beautiful share! Think just like it's great: continue to live in children and thus find immortality.

As long as you are alive, nothing is lost completely.

You can live in different ways - inside yourself and outside. The only question is what life is more valuable.

And do not take anything to heart. Very few things in life are important for a long time.

People are even greater poison than alcohol or tobacco.

The person is great in his ideas, but is unreleased in their implementation. This is his trouble, and his charm.

Clouds are eternal changeable wanderers. The clouds are like life ... Life also changes forever, it is as diverse, restless and beautiful ...

All you can settle with the help of money is cheap.

Winged expressions from works of Russian literature

from the work of A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Happy hours do not observe. (Sofia words)

It would be glad to serve sissing. (Chatsky's words)

Fresh legend, but hard to believe. (Chatsky's words)

Houses of the new, but prejudice old. (Chatsky's words)

And who are the judges? (Chatsky's words)

Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistols. (Srollin's words)

Ba! Familiar all persons! (Famusov's words)

Where is it better? (Sophia and Chatsky's conversation)

Where we are not.

from Bassen I. A. Krylova

And Vaska listens and eats. ("Cat and cook")

And the Lark just opened. ( "Larchchik")

Trouble, kid pies will start the stove shoemaker,

And the boots throw a piedrobe. ("Pike and cat")

Throw for what you are now affected

If you want to have a success in business. ("Starling")

Yes, only WHO and now there. ( "Swan, pike and cancer")

How happiness many find

Only the fact that well in the hind legs go. ("Two dogs")

When there is no agreement in comrades,

On the way they will not work. ("Swan, pike and cancer")

Although you and in the new skin,

Yes, you have the same heart. ("Peasant and Snake" ("Snake crawled to the peasant ...")

Do not spit into the well - useful

Water drunk. ("Lion and mouse")

Strong is always powerless to blame. ("Wolf and Lamb")

Like squirrel in the wheel. ("Squirrel")

Disservice. ("Dressman and Bear")

Stretch in the flock. ("Fox and Summer")

A helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy. ("Dressman and Bear")

from poems K. N. Batyushkova

Oh you who know how to love

Scatty love separation to nice!

("Elegy from Tabulla")

There are wandering End - Never!


About memory of the heart! You are stronger

Sadness memory sad.

("My genius")

Molie with hope and tears ...

Earth dies all ... and glory, and the crown ...

("Dying TASS")

from poems N. M. Karamzin

Nothing new under the Luna. ("Experienced Solomonova Wisdom, or the selected thoughts from Ecclesiast")

from the works of A. S. Pushkin

In one cart, it is not possible to catch a horse and a trembling lan. ( poem "Poltava")

Love has no age. ("Eugene Onegin")

We all studied little by little,

Something and somehow. ("Eugene Onegin")

Broken trough. ("Fairy tales about fisherman and fish")

From the ship to the ball. ("Eugene Onegin")

Reading - Here is the best teaching. (quote from the letter A. S. Pushkin to Brother)

from the works of I. S. Turgenev

Great, mighty, truthful and free Russian. (poem in the prose "Russian language")

from the works of A. P. Chekhov

Twenty two misfortunes. ( piece "Cherry Garden")

On the village grandfather. (Story "Vanka")

In a person should be everything beautiful: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts. (Piece "Uncle Vanya")

from the works of L. N. Tolstoy

Living Dead. (Drama "Live Corpse")

from the works of M. Yu. Lermontov

Forget and fall asleep! (poem "I go out one on the road")

And bored, and sad, and some hand feed. (poem "and boring and sad")

All this would be funny

Whatever it was so sad. ("A. O. Smirnova")

from the works of N. V. Gogol

And the rope on the road will come in handy. ( comedy "Auditor")

from poems A. A. Blok

And again the fight! Rest only in our dreams. (poem "on the field of Kulikov")

from the poems of N. A. Nekrasov

How did you reach this? ("Wretched and elegant")

Poet you can not be

But the citizen must be. (poem "Poet and Citizen")

from the works of M. Gorky

Born crawling can not fly. ("Sokol songs")

from poetics S. A. Yesenin

Everything will pass, like with white apple trees smoke. ("I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…")

from poems F. I. Tyutchev

Oh how misery we love

As in the bright blindness of passions

We are right or rather ruin

That the heart is our mile! ("Oh, how murdering we love")

Love is a dream, and sleep is one moment,

And early, late argument,

And I must finally wake up a person ... ("There is a high meaning in separation")

I do not understand Russia with mind

Arshin must not measure:

It has a special one -

You can only believe in Russia. ("My mind is not understood")



What is a quote, everyone knows from school bench, is an accurate, literal, literal excerpt from any text. Remember how the quote is drawn up: open quotes, write the phrase from the original source, closer quotes. If we intend to miss at least one word, whether it is an excuse or a union, then at the point of passing the dot. Literal transfer of text passage, i.e undisputed transmission, yes.

However, a certain metamorphosis occurs, a quotation, which had to leave the outstanding child, would inevitably turn into an outstanding child, which had to leave the father's house and start living an independent one's own life.

If a quote is used by us in some writing work to confirm this or that reasoning about copyright, ideas, then such a quote continues to depend on the context and the general text of the work, it is not fully released to the will.

There are quotes completely "matured", completely independent, which acquired the complete autonomy that were committed by self. They conclude the meaning of not only the one that is absorbed from the atmosphere of the "generic nest" - the source text, but the meaning made from a variety of impaired foundations found by them in the process of its individual "private" life.

Such a quote is fixed, saturated with the energies of various reader emotions, when readers read it or repeatedly repeat. Such a quote philosophically grows deep into and styling. Anyone who draws attention to her finds her own. This quotation can be said that it represents a separate structure that is distinguished by the unity of a peculiar form and a certain content that it has become even if a miniature, but still a separate work, with one laws inherent in it.

I can not intelligibly explain why I fix quotes on paper on paper. What attracts me fragmentary lines of huge text?
One quote likes the elegance of wordform, vessels woven into beautiful syntactic designs. Another conquers the identity of judgment. The third reflects the thought or thoughts, absolutely consonant with mine. The fourth is a sudden response to a painful question that does not give a long time. The fifth, on the contrary, calls to argue, express disagreement. The sixth raises the mood of ease, freshness, pleasant yielding of the language. The seventh talks about love. The eighth excuses different memories from which the heart will come. The ninth soothes, makes it up again and move forward in life, no matter what adversities and misses. And ... endless, in essence, row.

I can not say, whether I'm bad, I do well, right or wrong, but I collect quotes, just like an ordinary bookmy. I call them "wisdom in a portable form" (expression of one linguist). In my collection hundreds and hundreds of different-sighted quotes. Some of them I published on my page, holding a preliminary classification by themes. However, I want to exhibit the entire collection on today, which is actually impossible, so I refused this publication.

In this collection - quotes from the works of the authors of prose. Quotes are not broken on thematic groups, go in a row. The order of the location is: quotes, the author and work is indicated below in brackets.
It is planned to constantly replenish the collection with new quotes and new names of the authors.

I do not deny that such work may be a kind of popularization of the authors' creativity. Well, let it. Frankly, I am rejected for them, if more interested readers arrive at them.


I woke up absolutely happy. Later ... I felt many times ... Feeling Euphoria, complete satisfaction.
... a lot of things in life were good, but this feeling of happiness was already about ...
And here ... happiness for no reason, just because you are.

Probably the one who created us ..., a lot was worked out so that we all were constantly happy: he created an excellent planet, where even the smallest corner can make any of us, he gave us a reason for constant love, because everything is fine and completely , you just need to open your eyes. Finally, he gave us beautiful bodies ...
Looking at all this magnificence, we are constantly drossim and criticize. We kill, destroy and hate.

After all, it is no secret for a long time that malice, distrust and hatred of fear.

(Lion of good. Guitar).

Nevelogenic, but he is good for himself.

(Yursnest Alin. From Summary.

And about the male soul, all his body says,
What is him more, the man in everything is kinder ...

(Yursnest Alin. "Where is the soul resting?"

Why is it so high to date the percentage of divorces? He achieved such heights that it would be more honest to talk about the percentage of indecompusions.

(Dmitry Sukharev. "Women about men").

Not every product with another is able to mix capable until complete dissolution. And if there is sugar and there is coffee, and the ability they are mounted endowed, it means that the sin of hand to bypass the bowl of this.

(Elena Panferova. "Sugar was dissolved in coffee").

Life we \u200b\u200bget an advance for a very short time.

Death is as natural as life.

It is ridiculous to be afraid of what is inevitable.

(Olga Antsupova. "On death without fear").

Each is given freedom to choose to be a believer or an atheist, but to blasphemes, pour, to insult anyone should not be allowed.

Pushkin as a person is remarkable by the fact that it is impossible to stain, because he is typical of self-discovery: "... In this stupidity, your feet, I confess."
The ability to confess their own nonsense, admitted in the rawful and frivolous, not to wash this from the memory and however, to stand in matters of principle and honor - this is what Pushkin notes and makes it invulnerable to exposure and falsification.

Pushkin to the truth of the "slave of honor", which is not able to renounce its works.

(Epatova Ninel. "Gavrilliada").

I stood in the vestibule ... I looked out the window and suddenly felt a caustic longing and excitement. This is born poems. At such minutes you need to quit everything, go out and wander in the crowd, wander, not sickly legs until the slow lines are born.

(Joseph Shulgin. "Glitter and charm of Pushkin Poetry").

Unity is good or bad? If unity, then in the name of what? Unity in what? Unity with whom? Unity on what moral, historical values. Unity in the name of achieving what purposes?

And now we have no idea. And the country has become similar to the huge ship of fools. It is unknown to be worn out. ... the ship's course is not laid. The land promised somewhere far beyond unknown horizons.

Everyone was running out from different sides on our ship and twitch in different directions. And with foam at the mouth prove that the true path is known only to them!
And at the same time do we talk about unity?

He began to rise along a large stone bridge. I got to the upper point of smooth bend ... And suddenly I felt an incomprehensible wave of anxiety and anxiety .. Something hanged inside. Premonition of another invisible danger ... In fear, I began to look around, trying to discover where my existence came from ...
And then I understood everything. I saw the source of Grozny danger, forced to strain my soul. Yes, not one source. As many as three. In this place in the middle of the bridge, I got just at the crosshair of powerful power lines ... Three symbols were molded by me ..., incomprehensiblely formed in the center of a huge city, a magic triangle of Bermud's abroad. On the left - the gilded Orthodox crosses of the church of Christ the Savior. Right - Ruby Stars of the Kremlin. Behind I need to hang from the top of the house on the embankment huge, the famous Zagogulin Mercedes-Benz. Moreover, the last sign towered over the stars, and above gilded crosses.

(Gennady Martynov. "United Russia. And what is it?").

I would not forget the sensation of the invasion (now I would say - aliens), I left this impression .. civilization (the author refers to the German fascists - I.M.).
Then I realized that there are no other nationalities in the world as people and dislike.

The mind of us is arranged in such a way that in it almost nothing disappears, it is only worth doing an effort, and you see everything that once survived. I, if necessary (it is a pleasure) I remove the pictures, sounds, color and smells from the memory ... yet alive.

(Alexander Bagmet. "Autobiographical notes").

"This is a real poetry!" - Here is the best compliment that prose can be made.

In 1991, the CPSU suffered only one loss - lost the first two letters in their name.

Political correctness: they beat me on the face, and I'm in response - did you bother your hand?

The main law of life is death.

(Alexander Bagmet. "Thoughts out loud").

Notching, which can manifest itself in any form and the genre of art. ... In mass order, the notice occupies the literature. After all, here she is not so visual.

And the main attractiveness is that in the literature it is not difficult in the literature, the case is very complex, if not hopeless.

Graphoman is bad not with his passion for writing, but by the deplorable result of this writing.

Man, completely devoid of musical hearing, do not explain the benefits of harmony before the cavo.

There are no poetry attributes, but there is no poetry. But its absence is almost impossible to prove. The absence of poetry itself, as a rule, do not notice even the regular readers of the poems, if God did not give them poetic alike.

The verse-craftsmen are actively published ... and few people see that the king is naked!
Now such writings ... are the world their creations in the rags of the clowning outfits of avant-gardium.

I do not like ... this pseudopoiesia because I love the poetry of the real one.

The challenges of artistic fuss are given or not given to human nature.

And the real catastrophe broke out with the beginning of the printing of books at the expense of the author and with the advent of the Internet ...
All indifferently, without the difference in sex and age, began to print their serhantine, and sometimes it is just a harmon.

In the end, the grafoman element threatens to completely displace genuine poetry and (or) to replace it with him.

(Yuri Mikhailovich Denisov. "On the danger of grapomania").

Talents are not a lot. And they do not always make their way, in contrast to media.

(Laura Markova. From the review.).

In one dream, I learned that I would never have rest ...

The book has its own logic, and life has its own.

(Valentin Irkhin. "I dreamed that I am a man").

How our prayers are accepted there, at the top there is a mystery. The main thing is to believe that you hear.

Dilemma - rejoice or climb on the wall? I'm alternating these states ...

(Sofia Pavlova. "Deliveted debts").

What is destined to enter your life - enters and already always stays with you ...

(Vlana Richart. "Pebbles in Palm").

The translational movement of the centuries was interrupted. And we are already unknown when, in which age we live and whether we have at least some kind of future.

It becomes obvious that the previous trajectory of human development has lost stability. And it is necessary to consciously and reasonably choose a new trajectory, or circumstances will choose it for us.

And common sense suggests that, hoping for the best, should count on the worst and, of course, seriously reflect on it.

The turning period, the time of choice and uncertainty in the future is now going through our civilization.

(Alexey Turchin. "The structure of a global catastrophe").

All our various aspirations are the road to one single goal, fortunately.

In our world there is only one immenseness - another person, and therefore the way fortunately begins on the way to another person.

At birth, making the first sigh, the child is experiencing terrible pain and therefore shouts. Our existence in the world begins with a cry of pain. Then the child stops screaming - the pain passed. ... maybe that pain ... not passed. I just got used to her ... and therefore I do not notice. Maybe I do not feel it because I never lived without pain? And maybe, at times, everything seems beautiful because I did not know a different world? It seems to me that the reason for the existence of literature in our world is the fact that a person is unhappy.
Reading the book, we plunge into the world of fiction and artistic images, but at the same time we leave the reality and feel a little happier. At least at time.

John in the "Apocalypse" describes the world of the future ... But, reading about the city of the future, where a person will be happy, gaining and god, and immortality, I sometimes think about - will there be literature there? Will she need it?

When we are happy, we do not read the book. When we are happy, we live.

Those books that we call loved ones and which are often returning, not just good or interesting. The main property is that we need them for some kind of vital reason. The person does nothing without reason. It torments thirst, and he takes a glass of water. He wants to eat and look for food. But just as we stretch your hand to the glass of water, we stretch your hand to your favorite book. She needs us. And do not we have feelings that are written specifically for us?!

(Vitaly Kovalev. "What is Art?" ..).

    What is the conflict between man and society?

    Do you agree with the assertion of the Float: "Man - Wolf Man"?

    What, in your opinion, is the thought of A. de Saint-Exupery: "All roads lead to people"?

    Can a person exist outside society?

    Can a person change society?

    How does society affect a person?

    Does society be responsible for each person?

    How does society affect the opinion of the personality?

    Do you agree with the statement of G. K. Lichtenberg: "There is something from all people in every person.

    Is it possible to live in society and be free from him?

    What is tolerance?

    Why is it important to maintain individuality?

    Confirm or refute the statement A. De Stal: "You can not be sure of any behavior, nor in my well-being, when we put it dependent on human opinion"

    Do you agree with the statement: "The inequality humiliates people and will inhabit disagreement and hatred between them"?

    Do you think the equitable opinion about the fact that strong people are often lonely?

    Is the opinion of Tyutchev fairly that "any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails the strengthening of material inclinations and benus-egoistic instincts"?

    Are public norms of behavior need?

    What person can be called dangerous to society?

    Whether you agree with the statement of V. Rozanova: "Society surrounding the soul, and not add. "Adds" only a close and rare sympathy, "soul in the soul" and "one mind" "?

    Is it possible to call any person a person?

    What happens to a man torn off society?

    Why should society help disadvantaged?

    How do you understand the statement of I. Becher: "A person becomes man only among people"?

    Do you agree with the statement of H. Keller: "The most beautiful life is life, lived for other people."

    In what situations a person feels lonely in society?

    What is the role of personality in history?

    How does the society affect the human decisions?

    Confirm or refute the statement I. Goethe: "Only people are able to know themselves."

    How do you understand the statement of F. Bekon: "Anyone who loves loneliness, or a wild beast, or the Lord God"?

    Are the person in front of society for his actions?

    Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

    As you understand the words of S.E. Lena: "Zero is nothing, but two zero already mean something"?

    Do I need to express your opinion if it differs from the opinion of the majority?

    There is safety in numbers?

    What is more important: personal interests or interests of society?

    What does the indifference of society lead to a person?

    Do you agree with the opinion of A. Morua: "You should not focus on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, and wandering lights "?

    How do you understand the expression "Little Man"?

    Why is a person striving to be original?

    Do we need a leader in society?

    Do you agree with the words K. Marx: "If you want to influence other people, then you should be a person really stimulating and moving forward other people"?

    Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

    Who is Misanthrop?

    As you understand the statement of A.S. Pushkin: "The frivolous light is mercilessly chasing actually what allows in theory"?

    What does the inequality in society lead to?

    Are public standards change?

    Do you agree with the words K. L. Burne: "Without a lot, can you do, just without a person"?

    Is a person responsible for society?

    Can a person win in fighting society?

    How can a person change history?

    Do you think it is important to have your opinion?

    Can a person become a person in the separation from society?

    How do you understand the statement of Freitaga: "In the soul of each person there is a miniature portrait of his people"?

    Is it possible to violate social norms?

    What is the place of a person in a totalitarian state?

    How do you understand the phrase: "One head is good, and two are better"?

    Are there people whose work is invisible to society?

    Do you agree with the statement of W. Blackstone: "A person is created for society. He is not capable and does not have the courage to live one "?

    Confirm or refute the statement by D. M. Cage: "We need to communicate more than anything else" What is equality in society?

    What are public organizations for?

    Is it possible to argue that the happiness of a person depends solely on the characteristics of his social life?

    Do you agree with the fact that a person forms society?

    How does the society relate to people who are very different from him?

    As you understand the statement of W. James: "Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individual personalities"?

    How do you understand the phrase "public consciousness"?

    What is missing modern society?

    Do you agree with the statement I. Goethe: "A person cannot live in solitude, he needs society"?

    How do you understand the saying of T. Drivers: "People think about us what we want to suggest"?

    Do you agree that "there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character"?

And Vaska listens yes eats

Quote from Basny I. A. Krylova (1769-1844) "Cat and cook" (1813). It is used when it comes to a person who is deaf to reproaches and, in spite of any exhortation, continues to engage in his business.

And you, friends, no matter,
All in musicians do not go

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Quartet" (1811). It is used in relation to a poorly operating team in which it does not go to the boom because there are no unity, consent, professionalism, competence, an accurate understanding of each of its own and common tasks.

And the Lark just opened

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Larkik" (1808). Some "Mechanics of the Sage" tried to open a lark and searched for a special secret of his castle. But since the secret was not, he did not find him and "from Larkor lagged behind."

And how to open it, I did not guessed
And the Lark just opened.

This phrase is used when they talk about some kind of matter, the question, with the resolution of which it was not necessary to look for a difficult decision, because there is a simple.

And he, rebellious, asks the storm,
As if there are peace in the storms!

Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontova (1814-1841) "Sail" (1841).

And who are the judges?

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829) "Mount from Wit" (1824), the words of Chatsky:

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years
To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,
Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers
Times of Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea.

The phrase is used to emphasize contempt for the opinions of authorities, which are not better than those who are trying to teach, porous, criticize, etc.

And happiness was so possible
So close!

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" A S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 8 (1832).

Administrative delight

Words from Roman F. M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881) "Demes" (1871). Ironic expression, meaning to the authority.

Ai, Pug! knowing it is strong
What barks on an elephant

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Elephant and Pug" (1808). It is used when it comes to someone's meaningless diligence on who knowingly exceeds its "enemy" (criticism, a loan, aggressor, etc.).

Alexander Macedonian hero, but why break chairs?

Quote from the comedy N. V. Gogol (1809-1852) "Auditor" (1836), the words of Governing about the teacher: "He is a scientist head - it can be seen, and the information gathered the darkness, but only explains with this heat that he does not remember himself. I once listened to him: Well, the depression said about Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing, and how I got to Alexander Macedonsky, I can't tell you what was happening to him. I thought that the fire, her God! I fled from the department and that there are strength, to hush the chair about the floor. It, of course, Alexander the Macedonian hero, but why vomiting chairs? " The phrase is used when someone passes the measure.

Athanasius Ivanovich and Pulcheria Ivanovna

Heroes of N. V. Gogol "Starosvetsky landowners" (1835), senior spouses, good and naive inhabitants, leading calm, measured, serene life, limited purely economic concerns. Their names became nominable for people like this type.

Oh my god! What will say the princess of Marya Alekshna

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), the words of Famusov, who ends with a play. They are used to designate cowardly dependence on the walking, the shank morality.

Ah, evil languages \u200b\u200bare terrible pistol

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" (1824), the words of Mololly.


Ba! Familiar all persons

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824), the words of Famusov:

Ba! Familiar all persons!
Daughter, Sophia Pavlovna! Eumennitsa!
Shameless! Where! with whom!
Nor give neither
Like her mother, the late man's wife.
Happened i'm with a costly half
A little apart - somewhere with a man!

The phrase is used to express surprise at an unexpected meeting with anyone.

Grandmother told grandmother

So they say that it is not known whether. The expression is formed by the truncle of the proverb "The grandmother has said: either a rain or snow, or will, or not."

Bazaars. Baurest

Named Bazarov, hero of the famous Roman I. S. Turgenev (1818–1883) "Fathers and Sons" (1862). Bazarov is a representative of the part of the Russian discharge student of the 60s. XIX century, which was fond of Western European materialistic philosophy in its simplified, primitive interpretation.

Hence the "Basareaschina" - the name is collective, meaning all the extremes of this kind of worldview, namely the passion for natural sciences, rude materialism, underlined pragmatism of the behavior, the rejection of traditional art and generally accepted rules of behavior.

Madness brave - Here is the wisdom of life!
We sing madly brave

Quote from "Sokoli song" (1898) M. Gorky (1868-1936).

Beat eggs

The expression is used in the meaning: idle time, engage in trifles, idle. Bablus - hardwood stump, treated to highlight various items (spoons, cups, etc.). In handicraft production to beat the bumps - chop out from full chocks for the manufacture of wooden crafts. The figurative value is explained by the fact that the manufacture of egglush was considered to be an easy, not requiring effort and skill with the case.


The word "man" in the Old Russian means "forehead". In the ancient Russia "Brom", that is, his forehead, beat the floor, falling in front of the nobles and kings in the earth's heads. It was called "Large Custom" and expressed extreme degree of respect. Hence, the expression "beat the man" in the meaning: contact the authorities with a request to petition. In written requests, "petrot" - and wrote: "And on the seven of you, your Hopishko Ivashko hits ..." I just later became the word "beaten by a friend": "Greet."


Indicates: argue for anything. The mortgage in Russia called the deposit, as well as bet, the dispute to the winnings or the bid. Beggie meant "Holding, arguing."

Blessed, who believes warm to him in the world!

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Gore. from the mind " (1824), Words of Chatsky. The expression is used to designate unnecessarily, unfoundedly gullible people or those who are too dedicated with their rainbow plans and hopes.

Bloch Save

The expression has become winged after the appearance of the story of N. S. Leskova (1831-1895) "Left -sha (1881), Which was created on the basis of folk bouts: "The British from Steel Bloch did, and our tulyaki hurt her yes they sent them back." It is used in value: to show an extraordinary fiction in some kind of business, skill, fine skill.


After the appearance of "Songs about the Petrel" (1901) M. Gorky in the literature, the Burevestnik became a symbol of the coming revolutionary storm.

It was a case under Poltava

This expression is the first line of the poem of I. E. Molchanova (1809-1881) printed in the 40-50s of the XIX century. And has become popular songs. So jokingly or with a praise tell about some incident.

Be a little man
And think about gruse nails

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. Cited as a response to reproaches in excessive care about its appearance.


In the carriage of the past you will not go anywhere

Quote from the play M. Gorky "At the bottom" (1902), Satina's words. Instead of "nowhere" is often quoted "far".

To Moscow, to Moscow, to Moscow!

In the play A. P. Chekhov (1860-1904) "Three sisters" (1901), this phrase with longing, sisters are repeated, choking in the Tine of provincial life, but not having to get out of it. This phrase is used as a characteristic of fruitless dreams.

In some kingdom, not in our state

Traditional stained of many Russian folk fairy tales. It is used in value: somewhere, unknown where.

There is no truth in the legs

Now it is used as a joking invitation to sit down. There are several options for the origin of this phrase:

  1. according to the first version, the combination is associated with the fact that in the XV-XVIII centuries. In Russia, the debtors were brutally punished, beat with iron rods on bare feet, seeking a return of debt, i.e. "Truth", however, such a punishment could not make the debt of those who had no money;
  2. according to the second version, the expression arose due to the fact that the landowner, finding the loss of something, collected the peasants and forced them to stand until they call the perpetrator;
  3. the third version detects the connection of expressions with the root (cruel punishment for non-payment of debt). If the debtor escaped from the right to be flight, they said that there were no truth in the legs, that is, the debt could not be discarded; With the cancellation of the right thing, the meaning of the saying has changed.

In one cart can not be enjoyed
Horse and tremble lan

Quote from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Poltava" (1829).

In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts

Quote from the play by A. P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" (1897); These words say Dr. Asters. Only the first half of the phrase is often cited.

Great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language

Quote from poem in prose I. S. Turgenev "Russian Language" (1882).

The rulers of Dum.

The expression from the poem A. S. Pushkin "To the Sea" (1825), in which the poet called Napoleon and Bairon's "rulers". In the literary speech, it applies to great people whose activities have had a strong impact on the minds of their contemporaries.

Power of darkness

The expression that has become a figurative definition of ignorance, cultural retardation, became the winged after the appearance of the Drama L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910) "Power of Darkness, or a coherent of stuck - the whole bird of the abyss" (1886).

In all you, dying, outfits are good

Quote from the poem I. F. Bogdanovich (1743-1803) "Downturn" (1778):

In all you, dumb, outfits are good:
In the image of what queen are you dressed,
The shepherd is sitting you near the chala
In all you are a miracle of light.

This line is more known thanks to A. S. Pushkin, who used her as an epigraph to the story of the "young lady-peasant" from the "Tale of Belkin" cycle. It is used jokingly ironically as a finished compliment in response to female requests to appreciate a new dress, hairstyle, etc.

In all Ivanovskaya

The expression "in the entire Ivanovo (screaming, screaming)" is used in value: very loud, struggling. Ivanovo - Name of Square in the Moscow Kremlin, on which the bell tower of Ivan the Great. There are several versions of the origin of this expression:

  1. in Ivanovo Square, they sometimes read the royal decrees to all, a loud voice (in the entire Ivanovo Square). Hence the figurative meaning of expression;
  2. in Ivanovo Square, the devils were also punished. They were mercilessly beaten by whites and baotogs, why they shouted to the entire Ivanovo Square.

Outtitude calm

So entitled Roman (1940) L. V. Solovyov (1898-1962) about Hosting Nasreddin - Hero of folk jokes from Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Armenians, Peoples of the North Caucasus, Persians and Turks. The expression "Mature of Calm" became the winged as a figurative characteristic of people rising against indifference, bureaucracy, various manifestations of social injustice.

The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.
Horses eat oats and hay

Quote from the story of A. P. Chekhov "Teacher of Literature" (1894). These phrases repeat in a suicide nonsense teacher of history and geography, IPPOLIT IPPOLititovich, who all his life expressed only well-known, indisputable truths. It is used in value: well-known banal statements.

In borrowed plumes

The expression arose from Basni I. A. Krylov "Crow" (1825). Crow, saving his tail with peacock feathers, went for a walk, confident that she was a sister of Pavam and that everyone looked at her. But the gippers threw the crows so that it was not even left for her own feathers. Voron rushed to her, but they did not recognize her. "Crow in Pavlinich feathers" - they talk about a person who assigns themselves other people's advantages, unsuccessfully trying to play a high, unusual role to him and therefore falls into a comic position.

Wrong getting

The expression is used in the meaning: to be in an unpleasant, awkward or disadvantage due to its oversight or ignorance. The adverb "seek" was formed as a result of the merger of elements in a combination of "in fork". Losak is spinning, a rope rope in the old days. He was a challenging network of ropes, stretching from a spinning wheel to the sled, where they twisted. The camp was usually located on the street and occupied a significant space. For a spinner to get clothes, hair or a beard in the face, that is, to the rope mill, meant at best, hurt and break clothes, and at worst - lose life.


The acting face of the comedy D. I. Fonvizin (1744/1745-1792) "Nepal" (1782), an ignorant German, a former Kucher, one of the landlord teachers, a bare-sized Mitrofanushki. The surname of his, composed of the Russian "Rogue" and the German "Mann" (man), fully characterizing it, became a numerous name of Basta and the Liar.

Hello and for a long time

Expression V. I. Lenin (1870-1924) from the report at the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets. About the new economic policy V. I. Lenin said: "... We spend this policy seriously and for a long time, but, of course, as correctly noted, not forever."

Everything will pass as with white apple trees smoke

Quote from the poem S. A. Yesenin (1895-1925) "I do not regret, I don't cry ..." (1922):

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass, like with white apple trees smoke.
Fading gold embraced
I will not be more young.

Citizes as a consolation, as advice refer to life calmly, in philosophical, because everything passes - and good, and bad.

Everything was mixed in the house of the Blond

Quote from Roman L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1875): "Everything was mixed in the house of the Blond. The wife learned that the husband was in connection with the ex-in-go-governess in their house in their house, and declared her husband that he could not live with him in the same house ... The wife did not leave his rooms, her husband was not at home for the third day. Children ran throughout the house as lost; The Englishwoman quarreled with the housekeeper and wrote a positive note, asking for a new place to her; The cook left yesterday from the courtyard, during lunch; Black cook and kucher asked for calculation. " Quote is used as a figurative definition of confusion, confusion.

All is well, beautiful marquise

Quote from the poem (1936) A. I. Zhemansky (1898-1973) "All is well" (People's French Song). Marquis, fifteen days left in departure, calls to his estate by phone and asks one of the servants: "Well, how are you doing?" He answers:

Everything is good, beautiful marquise,
Things go and life is easy
Not a single sorrowful surprise
With the exception of a trifle!

So ... nonsense ...
Empty business ...
Maled your chalk!

Everything is fine, everything is fine.

Kucher to question Marquis: "How did this death occurred?" - Replies:

With a mare what:
Empty business!
She burned down with a stable!
But otherwise, beautiful Marquis,
Everything is fine, everything is fine.

But otherwise
Beautiful marquise,
All is well, everything is fine!

All this would be funny
When it were not so sad

Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontova "A. O. Smirnova "(1840):

I want to tell you a lot without you
With you, I want to listen to you ...
What to do? .. Speech insecual
To take your mind is not given to me ...
All this would be funny
Whatever it was so sad.

It is used as a comment to an externally tragic, ridiculous, but in essence is very serious, anxious situation.

Shed out

It is used in value: disclose trouble, quarrels concerning only a narrow circle of persons. The expression is usually used with denial, as a call is not to disclose the details of such quarrels (no sorny sorry from the hut). It is associated with ancient custom, do not take out garbage from the hut, but to burn it (for example, in the furnace), as an evil person allegedly could send trouble to the owner of the hut, uttering special words over the garbage.


Gallop in Europe

So entitled travel essays of the poet A. A. Zharova (1904-1984), reflecting the runaway impressions made by him from the trip to Western Europe (1928). The title is explained by the fact that the heat and its satellites, poets I. Utkin and A. Smemetsky, their stay in Czechoslovakia and Austria were forced to reduce much on the demand of the police.

M. Gorky in the article "On the benefits of literacy" (1928) used the expression of Zharov "Gallop to Europe", but already at the address of some authors of frivolous essays about foreign life, reporting readers incorrect information. The expression is used as the definition of surface observations at all.

Hamburg account

In 1928. G. The collection of literary and critical articles, notes and essays V. Shklovsky (1893-1984) called the "Hamburg Account" was published. The meaning of this name is explained in a brief program article, which opens a collection: "The Hamburg Account is an extremely important concept. All fighters, when fighting, cheese and fall on the blades for the ordinarian order. Once a year, wrestlers gather in the Hamburg restaurant. They are struggling with closed doors and wounded windows. Long, ugly and hard. Here are the true classes of fighters - so as not to escape. The Hamburg account is needed in the literature. " In conclusion, the article refers to the names of several well-known modern writers who, according to the author, are not withstanding the Hamburg account. Subsequently, Shklovsky recognized this article "looting" and wrong. But the expression "Hamburg account" was the same in the winged, initially in a literary environment, as determining the evaluation of any work of literature or art without discounts and concessions, and then got wider distribution and began to be applied in assessing certain public events.

Hero of our time

The title of Roman M. Yu. Lermontova (1840), possibly inspired by the "knights of our time" N. M. Karamzin. Allegorical: a person whose thoughts and cases most fully express the spirit of modernity. The expression is used in a positive sense or ironically, according to the person of the person to which it applies.

Hero not my novel


But scalosis? Here is a look!
For the army stands the mountain,
And the reimbursement of the mill,
Face and voice - hero ...


Not my novel.

The expression is used in the meaning: not in my taste.

Glagol Loggy Hearts People

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "Prophet" (1828).
It is used in value: flames, passionately preach, get up.

Eyemer, RF, Natisk

Aphorism of the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov. These words in their "science to win" (written in 1796, the first edition of 1806) was determined by "three military arts".

Stupid penguin timidly hiding body fat in rocks

Quote from "Song about the Petrel" (1901) M. Gorky.

Rotten liberalism

The expression M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889) from a satirical essay (1875) "Lord Solchalins" (from the cycle "in the medium of moderation and accuracy"), which became synonymous with unprincipledness, conciliation, connivance.

Hunger is not aunt

So they talk about a strong hunger forcing to any actions. These words are part of the deployed expression recorded in the XVII century: Hunger is not aunt, the puppet will not appear, i.e. the aunt (kuma, mother-in-law) will help, satisfying and tasty will feed, and the hunger can only push for many unwanted Acts.

Mount from Um

Title Comedy A. S. Griboyedov.


Did there be a boy?

In one of the episodes of the novel M. Gorky "Life of Klim Samgin" (1927) talks about the skates of the boy clima together with other children. Boris Varavka and Varya Somov fall into the wormwood. Klim gives Boris to the end of his gymnasic belt, but he felt that he was tightened into the water, produces a belt from hand. Children are drown. When the search for drowsings begin, the climate is striking "someone's serious incredulous question: -" Did there be a boy, maybe a boy was not? "" The last phrase has become a winged, as a figurative expression of an extreme doubt in something.

Yes only WHO and now there

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Swan, pike and cancer" (1814). It is used in value: it does not move, it is on the spot, and fruitless conversations occur around it.

The lady is pleasant in all respects

The expression from the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842): "What do you think of the name, will certainly be found in some kind of corner of our state, - good, - someone wearing it, and will surely get angry ... and therefore We will call the lady to which the guest arrived, as she gained a legitimate way, for, for sure, did not regret nothing to deal with the last degree, although, of course, through courtesy, wow what good acne is female! And although sometimes in every pleasant Word of her braided what a pin ... "

Give dub

It is used in the meaning of "die". There are two versions of this expression:

  1. The turnover arose in Russian soil and is associated with the verb to cry - "cool, lose sensitivity, to become solid."
  2. The expression arose in the south of Russia. It can be assumed that under the oak buried the dead.

Twenty two misfortune

So in the play A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" (1903) is called the Epodsov Railway, with which some comic trouble happens daily. The expression applies to losers with which some misfortune constantly occurs.

Noble Nest

The title of Roman I. S. Turgeneva (1859), which has become synonymous with the noble manor. The expression it was used by Turgenev even earlier, in the story "My neighbor of Radilov" (1847).

Affairs of the long days,
Lady of vintage deep

Quote from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1820), which is a close translation of poems by one of Ossean's poems, created by the English writer James Maczherson (1736-1796) and ascribed to them by this legendary ancient celent bard. Allegorically about the long-standing and minor events that few people remember.

In the bag

When they say "the case in a hat", it means: everything is in order, everything is successfully over. The origin of this expression is sometimes explained by the fact that in the time of Ivan the Terrible, some court cases were solved by the lot, and the lot was dragging from the judge's hat. There is another explanation of the origin of the expression. Some researchers argue that the devils and orders (it was they who dealt with all sorts of litigation), disassembled court cases, used their hats to receive bribes, and if the bribe satisfied the deaciousness, then "the case was in a hat."

Case of help drowning - the work of the immerses themselves

In the satirical novel I. Ilf (1897-1937) and E. Petrov (1902-1942), the Twelve Chairs (1927) mentioned a poster with such a ridiculous slogan, posted in the club at the evening of rescue society on waters. This slogan has become used, sometimes in a somewhat modified editorial board, like a merry aphorism about self-help.

Case time and fun hour

In 1656, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), "Book, a verbal designer of Sokolnichiya was drawn up", that is, the collection of the rules of falcon hunting, the favorite fun of that time. At the end of the preface, Alexey Mikhailovich made his own prescription: "Prog Book or his own; Siah's parable of peasant and telenost; The truth and the court and the merciful lubva and the rolling system do not forget: the case is time and fun hour. " The words of the assistant, became an expression that is often not fully interpreted correctly, understanding under the word "time" most, and under the word "hour" - less, as a result of which the expression itself changes: "Case time, and fun time." But the king did not think about the fun from the whole time to give only an hour. In these words, the idea is expressed that everything is their time - both the case and fun.

Demyanova Eha

The expression is used in the meaning: violent excessive treats Contrary to the desire of the treated; In general, something persistently proposed. It originated from Basny I. A. Krylov "Demianova Ear" (1813). A neighbor Demyan so pulled the Neighbor's neighbor in the face that he

No matter how he loved, but from the misfortune,
Grabbing in Okhap
Kushak and cap,
Early without memory home -
And since then to Demyan neither leg.


Character Comedy N. V. Gogol "The Auditor" (1836), a rude police minister, who, according to Governing, "for about all the lanterns put lights under the eyes, and the right and guilty." His surname entered the literary speech in the meaning: rough, blindly executing orders over guardian order.

Catch up and overtake

The expression arose from the article V. I. Lenin "Tharing up the catastrophe and how to deal with it" (1917). In this article, V. I. Lenin wrote: "The revolution has done that in several months Russia in his own way political I caught up with advanced countries. But this is not enough. War of Nausea, she puts a question with merciless sharpness: either to die, or catch up with advanced countries and overtake them also economically". The same slogan is "to catch up and overtake America!" - again was put forward in the 1960s. First secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev (1894-1971). Cited as a call for victory in the competition (usually economic) with someone. It is used both in direct and ironic sense.

Dr. Aibolit

The hero of the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky (1882-1969) "Aibolit" (1929). The name of the "Good Doctor" Aibolita began to be used (first by children) as the jangling name of the doctor.


"Domostroy" - a monument of Russian literature XVI century, which is a vault of everyday rules and morals. These rules set forth in sixty with excess chapters relied on a firmly developed worldview that established under the influence of the Church. "Domostroy" teaches "Kako Verovati", "King Tsar Chistici", "How to live with wives and children and with households", normaliates homework and farm. The ideal of any farm, according to Domostroma, is a scopidomism that should help acquire wealth, which is achieved only under the condition of the chapter of the family. Husband, by "Domostroju," - the head of the family, Mr. Wife, and "Domostroy" indicates in detail, in what cases he should beat his wife, etc. Hence the word "Domostroy" means: conservative way of family life, Moral, approving slave Position of a woman.

Diar to Sidorov Goat

It is used in the meaning: strongly, brutally and ruthlessly smoke, beat someone. The name of Sidor in the people was often associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bevil or a grumpy man, and the goat, by popular ideas, is an animal with a harmful character.


The heroine of the story of the same story A. P. Chekhov (1899), a frequency woman, changing his interests and views as the beloved shifts, the eyes of which she looks at life. The Chekhov's "dullness" is also characterized by people who change their beliefs and views, depending on who at this time has an impact on them.


So they say about the thin, weak, painful view of a person who will not live long. The expression is based on the religious symbolism of the word "incense". In the church, incense is kadym (swing the vessel in which there is a chicken incense). This rite is committed, in particular, before dead or dying.


There is life in the old dog yet

Quote from the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" (1842). Allegorically about the ability to make many more; About strong health, well-being or great potential of a person who is capable of many significant things, although those around it are not waiting for it.

There is from what in despair come

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824). Chatsky, interrupting the lies of rehetylov, tells him:

Listen, vria, yes know the same measure;
There is from what to come in despair.

There is an exhaustion in battle,
And the abyss of gloomy on the edge

Quote from the dramatic scene A. S. Pushkin "Pier during the plague" (1832), the song Chairman of the Pir. Used as the formula for excuses are unnecessarily risky behavior.


Alive smoking

The expression from the folk children's songs performed when playing in the "smoking room". Playing sit in the circle and transfer to each other a burning raumon with a chorus: "Alive, alive smoking, legs thin, soul short." He, in whose hands the rauchik will go out, comes out of the circle. From here, the expression "Alive Smoking", used as a joking exclamation, when mentioning the ongoing activities of insignificant people, as well as about the continuous activities of someone under difficulty conditions.

Living water

In Russian folk fairy tales - magic water, reviving the dead, giving births.

Live and live Let's another

The first line of the poem of G. R. Derzhavin (1743-1816) "At the birth of the Tsaritsa Gremslava" (1798):

Live and live let's come on to others
But not at the expense of another;
Always pleased be your
Do not touch anyone else's:
Here is the rule, the path is straight
For happiness, everyone and all.

Derzhavin is the author of this poetic formula, but not the very thought of the forested in it, which has long existed as a proverb in different languages. In Russia, its French version was also widely known - "Vivons Et Laissons Vivre Les Autres". The authorship of this thought is unknown. But in any case, its Russian translation has become aphorism thanks to G. R. Derzhavin.

Under the queen, the Gremislavoy poet of course the Russian Empress Catherine Great. According to legend, the expression "live and live let's come on to others" was her favorite sending.

Allegorically: Call to be attentive to the interests of other people, to search with them a compromise, a certain coexistence formula that suits everyone.

Living Dead

The expression has been widely walking after the emergence of the Drama "Living Corp" (1911) L. N. Tolstoy, the hero of which, Fedya Protasov, simulating suicide, is hiding from his wife and people of their circle and lives among the garbage of society, being in their own eyes "Live Corpse" . Now the expression "living corpse" is used in the meaning: the person is descended, morally devastated, and also at all, anything dead, who has granted itself.


Outside reach

The expression belongs to Admiral F. V. Dubasov (1845-1912), a well-known suppression of the Moscow armed uprising. In his "victorious" relationlation, Nikolai II of December 22, 1905, Dubasov wrote: "The recession, rebels, on the one hand, have tried and managed to quickly remove from the reach of selected leaders, on the other - they left on the theater actions although scattered but The most irreconcilable and embittered fighters ... I can't recognize the rebellious movement completely depressed. "

For thirty lands.
Thied [thirty] kingdom

The expression, often found in Russian folk fairy tales in meaning: far, was given in the unknown.

Forget and fall asleep!

Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "I go out one on the road":

I'm not waiting for nothing from life
And it's not a pity for me to whit;
I'm looking for freedom and peace!
I would like to forget and fall asleep!

Shabby View

This expression appeared under Peter I (1672-1725). Shaveness is the name of the merchant, whose factory produced a very coarse and low-quality fabric. Since then, they talk about a slopfully dressed man.

Zai tongue. Zaomy

The terms created by the poet and the theorist of Futurism A. E. Klychey. In the "Declaration of the Word as such" (1913) the essence of "Zauri" was defined as follows: "Thought and speech do not have time for the experience of the inspired, so the artist is waven to express not only the general language ... but also a personal ... who do not have a certain meaning. Based on this fetaned false theory, the poet futurists created words devoid of all objective and semantic meanings, for example, such poems: "Serzh Mulepeta Seinal Ok Rzhind Minell Alik". Therefore, the terms "Zaomum", "Zai Language" began to be used in the meaning: language, incomprehensible to the widespread masses, in general - nonsense.

Hello, tribe young, unfamiliar!

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "Again I visited / that corner of the Earth ..." (1835):

Hello, tribe
Junior, unfamiliar! not me
I will see your mighty late age
When they grow up my acquaintances
And the old chapter they deposit
From the eye of a passerby ...

Used as a joke-solemn greeting facing young people, young colleagues.

Green grapes

In a wide appeal, the expression was entered after the appearance of Basni I. A. Krylov "Fox and grapes" (1808). Fox who can not get high grape brushes, says:

In appearance, he is good
Yes green - berries no mature,
Immediately Oskovina do.

It is applied to designate imaginary contempt for what it is impossible to achieve.

Hot spot

The expression from the Orthodox Suffoon Prayer ("... in a scene, in a silence, in a place rest ..."). So in the texts in church Slavonic language is called paradise. The figurative meaning of this expression is the "fun place" or "hearty place" (such a place in the old Russia could be a bank). Over time, this expression has acquired a negative color - the place where the kits are deposited, depravity.


And the smoke of the Fatherland to us sweet and pleasant

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824), Words of Chatsky, who returned from the journey. With sarcasm remembering old Muscovites, he says:

Again to see them destroyed by fate!
To live with them getting tired, and in whom you will not find spots?
When you want, turn home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us.

The last phrase in Griboedov is not a completely accurate quotation from the poem of G. R. Derzhavin "Harp" (1798):

Mila us good news about our side:
Fatherland and smoke to us sweets and pleasant.

In the wide appeal, the phrase of Derzhavin entered, of course, as a quote from Comedy Griboyedov. Allegorically about love, attachment to your Fatherland, when even the smallest signs of their own, they cause joy, lunizing.

And living in a hurry and feel hurry

Quote from the poem of P. A. Vyazemsky (1792-1878) "First Snow" (1822). A. S. Pushkin is taken as an epigraph to the 1st chapter "Eugene Onegin". Allegorical: 1. About a person who is in a hurry, but can not bring anything to the end. 2. About who seeks to take from life as much as possible, everyone enjoyed, especially without thinking about the price that will have to pay for it.

And boring, and sad, and some kind of hand

Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "And boring and sad" (1840):

And boring, and sad, and some kind of hand
Per minute of spiritual adversity ...
Rosel! What benefits are in vain and always wish?
And years pass - all the best years ...

Allegorically about loneliness, the absence of loved ones.

And again the fight!
Rest only in our dreams

Quote from the poem A. A. Blok (1880-1921) "On the field of Kulikov" (1909). Allegorical about determination to fight further to achieve the goal.

And one who walks with a song in life,
That never will disappear anywhere

Chorus a popular march from the movie "Cheerful Guys" (1934), Words V. I. Lebedev-Kumacha (1898-1949), Music I. O. Dunaevsky (1900-1955).

Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforov

Characters "Tale about how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich" (1834) N. V. Gogol. The names of these two Mirgorod ordinary people became nominable for people constantly quarreled with each other, synonymous with the crystal, gossip.

Ivan Nepomnyazheny

IN Tsarist Russia caught by runaway convicts, hiding their past, concealed the real name and surname, called themselves Ivanov and said that they would not remember kinship; In the police they were recorded by the "non-redest kinship", from here and their nickname "Ivan Nepomnye".

I go to you

Prince Svyatoslav, starting the war, declared the enemy in advance: "I want to you." N. M. Karamzin (1766-1826), transmitting the chronicle legend, leads the phrase of Svyatoslav in the form: "I go to you!" The prayer of the phrase received in the editorial office: "I go to you." It is used in value: I intend to enter into confrontation, dispute, dispute, etc.

Flame burns out of the spark

Quote from the poems of the Poet-Decembrist A. I. Odoyevsky (1802-1839), written in Siberia in response to the poetic message A. S. Pushkin (1826), addressed to Cathedral Decembrist ("In the depths of Siberian ores / Keep proud patience ... ").

Allegorically about faith in success, the victory of his case, despite his difficult beginning.

From love for art

The expression from Waterville D. T. Lensky (1805-1860) "Lev Gurych Sichikkin" (1839). One of the characters of Waterville, the Graph of Marshmallows, is dragging over pretty actresses, playing by the patronage of the local troupe. His favorite expression that he remembers repeats: "Of the love of art."

It is used in the meaning: from the love for the cause, lesson, without any mercenary purposes.

From the beautiful far away

The expression from the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842): "Rus! Rus! I see you from my wonderful, beautiful far away, I see "(almost the entire 1st volume of the" dead souls "was written by Gogol abroad). Citizates as a jangle-ironic designation of the place where a person is delivered from ordinary worries, difficulties, problems.

A hut on chicken legs

In Russian folk fairy tales, Baba Yaga lives in such a hut. This figurative name comes from those wooden log cabins, which in ancient, to protect them from reloading, put on hemp with chopped roots.


The expression arose from the folk proverb: "Not expensive Kvass, the road is raisin in kvass." It became a winged after the appearance of the drama L. N. Tolstoy "Live Corpse" (1912). The hero of the Drama of Protasov, telling about his family life, says: "My wife is an ideal woman ... But what do you say? There was no raisin, - Do you know, in the kvass of the raisher? - There was no game in our lives. And I needed to forget. And you will not forget without play ... "It is used in value: something that gives a special taste, the attraction of something (dish, story, man, etc.).


Kazan Sirota

This is called a person pretending to be unhappy, offended, helpless to cause sympathy of luggage people. This expression during the time of Ivan the Terrible (1530–1584) Jully called the Tatar princes, who took Christianity after the conquest of Kazan and who achieved honors under the royal yard. In his petitions, they often called themselves orphans. Another option is possible: after the conquest of Kazan, many beggars appeared, who issued themselves to the victims of the war and said that their parents were killed in the siege of Kazan.

Like squirrel in the wheel

The expression from Basni I. A. Krylova "Protein" (1833):

Look at the Delta of another:
Bottles, messengers, everything is missed:
He seems to be rushed out of leather
Yes, only all forward is not served,
Like squirrel in the wheel.

The expression is used in value: continuously fuss, bother without visible results.

How would not happen

The words of the teacher Belikov from the story of A. P. Chekhov "Man in the case" (1898). Cited as definition of cowardice, panic.

How did you reach this?

Quote from poem N. A. Nekrasov (1821–1878) "Rissy and elegant" (1861):

We will try to ask her yes:
"How did you reach this? .."

It is used to express bewilderment, regrets about the trouble, comprehended by man.

How under each shelter she
Was ready and table and house

Quote from the bass "Dragonfly and ant" (1808) I. A. Krylov. The expression is given to characterize it is easy, without difficulty achieved material security.

Like water off a duck's back

Due to the fat lubricant, the water with a goose is easily rolled. This observation has led to the appearance of this expression. It is used to designate a person who is all indifferent, everything is not necessary.

How good, how fresh roses were ...

This line from the poem I. P. Matlev (1796-1844) "Roses". It is used when sadness remembers something joyful, light, but long ago.

Capital acquire and innocence

The expression popularized by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrian ("Letters to aunt" (1882), "little things of life" (1887), "Safety Montreo" (1879), etc.). It is used in value: satisfying their mercenary interests, trying to preserve the reputation of a non-care person, Altruista.


The word entered into widespread use after the publication of the novel F. M. Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov" (1879-1880). This word denotes the extreme degree of moral irresponsibility and cynicism ("everything is allowed"), which constitutes the essence of the worldview and the morals of the main characters.


Plato Karatayev is one of the heroes of Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (1865-1869). His humility and crotko-kindly attitude towards any manifestation of evil ("non-resistance of evil") expresses, on the thoughts of the Tolstoy, the essence of the Russian peasantry, genuine folk wisdom.

Keanny lady [girl]

Apparently, for the first time in a literary speech, this expression was among the novel N. G. Pomyalovsky (1835-1863) "Meshchansky happiness" (1861). It is used in the meaning: a fuse, a raised girl, with a limited horizon.

Wedge wedge to bounce

Indicates "get rid of something (bad, hard), acting as if there is no, or resorting precisely to what it was caused." The expression is associated with the ringer of wood, in which the lamps are splitting, scoring the wedge into the gap made by the ax. If the wedge is stuck in the wood, not the splits of it, then knock it out (and along with it and split it) only the second, thicker wedge.

Kolomna verst

So called long and thin people. In the XVII century, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, on the "pillars" road (that is, the road with a vest pillar) between Moscow and the summer tsarist residence in the village of Kolomna, the distance measurement was reinstalled and the "lyters" were installed - especially high vest poles from which And this expression went.

Who lives well in Russia

Title N. A. Nekrasov, the first chapter of which was printed in 1866. Seven peasants, thanks that

Who lives fun
Volgovo in Russia, -

they decide not to return home until they find a response to this question, and go to Russia in search of the "who live well in Russia." Citizes as a journey-ironical comment to all kinds of sociological research, polls, their results, etc.

Kondrashka enough

So they say in case someone died suddenly, died (about apoplexic strike, paralysis). There are several versions of the origin of turnover:

  1. phraseology dates back to the name of Kondrati Bulavin, the leader of the national uprising on Don in 1707;
  2. Kondrashka - eufumistic name of death, severe illness, paralysis, characteristic of popular superstition.

End in water

The expression is associated with the name of Ivan the Terrible. Repressions against the population at the same time the king sometimes took such a scope, which was confused even Ivan himself. In such cases, in order to hide the true scales of executions, the people who died from torture, they thickened in the river. Hide the ends into the water - it means to check the traces of the crime.

The horse was not lying

It is used in value: nothing has yet been done, before the start of the case is still far away. The origin of the turnover is associated with the hood of horses to lie before you put on yourself the clamp or saddle, which delayed the work.


Poem Character N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842): "... One of those Mothers, small landlords, who cry for crop, losses ... And meanwhile, dial the money maker in the motley bags placed in the drawers of the chest. In one bag, all the cells are taken away, on the other half-one, in the third quartet, although it seems that there is nothing in the dresser, except for linen, yes night blouses, yes filament engines, and a snap-down salop, having then to contact the dress if Old somehow prohibiting during the cooking of festive pellets with all sorts of greents or freely by itself. But does not burn the dress and does not be empty by itself; The old woman was driving, and the Salopau is destined to lie down long in the risk, and then go to the spiritual testament to the niece of the grandee sister together with every other trash. " The name of the box has become a synonym for a person living with petty interests, small Skopidon.

Blood with milk

So they talk about a ruddy, healthy person. The expression from Russian folklore, where folk ideas about the beauty of the color were connected: red as blood and white as milk. In Russia, a white face and a blush on the cheeks were considered a sign of beauty, which was evidence of good health.

Cuckoo praises Petush
For praises he cuckoo

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Cuckoo and Rooster" (1841):

For what, not afraid of sin,
Cuckoo praises a rooster?
For praising he cuckoo.


Ease of extraordinary in thoughts

The words glanced Horstakov in the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" (1836): "My, however, there are many writings: the marriage of Figaro, Robert Devil, the norm. I do not even remember the names; And all the case: I did not want to write, but the Theater Directorate says: "Please, brother, write something." I think myself: "Perhaps ignorance, brother!" And immediately in one evening, it seems, everything wrote, I'm amazed. I have ease of extraordinary in thoughts. "

Close to Rogon

Means: in rage and blinding to go against common sense to obvious death, "rushing" for trouble. "Horn" in the old Russian language (and now in local counsels) was called pointed count. Having hooked on the bear, the brave, going on him, put a sharp count. Flount on the rags, the bear died. The same origin and the expression "move against the roe" or, on the contrary, "against the root will not be adjusted." From here, both "neither" in the sense: there is nothing.

Extra people.

From the "Diary of an extra person" (1850) I. S. Turgenev. The image of the "excess person" was very popular in the Russian literature of the XIX century. As the type of nobleman, which in the established socio-political conditions does not find a place in life, cannot self-realize and suffers from this, lethal inaccessible. The interpretation of the "excess person" - precisely as a certain public type - served for many authors of those years of an indirect, non-political protest against the living conditions in Russia.

Usually, the expression applies in relation to people, with something similar on these heroes of Russian classical literature.

Light Light in the Dark Kingdom

The title of Articles (1860) N. A. Dobrolyubova (1836-1861), dedicated to the drama A. N. Ostrovsky (1823-1886) "Thunderstorm". The suicide of the heroine of Drama, Katerina, Dobrolyubov considers as a protest against the arbitrariness and self-smuggling of the "Dark Kingdom". This protest is passive, but indicates that the consciousness of its natural rights is already awakening in the oppressed masses, which the time of slave submissions passes. Therefore, Dobrolyubov and called Katerina "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom." Allegorical: Otradnaya, bright phenomenon (kind, pleasant person) in any complex, depressing atmosphere.

Better less yes better

Title Articles (1923) V. I. Lenin. Phrase - quality priority symbol over quantity.

Love has no age

Quote from the poem "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. Used as a journey-ironical commentary about the fervor, youthful senses of the elderly person.

Ellochka cannibal

"William Shakespeare's dictionary at the counting of researchers is 12,000 words. The Negro dictionary from the ogombo-yumbo "is 300 words.

Ellochka Shchukina easily and loose thirty. "

So begins the head of the XXII, h. II "Oil Ellochka" in the Roman Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov "Twelve Chairs" (1928).

In the vocabulary of the Meshchanka Elochka, such words as "famous", "darkness", "horror", "guy", "tax", etc., serve to express all her wretched feelings and thoughts. Her name has become a nominative for those who spend their scanty speech by fictional words and vulgarism.

Lyasy sharpe

The expression "Lyasy to Sharp" means "chatting trifles, to engage in a non-serious, unprecedented conversation." The expression comes from simple ancient work - the manufacture of balassine: accurate columns for the railil. Lyasy - presumably the same as bales, bales. The baluster was called a turner, manufacturing balusters (in a figurative sense - joker, a fruit, balagen). The balaassed craft was considered cheerful and easy, not requiring special concentration and a giving master the opportunity to sing, joke, chat with others.


Manilov. Manilovschina

Manilov is one of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842), the landowner, pronounced in circulation with his family and guests, sentimental, a preventive dreamer.


The expression arose from Basni I. A. Krylov "Dressman and Bear" (1808). It is used in the meaning: inept, awkward service that brings instead of help harm, trouble.

Dead Souls

The title of the poems N. V. Gogol, the main character of which chikhikov with a speculative purpose bursts at the landlords "Dead Souls", which under documents were under the next census alive. The expression has become a winged in the meaning: people, fictitiously listed anywhere, as well as people, "dead spirit."

Meshchansky happiness

Title Tale (1861) N. G. Pomagalovsky. It is used in the meaning: life without high goals, aspirations filled with small, everyday worries, acquisition, etc.

Milong Torzany

The words of Chatsky in the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" (1824):

Yes, urine No: Milong Torzaniy
Breasts from friendly vice,
Foot from scolding, ears from exclamations,
And the head of the head from all sorts of trifles.

The expression has become a winged thanks to the wide fame of the article "Millon Torzania" (1872) of the writer Ivan Goncharov (1812–1891), who rethought in her the Griboedovskaya expression in the spirit of its time - spiritual torments, moral.

It is consumed jokingly ironically: in relation to all kinds of nervous, long, diverse hassle, as well as difficult thinking, doubts about any important thing.

And Barsky Anger, and Bar Love

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit", words Maid Lisa. Allegorical: It is better to stay away from the special attention of people from whom it depends, because from their love before their hatred is one step.


The main acting face of the comedy "inexpensive" (1782) D. I. Fonvizin is a fourth son, spoiled inappropriate, lazy, incapable of teaching. Its name has become nominable for people like this type.

I do not care your gift,
Your Love Road

The expression from the Russian folk song "On the street Mostovoy":

Ah, my nice is good
Chernobrov, soul, fit,
I brought a present
Gift dear,
With a hand ring gold.
I do not care your gift, -
The road is your love.
I don't want to wear
I want to love so friend.

The meaning of expression: it is important not the cost and sophistication of the gift, but the feelings that he is intended to express.

My universities

The title of autobiographical story (1923) M. Gorky; Universities, he calls the School of Life.

The expression is often used with the replacement of my words by another, corresponding to the case.

Young everywhere W. us road

Quote from "Song about Motherland" in the movie "Circus" (1936), Text V. I. Lebedev-Kumacha, Music I. O. Dunaevsky. It is used both in direct and ironic sense, according to the situation.

Dairy rivers and ferrous shores

The expression from the Russian folk fairy tale. It is used as a figurative definition of carefree, susceptible life.

Molchanin. Silence

Molchanin - a valid face in the comedy A. S. Griboedov "Mount from Wit" (1824), a type of careerist, pleasing and modest before the bosses; It defines their advantages in two words: "moderation and accuracy". His name and the word "silence" have become synonymous with his careerism, oddifies.

Moscow ... How much in this sound
For the heart of Russian merged!
How many in it responded!

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. Expresses admiration for the capital of Russia, historical, national characteristics of Moscow, her appearance.

We all studied little by little,
Something and somehow

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. It is used when it comes to dilatancy, shallow, superficial knowledge in any area.

We can not wait for mercies from nature, take them from her - our task

The expression belongs to the Soviet biologist-genetics of the breeder I. V. Michurina (1855-1935), in practice, in a broad scale, which has introduced the opportunity to change the hereditary forms of organisms, adapting them to human needs. Citizates ironically about absurd, objectively harmful to the interests of human plans for the "conquest" of nature. Phrase - a symbol of consumer attitude towards nature.

We pahly

Quote from Basny I. I. Dmitriev (1760-1837) "Muha" (1803):

Bull with a plow on peace dragged on the writings,
And his fly was sitting on the horns,
And the fly they met dear.
"Where are you from, sister?" - From this there was a question.
And that, raising your nose,
In response, she says: "From where? -
We plowed! "

Quote is used to characterize people who want to show that they took an active part in some work, although in reality they were insignificant and they attribute themselves to other people's merits.

We are born to make a fairy tale

Quote from poem P. D. Herman (1894-1952) "All above", dedicated to Soviet pilots:

We are born to make a fairy tale
Overcome space and space.
We are the mind gave steel hands - wings,
And instead of the heart, a fiery motor ...

The poem laid on music has gained wide popularity, and the first line of it has become a winged. It is used ironically in relation to discredited by socialist doctrines and political slogans. It is also used as joking praise yourself.


On the village of Grandfather

In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Vanka" (1886) Nine-year-old peasant boy Vanka Zhukov, brought from the village to Moscow and the given to the study to the shoemaker, writes a letter to his grandfather. "Vanka rolled the four-fold sheet and put it into an envelope, bought on the eve of a penny ... Thinking a little, he strained the pen and wrote the address:" On the village of Grandfather. " Then he scratched, thought and added: "Konstantin Makarychu". " The expression "on the village of the Grandfather" is used jokingly, when they talk about an inaccurate address or about his absence.

At the bottom

"At the bottom" - the name of the play M. Gorky, for the first time put on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, on December 18, 1902. The first edition of the play, published in the same year in Munich, was entitled "at the bottom of life." According to I. A. Bunin, give a play "on the bottom", instead of "at the bottom of life", Gorky advised Leonid Andreev.

These expressions are used when it comes to the lowest stage of the social staircase, about the actual "drop-down" from normal life.

At the dawn of foggy youth

Quote from the poem A. V. Koltsov (1809-1842) "separation" (1840), laid on music A. Gurilev (1803-1858) and other composers. It is used in value: once, a long time ago.

On the move of the notch cuts

The expression originated from the Russian folk fairy tale about the thighs. The old thief agreed to take a young guy to the comrades, but with a persuasion: "I'll take it ... If you steal the egg from under the wild duck, and you will not hear that it will not be heard, and the nest does not flit." - "Eki Dikovina!" - answered the guy. They went together, they found a dinner nest and crawled to him on a belly. While still uncle (thief) sneaked, and the guy is all the eggs from the nest ripped out, and so slyly, that the bird and pen did not move; Yes, not only the eggs ripped out, in terms of the old thief from the boot soles raised. "Well, Vanka, there is nothing to teach you, you yourself are a big master!" So jokingly talk about a man with a clever, a rutication capable of fraudulent tricks.

We have a song building and live helps

Quote from "Marsham Merry Guys", Words V. I. Lebedeva-Kumacha, Music I. O. Dunaevsky from the movie "Merry Guys" (1934).

The people are silent

The tragedy of A. S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1831) ends with the following stage: boyar Masalsky, one of the killers of the widow of Boris Godunova and her son, declares the people: "People! Maria Godunova and her son Feodor poisoned himself poison. We saw their dead corpses. (People are silent in horror.) What are you silent? Scream: Long live King Dimitri Ivanovich! (The people are silent.) "

The last remark, becoming the winged phrase, is used when it comes: 1. On the frivolous obedience to the people of the authorities, the absence of desire, will, courage to protect their interests. 2. On the silence of those present when discussing an important issue.

Our regiment arrived

The expression from the ancient "game" song "And we have seeded", known in many versions. This expression is usually used in value: people are added as well as we (in some respect).

Not danced

The expression is used in value: does not go out, it does not work as it should. It originated from the story of N. V. Gogol "Enchanted place" (1832). The old grandfather, jaws, started to dance, "went fucking to twist his legs across the smooth place, which was near the garden with cucumbers. Just reached, however, how half a half and wanted to get roaring and dig about some kind of my own one, - the legs do not rise, and only! .. Warned again, reached the middle - does not take! What do I want to: does not take, and never takes! Feet like wooden steel. "Vish, the devilish place! Visit, Satanic obsession! .. "Embeddown again and began to scratch fractionally, finely, anyone to look; Before the middle - no! Not danced, and full! "

Do not tempt me without need

Quote from the poem E. A. Baratynsky (1800–1844) "Definition" (1821), Masted music M. I. Glinka (1825):

Do not tempt me without need
Return of the tenderness of your.
Disappointed alien
All the shears of the former days!

Ironically about your unbelief in someone's promises, assurance, etc.

I had no yard

So in the old days they talked about the "movable property" (especially about pets), the acquisition of which ended in failure (the dishes crashed, the horse fell and so on.).

This expression is associated with faith in the houses, which, according to our distant ancestors, was provided with all the "house and the yard" were their secret owners. Then "I didn't have to go to the court" meant: I did not like the houses.

Now the expression "not to the court came" is used in the meaning "In summary, not by moral."

Nothing Lukovo

The expression from the tragedy A. S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1831), the scene "Night. Clay in a miracle monastery ", the words of the chronicler of Pimen:

Describe, not curly fish
All that is what the witness in life you will.

The expression is used in the meaning: without clauses, simply.

Not sold inspiration
But you can sell the manuscript

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "The conversation of the bookSelver with the poet" (1825). It is used in meaning: the commercial interest of the artist does not contradict the freedom of his work.

Do not Solono Bread

The origin of this expression is due to the fact that the salt in Russia was an expensive and difficult product. Solished the meal always the owner: the one who loved and respected - more, and the fatal visitor was sometimes not allowed at all. Today, "Nonolono Bread" means "deceiving in their expectations, without achieving the desired, having met a bad reception."

I do not want to learn, I want to marry

The words of Mitrofanushki from the comedy "inexpensive" (1782) D. I. Fonvizin: "The hour of my will came: I don't want to learn, I want to marry." Citizes as an ironic commentary to the moods of idle, lazy, non-evil adolescents that are interested in entertainment.

Sky in diamonds

The expression from the play A. P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" (1897). Sonya, comforting the tired, exhausted with his life Uncle Vanya, says: "We will rest! We will hear the angels, we will see all the sky in diamonds, we will see how all the evil earthly, all our sufferings will strengthen in mercy, which will fill the whole world, and our life will become quiet, soft, sweet, as caressing. "

The phrase is usually sufficingly ironically as a symbol of unattainable harmony, peace, happiness, desires.

Break a leg

This expression was originally used as "spell", designed to deceive unclean power. So talked to hunting; It was believed that the direct wish of good luck could "smooth out" production. Rough reply: "To hell!" It was supposed to secure the hunter.

No one will hug an immense

Aphorism from "Fruits of thought" (1854) Kozma Prutkov.

Nothing new [not forever] under the moon

From the poem "Experienced Solomonov Wisdom, or the selected thoughts from Ecclesiast" (1797) N. M. Karamzin:

Nothing new under the Lona:
What is, it was, there will be included.
And before the blood flowed the river,
And before the man cried ...

In the first line, Karamzin used the winged Latin expression, well known in Russia and in Russian translation, and in the original language: Nil Novi Sub Luna - nothing new under the moon.

The very work of Karamzin is a poetic imitation of the well-known biblical text: "What happened, then it will be; And what was done, it will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. It happens something that they say: "Look, this is new," but this is It was already in centuries that were before us ... "

Nozdrev. Nozdrustchina

One of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842): "There were quite a lot of such people anyone. They are called broken small ... In their faces, something open, direct, remote, is always visible. They will soon get acquainted, and do not have time to look back, as you already tell you "you". Friendship will lead, it seems forever; But it always happens almost that, that a friend will exercise with them the same evening on a friendly feast. They are always welcoming, Cutles, Lihachi, the people are prominent ... What a closer came out with him, he rather than all of everyone: he dismissed a foolishness, it's more stupid that it is difficult to fool, upset the wedding, a trade deal and did not honor himself with your enemy ... Maybe you will call him The character of beaten, will say that now there is no nozroid. Alas! Unjust will be those that will speak like this. Nozdrev has not yet taken away from the world for a long time. He everywhere between us and maybe only goes in another caftana. " His name became synonymous with an empty chatter, a gossip, a small rogue; The word "Nozdrevshchina" is synonymous with chatter and boasting.


About my friend, Arkady Nikolaich, do not speak beautifully

Expression from the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" (1862): "Look," said Arkady suddenly, "the dry maple leaf broke away and falls to the ground; His movements are absolutely similar to the butterfly flight. Isn't it strange? The most sad and dead is similar to the most cheerful and alive. " - "O my friend, Arkady Nikolaich! - exclaimed the bazaars. - About one I ask you: do not say beautifully. " The phrase of the bazarar is characterized by an excessive eloquence where simplicity is required, the logical sobriety of judgment.

Bakes. Oblomovshchyna

Oblomov - Hero of the novel of the same name (1859) I. A. Goncharov (1812–1891), A landowner living sleepy, lazy, poorly life filled with idle dreams. This life is his buddy galley, a dealers and practitioner calls "Oblastovshchina".

Expressions of "Oblomov", "Oblomovshchyna" whose wildsticks contributed a lot to the article N. A. Dobrolyubova "What is a breakdown?" (1859), became synonymous with mental laziness, inactiveness, passive attitude to life.


In the novel L. N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1875), the Valerin encourages this word of his Barin, Stepana Arkadyevich Oblonsky, frustrated with his wife with his wife. This word used in the meaning of "everything will be worse", which became winged after the appearance of the thickness of Tolstoy, it was undoubtedly heard somewhere. He used him in one of the letters to his wife back in 1866, convincing her not to worry because of various everyday troubles. The wife in the response letter repeated his words: "Probably, all this is formed."

Ordinary History

The title of the novel (1847) I. A. Goncharov, which shows the life path of an enthusiastic dreamer-provincial, which turned into a calculating careerist official in St. Petersburg. An expression "Ordinary History" characterize the template everyday or psychological situations.

Window to Europe

The expression from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" (1834):

Here will be the city laid
I called a surrender neighbor.
Nature here we are destined
To cut the window to Europe
Need solid to become a sea ...

In the first note to the poem A. S. Pushkin, it was important to observe the copyright to the expression "window to Europe" and wrote: "Algarti said somewhere:" Petersbourg Est La Fenetre Par Laquelle La Russia Regarde En Europe ", that is," Petersburg "This window, through which Russia looks to Europe."

Left grandmother horns yes legs

Not quite an exact quotation from the songs of an unknown author, which appeared in the songwriters from 1855:

He lived, her grandmother is a sulfur goat,
He lived, her grandmother is a sulfur goat,

Fish like! That's how! Senter goat!
Grandmother goat loved ...
The goat swell into the forest to walk ...
They attacked the goat gray wolves ...
Gray wolves goat ate ...
Left grandmother horns and legs.

It is consumed jokingly ironically about someone, victims of cruel defeat, failure, etc.

Ostap Bender.
Great combinator

In the satirical novels of Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov "Twelve Chairs" (1928) and the "Golden Calf" (1931), the main hero of Ostap Bender, a clever passer, committing a number of fraudulent tribes, is ironically called a great combinator. His name and nickname, the great combinator applied to people like this type.

From Romula to this day

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. It is used ironically as a characteristic of a long story about something, begun from afar, as well as the definition of something, has long been existing (Romulus - the mythical founder of Rome).

From young nails

The expression is found in many monuments of the ancient Russian literature, for example, in the "Messages of Nikifora, Metropolitan of Kiev, led. Prince Volodymar "(XII century):" From the young to the nails "and in the" Tale of the Murom Unity ":" From the young nails God alone. " It is used in meaning: since childhood, from the young age.

From joy in Zobu Dyhanye

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Crow and Fox" (1808).

Where are you from, wonderful child?

Quote from Drama A. S. Pushkin "Mermaid" (1837), with these words, the prince appeals to a small mermaid.

Caps of this quote contributed to the opera A. S. Dargomyzhsky (1855), written in the plot of the Drama Pushkin. Quote is almost always ironically, jokingly, as a question for someone unexpectedly appeared.

Put in a long box

It is used in value: to delay the execution of any case indefinitely. There are several options for the origin of the phraseology:

  1. the expression dates back to the times of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, before his palace was brought a box for petitions, these petitions were dealt with boyars and devils, many remained unanswered;
  2. in a long mailbox, the newest and unnecessary petitions and complaints were postponed in Russian office.

Fathers and Sons

The title of the novel (1862) I. S. Turgenev, which became in the XIX century. Synonymous Retail two generations - old and young.

Oh, you hardly, a monoma hat!

Quote from the tragedy A. S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1831), Monologue Boris. "Monomakh" in Greek - a martial art; Note that joined the names of some Byzantine emperors. In ancient Russia, this nickname was fixed for the Grand Duke Kyiv Vladimir (beginning. XII century), from which the Moscow kings took its origin. The monomacha hat - the crown, who was married to the kingdom of Moscow kings, the symbol of the royal power. A given quote is characterized by a difficult position.

Hunting of places

They were worried about them,
Hunting of places
(Extremely painful property,
Few voluntary cross).
He left his selection,
Forests and Niv Privacy ...
And began to wage without a goal.


Move the bone

It is used in value: discuss anyone in his absence. The expression dates back to the forgotten rite of reburial: three years after the death of the dead, removed from the grave, cleared the bones from Tlen and re-buried. This action was accompanied by memories of the deceased, the assessment of his character, affairs and actions.

Pechorin. Pechorism

The main acting face of the novel "Hero of Our Time" (1840) M. Yu. Lermontov, the embodiment of a social type, characteristic, according to the author, for his time, when deep, strong people could not find a decent way of self-realization. Critic V. G. Belinsky wrote about this hero of the Pecopabristian timeless, which is characteristic of it "the contradiction between the deepness of nature and the fleet of action."

The name of Pechorin became nominative for the Russian romantic hero of the Bayronic type, for whom dissatisfaction with life, skepticism, the search for himself in this life, suffering from misunderstanding from the surrounding and at the same time contempt for them. Hence, "Pechorinism" - the desire to imitate Pechorin, "wonder", play the role of a mysterious, fatal personality.

Feast in Time of Plague

The name of the dramatic scenes (1832) A. S. Pushkin, the basis for which served as a scene from the poet of the English poet John Wilson "Cum City" (1816). It is used in value: a feast, cheerful, careless life during any public disaster.

Bad that soldier who does not think to be general

In the composition of A. F. Pogossky (1816-1874) "Soldier's notes" (1855) among the aphorisms compiled by the sample of proverbs, is: "The bad one soldier who does not think to be a general, and is even bad one who thinks too much that With him will be. In the dictionary of Dalya, the proverb: "The thin soldier who does not hope to be general" (cf. "Each French soldier wears the Marshall Rod in his Racing). It is usually used to encourage, encourage someone in his enterprise, cutting plan, intent.

Plushkin. Plushiny

One of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842), a presenter, the misfortune of which reached Mania. His name became nominative for people like this type, and the word "Plushism" is synonymous with painful misfortune.

By whining the vein, in my opinion [I last]

The expression from the Russian folk fairy tale: a wonderful pike, caught by Emers, was released by him, for it she did so that any of his desire was fulfilled, it was worth it only to say: "By whining the veliny, in my opinion, let him be the fact that -To ". It is used in value: miraculously, as if by itself.

Success is never blamed

These words are attributed to Catherine II (1729-1796), which as if expressed as A. V. Suvorov was devoted to the military court for the assault in 1773. Turatuk, made by him, contrary to the orders of Field Marshal Rumyantsev.

However, the story of arbitrary actions of Suvorov and his return on trial is refuted by serious researchers and belongs to the area of \u200b\u200bjokes.

Believe algebra harmony

The expression from the tragedy A. S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri" (1832), from the monologue of Salieri:

I put fit art:
I got an artisan: fingers
Gave obedient, dry fluency
And loyalty to the ear. Sounds killing
I humbled music like a corpse.
I believed algebra harmony.
Then he joked in science, sophisticated,
Night of the mind of a creative dream.

It is also used ironically about a hopeless attempt to judge artistic work, based only at rational start, excluding feelings.

Subnoble truth

It is used in value: the true essence of something. One of the types of torture in ancient Rus was that the needle, nails or wooden wedges were interrogated under the nails, to make him tell all the truth. With this, the expression "learn all the groundnight" is connected.

Wait a bit,
Relax and you

Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "From Goethe" (1840):

Mountain peaks
Sleep in the darkness of the night;
Quiet valleys
Fresh fresh haired;
Do not dust road,
Wood sheets ...
Wait a bit,
Relas and you.

Signed, so with the shoulders

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824). Magovyov in response to the words of its secretary of Molchalin that he brought business papers requiring many references, says:

I'm afraid, sir, I am one deadly,
So that the many have not accumulated them;
Give the will to you, it would fall out;
And I have something that is not the case,
My custom is this:
Signed, so from the shoulders.

This expression is applied to people, superficially formally related to business.

After the rain on Thursday

It is believed that this expression is due to the fact that Perun was dedicated to the old days - the God of Thunder and Lightning. He was raised about the rain, especially during drought. People believed that he must mostly fulfill requests to "his" day, Thursday. And since these requests often remained unforced, Christians began to relate to this deity pretty skeptical and, making sure the uselessness of such prayers, expressed this phrase their full mistrust of God Perun. The expression "after the rain on Thursday" began to be applied to all uncomfortable, to the fact that it is unknown when it turns out.


It is used in value: lead in bewilderment, put in a predicament. Upperka is still called "stupid", that is, not a pass-through passage or the front of the street, alley. In a rustic use of a dead end, the angle on the street formed by two wicker fences was drawn up. Thus, a dead end is something like traps, which does not have the opportunity to go ahead.

Contemporary metal

This expression is widely popularized by Roman I. A. Goncharov "Ordinary History" (1847): "Do you have an uncle and friend - you hear? And if you need a service, classes and contemptible metal, boldly contact me: always find both, both, and third. "

However, the expression was going to the novel of Goncharov. For example, it is found in the "workshop and living room" (1842) P. Furman and in the "travel notes of the city of Verge" (1843) A. I. Herzen. It is used in value: money.

With Tsar Gorokhe

The expression used in the meaning: for a very long time, in an expanten old antiquity, "When the king of peas with mushrooms fought."

The habit of over we are given:
Replacing happiness she

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin.

Come to the hatching

Indicates to come somewhere too late when everything has already ended. According to the ancient Russian custom, at the entrance to the room or in the church, the men filmed caps and folded them at the entrance. Each meeting, the gathering ended with the parsing of the caps. The late came to the shack of the caps, i.e. by the end.


The expression from the poem of V. V. Mayakovsky (1893-1930) called "Our Life. Provered " (1922). Allegorically about lovers to arrange long and foley meetings, meetings, etc.

Death delay like

In 1711. G., before the prudecaround, Peter I sent a letter to a newly established Senate. Thanks to the senators for their activities, he demanded to continue not to slow down with the necessary orders, "Further's missing time misfortune is notadless." S. M. Solovyov in the "History of Russia from ancient times" (1851 1879), Quoting the letter of Peter I of April 8 1711 G. According to the original, he cites his words as amended: "Further's misuse of the death time is like". Pepter I's wildstick received in a shorter form: "Death Delay is like."

Bird Troika

An expression from the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842): "Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, you could only be born, in that land that he doesn't like to joke, and even smoothly accommodated half a hundred, and even go to count the versts until it fell into the eyes. And not cunning, it seems, the road projectile, not iron captured by a screw, and lively live with one ax, and she has equipped with a single ax and gathered you a Yaroslavl milk man. Not in German boots, the rocket: a beard and mittens, and sits the hell knows what; And I brought it, let's swung, yes dragged the song - Horse swirl, the knitting needles in the wheels were mixed into one smooth circle, only the road was shuffled, but she cried in the frightened pedestrian - and she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. And won already seen away, like Something dust and drill air. Are you and you, Rus, that the brisk rude triple is rushing? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind. The contemplator struck by God's miracle: Is it not zipper dropped from the sky? What does it mean a horror movement? And what kind of unknown power is in the unknown light horses? Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? I heard a familiar song from the embroidered, and the copper breasts strained together and, almost not touch the ground with the hooves, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and the whole inspired by God rushes! .. Rus, where are you going? Give an answer. Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on earth, and, asleep, are focused and give her other nations and states! "

Bird Language

So Professor of Astronomy Moscow University D. M. Pereshlochov (1788-1880) called the scientific and philosophical language of the 1820-1840s, overloaded with terms and dimming meaning of wording.

Allegorically: incomprehensible professional jargon, inappropriate in everyday speech, as well as a zai, artificial, broken language, alien rules and norms of the Russian language.

Bullet - fool, bayonet - well done

The words of the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov (1730-1800) from the leaders written in 1796 for combat training of troops "Science to win".

Pull the wool over someone's eyes

The expression appeared in the XVI century. Now it is consumed in the meaning "to create a false impression of its capabilities." However, the initial meaning of the other: during fist fights, dishonest fighters took with sand bags, which challenged rivals. In 1726, this technique was banned by a special decree.

Go to all grave

Large bells in ancient Russia were called "hard". The expression "hit all the grave" meant: hit at once in all the bells. Hence the expression that has become a winged expression "go to all grave", which is used in the meaning: to get down from the right life path, to start rampant rampide, the merchant, rampant.

There is another version that claims to "start in all grave" meant "to begin litigation, a trial; Support with anyone.

Let the storm get harder!

Quote from "Song about the Petrel" (1901) M. Gorky. Allegorically about the desire of cleansing shocks and change.

Travel in life

Movie name according to the scenario (1931) N. EKKA (1902-1976) and A. Tupper (1907-1979). The plot of the film is the former interferes, and now the inhabitants of the children's labor community are found, thanks to skillful caregivers, their own way in life, becomes worthy members of society.

Allegorically about something that gives a man the reason to hope that there is a lot of events ahead of him, an interesting, arranged life.


Broken trough

From the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" (1835) A. S. Pushkin. The expression is used in the meaning: loss of a brilliant position, broken hopes.


This turnover on the basis of the older - "make (anything) is very thorough and good." To determine, criticize ". In his initial meaning, the expression appeared in the professional speech of the joiners and cabinetries and was due to the fact that the manufacture of furniture under the walnut tree from other varieties of wood demanded great work and good knowledge of the case.

Cut, shoulder!
Space, hand!

Quote from poem A. V. Koltsova "Kosar" (1835):

Cut, shoulder!
Shed down, hand! ..
Heon, braid,
As a bee swarm!
Mreloy, Spit,
Claws, grass,
Podkochonic ...

It is ironically about the desire to "chop up a spare", act in imprudent, hagging.

Reason contrary to the elements

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), the words of Chatsky.

It is used in value: contrary to common sense.

Spread the thought

The expression from the "Word of the Regiment of Igor", the monument of Russian literature XII century, first published in 1800: "Boyan Bo prophetic, whichest to whom the Song of Creatorithi is spreading, then thoughts on the tree, gray lodge in the earth, Shizum Eagle under the clouds" , i.e.: "After all, the Boyan is prophetic if I wanted to add a song, it was raised by the thought of a tree, a gray wolf on the ground, a Size Eagle under the clouds." The expression "raised the thought of the tree" from the commentators "Words" received various interpretations. Some consider the word "thoughts" not corresponding to two other comparison members - "Elkom on the Earth", "Shizum Eagle under Oblats," - offering to read "Miaxia", explaining the "mouse" by the Pskov pronunciation of the word "mouse"; Make the same in the Pskov province was called, even in the XIX century, the squirrel. Others do not consider such a replacement necessary, "without seeing the need to bring to the limit accuracy of symmetry of comparisons."

The word "Tree" commentators explain as an allegorical tree of wisdom and inspiration: "grow thoughts on the tree" - to create songs inspired poetic creatures. However, the poetic image of the "Words" "spread the thought in the tree" entered the literary speech with a completely different meaning: to go into unnecessary details, distracted by the main thought.

Born crawling can not fly

Quote from "Song about Falcon" M. Gorky. The final Xenzier in Basne I. I. Chemnisser (1745-1784) "Many and Cow" coincides with this poetic formula. The Basna tells about how a man, losing a horse, saddled the cow, who fell under the trigger ... not wonder: the cow did not study ... and therefore it should know: who crawled born, not to fly. "

Stretch in fluff

The expression from Basni I. A. Krylova "Fox and Sumok" (1813). The fox complains to Surk, that it suffers in vain and, slander, sent for bribes:

- You know, I was in the chicken coop of the judge,
Lost health and peace in affairs,
In the works of a piece did not adope
Nights did not sleep:
And I have fallen under the anger;
And everything is slander. Well, think you:
Who will be in the world right, should I listen slander?
I take bribes? Yes, do I hurt!
Well, did you see, I'll see you,
So that I have been involved in sin?
Think, remember the good,
- No, bitterness; I spoke often,
What a snap is in the fluff.

The expression is used in the meaning: to be involved in anything criminal, non-residential.


From the ship on the ball

The expression from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin:

And travel him
Like everything in the world, tired,
He returned and hit
Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

The expression of this is characterized by an unexpected, sharp change of positions, circumstances.

With a cute paradise and in a halary

Quote from the poem of N. M. Ibrahimova (1778-1818) "Russian Song" ("The evening of Krasno Girl ..."):

Do not look for me, rich:
You are not sweet my soul.
What do I have that your chambers?
With a cute paradise and in a halate!

The meaning of the expression: the main thing in family happiness is not special household comfort, but love, mutual understanding, consent to your loved one.

With a scientist view of a construct

Quotation from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin:

He had a happy talent
Without forced in conversation
Touch everything slightly
With a scientist view of a construct
Store silence in an important dispute ...

With feeling, with a sense, with arrangement

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824):

Read not as the Ponoloire,
And with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement.

Fresh legend, but hard to believe

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824):

How to encounter, yes see
Century century and century passed:
Fresh legend, but hard to believe.

North Palmyra

Palmyra is a city in Syria, which emerged in the I millennium BC. e. In antiquity, was famous for the magnificence of its structures. North Palmyra - the figurative name of St. Petersburg.

Memnye truth

The expression of Bender, the main character of Roman I. Ilf and E. Petrova "Golden calf" (1931), used by him in meaning: deep folk wisdom (gray-time - dressed in Sermyauga, peasant clothes from a coarse unpacked domain cloth).

The beast cat is stronger

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Mouse and Rat" (1816).

- Neighbor, did you hear a good Glevo? -
Having rang, the mouse said: -
After all, the cat, they say, got into claws of the lion?
Here to relax and it's time for us!
Do not rejoice, my light, -
It says to her in response: -
And do not wear empty!
Kohl to claws they reach
That's right, the lion is not to be alive:
The beast cat is stronger! "


The expression originated from the "binding" fairy tale, which teases children who are fabulous to tell them a fairy tale: "- Do you tell you a fairy tale about white bull? - Tell me. "You say, yes, I tell me if you tell you a fairy tale about a white bull?" - Tell me. - You tell me, yes, I tell me how we will have, yes, the document will be! Do you tell you a fairy tale about white bull? " etc., until one will not get tired of asking, but to another answer. The expression is used in the meaning: infinite repetition of the same.


The acting face of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), Colonel, a representative of the rude armyshina of Tsarist Russia, an ignorant and self-a-coal careerist. His name became synonymous with coarse incurred, the soldier.

Scandal in a noble family

Under the title in 1874, an anonymous hydroevil was delivered in Moscow, the plot of which is borrowed from the German comedy "Der Liebe Onkel" ("Moscow Vedomosti", 1 Oct. 1874 G.). Waterville was published, also anonymously, in 1875 in St. Petersburg. The author of the Russian Waterville, and therefore, be the expressions of the "Scandal in the Noble Family", is N. I. Kulikov (1815–1891). Waterville, this for a long time retained in the theater repertoire, and his name became a winged expression.


The acting face of the comedy D. I. Fonvizyna "Nepalvil" (1782), the type of ignorant and coarse landowner-serf, whose name characterizes his cattle nature. Its name has become nominable for people like this type.

Surround knight

The hero of the Drama of the same name (1836) A. S. Pushkin, Synonym for the Pumps, Scrights.

The word in simplicity will not say, all with a surfacing

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), Famusov's words.

Elephant do not notice

The expression arose from the Basni "Curious" (1814) I. A. Krylov. The kunstkamera visitor saw small insects there, but on the question: "Did you see an elephant?" - Replies: "I didn't notify an elephant." The expression "elephant not notice" is used in value: do not notice the most important, important.

Would be happy to serve nauseous

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), the words of Chatsky, who, in response to the offer of Famusov, to serve determines its attitude to the service.

Laugh, right, not sin
Above all that seems funny

Quote from the poem N. M. Karamzin "Message to Alexander Alekseevich Plescheyev" (1796):

Who muses from boredom calls
And gentle graces, their companions;
Poems, prose amuse
Yourself, home and strangers;
From the heart of pure laughs
(Laugh, right, not sinful!)
Above all that seems funny -
That in the world with peace sees
And the days will not stop
Iron sharp or poison ...

Look at the root!

Aphorism (1854) Kozma Prutkov.


One of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842), Type of a coarse landowner.

His name became synonymous with the chaser, the man is gross and all unfriendly, as well as Retrograd.

Sun of Russian poetry

The figurative definition of the value of the Great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. This is an expression from a brief notice of the death of the poet printed on January 30, 1837 in No. 5 of "literary additives" to the "Russian disabilities": "The sun of our poetry has rolled out! Pushkin died, died in the color of the years, in the middle of his great field! .. more talk about this, we do not have the strength, and it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bany Russian heart knows the whole price of this irrevocable loss, and every Russian heart will be confused. Pushkin! Our poet! Our joy, our folk glory! .. Do not really do not really have Pushkin! It is impossible to get used to this thought! January 29, 2 h. 45 m. Popolud. " The author of this notice was considered a journalist A. A. Kraevsky, editor of the "literary additives". However, from the letter S. N. Karamzina to his brother shows that in reality the author of this notice is V. F. Odoyevsky.

Broke out!

The expression has become popular after the setting (1855) of the comedy A. V. Sukhovo-Koblin (1817-1903) "Wedding of Krechinsky". So exclaims the Hero of the Comedy Krechinsky, when all the slyly invented frauds fell up and the police arrested him.

Sleeves (work)

So they talk about casually, with Lenza, some of the work performed. In ancient Russia, wearing upper clothes with exorbitantly long sleeves, unfinished ends of which were dropped to her knees, and even to the earth. Naturally, without lifting such sleeves, there was nothing to think about work. Close to this expression stands the second, opposite to him in meaning and born later: "Drinking sleeves" work, "that is, decisively, hotly, with zeal.

Breaking all and all sorts of masks

From the article "Lev Tolstoy, as a mirror of the Russian Revolution" (1908) V. I. Lenin. Opening the "screaming contradictions" in the work of Tolstoy, he wrote: "On the one hand, the most sober realism, breaking away all and all sorts of masks; On the other hand, the preaching of one of the most vile things, which only is in the world, it is: religion, the desire to put on the place of Popov on a statement position, Popov in moral conviction, that is, the cultivation of the most sophisticated and therefore, especially disgusting Popovshchina. "

Allegorical: accusatory mood and the corresponding actions.

Tear flowers of pleasure

The expression from the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" (1836), the words of Klezlekova: "I love to eat. After all, you live to tear the flowers of pleasure. " It is used in value: selfishly, carelessly enjoy the pleasures of life without thinking about your family or public debt.

Become in front of me like a leaf before grass!

The expression from the Russian folk fairy tale. Ivanushka-fool calls his magic horse with a spell: "Squa-Burk, prophetic canopy, become in front of me like a leaf before grass." The expression is used in the meaning: appear instantly!


The word was introduced into the literary speech F. M. Dostoevsky. For the first time, it appeared in his story "Double" in 1843, used in the meaning "to shift, displace, imperceptibly, hiding".

Fate plays a man

The phrase from the song "Noise, the fire was burned," which is the alteration of the poem "he" (i.e. Napoleon) N. S. Sokolova (1850).

Happy who visited this world
In moments of fatal

Quote from the poem F. I. Tyutchev (1803-1873) "Cicero" (1836). In ed. "Tyutchev. Lyrics "(1965):" Blessed, who visited ... "

Happy hours do not observe

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824). Expression This can be associated with words from the Drama Piccolomini (1800) Schiller: "Die Uhr Schlagt Keinem Gliicklihen" ("Happy Watch does not beat").

Sons of Lieutenant Schmidt

In the first two chapters of the satirical novel I. Ilf and E. Petrova "Golden Calf" (1931) talks about the deft frauds who remove various benefits, issuing themselves for the sons of Lieutenant Schmidt, the head of the revolutionary uprising of sailors in Sevastopol in 1905, shot The verdict of the royal court. The name of the "Sons of Lieutenant Schmidt", which became the winged, applies to the passing materials of this type.

Cheese Bor flared

The expression "Cheese-Bor broke out" comes from the proverb "The crude boring caught fire because of the pine", which means that a big trouble may arise due to a trifling.

Plot, decent Iivazovsky's brush

Quote from the play A. P. Chekhov "Uncle Vanya" (1897). This phrase pronounces Telegin. In response to the words of the old nanny about the quarrel of Voinitsky and Serebryakov: "The divecha rose a noise, a fellow crawled one," he notices: "Yes, the plot, worthy of Aivazovsky's brush." Before Chekhov, this expression is already found in journalism of the 1860-1870s, and in a somewhat different form - "worthy of the brush" of someone - it was in the go before; For example, Pushkin, notes in "Lit. Gas. ", 1830, we read:" The image of Sorvantsova [in the "Talking of Knyagini Haldina" Fonvizin] worthy of a brush that has drawn the seven of the prostacle ".


Tabel about ranks

This is the name of the list of wartists, the civil and court office, established by the Law of Peter I (1722) on the procedure for public service in Russia. Allegorically: Comparative assessment of merit in a certain area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity.

So he wrote dark and sluggish

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin (1828), the characteristic of the poems of Vladimir Lensky:

So he wrote dark and sluggishly
(That we call romanticism,
Although romantic is Nimalo
I do not see ...)

Theater begins with hangers

Aphorism of one of the founders of the Moscow Art Theater K. S. Stanislavsky (1863-1938). There is no such aphorism in his writings, but Oral Molver attributes him to him. The phrase is close in thought to this aphorism in the letter of K. S. Stanislavsky to the workshop of the MCAT swirls from January 23, 1933 answering "on a greeting on his seventieth anniversary, he wrote:" Our art theater is different from many other theaters by the fact that It starts the performance since the entrance to the theater building. You are the first to meet the coming spectators ... "

Dark kingdom

So entitled Article (1859) N. A. Dobrolyubova, dedicated to the role of Pieces A. N. Ostrovsky. Speaking about various types of merchant samboy, depicted by Ostrovsky, Dobrolyubov made a generalization and showed the life of serfdom of Russia as a "dark kingdom", "Smerass Dunny", "The world of stupid and pain, the world of prison, coffin silence." "Nothing holy, nothing pure, nothing right in this dark world: Samoramon, wild, mad, wrong, was driven by any consciousness of honor and right ... And there can be no them where it was defeated in the dust and brazenly damaged by self-made human dignity Freedom of personality, faith in love and happiness and shrine of honest labor. " The expression "Dark Kingdom", after the appearance of the Dobrolyubov article, began to denote not only the world of self-masted merchants or in general the dark and oblique environment, but became a symbol of autocably-serfdom of Russia (see Light Light in the Dark Kingdom).


Hero of the story of Arcadia Gaidar (pseudonym A. P. Golikova, 1904-1941) "Timur and his team" (1940) Pioneer Timur decides together with the team of peers to take care of the families of warriors who went to the Red Army. The story of Gaidar, who managed to see the extraordinary in everyday life, gave rise to the public movement of Timurovs, equally in their behavior on a bold, active, honest and generous Timur. The story was a model for numerous young patriots who helped their homeland in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War.

Tipun in language

Tipun - a small horny tubercle at the tip of the tongue in birds, which helps them to smooth food. The growth of this tubercle may be a sign of the disease. Painful solid pimples can appear in human language; They were also called Tipunov and considered a sign of falsehood. From these observations and superstitions, the spell formula was born: "Tipun you in the tongue!" Its main value was: "You are a liar: Let you have a typun in the language!" Now the value of this spell has changed somewhat. "Typun you in the language!" - An ironic wish to someone who expressed the unkind thought predicted unpleasant.

Darkness of low truth me more expensive

We are a rise in deception

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "Hero" (1831).


At the line on cakes

The expression means: very far, somewhere in the wilderness. Kulichki is a modified dialect word of soupiers (from the Kuliga) in the meaning of "Forest cleaners; Places, scorched, cut down and adapted for the cultivation of the Earth, as well as islands on the swamp. " The soupiers were, as a rule, far from villages and villages, hence the importance of the expression: "At the line on the cakes" - very far, unknown where.

Horrible Age, Horrible Hearts

Quote from Drama A. S. Pushkin "Surround Knight" (1836). Sometimes quoted inaccurately: instead of "terrible" - "iron".

Mind, honor and conscience of our era

From the article "Political Blackmail" (1917) V. I. Lenin, in which he characterizes his party (Bolsheviks). Speaking against the Russian press of another, low-tech orientation, calling her journalists with "blackmail" and "slanders", V. I. Lenin wrote: "We will be a rack in the brand of blackmail. We will be adamant in the analysis of the slightest doubts by the court of conscious workers, the court of their party, we believe, in it we see the mind, honor and conscience of our era ... "

Quoted ironically about the party appropriate for leadership, special moral qualities, special knowledge.

Uma Castle

The word "Chamber" in ancient Russian language meant a large room in a stone building. Then it began to apply to various institutions that were placed in such extensive buildings: the Armory, the Granovy Chamber ... In the wards, all sorts of meetings usually occurred, the boyars "thought Sovereign Duma." Hence, there was an expression "mind of the Chamber", drawing a person, to mind equal to a whole meeting of the wise men. In the future, however, it acquired an ironic meaning: now they say more often about fools than about smart people.

Moderation and accuracy

These words in the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" (1824), Molchanin determines its two advantages.

Humiliated and insulted

The title of novel (1861) F. M. Dostoevsky. The expression is used as a characteristic of people who suffer from the arbitrariness of officials, the strengths of this world, from severe living conditions, etc.

Helpful fool more dangerous enemy

The expression from Basni I. A. Krylova "Dishman and Bear" (1808):

Although the service is during the needs of the road,
But for her not everyone knows how to take:
God forbid a fool to contact!
A helpful fool is more dangerous than the enemy.

Learn, learn and learn

The slogan that emerged from the article V. I. Lenin "is better smaller, yes better" (1923): "We need to have a task for updating our state apparatus: first - to learn, secondly - to learn and learn and Thirdly - to learn and then check that the science does not have a dead letter or fashionable phrase (and this, there is nothing to hide sin, we often have something else) so that science really entered the flesh and blood, turned into a composite element of life quite and hereby. "



The acting face of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mountain from Wit" (1824), an important Moscow Barin, which takes the post of "manager in a state-owned place", a bureaucrat-career, pleased before it stands and appreciated towards subordinate. Some commentators explained his surname as produced from the Latin word Fama (Solve); Others explain the origin of it from the English word Famous (famous, famous). This name has become nominable for people like this type.

Physics and lyrics

The expression, opposing the importance of scientists, working in the field of accurate sciences, the meaning of poets, originated from the so-entlemented poem B. Slutsky, printed in the "Literary Gazette" on October 13, 1959.

Filkina gramot

The author of this expression is the Tsar of Ivan IV, nicknamed the people of Grozny for mass executions and murders. To strengthen his power, Ivan Grozny introduced an oprichnin who was horrified on all Russia. In this regard, the Moscow Metropolitan Philip in his many messages to the king - grades - sought to convince the Grozny to dissolve the Ochrichnin. The challenge Metropolitan Grozny contemptuously called the filter, and his diplomas - filter grades. For the brave chips of the Grozny and his Ochrichnikov, Metropolitan Philip was sharpened to the Tver Monastery, where he strangled the Malyuta Skuratov. The expression "Filkina gram" was rooted in the people. At first, so they said simply about documents that are not legal force. And now it means also "ignorant, illiterately compiled document."

French from Bordeaux

The expression from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824), the words of Chatsky:

In that room, a slight meeting:
French from Bordeaux, having a chest,
Gathered around him rush
And told how equipped on the road
To Russia, to Barbarars, with fear and tears ...

It was used ironically at some arrogant, boastful foreigners.


Khlestakov, Kleztakovshchyna

Hero of the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" (1836) - liar and boasts. His name has become nominative; "Khlestakov", "Klestakovshchyna" - a shameless, boastful lies.

Walking on flour [Naitaria]

The expression dates back to the ancient belief of Christians in the walking of the souls of dead sinners in the flour, or in the "Naitaria", in the continuation of forty days, when demons subjected them in all sorts of tortures.

In the Soviet press, this expression has become especially popular after the appearance of the trilogy of A. N. Tolstoy (1882/83-1945) "Walking on the flour" (1920–1941) From the era of the Civil War, which tells about the painful ideological searches of her heroes and severe trials that have fallen into their share. Indicates heavy, diverse life tests, one after another who fell out someone.

Economic peasant

The title of the essay M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin from the "Fullness of Life" cycle (1886). In the face of the "economic peasant" Saltykov depicts the type of "honest", the "intelligent" peasant-middle peasant, the only goal of which is the creation of personal prosperity.

Even sees the eye, yes tooth nemet

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Fox and grapes" (1808). Already in the middle of the XIX century. This expression was considered a folk proverb and included in the collections of Russian folklore.

Although the stake on the head

So they say about the stubborn, not amenable to persuasion or indifferent person. Tall the count means to sharpen the stick (count) with the help of an ax. Stresses the hardness, the fortress of the head of the stubborn person.

Shrestor gloss

The expression from the poem of V. V. Mayakovsky "Jubilee" (1924), written to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin; In this poem, turning to Pushkin, the poet says:

I love you, but alive, not mummy,
Brought a hiking gloss.
You, in my opinion, in life - I think - also raged.

The expression of this is characterized by "varnishing" of reality, its embezzlement image.


Tsarevna Nesmeyana

In the Russian folk tale of Tsarevna Nesmeyana - the royal daughter, who "never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy with her." Portable so called quiet, fragrant.


What do you please?

So M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin called the newspaper "New Time", glorified in the 70s-80s of the XIX century. With its political sales, unprincipledness and adaptability to the political top (articles "in the medium of moderation and accuracy," "Lord Solchalin", "all year round", etc.). This is an ordinary phrase with which Lakely turned to the gentlemen, waiting for orders.

Man in a case

Name of the story (1898) A. P. Chekhov.

The main character is a provincial teacher of Belikov, afraid of any innovations, actions not allowed by the "bosses", as well as reality at all. Hence his favorite expression: "No matter what happens ...". And, as the author writes, Belikova, "there was a permanent and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, create a case, so to speak, who would have eaten him would protect him from external influences."

As a concept of a nominal one, this expression has already become his author himself. In a letter to his sister, M. P. Czechova, he wrote (November 19, 1899): "The November winds blow frantically, whistling, rut the roof. I sleep in a hat, in shoes, under two blankets, with closed shutters - a person in a case. "

Justly ironically: man, afraid of bad weather, drafts, unpleasant external influences.

Man - it sounds proud

The expression from the play M. Gorky "At the bottom" (1902), Satina's words: "Man-eyella! It's great! It sounds ... proud! Human! We must respect the person. "

Than night darkness, the brighter stars

Quote from poem A. N. Majkova (1821-1897), from the cycle of the 80s of the XIX century. "From Apollodore Gnostics":

Do not say that there is no salvation,
What are you in the saddles are exhausted:
Than night darkness, the brighter stars ...

What do you laugh?
Do you laugh!

Quote from the comedy N. V. Gogol "The Auditor" (1836), the words of Governing: "Here ... See how foolishly granted ... Not only you will go in a mixture," there will be a smoke, paper maraka, in comedy. That's what a shame! Rank, the title will not spare, and everyone will rinse their teeth and beat their hands. What do you laugh? Over your place laughing! "


Hero of the Poem N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (1842), a blank careerist, podkhalim, a sinister and chaser, externally "prepric", "decent and decent man." His name has become nominated for people like this type.

Reading - Here is the best teaching

What to do?

The title of socio-political novel (1863) N. G. Chernyshevsky (1828-1889). The problems of socialism, emancipation of women are interpreted in the novel, are the types of "new people" - revolutionary figures, and a dream of a happy life in a communist society is expressed.

What is the day coming to me?

Quote from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" (1831) A. S. Pushkin. This phrase acquired a wide popularity thanks to Opere P. I. Tchaikovsky (1878) - Aria Lensky ("Where, where you retreave, spring of my devoted days ...").

What a commission, the creator,
Be an adult daughter with father!

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), Famusov's words. (The word "Commission" here matters: troubles, difficulties.)

What we have, do not store, lose, cry

Aphorism from the "Fruits of Pondays" (1854) Kozma Prutkov, who repeated the name of Waterville (1844) S. Solovyov.

What will pass, it will be cute

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "If life deceives you" (1825).

What is good and what is bad

The title of poems for children (1925) V. V. Mayakovsky.


Went to the room, got into another

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" (1824); Pharmuses, Zakollylin near the sofa room, angrily asks him: "You are here, sir, why?" Sophia, justifying the presence of Molchalin, says Famusov:

I am no wrath of your wrath.
He lives in the house here, great attack!
She walked into the room, hit another.

Shemyakin court

The expression is used in the meaning: the wrong, unfair court; It originated from the ancient Russian satirical story about the Shemyakina court, who was implancing the arbitrariness and mercency of the feudal court. This story dedicated to the personality of Prince Dmitry Shemyaki (mind in 1453) was widely popular; It has been preserved in many manuscripts of the XVII and XVIII centuries. And served as the plot for the cheating pictures and books.

Inside out

It is used in value: quite the opposite, inside out. "Shive" in Moscow Rus was an embroidered collar of boyars, one of the advantages of Velmazby. In the days of Ivan the Terrible, the royal anger and Opal Boyarin often planted on the back of his back forward, putting clothes on him too inside out, a collar-overall, that is, on the contrary. In this form, the formal Boyarina was taken throughout the city, under whistle and hooking street crowd. Now these words are also often used in connection with clothing, meaning to dress something inside out, but their value has become much wider. Shivo-across, i.e., not so, on the contrary, you can tell some story and in general to do contrary to the generally accepted rules.

Washing country my native

The first row of the "Songs about Motherland" from the movie "Circus" (1936), the words V. I. Lebedev-Kumacha, Music I. O. Dunaevsky.

Noise, brother, noise

Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" (1824), Povelov's words.


I don't know another such country
Where a man breathes so freely

Lines from the "Songs about Motherland" rows from the movie "Circus" (1936), Text V. I. Lebedeva-Kumacha, Music I. O. Dunaevsky.

I'm going, I'm going, not faster,
And how to go, do not come down

Quote from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (1820), Song III.

I am a monument to myself erectific,
People's trail does not tarn it

Quote from poem A. S. Pushkin "Monument" (1836). The poem goes back to Oda Roman poet Horace, from which Pushkin is taken by the epigraph: "Exegi Monumentum" ("I erected a monument"). From the poem of Pushkin, an expression "monument of non-homework" occurred, used in the meaning: the grateful memory of someone's affairs.

I king - I'm slave, I am a wormi'm God

Quote from ODY G. R. Derzhavin "God", (1784).

Native Osin

Expression from epigram (1884) I. S. Turgenev at N. X. Kethecher (1809-1886), Shakespeare translator, transfers of which are distinguished by exceptional proximity to the original, which often harms poetry:

Here is still the light of the world!
Ketcher, friend of winged wines;
Rewritten he is Shakespeare
On the language of the Native Osin.

The expression is used ironically about the axis transfers from foreign languages \u200b\u200binto Russian.