Comic titles. Nominations for awarding employees

Comic titles.  Nominations for awarding employees
Comic titles. Nominations for awarding employees

Awarding in comic nominations, as a rule, is a fun end to the official part entertainment program... It relieves the atmosphere and brings a festive mood to the event.

In each team, you can always single out a person who is late, or amuses everyone, or dances well, or the most erudite, etc. This will be your hint in the nominations. Try not to repeat the nominations.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the picture of interest.

Ideas for comic nominations for rewarding.

Awards options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • statuettes like "Oscars"
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique lettering
  • mugs

All this can be ordered at special places, and if there are craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can buy baby dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely leave such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo-collage portraits of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and make appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: "Miss Charm", "Mister Intellect"). Then you get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and will be remembered.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photographs of graduates and write under each photograph of a graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes, wishes.

Nomination options for rewarding

Nominations for rewarding can reflect the personality traits of the person being awarded, his business qualities, or rely on some single, but all famous case... You can also use for nominations the person's favorite phrases, his habits, outstanding appearance, gastronomic preferences and hobbies.

It is very important that the nominations are liked by both the audience and the winner himself. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who can laugh at himself without irritation and other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember your the main task when drawing up nominations - do not spoil anyone festive mood!

Male and female nominations

"Male and female nominations" - a ready-made original set of certificates of honor for comic rewarding... It includes two sets (you can purchase the required one separately):

Attention! The kit is offered in in electronic format- you need to print it yourself (sheet format when printing A4).

Kit format: "Men's nominations"- 90 certificates of honor in A4 format - 90 pages, list of nominations - 3 pages. "Women's nominations"- 80 certificates of honor in A4 format - 80 pages, list of nominations - 3 pages;

doc files with the ability to edit the inscription in Microsoft Word

The price for two sets is 450 rubles

After clicking on the button, you will be transferred to the cart.

Payment is made through the payment system Robo kassa over a secure protocol. You can choose any convenient way payment.

Within an hour after successful payment, 2 letters from will be sent to the mail you specified: one of them with a check confirming the payment made, the other letter with theme“Order on #N for the amount of N rubles. paid. Congratulations on your successful purchase! " - there is a link to download materials.

Please enter your email address without errors!

Competently selected nominations for rewarding employees are no worse than material stimulation. What to give to employees so that they will remember the event for a long time, read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Why do we need nominations to reward employees?

Rewarding employees - effective tool intangible motivation. Not everyone dreams of receiving an award, because people's values ​​differ. The main thing is not to reward the same specialists from year to year, otherwise it will lead to conflicts and a decrease in loyalty.

Award corporate titles when most of the staff is coming together. Choose honorary titles related to the type of activity, character traits, or rely on other criteria. Make sure that cool nominations for rewarding employees were not insulted or humiliated.


In times of crisis, when the company cannot accrue bonuses and issue material bonuses, use interesting nominations to reward employees. Organize an event to increase employee engagement.

What are the criteria to consider when choosing nominations for rewarding employees?

Prepare and agree with senior management descriptions of merit and achievements that apply to different categories persons: for managers, specialists, ordinary performers. Pick up comic and serious nominations to reward employees. Be smart, think about what you personally remember in a person's activities for a certain period of time.

Consider the success of a top manager in the implementation of a complex project. Reward the performers for their hard work or trouble-free work, and specialists - for the quick solution of current problems.

When awarding nominations for corporate comic, describe merits of the staff variably - list a few signs by which you decided to reward. It depends on your words how other employees who did not receive the prize will react to the situation. List real successes, don't be personal. Subjective opinion demotivates people who are left out of your attention.

When choosing nominations for employees for a corporate event, consult with colleagues who do not belong to the management. Let them propose options, highlight the employees whose merits they remember. It is impossible to take everyone's opinion into account, but if you are in a difficult situation, organize an online vote or a written survey.

Editorial advice:

Be prepared for the fact that playful corporate nominations and non-material prizes can cause negativity. Work out your behavior ahead of time to reassure disgruntled employees. How to prepare , read in the magazine "HR Director".

Based on the materials of the forum

Friends, today I publish comic nominations for New Year by the names of domestic New Year's films.

Such a double benefit to you from me - arrange a funny nomination, and watch a movie at your leisure.

True, some films are my favorites, and I have not even heard of some of them, and have not yet had time to watch.

Award nominations

you can at work at New Year's corporate party, in the company of friends or large family... Some are also suitable for schoolchildren. Be sure to announce that today's nomination is based on the fruits of the cinema, such a New Year's version in a free retelling.

Bold italic is the name of the nomination and the film, normal font is my explanations and comments. So take

Comic nominations for the New Year

Operation "Happy New Year"

To one or several organizers and organizers of your current New Year's party (corporate party) for the worthy overcoming of inhuman difficulties, the human factor and bringing the matter to a festive end.

December 32

The nomination is awarded to the most disciplined person and implies an honorable mission: to call everyone present on the first New Year's morning and inform everyone that January 1st is on the calendar, and not December 32nd, as they might have thought.

New Year is canceled

For you personally, dear (s) (insert name), since you did not submit the reports (did not congratulate all partners, did not go for potatoes, forgot to chill the champagne).

V two kilometers from New Years

The nomination is similar to the previous one: since you, (name), did not buy this and that for the table in advance, then you will have to meet the New Year a few kilometers from us, running one by one all the shops in search of (the name of that, what was not purchased). And in new year's eve it's like looking for snowdrops in December.

By the way, about snowdrops. Nomination

Twelve months

Awarded to (name) for having worked tirelessly for the good during all 12 months of this year native family(companies, countries, planets). You can add specifics, playful or serious - what you worked on.

Two hours earlier

This is just about all of us: the New Year will come to Moscow 2 hours earlier than to Kiev, and to Kiev - 2 hours earlier than to London (if I figured out the transition to winter time). So this nomination should be given to a person who has recently arrived or is leaving for another time zone.

Or a friend who - with a high probability - will not resist and will meet the New Year a couple of hours earlier))) Although he will later claim that he was just seeing off Old.

Snow Maiden for an adult son

To the performer of the role of your Snow Maiden,

Or a woman who has a son from five years old, probably to 50,

Or your son's girlfriend (wife, fiancée) - in this case, you are the one who announces the nomination.

By the way, this is one of my favorite films about love, fidelity and personal freedom - who understands how they are. V starring(and capital one too) - wonderful Lyudmila Artemieva.

Old New Year

This nomination gives the right and authority to lead the wires of the Old Year. Forward, lucky!

Carnival Night

If you have a small carnival or at least a slight disguise with New Year's pigtails, mustaches, masks, glasses without glasses, etc., then this nomination is for the one who is the best dressed up. Or came up with some funny number... Or who you instruct to arrange a small carnival from a party right now - just not like in Brazil or Venice, it will be too much.

New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti

Nomination for any 2 people from your company (absolutely of any gender and with any names) who got into history or light adventures on the eve of this or last New Year, or on New Year's Eve itself, or immediately after it.

T aina the snow queen

For a slightly open, but so unsolved mystery beauty (charm, coldness - choose the right one). A suitable person is nominated - classically beautiful, or arrogantly cold, or both at the same time.

Have you summoned the Snow Maiden?

Your today's costumed Snow Maiden. No options.

Wishing you an unforgettable nomination ceremony,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

When I'm on a date I twist my hips

yesterday we had a corporate party on the occasion of NG.
summing up, awarding the most distinguished in the opinion of the authorities ...
as well as my friend (and at the same time colleague) and I dug up funny nominations on the Internet and presented everyone with certificates and diplomas ...
decided to post it here, because. almost everything was taken from different sources ... maybe someone will come in handy or myself (if I leave for another job)
1. If you work hard for 8 hours a day, you will eventually become a boss and get the right to work 12 hours a day.
In the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" awarded ...... (presented to the sales representative, who with NG will be the Senior Sales Representative (something like a supervisor).
2. You cannot give everything to everyone, because there is a lot of everyone, but there is not enough of everything in the warehouse. But she copes with it. In the nomination "Dreaming" awarded by ...... (warehouse manager)
3. "Shouldn't I go to work?" - he thought ... and did not go. But he doesn't think so. "Thank God you came" awarded ..... (a driver who likes to disappear for a day without warning)
4. I make myself laugh with my funny face. "Positive attitude" the most cheerful and positive person in the firm is awarded. (sales representative, most positive)
5. If you get bored
And got it all already,
Listen to her sonorous laughter
It will be fun for you.
In the nomination "Antidepressant" awarded .... (cheerful employee).
6. For a responsible attitude to the work schedule: despite the crazy traffic jams, world cataclysms, the fall in the dollar and the rise in prices for gold and beer, will appear in the right place and in the right time... In the nomination "Keeping pace with the times" awarded ... (forklift driver, it was the hardest thing for them to come up with, so just a general nomination that does not characterize them as a person).
7. The most attentive. Nothing and no one will miss, everything will be noticed and recorded. In the nomination "A scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle", awarded ... (handed to the girl to the Torg. representative), she is like that))
8. She will always share with her neighbor the last crust of bread, treat him to tea, offer to drink and not only coffee ... ... ... ... "Self-assembled tablecloth" awarded (they gave it to me, because you can't think of yourself too much)
9. She recently came to us. Quietly and calmly lives and works next to us. But how many ideas are stored in this head? She will definitely show herself to everyone. "Hidden reserves" awarded ... (given to the accountant-cashier, she came to us not so long ago)
10. She is the most eloquent employee, she is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team, even if her opinion goes against the opinion of the boss ... "Orator, voice of the people" awarded (presented to the Chief Accountant (she likes to argue with the director).
11. Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness.
He is always and everywhere late, but
always and everywhere has time, although his
never in place! How is it with him
it turns out? In the nomination « Unbearable lightness being " awarded ... (they gave the head of the transport department. This is right about him, he always shies away somewhere, and then pretends that he worked all day)
12. Dedicated to the employee, by a magic wave of his hand any office equipment will "be hammered" in his work. "Master of golden pens", rewarded (they gave it to our operator, this one will certainly always fix everything. Once he saved us when our server crashed).
13. It is from her that you can always find out the number of who did what in the company, why it is called exactly that and who called it. She can endlessly tell stories from the history of the company. In the nomination "Keeper of Traditions", awarded (presented to the Trade. representative, she is one of those who have been working here for a very long time)
14. This is the most, the most calm voice company, communication with him brings you into a state of peace. You want to communicate with him over and over again. In the nomination
"Mister antistress" awarded .... (handed over to the calmest driver).
15. This is the very, very ... head of the company. This is our most intelligent employee. This is our clever, erudite and intellectual
She is capable of solving the most difficult problems! "Uma Chamber", is awarded (handed to the manager, also somehow they could not come up with something interesting).
16. Kings can do anything, kings can do anything. And they sometimes decide the fate of the whole earth. In the nomination "How Difficult To Be God" awarded (presented to the General Director).
17. He makes an exorbitant contribution to the work of our firm, while remaining invisible. "X-Men" awarded (handed over to the second forklift driver, it was also difficult for him to find).
18. A real driver should not count how many passers-by he hit on the road. The driver's job is to drive, not play with statistics! "The cat that walks by itself" awarded (given to the driver)
19. Deals with the manifestation of himself every day - he works hard and hard. Not all that is gold that lies badly, but all that is gold that works well! In the nomination "Show yourself - fix it" awarded ... (handed to the driver)

But you can make them yourself from salt dough, polymer clay or gypsum. In rare cases, you can even resort to plasticine. Medals with humor Medals can also be ordered in special places, or they can be made of cardboard, plaster, polymer clay, plasticine, foil from sweets, salt dough. As for the very moment of awarding medals, here instead of twine, ribbons, bandages, even tights are perfect - it all depends on what was the reason for the award. If the nominations for awarding a medal relate to the fact that an employee is happy and quick to help colleagues, the medal can be called "Best Ambulance Worker" and hang it on a bandage.


Russian national football from TV reports and their daily dubbing

  • for the affectionate words she says to her computer when it boots up every morning
  • for alternative lighting of traffic jams that special services, radio and the Internet are not aware of
  • for a gentle voice on the phone, after which the interlocutor cannot concentrate on performing official duties for a long time
  • for good awareness of the personal life of employees
  • for the ability to communicate in all well-known social networks
  • for drinking a record number of cups of coffee in a working day
  • for organizing a magnificent celebration of the "Day of Remembrance of the Transition to Winter Time" at lunchtime
  • for the recognition of any problem as the end of the world, nomination - "Full Armageddon"

Oscar This is perhaps the most common type of award.

Nominations for awarding employees

It was then that the atmosphere made it especially obligatory for congratulations and prizes. Consider several original nomination options for employees:

  1. February 23. On this day, all male colleagues at work expect congratulations.
    Lovely ladies can only organize a small party after working day where to play nominations and awards. “Our shooter has ripened everywhere” is suitable for the award of a person who does not go into his pocket for a word, but the option “ Best fighter cover ”is suitable for a colleague who perfectly fulfills his functions of negotiations with competitors. Men will be pleased if each of them receives such nominations.
  2. March 8. It is fashionable to associate this holiday with fabulous incident, and since men are not always inventive, the nominations can be taken directly from children's cartoons.

Texts of diplomas and names of comic nominations for graduation in primary school

Comic nominations and medals for colleagues on February 23.

THE MOST STYLISH For the stunningness of a wide radius of defeat: permanent makeup, fashion makeup, readiness to amaze others with a rich collection fashionable clothes... 7. THE MOST RESPECTIVE For the ability to find a way out of the most desperate situation, inexhaustible optimism and cheerfulness, impeccable dedication and reliability. 8. THE MOST RESPONSIBLE For sensitivity, kindness and breadth of soul, knowledge of everything about everything, care and support.


THE MOST WISE For the willingness to always come to the rescue and give the right advice, for professionalism and golden hands. 10. THE MOST BRUTAL for maintaining healthy way life (does not drink or smoke ... almost), regular visits gym, compliance with high quality standards according to the ISO system. 11. THE BEST BOSS Both talented and smart, brilliant, gifted, fair, a little strict, but he will decide everything on time.

The winner and the hero, the boss is our most golden! 12.

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees for a corporate event


Person of the Year: nominations for congratulations REWARD ALL GUESTS FOR AN EVENING OF FUN !!! The title is solemnly awarded: 1. THE MOST JOYFUL For a smile - simply delightful, for an amazing joy, for a positive that energizes everyone, for a delightful and most sonorous laugh. 2. THE MOST CHARISMATIC For amazing charm and tremendous charisma, for the ability to be an excellent leader, the ability to rally a team and lead it into fire or water.



THE MOST EYE-SPEAKING For the ability to be a brilliant and sophisticated interlocutor, for showiness, originality and inimitability. 4. THE MOST WITNESS For a wonderful sense of humor, for amazing jokes and delicious witticisms, for the ability to playfully raise the mood of everyone around. 5. THE MOST TALENTED For the ability to surprise the team, for unexpected decisions and versatile abilities, for progressiveness, efficiency, effectiveness.


Madam life

FOR THE BEST STUDENT With inspiration, perseverance and diligence, with pleasure you strive for new knowledge! You want to learn everything in the world to be proud of you. 32. MISS LONG LEGS Your legs are just a miracle: both beautiful and slender! This is joy, this is pride, the heritage of the country! Long, chic and beautiful - how can you not love these legs! Let me congratulate you on them and hand you a letter. 33. MISTER KACHOK For a chic, strong biceps, for an excellent, powerful triceps, for a relief, clear press - just a miracle of miracles! For a beautiful figure, for your muscles, we present you with a certificate, we reward you with admiration.

34. THE REAL MACHO AND THE HEART-WINDER Thunderstorm female hearts, perfect man! We award you the title of idol! You know how to look after beautifully and you win the ladies with a playful smile! You are an example of excellent manners, a worthy example for all men. 35.

Comic nominations for rewarding. certificates of honor for men and women.

You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who can laugh at himself without irritation and other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended. Remember, your main task when drawing up nominations is not to spoil anyone's festive mood! "Male and female nominations" - a ready-made original set of certificates of honor for comic awards. It includes two sets (you can purchase the required one separately): 1. Men's nominations (more) 2. Women's nominations (more) Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you will need to print it yourself (A4 sheets for printing). Set format: "Men's nominations" - 90 certificates of honor in A4 format - 90 pages, list of nominations - 3 pages.

Name of nominations for rewarding teachers

Pose, turn, sly look - you will be more abruptly than each top model! Oh, what a profile and full face! From any angle - just class! You are amazingly photogenic and in every picture you are amazing! We present the diploma to the little star who is loved by the camera in admiration. Be always the same beautiful and always in great mood! 25. THE MOST ACTIVE FALSE For the activity that you show in everything, for the ideas - you captivate everyone with them! And for the fact that you are leading us, it is interesting for all friends to always be with you! We congratulate you on this title and wish you my best days! 26. THE BEST HEAD Is solemnly awarded a well-deserved title ... For organizational talent and unsurpassed mastery of the leader, for professionalism and perseverance in achieving set goals, for the readiness to move forward and only forward, for sincere concern for the success of the team. 27.

Name of nominations for awarding employees

Then you get interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photos to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also perfectly "fit" into any apartment and will be remembered.

  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photographs of graduates and write under each photograph of a graduate in which nomination he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or rhymes, wishes.

Variants of nominations for rewarding Nominations for rewarding can reflect the personality traits of the person being awarded, his business qualities, or rely on some single, but well-known case. You can also use for nominations the person's favorite phrases, his habits, outstanding appearance, gastronomic preferences and hobbies. It is very important that the nominations are liked by both the audience and the winner himself.