Cheerful number for the last call. Last call scenario

Cheerful number for the last call. Last call scenario

Last bell 2014-2015

Music 1
Good spring morning!

Good morning, dear friends!


May early morning

Warmed by the splashes of the sun.

Greens bright curls

Dressed with beads of light.


Poplar fluff flies -

A sign of coming summer.

Day joys and sorrows

Day of parting with childhood.


Remember September 1st

We met the kids at the door.

Well, it's time to say goodbye today

With those who have grown up, goes on the road.


To you, who steps through the threshold today,

To you, to whom life opens open spaces,

We dedicate the last call

The old school says goodbye to you!


Grandfathers, grandmothers, dads and moms,

Teachers and students!

Meet the culprits of our holiday:

Favorite graduates are coming!

(Solemn background music sounds - graduates of 9th and 11th grades come out)

2 Host 9-A class. Classroom teacher __________________________________________________________________________1 presenter Students are invited to the line9-B Classroom Teacher ._____________________________________________________________________

2 leads ATTENTION The main heroes of the occasion are invited to the line -.50th issue our school - 11-A class !!… class teacher _________________________________________________

1 Moderator: Attention. Stand at attention when taking out the banner of secondary school No. 5! Bring in the banner! MARCH
The anthem of the DPR sounds 2 Host A solemn line dedicated to the end of the ________ academic year and50 - that graduation of 11 graders should be considered open! FANFARES?
1 ved:

Knocking on the windows early in the morning
We will not rush the call.
After all, this cannot happen
To forget school years.

2 ved: Hello dear graduates! It has been 11 years since you first crossed the threshold of the school. And today we are taking you to the high road of life. Our school ladder, along which you walked hand in hand with your teachers and parents, will end as soon as your farewell bell rings.

1 ved:

You studied at this school
11 best years of life,
But quickly those years passed
And there is no going back to the past.

2 ved

Today is a holiday at our school,
But this is a sad day for us.
Our dear eleventh graders
They came to the lesson for the last time.

SONG Kobelev 1ved: On behalf of those who helped you pass the 11-year school path, who constantly thought about you, experienced all your joys and sorrows with you, rejoiced at your victories, was upset at your defeats, on behalf of the school teachers, the director addresses you:Avdeev Gennady Fomich
1 presenter

The wonderful school time is over.
You have exams ahead. Time passes inexorably, counting down
seconds, minutes, hours, months, years ... It seems that it was a long time ago, when you timidly and hesitantly entered the first grade.
Then everything was for you for the first time: the first teacher, the first word read, the first bell, the first joys and sorrows.

2 Leading.
You made the first discoveries on this planet with a person who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher: this is __________________________1 Host

Primary School. This is all in the past. And today the last school bell will ring for you. You will look back with sadness at the past years, which gave you a lot of good things, made you smarter, better.

2 Host

We can touch the past here,

We can see miracles here:

Stop and look back

And look childhood in the eyes.

1 presenter

Guests from childhood - first graders came to greet graduates MUSIC (while under construction) 1st reader is a first grader.

When we came to first grade,

We were all very afraid of you,

We, barely visible from the ground,

They could easily step over.

(+ 12 first graders) SONG and 1st graders give bells to graduates.

2 Host

All the years you studied and suffered with you and your parents.

1 Leading th

It was they who raised you to school in the morning and handed you a notebook with problems that they solved for you at night.

2 Host

It was they who whitewashed the crumbling school ceilings and painted the desks covered with careless children.

1 presenter

It was they who blushed for you in front of the teachers when you ran away from lessons or received deuces.

2 Host

It is they who look at you with pride today and are glad that you were able to withstand all the tests of school life.

1 presenter
The floor is given to mom _______________ Muzychka
2 Leader: Girls of the 11th grade. Remember how in the 5th, 6th grades everyone wanted to be "the most-most" Now the girls in grades 5-6 give you the dance "Competitor". Perhaps you will recognize yourself hereMUSIC DANCE 1 Moderator: The floor is given to the graduates of grade 11-A

Boys . go out to MUSIC something masculine

Ladies and gentlemen! I have invited you to deliver the most pleasant news: today is the last call!


What hurray? We have been instructed to congratulate our class teacher on this significant date!

What other date? And why congratulate?

Since May 29, dear gentlemen! Happy day to get rid of us as soon as possible. Clear?

Can someone explain to me why 10 and 11 grades need homeroom teachers?

What do you mean why? (tenderly) Who will wake you up at dawn and inform you in a gentle voice ...

That the first lesson had already begun fifteen minutes ago and that by the third lesson he would be at school like a bayonet!

And when you run away from the test, who will catch you on the last step, who will gently take you under your white hands and, having put you at your desk, will subtly recall ..

That this is your twenty-fifth truancy this week

And that for every truancy you have to answer!

Who, finally, having called your home in the evening, will sing a lullaby to your parents about ...

That all teachers are just eager to meet them

For a conversation about your behavior and academic performance!

They say the class is like its homeroom teacher

Oh, it means that we are as smart, elegant, sophisticated, well-mannered as our Lyubov Dmitrievna!

What can I say, we were just lucky that by order of the school director ...

Or just by fate, wise mentors and older friends were appointed to us

Our class teacher and our dear Teachers! (together)

1st Alumni Words We invite all teachers to come forwardMusic sounds, teachers gather.
2nd graduate:
We learned, you taught
Now scolding, then praising.
We were tolerated, we were loved
So many years of the teacher.
And now, at least it's late,
We thank them for everything,
If you are to blame for something, -
We will be forgiven and we will forgive.
3rd Kohl it will happen that sometimes
I'll load about school,
I'll open this door again
I will let go of my soul in childhood!
Ten graduates (boys) go to the site.
We stand in front of you today
At the solemn, cherished hour
And we know: you are behind us again
And again you worry about us.
So unobtrusive and modest
In a stream of different school days
They gave their love exactly
All were accepted as “their children”.
Thank you! Bow to earth
Accept from all graduates,
And in the same way, carefully loving,
Teach your disciples.
We will remember you like that
And we can't change our memory
Graduates are now in front of you
They want to kneel. ... Are turning round and round
At this time sounds music-
Young men bow down
one knee Girls 11-A come out with a song

1 presenter Why is it so clouded suddenly The blue of your eyes?2 presenter This, flinging straight out of the hands, Years of childhood are leaving you. 1 ved Yes Let them fly, let them fly - They can't go back ... 2 leads Let them fly, fly And nowhere meet the barriers! « SONG "DOVE" Exit graduates with ribbons (the class teacher holds the ribbons, they come up - they take one each, holding on to them at arm's length, walk to the song around the classroom, take turns throwing them, as if breaking away from the class teacher and leaving, taking their places on the ruler)Leading:The last school waltz, both joyful and sad.

The melody floats from the school porch.

The school year is over, the classrooms are empty today

A farewell waltz sounds, and there is no end to sadness.

WALTZ 1 ved Joy - the painful period ends
Girls, boys, liberation!

Rejoice! School will not be for you anymore!
2 ved Why aren't you running as fast as you can?
A bell rattles you monotonously:

At school today is the last call.

They won't give you homework,

Don't wake up for the first lesson

Only something made me feel sad.
1 ved At school today is the last call.
School is now in the past for you,

You have summed up a very important conclusion.

The school will be remembered only for the good.

At school today is the last call.
2 ved The right to give the last call is given to graduates - medalists of the school:

2 Host Ring, bell! Ring, bell!
Cheerful, sad, impudent!
Another lesson awaits you in life!
Childhood is quietly leaving ...
The bell rings! The bell rings!

The last bell rings.
The graduate walks around the site.
1 ved School. To take out the school banner, stand SMALL! Take out the banner.!MARCH (taking out the banner)

2 Lead Graduates of the 11-A grade, their parents and teachers are invited to the alley of graduates to open the star of the 2015 graduation.

1 presenter : The solemn line dedicated to the holiday of the Last Bell is considered closed.
2 presenter Graduates of the 9th grade are the first to leave the line.

A very successful and interesting scenario, which reveals the importance of the call - from the birth of a person and throughout his entire life.



Last bell 2015 - script

(Fanfare sounds; two MCs appear)

Lead 1:
Colored with smiles and flowers
Green May,
Admiring in the morning
By the shining of the sun.
Tender above us
The blue of the heavenly tent.

Lead 2:
It is a holiday today
Joyful, cheerful:
Ended difficult,
Long school year.
Didn't come to class
guys to school -
Hear the call for the holidays.

Lead 1:
And this holiday
As always, the last one
For those who are the most
The eldest among us.

Lead 2:
Marching victoriously
Graduates! Grade 11.

Class teacher of the 11th grade Gruzdova Oksana Vladimirovna.

  1. Serious, responsible, nice, "Admiral" of our children's association - Pichugin Vlad.
  2. Chirp, cheerful, fragile, a little mischievous, glorious and kind - Chernoivanenko Christina.
  3. Mild, easygoing, glorious, conscientious, responsible, it is not for nothing that they say about him that he has "golden hands", hardworking, like a real owner - Babin Alexander.
  4. An unsurpassed singer, talented, creatively gifted, beautiful, sweet - Coastal Elizabeth.
  5. Laconic, calm, tall and stately, - Sergey Yakovlev.
  6. Not long ago she was a wonderful stranger for us, and now we know that she is capable, persistent, moderately erudite, self-possessed and reliable - Alekseenko Anastasia.
  7. Hardworking, reliable, a real man in the house, a little stubborn - Sergey Bychenko.
  8. Calm, friendly, economic, hardworking and kind - Natalia Butsenko.
  9. Unpredictable, inventive, businesslike, adventure lover, merry fellow and joker - Vasev Kirill.

Lead 1:

Graduates of the 9th grade.

(sound music graduates come out)

The class teacher of the 9th grade Chaikina Lyudmila Ivanovna.

  1. Cheerful, comic, carefree, talkative, lively and restless - Khasanov Denis.
  2. Tall and slender, self-confident, with a sense of humor - Alexander Fedorenko.
  3. A bit grumpy, not fond of haste and unnecessary fuss, cheerful and purposeful - Barnabas Paul.
  4. In an adult way, reasonable, calm, reliable, responsible and fair - Egor Garmashev.
  5. Tactful, delicate, serious, but never against healthy humor, sporty and economic, the subject of girlish dreams and tears - Alexander Terekhov.

1 VED ... The main song of the country

Over and over we hear.

From south to north she sounds

And everyone's heart beats so!

2 VED ... In it is the glory of the Fatherland, the glory of the people,

That the union grows stronger

It grows from year to year.

1 VED ... We go through life with the main song,

We are proud of the country, we believe and wait -

Years will give us a dream come true

For the happiness of the people, love, beauty!

2 VED ... School! Attention! Stand at attention to the Anthem of the Russian Federation!


1 VED ... Today is the day of farewell to childhood
What could be more touching ?!

Allow me here, to this place.

To invite the school principal.

2 INT. The floor is given to the director of our school, Planida Lyudmila Alekseevna.


To our beloved woman

In whom conscience, intelligence and honor,

Ready poems like this

Today we read it.

Lyudmila Alekseevna,

Our beautiful director,

Warm our hearts

With a smile, with a clear look.

We love you for your severity,

For your kindness,

For knowledge, patience,

Sincerity, simplicity.

We wish you health

And long, long years

So that you live happily

They did not know grief, troubles.

They give flowers to the headmaster.

VED. On our holiday
It is not that simple
Present here
Distinguished guests!

VED. I give the floor to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1st host.

Schools are native administration….

Her job is not easy….

Not work - sheer concern ...

But, clearly knowing his business,

They do not age in body or soul.

Break through squalls and dust storms.

In spite of the bad weather and the entire inspection.

2nd leader.

A good word is not an order

The head teachers will read it for you.

Head teachers come out.

1st head teacher

You, our dear children,

You are leaving the temple of science,

Where everyone has lived for so many years

Yes, they became related to each other.

We were also nannies for you,

We are following you, yes with a gingerbread,

Like, bite it off, baby,

Everything is formed by itself.

2nd head teacher

Only time passed, time passed,

And the gingerbread did not help,

A little twig is just right here

Use as directed.

Sweet gingerbread and a little twig -

These are all magic gifts,

Those little things are faithful service

They served in the upbringing.

How proud we are of the fellows,

We admire the girls

Everyone is worthy here

With such smart faces.

1 head teacher

If the gingerbread is no longer needed,

Without need and a little twig,

Save them for now

For their own kids.

Choose the correct path

Nurses will wish you

Let everyone be the Tsarevich,

Or Helen the Beautiful.

Head teachers hand over gingerbread and twigs to the presenters.


  1. We want to say "thank you"
    And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
    In matters of success, happiness in life,
    Create, dream and prosper.2. Ideas, achievements, new plans
    And only forward movement.
    Start up work at our school
    Only joy will bring you!


1 VED ... Our dear graduates, dear boys and girls! Yes Yes! This is how your teachers have spoken to you every morning, spring, winter, and fall in recent years.

2 INT. Every day six times you got up from their desks, greeting them ... You asked them thousands of questions and received thousands of answers. You solved problems and wrote cheat sheets ...

1 BU And now all this comes to an end. You can breathe a sigh of relief - now no one will call you to the board at the most inopportune moment, no one will make a comment for the lack of replacement shoes ...

2 INT. In a few minutes, the last school bell in your life will ring for you. The call ... You waited for him with hope, then with joy, then sighing when he again called you to the lesson.

1 BU You know .... (host name), I suddenly thought that, in principle, the whole human life can be divided into several periods, separated from each other by calls. Let's try to remember ... many, many years ago, in September, maybe in May, or maybe in July, your first call rang ...


2 Leading And then children's everyday life began. Every day at seven in the morning the alarm clock rang, and mothers woke you up to take you to kindergarten... (Starts the alarm.)

The alarm clock rings.


Children sit in kindergarten and boast:
- And I have my mother's eyes and grandma's ears!
- And I have my father's hair and a grandfather's nose!
- And I have my mother's teeth and my father's posture!
- And I have ... Big brother's tights!

- Mom, today I realized that I am one hundred percent ready to have children.
- ???????? (dumb question)
- If I have children, I will name them Roma and Kostya. And I don't even consider girls.

- Today I have inspiration, I will paint with paints.
- Daughter, then take off your smart blouse, or you will get dirty.
- How? Inspiration?

The girl is crying loudly.

- Daughter, what happened? Why are you crying?
Daughter, through tears:
- Go away, mom. I’m not for you, I’m for my daddy ...

1 Leading:

And then the first school bell rang. And school days began. Your teachers first met you. Remember how it was?


Do you remember many years ago

When I entered school for the first time,

Here the teacher met you with a warm look,

You sat down at your desk and opened a new textbook.


May the days, may the years pass,

His work will not be lost without a trace.



And understand the beauty of nature.


He put so much energy into us, foolish people.


And no one has forgotten his kindness!


The first teacher, we love you very much!

We invite you to this stage now!

2nd leader.

The floor is given to your first teachers - Vlasenko Zinaida Dmitrievna….

1st host.

…… and Debela Larisa Vladimirovna.

The first teachers say parting words to pupils of the 11th and 9th grades, remember what they were like in the first grade. Graduates give them flowers

2 Lead:
Today is a holiday not only for you. We still have heroes of the occasion who have finished their first academic year - they are first-graders, and for them your last call is also very important and significant. Let's invite them, and because the 1st grade we have this year is very ... compact ..., they will be helped by the guys from the 2nd and 3rd grades.

(Music "BLUE WAGON" sounds, first-graders enter)

1 Lead: Our kids have also prepared a congratulatory speech. Let's give them the floor.

(Children's speech).

1. TANYA: On a sunny morning for the first time
I came to study in the first grade!
I will try to find out everything
So that you get fives later!

  1. IVAN: I will shave one day too,
    I'll tie a tie like an adult.
    I am still eleven years old to study.
    And today I am holding a speech for you:
    I wish you success and victories!
    Let a lucky ticket come across to you.

3.ALENA: On the exam in her last grade
I think we'll be aces too!

4. SONIA: Lovely girls!

Cute and cool boys!

The sciences are already full of bumps!

And from the pens in the calluses already little hands!

5. MAXIM: The moment of liberation is coming
From boring learning
From formulas, graphs, ions.
From blueprints and chromosomes

And from my own chemistry.
And from a double story.

6. DEMIDES: We understand all of you very much.
We love and respect you!
No need to be sad! What kind of fashion?
Long live Madame Liberty!

All: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

7. ZLATA: Long, long years of study

You gnawed granite at school science,

We hand over a gift

It will kill all germs

And strengthen the weak teeth!

(presenting a SYMBOLIC GIFT)


In addition to your memorable first call, you will remember the elementary grades by the fact that you began to actively master the art of talking on the phone, because it was at this time that your first mobile phones began to appear.

And most often you called those who worried and cared about you, worried and worried - you called your relatives ...

(miniatures - phone calls with parents and relatives - 2-3 pcs.)

The daughter is a first grader. Asks:
- Mom, hello, we don't study tomorrow! Mom, what is this holiday - May Day?
- Labor Day.
- Me too! Well, you adults give…. found something to celebrate!

- Hello, mom, my tooth is swinging.
- It's okay, ... .. - this tooth will fall out, and a new one will grow.
A child with hope in his voice:
- Gold?

Dad, hello, can you help me with the composition?

Come on, what's the topic?

The theme is HAPPINESS.

Eh, sonny, when you grow up, you meet the same beautiful woman as our mother, you get married, then you will find out what happiness is.


True, son…. But it will be too late….

Mommy, hello! You can speak?

Oh sure. How was your morning performance in class?

Oh, mom, we had such an interesting competition - the boys swaddled dolls!


Oh, ma, they are real men! CAN NOT KNOW ANYTHING!

Hello, dad, are you still in the village? Buy me a new atlas!

- Son, tell your geography teacher that I see no reason to buy you a new atlas until the world situation clears up. Come on while you work out on the contour maps!

Leading (simulates a conversation on the phone):

Hello! Hello! No, you are not late at all, on the contrary, your call is very welcome ... Of course, come, don't be shy .. Your speech will be very, very appropriate ..

Your relatives called, asking for the floor. Shall we give?

(exit of younger brothers and sisters - von LITTLE COUNTRY)

  1. KATYA: I'm incredibly rich

Gave the fate of a brother

Troubles, squabbles at all

If there is a shoulder nearby

  1. VARYA: I want to tell everyone again-

Brother is my own blood

Before the people and people -

My brother and I are not alone!

  1. STEPAN: Together we - and it will be so

It's easier for us to carry our banner!

When we were kids we played

Looking for adventure!

  1. NASTYA: A new life will begin,

My beloved brother, hold on!

Be a hundredfold stronger

I believe you can do anything, brother!

  1. LYOSHA: The difference between us is five years,
    But over the years, these lines are thinner.
    We grow up ... our friendship is light
    We are drawn to each other even more!
  2. LENA: You call me "sister", I - "sister".
    Outwardly, you and I are very similar!
    And character, life foundation,
    Like faces ... they are confused too
  3. TANYA: You taught me to draw,
    Display the letters in a beautiful font.
    You taught to sing and dance;
    Be beautiful, fashionable, stylish.
  4. KIRILL: We're growing up. You are in your prime.
    I catch up with you, as before.
    I, as a youngest, so need your advice.
    I obey and listen to wisdom.
  5. LENA: Life runs, flows in a thin stream ...
    And when we grow old with you
    Always call me "little sister"
    I am your "sister" and "sister" !!!

SONG of brothers and sisters

KATYA: Dads also care for moms.
It's time to think about the main thing.

ALENA: Weigh everything, discuss, decide -
Who in life you are destined to be.

KIRILL: Work or study.
Or maybe take and marry.

LENA: Decide for yourself. And now:
We tell all of you:

Good hour!

NASTYA: Our beloved, the school says goodbye to you,

The excitement in the heart, the anxiety, we all cannot calm down!

Accept from us an actual gift - a handkerchief,

To wipe away the tears of sorrows and joys!

GIVE GIFTS handkerchiefs, go away

1 Graduate.

Good dads, sweet mothers,

We completed the program at the school,

We will argue and worry

It is a pity that our desires do not converge.

2 Graduate.

Parents know, children also know:

Happiness is only kind in the world,

Everyone chooses happiness in their own way,

If our parents understand us ...

1st host.

The floor is given to the parents of graduates.

(GRADUATES SONG, flowers to parents)

1 Leading:

The parents of our graduates got excited ... is it a joke - the child has the last bell. By the way, (...), I’m wondering, how many calls were made for our children during 11 years of study? Do you know by chance?

2 Leading:

- Over the 11 years of your studies, 25012 calls have rang for you within the walls of the school, 12506 lessons have been held, which were led by our wonderful teachers for graduates.

1st graduate.

Today we gathered for the most,

The hardest lesson in life

He is our last today

And he collected all the items into a lump.

2nd graduate.

And it became a little sad

Someone nervously crumples a handkerchief,

We answer orally today,

All tests have expired.

3rd graduate.

We look anxiously, timidly

Into the faces of dear teachers

We remember how subtly, skillfully

We were not taught to live by roles.

4th graduate.

In the classroom, like in the arena,

Tamed the obstinate rake,

How they forgave offenses, but to the topic

Aroused keen interest.

5th graduate.

We assure you that we will not forget you,

We will carry gratitude in our hearts,

And when our children grow up,

We will bring them to you to study!

6th graduate.

The last lesson and the last call.

Today is a farewell to my native school,

And let the term of study in her end,

They will remain in my memory for a long time….



("Surprise" - video, after - teachers are invited to the stage)

(The song "Half of the Heart" is sung, the teachers sing the 1st verse, the 2nd verse are sung by the graduates)

Verse 1:

Soon, soon, soon we will say goodbye to you,
You won't come to class
Time, time, time - how many years have flown by
You will understand this very soon.
Draw the middle with a white stripe on the heart.
You'll be leaving soon, but leave the school
Half, half of myself.

Leave half of your heart to the school.
Take half of your heart with you
Give us your children your smiles
Well, we will forget all your mistakes.

Verse 2:
Well, what, what - a treacherous heart
Too much of it, it seemed to us
Our, our, our restless heart
In the life of an adult it already turned out
Childhood flew far away - far into a foreign land
To all teachers, we and our favorite school
We leave half of the heart.

We will leave half of our hearts to school
We will take half of the heart with us
Take all our mistakes with us
Well, we give you smiles as a keepsake.

(Graduates take out a cake in the shape of a heart and give it to teachers, each teacher - a balloon in the shape of a heart and a bouquet of flowers)


Thank you!
- For the fact that you have always been with us,
- And let the years run
- You are in our heart forever!

1 Leading:

See, graduates, your cool moms are standing

With smiles, worries and kind hearts,

They took care of you, stubborn, from many adversities

Taught to be honest and certainly not mean.

2 Leading: The floor is given to the class teachers of the graduates.

Today each of you is standing right here at the crossroads. Someone will choose the road leading to wealth and fame, someone will probably go to power ...

(He approaches the post with pointers. In the center there is a post-pointer with a bell and signs with the words: "Good", "Wealth", "Honor", "Power", "Love", "Hope", "Prestige" etc.) For example, where would you like to go, what to do in this adult life? (Interviews several alumni

The soundtrack of the song "The Road of Kindness" sounds.

The homeroom teacher's song


1 Leading: Our dear graduates, your 11 and 9 school years passed quietly, cheerfully and interestingly ... And each of you, probably, will still have many, many calls.

2 Leading: Maybe it will be the call of the first theater premiere, or your first school call as a teacher, or the call of the trolleybus that you will take along the route.

1 Leading:

Or maybe it will be a wake-up call: "Rota, get up!"

2 Leading:

Or it will be a phone call, with which you will be congratulated, informing that you have become the President of the Russian Federation by the results of the elections.

1 Leading:

All this will probably still be with each of you ... And today - the bell announcing the end of your school studies.

2 Leading:

But the same call today marks your entry into the road of adulthood. What it will be - depends on you.

1 Leading: School years are over.

The last bell will ring for us now.

All that remains is to pass the exams,

And adult life can be safely started.

2 Leading: There are only a few seconds left until the Last Call, which will announce the beginning of your last lesson, and this lesson will continue for the rest of your life.


1 Leading: The right to give the Last Call of 2015 is given to the 11th grade pupil Pichugin Vlad and the 1st grade pupil Tishchenko Tatiana.

1 Leading: Graduates, remember the order of your class teachers - no matter what path you choose, no matter what goal you see at its end, always walk the road of good ...

2 Leading: Well, we, we will wait for your calls ... Call, call. Let your calls tell us and the whole world about your good deeds and your victories. And come to school, because it is here that all good roads begin.

(SONG - GIRLS 8 CLASS, after the 1st verse and chorus the graduates leave)

(Performed. Song to the melody "The song remains with the person."

1 verse

May you leave school today.
Happy years are ahead.
Just never forget school,
School is your faithful friend forever


Through the years, through the distances,
On any road, aside any,
You say to the school: "Goodbye"
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

(Graduates come out)

1 Ved. And now we are taking the graduates to the schoolyard, where they will release balloons for good luck.

2 Ved. Good luck, graduates, may all your dreams come true!

1 Ved. Release colorful balloons into the sky
Children's dreams, let them fly away with them.
You have become more serious now and should,
Dream about more than even a year ago.

2 Ved. Dream, achieve - peace on earth,
So that the birds fly and bloom in the spring.
So that the native land flourishes with us.
So that no one forgets their parents.

1 Ved. Let the balls fly up, let the children dream
Bright dreams, fabulous colors.
Well, today, having become graduates,
Release fireworks of balloons into the sky.


Table, lamp, telephone. The doctor on duty is doing manicure.

The phone rings.


Hello! Is this a maternity hospital?


Yes ... I'm listening to you.


My surname is Varnavsky. Tell me, did my wife give birth?


Wait a minute (looking at the notes). Comrade Barnabas, you say? Congratulations! You have a boy. Pretty, ruddy, plump, healthy and very much like the sun By the way, what kind of child do you have?




Keep in mind: new in our maternity hospitalstock : if you have twins, the thirdbaby you get FREE !!!




The coast ? Granny? Congratulations, you have a girl! She has an amazing voice. We had to insert double frames - the windows burst from her screams ... Keep in mind - the next glass replacement will be at your expense, otherwise they've set up a whole philharmonic society here, you know ....

Terekhov ? You have a boy. Pretty, sturdy ... Lost with Pichugin and Fedorenko into the team, puffing, puffing, puffing on the sides of the crib, like, pulling up .... I officially warn you - they will break the state furniture - bring your own. We have a maternity hospital, after all, not a gym, you understand the difference! .. and tell other dads so.



My name is Butsenko. Tell me, did my wife give birth?


She gave birth this morning. Whom? Guess yourself…. Three ... two ... one time !. No, not a boy. What do you mean "And who then?" ... No, well, you, man, are interesting too! ...


A second paramedic appears.

Nastya, do you remember the Ivanov family?

These are the ones that come to us every year, how to work?

Well, yes. They have a holiday again! The eighteenth child was born today! And we found a happy onefather under windows maternity hospital ... What do you think he was doing there? (hums) I draw ... onasphalt ... with white chalk ... the word "ENOUGH" !!!

And yesterday there was a chance! ... you will fall now ... I say: “Daddy! Jump, you have triplets! And he, without thinking for a long time, jumped! Out the window! It's good that the first floor. Oh, well, fathers give, of course! ... it is their joy that a state of passion arises!


Babin ? Boy. But what! ... already - a real man! .. in the procedural room I saw a crack on the wall - when did you manage, was it just born yesterday? - and today I have already covered it up. Oh, his hands are golden! I have a trained eye, mark my word - it will be a master. Well, or a foreman. The boy is also spinning with him - Bychenko surname - too, apparently, the hard worker will be a noble one. He drinks so seriously, so funny. Small, but businesslike! ..

Chernoivanenko? You have a daughter. She has already organized all the girls into a detachment - and Alekseenko there, and Butsenko, - and along the corridor back and forth, back and forth…. Oh and motor…. Mistresses, you see, will be noble.

Vasev ? You have a son. So small, so cute ... but you know .... Yesterday in the nursing room he looked askance at our computer…. I don't even know what that means. Take note of this.

Yakovlev? Congratulations, you boy. Big, cute ... what is he doing? Doing nothing. Lie next to Garmashev, they let bubbles, other kids are screaming, being capricious, but these are calm…. As if they know something, and speculate.

Fanfare sounds. The presenters take the stage.

Dictations and tasks
Good luck, bad luck
Paragraphs, verbs
And ancient times.
That word does not bow
The Volga will be lost ...
It all starts
From the school bell.

Anodes and cathodes,
Suvorov's hikes,
Battles, conjugations,
Sand movement ...
The example is not remembered,
The answer is not working -
It all starts
From the school bell!

Everyone had this day when
It's time to leave school

Away the sadness! And a holiday to start
It's time for us to invite the culprits!

Entrance: graduates + class leader. Music(?)

Hello dear! I am your tenth school spring. Today I came to accompany you on the main road of life, the ladder of classes ended. When it ends, as soon as your sad farewell bell rings. In difficult times, alarming and difficult, we accompany you from the school doorstep. A person today, more than ever, lacks love and kindness. I want to believe that it is you who will bring goodness and faith, honesty and nobility to the world, that you yourself will be happy. May everything good and beautifully illuminate your path ahead. I invite you to say goodbye to childhood.
Like it or not, it will happen right now.

The ship floats through the waves of knowledge
And you are at the helm,
Lead clearly and skillfully
You are the entire crew of the ship.

Of course, sometimes it got stormy
But you could convince everyone
That the curtains are just a breath
What's only two miles to Earth!

The floor is given to our helmsman: the headmaster! ..

Director's speech. Presentation of flowers.

Greetings soon
We are now our guests -
Congratulations to us today
Representatives of the authorities!

Leading. I give the floor ...

Speech by the guests.

We considered you to be very strict,
And for several years
We tried to make our roads
They would go around your office.
But one day you are simpler, kinder
They began to resolve issues with us.
We just matured and became
To answer for your actions!

We admit that we are a little
You've been given a hassle
But there can be no learning
Completely worry-free.
Promise, ready together,
Even though the whole class will come to you,
Dear you are our director,
We won't let you down again!

To root for everything in the world
To delve into everything, to give all your life,
So that children gain knowledge,
And life's purpose could be understood.
Thank you, our dear director,
We are grateful to you to tears.
We don't know where you get your strength
Pulling such a heavy cart!

Presentation of flowers.

Song of graduates "White lilac".

There are 5-8 graduates on the stage.

Graduate 1. How boring on this last call ...
Graduate 2. It's good that I managed to get some air
Graduate 3. Exactly, for sure, otherwise this whole "holiday" can drag on for a week (everyone nods, agrees)

Graduate 4. I wish it would all be over! I would like to throw everything out of my head and forget ... (dreamily)
Graduate 5. Yes, forget and rest!

Rumble, terrible music. A star is falling.

Graduate 6. What happened?
Graduate 2. It seems that something has fallen ...

Mysterious music. Carry out the King. A sign "Fool's Land" appears in passing on the stage.

Graduate 1. Who is this? ..

Tsar. Someone ... (mimics). I am a king! And not anyhow, but a wonderful country - Fool's Land!

Everyone laughs. They are goggling.

Tsar. Are you laughing? Take a look around, breathe in the air deeply, listen! Do you feel it? No noise, no exhaust fumes, just the chirping of birds and an open field. Wow, beauty. Your dream, by the way!

Graduate 4. Okay, that is. Are you saying that we are now in a different ... different country, although a minute ago we were near our own school?
Tsar. Yeah.
Graduate 5. And there is nothing here at all?
Tsar. Exactly.
Graduate 6. No cars, no high-rise buildings, no ... the Internet?
Tsar. Well, yes.

Everyone is terrified. One takes out a phone.

Graduate 1. (Come on, nonsense, now look ... oh, holy wi-fi, there is no network here! ..
Tsar. Well, of course not. Where would he come from here? In this beautiful country live those who like to play the fool ... in the sense, to meditate, think about daily life, but invent, master science, technology ... Dismiss!
Graduate 2. Okay? (businesslike). What are you driving at, King? What do we have to do?
Tsar. What do you want, but I went ...
Graduate 3. No, no! Don't leave ... We need help!

Tsar. (surprised) Really? I thought this was the limit of your dreams: no one demands anything, really, only he knows, but what a beauty ... no exams, no teachers, wow! ...

Graduate 4. We were wrong, it doesn't suit us.
Graduate 2. Although nothing seems to be so, but without interest ...
Graduate 3. Quiet, shut up. Yes, we need to get home.
Tsar. There is, of course, one option, but can you handle it?
Graduate 6. Dear, we are going to write the Unified State Exam, why should we be afraid of something else ...

Tsar. Oh good! OK! Prove to me then that you know at least something from the school curriculum!
Graduate 1. Easy!
Tsar. In all subjects!
Graduate 2. Yes ... easy ...
Tsar. Now!
Graduate 3. Will there be no cameras? ..

The king grins. Mysterious music sounds, he floats away.

Graduate 1. That's a problem!
Graduate 2. Oh, come on. I'm sure we can weave him anything, this lord of the Fool's Land won't even understand anything.
Graduate 1. Maybe you're right! Let's just start with then.
Graduate. 3. From a simple one? From the buffet or what?
Graduate 2. From the first grade!

It sounds "2 * 2 = 4". First-graders come in and recite poetry.

All graduates sing a song for the first teachers. There is a video on the projector.

Graduate 1. Yes, it was a good time, but it’s not good without the Internet.
Graduate 2. Would visit a website or find a solution to our problem ...
Issue We could even create a website!
Issue By the way, yes! We can do this!

Information rules the world
Exchange rate, stock exchange,
Laptops and mobile phones,
Like lamps for us in the night!

They teach computer science at school,
The mathematician is friends with her,
And the calculations are simplified
Our knowledge is growing!

Drawing on the computer,
With blueprints, relief
Even the physics of the phenomenon,
Find an explanation here!

We print abstracts,
We cook new files,
Indicator of creativity,
Increased activity!

We build interdisciplinary connections,
Imperceptible in appearance,
On projects presentations
We are performing in nominations!

If hackers and spammers,
Moderators and gamers,
They bring you grief,
Start your offensive!

Helmet for the holidays of the message,
We introduce new names,
Virtual assignments,
Online education!

We are looking for data on the Internet,
So sometimes desirable for us,
We scan the photos,
And we pose for each other!

Presentation of flowers. The King appears.

Tsar. Well, not bad, not bad. You seem to know at least something about computer science. But now doubts creep into my mind that sometimes you two and two cannot add, after all, it's not for nothing that you got here!
Issue Four!
Tsar. What is "four"?
Issue Two plus two equals four!
Tsar. Well done! (claps) What else can you show?

Scene "Math Lesson"

Teacher: So, confess who didn't do your homework. For a frank confession I will add 1 point. What, nobody did?
Everything. We did not understand!
Teacher: What is there to understand! Each frequent solution of a differential equation is a function of one variable, which in the coordinate system corresponds to a certain line, called the integral curve of this differential equation. Clear?
All: (readily) Aha!
Teacher: So, now a question for filling: How to square a number?
Student 1: To square a number, take that number and circle a square around it!
Teacher: Nonsense! How do you find the factorial?
Pupil 2: (shouts like in an advertisement) It's as easy as shelling pears: Factorial Bank, Tverskaya street, 156!
Student 3: We will increase your money!
Teacher: Petrova! What are you multiplying there? Today you will only add!
Student 3: (flirtatious) What's what?
Teacher: To a two in geometry, one in algebra!
Student 4: Nothing, we will learn everything for the exam!
Teacher: Ok, pull the ticket. What have you got there?
Pupil 4: 10 carriage, 25th place, top shelf!
Teacher: Well, read the assignment!
Student 4: Problem. A math teacher puts 576 twos in a year, and a history teacher scores 765 twos. Question: what percentage of students will receive a certificate? (Thinking, counting) 100%!

From "two-two" to complex equations
We have passed a very interesting path.
To the present day from the ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.

Thank you for everything you have learned,
For the cargo conveyed to us of knowledge.
We wish you that in your life there were
All numbers only with a plus sign

Presentation of flowers. A couple of graduates come out. The stage is being prepared for a scene in Russian: chairs and sheets are brought out.

Issue (whispering) Listen, I'm certainly not an expert, but ... in my opinion, the Tsar does not have the best opinion of us.
Issue Yes, you are right. So let's show him something like that ... mmm, oh! As the lessons of Russian and literature were held, there we were such a niche!

Scene based on literature.

Disciple: (standing) Pushkin. I loved you, love still, maybe
In my soul it has not completely faded away (mutters)
Teacher: Ivanoov ... Stop! What are you mumbling for? It's poetry! Read with expression!

Disciple: I loved you: love still, perhaps
In my soul it has not completely faded away;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I do not want to sadden you with anything.
I loved you wordlessly, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you beloved to be different.

Leave. One graduate comes out.

All Russian writers, poets
And critics, strain your talent
We wrote the text for your subject -
So that we can then write a dictation;
And even though it's not fashionable to write poetry now,
But we are in no hurry to succumb to fashion:
After all, we want to congratulate you today
Not under dictation - only from the heart!

Presentation of flowers.

Issue (walks across the stage, looking at everything around) Foolishland! .. Hmm, what kind of country is this? The climate here is kind of dry, mixed forests, ... What kind of land? What is the mainland? The coordinates would be for me, I would have pulled us out! ..

Music. Dance to the geography teacher.

We have always studied with interest
Geography as a subject.
And thanks a lot today
We want to tell you for this.

We have known the seas and countries,
Continents and oceans.
And also - that all over the planet
Our geographer is the best in the world.

Presentation of flowers.

Tsar (out): Well, well, you know something somewhere, but if I examine you, can you handle it?
Graduate: (desperately) Yes!
Tsar: Excellent! Then I ask everyone to take their places and not make noise. The exam in ... physics is in progress! (important)

Scene "Exam in Physics"

Disciple: Hello colleagues! (pulls out his hand).
Examiner: Not colleagues yet.
Disciple: We justly reasoned with the insolence of the lost youth.
Tsar: Ivanov, you are already trying to pass the exam for the sixth time. What will surprise you for today?
Disciple: Song. Iranian physicists learn very quickly,
And then the country of Israel will suffer for a long time. (dancing and singing).
Tsar: So, stop! Pull your ticket!
Disciple: A, current strength. Sorry, this is not spelled correctly. Not the strength of the current, but only the strength.
Tsar: Current strength!
Disciple: Okay, let the current be there. In the end, I don’t hand over the Russian language. (Smiles) Amperage (uncertainly) ... measured in Geeigenz meters ...
Examiner: Enough! Have you learned Einstein's fundamental law?
Disciple: Y-yes ...
Examiner: Write me the formula on the board! Write: energy. Energy is the letter "E" (writes a small "e"). Big "E" (writes "e" larger "). Yes, the capital "E". "E" is equal, write! Energy is equal (writes the words "equal") ... Why do you write in words, why? How is equal to ?? How how!!! Parallel lines are denoted by equal (draws "//"). Yes, not vertical, horizontal! Horizontal lines, young man! Energy is equal to mass "M" multiplied by "C". Multiplies by "C" (thinks, does not know how to write). We don't know the letter "C" ?? The letter "S", young man! The letter "C", yes! (writes Russian "C"). Yes, not the Russian "C", but the Latin, Latin letter "C"!
Russian "s"! (writes "es"). Yes, without the "e"! Just “sy, sy” (writes “sy”). Fuck him! Squared! (hurry up to circle everything). What?? What are you? .. The letter "C" in the square should be! And not in such a square! (outlines "sy" in a square). Two in the corner, young man! Two in the corner! In the corner, in the corner there is a deuce! (writes two in the upper right corner) Mimoooo! Not in this corner there should be a deuce! Yes, let's think, we have a lot of options where there may be a deuce! (thinks) Come on, sii ... (writes in the lower left corner) And again past! You are not a passable dumbass! Vaughan! (puts chalk, offended leaves)

Our teacher, knowing the time,
A spark will carve out of flint.
To close the circuit on time
He will devote a lesson to her.

Our physicist, we congratulate you,
We repeat the experience with you,
We learn the power of attraction.
You are worthy of respect.

Presentation of flowers. The king is still on stage, alone.

Tsar: I believe that after this exam you need, my dears, to urgently rehabilitate yourself! Tell me what you are all good at.

Pencil and ruler -
Our loyal friends.
They were respected
Emperors, princes.
Drawing taught us
Strict accuracy
This in life will save us
From many troubles.
We loved drawing very much,
And we especially appreciate you!
Your beautiful, exquisite handwriting
And shy eyes shine.
You didn't shout at us to the point of pain
And they didn't put twos in the magazine.
And so everyone with love
I learned all the basics of drawing!

We sang in chorus: someone is better,
Who is worse, but with a soul,
But the joy of the mighty music
She came to us with great joy.

Today we want to congratulate you
And to declare gratitude.
We will praise the muse to the anthem
And we will love music.

Remain. They talk among themselves.

Issue Yes, we loved art and music, but you must admit that we were also good in biology, we learned so much new things that even now I can imagine how bacteria fly around ...
Issue Maybe we'll tell you about this?
Issue And I love to sing ...

Music. Everybody goes out. Song "Zhu-zhu". Presentation of flowers.

Issue Oh, okay, biology! But chemistry!
Issue Oh yeah! A very useful thing in life ... I don't know about girls, but the guys were definitely interested.

Boys come out.

Scene "Chemistry Lesson"

Teacher: Hello children! So last week we went through a new element. Dima, what are you going to tell us about him?
Student 1: Chemical element. Title: woman. Serial number: 127. Discoverer: Adama. Atomic mass: 60 kg, isotopes from 40 to 250 kg are also found. Prevalence: very common.
Teacher: Okay, but what about the physical properties of this element?
Student 2: Melts with a certain impact.
It boils spontaneously and cools down without external reasons.
Expansion rate: Increases over the years.
Teacher: Remind me of the chemical properties?
Student 3: It interacts very well with Au (gold), Ag (silver), Pt (platinum) and other noble metals.
Absorbs large quantities of expensive substances.
May explode unexpectedly.
Activity varies by time of day.
Teacher: What about the application?
Disciple 4: Widely used for decorative purposes, especially in sports cars.
It is a very effective cleaning and cleaning agent.
Helps to relax and relieve stress.
Teacher: Great! And who will tell me about the quality reaction and precautions?
Student 5: Qualitative response:
It becomes green if there is another sample of a higher quality nearby.
Precautionary measures:
Poses a serious hazard if dropped into inexperienced hands.
It is forbidden to have more than one sample. However, you can have a larger number of samples, but they should be kept separate from each other, so that no matter how they interact with each other.
Teacher: You have mastered the new material perfectly! All fives!

Understand the world of formulas
It was difficult for us at first
With your help, however,
It suddenly became possible.

In chemistry, you are the queen!
And a witch at the same time!
May she always adore you
Disciple Tribe!

Music. Presentation of flowers.

Tsar: Good, good ... You can tell stories, but what about the story itself?
Issue We know the story very well! Probably (quieter) ...
Tsar: Probably, the tests were passed for only fives ?!
Issue Well, yeah ...

Scene "Exam in History"

Disciple: Hello, Lyudmila Vladimirovna! Allow me?
Teacher: Hello, hello. Why not allow it?
Disciple: So, well, I'm this one, in short ...
Teacher: Okay, Maria (interrupts), let’s do it, I’ll give you a triple automatically and everyone is satisfied.
Disciple: No, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, this is not a matan, I'm going to squabble here for four.
Teacher: Good. Pull the ticket.
Disciple: (pulls the ticket) Uh, ticket number eight. “Mikhail Yurievich Lomonosov. Life and Work of the Great Russian Genius "
Teacher: Awesome question.
Disciple: Yes, yes, I just started to stain the pillow with saliva on it yesterday. Um, well, Mikhail Yuryevich Lomonos was born at 17 ... Lyudmila Vladimirovna, can I do it in my own words?
Teacher: well, try it.
Disciple: In short, Lomonos, he, like himself in 1711, was born, as it were, in a village, yes, he lived there, meat, milk, before, everything. At the age of 19, I sharply realized that it was not the same with the villagers to smoke or brew, that the whole movement was in Moscow. And that’s all. He got up behind Bosco nine behind the truck and went to the capital. Well, then he began to smoke as he deserved. A standard student life began in Moscow: a university, heifers, etc. Vot, well, then he got up sharply, defended himself, once or twice, they admitted, figak, oops and that's it: the Academy of Sciences.
Teacher: Listen to how simple everything is with you. Can you tell us more about the figak period?
Disciple: You know, it’s not interesting at all. Maybe I’ll go straight to the second question?
Teacher: Well, try it.
Disciple: 2 question: "The main reforms of Peter 1". Well, that's not a question at all! I in my own words, ok? Well, Peter finally performed everything for Russia from the heart. He jabbed into the birch bark multishengen and let's drive to Europe, take over everything.
Teacher: Taak, can you answer this question: Why did Peter 1 order the boyars to cut their beards?
Disciple: Well, eta ... to reduce theft. No, well, what, such a person comes in, he takes four kolochi out of the shop, you won't even notice. And finally, you know, this is not the case: all the bearded walk around, it is not clear who is the priest and who is the murderer.
Teacher: Outrageously interesting point of view!
Disciple: That is. I suppose they've been playing around with that, right? Well, then question 3: "The Decembrist uprising on December 14, 1825". No, well, everything was brewing there! There was a direct glow of nakalych! The Decembrists have been walking around the palace for the last month and throwing their shoulders to the Tsar, he barely dodges. But he himself, the Tsar, understood that ...
Teacher: So, Kravchenko! Further intervention in my psyche will end in tears for you!
Disciple: Che?
Teacher: Can I do it in my own words?
Disciple: Yeah
Teacher: Well, in the sense of yours. So, look. Basically, on all three questions, you cheerfully yelled now. But the historical exhaust is zero. Behind your rub-shake no essence, no dates, no understanding. Now I am writing out two things for you and I am waiting for you the day after tomorrow for a re-trip across Herzen. Everything, be there. (gets up, leaves)
Disciple: Aa, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, did you say something about a three-piece machine with an automatic machine? .. (runs after her)

You have brought us into a wonderful world.
There are buildings of ancient cities,
Forgotten languages ​​riddles
Epochs of different layering.
Let the time cover up with dust
A story with terrible power
Lessons Learned Today
We are all from the past. Thanks!

Presentation of flowers.

Issue Yes, of course, you need to know about the past ...
Issue But it is also necessary to keep up with the changes at the present time!
Issue As, for example, for the exchange rate! Here we sit in this Foolish Land and do not even know how it is there now.
Issue And imagine that if by our return there was a new modernization of the buffet, not only the terminal, but also the reception of different currencies!
Sketch on economics "Buffet".

Disciple: Please give me two pizzas, eclair and juice in a box.
Barmaid: $ 4 from you.
Disciple: Hold (holds out money).
Barmaid: Okay, your change: $ 6. But as soon as we run out of dollars, we will have to surrender in rubles.
Disciple: Well, come on.
Barmaid: Tanechka, please bring 6 dollars of a ruble.
Tanechka (runs with a basket): I'm carrying it, I'm carrying it. Hello. Receive. (dumps money)
Disciple: Wait. How long have you updated the RBC website?
Tanya: 10 seconds ago.
Disciple: 10 seconds ago?
Chorus: Yes.
Disciple: Now here's the course! (shows phone)
Chorus: What?
Barmaid: What is this number?
Tanya: As if someone sat down on the calculator, look.
Barmaid: Tanya, Tanya, quickly run for the ruble! (Tanya runs away). Yes, you young people are cunning! Come especially at the last break, you know that at this time the course jumps.
Disciple: Well, yes ...
Tanechka: (comes running, throws out the day, the student falls): Here, in the last year, by the way!
Barmaid: yes, last!
Disciple: Stop! (pulls out his phone, shows it) At the last rate here!
Tanechka: What? Some kind of Russian national football team!
Barmaid: What do you mean?
Tanya: The same 11 zeros.
Barmaid: Faster, Tanechka, run for the ruble! (runs away)
Tanya: Oh, how tired the lower back is! Here you go!
Disciple: what a course there is now!
Tanechka: Oh, what is this number? Like a traffic jam in Makhachkala!
Barmaid: what do you mean?
Tanya: 25 nines, 11 dozen ... oh, okay, that's it, I'm running - I'm running!
Barmaid: Have pity on Tanya! Before her, Lenochka was, she also gave out change to some student in 50 dollars in rubles. So she grinded on the floor!
Tanya: (comes running, throws out the money) That's it! The last one!
Barmaid: Taak, the course has stopped (looks at the phone)!
Disciple: Wait, wait, the money loves the bill ...
In chorus: Lord! ..

Oh, if they gave me the right
I would without hesitation and doubt
In your passport, if there is a box,
He wrote in: "The teacher is a genius!"
We wish you to live and enjoy life!
Let all accidents be according to plan!
So that prices for any high cost
They couldn't afford you with a ruble.

Presentation of flowers.
Tsar: Well, you knew the economy, but ...
Issue (jumps up, interrupts) We also worked well on our labors!
Tsar: Well, then show me, tell me, what is such a good thing to hide, eh ?!

Scene "Technology". Girls sing a song, boys knock on something with hammers and dance.

During the scene, one of the boys allegedly twists his leg, one of the girls speaks.

Issue Calmly! Nobody move! I was at all OBZh lessons! (runs to his bag, takes it, goes out to the center). Taak, what do we have here (dumps all the contents)! As Eduard Borisovich taught us, you must always have everything with you!
Issue Is this a tourniquet?
Issue Of course! And bandages, and brilliant green and valerian!
Issue And lipstick, and a hair dryer, and this curler? I do not think that Eduard Borisovich had all this in mind!
Issue He talked about vital things, and that's what they are! Now we will help and fix the makeup, look!

They bandage the leg, leave.

We will be scientists
Let's be engineers
We will master
Secular manners.
Monkey to man
Only labor could transform.
Sew, wash and thresh
We will! To live better!

We have studied OBZH all these years and already
We know how to behave, and how someone else's life
To rescue.
We can and can do a lot,
And all thanks only to you.
You taught us, you tried,
To give more knowledge to us.
Thank you we say to you
For giving us knowledge!

Presentation of flowers.

Graduate 1. Guys, guys, everybody here!

Two or three people come up.

Graduate 2. What, why are you shouting like that?
Graduate 1. (nervously) Where is everyone ??
Graduate 3. They are cramming trigonometric formulas there.
Graduate 1. (makes frightened surprised eyes) Uh, okay ...
Graduate 3. What actually happened?
Graduate 1. Here, here it is! .. You will be stunned! (lifts the phone to his face)
Graduate 2. What works? How??
Graduate 1. Ah, yes. Works! As we began to solve equations and write without errors, the connection appeared. I wanted to say, but ... mm, I started flipping through the news in contact and in general ... In general, it doesn't matter! Look what they threw off me!

Everyone looks at the phone. On the projector they show a screen of a message in a contact and an attached video, there is something like: "Hey, look at the joke, they show you on TV!"

Graduate 3. Turn on come on!

Includes a video reporting the loss of the Graduate class in three different languages.

English is poetic.
Isn't that so, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know better and better!
The declination of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are exactly the best, our teacher!

We don’t carry what we can do:
Albeit with luggage, but light -
We understand the value of knowledge
Especially about the language.

For the skills that you give us
Thank you, our good friend.
So gratulieren wir Sie heute
Und wunshen Ihnen Spass und Gluck!

Presentation of flowers.

Tsar: Yes, since this is the case, since the whole world is looking for you, it would be time to sum up the results of your journey, eh? (all come up) Listening to me carefully, graduates? I hope to never see you here again, because today you understood the most important thing: how difficult it is not only to learn new knowledge, but also how difficult it is sometimes for your teachers to reach out to you! So appreciate their work at its true worth, make them proud of your successes, and then, perhaps, the star that fell quietly and imperceptibly will fulfill your most cherished desire ...

Bolt. Music. The tsar is carried away. A star is falling.

Issue Lord, are we back?
Issue We're at school!
Issue I missed my mom so much ...
Issue Yes, the parents were probably so worried about us! ..
Issue We must quickly inform them that we are here, safe and sound!

Issue Well, this adventure was strange! Although there was a share of something useful in this ... Oh, look, the hall is still full! It seemed that we were not there for only a couple of minutes, no one noticed ...
Issue Where did we stop when we disappeared? After all, you need to continue the holiday, otherwise this one again ... from the Fool's Land will drop some star ...
Issue It doesn't matter where we left off, but what we want to do now is important!
Issue Thank your parents, right?
Issue Yes!

Music sounds. Graduates sing a song to their parents.

Parents' words. Flowers.

The presenters come out.

Lead 1.
The bell rings for the last time.
The bell of hope and the bell of goodbye.
And the minutes of parting are approaching.
And ahead is the confusion of the roads.

Lead 2.
And the sun shines in the sky as before,
But childhood has its own time in life.
And now the bell rings for the last time
The bell of goodbye and the bell of hope.

Last call.

Lead 1.
Dear friends, our holiday is over. We invite graduates and guests to go out to the schoolyard to release balloons with wishes into the sky. May they all come true!

All graduates want to come up with an original script for the last bell at the school. This day is a little sad, because the guys from the 11th grade say goodbye to school forever. So why not celebrate the last call with a fun and original scenario? First of all, you need to choose beautiful words for the presenters, come up with funny contests and put them on. After that, we can say that the original script for the last bell at school is ready.

At the holiday of the last bell, according to this scenario, students will be able to express their due respect to teachers, parents and at the same time have fun. Such an event will leave a memory in their hearts for a lifetime.

Original script of the last school bell

Characters: Leading, Leading, Head teacher, 2 girls.

All participants of the festive event, in particular teachers, are prepared tokens with numbers for playing "mail". The presenters use the recordings when conducting game episodes. It is not necessary to carry out all the episodes of the script at once, in one go, you can "dilute" them with congratulations from parents, teachers, refreshments and dances.

Today we say goodbye to the school, and for this we need to find some kind words.

Or maybe you shouldn't be smart. Let us remind the guys what words Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin used to say to the educational institution he graduated from - to his dear Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

And happiness wherever it leads

Our homeland is Tsarskoe Selo.

Beautiful poems, only, it seems to me, they would have sounded more correct if we pronounced them a little differently.

Otherwise? But as?

Making the necessary fixes. It seems that Alexander Sergeevich would forgive us if we took his beautiful lines as a basis. Listen to my version.

He reads a version of Pushkin's poem, slightly modified in such a way that the number of the school in which the last bell takes place "fits" into the final lines. For example, these options:

Wherever fate has thrown us,
We are all the same, the whole world is a foreign land for us.
And happiness wherever it takes us,
Our homeland is school number eight.

Wherever fate has thrown us,
And happiness wherever we may lead,
We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land for us,
Our homeland is school number six!

Host (admiringly):
Great, that's poetry! I think everyone will remember them. We started our last call with beautiful lyric poetry. And what else is extraordinary awaiting our 11 graders today?

The main thing is that our holiday should become a wonderful memorable event that will complete the whole life span of each of us. Just think: we are 17 years old, we can say that one third of life is already behind us, the simplest, the most careless.

Suddenly we will part at the school's doorstep and never meet again.

But it will be possible to correspond. Even you guys can send a letter to your favorite teacher at any time - just send it to the address of our school. It's so nice - letters from graduates. I think that the school administration will appreciate it and will be proud of your letters.

And you can practice writing letters today. You see, at the entrance to our ball, each of you, including the teachers, received a special paper token with a number and a pin with which you can pin it on your chest. The token has a number on which each of you can write a letter to your addressee without being recognized. You can thank your adored teacher for teaching the subject beautifully, or declare your love to a classmate without fear of rejection.

And today we will perform the role of postmen. So, write your letters and give them to us, and we will carry your letters by numbers to those to whom they were intended. And what do we part with today on the last call?

Never and nowhere will we be called "boys and girls".

Yes, these school messages will go away from our lives. But let's finally play with the 11th grade in a game called “Boys or girls, girls or boys”.

Well, well, remembering childhood is also sometimes useful. Just explain, please, how to play it.

You need to finish the phrase correctly. Where it is necessary, it is necessary to say the word "girls, girls", and where necessary - "boys, boys". Only this game with a trick, listen carefully.

And one more condition. Boys should only say the word "boys".

And girls have to say the word "girls". You can start, everyone is ready to listen carefully!

1. Any repairs will be finely arranged,
Of course, only ...

2. They tie bows to themselves
From different tapes, of course ...

3. In front of everyone, measure your strength,
Of course, they only love ...

4. Play bows and bears,
Of course, only ...

5. Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in the pocket of ...

6. Chatted for an hour without respite
In colorful dresses ...

7. To the motorcycle racing draw
They strive only ...

8. Wore uniform aprons
In the old school only ...

9. Skates on ice drew arrows,
We played hockey all day ...

10. Spring dandelion wreaths
Of course, they only weave ...

That's great! But still I wonder how the life of each of us will turn out, say, in 10-16 years?

Interesting, of course. But each of us would like to wish a clear goal and the achievement of this goal. Even if you fail at the beginning of the journey.

The first failure is not yet a reason for despair. History knows many examples when, after persistent struggle with circumstances, a person nevertheless achieved what he was striving for. For example, do you know such a writer - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky?

Of course, this is my favorite writer. Kornei Ivanovich Chukovsky is the author of well-known children's books that have become classics: "Moidodyr", "Aibolit", "Fedorino grief", "Fly-tsokotukha" and many others.

But Korney Chukovsky was at one time expelled from the fifth grade of the gymnasium by decree, according to which the children of nobles could not study alongside the "cook's" children. But Chukovsky independently studied the entire program of the gymnasium, passed the exams and received a gymnasium certificate.

And I know such an example. The famous dancer Isadora Duncan was so poor in her youth that she could not buy a ticket for a horse-drawn bus. She walked to work every day, walking 300 blocks back and forth.

The great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was of short stature and poor health. But all his life he was engaged in the education of willpower, tempered. At the age of 18, he entered the army as a simple soldier, although he could, like all noble children, immediately become an officer. For seven years he served as a soldier, but no one else knew so thoroughly military affairs as Suvorov. And Suvorov rose to the highest military rank, Generalissimo.

And here's another example from military history. The dashing hussar, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Davydov, due to his small stature, was not taken to serve in a cavalry regiment. But he was so persistent that he was accepted. "Oh, this will be a gallant soldier," Suvorov said about him, "I will not die yet, but he will win three battles." And Suvorov was right.

The English poet George Gordon Byron was lame from birth, but he strove hard to be the first in everything. He stubbornly engaged in boxing, swimming, fencing, horseback riding and everywhere achieved extraordinary success.

We all know that there is such a beautiful city of Odessa in the world. But once it was a robber Turkish fortress. But the commandant of the fortress, whose name was Duc Richelieu, decided to turn it into a flourishing, comfortable city of the European type with luxurious streets and a real port. He walked towards his dream for eleven years and achieved what he wanted. Now in the center of Odessa there is a monument that all residents of Odessa affectionately call the "Golden Duke", this is a monument to the founder of their beautiful city.

So it is not in vain that they say: "The road will be mastered by the one walking."

Yes! You have to try and your dream will come true.

And now I propose to start dancing. Let's just remember the wonderful Russian traditions - we will declare a cotillion.

Oh, I remember, Pushkin wrote about this in his novel "Eugene Onegin". Remember how he describes the ball at the estate of the landowners Larins:

In jealous indignation
The poet awaits the end of the mazurka
And he calls her to the cotillion.

But what kind of dance is this - cotillion?

There is nothing complicated here. Here, you see, I have several pairs of colored ribbons clamped in my hands. Let those who want to dance come up and grab the ends of these ribbons. Then I will open my fist, and you yourself will determine by the ribbons who will dance with whom. Maybe our teachers will set an example for graduates by taking part in the cotillion attraction.

An attraction is held, followed by a series of dances.

Our next competition - old sayings in a new way. I will begin a well-known proverb, and you will finish it.

I agree, only one condition: the proverb must be about the school.

And this is your task, try to change its ending so that everyone understands that this proverb is about school. Will you try?

I'll try.

The presenter names the beginnings of the proverbs, and the presenter attaches "school" endings to them.

1. The kopeck protects the ruble ...
... thought thrifty and decided not to donate money for gifts to teachers by March 8th.

2. If you want to be healthy - temper ...
… Exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into the school pool.

3. He who seeks will always find ...
... thought the quick-witted, looking during the test in a notebook to a neighbor.

4. Business time - fun hour ...
... said the cheerful one, getting home from the music lesson.

5. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth ...
... exclaimed the polite, knocking over a glass of coffee from his friend at the break in the buffet.

6. Smoking is harmful to health ...
… Sympathized with the pitying one, telling the head teacher that his friends smoke in the school toilet.

7. You can't spoil porridge with butter ...
... said the quick-witted, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

8. Time is money ...
... the sensible one, who went to football instead of doing homework, decided.

9. Walking in step - not to know fatigue ...
... announced a business, loading classmates during a camping trip with axes and a sack of potatoes.

10. You will know a lot - you will soon grow old ...
… Decided calm when he got another deuce in the lesson.

Now we are going to show you a scene that could have happened in any school.

The stage is called "Beauty Contest".

Why didn't you tell me that they want to organize a beauty contest in our school, I would also try to take part in it.

No, here the question is quite different. Imagine: the office of the head teacher, which includes oversized girls.

Leaders leave. The stern-looking Head Teacher and the Girl appear. The girls are pretentiously dressed, holding sheets of paper in their hands.

Girl 1 (strictly):

Anna Sergeevna, we are here.

Girl 2:
Hello, Anna Sergeevna.

Head teacher:
What's the matter, girls?

Girl 1:
Here, sign the application.

Girl 2:
Yes, and sign mine.

Head teacher:
Statement. What other statement do you have for me? (Takes papers from the girls' hands, reads). What are you asking for?

Girl 1:
Let go of lessons. Sign there.

Head teacher:
Sign for you? Let go of the lessons? Where are you dressed like that? It's not supposed to go to school like that.

Girl 2:
We're leaving on business.

Head teacher:
What other business?

Girl 1:
We will go to the competition.

Head teacher:
What competition?

Girl 2:
School beauty.

Head teacher:
Where to?

Girls (together):
School beauty!

Head teacher:
School beauty? And who are our beauties?

Girl 1:
We, why?

Head teacher:
Well, if you are beautiful, then I am our Minister of Education. Yes, at first you would have pulled yourself up at school, and then looked at yourself carefully - what kind of beauties you are ?! Here you, for example, Vasechkina, answer, why did you move from fours to three?

Girl 1:
This is beside the point. Sign up and we'll leave.

Head teacher:
I will not sign anything, take your application. The team needs you. You have plenty of lessons, I have work. Pick up your applications, go and study.

Girl 2:
No, we have made up our minds.

Head teacher:
They decided! I want you well, by the way. After all, you don't know, but there, at the competition, you have to sing, and dance, and answer different questions. Now we will check how you are good at thinking. I will now ask you different questions. If you are able to answer, I will let you go to the competition. If you fail - do not be offended, go to study further without competition. Do you agree?

Girls (sluggish):

Head teacher:
First question. Continue the phrase of the famous writer. Here you are, Vasechkina, continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: "You may not be a poet ..." How next?

Girl 1:
The question is very simple - this is ... (Pushes her friend). How next?

Girl 2:
I do not know myself.

Girl 1:
Anna Sergeevna, as you said, please repeat.

Head teacher:
Continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: "You may not be a poet ..."

Girl 1:
It is very difficult for a poet to live.

Head teacher:
Oh you. A deuce for the first answer. It should be like this: "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen." (To the second girl). Now you. Continue Griboyedov's phrase: "I would be glad to serve, to serve ..."

Girl 2:
Oh, I know, I know: "I would be glad to serve, to serve too."

Head teacher:
Oh you. Sick, not too. "I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve." You did not cope with the first task. Now let's see what your horizons are. I want you to explain what some words mean. Here you are, Vasechkina, answer what this word is - grasp.

Girl 1:
I think the grip is a riot policeman. How to grab!

Head teacher:
So who is the ancestor?

Girl 1:
This is probably the head of the hospital.

Head teacher:
As always, you messed things up. (To the second girl). Now, come on, tell me, what is the word for a dentist?

Girl 2:
Dentist? Probably an ice cream.

Head teacher:
Why is it an ice cream?

Girl 2:
Because he puts seals.

Head teacher:
And what is vodka?

Girl 2:
Gorilka is the daughter of a gorilla.

Head teacher:
You know, I'm tired of all this. Here, take your applications, go and study. Go, go!

The girls leave.

Head teacher:
Everyone is obsessed with these competitions, no one wants to study. Soon they will reach us. So they will take and send in old age to defend the honor of the school for some "The most beautiful head teacher." What a laugh it will be! (He dances the cancan and leaves).

Cheerful music sounds.

That's the story.

And what will be, than to remember the native school.

Let's better ask our ensemble to perform the final song of the last bell in honor of farewell to school.

Ensemble (sings to the melody of the song of the composer G. Movsesyan "Half an hour before the flight").

People all know
It's all over the place
The school is the foundation of all foundations.
Say goodbye
Goodbye school,
The school will answer us “bless you”.

Someone will smile
Someone will turn away
And brush away a tear with a fist.
Yet we will know
We will not forget the school

The case is not typical,
An isolated case,
But while the phenomenon lives on.
School goodbye
Say goodbye
And then all my life is waiting for us.

Someone will smile
Someone will turn away
And brush away a tear with a fist.
Yet we will know
We will not forget the school
School is forever our good home.

Here on such a cheerful note the original script of the last bell at school ends. It is recommended for grade 11, although, if desired, each organizer can modify it a little so that it is suitable for other school holidays and events. Well, it's more suitable for elementary school students.

Scenario of the last call in the 11th grade "The last call sounds for us"

The script is designed to make the last call for 11th grade students. This scenario can be used for one graduating class immediately after the ceremonial line for all eleventh graders. In advance, it is necessary to decorate the class with balloons, prepare a sweet table for parents, teachers and graduates.

Scenario "The last bell - a guide to adulthood!"

The script is designed for grade 11 students. The last bell plays a huge role in the life of every student. It is he who becomes the guide to adult meaningful life - life without school. Therefore, it is important to carry out the "Last Call" in this way, so that the memory of him will be preserved for the rest of his life. Not only students are invited to the holiday, but also their parents and teachers.

Scenario of the last call for students of the graduating class "Goodbye, school!"

Script of the last bell ruler for the eleventh grade graduation. The holiday is held in the schoolyard. The holiday is held by the teacher-organizer. Graduates are dressed in smart school uniforms.

Scenario of the holiday of the last call for the 1st and 11th grades

An exciting, unforgettable moment in the life of each of us is the end of school. The end of a carefree childhood, ahead is an independent, adult life with its joys, worries, anxieties.

Scenario for children "Last bell"

The script is designed for a ceremonial line at school. It is very important that the last call is remembered by the graduates. The event should be interesting and at the same time not protracted.

Scenario of the last call "Time Machine"

School slides from different years are shown. Further, the presenters report that the school invented a time machine and show it in action. Fragments of a school lesson from different times are shown on the stage: primitive people, the Middle Ages and the school of the future. At the end, graduates sing a song and give flowers to teachers.

The script "The last composition ..."

The script is designed to make the last call. As the last words, the guys turn to the teachers and read their last compositions in the form of farewell letters. It is advisable to arrange each appeal in an appropriate way (decorate with drawings of a bell, school notebooks, write a text in calligraphic handwriting) and give it to your teachers.

Scenario "Goodbye School!"

Script for the solemn line. Each school has its own traditions, you can concisely include them in a new scenario, thereby innovating and maintaining the usual action.

Scenario of the last call for the 9th grade "Oscar"

A humorous script based on the annual Oscar in the film industry. Everything should resemble this significant event. Students act as film actors who are awarded the Oscars, their grateful speech should be addressed to teachers who helped them achieve certain heights in their studies.

Unusual modern scenario of the last bell in grade 11 “Farewell to childhood. Raise the sails! "

A very touching, interesting modern scenario of the last bell for 11th grade graduates. The last bell is not an easy school holiday, it is a new chapter in life, a new exciting stage from which everything is just beginning. The script will give positive emotions to everyone present, will allow you to plunge into the world of nostalgia for childhood and school days.

Scenario of the last lesson for grade 11 "What we were, what we will become"

After the last call, each graduating class has the opportunity to say goodbye to their beloved class, with their homeroom teacher at the last class hour. This is more than a lesson, it is a kind of journey that allows you to remember all the beautiful things that happened in school life. Here is a scenario for the last class hour.

The last bell is a joyful and sad holiday, the holding of which requires a special scenario that would emphasize the importance of this important day. Here you will find many interesting scenarios that can leave the warmest memories of school in the hearts of schoolchildren. School years are wonderful - the best years in the world!