Khryusha found his new voice. "Good night, children!"

Khryusha found his new voice.
Khryusha found his new voice. "Good night, children!"

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The idea to release a TV show for children appeared at the editor-in-chief of programs for children and junior Valentina Fedorova after visiting the GDR, where she saw a cartoon about a sandy little man.

The first editions were in the form of pictures with sample text. But over time, the type of transfer has changed somewhat. In it, most of the time was taken by the cartoon, in front of which intermented with the participation of leading and popular heroes - Fili, Hryushi and Stepashki. This trinity came up with the editor of the children's editorial office, Vladimir Shinkarev.

The first actor who voiced philus was Grigory Tolkinsky. He loved to joke: "Lead to retire, apartments of the book" Twenty years under the skirt of Aunt Vali. " Today's voice Fi - Actor Sergey Grigoriev.

Khryusha spoke the voice of the oldest employee of Natalia Derzhali. We can say that she devoted the life to his beloved pig. And the house actresses was literally littered with toy pigs - gifts from friends and viewers. After Natalia Derzhavina died, Khryusha began to speak by the voice of Oksana Channyuk.

For a very long time could not pick up the actress on the role of Karcushi. Many actresses who tried on the role could not be born into the image of a funny crows, while Gertrude Sufimov did not come to the "good night". And it was no longer possible to present the carcass of the other ... When in the 1998th, on the 72nd year of life, the actress died, the crow settled on the hand of the actress Galina Marchenko.

Stepashki voiced by Natalia Golubneseva. The actress was so burned with a stepashka that pasted together with him a photo in his certificate of deserved artist.

The first screensaver appeared in 1964 was black and white. Screensaver depicted watch with moving arrows. Then the transmission did not have a permanent exit time, and the screensavers, artist Irina Vlasov, has expressed a time again. In the late 1970s, the screensaver became color. Together with the screensaver was performed by a lullaby "sleep tired toys", which appeared in 1963.

In 1982, a screen saver was made in the form of a plasticine cartoon.

Music wrote the composer Arkady Ostrovsky, the words - poetess Zoya Petrov, and performed the lullaby Oleg Anofriev, a little later - Valentina Tolkunova.

The first speaker at the time of the children's program was Nina Kondratov. Then the leading was more: Valentina Leontiev (Aunt Valya), Vladimir Ukhin (Uncle Volodya), Svetlana Zhiltsova, Tatyana Vedeneeva (Aunt Tanya), Angelina Vovk (Aunt Lina), Tatyana Sudez (Aunt Tanya), Yuri Grigoriev (Uncle Yura) , Yuri Nikolaev (Uncle Yura), Yulia Pustovoyova, Dmitry Khaust. Currently, leading are: Actress Anna Mikhalkov, TV presenter Oksana Fedorova, Actor Viktor Bullkov.

From 1994 to the present, the transmission is produced by the class! "Class!"

In 1999, the transfer did not go out, since she did not find a place in the etheric grid, instead of her detective television series "Deadly Strength" was broadcast.

Transfer "Good night, kids!" Three times became the laureate of Tefi television award (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the nomination "Best Children's Program".


Every evening they come to our house, smile from TV screens, help the kids to find out the world and respond to many questions that arise from a small man. It is almost impossible to imagine childhood without Khryushi, Stepashki, Fili, Karkushi and Misheutki. Moms and dads, grandparents and grandmothers of those who watch the program "Good night, kids!" Remember and love participants in the program no less than little spectators. After all, they also adults and studied with the characters of the program. And there were so many of them ... (PHOTO) Today in the toy house in Ostankino, five friends live: Fil, Stepashka, Khryusha, Karkusha and Mishutka. Each of them has their own story.


Our little piglet Gryush is the soul of the company. He is very inquisitive: he is all interested. So who is the master to ask questions! He is the first fifteentist: almost all of the tricks and leprosy - the case of the lapse Hurusha. Without it, not a single prank. How interesting is a little educational! Our Khryusha does not really like to get out and attach order. But with friends, he is ready to minimize the mountains, and not just getting into his room. Khryusha loves everything sweet: the best gift for him is a kilogram-other candy, several chocolate tiles and a large jam bank. Karcushy sometimes a little angry at Hryushu: After all, there is a lot of sweet harmful! But Khryusha says that sweet helps him in creativity. Our Khryusha is a famous poet. Usually inspiration comes to him exactly after he will be softened. At least, so he says.


In 1970, the little spectators first met the stepashkoy.

The steps on the window grows carrots. But only from love for art. After all, Stepshka loves nature very much and often walks into the forest along with the target. And the most beautiful landscapes of Stepashka even sketches. He really wants to become a real artist and therefore develops hard. Stepshki drawings very much like his friends, especially if he paints their portrait. Stepashka loves to dream. Often, all friends are going together in the same room and listen to the steps. After all, you dream is so interesting! True, Khryusha and File are running away, but only to begin to act immediately and incarnate the most bold stepascins of dreams. Stepashka is a very good friend: he can trust any secret, and be sure of the stepashka will tell anyone anything.


Phil - Started the program "Good night, kids!". His appearance dates back to 1968.

That who is the most valid! Sometimes you think that File knows everything in the world! Or at least wants to know. In the Room of the Fili is always order: books and textbooks with a smooth stack lie on the shelf, all toys are in their places. Phil loves music. He even thought to take part in a musical competition, but remembered that he could not play any musical instrument. But this is just for now. He is a very responsible and serious dog. If you promised something, it will certainly perform. He sings very well. And how to know, maybe we will soon see Fil on the stage!


Karkusha became a regular participant in the program in 1979.

The only girl in our company. Karkusha is sure that these boys need an eye yes eye! Togo and look, something to do. Here it will appear and everything will fall into place. It is also necessary to joke, too, you need to be able to do so that it does not disappoint anyone: it considers Karcusha. She loves bright ribbons, bows and decorations. Well, she is a girl. And Karpush is wonderful. Favorite dish of all friends is a corporate cake. True, Khryusha always strives to take a piece of more, but this room will not pass with the Karpusha. And she loves to make it compliments. All friends gladly say Karcusha, what is her wonderful, beautiful and intelligent crow. There is no such anywhere!


Little Bear Mishutka appeared on the screen in 2002.

Previously, before meeting with friends, Mishutka lived in the forest. He has a little hut now, where he holds a part of his stocks and tools. Mishutka loves sport very much, and every morning makes charging with our friends. After all, all kids must be strong and healthy. Mishutka loves to make very much. In his room there is a special corner, where Mishutka koppers clock over his creations. Oh, what crafts come out of the skillful Mishutkina paws! Once the carcass broke her favorite locker. What do you think, Mijut Mig Mig Magnify a new, more beautiful, and now Karcush does not redeem him. Mishutka often does not understand many things, because life in the forest is very different from life in the city. The little bear goes for help to fillets, and his friend always helps him with pleasure. Sometimes Mishutka begins to miss his forest. And then he leaves for a few days. But necessarily returns. Because his friends and kids are waiting for him, who look at the program "Good night, kids!".

All puppet characters

Pinocchio (1964)

Töp Bunny (1964)

Dog Chizhik, Alesha-Building, Cat (1965)

Shishiga, Enopebe Beneck (1966)

Shustrik, Mymalc

Stepashka (since 1970)

Karcusha (since 1982)

Tsap-Zarapach (episodically until 1992)

Mishutka (first, episodically until 1992)

Gnome lettering (episodically, since 2000)

Cat Vasil Vasylich (episodically, since 1995)

House, Mocryna (granddaughter of the house), Lesovka, Hedgehog Fedya, Petroke Polka Dot (Episodically, the end of the 1990s).


Interesting Facts:


Most often, the cartoons weighing training and educational character were selected for displaying in the telecast. A series of cartoons are demonstrated, or one film is divided into several sequentially shown fragments. In the 1970s - 1980s, besides domestic, cartoons were shown from socialist countries, such as Czechoslovak about Crowe, Cridgeemle and Wahmurku, Polish about Psa Rex and friends Lelex and Bole.

In 1999, the cartoon "Dunno on the moon" truth was broadcast, showed a cartoon slices for 5 minutes and only with the 1st cassette. The presenter was still some kind of unfamiliar.

In 2003, the cartoon "Dwarf Nose" was broadcast

Since 2003, characters have given English lessons.

In 2004-2006, the animated series "Smeshariki" was demonstrated.

Since 2006 and until 2011, the animated series "The Adventures of Luntika and his Friends" was broadcast several times a week.

C 2009, the animated series "Masha and the Bear" was broadcast

In March 2010, fragments of the cartoon of protein and arrow were shown. Star dogs.

The first coast of telecast, which appeared in 1964

Teleceptor Screensaver in the 1970s

Classic coast of telecasts, which is used from 1982 to 1986, and from 2002 to this day

Screensaver "Sleep, my joy, soy" used in 1986-1994

Hand drawn screensaver with the participation of the heroes of the transfer (1997-1999)

Transmission Screensaver (1999-2001)

The first screensaver appeared in 1964 was black and white. Screensaver depicted watch with moving arrows. Then the transmission did not have a permanent exit time, and the screensavers, artist Irina Vlasov, has expressed a time again. In the late 1970s, the screensaver became color.

Music to the song "Sleet Tired Toys" wrote the composer Arkady Ostrovsky. Poems - poetess Zoya Petrov, performers - Valentina Noralinov, then - Oleg Anofriev. The song used the first, third and fourth quarters. In 1982, a screensaver was made in the form of a plasticine cartoon created by Alexander Tatar.

In early 1986, the screen saver and a lullaby song changed. Instead of television and sitting around it, the toys appeared drawing garden and birds that were on a good sorceress hat. This screensaver in the people was called "Dark". Elena Kambourova performed a lullaby "Sleep, my joy, aforementionate ..." previously speaking in the cartoon "faithful tool", the music of Bernard Flis (English) Russian., Previously mistakenly attributed to Mozart, on the words of the lullaby. "DAS WIEGENLIED" ("Schlafe, Mein Prinzchen, Schlaf EIN", literally: "Sleep, my little prince, fall asleep") From the play "Esphyr", 1795 F. V. Gotter (English) Russian., Russian text S. Sviridenko

In 1994, a classic plasticine screensaver returned, and it was shown on different backgrounds - red, yellow, orange, pink or blue.

In December 1995, in the New Year's release of "Good night, kids!" Screensaver changed again: Cloud figures appeared (horse, bear, etc.) in the sky, and the song "Fairy Sleep" song was performed at the beginning and end of the Svetlana Lazareva. The emergence of a new screensaver and song was filed as a New Year's gift to children from the heroes of the transfer.

The song's replacement caused protests of some viewers, and as a result, a few weeks later, a new screensaver began to alternate with the old, and in the summer of 1997, it changed her hand drawn screensaver with music from the Tatar screensaver with the following plot: on the background of the starry sky, there appear hours in which the corner numbers serve bells; Then the door opens in the clock and a long room appears, on which a red carpet is crawling, and doors open; Before opening the last door, the crawl carpet takes a pause, and only then the Karpushy unlocks the ribbon and the door opens - the transmission begins here. At the end, the clip is shown on the song "sleep tired toys", which describes how the characters of the transmission lay down to sleep. This screensaver also made a cartoon "Pilot", director of the screensaver - Valery Kachayev.

In the fall of 1999, another screensaver appeared, in which the hare was present, ringing the bell (author - Yuri Norstein). Changing the screensaver again caused a number of complaints from the viewers - the hare had terrible eyes and teeth.

In September 2001, after the program moved from ORT to culture, the 1997 screensaver was returned to the ether with the carpet, since the Screensaver Norstein was the property of the first channel and could not be used on the Culture Channel.

After moving to a RTR in March 2002, a screensaver was returned with a plasticine cartoon of Tatar (which was not on the air since 1996), but the screensaver was slightly modified using computer graphics: the clouds are drawn on the computer, month in boots and other details. This screensaver is shown to this day.

Calov songs "Sleep Tired Toys"

Sleep tired toys, books sleep,

Blankets and pillows are waiting for the guys.

Even the fairy tale goes to sleep,

To dream night,

You wish her Bai-Bai.

Coupling, missing transmission:

Be sure to house at this hour

Quietly quietly walks Drem near us.

Behind the window is even darker

Morning night wisdom.

Eye close, Bai-Bai.

In the fairy tale you can ride on the moon

And on the rainbow to rush on horseback.

Make friends with elephant

And catch the feather of the poultry.

Eye close, Bai-Bai.

Bai-Bai, must all people sleep at night,

Bai-Bay, tomorrow will be the day again.

For the day we are tired very,

Let's just say good night,

Eye close! Bai-Bai.

Words of the lullaby "Sleep My joy, Anya" from the 1986 screensaver

words F. V. Gotter (English) Russian., Russian Text S. Sviridenko, Music Bernard Flis (English) Russian ..

Sleep, my joy, alloy!

The house went out lights;

The bees sank in the garden,

Fish fell asleep in the pond,

Monk in the sky glitters

The month in the window looks ...

Eyes rather Somni,

Sleep, my joy, alloy!

Tsights, Tsight!

In the house all subsided for a long time,

In the cellar, in the kitchen dark,

The door none will creak

The mouse is sleeping behind.

Someone sighed behind the wall - what is your detention?

Eyes rather Somni,

Sleep, my joy, alloy!

Tsights, Tsight!

Sweet my chick lives:

There is no alarms, no concerns;

Widow toys, Slavs,

Widow of cheerful clauses,

Still get hurry

Only B did not cry, baby!

Let it be so all the days!

Sleep, my joy, alloy!

Tsights, Tsight!

Words of the lullaby "Fairy Sleep" from the 195 year screensaver

Poems l.rubalskaya:

The sky was dark again, the moon hides in the toruff.

In the darkness of the critical rooms, the fairy of the sleep is departed.

Above the pillow, say quietly: fall asleep,

Let you, baby, will dream, whatever you want, Bai-Bai.

And a gingerbread house and a tiny gnome

And in the circus rider on the white horse,

And a teddy bear, and a kind book,

So that you smile in a dream until morning.


The writer Nikolai Nosov in the essay "On children's toy, stupid jokes, amenities for adults, etc.", entered the "ironic humorous" cycle:

I would like, for example, to find out who thought it was to arrange a television transmission for children "Good night, kids!"? Yes, slowly, good aunt! What is there a calm night, if the coming TV is on sleep! One of my familiar kid comes to terrible excitement, as soon as he heard the habitual music preceding this transmission.

If someone is medleet and rushes away from all his legs to the TV, he grabs his hand and drags. When the transfer begins, he is sitting, a widely open eye and poured all his tiny creature in the screen, all taking seriously, as extremely, trying not to miss a single word, not a single movement. When the cherished gear ends, he, without paying attention to the speaker, on her wish to spectators of good night, to lay down to her advice, climbs the game in which he tries to repeat everything seen on the screen.

Come on, Kutto (Kutto - in his language means as if), let's kutto you sea king, "he says his father, - and you have such a terrible beard, and I am Kutto Fisherman on the boat; I swam in the sea, and you kutto my boat grabbed and drag under the water to the bottom. Come on! And he will not calm down and will not go to sleep, until it flashes around the room and will not repeat this game several times. And what a dream here, when before my eyes and looked at the imagination of the painting.

I do not want to say anything bad about the content of these TV shows. They are completely harmless at first glance, because they look at their five-year children, even four years old, and three-year-old, even two-year-old. And at this age, the kids are terribly a serious people, for whom the adventure of the field mouse-true tragedy in the forest is in the forest, because it doesn't know any other tragedies at all. No, I would not advise any kids for the night of these programs. None with any pedagogical and medical recommendations is incompatible. After all, not that kids, even adults are not recommended for the night read. So read, do you understand, Chi-Ta-AT! Reading still does not like imagination. And then an extraimed on the night looking TV to watch.

In short, there is an offer. Without changing anything in these gears, to call them not "good night, kids," and "Good evening, kids" and show them at least two hours, three before the children go to bed. It seems that television employees will follow this kind advice, as people they are quite prudent, able to engage the voice of the mind and in no steep effects of impact.

Forbidden episodes

In 1969, N. S. Khrushchev went abroad. Then an episode with a cartoon "Frog-traveler" was banned, since the chief character of the cartoon was considered a parody of Khrushchev. The year is probably named incorrectly, since from October 15, 1964, Khrushchev was retired. Such a legend appeared not earlier than 1985 and was not connected with Khrushchev, but with Raisa Maxim Gorbachev, which in the people really wore the nickname "Frog-traveler".

In 1983, Fidel Castro arrived in the USSR. He was removed from the show by an episode where Phil explained why he had a human name. This intermedia was regarded as an insult to the guest's address.

In 1985, after the general secretary became M. S. Gorbachev, banned the cartoon with the participation of a teddy's character who never brought the work started to the end.

All three cases of transmission officers called coincidences.

, Karcusha, Mishutka, Tsack Zarapich, Chuchun, Eroska, Pinocchio, Moore

Voiced Oksana Chabanyuk
Natalia Golubneseva
Sergey Grigoriev
Galina Burmistrov
Igor Kapatov
Natalia Dervina
Grigory Tolkinsky and others.

"Good night, children!" - Soviet and Russian evening television program for children of preschool and younger school age. The program is from September 1, 1964. From November 26, 1963, the active period of creation of the program begins - the first scenarios are written, sketches of scenery and dolls of the main characters appear, the idea and concept of children's television shows are being developed.

The program of transmission

The transfer began to go through the second program of the Central Television of the USSR. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a program appeared after the editor-in-chief of the editorial board of programs for children and young people Valentina Fedorova visited the GDR, where he saw a cartoon about a sandy little man (Sandmännchen). Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Asspensky, Roman Sef and others took part in the creation of the program. The creators of the program have long argued about the title. There were several options: "Evening tale", "Good night", "Tale for the night", "Visiting the magic man tick-so." But on the eve of the first ether, the name of the program was found: "Good night, kids!".

The first editions were executed in the form of pictures with sample text. Then the puppet performances and small plays appeared, in which the artists of Mkhat and the Satire Theater were playing. In puppet performances, Pinocchio and hare of Töp (the first heroes of the transfer), dolls Shustrik and Mumbish (dolls were made in the theater of Sergey Obrazodov). In addition, the transmission participants became children 4 - 6 years old and theatrical actors who told them fairy tales.

Other puppet characters appeared later - Fil's dog, bunny Stepashka, piggy pigs, Crane Karcusha, Cat Tsap Zarakuch, Hedgehog Chuchun, Boy Eroshka, Pinocchio and others (they were voiced by actors of the puppet theater of exemplary, among them: Grigory Tolchinsky - Phil, Natalia Derzhanina Khryusha, Natalya Golubneseva - Stepashka), and Vladimir Ukhin, Valentina Leontiev, Angelina Vovk, Tatyana Sudets, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Yuri Nikolaev and others. The transmission has won the greatest popularity in the first half of the 1970s. The TV show at that time was a small intermitue, as a rule, on a moral and educational topic, and a cartoon show. In different years, directories of Isaac Magiton, Joseph Bader, Peter neighbor, operators Alexander Fuchs, Dmitry Gorin, etc. After the death of Leonid Brezhnev, in 1982, the transfer of one day, November 11, did not go to the air. In the days of mourning, several issues came out that Aunt Valya Leontiev had spent with one character - fillets. In these releases, the cartoon "Enchanted Boy" was shown. After the funeral of the first Secretary-General over the transmission, the creative crisis, and puppet characters were banned from using on the air. All days right up to the death of Yuri Andropov, and then Konstantin Chernenko, the speakers led to the transmission of one, without puppet characters. At this time, the guys began to come to the editor, the bags of letters with a request to return to the screens of their favorite Khryushu and Stepushki. With the coming to power, Mikhail Gorbachev, all puppet characters returned to the ether. In 1986, the program went beyond the studio. The shooting was carried out in a circus on a colored boulevard, the Puppet theater of exemplary, where the performances of the "Cat in Boots" were shown, "by whining cord" and "funny bearish" in the theater of the beast named after Durov. Also the main place of shooting was the Moscow Zoo. The shooting took place in other places outside the studio. In 1987, four releases "Cheerful Gnome" came out, which were held by Catherine and Vyacheslav Troyan.

From 1964 to 1991, the production of the transmission was engaged in Gosteraradio USSR. In the fall of 1991, the children's editors moved from Shabolovka to Ostankino. At the same time, the creative crisis is again on the program: it was threatened to close, but thanks to numerous letters of viewers, the transfer still managed to restore, but in a slightly modified form: in early January 1992, she moved from the "second button" on the 1st channel Ostankino and Began to be made by the VID television company together with RGTR "Ostankino". Since 1994, the program "Good night, kids!" began to produce a non-state television company "Class! " In 1995, the program changed the leading: Iri Grigoriev, as well as the artist of clowns and cats theater Yuri Kuklachev, who led the transfer one, without the characters, was first replaced by the old composition. Later in one of the issues, he was already with one of the characters (Khrush). In the spring of 1996, Yulia Pustovoyov and Dmitry Khaustov appeared, in 1998 - the magician Amaik Hakobyan. Since 1995, the program has become periodically to go out in several studios. Also on the transfer of the program, the program "Spear" Cheerful Quadani ", which also went out and as an independent transfer of approximately 16:00.

On June 29, 2001, the last release of the program on the ORT channel was published, after which due to underfunding in September 2001, the transfer moved to the Culture Culp channel. However, due to the fact that this channel was not broadcast in all regions of Russia, on March 4, 2002, she moved to "RTR" (now "Russia-1"), and Anna Mikhalkov has become a new leading character (the same name The character was also in the 1980s, it was used if the main puppet characters were replaced). In 2003, the transfer left the former leaders - first Yuri Grigoriev and Grigory Gladkov, then Amaik Hakobyan, Yulia Pustovoyovova and Dmitry Khaustov. Oksana Fydorova and Victor Bullkov, new leading after Mikhalkova Steel. In 2012, the transfer left Viktor Bullkov. After some time, his singer Dmitry Malikov replaced him. On January 7, 2014, a program dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the transfer was shown. From June 2, 2014, the transfer comes out on the TV channel "Culture".

In October 2014, the appearance of the first 3D transmission character is the Tigement Moore, the prototype of the disappearing Amur Tiger. The ideological inspirer of the new hero of the transfer was the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, who heads a special project to protect the Amur Tiger. Alexander Mitrozhenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Telecommosphere "Class!" Told about it.

From September 1, 2016, the program "With good in the morning, kids!" On TV channel "Carousel" comes out. Leading - Anton Zorkin, Olga Mirimskaya, Anna Mikhalkova, Nikolai Valuev, Marina Yakovleva and Sergey Belov. In the screensaver of the program sounds a song performed by Sergey Shnurov.

Plot and cartoons

The plot of the transmission, as a rule, consists of an instructive story in which puppet characters take part: Mustic and slightly lazy piglets, energetic and executive dog filial, intelligent, reasonable, but a grazing bunny Stepshka, smart tiger mur, etc. "An adult man" explains what to do and how to behave in one way or another. Speakers who led the transmission, along with the characters read books.

In 2003, the characters gave English lessons.

Closer to the end of the gear, a series of cartoons are demonstrated, or one film is divided into several successively shown fragments. From the early years of existence and to the present, the Soviet cartoons of the production of film studio "Soymmultfilm" are periodically broadcast in transmission.

In the 1970-1980th and in 2001-2009, Czechoslovak cartoons were demonstrated about Crowemelac and Wahmurka and Polish cartoons about Psa Rex, friend friends and Lelegor, etc.

In 1999, the cartoon "Dunno on the Moon" was broadcast by parts, in 2003 - "Dwarf Nose", in March 2006 - Dobrynya Nikitich and Snake Gorynych, in March 2010 - Fragments of the cartoon "Squirrel and Arrow. Star dogs. "

In 2002-2004, a series of the series "Show Tom and Jerry" series were shown (voice-over translation of the "note" studio), from 2004 to 2006 and from 2010 to 2015. The animated series "Smeshariki" was shown, in 2005-2006 - the animated series "Magic Hills" , in 2006-2009 - classic short-cast cartoons "HarveyToons" (used studio "Inis" by order "Union-video"), from 2006 to 2010 and from 2013 to the present - "The Adventures of Luntika and his Friends", since January On July 2008 - "Fun Bears", from May to August 2009 - the British animated series "FIFI NEARDOK", since 2009 - "Masha and the Bear", from 2010 - "Fixy", from 2011 - "Squirrel and Arrow . Naughty family "and" Barboskina ", in 2012 -" Mystery of Dion ", in 2014-2015 -" Squirrel and Arrow. Sports team "and" Parovosik Tishka ", since 2015 -" Mi-Miski "and" Paper ", in 2016 -" 10 friends of the rabbit ".

At the exit of the program on the Carousel TV channel since 2015, foreign animated series are also periodically broadcast, such as "Pini: Institute of Style and Beauty" and "Katya and Mim Mime".

Traditionally, each release ends with phrases "Good night, girls and boys!" (Khryusha and Stepashka), "Good night, friends!" (Phil), "Car-Car-Car", (guys)! (Karpusha), "Good night!" Or "pleasant dreams!" (Leading (s)).

TV channels and flight time

From 2007 to December 26, 2010, the former TV channel "Tentjan" from 2007 to December 26, 2010 was the reasons of the old issues of the late 1990s and the early 2000s, as well as on the Nostalgia TV channel. And from July 1, 2008 to December 26, 2010, on the Bibigon TV channel at 20:30, there were reversals of issues that went to the previous day on the TV channel "Russia-1" at 20:50. But on the weekend on this channel showed other issues.

Puppet characters transfer

They are voiced by actors of Moscow theaters: Phil - Grigory Tolkinsky, Igor Golunienko, Sergey Grigoriev (1994-2013), Andrei Nechaev (since 2013); Stepashka - Natalia Golubneseva, Elena Lomeva; Khryusha - Natalia Derzhavina, Oksana Channyuk, (since 2002), Elena Lomeva (in "with a good morning, kids!"); Karkusha - Gera Sufimova, Galina Marchenko (since 1998). Children from various regions of Russia took part in creating the image of Misheutki.

Dolls of gear heroes are updated every three years.


Leading at different times were:

  • Vladimir Ukhin - Uncle Volodya
  • Valentina Leontiev - Aunt Valya
  • Svetlana Zhiltsova - aunt light
  • Dmitry Poletayev - Uncle Dima
  • Tatyana Vedeneeva - aunt Tanya
  • Angelina VKOV - Aunt Lina
  • Tatyana Sudez - aunt Tanya
  • Yuri Grigoriev - Uncle Yura
  • Grejdkov Grigory - Uncle Grisha, with a guitar
  • Yuri Nikolaev - Uncle Yura
  • Amaik Hakobyan - Rakhat Lukumach
  • Dmitry Khaustov - Dima
  • Valeria Riga - Aunt Lera
  • Irina Martynova - Aunt Ira
  • Vladimir Pinchevsky ( Wizard, Munhausen, Doctor, Leading cycle Tales of the peoples of the world)
  • Victor Bychkov - Uncle Vitya (from 2007 to 2012)
  • Oksana Fedorova - Aunt Oksana
  • Anna Mikhalkov - Aunt Anya
  • Yaroslav Dmitrievich (in 2012. Stories about musical instruments)
  • Dmitry Malikov - Dima (2012-2016)
  • Vyacheslav and Ekaterina Troyan (1987-1988, "Cheerful Gnome" in the role of Mr. Boker and Merry Dwarf named Tick-like)
  • Valeria (November 13, 2013)
  • Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov (November 19, 2013)


  • The first screensaver appeared in 1964 was black and white. Screensaver depicted watch with moving arrows. Then the transmission did not have a permanent exit time, and the screensavers, artist Irina Vlasov, has expressed a time again. In the late 1970s, the screensaver became color.
  • Music to the song "Sleet Tired Toys" wrote the composer Arkady Ostrovsky. Poems - poetess Zoya Petrov, performers - Valentina Noralinov, then Valentina Tolkunova and Oleg Anofriev. The song was performed against the background of the screensaver with a small girl, bears, squirrels and clocks. In 1981, a screensaver was made in the form of a plasticine cartoon created by Alexander Tatar. Every day the opening of the screensaver was different - viewers were added from Monday to Sunday (on Monday - only a girl, on Sunday with her already six toys). Also every day, different items turned into a month, and then to the bell.
  • In 1988, a screensaver was used, which was also created by the director Mstislav Cuprach on the screen. It used "Lullaby" from the film "Circus" (Composer Isaac Dunaevsky) performed by Tamara Milashkin. The main actors were the sun, a month, a cosmonaut boy. Screensaver lasts long, most likely due to durability (3:13).
  • In 1991-1992, the opening screen saver was similar to the classic, but was upgraded: white stars were added, the white month, the screensaver itself was purple. At the end, instead of a lullaby, they showed the blowing cartoon characters with a changering pictures and in one of them was shown "falling asleep" fiil. Screensavers were accompanied by advertising sponsor - Moscow commercial exchange.
  • At the end of 1986, the screensaver and lullaby song were changed. Instead of television and the toys sitting around him appeared drawing garden and birds, which were on a good sorceress hat. This screensaver in the people was called "Dark". Elena Kambourova performed a lullaby "Sleep, my joy, a mustache ...", previously speaking in the cartoon "faithful tool", Music of Bernard Flis (eng.)russianpreviously mistakenly assigned to Mozart, on the words of the lullaby. "Das wiegenlied" (it. "Schlafe, Mein Prinzchen, Schlaf EIN", literally: "Sleep, my little prince, fall asleep") from the plays "Esphyr", 1795 F. V. Gotter, Russian Text S. Sviridenko. The screensaver appeared in 1986, but was later used, the director is Vladimir Samsonov. This screensaver until 1994 was shown along with the classic "tired toys sleep." In the release of "Cheerful Gnome", the screensaver was shown in 1987, which Mstislav Kupura created, and Mr. Bookley (Vyacheslav Troyan) and his faithful friend - a cheerful gnome tick-like (Ekaterina Troyan) came up with their lullaby. (In the mirror reflection, the frames of the screensaver "Sleep, my joy of the mustache") were shown.
  • In 1991-1995, before the start of the transfer and after she, a screensaver appeared in the form of a blue background, depicting the night sky, on which white stars of different sizes were depicted. In 1994, a classic plasticine screensaver returned, and she was shown on different backgrounds - red, yellow, orange, pink or blue, and the introductory music was slightly processed.
  • At the end of December 1994, in the New Year's release of "Good night, kids!" Screensaver changed again: Cloud figures appeared (horse, bear, etc.) in the sky, and the song "Fairy Sleep" song was performed at the beginning and end of the Svetlana Lazareva. The emergence of a new screensaver and song was filed as a New Year's gift to children from the heroes of the transfer.
  • The song's replacement caused protests of some viewers, and as a result, a few weeks later, a new screensaver began to alternate with the old, and in the summer of 1997, it changed her hand drawn screensaver with music from the Tatar screensaver with the following plot: on the background of the starry sky, there appear hours in which the corner numbers serve bells; Then the door opens in the clock and a long room appears, on which a red carpet is crawling, and doors open; Before opening the last door, the crawl carpet takes a pause, and only then the Karpushy unlocks the ribbon and the door opens - the transmission begins here. At the end, the clip is shown on the song "sleep tired toys", which describes how the characters of the transmission lay down to sleep. After the clip appear titers. This screensaver also made a cartoon "Pilot", director of the screensaver - Valery Kachayev. .
  • In the fall of 1999, another screensaver appeared, in which the hare was present, ringing the bell (author - Yuri Norstein). Changing the screensaver again caused a number of complaints from the viewers - the hare had terrible eyes and teeth.
  • In September 2001, after the program moved from the first channel to "culture", the 1997 Screensaver was returned to the ether with the carpet, since the Screensaver Norstein was the property of the first channel and could not be used on the Culture Channel.
  • After moving to RTR in March 2002, the screensaver was returned with a plasticine cartoon Tatar (which was not on the air since 1996), but the screensaver was slightly modified using computer graphics: they are drawn on the clouds on the computer, month in boots and other details and at the end appears the name of the program. Also in the closing screensaver the clouds were in the letters - "Good night, kids!"
  • In the period from the fall 2006 to June 19, 2014, the screensaver of the program "Good night, kids!" Sample 2002 was used in a slightly upgraded version: the name of the program at the end of the screensaver was removed and the parts were left.
  • Since June 23, 2014, the screensaver has become more close to the Soviet screamer - the blue background was replaced with red, blue, orange, etc. The names of the transfer and clouds in the screensaver was not from June 23 to September 11, 2014 (appeared on September 15, 2014) , the screensaver has changed the transmission of the TV company "Class! "
  • Transfer today

    From 1994 to the present, the production of the program "Good night, kids!" Doing the TV company "Class! "
    Broadcast on TV channels:

    • "Culture" from Monday to Thursday at 20:55
    • "Carousel" daily at 20:30

    The annual state subsidies for transfer account for about 19 million rubles. .

    Awards and nominations

    In the release of March 11, 2014, File wanted to go into border troops. This indulted the power of Ukraine, alleged children prepare for war. Later, a photo appeared on the Internet, on which Phil as it were, and there is a box with the inscription "Phil 200". The load 200 is used to transport the dead.

    In 2009, the company "Russian Style" LLC under the license of the class "Class!" He released a series of 8 training and educational game simulators, in which the characterians of the TV show: "Alphabet", "reading in the syllables", "Arithmetic simulator", "finger truck", "speech simulator", , "Speech therapy simulator", "Simulator of memory and attention", "Logical simulator".


    In 2007-2009, three computer games were released on the transfer of transmission - the "Adventures of Hurusha", the "Adventures of the Stepshki" and "Cheerful Company". Game developer - Dip Interactive, publisher - 1C.


    • In the early 1990s, a small parody of "good night, kids" was shown in the program "Fun, kids", in which the lead (Sergey Shustitsky) and dolls took part (Sergey Shustitsky) and dolls, who worn by Kondrati and Kondrashka (perhaps allusion "And" Kondrashka is enough ").
    • In 1997-1999, the heading of "Good night, adults" was published in the Gentleman-Show program, in which the dolls of "grown" characters "Good night, kids!" Participated. Khryusha was presented in the form of a "new Russian" in a red jacket and dark glasses, with the impudent pumps and wore the name Hryak Ivanovich. The program was also: Karcushi (carcunya Markovna) - the old woman-Communist, Stepashka (Stepan Innokentievich) - Poor Intelligent, Phil (Philipp Philippovich) - Spoke guard.
    • In KVN, the team showed a team.
    • B 2001 Writer Leonid Kaganov wrote a story "News about the CNM television channel (good night, kids!)" (Perhaps allusion on events around the NTV television channel).
    • The contrast of the "bad boy" of Khryushi and "Good Boy" Stepushki inspired the creators of satirical transmission "Touchlight" to create parodies on them: Hryuna Morzha and Stepana Cabbage, respectively. Also in the transfer was attended by Phil and Misheutka, who became Philip Kamenikov and neighbor Genetic.
    • The program "Big Difference" four times paroded the transfer. In the first parody of the program "Good night, kids!" It was shown that it would be a variety of leaders: Dana Borisov, Mikhail Leontyev, Edward Radzinsky, Vladimir Pozner, etc. in the second parody was shown, as if the transfer of Gennady Malakhov. The third partword was shown to one of the leading programs - Oksana Fedorov, and in the fourth parody, whatever it would be if the program was on the TV channel "Star".
    • The Comedy Club program in several series showed a number in which the president Vladimir Putin leads the evening program "Good night, adults!", And tells a fairy tale at night.
    • In the animated series "Masyan" there is also a parody of "Good night, kids!". In the series "Pear and Kondrashka", Khurundel worked as a cock for the transfer "to you sochi, goats?". The characters were ugly beasts Pear and Kondrashka, remotely resembling pig and wolf.
    • In the comedy test of the channel STS "very Russian TV" one of the columns was a parody of "good night, kids" called "writing and sleeping". The main characters were either Uncle Vadim (V. P. Galygin), or aunt Marina (M. Gritsuk), and dolls - Elos, Denis, Oparysh Anatolich, etc. Despite the children's audience, dolls and heroes talk about adults. The program ended the motto "write and sleep".
    • At the stage of "good night, kids" paroded:

Frame: TK "Class"

9 facts from the history of the transfer of "Good night, kids"

Few in our country can present their childhood without the transmission of "good night, kids." This is not surprising, because it goes on the air for more than 50 years, and now it's not one generation of children in the evenings to the TV screen, barely having a well-familiar song.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe transfer appeared in Valentina Fedorova, when during a visit to the GDR, she saw the transfer called "Sand Mother". According to European folklore, this character visits children in the evenings and those who lie to sleep on time, sends wonderful dreams, and those who have played and does not want to be in bed, pulling the magic sleeping sand. After the return of Fedorova back, it was decided to create and for Soviet children a television program, which they love to watch before bedtime.

The first screensaver, which appeared in 1964, was black and white and portrayed watch with moving arrows. Then the transmission did not have a permanent exit time, and the artist Irina Vlasov, every time drawing time again. In the late 1970s, the screensaver became color. Together with her, the lullaby "sleep tired toys" was performed. The plasticine cartoon at the beginning of the transmission appeared already in the 1980s, and the Alexander Tatar drew it.

After that, the screensaver has repeatedly changed, every time collecting exceptionally good reviews from the viewers. But in the fall of 1999, another one appeared in which the hare was present, the bell tape. It was she who called in the audience a real squall of indignation and the requirements immediately change it to the old one. Instead of helping children quickly fall asleep, this video washed them and brought them to tears. It turned out that the hare was in the picture were terrible eyes and teeth.
Frame: TK "Class"

The first editions looked like ordinary images with sample text. Then the performances and small plays began to play for children, in which the artists of the theater were playing. The first doll heroes of the transfer were Pinocchio, the hare of Töp and the dolls Shustrik and Mämlik, who were specifically produced in the Sergey Exentration Theater. Sometimes children 4-6 years old and actors who told them fairy tales participants. And the permanent heroes have already appeared later: Fil's dog, hare Stepushka, pigstroke and crow Karcush.

The plot of transmission, as a rule, consists of an instructive story in which the characters take part. The master explains what to do and how to behave in a particular situation, and at the end the children show a cartoon on the topic under discussion.

The first actor who voiced philus was Grigory Tolkinsky. He loved to joke: "Lead to retire, apartments of the book" Twenty years under the skirt of Aunt Vali. " The leading aunt Valya and Uncle Volodya used the kids with no less love than dolls. After them, Aunt Light and Uncle Yura came to the transmission, and later - Aunt Lina. All of them are now retired. Today the program is leading former "Miss Universe" Oksana Fedorova and Anna Mikhalkov.
Frame: TK "Class"

Dolls update every three years, sending exhaust kits to the repository. Each active doll is very careful - they are brought to the studio only for the shooting period, and all the rest of the animals are carried out in a special storage. They care for them: they clean, comb, disguise. And there, in cardboard boxes, the entire doll wardrobe is complicated. Fili and Stepshka even have their own fries with butterflies. Hryushi is a real "roof" with rivets, Karkushi has a huge number of bows.

Surprisingly, the program has repeatedly attributed political "sabotage". When the famous journey of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev was held in America, the officials saw a mockery on this trip in a new release and made it urgently to remove the cartoon "Frog-traveler" from the air. And when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, officials did not recommend showing the cartoon about the bear bear, who never brought the work started to the end. But the transfer officers consider all these coincidences.
Frame: TK "Class"

So popular project could not not find himself and critics. Above the poor, the clouds thickened most often. For example, once the head of the editorial board of children's programs noted: all the dolls are blinking, and Hryusha - no. Disorder. We decided to replace the puppet people. The audience was indignant, and in two months the dolls returned. And at the beginning of the perestroika, the Soviet Muslims fell on Hruce. They wrote a letter: "Remove the pork from the frame. Our religion does not allow there is unclean meat ... "The editor of the program replied:" There is, maybe it is impossible, and no one forbids. "
Frame: TK "Class"

For several years, negotiations have been underway to apply "good night, kids" in the Guinness Book of Records, as the most prolonged program for children. And it is not devoid of grounds. Despite the fact that there are many different TV projectors dedicated to children's attention in the world, none of them boast that children are watching him for more than half a century.

For many years, each release has ends with traditional phrases. "Good night, girls and boys!" - Wish children Khryusha and Stepashka, "Good night guys!" - Says File, "Car-Car-Car," - says goodbye to Karcush. Complete farewell always lead, saying: "Good night!" Or "pleasant dreams!"
Frame: Gosseraradio USSR February 9, 2016

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Natalia Golubneseva and Galina Marchenko told about how the heroes of the transfer changed, and why they improvise on the set

Amend text size: A A.

On September 10, a campaign of the VTB WEB without tears was held at the Republican Children's Psychoneurological Hospital "Neuror". For children organized a real holiday - the favorite heroes of "good night, kids!" - Hryusha, Stepashka and Karcush and, of course, those in whose hands they come to life. Galina Marchenko voiced Hryuha when her colleague was on a business trip, and after her voice spoke in Karcusha. Natalia Golubnetseva changed a lot of characters - In the 1960s, her hero had a little boy Yroshka, then different animals appeared in the transmission, while the stepashka did not come to her. Later, Natalia took and Hryushu.

"In the transfer fell by random"

Special castings none of the actresses were going - both hit the transfer by chance: Galina Marchenko played in the Children's Theater, and Natalia Golubnetseva never kept theatrical doll in his hands.

From 1966 to 1970, being a student, led the transfer - read fairy tales in the frame. And in parallel with this replaced the artists in the theater of the dolls of exemplary. But before that, he never kept a doll in his hands. In the theater I worked a couple of years, and then I called me on the "good night, kids." Then the heroes were Phil and Eroska. I voiced the fuck, "says Natalia Golubneseva," but then it was removed, because he was a boy, and not an animal, and should go to school, and the screenwriters did not know how to include a changing character in the transfer for the smallest.

After that, the actress was given to play a puppy, a misunderstanding and even a crocodile, while in 1970 he did not appear. He became the constant replacement of the fierce in the transmission. Later, Khryusha and Karkusha joined them. Raven took Galina Marchenko.

At first I worked at the Moscow Central Children's Theater. We had a group on television that played in fairy tales. But when this transmission ceased to finance, the director suggested to master the dolls, and when Natalia Derzhavina went on tour, I was offered to voice Khryush. And 15 years ago I was given Karcuch, and so we stayed with our favorites, "says Galina Marchenko.

"Our heroes have favorite costumes"

During the years of transmission, approximately ten steps, five hryusch and 3 Karcushi changed.

They changed their appearance. But we always loved our first heroes, they closer to us. New steps appeared - the form is the same, but the eyes of the cat, the mustache others - unusual. After some time, the "old" steps returned again. And the rest were used on tour. Khryusha had suits, the latter was covered in general, "says Natalia Golubneseva.

Costumes for characters are developing fashion designers, they are stored separately in signed boxes.

Once for our heroes sewed, a well-known fashion designer. It was just horror! The beasts were so covered that they could not be taken. We abandoned the services of this designer, because he is used to sew for people, not for dolls, - Natalia laughs. - Hurusha, I like the yellow-brown jacket most of all, and the stepashki has a striped turtleneck. She was even sewn, but this was not visible in the frame.

"We changed the text right on the air"

At the very beginning, the transfer of "Good night, kids!" I went out on the screens of the country live, now it is recorded about a week ahead.

Scripts tell us not to invent phrases, "says Natalia. - But we resist. Sometimes animals write words that can only say adult. Therefore, we often, leaving the meaning, change the stylistics on the nursery. We are forgiven, because we are already so many years with them, "Natalia smiles.

And remember, somehow we shot the transfer in the zoo, - turning to the colleague, remembers Galina Marchenko. - It was impossible to feed animals, and Khryushi had a candy in his hands. We approached the cage with a monkey, and she immediately snatched candy. So we raised her 10 candies, and then she was taken to Lazaret.

Talking these stories, both women are quite old (Natalia Plentheseva - 72, and Galina Marchenko - 78) laughing like girls. They play all their lives in the dolls, which gives them great pleasure. The actresses say that that is why they feel much younger than their years.

It's not even difficult for me to keep my doll, and your hands hurt, "says Natalia. - Maybe because I constantly do fitness.

I, of course, my hands hurt terrible. But every day I am engaged, I understand them - every finger, and configure yourself to a good way, "says Galina. - We just adore our work. Therefore, we do not think of either age or diseases. The mood is always good, because children should only see good and kind.

By the way, our heroines recognize both on the street, and adults sometimes even hug and thank them for a happy childhood.