Games are impromptu on the day of the teacher. How to spend corporate holiday for teacher's day

Games are impromptu on the day of the teacher. How to spend corporate holiday for teacher's day
Games are impromptu on the day of the teacher. How to spend corporate holiday for teacher's day

Competition "Phraseeology on the contrary"

Match school phenomena with expressions from literary works. On the desk:

Pupils at the lesson - ... Ordinary story

Student life - ... red and black

Answer at the board -... dead souls

Cool leader -... walking on flour

Big change -... whites sail lonely in the fog

Double -... Book of complaints and suggestions

Excellent -... Ice Bare

Two for the hint -... notes of crazy

Student without a crib -... reportage with loop on the neck

Call from the lesson -... Golden Symphony

Nearby lesson -... rider without head

Abstract student -... grief from the mind

Notebook -... War and Peace

School year -... conqueror of tigers

Diary of the student -... Hero of our time


Pupils in the lesson are dead souls.

The life of students is war and peace.

The answer at the board is a report from the loop on the neck.

Cool leader is a conqueror of tigers.

Big change - Ice rapid.

Double - a hero of our time.

Excellent - White Sail is lonely in the fog.

Two for the hint - grief from the mind.

A student without a crib - a rider without a head.

Call from the lesson - Golden Symphony.

Nearby lesson - an ordinary story.

The student's abstract - notes of the crazy.

Notebook - red and black.

The academic year is to walk in the flour.

The diary of the student is a book of complaints and suggestions.

Contest "White - Black"

1. In Japan, students on the board are written with a tassel with colored ink (white.)

2. Australia is practiced by the use of disposable boards (black.)

4. For a lengthy letter it was necessary to have 2-3 goose feather. (White.)

5. The ballpoint handle was first used only by military pilots. (White.)

6. In Africa, vitaminized pencils are produced for children. (White.)

7. In some types of colored pencils, carrot extract is added for greater strength of the griffel. (Black.)

8. Under Peter I, there was a "cardus" paper. Is it true that it was used in the manufacture of carduz? (Black: It was packed with artillery shells.)

Competition "Measuring Riddles"

I am serving the controller

What I learned, I will report.

Although I won't say

But I'll show the arrow. (Measuring device)

Two brothers attended

Weigh boast.

At first I praised my own.

And agreed to a draw. (Libra.)

I am always dark color,

I need lessons.

You can believe, you can not,

But without me and there is no school. (Blackboard.)

Friends with a cool I board,

Although the color is not like that. (A piece of chalk.)

On the roads do not go

And I do not look at the sky

But I can give you an answer -

There will be a rain or not. (Barometer.)

He should be taken in the hands,

Stretch, and may, compress,

And then he will answer

Which of us is silent. (Dynamometer.)

Warming up - climb up,

I will freeze - creep down.

Thermal is the law

And not my whim. (Mercury on the thermometer.)

Contest "Entertaining dictation"

To participate in the competition, one participant is invited from each team. Task - Write the following text under dictation:

"At noon on one board terrace, the Savrichna's college registrar Savvichna Paddey Apollonovich's college registrar, mollusks and other disasters, and then poured tea with plumbing sugar, enhanced Paul Lemon.

Competition "Merry Schedule"

Leading. Once a new director was appointed to school. This man was unusual, peculiar, so I decided to remake everything in my own way, starting from the schedule and names of items. So, in the school schedule there were new lessons: instead of spelling, the letterpoint, and drawing - Krasologist. Help the cheerful director come up with new names subjects:


foreign language;

physics, etc.

Competition "Perfect Pupil"

On each letter of the alphabet to come up with the quality, the trait of the character of the perfect student.

A - accuracy; B - thrift; In - endurance, decorated;

G-humanity; D- friendliness; E - naturalness;

G - cheerfulness; 3 - shyness; And - sincerity;

Ko beauty; L - curiosity, courtesy;

M - mercy; N- uniqueness; O - optimism;

Obedience; R - joy, versatility; C - power;

T- tolerance; Um; F - fantasy;

X- courage; C- purposefulness; H honestly;

Sewiness; Sh - generosity; E - energy;

Yu - humor; I am brightness.

Competition "Intuition"

Leading. The teacher is important to determine the emotional state of their students, and the students can easily determine the mood of their teacher. And in this competition we will once again be convinced of your abilities.

One team draws persons expressing the emotional state of a person, the other tries to guess. And vice versa.

Task first team:


Bad state of health;

Shy joy;

Incomprehensible anger.

Task second team:



Indignation of ugly behavior;


Leading. We once again sincerely congratulate all those present on the teacher's day. We wish you success in this difficult field. Pupils talented to you, personal happiness and all the best in life! And we dedicate you a poem "School Teacher" V. Smelovsky.


Knowledge of scientific keeper

With those who want to learn, -

Good our school teacher.

His kindness is infinite

And limitless love.

He loves his shaluns:

Good, bad - indifferent.

With you carrying knowledge light,

Shalunov Tech Sherga steps,

Each Shalun leaves

Your in the heart of the teacher trail.

Worries himself

Former pets fate -

Successful for happiness struggle?

As if all the children of him.

Alas, not for all this bowl -

School teacher to be.

We do not forget his kindness.

Love and appreciation ours

To the one who led us to knowledge.

Who, like a skillful warrior

And kindness coen

In the human appearance elevated.

Performed song.

Teacher's Day - School holiday,

But he notes the country,

And a solemn, and modest,

And in all of his glory is visible.

And scientist, and collective farmer,

Composer, Shakhtar and Poet -

This is a diligent schoolboy,

This is the glory of the teacher years.

Teacher's day all in bloom

From the colors and smiles of children.

Then teacher birthday teacher

Then the great anniversary.

Teacher's Day - Fame Holiday,

Victory Day and Day of Celebration,

Holiday school holy state

The kingdom of wisdom and magic.

Scenario for Teacher's Day

Quest game Traveling in school cabinets

Class teacher teacher social studies Volkova E.V. MKOU "SOSH 34" IRSK

Song "My Paradise" about teachers.

1st presenter. (Irina)
Smoothly leaves redness fly
In blue squares of school frames.
Teacher's Day today celebrate -
There is no time to grow up teachers!
This holiday in autumn shine
In the carpets painted included to us.
Litter way, folded path to the kingdom of knowledge
There is no time to grow up teachers!
2nd presenter. Vladik
All give to children right
To become smart and strong,
You are not looking for eternal glory,
Your thoughts are clean and modest.
Song school rep
1st presenter. .(Irina)
Attention! Attention! Today you are waiting for an excitingtraveling in school cabinets.

1 Team:

Polyanskaya Marina Sergeevna

Cheap Viktor Petrovich

Horubko Elena Aleksandrovna

Ivanova Oksana Ivanovna

Solovyova Irina Vladimirovna

Lutsenko Irina Vladimirovna

2 Team:

Guarantee Galina Nikolaevna

Skido Valentin Zbislavovich

Perevilovova Daria Grigorievna

Surneva Rimma Nikolaevna

Ivanisova Alina Muhamedovna

3 Team:

Surneva Elena Ivanovna

Lapin Dmitry Ivanovich

Kopalkina Tatyana Viktorovna

Stringin Anna Aleksandrovna

Satalova Elena Sergeevna

4 Team:

Shumakova Elena Yurevna

Izyumskaya Irina Vladimirovna

Kvass Vera Vladimirovna

Satalova Olga Sergeevna

Gaitankin Andrey Vladimirovich

5 Command:

Lozenkova Larisa Anatolyevna

Parasotchenko Svetlana Mikhailovna

Mkrtican Marina Movsevovna

Bodia Alexey Vasilyevich

Kalmykova Nadezhda Vladimirovna

6 Command:

Dolgova Tatiana Alekseevna

Safonova Marina Anatolyevna

Salikhova Rysat Ibrahimovna

Astapova Galina Vladimirovna

Gobobovtsova Valentina Ivanovna


Tregubenko Anna Grigorievna

Bleznikova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Melnikova Olga Vasilyevna

Cheap Larisa Viktorovna

Kiselnikova Natalia Yurevna


Semenichene Natalia Nikolaevna

Pedashenko Elena Evgenievna

Manahova Oksana Ivanovna

Sysoeva Antonina Ivanovna

Sidorova Lyubov Petrovna

Share guests for 8 teams, and offer to go through all school "cabinets."

"Primary classes"

In school, we learn a lot of new and interesting. And for this you need to learn to overcome the difficulties and become a real team.

Now we will play in the children's game "Farovosiki". Balls shackled balls. Take anyone you like (adults take on the ball).

I am a steam locomotive, you are wagons, balls - clutch. Place the balls at the belt level. Stand very tight to each other. Ready? Go!!!

(Movement to the music "Freshly walk together" or "Blue Wag".)


Competition, includes the following task: to portray a little man from the country of mathematics for 5 minutes using as much geometric figures of planimity and stereometry, mathematical signs, symbols, numbers, and also come up with their character.

"Russian language"

You have two letters of b and you need to find the remaining letters and make a word.

To do this, you need to get the letters out of the boxes, see each to your box and take turns in turn.

For the competition, 5 boxes are needed or closed cans so that it was not visible inside and fill them with all sorts of team members in turn get letters. When all participants are delivering the letter, the teams are trying to draw up the word from these letters.


For the competition, we need a remedy - newspapers, pieces of fabric, clothing items. Task - revive the historical picture and present it.


In this "office" you can spend the next competition. Collect the skeleton and call part of the body.


This is a relay contest. At the start there are two water tanks, one of them tinted with blue paint, and the other - red paint. At the signal, the first participants in the teams are buried two flasks from different tanks, and run to the finish line, where they pose the contents of these colums into one large jar. A team that will be able to first finish chemical experience, that is, to fill the jar to the top, wins.


For the competition you need a globe and two large sheets of paper. The captain turns the globe, and without looking at him, push the finger to any place. Now the task of the team is to portray on paper as much information about the country in which the captain fell a finger (if the captain falls into the ocean, then chooses the country nearest to this point). It may be local residents, nature, attractions.


Disc Mount Competition (A good remedy that can be used instead of real, sports disks - plastic disposable plates of large diameter). Purpose of task: Discarded the disk as possible.


Rules: Before the game, you need to link the rubber band in the ring and stretch between the legs of the two participants. The third participant - must fulfill all the "tricks-jumping" of the program, not "suffering" (that is, by performing an exercise with absolute accuracy). Then - he changes one of the standing and the same stages (from 1 to 10). The same happens with 3 players. When all the participants of the game accurately repeat all the combinations of jumps, the game can be considered complete.

"Psychological unloading room"

Sit comfortably close your eyes Recall how you shoot stress during the lessons and after a difficult day, who reads your favorite book, someone washes her favorite car, who is engaged in needlework I.T. The guys put hidden cameras and spied as you shoot stress. Attention on the screen.


In this game, the captains of the teams will be able to feel like real astronauts. To do this, they put on the eyes of a dressing, and spin several times. Now the task of captains - to successfully land on a chair standing in the center of the site. The remaining members of the team loudly suggest the captain direction of movement. Astronaut, the first landing, brings his team victory.

See how uncomfortable to travel through the universe without having a card. Now we will create it with you. To do this, imagine that each of you is a small planet. It has seas and oceans, mountains and plains, rivers and islands. You can accommodate the whole world, amazing and unique.

But from afar, even the biggest planet seems like a small asterisk. Cut your travel star from colored paper (cut out), write in the middle of the stars phrase: "I am the most (most) ..." And on each ray, continue it, calling your positive quality or a character line ... Task is given three minutes. (Stars arrange in the Universe next to the silhouettes.)

(Silent melody sounds. Candles are lit.)

Leading. Stand up, go a little closer to each other, feel the shoulder of your colleague. Look at the universe made you. Music of the Universe. We go to a fabulous journey. Enjoy yourself. We are approaching the planet dream.

Tale of a dream

Theatrical view of the teacher's day


    Host-Korzun Ira

    Vanya - Shuvayev Evgeny

    Teacher Alina

    1st Yagan

    2nd Yaga Cristina

    3rd Yaga Yulia

    4th Yaga -Gayana

    5th Yaga - Daria

    1st water - wolves

    2nd water - Fedoseev

    3rd water- Klenin

    1st student Gogolev

    2nd student Zinoviev

    3rd student Margarita

    Boy with table Aram

    Tsar Gavrilenko

Leading. He lived yes, he lived yes, he lived yes there was one king.

Rules he, as he could and people.

He called Louis the second,

He called Louis the second,

But, however, the song is not about him.

Teacher. Then what?

Leading. But what about anything - two - three!

Once there was one princess.

King of his daughter

I decided to hire teachers,

So as not behind progress.

Ordered to call Ivan:

King. And well, Wan, go here!

Drive you in the country's overseas

Yes, we find teachers!

Vania. Hello, clear Sun MY!

King. I'm with you, Ivan, not joking!


I don't want to die!

King. Okay, Vanka, you do not be sad!

We still wake with you!

Well, happy, brother, path!

Without a teacher in the house neither leg!

Russian Vanka from bullets does not run

Russian Vanka from pain does not moan.

Russian Vanka in fire does not burn!

Russian Vanka in the water is not sinking!

Leading. Ivan crossed

Through the Pacific Ocean

Yes wandered into the dense forest

Full fairy tales and miracles.

Loved his track

Directly to school to grandmas.

Vanya boldly in class goes -

Suddenly the teacher will find?

Owned our Vanya door -

For piano a terrible beast -

Whether Goblin, or the WORD

Music led lesson.

Teacher. Stretching fur, harmonica,

Oh, play, nayari!

Sing, chastushki, grandmother Yellow!

Sing, do not talk!

1st Yaga. Oh, unhappy we are the people -

Go to school all year round.

No rest of us!

Sho is that!

2nd Yaga. I went home from school home -

Furnished the devil behind me

Became unclean, pester -

Give, they say, the algebra write off!

3rd Yaga. All day taught Koschey

All bone names.

I remembered only Berzovy -

Head garden!

4th Yaga. Makes me mother

All laws study!

What am I Om and that Newton,

Kohl is not written to me the law!

5th Yaga. I do not paint the sponge,

I do not wear a mini skirt,

Do not fight and do not smoke

I do not speak bad words.

Before school in the morning

I began to wash.

Very terrible with us


Together. Here are such things!

Life has become not a mile!

No we, poor, will

In this urban school!

1st Yaga. Oh, the girl, whose silent -

Something smells about the Russian spirit!

2nd Yaga. And let's take a look!

If the Vanka, you will eat!

3rd Yaga. I'm tired of Ivan!

Three hundred years of their ate, ate!

So beetted, already sick!

Until now, the stomach hurts!(Ivan comes out)

4th Yaga. Well, hello, kind well done! How to call you?

Vania. Ivan I. (Grandmother's head is frozen)

4th Yaga. Why did you complain?

Vania. Teachers looking for.

4th Yaga. Yes, on what a teacher do you? You are a fool!

Vania. I am a fool, but here the king from his manka Vasilis wisely want to do. Ordered teachers find.

4th Yaga. This will fit?

Vania. Oh, no, thanks, Babonki, I'd rather look in another place.

5th Yaga. We will help you Vanya. Take this tangle, kitney and go behind him. Where come, there will find help.

Vania. Thank you, kind bass!

Leading. And Vanya went behind the glomerus.

Vania. Man I am simple and say without taking

That good luck did not meet such a turn.

Only the eye of Morgni - everyone is ready to help!

Wait for the teacher, manka, tsarist daughter!

Oh, where is me? (Water) appear). Hey, kinds, what is it written there?

1st water. I'm sorry, what! There is written "School".

Vania. School? Something I do not see school, I see only swamp!

2nd water. And our school is a swamp!

Vania. And who is studying here?

3rd water. Who are those who are water in a coat!

I am water, I'm water,

I do not know the letters not one!

Inside me a driver

So how do I learn? I do not know!

Eh, Life is my tin!

Well, her in the swamp!

Everything is deaf here as in the tank(Knocks on the head)

2nd water. I am water, I am water -

Girls run after me!

Why learn?

It's time to marry! That's how!

Eh, Life is my tin!

Well, her in the swamp!

Father covered Svetovka!

And I walk, but I walk, and I walk hunting!

1st water. I'm water, I am water!

The inspector hurts with me!

I smoke secret for school

I drink beer with Pepsi Cola! Want to?

Eh, Life is my tin!

Well, her in the swamp!

Stole a lighter

And I smoke, and I smoke, and I smoke hunting!

That's how Vanya!

Vania. Yeah, really, you have a swamp! And who teaches you?

1st water. Who is who - longing green!

Vania. E, no, guys! Such a teacher will not go to us! Looks like, he swallowed the grandmother's head, when the girl was slipped, and I - the fool, bought!

2nd water. Do not be sad, Vanya, we will help you.

3rd water. Do not dumb to stop!

You rush, Vanya, in Stavropol.

There are spacious, there is warm,

There are full teachers!

Vania. How do I get there?

3rd water. And you close your eyes and say: "Land Farewell, in a good way!"

Vania. (Closes eyes) Earth, farewell! Good luck!(Spins, runs away)

Leading. Here is a miracle of Vanya

Founded on Mount

He became thinking yes to guess -

How to find school?

Loved him road

Straight to the school threshold.

And at the school porch

Met Vanya Well done.

Vania. Once in the autumn warmth

I came to school, the first lesson was.

I am going to see how the corridor

Boy broken up table tops.

He marches important in calm chin.

He will satisfy him to hurry.

Where did the roadrovka come from?

From class, vote.

The guys break, but I relate.

Yes, in the classroom, the pogrom was real.

Tell me, what is your class - big family?

Family is big, yes we are working

Only two people are a teacher yes.

Oh, that's it! What is your name?


And why are you a year old?

Leave, I went!

The old man, not sad, go to myself with God ...

Leading. And escaped the broken table.

Vania. Yes, apparently water and deceived me too. Do not find me here teachers.

Leading. Sealed Ivan.

Vania. Well, what is such a hoax?

Can be seen on the planet of the whole

Do not find teachers!

What to do now?

Leading. Suddenly looks - the door opened,

And outside the door - Cabinet

Vania. Ploy Lee, Ali not?

Leading. Looked Vanyusha in class

And I saw a cool hour.

The topic is important.

"Tell me what you dream."

Teacher. Feel free to pass

Yes, talk, hold,

Tell me in two words

About problems and dreams.

Well, who will start?

1st student. (raises hand) Can?

Teacher. Well, come on, light!

1st student.

Become I dream super model,

So that you all walpped!

Shorts, hairstyles and makeups -

In foreign countries vigi.

Oh, if the dream came true,

2nd student. (pulls hand) Can?

Teacher. Well, come on, Ira!

2nd student.

What questions! Well, you asked!

Live I dream of my own villa,

So that a foreign model is a better model

And that grandmothers are discounted!

Oh, if my dream came true,

What life would come then!

Oh, if the dream came true,

What life would start!

Teacher. Does anyone want to add?

3rd student. I want to.

Teacher. Well, come on, Margarita!

3rd student.

Dad is my "new Russian", in kind,

I will learn in graduate school.

What is studying there that there is a call!

Money gives us formation!

Oh, if my dream came true,

What life would come then!

Oh, if the dream came true,

What life would start!

1st student. What are you dreaming about, Mary Vasilen?

Teacher. I?

Little house - just to your personal,

Class would, in which everyone is an excellent student!

And weekends to Saturdays!

And so that I paid for me for work!

Oh, if my dream came true,

What life would come then!

Oh, if the dream came true,

What life would start!

We all guys do not need a lot!

If only all people lived richly,

If only everyone was alive - healthy,

Everything else is simpler!

Leading. How Vanya was delighted!

Vania. You are a teacher for calling!

A lot of land I walked

Finally, I found you!

I will take you with you.

There and meet with a dream!

There will be a holiday at work,

Will you everywhere!

King will give you any hut

And worthy salary

Will give on Saturday the day off,

Method of day - take anyone!

Everything will be like!

We really need a teacher!

(Rings alarm clock)

Leading. Oh, how sorry - he woke up.

Teacher. It is a pity that it was only a dream ...

Is it really she -

That Magic Country?

Really in that country

Teacher still in price?

Leading. Sleep dreamed not enough ...

Maybe a dream will come true?

Gavrilenko - And in our school the dream of students and parents came true. After many years of observations of homosapines, the subspecies of the "teachers" we analyzed them and present you generalized conclusions.

It turns out:

- Almost all teachers from time to time rob("lecturer" takes off his hair in a man) ;

- work, not to twist the hands and in the absence of the result, they omit them(removes hands from the picture);

- And if everything went successfully, they can lose their heads(removes his head) ;

- coming home after work, they stretch their feet(removes the legs);

- Many donate backs(removes the body)

And after all this remains? (lecturer addresses the hall) Right - heart! And with this heart, every day, coming to work,(addresses teachers) You are ready again and again: stretch your legs, passing back, take yourself in hand, laying your hair and high raise your head towards a new day and every child! Thank you!

Video black and white "Your Eyes" Lead 2: Our love for teachers is limitless and that you don't forget that we are students from all over school want to give you small hearts, whatever you "felt our love!"

Students give the heart to teachers with wishes.

Our holiday comes to an end.
Happy holiday, we congratulate you,
Do not grieve never about anything.
We wish you never to hurt.
Always be happy, loved.
Good luck to you all! And in everything!
And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, to each other love,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course,
And smart and good students!
Let this festive concert
You will tell you all for us
That so many years
We love you very much
For honesty, wisdom, mind, talent,
For clarity of your eyes
For your kindness
So rash now.

Dear our teachers! Once again from the bottom of my heart, we sincerely congratulate you on the teacher's Day! Darim candy

Final song


2 groups

3 Group

4 Group

5 Group

6 Group

7 Group

8 Group

Nali classes


Russian language






Russian language

Nali classes








Russian language

Nali classes









Nali classes




Russian language




Russian language

Nali classes








Russianil language

Nali classes








Russian language

TaxbL classes








Russian language

Nali classes









Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Psychological unloading

Festive KVN for the Day of the teacher

Vedas Dear our teachers! Today, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday-day teacher! This holiday is yours, and therefore your students. The day of the teacher is a nationwide holiday, because all the people were students, and each person had a teacher, without which his whole life could take place wrong, before which he was in non-demand debt. Only over the years we understand how much patience, energy and strength have spent our teachers to grow us worthy of people!

Tell me thanks to the teacher

Open, from the soul!

It from the school threshold

Meet kids.

And year after year, friendly class,

Leads teacher us.

He believes that he is not in vain

Love will give your

Heart lights up, plans wings

Native disciples

What do not be covered with dust,

And gold to feet

Fake a humbly full bowl

May be destined!

Say thank you. In our life

Such a teacher is all!

The provision of the jury is 9 grade students: Karazhegitov Anita, Karazhigitova Anel, Sitecov Arman, Dosumbayev Azamat.

Vedas So, the presentation of the teams. The scene is called 3 teams of teachers! We present our teams: the name, motto and emblem of the team. This competition is not evaluated.

1 Competition "Comic Questions"

  1. For that the student is expelled from class (outside the door)
  2. What brainless heads are always needed? (Pin)
  3. In which month of women, the least gossip? (In February)
  4. When is the fool come smart? (When silent)
  5. Without which a person can not live? (No name)
  6. What branch does not grow on a tree? (Rail)
  7. How many nails do you need a well savvy horse? (No matter)
  8. What will make with a red silk scarf, if you release it for 5 minutes to the bottom of the sea? (Will be wet)
  9. What will the crow to do, having lived 3 years? (Will live fourth)
  10. Why does the hunter rifle wears? (By shoulder)
  11. Where does the dry stone not find? (In a river)
  12. When does people have so much eye, how many days a year? (January 2)
  13. Why don't you get tired of doing all your life? (Breathe)
  14. She went hunter past the tower, and on the tower there were a clock. He shot. Where did he get? (In the police)
  15. In what popular work on the hero was the attempt three times and only for the fourth time he dies? ("Kolobok")
  16. Which of the actors first played the role of the auditor in the comedy "Auditor" (no such role)
  17. Why buy new boots? (Because they do not give them a gift)
  18. Why does Lisa look like when a dog or wolf runs behind her? (Because she has no eye on her back)
  19. Continue the song on the first word: when, where, why, why, who is that.

2 contest "Image"
Teams are drawn to pull the cards with the names of animals, birds, fish or insects, and have to portray this album with the whole team. The winners are difficult to determine here, but it is waiting for you a sea of \u200b\u200blaughter and fun, imagine, for example, how the team depicting cockroaches or dyatlov will look like.

3 Competition "Geographic"
For the competition you need a globe. The captains of the teams in turn turn the globe, and without looking at him, poke your finger at any place. Now the task of the team is to portray on paper as much information about the country in which the captain fell a finger (if the captain falls into the ocean, then chooses the country nearest to this point). It may be local residents, nature, attractions. The team is defeated, which will depict the most detailed picture of the selected country.

4 Competition "Music"
Homework. Each team in turn shows a music number. Artistry, originality, clarity, quality is evaluated.

5 Competition "Image Fairy Tale"
Each team is given a fairy tale. In 5 minutes it is necessary to prepare. Then show the staging of the fairy tale.
1 Team - Kolobok
2 Team - Rust
3 Team - Teremok

6 Competition "New Russian School"
A student as a teacher, a teacher, as a student play the stage in the lesson. The task of the "teacher" is to get a diary, the task of the "student" -not to give a diary.

7 Competition "Exam"
Mathematics to count the money offered to you, simultaneously clearly and quickly responding to my questions


  • Your full name?
  • When were you born?
  • How old are you working at school?
  • What is the number today?
  • How many years left until 2009?
  • What is your child name?
  • What color is the sun?
  • Cap the Czech Republic?
  • What color do you like?


  • Who is your friend?
  • What class do you study in?
  • How much will it be twice two?
  • How old are you?
  • Today is what holiday?
  • How is your mother's name?
  • What is the name of Mathematics Teachers?
  • How old will you finish school
  • What's your name?

Russian language
Tell me right: call, scanty, rusted, quarter

(call the names of poets, writers)
Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin, Griboedov)
Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zoshchenko, Privhano)

(I call the event - you date, I'm a date - you event)
1380 (Kulikovskaya battle)
June 13 (Independence Day)
World War II (1914)
Decembrist uprising (1825)
- Call "yes", "no"

Do you believe that watermelon - berry (yes)
Do you believe that infusoria is well-to-italian shoes? (Not)

- Do you believe that Newton is a great French scientist? (No) English.
- Do you believe that diffusion is the penetration of a single substance to another when contacting? (Yes)

8 Competition "Pantomimim"

Teams learn objects from each other.

  • a computer
  • bicycle
  • schoolboy portfolio
  • washer
  • balloon.
  • hat
  • crib
  • armchair

9 Competition "Who is who"
Teachers give pictures of students, students - photos of teachers. Find out who is who.
Workout for teachers
Modernized proverbs
Music Competition "School Songs"
Dance competition
(performed for the lead, the correct movements and activity are evaluated)
Black box (school jacket) (handles, notebooks for gifts)

How to organize professional to be fun and interesting? Surely a variety of drinking entertainment will be useful and, despite the fact that the teacher's work is very difficult, as a rule, even resting, they cannot forget about it. Offer new drinking role-playing a teacher's day, which will make a variety and entertain the perpetrators of the celebration.

Participants receive cards with remarks and utter them, as can be artistic - whenever the text of the character will sound in the text.

Characters and their replicas:

School "Everyone will learn";

Teacher"I can't otherwise!";

Magazine "I have all the moves recorded!";

Books (2 people) "Knowledge storehouse";

Board "Everything is wiped";

A computer "Without me nowhere",

Ege "And who is easy?" ;

pupils (2 people) "And we are, we are not

Text of a fairy tale.

Early in the morning at school ... silence. Pupils ... More at home breakfast, combed, wash your briefcase, in general, preparing for school .... Teacher ... already in the workplace. He is Bodr, full of strength, inspired, ready to sow intelligent, good, eternal in the heads and in the souls of his students ... Teacher ... how no one knows the price of books ... He knows every of them, not one sleepless night teacher .. . Dedicated to reading. A cool magazine occupies a special place ... This document on value and significance is similar to the passport, and therefore, a class magazine ... There is a holy of holy of any school ... A teacher ... works with a board ... on the board .. The topic, number, schemes, tables appear on the board. In the process of preparing the lesson, a computer is involved ... All the forces are aimed at the disciples ... learned the training material and handed over the ege ... The board ... covered with chalk records, the presentations are loaded into the school computer ... A lot of smart books lies on the teacher table ... in anticipation of the lesson . In the journal ... All necessary records have already been made. Teacher ... understands that not far from the earth ...

And here is the school ... filled with the noise of students ... Teacher ... Mobilizes, he is ready to create, learn, amaze. Teachers .. do not scare any OGE, GIA, GEF, Wood, Ege ..., He loves his work, he loves his students ...! No reforms, innovations, innovations will not be able to block the oxygen with a great living organism called the school ... and whatever disciples ... did not stand at the board ..., whatever presentations and tasks were loaded into the computer ... and whatever expert ... did not go down from above, teacher ... will show good results, he and teacher ...

And, of course, in his professional holiday, all the teachers ... in all schools ... at least one evening will postpone the cool magazines in the direction ... and books ... will not approach the computer ... and the school board will finally forget about the exam . And only congratulations on students will receive ..., their parents, relatives and colleagues! And even if on this day of the teacher ... they will live easily, fun and careless!

No wonder they say that the teacher is the second parent of every child in the classroom. Teacher's Day is a very important professional holiday for each teacher. Very often between the teacher and the student an invisible connection arises. After all, it is with a teacher who guys spend a lot of time, learn something new.

It is a teacher who teaches us mathematics and geography, but not only that, and what is good and evil, and how to become a successful person. The teacher will always understand, will give a valuable advice, will support in a difficult moment. It is not surprising that there is such a holiday as a teacher's day. How to celebrate him with students fun and unforgettable?

How to organize a holiday for a teacher's day?

To organize a good holiday, first of all, you need to choose a place. Most often this is a school. You can arrange a fun triumph in your own class, after lessons. Several disciples, most often it is girls, help paint class. Boys move the desks to create more space in the class. You can buy a cake, various cakes and sweet water. But an integral part of any holiday in school, whether February 14 or March 8, are fun contests. What contests can you pick up the day of the teacher to remember this day for a long time?

Cheerful games and contests for the day of the teacher.

Competition number 1. "Go to the board!".

For this contest, we need a teacher, 5 people and 5 large covers. The teacher comes out of class. The presenter chooses 5 people, grins them with the bedspreads so that it is not clear who it is. These five stand at the board. Then the teacher comes. His task guess who is hidden under the bedspread. The teacher comes up to the first student and says "... .. Come out to the board." Initially, the teacher utters the name of the student. As a reward, the teacher receives so many candies as he guess as disciples.

Competition number 2. "Change".

In this competition, everyone can take part. The music is played in the class, but when the lead calls to the bell, foreshadowed, everything should run out of class. The one who ran out the latter - lost. The teacher gives him a leaf with a funny task that the loser must fulfill. This may be, for example, "twist", "" Kiss in the cheek of one who sits or stands on the right. "

Competition number 3. "Pointer".

For this contest you need 10 people. These 10 students are divided into 2 teams of 5 people each. Each team is issued paper and scotch. Team task to make a pointer for 40 seconds. That team whose pointer will be longer - won. A loser team teacher can give some funny task, and the winning team receives prizes.

Competition number 4. "Skillful handles."

Two guys participate in this competition. They sit at the desk. Each is given a small piece of fabric, a needle with thread and many different buttons. The presenter flows a minute, and the guys must demonstrate what they are independent and how they are prepared for adulthood. The one who sews more buttons, and who will be diverse (with two, four holes or buttons on the leg) - won.

Competition number 5. "The globe".

For this contest you need 12 people. The guys are divided into 2 teams, 6 people each. The lead gives each team a variety of scribe materials: glue, tape, paper, newspapers, plasticine, fabric, etc. The task of both teams make this Globe from this trash. Participants are given for 3 minutes. That team will win, whose globe will be more.

Competition number 6. "Countries and their capital."

There should be 10 people in this competition. These 10 people are divided into two teams. All participants are given 3 minutes to remember all sorts of countries and their capitals and record on the leaflet. Then the lists are compared, delete the repetitions, and those countries in which the wrong capital are indicated. That team, who in the list left more countries with the capitals - wins.

Competition number 7. "No emotions."

In this competition everyone can participate. But you need to choose 3 people. These three sit on three chairs near the board. Their task, not to issue emotions, nothing to react and sit with stone faces. All others can scare them, mix, annoy, in general, do everything to achieve at least some reaction. The participant who did not succumb to any provocation - wins.

Competition number 8. "Pyramid".

For this contest, we need 2 teams consisting of seven people, and 2 chairs. The task of each team, fit on one chair to all seven so that no participant touch the floor. Only chairs and each other can be concerned. All about all both teams are given 2 minutes. That team, which at least one participant is touching the floor, did not have time to find a place, fell and so on - lost.

Competition number 9. "Creativity Shakespeare."

This competition is more intellectual and especially by the teacher of foreign literature. 4 people should participate in the competition. Each of the participants throws a cube, thereby determining who will be the first one who is the second, third and fourth. In the appropriate order, each participant tells by heart the passage from some play or anyone's sonnet Shakespeare, who remembers. If all four were able to tell something, go again in a circle. So until one winner remains.

Competition number 10. "Algebra".

For this contest, you will need 8 people. All participants are divided into two teams, but so that people would be equal. The lead takes 20 leaves, they write any numbers. But on the first ten leaves numbers should be green, and on other ten - purple. Each command chooses your color. The task of both teams, collect as many leaves as possible is exactly your color, and then fold all the numbers. The team that can cope earlier and the result will be correct - won.

Competition №11. "Cubes".

This competition participates 2 teams of 3 people. The first team is a team of boys, blue. The second is a team of girls, pink. Each team is cling to the chest and on the back in the letter corresponding to the color. Now these disciples are cubes. The first team comes to the board. The teacher carries a minute. The presenter says simple words consisting of 3 letters, and the team should be lined up in a car so that this word is. Then the second team does the same. That team, whom words turned out more - won.

Competition number 12. "Cosmonauts".

For this competitor, you need 2 people and 2 chairs. Chairs are in the middle of the class. Both cosmonauts put on eye bandage and spin. Their task, to find a chair with closed eyes and sit on it, while not falling. All classmates with words, cotton help participants help. Who is the first to cope with the task - won.

Competition №13. "The girl of my dreams".

2 boys and 2 girls participate in this competition. They are divided into teams, in each one for one boy and one girl. The guys tie their eyes and give the chalk. Their task draw the girl of his dreams on the board. The task of girls to send your partner, giving him tips. But you can not help with your hands, only words. The winner is determined by all common voting.

Competition №14. "Memory".

This game aimed at learn from whom the memory participants is better. Participate in the contest three students. The presenter distributes each student on the card, which shows various geometric shapes of different colors in different order. Participants are given 20 seconds to remember everything. Then, each student in memory draws colored shames those figures that were in his card. The one who drew more correct figures, the right color - won.