How to draw a mouse with a pencil for kids. How to draw a mouse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children? How to draw a mouse face with a pencil? Simple graphics for sketching

How to draw a mouse with a pencil for kids.  How to draw a mouse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?  How to draw a mouse face with a pencil?  Simple graphics for sketching
How to draw a mouse with a pencil for kids. How to draw a mouse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children? How to draw a mouse face with a pencil? Simple graphics for sketching

Hello everyone, today we will draw the MOUSE - in a variety of poses and body types. We will draw children's chubby mice, draw thin mice, learn to draw pictures of mice from a graphic sample. I will give several master classes with step by step drawing of a mouse. And I will also teach you to draw other life circumstances, cheese, a mousetrap, a cat, a mink to the mouse. Drawn mice are a great idea for a gift for the New Year of the Mouse 2019.

I have prepared funny funny pictures of mice that have convenient lines and are simple enough to sketch with a pencil on a sheet of paper or in a graphics editor.

Pictures of the MOUSE for children.

Easy ways to draw a mouse.

Here are simple drawn mice that can be easily repeated with a pencil or felt-tip pen on a piece of paper. You can teach your children to draw such a mouse. Just a round head - with round ears. Just a piece of cheese under your head. And around the cheese paws. A very simple mouse drawing for sketching.

And here is an example with a mouse picture, where the graphics are even simpler. This is a ready-made template for the youngest children - or a pattern for applique mice in kindergarten.

And if you want to learn how to draw a CUTE cute mouse, then here is a sample with a white plump beauty with delicate pink ears.

Note the simplicity of this drawing. Here are three things to remember and follow.

  • First, a truncated oval, then ears to it (note: the ears expand slightly upward).
  • The front of the mouse is located at the top of the oval.
  • But the cheese is located in the CENTER of the mouse and thin sticks are drawn to it.

And here is another simplest way to draw a mouse with your own hands. This method is suitable for teaching drawing in kindergarten.

  1. We draw the head as an inverted drop - petals-ears to it.
  2. Draw a rounded hill behind the ears - this is the butt of the mouse.
  3. Draw paws under the head of the mouse.

And here's another simple one - CHILDREN'S PICTURE, a mouse made of ovals and semicircles. This makes this picture a ready-made template for paper applique. Suitable for classes in school or kindergarten.

Here are some more simple mouse graphics. Candle Mouse - These are simple lines and rounded shapes. Smooth silhouette and solid fill in one tone. Small drawing of a rounded line on the ears.

Simple pictures


How to draw a mouse next to a cheese, or a mouse on a cheese ... Here is the easiest way. We draw the cheese like a regular drawing of a cylindrical shape with a split center (cut out cheese sector). And then just draw the head of a mouse over the cheese.

You can draw one big piece of cheese and a mouse (in any simple way) sitting on this cheese.

LIKE from one mouse drawing


White mouse with cheese - and big eyes. Just look at how easy it is to draw this mouse. Oval of the face and eyes at half of this oval. Cheek lines under the eyes. The nose is at the very bottom of the oval.

The body of the mouse is shaped like a drop. Against the background of this drop are hands-twigs with palms and the feet of the hind legs. Cover the rest with cheese. And do not forget two teeth - under the nose, and antennae on the cheeks.

And here is the same mouse, but from a different angle. Here the oval of the face - ezhe has the shape of a torpedo. And the ears (note) are located one behind the eyes, the other behind the back of the oval of the muzzle.
The body is the same drop. The arms are the same, move away from the neck. It remains to make a rounded thigh line.

Here are a few more variations of the same mouse. See? If you learn to draw this mouse ONE TIME, consider that you can draw it ten more times and more - in different poses, inclinations, situations, emotions.

Just start drawing AS USUALLY ... and then take the wash, wipe off part of the drawing and change the lines - and you will see that the mouse has changed too. This technique allows you to develop artistic courage and liberate your spirit of experimental illustrator.

The ANIME style mouse is now a squeak of artistic trends among teenage children.

The FAST way to draw a mouse.

Step by step lessons

the mouse.

How good this mouse is. She's beautiful. And kind and considerate. And it looks like a complex drawing.

Here's a great step-by-step tutorial on how to draw a mouse. Great team of step by step drawings.

In this particular case, the mouse is colored like this. But you can choose your style of filling with color.

There is also a mouse drawing lesson for young children - based on an oval. You can conduct a lesson with your child and teach him how to draw such a mouse himself.

How to draw quickly


Here are some simple examples of how an ordinary person can draw both a mouse and a cat with a simple pencil.

Take a look at the picture below. Nothing complicated here. All lines are simple and logical. I especially like the way the mouse is drawn here. She's fat and has a great twist on her face - such a good angle.

Have you noticed the trick already? The body + head of the mouse is an inverted comma. Ears are a pretzel. And the front legs are just two squiggles. And we got a plump fat mouse - the simplest drawing.

And here's another similar picture. Look what a cute mouse there is. Pay attention to the proportions of the body and muzzle, they are almost proportional to each other. And the cat is also great - a simple sample for quick sketching.

And here's another simple way - almost a child's drawing. But children themselves will not come up with how to draw a cat and a mouse. But you can teach them, train the child to draw the shape of the face, and teach the child to place their paws, bringing them closer to the center at the bottom.

Here are some more pictures for sketching with a cat and a mouse.

The usual children's way of drawing a cat looks like this ...

But what prevents us from spurring the flow of imagination and starting to invent our own images of a cat and a mouse. Your style can be very different - just draw and make fun of the result. This is a game with a pencil in hand. It's funny. And it will teach you to boldly and quickly draw a variety of mice and cats.

How to draw

sweet kind mouse.

Here are a few mice that captivate with their charm. They are cute and immediately sympathetic. They are beautiful in their cuddiness. Children like them. And it is so nice to draw them on greeting cards ... and by the way, 2019 is the year of the Mouse that suggests such a mouse decor for cards and gifts.

Here's another cute mouse. She closed her eyes and blinks dreamily. Cheese smell? or a dream of travel?

And as you already understood ... IF YOU drew the mouse ONCE, you can draw it over and over again in different images. In fact, this way you will become an illustrator and be able to draw pictures for children's books.

Sweet kind touching mice will live their fun life. They will share with you emotions, hopes, adventures. They will come to life in your drawings. The pencil is your magic wand.

Choose your style ... your own mousey look. Maybe she'll be curious?

Or maybe it will be a mouse, with his boyish prowess and desire to have time to learn and experience everything.

Or maybe it will be a baby mouse who will forever experiment and test this world for taste and strength.

Cool funny mouse.

Simple pictures for sketching.

Drawing a mouse is fun. This is the flight of a pencil over paper. Present the mouse with a cheerful disposition and your pencil will start to play naughty, following the whims of its character.

Here is a drawing where the mouse ate cheese. She strokes her round belly with her paw and the sly contented expression on her face makes you smile.

Make your mouse move in the picture. Give the picture DYNAMICS, gesture tension, posture energy.

Show emotion in the drawn mouse.

Let the mouse be happy with the whole body, not just the face. Liberate her gestures, copy the plasticity of the body, spying on the idea for a pose in photographs of people. Just transfer the lines of the human pose into your mouse drawing, and you will get live, moving, bright mice.

Get creative and SIMPLIFY LINE if you want a cool drawing result.

Don't be afraid to paint something implausible. This is a cartoon mouse. She may have strangely shaped body parts. Ears too round. Neck too thin. Too cheeky face. If you draw cartoon graphics - there is no term "too much", but only "the author's vision" and "character charisma".

A variety of angles of the drawn mouse in the photo below. You can take them as images and find new positions of her limbs by looking through photos of mice in Google, Yandex.

Mouse family

The principles of drawing characters of different ages.

Mice in the family bunch - dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, son, daughter. Try giving your mice FAMILY STATUS.

Ask yourself, how would I draw a grandmother mouse? And try sketching. You will be surprised - but it will turn out very similar. No one doubts that this is a real mouse grandmother.

And this is what a mother mouse looks like. A similar picture. But already another body and everything has changed.

And what the little mice look like. Diligent - like that. Hooligans - like this ... Think.

This is the older sister. She is a fashionista mouse.

Imagine, and try to give each mouse its own personality and signs of a social role.

Pictures of mice

in the illustrations of children's books.

Every artist has his own style. Each illustrator will draw the same story differently. And every artist for children creates his character according to his taste and heartfelt affection. Let's flip through children's books and be inspired by the pictures of mice decorating children's fairy tales.

You have seen such ways to draw a mouse with your own hands today, leafing through our funny and cute pictures with mice. In the Year of the Mouse, you will confidently draw them on your tablets, postcards, notebooks, just chatting on the phone, or thoughtfully planning your to-do list for today.

Let the mouse be a kind symbol of this year. Your assistant. Your inspiration. She is brave, although her life is full of unexpected encounters with a cat. She is kind, not embittered by the hardships and difficulties of life. She acts according to her good heart. And he always believes in the best. The best for you.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the Family Kuchka website.

Today we will learn to draw with a pencil a small animal that many love, and some are afraid of. It - mouse... In cartoons, mice are often portrayed as cute and defenseless, but in reality this rodent instills fear not only in some people, but even in large elephants. let's try draw a mouse using a step-by-step lesson... This lesson is suitable even for the most novice artists - children.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Solid plain pencil.
  3. A soft, simple pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. With a hard, simple pencil, draw a shape that looks like an egg:

Photo 2. Draw the lower part of the rodent's face from below. It will be located in front view, so we try to make the construction as symmetrical as possible:

Photo 3. At the top we will draw two mouse ears with rounded edges, which will stick out a little upward:

Photo 4. Draw two parallel wavy lines from the base of the ears. Thus, we will draw the shape of the rodent's face:

Photo 5. Now let's outline the central part of the mouse's face. At this point, the animal's coat will be darker than on the rest of the surface:

Photo 6. At the bottom, add a small nose, using a line curved downward, the middle of which is in contact with the lower part of the figure:

Photo 7. Now let's draw two small ovals in the middle that will serve as a shape for the eyes:

Photo 8. Draw curved ears. We draw the line from the outside to the inside:

Photo 9. Add small paws. We make the mouse shape more rounded, and draw a horizontal line in the background of the picture:

Photo 10. We begin to hatch the ears. We make their contour whiter and darker than the inner part:

Photo 11. We hatch the eyes, increasing the pressure on the pencil. Don't forget to leave some glare:

Photo 12. Now let's add some shading in the middle of the animal's face. We draw strokes from bottom to top:

Photo 13. We continue to hatch the mouse fur. Let's draw the front and cheeks:

Photo 14. We draw a pencil along the contour of the animal's figure:

Photo 15. Let's draw the rest of the mouse's body:

All children love to draw, they are attracted by everything bright and unusual. A detailed step-by-step diagram of drawing a mouse is a guarantee that you can easily draw a nimble gray baby with your child. In this lesson I will show many options for how to draw a mouse and a rat in stages with a pencil for children with step by step photos.

While learning to draw, children gradually begin to think spatially and abstractly. You need to try to visualize the selected object and depict it on paper. It is very interesting to watch how ordinary strokes and lines gradually intertwine, superimpose and turn into something similar to a drawing.

The mouse can be drawn using a simple technique presented here. Feel like artists with an easy master class. First, decide on the main features of the copied rodent. Norushka is a small animal with a long tail, round ears, a pointed nose and small legs. The drawing can be made in black and white, it will be expressive and interesting. Get started with everything you need ready. The set will be standard.

Materials for work:

  • paper;
  • pencil for sketching;
  • soft eraser that does not leave marks on the paper;
  • black capillary liner.

How to draw a mouse in stages

The base of the animal figurine is 2 ovals. Place them horizontally. Glue them together visually. The ovals should be of different sizes. Most will become the body, the smaller part will become the head.

Pull the thin tail back from the larger oval. Draw the string down and curl it in a characteristic fashion. Don't be afraid to make the ponytail very long. The mouse really has it.

Begin to draw a leg at the back. Select not only the foot, but also the upper part. Let the impression remain that the rodent crouched down and hid. - see how to do it here.

Draw small legs in front. Place them below between your torso and head.

Draw ears to the head. The ear in the foreground is larger. Draw a line to the back. Subsequently, all unnecessary can be eliminated with an eraser.

Mark a small eye on the face, draw a ball in front, you can also select the mouth.

Make all the lines more streamlined, pay special attention to the muzzle, rounding the bridge of the nose. At this stage, you can already wield an eraser to eliminate all unnecessary.

Now duplicate the pencil with a liner. Instead, a special hard pencil or a regular pen will do. The main thing is to highlight the picture, to make it expressive.

The little white mouse is ready. At the bottom, blend in some areas, highlighting the shadow. This step can be missed. But the creation of shadows is often used by skilled artists to give their masterpiece realism and volume.

Mouse coloring page for kids

How to draw a wise rat with cheese

This lesson is about drawing an interesting animal - a rat. White decorative rats are popular pets that live with humans, along with hamsters and guinea pigs. You will get a wise rodent holding a tidbit of cheese in his hands. A phased scheme will simplify the task as much as possible. The lesson is suitable for everyone - adults and children.

For an interesting drawing lesson, prepare:

  • white watercolor or plain paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • thin black marker or greasy gel pen;
  • pink, orange and yellow pens or markers.

Start the process with a copy of the animal's eye. Draw a round, inside it draw another. Draw a half-arc from below.

Insert a highlight inside the eye. Move your nose to the side, add a drop to the tip. The face of a rat looms.

Draw the teeth below the nose. And continue to shape the look.

From the head, lower the wavy pencil line down. It is necessary to highlight the neck, chest, tummy. But so far this is only one line.

At the top of the head, also depict an ear, take it to the side, round it. Now it's time to make the rat wise, this is exactly what the drawing is declared. Throwing in shaggy eyebrows over your eyes is a great way to get things done.

First move the rat's right hand aside, but for now draw a square.

Then shape your hand with your fingers.

Pull the wavy line down. Add long legs at the bottom.

Make 2 legs. But one of them will be in the foreground.

Draw in the back of the tail, lifting it up. Take your left hand to the opposite side and also raise it up. Don't paint with the brush yet.

Instead of a brush, draw a triangular piece of cheese.

Draw holes on the cheese.

Use the prepared black pigment to highlight the resulting pattern.

Use a pink pen to paint the tip of the nose and the long tail. Also highlight the colored cheese. The wise white mouse is drawn. The black border looks like the image was actually printed on a printer.

The presented mouse turns out to be very naughty. But due to the fact that a large piece of cheese is depicted in the foreground, only the head and thin tail of the rodent will be visible. The creative lesson is designed for novice artists. How to do it yourself, see here.

Materials that will be needed to implement the creative idea:

  • simple pencil;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • soft eraser;
  • black capillary pen;
  • a sheet of watercolor or plain office paper.

On the prepared sheet, draw a coin-sized circle with a simple pencil. In general, a sketch of the drawing must be made with a pencil, which can be easily erased with an eraser. The mouse head will be small. Move it up from the center of the sheet, as there will be a large piece of cheese below.

Draw smaller round ears at the first circle. Make them double.

Draw out the muzzle with a pencil. Make 2 small eyes. Their shape can be oval or round. Draw a button-nose. Lower the strip down from the spout and spread it apart. Add small tendrils.

Draw the fingers right next to the head.

Bottom center, create the effect of an open book - this will be the cut out part of the cheese.

Continue on the sides and top with a piece of cheese. At the top, dock with your fingers. Draw vertical lines on the sides.

On the neckline, arrange mouth-watering holes to show that the object from which the mouse is peeping out is cheese. Draw a thin, curved ponytail at the bottom.

Shade the drawing with pink, gray, red, orange and yellow pencils, focusing on the parts that are shown on it.

Select all the necessary lines with a black liner, and remove the excess with an eraser.

Add a gray shadow at the bottom to make it more realistic. So a cute mouse with cheese is ready, she will definitely enjoy it.

This tutorial shows how to draw a white rat step by step using a pencil.

What you need for a rat drawing lesson:

  • a regular sheet of white paper;
  • black capillary pen;
  • drawing pencil;
  • colored pencils: pink, blue, brown;
  • eraser.

How to draw a rat in stages

The first stage of drawing is creating a light sketch - a figurine of a rat. Use a drawing pencil and an eraser while doing this. All flaws at this stage are easily eliminated. Start at the back of the rodent. Smoothly translate the line into the ear, duplicating it in the center with a drop.

Pull the droplet nose forward. Since it is planned to depict a rat, it is better to make the nose very long.

At the back, turn the line in the opposite direction, draw a pencil along the bottom. Then frame the hind foot.

Continue the line from the foot forward, ending with the abdomen. Connect the line in front with the droplet on the nose, leaving the front very sharp. Also show the second ear, but it should remain in the background, the viewer will see only its back.

Add tendrils and eyes.

Draw a simple foot in front. Show a thin, curled ponytail at the back. The second stage of work is coloring. Leave the body and head of the rat white. Go only fragmentarily over the individual elements. Color the tip of the nose and tail with brown, pink for the visible inner part of the ear, and blue for the eyes.

To add contrast to the drawing, highlight the pencil with a very dark drafting pencil or capillary pen. This is the next step.

Play with the shadow by adding a little more lines. Select those fragments that will be in the shadow for us.

At the bottom, shade the floor with a drawing pencil. A beautiful white rat is drawn. How to do it, see here.

White bbw mouse - how to draw with a pencil

The plump and adorable mouse loves cheese. She is holding a tidbit in her hands. Her physique shows that she eats enough. This tutorial shows how to draw a white mouse step by step. An interesting lesson for children will not leave any questions and will help everyone to make a drawing of a rodent.

Materials for the creative lesson:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • well sharpened simple pencil;
  • pencils: pink, yellow, orange;
  • black liner pen or fine marker.

Start creating your drawing from the top. Show the arc - the frontal part on the head of the mouse. Attach 2 round ears to the arc.

Continue lateral lines downward to show the rodent's torso. Since it is planned to make a rather well-fed character, then these lines should be at a sufficient distance from each other. If necessary, the shape of the body can always be corrected in the future.

This drawing is also easy in that the head of the mouse is not shown separately, it seems to merge with the body, there is no need to show the neck.

Duplicate the ears with the second stripe. Show the muzzle by drawing the eyes, nose and antennae. Moreover, the antennae are light lines.

Draw a piece of cheese in the center of the body. His lover of crumbs will keep in her paws. Show the holes on the cheese.

Draw simple paws so that they hold the cherished piece. Connect 2 lines in a half-arc and show your fingers.

Go over the bottom of the drawing with your pencil. Add a thin ponytail. Also show 2 small paws, their shape can be the simplest and most understandable even for toddlers.

It is planned to draw a white mouse, but still some parts can be shaded. For example, go over the center of the ears, nose and cheeks, ponytail and lower legs with a pink pencil. Decorate the cheese with orange and yellow pencils - an appetizing delicacy.

Highlight all pencil lines with a black liner.

Add a shadow at the bottom, forming strokes. A simple and expressive drawing of a white mouse is ready.

How to draw a MOUSE from CIRCLES

Hello everyone, I decided on the eve of the New Mouse Year to create an article to download beautiful hand-drawn pictures with mice. Clear graphics bright color pictures with mice are suitable material for those who want to create an individual New Year's greetings on their computer for a friend, boss, or client. On our site there are similar pictures with live photo-mice ... and now I have separately collected all the drawn mice in excellent quality and juicy design. You will find here pictures of mice with different characters, lively moods, and bright charisma (fat mice, thin rats, persistent cheese diggers, cute cute little mice, brave mice, wise old rats. Any mouse - to your taste. All pictures are selected according to themes and therefore you simply find the option of graphics that suits you with the mouse and download it in a convenient way (click and the Copy command) or print it (2 clicks + right-click on the black field, the Print command).

The first selection of pictures is graphics where cartoon mice are holding the coveted cheese in their paws.

Mice with cheese

Bright children's pictures.

Cute mice with a touching look. She is happy at this very moment. Because happiness is in her hands. Cheese - here it is, so tasty and aromatic.

But simple graphics with a mouse - it can be repeated in any graphics editor. Or draw with felt-tip pens, using the picture as a reference.

A fat white mouse with the shape of a hamster holds a cheese treat in its small paws.

A thin long rat with the look of a crafty intellectual.

And here is a picture with a mouse and cheese, which is suitable for sketching. There are simple lines, and this drawing is easy to redraw for yourself. So you will learn how to draw a cartoon funny mouse or rat.

And here is an old hardened rat with the experience of eating cheese. She looks forward to her hour of gluttony and lust oozes from her eyes, and her tail vibrates like a karmic antenna.

And here are funny mice next to a large head of cheese. One mouse is already asleep, apparently full. Beautiful cute pictures just for kids.

And here is a mouse that runs away with cheese.

Happiness is when you have cheese. In fact, it is the same with people. We are happy when our lust becomes possession. On the face of this mouse it is written - MY, I will not give it up.

Mice and mousetrap.

Graphics of the picture.

Here's a cool picture ... just a motto in the spirit Say no to drugs. One zombie mouse goes to the cheese without noticing anything. The second mouse desperately rescues an addicted friend.

And here are the mice, whose tail has been pinched by a mousetrap. One mouse retains the equanimity worthy of an English lord.

Pictures with mice FOR CHILDREN.

As a separate group, I post pictures with mice that are suitable for showing to children, for teachers who print homemade board games with cards. Or educators who are looking for a mouse to play with the fairy tale Turnip or Teremok.

Such fabulous mice are just in the pictures below. Choose - any mouse will do for your purposes.

Pictures with mice

SIMPLE GRAPHICS for sketching.

If you are looking for a picture with a mouse, because you need a sample for drawing this tailed beast, then here are the options for you.
These pictures with drawn mice are simple enough to sketch. The lines can be easily reproduced both with a pencil and with a computer mouse.

These mice are easily drawn by children in kindergarten. There are simple graphics of oval and elongated shapes.

Here is a funny mouse with the look of Masyanya - it is also easy to reproduce it with a pencil on paper.

You can also paint the mouse in gouache using a thin brush for a neat black stroke of the path. To do this, here's the picture below.

But for this funny mouse, I will create a step-by-step drawing master class. In a special article Drawn MOUSE (44 pictures for sketching).

And here is a beautiful funny mouse - it smiles broadly and its positive is transmitted to you. Do you feel it?
Be sure to draw it on New Year's Eve. And hang a Christmas ball on the tail. It will turn out to be an excellent postcard with an inscription for congratulations on the New Year.

And here are two more examples of primitive graphics - simple pictures with mice. One eats, the other sits

Mice in different poses.

Graphic pictures

in different styles of drawing.

Here is the mouse that is asleep. She curled up into a ball. Funny, with big ears.

Here is a mouse on its hind legs. She is kind and sweet - this graphic is suitable for creating a cartoon.

And here is a mouse in a suit. Straight up the groom. The dream of all young girls of mice.

But a dead mouse ... or drunk.

Pictures with mice

For congratulatory inscriptions.

And here I am separately attaching pictures, where next to the mice you can add an inscription - a congratulation text, a comic wish, wise words, a cool rhyme.

Blind the white mouse out of the snow. Get ready for the Year of the Mouse - don't sleep.

The snow woman mouse asks you one thing.
Love me right now and everything else later.

But on the next postcard, with a greedy cheeky mouse, such an impromptu verse was born:

  • What's behind your cheek? Cheese!
  • What's in your paws? Cheese!
  • What do you want to have? Cheese!
  • Just to be big! And no holes!

But for the next picture with a mouse, the verse may be like this:

Yesterday I saw the Cat - this is such a ponytail .... (and come up with a rhyme yourself ... I'm waiting for options in the comment)

And here is a cute picture of a little mouse with a tooth.

Pictures with mice

for coloring.

And here are some coloring pictures with mice. They can be printed on New Year's Eve for kids. Simple plots. Clear New Year colors. Children can use this black and white coloring as an opportunity to make their own personal gift for the New Year.

These are the funny pictures with cute mice you found on our website. Use it for free. Give positive to yourself and people. Just copy, download and add a cool inscription - and you will have your own individual congratulations on any holiday.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

How to draw a mouse for kids.

If your child asks to help him draw a mouse, then this article is for you. Collected here are step-by-step tutorials for drawing gray rodents of varying difficulty levels.

How to draw a mouse with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

Let's draw a realistic mouse:

  • To begin with, let's make a preliminary marking and mark with light lines the borders of the picture and the body of the animal. After that, you can get to work.
  • Let's draw two geometric shapes in the left half of the sheet, superimposing them on top of each other. This will be the head of the mouse. First we draw a circle, then a cone. Divide the cone into two halves with a straight line. We continue the straight line outside the circle. We need a straight line to maintain symmetry.

Draw a circle and a triangle
  • We draw a nose, at the intersection of the cone and the circle - the eye, and on the right, in the upper part of the circle, draw two circles for the ears. The mouse muzzle is ready!

Draw a face
  • We attach two more circles of the same size to the head, which should intersect approximately in the middle. As you may have noticed, we are only drawing circles for now.

Draw two more circles
  • Moving on to the legs: draw two small ovals, add a small circle to each.

Preparing the base for the paws
  • We finish drawing three fingers on the paws.

Draw an arched tail
  • The mouse lacks the main thing - a long, thin tail. Draw it as an arc using two curved lines.
  • Draw the antennae and claws. Let's refine the contour of the mouse body and erase now unnecessary auxiliary lines.

Completing the missing details
  • Let's walk with short dashed lines on the border of the body and tail, show the hairs under the eyes, on the abdomen, on the paws.
  • We just have to decorate the drawing. To do this, take a gray, black or brown paint.

And here is the second version of the realistic mouse:

  • Draw the circles again: one small one for the head, the second large one for the body. This time we place two circles at some distance from each other.
Draw two circles
  • From the small circle, draw two lines to the left that form a triangle. Draw a straight line from the top of the triangle, continuing it across the entire head. At the top of the head, draw two intersecting ovals in the middle. These will be the ears. Now let's draw an eye approximately in the center of the longest straight line.

How to draw ears, eyes and nose
  • We refine the contours of the mouse's muzzle, add a tiny nose and a skin fold on the ear.

We clarify the contours of the muzzle
  • We give the necessary outlines to the body of the mouse, drawing connecting lines. We show two lines on the body of the paws and draw them under the body.

Draw the outline of the body and legs
  • It remains to draw the fingers and a long arched tail.

Draw the fingers and tail
  • Add some details (fur, skin folds) and erase auxiliary lines.

Add the necessary details
  • Draw the resulting contour with a pen or felt-tip pen.
  • Color the mouse brown.

Coloring the drawing

What you should pay attention to:

  • When starting a drawing, do not forget that all lines must be drawn without pressing the pencil, otherwise the erroneous strokes removed with the eraser will remain on the sheet in the form of scratches of various thicknesses.
  • When choosing markers or felt-tip pens for coloring a picture, it is worth making sure that the paper is thick enough.

We draw a mouse for children:

Option number 1

  • We draw a large triangle. Round off the corners, draw the ears, eyes with pupils and a nose.
    Draw another curved line inside the ears. Add an oval-shaped mouse body to the head.
  • Add the paws: draw the front one completely, and show the hip of the back with a small curved line.
  • We finish drawing paws and a long tail.
  • Draw a mustache and delete the extra lines with an eraser.

Option number 2

Another version of the drawing of a gray rodent. In this way, you can also depict a rat. The drawing is simple, therefore a novice artist can also cope with it.

  • We find a suitable model on the Internet in order to avoid mistakes at the initial stages, and proceed. We will need to depict a small mouse head, an elongated body and an arched tail. If you decide to draw a rat, then its tail is longer.

Draw the outlines of the mouse body
  • Let's start with a simple sketch. We draw without pressing the pencil.
  • When the initial contours are ready, let's start detailing. Let's clarify the shape of the muzzle: in the mouse it is slightly sharp. We draw large oval ears, drawing additional lines inside the ear. We draw beads-eyes, show a nose with a short stroke and extend the line of the neck.

  • We begin to refine the shape of the body, showing the fur on the back with short lines.

  • It remains to finish drawing a few small details: add antennae, draw two more arcs along the tail line, giving the long tail volume. We draw paws with toes.

  • Erase the auxiliary lines and turn the sketch into a full-fledged drawing with the help of paints.

How to draw a mouse with a child

And here is a visual instruction on how you can draw a mouse with a child. Someone is touched, looking at the mouse, someone is afraid of these nimble little rodents. But if your child decided to draw a mouse, then you will have to remember how it looks and take up pencils. After all, the picture must be believable, otherwise your child will no longer ask you to draw together.

For work you will need:

  • blank album sheet
  • pencils
  • eraser
  • a stencil with a circle (needed if you find it difficult to draw perfectly straight and identical lines)

We will draw the mouse in 4 stages:

  • Let's draw two circles: a small one for the head, a large one for the body.

  • The head of the mouse tapers towards the nose and muzzle. We draw without pressing the pencil, so that later unsuccessful strokes and lines can be erased without spoiling the drawing.

  • At this stage, draw two semicircles on the head. These will be the ears. We draw paws and a long tail, almost like the entire body of a mouse.
  • Let's draw oval eyes, leaving a glare along the same oval inside. Draw the curves inside the ear, draw the mouth and nose. We give the mouse a cheerful look, because the child should like the drawing.

  • Erase all unnecessary pencil lines and add the missing details.
  • After the sketch is completely ready, circle it with a felt-tip pen or pen.

Video: How to draw a mouse / Draw a mouse with a pencil step by step

How to draw a mouse face with a pencil?

We will draw the face of a needle mouse. This drawing is quite complex. However, if you follow the description, then this task can be dealt with.

For work you will need:

  • simple pencils (soft and hard)
  • album sheet
  • black pen, marker or felt-tip pen

We will carry out the drawing in 5 stages:

  • We take a hard pencil and draw the initial lines: the body, ears, eyes, nose, paws and even wool - we outline everything at once, so that later we can only clarify some points.
Draw the outline of the mouse
  • With a soft pencil or pen, we begin to shade the eyes. It is important to convey all the glare so that the eyes are as realistic as possible. The overall impression of the depicted mouse depends on this. At this stage, you can outline the ears with a darker color and the outline of the lower part of the muzzle.
Shading the eyes and clarifying the contours of the ears, lower part
  • Use a soft pencil to draw the shaded areas on the pupils. Apply pencil shading to the mouse's body, add volume to the ears. In the places where the shading is applied, we will walk with a piece of paper, shading the lines. Apply short strokes on the forehead from the nose to the crown, thus showing the protruding hair.
  • Let's work on the fur a bit more: make the contours of the drawing darker, paying attention to the direction of the strokes.
  • We draw a mustache, having previously sharpened the pencil well.
  • It remains to add a shadow under the arm and shade the area around using a soft pencil. Shade the applied strokes with a piece of paper or a cotton swab.

Cartoon mouse: how to draw beautifully with a pencil?

And here's how you can draw a cartoon mouse:

  • We draw two shapes: the lower one resembles a trapezoid in shape, and the upper one is an oval. Draw two lines inside the oval.
Draw a circle and a trapezoid shape with rounded corners
  • We clarify the outline of the head by drawing the ears.
  • We guide the contour of the body, showing the front legs with several lines. Add big eyes and a muzzle.
  • We draw a bangs, a tiny nose, mouth and ear folds for the mouse. We draw paws with toes.
  • The most crucial moment is to draw the eyes. The overall impression of the drawing depends on how you cope with this task: will the mouse be cute or sad. Add a curled tail.
  • The sketch of the cartoon mouse is ready. You can add another slice of cheese, which she was going to have a snack. We decorate as you wish.

Draw another cartoon mouse... We need a standard set of tools:

  • blank sheet of paper
  • simple pencil

In addition, it will take a little patience and 15 minutes of free time.

  • We draw two circles and an oval, superimposing the shapes one on top of the other. The top circle should be larger than the rest of the circles. This is how we sketch out the head and body of the mouse.
Draw three circles: the head and body of the mouse
  • We draw lines down under the circles: from the oval and the second circle. These will be the paws of the mouse. Unlike a real mouse, our character has them not tiny.

How to draw plump little paws of a mouse
  • Draw a long mouse tail. Along its entire length, draw transverse lines at the same distance. Draw the claws on the paws.

Draw a long tail and divide it into sections with arched short lines.
  • On the head we will draw two large semicircles for the ears and draw another line inside - these will be the edges of the auricles. Show the fur under the ears with a few curved lines.

Draw a line inside the ear
  • We clarify the shape of the muzzle. We draw big eyes, nose and protruding teeth. Draw rare eyelashes and a smile.

How to draw a face: eyes, nose, teeth
  • We draw eyebrows, pupils. We draw several semicircular lines in the nose area.

We draw in more detail the eyes, folds on the nose, eyebrows
  • The mouse sketch is ready. You need to circle it with a felt-tip pen or pen and remove unnecessary lines.

The finished sketch of the mouse

Schematic: how to draw Jerry the mouse

How to draw Jerry

This cute mouse a child can draw.

  • First, let's draw a carrot-shaped mouse head.
  • Closer to the wide base, draw a large eye, and turn the narrow end of the figure into an impressive mouse nose.
  • Draw a small curl under the head. This will be the base of the mouse body.
  • We finish drawing the ears on the head.
  • We darken the pupil, not forgetting to leave an unpainted area - a highlight. We draw the front paws a piece of semicircular appetizing cheese in them.
  • We draw the hind legs.
  • Add a smile.
  • It remains to draw a long, curled tail at the top.
  • We draw the details: add holes on the cheese, draw the inner part of the ear, fingers.
  • How to draw a mouse: drawings for sketching