Albert Levenbuk and Arkady Height "Cat Leopold's birthday. Tale Adventure Cat Leopold: Stormy Stream Read Text Online, download free Content Fairy Tale Birthday Cat Leopold

Albert Levenbuk and Arkady Height "Cat Leopold's birthday. Tale Adventure Cat Leopold: Stormy Stream Read Text Online, download free Content Fairy Tale Birthday Cat Leopold

Many of us are fans of a wonderful cartoon character - Cota Leopold. And so, in front of us - a book based on the famous cartoon - "Cat's birthday Leopold." The authors are Albert Levenbuk and Akrkady Height.

At the end of the book wins good - on the call of Leopold "Guys, let's live together!" - Naughty answer "Forgive us, Leopold! Forgive us, Leopoldushka! "

We really liked the book - there are many songs in it, which we learned and now often singing. The book is written by a slight language, with humor. And one more undoubted dignity - bright, colorful illustration of the artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk, which are found on each page

This story in an exciting, humorous form will teach the baby of kindness and friendship.

Buy books about Cota Leopold


Sokolova Maria Vladimirovna, Methodist of the Center for Games and Toys, Candidate of Psychological Sciences talks about what to pay attention to parents when choosing vehicles. How many cars should be in what they should be looking in our video tutorial.

Elena Olegovna Smirnova, Founder and Head of the Center "Games and Toys" MPGSU, Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences tells about what toys need a child on the third year of life. During this period, toys and the second year of life remain relevant, but they are complicated, and new on the development of children's experimentation and the birth of the game appear.

Elena Olegovna Smirnova, Founder and Head of the Center "Games and Toys" MPGSU, Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences tells about what toys need a child aged 6 to 12 months from the point of view of their developing effect.

Elena Olegovna Smirnova, Founder and Head of the Center "Games and Toys" MPGSU, Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences tells about what other toys need a child in the second year of life: Features of the liners, pyramids, the beginning of objective activities and experimentation

The child was fulfilled a year and completely new toys appear in his life. Elena Olegovna Smirnova, Founder and Head of the Center "Games and Toys" MPGSU, Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences tells about what toys are needed by the baby after a year when he starts to walk and mastering different subject actions.


Birthday is the best day for any child. Albert Levenbuka's book and Arkady Hight "Cat Leopold's Birthday" just about this wonderful holiday. Little readers are waiting for a meeting with the loved heroes of the cartoon about Cot Leopold.

Intelligent and very kind cat responsibly decided to approach the organization of his birthday: I was filmed in the apartment, invited guests, my beloved grandmother mea Murlykovna baked a pie. But two larnik mouse: white and gray "fictional" spoil him a holiday. Will they work?

On every page of the book posted bright illustration of the artist Vyacheslav Nazaruk, and in the book a lot of songs that can be learned and sing with friends at the birthday.

Want to know how to live together without "Ozberry"? Come for the book in the library named after I. A. Krylov.

Natalia Smirnova,

leading librarian

The book about the favorite heroes of the famous multiplication film, written in the eponymous play, which went and goes to dozens of Russian theaters throughout our country.

One of the authors - Arkady Hight - Satir writer and screenwriter. The most successful of the creative enterprises of Arcadia Hight were scenarios of animated TV shows - "The Adventures of the Cat Leopold" and "Well, Wait for" (together with Alexander Kurlyandsky). Successful phrases of Arcadia Hight ("Guys, let's live together!") Skilled around the country, and Leopold's cat has become a national children's hero in Russia.

Lewenbuk Albert - Honored Artist of Russia, one of the creators of Radionani. For merits in the development of domestic culture and art, many years of fruitful activities were awarded the Order of Honor (2009).

Leopold -

Grandma Leopold -

White Mouse -

Gray Mouse -

Goat (goat) -

Pig -

Piglery -

Horse -

Act I.

Facade of house number 8/16. In front of the house table, bench, fungus, sandbox. In the corner of the house - handset.

Mice appears with the song

Mice. In the house eight fraction sixteen

Cat lives

This cat fall asleep to us, brothers,

Day and night all worries

Only about

How to minimize scores

With that cat.

What is useless

This cat!

On the railings he does not go

All year round

He does not chase pigeons

In the courtyard,

Only letters reads.

In the tank.

He is combed neat

On probor

And always pleasant


Rot in a smile

To ears -

Word, very annoying

We are mice.

We are brave, we are fearless,

We are stronger.

And not in vain calls us every -

And when we put in the puddle

That's right and say friendly:


Leopold, come out!

/ In the opened window Cat Leopold /

LEOPOLD. Guys let's be friends!

GREY. Never!

WHITE. Come out, sneaky coward!

LEOPOLD. Guys, well, today leave me alone!

GREY. What is it? What is a special day today?

LEOPOLD. Yes, I have a holiday today.

GREY. What holiday? International Cat day?

LEOPOLD. Today is my birthday. And I am very, I really ask at least today does not pester me. You are welcome. And now, sorry, I have a lot of housework.

WHITE. His birthday! .. Think, Crocodile Gena!

GREY. And we did not even invite.

WHITE. Frightened, sneaky coward.

GREY. Well, we will arrange him a birthday.

WHITE. Now we will congratulate it.

GREY. For what?

WHITE. For laughter. Come here.

/ Thinks gray to the telephone booth, dials the room, on the windowsill, the Cat Leopold calls the phone, the cat takes off the tube. /


LEOPOLD. Hello. And who is it?

WHITE. This is me, your aunt.

LEOPOLD. What aunt?

WHITE. Aunt Motya. Forgot, the book is a rejection? And who is you, little, wore on your hands? ..

GREY. / In the tube/ U-Tyu-Tyu ...

WHITE. Who caught you milk from the nipple?

GREY. U-ta-Tyu-Tyu ...

LEOPOLD. Aunt, forgive me, I remember you badly, I was so small ...

WHITE. Small, fluffy, full-length ...

GREY. Y-Tyu-Tyu ... straight tiger!

Lepold What tiger?

WHITE. Well, what ... dwarf. But so pretty! So I wanted to take you ...

GREY. And strangle.

WHITE. Eat in the arms, my dear! But this is not the case. I remembered that you have a birthday, and decided to make it.

LEOPOLD. Thank you very much, dear aunt!

WHITE. I wish you so that you were healthy, strong, clever ...

GREY. U-ta-Tyu-Tyu ...

WHITE. So that you can climb on the highest tree ...

GREY / slips the tube/ ... and squeeze from there upside down! / hangs tube/

Mice laughs.

LEOPOLD. What stupid jokes! / puts the tube/

GREY. Come on, I'll call now. I also came up with something. / visits the number, hoarse voice/ Hello! .. Who is this?

LEOPOLD. / removed the tube/ This is me, Leopold.

GREY. Lepa? Great, it's a gesya. Do you remember, are we met with you in the garbage?

LEOPOLD. You confuse something. I'm not in the garbage

GREY. Ah, you disgust ... I caught up, old friends do not know. Okay! I'm not like you, I remember that you have a birthday, and I want to send you a gift. Do you like sausages?

LEOPOLD. I love.

GREY. Well, it means, pleased. I will give you a sausage in cellophane. Only I divide it in fraternity: I'll eat a sausage, but all the cellophan - you so that you are suppressed. / hangs the tube/

/Mice laughing/

LEOPOLD. What kind of disgrace is! Just hooliganism!

WHITE. Now let me cook the present. Turning cake.

GREY. What? Here is the biscuit with cream? This cat? Never!

WHITE. Turning, I say! I have an idea!

/Gray brings a cake, white something sprinkled cake. /

GREY. What are you doing? Why do you get tobacco?

WHITE. Silence, gray! I make a sneezing cake. Who will try a piece, it does not have three days.

GREY. Ah, I understood. And how does he get a cake?

WHITE. Learn while I am alive. / Dials phone number, senile voice/ Hello, is it a leopold apartment?

Leopold, / Removing the tube/ Yes Yes.

WHITE. This is spoken by mail. The parcel came to you.

LEOPOLD. Very nice.

WHITE. You are pleased, and it's hard for me to raise him for the second floor. Very old became, sorry. Maybe you descend, I will leave it at the entrance.

LEOPOLD. Of course, come down. You do not worry, grandfather.

WHITE. Thank you, son. With a holiday you. / Hangs the tube/

/Gray puts a cake at the entrance, runs away/

LEOPOLD. / Coming from the entrance/ This is a cake! What are my good friends! There is even an inscription here. / Is reading/ "Dear Leopold Birthday From Friends" What modest friends! I didn't even call yourself ... Oh, how I love a cake! Nobody loves so much like me! Now I will try a piece ... no, postponing until the evening ... Why wait? After all, the birthday has already come. I will try a little piece ... so tiny ... for one teeth ... no, no, I know myself: first for one tooth, then on the second, and then you look - and one box remained from the cake. No, wait for the guests. Equal things are best to eat with friends.

/Mice see everyone, they spy from behind the corner of the house/

GREY. Oh, you, such a cake in vain gave. He did not even try. And said: "We will now laugh!"

WHITE. Quiet! Without panic! Now we will laugh. I still have a gift. Called "surprise" / Rolls to the legs of Leopold ball/ Uncle! .. We have gone the ball, knock here!

LEOPOLD. Now, kids, this minute! / Waving, with force beats/ Ah! / Jumps on one leg, screaming from pain/ Oh, what a ball! .. / With difficulty raises the ball, it falls with a heavy knock/ What's inside?!.

WHITE. Cobblestones there inside - that's what!

Mice. Deceived a fool, let her leg hurt now! / Run away/

LEOPOLD. How hurts! .. as a shame! .. For what?!. Ah, guys guys! How are you not ashamed?

What did I say to them? .. And most importantly in such a significant day! So hurt. In such a joyful ... / Crying/ .. so cheerful ... / Crying even stronger / ... in such a solemn! .. / Floating/. And even to regret me, it is not enough ... to adapt ... to sympathize ... / In the gym./ Guys who love animals, raise your hands ... Well done, it's good that you are so kind. I ask you very much, pay with me together. You know when you sympathize, immediately becomes easier in the soul. Prepared! ... I will give you a signal when you start crying ...

And I do not hurt! And I do not want to remember how my mustache bounce tied. I'm all good. And I do not want to remember how they broke the bag me! Today is my birthday. All right! What is good here? After all, it is bad! Bad!

From what?! Why?!.

I do not understand

Why is bad luck? ...

Take pity on me

And pay, friends!

Collectively shift with me! ..

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

Okay! One more time!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

Nobody never

I did not harm

Neither a flower, nor bird, nor fly.

So tell me soon

Why from mice

I suffer these terrible flour?!.

Again all together!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

Okay! One more time!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

Well done! Well, we still burn a tear! ..

I see how you

Tears pour out eyes.

We applied the whole sea.

/Unscrew the handkerchief, water flowed from nothing - trick./

From supporting friends

On the soul of fun

Tears dried up - ending grief!

/ The same chorus, but already fun./ 4 times

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

Okay! One more time!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

A-Ah! .. Ay-ah-ah!

Ayayushushki - Ay-ah-ah!

LEOPOLD. Thank you, thanks, guys. Everything went. And the leg has ceased to hurt. That's what it means, sympathy - everything is bad at once forgotten. I do not remember about these mice. And how they tease me, and how the tail was risen to me, and how my favorite pattephone broke, and how a bunter was tied in a dream, as they tormented me, they mock ... Mashed ... / Crying/ Unfortunate I cat ... what I feel bad! Oh, how bad! Aaaa! ..

/Dog appears - Doctor./

DOG. Who is bad here?

LEOPOLD. Doctor, cute, nasty, I feel bad.

DOG. So, well, what are you complaining about?

LEOPOLD. On mice. They completely tortured my body.

DOG. Yes? .. Curious case ... Listen ... / The phonenadoscope listens to Kota./ breathe - do not breathe ... Mouse - do not mouse ... so ... pull hands forward ... / Cat's hands trezhant./ Show your teeth ... / Teeth Cota Stukat./ legs together ... / Cat's legs shake. / The first case in my practice! ... always the mice tremble from cats, and then on the contrary ... Listen, the patient, and you did not try to talk to these mice seriously?

LEOPOLD. What is it like?

DOG. Freight.


DOG. Finally, cut ...

LEOPOLD. Doctor, how to embed it?

DOG. How? Well, I do not know, for example, on the neck.

LEOPOLD. What are you, Dr., what are you! One day I sat down a mosquito on my forehead, I slap myself on my forehead ... / Crying. / And there is no more Komarik! .. I always cry when I remember this little ... flying blood blood. / Closes face with hands./

DOG. Yes, a difficult case. I suspect you inflammation of kindness. Well, check. Tell me, do you have a bike?

LEOPOLD. I have, why?

DOG. Imagine that someone took your bike without demand, broke it in a cake and dragged it to you. What do you tell him?

LEOPOLD. I will say: "My friend, you did not hurt?"

Dog / grabs your head /. No, no, he did not hurt! He crashed into your bike in such a hefty oak.

LEOPOLD. And the oak did not suffer?

DOG. No, not suffered. Why does oak worries you, better worry about your bike.

LEOPOLD. And what to worry about him, everything is fine with the bike. I rent it on scrap metal.

DOG. Well, and to the one who broke the bike, you say nothing?

LEOPOLD. What to say? With each happens ...

DOG. But he did not know how to ride at all, and sat on someone else's bike !!

LEOPOLD. Did not know how?! Then I will teach him.

Dog / enough for the heart. / Wait, I will accept soothing drops ... UV - F, okay, let's leave this bike alone, take another example. That's what you have?

LEOPOLD. This is cake. I was presented for my birthday.

DOG. Congratulations. Here is some hooligan takes this cake and takes it. / Pictures hooligan, takes a cake and leaves. / Well, what are you silent? Do something!

LEOPOLD. Uh ... Sorry, dear, you are probably mistaken. This is my cake.

Dog / in the image/. Was yours, my became. Gey-s! .. Today I am his whole plump. I love very sweet ...

LEOPOLD. Well, if you love so much, eat on health. Just do not forget to put in the refrigerator so that the cream does not deteriorate.

Dog / coming out of the image /. Stop! Yes, what is it! Some Ham graded your cake, you wish him health! Is it so necessary to do?

LEOPOLD. But as?

DOG. Here, look. It is necessary to come true ... / shows /... boldly, decisively ... take it for breasts and say: "Well, immediately rub the cake! And then I will make a chop cutlet! " Clear?


DOG. Repeat.

Leopold / decisively fit, takes PSA for breasts, corrects him tie /. Well, that's what! .. My dear ... Immediately put the cake in place! You can not start sweet! If you were so hungry, I will now make you chop cutlets!

DOG. All clear. You have a common kindness of the central nervous system. You do not know how to get angry.

LEOPOLD. Yes, I do not know how ...

DOG. Do not be dear, my dear, medicine can help you. Here you have special pills ... "Ozberin" ...

LEOPOLD. "Ozberin"? What a terrible name!

DOG. Nothing wrong. Beautiful medicine. As soon as you are offended, take one tablet and you immediately screamet.

LEOPOLD. Forever and ever?

DOG. No, just a few minutes to punish offenders. And then you will be good again.

LEOPOLD. Thank you Doctor.

DOG. All the best, correct. / Goes away./

LEOPOLD. And wait the doctor, come tonight to me for my birthday!

/Leopold is going to go home, (thinks): Ozberry, what a terrible name, I will not take these pills.

/But at that time, the mouse appears from the corner with slingsters, are kissing. Gray shoots a cat, he screams./

Mice. Leopold, sneaky coward! Head like watermelon!

LEOPOLD. Who is this? Oh, so I'm tired of all this. They offended me. (Takes a tablet.)

/White shoots and also falls into Leopold./

…Ah well?! / Takes the second tablet./ And even on the bis!

/Takes the third, makes a lion roar, grabs a metal pipe and ties it with a node./

Call mice on battle,

Let them meet with me -

Although a million, at least a billion -

I'm a tiger, not a cat,

In me now lives

Not leopold, and leopard!

End wool

1. Tail Pipe -

On the road I do not stand!

If a meeting of a thousand devils -

Razorvna per thousand parts!

2. Tail Pipe -

On the road I do not stand!

If a meeting of a thousand devils -

Razorvna per thousand parts!

I was soft was a cat

With fluffy belly

Murly a song's song.

But there is a limit -

Now I'm rustered

And I do not recognize myself.

End wool

Tail tail.

On the road I do not stand! 2 times

If a meeting of a thousand devils

Razorvna per thousand parts!

/ During the song, Leopold is chasing mice, herself everything in his way, drives them into the garbage box, hits the roof, dances and sings. The action of "Ozberina" ends…/

... oh-oh oh oh oh! .. What I did! What shame! What a disgrace! / Sets the phone booth in place, raises the bolted fence, bench, fungus/ Never again will take these scary pills "Ozberin". Ai-I-I-Yai! / Hiding in the entrance/.

/A trash casing cover is opened, from there are mouse /

GREY. Brought out completely! .. Predator striped. What is it with him today?

WHITE. What are you deaf? He himself said that Ozberina accepted.

GREY. What kind of "transition"?

WHITE. This medicine. Let's notify and immediately ignite ... No, weighing ... we are talking ...

GREY. We are swollen!

WHITE. Right. Who are you now?

GREY. Mouse.

WHITE. That is what it is. And you accept the tablet - and you are already a lion! .. Rhino! .. Crocodile!

GREY. And where can I get this "Ozberry"?

WHITE. Where do medicines take? At the doctor.

/Falls to the ground, screaming / - The doctors! The doctors!

GREY. / falls nearby/ - Help!

/Pins-Doctor appears /

DOG. Caused? What are you complaining about?

Mice. On the cat!

WHITE. Leopold! He offens us all the time.

GREY. Passage does not give. Completely tormented.

DOG. Leopold cat offends you?

DOG. Interesting. And what can you not answer him?

WHITE. What are you, doctor, we are so humble, quiet, approximate ... we only: "Hello", "Good afternoon", "How are you?" ...

GREY. "Let's live in peace".

WHITE. In short, we are very kind, we need to urgently register "Ozberin".

DOG. Yes? Well, let's see what kind of you are. Do you like cheese?

Mice. / confused/ Love.

DOG. That's great. Sit down ...

/Mice sit down on the sides of the table. The dog gets out of the saczoa to a plate and a piece of cheese/. ... here you have cheese, share it, as your good heart suggests.

WHITE. / moves a plate to gray/ Eat, dear friend!

GREY. / moves back plate/ No, you eat, my good!

WHITE. / turns away from cheese and moves the plate to gray /.You are more me, you need to eat.

GREY. / also turns out and moves back to the plate.You are less than me, you need to grow.

/The dog, meanwhile, takes cheese from a plate and hides behind the back.

Mice. / notice that the plate is empty.Where is cheese?

GREY. / White/ Did you eat?

WHITE. I?! I myself ate, but on others you dump !?

GREY. That you dump! I turned away, and you grabbed, at ... / wares /Glutton!

WHITE. And you - Zhyattrest!

DOG. Quiet, quiet! Calm down! Here he is cheese. Well, where is your kindness?

/Mice begin to look for ../... do not look for, don't find anyway. You do not have it. And no "Ozberina" I will not give you.

GREY. U, Zhardde! .. And the doctor.

DOG. You don't need "Ozberin" at all, you need to learn the kindness of the Cot Leopold. And it is necessary to learn regularly - three times a day before meals ... / notes in the hands of the White Rubik Cube /Oh, my favorite cube! Can you take a minute?

WHITE. Please play how much you want.

DOG. Well, thank you! When I see a cube Rubik, I forget about everything in the world! / grabs a cube, starts to tweak it / ..So! .. Now selenium here! .. And it's down! ..

WHITE. / shows gray on the sac bath /"Ozberin" there.


WHITE. He now does not hear anything.

GREY. / opens the saczozh, rushes in it, gets a box /..There is!

/Tiptoe mice run away. /

DOG. ... yellow up ... white down ... everything! Out!

Look! / Notes that mice disappeared / ..Oh, I as fucked that I didn't even say goodbye ... And why is my sacrifice revealed? .. What a mess in him! It's here ... it is in place ... one medicine is missing. Where is my "Outshin"? ...

/Leopold cat appears in the window.

LEOPOLD. Doctor! Doctor! How good you are here. I completely forgot to invite you for my birthday. Tonight.

DOG. Thank you, thank you, I will certainly, I will definitely ...

LEOPOLD. Doctor, are you excited about something?

DOG. Highly. I lost my beautiful medicine "Oshstabin".

LEOPOLD. "Outshin"? Never heard.

DOG. This is a new medicine. "Outstabbin" - he ebbs memory.

LEOPOLD. But it is harmful!

DOG. What do you! On the contrary. Very helpful. How to explain to you ... Suppose you need to go to the dentist.


DOG. You see, you are scared. Because you remember how last time you hurt. And accept "Outstabbin" - and all forgotten. Go to the dentist, like a holiday! And that is especially good - after a while, the memory returns, and the person remembers everything perfectly.

LEOPOLD. What a remarkable medicine!

DOG. Yes, but where is it? .. Maybe I forgot him at home? I'll go look. / Goes away/.

LEOPOLD. / follow / Do not forget, in the evening I am waiting for you to visit!

DOG. / because of the Kulis / I will definitely.

/Mice appear /.

GREY. Here he is, our "Ozberist", "Ozberry"!

WHITE. And you did not confuse? Is it exactly "Ozberry"?

GREY. You do not believe, read it yourself - it is written on the box.

GREY. And I, too, not competent.

WHITE. Oh, you, Seryos! Give a box here. / In the hall /Boy, read what is written here. Just do not deceive. "Ozberin"?

/Here are 2 options:

1. If the boy answered: "Yes" - White says: "Thank you, I thought so."

2. If the boy answered "Oshstabin", White says: "That's right, it is" Ozberin ". How to take it, I will assimilate any hunt with us to get involved.

GREY. Let's rather, I will not wait!

WHITE. On one tablet?

GREY. What is there one, let's two. For loyalty.

/Take pills /.

WHITE. / Looks at gray, does not know/. Hello, citizen!.

GREY. Good day. Who will you?

WHITE. I am a mouse. And you?

GREY. I am also a mouse.

WHITE. How strange! You are a mouse, I'm a mouse, and still not familiar ... Where do you live?

GREY. Nore, in the yard.

WHITE. And I'm there.

GREY. Something I do not remember you.

WHITE. And I see you for the first time.

/Notice in the Leopold window.

… Who's that?

GREY. In my opinion, the cat.

WHITE. What does he live here?

GREY. I do not know, I have never seen him before.

WHITE. What a pretty cat! I would like to meet him.

GREY. And I would like. / Cat./ Dear!

WHITE. Dear friend, do you hear us?

LEOPOLD. Are you talking to me?

Mice. You, you.

WHITE. We really wanted to make friends with you. And you?

LEOPOLD. I have long wanted it for a long time. I always told you: "Guys, let's live together." And you did not want.

GREY. We did not want?

WHITE. Something we do not remember this.

LEOPOLD. Well, since you do not remember bad - and I will not remember him. Let's put up.

GREY. And we and I did not quarrel.

LEOPOLD. Okay, okay, let's not remember.

WHITE. Get out, we will play a cat-mouse!

LEOPOLD. Thank you, but I can't. I have a birthday today, I need to prepare.

GREY. Congratulations!

WHITE. And let's help you. Potatoes clean.

GREY. Cheese apply.

LEOPOLD. Thank you, grandma helps me on the housework. Let's make a music surprise for guests - Favorite cartoon songs.

Mice. / jump from joy, clap your hands/. We also love cartoons!

WHITE. And how we sing!

GREY. Like nightingale!.

LEOPOLD. Truth? How good! Then you will help me. Now I will come down.

/Running from an entrance with a guitar/.

... My friends, let's cut. I want to start with my favorite songs: "I'm sitting on a cool whole day ...", you know?

Mice. We know, know!

LEOPOLD. Then let's start.

I'm sitting on a steep all day

I have to float in the sky clouds ...

GREY. Gently burns the face of Leopold,

WHITE. Granny Yaga is cheerful

LEOPOLD. My friends, you are mistaken, there are not such words.

WHITE. And we remember that such.

GREY. Yes, we better remember because we are two.

WHITE. One head it's good, but two better.

LEOPOLD. Well, good, we will not argue. Singing another song. Do you know this?

Crocodile dil-dil floats ...

GREY. Crocodile dil-dil yelling ...

LEOPOLD. Wait, wait! What crocodile yells?

GREY. Dog disappeared, the dog disappeared ...

WHITE. Lit dog nicknamed pot.

LEOPOLD. What are you singing? The dog was called friend.

GREY. You do not remember anything.

WHITE. You better play, and we will sing.

LEOPOLD. What to play something?

GREY. All songs in a row.

WHITE. We all remember.

BOTH. Will fly to us the wizard

In the blue vacuum cleaner.

GREY. And I will look free movies.

WHITE. Asks: "Whose birthday?"

GREY. Breaks all the cookies.

BOTH. And with the cookies will be quenched into the window.

WHITE. Clouds, carousel horses,

Clouds, blonde mens.

What do you shout?

GREY. Ga-ga-ha!

WHITE. Do you want you?

GREY. Yes Yes Yes!

WHITE. / dance/ Chunga-kettle!

GREY. / dance/ Chunga-kettle!

BOTH. Chunga-teapot has fun

WHITE. He does not go to school all year round.

BOTH. Chunga-kettle is the best student.

GREY. Ate for a holiday with twos diary,

BOTH. Miracle Island, Miracle Island,

To live on it is easy and simple.

WHITE. There recently fell from the bridge


BOTH. Two tetteries flew off

Bored, flew ...

Ate for all the meatballs


Tra-ta, tra-ta

We are a cat with you,

Chirik, dog.

GREY. Bald macak.

WHITE. Parrot, Cachelot,

BOTH. And Zhyattrast-Hippo,

WHITE. And with the fields carry Barmalei,

The crocodile is running the scraping.

GREY. Barmalei in Sneakers "Adidas".

WHITE. Crocodile in short pants.

BOTH. And then probably

The cat naps us milk

And, of course, will be invited for a birthday.

Many songs we sing

And neither the line is not a modern -

That's what the memory means to everyone in surprise.

LEOPOLD. / Laughs, wipes tears/ Oh, friends, you all dressed. But it turned out so funny that I did not even stop you. I think that guests will be satisfied. In general, guys, I'm so glad that we finally became friends ... Do you know what? We will not wait until the evening, celebrate this event right now. I have a wonderful cake. A gift from completely unfamiliar friends. Now I will bring it. You excuse me that I don't call you to the house, there Grandma is doing general cleaning. / Runs away/.

GREY. What a good cat! Cute, good-natured! What's his name?

WHITE. In my opinion, Leopold.

GREY. Leopold ... and the name is beautiful ...

/Leopold resorts with cake/.

LEOPOLD. Here he is a "surprise" cake! Try it, please, and I still run away, we will wear tea. / Runs away/.

GREY. Listen, somewhere I have already seen this cake ...

WHITE. / Laugh/ Where could you see him? This is a gift from unfamiliar friends. Let's try on a piece better.

/Cut off two pieces, bite off, start sneezing and knocking down the heads about the table/.

GREY. Oh! Oh! My memory comes back. This is our cake! We ourselves have poured tobacco there.

WHITE. And I remembered everything! This pretty cat is our worst enemy Cat Leopold! He wanted to be friends with us! In the cat-mouse play! Tea dice!

GREY. Never!

WHITE. Never!

BOTH. No way!

LEOPOLD. Guys! Tea is ready! .. Have you already tried on a piece? Did you like it?

BOTH. We can't tolerate cats,

We can't tolerate cats

From the tail and to the ears.

The cat can not be good

Cat can not be good

From the point of view of mice.

Tail for tail!

Eye for an eye!

Anyway, you will not leave us!

Tail for tail!

Eye for an eye!

We will tell you a secret,

We will tell you in secret

Without hints and threats;

There is nothing more pleasant,

There is nothing more pleasant,

How to pull the cat for the tail.

Tail for tail!

Eye for an eye!

Anyway, you will not leave us!

Tail for tail!

Eye for an eye!

... Leopold, come out, sneaky coward!

/Leopold appears with tea tray./

LEOPOLD. Tea is ready! And how did you like the cake?

GREY. Highly.

WHITE. You have never eaten this. Try.

LEOPOLD. With pleasure! Most of all, I love a cake with cream. / Blesses, wants to sneeze./

Mouse / lying away from laughter/. Deceived fool, in a tutu tobacco pack!

Leopold / still going to sneeze/. Guys, let's ... Ah-ah ... Let's live ... ah-ah ... friendly! AP CHCH!

Act II.

/Sounds mouse march. Gray and white appear on the outstanding./

WHITE. Well! I told you that it was not "Ozberry"? All argue! We accepted another medicine. It misses the memory.

GREY. How did I know? What am I, Doctor?

WHITE. It is good that memory quickly returned. And then could hardly stay with fools.

GREY. And now we are smart again.

WHITE. Here you are smart, tell me where you will now be "Ozberry"?

GREY. I do not know.

WHITE. And I know. Doctor who "Ozberin" gave?

GREY. Leopold.

WHITE. So where is he now?

GREY. Who, Leopold?

WHITE. Yes, not Leopold, "Ozberin"?

GREY. At the cat.

WHITE. Something! It is necessary to think. Serious ...

GREY. And you - the pallor of Belopusia.

WHITE. Well, wait! Here I will accept "Ozberry", I'll show you where the mice winter!

GREY. And I will give you without any "Ozberina" without any "Ozberina", - immediately pee.

WHITE. Well, give, give! Try only!

/Gray waffs, white raises hands up./

... I propose a draw! ...

GREY. Okay ... so be. Peace. Just say, how do we get okzverin before this?

WHITE. Very simple. We will die and get in the cat's worship.

GREY. And how are we going?

WHITE. We know how, but I did not bother. / Whispers in the ear of gray. Both are banging./

GREY. Oh, I already feel like these pills in our hands. I accept one ...

WHITE. And I'm two.

GREY. Then I am two!

WHITE. Feel how the body is poured by force?

GREY. I feel.

WHITE. We get big as ... Elephant ... as a ten-story house ...

GREY. With elevator.

WHITE. Beware, Leopold!

GREY. Bresh under the shop!

From grandmother from mouse

We heard more than once:

Quieter, mice,

Cat on the roof -

He is stronger than you.

We are in the world two,

And he is only one,

Bend his arcoux

Supports "Ozberin".

Once or twice, only two,

Persay the grass

We go - the earth trembles,

In fear, everything runs.

Ki-me! Ki-me!

"Ozberin" accepted!

Cat for us now Bloch.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We never cry

Although there is no happiness in the life.

Sugar hides

Cat dog

From mice in the buffet.

Trembling, unhappy predator,

Fear all shaking

We have a wink of you,

And we boldly say: "Brees!"

Ki-me! Ki-me!

"Ozberin" accepted!

Cat for us now Bloch.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ki-me! Ki-me!

The beast is not stronger than me!

Come out of anyone -

Oh oh-oh oh-oh!

/Mice leave the scene. The curtain opens. Leopold Apartment is in front of us: deeply raised the kitchen, in the foreground - the living room. Grandma strokes tablecloth./

GRANDMOTHER. Oh, not even believe! My favorite grandson Leopoldik is ten years old! All adult! It's time to marry.

But quite recently nursing him here on these hands ... The little one was, fluffy, all "meow", "meow", the whole day "meow". This is what's so calling me - meow, at the patronymic I am Murlykovna. Did not hear? Well, from where? I am a cat, the cartoons did not shoot, not the fact that my leopoldik. Why was it an amazing child! Polite, obedient! And good! How much I suffered from his kindness! That sparrow hit, the nest will make it in my boots and the camp there is a pilot ... then the homeless puppy will lead. Feed, go and sleep will put. In my bed. And once the snake invited to the house. She says to live now. She was asphalted from her. Let, say, before summer we will live. And the snake so unprecedented: it hits, then the language shows me. So ... In general, not a house, but a whole nurse. That's the same he was kind. Even too. Oh, once, I remember, it did it. With him in the zoo went. I looked at the monkeys, and he approached a cage with a rhino. And that in the cage sits, misses and roars. And so my leopoldik sorry for this rhino, that he decided to take a walk. Casov pushed himself and opened the door at the cell. Rhino jumped out of the cell ... Healthy himself, instead of nose - horn, small eyes, furious. People immediately blown up as the wind. Who climbed onto the tree, who in the pond rushed to the hippo defense to look. And the rhinoceros is straight over Alea and on the street. All movement stopped. The cars reversed went, the trolleybuses in the underground transition hid, the policeman whistles, and the rhino rushes on the red light right in the ice cream cafe. It turns out that rhinos love very ice cream. They have a heat in Africa, so they only save ice cream. He ate ice cream portions of two hundred, and from the cold he does not fall to the tooth. It is worth the whole white, the nose is blue, and trembling. ORZ he starts. The doctor was brought to him - the ear-throat-rhinoceros. It comes to the rhino and Leopoldik, talked gently with him, covered him with a blanket, I gave a hot tea with a lemon and back home in a cage. It is necessary, so small, and not a string. Good, kind and brave. Leopoldik my ... Leopoldushka ... a-apchchi!

LEOPOLD. Baby, have you called me?

GRANDMOTHER. No, this is me, I'm talking to you. Where do you go? Soon the guests will come, and we still have nothing ready.

LEOPOLD. Grandma, I rehearsed with mice.

GRANDMOTHER. Also found my company! Cat mouse is not a comrade!

LEOPOLD. I just wanted to explain to them that it's not good when neighbors offend each other.

GRANDMOTHER. That's right, it's not good. But when you do not help - well?

LEOPOLD. Oh, Granny! Forgive me please! Now we will do everything, at one point! Well, what would I do without you?

GRANDMOTHER. Okay, okay, subleach! I got used to that grandmother for you does everything? .. March to the kitchen!

LEOPOLD. Granny, I'm ready!

Do us with you reluctance!

Wash, wash, walk for bread,

Half pasta, cook compote -

One thing is that

Do not master it for the year.

Without grandmother without grandmother

Do not bake pancakes,

Cutlets hardened,

Milk will come over.

And with grandmother bass

Everything will immediately become delicious,

Living in the house fun

And breathing easily.

Ah, work, you are homework!

Do us with you reluctance!

Run the ball football,

Or with a book lie down ...

But a lot of work in the house -

We must protect your grandmother.

Without grandmother without grandmother

Do not bake pancakes,

Cutlets hardened,

Milk will come over.

And with grandmother bass

Everything will immediately become delicious,

Living in the house fun

And breathing easily.

Leopold and grandmother. Ah, work, you are homework!

Do us with you reluctance!

Ah, baboons gray,

My favorite old friend

You have time everywhere

And everything has enough hands.

Without grandmother without grandmother

Do not bake pancakes,

Cutlets hardened,

Milk will come over.

And with grandmother bass

Everything will immediately become delicious,

Living in the house fun

And breathing easily.

GRANDMOTHER. Well, enough, enough! You only sing and have fun. And the yeast in the house is not.

LEOPOLD. Yeast is there. They are in the kitchen. I will bring it now. / Runs away./

GRANDMOTHER. This is "Ozberry". / Doorbell./

LEOPOLD. Babuchka, "Ozberin" I have long threw out.

GRANDMOTHER. Still as worried! Straight live do not give my grandson. / Opens the door./ Come in, please!

/Pass white and gray in blue bathrobes. On their faces they have gauze bandages./

GREY. Now let's see ... hole holes, smoke laws.

WHITE. No mouse will crawl.

GRANDMOTHER. Well, thank you! You do what you need, and I am in the kitchen. If that, call.

GREY. Go, go, Granny. We will manage without you.

/Grandma leaves./

WHITE. Where he keeps medicine, there and "Ozberry".

GREY. And where does he keep them?

WHITE. How do I know? Look for! ..

/Searched throughout the room. White climbs on the shoulders gray and looking for a closet. At this time a grandmother is included./

GRANDMOTHER. Do you really climb the mouse and under the ceiling?

WHITE. Yeah, special mice - volatile. / Shows how they fly and falls to the floor./

GRANDMOTHER. Wow! / Sees the mice grow in books./ and what, mice and books are interested in?

WHITE. Sure. These mice are terrible rodents. They all gnaw: both books, and plaster, and brick, and iron ...

GREY. Do you know your teeth? VI! .. / Lifts a mask and shows his teeth./

GRANDMOTHER. / In the gym./ Clear who came to us to output. Well, well, welcome. Now I will play with them in the cat-mouse.

/At this time, the mouse is looking for something under the bed. The grandmother falls on the bed, bounces, pressing mice. From under the bed heard screams. Mice are selected outside./

GREY. What are you doing?

WHITE. Why do you interfere with working?

GRANDMOTHER. Yes, the old I wanted to relax, so I faced.

WHITE. Watch you need to go around! So you can distinguish the tail!

GRANDMOTHER. Well, sorry, I will rise in the chair ...

/Sitting in the chair, closes his eyes./

WHITE. / Gray whisper/. Look in the kitchen.

/Gray leaves. White looking in the closet. Grandma sneaks and locks the cabinet door behind him. White knocking, shouts: "To help! Moved! " Gray runs. Grandma sleeps in a chair./

GREY. What happened? Who shouted?

GRANDMOTHER / waking up/. BUT? What? Who shouted? This is probably I'm in a dream.

GREY. A-A ... / Goes away/.

White / from the cabinet/. Save! Oxygen ends! ..

/Gray returns, unlocking the cabinet, from there it drops white./

... are you locked me?

GREY. Not.

WHITE. Draw! These are all your stupid jokes! .. Wait, I

I remember! Give only "Ozberin" to find.

Looking for. Gray climbed his head in the buffet. Grandmother rolling him behind a knitting needle.

GREY / screws, White/. What are you? Quite sleep?

WHITE. What about me? What I've done?

GREY. You still do not confess! Now how ...

/Beats a white pillow on the head/.

/White rolled on the floor. Doorbell. Grandmother wakes up, runs to open. Gray shines white into the closet, closes the door behind him. Subscribe Grandmother and Leopold./

GRANDMOTHER. Here two of you came from the sanitary station.


GRANDMOTHER. Mice, that's who. Thought I won't know them.

LEOPOLD. And where are they?

GRANDMOTHER. Fished. Heard that you go and escaped. Through the window probably. Let me salt, and you drove the apartment. Just do not be lazy, we drove everywhere: and the carpet and in the closet do not forget. / Goes away/.

/Leopold includes a vacuum cleaner, drives them on the floor, on the furniture, opens one door of the cabinet, vacuuming inside, vacuum cleaner ... Leopold opens the body: pulls blue bathrobes, shirts, pants ... screaming, heading for the kitchen./

LEOPOLD. Grandma, where are these things here?

/Mice pop out from the cabinet. One will be wrapped in the tablecloth, the second is in the sheet. Barefoot on tiptoe run away from the apartment/.

Mice / scream due to scene/. Wait, Leopold! You will answer for it, a sneaky coward!

GRANDMOTHER / enters Leopold/. They can be seen in the closet, and your vacuum cleaner are their partition.

LEOPOLD. Oh, how uncomfortable it turned out!

GRANDMOTHER. Well, let! Will not be the next time to ugly! Where is your yeast? Everywhere was searched.

LEOPOLD. Yes, they are there for a samovar.

GRANDMOTHER / climbs for samovar/. There are no yeast here. Only a box, and on it is written "Ozberin".

LEOPOLD. Yes, "Ozberin" I threw out a long time ago, I hold the yeast in this box.

GRANDMOTHER. Here is a mess! Immediately you can see: one man in the house. / Takes part of yeast and leaves/.

Leopold / covers on the table sings/:

In our apartment everything glitters,

Dishes are heard ringing,

And the table solemnly covers

For several people.

And waiting for friends

In the kitchen all pyps

After all, everyone knows that guests

Good appetite.

/Suitable grandmother/.

LEOPOLD. And I'm ready. It's time to cover on the table.

Leopold and grandmother:

After all, without guests,

How without friends

It is very difficult to live in the world.

And not trouble

That after them

The dishes need to wash.

/Call at the door, Leopold and grandmother meet the guest. This is dog/.

DOG. Dear friend, happy birthday! Please accept my modest gift. Today I looked at two mice - your neighbors. I didn't like them very much, but their toy - so liked that I decided to buy exactly such and give you. Oh, I am very worried if she will like it. This is a cube rubik ... that is, a cube rubik ... no, a bubble tube ...

LEOPOLD. Rubik's Cube?

LEOPOLD. Hooray! I dreamed about him so long ago. Thank you so much.

Gifts love to receive

Any normal cat,

And the juvenile crocodile

And old hippopotamus.

Gifts to take nicely,

Nice to give them ... He who agrees may stand

And the song pick up ...

EVERYTHING. After all, without guests,

How without friends

It is very difficult to live in the world.

And not trouble

That after them

The dishes need to wash.

/Doorbell. Comes goat/.

LEOPOLD. Hello expensive goat.

GOAT. Dear Leopold, I congratulate you on your birthday! I am very worried, will you like my gift. This is a cube of Bobik ... e ... Rather, Bobik Tobika ...

LEOPOLD. Is it a rug cube? I just gave exactly the same doctor!

GOAT. Oh, how bad it happened! ...

LEOPOLD. Why? Two cubes are better than one.

GRANDMOTHER. And three even better ... Pustics!

LEOPOLD. Thank you Babulichka!

GRANDMOTHER. Sorry, granddaughters, but I also bought this cube too. / Hands/.

LEOPOLD. Now we will arrange the competition - who will quickly collect the Rubik's cube.

GRANDMOTHER. Compete, and I look at the cake. / Goes away/.

LEOPOLD. Prepared!

/All three sit down to the audience/.

/Music that all three rhythmically collect cubes, with the last chord, everything is at the same time raised the collected cubes over their heads. Doorbell./

/Includes a pig in sundress. Instead of nose - a round patch. It is disguised white/.

PIG. Sorry, I am without an invitation, but with us, in pigs, so accepted. I have your new neighbor.

LEOPOLD. Hello, please pass.

PIG. But I am not alone. I did not leave a child with whom, I brought him with him. / Rolls a big stroller/. So he, my piglets! My Khrushechka!

/The head of a piglet with a heel is supervised from the stroller. It's gray in children's selection/.

Piggy. Mum! Give a sandbroke with cheese!

PIG. Early you still sandbroke!

LEOPOLD. But why? If the child wants, let him eat on health. Take a baby. / Brings to the stroller with sandwiches/.

/Two hands are turned on, the sandwiches of the stroller will be refunded, they return an empty plate/.

DOG. And not harmful enough so much?

PIG. Nothing, we have pigs, so accepted.

GOAT. And how old are yours?

PIG. OUR? Year old With a tail.

GOAT. Strange .. year old, but he says like big.

PIG. Yes you? He knows only a few words - Wah yes ay!

Piggy / turns his head from the stroller/. Mum! Give "Pepsi Cola"!

DOG. Little children can not "Pepsi Cola"! Pey Milk.

Piggy. Pey Milk himself! "Pepsi Cola I want!

LEOPOLD. Good, good, baby. I think, nothing will be with him from one sip. / Stretches the bottle, gray drinks all, give empty/.

GRANDMOTHER / with kitchen/. Come here, help me.

LEOPOLD. Sorry, friends, I'll leave you for a moment. / Goes away/.

/The pig starts to hump. Pig shakes a stroller. Everyone crowded around the stroller, try to calm the child. Pig, taking this opportunity, departs from the stroller, rushes to the buffet, looking there "Ozberin" /.

DOG. Calm down, calm down, small. On, play a cube ...

Piggy. I do not want a cube!

GOAT. But see what a beautiful box ... Play the box ...

DOG. What are you doing?! This is the strongest medicine - "Ozberin"!

PIG. "Ozberin"?

Piggy. Where "Ozberin"?

DOG. Immediately place the box in place.

Piggy. I want "Ozberina"! "Ozberina" want!

PIG. Stop torturing a child! Give him a box.

DOG. And I as a doctor say - it is impossible!

GOAT. You, dear, too dismissed your child!

PIG. I know you better how to educate children.

GOAT. No, do not know! He will grow a pig pig.

PIG. And the goat!

/I use the quarrel, gray gets out of the stroller, the tiptoe goes to the box with the "Ozberry". The dog notices that/.

DOG. Is that something else?! / Gray freezing/.

... it's not a pig! / Suitable to gray, takes off the patch/. This is a mouse!

Goat / Pig/. And you are no pig! / Removes with her Piglet/. How don't you shame! Cheat!

DOG. Decided to spoil the holiday to our respected Leopold? Will not work!

GOAT. While he did not see, clean up for good health.

WHITE. Think! Frightened ... / Sit into the stroller/. Driver, touch! Go!

/Gray takes a stroller with white, leopold and grandmother appear with a festive cake in her hands/.

Leopold - Well, here, dear guests, a festive cake ready! Granny please! ..A where is the pig?

Goat - uh ... The fact is that this pig is ...

Dog / interrupts/ - It turned out that this pig I forgot to turn off the iron. She wildly apologized that he could not stay, and asked to give you a hearty hello.

Leopold - Thank you. Now I ask for the table!

Dog is a minute! Before we sit for this beautiful table, I want to congratulate our dear Leopold.

Leopold - But you have already congratulated me.

Dog - no, I congratulated on my own behalf, and now I will congratulate on behalf of all your friends. You do not even know, my dear Leopold, how many friends do you have. / Shows Hall./ That's how much. And even more. / In the gym./ Guys, do not let down, as soon as I am a hand, you will singing. Attention!

Today is a birthday,

In your glorious anniversary,

I brought congratulations

On behalf of the beasts.

All the animals firmly know

That you are kindest cat

About it loudly

Dogs of all breeds.

All-auto-av! ..

Dog - what does it mean - dear!

All-auto-av! ..

Dog -Friends are always with you!

All - Leopold!

Dog - Do not be afraid of anyone!

And do not be noodles!

Dog - Beasts and Insect

Known your talent.

All familiar well

Became your lilac bow.

And for a cat such

In a wonderful day

Saw cows in the morning

Surrounding villages.

All - Mu-Mu!

Dog - What does it mean - a cute cat!

All - Mu-Mu! ..

Dog - Pei Our Milk!

All -Labold!

Dog - do not be offended by bulls!

All - be healthy, grow big

And do not be noodles!

Dog-you very respect

Big and kids

Claws do not dissolve

On birds and mice.

For the weak to pop up

Ready without extra words

About that poultry chew

EVERYTHING. Chick-Chi-Rick ..

Dog - what is well done!

EVERYTHING. Chick-Chi-Rick!

Dog - Be cheerful, like a starway!

All -Labold!

DOP -OPO roofs do not walk!

All - be healthy, grow big

And do not be noodles!


Leopold is probably a pig returned!

/The horse enters. She has two - white and gray. She walks, bowed, welcoming the front legs, sits on the rear./

Horse -Preservation-I-Yu Yu, dear Leopoto-Old!

Leopold - Hello. Who are you?

Horse - I am a horse. Isn't it like? / Emphases the rear legs./ I love you so much! When your movie went on TV, we have all the horses of Rye-a-Lee ... and-and-and oh-oh!

Grandma - Destroy guests! All cool! Sit at the table!

Dog-I ask for forgiveness, but I as a doctor want to ask for everyone before eating everyone.

Grandma: True. Gold words. Wash!

/All but horse leaving/

... and you, a cute horse?

Lasadd: And I have instead of the hands of the hoof.

Grandma: What are you not my hoofs?

Lasadd: No, I clean them. Brush and Gutalin.

Grandma: Wow! What only in nature does not happen!

/ Lean/

White: / from under the backup /. Gone! Come on!

/White and gray come from under the backup. Grab the box with "Ozberry" /

Gray: And here is not a pill, but some big cubes.

White: That's good, it means faster to work.

GREY: / sniffs / Listen, and they smell like yeast!

White: Well, right! From "Ozberry" power is growing like on yeast. Let's soon swallow, otherwise come back!

/Both swallow yeast. White and gray right in their eyes begin to swell belly./

(This is a trick: Rubber cameras connected to a pear in your pocket)

Gray: Oh, what is it with you?

White: I do not know ... And with you what?

Gray: badly with me. Ah! .. Ai! .. Help!

White: Save! Now Lopna! ..

/Leopold, grandmother and guests run./

Save us! We ate "Ozberry" from this box.

Leopold: This is not "Ozberry", it is yeast.

Grandma: Here you have stomachs and rose like a dough.

Gray: Doctor, help! Do something!

Dog: Now I will introduce you "Antibryukhin"

/It takes out a large syringe from sacry. Mice are horrified by the scenes. The dog follows them. Known cries of mice. All three are returned. Mice taken former type /.

White: Forgive us, Leopold!

Gray: Sorry, eh?

Leopold: Okay, so be. I told you so many times, I will forgive this time.

Grandma: Well, when we finally sit at the table?

/All sit. Mice modestly stand aside/.

Leopold: Guys, and you do not sit down?

White: and we can also?

Gray: Nobody invited us at the table.

Leopold: Sit down, sit down and feel at home.

/Mice join guests. The candles are lit on a festive cake. Leopold rises with a glass of milk in hand. /

My friends, tell me when we feel particularly good with you?

Goat: When watching cartoons.

Dog: When we walk in the fresh air.

White: when you eat cheese.

Gray: with a crust.

Leopold: And I think that we feel especially good when friends are next to us. With friends, always fun, interesting and feel so strong that no "Ozberin" is not needed. In short, guys ...

All: Let's live together! Hooray!

Leopold: Now, according to tradition, let's go out the candles on a festive cake.

/Guests go to the candles, but the candles are not extinguished /

No, apparently without our friends / shows the auditorium / We and here can not do well, everything is friendly! ..

/Blowing on candles together with the audience. Candles are overtaken. The melody of the final song is entering. Leopold takes the hands of mice, the rest of the participants are joined to them /.

Leopold: Everything that happened for

I wanted to say for a long time

That the fight is stupid to spend power,

We need us for good deeds.

All: Brighter the sun shines,

Chirping sparrow

Good live on white light (2 years)

Cheerleys (2R)

Leopold: I'm not a coward, I will tell you honestly,

I just think so:

There is a huge place on Earth

For mice, for cats and dogs.

Birthday Cat Leopold

Acting faces

Cat Leopold

Gray Mouse

White mouse

Grandma Leopold

Dog - doctor.


In the house eight fraction sixteen cat lives,

This cat fall asleep to us, brothers, does not give.

On the afternoon and at night, all the concerns are only about

How to minimize accounts with that cat!

What is the useless this cat,

On the railings he does not go all year round,

He does not drive pigeons in the yard,

Only letters read in the letter!

He is hairstyo neatly for sample

And there is always a nice conversation.

The mouth in a smile spakes to the ears.
























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{!LANG-2034428dfc83b902f30db226e554cc09!} {!LANG-ba2a6c28aa834e45c0ba073355ae09b6!}{!LANG-db5f1d0e2a9705579ec78635857ef4fc!}











{!LANG-e6b3196501ee7fd20e736a1471c44706!}{!LANG-0210b2891936ddee551c4b064ad490e3!} {!LANG-450dd008da850dec1b89b96fbf3e9b68!}{!LANG-f8fa882bf13ffcc8063f0afa01efa9f8!} {!LANG-d4d23271ad04111597edcd003485f9a9!}{!LANG-503a58376b0ec1f2aa0a1cb562e1da86!} {!LANG-3e68b4f309e63273b41732d638a084bf!}

{!LANG-f6cbde55c40fc79ad9f2d8e357acf439!} {!LANG-82d756392209a368c96eca8c98f17ddf!}{!LANG-a0070b8e13a90b94926f0c6ad74fce4e!}








































{!LANG-9fff9baa399661f72b658348b65ad441!}{!LANG-50810249994a034e84ebe83a98a143ba!} {!LANG-cb2873104da22dde03ba2ffb0bf5fdd0!}{!LANG-e8bec3c1d9852cd7b9cade1bd4baef12!} {!LANG-d9c601d2958879a625fcb3038cd9bedb!}


Call mice on battle,
















And I do not recognize myself.










{!LANG-985a54fc304fbd8995ef8b19e7226938!} {!LANG-45bef7ea201aaaa7b6fd0ea45644816b!}{!LANG-bfd28e57963917080f13f33e94cbb893!} {!LANG-42aa4c67351118d1f331d30c9ecd88f8!}{!LANG-d0f4e0f69b9e319a1078f501c91f8519!} {!LANG-b54b40b6ffb9d30bf68139904e59eaf1!}







































{!LANG-5e55cb1bab96692bf022078ac226f37e!}{!LANG-43768632e4ec8321bdbecf1f22c0a21e!} {!LANG-f94a1ee1abde365c1e4d0c204cd0aa23!}{!LANG-02e0e03e85e8099c2a900ad8e602c0c7!}

{!LANG-36605dc52b72e0ac5eccd392d64862d2!} {!LANG-9f8c8c685054e610009652ba45343c11!}{!LANG-859542e23032ba3845084e5bf12ed7c3!}



























































{!LANG-5efbbe3bf1e525f171e365696187f64b!} / {!LANG-162207d679bbd457127c7acb5e7acdc9!}{!LANG-770b55ea43d358f345eedbdf1944ec8c!}

























In the blue vacuum cleaner.





















Ate for all the meatballs









The crocodile is running the scraping.










{!LANG-0aeb49519b1a142b40f968d6cb185bd2!}{!LANG-d479b17c36409d2dc86fb4d1c808392e!} ?












{!LANG-9fff9baa399661f72b658348b65ad441!}{!LANG-a315d19ade98806b60c529d47f6b51a6!} {!LANG-9f88495aac88a9aa5088663fd9f143c1!}





































We can't tolerate cats

We can't tolerate cats


Cat can not be good

Cat can not be good







We will tell you a secret,

We will tell you in secret


There is nothing more pleasant,


How to pull the cat for the tail.


















{!LANG-b5c1e951aa878ad10f3eaa40b26411f5!}{!LANG-90bdeeb9203f32b34a62efa804971d6f!} {!LANG-4778f955923338a672c5d2cf964ae94c!}


















{!LANG-0aeb49519b1a142b40f968d6cb185bd2!}{!LANG-f76af89ebcc6ec384726e35c6cb52444!} {!LANG-b0499cb7127b2bda6ef7318fe6031e16!}






{!LANG-36605dc52b72e0ac5eccd392d64862d2!}{!LANG-f6a785661d61e1f879c29a38856d21fb!} {!LANG-d79636589681c3d30b9b0a20758adcf3!}{!LANG-5eaa72abacc2d133f4e8ee9d7debb111!}







{!LANG-36605dc52b72e0ac5eccd392d64862d2!}{!LANG-c9d3615c48e1357ba412c4619dbf4125!} {!LANG-53b7c6c77621ea57630cdc3093767059!}{!LANG-9632edbb8906b3772667bdd48efa810e!}





{!LANG-0aeb49519b1a142b40f968d6cb185bd2!}{!LANG-b5233fe487e87081c83a4fefe00081e7!} {!LANG-e7823b2b94a9f58912e2d5610e631867!}


















{!LANG-b5c1e951aa878ad10f3eaa40b26411f5!}{!LANG-8a9abc495a6ed3da5ce7bd120aa8dfc7!} {!LANG-b650bd08f63b07f3a60c22ebcd032637!} {!LANG-e6b3196501ee7fd20e736a1471c44706!}{!LANG-8ed68b913b933200c2f58e9434c7e7a5!}





Any normal cat,

And the juvenile crocodile

And old hippopotamus.

Gifts to take nicely,





How without friends

It is very difficult to live in the world.

And not trouble

That after them

{!LANG-5c1360341d07a19c9b19d43bf568d0ca!} {!LANG-a2cc0466cd888dfe71f3ce74078b8d47!}




















{!LANG-e068c4ac08d08b25dc5e6725feebdb21!}{!LANG-de0283faa0505c891bbe014e7aa5c5fc!} {!LANG-165be24b7f30e29833c5c8caf561883b!}










































Today is a birthday,

In your glorious anniversary,

I brought congratulations

On behalf of the beasts.

All the animals firmly know

That you are kindest cat

About it loudly




For the weak to pop up










And do not be noodles!
































{!LANG-9fff9baa399661f72b658348b65ad441!}{!LANG-fc3e363dd4409fb21854cf371af25eea!} {!LANG-e50d1234f06c5b2b0d7a50eb9d8503e4!}{!LANG-798b1aaeecf084b06f92f0f3e12dd215!} {!LANG-9495a976693e87e7d57c14bcc58ae4bc!}{!LANG-411e12eb333d996768da51e91d48019f!} {!LANG-05a3234df0578f08828a9404b52cab4c!}


I wanted to say for a long time

That the fight is stupid to spend power,

We need us for good deeds.


Chirping sparrow



I just think so:


For mice, for cats and dogs.


