The girl from Stavropol has a witty question knocked out in "What? Where? When?" Command increasing. Posthumous notes of the Pickwick Club (1837) Charles Dickens about what facility

The girl from Stavropol has a witty question knocked out in
The girl from Stavropol has a witty question knocked out in "What? Where? When?" Command increasing. Posthumous notes of the Pickwick Club (1837) Charles Dickens about what facility

The question of the fragment from the work of the English writer Charles Dickens was equalized in teleigre with a command of the experts.

Elena Yakimova from the city of Mikhailovsk Stavropol Territory was an original question in the fourth game of the spring series "What? Where? When?". The country of countrycraft sounded as follows: "Significant compression and considerable dose of prudence is required when it is captured. It should not be in a hurry - otherwise you will distort it; you should not fall into another extreme - otherwise you will finally lose it. The best way to run flights, not lagging behind the persecution facility , Waiting for a convenient case, quickly grab it and all the time to smile complacently, as if it amuses it no less than everyone else. What kind of persecution object wrote Charles Dickens? "

Answer decided the captain of the team, Alena Radis. Twice listening to the question, the expert suggested that Dickens wrote about a butterfly, however, he answered that it was a good luck.

However, neither the answer nor the assumption of other team members who sounded during the discussion were not faithful. It turned out that it was about the hat. Photographer Elena Yakimova won 90 thousand rubles. The question of Stavropolcans compared the score - 5: 5. Next fell "superblits", which was played by Alexey Samuel. The game ended with a score of 6: 5 in favor of viewers.

Residents of Stavropol willingly take part in the intellectual game. So, the resident of Georgievsk 90 thousand rubles in the winter game "What? Where? When?".

News on Block-Stavropol

Quote from the Pickwick Club Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, 1836 - 1837), English writer (1812 - 1870), ch. four:

"The pursuit of his own hat is one of those rare tests, funny and sad at the same time - which cause little sympathy. Significant composure and considerable dose of prudence are required when having hated hats. Do not hurry - otherwise you will distort it; do not fall into another extremes - otherwise you will finally lose it. The best way - to run flights, not behind the object of persecution, to be careful and cautious, wait for a convenient case, gradually overtaking the hat, then quickly dive, grab it for the Tulle, stepmaking on your head and all the time it is complacent to smile It amuses it no less than everyone else.

Dul a pleasant breeze, and Mr. Pickwick's hat had fun rolled out. The wind of the puffer, and Mr. Pickwick Puffel, and the hat rolled back and rolled, like a past dolphin on the waves of the surf, and she would have gone far from Mr. Pickwick, if the will of Providence did not appear on her way obstacle just at that moment when this Gentleman was ready to quit her for a mercy of fate.

Mr. Pickwick was in full exhaustion and wanted to abandon the chase when the wind glowing took the hat to the wheel of one of the crews, who were standing on the very place he rushed. Mr. Pickwick, appreciating a favorable moment, quickly rushed forward, took possession of his property, hoisted her on his head and stopped to translate the Spirit. "

Translation into Russian A.V. Krivzova and Yevgeny Lanna.

Text in English:

There Are Very Few Moments In A Man's Existence When HE Experiences So Much Ludicrous Distress, Or Meets with So Little Charitable Commisuit of His Own Hat. A VAST DEAL OF COOLNESS, AND A PECULIAR DEGREE OF JUDGMENT, ARE REQUISITE IN CATCHING A HAT. A MAN MUST NOT BE PRECIPITATE, OR HE RUNS OVER IT; HE MUST NOT RUSH INTO THE OPPOSIE EXTREME, OR HE LOSES IT ALTOGETHER. The Best Way Is to Keep Gently Up with the Object of Pursuit, To Be Wary and Cautious, to Watch Your Opportunity Well, Get Gradually Before It, Then Make A Rapid Dive, Seize IT by The Crown, And Stick It Firmly On Your Head ; Smiling Pleasantly All The Time, As If You Thought It As AS AS ANYBODY ELSE.

There Was a Fine Gentle Wind and Mr. Pickwick's Hat Rolled SportInly Before IT. The Wind Puffed and Mr. Pickwick Puffed, And The Hat Rolled Over And Over AS Merrily As A Lively Porpoise in a Strong Tide: And on It Might Have Rolled, Far Beyond Mr. Pickwick's Reach, Had Not Its Course Been Providentially Stopped, Just As That Gentleman Was On The Point of Resigning It To Its Fate.

Mr. Pickwick, We Say, Was Completely exhausted, and about to last to last to go of the chase, Which Wheel of a Carriage, Which Was Drawn Up in A Line with Half a dozen Other Vehicles on the Spot to Which His Steps Had Been Directed. Mr. Pickwick, Perceiving His Advantage, Darted Briskly Forward, Secured His Property, Planted It On His Head, and Paused to Take Breath.

Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist"

"Adventures of Oliver Twist" is the most famous Roman of the Great Dickens.

The history of the boy, who turned out the orphans, forced to wander on the gloomy slums of London. The peripetics of the fate of a small hero, numerous meetings on his path and the lucky end of difficult and dangerous adventures - all this causes genuine interest in many readers of the whole world.

For some reason, it always seemed to me that this is a very sad story, where at the end the main character necessarily dies. And since I am an impressive nature, I postponed the reading of this book for a long time. And in vain :) As it turned out, Dickens was a good man, and not wanting to upset his readers, almost all his works ended with Heppi Endom.

Oliver Twist is a wonderful story about the victory of good over evil, overcoming difficulties and about faith in miracles. The book looks a little on the soapy opera, in her best traditions)) who read, he will understand what I mean)) I think that younger readers will go to a bang!

Charles Dickens "greater hopes"

In the novel "High Hope" - one of the latest works of Dickens, the pearl of his creativity - the history of life and the wreck of the hopes of the young Philip Pyrrip, which is nimbled in childhood by Pip. Pipa's dreams of a career, love and well-being in the "Gentlmen world" are broken into one moment, barely learns the terrible secret of his unknown patron, whom the police persecutes. Money painted by blood and marked with the seal of crime, as PIP is convinced, can not bring happiness. But what can in this case? And where are the hero of his dreams and great hopes?

While reading this book, my goosebumps ran! The story of greater hopes, and no less larger ... Reads easy, it is even to some extent, a detective, so the book will not let you go, I promise :)

And again, thanks to Dickens for his kindness ... I know, initially the author planned another end ...

Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"

"Life of David Copperfield" is truly the most popular Roman Dickens. The novel, translated into all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world, was shielded by dozens of times - and still fascinating the reader with his simplicity and perfection.
This is the story of a young man, ready to overcome any obstacles, to undergo any deprivation and for the sake of love to commit the most desperate and bold actions. The story of infinitely charming David, grotesque of insignificant uriya and cute adorable dora. The story, which embodies the charm of "Old Good England", the nostalgia on which people living in different countries on different continents are experiencing a striking way.

Here is Dickens if the villain, then such as the kilometer is visible! And if positive, then right angel with wings :) Perhaps this book is my favorite from the works presented here. The book describes the life of David from birth to old age, all rich in events, adventures and experiences.

I liked the part of the hero more than about his adult life. But in general, the book is very worthy, I recommend to reading, however, like any other of this author. Dickens is a stunning manner of writing books, it's such a wonderful, living syllable, in his books a lot of humor, in some moments I really laughed, which is not waiting for in general from the books of classics (well, or I'm not waiting ..))

Charles John Haffhem Dickens - English Writer, Romanist, Essays
February 7 marks 205 years since the birthday of the writer.

Charles Dickens
"A person cannot truly improve, if it does not help to improve others."

Charles Dickens was born in 1812 in Landport. His parents were John and Elizabeth Dickens. Charles was the second child of eight children in the family. His father worked at the Navy Base of the Royal Fleet, but was not worry, but an official.

Little dickens inherited a rich imagination from his father, the ease of the word, apparently, attaching some life serious seriousness to this, on the shoulders of which all everyday cares for preserving the welfare of the family fell.

The rich abilities of the boy admired their parents, and the artistically tuned father literally intimidated her son, forcing him to play different scenes, to tell his impressions, improvise, read poems, etc. Dickens turned into a small actor, filled self-ability and vanity.

However, Dickens family was suddenly ruined the duck. Father was thrown for many years in a debt prison, the mother had to fight poverty. Winged, fragile health, full of fantasy, loved the boy got into the difficult conditions of operation at the Vaksa factory.

Dickens followed by a weekly life of Dickens, this is the ruin of the family and this Waksu is the greatest insult for himself, undeserved and humiliating blow. He did not like to tell about it, he even hid these facts, but here, from the bottom of the need, Dickens learned his hot love for offended, to those in need, his understanding of their suffering, understanding the cruelty, which they meet from above, deep knowledge of the life of poverty and such terrifying social institutions, as the then schools for poor children and shelters, as the exploitation of child labor in factories, as debt prisons, where he visited his father, etc.

Dickens made out of his adolescence and the great, gloomy hatred of the ricers, to the dominant classes. Encouraged ambition owned by young dickens. The dream is about climbing back into the ranks of people who enjoyed well-being, the dream is to grow up their original social place, conquer the wealth, pleasure, freedom - that's what worried this teenager with a padded brown hair over a deathly pale face, with huge , burning healthy fire, eyes.

After the release of his father from prison, Charles remained in his service at the insistence of his mother. In addition, he began to visit the Wellington Academy, which he graduated in 1827. In May of the same year, Charles Dickens got a junior clerk in the law office, and after a year and a half, having mastered the stenograph, he began working as a free reporter. In 1830 he was invited to "Moning Chronikal".

The audience immediately accepted a novice reporter. His notes attracted the attention of many. In 1836, the first literary experiments of the writer were printed - the moral phrase "essays of the BOZA". Basically, he wrote about the petty bourgeoisie, its interests and state of affairs, painted literary portraits of Londoners and psychological sketches. It must be said that Charles Dickens, the brief biography of which does not allow to cover all the details of his life, and their novels began to print in the newspapers with separate chapters.

"Pickwick Club postmont notes." Roman began to be released in 1836. Roman made an incredible Furior. The names of the heroes immediately began to call dogs, give the nicknames, wearing such hats and umbrellas, like Piquia.

Charles Dickens, whose biography is known to every resident of Misty Albion, forced all England to laugh. But it served him to resolve more serious tasks. The next work was the novel "Life and Adventures of Oliver Twist". It is difficult now to imagine a person who does not know the story of Oliver's orphans from London slums. Charles Dickens depicted a wide social picture in his novel, affecting the problem of labor houses and showing the life of rich bourgeois in opposition.

Slava Dickens grew rapidly. His ally saw in him and Liberals, as he defended freedom, and conservatives, since he pointed to the cruelty of new public relations.
In 1843 it comes out "Christmas Song", which became one of the most popular and reading stories about this magical festival.

In 1848, the novel "Dombei and the Son" is published, called the best in the work of the writer. The next work becomes "David Copperfield". To some extent the romance is autobiographical. Dickens introduces the spirit of protest against capitalist England, the old rules of morality.
The novel "Our common friend" attracts with its multiplicity, in it the writer rests from social topics. And it is here that his letter manner changes. It continues to transform into the following works of the author, unfortunately not finished.

In the 1850s. Dickens reached the zenith of his fame. He was a baulm of fate - a glorified writer, the ruler of the Duma and the rich, - in a word, a person, for whom fate did not praise for gifts.

But the needs of Dickens were wider than its income. Disorderly, pure bohemian nature did not allow him to make any order to their affairs. He not only tormented his rich and fruitful brain, forcing him to work excessively creatively, but being an unusually brilliant Reader, he tried to earn huge fees with lectures and reading passages from his novels. The impression of this pure acting reading was always colossal. Apparently, Dickens was one of the greatest reading virtuosos. But at his trips, he fell into the hands of some entrepreneurs and earning a lot, at the same time brought himself to exhaustion.

His family life was hard. Begging with your wife, some complicated and dark relationships with all her family, fear for painful children did for Dickens from his family more source of constant worries and torment.

On June 9, 1870, a five-way dickens, not old years, but exhausted with tremendous labor, a rather random life and a lot of trouble, dies in Heydeshille from stroke.

Do you know that

∙ Charles Dickens always slept head north. Also, when I wrote my works, I sat face this way.

∙ One of the favorite entertainment of Charles Dickens was hiking to the Paris Morgor, where he could spend whole days a disappearance captured by the view of unidentified remains.

∙ From the very beginning of the relationship, Charles Dickens stated Catherine Hogart, his future wife, that her main purpose is to give birth to children and do what he will say to her. Over the years of their collaboration, she gave birth to ten children, and all this time constantly performed any indication of her husband. However, over the years, he began her simply despise.

∙ Dickens was a very superstitious person: he touched everything three times - for good luck, he considered Friday with his happy day, and on the day of the release of the last part of the next Roman was certainly leaving London.

∙ Dickens assured he sees and hears the characters of his works. They, in turn, are constantly confused under their feet, they do not want the writer to do anything except them.

∙ Charles very often fell into the trance, which more than once noticed his comrades. He was constantly pursued by a dejum.

Internet resources:

Dickens Charles. All the books of one author [Electronic resource] / Ch. Dickens / / electronic library. - Access mode:

Dickens Charles. All the books of the author [Electronic resource] / C. Dickens / / Read books online: electronic library. - Access mode:\u003d%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%20%D0%94 % D0% B8% D0% BA% D0% BA% D0% B5% D0% BD% D1% 81

Charles Dickens. Collected Works [Electronic resource] / Ch. Dickens // LIB.RU: Maxim Moshkova Library. - Access mode:

Charles Dickens: Biography [Electronic resource] // - Access mode:

Charles Dickens. Articles. Speech. Letters [Electronic resource] // Librarian. RU.: Electronic Library of Neh Council Literature. - Access mode:

Aphorisms and quotes:

Our world is the world of disappointments, and often disappointments in those hopes that we most about the cellets, and in the hopes that make the great honor of our nature.

Tears cleaned the lungs, wash the face, strengthen their eyesight and calm the nerves - so cry is pretty!

There are such books that have the best - root and cover.

Women can explain everything in a nutshell, unless they start boiled.

I decided that if my world could not be yours, I will make your world my own.

No repentance more cruel than repentance is useless.

In this world, benefits everyone who facilitates the burden of another person.

Not always high what occupies a high position. And it is not always low that it takes the position is low.

Pook printing is the greatest discovery in the world of art, culture and all technical inventions.

Why do we have life given? So that we defend it bravely to the last breath.

The perseverance will reach the vertex of any hill.

What happens bravely truth?

The key to your prosperity is hardworking.

Helping to learn and develop to others, we will enhance themselves.

Children feel sharper and thinner feel injustice than adults.

The dead man is not so terrible as a living, but deprived of the mind man.

Lying is always a lie, you will express her or hide it.

Tears - rain, flushing earth dust, which covers our casual hearts.

Any excellent goal can be achieved by honest means. And if it is impossible, this goal is bad.

Publicistic activity was not an episode in the writer's biography. The complete collection of speeches and articles of dickens, constituting two solid volumes, suggests that the writer often acted on public issues. It was organically combined with the literary creativity of Dickens, which from the beginning and to the end was imbued with the pathos of the struggle against various forms of social injustice. As you know, journalistic motifs are very significant in Dickens novels. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that he often postponed the pen of the Romanist to write an article or to speak with a speech. Civilian feeling, public temperament was organically inherent in dickens. All his journalism is imbued with a living interest in what was the subject of the greatest value for modern society.
From the very beginning of the literary activities, Dickens proclaimed his task to serving the interests of society, primarily a simple people. Speaking at the banquet on June 25, 1841, Dickens spoke about the motivating motives moving his work: "I owned a serious and humble desire - and it would never leave me - to do so that there is more harmless fun and cheerful in the world. I felt that the world is worthy of not only contempt; that it is worth living, and for many reasons. I sought to find a professor who was expressed, the grain of good, which the Creator marked even in the most evil souls. It seemed to show that virtue could be found in the most deaf butt - What is wrong, as if she is incompatible with poverty, even with rags ... "
This personitative attitude is peculiar to both novels and dickens journalism. And the novels and journalism of Dickens pursued one goal: to initiate hatred to all manifestations of public injustice and teach people to good.
Dickens was aware that such a large moral and educational and educational tasks were not on the shoulder of one person. Therefore, for almost all years of literary work, he collected the writers around him who could support his desire to create literature affecting the consciousness of the people. Hence the constant desire of Dickens to have a press organ, which would have applied to the widest layers of society.
At first, Dickens collaborated in the Ecaseminer's weekly. It was one of the most progressive bodies of the first half of the XIX century. The founders were brothers John and Lee Hunt. Lee Hunt headed the struggle of radicals against a political reaction during the "Sacred Union" period. In 1821, the editor of the magazine became Albany Formon, and then John Forster, a friend of all the life of Dickens and his first biographer. In Exeminer, this organ of radical bourgeois democracy, Dickens collaborated in 1838-1849. Articles of those years are reproduced in this volume.
Dickens wanted to make a newspaper or magazine himself, to determine the ideological and artistic line of a large mass body. In 1845, the writer plots publish a weekly literary and political journal, for which he comes up with the name "Cricket". The intention is left unfulfilled, but the plan did not pass fruitlessly for Dickens. The idea of \u200b\u200b"Cricket" gave rise to the design of the Christmas story "Criccock behind the hearth".
Dreams of weekly moved to the background when Dickens received an offer to become the editor of the Daily News newspaper (Daily News). Although the faithful friend Forster dissuade him, Dickens with the fervor is taken for the preparatory work. January 21, 1846-. G. comes the first issue of the newspaper. Her political position was a radical reformist. The newspaper ratified for the abolition of suspended social institutions and laws, in particular, the abolition of bread duties, which laid a heavy burden on the people. But at the same time, she supported the principle of trade freedom for the bourgeoisie. F. Engels wrote that "Dale News" is the "London Organ of Industrial Bourgeoisie" (K. Marx and F. Engels, Op., Ed. 1st, t. VIII, p. 439.). The newspaper expressed the position of the liberal part of the bourgeois class.
We, I am getting acquainted with these facts, seems to be somewhat inconsistent on the part of Dickens participation in the body of such a direction, for the writer's novels were essentially anti-burglais. Comparing this with the fact that Dickens before 1846 wrote about the bourgeoisie in his novels "Nicholas Nikalby", "Parish of antiquities", "Martin Cezlvit", it is impossible not to feel that Dickens, holding to be the editor of Daily News, turned out to be involved in Cases of political cuisine, always advised to him. The work in the editorial office began to take him and, pretty translaimed because of his new position because of the difficulties of his new position, Dickens took a vacation, actually brightening. He went to Switzerland. The management of the newspaper accepted John Forster; Dickens was limited to the tips for a while, and then he left the "Dale News" at all.
Episode with Daily News is characteristic of Dickens. Although he always occupied large public problems, he was alienated by the intricual struggle. Speaking on February 7, 1842 on a banquet in the United States, Dickens was open recognized: "My moral ideals - very broad and comprehensive, not stacked in the framework of any sect or party ..." The writer wanted to be a judge of life from the point of view of the highest ideals humanity. At the same time, his sympathies were on the side of the oppressed and disadvantaged. In the same speech, Dickens expressed his credo: "I believe that our life, our sympathies, hopes and forces are given to us in order to give many of them, and not a bunch of chosen. What is our duty - to illuminate a bright beam of contempt and hatred So that everyone can see them, any meanness, false, cruelty and oppression, whatever they expressed. And most importantly - that it is not always high, that it takes a high position, and not always low what occupies a low position. "
Dickens is a convinced supporter of the nationality of art and literature. That is why he could not take the aesthetically sophisticated art of Prerafaelites (see the article "Old lamps instead of the new"), while the moral art of the artist Krokshenka was close to him and its realism, and a democratic ideological orientation ("Children of Drunkhanka). The scene of the writer in public life Dickens very clearly determined in speech on a banquet in honor of the literature and art in Birmingham on January 6, 1853. Debid himself to a literary profession, I said Dickens, "firmly convinced that literature, in turn, is obliged to be faithful people , it is obliged to passionately and regrehold for his progress, prosperity and happiness. "
This applies equally to artistic creativity and to the journalism of Dickens. In his articles and speeches, he steadily followed these principles. If from our point of view the writer's program and may seem somewhat common and vague, then in the practice of Dickens, the position engaged in them always led to the struggle against completely specific forms of social evil.
It is enough to read his essay "Night Scene in London" to make sure there is no any "abstractness" of the humanism of Dickens. It shows here terrible abyss poverty, the bottom of the London bottom, poverty, worse than which does not happen. His description is imbued with anger against public orders who allow such a terrible humiliation of a person.
Dickens was humanifying, but did not consider that evil should remain unpunished. The reader will find in this book a series of articles dedicated to the successful case of Droue, whose school has many times superior to Skvirsa's institution described in the novel "Nicholas Niklby". The writer outraged a class court that admits the impunity to those who are making it on the suffering of defenseless (see Articles "Paradise in Titying", "Farm in Titying", "Verdict in the case of Drue").
At the same time, recognizing the need for harsh measures against criminals, Dickens decisively opposes the barbaric custom who retained then, as well as against the death penalty in general ("On the death penalty", "public executions"). Dickens's voice in these articles sounds in unison with speeches of the great French writer-Humanist Viktor Hugo ("Claude Ge", "the last day of sentenced to death").
Dickens touched this consequence of folk poverty as prostitution. However, his "call to the fallen women" sounds naive, for the solution of the problem was not at the desire or unwillingness to become a path of morality, but that capitalist orders were ordered women to trade their body.
Dickens hotly supported all the undertakings that could contribute to the enlightenment of the people and relieve his hard situation. Evidence of this is his speeches on the evening school for workers, at the opening of the Public Library, to defend the hospital for children of the poor. He supports professional organizations that have been the goal of protecting the interests of people of creative professions - the Society of Musicians, the Theater Foundation, the newspaper fund. Dickens for the establishment of an international copyright (see Dickens speech on a banquet in Hartford (USA) on February 7, 1842) was particularly greater struggle. Finally, the touching tribute to adequately brought as a writer to employees of printing houses and correctors (speeches in the society society and in the Association of Proofreaders).
The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating his own literary and public journal did not leave Dickens and after he was disappointed in newspaper work. Such a weekly magazine began to publish in 1850 under the name "home reading" (Household Words). In "Appeal to readers", Dickens formulated the goals and principles of their journal activity. Direct responses to the political injury of the day the magazine should not be given. Its basic function was informative and publicly educational. But at the same time, Dickens, as always, resolutely burdened out of utilitarian aspirations: "Neither the utilitarian spirit nor the oppression of gross facts will not be admitted to the pages of our" home reading, "the Dickens publisher stated. And the Dickens writer declared such a magazine program that It is worth quoting, for it is important not only for understanding the direction of the magazine, but also for the whole aesthetics of Dickens creativity. The value of this declaration is that it is how it is impossible to characterize the most important features of the Dickens art method, whose realism was free from naturalistic trends and Romantics.
"In the chest of people of young and old, rich and poor, we will carefully cherish the light of fantasy, which will definitely be warm in any human breast, although in some, if it is nourished, it flared up in a bright flame of inspiration, and others only flickers, but others never fade away - or grief of that day! show all that in the most familiar things even endowed with repulsive shell always lies a romantic something that only needs to be found; Open the diligent servants of the spinning wheel of the work that they are not doomed to languish under the ig dry and immutable facts that comfortable consolation and spell of imagination are available; collect and higher and lower on this extensive field and awaken in them the mutual desire to know each other better, benevolent readiness to understand each other - that's what "home reading" is supplied, - He wrote Dickens. To these words we will add: That's what he wrote and his works.
To participate in the journal Dickens attracted writers who took this program. Among them, Elizabeth Gaskell were the most famous, Charles Lever, Bullver-Litton and the young Willow Collins, which became one of the nearest friends and Dickens officers. The journal has gained a significant number of readers in the folk medium. Since the summer of 1859, "home reading" was renamed "all year round" (All the Year Round). Old staff were preserved, the program remained the same: "The merger of the gifts of imagination with genuine traits of life, which is necessary for the prosperity of any society" (Announcement in "home reading" about the alleged edition of the "round year"). In the publication of the "round year" Dickens participated up to death.
The desire to make literature to the spiritual unity of the people passes through all the activities of Dickens - writer and publisher. This position put it in a completely special position in the era of sharp class antagonisms, characteristic of that part of the XIX century, when he lived and worked. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe class world, approved by Dickens, was an attempt to a humanist writer find such a solution to social contradictions, which would help avoid unnecessary cruelty and bloodshed. The writer applied to the workers with the call not to resort to extreme means of struggle. So, in particular, he wrote one article in which he condemned the strike of railway workers. The article was published in the "home reading" journal on January 11, 1851 (not included in this publication). Considering the behavior of the battery workers reckless, Dickens, however, did not want to define the working class or take advantage of a strike for a slander to the labor people, as reactors did. Dickens states that "despite the happening of what happened, the English workers have always been known as people who love their fatherland and quite trustworthy." He protests against the requirements of a fierce bourgeois that insisted on the publication of laws on repression against workers. "How can I, - wrote Dickens, - How can I argue calmly and soberly, treat an English masterful, how to a creature, working from under the stick, or at least suspect him that he needs such? He is a noble soul and a good heart. It belongs to the Great Nation, and throughout the Earth is a good fame about him. And if it should be generously forgiving the mistakes of any human being, we must forgive him. "
This episode is indicative for Dickens-Humanist. His idea of \u200b\u200bthe class world was undoubtedly illusory. But the position of Dickens cannot be identified with the position of bourgeois liberals and opportunists, the writer was moving sincere love for labor people and naively believed that his preaching of reconciliation of the hostile public forces could actually be implemented. It is impossible to the position of Dickens to like the views of the defenders of the bourgeoisie also because both in his artistic works and in journalism he acted with the merciless criticism of the ruling classes. A significant part of his articles is devoted to the crushing of the vices of those who kept political power in their hands in the country. The articles of Dickens against the ruling Tip of England belong to the wonderful samples of combat political journalism. They are distinguished not only courage, but also a brilliant literary form.
With how glittering it is raising the system of education of the Sons of the Aristocrats and Capitalists in the parody "report of the Commission, examined the situation and living conditions of persons engaged in various types of mental labor in the University of Oxfod." The writer exposes the classic nature of caste education of those who subsequently awarded the political power, and the spiritual leadership of the people. He proposes to rename the university degrees given by the university, and call the graduate leaders of the nation "backelars of idiocy", "matters of fability" and "doctors of church bakingbirds".
The dominant class is always surrounding his power with halo of holiness and infallibility. For this purpose, all kinds of solemn rituals are created, designed to initiate reverence before power by the people. Democrat Dickens The comedy of all sorts of ceremonies was deeply pretty, who were developed by generations of rulers. The writer shakes the primary rituals created by the ruling click seeking similar means to put themselves over the people. The article "Reflections of the Lord Mayor" exposes the emptiness and hypocrisy of the blessing ceremonies adopted by the ruling classes.
In the article "Ostrovisms", Dickens not without bitterness states that all kinds of features that are considered by national signs of the British are unnatural, not in Lada with common sense. Most of the writer saddles the fact that some part of the nation believed in such "isoshoes" and reptiles before you know, considering low-planness before the authorities and wealth of the national feature.
In the article of a pamphlet "Why?" Dickens collapses for the worship before the military ("Why we are worn with shouts of the delight around an officer who did not escape from the battlefield - exactly all the rest of our officers escaped?"), For the nullity of bourgeois politicians ("Why should I be ready to spill tears of delight and Joy because the fodder had a buffy and buddies? "), for the notorious English judicial system (" I wonder why I am so happy when I see how scientists judges make every effort to not give the defendant to express the truth? ") .
Dickens perturbs deeply when the patriotic meaning is attributed to what the people there is no case when national dignity is associated with all kinds of prejudices and unfair orders. He was an opponent of fruitless and ruin for the country of the Crimean War, in which "Britain so delightfully exercises his dominion over the seas that thousands of children of their children who never, never, will never be slaves, but very, very often Stay in fools "(" PSAM to Eat ").
The permanent object of the dickens satire both in novels and in journalism is bureaucracy, the delicious state vehicles, this is an expensive burden for the people. Unforgettable Pages about the Ministry of Volokati in the novel "Krozy Dorrit" were prepared a kind of sketches found among Dickens articles. One of these articles is "red braid". "Red Tips" adopted in English allegory to designate bureaucracy. Dickens condemned the government bureaucracy not only for the tune. He rightly seen the main interference in it by reforms and changes, impendingly necessary for the people: "Neither of iron, nor from steel, nor from diamond do not make such a solid braking chain, which red braid creates." This red braid is not without harmless. Dless it is necessary to do anything useful for the people, it shows unusual acne, as soon as it appears to cause damage to him.
An addition to this article is another - "penny patriotism", written in the form of a clerk's story about his career and the activities of the Department in which he serves. Dickens emphasizes here that all the misfortunes of the bureaucracy proceed not from small clerks, but from high-ranking chinus. The article is an unequivocal conclusion: "It is impossible to wait for the good from which high-prociped transformations, all the principle of which is addressed only on the younger clerks. Such transformations are generated by the strrest and most hypocritical patriotism in the world. Our state system is put upside down, rooted to the sky. Start with them , And then the small twigs will soon come in order. "
Against the roots, that is, against those who fill this bureaucratic state machine, Dickens acted in their articles more than once. Among his anti-government pamphlets are particularly interesting "Somnambulist Mr. Bul" and "Project of the Allbrita Collection of Anecdot". In the first of these articles to characterize the government (Cabinet of Ministers), Dickens resorted to the next metaphor: "Mr. Bul (John Bul - England. - A. L.) There is a" office ", intricate and finely manufactured according to the current samples ... It should be forgotten that it is assembled from the most diverse in its origin and quality of pieces; however, however, they admit that they are poorly driven to each other and "Cabinet" Mr. Bul is ready for any minute to fall apart. " The collection of jokes offered by Dickens is a satirical miniature, or rather, a few miniatures, weaken the entire dominant system and the ruling class.
It is known that Dickens was an opponent of the revolutionary overthrow of the public and state system that existed in his time. But he did not want her to preserve the eternal. Discount with revolutionary methods, Dickens, undoubtedly, wanted large and serious transformations. At the same time, he always emphasized that reforms should be started from above - with changes in the ruling system and the change of rulers, the principle of selection of these latter. He openly expressed these glances in the articles and especially pronounced them in speech pronounced in the Association for the Reform of the Country Management reform (June 27, 1855). He resorted here to the likelihood of the government a troupe, playing a performance under the guidance of the Prime Minister. It was a response to Dickens Prime Minister Lord Palmerston, who called the Assembly of the Association in the Drury Lane Theater "Amateur Spectacle". "The official performance, before the leadership led the noble lord, so unbearably bad, the mechanism of it is so bulk, the roles are distributed so unsuccessful, there are so many" persons without speeches "in the troupe, the directors have such large families and so strong the tendency to put forward these families for the first roles - Not because of their special abilities, but because these are their families - that we were simply forced to organize the opposition. "Comedy errors" in their production so smirked on the tragedy that there was no strength to look. Therefore, we took the courage to put School reforms "..."
Dickens rejects the charges that supporters of reform want to raise one class on the other, and repeats their concept of the class world here, but at the same time he warns: if the ruling top does not understand the need for indigenous change, she spins trouble itself. "I think, I will not be mistaken if in conclusion I will say that the stubborn desire by all means to keep the old trash, which has long been leaning, at the very essence, is more or less harmful and destructive: that sooner or later, such a trash can cause Fire; what, being thrown into a landfill, he would be harmless, if it was stubbornly to cling to him, then not to avoid disasters. " This thought persistently explained by Dickens. It was the embryo plan of the novel about the French Revolution - "A Tale of Two Cities", where Dickens on the example of France warned the ruling classes of England that he was neglecting the needs of the people and shameless operation could lead to an explosion similar to what happened in 1789 (We note by the way that in the article "On the judicial speeches" there are interesting thoughts about the reasons for the French revolution, echoing with what is said in a quoted speech.)
We conclude the consideration of the political views of Dickens reference to speech, spoken in Birmingham on September 27, 1869. Skeptic notes appear at the Dickens reformist. It feels that he no longer has illusions about the possibility of achieving serious change from the ruling top. He expressed his thought quote from the "History of Civilization in England" Side. Hope for reforms - no more than chimeras. A reasonable person should know, "that almost always legislators do not help society, but they delay his progress, and that in those extremely rare cases when their measures lead to good, this is explained by the fact that they, against the usual, listened to the spirit of time and It turned out to be just servants of the people, which would always be to be, for their debt - only to provide public support to the desires of the people and climb them into the form of laws. " Stoping his full solidarity with these words by book, Dickens in the same speech is even clearer and easier expressed the same thought. His "Political Credo," he said, "consists of two articles and does not apply to any individuals or parties. My faith in people who rule, in general, insignificant; my faith in the people who rule, in general, is infinite ".
Dickens journalism consists not from some declarations. Dickens applied all his literary skills to express the views that I wanted to bring to the people. Although we call his journalistic works by articles, they are not homogeneous by the genre. Only a very small amount of them are written in a direct declarative form. Most articles belong to the varieties of that genre, which the British is called "Esse". It is almost always articles written in a humorous or satirical manner. Letters of imaginary persons, parables, satirical allegories, novels, fantasies are such some of the forms used by Dickens in his articles. I would like to draw the attention of readers to some not mentioned articles of Dickens, interesting not only by their content, but also forms. This is "the thoughts of the crow from the" happy family "," friend of Lviv "," Pigs entirely "," Be kind, leave an umbrella! ". Flame in journalism Proverbs is replaced by articles built on the repetition of initial words:" Suppose ... ", "Few who know", "Why?" Satyrian allegory is also a frequent reception in Dickens journalism. In addition to the above items of this type, it is impossible not to pay attention to the "Essays" "Chustry Turtles", which is a small satirical masterpiece directed against conservative bourgeois. .
Publicistic works of Dickens, printed in the present volume, expand and enrich our understanding of the humanistic nature of the worldview and creativity of Dickens.
A. Anikst