Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety

 Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety
Saratov Military Institute of Biological and Chemical Safety

Located in the Great Regional Center for the Volga region. This institute began its history since 1932, then he was 4 school border guard. The school was reorganized in the School in 1937, and the Higher School became since 1973. In 1997, the Higher School received the status Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Over the entire period of existence, more than 36,000 officers released from this educational institution.

Terms of training in the Saratov Military Institute

At the institute educational process It consists of legal, humanitarian and military disciplines, which are carried out in various ways and forms. In the course of study, cadets are studied on 14 departments 55 disciplines:

  • general military psychology and pedagogy;
  • special and general-friendly tactics of units and parts of explosives;
  • higher mathematics;
  • foreign languages;
  • other disciplines (administrative, constitutional, civil, criminal law).

Also, cadets are taught to own in perfection by many types of small arms, self-defense and hand-to-hand combat techniques are being studied, work with equipment (information and computing), etc.

The Saratov Institute has: a tankodrom, electronic computing base, shooting, audiences, modern simulators, educational fields and other material base for successful learning program.

Military Institute has its own clinic with equipped with lazaret, club (accommodating 1000 people), cadet dining room, shopping and consumer center (buffet, hairdresser, branch of communication), sewing workshop. Since each officer must have excellent physical training, there is a sports complex on the territory of the Institute, in which there are halls for hand-to-hand combat and struggle, as well as mini-football halls, basketball, volleyball, gYM's, Gymnastic towns.

In this institute, world champions learn (valid), champions of the Russian Federation for hand-to-hand combat and sambo. The term of learning here is 5 years.

Conditions for admission to the Military Institute

Applicants upon admission to this institute may be citizens Russian Federation With an average professional or full formation, as well as men who have been checking in the FSB organs or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the age of 16-22 years old are accepted young people who have not yet passed services in the army. Applicants have already passed the service and servicemen on call, which they served at least half a year should be no older than 24 years.

The selection process of candidates consists of:

  • definitions of the category of suitability (professional), on the basis of psychophysical / psychological research, as well as socio-psychological study;
  • definitions of health;
  • estimates of the physical preparation of the applicant;
  • estimates of general education training.

Concerning entrance exams, then they are held in the following disciplines:

  • russian history;
  • social science;
  • russian language / literature.

Outside the competition to the Institute, candidates are credited, which passed a professional selection, from among:

  • children who remained without parents (up to 23 years);
  • orphans;
  • citizens under the age of 20, which have only the 1st parent, who is a disabled group of 1 (but provided that the income per person is lower for the cost of living);
  • participants of hostilities;
  • citizens who were dismissed from the service (military) coming on the recommendation of the commander of the part;
  • citizens who have undergone radiation on the Chernoby.

I also draw your attention to the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Now the Institute is included in the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

410023, Sratov, ul. Moskovskaya, 158


Phones: (845-2) 50-44-61, (845-2) 50-45-20, 50-44-09 Fax: (845-2) 50-45-09

Saratov Military Institute prepares officers for service in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the specialty: "Combat and daily activities of motorized rifle troops. Jurisprudence"..

Graduates of the Military Institute assigned to the primary officer "lieutenant".

Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is located in a large regional center of the Volga region. Saratov is an old city and at the same time young, ever-growing and developing. This is one of the student cities of Russia. In the 12 highest (of which 2 military) and 54 secondary special educational institutions study more than 100 thousand young men and girls.

Saratov - big cultural Center. The city employs 4 theater, regional philharmonic, dozens of cultural houses, museums.

The Saratov Military Institute is one of the oldest military-educational institutions of the internal troops, it prepares officers for service in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The Institute began its history on May 19, 1932 from the 4th school of border guard and troops of OGPU. The first issue of commanders who graduated from the main infantry department of the school was held in 1934. Order of the NKVD of the USSR dated April 9, 1941 No. 0179 and order of the RSFSR of February 18, 1963 No. 0143 was determined by the day of part - May 2. In 1937, the school was reorganized in the school, since 1973 the School became higher, in 1997 - was transformed into a military institute. For the period of existence, over 36 thousand officers were prepared.

The glorious pages in the chronicle of the military glory of the Military Institute entered his pupils, courageously fought in battles with japanese samurai Lake Hasan and the Khalkhin-goal river, in the war with Belofinnami. IN harsh years Great Patriotic War Pupils of the Institute proudly carried the honor and fame through all the fronts, showing courage and heroism in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our homeland.

The first strikes of the German fascist invaders accepted the Soviet border guards-graduates at the time of the Saratov Military School of NKVD.

The 13th border search of the 90th Vladimir-Volyn border detachment Lieutenant A.V. Lopatina in the first minutes of war entered the battle and fought surrounded by 11 days. Many of her warriors died in an unequal battle, but did not bow the heads before the enemy.

"They fought in hand-to-hand, and only through the dead of their bodies could the enemy moved to the span forward" - so assessed the actions of the heroes of these unequal, fierce and bloody battles of the Pravda newspaper on June 24, 1941.

Already on August 26, 1941, for the successful implementation of combat missions at the front, 55 graduates were awarded with orders and medals.

Graduates thickened the Hitler's invaders in battles near Moscow and Stalingrad, stood to death in the foothills of the Caucasus and on Kursk Dug.. Participated in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, ensured the holding of XXII Olympic Games. In 1995-1996, the consolidated regiment of the Military Institute represented internal troops at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

Since its inception and to this day, the Saratov Military Institute has passed the path of formation and development, has repeatedly changed its names, organizational structure, quantitative compositionbut unchanged remained high quality Preparation of qualified officer personnel for internal troops. Over 100 pupils are awarded military ranks from Major General to Colonel-General. More than 30 thousand graduates were awarded orders and medals. Motherland highly appreciated the courage and heroism of the Pets of the Institute.

Help by phone: (845-2) 67-41-15, (41-15, with PPC Institute)

How to get:we tram №3, trolley buses No. 5.10, buses No. 6,11,18.53 before the "Arrow" stop

Historical reference

FGOU VPO "Saratov Military Institute of Biological and chemical security"The RF RF was established in 1932 and is one of the oldest military-educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Today is the Higher educational institution with multidisciplinary learning, great scientific potential and modern educational and material base.

The quality of the preparation of cadets is evidenced by their annual participation in the competition of student work. The work of the Cadets of the Institute only over the past 5 years has been marked by 9 medals and 59 diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "For the Best Scientific Student Work".

The cadets of the Institute successfully participate in competitions and the All-Armenian Olympiads.

Per last years, Institute team, at the Olympics among universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, have repeatedly occupied the first places: in mathematics (three times) - 2004, 2006, 2008; by military history (twice) - 2006 and 2007; On computer science - 2001

reference Information

The Institute is preparing:

1. Officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with higher professional education in the specialties: "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances"; "Environmental protection and rational use natural resources" Lifetime - 5 years.

At the end of study, graduates are assigned military rank Lieutenant and the qualification of the engineer (ECOLOT engineer) with the issuance of a state-owned diploma.

2. Specialists with secondary vocational education for parts and facilities of the Federal Office for the safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons in the specialty: "Chemical technology of organic substances". The term of study is 3 years.

At the end of the Institute, graduates are assigned to the military rank of the "ensign" and the qualifications of the technique with the issuance of a diploma of the state sample.

3. Certified specialists with higher professional education (for a fee) in the specialties: "Chemical technology of organic substances"; "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources." Lifetime - 5 years.

At the end of study, graduates are awarded the qualifications of an engineer (engineer-ecologist) with the issuance of a diploma of the state sample.

Reception conditions:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, who have a state-of-second training document on the average (full) general, secondary vocational education, taking into account psychological data and physical training in the military institute and successfully surrendered examinations on general education subjects are accepted.

Citizens aged 16 to 22 years who did not pass military service; Citizens who have passed military service, military service, passing military service and servicemen who are held by the military service under the contract before reaching the age of 24.

The age of applicants is determined at the time of arrival in the military school.

The servicemen who want to enter the institute are filed by a team on April 1, and civilian youth is a statement by Railienkom at the place of residence until April 20 years of receipt. If there is no discharge in Saratov WBBC in your military registration and enlistment office, you need to turn in writing to the head of the institute.

Persons who submitted applications directly addressed to the head of the institute, with a positive response, the documents necessary for the receipt of documents through military commissariators at the place of residence.

To the application (report) attached: autobiography; Characteristic from the service, work (studies); A copy of the secondary education document (secondary school students pose a certificate of current academic performance, persons who graduated from the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions of the highest vocational education, represent an academic certificate); Three photos (without a headdress, 4.5x6 cm).

Documents submitted by the candidate for the admission committee of the military school upon arrival: passport, military ID or certificate of a citizen to be called for military service; An authentic report on secondary education.

According to the program of higher professional education: determination of the category of professional fitness; Assessment of general education preparedness on subjects: Mathematics (writing), chemistry (writing), Russian language (in writing - presentation);

Evaluation of the level of physical fitness.

According to the program of secondary vocational education:determination of the category of professional fitness; Assessment of general education preparedness: Mathematics (writing), Russian language (writing - presentation); Evaluation of the level of physical fitness.

Exams are held in the scope of programs. high School.

The Institute has paid paid training courses and school specialized military-professional focus classes.

The challenge of candidates to the institute for the commissioning of entrance exams is carried out through military commissariants at the place of residence or commander of military units (institutions). The passage of candidates for call from the place of residence to the military school, and in case of non-noticeable and back - free (according to military transportation documents issued by military commissariats), due to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection are recorded in the competitive lists and on the results of the competition are credited to the institute.

Outside the competition based on the results of professional selection when receiving positive assessments on entrance exams in the university) are credited: orphans and children who are left without parental care; Citizens under the age of 20, having only one parent - a disabled group of 1; If the secondary income of the family is below magnitude subsistence minimum; citizens dismissed from military service and entering universities on the recommendations of commander of military units; Participants of hostilities; Citizens exposed to radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP.

Advantageous right when enrolling in universities, candidates are enjoyed by cadets, which showed equal results during the introductory tests, from among: citizens who were influenced by radiation at the Chernobyl NPP; citizens dismissed from military service; citizens who are in the prescribed manner are awarded the sports discharge of a candidate master of sports, the first sports discharge or sports title on the military-applied sport; Citizens who were trained in military-patriotic youth and children's associations; Children of military personnel (under contract) having a total duration of military service 20 years and more: children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching their limit age on military service, health status or in connection with orcounted events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years and more; Children of military personnel who died in the performance of their military service responsibilities or died due to injury (injuries, injuries, contusion) or diseases obtained by them in the performance of military service responsibilities;

Candidates from among: military personnel who held military service in the territories related to the zone of armed conflict are exempt from checking knowledge on general education subjects. graduates of Suvorov schools awarded a medal (gold or silver) "for special successes in the teaching" - upon admission to all universities; persons who graduated with a medal (gold or silver) "for special successes in the teaching", as well as persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education, with positive results of the interview; Other citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exempt from checking knowledge on general educational subjects upon admission to universities.

The interview is carried out in the form of an oral survey. The candidate is considered to be an interview, if in all directions he gave clear, confident and correct answers to the questions raised.

At the time of passing entrance examinations to the Institute, candidates are provided by free hostel (barracks), nutrition, teaching benefits, literature.

Candidates enrolled by cadets of the institute consist of actual military service and are provided with all types of contentment. They and their families enjoy the rights, benefits and advantages provided for by applicable law.

During the training of cadets, summer vacation vacation is available every year and winter vacation vacation for 15 days.

The Institute has a special faculty, exercising training on a paid basis in the specialties: "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances"; "Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources."

Lifetime - 5 years.

At the end of study, graduates are assigned the qualifications of the engineer (engineer-ecologist) with the issuance of a diploma of the state sample.

Faculty students can be boys and girls with whom a fellow training contracts are concluded.

Acceptance of students at the Faculty is carried out on the basis of personal applications of applicants and concluded bilateral or tripartite agreements on individual training specialist, including for targeted training on the basis of contracts with enterprises of all forms of ownership.

For students enrolled in higher vocational education programs (for a fee), the reception of documents is carried out from June 25, the receipt of the admission committee of the Institute.

To the application for admission coming attached: a state-owned document on secondary education; 4 photos measuring 3x4 cm; medical certificate; Other documents defining the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Introductory tests are conducted from July 15 and include: an assessment of general education on subjects: mathematics (writing); Chemistry (writing); Russian language (writing - presentation).

In the period of study, students are given the right to study on an individual plan with the development of additional academic disciplines. In the Institute all created the necessary conditions For fruitful studies, classes scientific activities, inventive and innovation work. Laboratories and specialized rooms are equipped with modern technician and devices, lasers, chromatographs, spectrometers, computers, measuring means. Training classes holds highly qualified faculty.

A significant amount of academic times is given to the study of issues of economics, marketing, management, business communication on the foreign languages - All of the fact that the future specialist is useful in new economic conditions.

The Institute has many years of experience in the preparation of engineering personnel for enterprises of the chemical, microbiological and defense industry. Graduates of the Institute are noticeably different high levels professional training, organizational skills, perforcement, which contributes to their engineering or administrative career.