Pedagogical psychology and military psychology.

Pedagogical psychology and military psychology.
  • Abstract - Military psychology as a branch of psychological science (abstract)
  • Glukhov VP Basics of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology (Document)
  • Military psychology and its applied aspects. Tutorial (document)
  • Petrovsky A.V. Basics of pedagogy and psychology of higher education (document)
  • Spur on the history of psychology (crib)
  • Seliverstov V.I. (Ed) Clinical Basics of Preschool Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology (Document)
  • Efremov E.G. History of Psychology (Document)
  • Family Dictionary. From the course of the family as a subject (directory)
  • n1.DOC.

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    State educational institution

    higher professional education

    "Omsk State Technical University"

    I. Yu. Lepeshinsky, V. V. Glebov,
    V. B. Listkov, V. F. Terekhov

    Basics of military pedagogy
    And psychology

    Lecture notes


    OMGTU Publishing House


    UDC 355: 37: 159

    BBK 68.43 + 88.4


    V.I. Golikov, Cand. Eastr. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Institute
    military education GOU VPO Tomsk State University;

    Yu. D. Boreskul, Head of the military department at

    GOU VPO "Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy", Colonel

    O-75 Basics B.pedagogy and psychology: lecture notes /
    I. Yu. Lepeshinsky, V. V. Glebov, V. B. Listkov, V. F. Terekhov. - Omsk: Publishing House of OMGTU, 2011. - 180 p.

    ISBN 978-5-8149-1044-8

    The main feature of the abstract of lectures is to generalize and systematize the experience of practical activities of the officers in the troops in peacetime. The abstract was developed and drafted in accordance with the qualification requirements and the program of training officers in state-owned educational institutions of higher vocational education in the specialties of the main auto-terminal control of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in relation to the program of the courses of the discipline "Management of divisions in peacetime" section "Military pedagogy and psychology".

    The material set out in the abstract can be used to prepare listeners of military departments, cadets of training military centers and military institutions, as well as in the system of commander training.

    Printed by the decision of the editorial and publishing council

    Omsk State Technical University

    UDC 355: 37: 159

    BBK 68.43 + 88.4

    © GOU VPO "Omsk State

    technical University ", 2011

    ISBN. 978-5-8149-1044-8


    The military pedagogical process is organized and targeted activities of military personnel in order to form the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, combat and moral and psychological qualities of the personality of the warrior and military teams.

    The military pedagogical process represents a complex social phenomenon that includes military training and education, which act in an inseparable connection with each other.

    Under military training it is understood as an organized and targeted process of transferring military knowledge, skills and skills necessary for practical activities, as well as the preparation and felting of military teams (divisions, parts, compounds) for combat operations (performing combat missions).

    Under military education it is understood as the intentional, organized and systematic formation of the qualities of the qualities necessary to fulfill military debt.

    In the course of training and education, the development of military personnel is carried out, i.e., improving their mental and physical activity in accordance with the requirements of a military specialty, psychological training is carried out in the formation of emotionally volitional sustainability and internal readiness for action in battle, in complex and Dangerous situations, in a sharply changing environment, with long neuro-psychological tension, when overcoming the burden and difficulties associated with the implementation of military debt, both in military and peacetime.

    An important part of the military-pedagogical process is self-education and self-education.

    What is the essence of the military pedagogical process?

    The essence of the military pedagogical process is the targeted organizational and educational activities of the commanders and headquarters for the preparation of military specialists, units and units to the successful conduct of hostilities (the fulfillment of combat missions) in the context of modern war.

    Military orientation, specific working conditions and life of warriors decisively affect the content, methodology for the military-pedagogical process, determine its characteristic features.

    In the interests of constant combat readiness, military study of military personnel is built with such a calculation so that at a relatively short time of the newly arrived serviceman to prepare as a specialist, and in the process of further service to improve his knowledge, skills and skills.

    A feature of the military-pedagogical process is its multi-faceted, step-in nature. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of different specialists in divisions, and this in some cases does it impossible to use uniform for all forms of training. In addition, the level of professional preparedness, martial skills of military personnel is distinguished (one is just beginning to master the specialty, others are already struggling for increased gravity).

    The peculiarity of the military-pedagogical process manifests itself in the fact that the training of military personnel in the unit is held in a different level of their general educational training: on the same program, soldiers who have higher, unfinished higher education, and sometimes incomplete secondary education, are studying requires maximum individualization of learning.

    These are the essence of the military pedagogical process and its features that need to know and take into account when organizing the learning process.

    Chapter1. Fundamentals of learning
    servicemen. Organization of combat
    preparation of divisions

    1.1. The essence and maintenance of the learning process.

    1.1.1. Entity and maintenance of the learning process

    Training in its essence is a social process that is inherent in both the society as a whole and the armed forces. In general, training is the main way of obtaining education, purposeful, organized, systematically and systematically implemented by the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills under the guidance of experienced person - teachers.

    Military training is a specific pedagogical process, the essence of which is to master the training system of knowledge, skills and skills, in the development of creative thinking, quenching will and character, forming moral and psychological and combat qualities, willingness to perform a combat mission.

    The leading element of the content of the educational process is the cognitive component and its basis - knowledge. Knowledge is a reflection by a person's phenomena and real world objects and their causal relationships and relations. To learn knowledge - it means to make certain concepts, laws, theory of their property, to understand them, constantly maintain in memory, creatively use them in practical activities.

    Skill is an automated component of conscious action. The action that has become the skill is performed quickly, easily, calculating the smallest voltage and the highest result.

    The ability is a method of action based on high theoretical and practical training that allows creatively to use acquired knowledge and skills in various conditions of service-combat activities. The skills characterize the degree of preparation of servicemen to fulfilling their duties. Consequently, the skill is preparedness for conscious, fast, creative and accurate actions, and skill - the ability to automatically perform these actions.

    Knowledge, skills and skills are closely related to each other. The leading role in this unity belongs to knowledge. Based on knowledge, skills and skills are developing, which, in turn, expand, deepen and secure knowledge.

    Mastering knowledge is a process that includes awareness of a cognitive task, perception of educational material, its understanding, memorization, the use of knowledge in practice.

    The process of mastering knowledge with the awareness of the cognitive task begins. Only understanding the essence and significance of this task, trained using the training and independently study the ways to solve it, are more active than the material studied and creatively use it.

    The perception of educational material is carried out by organized observation, listening to speech, reading text or simultaneously by observing and listening. Training perception necessarily implies an understanding of the essence of the studied.

    Conference is manifested in mental dismemberment of studied parts, allocating the main, establishment of causal relationships and relations, connecting these parts together, in the inclusion of the knowledge being studied in the system. Source learning material, the servicemen penetrate the essence of the corresponding phenomena and processes, assimilate their content.

    The material studied servicemen remember involuntarily and arbitrarily. In this regard, it is necessary to more actively use the possibility of involuntary memorization, especially at the first time of the assimilation of knowledge, systematically teach military personnel to the methods of meaningful memorization, to develop logical memory from them.

    The basis of the process of mastering knowledge is the use of knowledge in practice, only as a result of the use of knowledge, military personnel fully master them. For this servicemen, it is necessary to specifically teach the use of knowledge in practice, to form them techniques of combinations of mental and practical actions. The students at each occupation must be convinced that the theoretical knowledge they assimilate is the basis of their practical activity, and practical activity gives them a specific material for the conscious assimilation of theoretical knowledge and is a prerequisite for mastering them.

    The military training process is thus presents the purposeful, interconnected activity of the training (commander, head, instructor), called teaching, and trainees (subordinates), called teaching.

    The teaching in its essence represents the management of the cognitive and practical activity of the student and includes the following functions:

    • urge to teaching;

    • presentation of the content of the material being studied;

    • organization of educational activities of students;

    • Control knowledge, skills and skills.
    These functions are performed in the learning process.

    Teaching is the assimilation of learners, skills and skills.

    Training is carried out in a specific sequence:

    • formulation of the learning task before trainees;

    • consolidation of knowledge and grafting of skills and skills;

    • application of knowledge, skills and skills in practice;

    • Check knowledge, skills and skills.
    Military training as a process of preparing a personnel is inherent in its regularities.

    The most important pattern of learning is the interaction between the training and trainees. Training is effective only when the activity of the training, its impact on the student corresponds to their cognitive opportunities and nature of the activity. This pattern expresses the focus of the efforts of the student and trainees, the nature of their joint activities.

    Another regularity of training is modeling (recreation) of the activities of the training and trainees in accordance with the requirements of the modern war. This pattern requires in all classes to create intellectual, moral, psychological and physical stresses, corresponding to the combat spirit, to bring together the situation of training to the conditions of combat, not allow sending and simplifications, avoid conventions.

    These are the structure and maintenance of the Military Training process.

    Training is carried out in accordance with certain principles of learning, applying appropriate methods and forms of training.

    1.1.2. Principles, methods and forms of military training

    The most important part of the theory of military training is the principles of learning.

    Under principles of learning It is customary to understand the leading pedagogical provisions that reflect the patterns of the military-pedagogical process and determine the activities of the training of armed with the knowledgeable knowledge, skills and skills. Each of the principles expresses one any definite pattern of learning process. Therefore, the successful solution of the task of learning is possible only on the basis of the implementation of the entire system of principles in their close connection among themselves. Consequently, a deep understanding of each officer of the essence of the principles of learning in their relationship, the practical implementation of their requirements are the most important conditions for military-pedagogical activities.

    The basic principles of military training are:

    • learn troops what is needed in war;

    • Consciousness, activity and independence of training;

    • clarity in learning;

    • systematization, sequence and complexity in training;

    • high difficulty learning;

    • The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

    • Collectivism and individual approach in learning.
    Consider the content of the requirements of each of the principles listed.

    Learn troops what is needed in war. This principle determines the content of the training and conditions of combat training, gives the learning process the military-practical orientation, ensures its connection with the past experience and modern development of military affairs, expresses the relationship of theory with practice. The preparation of troops in accordance with this principle requires a detailed study of the likely enemy, the experience of wars and conflicts, the maximum approach of the situation in classes towards possible battle conditions, prevent simplifications and sending.

    Consciousness, activity and independence of training. This principle requires such a formulation of training, in which the servicemen clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously use them and show high activity, initiative and independence. The combination of consciousness in mastering knowledge, skills and skills with activity contributes to the development of the studies of the independence of judgments, the ability to defend their beliefs, to take the initiative and creativity in solving educational and service tasks, correctly assess the situation and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

    Visuality in learning. This principle requires such a combat training when military personnel assimilate knowledge and form skills and skills based on the sensual perception of real weapons and military equipment, various phenomena and items or their images in the process of practical activity. In training personnel, the following types of visibility are comprehensively applied:

    • Natural (or natural) - real samples of weapons, machinery, instruments, training fields, polygons, starting positions, various types of equipment;

    • Fine - mockups, targets, miniatures, schemes, posters, drawings, cinema and diaposts, diaposition;

    • Wonder-shaped - verbal descriptions, use comparison.
    The principle of systematic sequence and complexity in training. Send knowledge and skills only when the learning item is studied in a specific system in accordance with its internal logic. The principle requires consistently in strict logical order to study the educational material, systematically lead the students, seek the assimilation of the knowledge system, skills, skills. This principle is being implemented through the entire organization of the educational process, where the perfect planning and the creation of a single complex of learning items based on the complexation around the tactical (tactical and special) training is played, means unconditional subordination of this complex of learning items tactical (tactical and special) preparation.

    High difficulty learning. This principle reflects the dependence of the level of intellectual and physical development of their activities trained on the nature. Training will be successful when the students deliberately overcome the difficulties of study, make significant efforts in achieving the target target. It is necessary to bring up a conscious attitude to overcoming the real difficulties of combat training. The implementation of this principle is provided through the selection, distribution and dosage of educational material at each occupation.

    The strength of mastering knowledge, skills, skills. In any conditions of the situation in peaceful and wartime, the soldier is intended to remember everything that the commanders were taught, quickly and skillfully apply their knowledge and skills when performing their tasks. The strength of knowledge, skills and skills affects the entire course of combat training. It is important that the training seduce material for durable assimilation, gave installation to memorize, maintain records, as well as on systematic repetition.

    Collectivism and individual approach in learning. Military activities in their own character collective. Collectivism of military personnel is the unity of will, actions and responsibility. The basis for its development is the organization of collective action in combat training and in the process of the whole service. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the individual features and the possibilities of each serviceman.

    This is a summary of the principles of training. They cannot be considered as something frozen, consistently repeated in all cases of training practices. It is impossible to approximately to implement the principles. Principles of learning are implemented using various methods and forms of training.

    Under method learningunderstand the method of practical and theoretical actions of a person aimed at achieving a certain goal. Each type of activity has its own methods.

    Method of military training is a set of techniques and methods, with the help of which the transfer and assimilation of military knowledge and the formation of skills and skills necessary for their practical activities, as well as combat vendors of divisions, parts, compounds and governments. In other words, this is a way of joint activities of training and trainees, with which the mastering of knowledge, skills and skills, the development of mental and physical abilities of students, the formation of their qualities necessary for the successful implementation of complex tasks in peaceful and wartime.

    Each method of learning consists of interrelated elements that are called teaching techniques or methodological techniques. The same techniques can be part of various methods.

    Training methods can be partitioned:

    • on methods with the participation of the training;

    • Independent work.
    Basic training - with the participation of the training.

    Teaching methods under the guidance of training on sources of knowledge can be divided into groups: verbal methods; visual methods; Practical methods. In verbal methods, the Word is the leading source of information about the elements of knowledge.

    Among the verbal methods, a group of oral output methods and discussion of the material being studied are distinguished. The methods of oral presentation include: story, explanation, instruction, lecture.

    Story - It is a figurative, alive, emotional sequential presentation of predominantly actual material in a descriptive or narrative form.

    Explanation - Unlike the story to the greatest focus on the disclosure of the meaning of phenomena, processes, actions, their causal relationships and relations.

    Instructor - Brief, concise, clear indications (recommendations) on the implementation of a particular action (task).

    Lecture - a detailed presentation of large theoretical and practical problems.

    In the process of military training, a discussion of the studied material is practiced. It is carried out in the form of conversations, class-group, seminars.

    Conversation - This is a dialogic method in which the learning, relying on the knowledge of the knowledgeable knowledge and personal experience, through the system of issues, leads them to the assimilation of new knowledge, consolidation, verification and application of educational material.

    Visual methods are characteristic of the fact that the main source of information is the physical objects of study both in natural form and in images. Visual methods include observations and demonstrations.

    Practical methods are characterized by the fact that the main source of information is independently performed by trainees, forming the appropriate skills and skills. These include exercises and practical work.

    Independent work - the work of trained in mastering theory or practical actions without direct participation of the training. The main types of independent work of military personnel are: work with printed sources, learning equipment, workout, viewing video.

    Knowledge and ability to use various methods of teaching by each training person - an indispensable condition for the success of training.

    The tasks of learning are solved in certain forms of educational and official activities, characterizing primarily the organizational side of combat training. The quality of learning largely depends on the organization of the learning process, from the forms in which it is carried out.

    Form of study - the established procedure and mode of activity of the student and trainees, the type of training session, the expression of the organizational side of the training.

    The form of study determines the composition and grouping of the student, the structure of classes (teachings), the place and duration of its conduct, the role and specificity of the activities of the student. Forms of learning are dialectically interrelated with learning methods, fill them with a specific internal content. Most of the forms of training make it possible to use various learning methods, but some forms are inherent in a specific method.

    In the practice of combat training uses a variety of training forms. Conditionally, they can be represented as the following groups:

    • educational and planned classes;

    • Service and planned events;

    • Social and planned events (extracurricular work).
    Educational and planned classes - Basic group forms of training. It includes: theoretical and practical classes, training classes, combat shooting, training launches, teachings, military games.

    Official planned events are carried out in order to maintain military equipment and weapons in combat readiness. At the same time, they have great opportunities for training personnel in the operation of weapons and military equipment. These include parking and parking days, work on the maintenance of equipment, the days of regulated maintenance (regulated maintenance).

    Social and planned events (extracurricular work) - Organized mainly during educational hours and, with the correct formulation, are an additional reserve to increase military skills, for the rapid development of military equipment.

    These are the main methods and forms of training of servicemen in the armed forces.

    They develop with a change in the tasks and content of training, a staffing organization of troops, specifics of official and combat activities, the level of overall development of personnel, features of military equipment and are implemented in teaching individual servicemen, bodies, departments, parts and compounds.

    Thus, military training and the upbringing of our warriors is a two-way process, the purpose of which is to prepare conscious and skillful defenders of our Motherland, the formation of high combat and moral qualities, the spectacle, parts, compounds, and ultimately - increase the combat capability and combat readiness of armed Forces of the country.

    An essential feature of the military-pedagogical process is that it is carried out in an inseparable unity with the service activities of military personnel and is of a pronounced practical nature. The knowledge and skills and skills obtained by the servicemen are immediately used when carrying combat duty, the fulfillment of regulated works, combat missions, etc. This, on the one hand, requires the high strength of the knowledge, skills and skills of warriors, and on the other, it contributes to the consolidation and maintenance of combat and mobilization readiness.

    One of the most important features of the military pedagogical process is the high tension of training classes. This is due to, on the one hand, a reduction in service life in the army and on the fleet, and on the other, the increasing volume of software material.

    Successful solution to the learning task is possible only on the basis of the implementation of the system of principles and methods in their close relationship among themselves, and this means: learning the troops of what is needed in war, the use of consciousness, activity and independence, training at a high level of difficulties, the strength of mastering knowledge , skills and skills with servicemen.

    The relationship of military and pedagogical psychology is determined primarily by the role that training and education plays in ensuring the combat capability of the troops and forces of the fleet. Firstly We are talking about the established system of training military personnel constituting the backbone of any armed forces. This system consists of several interconnected links including military faculties and institutes, higher military schools and academies, military university. Secondly The process of maintaining combat readiness in parts and divisions is based primarily on classes in the system of combat and social and state training of warriors. Thirdly In our country, a wide system of pre-examination preparation of young men to the service in the Armed Forces is deployed. The effectiveness of each of these processes is caused by a plurality of factors, among which psychological conditions and determinants are played by the latter role. Investigate them and is designed primarily for pedagogical psychology.

    At the same time, it is necessary first of all very clearly distinguish between the subject sphere of pedagogical psychology and military pedagogy. Military pedagogy as a system of scientific knowledge is primarily engaged in the study of the essence, patterns, principles, contents, methods and forms of effective construction of the educational process. Thus, as an object of scientific knowledge, there is primarily an external system with respect to the object of the pedagogical impact of methods and means. Although any researcher never forgets about the internal plan of pedagogical activities, this psychological component remains in pedagogy as if behind the scenes, outside of detailed analysis and accounting. On the other hand, any psychological analysis of pedagogical situations with inevitability is based on the need to take into account the specifics of the activity that the subject and the object of pedagogical impact is carried out. This relationship is most reliable manifested in the psychological theory of activity of human mental life. In this case, no analysis of the mental side of vital activity is impossible without taking into account the leading type of activity determining all other manifestations of personality and consciousness.

    Thus, the study of training and education processes within the holistic system involves the unity of pedagogy and psychology on the study object, but at the same time requires consistent distinction between the subject matter of analysis. As a result of the coordination of these two contradictory research trends and such a direction of research and practical activity arose as pedagogical psychology. Because of this, pedagogical psychology should be aimed primarily on the study of psychological issues of targeted formation of cognitive activity and socially significant personal qualities, to identify conditions that provide an optimal developing learning effect, to create opportunities for accounting for individual psychological characteristics of students, to study the relationship between the educator and educational as well as inside the educational team. In addition, psychological issues of pedagogical activity are of interest.

    In the conditions of the armed forces, the solution of these common tasks for pedagogical psychology acquires its specifics. First of all, this is due to the peculiarities of military service as a specific activity. As is known, the psychological derivative of any activity is the motive. The process of moto formation underlies the study of all other mental manifestations of personality and the team. In the case of military activities, we have to deal with the situation of "honorable debt", the implementation of which is not always consistent with the actual state of affairs in the motivational sphere of the personality of the warrior. Secondly, the means of activity used to solve their tasks are special instrumental entities intended primarily for destruction, and therefore not as a rule of analogues in other areas of creative activity. You can also probably talk about the extraordinary compared to all other activities of the intensity of combat activities of troops, due to its special danger to the life and health of the servicemen. All these and other features bring their unique originality to the pedagogical process in the pedagogical process, to account for which military psychologists have to use special means and methods.

    The main tendencies of psychological analysis of military training and education problems are most pronounced in the subject matter of the methodological prerequisites and the results of the dissertation studies of military psychologists. Thus, among the first studies on military psychology, a noticeable place is occupied by work aimed at analyzing the psychology of training soldiers in one or another combat skills. For example, the dissertation of F.F. Kudreyko (1947) was devoted to the psychology of preparatory exercises in teaching shooting from the rifle, the work of P.A. Logynova (1952) of the psychology of the process of forming the shooting skill of a pistol and revolver, research M.P. Corobainikova ( 1956) - the formation of skills and shooting skills from the machine on the go. In the future, as the combat technology is complicated, the attention of psychologists attract larger problems of combat learning. So I.I. Malopurin (1971) considered the psychology of the formation of skills and skills at the soldiers of Tankists, I.V. Boltovsky (1973) investigated the psychological features of special training of young soldiers of rocket parts, V.S.Taranenko (1978) revealed psychological Features of training and repairman specialists to find and eliminate malfunctions of artillery weapons. All these works were based mainly on the associative-reflex learning theory and had a pronounced practical focus on improving the process of combat training in parts and units.

    Since the 70s, a study of the learning process and education relying on the concept of phased formation of mental actions of P.Galperin was launched in military psychology. In accordance with this approach, military psychologists approached the consideration of combat skills as a multi-stage process comprising the formation of a motivational basis of actions, drawing up a scheme of the approximate framework of actions, the formation of action in the material plan, translating the action to the "loud socialized speech", the formation of action "in external speech To myself "and, finally, the formation of substantive content in the minds. At various times, the effectiveness of the study of the Marxist-Leninist theory in the Armed Forces (B.TS. Badmayev), the formation of a psychological structure of combat activities in the specialists' psychological structure was carried out During the study of modern military equipment (S.I. Sidin), improving the effectiveness of the legal knowledge of cadets and listeners (B.I.Hoziev), an effective study of the original sources of Marxism-Leninism in VVZS (Yu.I.Sadchikov), the activity of the instructor pilot on the formation of flight skills and skills at cadets ( I.S. Susthnaya) and a number of other works.

    Much attention was paid to psychologists and issues of education of Soviet soldiers. At the same time, certainly, the psychological aspects of the topic were considered in close unity with the ideological foundations of military education, and practical recommendations were closely linked to organizational forms of party-political work in peaceful and wartime. Among those performed in this line the dissertations: V.F.Pirogkova (1964) on the formation of a communist worldview in Soviet warriors, V.V.Trezhneva (1965) about the individual approach in the education of warriors, V.N. Klimova (1982) On the psychological problems of improving the efficiency of education of young officers in Parts, N.N.Azarnova (1988) on improving the effectiveness of the formation of political convictions from Soviet soldiers and many other studies.

    At the present stage, the study of the psychology of training and education acquires particular relevance. This is primarily due to the fact that regular military psychologists have emerged in parts and connections that are able to conduct systematic work on the psychological support of the process of combat and socio-state training. Therefore, each new study on this issue has already initially has its own performer in the person of these structures, which significantly improves the effectiveness of such studies. Secondly, changes in the order of the army and the deadlines of the service with the new sharpness raised the question of finding effective ways to improve the quality of mastering military specialty, and in relation to the contracting soldiers, it should be about the means of maintaining this training throughout the entire period of service. Thirdly, as the army deideologicalization, the situation in the field of educational work and new educational structures, scientifically substantiated conclusions and recommendations on psychological prerequisites of effective educational impact, would be very naturally necessary for new educational structures.

    Military psychologists have been made significant contribution to the development of problems of training officer personnel in the Higher Military School system. Among the main directions of psychological analysis, such as the psychological foundations of learning and raising cadets and listeners in VVZS, psychological prerequisites for improving the efficiency of teaching individual subjects, psychology of the formation and development of the personality of the cadet (listener) and the cadet group, the psychology of the teacher's activities.

    Thus, in the dissertations of G.A. Davodova (1975), the psychological foundations of improving the effectiveness of training cadets of military schools were considered, in the study of B.A. Zverev (1975), psychological and pedagogical prerequisites were developed to increase the effectiveness of the perception by cadets of educational material in classes on Public disciplines, in the doctoral dissertation L.A. Kandybovich (1982) studied the psychological problems of the formation of professional readiness of cadets of VVIVS for the service in the troops, in the work of A.P.Skrypnikova (1984), communication was considered in the cadet team as a condition for the development of a cadet personality , in dissertation N.F. Iillina (1983) analyzed the influence of the personality of the teacher of the Military School on cadets in pedagogical communication.

    All these and other works contain valuable research material related to the study of the psychological aspects of the highest military school, each of them is characterized by its theoretical approaches and depth development of problems. At the same time, it can be possible to allocate something in common in the formulation of a research task, inherent in all these works. As an initial position, it is clearly or implicitly, it is assumed that the pedagogical system in the face of one or another educational institution is able to ensure the formation of such psychological qualities and characteristics that the graduate's official activity for a long time remains in this generally unchanged. It turns out that the most significant changes in the psyche of the future or a real officer occur during its training in VVPC. Coming out of him, the officer only continues to use the accumulated, not undergoing in generally significant transformations. Thus, from the psychological analysis of training and education, as it were, the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the psyche as its self-apparent and the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping learning, as the system of providing psychological conditions for the emergence of such self-navigation in the psyche of each graduate.

    In this regard, it is of particular interest to study the process of training cadets and officers to managerial activities carried out by V.F. Perevalov (1995). In the course of him, the author developed and substantiated the holistic concept of personalization, which is able to provide a qualitatively new nature of the acquisition of the learners of the required level of development of personal qualities. The essence of the personalization of the process of training of officers is that on the basis of self-assessment and self-government, students acquire adapted to the individual personality warehouse skills of the fine tools for the performance of the regulatory socio-psychological role of the military leader and receive conditions for self-development of management abilities. As the main psychological conditions of such self-development, self-government is: self-government as the most important determinant of direct management impact; self-assessment of the individual for the aggregate of the most important professionally significant qualities; Individual attitude to subordinate as an epiphenetary management interaction. The implementation of these conditions in the educational process of WPW is able to ensure that the author's self-development of the graduate managerial qualities in all further stages of official activity is capable of providing the author. In addition, the author developed a special courses complex for all types of senior military educational institutions built on a single technology that have a self-profitable basis and taking into account the specifics of each base of basic education in addressing the task of self-realization of their individual warehouse and the development of management abilities.

    At the same time, the analysis shows insufficient development in psychological research related to the raising of cadets and listeners, with the teaching of individual disciplines, especially from the newly administered disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, with difficulties in the activities of teachers of the highest military school and pedagogical teams. Issues related to teaching in military educational institutions of psychological theory and issues of training psychologists of various profiles are deserved special attention. In particular, it deserves, in our opinion, the problem of the formation of a special type of "practical thinking" at the listeners of the Military University, which are preparing for the activities of a practical psychologist. In this case, the traditional "university" model of psychological education unfortunately does not work and requires a lot of research on the part of the psychologists themselves for its modernization.

    Development and implementation in practice of a new model of preparing psychologists is very closely related to the task of improving the teaching methodology of the psychological cycle. That huge experience in teaching military psychology, which was accumulated by the departments of military pedagogy and psychology of military political schools and the department of military psychology of the WPP. V.I. Lenin unfortunately not always applicable in modern conditions. The fact is that from the subject, above all, the general education and ideological psychology has passed into the category of items professionally significant. In this case, the teaching technique should be based on other principles and use other means. In addition, the content that we used to call the psychological theory has changed significantly.

    New training disciplines came to replace one or two subjects: the history of psychology, general psychology, psychophysiology, experimental psychology, age psychology, psychotherapy, etc. Each of these disciplines has its internal logic that is largely affected by the method of teaching it. All these questions need their scientific understanding and resolution.

    Another direction of psychological analysis is the preparation of young people to the service in the armed forces. It is usually carried out in either secondary schools or specialized educational institutions. Suvorov colleagues have long come to the field of vision of psychologists. So back in 1951, S.G. Krantovsky was defended by the thesis dedicated to the study of the military ideals of the Survetsev senior classes. In the future, the psychological problems of Suvorov investigated A.V. Moshchenko. The issues of forming the psychological readiness of schoolchildren to the service in the Armed Forces were considered by V.Loschetov (1991), and the psychological aspects of the orientation of the young man on the profession of the officer were studied by V.V. Alshkin (1990). At the present stage, the training system of young men to military service undergo serious changes. Therefore, the scientific interest of psychologists to these issues would be quite justified. Particularly relevant in this regard is the compound of the ideas of pedagogical and age psychology as part of the study of one facility - pressable youth.

    In general, the psychological analysis of various pedagogical systems in the framework of the Armed Forces is a rather powerful scientific direction with their traditions and with their own characteristics. A large scientific potential has already been accumulated, which unfortunately does not always significantly affect the real practice of learning and education. Therefore, the priority task is to actualization and propaganda achieved. But life is not standing in place and therefore the psychology is waiting for new no less complex tasks, to decide which will have to have new generations of military psychologists.


    Textbook "Psychology and pedagogy. Military psychology and pedagogy "prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education.

    The textbook discloses the psychological and pedagogical foundations of training military personnel, the essence, principles, methods, forms and means of training and education, the management of the military-pedagogical process in the division.

    The methodological basis of the textbook is the conceptual provisions of modern science on personality and the team, the factors of their formation and development; About man as the main goal of psychological and pedagogical activities, its object and subject; On the impact of military activities on the identity of the serviceman and others.

    The textbook consists of introducing, sixteen chapters and a list of sources used from 28 items. The total volume of the textbook is 332 pages. The text contains 21 drawings and 6 tables.

    The textbook discloses the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the professional training of military personnel, the essence, principles, methods, forms and means of training and education, the management of the military-pedagogical process in the division.

    The textbook consists of 2 independent sections: 1. "Psychology. Military psychology "; 2. "Pedagogy. Military pedagogy. "

    The first section is presented with 7 chapters. The first chapter gives the characteristics of psychology as science. The second chapter discusses military psychology as a branch of psychological science. The third chapter gives the concept of a psyche, a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of mental phenomena is created. In the fourth chapter, the characteristic of mental processes (sophisticated, emotional, volveev) is given. The fifth chapter discusses the individual and psychological properties of the individual. The sixth chapter is devoted to the psychological basics of social psychology. The seventh chapter presents the psychological aspects of management activities.

    The second section consists of 6 chapters. In the eighth chapter, pedagogy is considered as a science and educational discipline. The ninth chapter is devoted to the military-pedagogical process as a system. In the tenth chapter, education is considered as a sociocultural phenomenon and the pedagogical process. In the eleventh chapter, the organizational and pedagogical foundations of the training of military personnel are given. The twelfth chapter discusses the main concepts and pedagogical technologies for the training of military personnel. The Thirteenth Chapter is devoted to the consideration of the role of education in the pedagogical process.

    The textbook is admitted to the methodical association on the classical university and technical education of the Russian Academy of Natural Science as a textbook for cadets of military universities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    Bibliographic reference

    Belošitsky A.V., Petrovskaya M.V., Semonenko Yu.F., Tereshchenko A.G., Ustinov I.Yu. PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOGY. Military psychology and pedagogy (textbook) // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Studies. - 2014. - № 6. - P. 108-109;
    Url:\u003d5222 (date of handling: 03/28/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

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    Military Psychology and Pedagogy

    Lecture №1

    Topic: "Military pedagogy like science. Content, principles, forms and methods of training of servicemen "

    Number of hours: 2

    Date: 01/27/2016

    Form: Lecture

    The lecture has developed:Head of the Department of Wire

    Department of Defense Defense Karaganda Region



    1. Military pedagogy as science

    1. Military pedagogy as science

    Facility of military pedagogy are military personnel and military teams. Subject speaker military Pedagogical Process in general, both directly pedagogical patterns of training, education, education, training of military personnel and military teams to the successful solution of service and combat missions.

    Military pedagogy- This is the branch of pedagogical science, which studies the patterns of the military-pedagogical process, training and education of military personnel and military teams, their preparation for successful conducting hostilities and military-professional activities. This is the science of education, training and education of the personnel of the armed forces, on the preparation of divisions (parts) to successful actions in military activities.

    Specificity of military pedagogy it is related to the fact that the servicemen from the first days of service or training in the university are not just learn and prepared as military specialists, but are beginning to solve real educational, service, combat missions. Accordingly, military-pedagogical effects and interactions have the most direct practical, official orientation. That is, in fact, each soldier immediately turns on to the functioning of the military team, proceeds to military-professional activities and is fully personal responsibility (not only moral, but also legal, legal) for the quality of study, their behavior, discipline, for solving tasks for purpose. At the same time, the subjects of pedagogical impacts and interaction are mostly adults, over the age of 18, with their own degree, with their views, worldview, personal qualities already extinguished.

    That is, military pedagogy differs from most other pedagogical industries the direct inclusion of objects (subjects) of education, training, education, training in real professional activities related to the solution of responsible tasks requiring high moral and psychological qualities, willingness, ability and scarecrow to act in a complex environment, including risk for life and health .

    From point of view structures military pedagogy as science includes a military pedagogy methodology, the history of military pedagogy, the theory of learning (military didactics), the theory of the upbringing of military personnel, pedagogy of the highest military school, private methods of combat training and a number of other sections.

    * Facts resulting from military pedagogical and military research and vital observations;

    * Scientific generalizations expressed in categories, laws, principles, concepts of military pedagogy;

    * hypotheses that need practical verification;

    * Methods of research of military pedagogical reality;

    * The system of moral values \u200b\u200bof military service.

    Military pedagogy is closely related to other sciences. The data of humanitarian and social sciences allow you to get a holistic idea of \u200b\u200ba person and the team as an object and subject of impact and interactions. Information about the biological essence of a person gives the study of natural sciences. The practical use of scientific and technical and military-scientific knowledge provides the ability to simulate the military pedagogical process and its elements.

    Military pedagogy operates certain categories; the main ones are as follows:

    *military Pedagogical Process - a focused, organized system of educational activities of commanders, headquarters, specialists of educational structures, public organizations on the preparation of warriors and military teams to the actions for purpose;

    *education of servicemen - the process and result of the focused impact on the development of the personality of a serviceman, its qualities, relations, views, beliefs, ways of behavior;

    *training of servicemen - a targeted process of interaction between commanders (chiefs) and subordinate to the formation of knowledge, skills and skills of students;

    *development of military personnel - the process of accumulation of quantitative and qualitative changes, the functional improvement of the mental, intellectual, physical, professional activity of the soldier and its respective qualities;

    *psychological training of military personnel - the formation of mental stability and the readiness of servicemen to the implementation of military-professional activities;

    *education of military personnel - the process and result of mastering the system of scientific knowledge and military-professional skills of skills, the formation of the necessary qualities of the personality for the successful performance of official duties and life in society.

    In addition to those named in military pedagogy, such categories are used as a professional-pedagogical culture of the officer, self-education, self-education of military personnel, etc.

    Military pedagogy as science solves the following tasks:

    * explores the essence, structure, function of the military-pedagogical process;

    * explores the problems of organizing and improving the educational process in military schools;

    * develops effective forms of the organization of the military-pedagogical process and the methods of impact on military personnel and military teams;

    * contributes to the humanization of the military pedagogical process and military service;

    * justifies the content and technology of training, upbringing, development and psychological training of military personnel;

    * identifies patterns and formulates the principles of learning processes and the upbringing of military personnel;

    * justifies the methodology for learning and psychological training of warriors, taking into account the specifics of the types and childbirth of the troops;

    * Develops the content and methodology of self-education and self-education of servicemen;

    * explores the features and content of the activities of the military teacher and the path of formation and development of its pedagogical culture and skill;

    * Develops a methodology for military-pedagogical research, generalizations, dissemination and implementation of best practices training and education;

    The solution of the tasks of military pedagogy is primarily due to the search for ways to activate the human factor in the interests of strengthening the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the formation of the commanders (bosses) of modern pedagogical thinking, the creation in military teams of the atmosphere of creativity, cohesion, mutual decisions and personal responsibility for the qualitative performance of functional Responsibilities, counteracting violation of legality, law enforcement and military discipline. Military pedagogy officer

    The execution of official duties officer is associated with the implementation of a number of pedagogical functions.

    First of all, the officer is engaged training, preparing subordinatesimproving their military skills, combat sweating. Being the immediate boss for his subordinates, he is responsible for education, formation of military personnel defender of the Motherland, compliance with the requirements of laws, charters, the development of their intellectual and physical qualities. Moreover, the officer teaches evignors (Michmanov), sergeants (younger commanders) of training and raising subordinates, organizes and directs their pedagogical activities.

    These provisions are enshrined by the relevant articles of the Charter of the internal service of the Russian Armed Forces and are mandatory to fulfill in daily activities.

    The effectiveness of military-professional activity is determined largely by the officer, the head of the military team - knowledge, skills and skills in the field of military pedagogy.

    Pedagogical knowledge allow an officer:

    * skillfully organize combat activities of subordinates, maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the unit at the necessary level;

    * Successfully manage combat training, methodically competently educate the personnel;

    * productively carry out educational work in the unit, to educate moral and psychological readiness for the protection of the Fatherland, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    * Performance to carry out activities to maintain a strong military discipline, cohesion of the military team of the division;

    * ensure strict compliance with the internal order in the subordinate unit, organize and conduct comprehensive preparations for serving the service in the daily outfit;

    * It is advisable to build work with subordinate personnel, to provide them with the necessary assistance in improving professional knowledge and methodological skills;

    * Effectively improve personal training and methods of controlling the division;

    * Use a humane approach to communicate with servicemen.

    Pedagogical knowledge of the commander (chief), his skills, learning skills and education should be constantly improving. This is due to the fact that the object of pedagogical impact (military personnel and military team) is constantly changing, developing and increasingly (in accordance with modern approaches) is considered as one of the subjects of pedagogical interaction. In addition, the conditions in which the military pedagogical process is carried out.

    In the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the system of armament officers in knowledge of military psychology and pedagogy is functioning. Its main elements:

    * study of psychology and pedagogy in military schools;

    * Classes in the system of commander training, primarily for socio-state training;

    * Specially conducted methodical meetings and classes with officers;

    * Analysis of the practical work of officers on the organization of the military pedagogical process, the experience of communicating with subordinates during the inspections and control of classes;

    * exchange of experience of officers for training and raising subordinates, propaganda of best practices;

    * independent work of officers to study psychological and pedagogical literature, improving the skills and abilities of training and education;

    * Improving the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of officers during professional retraining, advanced training in training centers, on courses.

    In this way, the deep knowledge of the theoretical foundations of military pedagogy, their skillful use in practical activity allows the officer to effectively and efficiently organize a military pedagogical process, teach and educate subordinates.

    A special place for pedagogical science is in the life and activities of the armed forces, in the study and implementation of the patterns of training and education of military personnel, in the preparation of officer personnel.

    In this chapter, military pedagogy is considered as a branch of pedagogy, its essence, content, features, tasks, methods, main categories are revealed.

    Since the emergence of the army as a specific social phenomenon, the most important component of military activities has also remained training and education of personnel. In fact, this is a practical military pedagogy - the necessary, compulsory means of versatile training of warriors to the successful conduct of hostilities.

    Initially, military pedagogics arose as practical activities of commanders and subordinates. Over time, knowledge of the training and education of warriors was accumulated, which were transmitted from generation to generation in the form of testes, covenants, proverbs, sayings. As military case becomes complicated, especially in the era of the formation of states, the creation of relatively numerous regular armies, the military-pedagogical thought is further developed. The appropriate experience is reflected in the instructions, instructions, charters, orders and other written sources. A significant contribution to this was made by Peter I, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, D. F. Ushakov, S. O. Makarov, M. I. Dragomirov.

    At the end of the XIX - early XX century. Military pedagogy begins to be taken into an independent scientific industry. Proceedings M. V. Frunze, M. N. Tukhachevsky, I. E. Yakira, the experience of training and education of warriors during the civilian and Great Patriotic Wars served as the basis for which modern military pedagogy was formed. Her development was promoted by A. G. Bazanov, D. Lukov, A. V. Barabaners, N. F. Fedenko, V. P. Davydov, V. N. Gerasimov, V. I. Vedovyuk, V. Ya. Slepov , V. I. Chalsov, etc.

    Military Pedagogical Process- This is a targeted, organized system of educational activities of commanders, headquarters, specialists of educational structures, public organizations for the preparation of warriors and military teams to the actions for purpose.

    The main purpose of the military pedagogical process in peacetime - maintaining high combat readiness of military units and units, successfully solving by educational and combat missions.

    By its essence, this is a social process called upon to implement the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the defense of the Fatherland, current legislation on defense issues and other requirements of state authorities on the need to strengthen and maintain the country's defense capability at the level of reliable, reasonable sufficiency. The content and direction of the military-pedagogical process is due to military doctrine, internal and foreign policy, the level of development of military affairs.

    The main goal of the military pedagogical process - ensuring the comprehensive preparedness of military personnel and military teams to the successful solution of tasks assigned to them in peaceful and wartime on armed protection of the Motherland. Training and education of military personnel are aimed at ensuring that in every serviceman and military team to form and consolidate high combat, moral and psychological and physical qualities and on this basis to develop combat skills, spiritual resistance in combination with a strong will to victory in any conditions.

    This purpose determines the functioning of the military-pedagogical process as a system: as a set of structural components, organically interrelated and with other systems of vital activity of the unit, part (system of maintenance of combat readiness, management system and communication, logistical system system, etc.) .

    The main structural components of the military pedagogical process as the systems are as follows:

    * tasks of the military-pedagogical process;

    *organizational structure;

    * Subjects and objects of this process.

    Tasks of the military pedagogical process conducted its goal and are aimed at achieving it. The priority tasks include:

    1) targeted formation of a serviceman as a citizen and warrior-professional;

    2) armament of military personnel by the system of military, social, technical, professional knowledge and activity qualities that ensure effective practical actions in any atmosphere;

    3) ensuring the focused development of spiritual forces, intellectual and physical qualities of each soldier;

    4) the development of the personnel of emotional-volitional sustainability, psychological readiness to overcome the difficulties of military service, to the actions in the situation of modern combat;

    5) the implementation of combat felting of calculations, units and part in general, maintaining in military teams of the statutory order, the formation of relationships of confidence of servicemen to each other, mutual assistance, mutual arms, military partnerships and friendship.

    The organizational military pedagogical process includes:

    * Various types of training - combat, socio-state, etc., implemented primarily in the course of training sessions;

    * Pedagogical aspects of service-combat, social and other activities;

    * Educational, cultural and leisure and sports work.

    The tasks of the military-pedagogical process determine the interconnected and interdependent activity of its subjects and objects.

    Subjects of the military pedagogical process commanders, headquarters, officers of educational structures, educational asset, leading combat specialists, ensigns, sergeants, public organizations.

    In the organization of the military-pedagogical process, a decisive role belongs to the commander of the unit (parts). Being a direct head of personnel, he is responsible for all directions of his life and activity and, accordingly, for the condition and quality of the military-pedagogical process.

    Objects of the military pedagogical process (In traditional understanding), all servicemen and military teams are becoming. It should be noted that from the standpoint of the subject approach, all servicemen of the divisions, parts, educational institutions are subjects, active participants of the military-pedagogical process.

    Of particular importance in conditions of military service, such an object of pedagogical impact as a military team is acquired. In this regard, commanders (chiefs) it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the psychology of each specific team and skillfully send its efforts to solve the tasks of the military-pedagogical process.

    The military pedagogical process (WFP) is a system of educational activities of military administration, all categories of officials and specialists of educational structures on the preparation of military personnel, units and parts for the fulfillment of tasks for combat destination in the interests of personality, society and the state.

    This is a social process aimed at implementing the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the defense of the Fatherland, current legislation on defense issues and other requirements of state authorities. Its main components are the goals (social order of the Company) and the tasks, organizational structure (combat and social and public training; pedagogical aspects of combat, official, educational and other activities), components (training, education and psychological training), meaningful and methodical (technological) structure, as well as relevant subjects and objects.

    It should be noted that certain patterns appear in the runway. In the daily professional activities of the officers, they are reflected in the principles of training and education of military personnel, under which guidelines, leading ideas and developed rules, defining the issues of organization, content and methods of educational work in the part, division. Their list corresponds to the contents of the WFP regularities identified to the present time, but at the same time reflects the specifics of each of its considered components. As a result, the system of basic (leading) principles of training and raising subordinates can be submitted in the following form.

    Considering the listed principles, it is important to take into account that every idea laid down in them is usually a reflection of several patterns. In practice, their content is implemented in the form of pedagogical rules (requirements) of educational activities - guidelines that reveal individual parties to apply one or another principle. In other words, the rules are concrete instructions to an officer about what to do to organize and the effective implementation of educational interaction with subordinates. Consequently, the principles of learning and education are a link between the military-pedagogical theory and the daily practice of troops.

    For example, we will reveal the content of the principle of social conditionality and learning and education of subordinates. Its implementation in military and fleet conditions is currently ensured by compliance with the following basic rules:

    When organizing an educational process, to be guided by the requirements of society (social order) to professional qualities (the level of special training and development of the personal sphere) of military personnel; closely link learning and education with the life of the country and its armed forces (the specifics of the reforms that are facilitated by the tasks); steadily to enforce the requirements of state and military authorities;

    Carry out a scientifically based approach to the selection of educational and educational material; In the military-pedagogical process, we consider all phenomena in the development and relationship, to allocate patterns and contradictions in training and education, as well as ways to improve their improvement; include in the educational and educational material the latest achievements of domestic science;

    Constantly take care of the developing learning and education effect; To form a citizen, defender of the Fatherland and Military Professional in subordinate quality; Popularize military service, show the importance of maturity and its need, to look for ways to increase the prestige of military service, in fact to increase it;

    To seek the scientific organization of educational events, actively introduce modern information technology into educational and educational processes.

    It is important to emphasize that in the everyday educational practice of the officer's composition, the requirements of various principles are manifested in unity and are closely interrelated. They cannot be separated from each other, observe some and neglect others. This is especially true to ensure sufficient effectiveness of the forms of training and raising subordinates.

    Forms of training and education can be viewed as the options for organizing a specific training session or educational event. The very concept of "form" means the method of organization established by the order, the type of existence and expression of the content, subject, phenomena, process. In the domestic military pedagogy, under the forms of training and education, the organizational side of the military pedagogical process is understood, which involves certain composition and grouping of servicemen, the structure and content of training sessions or educational activities, the place and duration of their conduct. Each of the forms solves well-defined pedagogical tasks, while using educational and educational opportunities inherent in it, which has led to a significant difference in forms of training from the forms of raising subordinates.

    Taking into account the proposed definition of the form of education, they are combined into five related groups on a specific basis.

    The list of forms of training of the first group is determined by the composition of those trained in their categories (classes with officer composition, ensigns, sergeants, etc.) and official support (classes with commander of divisions, departments, crews, etc.).

    The second group reflects the characteristics of the grouping of the trainees and includes individual and group training.

    The third group corresponds to the place of training sessions (classes in curriculum, field classes, classes at duty vestia).

    The list of training forms of the fourth group is due to the duration of the training session (short-term - a few minutes; short - 2-6 hours; long-term - up to one day; multi-day).

    The fifth group unites forms of learning, depending on the approach to the formation of the structure of the classes. Currently, within the framework of this group, the general, used in all divisions, regardless of the solved combat, service and other tasks, and special, used only in a particular unit (for example, aviation, naval, motorized rifle, etc.) ( Scheme 2).

    In turn, the form of education is the options for organizing a particular educational event, its composite construction. They are always interconnected with the content, as a result of which each of them solves well-defined educational tasks, use certain levers of personality development, interests and needs of the subordinate, forms professionally significant personal properties and quality.

    Given the modern understanding of the essence of education, it can be argued that the forms of education are infinitely much - from the elementary forms of the statutory relationship between servicemen, individual and group conversations to all forms of educational, official and social and planning activities of military personnel. The same OGPs and informs are not only forms of learning and explaining the military-political situation in the world, the provisions of cases in the part, division, but also solve important educational tasks. In the special literature to the main forms of educational work of the officer, the general meeting of personnel, summing up, group and individual conversations, disputes, adoption of military oath, meeting with veterans of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and parents of servicemen, thematic evenings, evenings of questions and answers, etc. It should be noted that their list is sufficiently diverse and is largely determined by the level of military-pedagogical training and skill of officers of military management bodies, the specifics of the solvable tasks, the development of the information, cultural, social infrastructure of the dislocation of parts and divisions.

    The effectiveness of certain forms of training and education depends on the professional knowledge, skills and skills of military personnel, on the degree of formed by their personal sphere, from the officer of the instructions of educational and educational cooperation with subordinates within a particular educational or educational form. In military pedagogical literature, they are designated by the concept of training and education, under which the system of methods of joint activities of the officer and subordinate is understood, which achieves mastering knowledge, the formation of skills and skills, as well as the development of mental and physical forces of military personnel, improving the leading components of their personal sphere necessary to solve professional tasks for purpose. Like forms, learning methods and methods of education differ significantly from each other.

    Pedagogical analysis of the characteristics of the training implemented in the troops and on Fleets of training methods allows you to combine them into two groups. The basis of a group of traditional learning methods is the provisions of an associative-reflex learning theory, providing for a consistent transition of student from understanding the study information to preserve it in memory in the form of knowledge and subsequent practical application. These include methods of oral presentation of educational material (lecture, story, explanation and instruction), its discussion (conversation, seminar), as well as the methods of display (demonstration), exercises, practical work and independent work.

    A group of active learning methods in contrast to the traditional involves the direct participation of military personnel in the formation of their own professional knowledge, skills and skills. These include methods for analyzing specific situations, incident, brain attack (brainstorming), shuttle, business game, immersion, etc. However, the term "active methods" is not strictly scientific, since all learning methods are initially designed for active joint work. training and trainee. Its use is aimed at emphasizing the specifics of the means and techniques used in them, which are oriented primarily on the active cognitive and practical activity of the subordinates themselves.

    The practice of educational activities of experienced officers shows that their arsenal also contains a wide variety of methods that can be combined into two groups: pedagogical and psychological methods of education. Pedagogical (traditional) methods of education involve the impact of the officer on consciousness (rational scope of personality) subordinate. These include methods of belief, encouragement, example, critics, exercises and coercion.

    The effect of psychological methods of education is aimed at submission subordination. The most effective of them are non-verbal methods (mimic, gestures, posture, nature of movements, eye expression, intonation of votes), emotional (empathy, indignation, teaching) and rational (suggestion) interaction. At the same time, the officer must be borne in mind that psychological methods are implemented simultaneously with pedagogical, which allows to strengthen or weaken the raising effect on the rational sphere of personality (consciousness) of the serviceman.

    Knowledge of principles, forms and methods of training and education subordinates, their implementation in organizing and implementing military-professional activities is the main indicator of the military professional culture of the officer composition, an important criterion for assessing the level of his pedagogical skill.

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    § 4. Methods and forms of training of warriors
    Section Sh. Pedagogy Education of Warriors
    § 5. Essence and principles of raising warriors
    § 6. Methods and forms of raising warriors
    § 7. Pedagogical culture of the officer and teacher NVP
    § 8. Self-education and self-education of the teacher and officer
    Approximate version of the development of a working curriculum
    Test tasks for military psychology and military pedagogy
    Answers to test tasks

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