Appointment of simulators in the gym. Types of simulators

Appointment of simulators in the gym. Types of simulators

Before any newcomer, which came to the gym, the question arises: "For what grabbing in the first place?", After all, simulators and various incomprehensible structures of the darkness-dirty, and everything for something is intended and performing their functions and that you have enlightened me "From and to", we offer the most complete information about the simulators in the rocking chair.

Simulators. History of creation.

Because We all train in different halls (someone in super-modern three-storey fitness centers, and someone in a small box), so a set of structural filling hall may differ, but the necessary "gentlemansky" set of simulators / handlers, often one And the same. Therefore, we will focus on the necessary and sufficient minimum, which can be found in almost any gym, regardless of the place of his visit.

Actually, I would like to start with a small prehistory of the emergence of simulators and their evolution. In the arsenal of a modern person there is a huge number of units capable of bringing his body into a proper look. However, it was not always so, and our great-grandfathers were content with only a banal junction over the hilly terrain and the transfer of various kinds of weights. Everything has changed with the arrival of science in the field of recovery and physical training of people, or rather, to say, with the arrival of a "proven" boy (and later a famous doctor) Wilhelm Sanderwhich is considered the father-founder of the first mass simulators and the gym in today's embodiment.


The simulator is a mechanical (or electric), a combined training device that simulates various loads, situations. Sports simulator - a device for performing exercises aimed at developing muscles, training a cardiovascular system and the agreed work of various muscle groups when performing certain movements.

In 1864, Zander He founded the institute in Stockholm, where 27 cars developed by him were established. The simulators were very diverse: a mechanical horse for aerobics, connected to the engine, which set the rhythm and obliged to keep up with the simulator; simulators for squatting and making attacks; Power frames and so on (see image).

Then the relay wand picked up Hanrich Klinert, which B. 19 century Created a device, something resembling exercise bike. Its design was simple to disgrace - the chair to which the board with the handle was attached, and the pedals were attached to the bottom. Then, in 1952, the first prototype of the treadmill appeared and went - drove: elliptic simulators, steppers, etc. The framework of the design of the simulators of the past was mainly made of wood, and as a weighting, its own weight was used, which significantly limited the capabilities of the simulator in comparison with modern.

In general, it is worth saying that the ideas laid many years ago came in priority and to modern simulators, but the form and content changed, and not for the worse (see image).

Today's realities of today, almost beyond recognition changed the appearance of simulators, and in modern fitness halls we used to see completely different, already so familiar to us Types of simulators. Just with them we will get acquainted in the next chapter.

Gym: Types of simulators and features

Before starting our story, it is necessary to answer the question: "What are the simulators and for what are they intended for?".

All sports fitness rooms can be divided into zones in accordance with the type of load:

1) Cardio zone (endurance work, weight relief)

2) (set of mass, giving relief muscles). Those. It turns out that, depending on the purposes, each zone is represented by its simulators.

To make it easier to navigate (where to go where to go), we divide the audience of the hall for two categories: 1) Men 2) women. The first mostly go for increasing the volume and development of endurance, the second - in every way try to lose weight and work. From here it is very often a division on the halls on the sexual basis: "The girls - right, boys - left,", but it does not always happen, we will analyze the general case, i.e. What pieces and aggregates under whom are sharpened. In general, the entire inventory in the halls can be divided into:

  • (sets, designs) for fitness classes (fitness of the figure). For example: step-platforms, hoops, dumbbells, gymnastic rollers, balls. Basically designed for women, because Do not assume work with a lot of weight;
  • Devices whose action involves the impact on muscle groups and burdening;
  • (pancakes, rods, vultures).

Simulators (depending on the task being performed) can be divided into:

  • Cardiotrymen (treadmills, orbitreki, exercise bikes and TP);
  • (with built-in weights, which is regulated by a moving pin);
  • (with free weights that "attach" to the design);
  • with its own weight of the body of an athlete;
  • ("Named" simulators).

The last four representatives belong to power simulators. Usually, each floor prefers its type of iron "machines", and it is very rare to see the queue from the fair sex representatives near any power simulator, but still sometimes this happens.

Well, let's start with the arsenal of women.


Very often, the purpose of almost any woman in the gym, this is the possibility of pointing to affect the problem areas (hips, buttocks, waist) and lose weight. Therefore, the most favorite shells (after weights :)) you can call: cardiotrymen, hoops, benches for the press, rugs, small dumbbells. In general, the standard female set is as follows (see image).

Also, they can be attributed to some "men's" simulators - butterfly (breast development) and simulators for working out legs. More about them in the male section. As you can see, all the simulators and inventory are aimed at improving endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular system and burning calories.

Let's look more more detailed by aerobic simulators. The main parameter characterizing the work in such simulators is a human pulse (heartbeat frequency). For him, you need to constantly follow, in order to engage in effectively and avoid overwork. In one of our past articles, we have already spoken about what pulse is considered effective and in what borders it should be if the goal is to lose weight. Modern cardiotrybrees are placed not only to control the pulse, but also monitor such parameters as: calorie consumption, distance, time, and much more, for this they are built in a special computer analyzer with a bunch of sensors. All that remains to do is climb to this device and start producing intensive television.

Girls will be useful to know that the standard set (i.e. occurring in each hall) of cardiotresers can be attributed:

  • Exercise bikes;
  • Treadmills;
  • Elliptical simulators (orbiter);
  • Stepper;
  • Rowing simulators.

Let's run on each simulator from the list so that you, my dear, had an idea, as they look and what is suitable.

Exercise bikes

The most effective view of the cardiotryman in terms of exposure not only on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, but also on the development of the muscles of the legs and buttocks. According to the resistance system, these simulators can be divided into mechanical and magnetic. The first - have a belt loading system, i.e. When the load value depends on the belt tension, in the second case, the load depends on the distance between the constant magnets and the flywheel (the course of such simulators is smoother and uniform).


The easiest and most effective type of cardionage from the point of view of weight loss. It is best accelerating the metabolic processes in the body and contributes to the combustion of unnecessary calories. There are mechanical - the canvas is driven by the person themselves and electrical - they are connected to the electrical network and are driven by electric motors. Changing the angle of inclination of the canvas and the speed of its movement, you can adjust the degree of load on the body.

Elliptical simulators

This is a rather unusual simulator that combines the functions of two simulators, a stepper and a treadmill. This type of simulator is also in addition to the integrated impact on cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it has a strengthening effect on the joint-binder and musculature. Many women prefer precisely this type of simulators, and it must be said, it is not difficult, for the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks are strengthened in it, the load on the knee joints (ankle) is minimized and at the same time strengthened the bodies (hands, shoulders and shoulders and Breast muscles). In general, girls, you can safely master it first.


The most uncomplicated simulator, the analogue of which can serve as a rise up stairs. According to the principle of action, they are divided into models with interconnected move - the pedals are connected into a single system and independent - the load can be changed for each pedal separately.

Rowing simulator

The most versatile representative from the series of cardiovants. Affects everything, all and everywhere. Remember the rowers and how much they have strength and endurance. So, this simulator will contribute to the development of these qualities. Actually, with cardiovers and shells for girls finished, we will move to heavy artillery and strength simulators for men.


Of course, a male body needs in a completely different load, so the simulators in the hall for us are more "harsh". To somehow systematize and lead to some structured form, what a simulator for which is intended, it will be appropriate to classify on muscle groups of their impact. So, let's begin. And we will go through all the simulators "from the head to toe" :).

Simulators for foot

Muscles of legs among the largest representatives of the muscular corset of the human body. They have the greatest goal depth and therefore, to work out, high-intensity training with high weights and mean (10-15) by the number of repetitions are required.

The following simulators will be suitable for achieving this goal (see image):

  • gakkenshmidt simulator (1);
  • simulator platform (2);
  • extension of legs in knees Sitting (3);
  • bending legs in the knees lying (4);
  • simulators for ICR (5, 6).


Only design simulators are subject to consideration.

Simulators for the press

One of the important functions of the abdominal muscles is the stabilization of the body, it also belongs to the "Bark" muscles. Many in their workouts forget to strengthen muscle data or use 1-2 training simulators, but there are a large number of them, for example (see image):

  • oblique bench (1);
  • gymnastic roller (2);
  • "Roman Chair" (3);
  • swedish wall with bars (4).

Simulators for breast muscles

Breast muscles are one of the important components of the athletic form. To develop shaped breasts, workouts are needed for study both internal and external part of it. From the simulators to the most vivid representatives to develop this muscle group, can be attributed (see image):

  • simulator "Butterfly" (1);
  • hammer simulator (2);
  • crossover (3);

Simulators for triceps

The triceps is 2/3 of the surface of the hand, so training it, you can achieve impressive "manual" volumes. Basically, its training is carried out with the help of exercises with a barbell and free weight, the more isolated study takes place with the use of block simulators, for example (see image):

  • block frame (1);
  • bars (2).

Biceps simulators

The amount of hand will also add biceps - double-headed shoulder muscle. This is the most "indicative" muscle that all truths and inconsistencies are like "bombing" newcomers. It is well worked with non-free shells, but about the following simulators also forget, for example, for example (see image):

  • scott bench (1);
  • biceps-machine simulator (2).

Simulators for the back

Spin - a large muscular layer consisting of several muscle subgroups. Thanks to the massive back, the person visually looks quite impressive. A spin is trained mainly due to traction exercises using simulators, for example (see image):

  • T-rug construction (1);
  • block simulator (2);
  • bench for extension (3).

Simulators for shoulders and trapez

Wide, well-developed deltoid muscles - the pledge of a courageous figure. Because The muscle is large (consists of 3 beams) and Tolstoy, then for its training there is a surround training for each, separately taken a bundle. The best muscle is being worked out with free weight exercises, but the following simulators can also help, for example (see image):

  • simulator "Delta-shaped butterfly";
  • schragi with weights (dumbbells);

Actually, all. We looked at the main "gentlemansky" set of simulators for any hall, however, in addition to them, you should not forget that there are still shells (dumbbells, rods) and inventory to work with free weight (various benches, etc.). Everyone will help you harmoniously develop your body.


As you can see, the simulators in the hall are not such an incomprehensible thing with competent approach, i.e. preliminary familiarization. Now, having come to the hall, you can easily orient in its equipment, or rather - you will know which simulator is for what is designed and what worries, and this means that we spend precious time with more benefits. It remains only to pull the technique of performing exercises on these iron "machines", and everything will be fine.

With respect and appreciation, Protasov Dmitry.

Deciding for visiting the gym, finally coming to him, many have a light loss. In any gym always costs at least a dozen different devices. Where to start how to use professional simulators for fitness clubs, it knows not everyone, but for some reason everyone is sure that it will figure out with them in place. In fact, this question should be asked before buying a subscription and the first visit to the hall. Let's find out what simulators are how to use them, and for what they are intended.

In most cases, any gym has several special zones for various types of load. Zoning takes place for this principle:

  • Cardio - where cardiovers are installed, there is a place where to jump on the rope.
  • Power - It usually takes most of the hall, includes various power simulators, as well as racks for working with free weights.
  • Crossfit - where the specific equipment for classes is established by this direction is not a mandatory zone and is not present in all halls.
  • For stretching - as a rule, it takes a small space, on which a person can spread the rug and make a harness.

Each of these areas is equipped with special equipment, which can also be divided into separate categories:

  • Simulators are mainly mechanical, but sometimes electrical, combined devices that help purposefully effect on a separate muscle, muscle group with various burdens, as well as train respiratory, cardiovascular system of the body.
  • Shells are additional devices that are used for the variety of exercises and loads (step-platforms, balls, dumbbells, hoops, phytballs, hemispheres).
  • Power inventory, which also helps to diversify loads (rods, straps, belts, vultures, castles, pancakes).

In most cases, when you come to the hall, you use simulators and free weights - dumbbells, rods. But in this case, a logical question arises, how to do on this equipment? Let's first figure it out that such simulators are how they arose and for what they were created.

Short story

Modern man using simulators, can work out isolated even the smallest muscle of her body. But it was not always so. Previously, the simulators used a little with other purposes, and the equipment itself had a completely different appearance.

Initially, the athletes of the past were limited to jogging and raising all sorts of weights - free weights. But since the direction of rehabilitation, rehabilitation and physical training of people and athletes was originated, science began to develop.

The first created prototypes of modern simulators Swedish physiotherapist Wilhelm Zadder - founder of mechanotherapy. He developed almost three dozen different cars and created a special institution in Stockholm, which was engaged in issues of recovery and rehabilitation.

Another noticeable figure in the history of the creation of modern devices - Hanrich Klingert, who first constructed something resembling a modern exercise bike. Initially, it was a chair with armrests and pedals. The running track first appeared in 1952. Most simulators of that time did not assume the use of additional scales, worked only with the weight of their own body. Mechanical devices were originally manufactured from wood, so they were not very durable.

In fact, today only materials manufacturers of structures have changed and weightlifiers have been added. The simulators completely changed the appearance, but their main ideas were preserved until today. What are these devices that we use?

Modern simulators

It does not matter what room you do, a large fitness center or a small basement simulator, the main set of mechanical structures and additional shells will be approximately the same.

Depending on the purpose and objectives of the design, they are divided into such basic types:

  • to use its own body weight (bench, bars, horizontal babies);
  • the lever to which the extra weight is attached (racks for rods, benches for the press and thrust of dumbbells);
  • blocks in which there is a built-in weight, divided into blocks (regulated by a moving pin);
  • cardiotrymen (exercise bikes, elipsoids, running tracks Other);
  • power machines or frames (usually called their creator name).

It is believed that cardiotrymen are exclusively female cars. Like, women come to the hall for weight loss, and this can be achieved only by cardiodeloads. In fact, this is a myth.

Reduce weight can be reduced by combined loads, so it is important to use not only cardio, but also power structures, especially free weight equipment. And in addition to power loads, it is necessary to periodically include aerobic exercises in the program.

Thrust on block simulator

The mechanism involves pulling up to the chest in the sitting season. The weight used is regulated by the block system. It can be pulled from top to bottom to chest (vertical block) or horizontally to yourself (horizontal block).

Proper exercise helps to work out the widest muscles of the back and biceps of the hands.

Simulator for Hands (Butterfly)

In a sitting position, it is necessary to take up the two holders and put the hands together so that they practically touch each other. This type of simulator has various modifications: reduction is carried out by brushes, forearms. Such a position helps to work, first of all, breast muscles.

Some designs allow you to turn around the seat and remove your hands behind your back. Then you can load the rear bunches of the Delta.

Simulator platform

With it, you can to some extent replace the squats of those people who have problems with the spine and the axial load on it is prohibited. It completely eliminates the load on the back, cycling only legs.

Depending on the production of the feet, you can shift the load on different leg muscles, which allows you to work on them in any convenient mode. But mostly at the housing of the platform, quadriceps and buttock muscles work.

To perform, you must lean on the seat, close the lower back to it tightly, set your feet on the platform. After removing the limiters, bend the legs in the knees, and then squeeze the platform without straightening the legs in the knee joints.

Extension of legs sitting

The block simulator allows you to point the quadriceps, without overloading the knee joints. By putting the necessary weight, sit on the seat, set the legs under the roller and raise their necessary number of times.

Flexion of legs lying

The principle of action is similar to the previous one, only in this case the biceps of the thigh running. To work, it is necessary to put the weight, lie on the simulator, hooking the legs under the roller, and raise it, bending your legs.

Roman chair

An inclined platform with a roller for fixing the legs, on which various muscle groups are being worked out. Exercises are performed in the form of housing twists directly, diagonally, with an additional weight or without.

Rowing simulator

Multipurpose device that helps to work out the muscles of the press, back, biceps of hands, quadriceps, and also get a great cardion. It is necessary to sit on the seat and straighten your back, take up the holder so that the palms look down, place the legs on the platform. Then, pushing his legs, it is necessary to pull the neck to herself, pulling the elbows beyond the back.


Special device for those who are hard to deal with their own weight, in particular, tightening. It is enough to become knees on a special platform, putting before the movement of the platform movement, take up the crossbar and pull up. The platform will take part of your weight, helping you climb up.

Exercise bike

The cardiotrer that imitates the work by bike, but at the same time allows you to record the distance traveled and the pulse of the training. You can set the power of the resistance of pedals for additional load. It trains not only the muscles of the legs, but also the cardiovascular system.


Its use is intuitive - replaces normal running. But it is possible to complicate yourself with a task, setting a certain angle of inclination of the platform. Also, the intensity is regulated by the speed of movement of the tape under the legs.

Elliptical simulators

Combine the features of the treadmill and some other cardiotrymen. Accordingly, they are intended to study the leg muscles. Additional levers help give some load and on hand.

These are the main types of simulators, which are usually placed in the halls. To orient in their work will be able to coach. But it is better to choose a program in advance and deal with what equipment will have to be used.

2013-09-15 Views: 23 840

We present to your attention top list of the most popular simulators in the gym. A little about the "heroes" of Top and what the reasons for their popularity, also read in our article.

On 10th place is located stepper - Cardiovascular, which provides a load on. This simulator imitating the staircase is most popular among the women's audience. Since, unlike power simulators, helps make legs with slender and tightened, without increasing muscle mass.

Rowing simulator - Universal cardiotryman, allowing to achieve tangible results in the case. During classes on this simulator, all major muscle groups are experiencing at the same time, which contributes to the harmonious development of the body. This is one of the few simulators, which, thanks to one exercise, has an impact on most of the muscles of our organism. Despite the high productivity of training on the rowing simulator, some still avoid him, fearing that it is very difficult to do on it. Therefore, in fact, the ninth place.

Eighth place in the rating of popularity is given crossoveser. This power simulator allows, shoulder belts, back and press. At the same time, the load is distributed only to the muscles you need, the rest remain unused. This simulator is relevant not only for professional athletes and bodybuilders, but also for those who wish to adjust their shape.

Smith car. This uncomplicated exercise simulator, which is a bench with two racks, for which burden movement is made, very popular among bodybuilders and bodybuilders. The secret of its success is safety and good performance. Smith's car does not just jump muscles, but. The result of training is visible very soon, which, of course, attracts many.

At the 6th place in our ranking is located harm Trainer. It is quite popular both among men and among women. The secret of his success is simple - this is one of the few power simulators that allows you to work and seriously pump up the muscles of the legs.

In fifth place - orbitrek (elliptical simulator). And its popularity is quite deserved, because it is indeed the most efficient way of cardiography. The elliptical simulator, like no other, allows you to lead the entire body into the muscle tone. Especially popular orbitrek among women, since it has a good impact on the muscles of hip and buttocks. Plus, breast muscles, as well as muscles of hands and shoulders are being studied. The popularity of this simulator is also explained by the fact that it does not affect the joints and the spine, which means that it allows you to work as comfortable as possible.

Traction from the top block. Not all men can now pull up. What to talk about girls. Therefore, the thrust from the top block (imitating pull-ups) is an indispensable simulator and eat in almost every room. In addition, the exercises on such a simulator are quite simple and are suitable even for complete beginners. Therefore, he also gained such fame in the simulatory halls.

Opens the top three leaders of the most popular simulators, good old bike rail. Yes, he is less likely stands in proud loneliness in fitness halls. There are reasons for it: the exercise bike is unusually easy to use, suits people of any physical training and provides substantial assistance in maintaining an external form.

On the 2nd place, as they say, the classic of the genre is a treadmill! Easy and efficiency - that's what makes a treadmill with one of the most popular simulators at all times. Running or walking is the most familiar kind of activity for us, with whom we come across every day. This is what we can and we can. That is why it is easy to engage in the treadmill easily and comfortable. In addition, running at a rate of 8 km / h for 30 minutes will allow us to burn 300 calories to us, and the fruitful influence of such training on the cardiovascular system of our body will not have to speak at all.

Hyperextenia (slopes through goat). This simulator is truly indispensable. And grief is a hall that does not have this simple device. Newcomers who train themselves often ignore hyperextenzium. But almost all coaches make their wards work on it almost every workout. It is understandable. No exercise is as effective and safe for the back. All exercises reinforcing the back, one way or another, are associated with the axial load. And only the slopes through the goat do not load your lower back and practically do not have contraindications.

As you can see, two cardiovascular rooms come into the first three of our rating. And this is actually so, because the overwhelming majority of people still come to the gym to lose weight or support their physical form. But power simulators are more popular among professional bodybuilders and serious athletes, which are less. Therefore, more modest places are allocated in our ranking. Free Weights with all their diversity, opportunities and accessibility, until nothing can dial from the first step of the pedestal.

The simulator is used to pump the chest muscles. The essence of the exercise is to reduce the handles in front of them sitting on the seat with a vertical back. The occupation reminds the wiring of dumbbells on the bench. However, the trajectory is strictly defined here, so the stabilizing muscles are not connected to the process, which means that the load applies evenly and strictly to the target group. Due to the regular execution of this movement, it is possible to avoid the imbalance of the chest muscles, to act on deep fibers and achieve blood flow to this area.

Simulators for traction

The equipment is intended for loading spinal muscles. This is carried out by traction of the handle from above or to themselves (to the belt). In any case, the region of the widest muscles is being worked out, as well as indirectly involved diamond and trapezoids. The exercise is aimed at correcting posture, the creation of an athletic torso, a visual decrease in the waist due to the extension of the back. Classes help get rid of pain in the lumbar department and prevent the problems with the spine in the future. Vertical thrust successfully replaces pull-ups, horizontal - rowing simulator.

Pets from the chest

These installations are used to study the chest muscles. Exercise Identically pressing dumbbells or rods on an adjustable bench. It is the pushing of handles forward along a given trajectory, which eliminates the involvement of stabilizing muscles. Movements are performed at different angles (depending on the model of the simulator) - at all lying, sitting, half a walk. This allows pumping various parts of muscles. Designs provide the most secure study of the technique of the press, resulting in suitable athletes and girls.

Hoom feet

A good alternative to strengthen the bottom of the body will be a training machine. It serves as replacing or supplementing squats with a barbell on the shoulders. Classes on it are most safe thanks to the fixation of the back during the exercise and the presence of rotary safety stops. The design is used to achieve various purposes, including opposite: sets of mass and creation of a relief figure. It all depends on the training program and power mode. The platform allows you to change the setting of the stop for pumping different parts of the muscles.

Simulators for leading and discharge muscles

Designs are used to train adductors (leading) and abductors (discharge). The outer surface of the legs is strengthened by breeding hips, internal - information. In the halls you can find models to perform both movements or for one of them. The exercise allows you to adjust the problem areas, make them stronger and tightening. It provides warming up inguinal ligaments and hip joints, which contributes to an increase in amplitude and efficient muscle response. It is implemented after basic approaches or as part of a super solesterus.

Fire simulators for flexion and leg extensions

These devices are used to study biceps and quadriceps hips. The use of the desired zone occurs by flexing or extension of the legs accordingly. Thanks to such exercises, ligaments and knees are strengthened, the mobility of the joints is returned, relief muscles are obtained. You can engage in each foot alternately with a change in the position of the socks, shifting the emphasis on the medial, then on the lateral head. Training like this type is appropriate either at the beginning, or in the completion of the main complex.

Smith car

The loaded machine is designed to strengthen almost all muscle groups, from the forearm to the legs. To this end, it allows you to carry out a lot of different exercises - crops, press on the chest, traction to the chin, etc. The simulator consists of a metal frame and a crossbar on which pancakes hang. The restrictive hooks fixing the rod at a certain height will protect secure the process. Due to the specified trajectory, you can accently affect the required muscles.

Power Rama

With any heavy weight exercises, the partner is needed. But if there is no assistant, but it is necessary to progress, then the power frame is used. It looks like four racks interconnected from above. Inside them are marked and bench (if necessary). The athlete performs movement and is not afraid that shell traumats him. The design is relevant for the implementation of squats and bend from the chest. It is also used for becoming and dead thrust, vertical press and bending for biceps. The equipment is equally useful and beginners, and professionals.


This is an extremely useful device, providing the back of the back of the back, the rear surface of the hips and buttocks. The movement of the same name is made to warm the lower back in front of the heavy database, at the end of the class, for example, in combination with pumping press, or as an independent exercise. Hyperextension also has a rehabilitation effect on the back, corrects posture, relieves clips from a sedentary lifestyle. Both direct and reverse variety are performed without burden and with them (with sufficient sports training).

Multiposition benches

Equipment is an indispensable assistant in the implementation of different exercises on all muscle groups. It is characterized by a variable angle of inclination, as a result of which the impact applies precisely on those zones that need to be strengthened. On the bench you can perform classic beasts from the chest, vertical bench, lifts to biceps, twisting on the press. In addition, it is supporting when pumping triceps and backs. Without it, it is difficult to introduce work with free shells - rods and dumbbells, especially in the conditions of gyms.

Benches for the press

Designs for pumping the abdominal region are equally popular in men and women who want to get cherished "cubes". Depending on the model on the bench, twisting, lifts of the body or legs are implemented. For this, there are all the necessary components - a durable steel frame, a soft surface and rollers for fixing the ankles. In the halls usually install static, and adjustable options so that visitors can choose the one that will be most effective in a particular case.

Parts for biceps

Scott benches are used for the development of biceps, but, compared with standard lifts of dumbbells or rods, elbows are fixed here specifically provided by the desk. As a burden, you can choose various shells, including curved, as well as to train with each hand separately. The press on a similar machine leads to an increase in the volume of the shoulder muscles and the growth of their strength. Training at which the surface of the hand is pressed to the desk, allows you to "shock" biceps due to unusual movements for them.


Devices are designed for running or walking in premises. They have many modes of work, allowing you to engage with different speeds and angle of inclination. They are purchased to create cardionage, improvement improvement, calorie burning. The cost of treadmills depends on their external performance and filling. So, the most cheap is the simplest mechanical, which are powered by the runner itself. On average price range are magnetic. Then there are variations with an electric motor and an on-board computer.

Elliptical simulators

Orbereki is a symbiosis of the stepper, a treadmill and bike bargaining. They can be walking, running, rising along the steps, etc. They are most secure as possible for engaged in problem joints and spine, since they provide a shock effect on weak zones. Ellipsoids will help train the heart muscle, expand the volume of lungs, eliminate fat deposits and prevent their appearance. Using them, it turns out to create a beautiful figure without harm to health.

Exercise bikes

This equipment is used to twist the pedals, as on the usual bike. There are horizontal and vertical types. The first pedals are placed under the seat, and the second in one with it plane. Accordingly, the latter are suitable for people with pains in the back and joints to save them from unpleasant sensations in the process of training. On the principle of loading there are inertial, magnetic and electromagnetic models. Regardless of the modification, all structures contribute to the effective weight loss, the development of the vestibular apparatus, the maintenance of the body in the tone.

Types of simulators used in sports halls are divided into several aspects, including the principle of operation, the study of certain muscle groups, additional functionality. Next, we consider sports shells on blocks focused on pumping various parts of the body.

Breast Muscle Units

In this direction, the following types of simulators can be distinguished:

  1. Loaded, or block option for retrieving up at an angle. Exercises involve the top of the chest. This projectile can be used to study triceps and delta using the bench press or dumbbells (no additional insurance is required).
  2. Bench for the performance of horizontal press. The work is involved in the front delta, triceps, breast muscles. The work on the sports projectile is similar to the above version, only is carried out at an angle, but strictly horizontally.
  3. "Breast-machine, or" Butterfly ". This unit allows you to use greater and small breast muscles, the emphasis on occupations is made on the central separation of the working parts of the body. The most popular exercises: work with hands bent in the elbows, and mixing the elongated upper extremities.

"Pullover" and "Gravirtron"

The first type of simulators, photo of which is presented below, is focused on the development of the entire group of pectoral muscles, back, delta and press. Classes on the shell are safe, do not require an assistant assist, are great for beginners. In the design there is a lever of the handle.

"Gravirtron" is designed to perform pull-ups. It allows you to "pump" the widest, rhombid, large round muscles of the back. Biceps participate in the work. In general, the device is imitation of the horizontalist, equipped with a special platform and counterweight, helping to actively engage at attacks with an insufficient degree of preparation.

Shells for the back

"The extensor of the back" is the type of simulator in the hall, the photo of which is below, oriented to the activation of direct sprinkled muscles of the back. The device is often used to restore after injury, it can serve as a substitute for "hyperextenia". Block type frame allows you to adjust the load level.

T-T-Grope at an angle. Almost all the dorsal sites are involved, biceps with Delta also work. Sports projectile allows you to isolate a group of broader muscles, excluding the extensor from work. To securely fix the legs and the chest allows the stops that makes it possible to focus exclusively on the study of the back. Also, this type of simulators can be transformed under the load in the slope.

Lever load. The adaptation is involved in the widest muscles, a trapezium, biceps, delta. The main load falls on the extension / flexion of the back, the study of the widest muscles. The design provides the ability to block the extensors and feeding the handles using a special lever.

For legs

Gakk machine allows you to develop all the front and backs of the hip, as well as buttocks. The main focus falls on the front muscle group and the external side. The projectile can be used for squats with a barbell or other weightlifier. The insuring partner is not needed, since there are lock levers.

Smith's car has a specific design that allows the most muscles to work. Most often, this type of simulators is used for squats with the load of the hips and buttocks. The adaptation with a counterweight optimizes the softness of the guide elements and reduces the mass of the grid.

Evaluor and thigh flexor

The first type of simulators in the hall (extensor) is designed to study the back of the thigh. Also in the paper, the drowned muscle is involved, which is above the knee. In addition to training the legs, the projectile is used in rehabilitation purposes, as well as for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The thigh flexor makes it possible to work out the back and calf muscles. The main load falls on the bottom biceps compartment. In medicine, the unit is also used to rehabilitate and prevent diseases of the ODA (musculoskeletal system).

Among other popular sports shells for the feet:

Types of simulators and their names for hands

Biceps machine. The simulator provides training a certain part of the hands (clear from the title). Exercise is running sitting, which allows you to unload the spine. The handles are adjustable by tilting, ensuring the most comfortable classes. The same analogue is available to study triceps.

French bench sitting. Here mainly involved in the internal and medium bunch of triceps. The angle of graft provides a comfortable exercise, thanks to the design of the machine no longer overloads.

Block-triceps. When performing exercises, the corresponding muscles are activated completely, as well as the front of the delta. The emphasis is placed on the fixed position of the body, which ensures the maximum study of the three-headed muscles.

Bruce sitting. The simulator makes it possible to "pump" chest, shoulder muscles and triceps. Blocking with adjustable weight allows athletes with different levels of preparation.

Roller block. This shell is effective for the development and buildup of the muscles of the forearm.

For the press

Bench to perform twisting sitting. Classes allow you to use the straight muscle of the abdomen with an additional load of the toothed and intercostal sites. In sports medicine, the projectile is used to prevent the diseases of the spine.

Twister. This simulator includes external, transverse and internal press muscles. High efficiency of the device manifests itself to build athletic physique. In medicine - for the prevention of spinal diseases.

Shoulder girdle

Three popular simulators are celebrated in this segment:

  1. Right sitting makes it possible to use medium and front bunches of the deltoid muscle. Sports projectile is effective for the formation of a beautiful and powerful upper shoulder belt. The design features of the unit contribute to the liberation of the spine from excessive load, the handle feed lever and the height adjustable seat ensure the most comfortable classes.
  2. Wiring sitting. In this case, the average and front parts of the delta are being studied, the emphasis on occupation is made to the middle of the muscle group. Sports device is often used to breed dumbbells in a sitting position or standing.
  3. Reverse layout. The simulator is aimed at working out the rear beams of the deltoid muscle. The device has a combined configuration, which contributes to the performance of exercises, as a chest and dumbbell lead. The design provides a change in the position of the levers and handles.

Multifunctional models

Types of simulators in the gym, photos of one of which are presented below belong to universal modifications. Here you can select two instances:


In this segment, several modifications are distinguished:


The above are the types of simulators and their purpose. These models are used primarily in sports halls, many of them have a multifunctional orientation that allows you to work out various muscle groups. With the development of technologies, some modifications are upgraded, others remain unchanged, and morally obsolete versions are simply removed from production.