The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Rational use of Time

The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Rational use of Time
The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Rational use of Time

Aphorisms, below published, about time will allow the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time in our lives is an important item. Time in eternity, as such, no. In essence, this is our perception. An hour of happiness seems a minute, a minute of misfortune seems to be an hour. Differences at the rate of time in childhood and in old age.

And in the critical situation, - in a state of affect, in general, there is such a slowdown that everything begins to move slowly. From here it follows that it will also learn how to manage it. However, no matter how it was, time is subject to everything in the manifested universe, it changes constantly, every moment, however, as we. The body is aging, at least each at different and different lengths, again the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, the time, as if, constantly flows and under his influence it changes everything. And the future at the same time comes closely, and few unfamiliate to this coming. People, mostly, in best case Go back to the coming events. A person who is in a mige of his full perception can go face to meet life. Start with time, so to speak! After all, go back forward is not convenient and physiologically and internally. And the person naturally unfold. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Any perception of the past, present and future is the result of the setting. Any empty time of time should be unthinkable, to do it - it means to miss the opportunity to be in a universal monthly creation of the world, which also began to start and continues to be going on in this moment, which how to measure? This is a more extensive topic.

In these aphorisms, as in the sayings on other topics of our life, contain deep meaning and wisdom. Explanation of laws and patterns of life in all its latitude. You will learn the essence of the time and its patterns, for reasonable use ...

♦ True great is the person who managed to master his time!


♦ Time does not like when it is wasting.

Henry Ford

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, it will achieve a little.


♦ A person who decided to waste at least one hour of his time, not yet Doros before understanding the value of life.

Darwin Ch.

♦ There can not be a man to dispose of more than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

Middle man It is concerned about how to kill time, a man is talented seeking to use it.

Arthur Shopenhauer

♦ The most wise person is the one who is most annoying time loss.

Dante Aligiery

♦ Time is an honest person.

Boualersche P.

♦ Wiser just - time, for it reveals everything.


♦ Alas, no time passes, we pass.

Pierre de Ronsar

♦ Wise time distribution is the basis for activity.

Komensei Ya.

♦ The point is not to run quickly, but to run out early.

Francois Rabla

About the difference of time perception ...

♦ These are such long, and the years are so short!

Alphonse Dodé

♦ ... happy consider time to minutes, whereas for unfortunate it stretches for months.

Cooper F.

♦ Time is such an indefinite thing. One seems to be very long. Another - on the contrary.

Agatha Christie

♦ Time is the mother and the breadwinner of all the best.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Choose time - it means to save time, and what has been done inexpressive, it is done in vain.

Francis Bacon

♦ moments always replace each other.

♦ youth quickly flies: catch the outgoing time. The day that was always better than this day.


♦ Using the current time so that in old age does not edit yourself for youth, living in vain.

Boccaccio Giovanni

♦ Time is the most precious of all means.


♦ Good time consumption takes time even more precious.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

♦ Who does not know the price of the time, he is not born for glory.

Luke de Clapier Vovenarg

♦ If the time is the most precious thing, then time waste is the biggest moto.

Benjamin Franklin

♦ All time is: your hour for conversation, your hour for peace.


♦ In life, every minute is in itself a miracle and eternal youth.

Kama A.

♦ Every new minute begins for us a new life.

Jerome Kull Jerome

♦ Time - the enemy of people who love a quiet life ...

Maksim Gorky

Time runs for different persons Differently.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Very few know how to dispose of their condition, even less those who can distribute their time, and from these two things the latter is the most important thing.

Chesterfield F.

♦ How terrible to feel that the current takes all the time you have.

Pascal Blaz

♦ The proximity of the beloved shortens the time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals a love longing.


♦ Time will always respect and maintain what is firmly, but will turn into the dust what will be fragile.

Anatole France

♦ Time is a doctor of all inevitable angry.


♦ Time is an infinite movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be thought out otherwise.

Tolstoy L. N.

♦ The duration of time is determined by our perception. The size of the space is due to our consciousness. Therefore, if the Spirit is fuddled, one day will be compared with thousands of centuries, and if the thoughts of the widespread, a tiny hut will accommodate the whole world.

Hong Zychiche

♦ Any savings ultimately comes down to saving time.

Marx K.

♦ It is impossible to kill time without harming these eternity!

Henry David Toro.

♦ Millennium in comparison with eternity a shorter period than the blink of an eye in comparison with the movement of the slowest heavenly Bodyrotating in infinite space.

Dante Aligiery

♦ Thousands of years hard enough to create a state, one hour is rather so that it dispelled in the dust.

George Gordon Bayron.

♦ Good time he has time to hurry anywhere.

Michael Bulgakov

♦ What is the time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; If I wanted to explain asking - no, I do not know.

Averalius Augustine

♦ Time - best teacherBut, unfortunately, it kills his disciples.

Hector Berlioz

♦ Time even stone crumble.

Sergey Yesenin

♦ Time loss is harderous for the one who knows more.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ All that is hidden now, will reveal once time.

Quint Horace Flacc

♦ Time goes slowly when you follow it ... it feels surveillance. But it enjoys our scatleton. It is even possible that there are two time: the one you follow, and the one that converts us.

Kama A.

♦ Never be afraid of moments - so sings the voice of eternity.

Rabindranat Tagore

♦ Of all the critics the greatest, most brilliant, most infallible time.

Belinsky V. G.

♦ Who is subjected to attacks on the part of their time, he has not yet been ahead of him or lagged him behind him.

Nietzsche F.

♦ No matter how fast the time flew, it is moving extremely slowly for the one who only observes his movement.

Samuel Johnson

♦ Everything comes in one time for those who can wait.

Balzac O.

♦ Time is a mirage, it is reduced in moments of happiness and stretching in the clock of suffering.

Oldington R.

♦ Learn each day, take into account every minute spent! Time is the only one who is praised.

Mann T.

♦ Who won time - everything won in the end.


♦ on a rainbow, which is visible for a quarter of an hour, do not look more.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment - lost business, lost use.

Chesterfield F.

♦ time is pretty long for the one who uses them; Who works and who thinks, he expands its limits.


♦ ... Time stretching. It depends on what kind of content you fill it.

Samuel Marshak

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Pol

♦ all-providing time.


♦ There is nothing longer time, as it is a measure of eternity; There is nothing shorter, as it is lacking for all of our undertakings ... All people neglect them, everyone regrets his loss.


♦ Time is such a quick thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

Ali Apsheroni

♦ Time is the same as money: do not waste it, and you will have it plenty.

Gaston Levis

Phrases folded in rhyme ...

♦ As in the sea, there are quick water, so in eternity the days and years poured.

Derzhavin G. R.

♦ Time - horse, and you are a grip; Rouching bravely in the wind.
Time - sword; Become a sturdy stick to win the game.


♦ Patience and time give more than power or passion.


♦ Time as well as the tide is never waiting.

Walter Scott

♦ Two greatest tyrana on Earth: case and time.


♦ Time leaves, and we are silent over the years older, run away, and they cannot be kept.


♦ Time is the most reliable ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law, worthy of respect.


♦ Neither the river nor the rapid time can not stop.


♦ If you want you to have little time, do nothing.

Chekhov A. P.

♦ Time erases the error and grinds the truth.

Gaston Levis

♦ Most people work most time to live, and insignificant free timeThe remaining of them is so disturbing them that they are trying to get rid of him with all ways.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And here we went whole paragraphs time characteristics ...

♦ Do not hurry to live. Everything is your time - and everyone will be in joy. For many, life is because there is too much debt that happiness too briefly: early joy missed, we didn't enjoy the widow, then I would like to return, and far from them left. In life, they are rushing on postal, the usual running time add their inaccessibility; One day is ready to swallow what they do not digest in life; They live joys in debt, devourge ahead, hurry and hurry - and everyone is missing. Even in knowledge is needed to know, not to gain knowledge that you should not know. Days we were released more than blissful hours. Enjoying slowly, but do not act. Acts are completed - well; Joy ended - bad.

Second expression ...

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage, and considerable patience. Never hurry and not hot. Learn to maintain yourself, then you will rule others. For a favorable case, it is necessary to go long paths of time. While you are smartly slowing, future good luck will grow up, the secret plans are tugging. With the time of time you will leave further than with an accommodated terr. Hercules. God himself punishes not a club, but Krikhina. Wisely said: "Time yes I am on any enemy." Fortuna herself awards patience with his gifts.


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Social exchange ...

How much will happen and how much light will work, work, not be lazy,
Prayers I. good deeds Get ready for your sunset.
In life you go, like a narrow trail,
And you remained on it to go quite a little bit.
Soon dark night Your eyes will close
And the deep grave in the ground will hob your body.
Do not be idle, do not stand, do not waste your time,
"And how much will happen" work on your field.
Let's get harvest and fruit time
And the Holy Labor will never remain fruitless.

Just give me you, my Christ, when that evening comes,
So that my soul did not feel the breath of Eternal Darkness!
But only the light of joy and love will be that evening,
And to see the eternal disobedience day.

/ Poems Rev. John of Domawoitis /

"Break!" - This call addressed to everyone orthodox Christian. Wake up and create your deeds of the world, - Svain's Holy Apostles Matthew (26:41), Luke (Acts 20:31) and Paul (1 Cor. 16:13).

Our life on this earth is very short, and the waste of time can not be justified. The cramped incessantly does everything to steal us, his task is to captivate every believer to death. He never gets tired of creating his affairs. For a Christian, when he does not be awake, is lazy, such a state is deadly and throws it without any resistance in the network is bad, in the network of darkness.

The man who appreciated the time of life, Rev. John Domawoitis, appreciated the time more than anything else and said that the Lord would judge us for our sinful things, as we, as people, prone to sin. But even more we will give an answer for not appreciated by the time in our life.

The evangelist Matthew calls us to such a saving wake, saying: "awake, because you don't know the day, no one, in which the Son of Man will enjoy" (Matt. 25:13). But what is wakefulness?

B.observation is an unceasing prayer, reading psalti, tears of repentance, reading Scripture, The elevation of our mind to heaven and lowering the view to the Earth, the creation of the alms and the dedication of our Orthodox tradition.

B.observation is also a vital self-organization, accuracy and demanding to their lifefower, the correct order by its daily time.

B.observation is an abstinence from the condemnation of your neighbor, from gossip, from the idleness of words that are a waste of time.

B.observation is the use of the entire time to communicate with others on the themes of spiritual and moral character, as well as general reading Sacred texts.

B.observation is the location to prayers e. We are always necessary for prayer, we need it for us as air, because thanks to prayer we have communication with God, and thanks to her we are under his cover. Prayer keeps us from self-love and selfish self-sewing, as well as from lies, vanity and pride.
In the period of grief and dangers, visible and invisible, our prayer to God becomes even more necessary, because this is the expression of our humility and our hope for him. Through it, we get help and mercy of God. And we should not forget that the Lord Almighty becomes our assistant and helps in our difficulties.

B.observation is a constant preparation for Brahi, which means that we must be ready to confront our enemy, which will never sleep. He every time and different ways Attacking us and our church, he is like a "sparing lion, looking for whom the absorption" (1st Peter 5: 8). But it does not know this ill-faith that Christ always wins, Christ is triumphant, because he defeated death and he is "light to the world" (Matthew 5:14), because he is life and resurrection (John 11:25), he is " Path "and the only true (in. 14: 6).

So, awake, do not inact more! Strengthen! So that you did not share the waves of workers and indifference. "Be courageous and firm" (1st Cor. 16:13), resist! Evil, which is hidden under the mask of good - bold and cowardly. Therefore, be stronger and firm so that you are not overwhelmed by bad failures and disappointments!

Let you do not impose the fame of technocracy and scientific achievements. Do not give up to all the pretabs of our supervisor. Let you not depress great amount Fictional news media, which are coming to us from a malicious environment. Let all the fears of this world be frightened.

Our salvation next to us! With us the resurrected Jesus Christ, and with him we truly believe that at the end with him we will come out by the winners. But only with him, because, unfortunately, we wanted to save the Earth on our own, but only killed her. They sought to overcome the distance with the help of technologies, but some remained left without relatives and loved ones. We created new school without moral walls and faith. We finally neglected our upbringing. Planly declared justice and human rights, but we strengthened their inappropriate social trends. Worried and worry about our national rights, but we continue to inactivate, expecting that all this horror will be held by itself.

We refused OT. moral bases And thus created a large inner emptiness. Only during poverty and crisis, when our pockets are empty and we do not have a means of existence, we come to reassessment and to solve problems. But then, and now, we continue to inactivate!

Let's go back out of the forgotten in which we are and will be in wakefulness, inclining our hearts to prayer and at the same time aware of our human weakness. And only so we can win in this battle.

Gymnographer Haralampos Bushai

Days come to us as disguised friends, bringing invaluable gifts from an unknown hand; But if we do not use their offices, they silently leave and never return. Every subsequent morning brings us all new and new gifts, but if we failed to take advantage of those who were brought yesterday and the third day, we are still doing less able to use them, until finally, the ability to assess them and use them does not disappear at all.

Time is raw material from which we can do whatever we want

The same hours that you carelessly crumble, in case useful use Could provide your success. What majestic monuments would be constructed with young people who were in adverse conditions, in such estate passages of time, which are completely not valued by many of us?

Michael Faradays at first could do physical experiences only in his free watches remaining he from his binding craft. Davy Hemphri acquired fame, engaged in physics in the free moments in the attic of the pharmaceutical store, in which he served. "There is no such thing or classes," says Whitenbach, "which would not allow a person to spend a few time to scientific exercises of his youth every day."

"Link to the lack of time to replenish our education," says Matie Arnold, "will immediately be unreasonable as soon as we seriously begin to explore our distribution of time." "As I noticed," says Berk, the ladies much more fills the time of man and less allows him to be his master than any activity. "

What kind of people are so busy, so that he is not every day one hour to replenish his education? Meanwhile, what miracles would be committed in "one hour daily"!

One hour dailycalled from empty pastime and used with benefit, would give a person even with ordinary abilities the opportunity to quite master any branch of science and would make a ignorant person educated after several years. At one time you can read closely twenty-pages, which will be per year over seven thousand pages or seventeen large volumes. "One hour a day":

    for twelve years more than equilibrate the time paid to classes during the four-year courses at the university;

    it may draw up the whole difference between simple existence and useful, happy life;

    it can make and made an unknown person famous, useful, benefactor of mankind.

Now imagine that great opportunity that lies in two, four or even six o'clock a day, the useless young people of both sexes in a restless pursuit of entertainment and fun!

Many great people created their glory, taking advantage of these intervals that most people are excited completely aimlessly:

    Harriet Bilecher-Stowhe wrote his famous book "Uncle Tom Huts" in the intervals between numerous household troubles;

    Longfellotranslated "hell" with ubrals to ten minutes a day, while it was cooked by his coffee, and continued to work like several years until the end of work;

    Hugo Miller,hard working as a bricklayer, found time to read science books and write down the information found by it on stone blocks with whom he had to deal with;

    Bernwrote many of their best poets At the time when he worked on the farm;

    Lincoln.he studied the right in his free clock, when he was engaged in an intertime, and the initial steps took place without any assistance at the time when he guarded the commodity warehouse;

    John Stewart Millewrote a significant part of his most famous works during the service of the clerk in the East India Company;

    Charles Frost,the famous shoemaker from Vermont decided to devote one hour a day with scientific classes and as a result became one of the most outstanding mathematicians in the United States, acquiring, moreover, enviable fame and other areas of knowledge.

Great people have always been very economic in relation to time:

    Cicerosaid: "The time that others dedicate spectacles and entertainment or even mental and bodily peace, I give to the study of philosophy";

    days Alexandra Gumboldtso were busy with different things that he was engaged in science at night or early in the morning, when others still slept;

    Gladstoneconstantly wore a book in his pocket with the goal so that some unforeseen free moment would not disappear in vain.

What a reproach is such a life for a variety of young people of both sexes that spend in vain whole months and even years!

Time is money. Of course, we should not be too harbing with him, but should not and spend in vain hours, as you do not scatter money. It was well said that lost wealth can be again acquired by activities and thrift, lost knowledge - teaching, lost health - abstracted life and reading; But the lost time goes irretrievably. When losing an hour, - as it is neither fool in itself, - the worst of time is not the loss of time, and the breeding of vitality, nature in the pretty-knell life. Due to laziness, the nerves would be rust.

Every day there is a small life, and our whole life is only a repeated day.

Cool hour on "Price Minute"

Purpose: Expanding the horizons of students in life in life;

Formation of the assessment and self-assessment of time

Development of a sense of time and careful relationship In time.

Board design:

  • "Expensive time time, a lot of time and little"
  • "Time more expensive money"

Structure occupation


Without legs and without wings it
Quickly flies, you will not catch it up.

Answer: Time

* * *

What can be returned?

Answer: Time

* * *

Yesterday it was, today there will be tomorrow.

Answer: Time

* * *

Not measurable - you will not know
But not knowing - you feel
And sometimes you kill.

Answer: Time

Leading (teacher). Today we will talk about time. We learn what time is what it is necessary and how to use it properly, as well as let's talk about the history of the creation of watches, their types and principles of work.

  • Make a proverb:
  • "Know the price of the price, seconds account"
  • "You will miss a minute - lose an hour"
  • "Time more expensive money"
  • "For an hour to keep up, you can't catch up in the day"


  • 1st student . Time is expensive to man, and it determines the time by the hour. At different times appearance The clock was different. Some expressions are associated with the work hours. For example, they say: "There has been a lot of water since then", and we understand that a lot of time has passed. And they say so because in antiquity there were water watches. They were arranged in the form of two communicating vessels. The time was recognized by how much water flowed from one vessel to another.
  • Like a water hour, the clock was arranged with sand, where sand was poured out of the upper vessel. In Russia, this watch was called flasks, as we were made of glass. They were widely used on the old vessels. The sailor, who was on duty at these hours, hit every half an hour in the bell, announced the number of flasks - "Bil Flaski". Today is hourglasscalculated on 1, 3, 5 ... minutes.
  • Later, a mechanical clock appeared. We have different. Time is sometimes determined by the battle of hours. Hence the expression " bugged hour" The word "broken" testifies that it really passed the whole hour, as the battle of the clock told us about it.
  • 2nd student. On October 2, 1918, the main watches of our country were spoken - Kremlin Quarartians. It is also solemn and greatly a fight of these watches. People of the whole world listened to him. And there is no man who would not know the melodic and exciting fighter of the Kraist, located on the Spare Tower of the Kremlin.
  • Listening to the recording of the battle of the Kraist.
  • 3rd student . The work of the clock does not stop for a second, time flow continuously. Attach your palm to your chest. You feel like knocking your heart. It works all his life without stopping, it works and drives blood so that each of us every minute is ready to do something useful. Let's silently sit in a minute. See how long a minute! What do in our country per minute?
  • 4th student.
  • He looks like an ordinary box,
  • But - the wizard is real.
  • Lives all the universe in it,
  • Though an ordinary thing.
  • One hundred stories will tell you,
  • In the circus you will be invited for an hour,
  • Movies will show you -
  • Each of you have. (Television.)
  • For one minute, plants produce 13 TVs.
  • 5th student.
  • Adjust, look!
  • Northern Pole inside
  • Snow and ice sparkles there,
  • Winter itself lives there.
  • Forever we have this winter
  • Brought from the store. (Refrigerator.)
  • Refrigerator - man's assistant. It protects the products, protects medicines, which means it takes time. Every minute the country produces 11 new refrigerators.
  • 1st student.
  • So I was lucky
  • I do not need Oats,
  • Feed me with gasoline,
  • On the hooves give rubber,
  • And, raising the swirl dust,
  • Will run ... (car.)
  • Different cars produce our plants - freight, passenger, large, small. Each minute from conveyors are almost four new cars.
  • 2nd student.
  • Want to sail across the oceans,
  • Go deep into
  • To visit many countries
  • And get home to the moon
  • Be brave tracker
  • In the ages of centuries -
  • All the edges are open to you
  • On the pages of books.
  • The book is printed so quickly that the account must be conducted in seconds. Each second in our country there are 45 copies of books, and 7-8 of them are designed for you guys. How many books go for you in a minute?
  • Count: 7 x 60 \u003d 420 (books only for you guys), and total:
  • 45 x 60 \u003d 2700 (books).
  • 2700 - This is the library!
  • 3rd student. Every minute from the conveyors of our country is 1560 pairs of shoes. That's what minute!
  • 4th student . And hours? Merry alarm clocks, important wall clocks, small manual and all others? Every minute, plants make 77 pieces. For 1 minute, industrial products are produced by 1.4 million rubles. Loss of one minute of working time is equal to the loss of day labor results 200 thousand people.
  • And if all of the plants and factories were in one minute later, the state would lose 50 million rubles. That's how much is a minute.
  • 5th student . And what do we have time to do in a minute?
  • Competition is held, for example, reading (the number of words per minute), the solution of examples (students write only answers), etc.

Guys, do you know what minute?

Pupil: This is 1 \\ 60 hours. And what can be done in one minute? At first glance, it seems nothing. But of these minutes it takes time. Take your class. In the class of 12 flyers. If every one minute each will take one minute, it will remain 28 minutes to receive knowledge. Here you are one minute.

Teacher: A sense of time must be produced, guys, in themselves, inhabited to live clockwise. Do you have to work? Maybe you can live without hours. Let's try to imagine. What happens with each of us if all the hours disappear.

Pupil: We came to school. It is time to begin the lessons, and there are no half of the students in the class. There is no teacher, he just left the apartment.

Pupil: I returned after school home. Oh, as I want to eat, and my mother just put cooking.

Pupil: we came to the cinema, and there already half the film is shown.

Teacher: That would turn out to be a mess if people did not look at the clock and gradually did not produce a sense of time. And you can have a clock and do not take place time.


With the clock, friendship is good work, rest.
Lessons do not rush, and do not forget books.

Teacher: So that in the evening, licking in the bed when the time comes, you could confidently say - a good day!

The outcome of the lesson.

What is the topic of our classes?

What proverbs did you remember?

What should I do to have a sense of time?


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Signatures for slides:

Class hour "Price Minute" Varakosova L.P. 4th grade

Objectives: 1. Expansion of the horizons of students. 2. Education of a careful attitude by time.

The history of the clock. What hours do you know?

Water watches



Hourglass - Sea Flasks


Price Minute. It seems that he is an ordinary box, but - the wizard is real, lives in it the whole universe, at least a common thing. One hundred stories will tell you, in the circus you will be invited for an hour, movies will show you - eat each of you.

TELEVISION. For one minute, plants produce 13 TVs.

The second mystery admire, look! The northern pole inside, the snow and ice sparkles there, the winter itself lives there. Forever we brought this winter from the store.

REFRIGERATOR. Every minute the country produces 11 new refrigerators.

The third riddle so that I am lucky, I do not need Oats, feed me with gasoline, give me rubber on the hooves, and, raising the swirl dust, will run ...

CAR. Each minute from conveyors are almost four new cars.

You want to swim across the oceans, go deep into the depth, to visit many countries and get to the moon, to be brave tracker in the ages of centuries - all the edges are open to you on the pages of books.

Price Minute.

The book is printed so quickly that the account must be conducted in seconds. Each second in our country there are 45 copies of books, and 7-8 of them are designed for you guys. How many books go for you in a minute? Consider: 7 × 60 \u003d 420 (books only for you, guys), and just: 45 × 60 \u003d 2700 (books). 2700 - This is the library!

Price Minute. . Every minute from the conveyors of our country is 1560 pairs of shoes. That's what minute!

Price Minute. Merry alarms, important wall clocks, small manual and all others every minute, plants make 77 pieces.

Price Minute. Solutions Examples: 1) 2x4 \u003d 2) 3x15 \u003d 3) 21: 3 \u003d 4) (3 + 7) x1 \u003d 5) 5: 1 + 8 \u003d 6) (7 - 6) x10 \u003d 7) 4x4 - 3x4 \u003d 8 ) 3x4 - 12 \u003d 9) 28: 7x9 \u003d

Run fighting minute. Minute short. But in a minute you can find a star, a beetle, solving the problem ... and a rare mineral, which still has not yet opened. For a minute, rockets are taken away from the ground. But in order to fly to the long-distance space, scientists gave dozens of years of work, and since childhood, astronauts dreamed of flight. Let the moment of short, let him rush very quickly! Large, bold dream in it can fit! N. Yurkova

Tips: 1. Camped your day. 2. Go to bed early and get up early. 3. Make charging in the morning. 4. Lessons teach not immediately, as came from school, but in an hour or two. 5. After the school of rest, but it is better actively and on fresh air. 6. Make lessons. 7. Late in the evening do not work, as the brain is already tired. 8. First do the lessons that it is grouped. 9. Visit the section or circle. 10. Help parents by farm.

A person must remember all the time that his soul constant inhabitant is the Watch World. It is known that the souls were created at the beginning of the creation of the world (Rashi speaks in his commentary to the treatise Yuevamot, 53, for words: "body ..."; it is recorded in Midrash) and their dwelling - in the throne of B-rival. There is a place of permanent stay of all the souls of Israel, they come here only to live in a world of action in the world, acquiring the merit of the study of the Torah and performing good deeds, and then ascertain the B-gu.

Imagine: A certain person went to a distant country to a huge fair to sell or buy expensive goods, which in his own country do not get. And at that very moment, when the deal is almost already concluded, someone comes to him and says: "Look, what newspapers I have!

Read them - they will get so pleasure! " Wrongs his person from himself and shout him: "I look away! While you distract me, I lose money every second! Do not you know that I drove a lot of hundreds of miles, I got to someone else's country, and everything is only then to be on this grand fair and earn money on it to feed the family for the whole year! And you suggest me spend time wasted on these stupid newspapers! "

What this parable is clearly by itself. Permanent place living souls - in higher world, It is there that her eternal house, according to the word of Scripture: "The alien (...) Temporary resident, like all my fathers." And only so that there is no soul is forced to eat unearned "Shame's Bread," will overthrow it here, on the ground, on a short time (So \u200b\u200bin this world she is on the position of the aliens in a foreign country), in order for it to gain the merit of the study of the Torah and performing good deeds. And when it turns out to be here on Earth, an evil start constantly seduces it to spend time reading all sorts of newspapers and the like streaming. And you need to drive an evil start and tell him: "Don't you know that I went down here, overcoming many hundreds of thousands of miles from the place of my habitat, quite a little bit and only then to acquire a product that should provide me eternal bliss? And you distract me with all sorts of nonsense! What will I answer me if I come back home with empty hands? "

This will help to understand what Scripture said about Moshe, a teacher of our, and he will be in the world: he called the name of one (his son) Gershom, for said: "I was a foreign one in the country"; And the name of the other gave Eleezer, for (said): " Gd Father My - to help me. " After all, the verse itself is not impaired: Moshe should call the First Son by Elezera in memory of the miracle! And besides, why remind you that "I have been the aliel ..."? And our words make a verse just amazing: Moshe, our teacher, because I came to Itro, and he has not yet accepted Judaism, and the things were not righteous (we know it, because in the future the Scriptures will lead the words ITro: "Now I learned What is more large than all idols, "means, before I clarified this Moshe, our teacher, and the world will be in him, he did not know it!). It turns out, Moshe, our teacher, was afraid that he would receive to do the same as Iter, so I called my son Gershom, saying: "For the aliens I was ..." He wanted him to always have a reminder that he always In this world, only on the position of the aliens in someone else's country, which will then have to return to its roots, in the abode of the fonts: after all, there is a place "his permanent residence, like all his fathers." (Scripture so says: "I am on Earth, a temporary resident, like all my fathers.") Moshe, our teacher, knew that this reminder would help him very carefully treat all his affairs.