Children's drawings with a simple pencil for beginners. Pencil drawing lesson for children

Children's drawings with a simple pencil for beginners. Pencil drawing lesson for children

Master class "Drawing for the smallest".

Shatokhina Rita Vyacheslavovna, teacher of additional education MBU DO "House of children's creativity in Kalininsk, Saratov region."
This master class is intended for teachers of additional education, preschool educators. The master class will also be of interest to little artists from 4 years old and their parents.
Purpose: this master class is a small drawing course for the little ones, which shows how to draw with geometric shapes.
Target: creating conditions for obtaining drawing skills.
Tasks: teach your child how to draw familiar images using geometric shapes;
instill the skills to accurately work with paints and a brush;
develop creative imagination and fine motor skills of the hand.
Young children come to classes in my association, but they really want to draw. From the experience of working with children, I realized that it is easier for them to draw with geometric shapes. Children draw according to my show, in stages. When starting a lesson, I never tell the children that we are going to draw today. I know from experience that it is more interesting for them. In the process, they guess who they are drawing, and it gives them a lot of joy. And the drawings are different for everyone.

Drawing master class for children "Snail"

Prepare: an A4 landscape sheet, watercolors, brushes of different sizes, a jar of water and a napkin.

Before starting to paint, I tell the children that the paints are asleep and they need to be awakened by gently stroking them with a brush, we will first wake up the yellow paint and start painting.
Draw a bun in the center of the sheet, gradually unwinding the brush, and then draw an arc with brown paint.

We turn the arc into a loop.

Draw horns and paint over.

We decorate the snail's house.

We draw the eyes, the mouth of the snail. Then the children themselves come up with and decorate the background of the picture: where is the snail?

Children's works:

Drawing master class for children "Turtle".

Draw a "bun" in the center of the sheet with yellow paint, draw 4 loops with brown paint.

The fifth loop is drawn larger in size, we paint over all the loops.

We draw eyes-circles, from the beginning with white paint, then with black.

Decorating the turtle's shell. The child can come up with his own pattern.

Drawing master class for children "Rybka"

We draw a "kolobok" with yellow paint, draw arcs: above and below, it looks like an eye.

We draw a tail-triangle for the fish. Then we decorate the fish with red paint. we draw by applying a brush: mouth, fins.

We draw scales, decorate the ponytail.

We "print" with a brush: draw pebbles and water, draw lines with green algae paint.

We draw the eyes of the fish with black paint. Black paint loves to play pranks, so we are especially careful with it.

"Winter meadow".

We take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. We paint the koloboks with white paint. We draw lines, draw drifts.

With brown paint, paint the trunk and branches of trees, hands, eyes, mouth and a broom for a snowman.

Decorate the drawing with snowflakes. We decorate the snowman: draw a bucket on the head and a scarf. Children complement the drawing, decorate.

By the same principle, you can draw an autumn forest, only initially the koloboks will be yellow, orange and green, and leaf fall, we draw with a brush, we print.

Drawing master class for children "Hedgehog".

Draw the "bun" with brown paint.

We draw a triangle nose.

Child's work.
We draw a clearing for a hedgehog, children fantasize.

Child's work:

Drawing master class for children "Frog".

We take a sheet of blue color, A4 format. Draw in the center the "kolobok" with green paint.

We draw one more "kolobok", and on top there are two "bridges".

We draw the frog's legs, we draw the attention of the children that the frog's legs differ in their structure, which helps the frog jump well and hold onto even the most slippery surface.

We draw the frog's mouth, eyes. We decorate the picture, having previously talked with the children: where does the frog live?

Drawing master class for children "Cockerel".

We draw a large gingerbread man-body, a smaller gingerbread man - a head. We connect them with smooth lines, we get a neck.

We draw the cock's legs-triangles and a tail, lines-arcs.

With red paint we draw a comb (bridges), a beak and a beard for the cockerel, apply a brush.

We draw the legs of the cock.

The first thing to do is draw the oval of the HEAD, not the oval of the face and not the opened cranium, but the head COMPLETELY. More specifically, the head looks like an inverted egg.

Draw a vertical, straight line exactly in the middle (axis of symmetry). She will help us draw all parts of the face symmetrically.

It will be strange to look at a portrait in which one eye is larger than the other and is at different heights. Brrrr ... Therefore, we will align everything relative to the middle of the face.

We divide the length of the entire head into two equal parts. We draw a horizontal line. On this line we will draw the eyes, but a little later. First, we will find the location of all the other parts.

At the top of the head, we make a notch defining the line of hair growth, i.e. here the forehead will begin. We do this approximately, "by eye". The rest will be the face.

Divide the length of the face into three equal parts... The first line, as I said, is the beginning of the hair, the second is the eyebrows, the third is the edge of the nose.

On the line of the eyes, the one that is exactly in the middle of the HEAD, draw eyes... Note that the distance between the eyes is equal to the length of one eye.

Our pupils are not located exactly in the middle of the eye, but are slightly hidden under the upper eyelid.

We draw a nose. We have already decided on the length, it remains to decide on the width. Usually, the width of the wings of the nose is equal to the distance between the eyes. Do not forget to check the symmetry of the face i.e. measure the distance from the right and left to the line in the middle.

Every young mother admires her child and considers him the most beautiful in the world. Often, parents want to portray a portrait of their own baby. After all, photography is, of course, good, but a drawing made by yourself is valued much higher. Many people think so. But then the question arises: "How to draw a child?" Because even those who have already learned to portray an adult sometimes have difficulties with working with children. The whole problem is the difference in proportions.

Child's face

If you do not adhere to the appropriate proportions, then the image of a child will rather look like a mini-copy of an adult. And we need a technically correct portrait. It's time to clarify with a pencil. To correctly depict a child's portrait, pay attention to the two parts of it: the face and the skull, as well as their proportional relationship.

The most common mistakes

To avoid some mistakes in the drawing process, it is advisable to take into account some points. Many aspiring artists mistakenly believe that a baby's face should be quite large compared to the size of the skull. If we conditionally divide the head of an adult, then his face occupies a third of the head. If the same is done with the baby's cranium, his face will take no more than a quarter of it. In addition, the baby's head is more round. It should be noted that the neck of children in comparison with the head looks too short.

Phased drawing

We define the immediate order of actions. How to draw a child with a pencil step by step?

First you need to sketch a large square. As a result, it is he who will determine the child. Divide the square into four equal parts. The bottom left shape will serve as the child's face. Not all people will immediately be able to depict the ideal circle shape. Therefore, it is worth practicing this action first.

Now we draw a large circle for the whole common square. Thus, we begin to depict a portrait of the baby in profile. Now we begin to draw the baby's face in a small circle. Believe me, it is better to start practicing in the image of a profile portrait of a child. It is much easier to do it. And over time, you can move on to portraits in full face. Draw an ear in the lower left square. Then we draw the eyes, mouth and nose of the baby. Outline When everything is ready, then with the help of an eraser we erase the square and all the auxiliary elements. Add hair. They should be barely visible to make the drawing more believable.

You can move on to toning and darkening. Work patiently on the details. But it is not recommended to shade the child's face with too dark tones. The drawing will appear rough. Shades should be soft and not create sharp contrasts. The shading will give the drawing an impression of three dimensions.

Work on the baby eyes. It is the pupil that should have the darkest tone in the entire drawing. Do not forget to leave an unshaded spot for the highlight. The eyes will become realistic. You also need to shade the ear.

Let's move on to drawing the hair. If all the tips have been taken into account, then the portrait should correspond to the initial recommendations: the baby's face occupies a fourth of the head. So we came to the answer to the question of how to draw a child with a pencil in stages. The task is not easy, but many of us can do it.

Full-length painting

Now let's move on to studying the order of actions in how to draw a child in stages in full growth. We bring to your attention two schemes for the image of children of different ages.

We start by outlining the oval. He will play the role of the head. We draw a skeleton diagram, as shown in the picture. We begin to sketch out the parts of the body. We make bends of the legs, outline the arms. Then, according to the completed outlines, we begin a detailed drawing of all parts of the body.

It is recommended to draw the face last, as it requires the most attention. We depict in detail the features of a child's face. In no case do we forget about proportions. When the child's drawing is ready, you can add interior details, toys with which he is amused to make the picture more realistic. Turn on your imagination. In this case, you will not have an abstract child, but a very real baby.

You may need to practice to achieve a satisfactory result. Now we have given an exhaustive answer to the question of how to draw a child.

Group plot

When you finally succeed in drawing a baby, it would be nice to portray a group of children as well. For example, guys playing in the sandbox or running in the park. Why not use the acquired knowledge of how to draw a child? You can create a whole series of your works and put them in an album. The original solution will be the image of the child at different stages of its development.

You will end up with a picture of your little one's story of several years. And most importantly, you will be the author of this masterpiece.

Good day, dear parents. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to draw in stages. You should understand that this method is as accessible as possible for young children. We will consider age characteristics, as well as the basic rules and methods for reproducing some pictures using special algorithms.

What is the use of drawing

  1. The child develops fine motor skills.
  2. In the drawings, the perception of the world is revealed, emotions and feelings are conveyed.
  3. The baby develops his own opinion.
  4. When a child draws, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are actively developing. Thus, he is essentially acting and showing his creative inclinations.
  5. Promotes the development of visual skills, speech, memory, touch and thinking.
  6. The process allows you to develop discipline, self-organization and perseverance.
  7. The kid gets used to finish what he started.
  8. Drawing can be seen as a way of relaxing pastime that replaces active games.

Step-by-step method of creating drawings

Step-by-step drawing is a method of drawing pictures, which makes it possible to do it sequentially, following simple instructions and diagrams. First you need to teach your child to draw simple drawings, and then move on to more complex ones.

Often, even adults find it difficult to understand how to draw a particular creature or object. Knowing how to do this using simple geometric shapes will make the drawing process much easier and easier. That is why this method is well applicable when teaching children.

When I was little, my mother bought me a special step-by-step drawing book. I didn't buy one for my son. Somehow it happened that my child immediately began to draw whole compositions, not for a second without thinking about anything. Received and still receives great pleasure from this process.

Learning at home

Initially, you need to take care of acquiring the necessary tools to create the first masterpieces of the child. To do this, you will need:

  • quality album;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • good eraser;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • schemes for phased drawing.

Don't be surprised that so few tools are needed at this time. It is better to first of all introduce the kid to drawing with pencils, and only then move on to crayons or paints.

You also need to take care of the presence of a comfortable table, chair, good lighting. When class begins, eliminate any distractions or annoyances.

You must remember to follow certain rules in the learning process:

  • haste is a bad counselor;
  • you need to make every effort;
  • it is necessary to try to depict the drawing in the same sequence as indicated in the diagram;
  • you need to reproduce the picture, pondering and remembering your actions, so that later there will be an opportunity to do it yourself, without using schemes;
  • the first work should be fairly easy and simple to perform, then you need to consistently move on to more complex tasks;
  • remember that you cannot complement the baby's drawing. Your actions will only upset him.

We teach kids from three to four years old

  1. For a child of 3 years old, you need to select only soft pencils. This is due to insufficient pressure.
  2. We show the kid how to hold it correctly. If necessary, we help with our own hand.
  3. Remember that children at the age of 3 and 4 are not yet able to confidently hold a pencil, and, therefore, draw straight lines. Therefore, at first you will have to practice doing just that.
  4. For children of this age, it is recommended to purchase special printed notebooks in which you can circle the finished pictures.
  5. The next stage is familiarity with simple geometric shapes. We draw a triangle, circle, oval, rectangle, square.
  6. As soon as the child has mastered geometric shapes, and they began to work out for him, we move on to transforming them into new objects. For example, you can create a bus from small circles and a rectangle.

Introducing children from five to seven years old

  1. If the kid, who is already 5 years old, was previously familiar with simple drawing techniques, then you can go from a simple pencil to a set of colored pencils, also to felt-tip pens or paints. Explain to your child that his image can be colored by giving different colors to certain objects.
  2. At the age of 6, a child will be able to learn how to create compositions and whole plots in his paintings.
  3. At this age, children can be asked to depict on a piece of paper everything that they notice in everyday life.
  4. If a daughter or son has questions in creating paintings, you should always pay attention and try to find answers to them.
  5. A child at the age of 7 will already consciously convey his emotions with the help of drawings.

Examples of

I bring to your attention a plan of four phased drawings. Start with the simplest thing - a tree or a rose, and finally try out a method for drawing a person in stages. You will see that creating such pictures is not so difficult, any child can cope with the task.

Draw a tree

Inform the child that it should consist of a trunk, leaves and branches.

  1. Draw the trunk, notice that it is much wider at the base than at the top.
  2. Think about what kind of tree you are depicting. Remember that, for example, a birch has a rather thin trunk, has bends, while an oak has a massive one.
  3. Now we need to add branches. Note that they are wider at the base. You also need to understand that they are larger from the bottom of the trunk. It must be remembered that the branches of the tree begin to grow from about a quarter of its entire height. Branches are depicted directed towards the sun, that is, raised up.
  4. Try to draw small ones on thick branches, add realism to your drawing.
  5. For the first time, you can not draw each leaf, but depict the crown with one mass.
  6. Now you can color the resulting tree.

Create a rose

  1. We draw a smooth line that will be the stem of the plant.
  2. Draw the leaves on the stem.
  3. We draw an oval. This will be our future bud.
  4. Inside the oval we depict the main petals, there are two of them. We draw so that the centers of the petals resemble a rolled roll.
  5. Draw small side petals.
  6. All that remains is to add colors.

We draw a cat in stages

  1. Let's depict the head in the form of an oval.
  2. Now we need to draw a triangle in the center of the circle. It will be a nose, above it there are two circles-eyes.
  3. We draw a muzzle, add two arches that originate from the nose.
  4. Now you need to do the torso. For this purpose, draw an oval.
  5. Draw the legs, add the tail.
  6. Now let's add two triangles, positioning them on the head. These will be ears.
  7. Inside each resulting triangle, add one more.
  8. Add antennae.
  9. The cat is ready, it remains only to decorate it.

Draw the first man

Such an object is quite complex, and it is better to leave it for last when getting acquainted with a phased drawing.

However, it is worth knowing that after obtaining certain skills in step-by-step drawing, even such a drawing will not seem heavy and it will be easy for a child to recreate.

  1. To depict the head, draw a regular oval.
  2. Now, just below the drawn oval, you need to add a rectangle. This will be part of the torso, from the waist to the head.
  3. Next, you need to connect the drawn parts. This will give you the neck.
  4. Draw another one under the rectangle, the same in width, but more oblong in length.
  5. The resulting rectangle needs to be divided into two halves, these will be the legs.
  6. Next, you need to depict the arms by drawing thin long rectangles along the upper torso.
  7. Now you can dress the resulting man. Add a neckline for the sweater, depict trousers, shoes and hands.
  8. Add facial features, ears.
  9. So it turned out to be a little man. It remains to give it brightness by decorating it.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw. The main thing is to be patient and do not put pressure on the baby. He'll be ready when the time is right. Try to explain his mistakes as much as possible, remember that you cannot interfere with the work of children and make any adjustments to it.

How to draw easily in stages and cell by cell?

Using a simple step-by-step drawing technique, even novice artists will be able to draw beautiful animal figurines. Here's how to draw a funny puppy.

And so with the help of geometric shapes, you can draw a cow.

The hen that sits on the eggs begins to draw from a circle. Gradually, the beak, eyes, wings and tail are drawn.

And after the chicken has hatched the eggs, you can draw chickens.

It seems difficult to draw a bat at first glance, but if you use the technique of phased drawing, then this cute bat will appear in your album in 5 minutes. Also two circles, but a larger one at the bottom and a smaller one at the top will help to draw a cat.

It is difficult to draw birds, and drawing a parrot is even more difficult. But three circles of the same size will help to cope with this task.

And so you can draw a mouse.

A very cute Cat Lady is drawn with a pencil, the auxiliary lines are carefully removed and the cat is painted with watercolors.

Anyone who can draw circles, ovals and rectangles will be able to draw a drawing of an elephant and a horse.

The difficult task of drawing a camel only seems daunting. But in the technique of phased drawing, nothing is possible.

Pets, sheep and pigs, are drawn slightly differently. The pig's face is first drawn, and then the body. In a sheep, on the contrary, first the body and at the end of the muzzle.

The non-flying bird of the cold seas, the penguin and the forest bird, the owl, are drawn in stages and painted with watercolors.

Drawing a snail is easy to do if you draw a circle, then draw on the snail's body and draw the curl on the shell, eyes and antennae.

To draw a duckling, it is enough to draw an oval to the circle and draw a tail, beak and eyes and wings.

And so you can draw kids.

It happens that girls draw in albums, but do not know how to draw a beautiful face. A simple scheme will come to the rescue, where the correct proportions of the face are observed.

You don't have to worry about which hairstyle to draw for the girl in the diary for a long time, but just choose the one you like and draw the same one.

Flowers in albums can also be drawn in stages. In order for the flower to have the correct shape, it is enough to make a circle or an oval and draw the center and petals.

Beautiful and light drawings by cells for sketching in a notebook and a personal diary for girls 5 - 12 years old

It is easiest to draw in the cells. Of course, in the event that you have a lined drawing. These cute kittens can appear in the diary if you sketch them in the cells.

For pages in a love diary, a drawing with a boy and a girl exchanging hearts is suitable.

Another drawing on the theme of love is easy to redraw, but very interesting.

The bear holding the heart will decorate the pages of the girls' diary, and the cells will help to draw it.

A smiling dog in flowers is suitable for those who like to communicate with dogs and draw them.

Drawings of girls in anime style will decorate the pages of the diary. They can be easily redrawn by cells and painted with watercolors or felt-tip pens.

The drawing is more complicated with a girl, a butterfly and a strawberry. Nevertheless, if you carefully count the cells and draw on them, success is guaranteed.

An anime-style portrait of a girl in profile is also suitable for girls' diaries. The drawing is transferred by the cells, the color of the hairstyle and eyes of the drawn girl depends on the wishes of the lady of the diary.

The boy-bear and the girl-bear will remind you that friendship happens both between animals and between children.

Beautiful and light drawings by cells for sketching in a notebook and a personal diary for boys 5 - 12 years old

Both boys and girls love to draw cats. Such a funny cat will appear in an album or notebook if you sketch it in the cells.

Boys love to draw motorcycles. They may not have a motorcycle in real life yet, but it can always be drawn in the cells.

The space theme is also relevant for the drawings of boys and the cosmonaut cat may be to their liking.

Drawings by cells are beautiful and easy for girls and boys: ideas, photos

A lion with a red mane, drawn in the cells with its fiery mane, will decorate any diary.

You can draw the whole picture by the cells. A lion, a zebra, a giraffe, an elephant and a hippopotamus sit on it in dense thickets.

These animals can be drawn individually. Blue elephant for sketching in the cells

And so you can draw and color a butterfly. She can decorate girls' albums.

If you finish drawing a pond and reeds, you get a picture with cheerful frogs in the center.

A fox drawn by the cells can be drawn on fabulous pictures, or you can add flowers and grass and decorate a diary with such a picture. Tree for sketching by cells

The cheerful dragonfly will surprise you with its bright wings.

VIDEO: How to draw a bee in stages?