Draw a domestic cat. Easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil phased

Draw a domestic cat. Easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil phased
Draw a domestic cat. Easy way to learn how to draw a domestic cat with a pencil phased

Cats - the most sought-after image in fine art. The purring deities were the favorite models of the Egyptians, and the deft cats-hunters are masters of the Renaissance.

Modern artists also did not pay the attention of charming animals, devoting them to the entire pictorial series. We keep up with the times - learn to draw cats, cats and kittens.

If yours young diving Younger than 5 years, do not require a picture that affects the accuracy of parts. Everyone has it children's age There are features of the recreation artistic image on a sheet of paper. Four events, you risk destroying the artist who lives in your child

And another advice: pay attention to the color solutions that your young talent chooses. Attentive observer color gamut children's drawing can tell a lot about inner world artist.

How to draw a cat with a pencil in stages?

In the previous article, telling you with the basic principles of animal drawing.

Recall some of them:

  1. Whatever pattern you have tried to draw, it will consist of major forms
  • rectangle
  • square
  • circle
  • ovala
  • triangle

Accordingly, before proceeding with the image of something, you need to learn how to correct the main figures.

  1. Be sure to emphasize young artist At the ratio of sizes or proportions of individual parts of the animal body. The child must be aware that the animal head is less than the body
  2. Start drawing a cat from my head. Look carefully on the animal model and determine the shape of his head. To facilitate the task, imagine the animal's head without ears and wool. In this way, try to determine the proportions and the main forms of the animal body.

How to draw a cat out of circles?

Perhaps this is the easiest way to draw a cat:

  • sketch a pair of proportional circles. The approximate ratio of the small and large circle is 1: 2. This means that the diameter of a small circle is less than the diameter of a large circle 2 times
  • dorisite ears, tail
  • draw parts of the face (in the first version of the drawing)

And now on a sheet for drawing, two pussies are dreamed

Round cats seem too easy for you? Go on next level Mastery: Try to portray a sitting cat

How to draw a sitting cat (Fear) # 1?

  1. To begin with, draw a circle that will be an outline of the animal head
  2. The main form of the body of the Sitting Cat - oval

The proportions of oval are as follows:

  • the vertical axis of oval must be a little more than twice the size of the head
  • horizontal axis the width of the cat's body is slightly smaller than twice the scalp size
  1. Combining the main forms for the head and torso, keep in mind that they are a little superimposed on each other

  1. Then, focusing on the scheme and vertical axis of oval, draw the front and rear paws, animal ears

  1. Considering the auxiliary lines and the main axis of the outline, draw your nose, mouth, eyes, mustache
  2. Combine the auxiliary lines in the overall drawing and color it.

How to draw a sitting cat (fighting) # 2?

The second method of drawing is somewhat different from the generally accepted techniques. Perhaps this option is suitable for playing merry associations.

  1. For the convenience of drawing, be sure to draw the vertical axis of the symmetry of the future picture. Draw a heart that will become a sketch of the bottom of the body of the seated cat.
  2. Draw a small circle by imposing it on the top honor of the heart. Top Draw another circle. The diameter of the second circle should be greater than the first. Circles are also superimposed on each other. In the upper part of the large circle, draw two identical oval. It will be the eyes of a cat
  3. Focusing on the vertical axis of the drawing, draw two arrows, placing them symmetrically on the cat's head. So your purr will have ears. Little triangle will become a nose. Conditional letter "T" with an elongated vertical line will serve as the front paw line
  4. Draw the number "3", which will be a sketch for the front paw pads
  5. Symmetrically drawn "3", located upside down, will be the rear legs of the seated animal. The letters "E" will turn into a wonderful mustache
  6. Spend two curved lines on both sides of the conditional vertical axis of symmetry. Lines should remind "?". The rounded part of the line coincides with the line of a small circle. The line on the intersection of the front paw pads is ends. So your cat will have a chest and front paws. Do not forget to draw animal fingers with "C"
  7. Combine all the auxiliary line outline in the main drawing and you will see a charming cat.

How to draw a sitting cat (profile)?

Examine the above-step drawing scheme left at the bottom and everything will turn out.

How to draw a cat sitting sideways with a turned head?

This scheme is a bit more complicated, but difficulties cannot stop the real artist.

  1. Everything begins with an oval (head) and a circle (body)

  1. Apply auxiliary lines, draw triangles-ears

  1. Focusing on the auxiliary lines, draw the feline muzzle parts

  1. Softe the ears line slightly, drawing a slightly curved lines. Pleasted curve line, drawn around the head, symotes animal wool

  1. Taking into account the location of auxiliary lines, draw the front left paw of the animal, back line and neck

  1. Draw the tail and pursed the rear left paw animal. Do not forget to try the front right paw cat

  1. Dorisite cat paws. Erase the auxiliary lines and hover the main lines of the drawing

  1. Collect the drawing at your discretion

How to draw a cat's head or cat gradually?

  1. Draw an auxiliary form - a circle. Mark the conditional lines: the vertical axis and two parallel lines passing the symmetrically horizontal axis.
  • Then draw an eye arc, focusing on the auxiliary lines. Draw a narrow feline pupil. Do not forget about the glare.
  • Be sure to sketch vibribors (hairs over the eyes), without which a cat portrait will lose its charming.
  • Taking the form of a heart shape, make an outline of a feline nose. Take into account the location of the auxiliary lines!
  • At the bottom of the circle, draw two small arcs that will become the cheeks of the cat. Draw the mouth under arcs.

  1. Get off the corner of the eyes. Taking into account the location of the auxiliary lines, outline the animal's head. Significantly simplifies the task of applying additional rounded and triangular forms.
  1. Strip the ears of the animal, and sketch the neck lines.
  1. And be sure to draw a mustache! W. real cat For twelve hairs on each cheek. But when painting, such details can be neglected.
  1. Color the drawing. Do not forget about the shadows that give the scope.

How to draw a smooth and fluffy face of a cat?

Below in the diagram can be seen how you can change the cat's face, adding miscellaneous number Wool. Phased drawing Naughty kitten from circles with template

Video: How to learn how to draw a cat?

Probably any child preschool and younger school age Sooner or later, it begins to ask for parents to buy a pet. What they only do not promise and what only methods do not apply!

And solemnly swear to bring out of school only good estimates, and with a prayer in the eyes, it is assumed that they will always wipe the dishes, to put the table and endure the garbage, and will be sitting on the lessons without reminders ... Then questions are like: "But the Sasha Parents Bought a dog, why can't we? " - And the promises to walk the puppy, clean up for him, train and in every possible way. If a mother with dad is still firmly standing on his own, blackmail is in the case: "Kohl you will not allow me to buy speaking parrots, then I will leave to live to my grandmother, she allows me to me!" And so indefinitely.

Chado with tears watching the transfer of domestic pets, drags into the yard of all the homeless cats, a greedy look escorts the happy owners of thoroughbred pieces on the street ... Do not scold him for it. Kid wants to have a near faithful devoteed friendIn addition, he will learn to self-discipline and get used to bear responsibility for who has tamed. Do not force him to be offended by you, constantly repeating the categorical "no" in response to all his requests. Better try to share his passion with him. If he wants a cat, let him tell you exactly how he calls her, where she will live, how they will play ...

Ask the child to show you how to draw to promise the baby that if it is obedient, before the new year you will write a letter to Santa Claus together and, perhaps, the dream will come true, and you will have a new tenant. In the meantime, it did not happen, buy interesting books to him about how to care for a fluffy pet, coloring, where it is shown how to draw a cat for children.

We make mask

Let them pass on with this, learns about what joys and difficulties are found on the path of the owners of past-striped animals. Tell me how to draw for this take a rectangular piece of thick colored paper, count the desired dimensions so that the child is closed and the mask is not too braking. Bend the paper in half through the nose line, then again at the level of the eye.

Draw two oval (eyes) and carefully cut them out from the inside, making the eyes more than the eyes of the baby. By their lines, at the level of the nose and on the forehead about the middle of the eyebrows, make cuts, as if the extracts. They will allow the mask volume. Just sit down a little on the forehead one on one and glue. Now the ladies on the temples diverged into different directions. There you need to glue paper pieces. Mock is ready!

It is only necessary to cut an excess, spinning the mask and giving it the shape of a feline facet, and then stick the ears. Draw the mustache, stick to the inside of the rope or rubberry and play with the baby into the cat in boots, for example. He will distract, worship, and at the same time, perhaps, and you are accustomed to the idea that you have a cat in the house - not bad!


You can show a cat in a phased pencil. But it's better to deal with this together - then he will understand that mom on his side. After reading our article, you just turn around how to draw a cat.

For beginners there are many different options. Let's start with a pretty cartoon kitten named Gav. Surely it is one of the most beloved children's characters. The child will pass and, maybe, for a short time, it will stop asking you a real four-tailed friend.

Kitten Gav.

So how to draw a cat in stages? Pencil will probably be the best. And the errors in the case of which can be fixed, and the paints then give the baby, let him help you in work.

How to draw a cat gradually?

A pencil should be drawn in the center of the sheet circle - the future head of the kitten. Then, on the sides, attach two small triangles to it - ears. Each triangle-ear split in half. From the circle down to launch a gracefully curved line - the back. At a short distance from it, you will depict another line, too, a slightly curved - breast. Almost at the very bottom of the back line to paint the tail - a long, sticking up, a bit shivered on the tip.

Cats so that they look like their eyes first draw inside the circle-head two equal triangles with smoothed corners. Then, inside each of them, slightly retreating from the base, depict an arc crossing the eyes from the edge to the edge. Then on the left side of the triangle-eye a little higher arc draw a semicircle. And in it - point. The pupil himself then need to color green, the semicircle will be black, and the point should remain white, it will give a playful liveliness.

Then between the eyes, but just below do a little triangle with the closet. And under it again a triangle, but already the edge down - a half-open mouth. We reinstate the tenders sticking in both sides and go to the legs. Our kitten sits in a half-one, so only three legs will be visible - both front and one rear. Front - in the form of slightly expanding the tops.

The back feet must be drawn in the form of an arc, one end suitable almost to the back. Then make the pads, fingers with curls, wipe the rubber band unnecessary lines. Higher pressing a pencil, circle the body, eyes, tail, mustache, paws, ears. Funny kitty ready!

Draw a purr

Now let's talk about how to draw it to be the usual courtyard smooth-haired purr. Let's start with my head. Something in the middle of the sheet draw a flat horizontal line - This is the future forehead of the cat.

From her middle down to spend another perpendicular line, Complete the arc, bent up. Let these lines indicate the approximate size and location of the face. From the ends of the horizontal line on both sides, make two arc by convex parts outward. They must end about the same place where the vertical line. Challenge the place for the eyes, the nose, the mouth of the cat.

For this, visually divide the vertical line into three parts and "cross" with two horizontal strips. The top let it be smooth, and the edges of the lower slightly bend up. One slightly curved line coming down from the head down, make a cat breast. Then, on the other side of the head, spend another curved line, but the latter is longer - it will be the back. From the end of it, spend the horizontal line towards the breast - the future cat tail. Let his tip slightly bend up.

Pencil from the head two sticking in different directions "Antennas" - it will be ears. Arc from the center of the torso to the tail mark the back leg. Short lines back out eyes, nose, cheeks. Then mark the front paw, let it connect with the breast, and the base is almost touched to the tail. Develop the ears chopsticks in pointed triangles. Remove the "volume" tower - draw the second and connect them next to the first line and connect them, rounded the join seat.

The tail as it should be placed on the back leg, and its tip with pads and curls are not visible. But the front paw is visible completely - draw your fingers, give the palm of the necessary bending. Then make up the muzzle - make almond-shaped eyes with round pupils and spouts, in shape resembling a heart. From him in both directions draw chubby cheeks. Light "Christmas tree" place wool on the tail, on the cheeks, at the base of the paw. Dorisite the tip of the second front paw - it seems to look out for the first way that only fingers are visible.

We draw up drawing

Thread lines circle the main contours of all parts of the feline body, wipe the lines of the rubber band. Since the cat will be black, start stroking. That is stronger, then weaker pushing to the pencil, sketch ears, back, tail. Strokes should be lighter than the color of body contours. Let whom only the tip of the tail and the paws, breast and muzzle will remain white. Voila - you got the most real homemade black purr!

Time to play

We hope that now it is clear how to draw a cat in a phased pencil. If time allows, you can draw a few purr of different colors and sizes, let the child himself color them. Then help him to carefully cut them, stick to the cardboard, and his own friends will appear. Ask the kid to give them names. For such paper kittens you can equip a house, put sleeping on the pad, draw sausages and fish for them ... You can make cardboard stands for them so that the cats do not only lie down, but also stand.

Connect fantasy

The largest "appoint" dad to the cat, choose mom, sister with a brother; Together with the child to come up with fun stories with their participation. In general, the main thing is to include fantasy. Do not doubt the baby will be happy to spend time with new friends! Perhaps this company is enough for him for a long time - as long as you finally do not decide to pamper it a real, live fluffy favorite!

If you have a cat at home, you probably know that the cat is different from the cat. And she is lowering and the face of her "careful", and not such a "brazen" look like a cat. I have already a cat drawing lesson, but I decided to make another lesson dedicated to cats.
Let's try together draw a cat Phased by a simple pencil. In the last step, you need to paint the cat drawing with colored pencils or paints. You can copy the color from the picture "My" cat, made on the tablet, and you can paint the last step of the picture at your discretion, so that the picture is similar to your favorite cat.
If you can not be able to paint beautifully yourself, you can print (see paragraph 7) specially prepared and enlarged pictures of the cats.

1. Simple contours of the shape of the body and head

To make you easier draw a cat, you must first make simple but important outlines. They will help you to endure the pattern proportions. Draw an arbitrary form two intersecting circumference for the body and just above the circle for the head. Please note that the outline of the head is too long. The face of the cat is usually slightly stretched, and the cat is often round, like a saucer. Be sure to draw at the bottom of the small three mug for the cat's paws and two mug in the upper part of the body.

2. Continue to draw initial contours

It is important to draw exactly the first step, in the future it will only need to add simple details to these circuits, and after, removing them with an eraser, we get beautiful drawing Cats. First of all, draw the vertical lines of the cat's paws. It is quite simple, only note that they start from the neck. It is also easy to draw two tails lines and triangular ears on the head.

3. Delete Cat with extra contour lines

And now you can remove extra contour lines from the drawing, and look at our cat, the real picture of the cats. It remains only to paint the details of the face and the torso. You see how we just managed to draw a cat using the simplest contours.

4. Figure detail

This step is quite simple, look at my cat drawing and add the desired strokes. Do not forget to draw eyes in detail and claws on my paws.

5. Finish to draw a cat

If you decide to draw a simple pencil, you can use "my" cat coloring, in a simple pencil technique. But the picture will look much more beautiful if the cat color colored pencils, of course, provided that your cat has a color, a color color, and not pure white or black.

6. Cat drawing on a graphic tablet

If you decide to draw a cat at first a simple pencil, and after painting with paints or colored pencils, you can use the color of this pattern of the cat, made by me on the graphic tablet.

Children love to draw animals, but most often the object of the drawings becomes a favorite cat. Learn to draw a cat, and you can correctly draw many other animals, such as Tiger, Leopard, Cheetah and others from the Feline family.

Figure Rabbit Something reminds cat drawing. And if you can draw a cat correctly, draw a rabbit to you will not be great.

Draw a cat "from nature" is quite difficult because it will not be for you to pose for too long, especially a frisky kitten. IN best case It will be possible to draw only a couple of ears, so it is better to draw a cat in a photo.

The lion also belongs to the feline family, the same structure and proportion of the body, only the mane and distinguishes the lion from other cats. There is another difference. Lions live in Pride (families), and the cat "walks in itself."

Perhaps the tiger is most like a cat. The same proportions of the torso, heads. There are separate individuals of cats, externally similar to the tiger, only a tiger painting has no cat.

Cats and cats are incredibly graceful and beautiful animals, so they draw their one solid pleasure. For novice artists who recently began to master the schedule, master classes are suitable how to draw a cat with a pencil in stages.

The creation of such cats does not require skills, talent or artistic taste. If the child asks to draw a cat, and time in the edge, then you can limit the funny images.

Sleeping kitten

Such a sleeping miracle can easily draw each. Everything that will need is a sheet A4, soft and solid pencils, eraser, a little patience and perfection.

Step 1: Draw a sleeping cat starting from my head. For this solid pencil Draw a circle and tag thin auxiliary lines. Vertical divides the muzzle clearly in half, and the horizontal passes so that the upper part accounted for more than half of the circle.

Stage 2: Focusing on the auxiliary lines, marked at the first stage, outlining the kitten's eyes, nose and mouth.

Stage 3: Place the soft pencil of the head of the head. Draw ears sticking the fur, and funny "VIKHER".

Stage 4: We draw the animal torso and draw the tail. Please note that the kitten curled into the ball, so the tail closes the part of the muzzle.

Stage 5: on last stage Paws and mustache drawn. Carefully erase excess lines and marking. Kitten is ready. If desired, it can be painted with paints or colored pencils, or leave as it is.


This squirrel kid will like any child. Start drawing a mischievous kitten from head. We draw a circle, add triangular ears and draw the face. Then follows the drawing of the body and the paw. Play with the emotions of the kitten and show your child that from small details The mood of the cat shown in the figure depends. Surprise can be conveyed with the help of wide eye; The protruding language will add mischiefs, and a little shocking towards pupils, you can make a pensive or sad cat.

Kitten from circles

Such a picture of a cat with a pencil circles can even perform a child because it is one of the most simple ways for beginners. An animal is drawn from the back, so there is no need to draw features and observe the proportions.

First, two circumference is drawn on the sheet so that they are a little crossed with each other. In this case, the diameter of the lower should be about twice the top. Then the ears are drawn to the upper part, and to the bottom - the tail. Then the mustache is drawn and the wool is arbitrarily placed.

Once a circle, two circle

Another visual example how it is easy and quick to draw a cat with a pencil.

The first is drawn more than more, and then inside it is drawn another, small circle. We add ears, the features of the "face" and the tail. A funny sleep kitten will have to do with children and will be able to quickly distract the child and raise him the mood.

Such a sketch is something mean between simple schematic images and realistic drawings animals.

We note the contour of the animal with thin auxiliary lines made by the solid chiffel. The sketch of the head looks in the form of an octagon, ears - triangles, torso - a rectangle or cylinder. After that make marking for the paw.

We carry out a horizontal line in the center of the head, denoting the eye level in this way. Draw sketches of the mouth and nose, round eyes. Draw a chin, mustache.

Clever refer to the muzzle. Draw an eye, nose, mustache and cheeks in detail. Soft pencil Draw a villi on the ears, on the head and face. Then draw the front paws with claws and pads, detail the rear.

On the final stage All auxiliary lines are gently erased. Comes queue for fur drawing. For these purposes, it is best suited by a 2M (or 2B) stylist, but in principle you can use any soft.


Many think that realistic portraits Pets are not the easiest task for beginners, but in fact not all sketches are complex. You can see this, on the example step by step instructions To the portrait of the Scottish Fold.

Draw the Scottish Fold Cat Pencil

Scottish Fold loved by many breeders for the temper and charming appearance. Thanks distinctive features Breeds - bent forward and down the ears these cats look so cute that it is impossible to stay in order not to ride such a whip. We offer simple phased lesson For beginners how to draw british cat Phased pencil.

At the first stage, the solid pencil outlines auxiliary lines: 1 vertical and 2 horizontal. The vertical shows the muzzle center, so it must be shown a little to the right relative to the center of the page, as the cat sits a little turning.

Horizontal should be parallel to each other, because they indicate the size of the animal's eye. After that, you need to proceed to the drawing of the contour of the muzzle and eyes.

Important! So that the cat was proportional to the distance between the eyes should correspond to the size of the eye.

Drawing a nose, remember that its size should be less (already) distances between the eyes.

Then with a chiffel M or TM donate eyes and nose. More experienced artists confident in their movements, for these purposes, you can use a black handle.

So that the view of the cat was "alive", do not forget to leave inoperate, white places, as in the picture.

At the third stage you will need 2M (or B2) pencil. Gently, smooth lines, cutting down the strokes, dictate places around the pupils. Please note that the color goes from the darkest (around the pupils) to the brief itself. Then the firm blade, in the direction of the nose, the arrows are marked. They show directions for drawing wool.

The softer blade (better use B4 or 4M), focusing on the arrows, draw the most dark wool. Makushka and wool under the ears must be the most dark.

To complete the picture, draw the remaining wool. Cat ready

Attention! The color of the Village depends on the strength of the press.

In this material I want to tell you how to draw a kitten. I found 20 step-by-step schemeswhich are represented by cats and kittens different breeds, ages and in different poses. All schemes increase when pressed on them! Also, you also prepared you a few video lessons on the kitten drawing! Watch and learn!

Cats are incredibly graceful, they are well oriented in space and often surprise us to stunning tricks. Therefore, in order to draw this animal correctly requires good clarity of lines.

1 scheme:

To draw such a fluffy cat to identify the main figure to which you can describe his body and start moving from less accurate designs to more accurate.

2 scheme:

Cat skull has an incredibly complex anatomy. Large eyes and little face are difficult to depict. Therefore, it is important to convey the relief of the head to be understood further steps.

3 scheme:

A cat that lies on the back - a rather non-standard drawing. That is why you need to master it. Pay attention to the overlay details. Try to draw this funny kitten.

4 scheme:

Little kitten - incredibly gentle creation. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly convey its emotions: fright, interest, desire to learn. Kitten's legs must be massive.

5 scheme:

The schematic and semi-child manner of drawing also requires effort and phased work. Therefore, try to see the final result - a cheerful and mischievous kitten.

6 scheme:

Graceful Siamese cat is a sample of what all cats should be. With this breed, you should study anatomy of the animal. Stress the severity of the lines.

7 scheme:

To properly convey the purpose of the cat's eyes, you need to portray the eyes volumetric. Therefore, add more glare in view and correctly depict the pupil. It is best to follow the example not to be disappointed if another corn angle does not work.

8 scheme:

When the cat is washed, he belongs to itself very carefully. All muscles are relaxed, and the animal feels in full peace.

9 scheme:

If the drawing has little distinct lines, take advantage of this. Carefully draw the structure of the cat's wool, his mustache. Add some formlessness.

10 scheme:

The humor image of the cat requires drawing of certain elements. Funny paws long mustache And striped colors, make our cat typical yard.

11 scheme:

Learn to draw not only correctly, but quickly. Highlighting a few pieces in the figure, train to draw a ready-made high-quality image image.

12 scheme:

Anime-style kitten has typical big eyes And very cute view. To cause lunizing and joy, add contrast pattern. Big head And the little face just pass this mood right.

13 scheme:

This drawing is not standard because its drawing starts not with oval, but from rectangular figures. By the way, this approach does not spoil the kitten. He is pretty nice and not at all rude. Try to draw this fluffy kitten.

14 scheme:

The number of cartoons on cat topics reaches record marks. And all these drawings are very easily executed. As we can see between a schematic image and a finished look, not such a big difference.

15 scheme:

Not all cats are elegant and cute, moreover, there are rather large breeds of animals. Therefore, you should be able to portray such cats. Rib cage More rude, and neck is shorter.

16 scheme:

After breaking the entire drawing on the circle, you can fill the hand and achieve softer lines in the picture. By adding a light asymmetry of the paws, you can make a kitten more funny and naive. Try to draw such a kitten with a ball.

17 scheme:

Sitting cat is a very curious phenomenon. Here is another comic image of a sitting cat. Multiple figures will be able to portray a domestic pet.

18 scheme:

A lying cat is not a simple drawing, because you need to correctly depict the posture of the animal and its part of the body.

19 scheme:

Fluffy cat looks right on us. Figure is quite light. Total 8 steps.

20 scheme:

Cat curiosity can be conveyed with a long tail, mischievous ears and huge eyes. Correcting these parts of the cat's body correctly, any drawing can be made attractive.