Sketch drawing on the theme of space. Space pictures and games for children

Sketch drawing on the theme of space.  Space pictures and games for children
Sketch drawing on the theme of space. Space pictures and games for children

Drawings about space have a special, attractive power: children always draw them with great pleasure, willingly fantasizing about travel and life among the stars. We propose to show the children how to make a drawing on the theme of "Space", taking as a basis a pencil sketch, colored pencils, gouache and watercolors.

First of all, you will need to build a composition. To do this, we draw on a white paper sheet a rocket and an astronaut, who came out of it into open space.

You can take paper for sketches or watercolors, or you can take a thick album sheet. Through a rocket and an astronaut, we will depict space. Pencil drawing can be done by the child himself, if he is old enough. If you plan to draw with kids, adults can make a sketch.

Drawing "space" with a pencil

Now we begin to color in our drawing. Space, more precisely, airspace, we will fill with bright blue watercolor. So that it spreads well on the paper, you can first moisten the sheet a little with clean water.

Fill the entire space around the astronaut and the rocket with blue.

Apply another layer of paint, slightly thickening the color.

And sprinkle the sheet with salt so that it absorbs excess water and gives an interesting texture to the drawing.

We leave the salt for a while, until the paint dries.

And carefully sweep it away with a brush (you can just shake it off the sheet).

We get a nice blue tone.

Now we arm ourselves with white and yellow gouache. Apply small splashes of paint to the blue space sky.

Draw the comet's tail with white and yellow pencils.

We paint the rocket with silver and red pencils.

Add bright blue stripes to the rocket body, paint the window glass with blue. Draw the end of the rocket and the astronaut's cheeks with a red pencil.

We paint the spacesuit with a gray or silver pencil, darkening those areas in which shadows should lie.

We draw the details brighter, and our work is finished!

We select a beautiful frame to place our little one in it.

We draw colored patterns on a sheet of paper. Cut out circles with patterns - we get wonderful colored planets, which we glue on a black background (it can be covered with white splashes). We will have a magical space.

Space drawing and application "Planets"

Space drawing with crayons and paint

We draw a rocket, planets, stars, the moon with crayons. We paint the drawing over the crayons with watercolors.

Watercolor will softly highlight the background without painting over the crayons - you get a magical cosmic glow of celestial bodies.

How to draw a beautiful and vivid drawing for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten and school, our interesting and informative step-by-step master classes will tell. We will teach kids 3-6 years old to create thematic artistic images with a pencil and decorate them with felt-tip pens, and for children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 we will reveal the secret of how to use a brush and watercolors to make original works on space, interstellar flights and various celestial bodies inhabiting the solar system.

Simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages for children in kindergarten

In honor of the Cosmonautics Day with kids in kindergarten, you can draw a very simple, but at the same time bright and beautiful thematic drawing - a rocket for space flights. If the work is done in younger and middle groups, it is better to refuse to use a compass. Guys 3-4 years old will not yet cope with such a drawing device and there is a great risk that someone will inject themselves in the process of creating a drawing. If you still want the porthole window to turn out to be even and symmetrical, you should take the round templates prepared in advance or invite the kids to circle the bottle cork or some kind of cap.

Necessary materials for a simple children's drawing for Cosmonautics Day

  • A4 sheet of paper
  • plain HB pencil
  • ruler
  • compass
  • eraser
  • set of colored markers

Step-by-step instructions for children's drawing in honor of Cosmonautics Day

Beautiful drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints to school

Primary school students will undoubtedly be very interested in making a beautiful genre drawing with paints and a brush for Cosmonautics Day. The beauty of this work is also that children can show their imagination by depicting the astronaut and the objects around him as they imagine. It is completely unnecessary to stick to the details of the image. It is enough to keep the idea, adding some interesting details of your own.

Necessary materials for creating a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with paints and a brush for school

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • set of colored paints
  • brushes (wide and thin)
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a drawing at school in honor of Cosmonautics Day using paints and a brush

  1. On a piece of paper in the lower right corner, with a simple pencil, sketch a semicircle symbolizing the Earth.
  2. In the upper right corner, depict a round sun with several triangular rays, and in the upper left of the composition, draw a celestial body resembling Saturn in appearance.
  3. In the center above the semicircle of the planet Earth, draw the figure of an astronaut in a spacesuit, and on the left side of it, draw a flying space rocket.
  4. Take a wide brush and tint a fragment of the globe with blue paint. When the gouache dries up, draw continents of any shape on top with a green shade. To add volume, make several strokes of a lighter shade on them.
  5. Paint the sky surface with black silt with a very dark blue paint, carefully avoiding the figures of the planets, sun, rocket, astronaut and leave to dry completely.
  6. He will paint the luminary and the planet from above with bright yellow and orange paints. Paint the rocket with contrasting shades, leave the astronaut's spacesuit white, but use a thin brush to work out details such as straps, locks, cuffs, emblems, etc.
  7. Sketch a face, and write the word "Russia" on the helmet of the spacesuit.
  8. Add realism to the sky by highlighting the glow of the stars and intergalactic dust with white paint.

Thematic drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 grade - a watercolor master class

For a school matinee or class hour dedicated to Cosmonautics Day, children in grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 can make elements of festive decoration with their own hands, for example, draw thematic drawings or posters. Then, with these works, it is appropriate to decorate the premises of the school, in order to create a festive atmosphere and raise the mood of everyone present.

Necessary materials for creating a children's thematic drawing in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • watercolor paints
  • brushes

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a watercolor drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics in grades 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

  1. Spread the drawing paper on the table, use a ruler to measure ¼ on the left side and on the bottom of the sheet, mark with a simple pencil and do not occupy this space with a drawing. Here, in the future, numbers and letters will be located.
  2. Dip a brush in light yellow watercolor paint and paint in the upper right corner of the sun and semicircles of rays emanating from it. Make wide strokes with the brush, leaving a little empty space between the yellow color.
  3. In the upper left corner, without going into the left wide strip on the side, draw the Moon, and paint the blue sky around with a thin brush with light strokes.
  4. In the sun's rays, paint two space probes with lilac and blue paint and leave the work to dry very well.
  5. Then, with a simple pencil, very carefully draw on top of the watercolor background a sketch of a space rocket (in the center) and an orbital ship (from the right edge a little closer to the bottom).
  6. To paint the aircraft with paints so that they match the general color of the picture.
  7. On the left side, where there is a white blank canvas, write a large vertical number "12" in red paint and add the word "April" under it.
  8. In the lower empty part of the picture, write in large blue letters "Cosmonautics Day" or any other thematic greeting, congratulation or short wish.
  9. At the end add a few strokes of red between the sun's rays, and behind the rocket make a few thin blue stripes symbolizing flight. Decorate the classroom or the assembly hall of the school with the finished work, where the matinee in honor of the Day of Cosmonautics will take place.

The first man's journey into space lasted only some 108 minutes, but they, one might say, "turned the world upside down." Since then, since April 1962 (more precisely, on the twelfth), and since 1969, the World has been celebrated.

As always, a little history

Who among us in deep childhood did not want to become an astronaut? And with whom to take an example? Of course, from Yuri Gagarin, whose name in 1961 sounded in many languages ​​of the planet Earth. Because, finally, the cherished dreams of all mankind for many centuries have come true - to find out what is there, outside our world, in space! And then, in 1961, all people were jubilant and proud of the achievements of Soviet scientists in this area. The pioneer hero receives high government awards, and after a few months the second cosmonaut makes a daily flight around our planet!

Today we know a lot more about space. Man not only conquers distant orbits, but also learns to live there. And how many robotic satellites have been launched, which constantly fly over us, doing a variety of research!

What to choose, doing creative work with a child, for the Day of Cosmonautics? The drawing is probably the first thing. So let's get started!

How to draw a drawing for Cosmonautics Day?

Children's works on a space theme are always relevant. It involves the use of various techniques to attract the child to creativity. But the most basic of all, of course, is the pencil one! Because it all starts with her. Here is a step-by-step instruction for Cosmonautics Day in pencil.

Other techniques

Having learned, first of all, by the Day of Cosmonautics with a pencil, you can try other mixed techniques, for example "scratching" (from the French gratter - to scratch, scratch). It is available even for preschool children. Begin!

  1. We take thick paper, preferably A3 cardboard. We paint the entire plane with colored crayons (wax is better) in the most free style, but with a thick layer. All paper should be traced. Involve your baby more actively at this stage of work.
  2. Mix dishwashing liquid (1 part) and black gouache (3 parts). We cover with an even layer over the crayons, paint over everything!
  3. It turned out to be a black sheet. Let the paint dry. This process can be accelerated with an ordinary hair dryer! And what fun for a child!
  4. We take a fairly sharp object (a toothpick, a knitting needle, but better - a special wooden stick) and scratch our drawing on a black background. Yes, even the same astronaut and a rocket! As a result, we get a very original work in the "scratchboard" technique.

More options?

And you can also celebrate this holiday with the children in the DIY style. The theme of the craft is "Cosmonautics Day". This is from ordinary disposable, and rockets from plastic bottles, and much, much more.

Every year in early April, schoolchildren are introduced to such a Russian holiday as Cosmonautics Day. This date is famous for the first manned flight into space. To make it more interesting for children to study this topic, contests for the best drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics are usually held. " What to draw by April 12? " - this question interests many parents and their children.

I have collected for you a bunch of interesting and modern ideas for drawings that children of different ages, from elementary grades to seniors, can repeat. Some ideas are accompanied by step-by-step tutorials. Hope you find for yourself

What can you draw for Cosmonautics Day?


You will find how to draw an astronaut in four different versions in.


There are a great many lessons on drawing space on the Internet, there are both step-by-step photo tutorials and videos. Most often, when drawing space, watercolor is used, because it is translucent and easy to mix.

I like the videos on the channel TILLITH... She has a whole playlist of how to draw space.

Here is one of her videos:

There is also a step by step on my site.


In a recent tutorial, I showed:


I found how to draw an artificial satellite with colored pencils on the website


The planet is easy to draw, but it always looks epic, especially if it is beautifully painted.

Below is a step by step tutorial how to draw a planet like Saturn.

Step 1

First draw a nice and large circle to illustrate the volume of the planet. Leave some space on each side to draw the rings later.

Step 2

Now for the rings: draw a long and thin oval shape down the center of the circle. You can tilt this shape (almost at a 45 degree angle) to make the planet look more attractive.

Step 3

Now transform the oval shape into a nice and sharp ring. Erase the extra lines gently.

Step 4

Then add some lines on the planet to create different streaks of gas. You can also add a couple more rings.

Step 5

Use several shades of orange and yellow. The combination of these colors will make the planet look more realistic.

Step 6

The final step is to add shadows: one on the right side, one below the ring, and one behind the planet on the right side of the rings.

A beautiful, colorful and voluminous planet drawn in just six simple steps is ready!

Orbital station

You will find a lesson on drawing a station.

The galaxy

Space doodles

This direction in drawing arose not so long ago and now it is megapopular. Verbatim doodle- these are dashes, scribbles, meaningless drawings that are created mechanically, thinking about something else. Drawing space objects in doodle style looks very welcome. Here are some examples that you can easily repeat with a black helium pen. And if you then color the drawing, then you have every chance to take first place in the competition for the best drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics!

Images taken from


Moon with starry sky

I hope that you have found an interesting drawing idea for the Day of Cosmonautics. Connect your imagination and you will succeed!

It is much easier for children of all classes to get acquainted with Cosmonautics Day with interesting stories and entertaining creativity. Therefore, students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 should be invited to draw a rocket, an alien saucer or a real astronaut. Cool and beautiful images will help children to invent their own space stories. You can create a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with pencils, paints, brushes. It is important that the child is comfortable working with the materials, and the subject itself is really interesting to him. In these photo and video master classes, you can find detailed descriptions that children will understand.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages - for children of grades 3, 4, 5

Children who are in elementary school or just starting high school find it easier to draw unusual characters with smoothed lines. Such a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children will be within their power and will not cause difficulties when transferring from an example. In addition, they can color it at their own discretion, which does not limit the flight of thoughts and fantasies of schoolchildren. An easy and very interesting drawing for Cosmonautics Day can be drawn in pencil even by those children who find it difficult to depict people.

Materials for creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for students in grades 3, 4, 5

  • regular pencil of medium soft;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper.

Step-by-step master class on creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children

Cool drawing with a brush and paints for Cosmonautics Day - for children of grades 5, 6, 7

A cheerful astronaut is more suitable for the image of a toddler, high school children will more like drawing for Astronautics Day with paints in the form of a rocket. They will be able to color the aircraft itself, the fire, and the surrounding space in different ways. If you wish, you can supplement the picture with distant silhouettes of planets. It is not difficult to paint such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush, but it is better to use watercolor: it lays down softer and with its help it is easier to achieve smooth color transitions for space.

Materials for creating a cool drawing with paints for Cosmonautics Day for children of grades 5, 6, 7

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil, eraser;
  • set of watercolor paints.

Step-by-step master class on creating a drawing with paints for the Day of Cosmonautics for schoolchildren

Universal drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The cool rocket will appeal to all students, but there is another drawing that will surely delight the children. A beautiful UFO saucer will be portrayed by children with no less interest and admiration. Such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day in grade 4 will amuse students, but students in grades 6-7 will force them to show their maximum imagination to get a non-standard picture. For example, they can add eye-catching new elements to the Cosmonautics Day drawing step by step. A UFO can carry a cow away or an alien can look out of it. There are many options for finalizing the image, you just need to come up with your own story.

Materials for creating a universal drawing by schoolchildren

  • a sheet of A4 watercolor paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • a set of paints or crayons for drawing.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a universal drawing for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7