The script for the jubilee with the 35th anniversary of the woman is ready. Scenario of the anniversary of the girl (young woman) "A star named ...."

The script for the jubilee with the 35th anniversary of the woman is ready.  Scenario of the anniversary of the girl (young woman)
The script for the jubilee with the 35th anniversary of the woman is ready. Scenario of the anniversary of the girl (young woman) "A star named ...."


35 years is a great date for every woman, there is already wisdom, and achievements, family, but at the same time, all the same ease, beauty and admiration. You can't do without a holiday, so be sure to arrange a big celebration for yourself.

We decorate the hall. In order not to forget the main numbers of the day, namely "35", depict them on the wall using small balloons. For originality and entertainment of guests, you can create a large poster with the Anniversary, in which her photo and a photo of a neighbor (with the exception of the face, there will be an empty space so that any guest can lean his face against him) will be processed in Photoshop in a funny or too fantastic form ... Then everything is simple, any guest comes up to the poster, and the photographer takes a funny photo as a souvenir. It is best to do all this at the beginning of the holiday, and during it, print everything out and give it to guests at the end. Otherwise, everything is standard - congratulatory posters and garlands with the Anniversary, balloons and fireworks for salads (usually set on fire at the same time as the first toast).


(all the guests sit in their places, the presenter goes out into the hall in the scenery, depicting the number "35")

Hello everyone, I'm thirty-five
I came to look for my mistress,
It's time to celebrate her Anniversary,
But how can I find her alone ?!
I ask you guests, can you help me,
You will call the Anniversary of the chorus!

(the guests begin to call the Anniversary in chorus, she comes out, solemn music sounds, the leader immediately runs up to the birthday girl)

And I already managed to get upset,
But you came, it's a big deal
Now I will congratulate you
And give presents in your face!

(the presenter takes out gifts: a medal with the inscription "For the 35th anniversary" and a Diploma)

Here's a medal for thirty-five,
And do not forget to take the Diploma as a keepsake,
And the beloved will give thirty-five flowers,
He loves you, values ​​you!

(to applause, the husband of the Anniversary presents her with a bouquet of thirty-five white or pale pink roses, the presenter, meanwhile, takes off the scenery)

Presents have been handed over, it's time for us to start
A big holiday in honor of (name of the Anniversary) to celebrate,
And we don't sit like that, we fill our glasses,
And then we solemnly lift them up!

(everyone is pouring wine)

To give toasts for others later,
I will now list everything at once,
First, (name of the Anniversary) we drink everything for you,
Second, because you have such friends and family,
Third, to make you happy
Fourth, so that joy is endless,
Well, you are so worthy of the fifth,
Let's drink, so that all (name of the Anniversary) dreams come true!

So that you do not get bored on a good holiday,
We will play with you in the competition!

The competition is called: "35". All interested guests take part, then we are divided into two equal teams. Task: on the floor with the help of chalk or sheets of paper, each team leader lays out two large numbers "3" and "5", they should be large, about 4 meters long and 2 meters wide. The first team members, as soon as the music starts, will have to run along these numbers clearly along the lines, starting from the top of the three and ending with the top corner of the five, then they return to the team, cling to the next participant with a locomotive, and so they run around the anniversary figures with him. And so we play until the last participant. The team that forward the other will be able to run around everything, and that one wins. Prize: thirty-five sweets each.

The competition was dashingly played,
"35" all ran,
And now it's time friends
Say congratulatory words
So do not be shy
And we try to congratulate from the bottom of our hearts!

(all guests in turn congratulate the Anniversary)

For wonderful congratulations,
We drink without delay
May everything come true for (name of the Anniversary), what you said,
I wish her health, happiness and great love!

(everyone is drinking, the meal is going on, the music is playing)

Now I ask everyone not to get up,
Let's play while sitting in contests!

The competition is called: "Riddles about the Anniversary". The presenter will ask riddles that relate to the life of the Anniversary, those who answer correctly will receive prizes (of your choice).

The main thing is that our Anniversary is not alone,
She is always with her ...?

(answer: family)

And besides the home interior,
At thirty-five, she made a great ...?

(answer: career)

And she also has those who are more dear to her than anything else,
And this is definitely her ...?

(answer: children)

Today the Anniversary is worthy of all kinds of compliments,
And also your dear guests ...?

(answer: applause)

And one more question,
What is announced at the celebration for the Anniversary?

(answer: toast)

And here is the last one who answered,
Toast us and say, raising the glass up!

(the last participant reads out a toast, everyone is drinking, a meal is going on, music is playing)

And now friends and guests,
We will crush your bones
Come out to the center of the hall,
In the jubilee dance with the Anniversary dance!

(dance break passes)

We did everything but one
We have not tried one dish yet,
We meet a cake with thirty-five candles,
We confirm the meeting with applause!

(to music and applause, a cake with burning candles is brought into the hall)

And now dear Anniversary will make a wish,
And then let the cake blow!
Enjoy your entertainment,
Well, I'm leaving you, I beg your pardon!

(the presenter leaves, but the holiday continues)

Girl's anniversary script(of a young woman) "A star named ...." suitable for spending in the company of friends and family, it gives guests the opportunity to pamper the young birthday girl with attention and compliments and have fun themselves.

The script features funny table entertainment, dance contests, and lyrical greetings. it might be worth adding more contests and games, depending on the preferences of the company.

The introductory part of the jubilee script.

Leading: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Hello my friends!

(the presenter introduces herself and the DJ)

All high society - brilliant couples!

The best of the best are invited here!

Invitingly loud fanfare sounds -

And where is the culprit - the Star?

Applause, gentlemen!

Our star is named ... ..!

Fanfare. Everyone greets the birthday girl.

Now we know who the star is

And we shout to her together: "Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!" (guests congratulate and raise a toast to the hero of the day)

Sounds "Happy birthday»

(banquet pause)


Without forgetting in a hasty ardor the one who is "to blame" for everything,

We will raise our next toast to everyone for the guests.

For coming to this anniversary,

Let's throw up our glasses in this toast

May such a day not come in life

When guests don't knock at your house!

It's time to have a drink, good hour!

For all guests! For all for you!

The song "Hello, guests" is played.

(small break)

Leading: Yes, my friends, we are sitting somehow too adult: no noise for you, no mischief ... And today we have a merry holiday - a birthday, a holiday of childhood. I propose to plunge into it a little, let's start small: let's remember what our friends called us in childhood.

Acquaintance of guests at the anniversary "Star by name .."

Astrologer: My dearest ones, I greet you! I could not help but honor you with my visit, because today, as every day for many centuries, counting the stars in the sky, I suddenly discovered that there were one more of them, after checking the almanacs, I learned that a new star had been given a name. .. (name of the hero of the day)... I decided to personally look at the culprit of this event, although I saw a lot of beautiful girls, but not everyone is given to become a star and sparkle brighter than others. I brought this cake as a gift to the birthday girl for a reason, it is a sign that her future life will be bright, like the light of a star, warm like the fire of a candle, filled with delicious joys and beautiful impressions (hands over cake)

Surely, each of the guests present would like to know what the stars promise him, I will not say about the future, but I see tonight like this (reads the anniversary horoscope for different signs)

Anniversary Horoscope from Astrologer:

Aries it's high time

Drink a glass of wine

You just need to drink wisely

Not under the festive table.

Twins understand yourself

Don't poison your soul with vodka.

You better drink milk

You will live up to a hundred years.

Lviv we want to warn

That you shouldn't drink a lot

Do not let a degree into the body,

Pour tea into a glass.

Virgin do not drink much,

Take pity on your stomach

He may not understand you,

Do not accept vodka salads.

A Libra in harness together

You need to pour more fully

So don't be shy

And drink alcohol to the bottom.

Scorpion still a child

He can't drink at all,

If he drinks vodka

Everything will be upside down with you.

And the stubborn Taurus

Getting drunk doesn't suit your face

You better decide

And have fun without vodka.

Well, Cancer you can have a drink,

But just a glass or two

Only very carefully

Otherwise, there is a scandal in the family.

A Sagittarius the advice is this:

If you want to be healthy

You need to drink sooner

Instead of vodka lemonade.

Capricorn lucky

You can drink it all in spite

The evening will last for an hour

It remains to have fun.

Aquarians are good

Vodka is whipped from the heart,

Don't fall for vodka,

Better stay sober.

Pisces everyone needs

A glass full of wine

Overturn, but not by,

Necessarily to the bottom.

Astrologer:And now I ask guests of all signs of the zodiac to stand in the anniversary round dance and give the birthday girl the most expensive gift one more childhood memory wah

Jubilee round dance "Karavai"

Congratulations on your anniversary,

We hand this cake to you.

There are many lights on it,

Blowing them out - you need a lot of strength.

As we begin to applaud - a wish must be made.

On the command "time!" and "two!" - get ready first.

And on "three-four!" - smile wider.

And how we begin to congratulate,

You can blow out the candles! (goes to the table where there is a cake and blows out the candles)


Leading: My friends, all the stars have faded, before the light of the enchantress and sorceress - our birthday girl! It's time for our Stargazer to leave, we will send him off with applause, and we all, following our guiding Star, return to the festive table!

General dance game.

(The presenter, with the help of provocative words that serve as a decoy for a dance game, determines its participants)

Leading: I invite you to join the circle of all who consider themselves a "real man" (going out)

Those who come out are invited to remember the army and clearly follow the commands. First, you need to build them in a column one by one, and then beat the teams (as in the army): right hand up, right hand between the legs, and with your left hand take the right hand of a comrade who stands in front. It turns out an interesting pose and here the dance "Lambada" is announced, performed by the song and dance ensemble. They dance for about two minutes, because in this position it is very uncomfortable.


Then each of the participants invites to the dance field ladies - who is more will display here either a general animation dance (for example, "Penguins"), or a lambada train.

Dance break.


(The presenter invites everyone to the table and offers to fill the glasses and continue n)

Table game " Relay of congratulations ".

Today, the birthday girl with a low bow, the constellations of relatives and friends are addressing !!!

You are all witnesses that in our sky

The light of one star is not fading now.

And by the way, there is one fan among us who has been studying this for many years!

- Congratulations from my husband.

- Parents (first a toast to them, then a word to them)

- Congratulations from the children.

(Small break)


Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It is in a hurry to wish you a happy birthday
And congratulate your friend.

Congratulations to your girlfriend.

Fancy dress number "Kids with gifts" (bows)


A game with the "Festive signs" hall.

Please close your eye. If you closed your left eye, then today all your desires will come true, and if you have your right one, it is you who will have to fulfill the desires of the left-eyed.

Fold your arms over your chest. If the right hand is on top. Today you may not be right, but if you are left, then today you will become the main messenger of the people in the right direction.

Take your neighbor by the ear. If you grabbed him by the right ear, this does not mean that you will not get back, and if you grab his left - no matter how much you pull by the ears, but it is not accepted to flirt like that.

Place one foot on top of the other. If your right leg is on top, then today you will dance until you drop, and if with your left, then today you have every chance to go to the left.

(dance break during which the competition is held)

Dance competition with numbers from 1 to 9. "All Stars"

(To conduct e of this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the corresponding musical excerpts for each exit and prepare numbers from 1 to 9 - several sets, focusing on the number of guests and distribute to all guests or only to the most artistic)

We start the presentation, all the guests are surprised

№1. I invite artists who have number 1

I present to you these artists, they will surprise us like:

Better to perform them "Twists" among us, no one can!

We light up to the fullest! Your applause! (dancing)

№ 2 we invite you to visit us! Well, our dear, I will ask you, loving the birthday girl,

Perform an incendiary dance, welcome! “Lezginochka, friends! (dancing)

№ 3 I will slightly raise the fun and the little plan,

And I will ask you to perform - "Gypsy!" (dancing)

№ 4 ... So the 4th number of our program. Now we will surprise the guests and have plenty of fun,

Now pull yourself together and hang out in the insane "Rock and Roll!" (dancing)

№5. Number 5 enters our stage! And you guys are more fortunate!

And we would like to enjoy the passion! "Striptease!" Striptease and nothing else! ( dancing)

№ 6 now, at least not only hands are used, we will not die of boredom now!

Come on, dare everyone to the center of the hall, and dance for us "Dance of the Swans" (dancing)

№7 .Numeral 7, yes, there are swans, guys,

Look - ka, it's better how "Duckies!" ( dancing)

№8. Where are our beautiful 8s? What are they going to do now - just beauty "

The East is a delicate matter! On stage - “Belly dance! ( dancing)

№9 Number 9 on stage! Now we'll change the style a bit:

I will ask you to perform the funny "Quadrille!" (dancing)

Dances, games, an impromptu fairy tale.

The birthday girl's answer.

Launching a star into the sky.

The script is half the success of any holiday. And on how thoughtful and interesting the scenario is, if not everything, then a lot depends. That is why, when developing the scenario for the 35th anniversary, a woman, especially a woman, needs to be extremely collected and creative. Women are very sensitive to everything that happens around them, and on their anniversary they want to be in the center of attention, in the center of a grand celebration, the task of organizing which will completely fall on your shoulders.

What should be or women? It's simple. It should be dynamic, fun and original. To the best of the feast, to the best of competitions, to the best of the show program. Maximum balance is the key to a great holiday.

But where to find such a scenario for the 35th anniversary of a woman? It will be extremely difficult to write such a work yourself. And why? In this section you can find scripts for every taste and color. Vlio brings to your attention a huge selection of scenarios that will help you create a truly excellent and memorable anniversary. Hurry up to choose one of them! Hurry up to surprise the birthday girl and guests! Hurry up to become a real hero of the upcoming evening!

Any birthday is important, and if it is also an Anniversary, then it is doubly pleasant. The date is especially beautiful -. A woman already has everything that a man can dream of, but with her everything is the same, her beauty and charm remain.


We offer you a fairly relevant topic for the scenario of a woman's birthday - "Flower Paradise". The holiday is celebrated at home, or in a cafe or restaurant. The room is decorated with fresh flowers, tablecloths and napkins should also be with floral designs. We especially decorate the place where the Anniversary will sit. You can decorate the chair with artificial flowers (it will be more difficult to live, but it will look more spectacular). You can also scatter rose petals on the floor. The birthday girl's clothes should also be bright so that she can easily distinguish her from the crowd.

Oh, how many flowers are here today
What will be the fragrance here,
We understand this paradise without words,
And let him have no excuse!
But I want to find the main flower,
And you friends, of course, are waiting for him,
Well (name), please, come out,
In a beautiful, colorful and fabulous flight!
(Anniversary comes out)

Look at her
She's like delicious wine
It looks so sweet and pleasant.
She clearly intoxicates us all!
But we can forgive her,
After all, she can be beautiful
After all, today she is the hero of the day,
35 years old, that's what years!
(the presenter gives the hero of the day a bouquet, applause sounds)

But before taking my place, I would ask you (name), to tell fortunes, on a daisy. But this chamomile is not simple, but magical, which petal you tear off, you receive such a gift. Since your date starts with number 3, I give you three tries.

(Chamomile is made in advance from colored cardboard, the names of gifts are written on the petals, gifts of course need to be purchased, for all petals, but only selected ones are given. The rest can be admitted to the next contests; options for gifts are different, from cosmetics to household items. It all depends from your imagination and financial situation. But most importantly, they must certainly please the hero of the day)

Well, now with gifts,
You can go to the table
For delicious snacks and wine!
(Anniversary goes to her place)

Host (toast):
On the present, for the future, our dear,
So that there is more joy and happiness in everything!
(musical break, meal)

I announce a dance competition
And I invite all couples to my place!

The competition is called: "Flower Dance". All stand in pairs in the middle of the hall, men must take a flower with their teeth, and hold it like this during the dance. But as soon as the music stops, the man gets down on one knee, the woman makes a circle around him. He sits down on one knee and takes the flower with his teeth. Those who do not have time are eliminated. Gifts for the best couples: flower pots with a room rose.

Well, just, just good fellows,
You danced with all your heart
Well, now we take the glasses,
After all, we are very happy about the holiday.
And we all drink for (name),
May her happiness be in everything!
(musical break, meal)

And now I ask, she is preparing for a new competition,
There, teamwork is going well!

The competition is called: "Team Bouquet". Everyone is welcome to participate. We are divided into two teams. Each is given inflorescences of different colors, wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, beads. Task: in a certain time, make up a beautiful congratulatory bouquet as soon as possible for the Anniversary. Whose team will do it faster, and, according to the birthday girl - more beautiful, she is the winner. The prize for everyone is towels with floral embroidery.

Well, now, the time has come for real congratulations. Dear guests, I am sure that you have picked up the best wishes for our dear Anniversary! (guests alternately congratulate and give gifts)

For your gifts, for your congratulations,
I ask everyone to drink, without delay,
Thank you all for being here,
That each of you came to us for an encore!
(musical break, meal)

And now, I will tell you riddles,
And for the correct answers, give gifts!

The competition is called: "Riddles". The presenter makes riddles, corresponding to the theme of the holiday. Whoever answers correctly receives a gift. For gifts, all objects and things that will depict something floral are suitable.


They are the ideal of beauty for us today,
And it will be ...?
(answer: flowers)

This color in the songs of Shatunov, dies from frost,
And his name is white ...?
(answer: rose)

They have big, graceful buds,
And these flowers are called ...?
(answer: peonies)

She will always be beautiful
And her name will be ...?
(answer: aster)

We can write poems about them,
Flowers are so divine ...?
(answer: chrysanthemums)

These are lilac forest flowers,
And their names are in Russian ...?
(answer: cornflowers)

White petals and a yellow round
And her name is ...?
(answer: chamomile)

Well, for your correct answers,
We continue to banquets
We raise the glasses,
And to the bottom, for the dear Anniversary - we drink!
(musical break, meal)

And now I say a congratulatory speech, and I also go for a walk:
35 is not a lot and not a little.
35 - the date is good,
35 is just the beginning
When the soul bathes in happiness!
And I wish you (name),
Take care of this happiness
And then there will be no edge to him.
This will be my speech!
Happy anniversary! Happy 35th birthday! Hooray!
(the holiday continues)

So, let's start with the fact that in every woman, regardless of her age, there is a little girl, a princess who waits and believes in a miracle.

Therefore, it is precisely childishly direct and cute surprises that can leave a truly indelible impression on your woman's soul. Believe me, waking up in the morning in a room decorated with balloons and flowers, the birthday girl will be delighted. A nice little thing like coffee and breakfast in bed will delight you no less than a good gift. But that doesn't mean the gift doesn't matter! Therefore, here are several options for what give a girl 35.

What to give a 35-year-old girl: TOP 5 best ideas

Electronics. Modern women have no less busy schedule of life than men, they are no less interested in what is happening in public life than representatives of the stronger sex. In general, any modern girl daily uses the gifts of the 21st century - all kinds of mobile applications. In order to make this use comfortable, you can choose as a gift for anniversary 35 years old girl modern gadget - smartphone or tablet. The device is useful for both an avid career woman and a housewife.

  1. Watch. And again let us recall the tense modern rhythm of life. An elegant watch will not only allow the birthday girl to always keep track of the time, but also emphasize her style, individuality and status.

  1. Nice underwear. This option, of course, is more suitable for a man's gift. If you are choosing a gift for the lady of your heart, be sure: good expensive linen will be an excellent gift and will provide a pleasant continuation of the festive evening.
  2. Travel. This is a gift-impression. You can choose it based on your financial situation. A budget option is an excursion to unknown and little-known places in your hometown or suburb. If finances allow, give the birthday girl a tour to Europe or a joint trip to the sea. What could be more romantic?
  3. Gift Certificate. Two words and a sea of ​​options. Make your choice based on the girl's interests and preferences. For a lover of cultural entertainment, give tickets to a theater or opera, for a sports fan, a monthly or annual gym membership. A universal option is a certificate for a sushi master class. Most modern women are crazy about Japanese food. However, not everyone can boast of the skills of making rolls or sushi. Present the birthday girl with the opportunity to master all the intricacies of Asian cooking. Note: this will not be a boring lesson, but real entertainment. You can give the girl an individual master class, a master class for two so that she can go with a friend or loved one, or a master class in a group. The latter option, in addition to new emotions and knowledge, will also bring new interesting acquaintances.
  4. Jewelry. Of course, even in the ranking of unusual gifts, we could not ignore jewelry, because, as you know, they are. Love all the fair sex. By donating a gold chain or bracelet, you will not go wrong. And for the most daring men, there is a wedding ring option as a holiday surprise.

How to celebrate the birthday of a woman 35 years old?

Anniversary 35 years old woman- the date is definitely serious. And I want to celebrate it in a proper way. For most of the fair sex, a good option for celebration would be dinner in an expensive restaurant alone with a loved one or surrounded by loved ones. It is unlikely that a 35-year-old girl will be eager to celebrate the holiday with a noisy party in the club. Most will love the home celebration option. By the way, there are several interesting scenarios, how to celebrate 35 years at home:

  • Pajama party or bachelorette party with girlfriends. This version of the celebration will bring the birthday girl a real relaxation. Firstly, she will be able to take a break from the bored stiletto heels and sheath dresses, and secondly, she will be able to take a break from men (at times, we must admit, also quite annoying).

  • Stripper at home. Option for a really hot celebration. In fact, this is the same bachelorette party, only without pajamas and with one or a pair of lovely men. The main rule is to make sure that your husband is not at home.
  • Master classes at home. Something in between the first and second options. Both fun and modest. By the way, men are allowed here. Order an interesting Asian cuisine master class, have a lot of fun and at the end of the lesson taste everything prepared during the master class. This is a great option for how celebrate 35 years old girl... By contacting us, you will get a unique opportunity to learn how to cook rolls and sushi in a few hours the way professionals do it. Professional masters will teach you all the intricacies and intricacies of cooking Asian dishes. They will tell and show you how to choose products, how to make true masterpieces of Asian cuisine out of them, and, finally, how to properly serve and decorate the table.


Celebrating a birthday at home is very troublesome. It is best to entrust the preparation of the festive table to professionals. Therefore, now most of the heroes of the occasion order the event in restaurants or cafes. You just need to discuss the menu, and the rest will be done by the employees of the establishment. Most restaurants and cafes specialize in providing such services. In addition to table setting, they can offer an original decoration of the room and an entertainment program with a host. If you are not going to invite many guests, you can arrange a party at home.

In the case of ordering a room in a restaurant, your hassle of preparing treats is reduced to ordering a menu from the existing list in the institution. Self-preparation of a feast involves thinking through recipes personally. A buffet table can solve the problem of choice. Light snacks are quick to prepare, and their variety allows you to please any guest.

A feature of the buffet table is the portioning of dishes, each of which can be easily taken and put on your plate. Canapes take little time to prepare, and they look very appetizing. To make pieces of meat, ham or bacon convenient to take, they are strung on skewers. The same is done with vegetables, shrimp and other seafood. This menu is perfect for indoor celebrations and for a picnic. What could be better than celebrating your birthday in nature!

Dancing and drinking conversations are, of course, good. But to make it really fun, you can't do without entertainment and contests. If the festival takes place in nature, you can take badminton, balls and other games. The room limits the possibilities, but not so much as to come up with nothing.

"Fanta by Time". This is fun for the whole day. It is prepared in advance. The birthday boy writes notes indicating tasks for each guest. For example, someone has to get up at 4:00 pm and loudly crow. It will be very interesting to see the reaction of other guests to such a surprise.

"Pregnant". Mostly men play. An inflated balloon is tied to them in the abdominal area. Then small objects are scattered on the floor. After the signal, the men should collect them without bursting the balloon. Whoever has more items is the winner.

"Dress me up." To play you need opaque bags with a set of different clothes. It can be gloves, hat, bra. Those who wish are divided into pairs and choose a package. They are blindfolded. After that, one of the pair must touch the other. The winners are those whose partner is more correct and faster dressed.