How to find out the model of the Motherboard ASRock. How to find out the motherboard model

How to find out the model of the Motherboard ASRock. How to find out the motherboard model
How to find out the model of the Motherboard ASRock. How to find out the motherboard model

How to find out what is my motherboard? Here is such a question yesterday I came to mail. I did not begin to write about how those or other computer characteristics are learned. Today I continue to publish information about this, and if more precisely, the topic of today's conversation, how to find out which motherboard is on the computer. I did not make one article in which I could tell how all the characteristics of the computer are learned, as the letters that I get, usually sound like this: "Alexander, and how can I quickly find out what my motherboard is on the computer?". If I give a link to an article where I tell about all devices, some are asking for a little help, as they are confused. So the conclusion asked - to write a small article about each device so that each reader can independently do all actions without any help.

Before wondering on the Internet, you can ask it yourself. After all, when you buy any device, you must give at least some documentation or as it happens now is a small leaflet in which you manage to write not only the device model, specifications, but also to tell how to use them - in pictures or a small paragraph. If this document is not at hand, then this article will help in this matter.

Physical examination of the motherboard

If your computer is disassembled or you cannot turn it on, you can open the system unit, then carefully examine it from the inside.

The image below you can see the Motherboard ASUS. After the motherboard model learned, look for detailed information about it in Google or Yandex (if required).

If there is no desire to disassemble the system unit or you are afraid to do, then you will need programs that will be able to read and display this information.

Windows standard tools and other programs

Further, I will tell you how to know the information about the information about the computer using programs, and now I suggest you try the standard utility from Microsoft, which the truth sometimes does not show some characteristics. So, go to "Start" - "" or use the hot keys "Win" + "R". Then enter MSINFO32 and press ENTER.

A window will open in which you can see the computer features.

As I said above, it is sometimes impossible to find out the motherboard model using the staff of the Windows system, so I will tell you about several intuitive programs that have free license (free of charge). Find and download them will not be much difficulty.

The first program about which I will tell - this AIDA64. Displays the detailed characteristics of the entire equipment connected to the computer, including the main fee that interests us. We run the program, in the left list, select the "System Board" item, information will appear on the right side of the window, the model will be written at the top.

That's how it looks like my laptop:

The second utility is called Speccy. The meaning of the same, the actions should be made the same (on the left side of the screen click on the "System Board" inscription), it will display the same data. There are no differences between these two solutions, use the programs that you like. AIDA64 shows more detailed characteristics, and the Speccy will be convenient for a novice user.

Well, of course, I could not but tell about how to find out which motherboard is on a laptop or computer without third-party software, but also without regular Windows. "Like this?" - you ask. And I will answer you: "During loading!". Yes. When you turn on the computer, during the start of loading for 2-3 seconds, information about the motherboard and naturally its model appears on the screen. Minuses of the method: you need to read very quickly to see the information you have to restart the computer several times and also this information may be absent there. Today it's all. Thanks for your attention, read my blog, so far!

Video about how to choose a motherboard:

In some cases, users should find out the model and developer of the motherboard. This may be necessary in order to find out its technical characteristics and compare with the characteristics of analogs. The name of the motherboard model still needs to be known to find suitable drivers to it. Let's find out how to determine the name of the motherboard brand on a computer running Windows 7.

The most obvious option to determine the system board model is to see the name on its package. But for this you will have to disassemble the PC. We will find out how this can be done using only software, without opening the PC housing. As in most other cases, this task can be solved by two groups of methods: using third-party software and applying only the built-in operating system toolkit.

Method 1: Aida64

One of the most popular programs with which you can define the basic parameters of the computer and the system, is. Taking advantage of it, you can also determine the brand of the motherboard.

The disadvantage of this method is that the free use of AIDA64 is limited to only one month.

Method 2: CPU-Z

The next third-party program with which you can find out the information you are interested in is a small utility.

In contrast to the previous version of the problem, the application of CPU-Z is absolutely free, but the application interface is made in English, which may seem like uncomfortable domestic users.

Method 3: Speccy

Another application that may provide the information you are interested in is.

This method combines the positive moments of the two previous options: the free and Russian-speaking interface.

Method 4: "System Information"

You can also learn the search for information with the help of "Native" tools Windows 7. First of all, find out how to take it using the section "System Information".

Method 5: "Command String"

Find out the name of the developer and the model of the component you are interested in and by entering the expression in "Command Line". Moreover, you can perform it by applying several command options.

There is another option to display the information you need through the interface. "Command Line". It is even more relevant due to the fact that on some computers, previous methods may not work. Of course, such devices are far from most, but, nevertheless, on the PC part only the following option will determine the question that cares us with the help of embedded OS tools.

But you can not enter separately these commands, but insert in "Command Line" Immediately one expression that will allow you to determine not only the brand and model of the device, but also its serial number.

In addition, from "Command Line" You can call the window familiar to us "System Information" and see the necessary information there.

Method 6: BIOS

Information about the motherboard is displayed when the computer is turned on, that is, when it is in the so-called POST BIOS state. At this time, the download screen is displayed, but the operating system itself still does not start. Considering that the download screen is involved quite short time, after which the OS activation begins, you need to have time to find the necessary information. If you want to fix the status of POST BIOS to quietly find the maternal data, then click Pause.

In addition, information about the brand and model of the motherboard can learn by going to the BIOS itself. To do this, click F2. or F10 When loading the system, although there are other combinations. True, it should be noted that you do not find this data in all versions of the BIOS. It is possible to find them mainly in modern versions of UEFI, and in the old versions they are often absent.

In Windows 7, there are quite a few options to view the name of the manufacturer and motherboard model. You can perform both with third-party diagnostic programs and applying exclusively tools of the operating system, in particular "Command Line" or section "System Information". In addition, this data can be viewed in the BIOS or POST BIOS of the computer. There is always the opportunity to find out the data and by visual inspection of the motherboard itself, dismissed the PC housing.

After clean installation of the Windows operating system, it is often necessary to establish missing drivers that were not found by the system in the standard image. In order to know which drivers are suitable for your motherboard, you need to know its manufacturer and model. Therefore, in today's article we will consider: how to know your motherboard. Without this information, we will face a number of problems:

  • We will not be able to install the correct drivers;
  • We will not be able to choose a processor;
  • We will not be able to add RAM,
  • We can not;

Also, if the necessary drivers are installed on the motherboard, you will not be able to play 3D games, you will not have a sound on your computer, you will not play video and so on.

Probably the simplest option, how to find out your motherboard, will find a box from it. As a rule, when buying a computer in the store you give you boxes from components. This is done so that in the case of marriage or breakage, the store could send a problem detail to the service or supplier. Therefore, we are looking for a box and look at her model of motherboard. Also on the package will indicate other important parameters:

  • the type of RAM memory, which can be installed on this motherboard;
  • Information about the video card supported by the board;
  • information about the chipset;
  • tire frequency;
  • information about service utilities.

It often happens that the boxes from the motherboard have not been preserved, then you can search the commercial check. In most cases, the name and characteristics of components are written. Either find a warranty card. If there are no papers, you may have a driver with drivers. We look at the information on it or in the help files.

How to know your motherboard breaking the system unit?

If no documents and boxes from the motherboard are preserved, you can open the side cover of the system unit and see the model of the motherboard.

To do this, perform the following actions:


  • If your system unit is still on warranty, then maybe after you remove the side cover, the seal will break and you lose it;
  • If the name of the motherboard will be hidden for some component, then you will have to remove it. I advise you not to do this if you do not have the necessary skills. Otherwise, you can damage the device.

Therefore, if you do not want to climb into the insides of the system unit, then let's consider the program methods, how to know your motherboard.

How to find out the motherboard model of Windows.

In order to quickly find out information about the motherboard, you can use the Windows command prompt.

  1. In order to press "Start" - "Run" or use the combination of hot keys "Windows + R"
  2. Enter the "CMD" command
  3. Next, we prescribe the code: WMic Baseboard Get Manufacturer

The program will issue you information about the manufacturer of the motherboard.

There is also another way to find out the motherboard model, for this in the "Run" string Enter the command "MSINFO32"

The System Information window opens. Here you will see all the data on the computer that the operating system was able to receive. In my case, only the manufacturer of the motherboard is displayed. The "Board Model" item shows not available.

As you can see, Windows tools, it is not always possible to get the necessary information, so we turn to the next step.

We learn information about the motherboard using programs.

In order to get information about the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. Let's use special programs created for these purposes. Consider only free methods.

CPU-Z - this utility always helps me, motherboard, memory, and its similar version of GPU-Z, allows you to answer and the question :.

You can download the CPU-Z program from the official site. After opening the program, go to the Mainboard tab. Here the utility will post all available information for you not only about the model and manufacturer, but also on its main characteristics.

AIDA64 - I use this program for a very long time, previously it was called Everest. Probably the most important disadvantage of this utility is that it is paid, but there is a free period for a period of 30 days. It will be enough for you to learn your motherboard.

In order to find the information you need to run the program and go to the Motherboard tab. A window opens, with the characteristics of your board, as well as a bunch of useful information. Using the AIDA64 program, you can install missing drivers, as well as update old versions to newer.

The functionality of the program allows you to view such important parameters as the frequency of the processor, the memory bus, the number of RAM. Able to show the temperature of the processor, video card and other components of the computer block. In order to test the components of the computer to stability, and and determine which gland fails. You can use the Test tab.


In today's article, we looked at several ways to find out our motherboard. I hope now you will have no problem with the search for the necessary drivers. And also, if you want to update the processor, a video card or add RAM, then when you will put it in the store and saying the name of the motherboard the seller, you will be able to choose suitable components.

Find out which motherboard is installed in a computer or laptop in several ways. Usually look for information about the "motherboard" you need when you need to install. In this article, I will show you several ways with which you will definitely see information about your motherboard. So, let's begin...

1) As it is not trite, but the first thing you need to search the box from the "Mother". If you collected a computer from the components, then it must be. On it just depicted the name and model:

2) If there is no box and long ago got lost, that is, the option with other "spare parts" that can go together if they bought a system unit assembly or a notch. In particular, I mean the instruction itself or at least discs. They also eat the name:

3) If everything is completely bad with instructions, discs and box, it remains the last "physical" option to see the model of the motherboard - it is to open a system unit. Of course, this method is more suitable for "Systems", but the laptop can also be disassembled. But then will bring it later ... However, the fact remains a fact. Manufacturers on Maternal fees write their product name:


4) Open and introduce into it

wMic Baseboard Get Product, Manufacturer, Version, SerialNumber

If you decipher this line, then we here with information about:
Product model
Manufacturer - manufacturer
Version - version
SERIALNUMBER - serial number

If you don't need something, you can simply not include lines in the request. For example, if you just find out about the manufacturer and model (which most often needed), the line will be like this:

wMic Baseboard Get Product, Manufacturer

5) With the help of special programs that are designed to collect information about the computer. I wrote about this for example in the article? or . There at the end of the articles I gave links to such programs. For example, in their article, too many.
You can even simply use the free program. CPU-Z. () And on the desired tab will see your motherboard

Finally, I want to note that I did not specifically described in detail about how Mono look at the motherboard on the laptop. It is displayed when only turn on the "beech" and on the black screen of the boot below there is information. But I don't think that you need to remember the necessary information so quickly and you will sit with a piece of paper (and reboot because of this several times) when there are much easier ways in order to find out what motherboard model you have installed.


Quite often when working on a computer (or laptop), you need to find out the exact model and the name of the motherboard. For example, it is required in cases of drove problems ( the same problems with sound:).

Well, if you have the documents left after purchase (but most often either there are no them, or the model is not specified in them). In general, there are several ways to find out the computer motherboard model:

  • with the help of special programs and utilities;
  • visually look at the fee by opening the system unit;
  • on the command line (Windows 7, 8);
  • in Windows 7, 8 with the help of the system utility.

Consider in more detail each of them.

Special programs for viewing the characteristics of the PC (including the motherboard).

In general, such utilities dozens (if not hundreds). Each of them stop, probably there is no point. Give here a few programs (the best on my modest look).

1) Speccy.

To find out the manufacturer and model of the motherboard - just enter the Motherboard tab (this is the left in the column, see the screenshot below).

By the way, the program is still convenient because the board model can be immediately copied to the buffer, and then insert into the search engine and search for a driver (for example).

One of the best programs to find out any characteristics of a computer or laptop: Temperature, information on any components, programs, etc. The list of displayed characteristics is simply amazing!

Of the minuses: the program is paid, but there is a demo version.

AIDA64 ENGINEER: System Manufacturer: Dell (Inspirion 3542 Laptop Model), Laptop Motherboard Model: OKHNVP.

Visual inspection of motherboard

You can see the model and manufacturer of the motherboard just looking at it. Most of the boards are marked with a model and even the year of release (an exception can be cheap Chinese variants, on which if anything is applied, it may not be true).

For example, we take a popular manufacturer of Maternations ASUS. On the model "ASUS Z97-K" approximately in the center of the board, labeling is indicated (confusing and downloading other drivers or BIOS for such a board is almost impossible).

Motherboard ASUS-Z97-K.

As a second example, took the manufacturer Gigabyte. On a relatively new board, the markings: "Gigabyte-G1.Sniper-Z97" (see the screenshot below).

Gigabyte-G1.sniper-Z97 motherboard.

In principle, open the system unit and see the label - the case of a few minutes. Here, problems can be with laptops, where to get to the motherboard, sometimes, it's not so easy and you will have to disassemble almost all the device. But nevertheless, the method of determining the model is almost unmistakable.

How to find out the motherboard model in the command line

To find out the motherboard model without third-party programs at all, you can use the usual command line. It works such a way in modern Windows 7, 8 (I did not check in Windows XP, but I think it should work).

How to open a command line?

1. In Windows 7, you can use the "Start" menu, or in the Machine menu, enter the "CMD" command and click on ENTER.

2. In Windows 8: The combination of the Win + R buttons opens the Run menu, enter "CMD" and click on ENTER (screenshot below).

Windows 8: Launch Command Line

  • first: wMic Baseboard Get Manufacturer;
  • second: WMic Baseboard Get Product.

Stationary computer: Motherboard "ASRock", model - "N68-VS3 UCC".