Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy? Comic predictions.

Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy? Comic predictions.
Tell me, funny predictions of gypsy? Comic predictions.

The new year script is one of the best congratulations to the native team. To give the hall of the winter holiday atmosphere, you can use: garlands (the easiest option to cut the Christmas trees from color cardboard, the color is not necessarily green than a varicolored, the more beautiful, then use the hole to make holes at the bottom and at the top of the Christmas tree, through which and conceive the satin braid) . It is interesting to look at boutonnieres of fir branches (any small capacity (plastic cup, flower pots, 0.250 gr. Glass jar, which are closed with foil or corrugated paper outside) is filled with plasticine in which several small spruce springs are stuck and decorated to taste). Near the entrance hang a horse's tail (old Chignon or just tie a knitting thread in a beam) on top of the inscription: "Happy tail, pushing three times." From the polymer clay for modeling can be made, attach them to the pin.

In order for the whole team to participate in the sacrament of the preparation of the new year scenario, each is given homework: make it yourself a mask on a rubber band - carnival on the eyes, nose, ears, beard, etc. Then to all works of art, the preparations of the script are tied to a batch of tags with the number (so that the tag can be quickly removed).

Even who enters the festive room is awarded a hilt for happiness and is given the opportunity to stroke a happy horse ponytail.

The holiday begins ...

We thought for a long time, where we will begin our celebration. And invented! With gifts! So that there was no offense, each relying on the favor of stars, choose a gift to himself.

The assistant makes a hat with pieces of paper, bypassing the hall and makes it possible to choose one leaf to each present, including leading and yourself. On a piece of paper, a digit is simply written. Then the assistant makes a bag with self-made masks and in accordance with the elongated numbers gives a mask, removing the tag.

Nading masks, gentlemen!

Everyone put on masks, including the lead.

While Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden is still rushing along the snow-covered roads to our celebration, and while you are in due state for a collective photo, we will continue the holiday from it.

Collective photo.

We were slightly stolen here and did not have time to prepare festive ate on the special order of Santa Claus. In addition, it flew out of his head as the toys he asked to do. So we are even on the hand of his delay. To cope quickly, I ask you to go out (causes 9 people).

Create three teams.

Home preparation for the competition. Take two watman sheets, think through its mount (on the buttons to the wallpaper, on the string to the same wallpaper or cabinet, make out of the tree of the easel type), cut out of the colored cardboard fir branches, toys, and attach double-sided adhesion to their back side, also Attach to small segments of the Christmas fluffy rain.

For toys that will be done on the competition, you will need markers, peanut shells (on super-adhesive on the back side of the shell to glue a threaded loop), some shells color to various colors, leave several pieces not made of painted, prepare for the mustache and beard cotton wool, hands and Wire horns, etc.

Two teams will make a Christmas tree, one Christmas tree decoration team.

Two players in every Christmas team tie a dense eye cloth, one player gives off twigs, the second Christmas decorations on Scotch. On the team, a player with needles sticks them to paper, then the player with toys decorates the resulting Christmas tree. The third player (eyes are not tied) remains cut out of the paper Christmas tree. At this time, the third team gives the festive type of peanut billets - it disappears with markers, sticks the noses, mustache and ears, giving peanuts, for example, the kind of animals - horses, etc.

Nicely, you will not say anything, but for no hope, one prize, you will have to play it.
So, (puzzles)
Who happens besides the yazuvender and sober
sober on New Year's banquet?

Standing in the corner, although not punished,
And the president on it in the new year is shown

Why does the door knock on the door?
What could happen?
(Call broke).

Lead, looking at the clock:
Something is too late for grandfather. Stop! It seems to hear the steps.

The door opens, Gypsy includes (a man in a wig, in a colorful skirt - on an old skirt to put the patchwork of various colors, with a bag in hand).

Guess, guess, burn,
I wish at NG, not expensive.

And this, what else for scarecrow the New Year? The script does not provide.

Happiness, coremary, comes without planning.

And why did you call me a coremaker?

So I see, you don't have money with you, I also do not observe the valuable things, it means that the coremary, good in hand I can not see. And the people, judging by the eyes and diamonds in the ears, and a call of a coin in his pockets, eager for my parting word.
Come on, make up the people! Who wants to know the fate turn!

Approximate predictions of the fortune-tailed (the number of victims to taste, you can grasp all, you can at the request of the gypsy, you can at the request of the hall). You can also immediately use predictions in different styles.

1 style
Bring today, my birth, home two bags of happiness, in one will be Olivier, in the other sausage cutting.
Yahontovoy you, not a bog, gilding a pen, with a 100% warranty I will say that it will be tomorrow. Tuesday! (if the celebration is on Monday).
Write you on January 1st husband and berry, and a sun, and a lape, and a flower of scarlet, and how to wander a wander, you will become my wife again.
There is a horror movie in the morning. If you do not want to see, then in the mirror not looking.

2 style
Gives those present in the hall from his bag to pull out one thing at random.
Candle - to a romantic evening.
Lighter - to bright adventure.
Tram ticket - for a trip to the Maldives.
Sweetie - to drop 5 kg.

3 style
Before reaching the stage of the Gypsy, it makes a hand on the back side, on the wrist soap (it is better to take a toilet, which you use now, but not wet, but a little bitty, too dry is also not suitable) for example, the dollar sign, the letter K.
During the celebration, the Gypsy asks someone to burn 5-6 matches (the longer the inscription, the more matches it is necessary).
And sentences:
Gori, right
The truth is not uta
We show us.
Loaded matches fold into the ashtray and warm up some object, even if the writing handle would be. Then the one who is guessing, thoroughly rubs the ashes of the inscriptions - it is manifested (in order to correctly calculate the layer of soap and the thickness of the letters, it is better to stretch in advance, after applying a picture, the remnants of the soap are simply blown away - do not shake the other hand, and then lubric inscription).

Dollar sign - whether to the award, or a fine, but is connected closely with money.

Letter K - to a fan named or Kirill, or a goat, but you can instruct the horns in any case.

4 style.
How to delete the treasure
You will become rich,
Long do not yaw
Shovel is already enough
To swim in wealth
You have to dig a couple of years.

I see the dacha
You have a long luck line
I say without the slightest deception
So that I did not have full pockets

Oh, guess, burn
I say the whole truth
Big boss you will be
60 kilograms pick up!

And now a few more predictions. I ask the auditorium to call any parts of the body, and you are core, write down (Recording also helps assistant).

After the hall called part of the body, Gypsy causes one at the center of the hall. Takes soap bubbles (purchased or homemade).

Everyone, my relatives, simple. Catch the ball by the part that we called - a desire for this year will be fulfilled. And do not catch, only a year later.

After catching the balls, Mobile phone rings from Gypsy.

So ... so ... I rush, guess, I will say, I will say the truth.

And goes away.
Does not pass and a couple of seconds, how the Santa Claus flies at the door with his snowy granddaughter.
Santa Claus has sunscreen cap instead of caps.

Santa Claus:
Barely managed, another day remained in the tour.

Snow Maiden:
But what is a vacation in the Maldives compared to your celebration!

Santa Claus:
I see the Christmas tree, and toys in my order is.

Snow Maiden:
Merry eyes and welcoming smiles are also present.

Yes, they supported the festive atmosphere without you as they could.

Santa Claus:
Only I feel my cold heart that people require a competition.

Snow Maiden:
Let me, I am a female outbreak of particularly thirsty players.
Snow Maiden causes 4 people - men who are divided into 2 teams.

Santa Claus:
There, in the Maldives, there were such sleek mass-custodes, we liked one contest. With the Snow Maiden, his little adopted under our cool winters. So, let's begin. We trust you to fulfill the responsible mission - to find out who is the best runner, as well as deliver tangerines to the holiday table.

Snow Maiden each team gives a pair of boots, Chinese sticks, truck machine on the control panel (if the 2nd Competition) will be used.

Chairs outline the start and finish. The finish is closer to the festive table, there is a chair on which an empty dish is. At the start, there is also a chair with a mandal of full mandarin. Paper Christmas trees are placed between the start and finishes (or any items that perform the keglee function) in a checker order in a pretty decent distance from each other.

Competition 1.
The competition is called for 2 people in each team.
The task of players. Competition begins with the finish. One player puts on the hands of the boots, the second player takes him behind his feet and in this form in a straight line (past the Christmas tree, just near them, or if you, of course, do not feel sorry for my colleagues, you can make them bypass every Christmas tree) reach the start . Next, both players return back, jumping on one leg, between the Christmas tree, trying not to knock them down. The winning team is awarded medals: "The best workhorse of the new year."

Competition 2.
The competition is again caused by 2 people in each team.
A radio-controlled truck will be involved in this competition. One player, takes tangerines from a bowl and throws them into a truck (teams from commands should stand at the same distance from chairs, no more than 1 meter). Then using the remote, without going beyond the start line, the player delivers a truck, bypassing each Christmas tree to the finish. At the finish, the 2nd player with the help of Chinese sticks shifts the mandaring on the festive dish. After all tangerines find themselves on the dish, the team delivers it to the festive table. The winning team (the first tangerine delivered to the table) is awarded medals: "The best supplier of the orange symbol of the new year."

Santa Claus:
It is time for wishes.

Snow Maiden:
And whatever everyone comes true, you will help us.

On Watman or old wallpaper, write words that will repeat the hall (for each word a separate sheet of paper). You can simply hold paper in your hand, for one edge of the Snow Maiden (assistant), and after another, the lead or to the edges of the paper is to attach gel balls, which, after reading the word they are released.

Santa Claus:
We will be new year?


Santa Claus:

Do not forget!

Santa Claus:


Santa Claus:
Resenting and sorrow?


Santa Claus:


Santa Claus:
Yes mom?


Santa Claus:

Come true!

Santa Claus:
And now an exciting moment comes.

Snow Maiden:
To each we prepared the present.

Presenting gifts.

P.S. Toys made from peanut shells and ate can be played at auction for a toast, New Year's chastushka, etc.

We all heard about predictions. It is known that people who are in one way or another are associated with various forces are still not understandable and unknown by a person. Predictions were always in demand and everywhere in any countries and in various epochs. Of course, and in the modern world of predictions play a huge role, because few people who do not want to look into the future. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes in secret want to know what is waiting for them in life on. However, predictions are now acquired not only a rigorous character, but also a jog appears. And therefore, you can even meet comic predictions.

Comic predictions - what is it

What do merry predictions differ from their stricter form? It is initially important to note that such predictions may voiced with a different goal. Many people annoy reading boring and strict predictions on the day, month, year. I want to discharge the setting, read something ridiculous, but instructive. And therefore, ordinary predictions sometimes transfix into a comic shape. It can be just humor, cartoon, and sometimes a real black humor is found. Reading cool predictions can also be laid out, and take note of several warnings that will help avoid various problems in the coming deadlines. In addition, when reading comic predictions, severe reality is easier, and it becomes easier to look at life. Like such predictions, of course, the case of every person. But it will be worthwhile to take a caution.

Where used funny predictions

However, comic predictions do not always have a strict selection. They can be used and just to raise the mood. A person who takes them to herself is capable of becoming a soul of the company as soon as possible and to enjoy jealous melagour. You can use them in the office at work, at a party with friends, in general, anywhere, the main thing is that they are appropriate. Naturally, such a prediction is not required to take on faith, it is intended only for entertainment. However, there are also cases when even merry predictions, invented for laughter, have come true. So even with them should be careful. Also funny and funny predictions are often used on holidays and celebrations. It may be birthdays, anniversaries, corporate and home holidays.

What events are more often used comic predictions

The first events on which merry, but instructive predictions originated were weddings. You can rarely see the wedding in which the guests are not disguised in Roma on the second day. And what kind of gypsy without predictions? In order to raise the festive spirit among those present and simply weld passersby a gypsy in a comic form, pronounces the predictions of the bridegroom with the bride, and after all those present. After merry predictions began to be used on other holidays. The jubilee is always wishing long years of life, health, happiness. Everyone is known and habitual. But here is a joking prediction spoken in the midst of the holiday, in which humor is mixed with the wishes of happiness and longevity, can light it with a new force, laugh guests and please the jubilee. Often cool predictions are used in children's holidays. Of course, the form of them must correspond to children's topics.

Form of cool predictions

Comic predictions are used in various shapes. If they are pronounced during a feast, weddings, then more interesting to use a poetic shape. Thus, at the same time the prediction can become an excellent toast. Also, the cheerful prediction often becomes part of the game, entertainment. There are many packaging games in which you can solve them in a comic form, who was a man in a past life, of course, with the same comic result. If cool predictions are conducted on children's holidays, then it is usually a feeling of mysteriousness. You can even with a similar purpose to hold a costume masquerade. Interested in a mystery, children are always happy to take jokes.

In general, comic predictions can be used by anywhere, and anywhere. The main thing is that it is appropriate, otherwise the jokes will simply fail.

Comic predictions in verses in one line

1. The bright day and a bark as a cute gift.
2. Waiting for you soon a trip to the sea.
3. Let the joy of the tear be sheds, the old friend will come back soon!
4. Down and anger, and revenge, you will get joyful news.
5. Wait for the sunset, wait for dawn, wait from a cute brush.
6. Every day and every hour someone thinks about you.
7. Were forward looking forward, there wealth awaits you.
8. Wait a little, waiting for you the road.
9. Gingerbread yes sweets, there will be much joy.
10. You are waiting for a holiday and fun at the end of the week.
11. It will suddenly have a new friend.
12. Wait, I do not cry, good luck will come to you.
13. The sun again and happiness again - you will meet new love.
14. By the next Saturday, we wait for success in your work.
15. You always have a delicious food in the house.
16. Try to relax on the baugam times six per year and then you will certainly be surely lucky.
17. If you for a long time naked in the winter on the ice, no microbe will no longer crawl into you.
18. The coming year is lucky to someone again, maybe you or a neighbor - you have to always be ready.
19. Wait to change you in early January, get ready for them gradually - do not waste time in vain.
20. Try to gently run at night in ice, and then it is quite possible to meet you new year.

Merry predictions

1. Giving your favorite bouquet of daisies, recalculate all the petals. Must be: loves!
2. Waiting for a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely break off.
3. You are lucky! So be modest and lack more happy tickets.
4. Turning the road, look around - there is a possibility to meet your destiny.
5. Come to the boss from the left leg - and you will be promoted by the service.
6. Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy man. Silence! And no one will call the boring.
7. Your life is an infinite road, so choose a reliable means for moving on it - a car.
8. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
9. Buy a book that you do not like completely - and you will find answers to all questions.
10. During the first week after meeting the New Year, you are waiting for a pleasant surprise.
11. Coming out of the entrance from your home, turn the head right. Machine standing there - you will soon appear.
12. If the neighbors knock on the battery today, then a cheerful and unforgettable New Year awaits you ahead.
13. In the new year you will win a million dollars, but then you will give them all for charity.
14. In the new year you will be able to get rid of your bad habits, but you will acquire a couple more new ones.
15. In the new year you will give you the most desirable gift - the goldfish. True, it will be stuffed with rice and greens.
16. In the new year, you will find out and open for yourself a lot of new and useful, and now open please a bottle of champagne.
17. In the new year, you will have fun to spend a lot of money, and also have the pleasure of earning them.
18. In the new year, you will lead yourself a new pet, and you will give an old elderly.
19. If on June 1, you caress inside out clothes, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!
20. If a foreign body falls in bread, you know - it's fortunate!

Astrological comic predictions

1. Stars are favorable to you. However, you should not catch them in a bowl with salad, otherwise the powerful influence of Mars can contribute to the proper dreams under the table.
2. Venus in the second house foreshadows a tight dinner with frills and moderate exercise on the dance floor.
3. For your sign, the zodiac is contraindicated with ritual dancing on the table, otherwise an impartial meeting is possible in a government house.
4. People of your sign smile, cheerful, talkative, Mixed ... Hey, Miley, are you too laughing on champagne?
5. The abuse of shouts "Happy!" fraught with throat diseases; "Happy New Year!" Some lips should be pronounced, meditatively handing over the eye.
6. Stars are located in the best way: the most susceptible rhythmic twitching will be the knee, brushes, elbow and hip joints.
7. Your planet patroness Mercury foreshadows you an unexpected turn of events after your toast for love.
9. From today, you are under the auspices of the planet Venus, which will present you with a new unexpected love.
10. This night the stars are located in the sky so that you are shining all that you have dreamed so long ago.

Wishes in the new year

1. You good luck, happiness, peace! It will be your apartment!
2. Save wish the style! There will be a car!
3. Won't leave you luck! There will be a new cottage!
4. For your health your toast! There will be a career growth!
5. I wish you lucky! Waiting for you adding you!
6. Surrounded you to comfort! And incomes will increase!
7. Let success accompany! You learn best!
8. Impressions are different! Traveling beautiful!
9. Do not worry let the care! Waiting for you a new job!
10. I wish nothing to miss in vain, there will be new friends!

New Year is a favorite holiday. Great time when you can get together, eat delicious food, make gifts and share wishes. Children see in it the magic that Santa Claus visits at home, leaving gifts there. And so that he knew what kind of guys write letters. For adults New Year, too, the waiting time is miracle. After all, they make desires, make plans and believe that it will definitely work better than the previous one.

Therefore, the game is so popular - predictions for the New Year. Moreover, these are comic predictions regarding various topics. There are allegoric, where hints or extensive expressions are present. There are accurate, reflecting the existing reality. There is a lot of options to play a similar game. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic Predictions on Film and Songs

A great opportunity to entertain the company when a festive dinner is eaten and a dessert remained ahead. Everyone builds certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's predictions will probably like it.

How to issue:

Predictions can be hidden in special cookies.

  • you can bake special cookies, putting inside them instead of scrap records with funny predictions;
  • inflate dozens of multi-colored balls and give players in turn needle so that they are their burdali - inside note notes;
  • print multi-colored candy, posting notes inside, then wrap chocolate candy in them and distribute to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on the same pieces of paper, fold them and assemble into a box or hat - let the guests alternately take out;
  • create short prophecies and to add a number, guests on the feast indicate the numbers or ask them to choose themselves (for example: "Name alternate numbers from 1-10").

On movies or songs, it is more interesting to guess for the coming year. Funny sayings come out into the results.

For example, find the appropriate names of the compositions:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • Once the world will come under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, the locomotive - from the film, Y.Nikylin / Izitsin sing;
  • Nadezhda - A.German;
  • Renunciation - Fleur;
  • We will not catch up - tattoo;
  • Shaggy bumblebee;
  • White roses;
  • Winged swings;
  • Combat;
  • Wind of change;
  • Tenderness - M. Krystalinsky;
  • Beautiful far;
  • There is only a moment;
  • What a woman!
  • White roses;
  • Goodbye love - A.Makarsky;
  • Memories - Factor 2;
  • Stay - the city is 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting!It is possible to make prophecies without just taking the name, but including the resulting composition and listening to it. It turns out a real musical evening. Many songs carry a deep meaning, let them think.

Examples of predictions that can be composed, focusing on the films of the current years:

"The evening memories will end an unexpected meeting. Perhaps the old school or student friend will come? "

"Farewell, love for delicious donkeys! The new year will clearly start with a new advanced diet! "

"The mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise. Perhaps a fan or an old friend? "

"The year will fly like a winged swing - then up when it is lucky and the work argues, then down when difficulties appear. Continue to swing, the black strip will necessarily be changed by white. "

"When the dark night comes without the moon, make a desire. It will come true. "

"The usual life after the New Year holidays will end. Wind change is inevitable! First, the changes will seem an unpleasant surprise, but then you will understand that everything is perfectly developed. "

Everyone builds certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's predictions will probably like it.

Film names

You can guess the songs or movie names. This is a simple, at the same time the original way to get comic predictions to the new, 2019. Then guests themselves will be involved in the procedure of decrypting "prophecy", and most of the results are cool. The list from the names used by the names is worth making up in advance or write it later, with guests. Let them remember the paintings, and the leader will write down. In the column, without numbers. Then, players call numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. It predicts on it for a year, adding the decryption option from myself or distribute to all paper notes, where the names will be.

For example:

Bright prediction design option.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • Curse of nuns;
  • The smell of a woman;
  • Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex in the big city;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Someone else's;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big kush;
  • Reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • Forty-year virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Good luck zigzag;
  • Christmas trees;
  • Shata;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions in the new year:

"You are waiting for you ... Big Kush!" - clearly concerns money.

"It is waiting for the taming of the chapel" - perhaps the authorities will apply special measures to "upbringing" a negligent employee or this "surprise" concerns at home. Do you have to quickly bring up a child?

"The colleague has long been looking at you. He used to do not try to take active actions. A service story will start suddenly. Skill a rapid fours of passion! Be extremely neat and trust intuition! "

"The reincarnation of the forgotten project will bring unexpectedly a successful result, even though you have to try!"

"Be careful, you will have to combine the team when the chef entrust a new major project. Work a single front, otherwise you will pick up as "Titanic"! "

"You are waiting for an ominous curse of a nun! Perhaps the beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come soon? "

"Wait for the woven! Is the favorite niece got married? "

Line of songs

At the same time, take the memory, remembering the line of any favorite compositions or names of paintings. You can print on leaves in advance and distribute to guests.

Suitable for forecasts (for next year) passages of songs:

"Forget it, forget" (c) "Hands up."

"Such tenderness, on the mirrors" (C) Maxim.

"Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses" (C) A.Pugachev.

"Oh Mom, I'm going crazy!"

"Do not listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything" (c) Max Korzh.

"But when everyone goes, stay, sit next to me" (c) Olga Marquez.

"I so want to be with you, but sorry, a zai, to the ass of the affairs" (c) Vitya AK-47 - Sorry, Zai, to the ass affairs.

"And even if the whole world appeals to the dust, I suffered your heart in my hands" (c) Olga Marquez.

"Money, Money, Money. Always Sunny in the Rich Man's World »

"Wait a little bit. We will point you the path "(c)" Path.

"I am free! Like a bird in heaven! "

"How lucky you are - my bride" (c) Mumiy Troll.

"Dad bought a car" (c) A.Pugacheva

"Everything will be awesome, will certainly be awesome" (c) P. Volya.

"Only, wine glasses vodka on the table!" (c) G. Pleps.

"The plane is easily carrying me" (c) Valery.

"For a week, to the second. I will leave the mosquito! "

"If there is a pack, cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today "(c)" Cinema ".

Interesting! Each line - already ready to prophecy, participants only need to choose! Somewhere hidden wise wishes, somewhere a reason to laugh, at the same time think.

In addition to the lines of different known songs or the names of films, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that in addition to jokes they brought players benefit.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Regular tea drinks, at the same time never pain

Interesting texts for New Year comic predictions.

Your keyword will be: "Rapidly"

Rapidly - your career will develop in the new year,

Also rapidly - the salary will grow.

Rapidly - relationship strengthen,

Rapidly - you have to run when the chef causes.

Rather - will accrue the award.

Rapidly - the working year will fly and slowly (there is no need to hurry) vacation!

Loans look - everything will work out perfectly in the new year.

Predictions in verse.

Happiness will come in the life of your personal

At the same time increases income.

It will live calmly, without alarm and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you smile!

Year will definitely come out successful

You calmly decide all the tasks.

Fulfill the plan, distinguish between zeal,

And the bosses will praise, noticing it.

Premium asked, not Roby.

At the same time, you will get the increment!

Waiting for you a prince, long ago arrived. White horse, stable work, bouquet of flowers - all collected. It remains to give him the answer: "Yes!" And take a step. Look, he is near!

Long-minded - will come true in the new year,

Unexpected troubles - will leave imperceptibly.

Expect certainly

The arrival of a relative of harmful!

He will grumble constantly,

But it will bring good luck and the income is unexpected.

Will arrive for a while - everything is gues everything

At the same time, problems, sadness and trouble will take!

Do not be sad, open the door to the tail.

Do you want to celebrate this new year so?


Happiness to let in the New Year.

With him, hope will come, stand a little,

You and her accepts from the road.

Love will be free, it is impossible to keep.

You can easily feel good luck to visit.

Good luck to the threshold is suitable,

The house, threshold and the situation he looks closely.

Decides - it is necessary to stay, people are pleasant, cozy here.

Collect this company, tea,

Wish or tell what - everything is written.

Feed tasty, tales read and sleep to sleep.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even chorely and hard. It takes enough time, it may be helped nerves. But the result will definitely justify all attachments - a new home!

Soon in the coming year you will be a victim of an unexpected attack. In the evening, after all New Year holidays, you will find a group of unknowns. Among them are good luck, it will hold hard. Love will be active, it is the organizer of the attack. The third is wealth, with them will be inspiration.

It is worth warning - the attack will turn out and you will not succeed.

Smile more often, then get an unexpected offer. You will want to work as director of the factory producing toothpastes.

Your prosperity in the coming year will significantly increase after receiving the winnings of a million dollars! Be careful, do not waste money on trifles.

On a holiday, your numerous relatives will suddenly remind themselves. Everyone will invite you to visit, delicious feed and give a gift!

You will feel yourself a prisoner of the machine of time - you have to work a lot and the impression will be created, as if you returned to the year of the horse. However, the results will justify the time spent and invested!

The end of the year will bring a series of strong shocks. Your success will affect your envious, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will be Sunday in the morning and shocks you. Perhaps this is a postman? Give you a notice of getting a winnings of a million dollars! You have to let it!

Seven things you lose: failure, debts, an unpleasant familiar, offense, trouble and bad habit.

Seven things in return will be acquired: love, wealth, good luck, inspiration, hope, happiness and premium.

Be careful, you pursue the word: "big". If the salary - get big if the project is trusted large, if the gatherings are large-scale, where many people will gather! So try to use this word with the mind! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly cool! Get a cool wheelbarrow, steeply rest on your favorite resort. Life will change cool, and a steep chief will order to give a stunning award!

Looking for fate? Visit the Nudist Beach and look at around. Perhaps your happiness will deepen you yourself and get a close in the new year!

In life, much passes by. There will be only a few things: happiness, well-being, good health and good luck.

Prepare dinner, get along the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely declare! Having treat it, entertain the conversation. At the same time tell him about the plans. In return, good old man will bring you a wonderful gift!


By adding the text of the notes, you need to navigate the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to be offended, but to laugh present. If a company is gathered, where there are children, it is better to avoid vulgarity. If all guests are relatives or friends and they communicate a long time, you can add the segments of pleasant memories in the prophecies.

It would be nice to write several individual messages oriented on a specific recipient. His hobbies, professional activities and character will be prompts.

  • You will work much and hard to work in the new year - you will receive a reward in the form of award.
  • Will you get up early in the new year - never be late to work.
  • It is impossible to work in a year of pig as a horse - it will discard you for a whole year ago. We will choose a TV channel for a long time to view the New Year's Eve - I wake up with a remote control in your hands.
  • New Year of Pig - Good to sleep for lovers. Consider the stars and sleep as a baby.
  • On the morning of January 1, go out of the entrance and look to the left - you will see a bright and brilliant future.
  • How much do you eat peas from Olivier - so much desires will come true in the new year.
  • Updated in the morning of January 1, champagne - remind the past year.
  • Lost on January 1, hat - to buying a new one.
  • Gifted by his wife for the new year, a frying pan - to a bishke on his forehead. And fur coat - to love and mutual understanding.
  • Passion in the new year cakes and chocolates - to updating the wardrobe.
  • In the new year you will be raised at work - your office will move to the floor above.
  • In the new year you are waiting for many new, exciting ... home affairs.
  • Giving a wife for the new year with a jewelry, you provide a full life for a whole year.
  • After such a tasty New Year's treat - you will fight off the whole year from guests.
  • To be to you in the new year, a large boss - you get 50 kg.
  • In the new year, your pragmatic interest will turn into a romantic passion.
  • In the new year you will meet big love. Very big. Kilograms so 120, no less.
  • In the coming year, avoid cold from the second half. And then all year will be sick.
  • Taking off the career stairs this year, see under the feet so that there are no dizzying effects.
  • Still cleanliness. My hands before meals. If there are dirty hands - you get sore diseases contagious.
  • In the morning, after the New Year's feast. Fake a hard hit. Getting up for scales.
  • In the new year, boldly move forward - and you are waiting for you.
  • A visit to the fitness club and the pool in the first quarter of the coming year - to the envious views of the girlfriends in the next two quarters.
  • For passionate fishing, fishing happiness will come in the new year. Near the house will open
  • store "Fish and Seafood". There will always be a catch for a report before your wife.
  • In the new year you will have everything you wish. And you will not be worth it for it. Thewi is waiting for new, exciting journeys ... to the cottage. Do not be saddened - this is also a change in the situation.
  • This year is expected a strong explosion - all your envious will burst.
  • In the coming year, all the doors ... supermarkets and boutiques will open for you. And the thick wallet of the husband will lose great.
  • This year you will find the treasure ... Detect the hook of the husband, which he copied all last year.
  • In the new year you will find out a lot of new and useful. You will give the encyclopedia.
  • In the new year you will be attacked. Good luck and success will attack you and you can not fight back from them.
  • Behold. Very soon. Very soon. You will find a big ... love.
  • Your creative successes, as an artist on the makeup of your own person, will be seen this year by many men.
  • Your charm and beauty in the new year prepare you a happy meeting

Prediction games are an interesting and very cheerful element of the holiday, invariably causing response of guests. Serious prophecies and real fortune telling at parties are inappropriate, because a negative forecast may completely spoil the mood. But the comic vorozhba always passes with a bang.

There are many ways to conduct this game. You can, for example, make a deck of boutofor cards: On the one hand, a shirt, and on the other - the printed prediction. Someone dressed up with gypsy and offers guests to pull on one map and read the prophecy out loud.

Other options:

  • prepare cookies with predictions;
  • print funny candy with predictions inside, wrapping candy in them, distribute to guests and offer to deploy;
  • write prophecies on small postcards with congratulations, fold them into the box and offer guests to pull on one;
  • stickers stickers on the bottom of plates or glasses with numbers. Put this dishes on a separate tray. Let the guests will figure it out before the feast. As a result, everyone will get a randomly fallen number. When the right moment comes, the presenter will ask the guests to look at stickers. Participants in the holiday will call the numbers that have fallen them, and the master read out of numbered predictions.

Comic Predictions on Film and Songs

Film names

This is a simple, but original and very interesting way to predict fate for the next year. The prophecy is the name of a film or a cartoon. Not a plot, but only phrase. Let the guests are sophisticated in interpretations.

For example: "Next year I am expecting me ... the game of thrones." It is possible to interpret it in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute for the role of the head of the family.

Suitable movie titles

Foreign films

  • Armageddon
  • Big Kush.
  • The smell of a woman
  • Escape from chicken coop
  • Taming of the Shrew
  • Front day
  • Monsters corporation
  • Deal with the devil
  • Midnight in Paris
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Sky over Berlin
  • Money train
  • Sex in the big city
  • All-door key
  • Third wheel
  • Acquaintance with parents
  • Fatal attraction
  • Wedding is the best friend
  • Obscene offer
  • Sorokalenny virgin
  • 12 angry men
  • Mansion with ghosts
  • The Wedding Planner
  • Friends with Benefits
  • Blonde in law
  • Breaking Bad

Soviet and Russian films

  • Love affair at work
  • Love and pigeons
  • Zigzag luck
  • 8 first dates
  • Long road in the dunes
  • Girl without address
  • Love-carrot
  • White Sun of the Desert
  • Big change

Line of songs

Similar to previous entertainment. Only this time the prophecy is a line of a famous song. Phrases can be printed on paper (specifying in the brackets of the artist). But if not too lazy, it is better to cook audio slicing. In this case, the fortune telling will be much more spectacular and interesting.

Fragments of songs are numbered. Guests pull numbers according to which they are voiced short musical predictions. So, what did the fate prepared for your guests in the coming year?

Suitable lines of songs:

1. Only a glass of vodka on the table (Leps)
2. Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses (A. Pugacheva)
3. Money, Money, Money. Always Sunny In The Rich Man's World (ABBA)
4. And on the sea of \u200b\u200bwhite sand, blowing the wind in the face (J. Friske)
5. Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced
6. There is nothing better in the world than to wander to friends in Bella Light ... (M / f "Bremensky Musicians")
7. Oh, mom, chic ladies, chic ladies (F. Kirkorov)
8. I am free, like a bird in heaven (V. Kipelov)
9. You are lucky - you are not like everyone else! You work in the office! ("Leningrad")
10. Voyage, voyage. There, never where it was not (S. Minaev)
11. I love Bogi-WGOG, I dance Bogi-WGG every day ("Secret")
12. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. Dad bought a car. (A. Pugacheva)
13. Everything will be awesome, will certainly be awesome. Large change ahead. I know that for sure: everything will be awesome (P. Will)
14. Oh, I feel, girls, go round. Oh, go back (Verka Serduchka)
15. The plane is easy to carry me (Valery)
16. Everything is a bundle, and we have a bundle. Where they do not turn straight right, we will pass barrel (Potap and Nastya)
17. I'm lying in the sun. I look at the sun. I'm lying and lying and looking at the sun (m / f "like a lion and a turtle sang a song")
18. Freedom, freedom, let me freedom! I'm a poultry up to lean! (M / f "Flying Ship")
19. The wagon is touching, the trailer is touching, the wagon is touching ... the wagon is touching, the Perron will remain (k / f "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam")
20. If there was a sea of \u200b\u200bbeer, I would be a good dolphin. If there was a sea of \u200b\u200bvodka, I would have become a submarine ("Dune")

From the harmful habit in the new year
Get rid of you certainly.
But it's not enough: instead of one
Two new replacement

You will spend your vacation on the sea
Both body and soul warm.
Spend the whole amount, burn out five times,
Six kilograms will starve.

Smile always, smile everywhere,
Smile on land and on the water!
Repay you for a smile fate
A pair of wrinkles and a bunch of dough!

Then nut, then they give up,
Whether in the chair, you will send -
Know that next year
Assist is notable.

If you become kissing
Every day half an hour,
All dreams will start come true.
Life fill wonders!

Higher power for you
Disappointing forecast:
New Year to you promulit
Love Width!

If you can, not lynching,
Plow, like a horse, on Thursdays,
Fate will open the way
To big-big money.

If you go on the 'field -
In the Catence field you will find;
When you find a money -
I spend your whole to the cow

Out of three versts
Balker hairdresser:
Crushes as it fell
And will cut the eye!

Need to 'year forget
About brandy, tequila, vodka.
Otherwise you will be
In criminal reports.

The cockroaches in your head will be very fun year.

Next year, friends will not forget. We must not forget who should you have money.

Next year, all your problems will go away. Because even they are bored with you ...

Your life next year will be multifaceted as a glass. Well, you understand…

Your dreams will gain strength and declare war on your sofa.

Next year you will understand that your inner rod is awl in the ass.

In the next year, your body will decide by himself when to sleep, where he sleep and with whom to sleep. Do not contradict him - he knows better!

You will spend your vacation where everything is included - in relatives.

If it becomes boring - send romances. Your finances will always make you a company.

Bad news - add in weight. Good news - the gain will occur in the wallet area.