Fun in the bathhouse with your loved one. Saunas and baths for a party in a large company

Fun in the bathhouse with your loved one.  Saunas and baths for a party in a large company
Fun in the bathhouse with your loved one. Saunas and baths for a party in a large company

Recently, holidays, birthdays or friendly gatherings in baths and saunas have become very popular, especially since almost all modern baths are equipped with a banquet hall, musical equipment, and an outdoor recreation area. Most often, a close company of relatives or friends gathers, it is for such a case that this scenario of the sauna party "Heat is not a hindrance to fun".

This is a fun sauna-themed competition program for an adult company, which can be arranged before water or wellness procedures (thanks to the author of this idea). If this is an anniversary, then it is worth adding some funny congratulations for the attendant.

Sauna party script.

Host: It is obvious that real lovers of the Russian bathhouse have gathered here! After all, what could be better than a cool park, a cheerful broom and foamy beer after a Russian steam room! That is why we are happy to start our sauna party "Heat is not a hindrance to fun", which we gathered for recovery, warm communication and laughter. All games, entertainment, poems and songs today are only about her - the unique and wonderful - Russian bath!

First toast

Wash off ailments, pain and sweat

Our people go to the bathhouse!

Eh, let's turn up the heat today!

We wish everyone: "Enjoy your bath!"

(small break)

Table guessing game "Finish the phrase"

Host: Whoever got his throat wet will shout loudly. I begin the phrase, and you end in chorus. Go.

Enjoy Your Bath-

Lather - neck

Walk - with a broom

Give in - heat

Chill out

Warm up - bones.

Flood my bathhouse - .... (in white). I have lost the habit of the white light!

I'll get eager, and the hot steam will untie me for the maddened one –… (language)!

Host: While the steam is hot, I see that I have not yet untied everyone's tongue, the word seems to our most inveterate attendant, who is ready to talk about the bath in any state

Second toast

Host: Well, we know how to talk about the bathing theme, but which of the amateurs is ready to create a work of art glorifying this great invention of mankind? (5-6 people are invited for the competition)

Competitive part of the script "Heat is not a hindrance to fun":

Terry creation competition

This competition requires five to six large terry towels. We recruit the appropriate number of participants. Their task is to make / lay out some figure out of towels. Be sure to keep track of the time it takes each player to complete the task. You can demonstrate, for example, a towel fan so that the players understand what is required of them. During the game, a funny song about a sea of ​​beer or something other "bath" is included.

Players are judged by the audience: first, they must understand what is depicted. This is five points. If you guessed only with the player's hint - only three points. Secondly, you need to take into account the time during which the participant made his terry figure. Thirdly, the audience must demonstrate with their applause which of the figures they liked the most. The main prize is a birch broom. Everyone else can be presented with different soaps.

(a short break, then the presenter continues the program)

"Bath Riddles"

1. Dry, but remote -

I left everyone in the steam room,

He overcame every ailment. (broom)

2. Here is a brick sheepskin coat,

Gives steam in the heat of the moment. (bake)

3. High on the roof

Burns with black smoke. (pipe)

4. Soft, airy,

The bathhouse is very necessary!

I'll wrap myself with one edge

I wipe myself with the other edge! (towel)

(four players who have solved the riddles, the host invites you to go to the center)


Bath for us is physical and moral relaxation,

And to warm up properly in it is a very desirable thing!

(addresses 4 players) Choose a partner you like in the hall and lead them to us!

(so four pairs were formed).

Contest "Everyone is dancing in the bathhouse!"

Each couple draws out a card with the name of one or another props and must dance with washcloths - an erotic dance, with towels - a gypsy girl, with brooms - a lady, with basins - African dances. You don't have to choose the winners, this is a game for general fun. The main thing is to choose the appropriate music and props.

(short musical break)

Host: Real bath attendants know that there are men's and women's days in the baths, our bath party is no exception - I propose to hold a separate male and female competition

A comic game for the ladies in the bathhouse "Yes" and "no" do not say!

The presenter says that there is an opinion about the talkativeness and inattention of women and suggests dispelling this myth with the help of the children's game "Will you go to the ball?" So, he will ask various tricky questions, while under the terms of the game: “yes” and “no” do not say, do not wear black and white, do not prompt your neighbor! " Be sure to follow the conditions, for violations - the participant is eliminated. The presenter can repeat a poem from the game before each question. The action should be dynamic, otherwise it will look like a boring survey. In the final, there are three winners who receive.


Do you take off your panties when you wash? (remember that players are not allowed to say yes and no!)

Does your neighbor's nose get cold in the steam room? (here, make sure that the neighbor does not prompt!)

At what temperature does the heat break your bones?

If the bathhouse is not flooded in a white way, then it is flooded ...? (the word "black" should not be pronounced!)

Do you like to lick honey off in the steam room? (there can be no yes / no answer!)

Your lovely neighbor dreamed of becoming a bathhouse attendant as a child? (trick!)

Why do you love a contrast shower?

Is the Charcot shower named after the doctor Charcot? (trick again!)

What do you do in the jacuzzi?

Do Roman baths heat in black? (they fire, of course, in a white way, but the player must do without this word, otherwise - to take off!)

What salt did your neighbor on the left rub in the steam room? And your neighbor on the right? (trick question!)

The winners are awarded the title of the most die-hard and are invited to test them in the next competition. For this, three cool macho are invited, who are ready to embarrass these "iron" ladies a little.

Competition "Hot for me, hot!"

Ladies are given ribbons, which they tie around their necks, the ends of the ribbon are hidden or deeper into the upper part of the clothes.

Host: As you know, the bathhouse is the most democratic institution, since everyone is equal in it! After all, everyone in the bath is naked! In any case, they are dressed only in the essentials, men, your main task is to remove these extra costume details and ribbons from the ladies. But! You have to do it without hands!

Any musical composition can serve as a background for the competition. The winners are the couple in which the men deal with the ribbon earlier than others.

Host: So, we met and played roles,

We will not let each other freeze on this day!

Soap, broom, slippers with us we will take

And let's go to the steam room as a friendly company !!!

(Several couples are invited for the next competition: male-female)

Contest “Eh, let's steam!

Host: When you undressed in the bathhouse, then, of course, the first thing you need to do is take a steam bath, so that the steam will get through our bones! Therefore, ladies, you will receive a broom (brooms are issued from rolled newspapers, slightly cut along the edges). Steam up your gentlemen, who will wear out the brooms faster, and they will become the winner of our competition!

In this case, you should turn on the music more energetically.

The presenter suggests putting a musical pause before the next "hot contests" - everyone is given lyrics with the words of the song altered.

The song-remake "Well, it's hot in the sauna!"

to the tune of the song "Three White Horses".

My hands are cold, and my leg is cold,
And we went here to warm up.
At work, all of us were sad
Well, the sauna is hot, hot, hot!

Eh, such a holiday, such a holiday
We came together today!
Let's take a break from work, family and worries ...
An idiot lives without a bath!

The bath took us into a warm embrace,
Steam room with a broom are waiting for us!
We are not in smart dresses today,
On the back, streams run, run, run!

Host: In previous contests, we already undressed and took a steam bath, what do we usually want after that? (guests answer) Of course, we want to take a break from the labors of the righteous and indulge in a cup of tea or a bottle of beer. What else? That's right, relax so that someone, for example, has a massage. Let's not postpone, let's start, I assure you that after this massage, the participants should be euphoric, and unobtrusive erotic bliss should spread over all members! Note that we will offer you this type of massage that neither the lady nor the gentleman will be left out!

Competition "SPA-salon"

Chairs are taken out, men are put on them. Ordinary paper napkins are laid on their feet. Women sit down on these napkins. They also have a napkin on their backs. The task of the players is to wipe paper napkins to smithereens with their body movements (that is: women twist their hips, and men massage with their hands). Only one minute is given to complete the task. The winners are those three couples who left the minimum of the piece of paper.

Host: For some reason, it seems to me that you really liked our non-standard approaches to customer service! And these thoughts of mine are confirmed by your contented appearance and the ruddy cheeks of our ladies! We really hope that you have acquired regular and loyal customers of the bathhouse. Thank you for visiting our party and we want to present you with some memorable souvenirs!

During these words, multi-colored washcloths are brought out according to the number of men who participated.

Presenter: We are proud to present you our own invention - the “Laskatel” manual massager!

This nice massager is needed in any bath:

And any weakling will easily become a nice husband!

And for the ladies, we have prepared a universal remedy for smooth skin "Salt for the body from the Lake of Hope"!

Lake of Hope, take everything as it is !.

Sadness is not washed away by the soap - rub it with salt!

Even if you previously disliked the Russian bathhouse and hot parks, after today's session you probably managed to appreciate these benefits of civilization at their true worth! Not in jest, but seriously, we urge you to love the bathhouse, because it is an ingenious tool to be young and healthy!

Additional contests for holding a holiday in the bath:

Bath "Crocodile"

Based on the name, we explain that here you need to show an object or phenomenon, naturally related to the bath theme, with your whole body - without words! - so that your team members guess it. Words for guessing can be the following: foam, heat, dry steam, body scrub.

"Bath proverbs in faces"

The principle is the same as in the previous game, so the games, if desired, can be combined and made a second round, or can be conducted separately. The essence of the competition: to depict a whole proverb without words, because not all of them are well known, you can do not guessing, but playing out, a competition for artistry - the teams draw cards, announce a proverb and quickly improvise, depicting its content.

Variants of proverbs for playing onbath party:

- "The broom in the bath is a gentleman for everyone."
- "Tobacco and a bathhouse, a tavern and a woman - one fun."
- “The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules. The bathhouse will fix everything. "
- "If it weren't for the bath, we'd all be gone."
- “Bath is the second mother”.
- "Onion heals seven ailments."

- "Onions and baths rule everything."
- "Here's an ice bath, water brooms, steam - don't burn yourself, give in - don't fall down, don't fall off the shelf!"
- "Eat onions, go to the bathhouse, rub with horseradish and drink kvass."
- "Russian bone loves warmth."

- "The heat of the bones does not ache."
- "The soul loves coolness, and the flesh loves steam."

Competition "Racing in the steam room"

The competition can be held when you have enough space. Two teams of five to seven people are recruited. Each team is given oversized family shorts to make it easier to take off and put on, and a hat. At the finish line, either the hero of the occasion (the hero of the day and his spouse) or the selected participants stand up. They are holding brooms in their hands.

The task of the teams - the player puts on shorts and a hat, runs to the finish line. There he gets steam - a string of blows with a broom and comes back. Removes bath accessories and passes it to the next player. He does the same. The winner is not the team that finishes steaming faster, but the one on whose broom there are as few leaves as possible.

Why not have a bachelorette party in the sauna for a change? Since ancient times, before the wedding, the newlywed, together with her friends, went to the bathhouse and there, under sad tunes, symbolically cleansed the soul and body.

But those who want to implement the idea of ​​a bachelorette party scenario in a sauna will definitely not have to be sad! We guarantee fun, unusual games and contests, harmoniously intertwined with ancient rituals, and a good mood!

The host of the party can be either a witness or a bridesmaid.

Outfits and paraphernalia

Since the bride's farewell to a free life will take place in a sauna, the dress code for bridesmaids should be offered the appropriate one: can be purchased for everyone identical sets for a sauna, bath pareo, or restrict yourself to white sheets that need to be tied in some special way, decorate with a flower-shaped clip and put on a sauna hats with the inscription "Women's Council" on your head.

Sauna dressing room you can decorate with posters with cool inscriptions, funny photo collages made up of photos of the bride's bachelor life, place aroma or salt lamps in the corners.

Required attributes for a bachelorette party:

Holiday script

The presenter reports that the bride wants to observe ancient traditions and therefore organized a bachelorette party in the sauna. Today she will say goodbye to her bachelor life, and the task of all her friends is to make this evening unforgettable. Suggests to start the holiday by presenting gifts.

Girlfriends agree on gifts in advance. It can be paired items, for example, 2 pairs of slippers (male and female), 2 towels with the names of the bride and groom? or gifts for the home (kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and so on) are chosen. Task for the hero of the occasion: with the help of leading questions, guess what exactly was brought to her as a gift. You can also give such pleasant little things as a paid visit to a beauty salon, beautiful lingerie, and cosmetics. In return, the bride presents her bridesmaids with small souvenirs.

The presenter reminds that everyone gathered at the "women's council" on a serious matter. It's time to spend (bride's name) into married life. There is no turning back, since the banquet has been ordered, the dress has been bought, the offer has been accepted. He offers to raise a toast so that the girlfriend does not want to return to a bachelor life. Guests wish the bride what, in their opinion, is the most important thing in family and marriage. (Small feast).

Everyone goes to the steam room

The presenter talks about a traditional rite: for a long time it has been believed that girlfriends should lightly hit the bride a couple of times with a bath broom in order to cleanse of all the bad things that happened to her during her girlhood. Suggests to observe ancient traditions (the girls take turns spanking the bride with an oak broom). After the last blow, the presenter announces that (bride's name) stepped on the path leading to marriage. Then they go to the shower or pool, carry out caring procedures for the body with the help of scrubs, tonics, aromatic oils. If you wish, you can invite a professional massage therapist or a stripper to the sauna.

The presenter says it's time to braid the girl's braid for the last time. Girlfriends light candles, sit around the bride, braid her braid. At this time, the Erzyan folk song "Lamenting the bride while braiding a braid" is played.

Surprise for the bride

The bridesmaids prepare a common gift for the bride in advance - the photobook "Natalie's World" (indicate the name of the bride). The pages of the book are filled with photographs of the bride from an early age to photographs of her with her beloved boyfriend. All this is complemented by funny comments, drawings, wishes. The photobook is presented to the bride with the words that such an important event as her wedding could not go unnoticed by the paparazzi, and therefore it is widely covered in the glossy press.


Game "Recipes for Family Happiness"

For the game, cards with tasks are prepared in advance. Various situations from family life are written on them. The girls draw out cards in turn and together come up with an original way out of this situation.

Situations can be as follows:

  • A huge pile of unwashed dishes has grown in the sink.
  • The mother-in-law entered the room while you and your husband were in bed.
  • The husband "freezes" for days on the computer.
  • Both fell ill with high fever.

Best Advice Competition

The bride will soon become a married woman, so she really needs advice from her friends about family life. Girlfriends are invited to give a still unmarried girlfriend practical, funny, original advice. The bride chooses the winner of the competition.

Game "What Men Love"

Everyone knows the game "Into the city". The game "What Men Love" is based on the same principle. The bride calls first a word such as fishing-machine-pineapple-sex-striptease and so on.

Competition "The Man of My Dreams"

To conduct this competition, you will need whatman paper for everyone and markers. The girls take turns with their eyes closed, it is necessary to draw the man of their dreams.

The competition is fun, if during the drawing the girlfriends comment on the drawing.

Game "To the touch"

The girls are blindfolded one by one, and they must feel by touch the object that will be pulled out of the "magic" box. From fruits and vegetables to a hairbrush, you can fold everything in it.

Game "Magic balls"

It is necessary to write in advance on the pieces of paper the pleasant events that await the bride, roll them into tubes and place them in balloons. The bride is offered to write on "magic balls" what she is afraid of in family life - boring life, evil mother-in-law, quarrels, betrayal and so on. Then all the girlfriends together turn into trouble (popping balls) in positive events.

Dance competition

The girls take turns taking out the cards, which indicate the attribute for the dance (umbrella, hat, pillow, pole, broom). Then a couple of minutes are given to think over the dance number, and the competition begins. Whoever has a more creative dance won.

Assignment for the bride "Letter"

The bride is asked to write a letter to herself in the future, for example, after 5 years. She has to fantasize about how life will turn out, give a couple of advice to herself. The letter is given to the most responsible girlfriend present at the bachelorette party with the condition that in 5 years everyone will come back together and read this letter.

Fortune telling

Do you want to feel like real fortune tellers and fortune tellers? Then be sure to include all kinds of fortune telling in the script! The main thing is not to take the predictions received seriously, and remember that this is just an element of entertainment.

Fortune telling "Next"

This fortune-telling helps to find out in what order the girlfriends will get married. For the ritual, you will need small candles according to the number of unmarried girls. The candles are lit at the same time and see in which order they burn out. In the same order, girls will get married. And while they are burning, you can remember funny stories from the life of the bride.

Fortune telling on the phone book

To carry out fortune telling on the surname and name of the betrothed, you need a phone book. The witness takes a book in her hands, and the girl, whom they are guessing, says the page number in the book and the line number. Then the girlfriends look closely at what name came out. Similarly, they guess by the interpreter of male names.

Guessing on the rump

A deep bowl is filled with millet and various small things are hidden in it. Then each of the participants in the bachelorette party with their eyes closed pulls out one object from the bowl, by which they judge the future. For example, if she pulled out the key, there will be a new apartment, a keychain from a car - she will buy a car, a heart pendant - she will fall in love, a ring - she will get engaged, a coin - to wealth.

Divination by children

With the help of this comic fortune-telling, you can find out how many children a girl will have and who will be born. Add red and white beans to a bowl filled with rice, mix well. Then, without looking, scoop up a handful of cereals and pour it onto a plate. We saw beans among the rice - for the birth of children. How many beans have been counted, so many children will be. White - sons, red - daughters.

Fortune telling on the ring

For fortune-telling, you need a glass of water and a bride's engagement ring with a thread threaded through it. Take a ring on a string and fix it over a glass of water. Then they ask a question about children. For example, like this: at what age will I have children? At 22? At 23? At 24? On which of the numbers the ring begins to loosen, in that year the child will be born.

Farewell to bachelorhood

You can say goodbye to unmarried life with the help of a funny ritual. To carry it out, you will need helium air balloons. On the balls, the bride must write offenses, past troubles, bad memories, and let them go into the sky.

As a rule, you don't get bored in the sauna. The sauna session involves a change in the steam room and relaxation regime, filled with the coolness of water procedures or leisurely conversations with friends. In addition, most of the modern saunas, including the one in the Queen, are equipped with a billiard room, massage chairs, karaoke and TV.

And yet, in order for your company to remember the joint vacation for a long time, it is worth taking care of some exciting game in advance, because nothing brings the team together like the opportunity to feel like a child again.

There are a lot of games to play in saunas. Of course, you can have fun with them in any other setting. But if you take into account the specifics of the sauna, you can come up with something truly unusual. What is worth playing and what should be avoided during bath procedures?

Several safety rules for large companies:

  • One of the win-win options is calm conversational games, games with drawings or the classics of the genre - cards. First, it's always up to date! Secondly, it gives the necessary rest to your body, heated up by pair procedures. Thirdly, physically active games in a sauna room with a slippery floor can lead to accidents, and a quiet pastime relaxes and sets you in a pacifying mood.
  • You should not arrange highly intellectual games, even if you are all really connoisseurs and scholars. After all, the bath is a place where not only the body rests, but also the brain.
  • Also, don't forget about time. If you like long board games, then it is better to indulge in them at home in a calm atmosphere. When a game takes several hours to go to the steam room, it will have to be interrupted all the time, which is clearly not going to benefit the mood of the game. The danger of confusing the move, losing the cards or flooding the playing field with water is too great.
  • Absolutely any alcohol games and bets are contraindicated in the sauna... If at first it seems funny, it often ends up being very sad. Inappropriate actions of intoxicated players can lead to injuries or even worse consequences, and the most harmless among them will be arguments on the topic: "Who will spend longer in the steam room" or dive into a snowdrift.

But good old forfeits, various contests and games: “Guess who I am?” Can be an excellent option for having fun in a large and noisy company. The rules of the last game are very simple, everyone must think of a person who is well-known to the majority of those present. Having written her name on a piece of paper, they pass the note to the person sitting next to him. Everyone must designate the character they have inherited for the rest of the players, but they have no right to look into the name written on the piece of paper themselves. The goal, asking a variety of questions implying yes / no answers to those present, is to guess which of the heroes they got. Moreover, if the answer to the question asked is "no", the move goes to the neighboring player.

Fun games for a bachelorette party:

One of the most popular games among the fair sex: "Hat". Each player writes a specified number of words on a separate sheet of paper. Words must be nouns. Then the sheets are folded and folded into a hat or something that can replace it. After that, the players are divided into pairs and for a predetermined time, usually it is half a minute, they describe the words that fell out to them, without using the same-root concepts for this. In the second round, the rules become more complicated. The notes are returned to the hat again, and now it is necessary to explain the word that comes across with a single association. Third round - the word is shown in pantomime. The winners are determined by the total number of points for all three rounds.

Of course, usually the women's team visit the sauna in the absence of the stronger sex to talk about women's topics and enjoy cosmetic procedures. But even such an unusual pastime can cheer you and your friends for a long time, tearing you out of the usual circle of worries. Games in the bathhouse or sauna are not at all distinguished by gender. And beautiful ladies can play poker much more recklessly, but such an option as an unusual photo session, which can be turned into a competition, is usually a privilege of the female sex.

Getting out into nature, sitting at home or in a cafe is, of course, great. But nowhere do you rest in body and soul as in a good steam room. Do you agree? Then the bath party will surely leave only positive impressions in your memory!


Many people think that getting together in a sauna or bathhouse for a birthday is by all means singing ditties, eating a herring and diving headlong into a snowdrift. Not at all! In close company with friends and in such an environment, it is easy to organize a theme party.

In fact, the recreation area of ​​a modern bath is not much different from the cafe hall. And it is here, and not in the steam room, that the company will spend most of its time. For the design of a youth bath party, the following themes are often chosen:

  • Hawaiian party... Short tops and lack of skirts rather than their presence, shorts for guys. Lots of vibrant tropical flowers, palm leaves, banana coconuts;
  • Marine... Striped decor, boats, coral shells, umbrella slippers. Shorts, swimwear, pareos. Light snacks, seafood. If there is a swimming pool in the bath, that's it;
  • Eastern... And again, half-naked beauties, only now in transparent trousers. Guys with naked torsos. A lot of fruits. Plus oriental flavor - sweets, silk, ethnic dishes, colorful pillows;

  • Greek... He wrapped himself in a white sheet, tied himself with golden braid - a charming Aphrodite or a majestic Zeus at your service! Well, all sorts of little things like olives, fruit wines and pottery.

In a chilly fall or snowy winter, throwing a summer-style bath party is a great idea! Especially if there are a lot of steam lovers among friends, i.e. if the very atmosphere of the bath has long become familiar.

Our site has details on any of the above topics. The following is a description of the traditional option.

So, back to the herring and ditties. For the design of traditional bath gatherings, anything that hints at the Slavic style will come in handy. You don't need to clutter up the space - just a few details:

  • dried mushrooms and bagels with beads, branches of mountain ash and wild rose, bundles of fragrant herbs, birch and other brooms;
  • tubs, buckets, tubs, etc.... You can put fruits in a wooden dish of a similar shape, put an armful of wildflowers or sunflowers;

  • "Grandmother's" chest, a box under a Khokhloma or a braided basket. Put a mirror, nourishing cream, wooden brush, disposable napkins inside - forgetful ladies will come in handy;
  • a pair of striped rugs and towels with bright red ornaments(as on towels) will enhance the original atmosphere. Here and there you can "accidentally leave" bath accessories;

  • two or three proverbs on the theme of the bath will add ambiance... Print, frame and hang on the wall.

For a photo shoot, in addition to brooms and wooden containers, buy several hats with funny drawings / inscriptions. Make invitations to a bath party - a themed flyer or postcard in the shape of the same hat, broom, tub.

What to wear and take with you to the bathhouse?

As they say, everyone is equal here, there are no generals here. Largely due to the lack of top, or even any clothing at all. Of course, you can put on a long elegant dress or suit in the bathhouse. Only meaning?

It is wiser to put on something comfortable and simple, which is easy to remove and not scary to hang on a common hanger. It is better to leave expensive jewelry at home - traditionally, there should be nothing on the body in the steam room except for bath accessories. High humidity, a lot of people change clothes, something can get lost, something deteriorate from contact with water.

For the most creative - funny bath costumes of different characters(the choice is very large, the prices are affordable). Elegant sets for women of fashion.

It is easier for men - if only they are not beloved stretched family members. And for women, we have some tips on what to wear for a bath party and what to take with you:

  • in the steam room, both bathing suits and sheets are appropriate(to whom it is more convenient). A cap or towel on the head is required to avoid heatstroke and dry hair. A sitting mat will come in handy (what if there will be no extra ones in the bath?);
  • in the recreation area, you can put on a comfortable robe, if you are embarrassed to walk in a swimsuit or a sheet;

  • don't forget rubber slippers... Even if they are given out in the bathhouse, for reasons of hygiene it is better to bring your own;
  • the same applies to towels - at least two, large for the body and smaller for the hair;
  • despite all the benefits, the bath strongly dries out the skin... In order not to suffer with the consequences later, be sure to remove all makeup in front of the steam room. Before the steam room, apply a protective balm to your lips, you can use a mask on your hair. After 10 minutes. After leaving the steam room, apply a non-greasy nourishing agent to the skin.

Those. in addition to clothes, you need to take with you a make-up remover, lip balm, hair mask (optional), cream / mask for face, hands and body, shampoo, comb, elastic band or hair clip.

Check with your master if you have recently done:

  • lamination or extension of hair, eyelashes;
  • permanent make-up, tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • hardware cosmetic procedures;
  • nail extension.

In some cases, after such procedures, you cannot visit the sauna. Then the party will have to be limited to the pool and / or relaxation area.


Overeating in the bath is unhealthy, but, as a rule, a brutal appetite is played out after the steam room. To pacify it, light snacks are ideal - meat and vegetable cuts, vegetable salads, seafood, fruits. Fish, nuts, salted crackers and other snacks are appropriate. The table is more convenient than the general one, without frills.
If there is a barbecue on the territory, lovers of barbecue, vegetables and mushrooms on the grill will be delighted. Only all heavy food and strong alcohol - after the steam room!

It is better to choose desserts that are not afraid of high temperature and humidity (they will not melt, will not flow). For a birthday, you can order a cake in a bathhouse style, but then the establishment must have a working (!) Refrigerator - this point needs to be clarified separately.

Drinks to the tastes of guests, but more reasonable light - beer, wine and champagne, cocktails. From non-alcoholic - fresh, kvass, fruit drinks, mineral water, tea (from a samovar - gorgeous!). It is also better to take ordinary drinking water with you.


It is customary to relax in the bath, so a complicated scenario of a bath party is rather unnecessary. But funny contests will not let your friends get bored and will leave pleasant memories in their memory. It is only advisable to spend all active games before the steam room or after half an hour, when the body returns to normal after a heat load.

We propose to play out the scenario of the "struggle" for the titles of Mr. Ban and Mrs. Banka. No long eyeliners needed, just have fun! How do you choose the winners? Conduct a vote, grant this honor to the birthday person or convince friends in advance and reward the hero of the occasion and his / her half.
"Dirty" contests (to the steam room or all the same if there is a pool)

  • Shave the ball(draw for women). The purpose is clear from the title of the competition. The bottom line is that when the ladies bend over the balls richly smeared with cream, the men should burst them synchronously.

  • Appetizing body art... The goal is to paint a funny costume, cream or other food on the body of your half / friend.
  • A very dirty challenge... For this entertainment, you need to prepare eggs - squeeze the contents out through the hole (they will go for pancakes) and fill the shells with all sorts of "horrors" - cream, ketchup and mayonnaise, shaving foam, jelly, cocoa powder and so on. Write actions on pieces of paper - crush with your foot, smash on your forehead, crush your booty, gnaw, etc.

You pull a piece of paper, do a fant, spin a bottle. "Lucky", to whom the neck points, pulls the next piece of paper and turns the bottle after completing the fantasy.

Trials for women

  • Make a sexy dress from a large sheet without scissors and accessories.
  • Thoroughly "steam" the companion (or girlfriend?) With a rolled-up newspaper. The one with the stronger "broom" wears out, he won.

Tests for men

  • Blindfolded (to the steam room, while the floors are dry!) ​​Find a bottle, open it, insert a tube and drink faster than your rivals. Ladies can give directions to companions. Bottles are better with beer or water, small 0.33;
  • Burst your ball faster than rivals... Method - sitting on a chair, the fifth point jumping on a foot pump (ask your friends - these are sold together with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, swimming pools). Turn on "Esaul, Esaul" by Gazmanov or a cowboy song, it will be funny.

With friends, in close company

  • According to the scenario, the guests of the party must dance a bath dance.(download suitable music). Can be in pairs, ladies VS men or every man for himself. Draw out one of the pieces of paper:
    • basins (come up with a dance of savages)
    • brooms (to dance a lady)
    • washcloths (erotic dance)
    • towel (gypsy).
  • Wrap up together in one large sheet and "come running" to the finish line before your rivals;
  • Put a couple of eggs in a bag, tie the bag so that it hangs just above the knees... The goal is to break others' eggs and keep yours intact. Traditionally for men, but in reality it doesn't matter - it will be funny for everyone, regardless of the gender of the participants.

  • Twister(on a sheet with circles). Everything would be fine, just a minimum of clothes for guests.
  • The same drifts and balls, but you need to burst together(doubles competition), not using arms and legs, not letting the drift fall to the floor. This means that the "hard" drift with bodies.
  • Bath leaf- tear off all the sheets from your half with your teeth faster than the opponent (stickers).

  • Other entertainment:
    • play a "bath" crocodile or pantomime (draw or show everything that is associated with a bath);
    • sing karaoke;
    • drunk billiards (take turns to beat, missed - penalty);
    • collect and hold as many balls or balls for a dry pool as possible (it is possible in the water if there is a pool in the bath);
    • any card games.

Gifts - bath accessories, themed souvenirs, cosmetics such as oils, handmade soaps, sea salts (something that will suit everyone, without being tied to an individual, is not entirely appropriate even in a close company).

To the organizer:

  • hammam, therma, sauna or Russian bath - to each his own. Modern saunas, regardless of type, include a spacious relaxation area, a swimming pool, showers, a billiard room plus musical equipment and karaoke. When choosing an institution, check out what is included in the cost of the visit;

  • it is advisable to agree with the attendant to maintain the average temperature in the steam room. If in the company there are those who like to stir up the heat, let them "come off" separately from other guests;
  • alcohol and bath is a bad combination. But, as a rule, not a single traditional bath party can do without beer and little white. The organizer must ensure that the guests remain in a healthy state (this is important for health!). And in no case did you visit the steam room if the degree of fun is off scale;
  • in decent baths they give out all the necessary accessories, but sometimes they require an additional payment or the necessary one, as luck would have it, is not available. It is better to take several sets with you in case one of the guests forgets to grab slippers or other trifles;

  • the bath is very useful for health, but also dangerous. There must be a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines at hand, and the staff of the institution must have a person who knows how to provide first aid for heatstrokes and problems with the cardiovascular system. Delicately make sure that all guests can use the steam room (sea contraindications).

Birthday, contrary to the words of the famous song, is by no means a sad holiday. On the contrary, it is very cheerful and positive. So what if they got a year older? But wiser and more experienced. Isn't this a reason to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale every year? Of course, even more so, in such a beautiful place as the bath complex "Ninth Val"!

The idea of ​​celebrating a birthday in a sauna will be a success in any case. And all because we have created all the conditions in order to give the birthday man and his guests an amazing holiday. Read more about all the benefits of celebrating in our sauna below.

1. Thematic rooms

For those lucky ones who decide to celebrate their birthday in our bathhouse, we will offer twelve halls of various themes. This, Yalta, Brazil, Caribbean, etc. The birthday person, even with the most original preferences, will be able to choose a hall to his taste and invite guests there. The halls have swimming pools, recreation areas, a billiard table. Each room is decorated in a specific style, each interior is absolutely unique. Choose the hall that you like and enjoy your own holiday!

2. Wellness procedures

Why do people go to the bathhouse? Of course, in order to improve your health and tone the body. In our case, you can combine business with pleasure: celebrate your birthday in the bathhouse and try many useful procedures. Our bath complex offers its visitors the services of professional massage therapists and bath attendants. Relaxing therapy in ideal conditions - what else is needed in order to rest both body and soul?

3. Entertainment

On a good birthday, both the birthday man and the guests should have fun. Obligatory points of the program are a feast, songs and dances. To accomplish all this, it is not at all necessary to leave the hall. Moreover, you can start your meal right after leaving the pool! At your service delicious dishes of Russian and European cuisines, several types of beer and elite alcoholic drinks. After the feast, we invite you to remember your favorite hits and sing them solo in karaoke or dance on the dance floor. The perfect end to a festive evening!

Why is a birthday party in a sauna a great option for the whole family? Yes, simply because in just one bath complex, each visitor can find something to their liking. For example, young children and adolescents will enjoy splashing around in the pool, while adults will relax in the steam room or billiards. The girls will love the treatments using exquisite aromatic oils. But men will be happy to taste our chef's specialties and enjoy a glass of an elite alcoholic drink. At the end of the evening, the whole company will be happy to sing together in karaoke and demonstrate their dancing skills. Fun, and most importantly, usefully!