Selim Alakhyarov voice biography from. Selim Alakhyarov: biography

Selim Alakhyarov voice biography from. Selim Alakhyarov: biography
Selim Alakhyarov voice biography from. Selim Alakhyarov: biography

Young singer Selim Alakhyarov once again confirmed that the Caucasian land is rich in talents. The artist glorifies his small homeland - Dagestan - on the classic stage, and recently known and how.

Childhood and youth

Selim Alahyarov was born in December 1987 in the capital of the Chechen Republic - the city of Grozny. After the beginning of the first Chechen war, the family moved to Derbent, then in Makhachkala. According to his own recognition, Selima, how much remembers himself, he sang, participated in all Dagestan song contests, the benefit of the mother worked as a teacher on vocal. It was Maya Ragimkhanovna who revealed the son of the ideal hearing and pure intonation. Father Selima - Surgeon, worked at Derbent Medical College.

As a child, the biography of Alachyarov could give a steep turn when a chance appeared to go to study in Italy, to school. Assistant to a talented child volunteered by Margarita Costa, the ITALY Ambassador to Azerbaijan. But with the condition - to adopt Azerbaijani citizenship. Selim, being just an 8-year-old child, showed patriotism and refused.

The famous Dagestan composer and teacher Murad Khurakov came to the rescue. With his filing in 1999, the boy took to the Academy of Choral Art. Alexandra Sveshnikova (now the Academy is the name of the founder - Viktor Sergeevich Popova). But due to financial difficulties, parents soon took Selim home.

In Makhachkala Alakhyarov graduated from the music school named after Gottfried Gasanova and went again to Moscow to storm the Gnesin Music School. In Gnesinka, Selim turned out to be the first Dagestanis - a student of the faculty of academic singing. To enroll in this prestigious educational institution, Selim overcame the competition in five people in place, striking the adoptive commission by natural data.

Then the future singer was lucky again: his only of the entire flow took a professor at the Academy of Choral Art, one of the founders and managers of the International School of Vocal skill Dmitry Vdovin. Selim passed an internship from Alexander Vedernikova and Sergey Moskalkov.

During his studies, Selim lived in the Moscow region, in Krasnogorsk, graduated from the model school and worked as a model from. Mother Selima told that they lived hard, their hands were lowered many times. But hearing how the son is placed alone with him, decided that he would sacrifice everything, but will create the necessary conditions.


Selim Alahyarov has a rare lyrical dramatic baritone. He winner, as well as the winner of the "quail" contests, "talents of the XXI century", "Mariana", winner of premiums of various international vocal competition competitions. The repertoire of the singer includes both ancient Italian aria in the Baroque style and works of postmodernism. Closer in the spirit of Alakhyarov style crossover (neoclassic). From colleagues on the scene, the vocal team of Quatro, and Ksenia Dezhnevu allocates.

Selim believes that this direction in music in Russia is little developed, no good school. Therefore, he listens as tutorials. And even the execution of pop songs adheres to academic style.

At the end of September 2016, Selim Alakhyarov won the Grand Prix of the X International Vocal Festival "Golden Voice of Russia". 100 performers took part in the competition, the jury headed the star of the global opera scene. Upon completion of the contest, Kazarnovskaya invited Selim to internship and a joint speech in the program "Duet with a star".

"Voice 6"

December 30, 2017 on the first channel in the final of the show "Voice", season 6, the winner of the vocal project was determined. Read more about final release. Read in the review.

On the night of December 29, the final issue of the Vocal Project "Voice" season 6 took place. Dmitry Nagiyev announced the start of the ether, the names of the finalists and their rooms for the audience voting. Timofey Kopylov, Yang GE, Selim Alahyarov, Ladislav Bubnar was held in the final.

The show began with the execution of finalists and mentors of the LET IT BE songs of The Beatles.

"Voice", season 6, final: Selima Alakhyarov and Alexander Gradsky

The first of the finalists who went to the scene began to take a pair with his mentor Alexander Gradsky. They performed the song Song "Cranes" Mark Bernes. Music wrote Yang Frenkel. Poems Rasul Gamzatov from Avar into Russian translated Naum Grevnev. The song became the last record of Mark Bernes.

"Voice", season 6, Issue 30.12.2017, Final: Selim Alakhyarov / Alexander Gradsky - Cranes. VIDEO

"Voice", Season 6, Final: Speech Ladislav Bubnar and Pelagia

33-year-old Ladislav Bubnar arrived at the "voice" directly from Prague. Ladislava, whose childhood passed in the Czech boarding school, initially perceived as a backward in the development of the child. Upon reaching the age of majority, Ladislav, thanks to a musical hearing and a strong voice entered the conservatory, and today he can be the best voice of Russia.

Pelagia, the mentor of Ladislava, before his performance admitted: she was very glad that the Bubnar was held in the final "Voices". In the semifinals, the Ladislava "rescued" the TV viewers who gave most of the votes with a 33-year-old artist, despite the fact that Pelagia chose Ladislave his opponent - Anton Lavrentiev.

For the duet number, Ladislav chose the song Sting Desert Rose, known in the Brazilian TV series "Clone". For the Ladislav and Pelagey's room, they chose the oriental style outfits, and the 31-year-old mentor itself went into the dance at the end of the speech.

Ladislav Bubnar / Pelagia- Desert Rose. VIDEO

"Voice", Season 6, Final: Speech by Yang GE and Dima Bilan

To the general surprise of the audience, the last participant in the team of Bilan became the actress of Chinese origin Yang GE. Only Dima Bilan turned on the "blind auditions" before the contestant on the chair. But today the "Dark Horse" of the project fought for the title of the best voice of the country and showed itself very confident.

Before going to the scene "Voices", Yang GE, once again thanked his mentor - Dima Bilan - for believed in her at the beginning of the project. Yang GE herself with irony refers to the fact that she remained the only "girl among men" in the finals of the show. For the first stage of "Voice", the 29-year-old singer chose his mentor's hit - the song "Hold". Speech by Yang GE caused delight in the hall: along with his mentor she sang and danced throughout the studio.

"Voice", season 6, release 12/30/2017, Final:Jan GE / Dima Bilan- "Hold". VIDEO

"Voice", season 6, final: speech Timofey Kopylov and Leonid Agutin

Representing the team of Leonid Agutin in the "Voice Finale" had a soloist Rock group "Record Orchestra" Timothy Kopylov. The 40-year-old participant was initially considered the "voices" outsider, since he was able to attract the attention of only one member of the jury on the "blind auditions".

Before going to the stage in the "Voice" finals, Timofey thanked his mentor for his confidence. The 40-year-old contestant came to the project to get rid of the complexes, which he eventually became even more. In a duet with Agutin Timofey performed his author's song "Time of the last romantics."

"Voice", season 6, release 12/30/2017, Final:Timofey Copyl / LeonidAgutin "Time of the last romantics." VIDEO

On this speeches with mentors ended. Further, each finalist of the project spoke alone, fulfilling well-known singles. So, Selim Alahyars sang "We can not live a friend without a friend."

Ladislav Bubnar - "Hallelujah".

Jan GE - "Where are you, a dream?"

Timofey Kopilov performed the song "Highway to Hell" AC / DC groups.

Then Nagiyev announced the closure of the voting lines for the first stage. As a result, according to the results of the audience voting, Timofey Kopilov continued to fight for the victory, Selim Alakhyarov and Ladislav Bubnar.

Then in turn on the scene came out for the execution of the final compositions, Selim Alakhyar ("Perman"), Ladislav Bubnar ("Lady Carneval"), Yang GE ("The Show") and Timofey Kopylov ("Tasty").

After that, in the final voting, the victory in the project "Voice" season 6 won Alakhyarov. For her, the viewers gave 53.5% of the votes. Timofey Kopilov took second place, whose mentor was Leonid Agutin. The third was Yang GE under the leadership of Dima Bilan.

Published 12/29/17 23:19

December 30, 2017 on the first channel in the final of the show "Voice", season 6, the winner of the vocal project was determined. Read more about the topnews review.

On the night of December 29, the final issue of the Vocal Project "Voice" season 6 took place. Dmitry Nagiyev announced the start of the ether, the names of the finalists and their rooms for the audience voting. Timofey Kopylov, Yang GE, Selim Alahyarov, Ladislav Bubnar was held in the final.

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The show began with the execution of finalists and mentors of the LET IT BE songs of The Beatles.

The first of the finalists who went to the scene began to take a pair with his mentor Alexander Gradsky. They performed the song Song "Cranes" Mark Bernes. Music wrote Yang Frenkel. Poems Rasul Gamzatov from Avar into Russian translated Naum Grevnev. Song intkbbch I became the last record Mark Bernes.

Then Ladislav Buinar and Pelagia sang Sting song Desert Rose, which entered the Brand New Day album 1999. The song tells about the exile of Adam from Paradise.

Timofey Kopilov came to the scene with his mentor Leonid Agutin. They performed the song by Leonid's song "Time of the last romantics." He entered the same album of Agutin 2012. The musician not only wrote the words and music to the song, but also removed the clip.

On this speeches with mentors ended. Further, each finalist of the project spoke alone, fulfilling well-known singles. So, Selim Alahyars sang "We can not live a friend without a friend."

Ladislav Bubnar - "Hallelujah".

Jan GE - "Where are you, a dream?"

Timofey Kopilov performed the song "Highway to Hell" AC / DC groups.

Then Nagiyev announced the closure of the voting lines for the first stage. As a result, according to the results of the audience voting, Timofey Kopilov continued to fight for the victory, Selim Alakhyarov and Ladislav Bubnar.

Then in turn on the scene came out for the execution of the final compositions, Selim Alakhyar ("Perman"), Ladislav Bubnar ("Lady Carneval"), Yang GE ("The Show") and Timofey Kopylov ("Tasty").

After that, in the final voting, the victory in the project "Voice" season 6 won Alakhyarov. For her, the viewers gave 53.5% of the votes. Timofey Kopilov took second place, whose mentor was Leonid Agutin. The third was Yang GE under the leadership of Dima Bilan.

Salim was born in Chechnya, and then together with his family moved to Derbent. There he began to engage in vocals. After graduating from school, the young man entered the Russian Academy of Music the name of Gnesins. Throughout studies, Selim Alakhyarov took part in many Russian and international competitions.

When Alexander Gradsky first heard the voice of the singer on Casting, he noted the purity and "indestructibility" of his vocal, and on one of the speeches even splashed from "heartfelt execution."

Selim Alakhyarov was born in Grozny, in December 1987. His father was a surgeon, and the mother of the vocal singing teacher. At the very beginning of the first Chechen war, Selim, together with his family, moved to Derbent, and then to Makhachkala.

Thanks to the work of the mother, Selim became interested in music. The boy inherited a thin rumor and a beautiful voice. From the most young Selim participated in song contests and festivals, as well as holidays. The young men's talents remained not observed. He was invited to study at the School of Luciano Pavarotti, which is located in Italy. Help with the move was called Margarita Costa, which occupied the post of Italian ambassador to Azerbaijan. She would help to leave Selim, but he did not accept the citizenship of Azerbaijan, there were no other options. Selim was then only eight years old, but he considered the adoption of another citizenship with betrayal.

In 1999, Alahyarov entered the Academy of Choir named after A. Sveshnikov. He helped him a teacher and a successful composer Murad Khurakov. Selim studied at the Academy for short time, his parents simply did not cope with the financial burden.

After graduating from high school, Selim received the school of Gottfried Gasanova, and at the end he moved to Moscow. The future winner of the show "Voice 6 season", filed documents to Gnesink and entered academic singing. At that time, he was not yet known, and Alexander Gradsky did not know anything about him.

After graduating from the Academy of Selim Alakhyarov received an additional education, which relates to the field of management and producing. Further life of Selima was growing at the increasing. He participated in contests, was engaged in singing and developed his skills. Later, Selim turned out to be among the applicants for participation in the show of the 2017 Voice, and passing the selection was the winner.

The personal life of the singer is practically not advertised. In all photos, it is represented only with his family members. Selim himself said that he loves oriental martial arts, extreme driving, football and creativity Muslim Magomayev.