Laurel wreath in ancient Rome. Laurel wreath as a triumphal symbol

Laurel wreath in ancient Rome. Laurel wreath as a triumphal symbol
Laurel wreath in ancient Rome. Laurel wreath as a triumphal symbol

Jan Lorenzo Bernini. Apollo and Daphne. 1622-1625

≈ Laurel tree / laurel wreath / Laurel / Lavra / branch /

Greek. Daphne, Lat. Laurus.

Bot.: Ordinary lAVR (Laurus Nobilis), a small tree (from 2 to 5 m) or a high shrub of the Lavrov family (Lauraceae). Leaves Perennial oblong-Lanzetoid along the edges of the wavy-folded. Berry fruit oval, black. His homeland is considered to be a small Asia. Essential oil contained in its leaves and fruits, determines its value as seasonings (leaves) and drug (fruits).

Of the various laurel trees (among which a cinnamon tree and avocado are found) an ancient and sustainable symbolic meaning of a laurel with small leaves - Laurus Nobilis, from which the Crown was made to the winner.

Since the time of the Greek-Roman antiquity of Laurel, its branches, laurel wreaths and garlands - the symbol of glory, victory or peace. Triumphs put on a laurel wreath; The winners of the winners were decorated with laurels. In particularly solemn cases, all the people were marched with laurels. Words laureate and, perhaps, baccalawor (baccalauratus) occurred from the custom to decorate the heads of the head of people who have succeeded in sciences or art (erected into the degree of doctor).

Since laurel leaves never fade, remaining green, the Laurea became an eternity symbol, renewal of life and immortality. This value is more characteristic of a laurel wreath or garlands.

The connection of the laurel with the chastity, apparently, dates back to his dedication to the Vestam and Diana.

The idea of \u200b\u200binvolvement in fertility in a particular sense is characteristic of all vegetable symbolism.

Victory, outstanding successes in the literature


The laurel tree is a symbol of victory overlooking himself, and a fruitful world, which is its result; Or victory over ignorance and fanaticism.

There is no achievement without struggle and victory. Therefore, the laurel and expresses the one of the hero with the motifs and fruits of his victories.


During a dedication to the 4th degree, the Masters of the Master on the altar lay a laurel and olive wreath.


Girl, the laurel branches are growing from her hands - Daphne.

The lavary grove grows on top of the Parnassus, the dwelling of the music.

In portrait painting, a laurel bush or a branch indicates that the model is a literary or artistic figure.


The Laurel bush was the emblem of Lorenzo Medici (1448-1492), with the motto "Ita UT Virtus" (Lat. - "Such Virtue", i.e. unfavorable, like evergreen laurel).

Laurel wreath, nail to the board.

It is reliable.

It is necessary to carefully maintain respect and the honors that we get as recognition of our great acts or valiant deeds.

Lavra tree.

Fews will achieve me.

The symbol of the reward for great and heroic acts.

Lavra tree with severed branches, except for one branch on top.

I grow on a tree, who knew the triumphs.

The symbol of the memory of the ancestor and those who have grown us.

Lavra tree affected by lightning lightning.

My ancient rights do not defend me.

The symbol of the fact that nothing can protect us from anger of heaven.

Laurel wreath.

This is a crown for scholarships and valor.

Lavra crowded poets and conquerors. Poets - Because this tree was devoted to the God of scholarships and poetry Apollon. (See Fig.6 in Table 34)

Thunder and zipper over the laure.

Virtue dare.

In the frenzy storm and thunder,

When other trees have already been defeated,

Only evergreen laurel

Boldly goes to meet with his fate.

So, not knowing the dangers and fears, he behaves

Whose armor is virtue.

While immoral horror affected

Tremble with every blow to insignificant.

Dead stump of a laurel tree that has released a fresh sprout.

I take life from his death.

The symbol of death as the beginning of life, happiness and health, and life as ever-living hope for immortality, which we will be able to find it because our main parent died - the greatest winner of the death of Christ, topped with laurels.

Lavra supporting grape vine.

Not for yourself, but for the benefit of others.

The symbol of today's lifestyle, where one person suffers in prison, and the other has benefits and benefits.

Laurel and sun.

I'm always in honor.

The symbol of the fact that virtue and work, crowned with success, thrive forever. So the laurel is a sign of completed labor that can withstand any blow and stand up at any shock.

Laurel wreath.

The first Roman emperors did not wear the crowns, and decorated their heads with a laurel wreath, which, as already repeatedly indicated, is a symbol of victory and royal power. In ancient Rome, speakers and poets were also striving for the possession of a laurel wreath (see Figure 13 in Table. 48.)

Laurel wreath.

For those who wish and who deserve.

When the heodine tests will end,

You will find the crown, deserved right.

Laurel and Mirrobous branches.

One complements the other.

A symbol of good deeds having genuine value and dignity that will always accompany and reward each other. The laurel branch was rewarded for valor. The Mirrie branch was used during the triumphs and festivals for decorating and giving a noble breath with a crowded triumph. In fact, during major triumphs, which were called ovations, the pool branches were used, and not peaceful sprigs. (See fig. 6 in table. 34 and Fig. 3 in table. 37.)

Lavra tree.

You can't take a tribute without bitterness.

Great and glorious things cannot be made, not overcoming difficulties and without solving problems. Like this, it is impossible to move along the path, without suppressing his passions and lust, which is no less difficult for us than the collection of a laurel sheet, in which the hands are made very bitter taste.

Laurel branch.

I do not change to death.

Constancy symbol.

Laurel wreath, nail to the board. // it is reliable. It is necessary to carefully maintain respect and the honors that we get as recognition of our great acts or valiant deeds. [SE-II, TAB.53-13, p.331]

Lavra tree. // few will achieve me. Symbollage for great and heroic acts. [Emblem-2; Table 8-3, p.137]

Lavra tree with severed branches, except for one branch on top. // I rarest on a tree, who knew the triumphs. Symbolism to the memory of the ancestor and those who have grown us. [Emblem-2; Tab 10.-2, p.145]

Lavra tree affected by lightning lightning. // My ancient rights do not defend me. The symbol of the fact that nothing can protect us from anger of heaven. [SE-II, Table.21-9, p.192]

Lavr. // This is a crown for scholarships and valor. Lavra crowded poets and conquerors. Poets - Because this tree was devoted to the God of scholarships and poetry Apollon. According to Ovid, the beloved Apollo - Daphne was turned to Lavr. (See Fig.6 in Table 34) [SE-II, Tab.23-11, C.200]

Thunder and zipper over the laure. // Virtue dare. In the fury of storms and thunder, when other trees have already been defeated, only the evergreen Lavr boldly meets its fate. So, not knowing the dangers and fears, it leads to those whose armor is virtue. At that time, as immoral, horror-struck trembling with every blow to insignificant. [SE-II, Table.25-9, p.209]

Dead stump of a laurel tree that has released a fresh sprout. // I take life from his death. The symbol of death as the beginning of life, happiness and health, and life as ever-living hope for immortality, which we will be able to find it because our main parent died - the greatest winner of the death of Christ, topped with laurels. [SE-II, Tab.45-6, p.298]

Lavra supporting grape vine. // Not for yourself, but for the benefit of others. The symbol of today's lifestyle, where one person suffers in prison, and the other has benefits and benefits. [SE-II, Tab.26-6, p.212]

Laurel and sun. // I'm always in honor. The symbol of the fact that virtue and work, crowned with success, thrive forever. So the laurel is a sign of completed labor that can withstand any blow and stand up at any shock. [SE-II, Tab.30-9, p.228]

Laurel wreath The first Roman emperors did not sit the crown, and decorated their heads with a laurel wreath, which, as repeatedly indicated, was a symbol of victory and royal power. In ancient Rome, speakers and poets were also striving for possession. The speakers and poets were also sought (see Figure 13 in Gabb.48.) [SE-II, Tab.34-6, p.247]

Laurel wreath. // For those g, who wishes and who deserve. When the target of the test is over, you will find the crown, deserved. [SE-II, Tab.59-2, p.353]

Laurel and Mirrobous branches. // one complements the other. A symbol of good deeds having genuine value and dignity that will always accompany and reward each other. The laurel branch was rewarded for valor. The Mirrie branch was used during the triumphs and festivals for decorating and giving a noble breath with a crowded triumph. In fact, during major triumphs, which were called ovations, the pool branches were used, and not peaceful sprigs. [SE-II, Tab.35-9, p.253]

Laurel wreath. (See Fig. 6 in Table. 34 P Pic. For Table. 37.) [SE-II, Tab.48-13, p.311]

Lavra tree. // You can't take tribute to it without bitterness. Great and glorious things cannot be made, not overcoming difficulties and without solving problems. Like this, it is impossible to move along the path, without suppressing his passions and lust, which is no less difficult for us than the collection of a laurel sheet, in which the hands are made very bitter taste. [SE-II, TAB.53-14, p.331]


Victory, triumph, truce and peace. Being evergreen, Laurel symbolizes eternity and immortality.

The sacred plant in the cult of solar gods. Hence the diverse use of its branches and leaves with triumphs and worship among the Greeks and Romans.

Lavra wreaths and branches were depicted on coins and gems as the attributes of Jupiter and Apollo.

Priests in sacrifices put on laurel wreaths, and along with sacrificial animals laurel branches burned: their crackling was considered a good omen.

From the laurel leaves, festive garlands and wreaths.

Award "Favorites Apollo" - poets.

"Protecting poets, actors or winners in a laurel wreath did not mean an external, visual consecration of the act, and the recognition that this act by their existence speaks of recognition of victories over the negative and integral influence of passions."

Dedicated to Apollon.

The myth about turning his beloved Daphne in a laurel bush was called upon to explain the relationship between God and this plant.

The symbol of the magical power is the plant of the priests and a string. With his help, Apollo did predictions, the laurel groves surrounded by the temples of Apollo. Pythia in dolphes chewed laurel leaves when the tripod crowned with the lavrom. In addition to chewing a laurel (laurels), the priests also burned it before pronounces the prediction.

Lavra leaves were attributed to the healing force and the ability to cleanse from mental desecration. Laurel leaves were used in the ritual of purification from spilled blood. So Apollo cleared himself with a laure after the kidding of the Dragon-Snake of the Pyfhon and Oreste, who killed his mother to the Clique.

Over the centuries, the goddess Nick (Victoria) was depicted with a laurel wreath in his hands, which she lay on the head of the winning heroes. He also symbolized the world following the victory over the enemy.

In the Pythi Games Lavra awarded the winners.

Laurel was also sacred from the God Ecstasy of Dionisa (along with ivy),

Resurrection, update, glory and honor

Dedicated to Jupiter: It was believed that the laurel tree (the only one of the trees planted by man) was never embarrassed by lightning and, moreover, he saves from her. Also devoted to Juno, Diana, Silvan.

Since the Laurel was devoted to the Virgin Nurses, which gave forever for chastity, he personifies impossible.

Victorious messages and weapons were wrapped in a laurel and developed before the image of Jupiter.

It was considered a prevention plant: at Ludi Apollinaris (lat. - Festivities in honor of Apollo), originally whose goal was to prevent the epidemic, the audience wore laurel wreaths.


Borrowed in ancient culture as a symbol of the victory of the Christian faith over death.

Eternity and chastity. In early Christianity, a symbol of eternal life or a new life that will come thanks to the redeeming acts of Christ.

St. Paul is opposed to a nonetable crown who crown the Christian devotee, the wint of the tweened, who receives the winning ristar (1 Cor. 9: 24-27).

Wreath of laurel symbolizes martyrdom.


Gnostic hemma depicting Janus, topped with a laurel wreath. (Rome).

Lavra, whose wood is opposed to lightning. V. X. von Hohberg, 1675

One of which is the laurel, people always treated in a special way. They saw the personification of eternity, constancy - in a word, all that traditionally opposed the frequency of human life. Eternal should be the fame of the winner - in any case, people wanted to believe in it.

Tree Apolloon

It is noteworthy that athletes in ancient Greece were not crowned with laurels, for them the victory was a wreath of olive branches or ... Celery. The award in the form of a laurel wreath was intended for the best winners of the Pythiy Games, who were in Delphi. In these games, we also began to include sports competitions, but the main content of their content was always the competition of poets and musicians - a word, those whom and today are called "servants of Apollo". It was the patron of art that Lavr was dedicated to the patron saint of art. Why is it him?

Such a connection had a real foundation: these trees grew on Mount Parnass, which the Greeks were honored as the monastery of Muses and Apollo Musaget. But it would be strange if he did not give rise to legends explaining the connection of art.

Apollo, as many Greek gods, was distinguished by lovingness. One day, the subject of his passion became the nymph named Daphne, but the beauty was swore to remain chaste and was not going to give way to his harassment. Unhappy begging the gods to protect her from Persecution of Apollo, and the gods returned to Molub: instead of a girl in the arms of Apollo turned out to be a laurel tree. God laid a wreath of laurels on his head, so as not to part with the beloved, facing the tree.

Further history of the symbol

A laurel wreath as a symbol of glory, victory took over the other antique civilization in Greece - ancient Roman. In contrast to the exquisite Eldead, severe Rome does not recognize any glory and no victories, the coma of the military. The symbolism of a laurel wreath is changing: they are crowned with the commander-triumph, at first they carried Roman emperors as a sign of power.

The new meaning was seen in this symbol of Christians. For them, the lava wreath was the personification of the eternal glory of the martyrs who died for faith.
The bond of a laurel wreath with poetic glory resurrect in the era, inherited antiquity. In 1341, one of the greatest poets of Italian Renaissance - Francesco Petrarka - in the hall of the Senatorial Palace on Capitol in Rome accepted a laurel wreath from the hands of Senator as recognition of its poetic achievements. This gave the poet the reason to beat the name of the woman with them, whose name also comes from the word "Lavr": Laura gave him Laurel.

By the XVII century, the laurel wreath was already firmly established as the emblem of glory at all, not only poetic. He is depicted at orders and awards for victory in competitions. In this form and inherited this symbol of modern civilization. Not only the word "laureate" dates back to him, but also the name of the bachelor's degree.

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    Why is the laurel branch and what symbolizes?

    In the ancient Greek culture, Lavr personified the victory and the world and was dedicated to Apollon and Dionysus. According to myth, Apollo pursued a nymph Daphne, who gave the word to keep the chastity. Daphne prayed for help, and the gods turned e to a laurel tree, which was in vain hugged Apollo. From now on, the Lavr became his sacred plant. That is why in Greece of musicians, poets, dancers, whose patron of whom was Apollo, was awarded with laurel wreaths, while athletes, athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths. Lavra groves grew on top of Parnassa, the monastery of the music, and surrounded by the temples of Apollo. From the laurel leaves, festive garlands and wreaths, at the festivities in honor of Apollo, the audience wore laurel wreaths. The laurel was attributed not only the healing force, but also the power of purification from mental desecration. The laurel leaves were ritually purified from the spilled blood, Apollo cleared themselves after killing the bluff. The goddess of Victory Nike was depicted with a laurel wreath in the hands, which she lay on the heads of the heroes of the winners.

    In ancient Rome, a laurel wreath becomes the highest sign of military and imperial glory. He symbolized the world coming after the victory over the enemy. Messages about the victory and victorious weapons were wrapped in laurels and developed before the image of Jupiter. Lavra wreaths and branches were depicted on coins and gems as the attributes of Jupiter and Apollo. The first Roman emperors did not wear the crowns, and decorated their heads with a laurel wreath. In ancient Rome, speakers and poets were also striving for the possession of a laurel wreath. In addition, the Laurel was dedicated to Virnuts-Vestalkam and personified impossible.

    In early Christianity, the evergreen leaves of Laurea were considered a symbol of eternal life or a new life, which will come thanks to the atoning acts of Christ, and a wreath of Laurel symbolized martyrdom. St. Paul is opposed to a nonetable crown who crown the Christian devotee, the wint of the Malnut, who receives winning the ristar.

    Already in the era of Hellenism, the laurel becomes a symbol of glory as such, and the laurel wreath or the laurel branch of the glory emblem. In the Middle Ages in the classic heraldry, the Lavr was not used. But after the French revolution of 1789, Laurea became the most popular emblem of France: the laurel branches were introduced into the emblem of the French Republic, and in our time they are also included in the state coats of arms of Algeria, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Mexico and other countries.

    In the art of classicism, the laurel was distributed as the main emblem of glory. It meets on awards received for the successful participation in competitions by scientists, artists, musicians, poets, writers (which is therefore called laureates), as well as on most orders of signs of lifetime glory

    According to the legend, the flood ended when the pigeon brought the laurel branch in the beak. After that, Noah, the Ark was able to adjust to the shore.

    useful properties and magical actions

    The noble laure is forever green shrub, which externally resembles a small church. Its life cycle is about 400 years. Height can reach 10 meters, stems smooth, gray, crown branched. This is if short. And more - why and why, read it in treatment and magic, read further, in the article.

    Leaflets are familiar with almost all, they have a leather surface, the form is oblong, slightly pointed to the tip. The fragrance of laurel is specific, the taste is bitter. The ripening of fruits occurs in the fall, in October. It breeds with stalling.

    How to harvest a noble laurel?

    Only young and developed leaves are used. The collection is made in December - January, which is easily explained, taking into account the Wednesday of His Growing - Central Asia.

    Drying of the material is made in vivo under sheds. The sun rays should not fall on the leaves, it deprives them of aroma. The dried laurel in paper packages is stored.

    Beneficial features

    The advantages of laurel are numerous. It contributes to improving appetite, allows you to fight tuberculosis, oral inflammation, allows you to fight cold and angina.

    Laurel oil has unique properties: antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It is actively used in folk medicine.

    Well helps laurel oil in rheumatism and normalization of metabolism, gastric diseases and when problems with blood circulation.

    Magic effect of Lavra

    This plant was not deprived of the attention of magicians. Lavr is considered a symbol of the world, and in Christianity he symbolizes martyrdom. There are a lot of rituals in which the active component is Lavr.

    1. If we put the leaves of this plant under the pillow, then in a dream it can be dreamed of the narrowed.
    2. The laurel is actively used when removing damage, purification, is used to eliminate obstacles to success.
    3. He protects babies from the evil eye and damage.
    4. The branch of this plant is able to protect the dwelling from misfortunes, diseases. It is often planted near the house.
    5. The amulet from the laurel leaves helps with employment.
    6. Newlyweds promises a long and happy life if we put a twig at the head of their bed.
    7. Oracles chewed Laurel leaf to look into the future.
    8. To fulfill the dream, the wish are written on a sheet and burn it, while the ashes need to be poured onto the flower bed near the house.

    Laurel application in folk medicine

    To obtain a positive effect, it is sometimes enough to add the sheets of this spicy plant to the food. But there is an opportunity to use it with useful properties and in more focused form. Moreover, the Lavr is used not only as seasonings in cooking, but also for prevention and additional treatment of certain diseases. Most often, the leaves of the laurel tree are used in the following recipes:

    1. Oil tincture. For its preparation, 30 grams of sheet takes, crushed with hands or in a meat grinder, mixed with a glass of vegetable or olive oil and insisted for 2 weeks in a cool and dark place. Then the oil is filtered.

    It is possible to use it in the treatment of joint diseases - rub into problem places before bedtime, then heat to strove the joints.

    It is used even for the treatment of cough - they rub the sternum, as well as during diseases of the skin - eczema, diathesis, scabies.

    Laurel oil is also effectively with a sinus. Three times a day must be bought into each nostril a few drops. This tool is advisable to apply both in preventive purposes, it allows you to increase immunity.

    2. Infusion of Laurel. 2/3 cup of dried sheets pour 2 glasses of boiling water and leave under the cover for insteading. After 3-4 hours, it is possible to strain the infusion and apply dermatitis to the placement places. Infusion helps to remove inflammation, restore the structure of the skin, eliminate the unpleasant sensation, itching.

    This infusion is often used to facilitate the state when inflammation of the middle ear. This method is absolutely safe and effective. The ears need to be rinsed, then drove the warm infusion inside. Quite a few drops, after which the passage is laid with a cotton swab to keep warm. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

    3. With diabetes, it is recommended to receive infusion of leaves and branches of the laurel tree. Young twigs - 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water, insist for an hour and flickering. Take for 3 months, 1/3 cups three times a day before meals.

    Good news for losing weight. With a laurel sheet, you can make an amazing tea that displays an extra liquid and improves the metabolism, which is very important for any diet.

    For its preparation, there is a ¼ teaspoon of ginger, cinnamon, ground black pepper and a laurel sheet. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisters a few minutes. It can be diluted with lemon juice and put a spoonful of honey there. Very useful, illuminating and delicious drink ready!

    Specialists do not advise using these plants during pregnancy, lactation and kidney diseases and the urine of the output system. With a strong increase in dosage, poisoning is possible. In other cases, this fragrant seasoning can be applied without restrictions.

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    useful properties and application of leaves and branches

    Laurel is a medicinal plant with beneficial properties that are used in medicine and cooking. Used in folk medicine part of a noble laurel: bark, leaves, branches, fruits.

    The beneficial properties of a noble laurel: the windy, aromatic, gastric, astringent, improves digestion.

    Useful properties of a laurel of noble

    For therapeutic purposes, the bark, leaves and the fruits of the laurel tree are used. The beneficial properties of the laurel are huge and used in medicine. The bark from the noble laurel slightly knits and is recommended to eliminate the kidney and bubble stones. It is an excellent medicine for pancreas, spleen and liver diseases.

    Application of Lavra and its useful properties

    The properties of tea from a berry of a noble laurel

    • As a strong tea from a berry of a laurel, as well as the Parish from it, effectively remove pain from the bites of snakes and insects.
    • The properties of tea from a laurel also helps to cope with infectious diseases such as oil, typhoid fever, pig and diphteria.
    • Tea can be drunk, but you can rinse your throat. His healing properties are effective in tonsillitis, angina and diseases of the nasal cavity, as well as with lung diseases.
    • The useful properties of laurel berries help restore missing monthly and cope with the problems of the uterus. They also help during childbirth and remove postpartum pain.
    • Laurel's berries tea is a good cure for colds, influenza and feveroids, clarifies thoughts, improves vision, clean the lungs, treats chronic tuberculosis, cough and asthma, eliminates shortness of breath, the worms expelts, increases the influx of urine and prevents the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Tea of \u200b\u200bleaves, bark or laurel berries can be used as an additive in a sedent bath, since it perfectly copes with a bubble disease and a genitourinary system, and also removes the intestine pain.
    • Application of a laurel: When omitting and inflammation of soft nose, use tea for rinsing, it will return the palate to the place.
    • A strong berry tea or laurel oil is well lubricated rheumatic or joints, drugs based on the beneficial properties of the laurel are good for nervous disorders, carved in the intestine or in the region of the uterus; They remove spasms, chest pain and numbness of any part of the body.

    Properties of a noble laurel oil

    • Noble laurel oil is an excellent remedy for scabies, eczema and bruises.
    • If, after hitting the skin blacks, the oil rolls blood and returns to it normal.
    • The beneficial properties of laurel oil also help with sunburn.

    Berries, bark and laurel leaves due to the presence of useful properties cure many diseases.

    Recipe of syrup from cough of laurel berries

    Brew a teaspoon of granular crust of laurel roots with a cup of boiling water, let it stand for half an hour and drink from one to three cups per day. From berries it turns out a very tasty cough syrup.

    Application of the properties of a noble laurel: video

    Bay leaf: magic properties, reviews

    Surely in the kitchen every mistress has laurel leaves. They improve the taste of dishes, add a special piquancy to any product. But this spice is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. LAVR - the most powerful magical agent! It is used to purify the premises, getting rid of damage or the evil eye, with its help make a stronger love relationship. In addition, among its properties there are healing! It is the LavR that is a symbol of success, purposefulness and purity.

    Bay leaf: legend

    The history of the appearance of Laurea is tragic, but beautiful. Inimitable Handsome Apollo pested with insane love for a beautiful Daphne. Daphne also remained indifferent to the feelings of God Olympus. A wonderful young man did not come up with nothing better than the persecution of the object of passion. Ovid wrote that Apollo was practically distressed, wanting to get a nymph. The God of the Sun chased for the tender Daphne, and she did not have anything but to ask for help from the gods. When Apollo almost overtook a nymph, her fingers had already turned into a branch, and the legs became roots of the tree. Daphne became Lavra. A saddled God since then began to wear a wreath on the head of the evergreen branches of the laurel tree.

    Magic properties of Lavra: from the depths of centuries

    In ancient Greece, people guess the magical properties of laurel leaves. They decorated at home, thus refreshing and cleaning the room. Lavra, laid in the mattress, attracted prophetic dreams. In addition, it was believed that laurel branches are able to protect against lightning strike! The heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths - they were a symbol of triumph and success. Residents of ancient Rome also did not leave this plant without attention. Bay leaf, whose magical properties have never caused doubts, used in various religious rites. And rituals were held: healing diseases, they performed cherished wishes, attracted well-being and money to the houses.

    Laureled career amulet

    To create an amulet to help find work, it will not be necessary for serious effort. It will take one bay leaf. Magic properties will strengthen the three cardamon seeds. It is necessary to take a sprig of rosemary - fresh or dried. All elements of the future amulet must be put in the middle of a green handker. Instead, the handker is suitable and just flap fabric. Corners of the shawl must be collected together, crush the ribbon. Must get a nodule. According to having this amulet, due to the cardamon, the gift of eloquence is revealed, and rosemary increases the level of intellectual readiness. The magical properties of the laurel sheet for career is also difficult to overestimate - this plant brings prosperity.

    Another ritual helps to find a job has collected many confirmations of his strength. It must be carried out exclusively in the new moon. It will take a sheet of paper on which you need to write the desired position and salary size. Then the sheet is torn into small pieces, mixed with crushed Laurel sheets (for this rite, the laurel should be dry). This mixture must be put in a beautiful ashtray and set fire. The cooled ash is recommended to be wrapped in a bill, the more its dignity, the better! Wearing such a talisman stands in a handbag or wallet.

    But if you came to an interview with a laurel amulet, and you still denied - do not despair! Just from that place that would not have brought anything good, you will be removed the bay leaf. Magic properties, the reviews of which are surprised, manifest as quickly as possible. Those who have already tried themselves in the role of the magician, argue - the Laurel works reliability! For this, it is necessary to submit that the desire has already been implemented, and do not sit waiting for a miracle!

    We run away quarrels away: cleaning the house with a laurel sheet

    And what magical properties of the laurel sheet will help get rid of longing and scandals, discord and tears? It is worth noting that over the centuries, the magicians used the leaves of this plant as a better means to purify the energy of the residential premises. After all, they, as it turned out, remove the entire negative, accumulated in the house in a matter of days. There are several options for cleansing and protecting the dwellings gathered the most enthusiastic reviews:

    1. Dry leaves need to be decomposed on saucers and arrange an apartment in all corners. A week later, the laurel needs to replace the new one. All negative energy will leave with the thrown leaves.
    2. In a new frying pan, you need to heat a few laurel twigs. While the leaves are heated, you can meditate, thank the universe for everything you have, or pray. After that, the pan with smoking leaves of the laurel should be carried in all rooms, scrupulously fonts every corner. After the ritual, in no case cannot be touched on the leaves - because they absorbed the entire negative. They must immediately throw out.

    Execution of desires and attracting happiness

    Bay leaf is an excellent assistant in the execution of cherished dreams. The easiest way is to be confused between the palms of a couple of leaves, breathe their subtle fragrance and say the ridden out loud. Lavra attracts and love - for this you need to ride laurel sheets (in the number of five pieces) on Aluu thread and consolidate them in the house.

    Newlywed esoterici advise putting on a laurel leafle in shoes on the eve of the marriage ceremony - it will make a family life with long and very happy!

    Those who need financial revenues will also help the magical properties of the laurel list. There are three sheets, lubricated orange with essential oil, it is necessary to put in a safe, a wallet or a box where money is lying.

    LAVR, as confirmed by resorted to its help, is an effective means to attract good luck. To do this, several leaves need to grind and simply add to the bath.

    Fragrant charm: Magic properties of a laurelist protecting against trouble

    Lavr will save the laurel of failure and the evil eye - just wearing a few leaves in a bag or pocket. In addition, this plant can protect young children from evil eyes. To do this, you need to fix in the crib several laurel twigs and periodically change them on fresh. Among the magical properties of the Lavra - victory over fear and uncertainty. And even a small leaf can reveal in man a gift of pruney!

    Secrets of enhancement of the magic effect and the rules for using Lavra

    The main thing is that you need to remember using the bay leaf, the magic properties are enhanced if the laurel is fresh. If there is no possibility to get fresh sheets, you can snatch - on dry drip the laurel essential oil. Well, of course, during any ritual, you must sincerely believe that the desired will come true!

    Bay leaf, whose magical properties you have already been known, was originally not used as seasonings. With it, flavored water. And the tincture of laurel washed hands. Only in the first century of our era laurel leaves began to add to food. At first, they were added only to desserts. And only after a few decades, the leaves of this plant began to use meat dishes to give a special taste. To this day, the tradition came to wear a laurel wreath on the head of the winners. In addition, the word "laureate" happened from the name of the plant. Literally, it means "crowned with laurels"!

    Tattoo laurel wreath: value, photo and sketches

    The drawing of a wreath of a laurel has a deep meaning and several opposite values. In ancient Greece, wreaths awarded the winners of the Olympic Games, famous philosophers, doctors, scientists. Hence the Association with the victory. It was the highest level of recognition of the merit of a person in front of society in any fields.

    Tattoo features

    • Tattoo a laurel wreath becomes a symbol for those who are used to winning. It is also a distinctive sign of talented people. Victory can be different - over circumstances, in solving any problems, and, most importantly, on yourself, with its negative features.
    • Since the laurel is an evergreen tree, he symbolizes eternity and constancy. This is a loyalty to personal values \u200b\u200band ideas. The laurel wreath also symbolizes the update and hope for immortality.
    • People who apply this tattoo are prone to constant digging in their soul in order to identify those aspects that their life determine, and pushed to conquer new heights. The desire for victory distinguishes the owners of tattoo from other people.

    Tattoo can be applied to any parts of the body. The most profitable wreath looks on the back, not neck, on the chest, on the inner surface of the hand.

    Tattoo laurel wreath has another meaning. In ancient Rome, the laurel symbolized martyrdom. It was applied to those people who were subjected to persecution undeservedly. Such a value has passed into prison tag. She, those who mistakenly condemned who were in prison did not in their fault. The value of the prison nap with a laurel wreath is one thing - sitting undeservedly, suffered for the truth.

    The choice of what will symbolize the tattoo depends on each person, from the characteristics of its character. If you do not take into account the prison tattoo, the wreath along with additional elements will be a will symbol to victory, the desire to become every day is better and better.

    Photo and sketches Tatoo laurel wreath

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    Laurel branch is ... What is a laurel branch?

    Laurel Branch - the Russian National Competition in the field of documentary film and television, which has been held since 2000. The competition provides the works of directors, operators, producers of Russia, as well as films from all countries of the world from Russian.

    Founders of the Prize: Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation, TV and Radio Company "Civilization", St. Petersburg Documentary Studio.


    The premium is awarded annually nine nominations:

    • The best non-game movie (the film must be removed for the cinema show, including on film. Any genre, any duration)
    • The best author's non-game art film on a film or video (the prize is established by the Foundation Eduard Sagalaeva in the amount of $ 5000)
    • Best full-length non-game television film (any genre, duration of at least 40 minutes)
    • The best short non-game television film (any genre, duration up to 40 minutes)
    • The best educational film (up to 90 minutes), television program (up to 60 minutes; when the cycle program is extended, one series is taken, produced in the current year. Duration of deposits should be at least 90%)
    • The best documentary series, a cycle of documentary television programs (three series, produced in the last year, are accepted; if the production of the series is completed, the first, last and any intermediate series is accepted. The duration of empty filming should be at least 90%)
    • The best documentary debut in the movies and on television (the first independent work is accepted, including coursework and thesis. Directorial, operator, scenario, production debuts are considered)
    • Best by profession (screenwriter, operator, sound engineer, producer) (Profession rotation, every year)
    • For the contribution to the dawn (according to this nomination, the extension is not produced, the winner is declared on a non-alternative basis)

    The Directorate takes works on DVD disks and a participant's completed questionnaire every year from June 10 to September 10.

    The shape and size of the premium. Procedure for awarding

    The annual National Prize "Laurel Branch" is awarded in the form of a prize - the bronze sculpture of "Lavr" work of the sculptor Kirillova Vadim. It is also possible to present the monetary premium, the amount of which is determined by the Advanced Solution of the Jury Competition Council in coordination with the Directorate of the Competition, the team of authors and manufacturers - the winners of the competition are eligible at their own expense to order no more than two copies of the prize. Authors and manufacturers awarded award in a solemn atmosphere are awarded the LoveR prize. The nominees of the competition are awarded a diploma. The deadlines for awarding award - the last decade of the year.

    see also


  • The famous Ovid in his "metamorphosis" tells that Apollo who lived among people fell in love with Nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. Once after the victory over the snake Pyfhon, Apollo met the young God of Love Erota with Luc and Arrow and cheered over him: "Why do you need, baby, onions and arrows? Do not you think to surpass me in the art of shooting? "

    This mockery insulted Erota, and he sent two arrows in retaliatory. The first, arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second - killing love - got into Daphne. Since then, Daphne has always escaped away from Apollo. No tricks did not help him. Exhausted by suffering, eternal persecution, Daphne turned to the Father and Earth to Father, so that they take her image. After these words, she turned into a laurel bush (curious the fact that in Russia until the XVIII century, the laurel leaf was called "Daphne" ("Lavr" in Greek - "Daphne").

    Heathed Apollo since then began to wear a wreath of evergreen Laurel on her head. In Greece, dwellings were decorated with laurel leaves to refresh the room. The mattresses put the laurel branches in order to dream of the prophetic dreams. There was a belief that the laurel saves from the lightning strike.

    So, it is known that the Roman Emperor Tiberius during the rollers of thunder put on a laurel wreath and cracked under the bed. The Lavr was considered a sacred tree, his wreaths were decorated with the heads of the winners in ancient Greece. For several millennia, this tradition remains in other countries, for example in England. From the word "laurel" the word "laureate" - "crowned with laurels".

    Magic properties of the laurel sheet

    The secrets of using a laurel sheet, as a magical agent, a lot and everyone believes that he will be able to bring him a lot of positive changes in life. Laurel leaf is used for love ritualsTo attract the "second half", cash rites (it is believed that the plant is directly connected with the financial well-being of a person and literally "attracts" money to himself), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and carry out their cherished desires.

    Bay leaf is often symbol of wealth and wealth. That is why the laurel branches often hang through the dwelling or workplace (office, shop, workshop) to attract customers and cash flows into business. Not rare a laurel leaf is present in the personal belongings of a person, for example, in a wallet. So you can attract the success to yourself, which will be accompanied not only in affairs, but also work.

    Good sign - take laurel leaf with me and put in pocket(As close as possible to the body) to achieve success at the interview or meeting, in order for you notice and recognize your abilities, they have been recruited or improved. In order for the leaf does not pack and do not torment sometimes too sulk aroma, you can wrap it not just in the handkerchiefs, but in the flap of red or green (red attracts good luck, green - money).

    Many athletes even before the disclosure of the results in competitions are a laurel leaf, which, in their opinion, brings victory and well-being in competitions, as well as recognition and self-sufficient life.

    There is one rite that allows you to achieve the desired wealth with the help of a laurel sheet. Make this ritual follows at home or in the workplace. Choose a large and whole laurel leaf, without holes, cracks and damage. On the back side (not glossy), write your wish with a pen or pencil ("get rich", "get a premium" or, for example, "return debt"). This sheet should be burned and smoke to break it all over the room.

    Another way suggests you write your desire associated with the well-being on a piece of white paper and turn the tube, tied three beautiful and not damaged lava sheets to the "convolution". This amulet must be stored in a secluded place on your work or at home. Only after the desire is carried out, the amulet should be burned and the ashes to scatter it according to fertile land (garden, garden).

    There is a conspiracy for money with a laurel sheet. With it, it is possible to count on good luck in the monetary sphere, and the growth of accumulated funds. To make it you need to take a beautiful container and invest in a coin of a major nominal. Each lining of coins must be accompanied by a laurel sheet lining. When lowering the coin into the container, you need to say where the money will be treated. It may be a gift, inheritance, good earnings or a sudden find. After the ritual, the container is closed and stuck. At the same time it is said plot:

    "Money for money, and poverty behind the threshold, benefit when I like a laurel on a bush." After, the container with spoken coins is placed in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. If the money comes to you exactly in the way, then with each coming of money, do not forget to gratefully put in a piggy bank on a coin and laurel leaves.

    There is another plot on the bay leaf for money. In order for you always have money and multiplied capital to choose a large and whole leaf of laurels. This leaf should be lost between the palms of both hands, asking for a laurel to help you in any financial affairs. Then the plant should be applied a bit of any essential oil so that his smell merges with the smell of laurels. After that, the sheet must be put in the place where the money is stored. At the same time, speaking words:

    "Money for money, wealth to sufficiency."

    The bay leaf will attract cash flows and keeps away from unnecessary spending. The conspiracy plant can be put in the wallet to be found and money was translated. Such rites attract cash flows, and stimulate a person and will learn to earn good.

    Bay leaf to attract money is used very often. To make money in the house, there is another ritual, it is necessary to take seven large and non-damaged leaves of the plant. Leafs must have long legs. These legs are tied up with a red woolen thread. The thread is attributed to either a bill, or a coin that symbolizing the cash energy. Such a kind of charm hangs over the entrance door with the words:

    "Money into the house, and poverty behind the threshold."

    Conspiracy for money on the bay leaf is best done and reading on a growing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that there are flows that contribute to increasing profits and material well-being.

    What is the laurel leaf put in the wallet, and with what words of the conspiracy?

    Putting a laurel leaf in a wallet to attract money and well-being will also "correctly" in order not to make any negative energy and not to gain an opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and simply mentally wish you success, but much more effective will be a conspiracy reading and to attract wealth. Such conspiracies are best read on the growing moon, sitting alone and silence with a lit candle.

    IMPORTANT: It should be believed to the ritual himself and in every word that your rite necessarily has become effective.

    That's what, it turns out, the magical and strong ordinary bay leaf that has all at home.

    Sweet taste of victory, deafening ovations, world fame and enthusiastic exclamations in honor of the conquered vertices and new open horizons ... All this is inextricably linked in our consciousness with such sustainable expressions, how to "win the palm of championship", "be a kissed fortune" and " Wear a laurel wreath on the head. " All this has become so familiar and ordinary for us that few people generally think about the meaning of these words and all the more deepening in the history of their appearance. Nevertheless, it is precisely the awareness of the simplest truths that often turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks, and therefore it is sometimes very important to understand the essence of those.

    Appeal to flora

    Like many other realities of our modern life, such a concept as a "laurel wreath", originates in ancient Greece, in the most endors of our cultural traditions, beliefs and views on art and the world as a whole. You do not need to be a biology specialist in order to understand what, in fact, this expression is associated.

    The name of this subject is quite obviously associated with one of the oldest symbols borrowed from the world of flora - a laurel tree common in the territory of the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, the history of the occurrence of this symbol is much more complex and romantic. In order to understand the essence of the value, you should refer to Greek mythology.

    Communication with the ceremony of God

    For a person who disassembled in antiquity, the laurel wreath is inextricably linked with the name of Apollo - the son of a powerful Zeus and the goddess summer. Traditionally, this representative of Greek Pantheon is depicted in the form of a wonderful young man with a bow in hand and harp behind his back. Thanks to amazing beauty, graces and masculinity, it is he who is considered a kind of male ideal and appearance in general. And decorates the head of Apollo famous laurel wreath, the appearance of which is associated with a romantic, but tragic love story.

    Arrow Erosa

    According to the myths, the beautiful son of Zeus, in addition to the designer's eye and the gift of foresight, possessed and overly with great self-conceit, for which he subsequently had to pay. Eros, who decided to teach Apollon, pierced his heart to the magic arrow of love, and the young man was loved by love for the daughter of the river god Peny - Nimph Daphne.

    Fate was not favorable to the beautiful God, and the girl did not divide his feelings. Overbounding the hearts of the heart, Apollo rushed into the pursuit of the Daphne, however, it was not able to catch up with it - Obesusyvel, Nymph appealed to his father, asking him help and salvation. Penie responded to Molib's beloved daughter very peculiar - a thin mill Daphne was covered with a bark, his hands turned into a branch, stretched to the sky, and the hair was changed with green laurel leaves.

    Realizing that with his beloved he was not destined, the son of Zeus was splled into memory of an undivided feeling to the beautiful nymph wreath, who later became his symbol and a permanent attribute.

    First victory sign

    Nevertheless, the final of this rather sad story was not so gloomy. Everyone knows that the laurel wreath is a victory symbol in the modern world. It was this importance to the ancient Greeks into it, awarding the best participants in the Pythiy Games, who were arranged for the reward of honor to the God of the beauty and sunlight Apollon. Since then, the world has made a tradition of the winner's head with a wreath from this evergreen plant with a sad story.

    Laurel and other nations

    A deep meaning and power has this tree not only for the Greeks and Romans who inherited their traditions. The laurel wreath was even different. For example, in residents of ancient China, he symbolized eternal life and revival.

    In the Christian tradition, this tree is practically inextricably linked with a memorial ceremony, since it is the laurel wreaths that were used, as a rule, at a funeral.

    Formation of victory symbol

    Few people know, but a modern understanding of this peculiar decoration appeared in many ways due to the Great French Bourgeois Revolution. It was then that the laurel wreath - the victory symbol - became such, entering Heraldik. In the XVIII century, the branches of this plant were decorated with the emblem of the French Republic, and then banners of other countries.

    Convert value

    It is no secret that the ancient Greeks, and then and the Romans paid great attention to sports, arranging numerous games and grand contests. Head decoration by a laurel wreath as a reward was available only to outstanding fighters or, for example, copies throwers.

    Nevertheless, the times are changing, and traditions change together with them - in the modern world not only athletes, but also outstanding cultural figures, arts, sciences, and even journalism, it is also awarded privilege to crush their heads with a wreath of laurel leaves.

    The greatest difference is that today it has become, rather, we will have a figurative expression, rather than the actual material embodiment of a won victory. Nevertheless, medals, cups and letters, decorated with this floral ornament, today can absolutely be called rarity. The victory symbol that emerged in the distant times of antiquity reached the present day, transformed into time, but not losing his greatness.