Comic fortune telling for the new year. Merry predictions and fortune telling for the new year

Comic fortune telling for the new year. Merry predictions and fortune telling for the new year
Comic fortune telling for the new year. Merry predictions and fortune telling for the new year

New Year's Eve - a cheerful holiday that is customary to celebrate in a noisy company relatives, friends and good acquaintances. The main thing is what the winter should be taken on this evening - abundant treat. However, without entertainment, a holiday may seem boring. To have fun, you can come up with predictions for the new year, comic divination and games.

When you can use comic predictions

The main task of comic predictions - entertainment and raising mood. Do not treat such a venture with excessive seriousness. However, there were such cases that the prediction obtained was performed.

So that none of the guests offended and not upset, you need to choose good wishes, congratulations and toasts. A good idea will be the use of jokes and humor. Games in this manner will be appropriate in any company:

  • in the family circle;
  • at the New Year's meeting with friends;
  • on corporate;
  • during the New Year's Evening in Cafes and Restaurants;
  • on children's New Year's matinees.

The only rule is that the wishes and forecasts correspond to the age of players.

Types of comic ghostas and predictions

The choice of games and entertainment on the holiday largely depends on the fantasy of the organizer. They can be represented in various types and forms:

  • fortune telling;
  • comic predictions for the new year;
  • predictions-toasts;
  • gypsy fortune telling
  • entertaining competition.

To create a mysterious environment, you can use "magic" subjects:

  • bag with prophecies;
  • dealer of cards;
  • bag or chest with magical symbols;
  • color cards;
  • balls;
  • "Magic" candy.

Merry predictions

Joking prophecies find the response of guests on any party or banquet. Here you can invent any predictions in prose and verses, the main thing is that they are good and most frivolous. At the festival, all those present should have fun and have fun, and not to look for possible coincidences with life.

Place the game is better so that random wishes have come to guests. You can do this in several ways:

  1. . All cookies are laid out on a large dish and offer participants to choose one by one.
  2. Attach notes with wishes in candy wrappers. Dispose as in the case of cookies.
  3. Inflate balloons and put inside notes. At the appointed time, the balls are distributed and asked to burst them. In this case, it is worth a slightly more than balls than the number of guests, since the balls may burst in time.
  4. You can stick to the bottom of the scrapbook with numbers. All plates are left on a separate separation at the entrance. Each guest chooses its plate. When the time of the game comes, guests call numbers, and the presenter reads the predictions.

On the video option with cookies:

You can come up with dozens of your interesting predictions, but you can use ready-made ideas:

  1. Stubborn work with a spoon and fork on today's feast will be able to bring big fruits.
  2. It is worth carefully treating every winery at today's evening - there is a risk of missing her past the mouth.
  3. Today will be the best evening, like everyone else.
  4. At cockroaches living in the head, an extremely fun year will come.
  5. In the near future, the realization that the inner rod is nothing but awl in one place.
  6. There is one bad news - the weight gain will soon occur. Good news - this increase will be in the wallet area.
  7. The nearest vacation will be held in the place where everything is included. Even if it is a home of relatives.
  8. There is a sign: if the neighbors are knocking on the bottom, then in the coming hours there will be a fun holiday in a noisy company.
  9. In the new year there will be a meeting with a goldfish, but the fish will be baked and with vegetables.
  10. In the next year, looking at my feet carefully, then you will not be able to get off the road leading to great luck.
  11. In the near future will be able to get rid of one of the bad habits. But do not secession, 2 new will soon appear.
  12. If you find a foreign object in a salad plate - do not be mistaken, it is a happy sign.

Comic predictions by zodiac signs

Lovers of astrological horoscopes will certainly appreciate the forecasts that are intended separately to each sign of the zodiac. Notes with merry predictions are better not to write on white paper, but on multicolored. To create a magic atmosphere, you should decorate them with large and small stars.


  1. Men Aries can already prepare for steep turns in their lives. These are favorable deals and change for the better. In other words, life will drive the Aries in a stall with curly sheep and fragrant hay. Women of Aries need to urgently correct their curls and polish the empty - their happiness and pleasant surprises from life need to meet all the way.
  2. Hot men Taurus must show energetic and unshakable in their decisions. Only in this case they are waiting for the achievement of the goals. Share happiness they can with a tender and caring "chick". Women should be descended from clouds to earth and start active actions. In the new year, each of them will open itself from the new side. The chalk "chicks" will become peaceful, and the quiet will receive the energy charge.
  3. A twin man in the coming year is the best life. It will be surrounded by good true friends, and for your favorite classes there is always a free moment. In addition, in the twin, the surrounding will see the wise leader. A twin woman will be able to strengthen his brilliant reputation. However, this is possible only if, instead of bitter truth, it will give people a charming smile.
  4. Men crayfare can even find the most precious pearl at the most dark day, but for this they will have to work well. Shy women crayfish risks to stay without great love or exercise hope. So that this does not happen, it's time to stop stepping back and go into the sand.
  5. To take your place under the sun, men lions will have to make a lot of effort. However, it's not worth waiting for unpleasant surprises from the coming year - it will pass smoothly and smoothly. Graceful women lionesses will be able to rest a little and stop dragging everything on their fragile shoulders. The situation will be resolved.
  6. Instead of engaging in self-confidence, male devans should do self-development. It not only raise self-esteem, but also improves relationships with friends and relatives. Women to devies should focus on getting pleasure. Holidays, mass walkings, meetings with loved ones and old friends - all this will help distract from problems and find love for yourself.
  7. Stars in the sky lined up so that men will not be able to avoid gifts of fate and successful permission of problems. However, to start the Fortune Wheel, it is worth attaching a little effort. Women will time to stop fluctuate and weigh everything for and against. This year needs to live as you dreamed. You need to free your emotions and dissolve in them.
  8. In men, the scorpions will boil life next year. To all time, they should carefully plan their day. As for those surrounding, they hardly build revenge plans, so you do not need to look at them. Women Scorpions in the near future will shine more than ever. But for this you need to do creativity. The surrounding will be able to see the scorpion not only a player on the nerves, but also a talented artist, poet or cook.
  9. It's time for a man, it's time to stop to threaten the world with a barrel arrows. The universe will certainly respond to such a gesture and good luck in affairs. Sagittarius will only enjoy life. Woman Sagittarius in the coming year will receive a lot of opportunities to become even more beautiful, better and smarter. Such suggestions are worth using, since there are already big changes in the near future. New life needs to be prepared.
  10. Male Capricorn is not time to touch the horns. Looking around, Capricorn will definitely find a reason for joy and fun. Survive enthusiasm will be much more pleasant with the only muse that surrounds care. Women Capricorps can be completely confident - in the next year, events will not pass by them. Some expect romantic events, others are exciting travel and adventures.
  11. For life to flow in the right track, a man is worthwhile to make efforts. However, it is not worth breaking on trifles. The most important thing in the coming year is support for loved ones and peace of mind. Pragmatic Waving Women came to declare a small time out and make something extraordinary, for example, to travel without money or fall in love with first glance.
  12. Male fish came time to change their boring job and do what it has long been dreamed of. Rutin, like the stagnant water in the aquarium, will not bring anything good. Fish women will be able to devote themselves this year. "Heated focus" and "Icra throwing" may be an employee and pleasant matter.

Magical prediction toasts

Magic toasts can help the Tamat at the time when the participants of the holiday sat at the table after the dance. This will not allow guests to relax for a minute, because their main task is today - entertainment and enjoying. During inventing toast, you need to ensure that they are short, bright and cool:

  1. Good, smiles, sun, peace. And soon there will be a new apartment.
  2. Let the comfort surround every day, and let the revenue always grow.
  3. Hold onto the wave of good luck, let the Maldives there be a cottage.
  4. For good health, this toast, to it, will be attached to career growth.
  5. Now it's not necessary to be sad, because there will be new friends soon.
  6. In all matters, success is accompanied and let everyone lives.

Comic predictions for corporate party and colleagues

On corporate parties often gather a numerous material as a company. For this reason, come up with comic wishes for colleagues more difficult. Someone from those present is still young, others will be retired soon. Some of the guests have not yet had time to acquire family and children, someone will never be able to ever. Some parents are in good health, others have no.

In order not to touch a person for living, jokes of age, children, parents should be avoided. It is also not worth mentioning weight, nationality and religion. It is better to invent those jokes and wishes that relate to work directly. In this case, you can and face a slightly man, but then you must say good words:

  1. To the head in the office, goes only from the left foot - after that it will be raised by the service.
  2. Dozens of adventures and a bunch of bright sensations are expected.
  3. Fate will soon gild a handle - a good pay for a card.
  4. Be smiling and energetic, then all year will be perfectly.
  5. Large victories in life noting, it is worth a greater tea.
  6. Stretch! In the near future, money will be started from all sides.
  7. In the coming year there will be a strong explosion. It burst on the envy all existing competitors and ill-wishers.
  8. It will soon be at work at work: the workbook will be transferred to 2 floors above.
  9. I hope to look forward - happiness is waiting for happiness.
  10. Already by the next Saturday it is worth waiting for success in work.
  11. Expects for the Heart of Prosta - soon there will be an increase in the salary.
  12. Life will give friends of real, kind, responsive, superior.

Comic predictions for adult company

If the company is going to adult people, it does not mean that preference is given only to abundant snack and alcoholic beverages. Adults no less children love to play funny games and organize entertainment, so predictions and comic fortune telling about the new year will be met with enthusiasm. In this case, you can add a little "peppercorn". From this prediction will be more fascinating:

  1. Already in the near future, there will be no place for the gray everyday life - they will scratch a stormy novel with a charming lover (mistress).
  2. In the coming year, the body himself will decide how much to sleep, where and with whom. It is better for him not to reap - he knows him.
  3. Fate actively sends signals, so it's not worth the dance tonight tonight with the people of the opposite sex.
  4. More often look around - the next year is favorable for intimate acquaintances.
  5. Already expects a tour of Europe, and every day is successful in the horoscope.
  6. Soon a stranded stranded, there is a five-star hotel nearby.
  7. The new year promises good luck and next to the sea located the cottage.

Predictions for children

If you need to organize entertainment for schoolchildren and children, then it is necessary to approach the preparation more creatively. Children of all ages love mystery and magic. Wishes better to write on color brilliant mini postcards.

Prophecies should be kind, cheerful and understandable for students. Even better - to arrange them in the form of wishes. Inventing suitable options, you should not invest a great meaning in them. On the contrary, the absurdity will sound the prediction, the more fun and funnier will be children.

  1. Sweet will be this year, friend. As a gift you get chocolate bag.
  2. Raise the weight of 10 tons and you will be the main champion
  3. Find a new planet in the sky - you will get a super prize of the rocket.
  4. You can learn easily 105 some languages.
  5. You can easily play in the concert hall on a violin and piano.


The comic game of Phanti is popular for several decades. Best of all, such entertainment is suitable for those cases when 10 or more participants are going. The meaning of divination is to assemble a small subject from all participants. It can be a hairpin, keychain or something else. The main thing is that on this thing it was possible to immediately determine the owner.

The collected things fold into a large bowl and cover it with a dense cloth. In the form of an alternative, you can use an opaque package. Predictions will also be required for the game. They are written on separate small leaves, neatly fold and placed in another container.

The presenter pronounces the following phrase:

- What falls this phantom ...

After that, he lowers his hand into the container with personal objects and pulls out 1 of them. The next action is to get a note with a prediction and read out loud.

Gypsy comic fortune telling for the new year

Gypsies have the ability to predict the upcoming events. At the same time, not every person will agree to the offer to "give a handle", seeing gypsy on the street or in the transition. However, on the New Year holiday, you can hardly find those who do not want to raise the secret veil of the future, even if it is only a fun game.

The role of gypsy can play a toamada or one of the guests of the holiday organizers. To create the desired atmosphere, it is enough to wear a wide motley skirt and throw the handkerchief on the shoulders.

Game options can be a lot. To do this, it is worth using props. This is a deck of cards, and a magic bag and much more.

Divination Gypsy

The original entertainment for guests will be a comic prediction of gypsy for the New Year and Christmas. This will require a deck of boutofor cards. On the one hand such a card will be a color shirt, and on the other - the text of the prediction. Gypsy opens the maps by fan and offers guests to pull 1. The prophecies here can be different:

  1. It is better to stay away from random connections, as they can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  2. From the festivities for someone else's expense is better to refuse. No need to forget that cheese can be free only in a mousetrap. Later they can calculate with interest.
  3. In the near future, an awesome fan will appear, but it is not completely given to feelings. First you need to check the relationships to false.
  4. In all financial issues, clarity will soon come. Revenues will increase dramatically.
  5. Behind the backs can be triggered. To avoid such a turn, behave carefully.
  6. The wind of distant wanderings is ready to call. Do not refuse a hurry, the journey promises pleasant memories.
  7. In the near future, wealth and recognition can be collapsed. At such moments do not forget about loved ones.
  8. Even if things are not quite smooth now, you should not give up. A little more effort, and luck will definitely overtake.
  9. Soon there will be an unexpected event. If you approach the solution to the problem with the mind, everything will be fulfilled.

Fortune telling a magical bag

A variety of comic gadas of gypsy can be the game "Magic Bag". Conduct it as follows. In a fabric bag or a dark opaque package folds small objects. For each of these things, the prediction is recorded on a piece of paper:

  1. Flower. The one who got such an item will be waiting for a great success in matters and popularity among people of the opposite sex.
  2. Ring. The ring of the ring is promoted by an ambulance wedding or pleasant changes in personal life.
  3. Button. This is a symbol of a large family, its ambulance.
  4. Candy. She symbolizes a sweet careless life, tempting suggestions in the near future.
  5. Handkerchief. To temporary parting, which will end with a joyful meeting.
  6. Humbush bread. A player who caught this subject will soon face difficulties, but will be able to overcome them.
  7. Bell or bubber. Large fun, walking and happiness is already knocking on the house.
  8. Coin. This is the main symbol of wealth, profits. A man can soon get an inheritance or win the lottery.
  9. Key. In the near future, it is possible to change the place of residence, buying an apartment or at home.
  10. Feather birds. Players expect pleasant news, news. All of them promise positive changes in life.
  11. Pinch. A small piece of wood promises good health.
  12. Horseshoe. Soon life will go to the way. Changes will affect finance, love affairs and relationships between loved ones.
  13. Beans (beans). It is a symbol of family happiness.
  14. Bright tape. Soon there is a long journey, saturated with bright moments.

Merry New Year's divination

You can offer guests a simple, but at the time the funniest fortune telling on the maps. It will be able to configure to a positive way and cause a smile even at the most unfinished skeptics.

Gypsy offers accurate fortune telling, which will always lead only the truth. For maximum efficiency on the call deck name, sitting a child. After that, the Gypsy asks each of the guests to stretch 1 card from the deck. Those participants who stretch the card with the Mashy Wormvi next year will live happily and richly. The main focus is that they pre-buy a few identical deck of cards and choose only cards with the Masi Wormi. Thus, each participant of this game receives only a good and kind prediction.

All the above games, toasts, predictions and humorous fortune tells are only a small part of the entertainment that can be offered for entertainment in a festive evening. They are most universal and suitable for family, friends, colleagues, children campaigns.

The new year script is one of the best congratulations to the native team. To give the hall of the winter holiday atmosphere, you can use: garlands (the easiest option to cut the Christmas trees from color cardboard, the color is not necessarily green than a varicolored, the more beautiful, then use the hole to make holes at the bottom and at the top of the Christmas tree, through which and conceive the satin braid) . It is interesting to look at boutonnieres of fir branches (any small capacity (plastic cup, flower pots, 0.250 gr. Glass jar, which are closed with foil or corrugated paper outside) is filled with plasticine in which several small spruce springs are stuck and decorated to taste). Near the entrance hang a horse's tail (old Chignon or just tie a knitting thread in a beam) on top of the inscription: "Happy tail, pushing three times." From the polymer clay for modeling can be made, attach them to the pin.

In order for the whole team to participate in the sacrament of the preparation of the new year scenario, each is given homework: make it yourself a mask on a rubber band - carnival on the eyes, nose, ears, beard, etc. Then to all works of art, the preparations of the script are tied to a batch of tags with the number (so that the tag can be quickly removed).

Even who enters the festive room is awarded a hilt for happiness and is given the opportunity to stroke a happy horse ponytail.

The holiday begins ...

We thought for a long time, where we will begin our celebration. And invented! With gifts! So that there was no offense, each relying on the favor of stars, choose a gift to himself.

The assistant makes a hat with pieces of paper, bypassing the hall and makes it possible to choose one leaf to each present, including leading and itself. On a piece of paper, a digit is simply written. Then the assistant makes a bag with self-made masks and in accordance with the elongated numbers gives a mask, removing the tag.

Nading masks, gentlemen!

Everyone put on masks, including the lead.

While Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden is still rushing along the snow-covered roads to our celebration, and while you are in due state for a collective photo, we will continue the holiday from it.

Collective photo.

We were slightly stolen here and did not have time to prepare festive ate on the special order of Santa Claus. In addition, it flew out of his head as the toys he asked to do. So we are even on the hand of his delay. To cope quickly, I ask you to go out (causes 9 people).

Create three teams.

Home preparation for the competition. Take two watman sheets, think through its mount (on the buttons to the wallpaper, on the string to the same wallpaper or cabinet, make out of the tree of the easel type), cut out of the colored cardboard fir branches, toys, and attach double-sided adhesion to their back side, also Attach to small segments of the Christmas fluffy rain.

For toys that will be done on the competition, you will need markers, peanut shells (on super-adhesive on the back side of the shell to glue a threaded loop), some shells color to various colors, leave several pieces not made of painted, prepare for the mustache and beard cotton wool, hands and Wire horns, etc.

Two teams will make a Christmas tree, one Christmas tree decoration team.

Two players in every Christmas team tie a dense eye cloth, one player gives off twigs, the second Christmas decorations on Scotch. On the team, a player with needles sticks them to paper, then the player with toys decorates the resulting Christmas tree. The third player (eyes are not tied) remains cut out of the paper Christmas tree. At this time, the third team gives the festive type of peanut billets - it disappears with markers, sticks the noses, mustache and ears, giving peanuts, for example, the kind of animals - horses, etc.

Nicely, you will not say anything, but for no hope, one prize, you will have to play it.
So, (puzzles)
Who happens besides the yazuvender and sober
sober on New Year's banquet?

Standing in the corner, although not punished,
And the president on it in the new year is shown

Why does the door knock on the door?
What could happen?
(Call broke).

Lead, looking at the clock:
Something is too late for grandfather. Stop! It seems to hear the steps.

The door opens, Gypsy includes (a man in a wig, in a colorful skirt - on an old skirt to put the patchwork of various colors, with a bag in hand).

Guess, guess, burn,
I wish at NG, not expensive.

And this, what else for scarecrow the New Year? The script does not provide.

Happiness, coremary, comes without planning.

And why did you call me a coremaker?

So I see, you don't have money with you, I also do not observe the valuable things, it means that the coremary, good in hand I can not see. And the people, judging by the eyes and diamonds in the ears, and a call of a coin in his pockets, eager for my parting word.
Come on, make up the people! Who wants to know the fate turn!

Approximate predictions of the fortune-tailed (the number of victims to taste, you can grasp all, you can at the request of the gypsy, you can at the request of the hall). You can also immediately use predictions in different styles.

1 style
Bring today, my birth, home two bags of happiness, in one will be Olivier, in the other sausage cutting.
Yahontovoy you, not a bog, gilding a pen, with a 100% warranty I will say that it will be tomorrow. Tuesday! (if the celebration is on Monday).
Write you on January 1st husband and berry, and a sun, and a lape, and a flower of scarlet, and how to wander a wander, you will become my wife again.
There is a horror movie in the morning. If you do not want to see, then in the mirror not looking.

2 style
Gives those present in the hall from his bag to pull out one thing at random.
Candle - to a romantic evening.
Lighter - to bright adventure.
Tram ticket - for a trip to the Maldives.
Sweetie - to drop 5 kg.

3 style
Before reaching the stage of the Gypsy, it makes a hand on the back side, on the wrist soap (it is better to take a toilet, which you use now, but not wet, but a little bitty, too dry is also not suitable) for example, the dollar sign, the letter K.
During the celebration, the Gypsy asks someone to burn 5-6 matches (the longer the inscription, the more matches it is necessary).
And sentences:
Gori, right
The truth is not uta
We show us.
Loaded matches fold into the ashtray and warm up some object, even if the writing handle would be. Then the one who is guessing, thoroughly rubs the ashes of the inscriptions - it is manifested (in order to correctly calculate the layer of soap and the thickness of the letters, it is better to stretch in advance, after applying a picture, the remnants of the soap are simply blown away - do not shake the other hand, and then lubric inscription).

Dollar sign - whether to the award, or a fine, but is connected closely with money.

Letter K - to a fan named or Kirill, or a goat, but you can instruct the horns in any case.

4 style.
How to delete the treasure
You will become rich,
Long do not yaw
Shovel is already enough
To swim in wealth
You have to dig a couple of years.

I see the dacha
You have a long luck line
I say without the slightest deception
So that I did not have full pockets

Oh, guess, burn
I say the whole truth
Big boss you will be
60 kilograms pick up!

And now a few more predictions. I ask the auditorium to call any parts of the body, and you are core, write down (Recording also helps assistant).

After the hall called part of the body, Gypsy causes one at the center of the hall. Takes soap bubbles (purchased or homemade).

Everyone, my relatives, simple. Catch the ball by the part that we called - a desire for this year will be fulfilled. And do not catch, only a year later.

After catching the balls, Mobile phone rings from Gypsy.

So ... so ... I rush, guess, I will say, I will say the truth.

And goes away.
Does not pass and a couple of seconds, how the Santa Claus flies at the door with his snowy granddaughter.
Santa Claus has sunscreen cap instead of caps.

Santa Claus:
Barely managed, another day remained in the tour.

Snow Maiden:
But what is a vacation in the Maldives compared to your celebration!

Santa Claus:
I see the Christmas tree, and toys in my order is.

Snow Maiden:
Merry eyes and welcoming smiles are also present.

Yes, they supported the festive atmosphere without you as they could.

Santa Claus:
Only I feel my cold heart that people require a competition.

Snow Maiden:
Let me, I am a female outbreak of particularly thirsty players.
Snow Maiden causes 4 people - men who are divided into 2 teams.

Santa Claus:
There, in the Maldives, there were such sleek mass-custodes, we liked one contest. With the Snow Maiden, his little adopted under our cool winters. So, let's begin. We trust you to fulfill the responsible mission - to find out who is the best runner, as well as deliver tangerines to the holiday table.

Snow Maiden each team gives a pair of boots, Chinese sticks, truck machine on the control panel (if the 2nd Competition) will be used.

Chairs outline the start and finish. The finish is closer to the festive table, there is a chair on which an empty dish is. At the start, there is also a chair with a mandal of full mandarin. Paper Christmas trees are placed between the start and finishes (or any items that perform the keglee function) in a checker order in a pretty decent distance from each other.

Competition 1.
The competition is called for 2 people in each team.
The task of players. Competition begins with the finish. One player puts on the hands of the boots, the second player takes him behind his feet and in this form in a straight line (past the Christmas tree, just near them, or if you, of course, do not feel sorry for my colleagues, you can make them bypass every Christmas tree) reach the start . Next, both players return back, jumping on one leg, between the Christmas tree, trying not to knock them down. The winning team is awarded medals: "The best workhorse of the new year."

Competition 2.
The competition is again caused by 2 people in each team.
A radio-controlled truck will be involved in this competition. One player, takes tangerines from a bowl and throws them into a truck (teams from commands should stand at the same distance from chairs, no more than 1 meter). Then using the remote, without going beyond the start line, the player delivers a truck, bypassing each Christmas tree to the finish. At the finish, the 2nd player with the help of Chinese sticks shifts the mandaring on the festive dish. After all tangerines find themselves on the dish, the team delivers it to the festive table. The winning team (the first tangerine delivered to the table) is awarded medals: "The best supplier of the orange symbol of the new year."

Santa Claus:
It is time for wishes.

Snow Maiden:
And whatever everyone comes true, you will help us.

On Watman or old wallpaper, write words that will repeat the hall (for each word a separate sheet of paper). You can simply hold paper in your hand, for one edge of the Snow Maiden (assistant), and after another, the lead or to the edges of the paper is to attach gel balls, which, after reading the word they are released.

Santa Claus:
We will be new year?


Santa Claus:

Do not forget!

Santa Claus:


Santa Claus:
Resenting and sorrow?


Santa Claus:


Santa Claus:
Yes mom?


Santa Claus:

Come true!

Santa Claus:
And now an exciting moment comes.

Snow Maiden:
To each we prepared the present.

Presenting gifts.

P.S. Toys made from peanut shells and ate can be played at auction for a toast, New Year's chastushka, etc.

In the process of preparation for the New Year and holidays, and to the New Year's feast, it is very important not to forget, and it is better to take care of how to entertain guests. You will agree, all the time to drink, there, and watch TV will be boring, and after all, the new year is the most cheerful holiday, and it is necessary to spend fun.

As one of the options, you can spend or make comic gypsy divination for the New Year. Variants with dressing up are always win-win, so all guests will be interested to look at the brightly dressed, and the crooked gypsy woman. In order for comic divination of gypsies for the New Year to the fame, you should come up in advance and buy an outfit. Now, by the way, the costume of gypsies can even be rented. Also, you should learn several speech revolutions from the Gypsy lexicon.

I will give a few examples, what comic gypsy divination for the new year can be. If you yourself can not learn to the memory, write on the leaves, and put, for example in the header, or a bright beautiful box so that people themselves pull out and read their predictions.

This month, guests will suddenly be granted to you

Everyone as if they were talking - the refrigerator will turn

Let all stocks of vodka, break the TV,

We will break all the dishes and in the kitchen inherit.

This month, rather, you play the lottery

Prediction is - you certainly lucky

You just need to buy tickets, download partially to the tanker,

And partly in two cars, the rest is the plane.

This month put you on the cottage

Buy, drink beer and eat kebab

You do not believe in these bikes - you will make you work there

Sit better at home, drink a beer!

This month will be predicted that you will have twins

Or maybe even triple, or maybe the Four

And then the state will give you a huge apartment

Flag of honor in both hands and a bouquet horse !!!

This month, the computer will not work, as it should,

You are very knocking on your mother's fee.

Does not help - Bay Sledgeham, give foot on the monitor ...

Explain then the authorities: "She first start!"

This month, the boss is angry without a reason,

You tell him calmly, looking straight: "The goat itself!"

To the end of the arguments, quickly, without sharp movements,

Stretch him like a hat you basket for papers.

And facilitate will come: long tormented question

"Who will go under the abbreviations" -nonets will be resolved.

Tonight, fall at the threshold,

Forgetting to undress and break,

In the morning, do not judge yourself strictly:

The main thing is that you were able to wake up.

This month, solve the aircraft to earn west,

But you can't come up with how pilots scare,

Read them excerpts from today's newspaper, -

And they will flee anyone together with you.

On Monday, early in the morning the chef offends at work,

You, not spending a minute, call all newspapers,

By saying a mobile boss in private ads,

Let then, bore, knows the salt of everyone - free!

This month you will definitely do not go to work,

What's going there in the morning when you want to sleep.

You will make there try and work every day ....

By the way, there will be little money from the salary

This month you will be invited to work.

Ten major corporations, and perhaps even a hundred

You are from the joy of great all the secrets steal

Competitors are sled, and richly heal!

Very soon it happens that you will become bosses

And now everything depends on you, which is not from you,

Start with the main goal - reduce all salaries.

It can be useful for money, do not waste them just like that.

This month is possible on vacation to the sea you will send you

Crocodiles, couphes, birds sing there.

Dicari dancing near the soup cook here.

Go on the parabroke, bring friends.

So that the hungry of all natives feed soon ..

This month will ask for the farm to suddenly help

Do not go to the shops - the grocery stinks,

And nobody taught you to go to the gas mask.

Nobody let the vacuum cleaner -

He is yelling like an abnormal one - you have alarm clock.

If you did not find a penny in your pocket,

Ploy in the pocket to the neighbor, - Obviously, money there.

If comic gypsy divination for the new year is problematic, you can always find an equally interesting alternative. You can write comic fortune telling for the new year, put them in an air ball, and distribute guests at the entrance. In the middle, you can announce the belonging to the guests to one or another color of the balls; For example, who has a red ball, he came to seek love, or a soul mate, who has blue - came to get drunk, who has green - came to have fun, etc. And you can make comic gypsy divination for the new year with the help of a book - give gypsy a book, and read the lines of the first pages, open at random.

Dear friends, and blog readers, if yourself have original ways than entertaining guests during the New Year's dinner, please share. It is very interesting to read how you celebrate New Year's holidays.

If you have a visit to the costume event and the topic allows you to have a gypsy costume, consider what you are lucky. The image of the gypsy is very winned, because it allows you to sing, and dance, and guess hand. This bright image is quite easy to implement and it will undoubtedly remember all guests, you will shine in it.


To recreate the appearance of gypsies, it is enough to find a couple of bright scarves, skirts, massive earrings and decorations, fan, a deck of cards. You can also use a black wig with long thick hair, it will be appropriate to add a bright flower to the hairstyle. Makeup in this image should be catchy - alaty lipstick, black arrows in front of the eyes, bright shadows.

An important attribute of gypsy is a large number of birds of different lengths, one on top of another, while each skirt should be visible to the hem. You can wear a jacket with lush swans and naked shoulders to skirts. Additionally, in your hands you can keep cards, fan or guitar if you own this tool.


If according to the program you have a performance, there are many options for your image - "Gypsy with output", the performance of a song or divination.

If you stopped on the dance, then on the Internet you will find a lot of useful material for its execution, "Gypsy with exit" consists of two contrasting parts - slow and fast, to which acceleration is accelerated along the dance.

To execute the song, you can choose from a huge number of options, for example, in the film "Cruel Romance" there are several famous gypsy songs. Songs of the Bremen Musicians cartoon robbers are also popular. You can surprise everyone if you do not execute the original song, but her alteration with words suitable for the event. If there is no desired text on the Internet, then you can order the text alteration of songs on this site.

Merry fortune telling

The image of gypsies on an anniversary or corporate stay allows you to talk to almost every one of those present under the pretext of divination. In the form of predictions, your congratulatory speech may also be framed.

Several options - you can "guess" hand, on the maps or simply to offer those present to experience the fate, pulling out the prediction of the bag.

The main thing is to prepare the comic wishes that will have fun, but, in no case, do not disappoint those present. Predictions can be both in prose, and in verses, all the same Internet will come to the rescue. New Year's prediction options in verses you can see below.

If on the Internet or among the options presented below, you did not find suitable poems, and you want to make unique poetic predictions, it will be logical to order verses.

Predictions or wishes can be written on small strips of paper, roll into the tube and fold into the bag, from which guests will get them. The second option is a deck of cards, on the front side of which you glue the wishes, and the present, again, will pull them.

Options for New Year's predictions in verses

In the new year you are waiting for luck
A lot of money and put it -
Rising on the career stairs
And in everything your number is the first!

Waiting for you long road
In that country, where the sun is a lot,
Sea, stones and sand,
And your favorite voice!

Waiting for you Drive and Sea of \u200b\u200bSports,
And good job
Want - believe, and you want - no,
You will find an answer to everything!

A year magical upcoming
Love and happiness is waiting for you,
Publishing in everything
And a big cozy home!

Waiting for big changes
In the coming year,
Mood canceled
Win you Handra!

Forget about the word "rest",
Warning you shock work!
But but on income
You will be super-duper cool!

You are in the sixteenth year
Remember the children's dream
And performed finally
You will be super-well done!

Waiting for beautiful new clothes
In the coming year,
Change setting
And the palace on the shore!

Raising salary
Santa Claus to the bag piled up
And Snow Maiden - Damn
For you, it will be deftly!

In the new year the horse you will change
Its iron
And you have time to go on it
A lot of interesting!

Vacation is waiting for you by the sea
And the surprise is pleasant soon!
And work drum
You deserve gratitude!

Gypsies in bright outfits with incendiary dances, supervised guitaries, soulful romances, indispensable fortune and flowery speech, generously shown by compliments and jokes - always shows, always a holiday at any event. On this page, the scenes are chosen with Gypsies for the anniversary, but they are easy to transform to any holiday: a New Year's Eve party, a wedding, corporate party and other entertainment events - both family and collective.

For dresses, Gypsies will need multicolored lush skirts, large bright scarves and multi-row beads. And the Gypsy men can be adjusted in red shirts, hats with bright ribbons, but fill the pants in the boots. Of course, this is a minimum, so proceed from your capabilities and expediency.

The role of the Gypsy does not have to fulfill the beauty, because the purpose of the scenes is not to charm the anniversaries and guests, but to cheer. Therefore, your fortune teller can have the appearance of kimikors, to be very solid dimensions, and even a disguised man at all - it all depends on where and for whom entertainment is held. The main thing is that your actor is talkative, finding, wit and knew how to perfectly improvise.

"Hadal" gypsy cards can be printed on cardboard a much greater format than ordinary maps. On one side, print the "shirt", and on the other there can be options: wishes, predictions, images, photos - oriented to the purpose of cards and do not forget about humor! If you want to make "cards" reusable to use and on other holidays (if you are a toamada, for example), then illuminate them and select a box of suitable size.

"Maps", which uses your fortune teller can not only with the requisite, but also become an interesting gift for the jubilee. This is bored on the "shirt" you can make anniversary inscriptions or depict the culprit of the celebration. For such cards, too, choose a beautiful gift packaging. After graduating from the room, fold them into it, and solemnly present the jubilee for memory.

Scenes with Gypsies in the anniversary can be separate numbers alternating with other entertainment, or they can be left for a certain part of the event, declaring those present that the Gypsy Tabar complained about them. As an option - all those present were suddenly in the Gypsy Tabor. All this is very easy to beat, if you have several scenes with different characters and the participants of the holiday performing their roles.

Surely with great pleasure will take part in the costume show present at the holidays at the holiday, so or offer guests to prepare the Gypsy outfits in advance, or go back to the chapters and beads to make fast improvisation.

Another wonderful character of the Gypsy show is a scholar bear. If you have a suitable dress of Kosolapoy, then you can shake guests with bear dances and other things, surrounding a man of suitable dimensions.

Gypsy show on the anniversary and other holidays is not difficult, but incendial and bright! Engrave, invest in the rooms of the sea of \u200b\u200bfantasy and humor, and your guests will remember the holiday for a long time!

"Gypsy in love" (jubilee)

Under the melody of the song "Shaggy Bumblebee" comes out, laughing, Roma with a bouquet.

(Name of the jubileis)! soul!
How are you good!
Color how to alaty rose!
And I will not cure from chondroza.

Yes, you can see, did not recognize me, the beauty?
Well I was in love with you three times!
Once - when I studied at school.
Well, then at night I dreamed!

And another time - when you married,
Yes, my left foot took away.
Would not stole you, native.
You alone was beautiful!

And for the third time fell in love,
When in the sanatorium was treated.
As you saw you, (name),
My heart snapped!

Here's what it does with the men Hondronoz ...
Oh, I brought five roses to you.
First rose for happiness to give
The second and third let good luck are
Fourth Rose - Health, Success,
And the fifth is a ringing and gentle laughter.

Well, I almost forgot again
When one hurried to you
In the neighboring tab horse
I bought, (name), for you!

One of the guests comes to the music and, together with Roma, the Jubiesta is carrying in a circle.

"Yes, Gypsy, right, it was ..." (Jubilee)

Our life is a solid endless road with turns and pits. And she rushes forward like a Gypsy cybitat, along the way counting minutes, weeks, years. And only in such a big anniversary, like this, we have the right to stop a kibituk for a moment and turn back time, remembering the living and experienced

You hear?
Some noise rang out at the door.
Gypsy Tabor will be happy
Congratulate in the glorious anniversary!

Pour wine, black,
Let our feast go cheerful.
Here are young gypsy
Appeared from our doors!

Gypsies to the music are included in the hall and sing.

We know, at least the caprice nature

From k / f "Ah, Waterville, Waterville ..."

We know, at least the caprice nature,
There will not change the eyelids or people.
A new fashion appears -
Us, Gypsy, invite in the anniversary!
We were on the holiday today,
To sing, dance, repay.
So that the fun you all skiddled out
So that there were no thoughts to miss!

What to say, what to say.
So people are arranged.
And we celebrate the anniversary
Today we will be together.

So greed you us
Guests welcome, friendly.
We offer a new toast,
Wines to eat everything you need!

Gypsy 1 (anniversarier):
How much we are waiting for you,
We wait!
Self-completely pour not solve!

Gypsy 2:
Wait, do not rush, girlfriend,
You drink this fluid now.
Come out, dear, in the center of the circle,
Roma gypsy for you!

Gypsy 1 (shows the deck of cards):
Here is a deck of gadal maps -
One remove yourself.
I will tell you, beautiful,
It was that in your destiny.

Map first removal
And rather answer:
"Yes, Gypsy, right, it was
But I forgot about it! "

Here is the worm six -
The grooms stood in a row
They brought them crazy Girl ...
Cards are talking to the truth?

Yes, Gypsy, right, it was
But I forgot about it!

Gypsy 2:
Here is the Cross Cavalier
I came to you, take the challenge.
He became your beloved.
Does the truth say?

Yes, Gypsy, right, it was
But I forgot about it!

Gypsy 1:
You always stood on your
Yes, and now your eyes are stubborn.
But in life it was useful ...
Cards are talking to the truth?

Yes, Gypsy, right, it was
But I forgot about it!

Gypsy 2:
Pour wine as soon as
Let it be sparkled in the glasses.
There is a reason, and we drink very friendly,
So that everything is successful!

Gypsy 1:
We wish miracles and lucky,
Faithful, devoted many friends.
We raised you the right
In your wonderful anniversary!

"The hereditary fortune teller. Services »

Witchcraft company 'Magic The Sfera'
Experienced Magichesk and Nekromantle 5th Level Sphere Spider Tarantula

- I will help in your career, pit, ravine, under the bush ...
- Restoration of karma, barracks, aqueduct.
- I bring out of the bang, deadlock, cockroaches, translate across the street, on the route Susanina ...
- Love spell, lapse, shipyard, gorotok, collar-skid, back and front ...
- I see the future, I remember the past, stateing and make out this ...
- Trans, hypnosis, card tricks, weather forecast ...
- I charge water, vodka, creams, dandruff shampoos, new fairy, batteries ...
- I return the wrong, I bring the lost, warm-up, I sing sober, I love ****.
- divination by hand, on maps, domino, guess the riddles ...
- fortune telling on coffee grounds, old welding, broth cubes.
- 100% black magic, 81% -Bella, 78% -sel, 63%-Singing, 15%-sol.
- Work on the backyard: a conspiracy from the Colorado beetle, removal of damage from tomatoes.
- Flying in a lot, on a broom, deller, vacuum cleaner 'Samsung & Son' ...
- Arrange the Shabash, Shalash, Debuck, kebabs, ...
- on sale church candles, automotive, hemorrhoidal.
- Work on the photo, scrutin, photographs, amateur sketches, drawings in isometric.
- And I can also on the machine ... and not only on washing and not only for a typewriter ...


This number is good for the new year, but you can fulfill it on the anniversary, bypassing the guests. The largest paragraph is for the jubilee, the rest for guests.

Gypsy romance sounds. Gypsy appears in the hall.

- Oh, beautiful mine, what are you looking at me like a cat on sour cream? Do you think to deceive you? I am my good, that I will say: when you drink to know the measure. Otherwise you can drink less.

So let's hollow vodka Russian in oven boards and drink for the new year in the new year any mood to always share with whom. Let's drink for everyone for you and your friends!

Give your hand, gold mine! I'm to you, dove, guess Yes, I will say the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. It goes all the time in the mountain, you will become a diamond, my big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested.
You will have the car. That's just not to figure out - the white "Bantley" or the green "Oka".
Ah, precious my, brilliance I see along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You can buy a cottage at the city, because you give the apartment for debts.
And now let's make a coin, my rich, gilding a pen, for what I have gone to you. What do you think I'm lying? No one has not complained about me that I will not say, comes true!

And you, my beautiful woman, laugh in vain. In your eyes I see the night! Dark night, dark, yes passionate! And also, my yachone, your husband will leave you! In the morning it will go! For beer run, it will be bad for him, you will spare a peasant, burn yourself!

And you, my falcon is clear, thoughts oh, not good, oh, not good! You yourself do not know that you have in my head? So I will tell you! And I'll show you! (Further on the situation, imprompt).

The game "Double thoughts".

"Gypsy Aza"

Gypsy enters the hall and sings couples on the Gypsy manner (melody - on wishyu).

Good evening, gentlemen. I am Gypsy Aza,
I got here right on request.
On the table oh, a stack, opa opca.
She, and that is yours, and this stack is mine.

Jubilee, cute,
I see - you're happy.
How many friends are friends -
You're rather pour them all!

What to tell you, gentlemen, -
Rada this meeting!
Dance for you i will
A whole long evening.

On the hands of bracelets Slowly zokat,
And all the peasants do me go to the skirt.
This on the NE, on the NE, on the NE, I'm not obsession!
I can pay for a reward.

The handle me gild, just not scared,
Better Ase is not even trying not to try.

You, my handsome man, all dreams will be performed,
And your heart, cute, happy will be filled.

Give your hand right, and maybe left,
For friends, I will always do everything for free!

Gypsy bypasses guests around the table and exports.

You will live well, swim in luxury,
And you yourself know with whom to enjoy.

And I'll tell you: smile cute,
After all, you are very beautiful with your smile.

And I will tell you - dare! And do not miss!
Happiness is near, - do not yaw! Soon there will be challenged with him.

And in your eyes we look, I see good luck in them,
Because this time it can not be otherwise!

You, my soul, will soon be grandchildren,
It will be fun then and there will be no boredom.

Our life is changeable,
all in it changeable
But luck awaits you,
And love for you will come.

Three lines on hand
Lily petals:
it's you and it's he
And this you are already together.

Here the mobile phone is calling, urgently cause
I just do not happen weekend!
I enlighten the handle, knocking my knife,
Well, you are good, chlo with paloshes.

Ay on Na, on NE, on NE.
Oh, Aza leaves
And his dealer
Here it leaves you.

Oh, you night winter,
everything is covered with
You call sometimes,
I will come to you then!

"Gypsy - predictor of fate"

The hall includes a gypsy and appeals to the guests:

Good people, I will try to surprise you.
And I will surprise the
That fate can predict everyone.
Which of you guess the riddle,
That fate will find out.

So my riddle:
Who is behind the heel's nose?

Gypsy comes to the one who gave birth to a riddle and the divination begins with it. Next bypass other guests.

We continue to fortune telling - gild the handle ...
I wish you to come true my predictions!

You will be thick and ruddy,
Rail geese and chickens.
Husband on the tractor will come up
Loudly cry: "Cut!
Serve lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine! "

Surprises are waiting for you in life:
STO-software TV
600-hundred "Mercedes"
Big house
Garden blooming,
Husband rich and non-drinking
And others are full of miracles!

Your house will be a complete bowl,
In it always inflouncing guests,
And your wife is still beautiful,
There will be seven children.
And you will come once drunk:
Step is an uneven, muddy look ...
Wife will labby and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

If you want to be happy
Then you such advice:
Eat for breakfast kilo salt
And big cakes candies.
Then vodka zapa.
Happy will you, even kill!

Your life will be happy and long.
With color TV, with white "Volga"
With a yacht flying in azure waves.
With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Waiting for you pans,
Vegetable Vinaigrette
Cold of sub-products
And compote from landfills.
Well, reveal the secret time:
So you will go to the cook!

Kohl will not come out of you
Sleeps and plates,
Then you will give life
New bucks!

Buy husband earring
And fashionable boots
On hand will wear
And not asking half a liter!

Waking up once, see in the window
Beautiful prince on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle, he picks up, loving,
And in the distant countries he will die you.

Ways and things in the world a lot
But be always yourself!
Then wide road
Will not be a narrow path!

You must be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry as soon as possible!
If you buy a bag of bags,
That will win the shoe boot!

You will soon be very rich.
Millionaire throughout the district to hear!
Because the uncle is removed in America
Leave you inheritance without looking!

You have come to the news:
Salted now not there!
And then you look, but give birth.
After all, it is known to everyone in the world
Children are born from salted!

You, not to miss,
We must sing and dance.
At night do not sleep at all
People good entertain.
If people will be happy -
You will become a star of pop!

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Clepe for the weak to intercede
For justice firm stand.
And for love for a beautiful lady
Fight, asking her hands.
Know that love brings happiness,
And not tight wallets.

Miracles a lot in life there,
Road wide!
But only try to sit down
On his skate!

I chat here, joking ...
But still someone did not please.
I see someone's sad eyes ..
Well, there will be songs and dances!

Predictions from the bag

Gypsy can be predicted not only on maps or guess hand, but also have a bag with predictions in the form of small pieces in the tube.

You can also glue the predictions to candy and distribute them to guests, or bake in cookies (popular entertainment in some countries). The game can be done on any holiday, and predictions to diversify.

Prediction options:

  • 1. If you initiate the initiative, success does not make himself wait.
  • 2. Important news will come very soon.
  • 3. The answer to your question is associated with some kind of man, perhaps well known for you.
  • 4. In your life will enter something new, which will significantly affect your personality.
  • 5. You hope not in vain!
  • 6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
  • 7. You are on the right track! Do not stop!
  • 8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusted castle.
  • 9. The results of the case you have conceived can disappoint, and can greatly surprise.
  • 10. The problem is not where you think.
  • 11. Forward and only forward: The case you think - right!
  • 12. Your goal is reaches!
  • 13. Success will come if you won't listen to draws.
  • 14. For you, the time of doubt and oscillations came. But do not worry - everything will turn out!
  • 15. From sowing grain to the harvest must pass time.
  • 16. We have the usual life, but in an unusual way.
  • 17. Remember that the true partnership may exist only between solid personalities.
  • 18. Be attentive to prompts of fate.
  • 19. Winning comes from what you have to part.
  • 20. Act in accordance with not with old authorities, but with what you consider it right for yourself.
  • 21. It's time to finish the old and start a new one.
  • 22. Do not expect too much and do not think about the final result.
  • 23. Complete first what started.
  • 24. Be patient, and if your solution is correct, the universe will support it.
  • 25. Do not give up emotions.
  • 26. Look at your health.
  • 27. Enjoy luck and share it with the surrounding people.
  • 28. Focus on the present.
  • 29. Do not expect fast results.
  • 30. Swim by the flow of life without estimates and attempts to understand it.
  • 31. Trust what happens to you.
  • 32. Reflects and do not hurry with actions.
  • 33. It's time to act, even if you need to jump into the emptiness.
  • 34. Do not try stubbornly to show your will.
  • 35. You are waiting for an unexpected news.
  • 36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
  • 37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then thoughts.
  • 38. This week will be your desire.
  • 39. On Thursday, be careful - you are awaiting an interesting event.
  • 40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
  • 41. You are waiting for a new acquaintance.
  • 42. Wait for a surprise. Very soon!
  • 43. All your desires will definitely come true.
  • 44. You will find a lost thing soon!
  • 45. You will be very wonderful!
  • 46. \u200b\u200bMake a useful thing!
  • 47. If you want to have success, you should look as if you have it.
  • 48. The best is a good enemy. Do not overdo it!
  • 49. The most stupid desire is to like it.
  • 50. What we pray, then we get.
  • 51. The winner from the defeated differs only by the fact that it rises at a time more than falls.
  • 52. In life, there is the main thing and not the main thing, and we often spend the forces on trifles.
  • 53. Not as good as I wanted, but not so bad, as it could be!
  • 54. Do what should, and be what will happen.
  • 55. The reverse side of the crisis is new features.
  • 56. When God closes the door, he opens the window.
  • 57. The road to a thousand miles begins with the first step.
  • 58. Never be afraid to do what you do not know. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built Titanic!
  • 59. It is better to regret what I did, and not that I did not.
  • 60. Who stands on the spot, he goes back.
  • 61. What is not done, everything for the better.
  • 62. No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.
  • 63. The struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
  • 64. Do not go into heroes until you call.
  • 65. These people and these events of your life were here because you brought them here. What will happen to them further depends on you.
  • 66. Never ask anyone anyone, especially those who are stronger than you - will come and everyone will give.
  • 67. ONLY DURING only fools. Smart always lucky.
  • 68. Evil is not what is included in the mouth of a person, but in what comes out of them.
  • 69. Do what you can, using what is there, where you are now.
  • 70. If you do not believe in yourself, you will not start anything. And if you start anything, then nothing will happen.
  • 71. Today it came just tomorrow that you worried about yesterday.
  • 72. No hopeless situations: Even if you ate you, you have at least two exit.