Ideas for creativity and needlework. Funny, comic predictions for the corporate events "New Year's lottery" predictions on February 23 comic in prose

Ideas for creativity and needlework. Funny, comic predictions for the corporate events
Ideas for creativity and needlework. Funny, comic predictions for the corporate events "New Year's lottery" predictions on February 23 comic in prose

Secretary: I ask everyone to get up, the court goes.
(The hall stands up. The judge and the two assessists pass through the entire hall, rise to the scene, occupy their places. The prosecutor and the defender also get up from their tables).
Judge:Please sit down. (All sit). Today, dear friends, we have the opportunity to talk about such a topical and always exciting topic as "What is a man?" We are interested in issues such as "the role of a man in a person's life", "Do I need to take care of a man or not?" etc.
Protection: - And can men speak?
Judge:As need. So, the word is provided to the public prosecutor. I ask you to.
Prosecutor:Comrades! Today I decided to tell the truth in my face.
First, the presence of a woman in itself decorates any society, there is nothing to prove!
Secondly, women create in the hall a variety of color gamut multiweight their outfits, hair shades and, of course, smiles.
Women smile from the soul, joyfully, like this (shows). And men are restrained, skeptical, like this (shows).
If I want to list the professions, mastered by us, women, you stop and say me: Why list the well-known - Woman-Kosmona, Academician, Minister, World Chess Champion. Who does not know this?
A man in the old man says that the era of Patriarchate is still continuing. But go to the ministries, research institutes, not to mention the clinics, schools, stores. What is there? Patriarchate or matriarchy?
Therefore, I personally believe that women are not only the holiday of March 8, but also the day of the health worker, the day of the teacher, the day of the Employee of the Light Industry. This is also predominantly female holidays! And since women are conquered by all the new professions, they would not celebrate the Metallurgist's Day as a female holiday.
Yes, dear men, you are obliged to many: we feed you, we will treat you, we have been putting up, we have been putting up, we teach literacy and ... Even love!
Judge:- The word is provided with a witness by the accusation.
(Concert Room. Song or Romance about love in the performance of a woman.)

Judge: (To the prosecutor) you have everything? The word is provided protection. I ask you to.

Defender: Actually, if you notice, the men have now sharply activated. A smart articles are written about intensifying, serving ... and are ready to accept all difficulties. Judge for yourself:
Productivity increased dramatically due to the involvement of disabled elements in the past. Many men are now successfully going to the store, stand at the stove, buy and sell cosmetics. A surprising time has come when an intelligent man can see more often in line than at a symphony concert. And if earlier, according to polls of sociologists, every third, now every second man can fry the scrambled eggs and knows where sugar is sold, and how much is the manka.
Secondly, a brigade in a row is widely used. For example, it includes a washing machine, and she erases, unscrews, dried, strokes. He is in the needle in a needle, and she sews, stinks, lat. As you can see, a narrow specialization prevails in marriage.
Thirdly, the majority of families passed to the economies, and in some families after the distribution of debts from the salary, with the current contractual prices, funds remain to buy a single pass.
True, there is still a great fluidity of frames, I mean a divorce, but improvement is expected here, since most men begin to understand that they still have anyway.
And it is hoped that the men will soon take the brazuds of the board in their hands!
(To the judge) I ask you to listen to my witnesses.

(Concert Room. For example, "Song about dad".)

Prosecutor: But I, as a woman, I want to say firmly: without us you will do nothing! The train will not go until the wheels stand. Well, think about what kind of man worker, if his wife's wife does not cook? Active activity After all, calories requires, moreover, considerable! And no cafe, even private, does not help here!
So, dear men, as they say, at least stop, even sucks, without us you are here and here! Moreover, the experience of some we already have. After all, every woman in the family starts? That's right, with a husband's re-education. And recently, advanced women have achieved success to which our economy is just striving.
What about children? They, especially when small, do not understand this. They are like diapers in breadths and dirty, as they shouted at night, and they continue to scream. Behind them, you need an eye! Here are my evidence.
(Number with the participation of children.)

Prosecutor: And who, besides a woman, can show focus, surviving from an advance to pay and even save at the same time with her husband for new suspenders! Or, manipulating one cabbage, prepare meat soup and press surprisingly delicious bolet. Female!
Comrades Men, raise your hands, who of you in Gentelmannski belongs to a woman? Well, bolder, bolder ... so many spectators have only three gentlemen? Not much.
Here is a clear example of the fact that D "Artanyanov and Don Kihotov is currently not. Died out! You remember what were luxurious balls, touching serenades under the windows of the beloved, duels because of the beautiful ladies of the eyes and gentle handles!
(Room. Romance or serenade).

Prosecutor:After all, it is not by chance in Russian words: bureaucrat, bribemer, Nonun, reprimand, order, fine - male clan, and words: salary, business trip, award, land, homeland, spring, beauty, love - female!
Defender: Indeed, your favorite woman is the embodiment of the entire beauty of the world, all the good and expensive heart. But since ancient times, men decided so! Who writes about beautiful women who sink their beauty and mind, talent and kindness? Men! Petrarch, Shakespeare, Byron, Pushkin!
And such wonderful minds of humanity as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Prosper Merim, Exupery ...

Prosecutor:Ha ha ha! Yes, famous female names can be called much more. Remember Zhanna d "Ark! Only 19 years old was a girl, and which commander throat! Sophia Kovalevskaya - the first woman academician! I do not want to say that the classics completely ignored the role of a man in the social process. On the contrary, since school benches we remember the excellent male gallery : Rudin, Oblomov, Onegin, Pechorin. But pay attention, they were all somehow "superfluous." And notice, not a single woman in this list! Only men!
If a man does not feel too much, then only thanks to a woman!
Protection: And I want to speak in defense of a man. It is said that the French are thin and gallant in relation to a woman. Our man is no worse. And so not to be unfounded, I will give one, not two, but four options for men.
Lyrical man, a man's philosophical man, a demonic man, like a man. I want to say that we must protect them, or, according to statistics, their smaller than us. We recently lost a snowy person, so carefully need to contact the remaining so that they do not translate us (see a terrible example with Przhevalsky's horse). Otherwise, we will not talk about anyone!
(Concert Room About Men, preferably sad tonality.)

Prosecutor: And take for example, works in which fiction is present. Folklore and literary. Fairy tales. When you read fairy tale children, it's nice to meet with Elena Wastra, Vasilisa beautiful, red maiden. And about men somehow it is not customary to speak. The eldest was neither so neither the Syak, the middle, too, wow, but the youngest is at all ... you know. And in literary works. If the king, then nevertheless, if the knight is a stingy, rider is generally without a head! And women of our modernity? Lydia Ruslanova, Edita Pieha, Alla Pugacheva! That's what I understand - Women! In front of such women kneeling, flowers are given!
Protection:Women! Dream! Well, your husband will stand in front of you on your knees, and who will raise it? You know perfectly well that all of them is radiculitis. And about the colors you yourself, they themselves, they asked not to buy you flowers on the market. You yourself inspired them, what is there for every petal, sticky and pestle you need to pay hundreds! And only the roses, the smallest, seven petals, five pestles and three stamens. Count! Three flower and no quarterly premium. So, cute women choose themselves.
You do not say that men have no advantages. Of course there is! You look, they are ready to do everything for you, just to do nothing around the house! And the place is inferior, mainly at the machine. And let you pass forward so that you discover the door in front of them. And if you can not resist help you, you are sure that you don't need help!
(Comic number.Preferably, couplets or chastushki on a given topic.)

Protection: Indeed, the feminization of men overwhelmed the world's news. Muscles of women spread the framework of the possibilities of ex-weak gender. Speaking in Russian, men gradually occupy the originally feminine positions, and women crowded men from their territory ... But another area remained where the men had invented and invented a whole philosophy in their defense. It is hockey, which is played by real men!
Prosecutor:Leaving the concept of "real man" aside (does anyone else remember what it is?) I take it to prove that hockey is a female game.
Judge themselves, they are going to healthy, young men to drive a tiny washer and drive her into a small gate.
Protection: But take a look how they do it! How preparing, stretch the real knight armor - helmets, masks, gloves ... are equipped, as if in battle!

Prosecutor: For what? I am convinced that this is the whisker and the knotted knot. In fact, they go to the ice to fight. Give the opponent under your breath, press to board, hit the key on your head! But all this is from under Tishka, so that the judge does not notice. And they themselves pretend that the puck chase. Did you never see some other Knights of the washers with one side of each other, and another side of this isher, forgotten by everyone. So what's the man's all in this? No, I'm standing on my own: hockey, like a lot more - Women's occupation!
(Speech by a female folklore team. Comic songs about men. "My daughter is a worker" and "all husbands have a young.")

Z. ashty: Yes, women led the onset of men's professions that some men began to sell patties and ice cream from fear. Lifeling to women without a fight the right to build at home, repair railways, carry bags. I even think that it will soon be like this: the director is a woman, and the secretary-typist is a man. Only be called it will be different. Secretary-driver! What? There are also men - Diarai!
Prosecutor: Yes, ... And if a woman's woman, then a man - Prach or Prachkun? What should a woman be able to? Job welcomed guests, skillfully keep a household and ... talk. Tell me, who can speak better and longer? Nobody, only a woman! Their successes are well known in history.
Protection: Women, women! I look at you and pride overwhelms the soul: beautifully dressed, fashionably combed, revived, in moderation of coquetty. And why? Immediately can be seen, at home - a full openwork, and my husband's husband, and the head of the compliments every day, and children do not tear pantyhose, in this merit of men. You yourself with a big skill and tact inspire your husband that he is the most beautiful, most ingenious! And that all children poured his portrait. And all the disadvantages of meager, like the quarter award, which he was deprived. Locked my girlfriends! You deserve a monument in lifetime from bronze and marble. To the whole height! And a million roses at his foot. This monument to you, my girlfriends. And a little men. After all, they made a great contribution to the issue of liberating the best half of humanity!
(Room.Romance or song dedicated to women.)

Protection:But the religion saw in the beauty of a woman's dangerous enemy and against women, crushing accusations were nominated. Christianity calls her "weighing hell", "the gates of the adware", "the devilish vessel". Islam looked at the inferiority of the woman and finally decided the problem of the undesirable influence of her beauty on a full half of humanity. Woman should close his face from men! And a modern woman, what is she?
Prosecutor:Are you asking "Modern Woman"? So it's about me! I can't stand anything yesterday! To me for thirty. (Note, age does not hide, take intelligence). Energetic, formed. And, between us, very ambitious. Peace, I think, I am unequally divided between women and these ... How are they there? Everyone with a smart look go ... Well, yes, they are the most, men! And I am ready to fight this injustice!
Not married, it was not and not very striving. Freedom I say. And in creativity and in relationships! I know well what you can and what is already ... no. And do not cross the edge of the permitted.
All new in life I welcome, all the used rejecting! Only new, modern, only the same thing!
(Room.Modern dance.)

Prosecutor: Yes, a woman is the Mother of the Earth, the continuer of the genus of the human, the keeper of the family hearth and most of the entire worker population of the planet. She highled an exceptional advantage on the pedestal and honor the role of a woman in the life of society! That's all I wanted to say!
Judge: Does protection have something to say?
Protection: I have the last witness.
Judge: I ask a witness from the protection side.
(Room.Monologue contemporaries.)

Protection: That's all I wanted to say.
Judge: The court is deleted to the meeting.
Secretary:I ask everyone to stand.
(Everyone gets up, the judge and the assessors go beyond the scene. Folklore ensemble and sing chasto masses about men. "The case in the evening, and the sun shines hotly." The court returns.)

Secretary: For sentence, I ask everyone to get up.
Judge: Today, __ February ___, it was a matter of charges of men. Based on the prosecution, witness testimony, as well as public opinion, the court sentenced:
(Folklore ensemble repeats last line of chastushki:
"With men, merry, okay, let them live!")

Judge: Cute men! You, of course, understand that all this is a joke. We love you very much. After all, all our outfits and hairstyles for you. Our poems and songs for you. After all, our life would be boring and unnecessary if there was no live of your life.
Do not hold back your beautiful gusts, tell women how you love them, how they are the roads you need, reliable and strong.
We do not use your frankness in evil. Do not enter. Do not humiliate you at the expense of your own perfections. After all, everything is good that there is in us belongs to you!
Everything: Happy holiday you, dear men!

Sounding such predictions pursues various goals. Often people get tired psychologically from reading boring, strict predictions designed for a month or year. They strive for the discharge of the situation, that is, familiarization with more funny, but instructive information. In general, the usual predictions in this case move into a comic form, that is, information can be provided with humor, in the form of a cartoon or a real black humor. Getting acquainted with the contents of cool predictions, you can laugh from the soul, take up several warnings that contribute to preventing problems in the near future. Reading comic predictions makes it possible to perceive with ease of severe reality, thanks to which a person learn to look much easier. Each of us chooses, believing to him like predictions, or refrain. Although it is sometimes useful to reckon with such warnings.

Who enjoys funny predictions

Comic predictions should not always have a strict down. They often contribute to just raising the mood. The person armed with them in the shortest possible time turns into a soul of the company and enviable Balaguar. It is accepted in the office at the workplace, at a party, and in any other place, but they should always be relevant. Such predictions should not be regarded as serious things, as they are considered a type of entertainment. True, there are cases of incarnation in the reality of funny predictions invented to merge. Funny predictions are often used on holidays - days of birth, anniversaries, corporate and home celebrations.

What events are most suitable for the announcement of comic predictions

Merry and instructive predictions were emerging at weddings, the guests of which are changed to Gypsy on the second day. In order to raise the festive spirit of passers-by Tsygana predicts in a comic shape of the bridegroom with the bride. Happy predictions eventually began to use on other holidays. The prediction uttered to the jubilee, in which humor is mixed with the wishes of happiness, lights the suit of fun, mix guests and pleases the culprit of the celebration. Funny predictions enjoy on children's holidays. In their form, they correspond to children's topics.

Merry comic predictions in verses of one line

Wishes in the new year

We all heard about predictions. It is known that people who are in one way or another are associated with various forces are still not understandable and unknown by a person. Predictions were always in demand and everywhere in any countries and in various epochs. Of course, and in the modern world of predictions play a huge role, because few people who do not want to look into the future. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes in secret want to know what is waiting for them in life on. However, predictions are now acquired not only a rigorous character, but also a jog appears. And therefore, you can even meet comic predictions.

Comic predictions - what is it

What do merry predictions differ from their stricter form? It is initially important to note that such predictions may voiced with a different goal. Many people annoy reading boring and strict predictions on the day, month, year. I want to discharge the setting, read something ridiculous, but instructive. And therefore, ordinary predictions sometimes transfix into a comic shape. It can be just humor, cartoon, and sometimes a real black humor is found. Reading cool predictions can also be laid out, and take note of several warnings that will help avoid various problems in the coming deadlines. In addition, when reading comic predictions, severe reality is easier, and it becomes easier to look at life. Like such predictions, of course, the case of every person. But it will be worthwhile to take a caution.

Where used funny predictions

However, comic predictions do not always have a strict selection. They can be used and just to raise the mood. A person who takes them to herself is capable of becoming a soul of the company as soon as possible and to enjoy jealous melagour. You can use them in the office at work, at a party with friends, in general, anywhere, the main thing is that they are appropriate. Naturally, such a prediction is not required to take on faith, it is intended only for entertainment. However, there are also cases when even merry predictions, invented for laughter, have come true. So even with them should be careful. Also funny and funny predictions are often used on holidays and celebrations. It may be birthdays, anniversaries, corporate and home holidays.

What events are more often used comic predictions

The first events on which merry, but instructive predictions originated were weddings. You can rarely see the wedding in which the guests are not disguised in Roma on the second day. And what kind of gypsy without predictions? In order to raise the festive spirit among those present and simply weld passersby a gypsy in a comic form, pronounces the predictions of the bridegroom with the bride, and after all those present. After merry predictions began to be used on other holidays. The jubilee is always wishing long years of life, health, happiness. Everyone is known and habitual. But here is a joking prediction spoken in the midst of the holiday, in which humor is mixed with the wishes of happiness and longevity, can light it with a new force, laugh guests and please the jubilee. Often cool predictions are used in children's holidays. Of course, the form of them must correspond to children's topics.

Form of cool predictions

Comic predictions are used in various shapes. If they are pronounced during a feast, weddings, then more interesting to use a poetic shape. Thus, at the same time the prediction can become an excellent toast. Also, the cheerful prediction often becomes part of the game, entertainment. There are many packaging games in which you can solve them in a comic form, who was a man in a past life, of course, with the same comic result. If cool predictions are conducted on children's holidays, then it is usually a feeling of mysteriousness. You can even with a similar purpose to hold a costume masquerade. Interested in a mystery, children are always happy to take jokes.

In general, comic predictions can be used by anywhere, and anywhere. The main thing is that it is appropriate, otherwise the jokes will simply fail.

Comic predictions in verses in one line

1. The bright day and a bark as a cute gift.
2. Waiting for you soon a trip to the sea.
3. Let the joy of the tear be sheds, the old friend will come back soon!
4. Down and anger, and revenge, you will get joyful news.
5. Wait for the sunset, wait for dawn, wait from a cute brush.
6. Every day and every hour someone thinks about you.
7. Were forward looking forward, there wealth awaits you.
8. Wait a little, waiting for you the road.
9. Gingerbread yes sweets, there will be much joy.
10. You are waiting for a holiday and fun at the end of the week.
11. It will suddenly have a new friend.
12. Wait, I do not cry, good luck will come to you.
13. The sun again and happiness again - you will meet new love.
14. By the next Saturday, we wait for success in your work.
15. You always have a delicious food in the house.
16. Try to relax on the baugam times six per year and then you will certainly be surely lucky.
17. If you for a long time naked in the winter on the ice, no microbe will no longer crawl into you.
18. The coming year is lucky to someone again, maybe you or a neighbor - you have to always be ready.
19. Wait to change you in early January, get ready for them gradually - do not waste time in vain.
20. Try to gently run at night in ice, and then it is quite possible to meet you new year.

Merry predictions

1. Giving your favorite bouquet of daisies, recalculate all the petals. Must be: loves!
2. Waiting for a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely break off.
3. You are lucky! So be modest and lack more happy tickets.
4. Turning the road, look around - there is a possibility to meet your destiny.
5. Come to the boss from the left leg - and you will be promoted by the service.
6. Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy man. Silence! And no one will call the boring.
7. Your life is an infinite road, so choose a reliable means for moving on it - a car.
8. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
9. Buy a book that you do not like completely - and you will find answers to all questions.
10. During the first week after meeting the New Year, you are waiting for a pleasant surprise.
11. Coming out of the entrance from your home, turn the head right. Machine standing there - you will soon appear.
12. If the neighbors knock on the battery today, then a cheerful and unforgettable New Year awaits you ahead.
13. In the new year you will win a million dollars, but then you will give them all for charity.
14. In the new year you will be able to get rid of your bad habits, but you will acquire a couple more new ones.
15. In the new year you will give you the most desirable gift - the goldfish. True, it will be stuffed with rice and greens.
16. In the new year, you will find out and open for yourself a lot of new and useful, and now open please a bottle of champagne.
17. In the new year, you will have fun to spend a lot of money, and also have the pleasure of earning them.
18. In the new year, you will lead yourself a new pet, and you will give an old elderly.
19. If on June 1, you caress inside out clothes, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!
20. If a foreign body falls in bread, you know - it's fortunate!

Astrological comic predictions

1. Stars are favorable to you. However, you should not catch them in a bowl with salad, otherwise the powerful influence of Mars can contribute to the proper dreams under the table.
2. Venus in the second house foreshadows a tight dinner with frills and moderate exercise on the dance floor.
3. For your sign, the zodiac is contraindicated with ritual dancing on the table, otherwise an impartial meeting is possible in a government house.
4. People of your sign smile, cheerful, talkative, Mixed ... Hey, Miley, are you too laughing on champagne?
5. The abuse of shouts "Happy!" fraught with throat diseases; "Happy New Year!" Some lips should be pronounced, meditatively handing over the eye.
6. Stars are located in the best way: the most susceptible rhythmic twitching will be the knee, brushes, elbow and hip joints.
7. Your planet patroness Mercury foreshadows you an unexpected turn of events after your toast for love.
9. From today, you are under the auspices of the planet Venus, which will present you with a new unexpected love.
10. This night the stars are located in the sky so that you are shining all that you have dreamed so long ago.

Wishes in the new year

1. You good luck, happiness, peace! It will be your apartment!
2. Save wish the style! There will be a car!
3. Won't leave you luck! There will be a new cottage!
4. For your health your toast! There will be a career growth!
5. I wish you lucky! Waiting for you adding you!
6. Surrounded you to comfort! And incomes will increase!
7. Let success accompany! You learn best!
8. Impressions are different! Traveling beautiful!
9. Do not worry let the care! Waiting for you a new job!
10. I wish nothing to miss in vain, there will be new friends!

All this is written on separate leaves and mixed. Then each viewer pulls out a ticket and reads into the microphone.

You can still invest in balloons. During the holiday, to choose to choose each ball, burst and read out loud.

You are waiting for a career ladder without dizzying effects!

Your creative successes at this evening will be seen by all those present!
Discard seriously ... to his glass. Do not carry it past the mouth!

Your pragmatic interest will turn into a romantic passion.

Love awaits you. Soon very soon.
The second half of the evening is favorable for very close communication with the partners of the opposite sex!

You are awaiting a huge success at today's evening!

This day favors the ideas aimed at the future, and their discussion with the partners of the opposite sex!

Today it is more important for you emotional mutual understanding and physical contact than verbal time feeding!

Today, dating and hobbies are likely for you, especially in the second half of the evening!

Tonight, with the help of words and beliefs are able to achieve anything!

Today the best for you is hope for your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!

Avoid cold from the partner of the opposite sex and always be on the alert!

Fruit work with a spoon and fork for today's table in the evening will bring certain fruits!

At this evening, communication with friends will bring you a lot of joy!

Today, especially an important evening in your life, pay special attention to your neighbors behind your table!

At midnight - you can start keeping a quiet way, and now having fun!

Today evening is good for any entertainment!

Carefully reinfeit to each nanite winery and do not miss her past my mouth!

Today you may have a tendency to privacy with someone!

The evening will give it unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for everything!

Today you will especially be slopes to alcohol, do not get drunk hard!

Avoid conflict at the table due to not drunk on time!

Tonight, it is advisable not to avoid the partners of the opposite sex during the dance!

Excessive drinking alcohol tonight can lead to loss of orientation in space and in time!

Tomorrow you will have an excess in energy, so sweep it today!

Independent today's actions from you will allow you to improve your financial situation!

Today, a major win awaits you!

Today's evening is favorable for intimate acquaintances!

Fireworks of bright events awaits you in the new year. Immediately begin training.

Waiting for a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely break off.

Turning the road, look around - there is a possibility to meet your destiny.

Come to the boss from the left leg - and you will be promoted by the service.

If on January 1, you caress inside out clothes, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!

Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy man. Silence! And no one will call you boring.

Your life is an infinite road, so choose a reliable means for moving on it - a car.

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

If in the New Year's Eve in the salad you get a foreign body, you know - it's fortunate!

Bulk in March to the presidency - there is your place.

Your long-standing dream will come true - the cottage by the sea.

Your place next to the director - there you'd better look.

The car is not for you, here is a helicopter - yes.

January 1, BO-Bo's head, Tyu-Tyu money. Go to visit - you will recover health, save money.

Sing more often - there will be a fun life.

Live for a long time, how much you want and whom you want.

Peah daily can be a jar of beer, you will live happily all year.

So that glitter in the sun each tooth - we are missing a whole tube.

You are waiting for a lot of incidents and interesting travels.

You have to continue, the work of creative burning.

You will enter the cream of society, perhaps the sponsor will find.

And you have economic worries, home deals awaits.

You are waiting for a lot of adventures and many sharp sensations.

Love will decorate your days, and they will become bright.

Fate will give you a handle, will send solid pay.

Your health is stronger, the second youth will come.

You are a baloved of fate, which means you are waiting for success and good luck.

You get accustomed to the thicker work, the work is the main goal.

You have friends, familiar sea, and everyone gets to visit soon.

For the heart, it is awaiting you to grant - a great increase in the salary.

You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will be perfectly.

You are destined to live before hundreds of years without any storms and troubles.

Fate will throw a wallet, and this is all in the next term.

All your life in winter and in summer magic will be lit by light.

Wings you do not burn, take care of your health.

From now on you will continue to all good and young.

Fortune, noting, more thangotten tea.

In the family and life of personal life, everything will be fine with you.

The coming year is preparing you a meeting with a fermented fan (fan), but it seems that this passion will be short-term. Do not worry: now is not the most successful time for delicate feelings.
Do not rush in the coming year to change your destiny sharply, now it's not time and not a place for steep aggravations.
Con't be done by what you have - you and so in a more winning position than many.
Light flirt, waiting for you in the middle of the year, the life of new paints will bloom.
The decision of the financial problems is better to postpone the end of autumn, and from expensive purchases it is worth refusing to the onset of summer.

The coming year is new interesting acquaintances and meetings with old friends.
Now the key to your success is cooperation.
Be extremely attentive to those who help you.
You are on the threshold of a stormy novel.
Do not forget that outside the winter window, take care of the throat and the respiratory tract, because the cold is not the most successful companion of love.

The New Year will please you with not only financial stability, but also new pleasant dating.
Be careful, without oscillations, refuse risky offers and dubious intrigues - they will not bring anything other than trouble.
Starting a new business, do not forget about the reliable, tested friends.
In the coming year you are waiting for many surprises and gifts, useful and important meetings.
You will succeed, everything is connected with production activities, information and training.
You will be delighted with relatives and friends.
Thanks to your charm and natural alarms, you will be able to avoid many problems and successfully get out of the unpleasant situation.
The second half of the year is successful for heartfers, travel and entertainment. You will not have a shortage.

The coming year will not let you forget about home issues related to loved ones, but will be full of tempting proposals to relax and dispel.
You will meet your happiness where you do not expect.
The second half of the year will bring love.
Financial difficulties are not threatened, but you will have to make serious things related to partners from afar.
January - the beginning of your creative heyday.

Next year, you will fix the financial situation and acquire other status in society.
In a relationship with those who far from you are scheduled for change for the better.
Be tolerant to those who are next to you. You are waiting for appreciation, but do not always hear warm words to your address.
For success in work, you will need patience and ability to compromise.
In the spring you will get acquainted with a person who can change a lot in your life.

Your credibility will invariably grow, desires will be performed as a magic wand.
You will be reached by the door leading to a more complete and pleasant existence, in which there is more space for personal life.
Your life will gain the stability and stability, which has been so lacking lately.
You will find that the reserves of your energy are not limited, and it is necessary to spend it, but it is where it will bring more benefits.
In the coming year you are in a strip of good luck. Fortune will be your companion.
The authority you deserved in the past will work for you.
Your advantages and miscalculations are discussed, but as a result you will make a fantastic business offer.
You will be affected by important changes in the personal life of others.
In the near future, you may be the cause of a large scandal, but he will benefit you.
Try to relax and do not let yourself stretch at any reason!

Say goodbye to the past. It will no longer have the effect on you in the coming new year.
What is happening changes already in the near future will be so noticeable that you will believe in success and improve your status.
A sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to send efforts to the right direction - this is the key to success. And most importantly, you will still be loved.
All that developed throughout this year can be implemented in the coming.
Together with the partner you can make well earn.
You will be interested in resuming relationships with old families, because we decided that this person you need more than others.
Love firmly in your life.
Next year your appeal is irresistible. You are loved, although they hide it, and wait for new wonders and transformations.
Take yourself in the new year and try to relax well.

In the coming year, the problems will retreat. The new plans can be safely realized to life, relying on like-minded people and ... Lord God.
What is happening will arrange you almost in everything. Only those who are expensive to your heart can cause a chematic pain, but you know that all this is temporary.

Note: Now is not the best period for changing the place of work. It is better to go on vacation and relax.
Use the opportunity for entertainment and love joys - there will be a lot of them. But at the beginning of the year, follow the motto "Silence - Gold".

In the coming year you are waiting for success and new opportunities to express yourself. Everything changes around, in your life will include new people, affection, plans.
The year is successful for dating, and a new circle of communication will inspire you to new ideas!

The coming year brings pleasant events, you will feel happy, you will not be tired of being explained in love.
You will reap the fruits of success. Are there such moments?
The new year will turn the turning - you are waiting for real and very successful changes in affairs and love.
This year will be full of events, you will remember it for a long time!

Success is possible at work, but to achieve it, there will be tremendous efforts. Take care of the power - they will need you at the end of winter.

At the beginning of the year you will be careful in everything.
Be economical, do not join the disputes and do not find out the relationship with anyone - you can lose a lot.
Spend the "inventory" of the wardrobe, make a permutation, put in order that it was not possible to do.

The coming year is full of change. Boldly graduating to meet them, you can solve a bunch of problems.
Your charm will not save you, try to express yourself as a serious business partner.
Friends will support your undertakings. Do not wait for women from women.
Your views on life will change in many ways thanks to the long trip - there you are waiting for an incredible success, new patrons will appear and it will seem familiar to everyone.

In the coming year, you, more than ever, are popular and attractive, and you will have influential friends.
Special success is waiting for you away from home - go on the journey without thinking.
Your past merit will return you to unrealized plans of the past, it will be possible to take revenge.
You can dramatically change your life, start a new job. Just show the maximum of patience.
In the coming year you have to do your duty and in personal life, and in the service.
You will have to completely devote yourself to family, colleagues and business partners.
The coming year is full of change. You will be accompanied by luck, but be careful and prudent in affairs, especially personal.
The coming year will bring you pleasant news from afar, tempting business and personal offers.

This year will give you a chance to come out without loss problems, but to succeed, you have to work a lot.

The second half of the year promises love adventures. It seems that happiness is not far off.

In the coming year, you may receive a new lesson in your personal life.
If financial problems are pushed into dubious earnings and contacts, it is better not to risk.

Now you will not achieve success alone, your luck depends on close and business partners.

Summer journey and communication with close friends will give you a lot of pleasure.

The changes started this year will bring joy in the following. But at the beginning of the year it is to work under the tight control of the bosses.

New projects will appear, wait for interesting proposals. Possible, your plans will begin to be carried out in the second half of winter.

Consider: your chef will play a decisive role in the nearest change. The second half of the year promises support for faithful friends and patrons, but be careful, do not miss important events.

Your attractiveness does not know borders, especially in the first half of the upcoming year. This is the time of surprises and gifts of fate.

Winter is full of meetings, entertainment and new acquaintances. You are interested.

On the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, February 23, 2020, you want to congratulate male colleagues on the holiday and organize a fun corporate who will remember them for a long time?

Prepare for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland An entertainment program for the men's colleagues, including poems and songs, dance numbers in it. You can play cheerful scenes with the participation of gypsies, guessing in hand or on maps and giving comic predictions.

Comic predictions on February 23 Men to colleagues

The appearance on the festival of beautiful girls-fortune-law in colorful skirts and bright scarves will produce an indelible effect. Consider that predictions must be kind and sound positively, so that no one is offended. They can be, for example, such:

  • Waiting for your service. Your department will be transferred to the Cabinet floor above.
  • A strong explosion is expected to be expected: your energies and competitors burst.
  • If you get up early every day, then in the next six months you never be late for work.
  • In the near future, the fireworks of bright events awaits you. We hope you have already purchased Petarda.
  • Taking off the career ladder, see under your feet to avoid dizzying effects.
  • You are waiting for a promotional contract with a toothpaste manufacturer, if you do not stop smiling about and without.
  • Predictions with humor colleagues can read the magic of occult sciences at the celebration on February 23, an astrologer or psychic.
  • You will receive the salary of the minister. The main thing is that the minister is not against.
  • Stuck! You are waiting for a large loss. You will lose the gift of speech from the long-awaited meeting!
  • Danger awaits you. The mother-in-law will give your wife a new cast-iron puzzle!
  • Waiting for a bad event, do not twist a button: it will definitely break away.
  • With the next week every day will seem to you Friday.
  • Tomorrow and your street will be a holiday, so do not miss the moment!
  • A wonderful gift is waiting for you - "Goldfish". But you can't you want to make a desire: it will be delicious and forever.
  • You will spend, earn, spend, earn, spend ...
  • Turning the road, look around - there is a possibility to meet your destiny.
  • You will win the prize - the lawn mower. If you already have such an aggregate, it will be exchanged for a tractor. If this option is not suitable for you, it will be replaced by a bike, and the tricycle. There will be no other exchange options.
  • A friend plans to give you dumbbells and a postcard with the inscription: "It's time to play sports." If you ask him a simulator and a sports suit of Adidas, he will not be offended.
  • Carefully tremble towards each piled wine glass and do not miss her past mouth!

How else can comic predictions on February 23

In addition to the two methods described, you can put in one box of leaves with the names of employees, and to another - with cool predictions for colleagues. The notes they will pull at random, and there may be very extraordinary and funny situations.

And you can write wishes on long narrow strips of paper. Roll each into a roll, at one end to attach the candy. Fold all this in the candlers, mix and give your colleagues.

Another option is to put leaflets with predictions in balloons. During the holiday, offer to choose each ball, burst and read the text out loud.

And finally, notes with "prophecies" can be put in sweet nuts, "Biscuit of happiness", etc.

  • Venus in the second house foreshadows you today's tight dinner with frills and moderate physical activity on the dance floor.
  • For your sign, the zodiac is contraindicated with ritual dancing on the table, otherwise an impartial meeting is possible in a government house.
  • If as a present for March 8, you give my wife a ring with a diamond, then the stars promise you a fishing life in the next 12 months.
  • The evening will give it unusual and mysterious, be ready for everything!
  • This year your gray weekdays will be asked by a passionate novel with a beautiful girl.
  • This night the stars are located in the sky so that you are shining all that you dreamed of getting.
  • Soon you can wait for an unforgettable rest where everything is included - in relatives.

Predictions of men for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in verse

Short prophecies in verses are usually perceived "with a bang." You do not need to compose a whole poem for each employee - there will be enough for several sturdes. These poems will scream a festive evening and will not give the team to bother.

Comic predictions for colleagues on February 23 can be written on leaves and put in bags with gifts for the holiday that you cook.

Throw a handle and disappear
It is necessary to smile more often.
Who goes into the world with a smile
That is lucky in all matters.

Waiting for you a lot of travel
And a lot of incidents.
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate orders!

Fate gilds you handle,
Send solid pay!
Or throw a wallet. ...
And this is all in the next term!

Down and anger, and revenge,
You will get joyful news.

Changes are expected
You in early September,
Get ready for them gradually -
Do not lose time in vain.

You are waiting for a lot of adventures
And a lot of acute sensations
But everything will end perfectly,
How to live further, you will be clear!

Very soon from friends
Wait for pleasant news!

In the morning you wake up -
Under the window is a foreign car.
Did not expect you
Such a gift?

You will be cheerful and energetic,
And because all year will be perfectly!

Fun watch forward -
There you are waiting for you.

You good luck, happiness, peace!
It will be your apartment!

Suddenly will appear
You have a new friend.

Wait, I do not cry -
Good luck to you.

The sun again and happiness again -
Meet new love.

Pleasant gifts, wonderful surprises and
Performances of different whims!

Do not worry let the care!
Waiting for you a new job!

There are a lot of impressions
Traveling beautiful!

Amazing meeting
Waiting for you in the next evening.

There will be a lot of money,
Waiting for you a successful way!

Will you always have
Houses delicious food.

As you can see, there are many ways to surprise and please your employees. Merry predictions at the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland will raise the mood to all those present at the corporate party.