Elina Chaga Personal Life. Leonid Agutin about treason Angelica Varum: "We have everything well with my wife

Elina Chaga Personal Life. Leonid Agutin about treason Angelica Varum:
Elina Chaga Personal Life. Leonid Agutin about treason Angelica Varum: "We have everything well with my wife

Blue-eyed brown, a year ago, I became one of the brightest finalists of the show "Voice", in the show business for the eyes a long ago called the "New Muse" of Leonid Agutin. The girl who became a mentor on the project is a 46-year-old musician and does not hide her delicate feelings. Agutin takes an active part in the fate of Elina so far - writes it on his studio, arranges a beginner presentation star and produces her clips. Chaga herself takes care of a mattress with gratitude, and all questions about their more than close cooperation is dormitory. Super talked with a girl to get answers to the questions of interest to the public.

Elina, with the appearance in your life Leonid Agutina, you are firmly strengthened in show business. Last in the summer appeared in Jurmala on the "New Wave". Not surprisingly, talking about you with Leonid.

I myself treat such rumors with understanding. I arrived at the competition "New Wave" at the invitation of the organizers, because the song "Tea with sea buckthorn" included in the concert program. Of course, I was very pleased that my mentor Leonid Agutin supported me and personally presented at the concert. For a novice artist, this is very important. But even except me, Leonid works with many participants of the "voice" show to one degree or another. For example, he led negotiations on the signing of a contract with Alena Toyminetseva and Nargiz Zakirova.

It is said that Agutin paid attention to you because of your resemblance to his wife - Angelica Varum. How do you think, do you have something in common?

If so, I do not see anything wrong with it. Is the music that Angelica Varum performs and what does Leonid Agutin writes, bad? I just get well singing with the same subton. It is not given every voice singer.

Some surprise that in such a short time you have a third clip on the approach - for a beginner singer is a luxury.

Yes, and soon the solo album will come out, with whom I have to tour. In order for the songs to be recognizable, we remove the video clips. People need to somehow get used to me.

You do not confuse that in your repertoire - exclusively songs of Agutin?

Not. I feel absolutely in my place. And the listeners will still be sure to hear my author's songs.

Some remember how you tried good luck on the Alla Pugacheva project "Factor A". Why did the career did not work out - did you ask Pugachev about help?

To admit, honestly, I hoped for her help. But because of his young age and inexperience, I had a sea of \u200b\u200billusions, and therefore disappointments and tears too. But I am grateful for this lesson. In fact, we stayed in good, warm relationships. We recently met with Lolita, who was also mentoring on the project, behind the scenes, and she told me: "My girl, see how everything happened. Thank God, you did not get to the "factor-A", but what is your producer now! ". So, all that is done - all for the better.

True, that one of your songs wanted to buy Pugachev and Kirkorov?

// Photo: Salna Anna / photoxpress.ru

In photographs from Restaurant, Leonid Agutin leaned too closely to his ward Eline Chage, flirting and hugs her, despite the fact that more than 20 years married Angelica Varum. Star couple fans have further strengthened that Leonid has a serious novel when they saw a sad poem on the personal page of his wife in "Instagram", where there are such words: "I'm leaving forever, I collect the belongings: May evening and the first raindrops. Tenderness, passion uanus, so that the soul is not at a loss. I take my own, leaving leaving. "⠀

"Wow hysteria rose! Everything is fine with my wife. We live soul into the soul. Elina Chaga also has their own personal life as far as I know. And I have in the producer center, by the way, there are still young cute female wards. Soon they will appear on the air. There will be a reason for new rumors, "I joked at the singer.

Also Agutin argues that photographs that spread online, five years ago. Then he was also trying to blame him. Angelica Varum, like Elina Chaga, did not comment on the situation.

But social network users are already able to comfort the artist and wish her to meet a new life satellite: "Beautiful, sophisticated, tender and smart! Still ahead, and you will definitely meet your man! "," I don't understand how such a woman can be exchanged for someone, Leonid, I thought you were a real man, a devotee, faithful, as so? "," God! Only not your pair. You as an example and standard of love! Well, that's how after this believing in love!? But what about the song "I will always be with you"?

By the way, Elina Chaga did not be silent about this and, in the same way as Agutin, denied the proposed public about the novel. "Why are you going on the" duck "of the yellow press? They earn on this grandmother, and you support all this with your activity, "such a comment left the singer to accusations that she allegedly destroyed the singer's family. A little later, Agutin published a joint photo in his microblogue with Angelica Varum and gave an explanation to the sad poem on the Spouse page.

"Guys, what is it?! What a storm in a flat place?! Angelica published a poem "Leaving forever". Someone without reading to the end and not understanding the meaning, was upset, and someone was delighted: "Hurray! There is a reason to brazen, pull out all the dust skeletons that existed and no, draw attention to your yellow page. " Even the respected editions picked up legends and speculation with pleasure. Yesterday spoiled my evening, I was read about us. Allegedly people from a close environment are told, and the absolute fiction begins. In the meantime, we have a day off. We are at home all day. Together. Rather, threesome, with a cat. And no subside, and our Rosskazni will not spoil this day, "said Leonid.

Recall that Elina Chaga got acquainted with the artist on the set of the show "Voice". On blind auditions, two mentors - Pelagia and Agutin turned to her. But the girl chose Leonid, who turned out to be closer to her style. Agutin was so pleased with his ward that even after the end of the project "Voice", continued cooperation with her. Now Agutin is the producer of Elina Chaga, and the couple spends a lot of time.

"God! Only not your pair. You as an example and standard of love! Well, that's how after this believing in love!? But what about the song "I will always be with you"? "," I don't understand how such a woman can be exchanged for someone, Leonid, I thought you were a real man, devotee, faithful, as so? ", - wondered Members of social networks.


Rumors about their novels appeared after the recent celebration of the 50th anniversary of Agutin. According to the "7days" edition, Leonid barely waiting when Angelica will leave home, began to render explicit signs of attention to Alina. Allegedly, lovers were openly flirting and did not even try to hide from others.


Varum and Chaga still do not comment on the rumors about the prevailing love triangle, but Agutin has already expressed his opinion on the current situation. "Wow hysteria rose! Everything is fine with my wife. We live soul into the soul. Elina Chaga also has their own personal life as far as I know. And I have in the producer center, by the way, there are still young cute female wards. Soon they will appear on the air. There will be a reason for new rumors, "the musician told in his microblog.


Recall, Elina Chaga five years ago was a member of the "Voice" project. Two mentors immediately drew attention to the talented singer: Pelagia and Agutin. But the girl chose Leonid, explaining that he was closer to her style. The musician liked the novice artist so much that he continued with her cooperation even after the project. Now Ealina is the ward of his producer center, so they are forced to spend a lot of time together.


Do you believe in the statement of Agutin that they are all good in relationship with Varum or still "smoke without fire does not happen?"

    Journalists began an active discussion of the disaster in the long-lasting marriage of domestic performers Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum. The reason they call the connection of a man with a young participant of the show "Voice" Elina Chaga.

    The girl commented on what connects her Agutin and urged not to believe the rumome-propagating press about the novel between them.

    Relationship between Leonid Agutin and Elina Chaga

    Acquaintance between Agutin and Chagi occurred during the participation of a young performer in the North-love project "voice." Seeing the potential of the girl, he became her curator and accompanied Elina up to the quarterfinal. Naturally found "the benevolers" began to assert that the legendary singer with the participant of the project connects something large than just a business relationship. During work, they spent a large amount of time. Agutin provided huge assistance in the development of Creative career Elina Chaga

    When an article appears in the press that the marriage of Agutin and Varum felt on the seams, journalists were contacted with representatives of the Star Couple, which would be of the first to get comments of the situation. The concert director of the performers immediately denied ridiculous rumors. Not the first time she faces similar statements that are negligible.

    Soon, Agutin himself responded on a hearing about the novel with Chage. He is happy in marriage, and Elina with his personal life is all right. And asked those who read such yellow press statements do not respond to provocations. The people are credulous, and it is worth putting a rumor, as an active discussion immediately begins to accusing the IFI than no obey people.

    Comments Elina Chaga rumors about the novel with Leonid Agutin

    It went from Internet users and Alina Chage. There was a lot of indictments on her page. The girl cannot withstand the flow of the message, which destroys the family, turned to network users with a question:

    "Well, why are you going on the duck of a yellow press? They earn on this grandmother, and you support all this with your activity. "

    The ability to comment on photos in his profile, she closed to stop further conflict development.

    Marriage Agutin and Varum is one of the strongest and happy in the domestic show business. This year they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the joint relationship, while maintaining tenderness and strong love. They originated in the distant 1997, and their wedding took place on January 18, 2000 in Venice. They have a common daughter of Lisa, who went to their footsteps and created his own group. The girl now lives in Miami.

    In addition, Agutin has a daughter of Polina from marriage with a ballerina Marina Sparrow. She lives in France, but a warm relationship is associated with her father. With each appearance, they try to see.

    Remembers ex-wife Mikhail Grushevsky, Clipmaker Irina Mironova

    - recalls the ex-wife Mikhail Grushevsky, Clipmaker Irina Mironova

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    She is a famous clipmaker. Her creative life is a solid series of enchanting success. However, in personal life - at least stand, even fall. One of the most painful memories is a three-year-old Roman with Leonid Agutin. They lived a civil marriage during which the singer then led home casual maidens ... Then she met how she seemed to her the man of his dreams - Mikhail Grushevsky. However, the parodist turned out to be a mess doubly. 10 years after the wedding threw it with a child for the sake of a 22-year-old fashion model, and in addition she still stole money!

    Irina Mironova - famous director who has removed more than 600 clips for Pugacheva, Orbakaite, Kirkorov, Zemfira and other stars of our pop. In July of this year, she divorced her husband - Parodist Mikhail Grushevsky.

    At first glance, she is absolutely happy, successful woman. Huge country mansion, standing millions of dollars, beautiful career, grand business plans, charming 10-year-old daughter, dreaming to become a pianist. But in the eyes of Irina - bottomless sadness.

    - You still have not come to yourself after the divorce?

    Unfortunately, I do not call it a divorce. I treat the act of Mr. G. Low betrayal with cowardly theft. After all, divorce divorce It is possible to divorce humanly: share the property, agree on the further education of the daughter and try to remain in the end at least not enemies. But in his case, everything happened absolutely in scotch, which I did not expect at all!

    I enjoyed marry the "Frank". And naively believed that it would be a family forever. We were adults: I'm 28, he was 38! And now he missed this family that I can only communicate with him through a lawyer.

    Running from the house, he grabbed about a million rubles from our common safe! These were our common savings - a fee for several months from the rental of our 120-meter Moscow apartment, which, by the way, we bought together, but she was recorded on him. And he continues to receive money from the tenants, without sharing with me. Well, and, apparently, I lost my investment - free money that I entered into the business of his friends - all the papers were also drawn up for her husband. It is good that at least the house we built together, I had enough mind (thanks to friends, they advised) write a two! And then I would have been evicted from this house with a child! In addition, he completely discredited himself and in the eyes of other people, leaving behind a bunch of debt, unpaid bills - in one second, the content of our huge house, with all employees, repair, child and then a costly lawyer, - everything hung on me! In my budget, such a breech was formed, which does not allow you to bring a daughter from mom to Moscow, and she will have to spend another year in Pushchino.

    But Mr. G. Bought himself a costly, obviously not on his pocket, the car and even hired a driver who opens the door to everyone to see: the star came! In general, the feeling that he went into full gap to take all these Tsatski funny and fast pleasures, until the end of the world appeared in December 2012.

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    Maybe you still offended him, oppressed? The reason was: because for these 10 years, he gradually became none of the popular artist. It is nowhere to hear and not visible ...

    Yes, he says to everyone that, that I, such a "server", saw him, poor, all ten years of married life. And when he asked a divorce, this "bitch" also kicked him out of the house! And his friends, too, really regret it and rejoice at him: Finally, the freedom of a man, a normal girl found himself. What did I heal him? He has full freedom in his family! I lived like! He could come home in an hour - three nights, and I did not even ask where he was, - he could rude all the questions: "Not your business, do not go to my life." And two years after the wedding, he somehow left the bedroom and stated that he was tired of sex with me. We have no sex for eight! Probably, yes, he had girlfriends on the side - the medical fact that a man cannot do without a woman too long. And I came up with this. I even tried to ask him somehow: "Misha, well, tell me about my girls ..." And he was very shy, by the way, he always came home to spend the night. I believed that sex is not the main thing in the family, the main thing is our cheerful friendship, our daughter, our relative proximity ... and I did not even condemn it for the fact that he did not develop at all in creativity. At first, though, I tried to somehow shake it: "Let's make a comedy under you, rent a movie, find people, write a script specifically for you!" - "Do not!" Invited him to the clip Natasha Koroleva, comedy, suitable, so he didn't even want to change the costume: "I am not interested in it!" He dropped like a favor to me. Even Seryozha Drobotenko He noticed: "Misha, what director don't you listen to?"

    I was mistaken, naively believing that I was married to a creative person who would be like me, to strive to take everything a new and new bar. No, he is a simple manner, which only needs to be delicious to eat in a new restaurant and have fun with friends in conversations. I do not idiot to impose a person what he does not need. Why do I need his tantrums and screams: "If I do not satisfy you, then let's divorce"? Here I all satisfied ...

    - So why did you go away?

    Man just saved. Middle-aged crisis in the absence of creative life, plus a new girl, young. For me, his departure became unexpected, but quite logical. Over the past two years, we completely discharged. And we diverged not as people of different characters - I perfectly understood that I live with a terry egoist, prone to unreasonable pruding and household hysterics. It was just interesting to me as director, see: aha, so such people are. No, we diverged as personalities - like aircraft that fly at different heights. Misha has their own life, I have my own. I have my own ambitions, and he simply doesn't have them! Misha spent all his free time with friends - this is a company of men around his age, which, by the way, also disastened his wives with children. And here they are going regularly in the sauna or watch football, discuss the last gossip, have fun with young busty girls who change as gloves. They all have a stable income, and nothing more from life. And Misha is happy with them! And somehow, so unnoticed over these two years, he simply simplified and fell into abdominalness, finally turning into a rich-like slacker! It even reached the fact that he, not embarrassed by us with her daughter, sitting in front of the TV, could scratch eggs! And how noisily and loudly he left!

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    - Did you change him? It is rumored that you are unconventional orientation. Zemfira was your mistress?

    Therefore, there are rumors that, without feeling the interest of a husband to ourselves, I spat on my appearance, perfectly imagined himself imagined: bald head, shirts, pants, boots. By the way, when I shot the clip Lyudmila Gurchenko and Bore Moiseyev, made friends with Lyudmila Markovna, and she was all a senior to me: "Mironova, what do you build a Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya?! Lipstick you need red! " All eight years I have not changed my husband, although it could. But then I would betray my principles and ideals. With women, I also did not have a love relationship, and there was no Zemfira. But now I am ready to try everything! I promise that I will drastically change the image, feminine and learn to make the best blowjob in the city!

    - Did you have a new man?

    I don't have any serious relationship, but there was very good sex! Yes, there was a lot of sex and tenderness. I can not go about any marriage of course, but I will have so many lovers, how much health is enough. I discovered my surprise that I, it turns out, is very enviable, rich bride. Here's a strange thing: when I felt a free woman, the men suddenly began to pay attention to me.

    - But my little daughter loves her pearprus?

    Of course, she is his blood and looks very much. There is feelings, but they will never be stronger than his love for themselves. For example, if a daughter arrives on weekends here, then I do not exist for three days for others. And Misha can still go with football friends. If this second, his crazy love for her daughter prevents his love to satisfy himself, he will still choose the satisfaction of his needs.

    He threw her! After he moved, he somehow returned to pick up his belongings. And here we are sitting with your daughter, and he walks around the house, going, Sheburyst with rags, fuss. And I sit and think: so it is impossible, you need a person to say something good for goodbye. And I say: "Do not rush, think about everything! We love you with your daughter, you are our native, we do not want you to leave, do not want to live without you, want - with you! We were always fun. I'll think about something, you still understand ... "And the daughter looks at him with his eyes full of tears:" Daddy, do not go! " And he: "I don't want to live with you! I will not bother you, but I will not live with you! " And then for four months he saw it only a couple of times! This is a betrayal! Now he calls my lawyer and asks: "Why don't you help your family, don't pay for the house?" And he answers: "And for what I pay, if I do not see my daughter. I demand that it gives me it twice a week from two to three. " And I laugh: "Why demand her to give out, how some monkey, play if he can quietly come to the house and communicate with her. Yes, let alone half a year old will take her! But there is no speech about this - it's hard to raise a child, and here he fled from such difficulties.

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    - Do you really have such a smart, advanced woman immediately did not see what nothing does notice Mr. G.?

    Of course, all these unpleasant features I have seen. We met on the ship, on the set of "Anshlag". He brazenly patted - I immediately felt that not my man. Then we met by chance a year later. Dinner in the restaurant. And I understood - someone else's person, outsiders. Then another year, again, by chance, - and then he suddenly began to pour my soul to me about how he did not work with a girl. He lost weight and turned out of the fluff in an interesting man. And I was so fascinated - apparently, I wanted something serious, and myself offered him to get married, and he was very happy.

    I came to his bachelor apartment, and the first impression - I was distorted. It was an apartment of a superegoer who receives rapid pleasure from life. Imagine, in the kitchen he has all the shelves were clogged with chocolate, and shelves in the living room under TV - pornokasters. Only porn! There were no other films! And he did not even shy it! I remember your shock and horror, but I still crossed it through it - from curiosity, probably. And I did not see that he had a young woman with a child, whom he settled in the apartment next to his own - not in his own, because then they would somehow shy him, but near! And now he kept them, and the girl had already called him dad. They were going to get married with this woman. But she bored him, and he complained about me, they say, he does not know what to do - this woman scolds him, shouting at him.

    And so we met a couple of times, and for some reason he decided that I just kicked his woman, and she just kicked out, whining her on me, more young and, most importantly, providing himself! For him, this is very important: Mr. G. Likes, I don't like to pay anything! He believes that for him, "Stars" must be all for free! He entered her just as he is trying to talk with me, - all collected and announced: "Thank you all, everyone is free!" I just overestimated my capabilities. I put on the scales such weights that outweighed this lightweight morality and allowed him to stay in equilibrium even with himself and in perfectly in the eyes of others. Well, see yourself: a person is well dressed, healthy, he has everything! And I supported him in everything! That is, it was all this, but, like an affectionant, did not break through ... And now it broke through! Our peace with his daughter was bored with him, as with a toy, played and threw - and overnight destroyed everything in ten years! I do not perceive it more than a person. The worst thing, I am afraid that, as it were, a daughter one day did not reject it, although I will not set it up against the dad.

    But in the first two years, at least there was a love passion? As they say, experienced satiri will bring a woman overnight to six sarcasms ...

    Mr. G. does not love himself to bother. So-so was sex. And he is not Brad Pitt Indeed! If you compare what is happening now in my life, it was not sex with Misha. I regret those women who will have sex with him now. He is so lazy, he is the main thing - to enjoy himself, and for a woman it is necessary to try, move somehow! And he has this desire and psychologically, and physically never happened.

    - He did not satisfy you in bed?

    Not! But I did not get upset because of this. I just wanted to live in the family, with my own people: with my daughter and my husband. And all your sexual desires, although not in their will, I pulled out to be away.

    - Okay, with Brad Pitt, it is not compared, and at least with Leonid Agutin, with which you had a novel?

    Agutin was a wonderful lover!

    - And what now?

    Of course, for me it is a stimulus to rethink a lot and remove a big cool movie. I now have a new life, and that chip with fragments of life with Mr. I just threw out ...

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    I left my lover, the laziness of Agutin, a girl who did not imagine anything. It was just because I was afraid that I had a risk of staying with him ... I broke up with a person who loved. For many years, I ruined myself a personal life ...

    When we met, he was not yet the one by Leonid Agutin, whom everyone knows now. He just won some kind of competition like "Jurmala". Suck a song about the "Bareboard Boy" ...

    As for most men, the ladies have a short distant distance between friendship and sex. Therefore, everything happened quickly ...

    It happened when we went to a cheerful company with some Spaniards to ride a yacht ...

    To my horror, everything turned out somehow simple. In laziness, another approach to sexually erotic issues. All quickly, easy, much and without any problems.

    Three years we spent together. I removed the apartment nearby. I spent the night in him, then. Sometimes I came to visit him in the morning early and discovered some girl there, who tried to treat me in tea, was confused, it was troubled in the kitchen.

    I was so abreast of all that it was happening to him that it was possible with me ... to discuss a variety of girls - their tits, their Manera receive orgasm, some fun flaws.

    From the book of Irina Mironova "Life according to the shooting rules"