The paustic joy of creativity to read a summary. Joy

The paustic joy of creativity to read a summary. Joy

Interview with classic. Konstantin Puustovsky: "The artist's business is to give rise to joy"
Anton Pavlovich answered questions "Russian Planet" about love, family, lazy man, war and death

2015 year declared in Russia the Year of Literature. "Russian Planet" begins a new project "Interview with the classic" - an interview with famous Russian writers, creating at different times. The answers to questions will be quotes from their works, letters and diaries. Others interview with classics

Konstantin Powesty on vacation in Tarusa / Photo: Alexander Less

Konstantin Georgievich Powesty - One of the main lyrics in Soviet literature. The author of a variety of stories and stories is interesting not only for its observations of people and nature, but also reflections on the nature of inspiration and writing work. And he is a worthy citizen. Journalist Valery Druzhrinsky, who worked at the Powstsky Literary Secretary in 1965-1968, in his memoirs about the writer ("Powesty, as I remember him") wrote: "Surprisingly, the paustovsky managed to live the time of the insane prassion of Stalin and not a word not to write about the lead All times and peoples. We managed not to join the party, not to sign a single letter or appeal, sticking someone. He tried his best to stay and therefore remained himself. "

- Konstantin Georgievich, what is inspiration for you, is it constantly necessary in your work?

Inspiration is a strict working condition of a person. It is like the first love when the heart knocks on the premonition of amazing meetings, unimaginably wonderful eyes, smiles and praying. Each person at least several times for his life, but survived the state of inspiration - spiritual lift, freshness, lively perception of reality, the completeness of the thought and consciousness of his creative power. Inspiration is included in us, as a shining summer morning, just dropping the fogs of a quiet night, spattered by dew, with thickets of wet foliage. It gently breathes into the face of his healing cool.

- It can only say a person to the depths of the soul in love with nature.

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we enter into the feeling of its human principle, when our mental state, our love, our joy or sadness will come to full compliance with nature and can not be separated from the morning of the morning. Eye and measuring the noise of the forest from reflection about the lived life. We are still stubbornly neglect the beauty of nature and do not know the entire strength of its cultural and moral impact on a person.

- The way you say, sounds like a poem in prose. And how do you feel about poetry?

Poetry has one amazing property. She returns his original, virgin freshness. The most erased, until the end of the "reprimanded" words us, well who lost their figurative qualities for us, living only as a verbal shell, in poetry begin to sparkle, ring, fierce!

- Let's talk about writing creativity. What tasks should write writers in front of them?

The writer who loved the perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow in its prose the heavy and clumsy composition. It will achieve the proportionality of the parts and the rigor of the verbal pattern. It will avoid the abundance of the prose of jewelry - the so-called ornamental style. A spray and colorlessness of prose are often due to the cold blood writer, a formidable sign of its death. But sometimes it's just an inability, indicating a lack of culture. The writer's case is to convey or, as they say, convey its associations to the reader and cause him similar associations.

Writers cannot surrender to non-unity and retreat before barriers. Whatever happens, they should continuously do their job, visiting them predecessors and trusted with contemporaries. Writing is not a craft and not a lesson. Writing - calling. And in the true writer's vocation, there are absolutely no qualities that cheap skeptics are attributed to him - neither the false pathos, nor a pompous consciousness of his exceptional role.

Konstantin Poist at work. Photo: Alexander Less

- How important is the educator for the writer?

Knowledge of all adjacent areas of art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculptures and music - unusually enriches the inner world of prose and gives a special expressiveness of his prose. The latter is filled with light and paints of painting, capacity and freshness of words, characteristic of poetry, proportionately architecture, bulge and clarity of sculpture lines and rhythm and melodicity of music. All this is the added wealth of prose, as if its additional colors. Knowledge is organically connected with human imagination. This paradoxical law can be expressed at first glance: the imagination force increases as knowledge grows. And yet: one of the basics of writing is good memory.

It would seem that thousands of writers have already told us about life, and fundamentally new plots are simply not to find ...

No, the feeling of life as a continuous novelty - this is the fertile soil on which art blooms and matures. It is necessary to give freedom to its inner world, to open all the gateways for him and suddenly see with amazement that there are much more thoughts, feelings and poetic strength in your consciousness than you assumed.

- Have you often experienced a state of love?

We will not talk about love, because we still do not know what it is. The only thing I can say is: take care of love like a precious thing. Once it is bad to hurt with love and the subsequent will be needed with the withdrawal.

- Do you often rejoice as sad?

The one who is deprived of the feeling of sadness is as pity as a person who does not know what joy or lost the feeling of funny. Loss of at least one of these properties indicates irreparable spiritual limitations. In general, the artist's case is to give rise to joy.

- But what do you regrelee?

The strongest regret causes excessive and nothing justified rapidity of time. Do not have time to come to your senses, how the youth will also fade and dim eyes. Meanwhile, you have not yet seen the hundredth of the charm, what life scattered around.

In the material used quotes from the books of Konstantin Powesty "Golden Rose" and "Tale of Life"

How to decide which genre is the product of Powest: This is an essay, article or essay? Try to prove that you extremely defined its genre.

The work of the paustic "joy of creativity" - essay, since it combines all the most important signs of this genre. It is a small size, free composition, and the impressions of the author from their own specific observations are transmitted.

What problems, judging by this work, was particularly worried about the writer?

The author identified the problem that worries him, already in the title as a problem of creativity. But many other problems that accompany her are connected with it. This and the ability of a person to be happy, and the joy of contemplation, and the joy of work on the book, and the feeling of admission to everything that surrounds us. The author, like many of us, is worried about numerous problems.

What genres could have been used to solve these problems? Are there any signs in every specific problem that make it possible to choose a specific genre, or the choice depends only on the desire

The author is free, both in choosing a problem and in choosing a genre. However, in determining the genre, it is impossible not to take into account the nature of the material used and the goal that the creation of a specific work is pursued. So, for example, you can not use Satira when you want to take a feat, or the novel then when you have a desire to tell about the tiny episode that you just observed. So the genre is always associated with the solution of many problems.

Which of the distinctive signs of the essay is most presented in this work:

a) aphoricity;

b) underlined subjectivity;

c) Installation on reproduction of spoken speech?

In the essay, the joy of creativity shows all signs of the genre, but we can assume that subjectivity is most actively represented, the author's personal position and its attitude towards different aspects of creativity in his own destiny.


  • genres of works of Powesty
  • powesty joy of creativity
  • what problems judging by this work a writer was particularly acute
  • production Genre Joy of Creativity
  • the joy of creativity Powestsky

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Joy. Chekhov story for children read

It was twelve o'clock in the morning.
Mitya Kuldarov, an excited, disheveled, flew into the apartment of his parents and quickly came in all rooms. Parents already went to bed. The sister lay in bed and read the last page of the novel. Gymnasic brothers slept.
- Where are you from? - The parents were surprised. - What's the matter?
- Oh, do not ask! I did not expect anything! No, I did not expect! This ... It's even incredible!
Mitya laughed and sat down in a chair, being unable to stay on the legs of happiness.
- It's incredible! You can not imagine! You will look!
The sister jumped off the bed and thumping the blanket, went to his brother. Gymnasists woke up.
- What's the matter? There is no face on you!
- This is me from joy, milf! After all, now all Russia knows me! All! Previously, only you knew that in this world there is a college registrar Dmitry Kuldarov, and now all Russia knows about it! Mother! Oh my God!
Mitya jumped out, flew around the rooms and sat down again.
- What happened? Speak!
- You live like wild animals, do not read newspapers, do not pay any attention to publicity, and in the newspapers so much wonderful! If what happens, now everything is known, nothing will take! How happy I am! Oh my God! After all, only about famous people in newspapers are printed, and then they took yes about me printed!
- What are you? Where?
Dad pailed. Mom looked at the image and crossed. The gymnasists jumped up and, as they were, in some short nightgowns, approached their elder brother.
- Yes, s! About me printed! Now all Russia knows about me! You, milf, hide this number for memory! We will read sometimes. Walk out!
Mitya pulled out the numer newspaper from his pocket, filed his father and poked his finger into the place visited by a blue pencil.
- Read!
Father put on glasses.
- Read!
Mom looked at the image and crossed. Dad coughed and started reading:
"December 29th, at eleven o'clock in the evening, the college registrar Dmitry Kuldarov ...
- See you see? Further!
... College registrar Dmitry Kuldarov, leaving the portal, which is on a small armor, in the house of Kozikhin, and while drunk ...
- This is me with Seed Petrovich ... Everything is described before the subtleties! Continue! Further! Listen!
... And while drunk, slipped and fell under the horse standing here, the peasant der. Durykina, Yukhnovsky County, Ivan Drotova. A frightened horse, overlooking Kuldarov and dragged through him Sanya with the second guild of Moscow merchant Stepan Lukov, rushed down the street and was detained by janitor. Kuldarov, at the beginning in an insensible state, was reserved at the police station and examined by the doctor. The blow that he got on the back of the ...
- This is me about the fire, dad. Further! You read further!
... Which he got on the back of the back, is attached to the easy. The protocol is compiled about what happened. The victim filed medical care "...
- We ordered the head of cold water to pat. Read now? BUT? That's something! Now all of Russia went! Give here!
Mitya grabbed the newspaper, folded her and put in his pocket.
- Bringing to Makarov, I will show them ... We still need Ivanitsky to show, Natalia Ivanovna, Anisima Vasilich ... BUY! Farewell!
Mitya put on a cap with Cocardia and, triumphant, joyful, ran into the street.

IV. Arguments

1) scientists, psychologists have long argued that music can have a different impact on the nervous system, on a human tone. Generally accepted

It is known that the works of the Bach are raised and developing intelligence. Music Beethoven excites compassion, cleans the thoughts and senses of man

from negative. Schumanim helps to understand the soul of the child.

2) Can the art change human life? The actress Vera Alentova recalls such a case. Once she received a letter from unknown

noah woman who told about the fact that there was alone, she did not want to live. But, looking at the film "Moscow does not believe in tears," she became another

him Man: "You will not believe, I suddenly saw that people smile and not so much they were bad, as it seemed to me all these years. And grass

the green, green, and the sun shines ... I recovered for what you have so much thank you. "

Many front-line teams say that the soldiers changed the Kururovo and bread on the cut from the front newspaper, where the chapters were published from

ema A. Twardovsky __________ "Vasily Terkin". So, the fighters encouraging the word sometimes more important than food.

4) An outstanding Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, telling about his impressions from the painting of Raphael "Sikstinskaya Madonna," said that

An hour he spent in front of her belongs to the happiest hour of his life, and it seemed to him that this picture was born per minute of a miracle.

The famous Children's writer N. Nosov told the case that occurred with him in childhood. Once he was late for the train and stayed at night

Put on the station Square with interferes. They saw a book in his bag and asked her to read. Nosov agreed, and guys

Parental heat, holding his breath, began to listen to the story about a lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter uneven

Life with your destiny.

When the fascists were besieged to Leningrad, the 7th Symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich had a huge impact on the inhabitants of the city. which, as a witness

Twisted eyewitnesses, gave people new forces to combat the enemy.

7) There are a lot of evidence in the history of literature related to the stage history of "Nepal". It is said that many noble children by learning

ourselves in the form of a mitrofanushka loaf, survived genuine rebirth: began to diligently learn, read a lot and rose worthy sons


In Moscow, the gang was worn for a long time, which was distinguished by special cruelty. When criminals grabbed, they admitted that they were

behavior, on their attitude to the world a great influence was the American film "Inborn killers", which they watched almost

Everyday. Hughs of the heroes of this picture they sought to copy and in real life.

The artist is eternity. Today we imagine this or that historical person exactly what it is depicted in the artistic

Brinze work. In front of this truly the royal authority of the artist even tirana. Here is an example from the Renaissance. Young

Michelangelo performs the order of Medici and behaves sufficiently sufficiently. When one of the Medici expressed displeasure about not enough

its similarity with his portrait, Michelangelo said: "Do not worry, your holiness, in a hundred years it will be like you."

10) As a child, many of us were read by Roman A. Duma "Three Musketeers". Athos, Portos, Aramis, D "Artanyan - these heroes seemed to us

Nobility and chivalry, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent, - the personification of cunning and cruelty. But the image of the romance villain

little looks like a real historical personality. After all, it was Richelieu that introduced the words "Franzy", "Rowaren, introduced almost forgotten during the religious wars

on the". He forbade the duel, believing that young, strong men should shed blood not because of the small quarrels, but for their sakes. But under

Feather Romanist Richelieu found with all another appearance, and the fiction of Dumas on the reader acts much stronger and brighter of historical truth.

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