Russian folk crafts. Palekh miniature

Russian folk crafts. Palekh miniature
Russian folk crafts. Palekh miniature

O. A. Kolovova, Deputy Director of the State Museum of Palekh Art

Palee is a small picturesque village located in the heart of Central Russia. In the XIV century, Paleh became the center of the specific Palestsky Principality, the feudal primary princes of the Palestsky, subsequently thickened with the royal family. However, by going to the service to the Moscow princes, Palestsky lost their original land, having received other victobs in return. In the spiritual testament of 1572, Ivan Grozny determined the village of Palee in the local ownership of his son Ivan. In 1627, Paleh was granted to Mikhail Romanov Zavtilin and his sons who participated in the militia of Kuzma Mining and Prince Dmitry Pozharskoy, "for the Moscow Siege Seat of the Korolevo.

Fame Palene brought icon painter, which arose here in the XVII century. Many Paleshans, being serf peasants of Bankurlin landowners, contained Yaman yards, engaged in the release of sheepskin, trade, but, as a rule, in winter, from November to April, someone in the family certainly earned the "writing of images" both in Palekh and beyond. Buturlin willingly issued permission to departure to Moscow, St. Petersburg and more removal provinces with their peasants. Palekh icons were exported abroad - to the Serbs and Bulgarians, Turkish and Austrian possessions.

Paleshane was famous not only as icon painters, but also as masters of monumental paintings. They are known for their work on the resumption of ancient frescoes in the Vladimir Cathedrals - Assumption and Dmitrievsky, Sofia Novgorod, in the Councils of the Moscow Kremlin and the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. Family of Palekh's icon painters Belousovoy in 1882 he painted in the Moscow Kremlin Granovitu Chamber. Paleshans were decorated with frescoes and modest provincial temples in neighboring cities and villages: Kineshme, Vichug, Lenjnev, Label, Mugreevsky.

Despite the proximity of the revived roads, the Paleh lived closed, preserving the patriarchal peasant life, the ancient traditions of oral folk creativity and folklore. In numerous reviews, notes, essays of researchers of the Russian province marked the special way of life Paleshan, their high morality and spirituality. In the middle of the XIX century, the famous connoisseur of the Old Russian painting G. D. Filimonov, visiting Pleeh, called him "Saille Academy of People's". This definition did not lose its significance and at present.

The October 1917 Revolution for a long time interrupted the development of traditional icon painters in Russia, including in Pale. In December 1924, the artel of ancient painting on painting products from Papier-Masha was organized. Its founders were former icon painters: I. I. Golikov, I. M. Bakanov, A. V. Kotukhin, V. V. Kotukhin, I. V. Markichev, I. I. Zubkov, A. I. Zubkov. This gave the beginning of the new art of Phane, which has become a significant phenomenon of world artistic culture.

As a result of successful creative searches, Paleshans showed the world overwhelmed by rainbow paints and "golden pattering" virtuoso compositions on various subjects from Papier-Masha. Talented masters skillfully used decorative possibilities of background, material, forms of items. Palekh artists retained a solid connection with the traditions of the ancient Russian painting. They did not refuse the usual technique of writing with egg paints and painting "creative gold." A distinctive feature of Phaneshish lacquer miniatures became medieval techniques for the stylization of natural and architectural forms, conventionality in the image of the figures of people and animals.

The most numerous and most successful compositions of the first years of the existence of Palekh's miniatures were "Troika", "Hunting", "Battleship", "couples", "Custlians", "Idylliya", "Guliana". They are characterized by the absence of a developed plot, events, but at the same time an ornamental start is pronounced.

The Ivan Ivanovich Golikova is considered a unique and unusually talented artist. Golikovsky "Troika" are dynamic, poushers, sometimes great and solemn. To this motive, the Phakhsky Master turned many times, drawing winter and summer troops on a variety of items: brooches, faders, cigarettes, trays. His "battles" and "hunting" with fabulous tongue horses, bizarre riders - manifestation of truly indomitable fantasy.

Ivan Mikhailovich Bakanov walked in Pleum the best connoisseur icon painting traditions. He flawlessly owned the original appliances of the imposition of colorful layers. Thanks to the transparency of the lower layers of the paint through thin, the transparent upper layers arises the effect of color stain mobility, the effect of overflow of one tone to another. Bakanov created many wonderful works that have become a classic Palekh art. He applied to the song topics - "Stepan Razin", "on the street Mostovoy," the image of his native Phane. But the best works are written on the topics of Pushkin works - "Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "From the threshold of my hut", "Bakhchisarai fountain".

Ivan Ivanovich Zubkov was a subtle connoisseur of rural nature. In his miniatures there is no developed action, the artist as it may contemplate nature. Figures have smooth, several slow motion, which creates a feeling of silence and peace. The artist builds a colorful gamut on thin tones, on the delicate transitions of the same color to another. These are his miniatures of the "couple", "at the river", "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish."

One of the most original Palekh artists is Aristarkh Aleksandrovich Dydykin. In his compositions, he skillfully combined the ancient iconographic motives and new techniques, mastered during the work on the miniature. For the works of this master, a special interpretation of the landscape is characterized, abundant gold overlay in ornament and spaces. The best miniatures of A. A. Dydykina - "You're, Vanya, descended the head", "Demyanova's ear", "Sweeting a woman", "Volga - Russian River" - are located in the collection of the State Museum of Palekh Art.

Terrible wartime, the time of testing of the moral forces of the people, led to the appearance of numerous work in the art of Palen on historical topics. In 1945, P. Chalunin was written by a wonderful miniature, one of the best in his work - "Fight of the Checky with Perestem." The lack of household details, the settings of the situation gives the miniature symbolic sound. The raised horses personify the forces of dark and light, the eternal struggle of goodness with evil. But allegorizing, symbolism is combined here with a reliable characteristic of images. Wildlocking with diagonal eyes The face of the Mongolian warrior expresses a whole range of feelings: malice, hatred, intoxication of the battle. The calm, the enlightened person of revenue also speaks about monastic meekness, and goodness, and about the moral strength of the student Sergius Radonezhsky. Only the Terrible appearance of the horse of rebeling and the fluttering monastic schipa, resembling the wings of a fantastic bird of prey, give to understand how great the desire of the monk-warrior hit the enemy.

On miniatures N. M. Zinoviev "The Battle of the ancestors for Russian Earth", A. M. Kurkin "Our ancestors", A. A. Dydykina "History of Moscow", A. I. Vatagina "Russian commander" depicted victories of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Dmitry Pozharsky. Since military operations during the fight against the Poles and Lithuanians who captured Moscow and other Russian lands were touched upon our land, the events of the historical era were widely reflected in Palaneshan art. The Museum Collection is stored Miniatures A. A. Dydykina "Minin calls on the fight against Polish interventories", A. I. Vatagina "Kozma Minin", N. M. Parilova "For Schiszna", N. I. Golikova "Ivan Susanin". The Russian people mythologizes the images of their defenders, gives them the features of the epic heroes. These see them and Phahi artists.

The portrait develops as an independent genre of Phaneshish lacqual miniature. Its founders were former identity icon painters: N. A. Pravdin, I. F. Palikin, I. G. Serebryakov. On various objects from Papier-Masha - plates, boxes, brooches, cigarettes - Palekh artists write portraits of statesmen, historical individuals and their contemporaries.

The new stage in the history of Palekh art began in the 1980s, which are characterized by an amazing creative takeoff of many masters. The soul of the team of Palekh artists at that time was a well-deserved artist RSFSR V. M. Stepov (1942-1988). The Decorative Plate "Song" is a sign in his work. In Pine Bor, on the banks of the Palavelka River, a friendly company of artists gathered. They sow singly. But in this simple plot, a deep symbolic sound is concluded: V. M. Stepov simultaneously presented artists of different generations. In the center - I. I. Golikov, his contemporaries I. M. Bakanov, I. V. Markichev, A. V. Kotukhin, I. I. Zubkov, D. N. Butorin, on the right - miniaturists of the Khodov pore G. M. Melnikov, N. I. Golikov, B. M. Ermolaev, Senior Contemporaries, as well as V. F. Morokin, A. N. Clips, who started his creative way together with V. M. Khodov.

The continuity of generations, the loyalty to the traditions became the main criteria in creative search for young talented masters. Among the iconic works of those years a lot of small lars of simple form. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe true miniature as the art of small forms gives the creativity of E. F. Shchazynaya, I. V. Livanova, N. B. Gribova. Small macasters, beads, tiny lars decorate the compositions of many authors for songs, historical, folk topics.

In the fracture 1990s, Palekh artists poetic the peasant labor, turn an ordinary effect into a symbol, the ideal of harmony and beauty, draw the image of the native edge.

Recently, more and more compositions devoid of any plot action. They clearly prevail the symbolic principle reflecting the process of spirituality of the earthly being. In Miniature, A. N. Clipov "Melody" the most common signs of autumn - bright bunches of Ryabina, fond of foliage, ripe apples, a bouquet of chrysanthemums - turn into a row a little sad elegy or in sounds quietly and gently sounding music.

One of the directions in the art of Phane last decades is a religious painting. This is or actually icon, or miniature on a religious plot. Modern Palekh icon painters perform orders for the manufacture of iconostasis, painting temples, they write small images. Paleum as the most consistent keeper of the stylistic features of the art of icon painting in the process of its revival is given a special role.

Currently, more than 600 artists live in Palekh, each tenth resident of Phane - a graduate of Palekh Art School named after A. M. Gorky. They work in various creative teams: Cooperative "Association of Palen Artists", JSC "Partnership Palen", LLC "Artist Palen", iconographic and icon-painted workshops.

Of great importance in the preservation and development of unique fishery belongs to the State Museum of Phane art, where the best samples of Palekh icon painting and lacquer miniatures are located. The artist of ancient painting was created room of samples, which laid the beginning of the museum collection. In the 1930s, its formation continued to be a well-known art historian, the first director of the State Museum of Palekh Art G. V. Lodine with the participation of A. M. Gorky, P. D. Korina, E. F. Vekhera, A. V. Bakushinsky. The opening of the State Museum of Palekh art was held on March 13, 1935, on the days of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Arteel of the ancient painting.

Many know the Phaene primarily as a center of lacquer miniatures. But the lacquer miniature in Palekh began to engage only after the revolution of the 17th year, when it became impossible to engage in the icon painting, which the city was famous for ancient times. Good politicians who are instantly rebuilded with the change of political system, and artists have to painfully look for new directions in their creative activities. And so it was more than once in the 20th century. When the iconography at the beginning of the century became irrelevant, the best artists of Phane created the phenomenon of Palekh's lacquer miniature, which became famous for the whole world. In the 90s, again, the restructuring of the creative work of Phahi artists was required, when the collectivist architectivation created during the years of Soviet power was destroyed before the foundation. But Palekh artists again came out of the established situation and were able to preserve the accumulated centuries-old experience in both icon paintings and in the creation of a lacquer miniature. Fortunately, the connection of generations was not interrupted.

Palee visited in the course of the traditional summer trip over the cities of the Golden Ring. If last year the main city of the trip was plays, then this year the city became such a city. The city made an indelible impression. Many noted the originality of the atmosphere of Phane and an unusual aura of this place - the amazing city of artists. The city flows the river with a beautiful name - Palavelka. And the inhabitants of the Palen call themselves Paleshans. Palee - the birthplace of the febris, on the coat of arms and the flag of the city there is a fire-bird, executed in traditional for Phahnaya varnish miniature style - gold on a black background.


Coat of arms of Paleca

Flag of Paleca



Entrance to the city

Story Paleca

The story of Phane goes into deep antiquity. There are several versions of the origin of toponym PALH. In these places in impassable forests and in wettresses in ancient times, hoc-Finnish tribes lived, which later merged with the tribes of the South Slavs. Palee in the Ugro-Finnish means an exalted place. Perhaps the name happened to the words "fell, to fill,", i.e., burn out the forest for settlement and unpacking fields. From the written sources it is known that already in the 12th-13 century, the Phaene was a major village. It is assumed that the icon painters came to the Palen and the surrounding villages after taking Vladimir Tatars in 1238, that is, without Tatars, and there was no reason. Part of the population of Vladimir-Suzdal land, including the monk icon painters, fled from the Tatars in the dense, impassable forests, where they settled and retained the art of icon paintings. The iconography was a childbirth and there were whole family dynasties, where the boys first became the icon painters by birth, and then - by calling. In the 18th century, the art of Palekh's icon painters acquired a peculiar style, called subsequently "Palekh's letters." Palekh icons were famous for the special subtlety of the letters, bright tempera paints using gold on the clothes of the saints. Paleshans were also known as masters of monumental paintings, they participated in the painting and restoration of many churches and cathedrals throughout Russia. For example, the masters of the workshop brothers Belousovov was painted by the Granovy Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. The list of religious objects, to the painting and restoration of which Palekh's master's master's hands put, impressive: it is Dmitrovsky and the Assumption Cathedrals of Vladimir, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, the Assumption Cathedral of the Sviyazhsky Monastery, Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, Novodevichy Monastery in Moscow, Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma and a lot others.

Famous Russian historian Georgy Dmitrievich Filimonov, one of the founders of the first in Moscow of the Public Museum and the head of the Armory of the Armored Chamber, who visited in 1863 in Paleh, so responded about Palekh artists: "... In the case of iconistics, no terrain can be compared at the present time with Palen because the iconist here is not one tool, but a goal. " And another quote: "Instead of the pitiful peasants-artisans, I, quite unexpected, met with the people developed, filled with bright beliefs and knowing their history ...". With the light hand of G. D. Filimonova since Palehu was the name "Village Academy".

In those days, the fame of Palene came out far beyond Russia. From the correspondence of the historian N. M. Karamzin, it is known that the German poet Goethe on the slope of years has dreamed of coming to the Paleh and see, as among the Russian expanses, artists, more similar to the peasants, write on the tree icons who would envy the Byzantine masters. Vladimir Governor A. N. Suponev even sent a gift to Weimar to Weimar two icons of the work of Phahi icon painters of the Kouvetsey brothers.

Arriving in the deep province, in the peasant medium, the Falley iconis has become a significant phenomenon of Russian artistic culture. But all the icon-painted creativity with the coming to power of the Bolsheviks regularly stopped. Many families remained without livelihood, many masters forever broke up with artistic craft. However, there were many among Palaneshan those who did not think of themselves outside the art profession. And a new artistic phenomenon happened, again glorifying a small settlement in the Ivanovo region to the whole world. Palekh miniature, which arose as a result of social and cultural changes that occurred in Russia after the revolution of the 17th year, managed to preserve the age-old traditions of icon painting as high art, transfer them to new forms and fill them with other, in demand by society.

The Phaehan style is considered to be Ivan Golikov, who in the Moscow workshop Alexander Glazunov wrote the first job in the so-called Phane style. This work was called Adam in Paradise. The masters mastered the painting on the new papier-mache material from which the boxes, faders, decorations were made, and transferred to them traditional for ancient Russian icon the temped painting technology and the conditional image style of the image. For the first time, Palekh miniatures on Paper-Masha, made by order of the Krasstar Museum, were presented at the All-Russian Agricultural and History and Industrial Exhibition in 1923, where the diploma of the 2nd degree was awarded. In 1924, seven Palekh artists, in the past of the wizards of icon painting, headed by Ivan Golikov, united in the "Artel of Ancient Painting". Already in 1925, Palekh miniatures were exhibited at the World Exhibition in Paris and got a gold medal there. In 1932, after the famous Moscow exhibition "The Art of Palen", which caused the unusual interest of the public, there was an union of artists of Palen. In 1954, Palekh artistic and industrial workshops of the Art Fund of the USSR were formed, which were safely closed in the 90s.

What to see in Palekh

State Museum of Palekh Art. The site of the museum is very informative and there is an interesting video and interest video on Pale. The museum was organized in 1934. In the museum's organization, Maxim Gorky took an active part in the organization, though he was never in Paleh. The Palekhsky Museum is a significant museum complex that includes many units. The latter opened the exhibition center, in which the icon museum is located today. In the exposition of the museum there are many genuine ancient Palekh icons.


The Exhibition Center in which the Icons Museum is located

Icon "Akathist Savior" 1770s. It is considered the standard of the Phane style iconography. One of the most valuable icons of the Phane Museum.

The Palekh's Lacial Miniature Section is located in a separate two-story building on the contrary through Bakanov Street. The exposition of the Museum of Lacquet Miniature begins with showcases that tell about artistic materials used in Palekh, the manufacturing technologies of Papier-Masha products, Paleky painting methods. The next room tells about the work of the founders of art Palehskaya Lakova Miniature N. I. Golikova, A. V. Kotukhina, I. V. Markichev and other masters, including modern. On the exhibition, you can trace the entire history of Phahi varnish miniatures. The museum is better to take a tour, then the art of Palen will definitely not pass by your consciousness. For us, a tour was conducted by a representative of one of the most famous dynasties of Palen artists - Cory. The artist itself by profession, like most of her relatives and ancestors, a sculptor husband.


Varnish miniatures are stored in the shop windows under glass and it is difficult to photograph






Classic Samples Palekh Lacm Miniature



Ideologically weathered work


Work dedicated to Gagarin. It is said that Yuri Gagarin personally ordered this work to Palehsky masters and planned to give Khrushchev.

Cross-proven temple. Erected in 1762-1774 in the rigorous forms of the Old Russian architecture of the 17th century, Master Egor Oakov on a high hill and dominates the Phane. The temple was built on the means of parishioners. The wall painting was completed by 1807. The temple consists of four limits and high bell tower. The inner premises of the temple are covered with fresco paintings made by Phahi masters under the leadership of the sapozhnikh brothers, the owners of the icon-painted workshop in Moscow. In numerous compositions, a biblical history is presented. All paintings are made in cold blue tones of a cloudless sky. Unfortunately, inside the temple is not allowed to photograph. The blue color of the domes of the crossedness of the Krestovsky temple is its distinctive feature, rarely meet such a gentle celestial color of the design of domes. All members of our small company unanimously noted the architectural originality and the exceptional beauty of the color design of the temple and tied it with a good artistic taste of Phanekh residents. The crossed the temple was not destroyed in the era of persecution to the church and this is also the merit of Palaneshan. They showed some trick when they turned to the drug addresses of the RSFSR on the inclusion of the temple into the museum's exposition. In the spring of 1936, the property of the Cross-Promotional Temple, including the ancient icons, was transferred to the state museum of Phane art, which actually saved the temple and all its contents.


Cross-driven temple


Bell Tower Cross-Promotional Temple


Fragment of the outer wall of the Cross-Zoda Temple with the author's inscription: "This temple of the Exaltation of the Honest Cross of the Lord Master Egor Dubov".


Evening Panorama of Phane from the bell tower of a crocality temple

Ivan Ivanovich Golikova House Museum. The first Memorial Museum in Palene associated with the Creative Heritage Palanes. I. I. Golikov is considered the founder of Phanekhskaya lacquer miniature and one of the most talented and bright artists of Phane. The house-museum was opened in 1968 and is located in the courtyard of the Museum of Phakhsky icons. The exposition of the museum consists of a memorial room, which presents the personal belongings of the artist, as well as the historical part telling about the creation of the Arteel of the ancient painting in Palekh. Presented unique vintage photos of Phane. One of the museum stands is the process of creating a Phaneskaya casket with Golikov's rare personal instruments. Among the exhibits of the museum there is the rarest released in 1934 the book "Word about the regiment of Igor" with Golikov illustrations. It is noteworthy that the artist not only created illustrations for the book, but also wrote the whole text.


Golikova House Museum


Bust I. I. Golikova in front of the Museum House


Workplace I. I. Golikova. The flask is an analogue of a daylight lamp, under which Palekh masters worked. It was poured into her a weak solution of copper mood and after reflecting the luminescence of the kerosene lamp, the light took the desired spectrum.


The stand demonstrates the sequence of creating a famous Phakhskaya box. On the booth there are personal instruments I. I. Golikova.

Corina House Museum. In 1974, Paul Dmitrievich Korin, People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Leninist and State Prizes opened in Palekh. P. D. Corin carefully retained this old house built at the end of the 19th century by his grandmother, the situation and things that His ancestors used and bequeathed all this by his native city together with a unique collection of icons, icon painting graphics and Western European engravings. The museum has the works of many members of the Dynasty of Country Artists - Father, Brothers and P. D. Korin: "Ryabina Branch", "Palee", "Landscape with pines" and others.


Corina House Museum

Museum-workshop N. V. Dydykina. In 1978, a museum-workshop of the sculptor Nikolai Vasilyevich Dydykina was opened in Paleh - Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR. By analogy with Korin's house, this house keeps the memory of the old Palekh kind of blowing beds, whose representatives treated and were proud of their craft. In this tiny workshop, sculptural portraits of the oldest artists of lacquer miniatures were created: I. I. Golikova and N. M. Zinoviev, a few sculptural and picturesque works of Andrei Rublev, portraits A. Block, D. Baron, S. Rahmaninov, and others. Workshop and More than a hundred works by N. V. Dydykina were given to them by the state museum of Phahsky art.

Church of Ilya Prophet or Ilinskaya Church. He is a monument of architecture of the 17th century. The church is located in the territory of the old graveyard, where the graves of famous artists of Phane are preserved: four of the Sofonovy, Coriny couple, I. I. Golikova, I. M. Bakanova and others. The painting of the temple was produced by local Phahi masters of the Sophophone Workshop.


Ilinskaya church

The streets of Old Phane are a kind of museum, where each house recalls the icon painters and masters of Palekh miniatures who lived in them and worked, their children and grandchildren were born here - the next generation of artists.

A bright Plyhan-style poster hangs on the main street, which shows the main attractions.


Attractions Palen, all within walking distance:

1-Hotel "Ark" 2-Salon "Russian varnishes" 3-Museum of Lacquer Miniature 4-Museum Icons 5-House Museum I. I. Golikova 6-Bust I. I. Golikova 7-House of Polane Culture 8-Fountain "Kolos »9-Cross-driven church 10-information and local history center 11-stables 12-Temple Ilya Prophet (Ilinskaya Church) 13-chapel of A.Nevsky 14-Monument to the soldiers-Paleshanam 15-house-museum P. D. Corina 16-Museum-Workshop N. V. Dydykina 17-dining "Palekh" 18-Phane art school 19-art workshop "Palekhsky style"


Here is the central street of Phane


Palavelka River is located very close to the center of the village.


Creek on the Palanesk River


And this is the central house of culture


Almost the only local hotel called "Ark" for 7 rooms


One of the main attractions is the Stone House of the Iconporature of Nikolai Mikhailovich Sophophonova. The house was built in 1860 and was preserved to this day. N. M. Sofonov (1844-1910) - The most famous master of iconography, knew perfectly with ancient Russian iconography, her styles, carefully kept the traditions of this art and brought up his masters and students in this spirit. Up to 250 employees worked in his iconographic workshop, for the impeccable quality of work, he was awarded the title "Supplier of His Imperial Majesty." He was a wonderful owner, paid to employees a good salary, gave the opportunity to work seriously, built for his employees at home in Ilinskaya Sloboda (now Gorky street), some of them have survived to the present day. Employees of his workshop among other works were restored by the ancient monuments of icon painting: the frescoes of the Moscow Kremlin, the Novodevichy Monastery, the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir, the temples of Sergiyev Posad, Pskov, Tsaritsyn and other cities of Russia.

On the way back, Palekh was passed by Paleh's artistic school and addressed to his entrance that the exhibition was held in his foyer. Sale of the best works of school students. Could not refuse to look at the work of a new generation of Phane artists. Comment on the work of students to us easily descended by the director of the school Mikhail Romanovich Belousov, the personality is very famous in Palekh. In many ways, his merit is that the School has such a high reputation in the Russian art community. As a souvenir, we had a bowl of the best student of the school, in appearance it is not distinguished from the best samples of Palekh art and it cannot but rejoice.


But do not rush to run to learn to Paleh's writing, in fact it is hellish work. First you need to make the form on which the painting will be made. It is made of cardboard, the material from coniferous wood is best suited. Cardboard is cut into stripes, lubricated with a flour ceuple and are imposed in several layers on a wooden shape (blank). After the desired thickness turned out, the blank together with the cardboard is fixed in a special press. Under the influence of pressure, the preparation of the required form and size is obtained. The workpiece is dried at room temperature for about two weeks. Then it is lowered into the warm flaxseed oil for impregnation, after which they dried several days in a special oven, the temperature in which is supported at a certain level. At the next stage, the workpiece is ground and grind. After grinding on its outer surface, several layers of black varnish are imposed, and on the inner-oil varnish with a cinnabar. Cynanar is a famous mercury mineral of scarlet. In the completion of the process, the entire surface is varied with several layers of light varnish. After applying each layer, the blank is dried in the furnace. Finally, the workpiece is treated with pimples so that the paints do not roll with a smooth surface. Only after all these manipulations, the artist will be able to start painting. But it is just preparation. The painting itself is made by fresh egg tempera paints layer over a layer for quite a long time. The outline of the future drawing is applied to the product with a sharp pencil, then with the help of Belil is made foamile. It is on him that the master will apply a lot of transparent and thin layers of painting. For their application, we need the finest brushes and every artist himself knits them from a squirrel hair. The work is completed with in words created by gravestone gold (the preparation of made gold on egg yolk is a separate song) and "silver" based on aluminum. Gold Frame Figure is a key element of Paleh's technique. After that, the painted pattern was polished with a fang of a boar or a wolf, and then all the product is covered with several layers of varnish. After applying each of them, the drawing is drying, polished on a special polishing circle, and then the finish treatment with manual polishing is passed. The final polishing is made only by hand. The surface is processed within a few hours of palm, moistened with water. The lacquer surface polished by hand to the mirror gloss gives an additional depth and saturation. And how after such a work tongue turns to say that Palekh caskets are too expensive?

There are such penetrated poems of the local poet from Ivanovo Dmitry Semenovsky (1894-1960) dedicated to Palen who could not not mention:

Let the paints polished ...

By overflows Larz ...

Will look at the gaze enchanted ...

Soul of the people of the Creator ...

We liked the Paleh as the city of ancient folk yield, which preserved and develops, despite the turbulent Russian history of the 20th century. It is impossible to say that today everything is easy and just at Paleh artists. There are problems as around the whole country, but after visiting the city, a bright feeling remains, which will continue to all be well in Palekh masters. The appearance of the city is somewhere unrelieged, you can work on roads and transport, some houses require repair. And if you compare the palch with small cozy Western European cities, then the comparison in appearance will certainly not in favor of Phane, but on the emotional impact on a Russian person, no foreign city is even close next to Pleene.

A few words about the peculiarities of a lacquer miniature - a "business card" of Phane, too much today you can meet fakes. The lacquer miniature traditionally has a black color, and inside - red. On the front side of the product in the lower left corner, the Golden inscription "PALEH" must be standing, and in the author's right-right - the author's initials. On the bottom of the product should be a corporate sign of the enterprise covered with varnish. The cost of the product cannot be low - Palekh's painting refers to expensive pleasures.

How to get to Palen

There is no railway station in Palekh, the nearest station is 30 km in Shua. From Moscow, the train is better to go to Ivanovo. Next by bus. By car from the capital, the shortest path passes through Vladimir and carpets, the distance of about 350 kilometers. You need to go on the road M7 through Vladimir and Ivanovo, and then by P152 through Shuya - the move will take about 6 hours. From Ivanov to Palen - 65 kilometers, from Nizhny Novgorod - 170 km.

Russian folk crafts. Palekh miniature. March 26th, 2018

Hello dear.
We continue with you a small review of Russian folk crafts. Well, in any case, the most famous of them :-)) Last time we remembered the beautiful Fedoskin miniature:, but today it's time to talk a little about the "promoted brand" - namely about Plee.

Palekh miniature - folk fishery who developed in the village of Palekh Vyaznik district of Vladimir Province (now Paleh district of the Ivanovo region). The lacquer miniature is accomplished by papier-mache. Usually boxes, caskets, cubes, cubes, brooch, panels, ashtray, hairpins for tie, needles, and so on. Very popular, especially among foreigners :-) Although the art of Pallene's painting is still very young, he is just over 70 years old.

The settlement itself is very old. In the XV century, the village of Palen was part of Vladimir-Suzdal Lands. In the spiritual will of Ivan the Terrible 1572, the village of Palee was in the local ownership of His Son John. In 1616, Paleeh is the estate of Vasily Ivanovich Ostrogubov and the widow of Yuri Ivanovich Ostrogubov. Soon it was granted to the primary ownership of Ivan Bourling "For the Moscow Siege Situation of the Korolevo," that is, for participation in the war against the Polish-Lithuanian intervention. According to the script books, 1628-1630 of the Vladimirsky County of Bogolyubsksky, Paleh is the primary Ivan Bournerlin and his children.

In the village, always for art and the place was famous for its icon painters. The greatest flourishing Palekh iconography reached in the XVIII - early XIX century

At first, the painting of Palen strictly obeyed the well-established canons image icons, but gradually they began to change: images of people, landscape outlines, buildings, animals, clothes, interior items acquired their own, unique style. Artists of Phane finally gained creative freedom in which they needed so much and enjoyed it with pleasure. They developed a unique style of iconopy, which was characterized by a detailed detail and use of the gold and tempera palette.

After the revolution of 1917, the iconographic fishery in Palekh ceased to exist. On December 5, 1924, the "Artel of Ancient Painting" was organized in Palekh, on painting products from Papier-Masha. As a result, for long creative searches, former icon painters showed the world overwhelmed rainbow paints and gold pattering virtuoso compositions on papier-mache boxes.

Paleshans did not refuse the usual letter of writing with egg paints with the use of creative gold. In the figurative solution of new works, they continued to use medieval stylization techniques, the convention of the forms. The most popular and most successful compositions of the first years of the existence of Palekh's miniatures were "Troika", "Hunting", "Battle", "couples", "Custlians", "Idylliya", "Gulyanka". In these works, there was neither a developed plot, nor a bright image, only a strongly pronounced ornamental principle.

One of the brightest and talented artists of Phane was Ivan Ivanovich Golikov. He was called the mastery of the horse, battle and troika. Fabulous horses with fragile feet in Golikov miniatures are bloomed by all the colors of the rainbow, and the "battle" and "hunting" is the manifestation of the indomitable fantasy of the Phane artist. Golikovsky "Troika" are dynamic, poushers, but sometimes great and solemn. To this motive I.I. Golikov turned multiple times, drawing winter and summer troops on a variety of items: brooches, foorers, cigarettes, trays.

In the art of Phaneshish lacquer miniatures as an independent genre develops a portrait. Its founders were the former identity iconophices: Pravdin N.A., Palikin I.F., Serebryakov I.G. Portrait images are created on various pier-mache objects: plates, boxes, brooches, cigarette. Palekh artists write portraits of statesmen, historical individuals and their contemporaries.

In the middle of the 20th century, realistic trends expressed by the desire of many artists to the external truth in the disclosure of the plot and individual images in the art of Palen. For many compositions of those years, the parade, excessive monumentality and decoration.

The following generations of miniaturists sought to revive the traditions created by the founders of Phahi miniatures. The art of lacquer miniatures did not exhaust themselves, he has a huge potential.

Palekh artists show their dating in many species of fine art: monumental painting, book graphics, theater decoration.
In the late 1980s, a trademark appeared on the works of Phane artists - a fire-bird. A certificate is attached to each job, indicating the authenticity of the work.

Currently, more than 600 artists live in Palekh, every tenth resident of Phane is a graduate of the Palekh artistic school. A.M. Gorky. They work in various creative teams: Cooperative "Association of Palen Artists", JSC "Partnership Palen", LLC "Artist Palen", iconographic and icon-painted workshops.
Palen painting style has a number of features, namely: smoothness, pattern subtlety, black or dark background, a large number of hatching made by gold color, clarity, the drawing of the silhouette of simplified figures. Decorative landscape and architecture, elegance of elongated proportions of figures, a dynamic combination of red, yellow and green flowers, - all in products with Phane miniature goes back to the ancient Russian traditions.

Black varnish has become the main color of the background, the conditional space of Phane miniature and its distinctive feature. Black background of a lacquer thumbnail or "blank leaf" as it is collecting in itself, it contains all the colors and embodies the essence of the thing. It symbolizes the darkness of the earth start from which the light is born. In addition, the black color has another internal volume, depth.
Gold in Paleh's miniature is not only a key element of the letter of writing, but also part of the artistic worldview. It is inextricably linked with the symbol of light, which has large historical traditions, which are still from medieval ideas about the two initiation of life - light and dark. In a Christian symbolism, the light acquires a special aesthetic value, becoming a prototype of Divine Grace. The material carrier of this light is gold, which symbolizes it is an extractive divine clarity.

Typical plots of Phahi miniatures are borrowed from everyday life, classic, fabulous, epic literary works and songs.
I think the work of the masters will rejoice not yet one generation of Russians and foreign guests.

Have a good day.

Publications of the section Tradition

From icons - to the box

P aleh. The name, glorified by the whole world by the skill of artists, was not always associated with colorful boxes. According to legend, in the forest on the shore of the river Panebelki fled icon painters from Vladimir and Suzdal. At the place of the scorched forest there were downtown and built. Before the revolution, Icons wrote, and the new power, to the harsh's religious theme, made it take for secular motives - fairy tales, legends, epics. Writing miniatures steel on the boxes. We propose to remember 10 facts from the history of fishing with Natalia Summer.

In the tradition of the first masters. "Palen - the village of the Academy of People's", - spoke in 1863 Georgy Filimonov, the keeper of Christian and Russian antiquities in the first in Moscow, the public museum, head of the Armory of the Armory. The basis of Palekh style is the traditions of many icon-painted schools. Palen icons are distinguished by special subtlety letters, soft smooth lines and restrained colors. Clothes and ornaments are glittering gold - symbol of light. The color of the precious metal in Palekh's miniature is not just a letter technique. In the Christian symbolism, it is the light - a sample of the Divine Grace.

Palee, Ivanovo region. Photo:

Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Lord Cross. Palee, Ivanovo region. Photo:

Palee, Ivanovo region. Photo:

Icon painted Palekh painting roots. Surrounded by forests, yes, away from large roads, along the picturesque river Palesse. Lived in the village separately, merchants practically did not care. So the icon painters retained their traditions from generation to generation. Only in the middle of the XVII century, Mille about Phane masters reached Moscow. And then the artists themselves turned out to be in Belokamenna. Paleshan put their skills in the Granovic Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra and in the Novodevichy Monastery.

New time, new images, new fishing. After the October Revolution, artists had to leave for a long time biblical images in search of other topics. The revolution did not complain iconography. Then there was a modern Palekh style and boxes from Paper-Masha for the similarity of Fedoscinsky. Scribed boxes and larks former icon paints plots from folk fairy tales, genre scenes, paintings of rustic life and landscapes.

"Artel ancient painting". Painted artists tempted painting on the boxes and united in the artel. In 1924, at the initiative of the group of talented icon painters, with the support of art historian and Professor Anatoly Bakushinsky, "Artel Ancient Painting" was formed. Maxim Gorky became an honorary member of the union, who supported artists. The masters painted caskets, caskets, teas, tobacker and faders. First, the workpieces were purchased in Fedoskino, but soon set up their production.

Mikhail Parilov. Nikolai Wonderworker. The end of the hih century. GMPI

Nikolay Corin. John Forerunner in the desert. 1806. GMPI.

Ivan Safonov, Mikhail Nefelov. John theologians in silence. Start XX century. GMPI

Talents and fans. Nikolai Negrasov, Nikolay Leskov, Anton Chekhov admired Palehsky icons. In 1814 she showed a special interest in the works of Russian icon painters Johann Goethe. The German poet even received from the Vladimir Governor as a gift two icons written in Palekh, "the" United Holidays "and" Our Lady ". In 1930, a large exhibition of Palekh's miniature was held at the State Russian Museum. The work of Palekh masters became an export article. Painted boxes bought external and sold for the currency.

Dynasties and secrets of fishing. Artel was famous for his dynasties. Secrets of skill - family business. The painters were raised by a change of slices. One of the oldest Palekh surnames is Belousov. Leonid Ivanovich Belousov - an artist-icon painter. He started working in Arteel in 1926. The lacquer miniature became a business of life and for his great-grandfather - Evgenia Belousov. And such glorious surnames in Palekh a lot. Golikov, Kothukhins, Syvyakov ... The history of the fishing and secrets of skill once did not release for a family circle. They even got married for her, for Phakhsky, the secrets of painting protecting.

Palekh lacquer miniature. Photo:

Palekh lacquer miniature. Photo:

World recognition. The first work of Phanekhic icon painters in the new genre of lacquer miniatures, carried out by order of the Krasstar Museum, received a diploma of the first degree at the exhibition of the Academy of Artistic Sciences. In 1924, Palekh caskets produced a furyor on Venetian artistic venice. Italians even asked to send masters to organize school. Artists led Russia refused. And already a year after the formation of Arteel at the World Exhibition in Paris Palehsky Painted Gold Medal.

Painte paints not for battle scenes. It so happened that the Paleh is more and more pictures from rural life and fabulous motifs. But it is in peacetime. When the whole country lived a single thought about the victory, the Stalingrad battle became the source of inspiration for artists: "Folk Avengers", "in the footsteps of the enemy", "Attack", "People's War". Working in the rear, the masters retained the craft even during the war. Only worked old men and pre-examination young people. The art school of the "Selo Academy" was not closed - as Palen called.

Treasures of Russian art.

Palee. Palekh lacquer miniature.

The Story of Phane goes into deep antiquity. In the XV century, the village of Palen was part of Vladimir-Suzdal Lands. In the spiritual will of Ivan the Terrible 1572, the village of Palee was in the local ownership of His Son John. In 1616, Paleeh is the estate of Vasily Ivanovich Ostrogubov and the widow of Yuri Ivanovich Ostrogubov. Soon it was granted to the primary ownership of Ivan Bourling "For the Moscow Siege Situation of the Korolevo," that is, for participation in the war against the Polish-Lithuanian intervention. According to the script books, 1628-1630 of the Vladimirsky County of Bogolyubsksky, Paleh is the primary Ivan Bournerlin and his children.

1693 The wooden church was built in Palekh in the name of the cross, in 1696 she was consecrated in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and in 1742 - in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1774, at the expense of parishioners, Egor Dubov, the currently operating crossed stone church was built. In the late XIX century, Paleh was a small village. The population, mainly engaged in iconography and crafts: carving on a tree, linen weaving, embroidery, isolation of sheepskin. On the proviblons of the holidays here were arranged rich fairs.

Bakanov I.M. "Palch village"
1934, Casket

Palee - the name of the Ugro-Finnish origin. The results of the archaeological excavations of the VIII-VIII century, confirm that one of the many threat-Finnish tribes lived on the territory of the region. The vagro Finns were completely dissolved among the Slavs, which gradually settled the North-Eastern land of Russia and their language Culture can be traced only in geographic names - Purech, Paleh, Landeh, Sesough, Luhalch.

Beloved belief, told by the local resident of Felitskaya Grigorievna Palikina on the origin of the name of the Palekh:
"... There were no deaf forests, there was no population ... There was a big fire in the forest ... From Molon. I burned the fire all the tree on the mountain. And soon people appeared here - and since those who have been looking for a free life, or from Tatar raid, Whether they fled from the Boyarsky Yarma. Mount Palenova was unarked, and then - a blind one, and began to call the village of Palen. "
There is a legend - "Palen arose in those brown years of ancient times, looked at the Vladimiro-Suzdal Rus, the inconspicuous Tatar hordes were walking. In the deaf forests and swamps ran away by the ruin population and carried the icons with them. Tatars Zhgli Forests." Was the Great Palich "- Hence And the name of the Palee went.


The fabulous world of fiction, poetry - the art of the miniatures of the new Phane. His story as arts decorative begins after the October Revolution, when the icon-painted workshops were closed, and the masters in search of the livelihood spread into different ends of the country. Some have become painters, others - decorators of club scenes, many turned to farming and small fishing: painted wooden dishes, toys. Most often, the painting was rude copies of the Lubka, peasant splices or samples taken from the album "ornament of all countries and peoples."

In 1923, at the initiative of A. V. Bakushinsky, several experiences painting wooden products are being made to the use of icon painting traditions. Caskets and plates are preserved on the topics of Russian songs of artists I.V. Markicheva, I.M. Bakanova and "Custrian" A.V. Kotukhina. At the same years in Moscow, in the former icon-painted workshop of Paleshanin A.A. Helazunov, similar searches were conducted. But the master worked there, in the future the famous artist I.I. Golikov, chosen to apply the icon-painted papier-mache technique.

Experiments I.I. Golikova supported the Moscow Kustar Museum; The first works with the signature A.A. Glazunov was shown in 1923 at the exhibition of the State Academy of Arts, where they received a diploma of the 1st degree. Soon, the glazunov, except Golikov, began to work and other Palekh icon painters - I.P.Vakurov and A.V. Kotukhin. Then Kukhin went to Palekh, where from the summer of 1923. Together, the best oldest masters - I.M. Bakanov and I.V. Markichev had already worked together on Paper-Masha.

For showing at the All-Russian agricultural and industrial exhibition in 1923, Palekh Masters I.M. Bakanov, I.I. Golikov ("Game in Checkers", "Rustic Guliana", "Petuhi"), A.V. Kotukhin and I.V . Markachev fulfilled orders of the Kustar Museum of the All-Union Council of National Economy, for which 1st degree diploma also received. In 1924, Paleh artists enjoyed great success at the exhibition in Venice. Success came. Soon the Paleshanas from Italy came an invitation to send four masters for school organization. Artists refused to leave their homeland.

On December 5, 1924, "Artel Ancient Painting" was organized in Palekh. Initially, seven people entered it: I.I. Golikov, IM Bakanov, A.I. Zubkov, I.I. Zubkov, A.V. Kotukhin, V.V. Kotukhin, I.V. Markachev. Soon they were joined by D. N. Butorin, A.I. Vatagin and others. And already in 1925, Palavelian was recognized at the international exhibition in Paris.

March 1935 - "Artel" was transformed into the "Partnership of Palen artists" Chairman until 1938 - A.I. Zubkov.

1940 - "Partnership" is closed.

1943 - restored.

1954 - "Partnership" was transformed into artistic production workshops (PCHP). Director - A.G.Bakanov.

1954 - the creation of the Palekh branch of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. Chairman of the Board - G.M. Melnikov.

In 1989, Palekh artistically-product workshops were closed.

The Couplele.





"The Autumn Nocturne"




"Ruslan & Ludmila"

"Warm Summer"


"Happy Childhood"

"Autumn. The Holiday of The Last Sheaf"

"The Scarlet Flower"

IN1935 "Artel Ancient Painting" was transformed into the "Association of Palen Artists", the chairman of which until 1938 was A.I. Zubkov.

In 1940, the "partnership" was closed and restored in 1943.

In 1954, the "Partnership of Palen Artists" was transformed into artistic - production workshops led by A.G. Bakanov.

In 1954, the Phane branch of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR was established. Chairman of the Board - G.M. Melnikov.

In 1989, Palekh artistic and industrial workshops ceased to exist.

Currently creative organizations work in Palekh:

  • JSC "Partnership Palekh",
    chairman of the Board of S.I. Kamanin,
  • Cooperative "Association of Palen Artists",
    chairman of the Board A.V. Dudorov,
  • Small enterprise "Master Phane",
    director M.R. Beluusov,
  • Mp. "The Traditions of Palen",
    director A.M. Zubkov,
  • creative workshop B.N. Kukuliyeva "Paleshan"


"The Scarlet Flower

"The Miracles Come to Those with Pure Souls"

"SADKO \\ & The Tsar of the Sea"

"The Winter Spring"


"The Spring & The Snowmaiden"

"Under the Apple Tree"


"Winter Time"

"The Frog Princess"


"Ruslan & Ludmila"

"Russian Hunting"

"The Greek Tales"


"Skiing In The Winter Forest"

"Afterte The Work"

"The War Time"

"Ivan Tsarevitch & The Fire-Bird"

"Winter Troika"

"Battle With Swedish Knights"

"Bella (by Lermontov)"



"Near The Bank of the River"

"The Snowmaiden"