Aphorisms of wise and great about time, its essence and characteristic. Careful attitude

Aphorisms of wise and great about time, its essence and characteristic. Careful attitude

About Mount! Life passed and time flew

In the darkness of shame, weakness and laziness.

And people found the road to salvation

And the goals are high leisurely.

Who, if not a student, should preserve his time?! Leather attitude to time is the responsibility of every believer, and for seeking knowledge, this is the main concern and the basis of success in his life dedicated to obtaining knowledge. And if he is able to correctly take advantage of his time and will take it, it will succeed and will achieve his goal, and if not, then fails and will not raise success.

Looking knowledge - merchant, and his capital is time. But that merchant who croples his capital to the right and left, stupid and unlucky. So he should think about what he spends his time? And let everyone ask himself from themselves per each minute, for every second.

Basic principles of rational use of time

The first duty of looking for knowledge is the careful attitude to its time and its rational use. Our predecessors will be pleased with them Allah, most carefully treated their time, because the price was better than others. Al-Hassan al-Basri said: "I found people who protect their time more than you protect your dirhams and dinars!"

Therefore, predecessors in every way to spend their time in learning knowledge. 'Umar Ibn "Abdul" Aziz said: "Truly, day and night every time you take something valuable with you, so labor and day, and at night!"

They said: "Time - as a sword: if you won't beat him, it will overcome you." They always tried to become better that today it turned out to be better than yesterday, and tomorrow is better than today's.

Every day, every hour, every moment they sought to acquire useful knowledge, make a good deed, to overcome their passion or bring someone to the benefit that their works do not disappear and have not been vain and in vain. They considered the manifestation of ungratefulness and disrespectfulness of time without any benefit for themselves and others if they did not increase their knowledge, did not strengthen their faith, did not commit good actions. Ibn mas "UD (may Allah be satisfied) said:" I'm not regretting about anything like that day when the sun went into, life became shorter, and I didn't become better than this day on this day. "

Looking knowledge should be careful, devoting every moment of his moment that he will benefit him or teach something demanding, try to increase his knowledge every day.

Transfer words of one of the predecessors: "If a day comes, when I can't increase my knowledge to decline the grace of Allah, then there is no blessing that the sun rose on this day."

Let every moment for seeking knowledge will be more expensive than any jewelry, if people protect every hour, the student should go to every second, every moment. If people compete, accumulating and collecting wealth, then he must try to ahead of time, accumulating useful knowledge. After all, how is the difference between the accumulation of wealth and the accumulation of knowledge! In short, if a student is able to fully use his time, it will succeed on the way to knowledge, and may Allah help him!

The student should always try to draw up a detailed plan of his classes and a plan to memorize his lessons and strictly observe him.

Time is invaluable, for life is impossible to reverse. It has its own distinctive features that we do not need to know well, and based on it to learn how to use it. Here is some of them:

1. Time is fleeting.

2. The time that has already passed, not to return and not replace anything.

3. Time is the most valuable thing that has a person. Therefore, the student should not spend its precious time for useless affairs, do not abuse what is allowed from food, drinking, conversations, etc.

She was not the one who Allah awarded knowledge and mind, to spend his time on the disobedience of Allah, to spend it in the fun and idleness. This does not wish for themselves the prudent one and this will resort to Allah a man reasonable ... Primony, once again, a prudent thing is needed to understand the entire value of my life and conduct it only in obedience to Almighty Allah. And doesn't he want to make a book with his friend, whom he does not exchange any of the people who are ready to become a source? And this is a huge benefit that intelligent and clean soul people know about.

The most serious obstacle for a person who prevents him from taking advantage of this moment and today is to pull out and postponing its good deeds. And this continues until the word "I will" is almost becoming his motto and a way of life.

A person from the tribe "Abd al-Kais said:" Give us a good advice. "He replied:" Beware of the words "I will".

The student must fill his day with useful knowledge, good deeds and not to postpone it for tomorrow, so that its present does not escape from him and did not turn into a non-refundable past. He must sow today to collect the fruits tomorrow, otherwise you will have to repent when repentance will no longer help ...

Imam al-Hassan al-Basri said: "Beware of postponement for later, because you live today, and not tomorrow. And if you live to tomorrow, then we have it just like today, and if not, it does not have to regret that I missed today. "

Looking knowledge should take advantage of his youth and her golden sometimes. Wisdom says: "Study time - from the cradle to the grave." It is believed that the most excellent time for study is the flourishing of the youth, the time of "Sukhura" (time of dawn) and the time between the two nightmasters (that is, evening and night).

The Hadith says:

(لن تزول قدما عبد يوم القيامة حتى يسال عن اربع خصال: عن عمره فيما افناه , وعن شبابه فيما ابلاه, وعن ماله من اين اكتسبه وفيم انفقه وعن علمه ماذا عمل به)

"On the day of the resurrection, the slave (Allah) will not move from the place until he is asked about four things: about his life - how did he spend it? - And his youth - how did he spend it? And his richness - where did he get him and what did he spend? "And about his knowledge - how did he use it?".

Thus, it will be asked about the whole of his life in general and about young years, in particular.

Youth is only a part of life, but it is especially valuable, since these are the heyday of the vitality and a firm determination, as well as the period of human strength in the interval between two periods of weakness: the weakness of infancy and the weakness of the oldity. Youth is a time of activity ... youth is a quickly outgoing guest, and if a reasonable person cannot use them, then his heart will break away from the sorrow.

Therefore, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing) said:

(اغتنم خمسا قبل خمس, شبابك قبل هرمك, وصحتك قبل سقمك, وغناك قبل فقرك,وفراغك قبل شغلك, وحيا تك قبل موتك)

"Take advantage of five things before the arrival of the five others: with his youth to old age, his health to illness, its wealth to poverty, its free time to employment and its life to death."(Al-Khakim).

Ibn "Abbas, will be pleased with Allah them, said: "The Great and Mighting Allah gave his slaves knowledge in their young years, and all the benefit concluded in youth." Hafs Bandage Sirin said: "Young! We work, because things are made only in youth. " And weren't the associates of the Messenger of Allah, who believed in him, who supported him who supported him and followed by the light of religion, sent to him, most young? "

And one who will not be able to take advantage of his youth will repent in old age. One scientist said to one young man: "We work until it is time when you can't do it. I want to do a lot today, but I can not ". Umar (may Allah be satisfied) said: "Explore religion, while young."

Let the search for knowledge read the following words - and let them become an example for him. Ibn Al-Jauzi said: "I observed the people who occupy a high position, and saw that most of them were losing much during their grandeur. Some of them in the younger years are mocked in sin, others neglect the search for knowledge, the third overly indulgered. But in old age they all repent, when the former sins are no longer corrected when the forces are dried, but merit forgotten. Old age is in sorrow and sadness. If the elder is caught in his former sins, then say: "As I regret those sins that I made!". And if not falling, it will be regretting those dellas that no longer return.

And the one who dedicated his youth search for knowledge, in old age, with gratitude, reaps the fruits of what sowed, and enjoys, writing down the knowledge that gathered, in the book. He not only does not believe that he lost some kind of bodily goods, but also enjoys the knowledge acquired by him. "

Free time and health

Blessing, many people neglect, do not appreciate him properly and do not thank for him, is health and free time. Transfer from the words of Ibn "Abbas, will be pleased with the Allah with both that the prophet (peace and blessing) said:

(نعمتان مغبون فيهما كثير من الناس الصحة والفراغ)

"Many people are deprived by two Milosts: health and free time"(Al-Bukhari). It is understood that many people do not use these benefits to make good deeds, but are used to commit sins. Under free time should be understood by unoccupied worldly matters and problems distracting a person from his classes of eternal life.

Free time never remains free, it will inevitably be filled with both good or evil. And who will not be able to captivate their soul by the affairs of the righteous, that soul enthusiasm dear. The one who spends his time in good and righteous matters, and Mount to someone who spends him in the affairs of bad and vicious.

One righteous man said: "The time free of worldly worries is a great good. And if a person shifts ungratefulness for his advantage of the fact that he will give free to his passions and go about his desires, Allah will break the prosperity of his soul and deprive him of that soul purity and peace that he had. "

In a word, the search for knowledge does not waste his life and does not lose a second of his time on cases that are not related to knowledge. As it is necessary, it highlights time for food, drink, sleep, rest after tiring work, fulfilling its duties against family members, guest, to earn the means of existence, and also breaks away from studying in the event of ailment or for other reasons that impede classes. Some of the predecessors did not stop their classes, even if there was a light illness or ailment with them. Knowledge was for them medicine, and they continued to do as much as she had strengthened.

Use of each convenient case

There are a lot of everyday worries, and our needs in this life are infinite, so seeking knowledge must be resorted to some tricks in order to rationally use the time we do not give much and we lose with imaginary courtesy or habit.

a) while eating, while working around the house, as well as in the car, the student can read prayers and arzers, listen to the records of the Quran or sermons.

b) He can repeat the coran or learned lesson when walking down the street, taking an example from our pious scientists. When Al-Hatib al-Bagdadi went on the road, he always read. One of the predecessors, giving advice to her friends, said: "When you leave me, then disperse: perhaps someone from you will read the Quran on the road, and if you go all together, you will talk to each other."

c) Wherever the student is directed, let him always take the textbook. Praise Allah, in our time there are many books of small format, which greatly facilitates this task. The main thing is that the student had a desire to take advantage of the time, which many people simply lose, even many of those who are looking for knowledge.

The careful attitude of the predecessors by time

The search for knowledge should constantly get acquainted with the predecessors used their time, thinking about their lifestyle every time she finds laziness and neractions. Like Ibn Hajaru and the other as a scientist, as he, managed to achieve what they had achieved, and do what they did? Some will say that they were ingenious people, they accompanied the help of Allah, and their lives were blessed. And this is definitely true. But isn't the blessing given to man unfortunately? And is it possible to grieve, going along the strangers, instead of striving to earn the best share and change your fate?

Never receive the blessing and help of Allah, the one who is concerned about how to kill time and spend it as it may be with the benefit of or without use. And if someone asks him about something important, he will apologize and says that he has no time. As often, people complain about the lack of time and the frequency of years, but these are only those who are wasting time and lie their lives. And some are even confess that they kill time, but they do not suspect that they actually kill their own life.

The height of aspirations and the greatness of the goals encourage a person to appreciate the time, as it is his life. And if expensive to what they want, it is easy to part with what sacrifice on this path. Yes, our predecessors were extremely prevailing at time and tried not to miss a single second, without taking advantage of it to acquire knowledge. They even spare about the time that they were spent. Al-Khalil said: "The most painful time for me is the time when I eat."

Transfer that Salim Ibn Ayub Ar-time watched every sigh and never spent time without use: he either rewrote books, or taught something or read ... Once he went home, and when he returned, said : "On the way, I read one Juse (1/30 part of the Quran)" ... Once he had a pencil and until he put it in order, he moved his lips. And it was possible to understand what he reads and then when simply sharpened a pencil, even here not wanting to lose time by the way. "

Ibn "Akil said:" I'm trying to cut the time in every way, that even bread prefers to eat a cake and drink it with water, because it needs to chew less, and I have more time to read or write something useful, what else I did not have time. "He also said:" I never spend no use for a minute of my life. Even when my tongue is no longer able to learn something and discuss, and the eyes - read, I think, straining my thoughts, lying and resting . When I get up, I always come to my mind that writing. And in my eighty years I feel more thirst for knowledge than when I was twenty. "

Looking for knowledge is needed an accurate and well-thought-out system, which he must strictly follow in order to take advantage as best as possible. After all, mess, negligence and spontaneity are the biggest enemies of looking for knowledge. And no one does not need the distribution of his time as students, since their share falls a huge burden of worries, and they even seem to be the cases that they must fulfill, more than time.

And the search for knowledge must distribute their time between mandatory and other affairs so that one does not interfere with another, minor things did not interfere with important, important - the most important, and uncounded time - limited to timing. Urgent cases must be performed before the rest, and indefinition - after. What is limited to terms should always be performed on time.

1. Detailed plan

The student should always try to draw up a detailed plan of his classes and a plan to memorize his lessons and strictly observe him. And it does not matter if from time to time he will make changes to it in accordance with the new requirements.

In school, just as in trading and military campaigns, a person should be a work plan. A student who clearly sets the routine of his day and then takes care of study, eliminates itself from many concerns and acquires a significant charge of energy and zeal. In fact, a plan that man is for himself and performs day after day, soon becomes ordinary and easy for him. In other words, when we need to solve a few questions, then most likely we will not cope with some of them, because one question prevents the solution of the other, and the solution of each of them interferes with the whole of them. Thus, we move without any use from one question to another immediately after the superficially consider it, carelessly putting aside the solution of each of them ...

A certain place allotted for classes is equally important than the time defined for this. Let the student have a personal desk and a chair intended only for mental labor. And after a while this place will symbolize a lesson for him.

Many believe that the secret will succeed in teaching a person himself to discipline and constantly work. One of the major doctors, William Osler, asked the student group the next question: "How can you most effectively use your talents while spending the minimum of effort?". Then he himself answered his question: "I can do it by raising the spirit of discipline. I say that "upbringing", because many of you will be quite difficult to teach themselves to her. There are people who from birth received a warehouse of the mind, predisposed to discipline. But at the same time there are people with another warehouse of the mind that should declare a long war to eradicate to eradicate congenital predisposition to confusion and negligence in the affairs ...

This appeal is devoted in particular to the young, since they are still at the beginning of their life path and the future of each of them depends on those habits that they will develop in themselves in this delicate period of life. Observe an ordinary systemic in some kind of it is quite simple, but it is not easy to implement it in the routine of its daily life. The student should be determined for each part of his day a mandatory case, which he will do at this time, and through exercises and practices to develop the ability to focus.

As for the detailed presentation of individual points of the routine of the day, each defines them for themselves. First of all, it is necessary to determine the amount of time that the student is going to pay student, but let him build too much "ideal" plans. It will be better if he is weighted and rightly appreciate his mental abilities, not to overestimate himself and does not detract from its capabilities. Then you should choose for my time during the day when he would prefer to engage in mental labor, being confident that he will be able to be able to be able to and daily at this time. It is also important to choose different time for your studies during the day. It is not bad, provided that the student will take a habit of invariably learn at this time.

In addition, the student needs to determine how much time to pay each subject and make a schedule of classes in accordance with the temporary framework. Of course, he will not be able to determine exactly how much time it will be needed to explore each item or when it involves starting the next lesson, because the educational process cannot remain so tough. But still it is better if every day it will approximately determine how much time he will go to this or another occupation, and will be a schedule, on the basis of which will build its classes. Thus, the student will get rid of the question, from which lesson to start, and will cease to worry about the cases that should have been fulfilled.

But most students do not know how to dispose of their time. In fact, knowledge in details on how to dispose of their time, today is for students the first significant step towards lifestyle based on the most effective daily schedule ...

It is very important to think about the causes of in vain spending of your time and threatened to think about how you can fill every lost minute.

2. Compliance with the routine of the day

Looking knowledge should not postpone on tomorrow what should be done today. After all, tomorrow he will have other affairs and duties that will not allow yesterday's affairs.

Tomorrow I do not postpone, yielding Lena,

What and today I can do

Because tomorrow is the day of one who is weak and in business

Can't do nothing exactly.

If the day passes, the student will take with him everything that was on this day. And if he puts out his business today, tomorrow he will have to do work in two days.

Omar Ibn "Abdul" Aziz said: "Put it up for tomorrow." To which he replied: "It is difficult for me to cope with the affairs of one day, and what will happen if work will be sold out for two days?!" If the search for knowledge will always fulfill the duties and cases that the day for the day will acquire peace and fully will fulfill its work.

3. To the cases should begin early in the morning

In the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing) said:

(اللهم بارك لامتي فى بكورها)

"About Allah! Bless my umma in their affairs, which they start early in the morning! ". Ibn Omar, commenting on the words "begin early in the morning," said: "Early come to study and in the mosque to take a place in the first row."

The first part of the day is a blessed time for the traveler when it passes huge distances. But many looking for knowledge today miss this opportunity to get a blessing promised by him after the prophet (peace and blessing), uttered the words of Molba (do "a)! Moreover, some of them wake up a few minutes before sunrise, hastily commit Morning prayer, then again continue to sleep, as if they did not hear a similar hadice!

4. A steadily accomplished small thing is better than a big, but non-permanent

The Hadith says:

(احب الاعمال الى الله تعالى ادومها وان قل)

"The most of all Allah loves those cases that are committed with the greatest constancy, even if there are few of them." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Imam An-Nawavi said: "This Hadith encourages constancy in affairs, and it also states that a small, but steadily dealing is better than a significant, but non-permanent ... permanently committed little business brings much more benefits than Significant but non-permanent. "

Therefore, the student needs to distribute his time, both during the day and at night, in accordance with its capabilities and conditions and specially allocate some part of the time for a certain case, which will be steadily to engage in every day, for example, read a certain amount of zikra and Salavat. Other part of the time is allocated for another classes, for example, to study religious sciences.

5. Privacy

Looking for knowledge should sometimes give preference to solitude, because nothing is like that of eternal life, like loneliness ... and a person who is taking care, for some time in the market, under the impression that he seemed to see what he knows. Privacy allows a person to calm the soul, to get together forces, think about the consequences and stock for this with everything necessary.

If you look at those who were able to take advantage of the short moments of their life and achieve such results and fruits of their work, which is surprising and amazement, we will see that they were friends only with hardworking, diligent, outstanding and smart people who treated their time as well As you treated your life, because time is life.

And friendship with such outstanding, diligent and more expensive, every minute and second people had a serious impact on the activities of such famous people as Imam Ibn Dzharir At-Tabari, Ibn "Akil Al-Hanbali, Ibn" Asakir Ad-Dimashka, Ibn Al-Kayeim, IBN AN-NAFIS, Al-Mizzi, Az-Zarabi, Ibn Hajar and other scientists like them who left the colossal, invaluable heritage.

Imam Ibn "Akil Al-Hanbali said:" In the youth of Allah, Allah protected me from sins and all my love has restricted with love for the knowledge and its owners. I never communicated with lovers of fun and was friends only with the same students as I myself " . The one who is devoted to knowing who is accompanied by the help of Allah and who seeks to the sublime, you can see only in the society of deserved, diligent, wise, smart and possessing knowledge of people. After all, he wishes that what they have, or part of it and He is to become the same as they, or at least look like them.

Friendship with similar people will teach the looking for knowledge to be ahead of time, and friendship with bad people is fruitlessly to lose it. Abdullah Ibn Mas "UD, will be pleased with him Allah, said:" They judge the person on his friend, because he takes himself as a friend of only like himself. "And yes, you haveuping us Allah from friendship with bad people.

6. Soul leisure and peace

The search for knowledge is spent in their studies, but from time to time it is necessary to rest, so that he was subsequently not forced to interrupt all his classes. After all, the soul of man does not tolerate monotony. Abdallah Ibn Mas "DD said:" Truly, the soul of a person has a desire and passion. But she is also characterized by lethargy and lack of interest. You will be interested when the soul is striving, and let her relax when the interest disappears. "

Time should be distributed so that it is also provided for recreation, because after a long-term work of the soul of a person begins to experience disgust for it, and tires the same way as the body tired. "Ali said:" ... And the Muslim did not close himself so much so that it took his strength to him and prevented him to continue what he did. "

At the same time, the student should not be imposed on themselves unbearable so that he does not have a feeling of fatigue and disgust. And, perhaps, he will raise his studies and can no longer overcome himself. Let it be moderate in such affairs. Everyone knows himself better.

However, the holiday of looking for knowledge is different from recreation of other people, because at any time he tries to acquire any benefit:

a) Some predecessors used breaks during the lessons on which they told the Hadith, to pronounce the words of remembering the Great and Certificate Allah (ZIKR). Al-Hatib Al-Bagdadi, telling about the rules of the behavior of Muchaddis (a man telling the Hadith; an expert and transmitter of the Hadiths), said: "When he stops telling the Hadith during the Majlis, resting, then says the words of remembering the Most High Allah. So they received many of the greatest people from among the predecessors. "

b) If the student is tired of studying one object, then he should study the other, because it is better than to stop classes at all. You can move from one form of classes to another to change the generation of the activity.

The soul that is tired, nothing is capable of

And you change her condition one to another.

c) every time the student feels a tide of energy, he should be engaged in lessons. And the study of stories, lives and stories from the life of predecessors, reading the wise sayings and poems can be postponed at another time when it feels fatigue, and you should choose useful poems, like, for example, poems praising our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing ), Poetic collections Sofa Ash-Shafi "and, sofa Abu Al-" Atahi and other poets that glorified the abstinence and extension (ZUHD).


Time Management on Lotor Bees - Tips for managing the time from a German psychologist, a time management expert Lothar Wait. His books were translated by three tens of languages, sold with a cumulative circulation of 30 million copies. Among them - "more time for substantial", "if we hurry do not hurry," the principle of boomeranga: more time for happiness "and" Bear Strategy: Strength in Creation "," Make your life easier. "


Lothar will say the following problems faced by, first of all, women:

  • excessive loading;
  • lack of time for yourself;
  • fussiness, the tendency to scatter, inability to concentrate in one case;
  • difficulties with switching from work on vacation.

Day Planning - Pledge Sequence

The famous time management expert believes that the lists are not at all outdated. You should write in detail everything you need to do the next day. The fact is that all women are inevitably facing the multitasking, it does not allow them to remember everything. Some important things are forgotten, so why keep every trifle in my head? .. Pay for an apartment, find a recipe, wash, make a face mask, clean up the papers ... and how many more things to work! And how many little things are connected with children - buy paints, check your homework, prepare what is needed for the lesson of labor, read a new book, discuss a quarrel of a child with a classmate. Just write, and you never forget about anything.

Time careful relationship - the result of awareness

The psychologist recommends critically approaching the analysis of what time leaves. Think with whom you are really nice to communicate, and who only sucks your energy. Learn to control colleagues, which only prevents your effectiveness. Transfer communication at a time convenient for you (for example, you can go away with a colleague and discuss office gossip, and it is better to meet with a girlfriend at a training session in the gym).

You should avoid visits to stores in the hour-peak. Why stand a huge queue if you can go to a supermarket at a more convenient time.

Love yourself - arrange a breather

The ability to concentrate on the task and parallel lack of chronophages release a huge amount of energy. The tasks are really solved quickly if nothing bothers them to decide. However, after such effective work, it is necessary to reduce the passage - in an intensive pace, you simply do not stand for a long time, and the overwork is incompatible with efficiency. Pause before you get tired. Arrange a coffee break, hover the desktop. Now you can chat for 10-15 minutes (but not longer!), And then back to work again.

Do not be a horse for which they load, and she is lucky

You are not at all obliged to perform all the work on the house. Children are useful to teach to the accumulating work - let them also help at the farm (wash the dishes, go to the store, etc.). Ask a husband to take some part of the house on myself. The easiest way to do is if you provide my husband's choice. You can make a list of duties and suggest him to familiarize yourself. Let he himself choose what he is more likely, that he will seem simpler and less unpleasant to him. It may be that he will choose exactly what you don't love most, but it will seem simple to him. In addition, the possibility of free choice makes the situation of home delegation less intense.

Napoleonic plans: how to avoid disappointment

Despite the fact that it is not only possible to dream, but also need, remember that human capabilities and temporary resources are limited. Therefore, it is not worth demanding from yourself too much - both work, and classes with children, and fitness, and foreign language, and communication, and everything else. Do not plan for one day too much. It will be much more efficient if you divide when to engage in physical education, and when we have a language when you have a concern, and when it is an evening of rest.

And, of course, you need to be proud of all your achievements. Every woman who tries to achieve something, daily should be a reason for pride. If you are a housewife, then find the time at the hobby and meetings with friends. And at the same time, remember that you are not busy on any "dirty", worthless work, but provide the rear of your family, take care of their health, well-being and a good mood. Moreover, you have to be proud if you find the time reading books and developing hobbies. If you work, you should be proud of your work - then others will treat him with respect. It doesn't matter what you do - sell candy or climb tags for clothes, give books or follow the work of the office. Every legitimate work is worthy of respect. Love your work just like free time. Try, but stop fussing! Everything has its time!


  • General Plan for achieving goals, women's social network MyJulia.ru
  • 20 best books on self-development, social network for losing weights Diets.ru

Cycle conversations for the museum of hours for senior preschoolers Dow. Abstract

Alekseeva Elena Leonidovna, teacher of the highest qualifying category, teacher of additional education, municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten №5 "Alyonushka" of the city of Armenian Republic of Crimea

The material is intended for educators of senior and preparatory groups DOU, for primary school teachers, as well as for parents who develop children independently

Purpose: Formation of presentations about the time and about different devices for its measurement.
To acquaint children with the concepts of "time", "time orientation";
expand the knowledge of children about the clock, their types, appointment;
develop the mental abilities of children;
enrich the vocabulary of children;

Rail interest in knowledge.


Dear colleagues and parents!
Introducing your attention a cycle conversations intended for my museum of hours, which is under development.
The Watch Museum, which is in question is an element of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preparatory group, where I work as an educator. In the museum of hours, various types of hours will be collected, the clock is old, the clock is new, the clock of bizarre forms, sizes, part of the exhibits are already made with your own hands, it is planned to constantly replenish the collection. After all, the museum is needed to collect, store and supplement. The opening of the museum is expected at the beginning of the new school year.
In conversations are collected, adapted for senior pre-school and younger school age. Home information about time and types of hours. I tried not to load the material with increasing terms, built the course of conversation on the principle of accessibility, systematic, sequence and gradualness.
I want to immediately protect yourself from criticism in the sense that the abstracts of my conversations are made as a monologue of the educator. I did not inserted into the text conversations of physical attacks. Colleagues, we are creators with you, so I ask to use this material as a basis for your creativity and unlimited unique fantasy.
As a visual material for conversations, I used various pictures from Google's search engine, which designed as a separate folder to each conversation. The conversation without a picture (or any other visual manual, the mechanism, for example) will not carry a sufficient educational meaning.
Thanks for attention!

Conversation: What is the time?

Purpose:introduce children with the concept of "time", "time orientation"
expanding children's knowledge about time;

develop intelligent skills;
develop the ability to identify the meaning of proverbs and sayings;
Enrich the vocabulary of children with a new vocabulary;
Educating the ability to listen and understand each other.
In the explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov there are 10 descriptions of the word "time". What is it? Take this interpretation from the dictionary: "Time is a duration, the duration of something, measured by seconds, minutes, hours.
Today, every person every day, every second deals with time. Time - it is also the past, and the present, and the future. This is a surprisingly extensive concept. It can be said that time is our perception of space. With it, we can easily talk about events (or more about something, for example, about our feelings or intentions), which happened to us happen or will occur. With the help of time, we focus in space. For example, it's easier to say "tomorrow at 7 am I need to go to kindergarten" than "when the sun will rise and it will be in the sky at that point (show), I need to be in kindergarten." And if we have to tell about what happened two weeks ago? What then? 14 times ago Sun and Mom bought me a doll? You can get confused.
Time we can not touch, sniff, see, hear. It is abstract (inventical, non-specific, blurred).
In addition, time is moving. And only forward. Some even say that time flows, tears, runs away. Time cannot be stopped, you can not reverse. Even the saying is this: "Do not grind time." It moves from the past to the future. And the moment that is happening now, in this second - there is a present. Therefore, people at all times tried to take care of time, appreciated him, and studied correctly distribute. They say: "The clock is drawn, the days go, months - pass, and the years are flying." Remember how your moms and dads say: "It seems to be our Vanya / Our Katya was born, and what a vooon is big!"
Do you have such a feeling that time stretches like rubber? It happens when you do not want to sleep in a dream-hour! You learn and think: "Well, when will the educator raise us?" We can say that the time stretches when you are bored or nothing to do when we are waiting for someone, right?! "The day is bored until the evening, if you have nothing to do."
And in the people they say: "You do not observe happy hours." How to understand it? Correctly when we are busy with your favorite thing when we go with your parents in the zoo, when guests at grandmother in the village - time flies unnoticed.
It turns out that we have a sense of time from birth. Let's explain: when you were born, you slowly got used to eating at a certain time, wash in the morning, swim in the evenings and so on. When you went to kindergarten, you got used to a new schedule (and the routine of the day - and there is nothing more than a properly organized or planned time). In the morning, charging, then breakfast, then classes, then games and so on. Being older, you are already in advance you see what will happen next.
And what helps us to determine the time? Let's list:
1. Watch;
2. Time of day;
3. Days of the week;
4. Seasons;
5. months of the year.

So let's summarize the above. Please answer questions:
1. Can we touch the time? Why?
2. Does it help us? What is it necessary for?
3. When we were small, we focused on time?
4. What is the time?
5. Is it possible to crawl time? When does it happen?
6. What helps to determine the time?
7. Why do we often say that time is more precious than gold?
8. Should we focus on time?

Conversation: What is the watch?

Purpose: Development of temporary ideas and acquaintance with the history of the clock.
To acquaint children with the concept of "clock" and with the history of their occurrence;
bring up curiosity, careful attitude to time;
Expand the horizon, enrich the dictionary of children.
Last time we met with time. Let's remember what it is? That's right, time is the duration, the duration of something, measured by seconds, minutes, hours.
Today we will get acquainted with the clock as such, with the attribute of time. With that subject that it helps us to navigate in space. Without hours we do not present our lives. They hang on the wall, stand on the shelf, they are on the mobile phone in adults, and in their hands too! What it is? Clock is a device for measuring time.
Why do we need a clock? That's right, not to be late to know when to go to work, in the museum when your favorite cartoon starts.
And how before people lived without hours? How oriented time? You say that instead of alarm, all the roosters awakened, from his singing the day began. And what to do if there is no rooster? And what to do if I needed somewhere not in the morning, but at lunch? It is worth come up with something else.
Ancient people focused on time through the sun. They watched the world around. The sun rose - Morning, the sun is right for head - day, the sun sits down - the evening. People even invented sundial. With them we will meet later. Convenient, of course. But is there always sunshine? Not. When it rains, it is difficult to determine what is the part of the day now. Remember, on cloudy days we often say: "Such a feeling that is now the evening" (although in fact - still morning or day). In addition, an ancient person was difficult to determine exactly the time as they determine it today. It turns out that navigating the sun is also not very uncomfortable.
People began to think and guess what to do, how to invent the device for measuring time. And invented water clock and hourglass. The sandy you have already seen, even someone they have. And water clock is what? Both are considered the most ancient inventions of a person for a more accurate time determination. That's really when you can say that time flows! Water was poured into a high narrow vessel with a hole near the bottom. Special people attached to the clock, at sunrise filled with a vessel with water. When all the water was poured, they were notified by loud cries about this inhabitants of the city and the vessel was filled again. So they came several times a day. And the less a vessel was, the more accurate one could determine the time. These inventions were ancient people enjoyed millennia. But the inventor will always appear, which is something new may invent.
So were invented:
Fire clock (candle of a certain size with divisions applied to it). They were made from different materials (from wax mixed with a chips of a tree and other burning components), covered them with an intended that the "clock" burned for a long time. They appeared in India and China.
Oil clock (this is a clay bowl with a wick filled with oil). This is a liquid clock. People set fire to the wick, he burned, the oil was evaporated. Figures were applied on the side of the clay bowl. People watched what oil level was, so much the time.
Neither those nor others were unreliable. After all, for them it was necessary to observe not to do. What if a strong wind or rain?
The craftsmen came up with the familiar mechanical clocks. They believe that they came up with them in Byzantium. Why mechanical? Yes, because they consisted of countless quarrels, bolts, cogs, springs, gear wheels, pendulum, chains, and so on. At first there was one arrow, it probably showed only the clock. Accordingly, the divisions were 24. They were improved and improved, because behind the mechanism, too, it was necessary to follow, lubricate the parts, sometimes check their time along the sun's clock. And a century later, in each city, the big mechanical clock was hung on the main tower or the cathedral. People did them and small and big. Mechanical clocks reached the present day.
In addition to mechanical not so long ago (at the beginning of the last century), people invented electrical and electronic clock. Physics worked out here, which worked with an electromagnetic field. They were very accurate and most reliable compared to mechanical, which could fail due to one broken spring or due to dust inwards inside the complex mechanism.
But during the opening of atomic energy, people invented the unitnames, very reliable clocks - atomic. They operate on atomic energy instead of batteries or electronic hours, instead of mechanical hours. It is believed that the atomic energy is inexhaustible. So, these hours can serve humanity at many millions of years. With you, with you atomic hours, of course, will not be, because they are very cumbersome and only scientists are observed behind them. But mechanical and electronic watches are quite accessible and everyone has each.
So, what's new you learned today?
1. Why began to think about the invention of the mechanism to determine the time?
2. What hours are most reliable?
3. How do water clock work?
4. Why were people near water and oil watches?
5. Why doesn't one of us have atomic hours?

Conversation: sundial

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with sun clocks, their history, appointment

activate the vocabulary of children and fill it with a new vocabulary;

bring up the careful attitude to time;

We have already acquainted with time and instruments for its measurement. What are these devices? Correct hours. Today we will talk to you about the sunny clutch: who, when, for which they invented, whether they reached this day, they are large or small, it is convenient for them to determine time.
Suncloth - an old device for measuring time through the sun. They are built on the knowledge of our ancestors about cosmic bodies, in this case the star of the solar system. The birthday of the solar clock is considered to be ancient Egypt, where they worshiped the various gods, built them temples, served them. One of the main ancient Egyptian gods was the God of the Sun - the God of RA. It was believed that he rules with all parts of the world: the sky, the earth, the underworld. The RA was associated with a falcon or hawk, on the head of which was a bright sunny drive. The Egyptians believed that all forms of life were created by his hands, because the sun is the source of light and heat, without which no living creature can grow and exist. The God of RA was erected by many bright temples, in which his priests served.
Here in some beautiful day the priests were watched by how once again, the God of Ra "travels on his boat in the sky." They suddenly noticed how the columns of the temple discarded the shadow in one direction, then to another, and smoothly, as if in a circle. The priests came to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating sunshine, for which they could determine the time when the favorite God of Ra swims on the boat in one or another part of the sky.
Let's see what they came up with: before the temple, the priests set a big peg and called it "Gnomon". It was a sacred peg, which was decorated with carved patterns and inscriptions. When the Sky appeared in the sky (God RA), then the shadow from the gnomon moved to a predetermined circumference (some kind of semblance of today's dial). Uniformly applied risks measured equal periods of time. The circle was also decorated with patterns, often by images of the sun, stars and the moon in different phases. People liked such an idea, because it was possible to determine the exact time. The sun's clock began to install in public places - on the squares, in the baths, in the estates of the emperors and so on.
Sunclocks were different designs:
Horizontal (located right on earth, they can be built on sand, and indeed on any horizontal surface);

Vertical (these clock, respectively, are located on the vertical surface, and their gnomon is like sticking to the stron. Most often they are installed on the walls of towers, high buildings and structures).

If you say that such hours cannot be taken with you. I will answer - guys, you can! The folk craftsmen immediately reacted and invented a reduced copy of the solar clock - wrist miniature models. Travelers and monks were special ears with marks, and, putting them at a certain angle to the sun, they could determine the time.

But it is worth noting that the installation of the solar clock required certain knowledge of astronomy and geography. For each location, it was necessary to correctly calculate where to put the gnomon, and where to arrange a dial. Without these calculations, the sundial would cease to be accurate. It can now be checked by an ordinary mechanical or electronic hour, whether the time of the sun's clock is shown correctly, and before people did not have such an opportunity.
In addition, the biggest minus of the solar clock is to work, they can only in sunny clear weather! Nevertheless, the sundial served people for millennia. And they were very satisfied with them.
Let's summarize our conversation:
1. Where did the first sunny clock appear?
2. Who is the God of Ra?
3. How did the thoughts come to the creation of the sun's clock?
4. What is the sundial?
5. Is it easy for them to do?
6. What are the sunsipe?
7. Where was the sundial?
8. What disadvantages have sun hours?

Conversation: hourglass

Purpose: To acquaint children with sand clock, their history, appointment
develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;

consolidate knowledge about time and clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;
develop the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, summarize;
Rise the ability to listen to each other.
We continue to get acquainted with the views of the clock. Today we learn what the hourglass is.
Hourglass, like any other hours, is, first of all, a device for measuring time. They consist of two transparent glass vessels connected to each other. In one vessel, there is a small sand, which is shocking into another vessel through the neck, thereby measuring a certain period of time. It can be from a few seconds, up to several hours.
It depends on the size of the vessels: small vessels - a small period of time, large vessels - a large period of time, as they can accommodate a lot of sand. In addition, the size of the neck (the narrowest part of the clock) also matters: wider the neck - the sand runs out of one vessel in another, time to spend less, already the neck - the sand slowly seeps, so time is spent more.
It is believed that the first hourglass appeared in India and China. They quickly spread over the light, because they were easy to use, reliable, they can be measured at any time of the day and night, as they do not depend on the sunlight, nor from the weather or from the wind. But there are also disadvantages - hourglass is measured only with a meek lapse, they do not measure the day. You can imagine what should be the vessels and how much sand will need, so that all 24 hours he flowed from one vessel to another. In addition, hourglass over time cease to be accurate: the grains are stepping, turn into dust, and are cut faster.
The best masters were engaged in the manufacture of sand for hourglass. After all, it was from him that the accuracy of time was dependent. The craftsmen took marine or river sand, sieved him with the help of a sieve, making it homogeneous, washed and dried in the sun. The other sand was made of a crushed egg shell. Such sand had a beautiful cream shade. Even the sand was made of charcoal (burnt piece of wood), the corner is as well as the egg shell, pushing. What color turned out in the sand? That's right, black.
Vessels, or flasks, masters made from glass. In those days, glass could already be made. And the glass, as you know, is done also from the sand. Inside the vessels should be perfectly smooth, so that the sand is not delayed and not stuck.
Currently, the sand clock is rarely used. Basically they put them for decoration. But they can be found, for example, in sanatoriums, when medical sizes counts the time of the procedure. And where did you meet the hourglass?
It is time to summarize what we learned today:
1. What hours did we talk today?
2. What are the hourglass?
3. How did the sand done?
4. Why should the vessels be smooth?
5. What are the pros of the hourglass?
6. What are the shortcomings of them?
7. Where can I meet hourglass now?

Conversation: Water Watches

Purpose: To acquaint children with different types of hours, namely, with water clock, their history, appointment
develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;
promote the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children;
consolidate knowledge about time and clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;

Rise the ability to listen to each other.
Guys, let's remember what kinds of hours we already know. Well done! We know what solar is. And remember, we casually said that there are still water, sand, oil, mechanical, electronic and atomic clock. What do you think about what of them we will talk today? About water watches.
The name of these hours speaks for itself. Do they calculate the time thanks to? That's right, water, liquid. We know that ancient people, like you, are very observant. They did not have any modern fixtures that we now have. They relied on their own intuition, some knowledge of nature and its forces, on their own experience and were not afraid to make mistakes.
So, someone says that in Egypt, and someone claims that a clay vessel was trapped in ancient Babylon in an ancient Babylon. The crack was very small, and from her the drop behind the drop began to flow water. Water dripped slowly. And since the minister has nothing to do that night, he began to observe this process. As a result, the morning came, and it was called to have breakfast. The next night, the servant took the same holey vessel, filled it with water, put it on the stool, and put another vessel to the floor so that the water from the leakage did not flow into the floor. And you know what! This man noticed that the water sighs the time interval equal to its night ministry in the temple. So the first water clock appeared, the device for measuring time.
And then experiments began: the water clock was also the two vessels described above, and one big bowl with a hole on the bottom, which was suspended, and water flowed out of her drops behind the drop, as well as measuring time. And the Chinese at all came up with - in the pool filled with water, put the same round bowl with a hole at the bottom. Blucking a bowl, swimming in the pool, filled through the hole with water and tone. Not very practical for measuring time, right?!
But the most interesting and most lovely water watches were Klepsidra.

Klepsidra, translated from ancient Greek, means "water kidnapper". The first klepsider was a simple cylindrical vessel with holes at the bottom and with dashes, denoting a period of time. It turned out in such a way that at first (when the excessive vessel is filled) in the same time the time has flowed longer than the end. You probably could also notice this when they gained, for example, in the package water: first, water how quickly begins to pour, and when there is some water in the package, it flows barely. This is due to water pressure. Then people thought, thought, and decided to make Klepsidra in the form of a narrowed Book of Cones. Then the water clock ceased to "lie". The ancient masters did well, very beautiful klepsidras. From wood, from clay, even from marble. They decorated with their carved figures, flowers, planting paradise birds. Of course, such water clocks stood at noble people. Special people watched in time to pour new water in Klepsidra. That's exactly from there and gave expressions: "The time has expired" and "time is fleeting like water."
Passed century, and people stopped satisfying the water clock. Why, you ask. Yes, because as beautiful and correctly measured, neither Klepsidra, yet the error in measuring time was, and grew up every year of its use. Water clock simply "lied". People needed new devices for measuring time. People wanted accuracy. And which devices are further invented - we will find out with you from the following conversations.
So, it's time to share impressions from the recognized today:
1. What hours did we talk about today?
2. How did the first water clock appear?
3. What does "Klepsidra" mean?
4. What form of Klepsidra was the exact one?
5. Why did people have to make a cone-shaped klepsidra? What did they not suit the cylindrical?
6. How to understand the expression "time expired"?
7. What did people do not like Klepsidra?

Conversation: Fire and Oil Watches

Purpose: To acquaint children with different types of hours, namely, with firing and oil clock, their history, appointment

develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;
promote the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children;
consolidate knowledge of the clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;
develop the ability to analyze, synthesize information, compare, summarize;
Rise the ability to listen to each other.
Guys, guess the riddle:
Fire head flames
The body melts and burns.
I useful to be I want:
There is no lamp - I'll be bred. (Candle)
That's right, it is a candle. And where is the candle when we talk about the clock? Now everyone will learn.
In the ancient East, namely in China, three thousand years ago fire, or fiery clock appeared. The Chinese love everything connected with the fiery elements. They came up to surprise a simple design: they took a long leg with sides, put a candle in her, a uniform cuts were made on the side, denoting a period of time, threads were pulled through the cuts, on the edges of which were balls (usually metallic or ivory). They lit the candle, the candle slowly burned, the thread melted, burst out, the ball fell on a metal plate under a blue, made a battle, thereby signaling that some time had passed. And so until the candle burns. Then the candle was changed. And to infinity.

In this wagon could add incense, aromatic oils, could decorate it with all sorts of figuces and figures. Well, a very beautiful and fragrant invention. And most importantly, useful, because the ancient people could clearly build their routine of the day and focus on time.
The firing hours were different designs. Here, for example, candlestone cylindrical hours: this is a stand (some candlestick) with a metal vertical pin with the same divisions along its entire length. Near the pin put a candle (vertically), they lit, she burned and pointed the past time. What do you think comfortable design? Yes, comfortable, but, in my opinion, the candle is quickly burning. Then people began to invent candles of different composition, with different wicks, so that the candle was burning as much as possible, because the wax melts very quickly.

So the wick watches appeared. Very interesting design: wick were made (they made it from materials that are lit or smolded, for example, from a mixture of sawdust with deaths), twisted it with a spiral in the form of a cone, to each twist of the spirals tied a thread with a ball to us, suspended the spiral on pin or Hook (as if the lantern), under the spiral there was a metal stand. They fired on the wick, he was tel, the thread fell, fell on a metal stand, published sound. The same principle as the candle watches. What do you think convenient? Pretty comfortable.
But the craftsmen did not stop. And here as in the saying: "Fire oil to pour - only to add a fire." Oil clock were invented. They can also be safely called fire. And the third name - the lamp watches. They took a clay pot, filled with her vegetation oil, put a phytille, set fire to. There were labels on the pot, the oil burned, burned, its level showed how much time pasted. Such hours took the rudocks with them - people who worked underground minced minerals, ore, for example. Oil watches consisted not only from the oil vessel, they were made of glass. Practical. This is by the way the type of kerosene burners, which your great-grandmothers or even grandmothers used not so long ago. Only the kerosene burner is not measured, but used for lighting when there were no electricity.
All fire and oil watches were good. But just unreliable. They were dependent on the wind. Why? That's right, if a strong wind blew (for example, draft), they Gasley. It was necessary to constantly observe a candle or a phytylene. In addition, they "lied" - if in the room fresh dry air, the candle was burning brightly, the flame played, the clock was "burned", and if there was damp or insufficient oxygen, then the candle was barely trel. Another disadvantage - candles, phytilis and oil needed somewhere to take, buy. It was necessary to buy them in a timely manner. And many of them were not affordable. Here you see the guys, as an ancient people were inventive!
Let's summarize:
1. Where did the fire watch invented?
2. How did they work?
3. What other constructions of fire watches do you know?
4. Fire hours quickly work slowly?
5. What did people do that the fire watches serve them as long as possible?
6. What is the oil clock?
7. Who used them?
8. What are the firing hours?
9. What are the disadvantages of firing and oil clock?

Conversation: Mechanical Watches

Purpose: To introduce children with different types of hours, namely, with mechanical clock, their history, appointment
Shape the idea of \u200b\u200bdetermining time;
develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;
promote the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children;
consolidate knowledge of the clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;
develop the ability to analyze, synthesize information, compare, summarize;
Rise the ability to listen to each other.
Mechanical watches. What is it? Clock, understandable case, device for measuring time. And mechanical? That's right, from the word "mechanism" - a device, an internal device of something. Who invented the first mechanical clock - a mystery. Some argue that these are ingenious Chinese, others say it is the French. Let's not guess. What do you think for what the mechanical clock was invented? After all, so much hours people have already invented. Right! At all times, people wanted accuracy. And so that these watches do not depend on third-party forces - from the sun, from the fire, from oil or candles.
If someone from you with your parents or grandparents disassembled the clock, then I certainly saw that inside a lot ... what? Gear wheels. One wheel clins for another, the other for the third, and then for one wheel can immediately cling to two, three wheels. And they, in turn, move the arrows of the clock. Surprisingly, isn't it?!
The design of the first mechanical clock was simple.

The rope was wound on the shaft (can be compared with the coil and threads), tied a girc. The weighting of the rope fell and moved the arrow using gears. The number of cloves on wheels was calculated so that the full circle of the watch wheel meal one hour. When the rope was unwound, I had to raise a gury up. I will also add that on the first mechanical clock there was no minute (and even more than the second) arrow. And such hours were installed on the towers, in the Town Hall, chapel. They were huge.
Then people invented the pendulum - the oscillatory system. The pendulum moves there and here and his movement is invariably. It was introduced in the clock mechanism. And it helped people even more accurate time. After all, the movement of the pendulum is the same, in contrast to the rope, which could let off from constant friction.
The mechanical clock was finalized for five centuries, while they reached us in this form, in which we used to see them. Spirals, and dial, and cuckoo, and battle. And some clock showed a whole idea when they hit some hour, for example 8 pm.
People for convenience invented and small pocket mechanical clocks so that you can take them with you everywhere. Then the resourceful masters cover them leather straps. So there were wristwatches that allowed to instantly see how long it is. The mechanical clock was decorated with various figures, painted with patterns, made them of precious metal. They became the subject of luxury, a welcome gift, especially for men.
But the most important thing is their function. Mechanical hours allowed to very accurately determine the time, almost without error, they did not depend on natural factors. For this, they are valued for so long. And appreciate so far.
It is time to summarize:
1. What is the "mechanism"?
2. Let's remember the design of the first hours? (Story in the picture)
3. Who invented the first mechanical clock?
4. What is a pendulum?
5. What is the plus mechanical clock?

Conversation: Electric and electronic clock

Purpose: To introduce children with different types of hours, namely, with electrical and electronic clock, their history, appointment
Shape the idea of \u200b\u200bdetermining time;
develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;
promote the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children;
consolidate knowledge of the clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;
develop the ability to analyze, synthesize information, compare, summarize;
Rise the ability to listen to each other.
Today it will be about electric and electronic watches, which are considered one of the most accurate and most reliable. At the end of the last century, they almost completely displaced the mechanical clock from our life.
It all started a hundred years ago, when electricity appeared, and when this electricity began to apply for various purposes and needs. The Englishman put experiments with pendulum, electromagnets and ordinary mechanical clock. The pendulum was swinging, in contact with special electromagnets, a current was formed, which gave energy to move the arrows. These clocks did not require a permanent plant as mechanical. And the most important thing - there was no error in time (well, or very insignificant, the clock "lied" just 1 second a year). The electric clock was greatly popular and respected from professors and scientists.

But in the middle of the last century, in France, such watches that we all use - electronic were invented. The pendulum and electromagnet of the electric clock were replaced by an electrical power supply - battery or battery. And the dial usual to us was made by an electronic scoreboard on which electronic numbers glowed. In addition, engineers began to invent electronic clock with a calculator, with alarm clock (now we are not surprised, but before it was a unheard of a miracle of technology), and even built-in minicomputer. Gradually, electronic clocks and electronic alarm clocks began to embed into various household appliances and devices, which allowed them to control them when a certain time occurs. The electronic clock has become a mandatory element of such devices as a TV, a video recorder, computer, cell phone, etc., and so on. Today we are accustomed to the electronic clock and do not even remember that there is something else to determine time.
Let's summarize:
1. Electronic and electric clocks are the same?
2. What was the most important in electrical clock?
3. And what is important in electronic?
4. Where do we celebrate the electronic clock?
5. What did they conquer us?

Conversation: Atomic Watch

Purpose: To acquaint children with different types of hours, namely, with atomic clocks, their history, appointment
Shape the idea of \u200b\u200bdetermining time;
develop cognitive activity and logical thinking;
promote the activation and expansion of the vocabulary of children;
consolidate knowledge of the clock;
bring up the careful attitude to time;
develop the ability to analyze, synthesize information, compare, summarize;
Rise the ability to listen to each other.
We have already talked about almost the most accurate hours - electronic. But why are they "almost" accurate? Yes, because there is a very very fitful clock - this is atomic clock. Atom is the smallest particle that only is on Earth. It consists of everything in the world. People have learned not so long ago to use the energy of the atom. Imagine that we are playing with the game "At the Bora bear" game, you run away from the bear, what is happening? All run without looking back! How many energy in you? Lot! Also atomic energy is also powerful energy. And with the inexhaustible. She can serve humanity millions of years. But subject to proper and peaceful use.
So, back to our o'clock. From what is atomic clock - I can not tell, it is very difficult. Only nuclear physicists can tell us this mystery. If someone from you in the future becomes a physicist-naderer, please come to kindergarten and tell the kids about the most accurate hours of hours!
The first atomic hours were too cumbersome and did not get widespread. But scientists did not sleep, they created hours on the basis of cesium atoms. This is such a chemical element. Immediately after the creation of atomic hours, people of the whole land decided to go to an atomic standard of time.
It is time for the opening of the great secrets of mankind. I will tell you the secret that there is a laboratory of the Guardians of Time in the world. What do you think they do in it? Store time? Right. And why store it? Is it that, it's going to go somewhere? Another secret will have to reveal: our planet Earth, as you know, rotates around your axis and around the sun. The rotation of the Earth slows down and the magnitude of this slowdown is inconsistent. Currently, the Earth rotates with a slowdown in about 2 milliseconds for 100 years. This greatly complicates the work of astronomers and custodians of time, which make up some special calculations, driven only by them, and these calculations may be incorrect even due to a minor error in time.
To date, universal coordinated time is used not without the help of atomic clocks as a time scale. It is formed by the International Bureau of Measures and Weights by combining these laboratories for storing the time of various countries, as well as the data of the International Earth Rotation Service.
Here we say that atomic time is so accurate. And why so far we do not use them in everyday life? All because the atomic energy is not yet used for domestic purposes, the technology of its receipt is very complex. And it costs it very expensive. Plus, as I said, the atomic clock is huge.

While scientists from different countries have over what to work. And I think that in the near future we will be able to use atomic clock as well as any mechanical and electronic.
So let's see how easily you remember the information from our conversation:
1. What gives an atom?
2. What are they - the first atomic clock?
3. Who invented atomic hours?
4. Is the mechanism of atomic clock folded?
5. Does anyone follow the time in the world?
6. Why do you need to follow the time?
7. Why do we still have atomic hours at home?

(I used pictures from Google search engine)

Days come to us as disguised friends, bringing invaluable gifts from an unknown hand; But if we do not use their offices, they silently leave and never return. Every subsequent morning brings us all new and new gifts, but if we failed to take advantage of those who were brought yesterday and the third day, we are still doing less able to use them, until finally, the ability to assess them and use them does not disappear at all.

Time is raw material from which we can do whatever we want

The very clocks that you carelessly harvest, in case of useful use, could ensure your success. What majestic monuments would be constructed with young people who were in adverse conditions, in such estate passages of time, which are completely not valued by many of us?

Michael Faradays at first could do physical experiences only in his free watches remaining he from his binding craft. Davy Hemphri acquired fame, engaged in physics in the free moments in the attic of the pharmaceutical store, in which he served. "There is no such thing or classes," says Whitenbach, "which would not allow a person to spend a few time to scientific exercises of his youth every day."

"Link to the lack of time to replenish our education," says Matie Arnold, "will immediately be unreasonable as soon as we seriously begin to explore our distribution of time." "As I noticed," says Berk, the ladies much more fills the time of man and less allows him to be his master than any activity. "

What kind of people are so busy, so that he is not every day one hour to replenish his education? Meanwhile, what miracles would be committed in "one hour daily"!

One hour dailycalled from empty pastime and used with benefit, would give a person even with ordinary abilities the opportunity to quite master any branch of science and would make a ignorant person educated after several years. At one time you can read closely twenty-pages, which will be per year over seven thousand pages or seventeen large volumes. "One hour a day":

    for twelve years more than equilibrate the time paid to classes during the four-year courses at the university;

    it may draw up the whole difference between simple existence and useful, happy life;

    it can make and made an unknown person famous, useful, benefactor of mankind.

Now imagine that great opportunity that lies in two, four or even six o'clock a day, the useless young people of both sexes in a restless pursuit of entertainment and fun!

Many great people created their glory, taking advantage of these intervals that most people are excited completely aimlessly:

    Harriet Bilecher-Stowhe wrote his famous book "Uncle Tom Huts" in the intervals between numerous household troubles;

    Longfellotranslated "hell" with ubrals to ten minutes a day, while it was cooked by his coffee, and continued to work like several years until the end of work;

    Hugo Miller,having diligently working as a bricklayer, I found the time to read scientific books and record the information found on the stone blocks, with whom he had to deal with;

    Bernposted by many of their best poems at a time when he worked on the farm;

    Lincolnhe studied the right in his free clock, when he was engaged in an intertime, and the initial steps took place without any assistance at the time when he guarded the commodity warehouse;

    John Stewart Milleposted a significant part of its most famous works during the Clerk service in the East India Company;

    Charles Frost,the famous shoemaker from Vermont decided to devote one hour a day with scientific classes and as a result became one of the most outstanding mathematicians in the United States, acquiring, moreover, enviable fame and other areas of knowledge.

Great people have always been very economic in relation to time:

    Cicerosaid: "The time that others dedicate spectacles and entertainment or even mental and bodily peace, I give to the study of philosophy";

    days Alexandra Gumboldtso were busy with different things that he was engaged in science at night or early in the morning, when others still slept;

    Gladstoneconstantly wore a book in his pocket with the goal so that some unforeseen free moment would not disappear in vain.

What a reproach is such a life for a variety of young people of both sexes that spend in vain whole months and even years!

Time is money. Of course, we should not be too harbing with him, but should not and spend in vain hours, as you do not scatter money. It was well said that lost wealth can be again acquired by activities and thrift, lost knowledge - teaching, lost health - abstracted life and reading; But the lost time goes irretrievably. When losing an hour, - as it is neither fool in itself, - the worst of time is not the loss of time, and the breeding of vitality, nature in the pretty-knell life. Due to laziness, the nerves would be rust.

Every day there is a small life, and our whole life is only a repeated day.