Social ideas Jean Jacques Russo. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, his philosophy of freedom and equality

Social ideas Jean Jacques Russo. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, his philosophy of freedom and equality

Jean Jacques Russo - French writer and philosopher, representative of sentimentalism. From the standpoint of Deesma condemned the official church and religious intolerance in the writings "reasoning about the start and grounds of inequality ..." (1755), "On a public contract" (1762).

J. J. Rousseau opposed social inequality, the despotism of royal power. Idealized the natural state of universal equality and freedom of people destroyed by the introduction of private property. The state, in Rousseau, may arise only as a result of a contract of free people. The aesthetic and pedagogical views of Rousseau are expressed in the novel-treatise "Emil, or about upbringing" (1762). The novel in the letters "Julia, or New Eloise" (1761), as well as the "Confession" (Edition 1782-1789), putting in the center of the narrative "private", spiritual life, contributed to the establishment of psychologism in European literature. Pygmalion (Edition 1771) is an early sample of melodrama.

The ideas of Rousseau (the cult of nature and naturalness, criticism of urban culture and civilization, distorting initially immaculate man, the preference of the heart of the mind) influenced the public thought and literature of many countries.

Jean Rousseau's mother, Bernar, the granddaughter of the Geneva Pastor, died a few days after the birth of Jean-Jacques, and his father - Watchmaker Isac Rousseau - in 1722 was forced to leave Geneva. 1723-24 Rousseau spent in Protestant guesthouse Lamberal in the town of Boss near the French border. Upon returning to Geneva, he was preparing to become a judicial stationery for some time, and from 1725 he studied the craft of Engraver. Do not creep the tyranny host, young Rousseau in 1728 left his hometown.

Madame de Varans

In Savoy, Jean Jacques Rousseau became acquainted with Louise-Eleonori de Varanç, which had a significant impact on his entire subsequent life. An attractive 28-year-old widow from the old noble family, a convert Catholic, she used the patronage of the Church and the Duke Victor-Amedea Savoy, who became King Sardinia in 1720. Justice to the influence of this lady, Rousseau went to Turin to the abode of the Holy Spirit. Here he accepted Catholicism, thereby losing the Geneva citizenship.

In 1729, Rousseau settled in Annecy at Madame de Varanç, which decided to continue his education. She prompted him to enter the seminary, and then to the choir school. In 1730, Jean Jacques Rousseau resumed his wanders, but in 1732 returned to Madame de Varanç, this time in Chambery, and became one of her lovers. Their connection, which lasted until 1739, opened Rousseau path to the new, previously inaccessible world. Relations with Madame de Varanç and attending her home by people improved his manners, knit the taste for intellectual communication. Thanks to his patronage, he received in the 1740 place of the governer in the house of Lyon Justa Jean Bonno de Maby, the elder brother of famous philosophers-enlighteners, Mabies and Kondilla. Although the teacher of children's eats from Rousseau did not come out, the acquired links helped him on arrival in Paris.

Rousseau in Paris

In 1742, Jean Jacques Rousseau moved to the capital of France. Here he intended to succeed thanks to the reform of the music record, concluded in the abolition of transposition and keys. Rousseau made a report at the meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences, and then appealed to the public, publishing the "dissertation about modern music" (1743). By this time, his meeting from Denis Didro, in which he immediately recognized the bright, alien petty mind, prone to serious and independent philosophical thought.

In 1743, Rousseau received appointing to the post of secretary of the French ambassador in Venice Count de Montagus, however, without having coupled with him, he soon returned to Paris (1744). In 1745, he met Teresa Levasser, a simple and long-suffering woman, who became a companion of his life. Considering that he was not able to raise his children (there were five of them), Rousseau gave them to an educational house.


At the end of 1749, Denis Didro attracted Rousseau to work on the "Encyclopedia", for which he wrote 390 articles, primarily on the theory of music. The reputation of Jean Jacques Rousseau as a musician increased after his comic opera "Rural sorcerer", supplied at the courtyard in 1752 and in the Paris opera in 1753.

In 1749, Rousseau took part in the competition on the topic "Did the revival of science and art contributed to the purification of morals?", Organized by the Dijon Academy. In "reasoning about the sciences and arts" (1750), Rousseau first formulated the main theme of its social philosophy - the conflict between modern society and human nature. He argued that good manners do not exclude prudent egoism, and science and arts satisfy the indigenous needs of people, but their pride and vanity.

Jean Jacques Rousseau raised the question of a grid progress price, believing that the latter leads to the dehumanization of human relations. The work brought him a victory in the competition, as well as wide fame. In 1754, the second contest of the Dijon Academy Rousseau presented "reasoning on the origin and grounds of inequality between people" (1755). In it, he contrasted the so-called initial natural equality inequality to artificial (social).

Conflict with encyclopedists

In the 1750s. J. J. Rousseau more and more surrendered from Paris literary salons. In 1754 he visited Geneva, where she again became a Calvinist and restored himself in civil rights. Upon returning to France, Rousseau elected a secluded lifestyle. 1756-62 he spent in rural areas near Monmorancy (near Paris), first in the pavilion allotted by him Madame D "Epina (friend Friedrich Melchior Grimma, the author of the famous" literary correspondence ", with which Rousseau came close to 1749), then In the country house Marshal de Luxembourg.

However, Rousseau relations with Didro and Grimm gradually cooled. In the play "Bye son" (1757), Didro raised hermites, and Jean Jacques Russo took it as a personal insult. Then Russo wondered by Madame D "Epina, Countess Sophie", which was the mistress of Jean-Francois de Saint-Lamember, an encyclopedist, a relative friend Didro and Grimma. Friends found the behavior of Rousseau unworthy, and he himself did not consider himself guilty.

The worship of Madame D "It took him to" New Eloise "(1761), a masterpiece of sentimentalism, a novel about tragic love, who heard sincerity in human relations and the happiness of simple rural life. The increasing discrepancy of Jean Jacques Rousseau with encyclopedists was explained not only by the circumstances of personal life, But also differences in their philosophical views. In the "letter to D" Alambera about performances "(1758), Rousseau argued that atheism and virtue are incompatible. Calling out the outrage of many, including Didro and Voltaire, he supported the critics of Geneva's article published by D "Alamber for the year in 7 Tome of Encyclopedia.

The theory of moral feelings

In the pedagogical novel, "Emil or about upbringing" (1762), Jean Jacques Rousseau hit the modern system of upbringing, reproaciting her for lack of attention to the inner world of man, disregard for its natural needs. In the form of the philosophical novel, Rousseau outlined the theory of congenital moral feelings, the main of which he considered the inner consciousness of good. The task of education he proclaimed the defense of moral feelings from the decomposing influence of society.

"Public Agreement"

Meanwhile, it was the society that turned out to be the focus of the most famous work of Rousseau - "On a public contract, or principles of political law" (1762). By entering into a public contract, people come to part of their sovereign natural rights in favor of state power that protects their freedom, equality, social justice and expressing, thereby, their common will. The latter is not identical for the will of the majority, which can contradict the genuine interests of society. If the state ceases to follow the overall will and fulfill its moral obligations, it loses the moral basis of its existence. Ensuring this moral support of the authorities Jean Jacques Rousseau laughed at the m. A civil religion designed to unite citizens based on faith in God, to the immortality of the soul, in the inevitability of punishment of vice and the celebration of virtue. Thus, Rousseau's philosophy was far enough from deizma and materialism of many of his former friends.

Last years

Rousseau's sermon was encountered equally hostile in a wide variety of circles. Emil was convicted by the Paris Parliament (1762), the author was forced to flee from France. In Geneva, Emil and Public Agreement were burned, and Rousseau was announced outside the law. In 1762-67, Jean Jacques Rousseau wandered at the beginning of Switzerland, then found himself in England. In 1770, reaching European fame, Rousseau returned to Paris, where he had no longer threatened. There he completed work on the "confession" (1782-1789). The persecution mania, Rousseau retired to Ermenonville under Sllinis, where he spent the last months of his life on the care of Marquis de Girarden, who buried him on the island in his own park.

In 1794, during the period of the Jacobin dictatorship, the remains Jean Jacques Russo were transferred to Pantheon. Jacobinians justified with the help of his ideas not only the cult of the Supreme Being, but also terror.

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Abstract on the topic:

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, his philosophy of freedom and equality.

Introduction ............................................................... ............................. 2

The main part ..................................................................................3

Life path Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the formation of philosophy of views ...... .5

Philosophy Rousseau. Experience of freedom, equality and upbringing ............... .. ... 11

Conclusion ..................................................................................................17

List of used literature ................................................. ... 18


The main idea of \u200b\u200bcreativity Jean-Jacques Russo - the cult of nature and criticism of civilization distorting the initially immaculate person had an impact on public thought and literature to this day. Based on this, Rousseau believed that universal equality and freedom of people are a natural state destroyed by the influence of private property. The state, in Rousseau, may arise only as a result of a public contract of free people. In total, Rousseau can be called the Pedagogy reformer, one of the first he made a view that the task of pedagogy - development in the child laid by the nature of the chambers and assistance in the assimilation of knowledge and skills necessary for life in society. In his artistic works in the center of the narration, a person's personal life was raised, his mental experiences, it was the beginning of the formation of psychologism in European literature.

The advantage of the views of Rousseau to freedom is manifested in his sensitly practical approach, as opposed to an extremely creative, in which freedom is trying to detect as some "object", and, not finding, denying its existence. Freedom means internally reflective attitude: to be Mr. to himself, practicing her will on itself, to rule over passions. "[Rousseau Zh.-zh., Emil or about Education, P.40]. Overcoming passions means moral freedom. She It does not come out of the individual, but is generated and developed from the inside. The process of its formation in the historical plan Rousseau connects with the transition from the initial, natural state to a civilized, civilian. Man as a citizen breaks up with its natural freedom, but becomes freedom of moral.

Working on this work, I set the goal to understand the philosophy of Rousseau than he was guided, which had an impact on him. To follow the red thread of the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of every person and equality passed through his life path through the works created by him.

Task: to convey to the reader the meaning of the teachings of Rousseau, what he saw freedom and how he proposed to fight for her. Done, why between Russian philosophy and his own life arose contradictions, why he himself did not follow the same written.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) is the brightest of French Enlightenment. He was born in the country of mountains, hours, banks and cantons - Switzerland, in the city of Geneva. Father Rousseau was a watchmaker-watchman. The birth of Jean-Jacques was overshadowed by tragedy - his mother died in childbirth. This made the future philosopher's favorite child in the family; Senior Rousseau spent a lot of time with the child and instilled like love. Young Russo Father is in training a craft, but it does not take it and sixteen-year-old Jacques leaves Geneva. To get money for feeding Rousseau engaged in different work and in different places. He broke up almost all of Italy and France. 1741 meets Rousseau in Paris, where he is acquainted with Kondolyak, Didro and many other thinkers of the time that expanded the horizons of his philosophical thought. These acquaintances were of great importance in the formation of the philosophical personality of Rousseau.

It is significant that he posted his views in an absolutely anti-zero form, wanting to draw attention to the most acute social problems. However, this did not mean that Rousseau underestimated the mind of a person, on the contrary - he was confident that the human mind carries a huge potency in the role of the Sun, scattering the darkness of ignorance and imperfections of people. For example, in his work, he expressed the idea that scientists need to be invited as government officials as advisers so that they helped create a common benefit. To the Union of Wisdom and the authorities called Roussely his generation

Also, Peru of the philosopher belongs to such works as "reasoning about the origin and grounds of inequality between people" (1755), "Julia, or New Eloise" (1761), "On a public contract" (1762), "Emil, or about upbringing" ( 1762) In the works of Rousseau, many aspects of social development are affected. For the lens of his philosophical cameras, a person got a totality of all people who lost freedom inherent in them in a natural state. The natural state for Rousseau is the perfect world in which a person does not depend on anyone, this is the target from which we moved away, but to which you can return. Natural condition provides people with a real equality, in natural state there is no concept of private property, therefore not a single person is not spoiled in a moral plan.

Rousseau did not recognize the eternal existence of inequality. His start, he believed that moment in the history of mankind, when private property arose. The bundle on the rich and poor is the first step of inequality that appeared at the moment when one of the ancient people first determined the personal belonging of something, and everyone believed in it. After inequality, it only strengthened its position, which largely contributed to the creation of the state, as the union of rich and poor, in which the rich steel managers, and the poor - subjects. In this case, the state "left new ways to weak and gave the strength to the rich, irrevocably destroyed natural freedom, forever established the law of property and inequalities, turned a dexterous usurpation into the unshakable right and for the sake of the benefit of several ambitions made a human race, slavery and poverty for the benefits of several ambitions. "[" About the public contract "]. The last stage of the final consolidation of people is the transition of state power in despotism, which has turned subjects to slaves, and this despotism. As Rousseau believed in the end should be defeated.
Even considering that the transition from the natural state to the state is the cause of the enslavement of people, Rousseau does not think that he can cause the death of mankind. He sees the positive sides in this transition, because the social agreement allows a person with great success to preserve the existing on him. Also, the social union allows people to be unequal in the physical plan to be equal to other people thanks to this agreement: "The main agreement not only does not destroy natural equality, and on the contrary, it replaces the physical inequality between people, which could create nature; People, being unequal in force and the mind, become equal due to the agreement. "

Rousseau paid the system of educating a person: "You will have everything if you educate citizens, without this, you all have, starting with state rulers, will only have a miserable slave" ["TRACTS"]. From the small years, Rousseau to educate citizens as The help of society and pedagogically. He gave a huge role in this business, which was to establish a number of rules for which people would be brought up, in love for their citizens and Fatherland around them.
Rousseau argued that in the first place it is necessary to develop those virtues in man, which would allow people to use as little as possible of material benefits.

Russian philosophy has had a great influence on the whole of Europe. Before the contradictory moments in the development of society, he, literally, focused on the progressive course of the Great French Revolution. As an example of the fact that Robespierre read excerpts from Rousseau's works on the streets, carrying the entire breadth of the great philosopher's views of ordinary people.

1. Then the way Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the formation of philosophy of views.

Let's go back a little back and on the original source and most reliable witness, let's try to trace some of the most important moments in the life of the philosopher. We will help us in this confession, written by Rousseau himself in response to the LE Sentiment Des Citoyens pamphlet, in which the story of His life was naked. As I have already written above, the birth of Rousseau was overshadowed by the death of his mother who could not withstand generic tests. This is a terrible event and its appearance of Rousseau himself calls the first misfortune. He was not calm and not an ideal child, however, like each of the children of small age, he showed the flaws inherent in all: was chatty, loved sweet and sometimes lied. As a child, he was separated from his father, who had a passion for reading in him. He falls into his seven of his uncle, who gives him to the teachings. The mentor of those times did not differ in tolerance and humanistic views, therefore, the young student was often punished, which played a big role in his subsequent relationship with all female floors.

Already a teenager Rousseau is given to the students to Graveyra. These were the part of the life and that special moment in its course, when the appearance of vices can either contribute to the appearance of virtues, or exacerbate the already appearing vices. The fate on the side of Rousseau, they awakened those progress of passion to reading, who laid the Father. The philosopher himself says that the theft they committed, went to the benefit of their work. "In essence, these thefts were very innocent, since all that I dragged the owner, I used me to work on it" ["Confession"]. The characteristic that the Sixteen-year-old Rousseau Rousseau gives a rushing, would suit each adolescent of his age, but the recognition of this was a philosopher and a great figure as culture and philosophy causes in-depth respect. "Restless, displeased to all and by himself, without location to his craft" - so writes about yourself of Jean-Jacques.

Fate did not prepare Russo fate of Engraver, at the age of 16 he passes the Rubicon of his life and go to Western, throwing everything that was in his life. It is possible that the same fate that took it out of Geneva, hears Rousseau with the 28-year-old Mrs. de Varanç, and between them there are relations, which were largely turning in the lives of a philosopher. The first variation was the transition from Protestant to Catholicism, made by him at the insistence of De Varanç. In front of the Rousseau open the gate of Turin, where he goes to the refuge for converts. Having completed the rite of appeal, he burst into the will - this is a time of careless life, aimless walks around the city, during which he falls in love with every pretty woman. "Never have a passion so strong and so clean as mine; Never love was a more tender, more disinterested, "he remembers. But careless life quickly ends at the very banal reason - the lack of money, and Rousseau is again forced to look for work. Rousseau comes with a lacquer to some decanter. Here with Rousseau there is an event that for a long time remains in the memory of the philosopher and torments him all his life. Taking a silver ribbon from the mistress, he accuses the young maid in this stealing. Naturally, the girl is expelled, now its reputation is spoiled, and with it the whole life is possible. After the death of the hostess Rousseau, I have to look for work again, and it becomes the secretary in a rich family. All this time passes in the constant process of teaching, which allows Jean-Jacques to open new roads to promote the service, but the passion for vagrancy and travel again rearranges everything else, and the Russo path lies in Switzerland. He again falls into his native land, where he again meets with Ms. De Varanç, who is glad to arrive; Jean-Jacques again settled in her house. She once again decides to take the destiny of Rousseau into his own hands and sends him to a singing school, where he comes to creating music. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the first concert, this young Jean-Jacqua has a deafening failure. Upset to the depths of the soul Rousseau again goes to wander.

And again he returns to his "mother" (so he called Mrs. de Varanç). The former failure of the musical performance did not undermine the faith of Rousseau as a musician, and he continues to engage in music. At this time, Jean-Jacques finally get closer to Ms. De Varanç, and it encourages the woman who has already lost his young woman to engage in the young education of the young man. But Rousseau himself called all her efforts "Lost Labor".

Ms. de Varanç dies. Jean-Jacques is trying to fulfill his duties. But all his efforts are unsuccessful. Having the most honest intentions, he hips money from Mrs. De Varanç, who traveled them mercilessly. But "Pirate" from Rousseau turned out completely bad. Every cache was revealed and empty. Rousseau have to start looking for a way out of the current situation. He decided to start working to provide Mom. And again his choice becomes music, but he does not come up with anything, how to take money from Mrs. De Varanç for a trip to Paris, where he was going to improve his skill. But life in Paris did not bring any positive results, and Rousseau returns to Mrs. De Varanç. Here it overtakes a hard disease. He suffered, he, together with "Mom" leaves for the village. "It's a brief time of happiness in my life begins; There are peaceful, but fleeing minutes that give me the right to say that I lived, "the author writes. It alters agricultural work with persistent training. In a circle of his interests, the story, geography and Latin. But here the disease again overtakes him, but now its causes have been hidden in a settled life. Mrs. de Varance insisted on his trip to Montpellier for treatment.

Upon returning home, Rousseau sees that the heart of Mrs. De Varances is employed by a "high colorless blonde" with manners of a booide handsome manner. Jean-Jacques are in confusion, and, experiencing a huge pain, gives way to his place. From now on, he belongs to Mrs. de Varan only as "his dear mother." Now he looks at her "Eyes of the present Son." Very quickly in the house there are other orders, the initiator of which is the new favorite of Mrs. De Varanç. Rousseau no longer feels like at home and leaves for Lyon, where fate presented him to the work of Gutener.

The red and yellow leaves of the autumn of 1715 Rousseau "collects" already in Paris, where he comes "with 15 Liudoras in his pocket, a comedy" Narcissus "and a musical project as a means of existence." Fate gives young Jean-Jacques an unexpected gift - a secretary place at the French Embassy in the city of Canals and Gondola - Venice. Rousseau is struck by Venice - he also likes the city and work. A blow comes from the side with which no one was waiting for him. The ambassador does not want to see Plebeian origin as his secretary. He tries to make Rousseau to leave, which he succeeds. Upon returning to Paris, Jean-Jacques is looking for justice, but he refuses him, justifying it by the fact that a quarrel with the ambassador is just a frequent thing, as he is just a secretary, besides, who has no citizenship of France.

Conclusion .................................................................................................. .17
List of used literature ................................................. ... 18

Philosophical and educational ideas Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) - a prominent representative of the philosophy of enlightenment, the original thinker, teacher and art historian, in the writings of which artistically represented the cult of personality, the cult of nature, sensuality and a sense of social injustice. Through these basic, the ideas of his teaching acquires amazing integrity. Unrecorded, unbalanced, reached by moral indifference, Rousseau preaches perfect morality and ideal rates of education.

According to Rousseau, all people are equal from nature. In natural conditions, they differed only by the fact that they had various signs. They did not have private property. However, the creation of labor instruments aggravated the difference between people, which corresponded to the increasing distance from the primitive state and the emergence of inequality. This inequality is finally established after the occurrence of private ownership of land.

The development of his thoughts Rousseau works in the work "On the public contract", where the state of state T. Gobbs is supplemented with an important idea: the state is obliged to ensure equality and freedom of citizens. Employed on the basis of the contract, such a state should have an ideal constitution, destroy the oppression, operation and evil and restore the moral of the "natural person."

The image of the upbringing of a moral person is offered Rousseau in the work "Emil, or about upbringing." It says that in the existing society, the form of education is imperfect. Everything is good, which is created by the hands of the Creator, but everything flies in the hands of a person. Therefore, the child's education should be isolated from the public environment, it must be raised on the lap of nature. The child, brought out of vicious and depraved civilization, will not know about the morality of the existing society. Special attention should be paid to its natural feelings, and to the principles of true morality, he will come independently. The purpose of the upbringing is the formation of an honest, frank, kind person free from vices.

In the novel "New Eloise" Roussely more attention pays for the emotions of heroes, the unrest of feelings, the manifestation of virtue, lyrical melancholy. Exacerbated attention to his "I" and mental conflict is a characteristic feature of his novel's heroes. In the history of literature, Rousseau is recognized as an opponent of classicism and a representative of sentimentalism.

The negative attitude of Rousseau to religion is known. He is an atheist. Religious education, in his opinion, the required moment to create a new person, but religion of revelation is fundamentally rejected by them. In a fair ideal society, there must be a "ideal religion" corresponding to nature and natural senses of man. Such a religion requires a man of kindness, sincerity of feelings and struggles with vices generated by the development of civilization. Rousseau deals with man: "The beautiful and magnificent spectacle is a person who goes out, if you can put it out, from non-existence with your own efforts, the light of the mind scattering the darkness, which enveloped his nature, towering over himself, riding in the spirit into heaven, with the speed of the sunny beam running The thought of the huge spaces of the universe and, which is more majestic and harder, is deepening in himself to explore a person and know its nature, his duties and appointment. " The ideas of Rousseau inspired not one generation of thinkers. It is known for their special influence on I. Kant and L.N. Tolstoy.

Representatives of German classical philosophy highly assessed the contribution of enlightenment to the development of revolutionary philosophical thought. Kant offered to consider the enlightenment as the necessary historical era of human development, the essence of which is widespread using the human mind for the implementation of social progress. Hegel characterized the enlightenment as a rationalistic movement of the XVIII century in the field of cultural and spiritual life, based on the denial of the existing method of government, government, political ideology, rights and proceedings, religion, art, morality.

The largest thinkers and ideologists of this era were Voltaire, Didro, Golbach, Helvetius, Lameter, Rousseau, and others., They developed new human and public ideals of "enlightened life" and influenced the development of progressive bourgeois ideologies.

In this paper, the main provisions of the worldview system Jean-Jacques Rousseau will be considered and its contribution to the formation of a new image of a sovereign person and society as a whole.

The Epoch of Enlightenment in Western Europe preders in the XVII century public progress of real knowledge necessary for the needs of material production, trade and navigation. Scientific activity Gobbs, R. Descarte, G. V. Leibnitsa, I. Newton, B. Spinoza and Dutch Cartesians marked a new stage in liberating science from the spiritual power of religion, bourgeois growth of accurate and natural sciences - physics, mathematics, mechanics, Astronomy, the formation of the materialism of the new time.

Arriving in the XVII century in England (Locke), the educational ideology gets widespread in France XVIII century (Montesquieu, Helvetia, Voltaire, Golbach, Rousseau). In the second half of the XVIII century and the first decades of the XIX century, the anti-refortal ideology of education is developing in North America (Franklin, Cooper, Payne), Germany (Messing, Kant), Russia (Radishchev, Novikov, Kozelsky) and the countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (Poland , Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary). The development of the educational ideology of the countries of the East in the XIX century - the beginning of the 20th century, despite the national peculiarity, indicates the theoretical unity of the main ideas of enlightenment.

An integral part of the Enlightenment was the advanced bourgeois philosophy of the XVIII century - the beginning of the XIX century, theoretically substantiated the need for bourgeois-democratic social transformations. A specific type of philosophy of enlightenment was "Deutska Form of Materialism", whose representatives (Voltaire, Wolf, D. G. Anichkov) proceeded from the metaphysical ontology of the final world, the absolute dualism of the causes and consequences, matter and movement, evolution and appropriateness. In Gnosheology, Deists tend to share the idealistic theory of congenital ideas, the rationalistic concept of the coincidence of the logical and real follow, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe substance of the soul and some provisions of agnosticism. Deists viewed God as a reasonable root cause of the world, and the "natural religion" as a social regulator of the historical process. The criticism of feudalism led deists to negate theological explanation of the historical process and the approval of the rationalistic theory of the public contract (Rousseau, Jefferson, V. V. Parrots).

Another historical form of philosophy of enlightenment - materialism of the XVIII century - was formed by philosophical criticism of the theoretical foundations of deesma on the basis of materialistic natural science. In solving the main issue of philosophy, the materialists of the Epoch of Education (Molel, Didro, Golbach, Foreter, Radishchev) rejected the subjective idealism of Berkeley and made a naturally scientific substantiation of the concept of matter as an objective reality. They considered life and consciousness with the function of a certain organization of matter formed as a result of long historical development. In the theory of knowledge, the materialists rejected agnosticism, the Cartesian concept of congenital ideas, including the idea of \u200b\u200bGod, and consistently developed the main provisions of materialistic sensualism, which argued that the sources of human knowledge are sensations and perceptions.

According to the division of philosophical views, two "generations" of French enlighteners were formed.

Idea leaders of the "older generation" were Voltaire and Montesquieu. Believing in historical progress, they usually did not associate him with the political development of the masses, imposing hopes for the "enlightened monarch" (Voltaire) or promoting the constitutional monarchy in the English sample and the theory of "separation of the authorities" (Montesquieu).

The figures of the second stage of French enlighteners - Didro, Gelving, Golbach, and others. - were most of their materialists. The central event of this stage can be considered the release of "or encyclopedia of an intelligent dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts" in 1751-1780. This work gave people some common idea about the world around, on the basis of which the independent ability of the judgment has already been to be formed, making it sovereign specialist.

As the revolution approaches the influence of works containing more radical criticism of the feudal system. This is, first of all, Treatise J. J. Rousseau "On a public contract" (1762).

The most important ideas of enlightenment are the idea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, enlightenment and the idea of \u200b\u200bcommon sense. With a cult of common sense, the mind is associated with the desire of educants to subjugate the ideal start and public system, government agencies, who, according to them, should take care of the "general good". Against the feudal-absolutist state was sent ?? The theory of a public contract, according to which the state was a institution that arose by concluding a contract between people; This theory gave the right to the people to deprive the government of the sovereign, violated the terms of the contract.

Some of the enlighteners pinned hopes on the "Enlightened Monarch", expecting further to carry out the necessary reforms - the idea of \u200b\u200bvisiting absolutism arose.

The arms of the fight against feudal worldview was for the History and the story that they were viewed as a "School of Morals and Politics". For educational views on history, the following is the following: Exile of theology from the explanation of the historical process, sharply negative attitude to the Middle Ages, the worship of antiquity, faith into progress, recognition of the natural development of the development subordinate to certain "natural laws".

In the field of economy, most of the enlighteners considered a normal competition of private interests, demanded the introduction of freedom of trade, legal guarantees of private property from feudal restrictions and arbitrariness.

In accordance with the entire system of view of enlighteners, with faith in the great transformative force of the mind there were also their special understanding of the problems of education. They not only mercilessly criticized the remnants of the medieval education system, but also made new principles in pedagogical science (Locke, Helvetia, Didro, Rousseau and others) - the ideas of the decisive influence of the environment on education, natural equality of abilities, the need to conformize the education of human nature, the natural abilities of the child , put forward the requirements of real education.

The enlightenment figures were opposed to the Christian-religious morality with the idea of \u200b\u200bemancipation of the personality, the individualistic theories of "intelligent egoism", morality based on common sense inherent to it. But in the same era, especially on the eve of the Great French Revolution, they received development and other principles - the idea of \u200b\u200bnew citizenship arose, which required self-limiting personality. The benefit of the state, the republic is raised above the good of the individual.

The ideology of enlightenment found an expression in various artistic directions of literature, visual arts: educational classicism, educational realism, sentimentalism.

For the writers, the Epoch of Enlightenment is characterized by the desire to bring literature to life, turn it into an effective factor that transforms social rights. Enlightenment literature distinguished a pronounced publicistic propaganda principle; She carried high civil ideals, pathos approval of a positive hero, etc.

Bright images of educational literature Dali Volter, Rousseau, Didro, Boualersha in France; Mesing, I. Goethe, F. Schiller in Germany; S. Richardson, Fielding, T. Smalllett,

R. Sheridan in England and others.

The main directions in the visual arts of this era were classicism, who acquired a clearly educational tint in the works of Architect K. N. Lerru and painter J. L. David in France, and educational realism, spreading mainly in painting and schedule of W. Hogart in England, D. N. Khodovetsky in Germany and more.

Education ideas have influenced music, especially in France, Germany, Austria. A new system of aesthetic views of enlighteners at the back of musical and dramatic art directly prepared the opera reform of K.V. Glituk, proclaiming "simplicity, truth and naturalness" the only criteria for beauty for all types of art.

The socio-political, ethical and aesthetic ideas of the enlighteners were the spiritual basis for the formation of a Vienna classical school, brightly manifested in the work of its largest representatives - J. Gaidna, V. A. Mozart, in the music of which heads the optimistic, harmonious worldview, and Ya. Beethoven, in The work of which, imbued with the spirit of heroics, was reflected by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great French Revolution.

Thus, the enlightenment was not only a stage in the history of European philosophical thought, but also laid the foundations for the formation of a free person of the new time, proclaimed new ideals in the field of art and culture.

Roman-treaty "Emil, or about upbringing" is The main pedagogical essay Jean-Jacques Rousseau . It is entirely devoted to the presentation of his views on the upbringing: reasonable education is meant Rousseau as a way to public reorganization, there are two characters in the novel - Emil (from birth to 25 years old) and spent all these years an educator who fulfills the role of parents. Emil is raised away from the corporate community of society, outside the social environment, on the lap of nature.

In modern The author of the pedagogical novel society was the understanding of the education as a remission of the child with adults on the established pattern with the help of literature, religion, etc. And the transformation of it by learning in such a person who is needed for the corresponding "place" in society. Rousseau opposed to such education impact on the identity of the child through nature, pedagogical impact, taking into account their own natural interests of the pupil, its natural abilities. If the dominant upbringing sought to make a person extended and comprehended all subtleties etiquette For Rousseau, a brought-up person is a deep human person who achieved the development of his abilities and taking pressure.

"Everything goes good out of hand Creator , Everything degenerates in the hands of a person He forces one soil to feed the plants grown on another, one tree fruits the fruits inherent in the other. It mixes and confuses climates, elements, seasons. He urges his dog, his horse, his slave. He turns everything over, everything distorts, loves ugly, monstrous. He does not want to see anything like the nature created - not excluding a person: and a person needs to be extinguished, like a horse for a player, you need to remake on your own way as he robbed a tree in his garden. "

So existing upbringing, breaking the child, spoils him. And all this is because a person is cooked for "his place" in society according to the position of his parents: to be a military, lawyer, serve the church.

Such education is harmful to the pupil. Rousseau called on to another: "To live - here's a craft, which I want to teach him. Going out of my hands, he will not ... Neither the judge nor a soldier nor the priest: he will be primarily a man; Everyone than the person should be, he will be able to be, in case of need, just as good as any other, and no matter how fate moved it from place to place, it will always be in its place. " You need to teach the child to endure fate, despise wealth and poverty, live in any conditions. But "Live is not to breathe: it means to act ... use our bodies, feelings, abilities, all parts of our creature ... Not that person lived most of all, which can count more years, but the one who felt the most a life".

So, the purpose of upbringing - Make a pupil man, to raise in it, first of all, those traits that you need any good person.

Who is the educator? According to Rousseau, there are three sources of education: Nature, things, people.

Education is given to us or nature, or people, or things, but considers Rousseau, the result is achieved in the upbringing when they do not contradict each other.

Nature as a source of upbringing is The internal development of the abilities and human senses organs nature in this context is the child's data that he has from birth. This development is little affected by the educator, but you should raise a child according to its nature.

From things, that is, from the world, the child receives a lot. The child appears on the light "sensually susceptible" and gets various impressions of the surrounding; As it grows, it accumulates more and more knowledge, they expand and strengthen. At the same time develop abilities. Here the role of the teacher is also limited.

The main education depends on people: parents, educators, teachers. They will ensure that the nature of a person manifests itself most fully. To bring the action of listed factors in harmony and will be to the educator.

The main dates of life and activity Jean-Jacques Russo:

1712 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva.

1728-1742 - years of knowledge of life and self-education.

1742-1762 - a period of musical and literary creativity in Paris.

1762-1778 - Exile, Life in different cities in Europe, in France under someone else's name.

1778 - the date of death of the Great French thinker, educated, writer and teacher.

Main works Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

1750 - "reasoning about the sciences and arts" (treatise).

1761 - "New Eloise" (Roman).

1762 - "Emil, or about upbringing" (Roman-Treath).

1772 - "Confession".

Significant contribution to development Pedagogical ideas in Europe epochs of Enlightenment was made Denis Didro. (1713-1784), French philosopher, enlightener, writer. He studied at Jesuit College, received the title of Master of Arts. The first philosophical works of Didro were burned by the decision of the French parliament for the criticism of the Christian religion and the church in the spirit of the Deesma (the religious and philosophical view, according to which God, however, does not accept any participation in it and does not interfere in the natural course of its events). Didro was arrested for the distribution of "dangerous thoughts." In 1773-1774. visited Russia, upon proposal Catherine II. Participated in the development of a democratic education and education program in Russia. Posted by the "University Plan, or the School of Public Teaching Sciences for the Russian Government."

The most prominent representative of the French materialism of the XVIII century, the inspirer, organizer and one of the main authors of the famous "encyclopedia, or an intelligent dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts", whose main task was the promotion of natural science knowledge - the strongest weapons against traditional ideology, Denis Didro highly appreciated the role of education In the formation of a person. He called on the process of taking into account the anatomy-physiological features of the child, as well as the social conditions in which the formation of his personality occurs.

Didro outlined new principles Enlightenment organization: Universal and free learning, its unconditionality, secularity. He expressed considerations about the content of the school curriculum, taking into account the relationship and interdependence of science, called upon scientists for the preparation of scientifically based textbooks, offered differentiated approach to training, encourage capable students. Special attention paid to the selection of teachers who have all the necessary, in his opinion, qualities. He attributed to these qualities, above all, deep knowledge of the subject, honesty, responsiveness and love for children.

No less significant for development Pedagogical Theory and Practice is a pedagogical heritage Claude Adrian Gelving(1715 - 1771), French philosopher materialist, ideologue of the revolutionary French bourgeoisie XVIII century. Born in the family of the court doctor, graduated from the Jesuit college. I was close to convictions and scientific research with Charl, Montesquieu and Voltaire, whom all Europe perceived as a free-rope, for someone dangerous, and for someone - a progressive person. Helvetias largely divided the views of Montesquieu and Voltaire, so in his main essay - "On the mind" (1758) - expose the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of God, the creation of the world, the immortality of the soul. Treatise Helvetia and he himself were betrayed by the Church Anathema, subsequently the book was publicly burned.

From point of view Pedagogical science and practice are interesting for the ideas of Claude Gelvetia on the denying innate inequality of human intellectual abilities. The differences in the mental and moral warehouse of people, he explained, above all, the features of the environment in which they were brought up, therefore indicated the need to improve training and education in order to create conditions for the full personality development of a person and the achievement of public goods and progress.

Summing up Reviewing the history of the development of pedagogical thought in France XVII - XVIII centuries, we can conclude about its social orientation, the humanistic nature of pedagogical views of the well-known philosophers and teachers of this period.

Control questions and tasks:

1. Highlight the characteristic features of the Epoch of Enlightenment, which influenced the nature of the education and education processes in Western Europe XVII - XVIII centuries.

2. What are theoretical foundations of pedagogy Ya. A. Komensesky? Why is this Czech teacher consider the classic pedagogy, a great teacher?

3. What are the common inagovernment and didactic principles formulated Ya.A. Komensei? Prove their relevance for modern school, pedagogy.

4. Describe the goals and tasks of the upbringing defined by John Locke. What pedagogical provisions developed by this English philosopher are close and why?

5. Why doesn't it take careful attention to the pedagogical views of Jean-Jacques Rousseau for the past third century? Name and characterize the main ones.

6. Prove that the pedagogical views of French Enlightenment representatives are a pronounced social and humanistic character.

7. Additional task (performed as desired) - read Roman Lyon Feikhthanger "Wisdom of Crank, or Death and Transfiguration Jean-Jacques Rousseau," Compare the housing vision of the Heritage of the Great French Enlightener with an artistic understanding of his personality and ideas.


1. Gelving, K.A. About man / K.A. Helvetiya // Operation: in 2 t. - T. 2. - M., 1974. - 676 \u200b\u200bp.

2. Didro, D. Sequential refutation of the book Gelvetia "On Man" / D. Didro // Oh.: 2 t. - T. 2. - M., 1975. - 604 p.

3. Dzhurinsky, A.N. History of foreign pedagogy: studies. Handbook for universities / A.N. Giurinsky. - M.: Ed. The "Forssine - Infra - M" group, 1998. - 272 p.

4. The history of pedagogy and education. From the origin of education in primitive society until the end of the XX century: studies. Manual / Ed. A.I. Piskunova. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001. - 512 p.

5. Konstantinov, N.A. History of pedagogy: studies. For stud. Ped. In-Tov / N.A. Konstantinov, E.N. Medynsky, M.F. Shabaev. - 5th ed, extra. and recreated. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 447 p.

6. Latin, D.I. History of pedagogy: history of education and pedagogical thought: studies. benefit. - M.: Gardarik, 2002. - 603 p.

7. Komensesky Ya., Lokk J., Rousseau Zh.zh., Pestalotski I.G. Pedagogical heritage / Sost. V.M. Clarin, A.N. Giurinsky. - M.: Pedagogy, 1989. - 416 p.

8. Rousseau, J.Zh.zh. Emil or Raising / J.Zh.zh. Rousseau // Pedagogical writings: in 2 tons / ed. G.N. Dzhibladze. - M .. 1981. T. 1.

9. Segianyuk, G.V. Gistory teacheriki / GV Segianyuk. - Maze, 2000. - 432c.

10. Readings on the history of foreign pedagogy / Sost. and auth. introductory articles A.I. Piskunov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1971.

11. Feakhtvanger, L. Wisdom of Crank, or Death and Transfiguration Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Roman / L. Feichtvanger // Per. with it. I. Gorkina, I. Gorkina; Art. Design. S. Ovcharenko, V. Shevchenko. - Kharkov: Folio, 1995. - 399 p. - (Golden Age).