What is studying intercultural communication. Features of intercultural communication

What is studying intercultural communication. Features of intercultural communication

One of the characteristic features of modern societies is a powerful and large-scale flow of informational exchange between people. Communications are permeated all spheres of our life, work, rest. F. Lyutens to determine the main categories of the concept "Communication" proposes to consider the continuum, on one pole of which is the most complex, modern communication technology, and on another pole - simple non-verbal communication. The average link of this continuum displays interpersonal communications [Lyutens, 1999, p. 72]. Thus, communication is a socially determined process of transferring and perception of information, both in interpersonal and in mass communication on different channels, with various verbal and non-verbal communicative means.

The ratio of concepts Intercultural and inter-ethnic communication

In scientific literature, numerous mentions of intercultural differences, features of intercultural communication can be found. Intercultural communication in a broad sense is understood as communication between carriers of any different cultures. In cases where the term "intercultural communication" consists of communication between representatives of various subcultures within one society (for example, between young people and the "bureaucracy", which can be represented as a subculture of a significant type of activity - public administration in society). .

The concepts of "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", "Intercultural Communication", makes it necessary to clarify the substantive aspects of these phrases, based on the position of the authors on this issue. Indeed, the English word Communication does not coincide completely with the concept of communication. If in communication "it is important that people want to say", then in communication it is important that "they are currently thinking or feeling" [Welgezkitsky, 2011, p. 416-417].

"Intercultural communication is the process of communication between carriers of various cultures, which combines all forms of social interaction based on the representation of information content. Intercultural communication is a special kind of interaction between cultures, the specificity of which is that its content is mediated by information processes - receipt, accumulation and transmission (broadcast) of information. [Klimov, 2012, p. 916].

The problem of the relationship of the concepts under consideration was reflected in the title of one of the sections of the textbook on ethnopsychology of T.G. Stefanko, which is called "Russian Communication and Western Communication". The author draws attention to the exceptional place, which occupies communication in Russian culture, as one of the activities of the human activity [Stephenko, 2014].

When studying intercultural interaction at the community level, structural and functional characteristics of crops are distinguished, and a comparative analysis is carried out. In the center of the attention of researchers are such cultural phenomena as traditions, customs, rituals, religion, social institutions of marriage and family, IDR rights. . At the interpersonal level of intercultural communication, verbal and non-verbal funds, models of behavior, rules and norms, social roles, as well as ideas, learned concepts, ideas, beliefs, which allow personality to identify themselves with their own culture.

The inter-ethnic communication process of the interaction of two entities belonging to different ethnic, cultural and other social groups (humans, man and group of people, one group with another), in which actions caused by thoughts, feelings, emotions, the experiences of one subject addresses Another, fixing, reflecting and refracted in his mind in the form of a response. Thus, the characteristics of interpersonal interaction are mainly fixed for communication; And the Communication is enshrined additional importance - information exchange in society.

The process of inter-ethnic communication is complicated and multifaceted and has its own patterns and features. Inter-ethnic communication is reduced to speech and non-reports, in which verbal communication is usually accompanied by non-verbal. The following ratio is possible between verbal and non-verbal communication:

  • 1. A non-verbal report is consistent with verbal, without causing cognitive dissonance in both parties involved in the process of communication. In this case, we can say that both the conversational language and gesture language, both the content of the transmitted information and the socio-psychological context are also understood.
  • 2. Complete mismatch between non-verbal and verbal components of ethnic communication. The non-verbal message (positive) contradicts the verbal message (negative). Another option is possible when the verbal message (positive) does not correspond to a non-verbal message (negative).
  • 3. Culturally determined and adopted in a particular society discrepancy between the content of the verbal communication and the socially acceptable type of response verbal message in accordance with the meaning of the content of the message. For example, in England to the question: "Is it really good weather today?", Means the answer: "Yes, of course, the weather is excellent!", No matter what it really is, because you should not transfer your mood on the weather, Problems, difficulties, etc. In China: "You already ate today?" It is assumed to answer the affirmative and grateful, regardless of whether you really managed to take food.

Inter-ethnic communication also performs a number of important functions: communicative, interactive and perceptual. At the level of communicative communication, information is exchanged between representatives of various nationalities, the exchange of ideas, feelings, states, etc. This process is complex, as it depends on national and cultural values, installations, lifestyle of peoples. Knowledge of language and other iconic systems play a big role. The interactive side of communication is the interaction of people based on joint activities. In the process of joint work, differences in labor skills, habits, norms, national experience in organizing labor, the nature and form of communication, gender differences, etc. may appear. The perceptual side of communication reflects the peculiarities of perception and understanding each other by people of various nationalities. Thus, in the process of inter-ethnic communication, ethnocultural specificity is manifested on communicative, interactive and perceptual levels.

In the context of intercultural interaction, generalized characteristics are considered, allowing the consideration of the characteristics of the culture, which are reflected in all its elements and manifest themselves in the behavior of people. Triandis introduced the concept of "cultural syndrome", under which the set of values, beliefs, installations, models and behaviors, which one group of people differs from the other. He described three cultural syndrome: individualism - collectivism, simplicity - complexity and openness - closeness. G. Hofsteda on the basis of a large-scale empirical cross-cultural study, in addition to collectivism - individualism, allocates three more characteristics for which significant differences were obtained in the surveyed cultures: masculinity - femininity, avoidance of uncertainty and distance of power.

U. and K. Stefan Based on the analysis of the results of a number of studies, allocate the main characteristics of the cultures proposed by various authors.

  • - individualism - collectivism (orientation on individual or group purposes);
  • - the degree of tolerance to deviations from the norms adopted in the culture;
  • - the degree of avoidance of uncertainty and, accordingly, the need for formal rules;
  • - masculinity - femininity, i.e. Evaluation in the culture of qualities considered as stereotypical for men and women, and the steppe of the promotion of traditional gender roles;
  • - assessment of the nature of the human being as "good", "bad" or "funny";
  • - complexity of culture, degree of its differentiation;
  • - emotional control, degree of permissible emotional expressiveness;
  • - contact - distance, i.e. permissible during communication between distance and touch;
  • - distance between individual and "power", the degree of inequality of higher and lower;
  • - high contextuality - low context rate, i.e. Maximization - minimization of differences in behavior depending on the context of communication;
  • - Dichotomy of a person - nature (degree of human domination over nature, his subordination of nature or life in harmony with nature).

Thus, for effective intercultural communication, it is necessary to understand the basic functions performed in the communication process; Accounting for culture features that are manifested in the behavior of people.

Particular attention, in our opinion, should be given to the cultural and ethnic features of communication and consider examples of using verbal and non-verbal funds in various communication situations.

Features of verbal communication

Each language is a unique system of symbols, which reflects what is the most significant in this culture. Culture affects not only the language of language, but also on its function. The researchers discovered cultural differences in many aspects of communication, including intragroup and intergroup communication, the use of apologies, frank recognition, compliments, critics, and more. According to the SPIR-Wharf hypothesis, culture affects the structure of mental processes. Despite the criticism of this hypothesis and a number of studies that do not discover such a connection, in recent years, it has been supported in terms of the influence of grammar and language syntax on thinking [Matsumoto, 2008, p. 416]. In addition, bilingualism studies have also shown a close relationship between culture and tongue, finding that bilinguals allow various cultural systems to be in their consciousness depending on which language is currently used. Thus, the study of the emotional state of Russian-Uzbek bilinguals in the perception of the situations containing cultural cognitive dissonance, showed that, depending on the language used, their emotional state and readiness for activity [Speak, Mikhalyuk, Rygeko, 2012] was distinguished.

As examples, consider the most frequently used speech formulas adopted in communicating from representatives of various cultures. We will pay attention to what is accepted and that it is not customary to speak in different cultures (questions, greetings, wishes, farewell, the topics of conversations, form of appeals, etc.), depending on the time of year, day, the kind of activity, from the status of communicating people, etc.

Greetings.Welcome forms depend largely from whom you greet. In Russian etiquette - the first greater is greater, is considered a sign of bad education, if a person did not say hello. In North Caucasian peoples, on the contrary, the first senior is greater in age, and it is completely unforgivable to heart up to the younger, it is perceived as a manifestation of non-competitance, incontinence. But with a woman, as a rule, greet the first senior man.

Questions.The most common question in situations of modern intercultural interaction: How Are you? (How are you?). However, in the Caucasus, it does not always happen to the question - "How are you?", Especially if he is asked for an alien. In Muslim society, a foreigner cannot contact any question or a request to a woman, this is considered indecent. Ossetian, one of the forms of verbal greeting is "yes will be a bright your day," and in Chechnya, the greeting form "Come free!" Oppieving International etiquette of communication should avoid issues related to the age of a person, personal problems, surgical operations, judicial affairs etc.

Wishesmay differ and vary depending on the time of year, day, kind of activity, from the status of communicating people. For example, from time to year: in the Caucasus - in the spring, you can hear one wish in the midst of work - "see the sprouts of your work", and in the fall: "To have enough not only for your family, but also for your enemies." From the kind of activity: in many cultures, the traveler will necessarily want a "happy path!". At the festive table, many Caucasian peoples can be heard at the height of fun such a wish: "Yes, we will reward us, the Most High, big awards, but for our little work!".

Polite forms of appeals.Each culture offers its set of the most frequently used in speech of certain words, phrases, questions, revolutions, etc. Increased in many cultures, the polite appeal to the addressee, the word "please" is present in all cases where people need to abandon their amenities for the sake Other people: "Please do not obscure the door!", "Thank you for not smoking!", "Thank you for removed by yourself!" [Ter Minasova, p. 112].

Comments.In most cultures, any form of comments to the older in age is unacceptable. If they want to make a comment, they do it in an indirect form, observing certain requirements: to criticize alone, speak impersonal, specifically, a calm voice, correctly. In the same time in every culture, of course, there are insults, curses.

Topics and ways to maintain conversation.For forbidden topics are those that contradict the laws of morality and ideas about the decency. An important point in effective intercultural communication is to comply with the conversation acceptable. So, in the Middle East should not affect religious topics, discuss intimate and personal problems. Observing international ethics of communication, the following topics should be avoided in the discussion: bad news, belonging to a certain religion, political extremes, health status, mistakes of other people, etc.

The above examples of verbal communication features in different cultures show the variety of existing forms, sometimes opposite each other. It should be noted that effective interaction cannot be reduced exclusively to the set of various verbal constructs and possession of them. In many situations, not only knowledge of verbal "blanks" is required, but also the deep, inclusive, ematical understanding of the content and meaning of the said. Thus, the problem of studying the peculiarities of inter-ethnic and intercultural verbal communication can be viewed at the following levels: what to say how to correctly formulate what we want to ask; How to say depending on the floor, age, situations, etc.; as a given value or the concept lives in the reality of the world of the language studied.

1. What to say how to correctly formulate what we want to ask.

The peculiarity of national cultures to correlate the action and the status was first studied by E. Hall, which offered to divide cultures on high-rank and low-flowekt. To understand the specifics of intercultural communication, this model has found its further development in the studies of the city of Triandis [Triandis, 2007, p. 231-234]. In low-flowek cultures, people rely on verbal communication. Appreciates the ability to formulate the thought, accurately transfer the meaning, speak directly, avoid ambiguousness. Americans are primarily aimed at content, on clarity of statements. What to say (the content of speech), mainly characterizes low-flower cultures. In the process of verbal communication, it is preferred to speak clearly and clearly, seek the first to put forward the main argument for or against. The direct frank conversation is an indicator of honesty, while the conversation with hints is associated with dishonesty and uncertainty. Origin, belonging to a certain noble family are not the basis for career growth and promotion. Everything is customary to call for their own names, if they say "no" - this means - no.

2. How to say depending on the floor, age, situations, etc.

How to say (communication context), mainly characterizes high-rank cultures. The most important components of the communicative process are restraint and ambiguity. Understand what is pronounced out loud and what is really meant is completely different things. Conductivity is more important than truthfulness, restraint is necessary in manifestation of negative emotions, and the ambiguity helps to avoid a sharp response "no". The "coding" language is widely used. The meaning of the word "yes" can vary from real consent to refusal, since "no" is not accepted. The same replica, depending on the context and the tonality, can have a completely opposite meaning and meaning. Straightness and openness is perceived wary, and confidence relationships are established after a thorough study of the entire context of social relations. In highly competitive cultures, communication is more reluctantly on the knowledge of the context - the physical situation, the status relations, the previous communication, is more importantly acquired by non-verbal communication. The Japanese, during the discussion, avoid the words "no", are expressed blurry, seeking not to disturb the harmony of relations. In Japanese, there is the term "Iscin Densin", which is translated literally as "traditional mental telepathy." This term reflects the highly valued Japanese culture of implicit or silent communication. The Korean language has a similar term "and-sim-zhong-sim", which is considered to be in Korea one of the highest forms of communication.

3. As a given value or the concept lives in the reality of the world of the studied language.

In situations of intercultural communication, a large number of difficulties arise when transferring information from one language to another. The main reason for this kind of linguistic inconsistency is often the lack of an exact equivalent of the concept itself. For example, in Russian culture there is no whiskey or ano, which means there are no corresponding words. In English, there are no words "pancakes", "Borsch", "Vodka", "Avos", "feast". Researchers celebrate the high emotionality of the Russian language, its wealth of verbs, reflecting the state of a person: to be sad, to worship, Handing, renounce, be ashamed, admire, admire, admire, etc. In Russian, there are many sincere words and expressions (cherished, beloved, literal, dormitory, duct, my liner, etc.), which are not transferred to other languages \u200b\u200bof the world, moreover, when trying to translate their semantic load.

Tutorial -Teorius of culture under the editorship. (About the various methods of intercultural communication.

The concept of "intercultural communication" was first formulated in 1954 in the work of Trejger and E. Hall "Culture and Communication. Analysis model.

Intercultural communication is inherent in a number of features that make it more complex, demanding and difficult than intracultural or interpersonal communication.

Intercultural communication is always interpersonal communication in a special context, when one participant reveals the cultural difference between the other. Big Soviet Encyclopedia "Aleksandrov V.V.

Communication will be intercultural if it takes place between carriers of different cultures, and the differences between these cultures lead to any difficulties in communication. These difficulties are associated with the difference in expectations and prejudices, characteristic of each person, and naturally different in different cultures. Representatives of different cultures are in different ways to decrypt the received messages. All this becomes significant only in the act of communication and leads to misunderstanding and tensions, difficulties and impossibility of communication.

Finally, intercultural communication is based on the process of symbolic interaction between individuals and groups whose cultural differences can be recognized; Perception and attitude to these differences affect the form, shape and result of contact. Each participant in cultural contact has its own rules operating rules. So that the sent and the received messages could be encoded and decoded. Signs of intercultural differences can be interpreted as differences in verbal and non-verbal codes in a specific context of communication. The interpretation process, in addition to cultural differences, affect age, gender, profession, social status of communication. Therefore, the degree of interculticity of each specific intercourse depends on tolerance, enterprise, personal experience of its participants.

Intercultural communication should be considered as a set of diverse forms of relations and communication between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures. Van Dake T.A. Language. Cognition. Communication. - M., 1989.

In intercultural communication, the spheres of macroculture and microcultures are distinguished.

Types of culture stand out on a continental basis and due to their scale, the name of the macrocultures was obtained. There are global differences between macroculants that are reflected on their communications with each other. In this case, intercultural communication passes regardless of the status of its participants, in the horizontal plane.

Many people are part of those or other public groups with their cultural features. From a structural point of view, this is a microculture (subculture) in the composition of the macroculture. Each microculture has simultaneously similarity and distinction with its parent culture, which ensures their representatives the sameness of the perception of the world. In other words, subcultures are the cultures of different social groups and layers within one society. Therefore, the connection between subcultures flows within this society and is vertical.

Inside each sphere, intercultural communication occurs at different levels. You can select several types of intercultural communication at the micro level.

Inter-ethnic communications are communication between persons representing different peoples (ethnic groups). Most often society consists of various ethnic groups that create and share their subcultures. The ethnic groups are transmitted to generation to generation to generation to generation and thanks to this, they retain their identity among the dominant culture. The joint existence in the framework of one society naturally leads to the mutual communication of these ethnic groups and the exchange of cultural achievements. www.krugosvet.ru/articles/87/1008757/1008757a1.htm-25k-.

Countercultural communication - occurs between the representatives of the maternal culture and the subsidiary of subculture and is expressed in disagreement of a subsidiary subculture with the values \u200b\u200band ideals of the maternal. Big Soviet Encyclopedia "Aleksandrov V.V.

Communication among social classes and groups is based on differences between social groups and classes of a society. There is not a single socially homogeneous society in the world. All differences between people arise as a result of their origin, education, profession, social status, etc. In all countries of the world, the distance between the elite and the majority of the population, between the rich and poor are quite large.

It is expressed in opposite views, customs, traditions, etc.. Despite the fact that all these people belong to one culture, similar differences divide them on subcultures and is reflected in communication between them. Iconnikova N.K. Mechanisms of intercultural perception // Sociological studies. - 1995. - №8.

Communication between representatives of various demographic groups: religious, age-age. Communication between people in this case is determined by their belonging to a particular group and, consequently, the peculiarities of the culture of this group. Ageev B.C. Psychology of intergroup relations. - M, 1983.

Communication between urban and rural residents is based on the differences between the city and the village in style and the pace of life, the general level of education, in the other type of interpersonal relations, of different "life philosophy", which directly affect the communications process between these groups of the population.

Regional communication arises between residents of various areas (locations), whose behavior in the same situation can differ significantly. So, for example, the lives of one US state are experiencing significant difficulties in communicating with representatives of another state. Residents

New England repels the shrill-sweet style of communication inhabitants of the southern states, which they consider insincere. A resident of the Southern States perceives the dry style of communication of his northern friend as rudeness.

Communication in business culture. It arises due to the fact that each organization (firm) has a number of specific customs and rules related to corporate culture, and in contact with representatives of different enterprises, misunderstanding may arise.

The general characteristic feature of all levels and types of intercultural communication is the emergencyness of cultural differences by its participants. It seems to them that their style and lifestyle is the only possible and correct, that the values \u200b\u200bthey are oriented are equally understandable and accessible to all people. And only facing representatives of other cultures, finding that the usual behaviors cease to work, an ordinary person begins to think about the causes of their failure.

3 Theories of Intercultural Communication

The theory of reduction of uncertainty shows how the expectations of a particular person can be changed from a meeting with a new culture, its cognitive uncertainty and anxiety is reduced. http://www.countries.ru/library.htm.

Theory of adaptation I. Kim. Adaptation is a complex process with many components, during it, a person gradually, increasing, is accustomed to a new situation and new communication. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Alexandrov V.V.

The dynamics of such interaction is called the dynamics of stress-adaptational growth. It occurs on the principle of "two steps forward and step back." Periodic deviations that tighten the process of adaptation are associated with intercultural crises. For successful adaptation, several conditions are necessary. They include communication with the new environment (contact frequency, positive attitude), knowledge of a foreign language, positive motivation, participation in all kinds of events, access to the media.

Coordinated management of the value and theory of rules. Human communication is very imperfect in its essence, so perfect and complete mutual understanding is a certain unattainable ideal. Since not all acts of communication have a certain purpose, the achievement of mutual understanding becomes not at all necessary. The goal is to achieve coordination, which is possible when interacting, understandable for its participants. In this case, in a particular context, the values \u200b\u200bare controlled and their individual interpretation is underway. It is not important how the rules adopted in this communication are social, and how much these rules are agreed among themselves in the minds of each participant in communications.

Rhetorical theory. Allows you to analyze not only individual differences, but also the properties of large groups. Part of this theory is also an analysis of subconscious adaptation of messages in relation to specific communication situations.

Constructivist theory. All people have a special cognitive system, with which they can interpret the words and the actions of others quite accurately and neatly. But since culture affects the individual scheme of human development, representatives of different cultures are formed different views and opportunities for perception. During the inculturation, a person acquires a view of a world other than that there is a representative of another culture. Thus, a cognitive consciousness of a person is formed, which may be simple or complex, and in turn affects individual communicative behavior and adaptation strategies.

Theory of social categories and circumstances. The question of the importance of roles, stereotypes and schemes for the communication process is focused, that is, those elements of the mechanism of perception that constitute the basis of mutual understanding and social consciousness. Under social consciousness is a fundamental cognitive process of social categorization, which leads to the positive perception of members of the Ingroup and to the negative attitude of the members of this group to other people. At the same time, the self-assessment of a person, which develops under the influence of the groups to which he belongs to. When meeting with representatives of other groups, the so-called "communicative accommodation" is occurring, building up for communication with another person. It is determined by the existing schemes and stereotypes. Based on our assessment of the interlocutor, a linguistic strategy is determined, that is, the choice of style of communication and possible to conversation. Iconnikova N.K. Mechanisms of intercultural perception // Sociological studies. - 1995. - №8.

Conflict theory. He considers conflicts to normal behavior, the form of social actions regulated by the norms of each culture. Thus, in each culture there are conflict models. There are cultures, whose representatives pay great attention to conflict reasons, are sensitive to rules, often rely on intuition in resolving the conflict. These are collectivist cultures. Grishevitskaya T.G., Popkov V.D., Sadokhin A.P. Basics of intercultural communication: Textbook for universities ed. A.P. Sadokhina. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2002.

4 Axioms Intercultural Communication

The greater the degree of trust between people, the more important is the information that comes as a result of communication between them. Any communication is inherent in some ambiguity and ambiguity.

There is a set of installed gestures and rituals, which we understand and expect from a partner.

Work on the reduction in the level of uncertainty consists of three stages: Premock, initial contact and completion of contact. The level of premock assumes that the interlocutors make up a precontent impression of each other. In the process of communication, subconsciously move from the unirefluent study of the situation to targeted, realize that the partner is part of the communicative situation. From this point on, we get a large amount of non-verbal information from observation of behavior and even the appearance of this person. There is a "mutual scan". Most of the reduction strategies of uncertainty implies the extraction of information through non-verbal channels. At the initial stage of contact, in the first minutes of verbal interaction, the first impression of the interlocutor is formed

It is believed that the decision to continue or terminate contact is taken in the first four minutes of the conversation. Already in the first two minutes, we draw conclusions about whether this person likes, if he understands us and do not really spend the time of time.

Communication systems in various cultures are transmitted from generation to generation and are absorbed in the process of inculturation. For each culture there are the only acceptable stages of communication.

It is necessary to develop the speed of thinking and the ability to express their thoughts in many ways, that is, to explain the same idea of \u200b\u200bNO-different. Success in cooperation with people should be considered as success in performing some individual task. The ability to be an intermediary between people, correctly imagine interlocutors to each other, say the right word in the right situation is an invaluable ability for intercultural communication.

The possibilities of cultural and intercultural communication do not accidentally attract close attention today. Communication is included today in everyday life in the new and wider sense of the word, associated with the term "communication", but not identical to him. http://encycl.anthropology.ru/article.php?id\u003d694 - Encyclopedia of philosophy and philosophical anthropology.

Along with the previously existing and old classical means of communication, mass communication, capable of engaging the broad audience in the communicative process, occurred. But what is especially important - they turn culture into a public need, combine information about the state of the world.

Communication between cultures, becoming a new reality, connects and destroys national traditions, creating the tradition of "interculture". Miloslavskaya S. K. To the evolution of the concept of culture in lingvodidactics. - Materials IV Symposium Mapryal on Lingu Rest. M., 1994.

5 levels of the MK process

Any fact and the intercultural communication process can be characterized by the level / depth of the penetration of communicants into contact cultures. From this point of view, the following levels can be highlighted:

1) cultural confusion;

2) cultural understanding;

3) Cultural "interconnection".

The first level can be conventionally submitted through the statement: "I guess I know and consider that the other thinks and acts differently."

The second level is through the statement: "I know and understand why the other is different, and I am ready to agree with the explanation of his inacidity and accept it."

The third, highest, level can be tried to express the statement: "I understand and accept the conceptual values \u200b\u200bof another and ready to divide them."

The concept of "Intercultural Business Communication" covers a number of registers of speech, both written and oral and requires special attention. Iconnikova N.K. Mechanisms of intercultural perception // Sociological studies. - 1995. - №8.


Intercultural communication is an integral part of a professional human culture. Culture of business communication contributes to the achievement of effective cooperation between business partners. Interestingly, in many foreign countries such a scientific direction is developing as "science on communication (communication). This scientific direction explores various types and forms of communication from the point of view of linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, rhetoric, lingu-cultural studies, and so on.

Study of this topic a long and laborious process, because Daily structure and relationships, both interpersonal and international are in the process of change.

Intercultural communication - This is a connection and communication between representatives of various cultures, which assumes both direct contacts between people and their communities and mediated forms of communication (including language, speech, writing, electronic communication).

In fact, intercultural communication is always interpersonal communication in a special context, when one participant reveals the cultural difference of the other. Such communication causes many problems associated with the difference in expectations and prejudices, which are characteristic of each person and, naturally, are different in different cultures. Signs of intercultural differences can be interpreted as differences in verbal and non-verbal codes in a specific context of communication. At the same time, each participant of cultural contact has its own rules system operating so that the sent messages can be encoded and decoded. The interpretation process is also influenced by age, gender, profession, social status of communicants, their tolerance, enterprise, personal experience.

Forms of intercultural communication

There are four main forms of intercultural communication - direct, indirect, indirect and immediate.

For direct Communication The information is addressed to the sender directly to the recipient and can be carried out both orally and in writing. At the same time, the greatest effect is achieved by oral speech combining verbal and non-verbal funds.

IN indirect communicationwhich is mainly unilateral in nature, information sources are works of references and arts, radio communications, television programs, publications in newspapers and magazines, etc.

Indirect and direct forms of communication We differ in the presence or absence of an intermediate link acting as an intermediary between partners. As an intermediary, a person can act. Communication mediated by technical means can remain straight (talking on the phone, email correspondence), but it eliminates the possibility of using non-verbal funds.

You can explore the communicative processes between different cultural groups (large and small) or between individual people. Most studies conducted at the level level are the nature of cultural and anthropological and sociological studies, which consider the cultural group as a collective whole and try to understand it holistically.

The final entity of intercultural communication is the person himself. It is people who come into direct interaction with each other. At the same time, voluntarily or not, these people are part of those or other public groups with their cultural features. In direct communication, representatives of various cultures should overcome not only language barriers, but also barriers that have a non-language character and reflecting the ethnonational and sociocultural specifics of the perception of the world, national characteristics of thinking.

It should be borne in mind that the process of communication and interpretation of reports in interpersonal communication in addition to cultural differences is influenced by age, gender, profession, social status of communicant.

Intercultural communication in small groups takes different forms: planned negotiations, for example, between representatives of government agencies or business organizations of countries with different cultures; Unplanned communication, such as tourist trips, at conferences or academic seminars.

For effective communication in the small group, the communicator is forced to adapt to the cultural values \u200b\u200band beliefs of the inoculture participants in the group. Often, in the intercultural group, participants in the discussion show the stereotypes of their own culture not intentionally, and by virtue of the habit, and their behavior, as well as the course of discussion, the many cultural factors affect.

In cases where intercultural communication is carried out between large groups of people, ethnic and national communications levels are distinguished.

The ethnic level is observed between local ethnic groups, ethno-speaking and other communities. In modern ethnology, the ethnic group is considered to be the aggregate of people characterized by the common features of culture, self-consciousness and shared economic activity.

In the interaction of crops on the ethnic level, two trends are clearly manifested. The mutual assimilation of cultural elements, on the one hand, contributes to integration processes, mutual cultural exchange and enrichment, and on the other, is accompanied by the strengthening of ethnic self-consciousness, the desire to consolidate ethnic specificity.

The national level of intercultural communications is possible in the presence of national unity. National unity arises both in mono ethnic and polyethnic basis through general economic activities and a state-political association. This is complemented by the formation of an appropriate culture. National culture presents a combination of traditions, norms, values \u200b\u200band rules of behavior common to representatives of one nation, state. Since the nation covers a state-organized society, and for society is characterized by stratification and social structure, the concept of

National culture covers the subculture of social groups, which may not be in ethnic culture. Ethnic cultures may be part of the national, as well as the culture of representatives of other nations. Thus, the American national culture is extremely heterogeneous, it includes Irish, Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican and other cultures.

First, it is necessary to give the definition of the term "Intercultural Communication"

The concept of "intercultural communication" is derived from the concepts of "culture" and "Communication".

The term "culture" refers to the number of multi-valued, and it is explained by the fact that the culture itself is an extremely complex and multifaceted phenomenon expressing all sides of human being. That is why many sciences are studying it, each of which allocates one of its parties as an object, formulating its understanding and definition of culture. To date, scientists have more than 500 such definitions. Let us dwell on those that are of interest from the point of view of the topic in question.

In the domestic literature, culture is given the following definition: Culture is a historically defined level of development of society, the creative forces and human abilities, expressed in the types and forms of organizing the lives and activities of people, in their relationship, as well as in the material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by them. In such an interpretation, the culture appears as the sum of all the achievements of humanity, as the world of artifacts, the "second nature", created by the person himself, forming the human world itself, in contrast to the world of wildlife. This is an extremely wide understanding of the culture that can be used for characteristics: certain historical eras (for example, antique culture, medieval culture); specific societies, nations and nations (for example, Russian culture, Chinese culture); Specific spheres of human activity (the culture of life, labor culture, political culture, artistic culture). In a narrower sense, under the culture, they understand the sphere of the spiritual life of people. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that culture can be considered as a common, universal system for society the system of value orientation, stereotypes of behavior, stereotypes of consciousness, forms of communication and the organization of joint activities of people who are transmitted from generation to generation 1. It affects the perception, thinking, behavior of all members of society and determines their belonging to this society.

In this embodiment, the culture is presented as integrity, differing from others due to religious, national-state borders or a set of ethnic signs. Such an understanding of culture is most convenient from the point of view of the subject of intercultural communication.

The following logical step towards the formulation of the definition of "Intercultural Communication" should determine the concept of "communication".

Opinions regarding the correct definition of communication at the present stage of the development of humanities differ, so, for example, communication can be defined as a socially determined process of transferring and perception of information under conditions of interpersonal and mass communication on various channels with various communicative means 2. Or more concisely, as a semantic aspect of social interaction 3. Or it can be understood in a narrower and functional sense as a means by which people design and support their relationships. If you combine the above and try to formulate yourself this concept, focusing on the topic studied, then you can feed the following definition: Communication is the process of exchanging information, its semantic value between the two and their groups.

A. P. Sadohin believes that "intercultural communication is a combination of various forms of relations and communication between individuals and groups belonging to different cultures. The question, thereby, is that and how different cultures relate. Moreover, "that" and "as" here not only suggest each other, but may be essentially identical.

Intercultural communication - communication and communication between representatives of various cultures, which suggests both personal contacts between people and mediated communication forms (such as writing and mass communication).

Intercultural communication is characterized by the fact that at the meeting of representatives of different cultures, each of them acts in accordance with their cultural standards. Determination where intercultural communication is understood as an adequate mutual understanding of the two participants of the communicative act, belonging to different national cultures 4, can be considered classical.

The problem of intercultural communication is not reduced exclusively to the language problem. Knowledge of the language of the carrier of other culture is necessary, but still not enough for adequate mutual understanding of the participants of the communicative act. Moreover, intercultural communication involves the existence of not only discrepancies between two different languages, but also differences in using one language 5.

Cultural norms define the vital activity and relationship of people. They regulate the wide areas of human thinking and behavior and have a great influence on the nature of perception, assessment and interpersonal relationships. Education and education, historical memory, traditions and customs, rules dictated by society, the characteristics of the language on which people communicate are - it is the combination of these factors produce a system of orientation that helps with subsequent vital activity and solving everyday problems.

There are group deviations from generally accepted in one or another culture of thinking and behavior. If such deviations vary in permissible limits, they get along in this culture. In this case, they are talking about the existence of subcultures in the framework of a single culture. With all its differences, subcultures have the same basis of the picture of the world, values, norms and samples of behavior, which indicate their belonging to a certain culture. This basis arises from socio-cultural experience, which determines that in this particular situation is considered necessary, normal, reasonable and acceptable. Retreats that go beyond the permissible frames are most often rejected within the culture of 6.

A person sees the world in certain cultural framework. However, these cultural, as a rule, are not recognized by the individual, since it is most often inherent in it, which is part of his personality. The awareness of the norms of behavior and thinking of its own culture is possible only when contacts with people are taking place, which in their behavior are guided by other cultural norms. People in one degree or another expand the boundaries of their cultural horizon, visiting other countries, studying foreign languages, reading foreign literature, communicating with foreigners.

However, such interaction can cause discomfort or even lead to conflicts, often difficult to affect. Mechanisms of behavior and estimates that worked as long as communication was carried out within the framework of a single culture, begin to malfunctions, communication becomes difficult. This is the cause of uncertainty, loss of internal stability, incorrect interpretations of partner behavior, misunderstanding each other 7.

Therefore, if a person has not yet noticed and not aimed the characteristics of his behavior due to its cultural context, now these subconscious models of perception, emotional reactions, thinking, behavior and assessments are becoming increasingly obvious and subject to understanding, accounting and correction in relation to partner on communication.

The behavior of people belonging to other cultures is not at all something unpredictable, it is amenable to studying and forecasting, but requires special educational programs aimed at preparing for intercultural communication. The study of other crops, their characteristics, the patterns of their functioning and development enriches a person, transforms his attitude to peace and other people, can radically change his attitude to life situations.

Intercultural interaction and intercultural communication: to define aspects

Questions of mutual understanding, interconnection and interaction between cultures are becoming increasingly relevant in the modern multipolar world, they are vital for our fatherland. Complex inter-ethnic relations and processes of indigenous transformations of Russian society are of the interest of various researchers - philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists, cultural scientists. In this regard, the problems of insufficient theoretical understanding of those phenomena, which accumulated the practice of interaction of cultures are exposed.

It should be recognized that in cultural studies to date, a system of basic categories has not yet been formed, therefore, frequently free interpretations are allowed, which sometimes be the opposite values \u200b\u200bof the same fundamental concepts. Among the often used categories of cultural studies can be called the concepts of "intercultural interaction" and "intercultural communication".

In this article, we will try to express the point of view on generally accepted definitions. The scope of the article does not allow to present all the varieties of interpretations available in the literature, so they will only make a reference point in the modern space of cultural knowledge.

Intercultural interaction problems are revealed in the works of M.M. Bakhtina, V.S. Bibler, P.S. Gurevich, M.S. Kagan, Yu. Habermas. Their position allows you to take a look at this process as a system of mutual exchange of ideas, ideas, concepts, permits to reveal the uniqueness of the culture of another people and makes it aware of the peculiarities of its own culture.

Intercultural interaction involves the occurrence of a sociocultural phenomenon, which received the name of the intercultural dialogue, unfolding in the conditions of interaction between countries, peoples and ethnic groups, which contributes to the construction of a whole system of polycultural contacts, emphasizing the gravity of distinctive cultures to foreign

E.N. Kurban, M.V. Krivoshalkov

values \u200b\u200band samples. This context suggests that if the culture focuses only on the absorption from the outside, but it is closed from the world throughout the rest and is not divided with him, then, in the end, she is rejected by them.

Intercultural interaction is a concept that can explain the desire for a meeting and interpenetration of various cultural formations, original and original in shape and content. Another important vector is the movement of intercultural interaction towards synthesis of cultures.

As is known, the word "synthesis" of Greek origin and means "the combination, compilation", but the term "synthesis" in the cultural sense implies not a simple compound of various elements into a single whole, but a special phenomenon, a qualitatively different from the elementary amount.

The modern theory of synthesis of cultures discloses the principles of the classification of numerous types of compounds of various cultural elements, scientifically substantiates the patterns of these compounds. "Synthesis of cultures - the interaction and combination of heterogeneous elements in which a new cultural phenomenon occurs, the flow, style or model of a sociocultural device, differing from the components components and having its own qualitatively defined content and / or form."

The term "intercultural communication", as is known, first appeared in the city of Trager and E. Halla as an answer to the processes of intensive development of the relationships of individual cultures in the changed modern situation and received distribution in the works of K. Gir-Centa, V. Gudikunsta, Triandis , Hofstede. A sociocultural explanation of distribution This term acquires thanks to the greatest value for the exchange of information at the present time.

It should be noted that in the domestic science, the appeal to the very term "intercultural communication" and to the problems of its study was influenced by

twisted concepts of Western scientists. In the works of D.B. Gudkov, V.V. Red, L.V. Kulikova, O.A. Leontovich, Yu.A. Sorokina, A.P. Sadokhina, I.A. Sternina, V.P. Furmanova, N.L. The chamnel was set questions and identified intercommunicative problems. However, already in the 21st century, researchers began to note the presence of crisis moments of science of this direction: multiplicity of definitions; the introduction of the Western ethnocentric component in definitions; Sibalance key terms.

We also note that the publications of recent years have become an applied character aimed at the methodological tasks of the formation of practical skills, for example, in the field of business communication. These are materials Yu.M. Zhukova, N.M. Lebedeva, I.A. Malchanova, G. B. Petrovskaya, Yu. Roth, Yu. Sukhovyshina. Despite the fact that this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge is currently still very inhomogeneous and has not fully undertaken as science, however, intercultural communication, as is known, was introduced into the register of university disciplines, for example, by the specialty "Linguistics and intercultural communication".

So, intercultural communication is submitted by most researchers and as the process of interaction between subjects of socio-cultural activity, and as a connection, and as a means of exchanging information through the system of signs accepted in this culture.

With the advent of the "Intercultural Communication" category, the uncertainty of the previously familized term "intercultural interaction" was aggravated. Despite the fact that there are plenty of data definitions of these categories, but you follow two fundamentally opposite approaches. One approach connects these concepts together, without sharing them, and then the researchers state that the relationship between cultures of different peoples was called "Interaction of Cultures" or "Intercultural Communication". Another approach breeds these concepts and builds a more complex structural system. Consider both approaches.

The most consistent idea of \u200b\u200bthe identity of the concepts of "interaction of cultures" and "intercultural communication" among Russian cultural scientists are developing A.P. Sadochin, A.G. Asmolov, S.K. Bon-Dyerev, E.I. Pokranova, P.M. Kozyreva, V. F. M. Walzer, V.V. Shalin. Category "Intercultural Communication" A.P. Sa

dahin is interpreted "" as a means of communication of any objects of material and spiritual culture; as a form of communication, with the help of which people exchange a variety of information; As a way to transfer information to influence society and composite parts. " This interpretation of the term in several values \u200b\u200ballows the author to come to the conclusion: "In the modern world, any people are open to perception of someone else's cultural experience and at the same time is ready to share with other peoples with products of their own culture. This appeal to the cultures of other peoples was called "Interaction of Cultures" or "Intercultural Communication".

Another approach can be traced in studies of anthropologists and cultural scientists A.A. Belika, V.V. Ko-Chetkova, N.M. Lebedeva, E.A. Saiko, Z.V. Sichevich, N.G. Skvortsova, T.G. Stefa Nenko. We emphasize that the problems of interaction and mutual understanding of crops are considered here through the value nature of ethnocultural differences, which allows the authors to present intercultural interaction as "... a special kind of direct relationships and connections, which develop between at least two cultures, as well as those influences, mutual changes that appear during these relationships. " Further, among the most important elements of intercultural interaction, it is primarily a change in values, areas of economic and creative activity, spiritual landmarks, the language of interacting cultures. The most important factor in the interaction of cultures is the time, since the results of intercultural changes do not appear immediately, this is a process of several decades.

The role of intercultural communication with this approach is nothing more than communication within the intercultural interaction. After all, a prerequisite for intercultural communication is the presence of a common language in the subjects of communication, communication channels and their implementation rules. In this case, not every social action can be considered as communicative, as containing and expressing certain information, and only the actions that are carried out for the purpose of communication.

the system in which there is the main section - intercultural interaction, as a result of which the values \u200b\u200bchange, the modification of the areas of economic and creative activity, the transformation of spiritual landmarks, the language of interacting cultures, and subsections - intercultural communication, intercultural competence, intercultural contacts.

The border, separating two categories, subtle, but it can be assumed that intercultural interaction - a category is much more voluminous than intercultural communication, it is characterized by: ethnosostav, time and space. We emphasize that the elemental exchange of goods, information, episodic contacts or even economic relations and communications can be attributed essentially to intercultural communication, but cannot be equated to intercultural interaction, since in this case the value orientations are not changed, the structure of cultural identity, the lifestyle of representatives of that And another culture, they simply act as forms of coexistence or contacts of cultures with each other.

The importance of intercultural interaction to the private problems of intercultural communication emphasizes the region of the implementation of intercultural stereotypes. It is obvious that the interaction of cultures does not always fulfill a creative role, contributes to the construction of a dialogue, it can lead to negative consequences. Intercultural interaction processes are universally accompanied by contradictions and conflicts, collisions of interests, values, meanings and ideas. The process of joint activity of people, mastering social reality is the process of adaptation to the environment. At the same time, the specifics of the national and ethnic consciousness of representatives of different cultures is often a barrier of intercultural interactions. In this context, it is proposed to consider different levels of the influence of stereotypes on the nature of intercultural interaction: the geocultural level, ethnocultural and sociocultural on the example of the culture of the South Ural region.

The geocultural level is closely in contact with the concept of cultural space and regional culture. A characteristic feature of regional crops is

that each of them exists in a certain geographical range. The cultural space of the South Ural region is a conglomerate of various crops created by several peoples inhabiting the region, primarily by Russian and Bashkirs. The presence of similar natural living conditions in this area and territorial relations provided the relationship between the cultures of these peoples. The same geographical and climatic features of people's lives in this region have influenced the creation of a unique regional culture of the Southern Urals. Natural geographical and climatic conditions not only affect the form of cultural dynamics, but are determining in the formation of the cultural picture of the world, the choice of business methods, etc.

The cultural space of the Southern Urals is characterized by a high diversity and heterogeneity, allocate the specifics of intercultural interaction within the entire region does not constitute the task of this article. The territory has been chosen along the southeastern border of the Republic of Bashkortostan and, respectively, the South-Western border of the Chelyabinsk region, representing the Mining Zone.

We emphasize that the designated territories of the South Ural region were populated later than the center and the south of Russia, which developed the main features of Russian culture. In this sense, the culture of the South Ural region is a relatively young phenomenon. Moreover, the culture of the South Ural region directly began from community-patriarchal relations and moved towards the factory-factory fortress dependence and in further capitalist relations faster than its central part, because By virtue of its historical youth, the culture of this region was before the need for intensive historical development. Perceiving and absorbing the cultural heritage of other peoples, it was in this region that their tasks were solved, their own traditions were developed and developed, never limited to copying other samples.

This level of interaction of crops is an overhang area, where the implementation of a geocultural stereotype is carried out, designed to perform ethnient generous (adaptive)

function, as well as contribute to the formation of regional identity. According to the explorer G.S. Korepanova, "Regional identity is experienced and conscious meanings and values \u200b\u200bof" their "local community, forming a practical feeling (consciousness) of the territorial affiliation of the individual and group.<...> Regional identity is the ideal representation of social identification "I am a member of the territorial community."

The result of the realization of regional identification is the mental image of the "South Uralz", as a certain sub ethnic design, endowed with unique features, actions and mental qualities. The characteristics of the South Uraltz include courage, resourcefulness, militia, a tendency to adventurism, unpretentiousness, willingness to endure and deprivation, faith in their own strength, hospitability, health and hard work, mentality.

The ethnic level of interaction is characteristic of relations between local ethnic groups, historical and ethnographic, ethnocondugement and other communities. The implementation of interaction at this level is subordinate to the following main trends:

Integration contributes to the activation of inter-ethnic contacts, the assimilation of the elements of the "foreign" culture, mutual enrichment, interpenetration of elements of one culture to another, etc.;

Differentiation, conjugate with an indispensable strengthening of ethnic self-consciousness and identity of ethnic community.

Any culture has a combination of protective mechanisms capable of protecting it from too intense an internal cultural impact. Such mechanisms can be attributed to the ability to maintain and reproduce previous experience and traditions, to form people a sense of ethnocultural identity.

The launch of ethnic identification mechanisms, as well as any other, is associated with the interpretation process itself or the other, i.e. with the principle of identification. And when it comes to an ethnicity, the identification occurs not only with a combination of specific people, but also with an ideal way or a combination of collective images representing this community. These collective images

consciousness recorded in the form of ethnocultural stereotypes, which strongly and clearly reflect the dichotomy of judgments about "their" and "foreign". Thus, the main functional feature of ethnocultural stereotype is ethnination processes.

As is known, among the modern peoples living in the Southern Urals, the first inhabitants of the region were Bashkirs. As the historian R.G. notes Kuzhev, from VIII - IX centuries, the independent path of Bashkir, which came out of the composition of more extensive ethnic groups begins. And by the end of the XIV century, the "final ripening of those ethnocultural signs that characterize modern Bashkir" occurred. In the middle of the XVI century, the Bashkir tribes accepted the Russian citizenship.

From the end of the XVI century, the active development of the Southern Urals by Russian immigrants began, which continued until the end of the XVIII century, when a rather numerous Russian population has developed in the region (about 40.7% compiled the share of Russian population in total). An important factor in the National Policy regarding the non-Russian population in this period was ethnicism, i.e. Politics "was completely subordinated to the interests of the state, was carried out for state security as internal (preservation of stability and order) and external." Despite the fact that the measures of Russian authorities differed more flexibility and loyalty to the local population compared to the colonial policy of other European powers, in particular Britain, the authorization of power on the outskirts remained very rigid - the suppression of the resistance of the indigenous population, the etching of some nations against others (for example , Bashkir in the Kazakhs). And although Russia perceived the Bashkir ethnos, the process of rapprochement of two nations was dragged for a long time.

The intensive development of the South Ural lands continued in the XIX century and by the beginning of XX the long process of forming the ethnic composition of the local population was completed, from time to time the demographic situation has undergone quantitative and qualitative changes, but it is based on its preserved to our days. Therefore, despite the multinational composition, the designated territories inhabit the advantages

but representatives of autochthonous ethnic communities. Ethimarial groups live here compactly, each within its ethnocultural medium.

The results of sociological studies show that the level of ethnic tolerance in the region is quite high, and indicators of social and cultural distances between representatives of the Russian and Bashkir ethnic community are significantly lower than between them and other nations-neighbors (for example, Tatars). An example is the study of A.N. Tatarco, conducted with the support of the RGHF (project No. 02-06-00261a). The purpose of the study was to study the relationship between ethnic identity and ethnic tolerance in the cross-cultural perspective (on the example of the ethnic groups of the South-East of Bashkiria).

90 respondents living in the city of Sibay of the Republic of Bashkortostan (36 men and 54 women) participated in the survey. The composition of the sample was the next - 30 Bashkir, 30 Russians and 30 Tatars.

Let us turn to the results characterizing only the specifics of the intercultural perception of Russian and Bashkir ethnic groups.

An analysis of the subjective semantic spaces of ethnic groups made it possible to conclude that Bashkirs in their consciousness

we strive for integration with Russian, believing that they share the Bashkir valuables system. Russians, on the contrary, in their minds are distant from Bashkir and perceive their people as characterized by their value system. The author comes to the conclusion that Russians have a higher ethnic status than representatives of other ethnic groups. And also about the desire of Bashkir in his perception equally to evaluate its ethnos and a high-postectuous innerial group.

A sociocultural level is a field of implementing a sociocultural stereotype as a phenomenon of interaction between different cultural formations and / or their representatives. This stereotype contributes to the formation of a wide variety of forms of identities - personal and social.

When considering the Russian-Bashkir intercultural interaction, it should be noted that it prevails an authentic interest in the distinctive lifestyle of neighbors. In interpersonal and intergroup relations, ethnopsychological flexibility is observed, readiness to adapt to the traditions and image of thinking and behavior of members of another ethnic group while maintaining their own identity.

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