What is the GUA number? Favorable and unfavorable directions. Gua Number - Meaning and Application: Calculate Online

What is the GUA number? Favorable and unfavorable directions. Gua Number - Meaning and Application: Calculate Online

It is impossible to make your own home cozy if you do not take into account the characteristics and tastes of its inhabitants.

Feng Shui helps people not only correctly distribute spatial zones, but also make these zones work effectively, taking into account the Gua numbers (energy characteristics) of all family members.

The fourth trigram in the Eastern teachings consists of two yang lines (solid), located above one yin line (intermittent) and is called Shun. The female Yin line means the energy of the earth, and the two male lines above it symbolize the heavenly beginning, a huge energy sphere.

The Gua number 4 corresponds to the eastern group of numbers and owns the element of the Tree. Energetically important colors: blue and tint range of green.

Shun in Feng Shui is the spirit of the elusive wind and sustainable tree. How strong are the roots of a tree, how strong is the energy of the wind. It is a symbol of wholeness and inner unity.

Belonging to the number Gua 4 determines the personality traits: independence, creativity, variability, impulsiveness, emotionality, openness. Such people value loyalty and friendship, do not tolerate injustice, but try to avoid direct conflicts.

Having an unstable support, Fours are sometimes not decisive enough. Instead, they are very patient, gentle, caring and gentle. They are called upon to bring knowledge to the world that helps to live. These are teachers and psychologists, artists and journalists. They are selfless and altruistic, ready to help others, very hardworking. Wanting to be useful, Fours often neglect rest, which is deplorable for their health.

Family for Fours is an opportunity to patronize and care, to give warmth, emotional support. Those close to them help them find the foundation and soil for personal development. The goal of life for the Number Gua 4 should be to gain inner support, to resist the changeable wind. You can’t allow yourself to dissipate and try to “embrace the immensity”, it’s worth finding a compromise between internal and external self-realization. If this succeeds, life will be beautiful.

Favorable (unfavorable) vectors of development of Fours

Of the eight directions that affect the fate of the number 4, the positive ones are south, east, southeast and north. South (Tien-i) - determines the vector of health. The direction must be taken into account by workaholism-prone Fours: place a dining room or a bed in this sector. Activation of the direction will lead to gaining recognition and fame and for a long time will push back ailments and ailments.

East (Nyan-yang) - symbolizes family life and partnerships. Make a nursery and the entrance of your house in the eastern zone, get the joy and comfort of family relationships.

Southeast (Fu-wei) - the best direction that determines personal growth. For fours, it coincides with the sector of material well-being. Fours know how and love to earn money, any work is easily given to them, and they will always receive remuneration for their work. And if this zone is additionally decorated with a fountain, abundance and wealth are provided.

North (Sheng-qi) - the vector of wealth and career growth. Place a working area (office, desk) in this direction - and success is guaranteed to you. You can open access to wealth if you place the entrance in the northern section of the house.

The following vectors acquire a negative value for the fourth trigram in Feng Shui: western, northwestern, southwestern, northeastern directions.

The complete collapse of all undertakings guarantees the location of the sleeping area and the working area of ​​the kitchen in the northeast direction (Jue-ming). Do not place any children's, entrance doors or sleeping beds in the west. This direction (Lu-sha) can destroy the creative component of Fours and lead to loss of work, problems in studies.

Amorous relationships will be hindered by a bedroom located in the southwestern zone (U-gui). Gossip and conspiracies from "friends" will contribute to the gap. This area will not be dangerous if it contains a toilet or bathroom.

A weak negative is carried by the Ho-hai vector, which is responsible for the northwest. You should not trust your acquaintances with your business problems, their advice will not be useful to you. A pantry or dressing room in this area will completely pacify the influence of this direction on your life.

Compatibility Gua 4

An example of a relationship can be pairs 4 and 6, 9 and 4. These are harmonious unions built on mutual respect and feelings. Number 4 men, according to Ba Zi practitioners, will have a hard time with the sign 2. And a selfish man with the number 5 will not be to the taste of the woman of the Four.

But all this is quite relative, you will find common ground - your union will be successful and harmonious. And the numbers don't matter here.

Each person, depending on the time of his birth, experiences the influence of cosmic energies of different quality or, in other words, the Elements.

People born in the same year have the same influence of the energies of the cosmos.

People born in the same year, but in different months, receive support or opposition from both common and different energies.

Accordingly, people born on different days and at different hours already have a completely individual pattern of the influence of the Elements, which distinguishes each of us from each other in terms of the nature and influence of periods of good or bad luck in life.

In accordance with this, the influence of the Elements of a certain year for one person can be favorable, as they say, it will “blow in the back”, or vice versa, make it “fight with windmills”. The art of Feng Shui and Ba Zi is to give a person a series of recommendations, taking into account these individual characteristics.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve the quality of your life using Yeng Shui is to choose directions and sectors of an apartment or house that are favorable for a person. This is easy to do, knowing what the orientation and location of doors or furniture in a particular direction or sector of the house means.

The mechanism is simple:

You define your GUA number;

Find out which sectors and directions are favorable for you and which are not;

In accordance with this, arrange your bed, table, stove;

Consider this when choosing or building your new home.

If you always use your favorable sectors and directions, then throughout your life you will receive the support of those Elements and energies that are useful to you.

People whose Gua number 2, 6, 7, 8 belong to the Western group West, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast.

People whose Gua number 1, 3, 4, 9 belong to the Eastern group. Always good for them Southeast, East, South, North.

Now determine for yourself the degree of favorability or unfavorability of a particular direction or sector, using the table.

Number of GUA


















The best sector. Success in any endeavors, luck, prosperity










healing sector. Promotes good health and speedy recovery










Romance. Brings harmony to relationships of any kind










Personal development. Promotes success in work and career










Incidents. Can bring minor problems










Can lead to disagreements and financial losses










Failure. Can lead to serious problems in relationships, business, illness










So, now that you know your best and worst places in the house and directions, analyze which of them are oriented and in which sectors the houses are located:

Your front door (most important!),

Direction of the head of the bed

bedroom door,

Where is your gaze directed when you are sitting at a dining or desk table?

And which way is the front side of the stove in your kitchen oriented if you are cooking for the family. In this case, the favorable direction will be behind the back.

According to the same principle, it is analyzed whether this or that part of the house or apartment suits you.

Ideally, when the rooms you frequently use are located in favorable sectors, and the entrance and furniture are oriented in the best directions.

If, for example, your number Gua 6, then it is undesirable to make a bedroom located in the North or South, since these sectors have a negative meaning for you. It is good if the bedroom is located in the western part of the house and the head of the bed is oriented in one of the directions from +1 to +4.

However, other indicators are taken into account to choose the best place in the house for a particular tenant. In particular, Flying Stars and individual data on the Ba-Tzu chart. There are more difficult to understand and learn techniques that are passed only from Master to Student.

But often it is enough to use favorable directions according to the GUA number to feel positive changes in your life. Sometimes positive changes are felt after a few days, but in some cases it takes at least six months to feel the result.

Important note!!!

Good Feng Shui is not only about the “right directions”, it is also a number of other important recommendations based on a personal energy map, Flying Stars map, color schemes and other nuances.

It is advisable to take into account the maximum number of recommendations when arranging your home in order to get a tangible result.

Element: Wood.

People with Gua 4 are practical, ambitious, independent, stubborn. They are constantly generating ideas. They do not tolerate injustice, but rarely go into conflict, preferring to defend their point of view with reason. In addition, they are soft and patient. They are happy to take care of others. Willingly share their experience and knowledge. They make excellent leaders and teachers.

They have diverse interests and a tendency to work hard. At the same time, people with a Gua number of 4 are not interested in details. They prefer a "global" view of things. Sometimes they tend to put off things “for later”, so that after a while they can catch up on what they started in an “emergency” mode. By the way, they themselves do not like this situation, so it's best to learn to be a little more collected and painstaking.

The southeast is the direction of personal development.

The East is a romantic direction.

The south is a healing direction.

North is the best direction.

Bad Directions:




Interpretation of the number Gua 5 (for women)

Element: Earth.

People with Gua 5 are strong-willed, energetic, persistent and prudent. Outwardly imperturbable, these women are very sensitive. By nature, reserved, even secretive. In everything they strive for perfection. They are accustomed to express their thoughts accurately and directly. Honest. Sometimes they tend to challenge others, proving their worth.

Often they are very conservative, do not like change. They like to put everything on the shelves: directly and literally. Many of them are collectors.

They are constantly learning, achieving considerable success in life. Often financially wealthy, although they do not advertise this.

People with Gua 5 are too categorical with loved ones. They need to be more tolerant, especially since deep down they really need love and support.

Bad Directions:


Interpretation of the number Gua 5 (for men)

Element: Earth.

People with Gua number 5 are kind, devoted, caring, reliable. They are very balanced, stable, sociable. They don't like change. They are characterized by altruism, attentive attitude towards others, contributing to the establishment of long and lasting contacts with people.

Hard work allows them to achieve their goals. They are very responsible and diligent, they will not lose sight of anything. They prefer to do everything themselves, which often leads to overwork. They should think about the correct distribution of responsibilities and about leaving themselves time to rest.

These people know how to create warmth and comfort in the family, they will not resolve conflicts with a quarrel. They do not tend to chop off the shoulder.

Favorable for the number Gua 5 (for men) directions:

Southwest is the direction of personal development.

Northwest is a romantic direction.

The West is a healing direction.

Northeast is the best direction.

Bad Directions:


Interpretation of Gua number 6

Element: Metal.

People with Gua number 6 are confident, strong-willed, with self-esteem. They tend to strive for the ideal. They are reliable and proud. By nature, leaders, organizers, are calm, reasonable, rational. Sometimes religious.

People born in the year of White Metal have self-discipline and self-control. They are analysts, logicians, seeing to the root. Sometimes it is common to be too demanding and categorical, both to others and to oneself. This makes it difficult for them to communicate with others. Such people need to try to be softer, learn to listen to what others say. Otherwise, there is a danger of becoming too rigid and domineering, losing softness, flexibility and the ability to sympathize and understand.

People with Gua 6 work hard and sometimes take on too much responsibility. Such perseverance in work usually leads to material well-being, but leaves no time for rest.

They are interested in technology and often work in the scientific and technical field. Thrifty and do not like to spend money on unnecessary things.

People with Gua 6 are family oriented. We are happy to help and support those we love.

Northwest is the direction of personal development.

The southwest is a romantic direction.

The northeast is a healing direction.

West is the best direction.

Bad Directions:


Interpretation of Gua Number 7

Element: Metal.

People with Gua number 7 are gifted, passionate, able to convince and lead. They are sociable, ironic, easy-going, very sociable and flexible. Somewhat prudent, but with refined refined manners.

People with Gua 7 experience many changes in their lives. These are thoughtful, sensitive people with good intuition. They are quick-witted, but can be overly carried away, which prevents them from focusing on the most important goals.

These people will be able to easily find a way out of any situation. In general, they look at life without undue seriousness. They love to work and can, but do not overwork too much. They often spend time in nature, they know how to have fun.

People with Gua 7 like to philosophize on various topics, whether they know anything about the subject or not. Peaceful. Avoid dual situations. Sometimes they say what they want to hear from them, and not what they really think. They want to be liked and have a hard time saying no to anyone.

These people are characterized by love of life, openness, the ability to be surprised and rejoice. They are friendly, know how to create a good mood, and in communication - sincerity and warmth. They practically have no restrictions, prejudices, but do not cross the borders. They know how to convince and inspire people.

The West is the direction of personal development.

The northeast is a romantic direction.

Southwest is a healing direction.

Northwest is the best direction.

Bad Directions:


Interpretation of Gua number 8

Element: Earth.

People with Gua number 8 strive to be the best in everything. These are energetic and ambitious natures. They do not look for easy ways, they are prudent and insightful. They love accuracy and punctuality. Restrained and unsociable with others. In business they are persistent and stubborn, in communication they are straightforward and honest.

People with Gua 8 prefer to lead a secluded lifestyle, honor traditions. They tend to organize and collect everything. They make good collectors.

Outwardly imperturbable and restrained, they really need love and support. But they themselves also need to learn to be more attentive to others, especially to relatives.

Holders of the number Gua 8 achieve significant career success and are often well-to-do, although they hide it.

The northeast is the direction of personal development.

The West is a romantic direction.

Northwest is a healing direction.

Southwest is the best direction.

Bad Directions:


Interpretation of Gua Number 9

Element: Fire.

People with Gua 9 are bright, cheerful and full of ideas. They are not devoid of vanity, somewhat impulsive. They are excellent at learning due to their excellent memory, but they do not delve too deeply into the essence of things. In addition, they constantly change their plans and hobbies. Starting something with enthusiasm, they may quit halfway through due to unwillingness to continue or make additional efforts. At the same time, people with Gua 9 know how to charm. They easily capture the attention of the audience, they can present the material in an interesting and exciting way, they are sociable, emotional. Sometimes quick-tempered, but quick-tempered.

They have good taste, like to surround themselves with beautiful and expensive things. Money is their weakness. Yes, and thrift is not peculiar to them.

The South is the direction of personal development.

North is a romantic direction.

The southeast is a healing direction.

East is the best direction.

Bad Directions:




What to do if you and your partner have different Gua numbers?

If funds allow, it is better to have different bedrooms, in which the beds are arranged in favorable directions for you.

Try to choose the direction that would be the weakest in terms of negativity for one, then it will automatically turn out to be one of the favorable ones for the other.

Do not forget that you need to take into account the location of the bed relative to walls, windows, doors (the bed should not be on the corner or feet to the door).

The one who sleeps with the headboard in an unfavorable direction can be supported in other sectors. For example, organize his meal in a good direction or place his workplace on the favorable side of the room.

Gua number- This is a personal number of a person, which is calculated based on the date of birth. The resulting figure is related to the formula of eight houses and tells you how to properly place items in the apartment and in each of the rooms, which colors to give preference to. In the art of feng shui, the gua number shows what qualities a person is endowed with. Knowing it, you can get additional information about yourself, which will contribute to self-improvement.

For more than three thousand years, the philosophy of Feng Shui has been helping every person to improve their lives, harmonize space and come to a higher understanding of themselves and the laws of the Universe. The ancient art of China offers many ways to find peace of mind and bring harmony into your home.

One of the best methods is to follow your Kua number. Thanks to the correct calculation of the Gua number, you can determine your correct direction. By following your own Gua, you can find your soul mate. Knowing the number of Gua, you can improve your financial situation by getting a new position at work or finding an additional source of income.

Each number has its own scheme, with which you should work very carefully, strictly following the advice. When a person begins to prioritize according to his number of guas, then in life everything goes well and works out for him.

This applies to absolutely all spheres: love, work, health, friendship. In a short time it will be possible to improve relations in the family, improve personal life, career, financial condition, health and other areas of life.

The gua number means that a person belongs to the eastern or western group, determining unfavorable and favorable directions. The calculation of the number of gua is quite simple. Write down the full date of birth: day, month, year, as well as your gender. And start counting.


Woman , born in 1984. 8 + 4 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3, 3 + 5 (add 5 to the resulting chill) = 8. Gua number is 8.

The male 1979 year of birth. 7+9=16, 1+6=7, 10-7=3(the resulting number is subtracted from 10). Gua number is 3.

If a person was born in January or early February, then you need to check the date of birth with the lunar calendar If the number refers to the previous lunar year, then you need to take the previous year to calculate the number of gua. For example, a person born on January 24, 1982 may find that this year begins according to the lunar calendar on January 25, which means that it is necessary to consider the year of birth not 1982, but the previous one - 1981.

  • After you figured out the year of birth, you need to add the last two digits of the year of birth. For example, 1982 is the year of birth, here we add 8 and 2, it turns out 10. If a two-digit number comes out, then these numbers should be added again with each other. In this example, we add 1 and 0 to get 1.
  • Next, based on your gender, we make calculations as follows: for men, subtract the resulting figure from 10 . In the previous example, we got the number 1, we subtract it from 10, we have the result - 9. This will be the number of gua. If the boy was born after 2000, then for him it is necessary to subtract the resulting figure from 9, and not 10.
  • Among women slightly different "math": add 5 to the resulting number . That is, we add 5 to 1, it turns out 6. This will be the number of gua. If the girl was born after 2000, then we add 6, not 5.
  • If you get a two-digit number, then you will need to add these two numbers. The result will be just the number of gua.

Important! If the resulting figure is 1, 3, 4, 9, then the person belongs to the eastern group. And those who got 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 are representatives of the Western group.

Feng Shui teaches that people who belong to one group will always be in conflict with people from another group. They cannot work, eat, sit, lie down, rest, being directed in the direction that is considered favorable for the opposite group.

Those who belong to the western direction will find benefits from such parts of the world as the West, Northeast, Northwest, Southwest. The Eastern group will receive happiness, recognition and success from the East, South, North and Southeast.

Knowing accurate information about the influence of directions, you can save yourself from trouble and significantly improve the quality of your life. According to master Yap Chen Hai, given your GUA number, you can get rich quickly.

To do this, you need to position the stove and the front door in the direction of Shen Qi. For women born after February 5, 1894, the money direction is southwest. For men born before February 5, 1980, south is considered the best direction.

You can find out the most favorable directions for yourself from the table

Gua number Love Money Health Stability
Eastern group people
1 South Southeast East North
3 Southeast South North East
4 East North South Southeast
9 North East Southeast South
Western group people
2 Northwest Northeast West Southwest
6 Southwest West Northeast Northwest
7 Northeast Northwest Southwest West
8 West Southwest Northwest Northeast

Types of Auspicious GUA Number Directions

Money, Wealth, Success - Sheng Qi . This direction contributes to the success of each undertaking. Any business that you undertake will be successful, profitable, will bring recognition and respect. Turn your desk towards your Sheng Qi to attract as much monetary energy as possible.

Ideally, also the front door should "look" in this direction . For example, the desktop of a man born in 1979 should “look” to the south. This sector in the house symbolizes the prosperity of the home, the inhabitants of the house, gives material well-being and prosperity.

It is very important to maintain order in this zone and put various means here to obtain and maintain energy. We must try to look in this direction in order to get success, recognition and money.

Love - Yan-Nan - this direction will help to attract a suitable man into your life, create a family, make relations with your relatives harmonious. Guided by the "love" direction is advised to those people who dream of finding their life partner.

Health - Tien Yi . The head of the bed should be directed in this direction. In order to enhance the effect of the influence of health energy, it is necessary to choose a room for the bedroom, the doors of which face the indicated direction. Eat your meals with a “healthy” energy, and in this case, each meal will be the most useful for you. Over time, you will begin to feel much better, vitality will be activated.

For example, the bed of a woman born in 1984 should have its headboard turned to the northwest. In this sector, it is best to place the sickest family members so that they gain vigor and strength.

Stability, personal development - Fu-Wei - this direction is ideal for internal development. With its help, you can gain clarity of thinking, make your life calm and harmonious. This is a zone of luck, perception of the world, thinking. It is desirable for children to be in this sector more often.

The unfavorable areas are

Misfortune - Ho-Hai. This zone brings irritation, failure, disappointment and other troubles to life.

Five spirits - Wu-wei. The sphere adversely affects relationships, brings failure, anxiety, gossip. In such a place it is better not to arrange a living room.

Six kills - Lü-sha. In this sector, six failures await a person, which can fall nearby. Among them are failures in the financial sphere, and death, and other misfortunes.

Losses - Tse-ming. This zone can lead to bankruptcy and other hardships. Not bad if a similar area in the apartment is occupied by a bathroom, pantry or toilet. A windowless room is ideal for Lost.

If suddenly any positive sector in the apartment coincides with the unfavorable one, then we must not forget that the negative spheres are calculated in order to determine zones for sleeping, eating, and relaxing. It is best to stick to your positive direction, keeping this in mind when arranging furniture and when making repairs.

Important do not forget to activate your main sector, on which all future fate, luck, success, love, joy will depend.

Characteristics of people by GUA numbers

GUA number 1 -Such people are hardworking and cautious, they know how not only to stand up for themselves, but also to manipulate others. Personality GUA 1 is stubborn, serious, intuitive, such a person is always striving for change.

GUA number 2 speaks of stability, conservatism, devotion and reliability. Such people are capable of making sacrifices.

GUA number 3 - people with this number are often straightforward, passionate, sensual and quick-tempered.

GUA number 4 - The main features of people with this number of GUAs are impulsiveness, prudence, openness and good adaptability.

GUA number 5 for men it is replaced by GUA 2, and for women it is replaced by GUA 8.

GUA number 6 speaks of such traits: religiosity, self-sufficiency, pride and rational thinking.

GUA number 7 – People with this GUA number are usually calculating, sociable, passionate and gifted.

GUA number 8 - The main characteristics of people with GUA 8 can be called a passion for adventure, thrift, self-confidence, ambition and perseverance. Belonging to GUA 8 speaks of secrecy, lack of sociability and a tendency to streamline.

GUA number 9- Such people are refined, insightful, enlightened, bright, proud, respected and usually successful. They are emotional and sociable.

In Feng Shui, the Gua number is very important. If you are just starting to get involved in this teaching, then you should try to carefully follow the advice and carefully study each postulate of Feng Shui.

Over time, things will get better, everything will be fine both at work, and in the family, and with friends. Perhaps the result will not be very fast and fast, because feng shui gives noticeable results gradually. It seems that he didn’t do anything special - he just moved the furniture, changed the colors in the room, but after a while life will completely change for the better, and the correctly calculated Gua number will help with this.

Secrets and mysteries of Feng Shui. Correct application.

Views: 428

In Feng Shui, it indicates a person's personal energies and their direction. Knowing this vector, you can change your destiny.

Gua counting

For someone born between 1900 and 1999, you need to take two numbers from the end of the year and add them up. If you get a two-digit number, its numbers must be added again.

The Gua number for women and men is calculated differently:

  • Gua score for a man: 10 minus the calculated result;
  • Gua score for a woman: 5 plus final result. Upon receipt of a two-digit number, the numbers are summarized again.

For those born after 2000, the calculation is done in the same way, but for a man, instead of 10, substitute 9, and for a woman, 6 instead of 5.

Some nuances of the Chinese calendar are very important to observe when calculating. The Chinese New Year does not fall on January 1, but on February 4-5 (you need to clarify each time). For example, if a man was born in the period 01/01/02/03/1975, the previous year, i.e. 1974, is taken to calculate the Gua. And the calculations are made on the basis of this year.

Another important feature - Gua 5 does not exist. This assumes that for men the number 5 will be 2, and for women it will be 8.

Gua personality type 4

Gua number 4 has the personality trigram Shun. It consists of two solid Yang lines over a broken Yin line. Two solid lines are Heaven (a very rich source of energy), and a broken line means energy close to Earth: the movement between heaven and earth is wind.

Shun is both the Spirit of the wind and the tree. Delicate, beautiful and subtle, it permeates objects and completes them. Penetration is its main feature. He supports and nourishes. The symbol is the wind with the tree, its movement from the bottom up.

The number Gua 4 is endowed with a predominance of yang strong and active energies that do not have a reliable foundation under them. A man is like a solid house that stands on shaky soft ground, or a giant ship swaying on the waves. Decisiveness is not his main quality. But on the other hand, he is gentle, knows how to understand another, is able to establish good, warm relations. He brings with him peace and completeness in all endeavors. It is designed to resolve conflicts, reconcile, bring to the end all unfinished business. He can carry knowledge that helps many people to live. He brings prosperity and abundance to life.

Due to its soft base, it is mobile and flexible. He also has such qualities as patience, attentiveness, calmness. Man 4 can find himself in professions such as a teacher, psychologist, juvenile inspector. With kindness, patience and affection, he will be able to achieve from children what fear of punishment cannot receive. In his family, everything is perfect, without quarrels and conflicts, continuous mutual understanding and love.

His mind, like the wind, is constantly in the flow. Gentle in nature, but can appear restless and even very violent under excessive pressure. In addition, he is characterized by such features as indecision, confusion, anxiety about the future, frequent mood swings. Indecision becomes the reason that quite favorable opportunities are often missed.

The interests of such a man are diverse, often replacing each other. I tend to work hard. Man 4 will not pull his own business, so it is better for him to work in a team with others and for others. The ideal option is to work as a freelancer with a free regime, so that you can alternate work with rest.

The key to health lies in the balance between intensive work and time for recovery and rest. The reason for the weakening of the immune system, serious mental and nervous disorders can be excessive employment.

If the person of the Wind develops incorrectly in life, he has every chance of being carried away by the will of the current of the waves, going astray, or simply “falling” due to the weakness of the foundation.

The vital task of a man is to seek support within himself, to learn to stand firmly on his feet, not to allow his strength to dissipate in vain in any case and to surrender to the will of the wind. He needs to strive to where he is needed in order to carry knowledge, support, sympathize, help, fill the lives of those around him with warmth and tenderness.

The southeast direction of the house (), corresponding to the Shun trigram, is associated with material well-being, and is abundance of any kind. By investing your time in creating a stable financial position, gradually and slowly approaching the goal, showing patience (a quality characteristic of Yin energy), self-control and trust, you can lay a reliable financial support. It is akin to how the wind gradually shapes the rock. By activating the Shun sector, you can attract more money into your life or means to achieve a specific goal.

This sector is closely related to harmony, happiness, trust, progress. It must also be activated if it is necessary to give the indicated qualities to love relationships. with hearts will be the most justified means for such activation. Hearing its ringing every time, you can determine that in this part of the house the air moves freely and freely. In the sector, you can place an object that is a symbol and preceding in the cycle of generations, for example, water.

It can be used both in its natural form (aquariums, fountains) and in a drawn one (lake, river, calm sea). The activator is the blue color and its shades. It will help to achieve harmony, satisfaction and love for the personal element. The absence of the Shun sector in the house threatens to turn into failures and frequent disappointments for its inhabitants.

Compatibility with Gua Number 4

How to determine whether this is the person with whom you can enter into a close relationship, or is it still worth maintaining an exclusively business alliance with him, or is there a love for someone with whom there will never be peaceful relations and mutual understanding in life, which is very important in marriage? After all, there are so many cases when spouses cannot live together, but they cannot be without each other for a long time.

The Gua personal compatibility map will immediately show the degree of compatibility with any person and how to build relationships or sort out an existing situation.

This is an ideal way to make predictions about the development of a novel or to develop tactics for behavior in a marriage, friendship, family or business relationship.

Number Gua 1 and 4 - an excellent relationship is established between them due to the fact that practical wisdom 4 and thoughtfulness 1 are combined. Although both numbers are somewhat indecisive and both lack responsiveness, nevertheless the union is successful and together they represent considerable strength.

The Gua number 2 and 4 is a rather difficult combination, since the two will constantly criticize each other and express their mutual dissatisfaction. Two is not satisfied with talkativeness in a partner (as she thinks), and 4 - sluggishness and stupidity 2. Two has a more conservative approach to life and does not always know how to act in a given situation. And the four is devoid of perseverance, although it has worldly practical wisdom.

Number Gua 3 and 4 - such relationships can take place if both seek to understand the other partner. The sincere and direct manifestations of 3 make it difficult to understand between them. The four will strive with all their might for mutual understanding, since adaptability and the desire for harmony are more characteristic of it. Indecision 4 is compensated by radical decisions 3.

Gua number 4 and 4 - this relationship is non-committal and too smooth to have even a drop of risk in them. The individualism and practical wisdom of both makes such an alliance easy and, most importantly, short-lived.

The union of Gua 5 and 4 will not satisfy both partners. A practical 4 will not tolerate a selfish 5.

Gua number 6 and 4 - it is difficult for them to find common ground, since the four is more emotional. The Six behaves with dignity and does only what she considers right.

Gua number 7 and 4 - mutual consent will be provided to them, since both partners are sociable. The seven is an opportunist, and the four is soft-hearted and responsive. A good combination, even though both do not trust each other, which causes mutual suspicions about insincerity. Nevertheless, they can study each other for a long time.

It will not be easy for a pair of Gua 8 and 4 to come to intimacy and mutual understanding. And all because of the stubbornness of the eight. Even despite the fact that the four have a soft and kind heart.

Gua number 9 and 4 - the relationship is harmonious and direct. Nine is characterized by intelligence, ambition, clarity of thought. And the four can adapt to these qualities.

There is a slightly different way to choose a partner. It is better for representatives of the eastern group to create a family with people also from the eastern group, and for people of the western direction - with their own. According to this principle, it is much easier to achieve harmonious Feng Shui in general, since the good directions for a man and a woman will coincide.

Favorable Directions

Southeast (fu-wei) - the direction of personal growth. The most favorable direction is oriented towards the Wealth sector. This means that making money for people with the number 4 is easier than anyone else. Almost everything they undertake will later turn into hard cash. The situation with spiritual development is somewhat more complicated for such a man. But still, it needs to be done. Talismans for the sector: a fountain to achieve harmony from within or "", which will attract all kinds of good luck.

North (sheng qi) is the direction of wealth. This direction corresponds. Home workplace or office is the place in the north direction. It is good if the front door is located from the north. The kitchen, bathroom or toilet should in no case be located in the northern zone.

East (nian-yang) is the direction of love. If it is activated correctly, then family life is unlikely to ever become routine. At the same time, children will delight, a friendly atmosphere and comfort will reign at home. Activate with any traditional talismans.

South (tian-i) - the direction of health. Corresponds to the sector of glory. You can not know about poor health and illness for a very long time, while this sector is activated. Here you can arrange a dining room or a bedroom. The kitchen has no place in it.

Bad Directions

Northwest (ho-hai) - the direction of failure. Since the direction coincided with the sector of Helpers, this means that one should not blindly believe people, especially the first people they meet. A situation may arise that the one whom a person trusts may subsequently behave not in the best way. Ho-hai energy is unlikely to bring more harm, however, it should not be left to chance. The northwest is not the best place for a stove or pantry with stagnant energy.

Southwest (wu-gui) is the direction of the five ghosts. It falls on the sector of marriage and love. It is in these areas that more caution should be exercised. There may be slander and envy, attempts to recapture the beloved (beloved), slander in front of relatives. It is not desirable to place a bedroom here, but a toilet is possible.

West (lu-sha) - 6 assassins. A children's room for a boy should not be located here. People who are engaged in creativity, this direction should not be left without due attention. This will lead to learning problems or, for example, losing a promising job. There shouldn't be a front door here, and you can't sleep in that direction.

Northeast (jue-ming) - the direction of complete collapse. Lack of experience and personal wisdom, distorted information can cause many problems for men with the number 4: from bankruptcy to incurable diseases. You can not cook food in this direction, sleep with your head towards it, or place the front door.

And remember, when activating the best direction, do not forget about the worst. A happy future depends on us.