Diana is the meaning of the name, the origin, characteristics, horoscope. Negative features name

Diana is the meaning of the name, the origin, characteristics, horoscope. Negative features name
Diana is the meaning of the name, the origin, characteristics, horoscope. Negative features name

Meaning of the name

Diana is charming, sensual and emotional. She cannot stay indifferent to the grief of other people, so it's quite natural that the owner of this name has many friends (but she has no enemies). Despite its kindness and responsiveness, Diana can easily be called the owner of a strong and firm character. This is a leader in kind, which at the same time does not seek to prove its superiority. The main thing is that the pragmaticity and rigidity are not turned into dryness and excessive demanding to the surrounding borders with cruelty.

Characteristic named Diana

Winter Diana responsible, calculation and pragmatic. Her actions manage exclusively mind, so it is often quite difficult for this woman to acquire real friends (and Diana herself does not hurry to trust people). In relations with men, the winter Diana is cold and restrained, which negatively affects her personal life (it creates a family preferably after 30 years).

Spring Diana - True Amazon, accustomed to achieving everything that has conceived, through not only its hardworking, but also the female glamor. She is stubborn, persistent and ambitious, which helps to overcome any vital difficulties. With men Spring Diana Coquetul, in female wise and consistent, so she has a great many fans. But it will stop the choice only at a time-tested and circumstances.

Summer Diana Hitra and witty, it knows how to adapt perfectly under the existing circumstances, which contributes to the career ladder. In addition, this woman combines such qualities as mind and immediacy, conservatism and the originality, which attracts people to her. In men, Summer Diana appreciates kindness, openness, honesty and dedication. But betrayal she will never forgive.

Autumn Diana Hardworking, intelligent, is confident, but at the same time excessively scary. She likes to receive, then how to give anything in return is not in a hurry. Such a vital position can lead to the fact that in her life there will be almost no people who can open their soul. With men, autumn Diana add up quite complex relationships, as its chosen one is obliged to be perfect and perfect.

Stone - Talisman

Happy for Diana stones - selenit and diamond.


This moonstone symbolizes happiness, good luck, as well as material well-being.

It is believed that selenites contributes to the development of intuition, strengthening memory and will, the adoption of the right decisions and reassuring emotions (especially negative). So, the owners of this stone become kinder, responsive and softer.

Selenite contributes to the harmonization of intrameal relations, as it pauses and soothes passion.

This mineral is rightfully considered one of the strongest magical talismans capable of protecting evil spell and witchcraft.

In general, selenites - the stone of people creative, who decided to associate their lives with the areas of culture or art.


This gem is a symbol of perfection, spirit hardness, purity, invincibility, fearlessness and indispensability.

The people say that the diamond causes the location in women and distinguishes the ghost, protects against quarrels and temptations, suppresses bad thoughts.

Alchemists considered a diamond of a stone of wisdom and attributed to him exclusively positive properties. So, this stone impeding the centuries symbolized light, life, spirit resistance and openness.

This stone ended with healing forces: the owner of the diamond is not terrible such diseases as dementia and schizophrenia. Contemplation of this stone improves the mood, eliminates the longing, tightened the rage and anger (for this reason, the diamond is recommended to wear flawed people).

In the east, diamond is considered a stone of happy fate, reinforcing the sharpness of the mind and protecting from enemies.

But! All these properties have only those stones that were obtained honestly or went to their owner inheritance.





Animal - symbol

Animals, patronizing Diana, is a leopard, deer and beaver.


This beautiful and graceful animal symbolizes rage, ruthlessness, cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, but at the same time pride, courage, courage, courage and speed.

Ancient Greeks considered a leopard symbol of evil, whereas in China this animal personified courage.

In the countries of Asia and Africa, the skin from the leopard was used as the apparel of shamans and sorcerers.

In Christianity, the leopard is identified with evil, sin and lust. The fact is that the Prophet Daniel was given to the leopard, while the Lord said to the Prophet that the villains were not able to change his fate, as well as Leopard could not change their stains.


This is a symbol with positive energy, personifying sunrise, light, grace, cleanliness, beauty, update, rapidness, revival, creation and spirituality. In addition, deer symbolizes caution, accuracy and acute hearing.

Deer is the good news and explorer who indicates the path to the goal.

American Indians and Peoples of Asia identify the deer male with abundance and durability, while the young deer symbolized defenselessness.

In China, deer symbolizes wealth, good luck and abundance.

In the Christian tradition, this animal personifies not only the purity and piousness, but also a flushing (in the Bible deer, thirsty of water, compared with the human soul, which seeks to know God). Deer personifies Christ who is looking for a devil in order to destroy it.

Deer is a powerful magical intercessor guarding from troubles and evil.


This is a symbol of adjacent, hard work, freedom and abstinuity.

In the Christian tradition, Beaver symbolizes chastity, highlighting, asceticism, as well as vigilance and peacefulness.


More successful those Diana, which were born under the signs of the Taurus and Cancer (more about these signs can be read in the article "The influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color name for a person's life").


Totem Plants Diana - Pear, Oak and Lily.


A pear symbolizes longevity, as it is an amazingly a vitality (the average life expectancy of the tree is about 100 years). White pear flowers personify sadness and impermanence, but at the same time beauty and sensuality (and all due to the shape of the fruit of this tree, resembling a female slim figure).

Important! The Chinese wise men did not recommend in love or friends to cut a pear fruit and share it, so that avoid separation and quarrels.

The ancient Greeks revered the pear as a symbol of love and motherhood, while the Slavs used the fruits of this tree in the manufacture of lovely potions (it was believed that it was a pear who helps to strengthen the married relationship and protects against change).

In the Christian tradition, the pear is a symbol of the love of Jesus to all mankind.

This mighty tree symbolizes the courage, strength, courage, longevity, wisdom, stamina, as well as nobility, fertility and devotion.

Oak - the personification of the world axis, as well as the link, which connects the world of the gods with the world of people, the world of living with the world of the dead (by the way, our ancestors believed that in the foliage of oak souls died).

In addition, Oak acts as a symbol of married loyalty and family happiness.

Lily of the valley

This snow-white flower personifies purity, love, modesty, tenderness, loyalty and sadness at the same time.

According to the Christian legend, the Lily of Lily appeared from the tears of Our Lady, mourning his crucified son.

In the ancient Germans, this plant symbolizes the blessing, happiness in family life, fertility and well-being.

He possessed the valley and magical power: it was believed that in the hands of an evil person, this gentle plant could become a robin.

Important! It is impossible to collect, buy or give the valley on the eve of the new moon, as at this time the aroma of flowers awakens lust, throwing a person in the embrace of sin.


Metal Diana is mercury, symbolizing the rebirth of the human soul, the search for truth, but at the same time impermanence and elusiveness.

This metal contributes to an increase in activity, which helps to achieve the goals.

Interestingly, the alchemists have long considered this metal female, and all for the reason that it has cold energy.

Favorable day


The origin of the name Diana

Translation name

From the Latin language, the name Diana is translated as "Divine".

History name

Diana's name came to us from ancient Rome: just the name of the royal, decisive and beautiful ancient Roman goddess of hunting and vegetation (in ancient Greece the same goddess was called Artemida).

Forms (Analogs) name

The most famous forms of named after Diana: Di, Didi, Dianka, Dina, Dunchik, Danya, Diana, Danyan, Dian, Dean.

Mystery named after Diana

Patrons name

The name of Diana is not in the Orthodox sacraticles, so when baptized, the possessors of this behalf often give the consonant name of Daria.

Legend about Diana

Holy Diana d "Andalo, who lived in the 13th century in Italy, was from a notable family. It was this blissful founded in his hometown of Bologna Monastery of St. Agnes.

Unfortunately, very little is known about the life of this saint. It is reliably aware that she lived and worked good deeds during the reign of the blessed preacher Jordan Saxon, with whom she had touching friendship.

Holy Diana died in 1236, and was canonized by Pope Lvom XIII in August 1888. Its relics to this day are stored in the monastery of St. Agnes.

Famous people

Famous singers named Diana:

  • Dian Ross - American singer;
  • Diana Arbenina;
  • Diana Gurtskaya;
  • Diana Savelyev - a performer of the Gypsy novels.

Famous actresses named Diana:

  • Diana Shpak;
  • Dian Lane;
  • Diana Dismarine;
  • Diana Morozova.

Diana Kovalchuk - The famous top model from Ukraine.

Diana Spencer (Looks more known as Princess Diana or Lady Di) - Princess Wales.

Diana Vishnev - Russian prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater.

Name of Diana

For a child

Little Diana is obedient, kind, quiet and cheerful girl who tries to help not only parents, but also to all those who need it. However, the softness of the girls is hard and stubbornness (just if she decided something for himself, then it will definitely achieve this by any ways).

In Diana, nature is laid in the ability to correctly maneuvering, helping her to hit any intended goal. If the circumstances will be required, then Diana can easily lie, while not to believe it a little, but the cunning angel is simply impossible. With this disadvantage, Diana must necessarily fight, otherwise over the years there will turn into a habit with a habit that can negatively affect the fate of the girl. Among the negative qualities of a little Diana would like to mention both vanity (it is characteristic of exaggerating its own merit).

But still, the responsiveness and good nature Diana cannot leave anyone indifferent, so he often says a lot to her. This sensitive and vulnerable girl always have many friends, whom she is ready to protect if necessary and words, and with the help of fists.

Artistic Diana learns quite well, and all due to their ambitiousness, accuracy and tendency to analysis. Do not forget that, by nature, this girl is a leader, and to maintain its positions it is necessary to work, not to twist the hands, and conquer your authority.

For girl

Diana-teenager delivers his parents a lot of hassle, because of a calm and obedient child, she turns into a challenge and an independent girl who wants the most in the world to become independent and get rid of the excessive guardianship of the parents. Therefore, it is better to give her a certain degree of freedom and not to associate strict obligations, which will help to maintain warm decens.

She is still good and responsive, only to take advantage of her kindness for mercenary purposes is unlikely to succeed, as the insightful Diana quickly calculates false and hypocrisy. Practical and stubborn Diana has a strong male character, which often prevents her in life. Although due to their ability to place people to them easily manage to achieve a lot in life.

Young Diana emotional and hot-tempered, but at the same time departing, besides, she knows how to laugh at himself, which often helps her overcome Handra, longing and depression. But if necessary, Diana quickly takes control of his emotions (this girl knows how to think rationally, and he never changes its solutions). Such self-confidence borders with arrogance and vanity.

Often to understand Diana is very difficult, because this girl rarely deals his sincere feelings, hiding them for the mask of coldness and pragmaticity.

The older Diana, the more in its character there is a power of will and the desire to be first, but still this girl does not look like a cruel warrior, which for the sake of achieving the goal is able to fit all on its way. In her character, there are still softness, spiritual heat and kindness.

For woman

Adult Diana is a pragmatic, calculating and fairly rigid woman, which, when making decisions, is guided exclusively logic and common sense. She loses the directness that was characteristic of her in childhood. Its openness Diana hides in power, which can grow into real tyranny.

It happens that the sensuality of Diana takes the top over its balance, and then the best qualities of the owner of this name are manifested: softness, tenderness, responsiveness and sentimentality. But if you offend this woman or vulnery her pride, wait for the response aggression.

Do not forget that Diana is a magnificent actress, which for the sake of gaining benefits is ready to play any role. Her endless energy in combination with the analytical warehouse of the mind allows you to achieve those vertices that many have only to dream about. However, this woman should be remembered that there is a measure in everything important, and instead of the Oscar award, she can lose close people who sooner or later think about the fact that Her friendship is sincerely.

Description name Diana


Diana tries to adhere to generally accepted moral standards, but it turns out this is not always. In addition, the owner of this name is malicious and never misses the case to remind you of damasses or provinces.


Last seats Diana in terms of health are the liver, stomach and sex system. In addition, it is susceptible to respiratory diseases. Therefore, she should pay special attention to the work of the immune system (it shows hardening and frequent outdoor walks).


Diana is capable of deep feelings, while it is important for her the process of conquering a man (should not be surprised that the Military Amazon Diana prefers to take the initiative in his hands).

At the same time, it also waits for decisive actions, romance, sincerity and depths of feelings (Diana will appreciate the partner who can surprise her every day). It will open only a reliable and strong man in which it will be confident one hundred percent.

But the man Diana must come to terms with the fact that this woman does not always know how to show his feelings, which does not speak them at all.

This woman does not like to discuss his personal life with girlfriends, and does not suffer such behavior from their man.


Diana never feels a lack of male attention, so it can afford a long time and carefully choose who agree to create a family. Despite this, most often its first marriage is not very successful, especially if concluded in his youth. And everything is marked that the owner of this name is not ready to part with its independence. In addition, Diana is absolutely not able to obey, which significantly complicates the construction of family relations.

In the second marriage Diana tries not to make mistakes admitted to the first union. It is important for it to build trust relationships in which there will be no secrets and pioneering.

It happens that Diana is very late married, because it is waiting for an ideal man who will be silent, and handsome, and smart, and materially ensured. In the event that the selected man will not meet its high demands, it will not break up with him, and he will become the initiator of the divorce.

Family relationships

Diana seeks to create a prosperous and strong family, because only in a family circle she gains peace of mind and spiritual harmony. At the same time, she agrees to become an ideal mistress, but provided that her husband will take on material support of the family. In addition, for Diana, her husband is not only a beloved person, but a faithful and passionate lover, as well as the wise adviser.

The main problem of Diana is the inability to switch: so if the mood was spoiled at work, then it will definitely postpone the entire negative on its households. Therefore, she needs to learn to distinguish the working mood with homemade.

In the family of Diana, she tries to take the primary position, and if it cannot do this in the open, it becomes a "gray cardinal". Interestingly, this woman is not seated next to a slightly accrastful man.

Diana is a loving, tender, attentive and thoughtful mother who does not accept physical punishment (moreover, she even rarely increases the voice on children).


Cold outwardly Diana is actually very sensual and temperament, only here to awaken these qualities can only be a gentle and loving man who will take care of not only his desires, but also a partner preferences.

The intimate sphere for Diana is extremely important, since it is the physical attraction and a pleasure to give her energy.

The partner Diana must take into account the fact that this woman loves thoughtfulness even in the sexual sphere: so, for the maximum pleasure, it needs a special situation, and comfort, and a certain chic.

Mind (intelligence)

Thanks to its cold and calculating Um, Diana confidently moves through the career staircase, but at the same time it lacks a simple human heat to build reliable and strong relationships.


Diana is responsible, executive, stubborn, objective and fair, so it can be cope with any profession, but it will prefer the type of activity in which there will be no monotony. So, in the soul of Diana will come up with the profession of a doctor, nurses, politics, public figures or diplomat.

But in the chair of the accountant, a scientific officer or a clerk, this woman will not stay long for a long time, because it does not have such qualities as preferabity and scrupulsiness. The greatest success expects Diana in creative professions associated with communication (these can be such areas as the theater, music, literature, painting).

Thanks to the purposefulness, communicativeness and analytical mind, Diana easily starts the necessary acquaintances and quickly moves through the career staircase, but at the same time, for the sake of achieving office will never go to betrayal or a forgery.


By nature, Diana is a born leader with excellent organizational abilities, so the maintenance of its own business is easy to do it. With his subordinates, it happens to cut, but it is always extremely fair.

It is interesting that it is often engaged in business not so much for the achievement of material well-being, as in order to prove the fact that women are no worse than men know how to deal with serious responsibilities requiring collections and concentration of attention.


Diana is a creative personality, and therefore hobbies are associated with a sphere of art: it can be drawing, embroidery or writing books. Loves the owner of this name and travel, but provided that the conditions are comfortable.

Type of character


Diana is a born wrestler who is not afraid to go against the system and express people in the face what he thinks about them, because of what she often arises problems. But do not think that it is easy to remove it, on the contrary, even in anger she does not lose control over himself.

The owner of this beautiful name is distinguished by an adamant will, activity and an increased sense of justice, so pulling it into a dubious adventure is unlikely to succeed.

Diana is balanced and accustomed to hide their feelings that often prevents her personal life. For life failures, it relates calmly (prefers to solve all problems through logic and mind, but in no way feelings).

It is impossible to influence the opinion of Diana, because it is always firmly confident in its rightness (such confidence can border it with arrogance and vanity). She considers himself a strong woman, therefore other people's weaknesses do not recognize, and the feeling of pity and considers at all something shameful and humiliating. For this reason, it is rarely friendly with women, as despises emotionality, tearlessness and weakness.


With its developed intuition, Diana uses only when evaluating people, while when making fateful solutions, it relies exclusively to the mind.

Diana's horoscope

Diana - Aries

Diana - Taurus

This calm and powerful woman knows how to find a common language with others, in what helps the unique ability to charming people at a glance. Diana-Taurus always brings everything started to the end, which contributes to its promotion through the career ladder. But it is not easy to conquer the heart of this woman, as she immediately reveals false and flattery.

Diana - Gemini

This woman is inherent windiness and waste (such people in the people are called transiography). Diana-twin does not regret money on entertainment and acquiring beautiful, but often unnecessary things. She sincerely hopes that there will be a beautiful and rich prince on her way, which will turn the life of Diana in a real fairy tale. But life is not a fairy tale, and you need to remember.

Diana - Cancer

Responsive, compassionate and good-natured Diana-cancer is very uncertain: it is constantly tormented by doubts, especially this concerns the moments when her words or actions can hurt a person. As a result, this woman tries to keep a mansion, although it eager to be useful. Relations with men Diana-cancer builds on the same principle, that is, it closes and avoids any courting.

Diana - Lev.

Temperamental, sensual and freedom-loving Diana-Lion constantly seeks to assert and achieve recognition.

The authority, energy and leadership qualities help her to achieve the desired, and often it makes it sharply and rigidly, not believing with the feelings of people. His elect Diana-Lion will always try to subordinate to his will.

Diana - Deva.

Self-confident and self-sufficient Diana-Verva is rarely considered with any opinion, since it is correct to consider its exclusive. This woman got used to count only on herself, so she has no need for friends. The calculation of Diana-Virgin leads to the fact that this ambitious woman has a long time chooses the perfect husband, which should be beautiful, smart and rich.

Diana - Scales

Responsiveness, peacefulness and sincerity of Diana-scales make it an indispensable assistant in any endeavor. In addition, it has the ability to see in surrounding only positive qualities. But such credulity is fraught with disappointments. Diana-scales dream of a strong family, so in every fan sees, first of all, a potential husband and chapter of the family.

Diana - Scorpio

The ambition of Diana-Scorpio does not know borders. This woman is ready on a lot to achieve its goal. Its rudeness, stiffness and sharpness repel people, so she has almost no friends. The main goal of Diana-Scorpio is to make an indelible impression on others. Men manits the image of Diana-conquering, so there are many novels in her life, which are accompanied by constant clarification of relations.

Diana - Sagittarius

Categorical, selfish, but at the same time objective and fair Diana-Sagittarius does not like when something goes not to the plan itself. She got used to those surrounding listening to her authoritative opinion, while herself would not listen to anyone. In men, Diana-Sagittarius appreciates reliability, responsibility and honesty. He loves her beautifully and for a long time.

Diana - Capricorn.

The power of the will and the hardness of the spirit is the main features of Diana-Capricorn, which enjoys authority and respect. She charges the surrounding with their confidence and energy. This woman can adapt to the existing circumstances, which helps her fight with various troubles. Diana Capricorn seriously refers to love, so it will not waste time at meetings with a man, for whom relations are only a game.

Diana - Aquarius

The wayward and extravagant Diana-Aquarius even in boring and monotonous work can bring bright colors (the main thing is that it does not interfere with to show their creative nature). This woman is waiting for a bright future, full of joy and unforgettable events. Diana-Aquarius in love and passionate. In addition, it will never fully belong to his chosen one, the reason for which its freedom is.

Diana - Fish

Charming, feminine and soft Diana-fish does not like (and I can not) command, but the performer will be excellent, because this woman is more diligent and mandatory. Diana-fish peacewave and responsive, it will not impose their opinion or criticize the opponent. The chosen of this woman is very lucky, because next to him will always be a faithful woman.

Diana's compatibility with male names

Diana and Dmitry.

Both partners crave to create an ideal family in which the wife will be a gentle and affectionate keeper comfort, and her husband is a getter, thanks to which the incarnation of all the ideas and plans of Diana will be possible.
Dmitry - meaning of name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Diana and Alexander

The owners of these names are rarely able to create a strong family, and all for the reason that they have too different views on life.

Diana and Denis.

In the Union, Diana and Denis prevent serious passions, since emotional and unpredictable Denis does not always separate the views of calm and balanced Diana, for which stability and confidence in the future are important.

Diana and Artem

This is the case when the opposites are not just attracted, but are able to create a truly strong marriage based on trust, love and warmth. After all, the main thing for Diana and Artem is "good weather in the house."

Diana and Mikhail

This is a couple of thoughtful and solid people who are seriously suitable for the issue of creating a family.

Diana and Arthur

Open Diana and needs a person who will be unconditionally trusted. And such a person becomes Arthur for her, who knows how to listen, understand and love. This union is treated for long and happy years of family life.

Diana and Nikita

Responsibility and caution with which Diana and Nikita are suitable for creating a family, often surprising. But the fruit of this approach is the formation of a strong, reliable and stable union, in which partners respect each other's opinion.

Diana and Vadim.

Diana was used to living in his pleasure, and for this she does not regret either the time or money. And often (especially if the marriage is early), it is not ready to radically change his life, unlike Vadim, who is thrifty and pragmatic. This can cause a divorce.

Diana and Oleg.

This is strange, but at the same time a promising alliance based on the desire to create a harmonious family. But Oleg may over time boring a calm family life, which can lead to disagreements between spouses. But still, the marriage Diana and Oleg disintegrates very rarely.

Diana and Kirill

Diana and Kirill can be called a continuation of each other, halves of one whole and simply loving spouses, which together will pass and water, and fire, and copper pipes. They do not cease to be interesting to each other even after many years of living together.

Diana and Daniel

Comfort, convenience and comfort - these are the components that appreciate above all Diana and Daniel. Therefore, it is quite natural that their joint life is based on the achievement of the highest goals that they really bring them closer.

Everyone knows the phrase "how to name the ship, so he saves," because the selection of the name is always treated with a special trepidation.

Diana name. Value. Origin

Translated from Diana means "Divine", as its appearance is obliged to ancient Roman (Lunolic Hunt). It is not difficult to guess what denotes the name of Diana for the Romans. Thus, Roman Diana is the embodiment of the Moon on Earth and is an analogous to the Greek goddess. However, even despite such a wonderful meaning of Diana, for the girl from the CIS countries, it may not come up. Although the name itself is beautiful and frantic, but with Slavic middle names it is badly combined. Under the patronymic of Petrovna, Sidorovna, Ivanovna and the like Diana - the name for the girl is not suitable. The name will be well combined with such patronymic as Valerievna, Igorevna, Arkadyevna.

Features name

The meaning of Diana for the girl is great, in life she is a hunter, since childhood knows how to seek the goal. The tricky and calculating Diana comes out by the winner from any situation. Strict morality and principles are not for it, it adheres to the rule: if a lie to salvation, then deception for the girl is the norm of life. For a girl, whose name is Diana, the value, the origin of knowing is very important in order to sort it yourself. At least in order to deal with the tendency to exaggerate their own merits - it is very characteristic of the young lady.

Knowing that denotes the name of Diana and its characteristics of its character, men will treat it with extreme caution, as it is overly boasted. Conquering the man I won it, the girl will share this joyful news with everyone, ranging from her girlfriends and ending with the neighbors. Girls with this name it seems that they can get respect and glory.

If you want to give daughter the name of Diana, the value, the origin of which attracts many, then it is better to weigh everything over and against, but only then make a decision. After all, despite such positive qualities as perseverance and purposefulness, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bnegative moments that accompany people with such a character. For example, each successful person's luck generates a sea of \u200b\u200benvy and woven from envious ill-wishers, especially due to the fact that Diana sama cultivates all these speculations and peres.

You need to know which "dangers" carries the name of Diana. The value, the origin of the name is already prompted that she needs to learn restraint in childhood. If the girl will try to behave calmly, then she will not have any problems in life.

Diana name: compatibility with other names

Girls with this name always have a lot of familiar, they are simple and easy to communicate. However, when it comes to amur issues, Diana change behavioral tactics. To conquer the heart of a beloved girl builds ingenious plans. When the goal is achieved and conquered, about who visited her in bed, learn everything. Especially loves to share love gossip she with friends and colleagues.

Men with Roman, Valery, Cyril are suitable Diana for turbulent and passionate, but unfortunately, short novels. Relations with representatives of these names will be bright, saturated, but the matter before marriage will not happen.

Diana needs a strong and domineering owner of own, and subsequently their livelihood. A union will be successful with Alexander, Dmitry, Vladimir.


What is the fate of the name Diana? The girls with this beautiful and rare name are born in order to be known, the following list of celebrities with this name can be confirmed:

Popular pop singer - Gurzkaya Diana.

Incomparable and all the favorite representative of the royal English dynasty, she died at a young age. Until now, the exact version of the tragedy is unknown, the reason for the terrible car accident is not installed.

The beautiful Princess Diana during his lifetime was adored by the people, her reputation was impeccable, despite the fact that she was essentially an ordinary girl. However, after death by the representatives of the yellow press, some facts were discovered that, which could be said, threw the shadow on the image of Diana absentia. The fact is that after the divorce with Prince Charles Diana began to meet with an ordinary surgeon, which, in general, is not prohibited, because with him she, as eyewitnesses tell, was truly happy.


Diana is always successful in life. Girls should pay attention to the following fashion designer, designer, actress, ballerina, art historian, teacher, hairdresser, engineer. In Diana, Diana is successful because of their own, it can be said, male in the case, they can insist on their own if they are wrong. Self-confidence allows you to achieve any goals. At work, Diana does not like subordinates, consider it a true bourge.

Personal life

It's hard to achieve a woman with this name, even if you are a wonderful prince, you have to constantly prove it. In the intimate plan, Diana does not let me too closely beloved, although in a relationship can be a good and loving woman. Trust for her in the first place, Diana will not forgive betrayal, even a small lie can cause parting. Diana quickly converge with people, but also quickly ready to part with them if communication brings negative or is useless. As a general rule, Diana female happiness is acquired only in the second marriage, as they constantly want to be leaders, they do not like to obey. They are good hostesses, they know how beautiful and hospitably welcome guests. But with Mother, Diana add up bad relationship since childhood, as it is impossible to name a duty girl.

Astrology named

This is what the stars about the female representatives who bear the name of Diana:

A suitable zodiac sign is cancer;

Planet patroness - Pluto;

Stone-talisman - diamond;

Color-talisman - white;

Talisman plants - forgetcoming and iris;

Animals-talismans - bull and lan;

Good day - Friday.


Beautiful, independent Diana is simply created for success, it is endowed with all the leadership qualities. It is better not to become in her way, she will still be able to achieve his own. Intellect, charm, some grace - and voila, the goal is achieved. The character of Diana is Male, in it, such qualities, as practicality, emotionality, intuition, principle, temperament, responsiveness are pronounced in it. Girls with this name are very artistic, because others do not always recognize the actual mood of Diana. The minus in the character is a reinforced self-control, women with the name Diana try to look more restrained than there is actually, although inside they are very hot natures. Due to the fact that any incorrectly reported word is delivering Diana to the blow on pride, the negative accumulates in her soul. Representatives of weak sex with this name should be more direct and open, less serious to themselves and others. Beautifully developed intuition, inherent from birth, protects Diana from cheating and goose environments around. Here is such a complex person in its nature of Diana's beauty.

In this article we will look at the name of the character and fate of the girl with the name Diana.

Diana, accurate characteristic of a person with this name. What life is waiting for a girl, a girl, a woman with this name?

Origin and meaning of Diana

Diana name. How the origin of the name influenced its meaning

The name of Diana has a very interesting origin and value.

Diana - "Divine", ancient Roman name, which belonged to the goddess of hunting and the moon. Translated from Persian to the Russian name Diana means - "Messenger of health and prosperity".

What character can be a girl Diana?

Young Diana has a meek and compassionate temper. The characteristic of the name Diana, tells us that this girl is growing obedient, good and caring. The girl likes to spend time at home with mom, helps to cook both in the economy. The child often brings in the house of animals from the street, regrets them.

Diana's friends and girlfriends have a lot of friends, the girl is very sincere and open, loves to play and share toys with other children. The baby is open and sincere, immediately in communicating with children and adults.

The girl is emotionally, active, loves the moving games, the responsive, disinterested and will always come to the rescue that fell into trouble or offended. Can perform in support of a weak dispute.

The character of the child named Diana varies as agreed. School age in the character of Diana appears hardness and perseverance. School tasks and lessons, she absorbs easily, but interest in knowledge shows only in those subjects where the teacher was able to interest her. Diana reaches great success in the exact sciences. Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind. And the humanitarian items, she studies with less interest. With age, the character of the girl becomes more volitional, persistence and perseverance are manifested.

What fate is waiting for Diana?

Characteristic of the name Diana, character characteristics and fate of the girl named Diana

Fate Diana will be bright and interesting. An adult girl becomes tougher, she is a recognized leader. The name of Diana, the meaning of the name and fate affect the life of the girl. With age, charming and sincere Diana loses its immediacy and openness. It may occur in the authority. If Diana in childhood will face deception and intrigues, it can be calculated and mercantile.

The girl watches himself from the side, often biased evaluating his actions. In relations, it is emotional and sensitive, falls in love with hard and deep, sharply surviving parting with her beloved. She does not manage to hide his strong feelings. There may be temperamentally with the power partner. Diana should make efforts to keep it inherent in childhood ease of communication and openness. Friendship with her brings many positive emotions to friends, but sometimes its sharpness can make them think about the continuation of the relationship.

In Diana, it is very energetic, purposeful, seeks to make the task as well as qualitatively as possible, carefully and responsibly refers to all workflows.

Diana are distinctness and stress resistance. However, with all the effectiveness, work for Diana rarely brings pleasure, climb the career ladder. Girl is not in a hurry. High socketability helps her tying the necessary and useful dating. There may be excessive cutting with employees, but this quality compensates for a sense of justice. May support relationships per benefit.

The features prevailing in the character of adult Diana:

  • Optimism
  • Leadership skills
  • Reliability
  • Pottleness
  • Analytic mind
  • Emotionic
  • Hardness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Energy.

In the family of Diana, seeks to support the atmosphere of calm and harmony. Before the consent of marriage, it will have a single one for a long time, to figure it out what kind of man is and whether he will be a good husband. Often the girl chooses a man who will provide her with a worthy standard of living and wealth, Diana since childhood stretches to a luxurious lifestyle. Diana is well versed in humans. And usually happy in marriage. The girl prefers the traditional distribution of roles in relationships. The husband should provide a family and take care of material inconceiture. Diana will be a good muse, inspire and support his man will provide comfort in the house. If all this is observed, Diana will be a devoted wife and a wonderful mother. In the spouse, a girl often chooses a man older than himself, he will patronize and maintain her.

At home she caring and good mistress. He likes to receive guests, but a cozy evening with her husband will delight her. Susceptibility to working troubles can make it a strict and cold house. But if the spouse is quite sensitive, then Diana fatters quickly. It will be a faithful wife and a good mother, loves to take care of children and play with them. In communication with children is revealed, that sincere and sensitive, what was she in childhood.

What will be the child called Diana?

If a girl is called Diana, then what character will be in a child named Diana

The girl named Diana will delight parents with the readiness and calm temper. The name Diana and the name of the girl for the girl determine its nature and behavior in the future.

The girl grows healthy and active. Ready and loves to help everyone, especially weak and defenseless. In early childhood Diana - Mine daughter, home girl. She needs parental love and affection.

The girl is talented, and often becomes one of the best students at school. Diana is comfortable to be the leader in school and at home.

Studying at school changes the character of this soft and responsive girl, making it more solid, developing the power of will and purposefulness.

Early becomes independent and independent of the parents. Diana is difficult to convince, the solution will remain unchanged. However. Thanks to these traits, she can succeed in life. Usually, girls with the name Diana are very self-sufficient, others confuse this quality with arrogance and egoism.

It shows an exposure and hardness of nature in relations since childhood. Strong girl, can hide his feelings until he knows about mutual attitude towards himself. It can hardly worry, but not suggest that it is hard. Diana is difficult to give up and compromise that it often becomes the cause of the offense and indignation from friends.

In general, the character of the girl named Diana will help her build a good career and create a loving family.

Dianam is characterized by hardness, activity and determination, they are emotionally mobile and proud.

Diana means "Winner", "Hunter".

The origin of the name of Diana:

Diana's name comes on behalf of the Roman goddess "Diana" - the patroness of the forest and hunting. Diana's name is also often associated with lunar cycles and sea.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name of Diana:

Since childhood, Diana is artistichna, and with age, this quality is only enhanced. Its emotional mobility often puts parents in a dead end, but do not be deceived by the apparent superficiality of Diana - her feelings are always bright and deep, although, as a rule, hidden from prying eyes. In study, they do not impress ambitious, however, they are calculated, they have a scientific mind. Among the peers of Dracle, Zadiristors and the boystores - but only before adolescence. Quickly separated from parents, they strive to achieve complete independence as soon as possible.

Diana is a degenerate wrestler. A strong character and innate sense of justice make it strict leader and executive subordinate. Large success Diana is achieved in journalism and jurisprudence, their good memory without difficulty keeps all the knowledge they need.

They seek to play a dominant role, try to surpass colleagues in career growth. Rationality they sometimes develop into dryness, cruelty and excessive demanding to others. Lack of imagination they are replaced by immaculate logic and emotional flexibility. In society often use "masks", does not like when they try to get to their true essence.

The depressed feelings of Diana can be dangerous for both she and others. She rarely knows how to openly express her emotions, in life it often needs warm and sympathy, but Diana is too proud to ask. Dianam should strive for harmony with them, then relationships with others will be applied. Rarely friends with women, despise emotionality, tear, weakness. With most men behave predatory, mumble and sarcastic. Do not seek to companies, prefer loneliness or purely business relationships. The harshs towards people who violate their personal norms of morality will not forgive the offense for a long time. Strong friendship in a dian with people balanced, intellectual, having a sense of humor and unmatched. Typically, Dianam requires people who can "hold them behind the tail in time."

In relations with men, Diana is true to her name - they are hunters and Amazons. It is important for them to conquer and possession. A man who managed to awaken the whole depth of the senses Diana, - lucky. In bed, Diana temperamental and insatiable, but admits only those who trust, usually strict and chaste. She is unpleasant to men who discuss their relations in public, relationships prefers thoughtful, but not mind if a partner will surprise her - of course, nothing virtuous and rude.

In the family of Diana always chapter. Strictly controls both her husband and children, it stops all the attempts of relatives to intervene in the life of the family. It believes that marriage is not a reason to lose its independence. Moral and do not suffer. Quickly go from weakly accrastful husbands.

Diana, which appeared in the spring and summer, is a born Amazon, flexible and cunning. "Winter" is cold and responsible, "Autumn" - hardworking, intellectual, greedy.

The Union of Diana with Lvi, Semyon, Andrei, Anatoly, will be achieved, the relationship with Alexander, Yuri and Artyom should be avoided.

Full name:

Similar names: Diana, Danyana, Dian, Diana, Dianna, Diana, Diann

Church name: -

Meaning: Divine

Name of Diana

Translated from Latin this name means "Divine". According to the main version, the name of Diana came from ancient Roman mythology - just so called the goddess of hunting, the patronage of the beasts and forests. But there is another, the less popular meaning of this name. From the ancient Persian language Diana translates as "carrying well-being and health". In the Middle Ages, the European Princesses called so called, the name received a special popularity during the life of the British princess di. Choosing this name for your child, you automatically endow it with royal, aristocratic status.

Diana name in other languages

Astrology named after Diana

Favorable day: Friday

After year

Diana girl is a reference to a child. Looking at her, neither parents nor just random passers-by. She is good, Mila, sociable and very responsive. Little Diana in his hands constantly some kind of homeless little animal, she sympathizes everything, he regrets everything.

She also wants to make friends and fun to play with many guys. This baby almost does not know what tears and whims are. She loves the whole world, and the world loves her. But in school everything changes. Will begins to manifest itself, it can easily join the dispute with teachers and parents and persistently insist on their own. Hence conflicts, resentment and misunderstanding.

Diana is a very capable student, it is good for accurate science, it is a wonderful organizer in the classroom, so some arrogance and boldness is forgiven.

With age, the girl loses naivety and credulity. Scientific experiences, it is no longer so open to each oncoming, but to protect itself, it begins to show power and sometimes tyranny. Back in the school years, Diana clearly understood what it would be waiting for from life, and in juniorly begins these plans to lead to execution. She purposefully goes to his goal, easily enters the university and ends it, quickly finds the desired work.

If for this you need to hang someone or snatch, Diana is not ashamed of this to do without any remorse. Friends The girl starts with great caution, long looks short to selected people, tend to arrange numerous checks that many hurt and insult.

In love, she nevertheless lucky. Strong character attracts guys, the girl knows how to sue himself, it is beautifully dressed and combed, and Diana never has no problems with cavaliers.

Adult Diana is confident, purposeful, well-groomed woman. She knows everything and firmly stands on his feet, she remains very few illusions. She is very energetic, everything has time and copes with everything.

Only sometimes softness and sentimentality take the top over the volitional nature. And then she is able to do nonsense, to have a dizzying novel, change the profession, throw everything and duck in the world journey. But such gusts rarely happen and quickly pass.

It is not very modest and not shy. But behaves so worthy that no one else will come to suspect it in immorality. She is from those women who often cry at night alone when no one can see her weakness. But in the morning she will again smile, calm and flawless in everything.

Diana character

No matter how much Diana is neither restrained, she still can not suppress his responsiveness until the end of life. This person will always come to revenue and will not leave in trouble. The lady is attractive and knows how to charm, being also an excellent interlocutor.

Diana is a big diplomat, and if it tries, it will not have a single enemy. She is very generous, loves to treat and make gifts. Femininity is another advantage of the girl. Diana always attract the opposite floor, despite the fact that they sometimes behave bother.

The two most unpleasant features in the character of the girl are calcality and vitality. Sciences by bitter experience of childhood, grazing Diana of all, without exception, people consider as a source of personal gain. When she needs to get something, she will be cute and attentive.

But as soon as a person loses interest to her, it will become indifferent and coarse. It is impossible to tell her about its disadvantages or to enter into an open conflict - Diana Zlophamny and remember the resentment for a long time, even if the reproaches were quite fair.

Fate Diana

Little Diana is very different from adult - it is explained by this not the most prosperous experience, disappointment in people who used her disinterested trust. Therefore, parents from childhood should clarify the girl that it is impossible to recklessly open to each oncoming, and in adolescence to control her desire to rule and command. If Diana learns to be indulgent to people, it will be happier. Otherwise, the risk of completing his way in bitter loneliness, even native children will be cold and carefully.

and money

and family

and love


and hobby

Career, Business and Money

All Diana are inborn leaders and chiefs. Staying in the shadows, she simply can't, it's not for her. Diana perfectly copes with the distribution of responsibilities, is not afraid to develop and promote the most courageous projects. At meetings and conferences, it is never silent.

The subordinates do not like her very much and are afraid, but it worries little. She can become sharp, but all her comments are always fair. Of these women, good policies are obtained, company managers, director of schools. Money for Diana is not the main, more importantly - its ambitions and power.

Marriage and family

The choice of partner Diana is very checked. Her spouse should be a self-sufficient and bright person, but do not overshadow it yourself and do not interfere with her to do what she is accustomed to. If Diana suits everything - it will be the best wife. She is attentive, caring, gentle, if not busy at work.

She loves to receive guests, knows how to do it, the house and children always contains ideally. Treason is not prone and waiting for loyalty to the partner. In family relations, she seeks to be for her husband not only his wife, but also a partner with whom they will be advised. It will become a good, reliable support and, if necessary, may even contribute to the career of the spouse.

Sex and love

Diana feminine, emotional, flirting. But as soon as it comes to an intimate relationship, it becomes closed and distinguished. If the partner is able to liberate it, he is waiting for a hurricane of emotions and passion in bed. You can conquer her sincerity and attention, she is waiting for romantic courtesies, beautiful words and gestures.

But it is impossible to give up immediately - Diana in its nature conqueror. Even in love, this woman loves everything to think through and carefully furnished to the smallest detail. Spontaneous sex is not for her, she loves comfort and chic. Intimate relationships for it are the source of energy, it will never refuse them, but the first oncoming will not bring to themselves.


Little Dianka is good, except appetite. The girl eats badly, and therefore often suffers by avitaminosis, anemia, prone to respiratory diseases. Respiratory organs are a weak point of Diana, it should be feared by infectious diseases, it does not tolerate high temperature.

Another child need to teach it to tempt, go swimming, go to the massage. In women with this name, a weak nervous system, despite the external hardness and composure. If it does not learn to resist stress, it can get sick diabetes, fall into depression.

Hobbies and hobby

Diana since childhood is very artistic, at school, they gladly attend theatrical circles and studios, they can get involved in literary creativity, writing poems or novels. Adults Diana love to do needlework, fond of painting.

Diana will not refuse travel, but only provided that it will be a luxurious tour on a comfortable yacht or holiday in a good hotel on the seafront. Extreme and lack of amenities are not for her.