Anchor in a business center: both status and size are important.

Anchor in a business center: both status and size are important.

Lack of retailers ready to occupy large areas in new shopping and entertainment complexes (SEC), today there are no. Anchors are usually FMCG supermarkets, household appliances and electronics stores, and entertainment centers. Less often, clothing stores and department stores become anchor operators. Since shopping centers (malls) tend to increase the share of the entertainment component on their premises more and more, operators working in the entertainment segment are also in demand today. Specialized garden and park shops, large clothing department stores, and furniture hypermarkets are much less willing to attract the anchor. “Anchor tenants are an important part of the project, as they generate streams of potential consumers,” notes Anastasia Balmochnykh, project manager in St. Petersburg. ) of the whole project ".

However, the applicants the anchorage has its own requirements for the lessor - special conditions for the rental rate. So, according to the company, for anchors, the rate can vary in the range of 250-450 rubles per 1 m2, while for some shopping gallery it is several times higher.

"For anchor tenants in a shopping center, a combination of factors such as location, rental cost and high traffic is important, ”says the managing director in St. Petersburg. - Traditionally, the rental rate for anchors is minimal compared to other operators. For example, for large grocery operators renting premises with an area of ​​5,000 m2 or more, the rate varies from $ 80 to $ 120 per m2 per year. "

To reduce the rate the lessor can go if the tenant is a brand company, which by its fame will attract additional customer flow. If a shopping mall has unique characteristics and a good location, its owners may not make concessions. "Striking examples are shopping centers and," says expert Lyubava Pryanikova. But in any case, the rental price for anchor tenants is not set once and for all. " "Natalia Kotlyar. “When the promotion period is over and the flow of visitors is already steadily high, then the conditions for the new tenant are more stringent than they were at the time of the opening of the shopping mall.”

Huge value for attraction anchors have a well-developed concept of the fuel dispenser. “When we start working on a project, we clearly define what audience we will work with, who to target our concept,” says Natalia Kotlyar.

When developing a concept you should take into account the immediate surroundings of the shopping complex. Alas, not everyone does it. In the recently opened shopping center "Cosmos" on Kosmonavtov Avenue, despite the proximity of the shopping center "Peter" and the hypermarket "O'key", the freshmarket "Lime" and the fitness center FamilyFitness became anchors. They are designed for residents of a residential complex, within which the shopping facility is located. Another example is the City Mall shopping mall with the Kalinka store, which is adjacent to the Kapitoliy shopping and entertainment complex, where Media Markt has been operating for a long time. In some cases, the opening of a new shopping facility in the neighborhood with a strong anchor from the same segment leads to the need for a reconceptualization of the complex with the replacement of tenants. In addition to the formation of the desired image in the eyes of potential visitors, the development of the concept today is the main source of the appearance of new space for an anchor tenant in already existing shopping and entertainment centers and shopping centers. “From recent examples, we can cite the Grand Canyon shopping and entertainment complex,” says ASTERA director Lyudmila Reva. “As a result, all the operators of children's goods were gathered on the territory of a separate shopping and entertainment center“ Divny Gorod ”located inside the Grand Canyon. free areas ".


The relationship between anchor tenants and business center owners is always a balance of interests. The former, as a rule, realizing their uniqueness, insist on all sorts of special conditions and indulgences. The latter, realizing all the advantages of having a large company in the pool of tenants, in many cases are ready to sacrifice something. However, such relationships often find themselves at an impasse and even turn into a different plane ...

What's in a name?

Anchor tenant - a client, as a rule, occupying large areas, from 10 to 50% of the premises of a business center. So, it is PricewaterhouseCoopers in the White Square business center on Lesnaya Street, IBS in the Severnaya Zvezda business center on Begovaya, Yandex in the Krasnaya Rose business center in Khamovniki. However, "anchor" is more of a brand, a well-known name here means much more than the number of square meters occupied. How, for example, can you determine who is in charge of the Metropolis business center - Procter & Gamble, Hewlett Packard or Schlumberger? Each of these companies is a key player in the rental business for the business center. Status companies may not occupy much space, but they increase the attractiveness of the object due to the popularity of the name (for example, large banks, international, foreign, public companies, etc.).

Both types of office "anchors" (large and high-profile) are interesting to the owner from the point of view of both economic efficiency in the case of leasing a large area for a long time, and attracting new customers. “Unlike a shopping center for an office anchor, a business center is just a comfortable workplace, and it does not depend on what kind of visitors come to its neighbors,” says Vladimir Lushnikov, head of the commercial real estate department at Maitre Roche Malmaison. ... - The main thing is to take into account their type of activity when selecting base tenants and try to avoid overlapping interests. Moreover, some business centers are almost completely divided between such companies. These are the most successful projects, in which the pre-crisis restrictions on the minimum rentable area were again introduced. On the other hand, the least successful business centers (especially new and poorly located ones) may not have a single “anchor”.

The number of large tenants may depend on the size of the office center. A business center with an area of ​​20 thousand sq. m, as a rule, one or two "anchors" are invited. For 50-60 thousand sq. m account for two or three key companies. But sometimes, if a business center is about 100 thousand square meters. m, "anchors" can be up to five - seven. A striking example of the division of such a large space is the Omega Plaza business center.

The area occupied by the tenant, which is considered the base one, also depends on the size of the office center. It can be from 2 to 10 thousand square meters. m

Brand attraction

The benefits of cooperation with a large client, as they say, are obvious. To begin with, the anchor tenant of a business center is fundamentally different from its counterpart in a shopping center. In a shopping center, it is a “magnet” to which the flow of customers is directed. In the business center, his presence emphasizes the authority of the building itself, serves as a proof of the high level and attracts other tenants. An empty office center even emotionally alienates potential customers and arouses mistrust. However, the information that, for example, a well-known Western corporation has already signed a lease agreement, makes you look at the object in a completely different way. For example, if Pepsi has chosen this business center, then this is a worthy building.

“The search for and attraction of“ anchors ”to the business center is carried out at the initial stage of construction, and sometimes even at the design stage of the center, - experts at Jones Lang LaSalle note. - And the conclusion of an agreement with them at an early stage of construction, of course, plays into the hands of the developer, as it attracts the attention of potential tenants to the project, increases its image and prestige. "

“In a number of industries, the leading player who rented space in this business center attracts its smaller partners as well,” notes Denis Kolokolnikov, CEO of the RRG consulting company. "Most often, such situations occur in the field of high technologies, gas and oil industries."

Another undoubted plus is economic. As a rule, "anchors" occupy a large area and the contract is signed for several years: they associate their office with the chosen business center and rarely change place. This means that the owner of the building receives a guaranteed stable rental income from a significant part of his business center, and even for a long period. “Thus, the owner can make his plans together with the“ anchor ”: for example, plan the terms of contracts with the rest of the tenants, - says Maxim Zhulikov, development director of the office real estate department at Penny Lane Realty. - Relatively speaking, he can give a large company premises from the first to the fifth floor, and for clients on the sixth or seventh floor he will draw up a not so long contract, perhaps even with the right to early termination with a reasonable notice. Thus, if the “anchor” begins to expand, the owner will have the opportunity to give him adjacent areas in order not to miss a valuable client. ”

In addition, a long-term agreement with a large company simplifies the process of lending at a bank to a developer or owner of an object, since the name of a well-known company (conditionally Sosa-Cola or IBM) can serve as an additional guarantee. In any case, before the crisis, borrowers with such lease agreements received money quickly enough to develop their new projects.

Also, a business center divided among several anchor tenants is more attractive to potential institutional investors. “In most cases, the image increases the investment attractiveness and cost of the project,” notes D. Kolokolnikov. “After all, when making a decision, the buyer evaluates not only the quality of the building, but also the tenants. And such an "anchor" promises its owner a stable income. Especially if several large companies are located in this building: this gives a business center a solidity in comparison with a similar one, but commissioned in small sections with a constant rotation of tenants. "

Finally, the presence of several large clients in the office center simplifies the management of the facility. And, of course, a problematic business center with a non-standard location or too high a price cannot do without an anchor tenant.

Preferential treatment

In general, well-known brands renting space in the building significantly increase the liquidity of the facility: this business center will be valued 10% more expensive and it will be much easier to sell it. For example, offices of such large companies as Oriflame, Philips and Mars are located in the business center on 2nd Zvenigorodsky Proezd. And the presence of well-known tenants did a good job for the owner of the building - it was sold at a substantial premium to its original price. Therefore, when concluding an agreement with anchor tenants, the owners usually make serious concessions, especially if this is the first large client.

Basically, the "anchors" are provided with financial incentives. First of all, this is a reduced rate - the discount can range from 5 to 30%. Its size depends on the lessor: the discount approaches the maximum, if the owner has obligations to the bank on the date of filling the business center, or if the image of this anchor tenant has a great influence on the market. Thus, TNK BP rented 20 floors of the Nordstar Tower business center at a very competitive price on the market solely due to the brand's popularity.

Also of great importance is the status of the office complex itself. “If the project is successful, inside the Garden Ring, where office real estate is in demand, there is no reason to hope for a large discount,” says Yuri Taranenko, director of MIEL - Commercial Real Estate. "If the owner is trying to lure a strong tenant to a remote facility located outside the Third Ring Road, then the discount can be significant."

In addition to the financial component, large and well-known companies can count on a set of other pleasant bonuses that they will not hesitate to ask for: preemptive right to expand the premises or renew the lease agreement, special conditions for finishing and equipping their office (for example, according to their own project), influence on the choice infrastructure operators. They may demand to provide them with a larger number of parking spaces or a discount on their rental, free guest seats, which is especially important now in connection with the tightening of penalties and an increase in fines for incorrect parking in Moscow up to 2,500 rubles. They may ask for benefits in paying for the services of providers and even providing diesel generators. “A large tenant is often provided with a site near a building so that he can place additional facilities on it at his own expense,” says Roman Shcherbak, head of the office real estate department at GVA Sawyer. “Ordinary tenants do not need this, since these are very costly resources, but the“ anchors ”are given such preferences.”

Also, a pleasant addition can be the possibility of placing a sign or tenant's logo on the building, organizing a separate entrance, elevator or reception, finishing part of the facade in a corporate style, special conditions for corporate catering, if all this is allowed by the design features of the business center.

According to experts, the cumulative discount can reach 15-25% compared to the costs of the rest of the tenants of the complex. All these benefits ultimately, of course, reduce the profitability of the business center. But after signing contracts with several tenants, as a rule, the owner can safely raise rates at the facility - the turning point has passed, which allows reaching the planned level of profitability. “These discounts are recouped at a later stage, when the building is ready and the pool of anchors is formed,” comments Pavel Yanshevsky, partner of S.A. Ricci. - We recommend that developers still allocate a certain area for basic clients. If you lease them 80% of the premises of the business center at a discount, then it will be impossible to win back the discount. "

Apple of discord

With all the indisputable advantages of the "anchors" they have one very big disadvantage - such a center player has more leverage over the owner. So much so that often the owners of real estate can become hostages of such tenants: after all, if the "anchor" leaves, there are many vacant areas in the business center that will need to be rented out again. The owner loses most of the cash flow. It is very difficult to re-rent such a room as a whole, and it will take several months to divide it up for rent. With a favorable market situation, the owner, of course, will quickly fill the area, otherwise he risks being left with nothing. Replacing the "anchor" is usually not easy to find. Realizing this, a large tenant often begins to play his game, insisting on certain new indulgences. Direct threats of rejection of the deal, termination of the contract, or leaving for competitors may also be used. Conflicts with anchors are another story.

Before the crisis, VimpelCom planned to rent an office in the Wave Tower business center and entered into a preliminary lease agreement when the facility was at an early stage of construction. The owner did not manage to repair the premises in time, and VimpelCom, realizing that it would not be able to move in the planned timeframe, took advantage of the right to withdraw from the contract. In addition, during the construction period, the company's needs increased: instead of 18 thousand square meters. m "VimpelCom" already needed a room with an area of ​​about 35 thousand square meters. m. Roughly the rent under the agreement was $ 600 / sq. m / year, and by the time the building was put into operation, the premises could be rented out for at least $ 850-900 / sq. m / year. Thus, even with the payment of penalties, it was profitable for the owner to terminate the lease. This is the rare case when a tenant and a landlord managed to resolve a conflict of interest without loss.

But there are situations that are much more piquant. Before the crisis, one well-known brand rented 37 thousand sq. M. m in the Nord Star Tower business center. The tenant had to pay approximately $ 800 / sq. m / year, but after the onset of the global financial collapse for 1 sq. m of this premises hardly anyone could pay and 600 dollars. The market situation has changed dramatically, the potential "anchor", violating the terms of the contract, did not move into the new office.

Another example is the story of the relationship between the owner of the Gorky Park Tower business center and a well-known telecommunications company that rented the bulk of the space in the business center. “To organize the office of this company, we finished the premises in our building according to their project,” says a representative of the owner. - Moreover, they asked for an economy class finish, which is a little strange for a company of a well-known world brand. Although this contradicted the class of our building, we agreed to their terms, since the client rented several floors for a period of five years and promised to rent these premises in the future. In addition, we have also provided substantial rental discounts. "

Some time after the signing of the contract, the company completely changed its management, which adhered to a policy of economy, including by laying off staff and reducing rental costs. First, they sublet one of their floors, and then completely abandoned it.

“Then the management of this company asked us to significantly reduce the rent, citing a difficult financial situation,” continues the representative of the owner. - Negotiations did not lead to mutual understanding, the client decided to break off the contractual relationship.

Since the lease was terminated ahead of schedule, the question arose about the stipulated compensation. But it was not there. The once large and promising tenant, contrary to the agreement concluded, demanded the return of the security deposit, refused to bring the premises to their original state (the layout was quite specific, designed for the technological needs of the client), and demanded the return of the uncounted part of the advance. The negotiations took place for a long time and ended with the fact that both parties filed a lawsuit against each other: the tenant sued to recover the security deposit and advance payment from the owner, the landlord - a lawsuit to collect rent and penalties for the delay in returning the premises. As a result, the court took the side of the owner of the business center and collected all the required penalties.

So it turns out that, on the one hand, a large tenant is a long-term relationship and a stable cash flow, and on the other, a potential source of problems. Of course, there are few frankly scandalous stories on the market. Although most of them, of course, are being solved behind closed doors. Most often, the owner and tenant of a business center do come to an agreement. Moreover, the "anchors" are, as a rule, companies with big names who value their reputation. And the image of the business center is also important to the owner, so that the financial flows from the lease do not decrease.

Any developer sets itself the main task of attracting the attention of as many visitors as possible and turning them into buyers as large as possible. Anchor tenants are used precisely to achieve this goal.

The anchor tenant in the mall is a large retail chain operator that attracts the main streams of shoppers to the mall.

Such a concept as an anchor tenant appeared in the 1940s - 1950s in the United States. During this period, developers began to build regional shopping centers, in which department stores were located as centers of attraction. The Northgate Mall in Seattle, which opened in the spring of 1950, was one of the first. The Bon Marche department store acted as the anchor tenant, and later 2 more department stores were opened - J.C. Penney and Nordstrom.

Such a scheme for organizing shopping centers has become widespread throughout the world, and especially in Europe. In shopping centers in many European cities, the main anchor tenants are large universal chains, and less often grocery stores of any format.

After shopping malls began to develop and spread around the world, the concept of "anchors" became broader. Stores of household goods, stores of building materials, hypermarkets of household appliances, discounters, etc. began to become anchor tenants. Such tenants are mainly located in shopping centers that are being built in the countryside next to major transport arteries.

As a rule, the concept of urban and suburban centers is divided. So, suburban shopping centers are retail parks, which are detached buildings that are united by a common parking lot. Each such building is occupied by one tenant. Sometimes a retail gallery is also built on the territory of the retail park, where small shops, mainly of clothing profile, are located. Retail parks include Zvolen in Slovakia, Da Vinci in Italy, etc. In Russia, such a format has not yet been implemented, and it is unlikely that this will happen in the near future. This category includes the Mega shopping centers, which have strong anchor tenants with a separate entrance and a common shopping gallery. In such cases, strong "anchors" are necessary, since the objects are far from the city and the presence of several large stores allows increasing the flow of customers.

Undoubtedly, the shopping center's visitors are also attracted by the entertainment component of the shopping centers. Practice shows that about 60 percent of visitors to the entertainment area do not shop at the mall's gallery. However, the organization of an entertainment zone in a shopping center can increase the turnover of tenants by an average of 10 percent.

It should be noted that in the United States it is not customary to include an entertainment component in a shopping center, while in Europe many shopping centers do it.

Over the past ten years, the role of the entertainment component has grown significantly. As a result of the economic downturn, some large retailers went bankrupt, while others had to downsize and close stores in malls. As a result, large areas were freed up in the centers that needed to be filled. And here the entertainment operators came to the rescue. For example, in the United States, one of the largest American shopping centers, Mall of America, has built a huge aquarium and an indoor amusement park on its territory.

Also widespread is the placement of a large number of restaurants - "restaurant streets" on vacant areas.

In the early 2000s, developers in Asian countries faced the problem of vacating a large number of areas in shopping centers. The solution to this problem was found in creating a conceptual zone for youth fashion. For example, shopping center owners organize a modern space and then rent it out to small shops that offer youth or avant-garde clothing. It turned out that such an idea is not only interesting, but also beneficial for all parties.

A flexible approach is essential for the success of a modern shopping center. Today, a standard department store, a supermarket, a wine boutique, a large bookstore, and even a youth entertainment zone can become an anchor tenant. An anchor tenant not only sets the mood of the shopping center as a whole, but also determines its position on the market.

It should be noted that the Russian retail real estate market has gone much faster the path that the United States and other countries have traveled in several decades. The formation of the retail real estate market in Russia began only 15 years ago. The first shopping centers were implemented according to the classic scheme of a district shopping center. The exception is the shopping center of the Okhotny Ryad shopping center, which was aimed at buyers with above-average incomes, and this shopping center was recognized as a Fashion Center according to the classification of the International Council of Shopping Centers.

In 1997, the Ramstore shopping center was opened on Yartsevskaya Street, where the eponymous hypermarket, which occupied more than 60 percent of the area, became the anchor tenant. In addition, the mall housed a food court and clothing and convenience stores. This experience turned out to be successful and other developers of shopping centers began to adopt it.

The retail real estate market in Moscow has developed in general by leaps and bounds, based on foreign experience, which has been adapted to the Russian mentality. In 2002, 15 shopping centers were put into operation in Moscow at once, including Mega Teply Stan, Atrium, Crocus City Mall, Waymart and others.

The "anchors" of the first Megi shopping center were the Auchan hypermarket, the Technosila electronics supermarket, Sportmaster, Detsky Mir, and the second Ikea hypermarket. Also, an entertainment zone was organized in the shopping center, which included an ice rink, a large food court, and playgrounds. This set of anchor tenants has become typical of shopping centers that are on a super-regional scale.

As new brands entered the Russian market, the number of tenants in shopping centers changed, but the profile remained almost unchanged. The main anchor tenants are a grocery hypermarket, a furniture or DIY store, an electronics supermarket, and a multiplex cinema.

For a long time, the level of competition remained low, which allowed a more or less high-quality shopping center to be successful. However, now the situation has changed and the owners of shopping centers must make significant efforts in order to stand out from their competitors. To create a unique image on the market, original anchor tenants are needed. For example, an art gallery or an aquarium. Such components and their arrangement are quite costly and are unlikely to pay off, but they fulfill the most important goal - they attract the attention of a large number of visitors to the shopping center.

In addition to the fact that visitors need to be attracted, they also need to be retained. If the owners of the shopping center are smart enough, they will form a pool of tenants in such a way as to create a unique set of services on the market and provide maximum comfort for the visitors. For example, in the shopping center of the Evolution tower, which is being built on the territory of the Moscow-City MIBC, it is planned to open the first in Russia children's theme park “Masterslavl”.

As practice shows, the influx of visitors to shopping centers is provided by grocery supermarkets, hypermarkets of everyday goods, as well as children's entertainment centers and a food court area. Moreover, if a recognizable brand is important in the retail sector, then in the case of children's leisure this fact is practically not important, the main thing in this case is the demand and quality of services for such business projects.

The market for children's goods and services is growing steadily, while other areas of business are generally stagnating. Therefore, most shopping malls that think about "generators" of visitor traffic: anchor tenants, most often opt for children's entertainment centers and shops.

Also, for shopping centers, the choice of a responsible partner is not unimportant, who will not leave the complex in the event of a drop in revenue, but will do his best to correct the situation.

So, for example, it happened with the SEC "Madagascar", Togliatti. The chain hypermarket of the FMCG segment (fast-moving consumer goods), on which the managers of the complex initially relied, closed and the number of visitors decreased. I had to change the concept of the shopping center, focusing on the fact that it should become not just a place for shopping, but also a place for leisure. Therefore, the management decided to stake on anchor tenants representing the entertainment industry, and it was right.

Elena Vorozhtsova, manager of the SEC "Madagascar", Togliatti

Our mall was launched in August 2015 on an area of ​​about 2,500 sq. m. The first month of the project's functioning in the new format gave an increase in traffic by 25%. Now it is on average + 30 - 35%, compared to the traffic of the same period last year, and in the peak months of November, January, March, August - up to + 50%. To date, 30% of the shopping center space has been allocated for the entertainment component, which helps to generally maintain and not reduce traffic.

What is Madagascarpark»?

The Madagascar park company is a serious player in the family leisure and entertainment market. The complex operating under this brand includes an amusement park for children under 13, as well as a trampoline park for children and adults. Since Madagascar Park is family oriented, the list of services provided is complemented by a restaurant and a multiplex cinema equipped with the latest technology.

This multi-format nature attracts parents with children who are not averse to leaving their children in the care of the complex's animators, and in the meantime, have a snack in a restaurant or go shopping.

And as practice shows, the complex provides an increase in traffic by an average of 20%.

For the Russian market as a whole, the Madagascar Park brand is quite new. Nevertheless, the project strives to become the best in the segment of family recreation and entertainment in every city of presence. In Togliatti, Saransk and Cheboksary - this has already happened. The network plans to further expand the geography of its presence: the plans for the development of the network are quite ambitious. In 2016 - 2017, it is planned to open about 12 new parks.

Now he is looking for new objects in various regions of our country. There is no strict reference to specific cities, companies are interested in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and regional capitals. The tenant chooses the sites very carefully: the shopping center must have a good location, regional or district scale and the characteristics of the premises that meet the requirements of the project (ceiling height, column spacing, area).

To attract stable traffic to the shopping center, the traditional recruitment of tenants is no longer enough. It is imperative to offer consumers a more complete range of shopping, service, entertainment and dining options to meet all of their needs in one place.

At the same time, despite the general decline in consumer activity, people are not ready to deny themselves "quick pleasures" and save on children. Our project is able to satisfy diverse consumer preferences in the segments of leisure, entertainment and food. It is aimed at a fairly wide audience by age (families with children 1-14 years old and young people up to 35 years old) and by income level (from average minus to average plus). This is our main advantage, which guarantees the relevance of the project, and, consequently, stable traffic of visitors. In addition, we do not stand still, we follow the new trends in the leisure and entertainment industry and implement the most demanded areas in our project.

Big and small

Development Director of the Central Real Estate Agency Yevgeny Galeev believes that the size of rental rates for shopping malls (TC) is influenced by: location, TC concept; place in the shopping center - floor, proximity to the stairs, "anchor tenant"; tenant status - "anchor" or ordinary (for anchor tenants it is 2-3 or more times cheaper); rented area. The most important is the tenant's format - anchor or regular.

Previously, the "anchor" tenant was considered to be a company that rents an area from 1 thousand sq. M. m and is the "bearer" of a well-known brand. Now the requirements of the market are changing, shopping centers are "growing", modern conceptual complexes are designed for a larger number of visitors, and the volume of rented space is also growing. Today the anchor tenant is a company that is a "bearer" of a well-known brand and rents from 1,500 sq. M. m and more.

Rental rates for anchor tenants differ from the rental rates of other companies by at least 2-3 times, more often - 3 or more times. Anchor tenants often rent an entire floor in a shopping center, and their area can reach 10 thousand square meters. m. Small operators usually rent 50-300 sq. m. m. Accordingly, the rental price is significantly different. Usually anchor operators of an average TC pay $ 150-200 per sq. m per year.

Arina Sender, director of the retail real estate department at Colliers International St. Petersburg, is confident that the difference in rental rates for an anchor tenant and other operators is much more noticeable. In her opinion, the rates of "anchors" can be 3-10 times less than the rental rates for other tenants of the shopping mall. The rental rate of an anchor operator largely depends on its trade profile - the rates are different for a multiplex, a household appliance store, a hypermarket, and a department store.

"Anchor" discount

The location of the operator inside the TC is associated with its category - anchor and all the others; function - trade, catering, entertainment; occupied area. Anchor operators are involved in the TC to form the main customer flows. A good "anchor" is able to attract a large flow of buyers and ensure their "necessary" movement around the complex.

Oleg Spivak, director of the Bekar Consulting Department, believes that the size of rental rates for anchor tenants is difficult to objectively assess. Often, anchor tenants are co-investors in large TC projects, almost always trying to ensure their participation in the early stages of construction or design.

Average rental rates in shopping malls located in the central part of the city are currently about $ 1200-1500 per 1 sq. m per year, in shopping malls located on the outskirts - $ 600-1000 per 1 sq. m per year. Anchor tenants cannot pay such rates due to the specifics of their activities - they require large areas, while having a rather small turnover from 1 sq. m. Therefore, "anchors" physically cannot pay above the level of about $ 200-300 per 1 sq. m. m per year, depending on the profile and area they occupy.

Tops and Bottoms

In the shopping center "Cosmopolis" the anchor is "Super Siva", in the shopping center "Nord" - "Paterson" and the building store "Domovoy", in the shopping center "Ozerki" - the toy store "Lukomorye", in the shopping center "Grand Canyon" - "Ramstore" ... Each of the listed "anchors" covers an area of ​​over 1,000 square meters. m. The second floor and above, as a rule, is cut into 50-300 sq. m. m and is rented to shops of fashionable clothes, shoes, accessories. So, in the shopping and entertainment center "Nord", the first and second floors, with the exception of "Eldorado", are occupied by shops of clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewelry, souvenirs, etc.

On the upper floors there is a food court and entertainment component of the complex. On the third floor of the Cosmopolis shopping center there is a food court, the fourth is occupied by the Extra sport fitness club. Likewise, on the third floor of the Ozerki shopping mall there is a food court, Forum, Megashuz and Thousand and One Bag shops. On the third floor of the Nord shopping mall, in addition to the food court and the Kronverk-Cinema cinema, there are shops that occupy large areas - Banana-Mama and Plato; the entire fourth floor is dedicated to the entertainment component of the complex.