Figure face. How to draw ridiculous faces

Figure face. How to draw ridiculous faces
Figure face. How to draw ridiculous faces

Funny drawings or caricatures help not only to raise their own well-being, but also a fascinating time (let's say when you bored a telephone conversation, you are waiting for something, you have nothing to do in classes). Drawing funny faces Most of the whole person who has a little dream and fantasy.


1. Imagine a character's thoughts either easily funny face that you would like to draw.

2. Take a clean sheet of paper of every format, line of all sizes, a pair of primitive pencils with varying degrees of hardness and eraser.

3. Draw a circle or oval. This geometric shape should not necessarily be perfect in its form, we investigate it from hand without applying a special line with a circle or oval. It will be head.

4. Watch your circle into two equal parts using a vertical line. Spend a line with a ruler or by hand. In the center of the circle and in the middle of the lini spent a small circle or an oval, the one that will serve the face of the face.

5. Under and over the hand-drawn nose, draw two more small horizontal lines.

6. On the tier of the upper horizontal line, draw your eyes, and at the tier of the lower horizontal line, you will depict the mouth.

7. At the bottom of the circle, draw two more circles - it will be cheeks, and the top of it takes the eyebrows.

8. Come up and draw your hair, a hat, mustache, freckles or a beard at the face. Use additional elements - glasses, pensne, tube, headphones, change the hairstyle. With the help of additional lines (wrinkles), eye shapes and mouth give your hand-drawn sensitive image. Draw a cheerful, amazed, sad, angry or good-natured face of at its discretion.

9. Draw a pencil in thin lines, do not use too soft pencil.

10. Move all the main lines more dark color (take more soft pencil), and all secondary and auxiliary lines will erase the eraser.

11. Use the computer to draw funny faces, work with profile graphic editors. Thesis of the process is similar - the image is created at the expense of primitive forms.

If you have a charming eyesight, but you dream about photography in stylish and beautiful glasses, do not rush to spend money on glasses that you do not need for anything, in addition to photo shoots. Decorate yourself with glasses you can with the support of the Adobe Photoshop graphic editor - they are allowed to draw so professionally that the photo will look old, and no one is thinking that glasses In the photo fake.


1. Upload photoshop and open a photo on which your face is depicted in the FAS, distinctly and great. On the toolbar, select the Rounded Rectangular Tool option, allowing the rectangle with rounded edges.

2. After that, preferring the full fill of the rectangle in black, make the newest layer and draw a small rectangle on the photo on top of the eye in the photo, equal to the size of one eyewash glasses. Click on the new layer twice, in order to open the Layer Style section, which is allowed to add some of the layer results.

3. Select the Bevel and Emboss tab and set the Inner Bevel Smooth values \u200b\u200bwith a depth of 241 and size 13. Later, reduce the layer transparency (opacity) to 30% - the rectangle will acquire a type of translucent glass with a glare.

4. Duplicate the layer with eyepiece (Duplicate Layer) and re-open the Layer Style editing section - in the Bevel and Emboss tab, set the values \u200b\u200bof the STROKE EMBOSS and Chisel Hard genre, set the depth to 241, and the size is 2 pixels. Go to the STROKE genre tab, select the size of 1 pixel, set the Inside stroke position and make sure that you have black color.

5. Select the layer with eyepiece by clicking on it with the Ctrl pinch key, and then open the Select -\u003e modify section and select Contract with a small value. Make the newest layer and pour the selection with a black and white linear gradient, later, lift the layer to the top. Install the layer mixing mode on Screen, and transparency reduce up to 40%.

6. On the toolbar, select Elliptical Shape Tool and draw a small oval in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges from the inside of the eyepiece, and then select Line Tool and neglently combine its inclined rim line. For comfort, you can increase the scale of the photo.

7. Layer with eyepiece duplicate and reflect its mirror (Flip Horizontal), and then with the support of the movement tool, place the 2nd eyepiece on the 2nd eye. Now make the newest layer and preferring the Pen Tool option on the toolbar, draw the jumper with the same thickness as the rim. After that, draw points the glasses and combine the layers.

Hexagon They call the private case of the polygon - the figures formed by the majority of the plane points limited by a closed polyline. A positive hexagon (hexagon), in turn, is also a special case - this is a polygon with six equal sides and equal corners. This figure is significant in that the length of all of its sides is equal to the radius described around the circle figure.

You will need

  • - Circle;
  • - line;
  • - pencil;
  • - paper.


1. Choose the length of the hexagon side. Take the circus and set the distance between the needle close, located on one of its legs, and the end of the griffel located on a different leg, equal to the length of the part of the drawn figure. To do this, it is allowed to use the ruler or prefer the random distance if the moment is insignificant. Fix the feet of the circular with a screw, if there is such a chance.

2. Draw a circle with a circulation. The selected distance between the legs will be a radius of the circle.

3. Spice the circle with points to six equal parts. These points will be the vertices of the hexagon angles and, accordingly, the endings of segments representing its parties.

4. Circle with a needle, install in an arbitrary point located on the line of the outlined circle. The needle must correctly go through the line. The accuracy of constructions directly depends on the accuracy of the circulation installation directly. Those in the circulation of the arc so that it crossed in 2-points circle, drawn first.

5. Move the circular foot with a needle into one of the intersection points of the drawn arc with the original circle. Draw another arc, also crossing circle in 2 points (one of them coincides with the point of the previous arrangement of the circular needle).

6. Similarly, rearrange the circulation needle and draw the arches four more times. Move the feet of the circulation with a needle in one direction around the circle (invariably either through the clockwise arrow). As a result, there are six points of intersection of arcs with an initial circumference.

7. Draw a positive hexagon. Step in pairwise combine the sections of the six points obtained in the previous step. Distribute the segments with a pencil and ruler. As a result, a positive hexagon will be obtained. Later, the construction is allowed to erase the auxiliary elements (arcs and circle).

It has a sense to choose such a distance between the feet of the circula, so that the angle between them was equal to 15-30 degrees, on the contrary, during the construction of the constructions, this distance can be easily knocked out.

Hat - a characteristic characteristic time. At the sight of a hat with a dioxide with wide fields and lush feathers, a musketeer is immediately remembered, the cylinder suggests about the Pushkin era, and the exquisite straw hat can make the idea of \u200b\u200bthe metropolitan young lady of the beginning of the last century, resting in the village. Hats never come out of fashion, it is decided to draw them quite often, both fashion designers and illustrators.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - paints or color pencils;
  • - Pictures with images of various hats.


1. Even if you want to come up with your suit hat Strange Liason, try to draw something classic first. The drawing rule of all hats with fields is identical. The difference lies only in the width and shape of the fields and Tuli. The location of the sheet can be any.

2. Draw an oval. Place it is excellent horizontally. If the hat is below the tier of your eyes, the oval will be wide. At the same time, this line that is closer to you will be on the plane below distant. Fields that are directly opposed you, look like a doomerous oval or even straight line. Looking at hat From the bottom, you too will see an oval, but at the same time there is a distant part of the fields below. If you draw a ladies with soft fields, drew oval uneven. The curvature may be in every part of the fields and every form.

3. For comfort, spend two axial lines. One crosses the oval in length and connects the farthest points among itself. Exercise this line input. To the middle, draw a perpendicular. It is allowed to spend only one way - where there will be a Tula.

4. From the intersection of axial, retreat on a long line to equal distances in one and on the other hand and put points. Does the Musketeer hats have these points from the edge of the fields at approximately the distance? their widths. The field cylinder is at all close, the distance from the middle to the side line of the Tula will be approximately 7/8 from the length of this segment. Move the points of the arc parallel to the front line of the fields.

5. Spend the side lines of the Tuly. If you draw Musketeer hat , these lines go to a small height of approximately right angle to the fields or a little bit converged up. At the cylinder, they either diverge at a small angle, or again perpendicular to the fields. The height of the cylinder tulle is approximately one and a half times more than its width. The upper ends of the side lines combine the arc or straight. If you draw felt hat , the convex part of the upper arc will be directed upwards. The bottom in this case is not necessary to draw.

6. The bottom of the Musketeer hats or the cylinder is an oval. To the close-up arc paint the upper part of it. Connection places of both arcs raguity. The sketch of the cylinder is ready. For the Musketeer Hat, more feathers are needed. Draw a curved line from all sides of the combination of fields and Tuli. This line is directed up at a slight angle. Surround it with a wavy line.

7. If you look at hat From the bottom, start correctly to draw with the edges of the fields. How to read the previous case, spend two lines. In the long axial, set aside in both sides the full width of Tuli, and in short - small segments at all. Combine the points between oval. In this case, only part of the Tooli is visible. Over the middle of the top line of the fields draw a low trapeze. Her ribs are slightly closer to the center than the edges of the hole on the bottom of the hat. Instead of the upper line of the trapez, draw a weakly curved arc convex part up. From the fact that the fields of the cylinder is much closer, then Tulla is visible great. Its width is approximately equal to the width of the hole, and the bending of the upper line of the Tuli parallel the line of the fields in this area.

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When painting or hatching, you need to convey the form. The direction of hatching will be different. Fields stroke with horizontal lines, while near Tuli, the strokes must be more dense. Tulia is allowed to draw either vertical strokes or parallel arcs. With vertical hatching in the center there is a clear band with uneven edges. The closer to the side lines, the thicker there is a pencil. Outing arcuate strokes, in the middle it is also also to leave a clear strip. Right edges will be obtained by themselves. Press the pencil in the direction from the center to the edges.

Oval - The geometric figure, which is often often used for the image of different objects, for example, in architecture, in the manufacture of furniture, even when drawing the animal. From the hand on the eye, an oval is able to portray everything, but how to draw a positive oval?

You will need

  • - album sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - line;
  • - Eraser.


1. In the middle of the leaf, draw a rhombus - a geometric shape, which has all the parties smooth, and the opposite sides are also parallel. Choose a size of a rhombus as well in order to him fit the oval you need.

2. Spend two straight lines leaving the top of the stupid angle. The second ends of the lines are brought to the middle of the opposite sides. Similarly, draw the lines leaving the second stupid angle of rhombus. Thus, there were four segments intersecting between themselves at some points in the middle of the rhombus.

3. Put the circular leg alternately at the points of intersection of the straight lines and take half-circles with a radius equal to the distance from the point to the nearest walls of the rhombus. Thus, in return for sharp corners of Rhombus, get two sides of a positive oval.

4. Put the circular leg into the top of the stupid angles. Measure the distance equal to the direct, and carry out arcs that connect the final points of the straight lines coming from one stupid angle. The missing parties have become a positive oval. Remove all excess lines with an eraser.

5. Draw a second method. Initially, spend the horizontal line. Then share it on three equal segments. At the points that are in the middle of the segment, put the feet of the circulation and carry out two identical circle with a radius equal to the length of one cut of the horizontal line. In order to draw faithful oval, check the points in which the circles are intersect. With any of these points, spend two direct, passing through the centers of circles and intersecting with opposite sides of the circles. Put the feet of the circular in the point of crossing the circles and the radius equal to the length of the straight lines, carry out arcs that form the upper and lower sides of the faithful oval. The faithful oval is drawn.

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The process of creating an image in virtual space is radically different from the usual drawing on paper, canvas and fabrics. But the work of a virtual artist is not at all easier, and the common judgment that "the car will do everything herself", falsely.

You will need

  • - "Paint" program.


1. Go to the "Start" menu on your computer. Select "All Programs", detect the section "Typical", where you will see the "Paint" program. This is the easiest graphic editor, with the support of which you will be able to learn to draw a graphic image on a computer.

2. Opening the program, you will see the menu from above, which includes the following items: "File", "Edit", "View," Picture "," Palette "," Help ". Duzhe is a significant function that strictly need you is the cancellation of the perfect action. In order to cancel the preceding step, press "Edit" - "Cancel". The toolbar is located at the bottom of the colors palette.

3. Imagine the coming sketch of your drawing. For trial, choose the most primitive images of a positive geometric shape. Try to draw a house. With each apparent difficulty, it is an impeccable option for beginners, it preferably consists of squares and rectangles.

4. In order to draw graphic drawing, select Overhead in the palette. Click on the "Line" tool. On a white working field by serial lines connect the square. In order to draw immaculately smooth lines, hold down the "Shift" key. After that, draw a triangular roof (Fig. 1).

5. On the toolbar, select "Rectangle". Draw the door and window. To create a square window, hold down the "SHIFT" key.

6. Further use the "Fill" tool. Select the desired color in the palette, hover the mouse and click once to the paint area (Fig. 2). If each drawing was painted, then cancel the action and diligently fasten the loosely combined corners of your "home". This stage you can add to the image all sorts of necessary elements (partitions on the windows, door handles, curtains, etc.)

7. And now from one house build a small "village". Use the Selection tool. Circle the house and click "Copy". After that, click "Paste". You will have two identical homes on your desktop. Squeeze the house-copy by holding down the "SHIFT" key. This will help to save the proportion of the house with a decrease. Place the reduced copy above and the right of the main drawing. Spend similar steps with the copied image. As a result, you should have three houses (Fig. 3).

8. Now, applying the "Curve" tool, combine all the houses in the paths. The paths are filled with support for a closer to you tool "Filling" (Fig.4).

In antiquity, people said that freckles - This is a sign of spring. And truly, people with freckles on the face seem more open, careless and cheerful. But how to be to those who do not want to have these red specks, however, their skin, unfortunately, does not allow this?

You will need

  • tone powder / tan / henna


1. The simplest method of acquiring freckles is to apply them with a special pencil, and the color should be as permitted closer to the tone of your face. So konopuns will look like natural. The present type of drawn stains is allowed to give, applying a small layer of tone powder on them. Minus such a method is that such freckles The somewhat easily and rapidly washed away, and every morning you will have to draw them again.

2. Instead a pencil manually draw freckles Substituted and with a fog of the auto market cream. On the face, such spring rashes will last a little longer, however, with all day, the brightness will fall aside.

3. The method is the creation of freckles with a natural dye. For this, you need to purchase a bag in the nearest pharmacy with Hnna (if you purchase it in the store of eastern goods, do not forget to clarify the seller that you need a fine grinding, because only such a mixture Does not forms lumps). After that, mix the contents of the purchased sachet with a warm or slightly burning water before purchasing a homogeneous mass. Later, cover the hun with polyethylene and put at a warm place for at least 12 hours (this is necessary for that the mixture was infused and bought an intense tint).

4. When the mixture will prepare, point it to those parts of the face where you would like to have freckles . Hold some time and rinse with warm water. Remember that the longer you hold the mixture on my face, the darker you will have freckles .

5. In order to change the color of the henna and, accordingly, the freckles on the more clear or dark shade, add ground coffee to the mixture, tea or lemon juice. Table of contents in Henna sugar, essential oil or lemon juice allowing freckles to stay on the skin the highest number of time.

6. The most cardinal and especially the durable method is to draw funny red spots in the tattoo salon. The essence of this procedure is in the future: the color of the skin is selected a certain color of the paint (as usual, it is a golden shade), which is later applied under the skin. Yes, this procedure is not a small one is glorious, and it costs a lot of money, but the final result, be sure, will exceed all your expectations. Freckles made in the cabin look at dry certainly and beautiful. They hold, as usual, from the year to several years, later, then what is painlessly burn out on the shine.

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The faithful octagon is a geometric shape, which is 135?, All sides between them are equal. This figure is often used in architecture, for example, when building a column, as well as in the manufacture of the Stop road sign. How to draw a positive octagon?

You will need

  • - album sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - line;
  • - Circle;
  • - Eraser.


1. Draw at the beginning square. After that, spend the circle so so that the square was inside the circle. Now spend two axial middle lines of the square - horizontal and vertical to intersection with a circle. Combine the direct sections of the point of intersection of axes with a circle and the point of touch of the described circle with a square. Thus, get the sides of the right octagon.

2. Draw a faithful octagon with a different method. Initially draw a circle. After that, spend the horizontal line through its center. Stick the point of intersection of the extreme right border of the circle with horizontal. This point will be the center of another circumference, the radius of equal to the previous figure.

3. Spend a vertical line through the intersection points of the 2nd circle from the first. Put the feet of the circulation to the point of intersection of the vertical with horizontal and draw a small range with a radius equal to the distance from the center of the tiny circle to the center of the initial circle.

4. Draw a straight line in two points - the center of the initial circle and the point of intersection of the vertical and tiny circle. Continue it before intersection with the frontier of the original figure. It will be the top of the vertex of the octagon. Circle stuck another point, having a circle with a center at the intersection point of the initial circle with a horizontal and a radius, equal to the distance from the center to the existing vertex of the octagon.

5. Spend a straight line in two points - the center of the initial circle and the last new formed point. Continue the straight line to the intersection with the boundaries of the initial figure.

6. Combine the straight segments of stepped: the point of intersection of the horizontal with the right front of the initial figure, after that clockwise all formed points, including axes intersection points with an initial circle.

Video on the topic

Drawing is an effective method of expressing emotions. For no accident, many art technicians are used in art therapy. If you want to throw out your health either to save my memory, draw it on paper.


1. The most direct method to express mood - Draw a self portrait. You may prefer a typical genre. To do this, you will need a mirror and the knowledge of the proportions of the face. Select the most appropriate angle, place, if necessary, additional lighting.

2. At first schematically build the drawing, determining the height and width of the face. In some axes, there are lips, nose, eyes and determine what should be their size and form. Duzhe is observed to take the drawing of the face of the face - it depends on mood which will appear in the picture.

3. If you are inclined to treat your own mood swings, reflect it as a cartoon. Metamorphosis in facial expression depict in hypertrophied form - increase your eyes, unnaturally raise your eyebrows, etc.

4. The distortion of natural damn face will also be needed if you want to draw a portrait in one of the abstract directions. Here you can pass mood Through the choice of shape and color gamut, which may differ from natural colors.

5. However, reflect the condition of the soul is permitted not only through your own image. Show the formation of your thoughts and feelings will be comfortable in the form of a comics. Come up with a short plot of 3-5 sentences. Break it on the episodes, for all draw a separate "frame". Think over the composition in the whole fragment, and after that, the Genre of the drawing of each comic. The task will also be promoted by the form and color of the font, if you want to add history text.

6. In the search for forms and lines transmitting your mood , allowed to trust the case. Make a drawing with support for monotype or klyax. Mix on the palette the necessary shade of watercolor, Guashi or acrylic. Apply it on the smoothed glossy cardboard or a piece of glass. Press it to the sheet of paper. Take a look at the resulting spot - you will see a certain story in it, the one that remains to add multiple lines. The beaches of a carcass or paint, chaotic scattered on paper can be the same tip for fantasy.

Helpful advice
Remember that your drawing should be a positive sensitive color. So it is allowed to raise myself well-being and throwing stray thoughts from the head.

In this post, we collected photos and pictures with cool emoticons, funny faces and funny faces that can be placed on AVU. Tastes have different people and everyone will choose for themselves what he likes.

Here is a funny child's face in the photo!) Such cool faces always cause a smile!)

What a cool baby in the photo!) Funny faces of children are very funny!) Language to someone shows the eyes of okat.))

Very funny and funny faces in the picture!)

On the picture, very funny faces and face!) Such facets will be useful on AVU!)

Such funny faces like a girl in the photo, amazing and cool!) On avu just for the sake of joke!

Funny faces of babies cause a smile and lunizing!) He is clearly surprised by something.

Funny emoticons in the form of funny and perky balls!)

Balloons fly and smile.

In the picture, a cool caulkoy fabric of the boy!)

Funny and funny faces in the picture and ask for avu!)

On the photo Funny Kurni Baby's Rozhitsa!)

In the picture, cool faces on the balls!) Charm!)

Smiley with a smile fun such. Cool on avu is in demand!

And this emoticon is suitable for AVU.

This rusty smiley and himself laughs, stood out the tongue and pushed his eyes.

Funny bald man kept tongue. Someone is visible entertaining. Funny face.

A surprised baby girl in the photo looks very funny! From a series of funny faces! Most children are that!

Funny face faces are in laughing emoticons!

Old man in glasses is good-natured and funny. Funny face of the old man.

And this cool baby pissed the lips and clearly teases. Funny face!

In the picture, a cool fluffy emoticon pinched his eyes.

Funny emoticons on eggs! One frowning, and the other is mocking it! Cool emoticons!

Pictured a funny face girl in the photo. Childhood remembered?

A frightened boy in the bathroom looks ridiculous and touching!

His rhyger is funny in the photo!

In the photo, this grandfather in a cap is very similar to a funny and funny troll.

Funny Santa Mordochka!

In order to draw ridiculous faces, a simple pencil, a sheet of paper, an eraser and a good mood is needed. To create such a picture you need to be able to draw an oval or a circle.

The first thing, where to start portraying funny faces, - pencil outline the circle. The perfectly smooth figure will not work out, even artists cannot do this. Therefore, it is not worth upset if it is a bit uneven - so even better.

Draw a funny face

So, the circle is already drawn. Inside the figure, we depict unobistible auxiliary lines that will allow you to correctly arrange your eyes, nose and mouth. Draw a circle in the middle of the circle - it will be a nose. Then we depict your eyes and add nostrils on the nose. Then light dashes need to circle a circle. Further exercise the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheeks (small ovals) and eyebrows. Since our face smiles, then the edges of the eye draw small wrinkles - it will give her spirits. Then depict your hair or some funny hairstyle. We remove the auxiliary lines, and everything is ready.

In order to draw funny faces, do not be afraid to experiment. You can invent your eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hairstyle. Thus, each face will be special, unique.

Funny face paints

We take paint and sheet of paper. We draw on a sheet of several circles with yellow paints - so that the distance remains between them. Dry the brush in the paint and make smears from the center of the circle and beyond its limits so that the picture reminds the sun. The rest of the circles also deactivate, better with colored paints. We take a brush thinner and depict faces. They can be sad, cheerful, ruddy, surprised, with freckles, glasses.

Draw a ruler

Let's try to find out another option of painting a funny face. We start a picture from the image of the oval. With the help of the ruler, you need to divide the figure on horizontal and vertical lines crossing in the middle. The vertical must also be divided into 6 segments and hold horizontal dashs (the top will denote the forehead line). The central line is responsible for the location of the eyes and nose. The next feature is nose, and the bottom is the mouth. The first thing about to draw the face is the eyes in the form of two fish without tails or with them, for the image, for example, an old man. Measure the line with the vertical line of the symmetry of the eyes. Nose draw in the form of a triangle. Two of its corner must be with the inner corners of the eyes on one vertical, and the third one on the nose. Eyebrows Draw in the form of two large arcs over the eyes from the bridges and add two drops smaller - these are eyelids that depict from the corners of the eyes.

The mouth can be drawn in the form of a "minus" sign and wider times in two noses, so that its tips are above the level of the center of the eyes.

Further, we supply our eyes with clearer lines, currging their contours slightly, paying particular attention to the upper line, which should be a bit darker. Eyelids do not touch. Eyebrows depict an arbitrary shape. The fattest part of the eyebrows must be above the center of the eyes. The bottom of the nose is rounded and put two points under it so that it turned out the "Piglet". Dorify them with rounded lines depicting nostrils. The mouth and lips are also depicting arbitrarily. They are different shapes: and chubby, and narrow, and even curves. To do this, draw your mouth, like eyes, fish, spend the line in the middle, and its corners are lifted to the face of smiling. We draw ears where the upper corner is at the level of the eye, and the bottom is on a par with the nose. We wash unnecessary lines - and a funny face is ready.

Draw a caricature

There is another way to draw a funny face of stages. We are talking about caricature. Before starting work, you need to look closely on the proportions of which you need to portray. We determine the distance between the nose, mouth, eyes, ears, eyebrows, hair growth line, chin, etc. Then mentally divide the face to equal parts along the proportions lines. If the person does not have equal proportions, we divide it on the same parts by vertical central lines for pupils, eyecakes, and also spend them along the edge of the chin, hair growth, the tip of the nose and eyebrows.

If you want to change the cartoons when creating a caricature, you need to change not only one element, but everything is not to disturb harmony. For example, with a decrease in the nose, it is necessary to increase the distance between the eyes, expand the face, reduce if you move the mouth above, almost exactly to the nose, then you need to completely remove the chin. In the event of a decrease in the nose and the "attracting" to his eyes, you need to increase the mouth and lower part of the face.

In order to portray funny faces, it is possible to experiment with variations of faces, depending on their size. This will help quickly understand the basic principle of creating caricature.

And you weakly draw the face?

Think! "Point, dot, comma, minus, rhodes curve ..."
- So from five years old and draw? Want to learn to draw an adult?
- What for?
- The faces are very helpful. For example, spending time at lectures or meetings. Draw caricatures on a tedious telephone interlocutor. Or overcome green melancholy at work. And in the "faces" you can play with children, draw "portraits" and ask each other: "And who is it?".

Let's try to draw the face to a more complex way. To do this, you will need: sheets of paper, line, eraser and 2 pencils with marking M and 2M.

For the beginning of the pencil, M Draw from the hands of oval, a form resembling an egg, and with the help of a ruler divide it with vertical and horizontal lines (Fig. 1. All drawings are opening.), Which are cross in exactly in the middle. Vertical divide on 6 segments and carry out horizontal lines. The upper line will indicate the forehead line. We will not draw the second draw. This is a conventional eyebrow line. On the central line will be the bridge and eyes. The next line will indicate the nose, and the lower line of the mouth.

The face is beginning to draw from the eye, because the eyes - the soul mirror. Draw two "fish" without tails (Fig.2). The wrinkles' tails can be painted later, if you want to portray the old man. The line measure the symmetry of the eye relative to the vertical line: the corners must be at an equal distance.

Now the nose queue. Draw a triangle. Two of its corners are on one vertical with the inner corners of the eye, and the third one on the nose. It is better to draw it a little longer than it, but for convenience, draw it so far. After that, we spend two large arcs from the bridges over your eyes (these are eyebrows) and two small (these are century). Only small pictures from the corners of the eyes. Now - mouth: blacks "minus" from poem. It is wider than the nose of two times, and his tips are approximately at the level of the eye center.

Now, when we have a scheme of the face, we are with a light soul with a pencil 2m and begin to draw truly (Fig. 3). First, we supply our eyes, slightly currging their contours, and the upper line we supply with a large pressure. Let them remain weakly outlined. Eyebrows Draw arbitrarily, but not from the nose (from the nose, if you need to portray Eastern beauty). The fattest part of the eyebrows is above the center of the eye.

I drag the nose: the lower line of the triangle twigs, under it we put two points ("Piglet") and spend the rounded lines from them - nostrils. If you need to portray a man, you must remember that men have a longer nose, and the nostrils are wider.

By the way, the most non-standard and expressive part of the human face - mouth or lips. They are also narrow, and chubby, and the most different form, so the mouth can be drawing as you like, even curves. Men's mouth line is longer, and lips are already. Roth draw as eyes, "fish". We spend the most fat lines in the middle and under the bottom lip, and the corners of the mouth slightly raise, so that the face is not turned out to be sad.

We still have ignored ears and foreheads (Fig. 4). The top of the ear is at the level of the eye, and the bottom - at the level of the nose. And from two sides, we draw such "stipples", not too lopouchi, of course. The forehead can be drawing, as your heart: high, low, narrow. Do not forget to designate the neck. And finally, we will finish the eyes. In the middle, draw smooth circles and paint them from the center. In the center they should be darker - this is a pupil. On the female face you can paint the cilia, on a male face they look unpervently.

Finally, we take an eraser and erase everything that it seems to be superfluous, as well as all the dirt that has done in the process of creating this "portrait". Such a face can be transformed: to narrow, to thicker, reduce your eyes, make eyebrows wider, the nose is longer, painting the mustache, beard, glasses, make different hairstyles. Rozers can be painted as in childhood. See what happened from the sample, which we painted (Fig. 5 - 8). It turns out that face-face faces are not so difficult?

But it is more difficult to draw a face in profile (Fig. 9). Oval will have to draw at an angle of 30-45 degrees. But it can be done easier: put a sheet of paper at such an angle. Horizontal lines are carried out in the same proportions. Nose draw a triangle, but protruding. Eyes on the side also look triangular. It is necessary only to round their lines. The mouth will be beyond the limits of oval, and draw it - the most difficult thing: it is necessary to ensure that he does not look too ugly. And the chin can be circled along the line of oval, but then it will look a little caricature. But you can make it a speaker: so more realistic.

We painted our heads in proportions close to the classic, adopted by artists. But for mators such proportions are not suitable. Matryoshka has a round face, eyes are in the middle of the face, but very large, full of width, and should be well drawn and necessarily with long, flexing cilias (Fig. 10).

Smiling sponges-bows at Matryushki are almost in the middle between the eyes and the chin, and the nose is indicated by two points. Chelka is not accepted. And there must be a bright blush.

If you often train in the drawing of the face, you can "fill" the hand and eye so that the ruler will soon become unnecessary. And I must say that each rhyler drawer once comes to his own image style. And the style is already a sign of a real artist!

Draw the face of an adult, train, fantasize. And maybe, soon your acquaintances will begin to speak with the udil: "You know, and he (she) can draw portraits!".

If you need an excellent