Abstract Node according to drawing in the preparatory group. Russian flag

Abstract Node according to drawing in the preparatory group. Russian flag

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

Child Development Center - Kindergarten № 5 "Birch"

Abstract educational activity


subject: "My Russia"

Preparatory group

Prepared Savelyeva Oksana Gennadevna

PDO according to drawing


The relevance of the subject:

The leading role in the formation of the child's personality, the formation of his spiritual world belongs to the emotional sphere.

It is with this feature of the psyche of a little man that is associated with a high force of impact on it of art.

The specifics of the art, the characteristics of the language of various types of its species make artistic activities a unique means of upbringing, learning and developing a teenage generation.

Education in children of patriotic feelings to their homeland, knowledge of geographical ideas and familiarization of preschoolers with nature features, should be carried out in various fields in everyday communication, as well as in artistic work.

Software content:

Fasten knowledge about Russia in children, to form the simplest geographical ideas, clarify the concepts of "rich", "big", "native country".

Teach children to transmit characteristic features of nature in the drawings, reflect their impressions, fix composite skills.

Raise love for nature

Material for the lesson:

Illustrations of trees, forests, map of the Russian Federation, two layout with the image of the trees of the South and Siberia.

Preliminary work:

Consider illustrations, paintings, reading poems, nature stories.

Drawing individual parts of trees.

Drawing up a descriptive story

D / and "What, where growing".

Method of conducting.

Children searge on chairs

Educator: "Everyone loves the place where he was born and grew, where he went to kindergarten and school, a house, games in which he played in childhood. So gradually the love of homeland begins, to his country. "

The tutor posts the map of the Russian Federation. Reads poem: "How great my country is!

How widely its expanses!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My country spread out

From the north to the south!

When in one edge of spring,

In another and snow, and blizzard.

And the train in my country

From the border to the border

No less than ten days

And then barely dominated. "

Educator: "Children, in front of you by the map of the Russian Federation.

Our homeland Russia is depicted on it. "

(shows her borders, causes children if desired, asks them to show Russia).

Educator: "What is it in magnitude? "

Children: "Big, huge. By train, Russia can cross in a few days, flying off by plane for one day. When in the West morning, in the east evening. Here is such a big country, spread over many thousands of kilometers.

Educator: "Children, map depicted with us with different colors.

What does blue mean? ".

Children: "These are sea, oceans, rivers, i.e. water".

Educator: "But the sushi is painted in different colors.

There are a lot of yellow paint.

What is it? This is (desert), brown - (mountains).

And what is the green color? (forests, plains).

(The educator summarizes the answers of children).

In our country there are many forests, rivers, seas, there are mountains.

She is rich, but that this wealth increases, it remained, it is necessary, of course, we take our nature. "

Reads poem: "I see the mountain-giggling,

I see rivers and sea

These are Russian paintings,

This is my homeland "

And now we will go on a journey and look at different parts of Russia. First we will visit the south of our country. "

The teacher celebrates the checkbox (Nr: Krasnodar Territory) and shows what distance you need to drive from Moscow to the south.

Educator: "Let's get acquainted with the nature of this edge. "

Reads poem : « I did not grow among birches

I did not grow under the fories,

I did not sing the gray frost

Blizzards - snowstorms

On "Kuban", I grew up

My relatives is clearer

Our southern edges:

Steppes are immense ... "

Children view nature, call familiar trees (palm trees, cypresses, oaks), explain the features of the structure, growth.

Educator: "Spacidious palm trees invite us to visit, slender cypresses are watching, powerful oaks will be tamed from the bright sun.

With the nature of the south we met, now we will go to another corner of Russia - Siberia (notes on the map of the flag).

You see the children, what a long distance from Moscow you need to drive to get to it. "

Reads a poem: "Siberia caring and strict:

All will feed all, move,

But also remind: things are a lot!

Siberia is not lazy to laugh!

Here since childhood you can learn

Fish, vegetables raise,

With a huge forest make friends

His wealth find. "

Children are considering the nature of Siberia.

Educator: "There are growing and ate, and pines that we can meet here in the Moscow region, only these trees are much more.

Fir mighty, with big, fluffy branches. Pines stand as giants, they look down at all.

Here are the guys, what a different nature happens, and we will try to draw it today. "

The tutor conducts physical attack.

Educator:"In the glade oak green

I stretched to the sky crown.

(Pulling - Hands Up)

He is on branches among the forest

Generously across cheered.

(Pulling - Hands to the sides)

And at the bottom of the mushrooms grow

They are so much now here!

Do not be lazy and feel free

Bend for mushrooms!

(tilting forward)

Here is a frog pokakala

Here the water is visible little,

And cuckoo cheerfully jumps

Straight to the pond, not otherwise.

(jumping in place)

Well, we will go a little,

Raise the leg!

(walking in place)

They looked like, cut down

And fell on the grass!

(Children sit on the chairs)

Educator: "And now go, take the cards, and you will learn who will draw what kind of nature. "

(Trees are drawn on cards: on one palm trees, on others ate)

Children are dispersed at the tables according to the received card.

(Animals are standing on the same table: Bear, Fox, Hare, Other: Monkey, Parrot)

Educator: "Think over the plot of the pattern. How do you have trees. There may be several of them, and there may be a whole taiga. "

The educator resembles children where the distant plan and nearby are located.

In the process of drawing, the educator assists the Council, showing.

At the end, the children have their own works on the layouts. One is drawn - palm and sun, on the other - pine.

Children find the right place for their drawings.

Analysis is analyzed.

Under the song "Country My dear" - come out of the group.

Savelyeva Oksana Gennadievna

Abstract of direct educational activities in the older group "My country is my flag"

Burachevskaya Anastasia Sergeevna, Educator MBOU "Shegar School No. 1" with. Melnikovo, Tomsk region.
Description of the material: I offer you an abstract of direct educational activities for the older group on the topic: "My country is my flag." This material will be useful to educators of the older group. This abstract of integrated classes is aimed at clarifying and enhancing knowledge about the state flag.
Node topic: "My country is my flag"
Group: older
Program: Approximate program of pre-school education "from birth to school" edited by N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva in accordance with GEF to.
Shape of joint activities: integrated node
Form of organization: Group
Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Socially - communicative development", "Artistic - aesthetic development", "speech development".
Training - Methodical kit:
1. Complex classes on the program "from birth to school" edited by N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. Senior group \\ Avt.-Cost. N.V. Slobodina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - 399С.
2. Vividly - didactic allowance "State Symbols of the Russian Federation"
Purpose: Generalization and intensification of knowledge about the country's state symbol - flag.
Educational: Create and activate vocabulary, form civil affiliation, give knowledge about the origin of the modern flag, to repeat the knowledge of the symbolic value of the flag colors, to intensify the dictionary.
Developing: Develop a coherent speech, emotional responsiveness, development of common motor skills and coordination, speech with movement, the development of visual and auditory attention, creative imagination, thinking.
Educational: To bring up a respectful attitude to the response of peer, to state symbols, love for the native country, aesthetic attitude to the colors of the Russian flag, patriotic feelings through artistic Word, friendly relationships in joint activities.
Wordwork: Russia, homeland, flag, staging, state symbol.
Methods and techniques:
Visual - illustration of the state symbols of Russia, physical attack, showing productive activities;
verbal - conversation, the use of an artistic word;
Practical - productive activities of children, didactic game, reflection;
The method of increasing emotional activity is a surprise moment.
Materials and equipment: Book from Pino, toy Pinocchio, split flag (by the number of children), tape recorder, musical accompaniment, mocking of a red cloth, horse, Russian flag, glue, glue, sheets with the image of a ship and flag, wax crayons, colored stripes for appliqués, Dry napkins, wet wipes.
Planned Result:
Inquisitive, active - Activity in productive activities, in a conversation.
Emotionally responsive - manifestation of emotional attitude to literary and musical works.
Potted by means of communication and ways of interaction with adults and peers - the ability to interact with peers in the process of performing work; the ability to listen carefully and actively discuss, ask questions and respond to them within their awareness and experience; The ability to share with the teacher and children with your impressions.
Able to solve intelligent and personal tasks - the use of assimiced methods of drawing, appliqués in independent activities; The desire to create an expressive and interesting image by using the template or without it; the ability to independently draw conclusions;
Mastering universal educational prerequisites - the ability to focus on 15-25 min;

Node move:

The educator welcomes children, sets a positive emotional attitude. Children and educators stand in a circle and perform charging:
Hello, blue sky,
Hello, the sun is golden,
Hello, free breeze,
Hello, little oak,
We live in our native land
I welcome you all!

Educator: Guys, we greeted and tuned to work. Let's start. When I went to your lesson, I found someone's book. Let's guess who lost her.
This long, wooden boy,
Balover and chalunca,
The key is golden he searched
And from Karabas - the drum of friends saved his own.

Educator: True, it is Pinocchio. (The teacher shows Pinocchio toy and speaks of his name)
Pinocchio: "Hello guys. I'm learning at school and I was asked homework. And I alone cannot cope with him and ask you, help me, please "
Educator: Guys, we will help Pinocchio. Well, then, let's read the first task:
1. What is the name of our country? (Children's responses)
2. And what state symbols do you know? (Children's responses)
3. Tell me about one symbol of our country. And what you know, if you guess the riddle:

Holiday, holiday at the gate!
Who will meet him go?
I am true my friend -
Red, small ...

Educator: Well done. Let's remember how the Russian flag looks like. For this, I have, for each of you, envelope with the task. Look at and task.

D / and "Collect the flag"

Educator: With the task you coped. Do you know what it means each color of the flag?
White color - peace and purity.
Blue - sky color.
Red stripe - fire and courage.

Educator: That's right, you are great. And now I want to tell you how our flag appeared. (During the story, all kinds of flags demonstrate - with a horse tail, with a red cloth, tricolor)

The flag is the sign of power. Many years ago, instead of the flag, the pole was used, tied a bunch of herbs and a horse tail to it. Troops were tightened to this flag, and therefore such a flag was called styling. Then the steps began to make a red cloth. And after that, our three-color Russian flag appeared.
Educator: What do you think we helped Pinocchio to cope with his homework?
Pinocchio: Thank you guys!
Educator: Guys, you worked well today in class and I want you to offer to make a gift for Pinocchio. Agree?
(Shows ready-made samples of productive activities, clarifies where you can see the flag, tells the rules for performing the work)

Educator: I'm before starting work, let's break out. Offers to make gymnastics:

I am a white color - freedom, pride, fame.
I am a blue color - the cover of the native country.
I am a red color - mighty powder.
All together we are one and strong.

The guys go beyond the tables and choose the type of productive activity.
For productive activity costs two.
On one table is the material for the visual activity: sheets with a ship and flag, wax chalk.
On the second table there is a material for appliqués: oil glue, glue, sheets with the image of a ship and flag, colored stripes (blue, red), dry napkins, wet wipes.
The teacher during operation involves children in artistic activities, includes children to independent activities, provides time for creative activities, provides a choice of materials, observes children during work. If, difficulty arises, helps. Watch out for the proper planting at the table.
Reflection: And what's new did you know today about the flag?
What new word we learned today?
How do you think, do you manage to work?

    Draw what you see around yourself every day. Do you live near the river somewhere in the field - Draw it:

    Or depict the Church of your town and terrain around:

    Show the nature of your homeland, the place where they grew up, the edges that love:

    On my homeland, you can draw a lot of things. As an option to draw the Kremlin. But it is quite difficult to draw it, so I would limit himself to the rice of my house. After all, it is my small homeland. Here are examples of drawings, they are not complicated:

    Draw home is not difficult, but since it will be a drawing about the homeland, the topic for drawing should leave the heart, because you must put the soul in the drawing. Example I will say that a homeland for many is very frequent to draw forests and rivers, fields, meadows, family, one word is best to imagine that near you around and draw it, these are examples:

    Motherland has different, it can be a village with birch trees and a noisy megalopolis, a seashore or palm trees outside the window, eternal Merzlot and Night to half a year. How can I understand what you can draw on my homeland? So many things around that, at first glance, it seems not to realize everything in A4 format.

    You can take the traditions of your area: Tula, so draw a samovar with a gingerbread, Yaroslavl- will depict the bear and the Volga River, and in general, what to draw, on a given topic can be viewed in the coat of arms of the city, if there is.

    But how to be if your city is small or this village, let's look at the view from the window. Maybe a church or school or the pond-overgrown with water lily? You can always find what to draw, the main thing is to look at the world around the world a little other eyes as the discoverer.

    What will seem curious to us, and draw.

    Here are some examples of children's work on my homeland.

    Now it is often found such a topic my homeland And in schools, children write writings, draw wall newsnets, prepare presentations, participate in various contests with such theme, and in kindergarten, kids offer this topic for drawings.

    Fantasy on the topic my homeland there is where to raise ... After all, the homeland is both the house, and the family, and nature, and the street on which you live ... Therefore, choose what the child is easily obtained that he likes to draw, explain to him what the Motherland is And as its drawing can be associated with this concept.

    Here are just some examples of work in order to direct your thoughts and thoughts of your baby on this topic.

    Motherland is primarily associated with Russia. And one of the symbols of Russia is the tricolor. Here it is, it's just under the power to draw not only a schoolboy, but also to the pupil of kindergarten. With birch, it looks more original:

    Motherland is also associated with Moscow and its main attraction - Kremlin.

    You can simply draw nature.

    Be sure to draw a Russian birch and the church.

    You can draw drawings on this topic completely differently, based on your fantasy and on those places where you live.

    So about the Motherland can draw this figure:

    You will be required at the first stage to make sketches, and on the second to proceed to the detailed drawing of the Kremlin, the family, the sun. Well, paint at the very end.

    You can draw such moments as:

    Works for kindergarten and school. The symbol of the motherland for the child is his house with mom. A child with a mother's whole, so in the picture I draw a woman with a child. Or they walk in the park, sit on the bench, go along the road.

    Draw a mother in a belt, reading a book to the baby. Draw mom, going with a child to school. The task is groured, draw a monument Motherland - This is a victory symbol in war. Motherland has his own. Associations are different - house, courtyard, capital.

    Pictures. Draw according to the drawings your vision of mom and myself and your homeland.

    The native landscape is a place where they walked in childhood.

    Figure together with mom.

    Patriotic topic is one of the most important. Contests or exhibitions of drawings on this topic can be held both in kindergarten and school.

    So in Russia, this topic sounds like My homeland is Russia for Belarus, respectively - My homeland is Belarus etc.

    Draw a drawing better first with a simple pencil, and then decompose it with colored pencils, paints / gouache, etc.

    What can be drawn on this topic? Think with what your homeland is associated with you.

    Maybe this is a beautiful nature, some sights, even your street with a house - because this is part of your homeland and small and large.

    Here is a selection of video lessons, how to draw a gradual motif of the Great Motherland

    Moscow Red Square


06.11.12, 09:50

Last week in Ramenskaya School No. 8, a drawing contest called "My Homeland - Russia" was held. It was attended by fourth-graders of schools of our area. Why exactly they? The thing is that these guys are students of the fourth grades - from the first of September of this year they began to study the new subject of the "Fundamentals of religious culture and secular ethics", one of the first lessons of which was devoted to the topic of the Motherland.

The Methodist of the Ramensky House of the Teacher, a teacher of local history and the foundations of Orthodoxy in the Novoselskaya School Natalya Mikhailovna Semenhenko: "The District Contest of Figure is organized by the Ramensky Methodological Center together with the Education Committee. What is the purpose of it? We decided to get through the direct response of children embodied in the colors, which they see their homeland, how important this topic is important for children, what colors they choose for their drawings and what images are closest for them. "

For creativity it was possible to use a variety of equipment - and gouache, and watercolor, and pencils.

The works of children pleasantly surprised teachers with their diversity. And right, because the homeland is a whole world for a child. In the drawings, vintage rites and holidays, fairy tales and epics came to life. The children were depicted and native nature - from bright, almost transparent Russian birch trees, to the southern scarlet sunset over the sea and sails, and modern living city streets with high-rise buildings, intersections and cars. Many guys drew Orthodox churches. Everyone has its own idea of \u200b\u200bhis homeland, but that united the works of children is bright, warm, living paints. The drawings turned out emotional, good: young artists worked with inspiration ...

Student of Progimanasia No. 48 Sasha Sigayeva:

"I drew a warrior because he is a goal defender. - Tell me, do you like a new subject (basics of religious culture and secular ethics) at school? - Yes, he is interesting. - And what is it interesting for you? "We are talking about the qualities of a person as he should be - good, responsive." We learn a lot of new. "

Pupil of Gymnasium №2 Ramenskoye Alena Kozlov Pictured the Orthodox church and angels above it, it turned out bright, spiritual image:

« How is the topic of the contest "My Homeland - Russia" with the theme of your picture? - Temples and angels protect our homeland. You can not submit Russia without temples. "

Professional artists of the Ramensky district will be evaluating the work of students, and the winners are waiting for a reward. But this is later, but for now, all the guys who took part in the competition received commemorative certificates.

Yana Garbuzova

Elena Chulilina

Subject: "Russia is my homeland"


Educational: Fasten knowledge about the nature of the country, continue to learn to reflect the beauty of your edge, all of Russia: landscapes, plots.

Developing: Develop creative abilities, imagination, memory.

Educational: Rise in children a sense of love for homeland and interest in the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Material: Physical map of Russia, illustrations with symbols; Illustrations with the image of the nature of Russia; White sheets, colored and simple pencils, eraser.

Activities: Game, communicative, cognitive, perception of fiction, productive.

The course of direct-educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Reads an excerpt from the poem N. scored "Our Motherland":

How great is my land,

How wide spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains.

2. The main part. The educator draws the attention of children on the illustration with the views of his region and depicting the nature of Russia, the map of Russia, the symbolism that she puts on the board in the course of his conversation. Guys, we live in a big country. What is it called? (children's responses). There are many cities in Russia. And in Russia, very beautiful nature: the sea, forests, rivers, mountains, steppes. It turns out with children about what territory it can be and leads to the conclusion that our country is very large.

Questions for children: Where do we live? What interesting in our region? What do you like most in your city? What interesting events can you remember in your life? Where do we see on a walk? etc.

3. Game: "Guess the color"

Educator, showing color cards, asks for children to say, which means this color on the map: Blue - the sea, rivers; green Forest; Brown - Mountains; Dark yellow and yellow - steppes, desert.

4. Fizkultminutka

Times - climb, pull up

Two - bend, get risen,

Three - in your hands three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Six - on the chair to sit again.

(Internet source)

5. Drawing on the plan.

Educator: Invites children to draw the nature of their country: landscapes, plots, etc. Specifiate the representation of children that all plots may be interconnected.

The educator in the process of drawing controls, reminds of the distribution of its plan and the plot throughout the leaf.

6. Reflection.

What did we recognize today?

What are we doing today?

What did you like best?

Exhibition of creative work

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Purpose: to expand the ideas of children about their native land, deepen and clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland - Russia. Tasks: Secure knowledge about the flag,.

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