Who is Bane in Batman. "The Dark Knight

Who is Bane in Batman.
Who is Bane in Batman. "The Dark Knight

Who is Bane and what is his appearance fraught with the Gotham Saga? Today we will try to answer these questions and describe in detail about the most important events in the life of this character.

Spring 1993.

After a successful release in 1992, the film DC Comics publisher was in the new turn of its popularity. Understanding that iron should be quoted while it is hot, the Directorate demanded from the authors of new incredible turns in the history of the Dark Knight. New star DC Comics 38-year-old Comic Chuck Dickson and his colleagues took the requirement of authorities with lightening enthusiasm. And in the spring of 1993, the publisher launched one of the most gloomy plots in the history of Batman - "Fall of the Black Knight" (Knightfall). For such a serious event, a new superslode was invented, against the background of which all other psychos looked ridiculous and pitiful freaks.

Birth Bane.

Baina has no name and no last name. The whiskers "Bane" (from English - perfection, punishment, Beach) is just the nickname that this man took himself in early childhood. His mother is the wife of the revolutionary from the island of Holy Priscilla, a fictional "banana" republic somewhere in the Caribbean. In the late 60s, the rebels tried to overthrow the military junta, but suffered a cruel fiasco, their leaders were captured and executed, and close and relatives were forever thrown into the cellars of Pena Dura Prison.

Among the sentenced to life imprisonment was not only a mother, but she has not yet been born a child. Bane Bane appeared in the Light in the prison basement, all his early childhood. When the boy was about seven, his parent died from exhaustion, and the senior warden ordered the boys in a common chamber to the Materia Zekam. At night, at any moment waiting for abuse, the child survived the first, almost religious parish. Teddy bear, his only friend, woke up the boy among the night and led to an empty camera, where he was waiting for a big and scary man. "Who are you, uncle?" - asked a little Bane. "I am you're from the future: then a mighty super-sufficient you ever become, if you win your own soul fear and pity." Perhaps the boy just dreamed just, but a couple of hours later, he picked up sharpening and brutally killed his first pedophile.

The boy was absolutely inadequate, so the guard locked it in a single chamber, where he lived the next 12 years of his life. Locked in four walls on three square meters of concrete floor, little Bane started to swing muscles. His camera was shot daily during night tides, so he ate not only rats and insects, but also marine fish. Predatory fish. Many predatory fish. As a result, many years of heavy exercise And the endless struggle for life was blinded from the child of an invincible superhuman.

So, 12 years later, Bane was released from a single, and in a couple of weeks he became the most dangerous man In "Foam Dura". He had serious and very loyal followers - huholochnik, and a member of the Togg, an underground chemist named Zombie, as well as Italian mafia from Gotham Ptah Kolossimo. Pthaha taught Bane to read and opened books for him. For the next few years of their life, he has not only downloaded muscles, but also read three works per day. First, all the literature from the prison library, then tons of publications that were brought to the underground channels from the outside world. Bane's consciousness was still the consciousness of the child's breathless life, who never saw the world behind the walls of his prison and did not know ordinary life. There were always predators around him with whom he had to fight for life, but this child was an incredible welderkind. He learned a dozen languages \u200b\u200band all accurate sciences, hundreds of chess games, never seeing a simple chessboard in reality.

Gradually, Bane began to master despair. He realized that he would not be on freedom even in case of immaculate behavior. And the guy began to "wet" the models. The older warden is, in the end, tired, and he passed Bane to illegal experiences, where he turned out to be the only experimental, which survived after experiments with the new drug "Venomina", which increases the power and endurance of the consumer to incredible scales. (Later, Togg and Zombies made a special gadget for Bane, with the help of which at any time the drug could enter his body through the tubes through the connectors linted into the skull.) After the guy returned to the camera, Trogg and Zombies were able to falsify his death, so that the corpse was thrown into the ocean. So Bane found himself free.

In the prison, Pthaha Kolossimo repeatedly told Bane about his hometown of Gotheme and about Batman, who invisibly rules this place. Image of giant battle - The only fear that he could not overcome all the years of his imprisonment. And now he realized that his fate was to defeat Batman and capture power in Gothe.

It was a plan not an experienced strategist, but a Great-age child with the upbringing of the Zeka, the cunning of a predator and IQ under 200. The plan was simple, but powerful. Almost like Joker in. Gradually, to break the psyche of Batman, make a brightly tired rag out of it, and then break it. Live I. figurative sense.

Man who broke a bat

The moment was very well chosen. Bruce Wayne was experiencing another mental crisis and treated in Lucius Fox Protege, so he was in a very wretched state. In the costume of Batman instead of him, his new dubler Jean Paul Valley, a guard from WayNetech, in the past - a postgraduate student and heir to Assassin from the Order of Dumasa. Bruce Wayne understood that Valley lacks experience and strength, so, despite all the procedures, he himself regularly went to the roofs. Having learned about such a desperate position of his opponent, Bane organized an armed raid on psychiatric clinic Arkham. She blew her walls, interrupted the security and released all the psychos outwards. A real hell began in the city: Joker with scarecrome was stolen by the mayor, Riddler seized television, Svetlyk became methodically to burn all local attractions, enough cases and Psychov lesson.

And the Dark Knight was relieved. After another fight, he is raised home beaten and crumpled and saw that loyal Alfred lies on the floor unconscious, and in his chair sits ... Bane. The guy grabbed Batman, broke him the spine, and then threw the body of the hero into the window on the bridge. All Gotham saw that the Dark Knight came the end, and it was Bane who was the same person who was able to achieve the impossible. He is now - new king Gotema, and Joker and his Arkham coat - shkolota and losers.

Naturally, friends saved Batman, fixing him with time the spine and the psyche, after which he brutally shorted the Bane in the literal and figurative sense ... yes, yes, we are talking About tubes in the head. But the return of the hero from the time is the most boring thing in all existing comics.

Bane in the Demon Service

After the defeat from Batman and return from Coma Bane pleaded guilty. In the Gotham prison, for two years of harsh drug addicts, the criminal gradually got rid of the "Vota" in his body. Now he has just become a megakachka without fantastic doping in the blood, but brilliantly trained with well-working brains. It was at the expense of these qualities that Bane planned to defeat Batman for the second time. But someday in the future, not now. The fact is that now he has a new goal - he decided to find his father. The criminal realized that his real enemy was not at all a dark knight, but those people who broke the lives of the little Bane and his mother.

Returning to the island of Saint Priscilla, Bane found a blind Jesuit, who worked before the confessor in the "foam of foam." The old man told him that the father of Bane could be one of the four possible candidates: either the heroic leader of local partisans, or an American doctor, or a British mercenary soldier, or a Swiss banker, financing a doomed uprising. Jesuita was also known that at the moment the American was already dead, and the rest of the rest is unknown.

Catching around the Wanish Swiss, Bane faced the ocultists from the Order of Dumas, and then accidentally met with the immortal Ras-Al Gull himself. The guy began to work on the race and gradually caused sincere delight from the demon. "You are so quinic, cunning, podl and manipulative, which you deserve to become a couple for my daughter." These words of Ras said it is no coincidence. Bane was in love with Al-Gul's waist. But his love is very unhealthy and pathological places. Imagine your attitude towards the opposite sex of the male individual who lived in prison all his life from the moment of his own birth.

Naturally, the waist from such a groom was not delighted. She still remembered Bruce Wayne, the place of which at the race was now busy. Bane understood it too perfectly, but to pick up a woman Batman - another moment, which excited him as a predator.

"Father, you are brutally mistaken. Your Bane is a very strong and dangerous animal with a heart and brains of a small child. "

Further, along the plot of Ras Al-Gul tries to destroy humanity with the help of ancient microbiological weapons from the sea wheel. Batman and his combat comrades spoil the immortal demon all of the raspberry, and Bane lags and flows into a loudness. Having lost the woman of his dreams and a chance to personal immortality, he declares a crusade against Ras-Al Gulya. It begins to travel on the planet and methodically destroying the wells of Lazarus, providing Ras Regeneration.

Bane finds the Father

Once Bain returns to Gotham and again penetrates the mansion of Bruce Wayne, without disturbing the alarm and traps. "I came with the world. I have a case. " It turns out that he went to the trail of the second candidate in his own dad, and this ... Dr. Thomas Wayne, father of Batman.

Batman and Bane - brothers? Alfred, Robin and the entire bat company in shock. They quickly spend a DNA test and make sure that no, not brothers, is not lucky. Beane then leaves the city again, but this time with Batman, they part almost friends.

A year later, Wayne helps Bane, finally, his real fellow. It turns out to be a British mercenary. More precisely, Sir Edmund Dorrans, also known as a snake king. One of the most dangerous fighters of the planet trying to currently subjugate sectors from Cobra's cult. During the long-lasting brawl, Dranz almost kills Batman, but Bain obscures him by taking a blow to himself. The king is killed, and the dying Bane returns to life in the water of the next well of Lazar.

The only negative is that the water of the well always cause by the resurrected side effect: uncontrolled madness. Therefore, Bane, who returned from that light, quickly loses a dowry share of his positivity and principle. But what happened to him after that no one knows, because in 2002 the writer Chuck Dickson, who created all the basic stories about this character, left Sagu on Batman and escaped to another publisher. After his care, epic stories about Bane no longer went out, although he firmly entered the list of Gotham villains of the first "hot" ten.

But there is nothing wrong with that. For ten years of work on DC, Chuck Dickson managed to write about his pet as much as Joker would envy him. Let's remember again:

Bane broke the spine Batman;
- Bane almost became brother Batman;
- Bane almost married the waist al-Gul;
- Bane captured Arkham and released all psychos to freedom;
- Bane was right hand Lexa Lurator (we did not tell about it, but such an episode was also).

Now let's try to imagine that from the listed can get into new film . Prison past - yes. In Tom Hardy's career, there was already a character with looking like a biography - British criminal bronns out. Muscles, intellect and predator habits can be completely borrowed from this picture, but I want to believe that Nolan will not do it so straight.

Plan for the moral destruction of Batman - also yes. Broken spine Batman - this possibility is not excluded. An attack on Arkham is most likely. Still in the question of how the woman-cat will be introduced into the plot. It may appear as a patient of the mental hospital and without any additional Origin Story.

As you know, Nolan promised in the third film the logical and plot completion of the trilogy, so the appearance of Bane as a new race may be the best outcome for such a junction. Perhaps you have any ideas?

We will pay tribute to criminals who do not give a hero to miss at night.

It is customary to say that the essence of the hero is determined by the villains, with whom he has to face, and that for no other hero with them is not "lucky" as Batman. Are you ready to go to the dark cameras of the psychiatric hospital of the city of Arkhem and get acquainted with twenty-five best opponents of Batman of all time?

25. Court of owl

One of the most significant benefits of Batman has always been the unsurpassed knowledge of all streets and Zakulkov Gotam. But when a frightening company appeared in the city, calling himself the "Court of Sov", and the "claws" sent by them - the killers, similar to the undead, - Batman realized that, knew his native city Not as good as I thought.

24. Viktor ZSASZ

Many of the opponents of Batman took the lives of innocent people, but no one did it with such pleasure as Victor Zassz. This fanatical maniac celebrates every time someone kills someone, cutting out a new memorable label on his body. Nowadays, there are not so many places free from scars. But do not worry - for Batman, he is specially attained.

23. Professor PIG

Professor Pig is a relatively new villain, but despite this, he has already managed to leave a significant mark in the Batman's Universe. Suffering mental disorder And persistent on the creation of the army-controlled army of mutilated people, "dollonov", he is clearly from those opponents who should not be underestimated.

22. Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva is filled with desire to prove to herself that is the world's greatest specialist in martial arts, even if the sake of this will have to wander around the world and fight every one who gets up on the way. It is sufficiently good in his business to challenge any member of the team Batman, and even him for himself long years managed to teach a couple of lessons.

21. Claudist

At first glance, the worshipers seem not worthy of being taken seriously. He is an ordinary timid person suffering from splitting a person, the second of which embodies through a doll to be seeded by the scar. But this strange couple from a person and doll out one of the most terrible criminal empires Gotam.

20. Hash.

Hash (real name - Tommy Elliot) is a master of complex conspiracy. This wrapped bandage and constantly quoting Aristotle Villain loves to manipulate Batman, pulling it into confrontation with the worst of enemies. And all this because of the rivalry, the originary when Bruce and Tommy were children and friends.

19. Glajolic

Glazynika has the ability to change the shape of his own body, so that he can like to give out of people close to the batman, and simply attack the hero, appearing in the form of a harsh, but strong monster. In addition, Glazynik often resides in a mentally unstable state, which turns it into an even more dangerous and convincing villain.

18. Dr. Hört.

Little for any villain managed to be so closer to the destruction of the Dark Knight, as Dr. Hort. And all because this skillful doctor was a member of the Satanian cult and the ancestor of Bruce Wayne, and also gained eternal life Due to contact with weapons from the planet Apocalypse. Thus, Hert had whole centuries to accumulate strength and resources to apply Batman's defeat.

17. Karmain Falcone

IN those times In the glades, there were no psychos in masquerade costumes, but organized crime and cartels of drug dealers. The chapter was then a karmaine Falcone on the nicknamed "Roman". And at least time changed, Falcone never lost hope to restore control over the city.

16. Men-Bat

Batman can dress up like a bat, but this villain, Men-Bat, became in fact - due to experimental serum. Although Dr. Kurt Langstrom himself can be an ally of Batman, his alter-ego is a terrible creature and one of the most strong opponents Dark knight.

15. Jerwis Tetch

Jerwis Tetch uses both themes in its criminal activity, which was prevented by: big hats and book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." It low heightBut his control-minded minds are the power with which Gotham is forced to reckon.

14. Hugo Strøndzh

Hugo Strong is not just one of the oldest opponents of Batman, but also one of the few who managed to reveal the secret of the identity of the Dark Knight. The cruel and sophisticated mind make Hugo villain, with which few of the other opponents of Batman can compare.

13. Krok's killer

Sometimes it is depicted in the form of a person with a unique mutation of the skin, to other times - as a human crocodile. But, in any case, the killer of the KROK-a good monster, the ruling sewage of the Gotam, and the villain that can bring Batman to the limit of opportunity. And what is his teeth!

12. Bane

Physical Strength and Unbreakable Bane's will are as good as Batman, but this villain has spent this villain in a terrible prison who has elapsed the tempered killer from him. Thanks to the superster called "Vienna" he was able to break the beam spine and get control of Gotham. Are there any villains that can boast such an achievement?

11. Waist

Of all the villains, it is almost the closest to the dark knight. The waist loves Batman and as a father of his child, and as the only person worthy to inherit the Empire of the Republic of Armenia. "But it does not prevent her permanent war against the beloved in the name of the league of killers.

10. Bugago

Fear is one of the strongest guns in the Arsenal Batman. But scarecrow - only person In Gotema, who understands the strength of this feeling even better than the dark knight. This sophisticated psychiatrist, who became a dressed villain, could literally make ammunition from fear, and no one, even Batman, cannot resist their effect.

9. Poisonous ivy

It is quite logical that poisonous ivy is among the most powerful opponents of Batman - with its ability to control and modify plants. And the fact that it can enchant the minds of people (and not only them, because even superman is subject to her) makes poisonous ivy even more dangerous. The purpose of this lady is to protect the life of the Gotham plants, which sounds noble, but even until it is accepted for the sake of this to destroy the entire human population of the city.

8. Padelf.

The migrate has a mania to test deductive talena talena, leaving for the hero of hooks and hints, allowing you to go on the trace of the one who started all this game. Nevertheless, the migrate is very dangerous: he draws a dark knight into his insane and deadly patterns of puzzles, at the same time demonstrating his own mind, which is not inferior to the intellect of Batman.

7. Harley Queen

At first it appeared in the cartoon series Batman: The Animated Series as a kind of Robin Analogue, working on Joker, but later acquired and his own crowd of fans and fan. It is impossible not to admit that a clown suit and a huge hammer make it pretty a comical character. But it is also very pretty and interesting in their desire to escape from unhealthy and dramatic relations with Joker.

6. Penguin

Penguin, also known as OSVALD COBLLPOT,- The face of the criminal world of Gotam. He has no worthy mention of supernormalities, but unlimited ambitions and the tendency to cruelty helped him raise to the very top of the criminal pyramid. Even Batman realized that sometimes it was easier to coexist next to the penguin than trying to fight his criminal empire.

5. Mr. Friz

Most of the opponents of Batman are psychoed maniacs, but Mr. Fris is not from those. He is simply gifted by a scientist who had to go to extreme measures in search of a medicine for his beloved hole protected from death in a frozen state. Fris appealed to crime only in order to find funding for further research and due to high intelligence, a deadly freezing gun and an increase in the power of the cooling exo-skeleton, it becomes an opponent, which even Batman barely on the teeth. And when Batman still managed to defeat the frieze, it becomes difficult to get rid of bitterness and regret - it hurts the tragic character is this scientist.

4. Ra "with al hum

Ra "Son Gul, also called" Guly's Head, "manages the liga of killers - the secret community, whose goal is to restore equilibrium in the world, even if it requires massacre. To get to our list, he would have enough genius and outstanding fencing skills, But the Ra "With Al Gul lives, hundreds of years thanks to the animation of lipper lives, and therefore represents a terrible threat, from which Batman can not get rid of. However, their relationship is very ambiguous: RA "with respect calls Batman" Detective "and sometimes he is trying to marry his daughter's mouth for him, so that the dark knight inherit the title" Guly's head ".

3. Two-limit

The incident, after which half of the face Harvey Denta, the District Prosecutor Gotema, turned out to be filled with acid, led this person to split the personality and turning it into a criminal genius on nicknamed two-limit. It is obsessed with the duality of things and phenomena and often uses a cast of coins to make decisions from which life or death of Batman and the residents of Gotam may depend. Once he was an ally of the Commissioner Gordan and the Dark Knight himself, but he went to the side of the evil, having time to be an personification of both the best and worse than a resident of Gotam.

2. Cat female

Elegant teem with outstanding acrobatic talents, a cat woman can steal everything that wishes: from diamonds and collectible figures Cats to the heart of the Dark Knight. Because of his relationship with the latter, it regularly balances on tiptoe between good and evil, being able to first help Batman, and in the next instant run away with the next jewel in his pocket. If it seems to you that it is capable of changing the whip and joke on the topic of cats, then you simply do not know that this lady is another of the largest criminal authorities in the city.

1. Joker

Joker - an incarnation of everything that villains are striving: an insanely dangerous, wildly unpredictable, and always turning out to step ahead of the hero. For those who have passed since his appearance, 75 years old we did not recognize the story of His Origin - she was still shrouded in the curtain of mystery and darkness. Such an approach allows you to repeatedly rethink the character years years later, but it doesn't matter if he or a clown anarchist, a criminal and a clown-anarchist, Joker always experiences Batman on strength, and also brings his patience and many other feelings to the limit.

He is a villain who does not like to paint his hands, a criminal who is able to kill just for the sake of laughter, and a person who loving himself to imagine himself as a criminal prince Gotam. He is a joker, and it is he who is the greatest opponent of Batman of all time.

Bane (Bane) Born in prison, and had to spend the whole life there for the crimes of his father. Since childhood, he began to improve his body and mind. He read all the books that could receive, spent a long clock in the prison "rocking chair" and communicated with the prisoners who became his mentors. He committed his first murder at eight years.

In childhood, Bane considered his only friend a teddy bear. This teddy bear not only consoled the future superer, but also actually cut off - Bane kept a knife in it, which used for self-defense.

When Bane has grown, he became the main authority in prison. Strong, healthy, smart - perfect sample for testing experimental super-drug "poison" (Venom) . The trouble is that all other experimental persons did not survive the tests. But Bane survived, even became much stronger and rushing. True, he had a hard dependence on poison - Bane had to be fueled by poison every 12 hours to remain as strong and strong.

Bane has repeatedly dreamed of a nightmare with a gigantic volatile mouse in leading role. Fucking from prison, Bane decided to attack Gotham as a whole and Batman in particular - partly to prove his excellence, partly - to get power over the city, which is ruled by fear, like his prison. Well, at the same time - to defeat your old mice nightmare.

Being a seamless guy, Bane did not get immediately to the batman with his fists, knowing that he would definitely lose, and instead he blew up Arkham, having released a lot of supelslodes from there, and even the hatch tube. Three many months Batman lived on caffeine and slept at least to transfer everyone. And when the dark knight was mentally and physically exhausted, Bane came to visit him, calculating the real personality of Batman. Came and beat Bat, and broke him the ridge, which was already the legend in the world of comics. The Man Who Broke The Bat.

However, Bane did not calculate that Batmeen will return pretty soon - the truth is not represented by Bruce Wayne. Friend and Ally Wayne, Jean-Paul Welly, also Wearing a nickname, "became a new batman. For battle with Bane, he built a reinforced costume with armored plates, metal claws and wrist guns shooting sharply sharpened minibars. The new Batman beat and cheered Bane to such an extent that the recent winner and mouser begged Jean-Paul about death. However, Batman at least something remained Batman. The defeated and humiliated Bane was transferred to the police and was planted to the Arkham rebuilt.

Bane has repeatedly crossed by Bruce Wayne, but no longer won it so unequivocally. But one day it happened that it was quite difficult to predict. In search of information about your father Bane found out that his mother was pretty close to Dr. Thomas Wayne, the father of Bruce. So, Batman could be Brother Bane. For some time, Bane became the Yarym ally of the Dark Knight, even insisted that his name was not "Bane", and "Wayne". When it turned out that there is no kinship between the mouse and the mousemaker, Bane went to the "solo swimming".

Bane managed and watchmaker (Hourman) nerves say - learning that his enhancing drug, poison, was created on the basis of Miracle, substance giving power by the watchmaker, Bane stole a senior watchmaker (Tyler Rex) and wanted to make the younger (Rica Tyler) to take a vein and get a dependence, but in the end the heroes Beyne overwhelmed and hit it the building. And Bane managed to become part of the suicide squad.

When Batman disappeared after the battle with Darkside (and got into the past), Bane is purely from respect to him and his assistants stood up for a kind of defense of the city. He even listened when Nigving ordered him to stop his "doses", as he believed that Dick Grayson was the only hero worthy of becoming a new dark knight.

After Flashpoint, in the new Universe DC, Bane found out that he was still far from the growing effect to Batman, so he came to the brilliant conclusion - it is necessary to become a Batman. I built Bane myself Bat-costume, pumped on the head of the croc, but I did not become a real Batman.

Christopher Nolana, actor for last years turned into one of the most sought-after Hollywood stars. Therefore, it is not surprising that by choosing the performer for the role of Bane, Nolan turned to him: not so much in Hollywood people who are able to reliably unite the car in one character for the murder and the brilliant leader of criminals. We talked with Hardy about this role, but honestly warn: an extensive spoiler is contained in an interview, belonging to the film "Warrior"!

In the film you have a lot of scenes requiring great physical efforts. What was to be filmed in them in such a suit and in a mask?

Uncomfortable. The whole body is adherent until you get used to the costume - one hundred sweats will come down. He is heavy, tosing, and costumes cares only that he watched well and looked solid. It looks beautiful, only here it is neither to get up nor sit down. We must be like in this costume a couple of hours, then he will finally begin to respond to the movement of the body. But here, where the costume came out, there is a costume and something somewhere loses something somewhere twisted ... As a result, the costume looks even better, and I have to start all over. When you already feed the mouse, the sweat accumulates inside the costume and it turns out something like an extra laying between armor and the body. And then, you want to believe, you want not to believe, it becomes quite comfortable. Such a feeling, as if sorted from a wound crust or tear off the plaster ... The same feeling of freedom. But the first two hours is a real hemorrhoids, and it is generally a whole problem.

Truth? And why?

First, the zippers, then panties, special linen, which is put on the armor ... In short, the trouble is above the roof. And do not ask how to go. With us this does not happen (laughs).

So's why Bane is so angry?

And you, bl .., try to keep everything in yourself, I also probably weigh!

And breathing in a mask easily?

Well, there are rather psychosomatic affairs. If I am excited, then it is not easy, and if relaxed, then normal. There is enough air for breathing, but when I'm frightened, overwritten and all that, I'm starting to choke. But again, after you get used to the mask, it is quite comfortable.

How would you call your battle style? You seemed to be filmed in the "warrior" ... It seems immediately before Bane?

After the "warrior", I starred in the "beginning", then played in Chicago, together with Philip Seymour Hoffman in the play "Long Red Road". Then there were "spy, come out!" "So war", then "the drunk district in the world", and then - " The Dark Knight" "Warrior" mounted whole year. Such a long one turned out.

Return to K. combat style. What does he differ from what you did in the "warrior"?

Bane has a more cruel style, in many respects similar to the military. Mixed martial arts is a sport for real athletes. Krav Mage and everything else is taken from the world of Born. Very compact movements, very restrained, and at the same time the goal one is to kill the enemy. It is killed, understandable? Or, to the density, bold. And Batman, as I understand it, uses the style of Casey, in which a lot of shocks with elbows. But Bane is a beast. It is important for him not to fight, but to kill. And this is his difference from the main hero of the "warrior", Tommy Kononon. When Tommy is fighting, it seems to be in the hurricane eye. He finds peace of mind. True, when he has to fight his own brother, his whole peacefulness flies into the pipe. Did you understand that he loses the battle, because he still collapsed inside him? And Bane is not so. Bane is a superhero superzero, which is why there are so many violence in the film. His style is a heavy hand. And a hard leg.

You do not bother you that Bane knows mostly comic fans, and he is poorly known to the wide visual audience?

Yeah, yes they will simply get on the wall. If you've got into the Batman family, get used to the fact that every fan considers himself in this house the owner. Everyone considers it necessary to express his opinion, and some fans are so hard to be opposed to any changes ... (laughs) In short, only hardcore. And it presses on such as me. I'm just a little item in this huge mechanism. I was asked to play the role of a character, which is very important for the world of Batman. I respect your opinion on how you want to see your villain, how it, in your opinion, should be. Yes, comics are comics, but I work on Chris Nolan! I need to believe my director and make Bane as we both want to see it. I stand shoulder to the shoulder with a man who trust, with whom he had already worked before. He brought a lot to the Sagu about Batman, and the people liked it. His films are real, full hits. And I completely trust Chris Nolan and I believe in it. I hope I clearly spoke?

How did you work with Christian Bail?

I love Christian. He is a genius, and with him very fun. He is a very serious actor, very seriously refers to his work, but he does not even take himself seriously. He is a very cheerful, witty man. And extremely sensible. Christian - Brilliant characteristic And not at all alpha male, in the sense that she strives to always be the center of attention and eclipse others. He is not greedy. As an artist he is very modest. For me to work with such as it, - a true sip fresh air. And we have completely contacted him in a purely physical plan.

"The Dark Knight. The revival of the legend ", the actors of whom they told us the next story of the adventures of Batman, became the film in a series of pictures about a person - volatile mouse. Who starred in the next creation of Christopher Nolan and how much did the picture collected in the box office?

"The Dark Knight. Revival Legend ": Actors. Christian Bale

Christian Bale performed the role of Batman in all films of Christopher Nolan. I did not exception and the picture "Dark Knight. Revival legend. "

Actors B. new Series Faced with another villain - powerful Bane. Christian Bale's hero - Batman - substitutes a cat cat. After the dark knight was trapped, the villain Bane breaks him the spine and throws to die into the most terrible prison of the world - "pit." In the entire history of the existence of this place, only one person and child managed to get out of prison.

Bruce Uefnu (Batman) can not only leave the "pit", but also to save the Gotham from the destruction and villains of Mr. Bane.

Shooting in the film about Batman - not the only acting work Christian Bale, which he can be proud of. One of the best films The artist is also the drama "Prestige", the Equatopia "Eklibrium" and the picture "Fighter".

"The Dark Knight. Revival Legend ": Ann Hathaway

There are actors who can surprise the change of role. That was what Ann Hathaway did, when the Christopher Nolant's fighter appeared as a cat cat.

"The Dark Knight. The revival of the legend ", the actors in which were filmed first magnitude, turned for Hathaway to the present test. Usually Ann plays a cinema of cute girls, and here it took a maximum effort to turn into a dangerous and calculating Seline Kyle.

For the first time Celina and Bruce Wayne are found at the evening in his house. Black challenge challenges at Bruce expensive necklace. Subsequently, the same Selina becomes the reason that Batman falls into the "pit." But at the end of the film, Ann Hathaway Character still begins to appreciate the interests of other people more than their own. And helps Batman to defeat the villain Bane.

Artist of the role of Bane.

The new villain is opposed to Batman in the film "Dark Knight. Revival legend. " Tom Hardy performed his role - the role of a person in the Mask Bane.

Bane is incredibly strong and heter. He is the only one who was ever to defeat Batman. After he threw a superhero to a prison with a broken spine, Bane widowed motioned over the residents of Gotam. In his plans, it was completely destroyed by the city, so he laid off within its limits atomic bomb. An incredible efforts can be able to upset Bane's plans to be upset by the Batman and his friends.

Tom Hardy is a very famous British actor. The viewer can see it in such famous films as "Rock-H-Roller" Guy Richie, "Spy, come out!" Thomas Alfredson and "Mad Max: the road of rage" George Miller.

Artist of the role of a detective Blake

Christopher Nolan more than once collaborated with such famous actorlike Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Joseph was filmed in his film "Start." Also Gordon-Levitta can be found in such popular films as "Life is beautiful", "10 reasons for my hatred" and "Walk".

As for the film about Batman, Gordon-Levitt played the role of a young officer Robin Blake, who one of the few did not turn away from Batman and tried to help him cope with the villain Bane. It was Robin Batman at the end of the film that opens the secret of his cave, and himself goes on peace. Apparently, the director meant that it was possible to continue the film, but this time in the center of the plot will be superhero Robin.

Artist of the Commissar Gordon

Performance of Gary Oldman from the very beginning knew who actually was Batman. In the previous detective, the Commissioner hid from the public the fact that it was the cause of many atgrowths that took place in the city. Gordon allowed Batman to take this guilt on himself, because of which he tormented his conscience in a new film about the Dark Knight.

Gordon does not decide to open the city the truth, but the villain Bane easily does it, having won the secret letter of the Commissioner. Now Gordon remains only to quit all the strength to help Batman save the unfortunate residents of Gotam.

The role of the Commissioner Gordon played the famous hollywood actor Gary Oldman. He became famous thanks to his participation in such paintings as "LED and Nancy", "Dracula", "Leon" and "Fifth Element".

Artist of Alfreda

Michael Kane in Franchise Christopher Nolan about Batman fulfilled the role of his butler Alfred.

Alfred was the closest man for Batman, was dedicated to all his affairs and secrets. This is definitely a comic character, which is beneficial to stand out against the background of his serious and larger host.

In the third film, Alfred tries to persuade Bruce Wayne not to interfere with the criminal affairs of the city, care yourself and arrange, finally a personal life. However, Batman wants nothing to hear anything. It was then that between them arises conflict and Alfred leaves its owner. But he was destined to become the heir of his condition and learn happy news The fact that Batman actually stated his death, and he himself continues to live incognito and even tries to create a family.

Michael Kane also starred in the films of Christopher Nolan "Start" and "Prestige". And it can also be seen in the films "Remove Carter" with Mickey Rourke and Miss Congarianity with Sandra Bullock.

Other actors

Josh Stewart - the star of the film "Excellence" with Johnny Depp - played in the painting of Christopher Nolana, the role of Barsed. Also young actor You can see in the TV series "Dirt" with and "Unusual Family" with Michael Chiklis.

Also, a larger star was involved in the picture than Josh Stewart - Marion Cotionar. Marion - the owner of the Oscar award for the role in the biographical tape "Life in pink color" The actress is the star of the film "Start" Christopher Nolan.

Considering the talent of Nolan as director, as well as star composition Pictures, there is nothing surprising that his third film about Batman broke all records and collected more than a billion dollars at $ 250 million investments.