Synopsis of organized educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) "My favorite fairy tale" in the senior speech therapy group. Abstract of educational activities in drawing in the senior group "My favorite fairy tale" Kolob

Synopsis of organized educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)
Synopsis of organized educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) "My favorite fairy tale" in the senior speech therapy group. Abstract of educational activities in drawing in the senior group "My favorite fairy tale" Kolob

Summary of GCD for drawing in the senior group "My favorite fairy tale" Kolobok "

Target: to teach to convey in drawings their impressions of the read fairy tale.

Tasks: 1. To develop in children the ability to choose the episode they like, create a plot based on a familiar fairy tale, placing a drawing on an entire sheet of paper.

2. To learn to convey in the drawing the main characteristic features of the character and their characteristic features, while maintaining proportions.

3. To cultivate the ability to use drawing materials at will; instill a love for Russian folk tales.

Integration of areas: cognitive development, physical development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual (showing illustrations, practical.

Preliminary work : reading a fairy tale, viewing illustrations.

Material: album sheet, colored pencils, paints, brushes, napkins, non-spills (at the choice of children). Illustrations for the fairy tale.

GCD move:


Look carefully, a miracle will suddenly happen,

If you want a fairy tale, it will come to you by itself.

A riddle is being made:

It looked a little like a ball

And rolled along the paths.

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

He ran away from everyone,

And hit the fox on the nose

Who is this ruddy side,

Well, of course…. (gingerbread man). An illustration is posted.

Educator: Right!

It is mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window.

A round side, a ruddy side, a bun rolled.

A bun rolls along the path, and who is there to meet him?

Children: bunny.

Educator: who else did the gingerbread man meet in the forest?

Children: with a wolf, a bear, a fox. Illustrations.

Educator: let's remember the parts of the animal's body (children list).

How can you tell one animal from another?

Children: by the color of six, by the length and shape of the ears, by the tail, by the muzzle.

Educator: what color and what shape the bun (children's answers).

Everything would be fine, but I met a kolobok fox. And the fox is cunning. What did she do?

Children: asked the kolobok to sit on his toe and sing the song one more time.

Poem: He rolled along the path, boasted of his prowess,

Yes, I got on my toe, and the bun was eaten!

Dynamic pause "Kolobok".

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river

And they loved koloboks very, very much on sour cream.

(Walking in place).

The old man asked the old woman:

"Bake me a kolobok".

(Bends with outstretched arms forward).

Grandma kneaded the dough

(Imitation of kneading dough).

She blinded the gingerbread man.

(Circular hand movements).

I put it in the oven

(Stretch straight arms forward).

She left him there.

(Hands on the belt).

He came out blush - comely

(Turning the torso to the sides).

And he looks like the sun.

(Put your hands up).

Educator: do you like this fairy tale? What are the pictures in the books called?

Children: illustrations.

Educator: let's be illustrators with you and draw illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok".

While listening to a fairy tale, children draw.

Outcome: we have wonderful illustrations. We will collect them and make our own book.

Abstract of continuous educational activities of children 6-7 years old

Marina Sergeevna Konshenko, senior educator, Kindergarten No. 153, Saratov

Material description: I offer you a summary of continuous educational activities in the educational field "Speech development" for children of the preparatory group on the topic "Fairy Fair". The main goal: to familiarize preschoolers with fiction. This material will be useful for educators of the preparatory group and can be used as entertainment or leisure, as it is compiled in a playful way.

Abstract of the GCD "Fairy Fair" for children 6-7 years old

Target: education of interest and love for reading.
To consolidate the knowledge of children about previously read works;
Clarify children's ideas about the genre features of a fairy tale;
Teach children to find words that rhyme with each other;
To develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking, the ability to more accurately characterize an object, creative imagination;
Cultivate interest in children's literature.
Equipment: projector, screen, presentation "Fairy Fair", audio recording with phrases of heroes of fairy tales, illustrations for fairy tales, drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky "The Wizard of the Emerald City, portraits of writers, stickers depicting heroes of fairy tales, silhouettes of heroes of fairy tales, two boxes, attributes of fairy heroes, children's drawings "My favorite fairy tale", cards with a sequence of events for two fairy tales,
If it is not possible to use a presentation in the lesson, then the slides can be replaced with illustrations.
Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, viewing pictures, illustrations for fairy tales, drawing "My favorite fairy tale"

GCD move.
Dear Guys! Do you know what literature is? Right! These are works of art - fairy tales, poems, stories and stories. The Russian people have a rich history and culture. And so that the story would not be forgotten, they composed fairy tales and told these fairy tales to children, and those, when they became adults, told their children. So the fairy tales have come down to us. What are these tales called? That's right, Russian folk tales. From such fairy tales we learn how Russian people lived in the old days, what they taught their children, what they dreamed about. You all love to listen to fascinating and interesting fairy tales. Let's remember how fairy tales differ from other literary works. It is true that in fairy tales both magic and animals talk, and special "fairy" words. Therefore, listening to a fairy tale is always interesting and it sounds beautiful, like a song. Fairy tales are interesting and instructive. They glorify good, courageous people and ridicule the greedy, cowardly, evil. Guys, with what words do fairy tales begin? (Lived - were; in a certain kingdom, in a certain state; the father had three sons; once). And with what words do fairy tales end? (That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done; They began to live and make good money; I was there, honey, drank beer, flowed down my mustache, but did not get into my mouth). That's right, well done!

Game exercise "Guess and name"
Let's remember the very first fairy tales that your mother read to you. You remember them now, right? I will read a fragment of a Russian folk tale, and you guess and say the name. After the children have named the tale, an illustration from this tale is projected onto the screen. Slides 3-7.

1) Grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, but the mouse came running and waved its tail, the testicle fell - and broke. Ryaba Chicken.
2) Grandfather called grandmother:
grandmother for grandfather,
grandpa for a turnip -
pull-pull, cannot pull !. Turnip
3) The old woman took a wing, scrubbed it along the box, swept it along the bottom, and a handful of two or so handfuls was accumulated. Knead in sour cream, fried in oil and put it on the window to cool. Gingerbread man
4) - I am a mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- I, runaway bunny.
- And who are you?
- And I'm a little fox sister.
- Come live with us! Teremok
5) The girls came to the forest, began to pick mushrooms and berries. Here Mashenka - tree by tree, bush by bush - and went far, far away from her friends. She began to haunt, began to call them. And the girlfriends do not hear, do not respond. Masha and the Bear

Game "Look, do not yawn and guess the fairy tale"
We drew our favorite fairy tales. Your drawings will now appear on the screen. It is necessary to carefully look at the drawing and name the fairy tale that is depicted. But, there is only one condition. The one who recognized his drawing does not prompt. Deal?
Children's drawings are projected onto the screen. Slides 8-14.

Game exercise "Recognize and name"
Among the fairy tales there are those that were written by writers and poets. Unlike folk tales, they have a specific author and are called literary tales. Many Russian poets and writers, very fond of folk tales, told them in their own way. You need to carefully look at the fragment from the tale and name the author.
First, an illustration from a fairy tale is projected onto the screen, and after the children’s answer, a portrait of the writer is projected.
- "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes" - A.S. Pushkin Slides 15-16.
- "The Little Humpbacked Horse" - P.P. Ershov Slides 17-18.
- "Thumbelina" - G.H. Andersen Slides 19-20.
- "Seven-flower flower" - V.P. Kataev Slides 21-22.
- "Aybolit" - K.I. Chukovsky Slides 23-24.

Game exercise "In the land of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales."
KI Chukovsky wrote many fairy tales. Let's remember some of his tales. Continue the title of the tale. Illustrations of Chukovsky's books are projected onto the screen. Slides 25-28
Fly- tsokotukha
Stolen goods - Sun
Miracle- wood
Fedorino sorrow
I got a call Telephone

Game task "Miracles in the Emerald City".

A drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky "The Wizard of the Emerald City" is projected onto the screen. Slide 29.
Look closely at the drawing by artist L. Vladimirsky. A yellow brick road runs away in the distance. And after her, two go into the distance. But no, sorry, there are already three of them. Rather, four. And here is another, fifth, fellow traveler, along with everyone, cheerfully strides over the yellow bricks. Who are these strange companions: a little girl in silver shoes, her faithful dog, or rather a doggie, a huge lion, a straw stuffed animal and an iron man? Why, these are old acquaintances - Ellie, Totoshka, Scarecrow, Lumberjack and Cowardly Lion. And they go to the emerald city for the fulfillment of their most cherished desires. A song helps them along the way. Let's sing it all together.
We are in the city of Emerald
We go the hard way
We go the hard way
The road is not straight.
Cherished three wishes
Will be performed by wise Goodwin.
And Ellie will return
Home with Totoshka.
An interesting fairy tale - "The Wizard of the Emerald City", which was written by A. Volkov. Ellie's girl lived in an ordinary country, helped her mother with the housework, but suddenly a hurricane brought Ellie to a magical land.
Prove that Ellie's country is magical.
- sorceresses live here (Willina, Stella, Gingema, Bastinda)
- fabulous creatures live (Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cannibal, Flying Monkeys)
- magic things are found here (magic book, silver shoes, Golden Hat)
- magical plants grow (deadly red poppies)
- not only people speak, but animals and birds.

Didactic game "In the beginning - then ...".
We will now split into two teams. I will distribute cards with illustrations from fairy tales to each team: one team - "Morozko", the other - "Snegurochka". You need to restore the sequence of events in fairy tales - arrange the cards in the correct order. Slide 30 - the books "Morozko" and "Snow Maiden" are projected on the screen
Stepdaughter carries firewood into the house
The old man takes his daughter to the forest
Stepdaughter sits in the forest under a spruce
Morozko gave the girl a box with rich gifts
The old woman's daughter sits under a spruce and talks to Morozko
The old woman meets the sleigh at the gate, and in them lies the old woman's daughter
"Snow Maiden"
-The old man and the old woman mold the Snow Maiden
-Spring has come. The old man and the old woman persuade the Snow Maiden to go and have fun with everyone.
-The girls came for the Snow Maiden to the forest to call.
-Girlfriends are walking in the woods.
-The Snow Maiden is jumping over the fire.
-Above the fire - white steam, which rises into a white cloud.

Relay "Fairy Chest".
Opposite each team there is a casket and images of the heroes of fairy tales. In the fairytale casket there are objects that were lost by the heroes of fairy tales - "losses". You need to run to the casket, open it, take the object, determine whose thing it is and return it to the "owner" - put it near the image. Help your favorite heroes get their belongings back.
(Boots, hat - Puss in boots; mirror, apple - Tsarina; key, cap - Pinocchio; scarlet flower - Alyonushka, arrow - Ivan; propeller, jam jar - Carlson; little red riding hood, basket of pies - Little Red Riding Hood; toy carriage, crystal shoe - Cinderella; dirty dishes, pots - Fedora; soap, washcloth - Moidodyr, etc.)

Game "Guess".
And now it’s a very difficult task. You need to determine the hero of the fairy tale by the silhouette. (The frog princess, Pinocchio, Chipolino, Dunno, Puss in boots) Children are shown silhouettes (projected on the screen or cut out). First, a silhouette is projected onto the screen, after the children's answer, the hero of the fairy tale. Slides 31-46

Game exercise "Who am I?"
Now you will hear the voices of the heroes of fairy tales. Guess which of the main characters said these words.
-Don't eat me, gray wolf, I'll sing you a song (Kolobok)
-Catch fish, big and small! (Wolf)
- We hear, we hear! Yes, this is not mother's voice. Our mother sings in a thin voice and does not whine like that! (Kids)
-The fox carries me for dark forests, for fast rivers, for high mountains. Kitty - brother, save me! (Cockerel)
-Milk river - jelly banks! Where did the geese - the swans flew? (Alyonushka)
-Ah, my brother, Ivanushka! A heavy stone pulls to the bottom, the silky grass has tangled the legs, yellow sands lay on the chest. (sister Alyonushka)
-Sit on a tree stump, eat a pie! (Bear)
-I sit high, I look far away! Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie! (Masha)
-Beaten not beaten lucky (Fox)

Didactic game "Find a rhyme"
I would like to suggest that you find rhymes for the words that I will name you. Please remind me what rhymes are? That's right, these are such consonances at the end of lines of poems that make the poems harmonious and beautiful.
Gingerbread man - ruddy side
Frog - croak
Pinocchio - painting
The Bears - neighbors
Somersault - on horseback
Whale - sleeping
Queen- damsel
Giant - Ocean
Duck - joke
Mouse - book etc.

Didactic game "Fairy Tale Error".
Now let's see how attentive you are. The artist painted and was distracted all the time. So I made mistakes. Our task is to fix them. It is necessary to carefully look at the drawings, find the error and correct it.
First, the wrong version is projected onto the screen, and after the children answer correctly, the correct version is projected. If children find it difficult to answer, but the correct option is displayed on the screen, and discussed.
1. The Tale of Teremok. A hippopotamus sits on Teremka instead of a bear. Slides 47-48
2. Fairy tale Kolobok. On the fox's nose is a Cheburashka instead of a Kolobok. Slides 49-50
3. The Tale of the Chicken Ryaba. On the table, instead of a mouse, there is a squirrel. Slides 51-52
4. Tale Turnip. The heroes are pulling a carrot instead of a turnip. Slides 53-54
5. The Tale of the Geese-Swans. Buratino sits on the swans' wings instead of a boy. Slides 55-56
6. Fairy tale Golden Key. Buratino has a hammer in his hands instead of a key. Slides 57-58
7. Fairy tale At the behest of a pike. Emelya is lying on the TV, not on the stove. Slides 59-60
8. Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood. On the path, Little Red Riding Hood meets not a wolf, but a Giraffe. Slides 61-62
9. Fairy tale Frog-traveler. Ducks are flying, and instead of a frog, a hare clung to a twig. Slides 63-64
10. The Tale of the Three Little Pigs. Two little pigs and a cat are dancing in the meadow, not three little pigs. Slides 65-66

Game "Mysterious Picture". Purpose: to learn to guess the hero from the description, repeating words with difficult sounds.
Someone spoiled the illustration for the fairy tale with stickers. You need to listen to the description - three words, guess who it is, find the desired picture and remove the sticker. When all the stickers are removed, an illustration for the fairy tale will appear. After the children have removed the stickers from the picture, an illustration can also be displayed on the screen - slide 67.
- Red, sly, fluffy - FOX
- Gray, wild, hungry - WOLF
- Round, edible, baked - KOLOBOK
- Cowardly, timid, grayish - HARE
- Wooden, long-nosed, perky - BURATINO
- Harmful, old, scary, - BABA YAGA
- Small, fragile, beautiful - INCH
- Cold, beautiful, cruel - THE SNOW QUEEN

Game "On the pages of your favorite fairy tales"
And now let's turn over the pages of our favorite fairy tales, check how you remember them. For the most
- Who drove the fox from the fairy tale "Zayushkin's hut"? (Rooster)
- Who helped Kroshechka - Khavroshechka in everything? (Cow)
- What was Kolobok's last song? Why? (Fourth, the fox ate Kolobok)
- Who bought the samovar in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale? (Fly)
- Who absolutely needed to get to Limpopo? (Aibolit)
- Name the transport of Baba Yaga (Broom, stupa)
- Why did Ivanushka become a kid? (Drank water from the trail of a goat's hoof)
- Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? (Dovoseki)
- The first book of Pinocchio? (ABC)
- What color is Malvina's hair? (Blue)
- Who grew out of the ugly duckling in Andersen's tale? (Lovely swan)
- What did the Fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (From pumpkin)
- What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (Shoe)
- What got into Kai's eye in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" (Mirror Shard)
- What is rolled all over the world in fairy tales (Feast)

Well, dear friends! It's time to end the meeting with the heroes of fairy tales. Thank you so much for your activity. You made me very happy that you know fairy tales, remember and love them. And I hope that each of you will find a fairy tale to your liking among the many fairy tales, and many, many times will meet your favorite characters.

Abstract of GCD for drawing in the senior group "At Lukomorya"

Held by teacher Gordeeva T.G.

Software content:

Continue acquaintance with the work of A.S. Pushkin;

To teach to illustrate a passage of a poem, conveying the plot in a drawing based on the model of the educator;

Develop the ability to create an image according to the description;

Foster a sense of beauty.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the poetry of A.S. Pushkin, reading an excerpt from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Material for the lesson: Gouache, glue brush, jar of water, napkins, sheets of paper, pencil, stencil, thick brush, thin brush, paper 10 by 10.
Dictionary work: Lukomorye, crown, mighty, spreading, dense.

Methodical techniques: demonstration and explanation of the educator, questions to children, problem situation, use of ICT, a reminder of the drawing technique, guidance of the work of children, individual explanations, analysis of the work of the teacher and children.

Course of the lesson

Introductory part

Q: Guys, say hello to the guests. Tell me, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)

Let's go with you to the fabulous country "Lukomorye".

Children sit on a chair.

At this time, an excerpt from the fairy tale "At the Lukomorye" appears on the screen, the children carefully watch and remember.

Q: Now look where we are with you? This is the magical land of Lukomorye, it was invented by the famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. (I show a portrait of the poet)
This country opens the way for us to a fairy tale, but in order to get there you need to know well the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin and love to read books.
- Do you like to listen to fairy tales? (Yes)
- Do you know a lot of A.S. Pushkin? (Yes)
- And we will check it now! I will read an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you have to say its name, okay? (Yes)

But first, our eyes need a little rest!

Visual gymnastics

Our little eyes are tired, they bury their eyes

Blinked quickly, blinked

Left and right looked, eyes left and right

They looked around everything in a circle, a circular movement of the eyes

Suddenly they shut their eyes, opened shut their eyes, open

Make peace with us again. Shake your head from side to side

V: So, let's start playing the game: “Guess the fairy tale! "

  1. 1.Steel and took out of the bag
    Golden cockerel.
    "Plant this bird, -
    He said to the king, - on a knitting needle;
    My golden cockerel
    Your faithful watchman will be:
    If everything will be peaceful around,
    So he will sit quietly;
    But only a little from the side
    Expect war for you
    Or a raid of abusive force,
    Or another uninvited misfortune
    Instantly then my cock
    Will lift the scallop,
    Screams and flutters
    And it will turn to that place ”

D: The tale of the golden cockerel.

  1. 2. An old man lived with his old woman By the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years. The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.

D: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.

Q: That's right, children! Next.

  1. 3 three girls under the window
    Spun late in the evening.
    "If I were a queen, -
    One girl says, -
    Then for the whole baptized world
    I would prepare a feast. "
    - "If I were a queen, -
    Her sister says, -
    Then there would be one for the whole world
    I knitted canvases. "
    - "If I were a queen, -
    The third sister said, -
    I would be for the father-king
    She gave birth to a hero. "

D: The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Q: That's right, children! What good fellows you are! Now let's play a little bit!

Fizminutka: "The sea is worried once"

Q: Guys, would you like to be at the magical land of Lukomorye yourself?

D: Yes, we would like to be in this country.

Q: How do we get there?

D: Draw

Q: What fairy-tale characters live in Lukomorye?

D: Cat, Mermaid, Bogatyr, Baba Yaga, etc.

Q: Let's look at the illustrations for the poem by A.S. Pushkin


Figure 1 appears on the screen.

D: Here is a picture of a cat walking on a gold chain. The cat is important, scientist. And the chain is thick and gold. The chain hangs from the oak tree firmly and firmly. The oak is depicted as very strong and young. The crown of the oak is dense, green.

Q: Guys, what is shown in this illustration?

D: There are many characters that are familiar to us from the tales of A.S. Pushkin. And 33 heroes and a mermaid are sitting on the branches, and the koschei withers over the gold, even the cat is a scientist.

Figure 2 appears on the screen.

Q: Guys, what is shown in this illustration?

D: In this illustration, we see a beautiful mermaid. She sits importantly on the branches, and the cat walks along the chain and tells her stories.

Q: Young guys!

Building a composition on a flannelgraph.

Q: And now I suggest you create your own Lukomorye. We arrange on the flannelgraph those items that you think are necessary.

Q: Makar, what would you take to start with?

D: I'll take the Oak and place it in the middle of the flannelegraph.

Q: And if we were to draw it, how would you do it?

D: I would use a thick brush and brown barrel paint. I started painting from the bottom up. He will depict the crown with the help of crumpled paper and green paint.

Q: Well done! You've got a great oak tree.

Q: What else would you place here?

D: I would also like to plant a scientist's cat by the oak tree. I think his place will be next to the oak tree, but slightly ahead, because the cat looks big and fluffy and he is closer to us.

Q: Okay, that's right. How would you depict him on a piece of paper at home?

D: I would use a stencil and a glue brush and use the poke method to depict it.

Q: What is the shape of the cat's head? Body? Ears?

D: The head is like a circle. The body is oval, and the ears resemble triangles.

Q: Good girl! You positioned the cat correctly.

Q: Our fabulous country is ready! Also, guys, in our Lukomorye you can put a hut on chicken legs; decorate the sky with clouds, sun, and everything else, as your imagination allows!

Q: Take your seats. Before we start creating, we need to prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Here is my helper.

Turn them as you want,

On a white, smooth road

Fingers jump like horses:

Chok-chok-chok-chok -

A frisky herd gallops.

Now let's get to work.

Independent work of children. Maintenance of the work process.

Children, please note that you have many materials presented on your tables:

Pencil for drawing the contour of the cat;

Cat stencil;

Crumpled paper for the image of the crown;

A thick brush for the trunk or for the crown with the help of wetting;

A thin brush for drawing a cat's face: eyes, mustache, nose.

I do individual work:

Assistance in creating a cat's face Makar N., Artem K.

In the selection of elements, colors, Nastya R.

If necessary, I use re-screening, verbal encouragement, praise to Ilya A.

I warn you about the end of work five minutes in advance.

Analysis of composition and refinement of image methods

B. We bring our drawings to the table.

Look, what kind of Lukomorye came out with Artyom: the oak is so spreading and the cat is just like a real one - fluffy, fluffy. What do you think, is it good for a cat to live in such a Lukomorye?

I take one or two more jobs and also do a detailed analysis. Children put all the work on the table, examine it. What works did you like, how did you like them? Children's answers.

Q: And I liked how you actively answered the questions, how wonderful you drew the pictures.

Q: The work turned out to be wonderful. Now all our cats have their own home - Lukomorye.

Now a surprise for you! The scientist cat watched your work and thought that you worked hard and decided to thank you with sweets from a fairy tale.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your attention and excellent work, it was just as interesting for me as it was for you in the lesson.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group
Topic: "Drawing illustrations for the fairy tale" Kolobok "

Purpose: to form a steady interest in art; to teach actively and creatively to apply previously mastered methods of image in drawing, using expressive means; continue to teach children plot drawing: place images on a sheet in accordance with their real location, convey differences in the size of the objects depicted; develop an understanding of the variety of colors and shades; to teach to highlight expressive means when creating the image of fabulous animals, characteristic of the pictorial manner of each: color, background, clothing of animals.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual (showing illustrations), practical.

Materials for the lesson: album sheets, watercolors according to the number of children; illustrations by V. Gorlov and E. Rachev for the fairy tale "Kolobok"; illustrations for Russian folk tales: "Turnip", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear".

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok" and examining illustrations; play-dramatization based on a fairy tale; work with coloring pages. A walk in the autumn forest, looking at illustrations, autumn landscapes.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part:
- Guys, do you like fairy tales?
- Do you know many fairy tales?
- Now we will check it! Name the fairy tales from which you will hear excerpts.
In the course of guessing fairy tales by children, the teacher exposes an illustration to this fairy tale on an easel.

1) The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip. They pull, pull, they cannot pull.

2) - Who, who lives in the little house?
- Who, who lives in a low one?
- I, little mouse.
_ I, frog-frog, and who are you?

3) -Do not sit on a tree stump, do not eat a pie. Bring it to grandmother, bring it to grandfather.
("Masha and the Bear")

4) - I left my grandmother,
And he left his grandfather.
And from you, hare,
And even more so I will leave.

Well done! We learned all the tales!

Main part:
- Look, on my easel there are pictures for the fairy tales you named.
- You all love to look at pictures in books.
- Today you will draw pictures for the fairy tale "Kolobok". But first, let's remember the heroes of this tale.
Conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok".
(Children, together with the teacher, recall the content of the tale.)
- Let's remember the main characters of the tale.
(Illustrations of animals are attached to the board).
- Who was the first to meet the kolobok? (Hare)
- What song did Kolobok sing to him?
“I'm a bun, bun!
Methen in the barn,
Scratched along the siphon
Mixed on sour cream,
Sazhen in the stove,
The window is cold.
I left my grandfather
I left my grandmother, it’s not clever to leave you, hare ”.

Whom did you meet second? Third? The last one?
- What happened to Kolobok at the end of the tale?
- Why did Lisa manage to eat Kolobok?
- What Fox is in a fairy tale? (Sly, deceitful, evil)
- See how the artist painted the Fox in this fairy tale.
Examination of illustrations by E. Rachev.
The fox is a cunning deceiver, a cheat, her eyes are slyly squinted (narrow), her muzzle is sharp, oblong, her ears are small. In size, it is larger than a bun and a hare, but smaller than a bear.
The fox's movements are smooth, it has a large fluffy tail; she is red.

Today we will draw a meeting between Kolobok and Lisa.
- And I met Gingerbread Man Fox in the autumn forest.
- Tell me, why do you think it is easier for Lisa to hide in the autumn forest? (Red fox, in the autumn forest it is not noticeable)
- Yes! The autumn forest is colored with bright colors: orange, yellow, red, that's why Kolobok didn't notice Fox right away!
- Where do you think Lisa was waiting for Kolobok? Maybe she hid behind a tree or a bush? Or maybe she was sitting on a tree stump?
- Think about how you will depict the meeting of Kolobok and Fox.

Practical part:
Children get to work. At this time, the teacher monitors the technique of the drawing and, if necessary, makes sketches on the board (how the path goes into the distance, how the sky separates from the ground, how to draw animals, trees, etc.) Children can depict the main characters of the fairy tale in their own way.

Final part:
- You did your best! Let's place your drawings on our board.
- Guys, look at your drawings and choose the most cunning Fox among them and tell me why you decided that this particular picture depicts the most cunning Fox?
The guys, together with the teacher, analyze the drawings. At the end of the lesson, the drawings are displayed in a group exhibition.

Alla Mokretsova

Target: to teach to convey in drawings their impressions of the read fairy tale.

Tasks: 1. To develop in children the ability to choose the episode they like, create a plot based on a familiar fairy tale, placing a drawing on an entire sheet of paper.

2. To learn to convey in the drawing the main characteristic features of the character and their characteristic features, while maintaining proportions.

3. To cultivate the ability to use drawing materials at will; instill a love for Russian folk tales.

Integration of areas: cognitive development, physical development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual (showing illustrations, practical.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale, viewing illustrations.

Material: album sheet, colored pencils, paints, brushes, napkins, non-spills (at the choice of children). Illustrations for the fairy tale.

GCD move:


Look carefully, a miracle will suddenly happen,

If you want a fairy tale, it will come to you by itself.

A riddle is being made:

It looked a little like a ball

And rolled along the paths.

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,

I ran away from the bear

He ran away from everyone,

And hit the fox on the nose

Who is this ruddy side,

Well, of course…. (gingerbread man). An illustration is posted.

Educator: Right!

It is mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window.

A round side, a ruddy side, a bun rolled.

A bun rolls along the path, and who is there to meet him?

Children: bunny.

Educator: who else did the gingerbread man meet in the forest?

Children: with a wolf, a bear, a fox. Illustrations.

Educator: let's remember the parts of the animal's body (children list).

How can you tell one animal from another?

Children: by the color of six, by the length and shape of the ears, by the tail, by the muzzle.

Educator: what color and what shape the bun (children's answers).

Everything would be fine, but I met a kolobok fox. And the fox is cunning. What did she do?

Children: asked the kolobok to sit on his toe and sing the song one more time.

Poem: He rolled along the path, boasted of his prowess,

Yes, I got on my toe, and the bun was eaten!

Game "Say a word".

They blinded him out of torment,

After the stove…. planted.

He froze at the window,

Along the path…. rolled.

He was cheerful, he was bold.

And on the way he has a song…. sang.

The bunny wanted to eat it,

Gray wolf and brown…. bear.

And when the kid is in the forest

Met a redhead…. fox,

I couldn't get away from her

This is a fairytale…. bun.

Dynamic pause "Kolobok".

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river

And they loved koloboks very, very much on sour cream.

(Walking in place).

The old man asked the old woman:

"Bake me a kolobok".

(Bends with outstretched arms forward).

Grandma kneaded the dough

(Imitation of kneading dough).

She blinded the gingerbread man.

(Circular hand movements).

I put it in the oven

(Stretch straight arms forward).

She left him there.

(Hands on the belt).

He came out blush - comely

(Turning the torso to the sides).

And he looks like the sun.

(Put your hands up).

Educator: do you like this fairy tale? What are the pictures in the books called?

Children: illustrations.

Educator: let's be illustrators with you and draw illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok".

While listening to a fairy tale, children draw.

Outcome: we have wonderful illustrations. We will collect them and make our own book.