Activated coal with your own hands. How to make activated coal at home: in detail about different methods

Activated coal with your own hands. How to make activated coal at home: in detail about different methods
Activated coal with your own hands. How to make activated coal at home: in detail about different methods

More Ancient people noticed that if the tree in the roasting process would not be in contact with fire, then the resulting coal absorbs all foreign smells. Initially, to achieve the necessary "activity", coal was placed in a closed clay pot and thus subjected to heat treatment. Such coal was activated only when they learned to produce it on an industrial scale. The name follows due to the activation process of the absorbent properties of such coal, when it becomes able to absorb foreign molecules and connections.

The activated carbon is not included in the activated carbon. For this product, more adapted material is used: coconut shell, fruit bones, charcoal, silicone gels and organic polymers. By special processing, a very high percentage of microcracks on the proportion of the finished product is achieved. Thus, in production, with the help of special technologies, the content of more than 1000 pores per gram of coal are achieved. For comparison, at home, you can get activated carbon with only a few tens of pores per gram of product.

Varieties of activated carbon

In the finished form, activated coal looks like a granules of about 1 mm. After production, smaller dust remains, which, however, is no less valuable, as it has the same absorbency. Granulated coal is often briquetted and pressed - for simplicity and ease of use. Powder coal is often used for filters to purify water. But the most popular variety of forms of activated carbon is coal in tablets. Granules are pressed into tablets - they can also be crushed into powder for use in different purposes.

The meaning of this medication is that the initial raw material treated at high temperature turns into a porous coal with a plurality of microscoles, seeking to fill their empty space by any suitable size materials. A huge sorption (absorbing) ability of such a product as activated carbon, and determines its effectiveness.

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However, can activated coal cope with all toxins and hazardous substances that have fallen into the body or in the water filter? What makes activated carbon are made, determines the size of the cracks and the pores on its surface. If the cracks are less than the substance with which the coal particle faced - he will not be able to absorb it in itself. For example, some heavy metals, minerals and trace elements.

Composition of activated carbon tablets

"Activation" of activated carbon, thanks to which he received its name, is that in the process of heat treatment of raw materials at high temperatures, it does not touch its contact with fire. Raw materials is isolated directly from the flame or the electrical heating methods are used.

The tablet includes:

  • activated carbon;
  • starch;
  • "Black Salt".

This form of release is used in some food intiquats. It should be remembered that the properties of activated carbon are concluded not only in the absorption of toxins, but it absorbs useful trace elements to the same extent. "Washed" in this case, first of all, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, the presence of a black salt is very useful for the body an additional source of these trace elements. Not all forms of tablets are produced by the same composition, and the presence of a black salt must be specified in the information on the packaging. Another type of tablets is found, which consists of activated carbon, starch and sugar.

Activated coal acts on substance by binding their active properties. It connects alkaloids, barbiturates and many other active substances, absorbing them and deriving from the body naturally by purification. It does not have sufficient adsorbing effect on acid and alkali, as well as on salts of iron, cyanides, molation, methanol, ethylene glycol.

The drug is most effective when receiving either before or immediately after poisoning. You can take local on ulcers and other damage to accelerate healing.

Principle of activated carbon

In this article, we found out that coal seeks to fill in many emptiness, which arose in its structure after taking high temperatures. Once in polluted water or other liquid (for example, among the contents of the stomach or intestines), the coal absorbs everything that can linger in its cracks. It should be remembered that if the coal was not enough, then its adsorbing action may be ineffective in the case when the amount of sorbed substances exceeds the ability to soar.

The food can also interfere with this process and its presence in the stomach must be accompanied by an increase in the dose, which averages 1 tablet by 10 kg of body weight - with a small disorder. The main action of coal leading to its "activity" is the number of pores that reaches the maximum size with proper processing of raw materials. Due to such porosity, coal becomes weightless and one gram of coal can accommodate a thousand and more pores and microcracks, which is achieved with ultrahigh temperatures.

Activated coal - a universal drug that has been successfully used for many years in medicine, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry. Filters containing activated carbon are used in many modern models of devices for cleaning drinking water, as they can clean even from chlorine.

This absorbent is often used to purify the body with food intestinal infections and similar symptoms. What are activated carbon? With its manufacture, the following components are used: wood / stone coals and peat, which are heated in specialized tanks (up to 100 s). After that, they are subjected to further processing - giving shape and packaging. Now every person will know the activated carbon from what they do.

What did you do it before?

First burned birch, fruit trees. The resulting coals were treated with steam at high temperature mode. But since it was not a special laboratory before, the whole process was carried out in a good warm steam room. So, from the furnace, it was not most of the birch coals and left in the bath before the activation process. Such coal was quite small weight, but due to high porosity, absorbent absorbing qualities increase. Coal in those days was used as a multifunctional means. They were purified by drinking water, low-quality alcoholic products, treated cattle and bird. In principle, the latter is hardly different from the modern use of it.

What is needed activated carbon:

  1. To purify the gastrointestinal tract. It is allowed to drink in case of poisoning with different toxic means. It is greater than 50% reduces the absorption of harmful elements to the intestinal tract.
  2. At home is used as universal antidote. It neutralizes the harmful effects of alcoholic, fatty food, etc. By the way, experts advise drinking activated carbon with a hangover syndrome, and not during the feast to avoid reverse action - enhancing intoxication. It is also actively used as an effective method for weight loss. To do this, you need to drink 1 tablet three times a day - in the morning, at lunch and evening. Pre-consult with a nutritionist.
  3. Helps when dealing with gas formation. Therefore, when the meteorism occurs and the colic-related colic needs to take coal.
  4. Stops diarrhea.
  5. Prescribed in chronic diseases. It does not allow to be absorbed into the blood components capable of activating allergic reactions. But before you need to consult with the attending physician, it is possible that he will be, what to add to this.

ATTENTION! Activated coal is prohibited to take long courses. It displays useful elements from the body that come along with meals. First of all, these are trace elements and vitamins. Also, with a joint application, the drug is neutralized. Therefore, be very careful when treating them.

How does activated carbon work?

It takes all malicious substances accumulated in the body by adsorption and absorption. It is important to know that together with the harmful elements, it also absorbs carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in which the human body needs daily. In addition, it can, as a magnet, attract a positively charged active oxygen into its composition with a positively charged active oxygen. Negative contaminant particles. This process is called a catalytic reduction. This is said to the fact that in treating, they need to make a small pause, which will be filled with vitamins through the use of fresh fruits, vegetables and meat, according to the instructions of a specialist.

This drug has the following useful actions:

  1. First, it is disintellation, adsorbing and antidiare properties.
  2. Secondly, it derives elements that can contribute to the development of an allergic reaction.
  3. And finally, in third, it does not have an irritating effect on the mucous.

It is possible to purchase it in the form of tablets, capsules, granules, powder and paste to prepare a suspension for intake.

Indications for use:

  • with impaired metabolism;
  • poisoning with salts of heavy metals, various drugs, chemical. substances. It is also used in poisoning not with high-quality (overdue) products;
  • hepatitis flowing in acute or chronic form;
  • abstineent syndrome. As a rule, used with alcoholism.

With increased gas formation, intoxication caused by radiotherapy, this absorbent is also used.

Contraindicated reception during bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, ulcer of the stomach. It is not recommended to take activated coal at the same time with antidigid medicines, it can adsorb it.

Caution - Side Effects

As a rule, it may be hypothermia, dyspepsia, a decrease in blood pressure, constipation. With the one-time use of laxative and activated carbon, the appearance of a liquid chair is not excluded.

Activated coal (Carbonis Activati) is known from very ancient times. The mention of it is found even in the Old Indian Scriptures, where it is recommended to pass water through coal to clean it. The useful quality of coal was known and the ancient Greeks that were cleared of them not only water, but also beer and wine.

In ancient Egypt in the XV century BC. e. Charcoal has already been used for medical purposes. In Europe, the adsorbing properties of coal were noticed only in the XVIII century. Then it was scientifically established that charcoal can absorb gases and bleach fluid. In the next century, charcoal began to use in France to bleach sugar syrups.

However, mass industrial production of activated carbon began only at the beginning of the 20th century. The first batch of powder coal was released in 1909. In Russia, activated carbon was used to filter water from borjom mineral springs.

During World War I, the army introduced gas masks, in which activated carbon made from coconut shells were used.

Nowadays, activated carbon with a high adsorbing ability is made from the coconut shell. Activated coal is a black powder without smell and taste, not soluble in conventional solvents. Currently, there are many types of activated carbon, which are widely used in various spheres of life, including in medicine.

The preparation is obtained from wood by dry distillation. For this purpose, trees of various breeds are used: beech, birch, pine, linden, oak, spruce, aspen, alder, poplar.

In accordance with the above procedure, the adsorbing ability of coal trees made from these breeds is reduced.

Activated coal can be made by themselves. For this, trees trunks are not over 50 years old. Wood needs to be cleaned from the bark, bitch and core. The lamps prepared in this way are burned on the fire until the fire disappears. In the fire on the place of the wood will be hot coals. Usually potatoes bake on such coals or kebabs are prepared.

Now we need to choose from the fire coal of a larger size, shook off the dust and ashes and put in advance cooked dishes, then close to close. When coals in the dishes are cool, they can be removed and, again, cleaning from coal dust, to the mortar to not too small granules. Then the resulting camp must be sifted. Activated carbon is ready to use.

Trees used to obtain activated carbon:

To get activated coal of the best quality, you need, delivering coals from the fire, put them in a colander. After that, the hot corners are processed by steam, for which it is necessary to hold a colander over dishes with boiling water. It is impossible to lower the coals into the water. When coal finally cools, it is necessary to extend it and put it on storage.

It should be stored in a closed vessel, placed in a dry place, separately from substances excreasing gases or pairs. In air or in place with high humidity, the adsorbing properties of activated carbon are significantly reduced.

The carbon made in this way can be used to filter water or alcoholic beverages.

Due to its high adsorbing ability and large surface activity, activated coal is widely used in the treatment of diseases. It is used in acute poisoning by alkaloids or salts of heavy metals, food intoxications, dyspepsia, meteorism, increased acidity and gastric juice hypersception, as well as in infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), accompanied by processes of rotting and fermentation.

The practical edition of the "Activated Coal Treatment"

Activated coal is known to humanity from the most ancient times. This is perhaps one of the very first drugs, and many centuries doctors and herbalists could not find him worthy or replacement. But times have changed. Now in pharmacies you can purchase a variety of drugs whose action is similar to the action of activated carbon. So how was it done earlier, and how is it now?

What did activated carbon

Coal mankind has learned to use for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases for a long time. To obtain such coal, some varieties of wood were burned: birch, fruit trees. After burning, the coals were treated with steam at a very high temperature. Our ancestors were easiest to cook it in the bath, where a part of birch coals got from the furnace and left in the steam room for the activation process itself. From ordinary coal it is distinguished by an incredibly low weight. And due to porosity and low weight, the absorbents absorb the properties of coals increase in tensions. Coal in those days used not only as a medicine. They also were filtered by water, alcoholic beverages were drowned through it, even treated cattle and birds with this universal means.

What makes activated carbon today

But the times have changed, and modern technologies came to replace Russian baths. They allow you to produce a huge amount of activated carbon much faster, but also the porosity is invariably higher compared to earlier counterparts. And if earlier coal activation was physical, then in modern pharmacology, coal is activated by chemical methods. Although it does not become more dangerous because of this. The process of chemical activation of coal consists in treating the coal mass by a certain composition of salts, as a result of which coal under the pressure of hot steam can be avoided. Although some companies are still practicing the physical activation process of charcoal. This process today is called paro-gas activation of coal. It is more environmentally friendly, and such a drug is worth than coal activated by the chemical method. The resulting preparation may be in the form of tablets, small granules or simple paste, it all depends on its further use: in the form of filters for liquid, medication, or in industrial production.

How to make activated coal at home, you need to understand - and why is it actually needed?

Cool tablets are probably in every first aid kit, but for what then to do it yourself.

A large amount of coal will be needed by those who have filters for.

The contents of their cartridges are cheap and simply replace the absorbent on their own.

The most versatile raw material for obtaining an activated absorbent is wood, preferably with a low resin content. Often for dry distillation of wood, namely, it is possible to name the process of obtaining coal, birch is applied. But other deciduous breeds can be used.

Sometimes to obtain a coal absorbent, coconuts shell are used. Naturally, after the coconut itself is spilled from water and nutritious pulp.

By the way, coal from this exotic raw material has many micropores (up to 2 nm). The surface of the wood is covered with mesopores (up to 50 nm) and macropores (over 50 NM). All these indicators determine what size particle contamination comes up absorbent.

For industrial production of activated carbon, it is used, by the word, animal bone material. It is from the burned bones of animals that are the very black pills from the pharmacy.

Dry distillation of raw materials

This is the first stage to carry out before to prepare activated carbon at home.

To do this, you will need, first of all, the source of open fire.

For these purposes, you can use a fire, soldering lamp, gas stove, furnace.

Wood, or coconut shell, you need to grind to small.

Skulls are needed dry, without bark and bitch.

It is better not to use young wood - the optimal age of the tree used from 50 years.

After that, the wood material is placed in a container with a tightly closing lid. The cruel bank is best suited, the contents of which were used already for its intended purpose. In her day you need to make several holes that do not exceed the magnitude of the wooden dug.

After that, the vessel must be put on fire holes down. With a tightly closed gase cap and smoke will be burned in the flame - the smoke and the smell of Gary will be minimal. That is, if there is a good drawing, this operation can be carried out in the kitchen - on the gas stove.

If there is no container with a lid, then it will help dry sophisticated sand. They will need to fall asleep bars completely - so they will be charging evenly, without air access.

Thanks to this, its absorption properties improve - it absorbs mineral and mechanical impurities.

That is why activated carbon is used in various kinds of filters: for cleaning liquid and air mixtures from various impurities.

There are several ways to activate the coal absorbent.

And in order to know how to make activated coal at home from coal, you need to know and how to activate it.

Most often enough to hold the charred pieces wrapped in gauze or cloth over the steam source. You can, for example, use dish for cooking for a couple, or a kettle.

An effective way to activate is boiling in clean water. There is only one minus: from the raging water there is a washing out of coal soot from the surface of the coal, which significantly reduces the absorption area. It is necessary to boil for 20-25 minutes.

For one of the methods of opening, the coal will need an ordinary cooking. It will be needed for the preparation of a 25% aqueous solution. It is in this salt mixture and placed on a day coal. After 24 hours, you need to remove the pieces of the absorbent and rinse them under the stream of clean water. According to the total salt on the already activated carbon should not be left.

As you can see, all activation methods are based on the contact of the water reagent. Therefore, it must be dried to further use activated carbon.


You can dry in different ways:

  • in the sun, laying out on a flat plastic or metallic tray
  • in the container used for distillation, on open fire
  • in the warm room, on a metal or plastic tray
  • in the oven - on Protvin

Each for itself determines the time for which he wants to get dried.


Dried activated carbon stored, as a rule, in a dark cool place. It can be grinding it, but storage of solid pieces is allowed.

For storage, a glass container with a tight lid is used. With long-term depression of coal in the air, it loses its unique absorption properties after a few months. If not to disrupt the storage conditions listed above, the coal can be stored much longer.

However, no one prohibits immediately use the entire supply of the dried coal absorbent: to fill the air and water filters, the manufacture of a self-made gas mask box.

Thus, it can be easily noticed how easy it is to make even a significant amount of activated carbon. This will noticeably reduce the operation of kitchen hoods, cleaning systems. And the user will unnoticed for himself will receive unique knowledge of physics and chemistry.

How to prepare activated coal with your own hands - On video: