The message about Alexander Green is short. Brief biography of Alexander Green, the most important thing

The message about Alexander Green is short.  Brief biography of Alexander Green, the most important thing
The message about Alexander Green is short. Brief biography of Alexander Green, the most important thing

Soviet literature

Alexander Stepanovich Green


GREEN, ALEXANDER STEPANOVICH (1880-1932), present. surname Grinevsky, Russian prose writer, poet. Born on August 11 (23), 1880 in Slobodskaya Vyatka province. in the family of an exiled Pole, a participant in the uprising of 1863. He graduated from the four-year Vyatka city school. He spent six years wandering, working as a loader, excavator, wandering circus performer, and railway worker. In 1902, due to extreme need, voluntarily ("I will be fed and dressed") entered the soldier's service, spent several months in a punishment cell. The severity of the soldier's life forced Green to desert, he became close to the social revolutionaries and took up underground work in various cities of Russia. In 1903 he was arrested, was in the Sevastopol prison, was exiled to Siberia for ten years (he fell under the October 1905 amnesty). Until 1910 Green lived under a false passport in St. Petersburg, was again arrested and exiled to Siberia, from where he fled and returned to St. Petersburg. He spent the second, two-year exile in the Arkhangelsk province.

The years of living under an assumed name were the time of a break with the revolutionary past and the formation of Green as a writer. After the first published story To Italy (1906), the following - The Merit of Private Panteleev (1906) and Elephant and Moska (1906) - were removed from the press by the censor.

Green's first collection of short stories The Invisible Hat (1908) and Stories (1910) attracted critical attention. In 1912-1917 Green worked actively, having published about 350 short stories in more than 60 editions. They strengthened the writer's manner of extracting from the tragic reality the dream of human happiness. Invented by Green noble people inhabited the fictional cities of Liss, Zurbagan, Gel-Gyu - the "mainland" that would later be called Greenlandia.

He enthusiastically greeted the February Revolution of 1917, and considered the subsequent events a tragedy. Green saw and described “people who covered their faces with their hands… they rushed and fell… they were covered in blood” (note Trivia, published in 1918 in the New Satyricon magazine). In the midst of the savagery and chaos that the Bolshevik power brought down on the country, Green wrote such works as the fairy tale Scarlet Sails (1923), the novels The Shining World (1924), gold chain(1925), Running on the Waves (1928) and other works in which he created his own romantic world of human happiness.

Extravaganza Scarlet Sails, one of the brightest and most life-affirming works Soviet literature, was written in the Petrograd House of Arts. In hungry and cold Petrograd, it was supposed to happen, according to original design writer, and action Scarlet sails... However, as he worked, Green moved the action to the city of Caperna, in the name of which literary scholars later found consonance with the Gospel Capernaum. The love story of Assol and Gray, their dream come true, was based on the conviction expressed by Green: “I understood one simple truth. It is about doing miracles with your own hands ... ”Scarlet Sails became an iconic book of the“ thaw ”generation of the 1960s and romantics of the 1970s.

The real life around him rejected Green's world along with its creator. More and more often there were critical remarks about the uselessness of the writer, the myth of "a foreigner in Russian literature" was created, and Green was published less and less. The writer, sick with tuberculosis, left in 1924 for Feodosia, where he was in dire need, and in 1930 he moved to the village. Old Crimea.

Alexander Stepanovich Green - Russian poet, prose writer (1880-1932). The real name of Alexander is Grinevsky. He was born on August 23, 1880 in the Slobodskaya Vyatka province in the family of an ordinary exiled Pole. His father was a participant in the 1863 uprising. Alexander's mother was Russian. She died when Alexander was only 13 years old.

In 1896, after graduating from the four-year Vyatka school, the future poet left for Odessa. From childhood he was attracted by stories about sailors and travels, attracted by the theme of discoveries and accomplishments.

In Odessa, Alexander Green tried to fulfill his childhood dream - to go to sea. However, he had to wander a little in search of at least some suitable job... He spent six years wandering, working as a loader, a traveling circus performer, railway worker, etc. Several times he was lucky enough to go to sea as a sailor on the Odessa-Batumi-Odessa route. Upon his return, Green realized that this job was not for him.

In 1902, due to great need, he voluntarily entered the military service and spent several months in a punishment cell. While serving in the reserve infantry battalion, Green joined the Socialist-Revolutionaries who helped him defect from military service... He found common interests with the social revolutionaries and began to conduct underground work in various cities of Russia. In 1903, Greene was arrested for his propaganda work and his "wrong" appeals to society. He served a severe sentence in a Sevastopol prison, then was exiled to Siberia for ten years. In 1905 he fell under the amnesty. Until 1910, Alexander Green hid and lived under an assumed name in St. Petersburg, then he was again arrested and deported to Siberia, from where he fled to St. Petersburg.

Green wrote many stories before he found "his" hero. The writer wrote romantic novellas in which events unfold in artificial and sometimes exotic circumstances. In 1908, Greene released his first collection of short stories. The famous fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" became one of the brightest works of Soviet literature, was written by Alexander Green in the Petrograd House of Arts.

In 1919, Green served as a signalman in the Red Army. In 1924, a tuberculosis patient, Green went to Feodosia for treatment, which over the years brought only a fleeting improvement in his condition. On July 8, 1932, Alexander Green died in the village of Stary Krym.

Alexander Green (08/23/1880 - 07/08/1932) - Russian writer and poet. His works are classified as neo-romanticism, they are distinguished by a philosophical, psychological orientation, and often contain elements of fantasy.

early years

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky is a native of the town of Slobodskoy. His father was a Polish nobleman, after the uprising of 1863 he was exiled to the village of Kolyvan. Five years later, he moved to the Vyatka province, where in 1873 he married a young nurse. Alexander was their first son, later his brother and two sisters were born. From an early age, the boy was interested in literature. At the age of six he read The Adventures of Gulliver. Adventure became his favorite genre; in his dreams of sailing, he even ran away from home one day.

In 1889, Alexander entered a real school, where he received the nickname "Green". At the school, he did not differ in exemplary behavior, for which he constantly received comments. In the second grade, he composed a verse that offends teachers and was expelled. The father arranged for his son in another school, which did not have very good reputation.

In 1895, tuberculosis took the life of Green's mother, his father had new wife... Not finding mutual language with his stepmother, Alexander began to live separately. Most he devoted time to reading and writing. Undertook small side jobs: bound books, rewrote documents. Dreams of the sea did not leave him, and in 1896 Green went to Odessa, hoping to become a sailor.

Finding yourself

Arriving in Odessa, the teenager could not find a job, experienced serious financial difficulties. A friend of his father still arranged for him to be a sailor on a ship that ply from Odessa to Batumi. Alexander did not like the work on the steamer, and he quickly refused it. In 1897, he decided to return to his homeland, where he lived for a year, and then went on a new journey - to Baku.

On Azerbaijani soil, he worked for railway tracks, was a handyman and fisherman. For the summer he visited his father, and then went on a journey again. For some time he lived in the Urals, chopped wood, was a miner, served in the theater. And every time he was forced to return to the hateful to him motherland.

A. Green with his friend E. Vensky

Revolutionary activity

In 1902, Green joined the infantry battalion in Penza. Army life strengthened the revolutionary spirit in the young man. He spent six months in the service, and half of the time was in the punishment cell. Then he deserted, but was caught, but soon escaped again. The Social Revolutionaries helped him to hide, in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk) Alexander begins to engage in revolutionary activities. "Lanky" - this nickname was given to him by fellow party members - worked in the field of propaganda among workers and military personnel, but did not welcome the terrorist attacks and refused to take part in them.

In 1903, in Sevastopol, Alexander was arrested for his propaganda activities. He attempted to escape, for which he was placed in a prison with a special regime. He spent more than a year in prison, during which time he once again tried to escape. In 1905, Green fell under an amnesty and was released, but a few months later in St. Petersburg he was again arrested. After that, he was exiled to the Tobolsk province, from there Alexander immediately fled to Vyatka. At home, with the help of a friend, he took a new name for himself and, becoming Magilnov, returned to St. Petersburg.

Greene becomes a writer

Since 1906, a major turn took place in Green's life: he begins to study literature. He published his first work, "The Merit of Private Panteleev," under the signature "ASG." The story described the riots in the army. Subsequently, almost all copies were destroyed by the police. The second work - "The Elephant and the Pug" - got into the printing house, but was not printed.

The first story of Alexander, which reached the readers, was the work "To Italy". It was published in the "Stock Exchange". In 1908, Green published a collection of stories about the Social Revolutionaries, The Invisible Hat. At the same time, the writer begins to form his own view of social order and he breaks off relations with the party. One more thing happens significant event: Alexander marries Vera Abramova.

Photo of Green after his arrest, 1910

In 1910 it was published new collection Green's stories. In the work of the writer, a transition from realistic works to fabulous-romantic is outlined. Since that time, the writer earns good money, joins the circle of eminent writers, becomes close to A. Kuprin. Peaceful life is broken by a new arrest and exile in the Arkhangelsk province. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1912.

The actions of the works written by Green in exile and after it take place in a fictitious country, which later K. Zelinsky would call Greenlandia. Basically, the publication of Green's works took place in small newspapers and magazines, including Novoe Slovo, Niva, Rodina. Since 1912, Alexander has been published in the more respectable edition “ Modern world».

In 1913, his wife leaves the writer, and later his beloved father dies. In 1914, Greene began work at the New Satyricon and continued to develop as a writer. In 1916, he was hiding in Finland from the police, who persecuted him for inappropriate feedback about the monarch, and with the beginning of the revolution he returned to St. Petersburg.

After the revolution, the "New Satyricon" was closed, and Green was arrested for notes expressing rejection new government... In 1919, the writer enters the army as a signalman, but soon he is struck by typhus. After his recovery, Alexander was given a room in St. Petersburg, and a quiet period ensues in his life, during which the famous "Scarlet Sails" emerged from his pen. He dedicated this work to his wife Nina Mironova, met her in 1918. After three years they became husband and wife and spent eleven happy years together.

Green with his pet - the hawk Ghoul, 1929

In 1924, the writer's first novel, The Shining World, was published. Some time later, Green and his wife moved to Feodosia. Comes out here new romance"Gold chain". In 1926, a work, recognized as a literary masterpiece, appeared - "Running on the Waves". At the same time, the writer begins to have difficulties with the publication of his works.

In 1930, Green moved to Crimea. Due to the restriction of publications by the authorities, his family is starving, his spouses start to get sick. At this time, he is working on the novel "Impatient", which he will not have time to finish. The writer finds himself in a hopeless position when his work becomes useless to anyone, he is denied a pension and any support. At the age of 51, Green dies of stomach cancer. Buried in the Old Crimea. Only after his death it was decided to publish a collection of the writer's works: in 1934, Fantastic Novels were released.

Alexander Green, a few days before his death, 1932

Recognition of creativity

Green's works were actively published after his death until 1944. Scarlet Sails were especially popular: they were read on the radio, in The Bolshoi Theater showed the ballet of the same name. During the struggle against cosmopolitanism, Green, like many writers, was banned. In 1956, his works returned to literature. The writer's wife opens the Green Museum in their home. In 1970, a museum was opened in Feodosia, in 1980 - in Kirov, in 2010 - in Slobodskoye.

Green's work is considered special, the writer did not experience the influence of predecessors, did not have successors, the genre of his works defies classification. Sometimes they tried to compare him with foreign authors, but the comparison turned out to be too superficial. Some of them are named after Green. Russian libraries, streets of several cities. His works have been repeatedly filmed.

You become an artist
when you yourself create something
what you want to see or hear.

A. Maurois

Green did not like to talk about himself. Having already become famous, he answered the questions of curious and the questionnaire of magazines extremely dryly and briefly. He was generally silent, restrained, even stiff and could not stand those who climb into the soul. Only in last years life in "Autobiographical Tale" he told about his difficult and not at all romantic fate.
"Is it because the first book I read as a five-year-old boy was" Gulliver's Journey to the Land of the Lilliputians "... or the desire to distant countries was innate, - but only I began to dream of a life of adventure from the age of eight".
If we add to this that the first word that Sasha Grinevsky put together from letters, sitting on his father's lap, was the word "sea", then everything else is self-explanatory. Like all boys in those years, he avidly read the novels of F. Cooper, J. Verne, R. Stevenson, G. Emard; he loved to wander with a gun through the forests that surrounded the city, imagining himself a wild hunter. And of course he tried to flee to America.
He had nothing to lose: for impudent poetry and many pranks, the student Grinevsky was expelled from the real school. At home, it was also sad: poverty, eternal reproaches and beatings from his father.
At the age of sixteen, having graduated from the city school with a sin in half, Alexander finally decided to become a sailor. He put on waders above the knees, a wide-brimmed straw hat and set off from Vyatka to Odessa. His long-term wanderings and ordeals began, about which we can briefly say this: the Russian land is not kind to dreamers and inventors.
“I was a sailor, a loader, an actor, I rewrote roles for the theater, I worked in gold mines, at a blast-furnace plant, in peat bogs, in fishery; he was a lumberjack, a barefoot, a scribe in the office, a hunter, a revolutionary, an exile, a sailor on a barge, a soldier, a digger ... "
What Green recounts so calmly was actually hell. And he was able to escape from it only when he realized that the stories that he composed for his random companions and for himself could be written down.
For a long time he did not believe that he could become on a par with real writers, those who so admired him in his youth. The first story ("The Merit of Private Panteleev", 1906) and the first book ("The Invisible Hat", 1908) are also an attempt to write "like everyone else." Only in the story "Reno Island" were the coordinates of the land found, which it would be in vain to look for on the map and which belonged only to him. Since then, in spite of any twists of fate and historical upheavals, every year Alexander Green more and more confidently creates his own world, closed to outsiders, but visible "With the inner eyes of the soul".
The three most terrible years- 1918, 1919, 1920 - amid death, hunger and typhus, Green pondered and wrote "Scarlet Sails" - his response to the revolution. A tiny potbelly stove warmed Alexander Stepanovich when his first novel, The Shining World (1923), was born. He believed that people once flew and would again fly like birds. Green was not alone now. He found a girlfriend, faithful and devoted to the end, as in his books.
In 1924, Green and his wife Nina Nikolaevna moved from Petrograd to Feodosia. He always dreamed of living in a city by the warm sea. Here passed the most calm and happy years his life, the novels "The Golden Chain" (1925) and "Running on the Waves" (1926) were written here.
But by the end of the 1920s, publishers who had previously eagerly printed Green's books stopped borrowing them altogether. There was no money, and the efforts of friends to get the already sick writer into a sanatorium did not help either. Greene fell ill, in essence, from malnutrition and from melancholy, because for the first time life seemed to him "Dear nowhere"... He did not know that his real glory was yet to come.
The era passed "By its own iron" while Green wrote "About storms, ships, love, recognized and rejected, about fate, the secret paths of the soul and the meaning of chance"... The features of his heroes combined firmness and tenderness, and the names of the heroines sounded like music.
How did he do it? It's very simple. He knew that "Our suburban nature is a serious world no less than the shores of the Orinoco ..." that a person who contains the whole world is wonderful. He simply looked more intently than others, and therefore could see in the Siberian taiga - an equatorial forest, and on Petrograd street with dark houses - pagodas surrounded by palm trees.
"Everything is open to everyone", - he says through the lips of his hero. Another author in another country at about the same time said: “Where our magical fantasy could create new world, she stops "(G. Mayrink).
Green did not stop. Do not stop and you. And then, sooner or later, in old age or in the prime of life, on the embankment of the old city, a warm summer night or just in the silence of the apartment, you may hear silent words: « good evening, friends! Isn't it boring on a dark road? I am in a hurry, I am running ... "

Margarita Pereslegina


COLLECTION OF WORKS: In 6 volumes / Entry. Art. V.Vikhrova; Aftersl. Vl.Rossels; Il. S. Brodsky. - M .: Pravda, 1965.

COLLECTION OF WORKS: In 6 volumes / Preface. V.Vikhrova; Artist. S. Brodsky. - M .: Pravda, 1980.
The first collected works mainly include best stories and the novels of Green and his " Autobiographical tale».
In the second, one of the recent novels"Jesse and Morgana" and many short stories (not always equal) from magazines of the early 20th century and 1920-30s.

COLLECTION OF WORKS: In 5 volumes / Entry. Art., comp. V. Kovsky. - M .: Art. lit., 1991-1997.

In the collection compiled at the turn of the century, except for all famous works Green, also included the novel "The Treasure of the African Mountains", poems and the poem "Lee".

SCARLET SAILS: Extravaganza / Art. A. Dudin. - Moscow: Sovremennik, 1986 .-- 47 p.: Ill. - (Adolescence).
The light and calm power of this book is beyond words, except those chosen by Green himself. Suffice it to say that this is a story about a miracle that two people performed for each other. And the writer is for all of us.

SCARLET SAILS: Extravaganza / Art. M. Bychkov. - Kaliningrad: Amber Skaz, 2000 .-- 150 p .: ill.
Green's books live on, and each new generation reads them differently. Time paints the sea, heroes and sails in a new way - for example, as the artist Mikhail Bychkov saw them.

SCARLET SAILS; RUNNING ON THE WAVES; STORIES // Green A.S. Selected works; Paustovsky K.G. Selected works. - M .: Det. lit., 1999 .-- S. 23-356.

SCARLET SAILS; SHINING WORLD; GOLD CHAIN; STORIES. - M .: Art. lit., 1986 .-- 512 p. - (Classics and contemporaries).
"Shining World"
The thought that people flew, as they fly now only in a dream, haunted Green for many years. The awkward flights of the first aviators, which he saw near St. Petersburg, only strengthened this idea. Years later, the hero of the novel "The Shining World" flew freely like a bird.

"Gold chain"
"Mystery" and "Adventure" - that's magic words that can whirl a person, take him to an extraordinary house, like a labyrinth, and make him the center of events that he will remember later all his life ...

RUNNING ON THE WAVES: Roman; Stories. - M .: Art. lit., 1988 .-- 287 p .: ill. - (Classics and contemporaries).
"Running on the waves"
The sea knows many legends. Greene added one more to them: about a girl who glided over the waves, like on a ballroom, and about a ship named after her. A special fate awaited the one who stepped on the deck of this ship.

JESSE AND MORGIANA: A novel. - M .: ROSMEN, 2001 .-- 252 p. - (Confusion of feelings).
A novel about two sisters, one of whom is kind and beautiful, and the other is ugly and cruel, probably not best book A. Green. On it lies the shadow of the approaching disease and gloom. But even in this thing there are very interesting reflections on the nature of evil and the psychology of a murderer.

ROAD NOWHERE: Novel // Green A.S. Favorites / Fig. A.P. Melik-Sargsyan. - M .: Pravda, 1989 .-- S. 299-492.
Once at an exhibition, Green was struck by an engraving by an English artist. She depicted a road disappearing behind a deserted hill, and was called "The Road to Nowhere." This is how the idea of ​​the last and most sad novel of the writer arose.

ADVENTURE SEEKER: Stories. - M .: Pravda, 1988 .-- 480 p.
O "Secret ways of the soul" leading now to happiness, now to death; about the right of everyone to be different from others; O extraordinary strength a person who, if necessary, is capable of walking on water or conquering death - you will read about all this in the stories of this collection. And in the end, having met a sunny morning in the attic of an abandoned house, you will understand main idea Green: "Miracles are in us".

SHIPS IN LISS / [Posl. I. Sabinina]. - M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2000 .-- 351 p.
Contents: Scarlet sails; Stories.

DISADVANTAGE: The first complete publication of the unfinished novel / [Publ., Foreword. and note. L. Varlamova] // Crimean album: Ist.-ethnographer. and literary-artist. almanac. - Feodosia - M .: Publishing house. house "Koktebel", 1996. - S. 150-179.
Ferrol and his daughter, forced to leave the city, found shelter within the walls of a dilapidated fort on seashore... The fort became their home, and the girl even grew a small garden.
Extraordinary flowers blossomed in the garden, the rumor of their beauty spread far away. But the flower petals closed and began to fade when an unkind person entered the garden.
Green managed to write about half of his last novel, which was so difficult for him. How the events and destinies of the heroes could develop can be imagined from the surviving sketches and fragments of the book.

NEWS / Foreword V. Amlinsky. - M .: Mosk. worker, 1984 .-- 416 p.
The book contains the best of A. Green's writing in this genre. "Captain Duke", "Pied Piper", "Ships in Lisse", "Watercolor", "Father's Wrath", "Velvet Curtain" and other short stories have long become classics.

STORIES; SCARLET SAILS; RUNNING ON THE WAVES. - M .: AST: Olympus, 1998 .-- 560 p. - (School of Classics).

TREASURE OF THE AFRICAN MOUNTAINS: Novels. - M .: ROSMEN, 2001 .-- 511 p. - (Golden Triangle).
"Treasure of the African mountains"
“Ghent, like Stanley, kept a diary. But in this diary, the reader would find a very small number of geographical notes, even fewer events... Whole pages were filled with descriptions of unknown flowers, their smell and their comparisons with northern flowers. Elsewhere, it was about the expression of animal eyes. Third, he painted the landscape, noticing unexpected transitions of colors and lines. Sometimes Ghent started to speculate about the advantage of a quick sight over careful aiming, or he told how sunlight wanders in the tops of the forest, illuminating the foliage "... If Green had a chance to travel through Central Africa along with the expedition of the American journalist Henry Stanley, looking for traces of the missing explorer D. Livingston, he would most likely behave in the same way as the hero Ghent he created.

FANDANGO: Novels / Intro. Art. E.B.Skorospelova. - M .: Det. lit., 2002 .-- 334 p .: ill. - (Sk. B-ka).

Margarita Pereslegina


A.S. Green An autobiographical tale // A.S. Green. Favorites. - M .: Pravda, 1987 .-- S. 3-142.

Amlinsky Vl. In the shadow of the sails: Rereading Alexander Green // A.S. Green. Novels. - M .: Mosk. worker, 1984. - S. 5-22.
Andreev K. Flying over the waves // Andreev K. Adventure seekers. - M .: Det. lit., 1966 .-- S. 238-286.
Antonov S. A. Green. "Returned Hell" // Antonov S. From the First Person: Stories about Writers, Books and Words. - M .: Sov. writer, 1973 .-- S. 90-130.
To help the student and teacher: [Comments; Krat. chronicle of the life and work of A.S. Green; Materials for the biography; Criticism about the work of A.S. Green; A.S. Green in art, etc.] // A.S. Green. Stories; Scarlet Sails; Running on the waves. - M .: AST: Olympus, 2000 .-- S. 369-545.
Vikhrov V. Dream Knight // Green A.S. Sobr. cit .: In 6 volumes - M .: Pravda, 1965 .-- T. 1. - S. 3-36.
Memories of Alexander Green / Comp., Introductory, note. Vl. Sandler. - L .: Lenizdat, 1972 .-- 607 p .: photo.
Galanov B. I take waves and a ship with a scarlet sail ... // Galanov B. Book about books. - M .: Det. lit., 1985 .-- S. 114-122.
Green N. Memories of Alexander Green. - Feodosia - M .: Koktebel, 2005 .-- 399 p.
Dmitrenko S. Dream, Unfulfilled and Reality in Alexander Green's Prose // A.S. Green. Stories; Scarlet Sails; Running on the waves. - M .: AST: Olympus, 2000 .-- S. 5-16.
Kaverin V. Green and his "Pied Piper" // Kaverin V. Happiness of talent. - M .: Sovremennik, 1989 .-- S. 32-39.
Kovsky V. The Shining World of Alexander Green // Green A.S. Sobr. cit .: In 5 volumes - M .: Art. lit., 1991. - T. 1. - S. 5-36.
Kovsky V. "The present inner life»: (Psychological romanticism of Alexander Green) // Kovsky V. Realists and romantics. - M .: Art. lit., 1990 .-- S. 239-328.
Paustovsky K. Alexander Green // Paustovsky K. Golden Rose: Story. - L .: Det. lit., 1987 .-- S. 212-214.
Paustovsky K. Life of Alexander Green // Paustovsky K. Laurel wreath... - M .: Mol. guard, 1985 .-- S. 386-402.
Paustovsky K. Black Sea // Paustovsky K. Laurel wreath. - M .: Mol. Guard, 1985 .-- S. 18-185.
In this story, A.S. Green is depicted under the name of the writer Garth.
Polonsky V. Alexander Stepanovich Green (1880-1932) // Encyclopedia for Children: T. 9: Rus. Literature: Part 2: XX century. - M .: Avanta +, 1999 .-- S. 219-231.
Rossels Vl. Green's pre-revolutionary prose // A.S. Green. Sobr. cit .: In 6 volumes - M .: Pravda, 1965 .-- T. 1. - S. 445-453.
Sabinina I. Paladin of Dreams // Green A.S. Ships in Lisse. - M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2000 .-- S. 346-350.
Skorospelova E. Country of Alexander Green // Green A.S. Fandango. - M .: Det. lit., 2002 .-- S. 5-20.
Tarasenko N. House of Green: An essay-guide to the museum of A.S. Green in Feodosia and the branch of the museum in the Old Crimea. - Simferopol: Tavria, 1979 .-- 95 p .: ill.
Shcheglov M. Alexander Green's ships // Shcheglov M. Literary critical articles. - M., 1965 .-- S. 223-230.




Scarlet Sails. Dir. A. Ptushko. Comp. I. Morozov. USSR, 1961. Cast: A. Vertinskaya, V. Lanovoy, I. Pereverzev, S. Martinson, O. Anofriev, Z. Fedorova, E. Morgunov, P. Massalsky and others.
Assol. TV movie. Based on the story "Scarlet Sails". Dir. B. Stepantsev. Comp. V. Babushkin, A. Goldstein. USSR, 1982. Cast: E. Zaitseva, A. Kharitonov, L. Ulfsak and others.
Running on the waves. Scenes A. Galich, S. Tsaneva. Dir. P. Lyubimov. Comp. Ya.Frenkel. USSR-Bulgaria, 1967. Cast: S. Khashimov, M. Terekhova, R. Bykov, O. Zhakov and others.
Shining world. Dir. B.Mansurov. Comp. A. Lunacharsky. USSR, 1984. Cast: T. Härm, I. Liepa, P. Kadochnikov, L. Prygunov, A. Vokach, G. Strizhenov, Y. Katin-Yartsev and others.
Mister designer. Based on the story "Gray Car". Scenes Yuri Arabova. Dir. O. Teptsov. Comp. S. Kuryokhin. USSR, 1988. Cast: V. Avilov, A. Demyanenko, M. Kozakov and others.
Gold chain. Dir. A. Muratov. Comp. I. Wigner. USSR, 1986. Cast: V. Sukhachev-Galkin, B. Khimichev, V. Masalskis and others.
Colony Lanfier. Scenes and post. J. Schmidt. Comp. I. Shust. USSR-Czechoslovakia, 1969. Cast: Yu. Budraitis, Z. Kotsurikova, B. Beishenaliev, A. Faith and others.
There are not so few screen adaptations of A.S. Green's works, but, alas, there are no truly successful ones among them ...

In 1896, Alexander Grin graduated from the 4-grade Vyatka city school and left for Odessa. He led a wandering life, worked as a sailor, fisherman, digger, wandering circus performer, railway worker, washed gold in the Urals.

In 1902, due to extreme need, he voluntarily entered the soldier's service. The severity of the soldier's life forced Green to desert, he became close to the socialist revolutionaries and took up clandestine work in various cities of Russia.

In 1903 he was arrested, was in the Sevastopol prison, was exiled to Siberia for ten years (he fell under the October 1905 amnesty).

Until 1910, Green lived under a false passport in St. Petersburg, was again arrested and deported to Siberia, from where he fled and returned to St. Petersburg. He spent the second, two-year exile in the Arkhangelsk province.

The years of living under an assumed name were the time of a break with the revolutionary past and the formation of Green as a writer. After the first published story "To Italy" (1906), the following ones - "The Merit of Private Panteleev" (1906) and "The Elephant and the Pug" (1906) - were removed from the press by the censors.

After that, Alexander Green wrote several more wonderful works: "The Shining World", "The Golden Chain", "Running on the Waves", "Jessie and Morgiana", "The Road to Nowhere", as well as the witchcraft gothic stories "Gray Car", "Pied Piper", "Fandango".

In 1924, Green went to the Crimea in Feodosia, where he was in dire need, and in 1930 he moved to the village of Stary Crimea. Here he worked on the novels "The Road to Nowhere" and "Impatient". The second was never finished.

The writer died on July 8, 1932 in Feodosia from tuberculosis. From the house of creativity of writers, which was located nearby, no one came to see him on his last journey.

After his death, his works began to be published less and less. The return to the reader happened only in 1956. The peak of Green's readership fell on the period of Khrushchev's "thaw." In the wake of a new romantic upsurge in the country, Alexander Green has become one of the most published and respected Russian authors, the idol of the young reader.

Today, the works of Alexander Green have been translated into many languages, streets in many cities, mountain peaks and a star bear his name. A ballet and a film of the same name have been created based on the novel "Scarlet Sails", and a film of the same name based on the novel "Running on the Waves". In 1970, the Green Literary Memorial Museum was created in Feodosia.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Years of life: from 08/23/1880 to 07/08/1932

Real name Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky. Russian and Soviet writer, who worked in line with neo-romanticism. He attributed himself to the stream of Symbolists.

Alexander Grinevsky was born into the family of exiled Belarusian Stepan Grinevsky on August 11 (23), 1880 in the town of Slobodskoy, Vyatka province.

WITH early years Green was fond of books about travel, he dreamed of becoming a sailor and even tried to run away from home to join the ship.

It is worth noting that Green's father did not try to hinder such hobbies of his son, even encouraged long hikes in nature, which had a significant impact on both character young man and general direction and features of his work.

In 1896, Green graduated from the Vyatka City School and left for Odessa, taking with him only a willow basket with a change of linen and watercolor paints... There he got a job as a sailor on a ship plying the Odessa - Batumi - Odessa route, but soon left his career as a sailor and tried many more professions: he was a fisherman, a laborer, a lumberjack, even a gold digger in the Urals.

Grinevsky served as a soldier in the 213rd Orovaysky reserve infantry battalion, which was located in Penza. cruel manners, later described by Green in the stories "The Merit of Private Panteleev" and "The Story of a Murder", so in the summer of 1902 Green made his first unsuccessful desertion and was caught in Kamyshin. In the winter of 1902, the Socialist-Revolutionaries, with whom future writer met after returning to the battalion, arranged a second escape for Green, after which he went into an illegal position and began to lead revolutionary activity... In 1903 he was arrested for propaganda work among sailors in Sevastopol. For attempting to escape, he was transferred to a maximum security prison, where he spent about two years. In 1905 he was released under an amnesty.

In 1906, in St. Petersburg, Green was again arrested and exiled for four years to the Tobolsk province, the city of Turinsk.

The pseudonym A. S. Green first appeared under the story "The Case" in 1907.

Writing more and more new stories, Green gradually finds his own style, which then made him so popular and beloved. The first romantic novel, according to the writer himself, appeared in 1909 and was called "Reno Island".

Due to a conflict with the authorities, Green from the end of 1916 was forced to hide in Finland and returned to Petrograd, only learning about February revolution... Green pinned great expectations for the revolution, for the renewal of Russia, but was soon disappointed.

In 1919, Greene served in the Red Army as a signalman and fell ill with typhus. The seriously ill writer was brought to Petrograd in 1920, where, with the assistance of M. Gorky, he managed to get an academic ration and housing - a room in the "House of Arts".

Exactly at revolutionary years in Petrograd, Green began writing his most famous "fairy tale" "Scarlet Sails", which was published in 1923.

In 1924, Green moved to Feodosia.

In 1929, the writer spent the whole summer in the Old Crimea, working on the novel "The Road to Nowhere", and in 1930 he completely moved to the city of Old Crimea. At the end of April 1931, already seriously ill, Green went to Koktebel to visit Voloshin. This route is still known and popular among tourists as the Green's Trail.

On July 8, 1932, Green died in the city of Stary Krym. He was buried there at the city cemetery. On his grave there is a monument "Running on the waves".

However, as often happened with non-pro-Soviet writers in the middle of the century, his story did not end with the death of Green. Since 1941, his books have not been published, and in 1950, Green was posthumously accused of "bourgeois cosmopolitanism." Through the efforts of K. Paustovsky, Yu. Olesha and others, he was returned to literature in 1956 and his works were published in millions of copies.

Explaining the origin of his literary pseudonym, Green said that "Green!" - so shortly the guys called Grinevsky at school, and "Green-pancake" was one of his children's nicknames.

Green had a tattoo on his chest depicting a schooner with a bowsprit and a foremast carrying two sails.

Green did not become a seasoned sailor: he never learned to knot knots, twist lines, signal flags. It was not even possible to "beat off the flasks" - due to the absence of a sharp double blow to both sides of the bell-bell.

In Turinsk, where Green was exiled for 4 years, he spent only 3 days: in the book “ Best travel in the Middle Urals: facts, legends, traditions ”, an amusing story is given of how he, having given the police officer and police officers who could not resist free vodka, escaped. He fled to Vyatka, got hold of someone else's passport, with which he left for Moscow.

It is believed that the prototype of Assol, the heroine of Scarlet Sails, is Green's wife, Nina Nikolaevna.

In 2000, to the 120th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Green, the Writers' Union of Russia, the administrations of Kirov and Slobodskoy established an annual for works for children and youth, imbued with the spirit of romance and hope.