Abstract of the drawing nodes in the uneven-age group (2nd junior and middle group) topic: “leaf fall. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in a dhow group of different ages

Abstract of the drawing nodes in the uneven-age group (2nd junior and middle group) topic: “leaf fall. Synopsis of an integrated lesson in a dhow group of different ages

Summary of a drawing lesson for the preparatory group
Topic: "Spring motives"
Purpose: Using the emotional experience of children in art classes. Techniques unconventional techniques in drawing.
Tasks: To form in children a warm, reverent attitude towards inanimate images of nature, the ability to feel its beauty and perfection. To convey in the drawing the joyful mood associated with the arrival of spring. Teach the draining of paints.
Material: album sheets, cotton swabs, watercolors, brushes No. 3, No. 1.
Preliminary work: observing the phenomena of children spring nature on walks. Reading poems about spring, looking at illustrations, paintings, postcards.
Course of the lesson
1. - Children, did you notice what has changed in our office?
- It shines in the morning bright sun... It is warm and affectionate. And what is your mood? (joyful, cheerful)
- And why? (spring has come) Children come up to the window and observe what color the sky is, what the horizon has become, the snow in the distance is darkening.
- Because there are thawed patches.
- What are thawed patches?
- Snow melts in some places and black spots appear.
- Let's remember how you went to kindergarten in the morning, what you saw or heard something special.
- The sun is shining, it warms, puddles appear on the sunny side.
- Buds appear on the trees.
- Birds chirp (what kind) .- Have you noticed what the air has become? It is special, springtime, fresh.
- Nature comes to life after the winter cold.
Reading the poem "Spring" by I. Tokmakova.
Spring is striding towards us with quick steps,
And the drifts are melting under her feet.
Black thawed patches on the margins are visible.
That's right, very warm feet in the spring.
2. Invite the children to draw a picture of spring.
- How can you portray spring in an interesting way?
Show progress:
Moisten a sheet with a cotton swab, then add to the upper part blue paint(the color should blur with spots). Lower part paint with red paint (the sun rises). Immediately on the damp background, draw the branches of the bush. It turns out a blurry image in the picture.
-Early morning, foggy, the air seems to sway, warmed by the sun's rays.
Draw the buds ( White paint) attach forefinger(smear) 3. Children do the work on their sheets. Make sure that children draw a smooth transition of colors.
4. Analysis: children look at their drawings, talk about their impressions. Choose the most successful work than they liked.

Attached files


Teach children to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically placing elements on the radial axes;

Learn to use a variety of straight, rounded lines, shapes, plant elements in the pattern;

Develop the ability to use a brush (paint with the end, with the whole brush, move freely in different directions);

Encourage children to create a collective composition of painted snowflakes.


demo - flannelegraph, an envelope with a picture of snowflakes, a clean mockup of a snowflake.

handout - a clean layout of a snowflake for each child, gouache white, thin brush, napkin, sippy, brush holder.

Course of the lesson

1. Organization of children.

Children, guests have come to our lesson and want to see how you can draw beautiful patterns. Sit quietly at the tables, put your hands on the table.

2. The main part.

Guys, in the morning, when I went to work, at the gate of our kindergarten I was met by a snowman. He had a bag of letters over his shoulder, and he handed one of them to me. I did not detain him, he was in a hurry. I looked at the envelope and guessed who it was from. I think that you, too, will take a close look at the envelope and tell you from whom. ( Children examine the envelope and express their opinion)

I'll tell you a secret this letter from Santa Claus, let's see together what he sent us. ( The teacher opens the envelope and takes out a model of a snowflake. Shows it to the children.)

Yes, it's a snowflake. I think that Santa Claus heard how we diligently prepare for the New Year and learned a poem about a snowflake. Let's remember it. ( Children read a poem.)

S. Yesenin. "Snowflake"

Light fluffy white snowflake

How pure, how bold!

Dear stormy easily sweeps

Not to the azure heights, to the ground asks.

But here the long road ends

A crystal star touches the earth.

Lies a fluffy snowflake bold

How clean, how white

Wait guys, there is something else in the envelope. It's strange what it can be ( the teacher takes out an empty clean snowflake). This is probably a hint from Santa Claus. This snowflake has six corners, let's count them. ( Children count the corners. If the account is correct, the children are praised, if they are mistaken, they should be corrected.)

We will now draw unusual frosty lace.

What color snowflake? ( children's answers).

We will paint with thin-thin brushes, using white gouache paint working on a dark background.

Let's remember where we start to draw so that the snowflake turns out beautiful ( children's answers).

All snowflakes are different, but they are based on general form (the teacher shows a drawing of a snowflake - the base is six rays diverging from one point).

I'm showing you a drawing technique, guys, be careful: I put a point in the middle and draw six rays, one ray up, one ray down, two rays to the left and two rays to the right - this is the base of the snowflake. Now I connect the rays: I draw circles - one around the point, the second further ( the teacher shows drawing techniques.)

Now it needs to be turned into magic lace - it can be dots, curls, leaves, specks, berries, branches and whatever you want. Look - the snowflake is thin, light, graceful. Let's remember how we draw thin lines? ( Children's answers. If children find it difficult, then the teacher reminds drawing techniques.)

It's not difficult at all, and Santa Claus sent tips for you in the form of snowflakes ( The teacher with the children examines the contents of the envelope) You see, what kind of caring Santa Claus children, he not only sent snowflakes, but also suggested how to draw them correctly. We will not let him down, we will draw beautifully and send our snowflakes to him. ( The teacher removes the samples.)

Children get to work!

After completing the work, the teacher invites the children to rest.

Finger gymnastics

“We drew today, (stroking our hands, fingers)

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little (shake hands)

They will start drawing again.

Together we take our elbows (elbows behind the back)

Let's start drawing again.

3. Analysis.

Well, now look at your snowflakes, how beautiful they are with us. Gently stand up and place the snowflakes on my table. Take a closer look: whose snowflakes have the thinnest lines and beautiful pattern. (Collective discussion of works.)

We will collect our work, and put them in an envelope, send them to Santa Claus. Let him see - what kind of masters we are and the same little wizards.

Now, guys, tell me, what did we do in class today? (Answers children.) We learned how to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically placing the elements on the rays. We repeated and consolidated the techniques of working with a brush (draw with the end, with the whole brush, move freely in different directions). I think you liked being fabulous artist and Santa Claus will love your snowflakes.

MBDOU s. Yaprykovo Tuimazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Summary of drawing lessons in age group


Gabitova Zulfiya Tagirovna

Educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing)

Theme:"Mustache - striped" (old group)

Target: Teach children to convey the image of a kitten in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to depict animals using brush and paint skills. Cultivate accuracy when working with paints. Develop figurative perception and imagination. Induce joy from the created image. Learn to see the variety of images, the expressiveness of the image.


Course of the lesson:

Introductory word of the educator

Salima and Bulat gathered in the city. They have a kitten. They will miss the kitten. Let's draw a portrait of a kitten, Bulat and Salima will take them with them.

Educator: Look what a beautiful kitten. Guys, what words can you describe a kitten?

Children: Small, fluffy, striped, funny, mischievous.

Children: Red, brown, black, white, striped, spotted



"Redhead slicker cat stand at the table,

Lay my belly - stretch,

Got up and arched his back into the bridge - bend,

Fluffed up a beautiful tail - bend over,

I went softly with my paws - to portray a cat,

Quietly started a song - sit at the table

Stages of drawing

Educator (shows):

Drawing a kitten

Now get to work.

Lesson summary

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works

Theme: Pets (reg.p. p. 52) "Kitty" (middle group)

Target: to form the ability to create plot compositions, observe the proportions of objects when drawing. Induce joy from the created image. Learn to see the variety of images, the expressiveness of the image.

Material: Watercolor, album sheets for each child, rags, brushes, jars of water.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory word of the educator

Guys, a guest has come to us today. Do you want to know who it is?

Educator: Then guess my riddle:

"Sharp ears,

on the legs of the pillow,

mustache, like a bristle,

arched back. "

Children: Kitten.

The teacher takes out a toy kitten.

Educator: Right. See which kitten came to us. Guys, what words can you describe a kitten?

Children: Small, fluffy, striped, fluffy, funny, mischievous.

Educator: Guys, what color are kittens?

Children: Red, brown.


"Redhead slicker cat stand at the table,

Lay my belly - stretch,

Got up and arched his back into the bridge - bend,

Fluffed up a beautiful tail - bend over,

I went softly with my paws - to portray a cat,

Quietly started a song - sit at the table

Stages of drawing

Look, I'll show you how else you can draw a cat.

Educator (shows):

I put paint on a brush, squeeze the excess paint on the edge of the jar and draw a large circle - the body, paint over. Then, I draw a small circle with a different paint - this will be a muzzle, then I paint a fluffy tail with a wide stroke, and by attaching to a large circle I will make paws. What did I forget to draw?

Correctly ears, I will draw them also by attaching. I will draw eyes and a nose cotton swab- jab.

But I will draw the mouth and antennae with the tip of a thin brush. I will rinse the brush in water, dry it on a napkin and put it in a glass with the hairs up.

Look what kind of cat you turned out!

Drawing a kitten

Now get to work.

Include a musical soundtrack. Independent work children. Remind you how to properly sit at the table, provide assistance as needed.

Lesson summary

What wonderful cats you have turned out!

We all have different cats, both sad and funny! What good fellows you are!

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works

Theme: Topic: Balls for cats (junior group)

Target: to consolidate the ability to work with a pencil: learn to hold a pencil with three fingers above the sharpened end, draw objects round shape; learn to identify the color of an object; develop attention

Material: pencils, sheets

Course of the lesson:

Introductory word of the educator

Children a kitten came to us. Kittens love to play with balls. They roll them on the floor, run after the rolling ball. Let's give them colorful balls. For example, these are. (Shows colored balls.) Look, here I have red, yellow, green, blue balls. Name the color of the ball that I will show. (Answers of the children.)

Didactic game "What ball is lost?"

The teacher puts three balls on the table different color, asks the children to remember them, then covers the balls with a handkerchief and discreetly removes one of the balls.

Assignment: name the color of the lost ball.

Educator. What shape do the balls have? Look, the ball is round. Trace the outline of the ball with your finger. Now draw a ball in the air with your finger. This is how we will draw the ball.

Drawing balls.

The teacher distributes to the children sheets with a picture of kittens, on which they will draw a ball. Demonstrates techniques for drawing a ball, drawing the children’s attention to how to hold the pencil correctly.

Children start to paint. The teacher invites the children to choose the pencil that they like best, controls the methods of work, helps children who find it difficult to complete the task.

Lesson summary

What wonderful balls for kittens you have made!

What good fellows you are!

Did you enjoy drawing?

Exhibition of children's works


1. to consolidate drawing skills in older children unconventional technique- scratching, for the younger ones - to consolidate the skills of tamping on a stencil

2. to develop creative imagination, fantasy.

3. To educate in children a sense of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, the desire to do good to people.



MKDOU d / s No. 18 s. Demarino


GCD for non-traditional drawing technique in the group of different ages "Spring is coming - the road for spring"

Prepared by: educator

Ashikhmina Marina Alexandrovna


Target: Formation of children's artistic taste, development of creative potential.


1. to consolidate drawing skills in older children in an unconventional technique - scratching, in younger children - to consolidate tamping skills on a stencil

2. Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

3. To educate in children a sense of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, the desire to do good to people.

Material: white paper, padding base, pen with a used core, white, green gouache, snowdrop stencil, pencil with a sponge at the end

Preliminary work:observation of beauty in nature spring landscape, conversations about seasonal changes in animate and inanimate nature, memorizing poetry about nature, viewing paintings on the theme "Spring", "Primroses", "March", selection of musical accompaniment.

Activities:productive, cognitive, communicative, motor

Children's age: group of different ages (3 - 7 years old)

Priority area:Artistic and aesthetic development

In integration: cognitive development, speech development

Course of the lesson:

Speech game “Hello! "

Hello, golden sun! Put their palms on top of each other, fingers to the sides - "the sun"

Hello, the sky is blue! Raise palms up, arms straight - "sky"

Hello, free Breeze! Wiggle with raised hands

Hello little Dubok! Put their hands down

Hello Morning! Perform a soft hand gesture to the right

Hello Day! Perform a soft hand gesture to the left

Say hello to us Hold their hands to their chest

Don't be lazy! They spread their arms to the sides.

Educator: How nice, how joyful it is to greet everyone:

And now they looked at each other and smiled.

We sit down on the chairs.

A knock on the door. Spring is coming.
- Hello guys, do you recognize me?


I'll tell you, let's see a story about me.


Well, guys, have you already guessed who came to us?

Yes, it's spring

That's right, our conversation today will be about spring. People have loved spring for a long time. People called her "spring red". Poets composed poems about spring. All nature wakes up in the spring, after the winter cold. What words can you tell about it? What spring? (gentle, warm, fabulous, extraordinary, early,magic) How many of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

All the snowstorms have fizzled out,

And the frosts do not crack.

Drops dripped from the rooftops

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

March days have become.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

Tit tinkling ringingly

Near our window ...

Real spring! Sasha Novikov

And what does spring smell like? Name the guys the signs of spring (children take turns naming)

- The most noticeable sign of the onset of spring in inanimate nature is the melting of snow.

And what does Sasha K want to tell us

Proverb: Water flowed from the mountains, brought spring.

The ice starts to melt. Ice drift begins on the rivers.

The ice is coming. Ice is coming

The people went ashore,

Watches the river play
Misha breaks ice into pieces

The buds swell on the trees

Here is a tiny leaf
Surrounded by fat kidney .
The very first, he is in intelligence,
It sits on the bottom branch:
- It's all right, brothers!
You can bloom! Varya N

- Birds return from warm countries, build nests.

Proverb: Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard

I saw a starling, you know, spring is at the porch. Andrey

The first spring flowers appear.

Snowdrop came running
Into the March forest
Snowdrop peeped in
Into a clean trickle.
And seeing myself,
Shouted: "Here are the ones!
I didn't even notice
That spring has come. "Alena

- Listen to the riddle:

I open my kidneys
In green leaves.
I dress trees

I water the crops.
Full of movement

My name is …


The first to get out of the land
On the thaw
He is not afraid of the frost,
Though small.

Now let's check if we have found the correct answer. And for this we need to assemble a picture.


Spring, but why are you so sad and sad?

It took me so long to get to you, through forests, through fields, through snowdrifts. Wicked winter does not want to leave and leave my domain in any way

- And let's help the spring drive away cold winter with the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magical ... But first, let's knead our arms and legs with you.


Now let's go with you to the magic workshop,

Younger guys will sit at this table, they will work with stencils. And the older guys will work at the easels, you will scratch the drawing with a pen with a used core. This method is called scratching. You will have to make some effort to scratch the drawing. We will draw flowers - primroses. These are snowdrops. (guys, who knows why they are called that). We need to paint nicely and neatly

to make the drawing beautiful and like Zima

Music from Tchaikovsky's album "Spring"

Final part:

The younger guys finish drawing, we take their work with them and take it to the stand, where the meadow is depicted. We glue our snowdrops and discuss their work. Who liked what kind of work.

I love this snowdrop because it is beautiful and snow-white. Then the younger guys go off to wash their hands

At this time, the older guys finish their work and we go to play with them.

Let's guys play with you (older children)

The game "Name it affectionately" (with the use of the middle ball - a hedgehog) is carried out.

Target: improving the grammatical structure (the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes)

Flower - flower

The sun is the sun

Leaf - leaf

Puddle - puddle

Icicle - icicle

Tree - sapling

Drop - drop

Cloud - cloud

Brook - trickle

Grass - grass

Thawed patches - thawed patches

Bird - bird

Now let's take our work to the clearing, I think Zima will like our work.

Guys, let's admire our work. Who can tell me how the older guys drew? (grating) And the younger ones? (stencils). Sasha, please tell me whose work did you like more? why this one?

(in the picture I like how delicate flower peeping out from under the white snow)

What work did you like, Veronica? Why?

- (The sun illuminated the fragile beauty of the flower, warmed the Earth and opened the way for Spring)

Spring is coming

Thank you guys for helping me drive the evil Zimushka out of my possessions. I have gifts for you, too, magic snowdrops. You need to decorate their houses Goodbye.

Guys, I want to ask you. We have done a good deed today. What? (helped the spring drive the winter away)

GCD summary for pupils of the senior group of educational area « Artistic creation»(Use of non-traditional drawing techniques) using ICT.

Tasks. To form ideas about the changes in nature that occur in spring, to consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Develop drawing skills using unconventional techniques. To teach children a new non-traditional drawing technique - drawing with foam rubber. Develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, fantasy. Expand vocabulary children on the theme "Spring".

Integration of educational areas."Artistic Creativity", "Music", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication".

Materials, tools, equipment.Multimedia presentation "Spring has come", audio recording "Voices of Birds". Sheets of paper prepared in advance by the teacher with painted white oil pastels snowdrops. Watercolor paints, foam sponges, flowers from xerox paper, a basin of water.

Preliminary work.Reading works about spring, learning poetry, proverbs, sayings on the topic. Examination of paintings from the "Seasons" series.

Educator: Hello guys! Tell me, what are the signs of spring? How do we know when spring has come? (children's answers). Right! Birds arrive, the snow melts, the sun warms more, the first flowers appear. What primroses do you know? (lilies of the valley, snowdrops, crocuses). Yes! You named everything correctly! Today we will talk about snowdrops! After all, these are the same flowers that are one of the symbols of spring! Now we will watch the presentation with you and find out the details about this. spring flower... (View presentation, attached in paperclip)

Types of children's activities: play, communicative, musical and artistic, cognitive, productive.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading verses about spring: “ Spring forest"V. Stepanov," Admire, Spring is Coming "I. Nikitin," Spring "by E. Karganov," Snowdrops "by T. Belozerov; stories "Spring is red" I. Sokolov - Mikitov, "Four seasons" K. Ushinsky.

2. Learning poems "Snowdrop" I. Emelyanov, "Snowdrops" T. Belozerov.

3. Viewing a cartoon based on S. Marshak's fairy tale "Twelve Months", slides about spring.

4. Conversations, viewing illustrations about spring, observing nature.

5. Listening musical works PI Tchaikovsky "The Seasons".

6. Drawing on themes: "Primroses", "Spring-red".

7. Preparation of material for work.

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

The snow is melting

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming

When does this happen?


In the spring!


That's right, as you might have guessed, our conversation today will be about spring. People have loved spring for a long time. People called her "spring red". Poets composed poems about spring. How many of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

All the snowstorms have fizzled out,

And the frosts do not crack.

Drops dripped from the rooftops

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

March days have become.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

Tit tinkling ringingly

Near our window ...

Soon there will be knocking on our door

Real spring!

Vos. :

Now let's remember and name the spring signs.

(The sun is high, it is shining brighter, the day is getting longer, the drops are ringing, the snow is turning black, melting.)

Vos. : Well done. You know a lot of spring signs.

If all the snow melts - what will we see under the snow?

Children: Earth.

Vos. : What kind of land will be freed from under the snow?

Children: Black, wet.

Oh, trouble! Oh trouble!

The snow is melting, water is everywhere

Do not put on your boots,

On the snow…. (thawed patches)

Happy spring little brother Sashka

And the dog is glad Zhulka

On fire, from the roof of our

Dripping in the morning…. (icicle)

Snow in the forest, a lot of snowdrifts

But the trill of the titmouse is heard

From the roof to the road

Sounds dripping…. (drops)


Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

Playful icicles look down.

We sat down. Things to do?

Began to throw drops.

The whole day is ringing:

Drip-drop, ding-dong! (icicles)

And what does spring smell like? Signs of spring (children take turns naming)

1) The main sign of spring in inanimate nature is that the sun rises much higher above the horizon than in winter.

2) It shines brighter and warms every day more and more. The days are getting longer.

3) The most noticeable sign of the onset of spring in inanimate nature is the melting of snow.

4) The ice starts to melt. Ice drift begins on the rivers.

5) When rivers and lakes are filled with water from melted snow, water fills meadows, forests, fields along the river. This is called a flood.

6) The soil thaws from the spring heat. It accumulates a lot of moisture. This moisture is very necessary for plants.

7) It rains in the spring, not snows. Not far from the first thunderstorm.

We have proverbs and sayings about spring written on the blackboard, but they are all mixed up, we must put them together correctly.

Spring is red and summer is miserable.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn is sheaves.

In the spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in the fall, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

In the spring it wets the day, and the hour dries.

Dry March and wet May make good bread.

April with water, and May with grass.

An outdoor game "The Sun and the Birds".

The teacher raises the sun, children - birds frolic, run, chirp. The sun is hiding, the children - the birds crouch and subside.

Educator: In the spring it gets warm, the sun warms, the grass turns green.

The first spring flowers appear. What are their names? (Snowdrops).

Physical education.

Let us play with you, I will throw the ball at you and name the seasons, you will tell me in response the months from this time of the year or its signs.

Winter is sweeping - (baby) January is coming.

Spring drops - (Baby) brought April

Summer, heat, it's time for August.

Autumn rain is coming - September is a covenant to visit us.

The first winter begins - everyone calls it January.

Methods and techniques:

conversation, artistic word, riddles, turning children into artists.

Analysis. - Let's put our snowdrops in a clearing, stand around them in a circle and admire them together with the bird. (Music plays)

That's right, in the spring. Let's tell you what else happens in spring. Start your answer with the word "spring" ...

In the spring ... the sun shines brightly.

The snow melts in the spring.

Thawed patches appear in the spring.

Puddles appear in the spring.

The kidneys swell in the spring

Birds arrive in the spring.

Grass appears in the spring.

In the spring, the first flowers appear: snowdrops.

The teacher invites children to consider a selection of photographs, paintings, illustrations depicting snowdrops.

Q: What kind of flowers are they? Describe them.

D: Delicate, beautiful, first, fragile, extraordinary, early, spring

Guys, we need to help the spring to defeat the winter, but we also need not to offend the winter.,

it is necessary to go to the forest and find a solution there. It's still cold in the forest, and in order not to freeze, we need to get dressed. What will we wear? (imitation dressing)

If only we could draw snowy Christmas trees, maybe winter will like our work and will give way to spring? Let's try? And on what can you draw in the forest?

Did you guys like drawing? I think that winter will also like it, and it will give way to spring. Do you guys like winter? How do you like her? (sledding, ice skating, skiing, making a snowman, playing snowballs ....)

And let's wake up spring and help drive away the cold winter with the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magical ... Let's go with you to the magic workshop, sit at the magic tables on which something unusual lies ...

The game "Name affectionately"

The sun is the sun

Grass -

Thawed patches -

Brooks -

Wind -

Birds -

Flowers -

Spring: Hello children, it took me so long to get to you, through forests, through fields, through snowdrifts. Evil Winter has bewitched me and my domain. I have forgotten the names of all the flowers that bloom in the spring.

Educator: Now it is clear why the snow does not melt on the street, and the flowers do not bloom.

Spring: Can you help me remember what the flowers are called?

Children: We will definitely help.

Signs of spring

No matter how long the winter may seem, spring will come anyway. By what signs can one determine that the kingdom of winter ends, and spring becomes a full-fledged mistress in nature?

In the valleys, along the slopes, the first thawed patches appeared in the hot weather. It is the appearance of thawed patches that means the beginning of spring in nature. The sun's rays play on the settling, loose snow. There is still a lot of snow, but it is already gray and friable. In sunny places, the snow mass melts intensively.

Streams murmur. The blue of the sky in the first month of spring is amazing, and the first cumulus clouds are eye-catching. The spring sun is joyful, it warms the face and hands. The days are longer and the nights are shorter.

The forest is awakening. Outwardly, the trees look like winter, but they are not. The roots are already slowly beginning to absorb moisture, the life-giving juices rise upward, the buds begin to fill, and the tree as a whole does not look naked, but slightly shaggy.

What other signs are characteristic of spring? Resounding drops, the appearance of icicles, a warm park rising from the drying earth, melodious songs of birds. Wagtails are the first to celebrate spring. It is this bird on its tail that "brings" the spring. And after her - white-nosed rooks, starlings. Oatmeal, tits, sparrows, woodpeckers - every spring they do their job. Sings, beats a drum roll (this is, of course, a woodpecker), builds a nest, changes clothes, like, for example, oatmeal, in a yellowish outfit.

The happy period of life is childhood, the happy season is spring. She has many signs, you just need to take a closer look.

Educator: Well done, they guessed all the riddles. Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?

Children call proverbs:

Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.

Winter scares spring, but it melts.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies

Work hard in the spring - you will be well-fed in winter.

February is strong with a blizzard, and March is a drop.

Fertilize more land, the yield will be higher.

Ice is coming, ice is coming!
Long string
Third day without a break
Ice floes are floating by.

The ice floes are moving in a crowd
In fear and in anxiety
Like a herd for slaughter
They drive along the road.

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Spring has come to the country house again.
The sun rejoices. The day has grown.
And only some icicles cry
Sparing winter and frost.

G. Novitskaya


"Dzin-dzin-dzin," the drops sing.
"La-la-la," the starling sings.
Dzin-la-la! Actually:
The end of winter has come!

V. Stepanov


Next to a pine tree a snowdrop
Looks to the sky - light, gentle
What snowflakes are petals!
Do not reach out to him -
Suddenly the petals will melt! ..

Ivan Emelyanov


Sparrow ruffled
Alive, healthy
And unharmed.
Catching March
With every feather
His own.

V. Orlov

Scattered winter

Still standing around
The trees are bare
And drops from the roof
Funny dripping.

Winter somewhere
Run away in a panic
And very bad
Tightened the taps.

In the clearing, by the path
Blades of grass are breaking through.
A stream runs from the hillock.
And under the tree there is snow.

Zakhoder B.

In the spring, the kidneys are swollen

In the spring, the kidneys are swollen,
And the leaves hatched.
Look at the maple branches:
How many green noses!

T. Dmitriev

If the snow melts everywhere

If the snow melts everywhere
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream is ringing in the fields,
If the wind gets warmer
If the birds are not up to sleep,
If the sun shines brighter
So spring has come to us.

E. Karganova


Awakened from sleep
Brush soft spring
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields - chains of rooks,
Over the revived foliage -
The first stroke is thunderous
And in the shade of a transparent garden -
Lilac bush by the fence.

Victor Lunin

The sun whispers

The sun whispers to a leaf:
- Don't roam, little guy!
And takes it from the kidney
For a green chybchik

Vladimir Orlov

Spring months

Spring has a happy start -
March is on the doorstep.
The drops are ringing merrily -
April is already in a hurry to us.
May quickly catches up with them,
He meets all flowers.
Light, full of joy
All three months of spring.

Elena Erato


That frost
Then the puddles are blue
That blizzard
Those are sunny days.
On the hills
Snow spots
Hiding from the sun
In the shadow.
Over the ground-
Goose chain
On the ground -
A trickle woke up
And winter shows
Mischievous, green

V. Orlov

Spring singers

Spring has a happy start -
March is already on the doorstep,
The sky is a blue river
The ships in it are clouds
The starlings sing like that,
They are spring singers
And everything blooms around -
Spring walks on the ground.

Elena Erato


I will plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really, really need him.

The winds will rush outside the window
With a snowy winter
But will be higher
Every day:
Grow my flower!

When on the calendar
The time will come for spring
Eighth of March
I will give my mother my flower!

Vera Shugraeva

Gift for mom

I love my mom.
I'll give her a gift.
I made a gift myself
Made of paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Embracing affectionately.

Olga Chusovitina


All winter
White snow
And in March he took
And it turned black.
Blackened with annoyance
What people
The sun is welcome!

Mikhail Sadovsky

In April

First sunny day

The spring breeze is blowing.

The sparrows have fun

In these warm hours

And the icicles shed tears

And hung up their noses.

V. Orlov

In the April forest

Well in the woods in April:
It smells like deciduous decay
Different birds sing
They make nests on trees;
On the glades of lungwort
Strives to go out to the sun,
Between the herbs of the morels
Raise the caps;
The branches of the buds swell,
Leaves are breaking through
Start ant
To correct your palaces.

G. Ladonshchikov


Swallow flew away
For the distant lands ...
Come back, Swallow!
It's April.
Come back, Swallow!
Not just one:
Let it be with you, Swallow,
Spring will arrive!

Boris Zakhoder

In the meadow

The forests are more visible in the distance
Blue skies
More noticeable and blacker
There is a strip on the arable land,
And the kids are louder
Voices over the meadow.
Spring is on the sidelines
Where is she herself?
Chu, a clear voice is heard,
Isn't this spring?
No, it's loud, subtle
A wave murmurs in the stream ...

A. Blok

Admire the spring is coming

Admire the spring is coming
The caravans are flying in a caravan.
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams rustle through the ravines ...
Soon guests will gather to you,
How many nests they will understand, look!
What sounds, songs will flow
Day-day from dawn to dawn!

I. S, Nikitin

Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Crumbled here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table
These are speeches and conversations
This is grandfather's album.

These are fruits and candy
These are the smells of spring ...
What is Victory Day?
This means there is no war.

A. A. Usachev

Spring color

Spring is in the yard!
After the cold winter
Wakes up from sleep
All nature. Even puddles
Will not cover the ice overnight
Chases the sun away from winter!
The kidneys swell with juice,
And green leaves
Soon in the streams of the breeze
Will play! Until then
The colors of the sun by the river
Lights appeared!
Everything! The frosts are over!
Mimosas are blooming!

Summary of entertainment for visual activities in the preparatory group

Theme: “Travel to the country of Risovandia”.

Software content:

  • to consolidate the technical skills of children, acquired during the year in the classroom, to evoke positive emotions, to improve the mood of children;
  • to consolidate the ability of children to work in extreme conditions, to draw with one line;
  • develop the ability to empathize, worry about friends, the desire to help each other, rejoice at the overall result.

Stroke:music sounds, children pass and sit on chairs.

Hello guys! Do you know why we came here? No? Do you want me to tell you? Today came to us very interesting hero... Now I’ll show it to you. Here it is ( showing a toy Pencil). Who do you think this is? That's right, Pencil. This Pencil came to us from the country of Risovandia. But what is he like? Happy? No. He is sad because he left his country and now he cannot find his way back. He's lost! What do you think we should do now? Right! We need to help him. But the way to the Risovandia country is very difficult. You and I will need to overcome many obstacles before we get to this country. And two teams of rescuers will go to this country by two different roads. The team of group No. 7, which is called "Paints", will go one way, and the team of group No. 5, which is called "Brushes" - another. And then we'll see whose team can help Pencil faster, and thus become the winner of our game. Each team has assistants - fans. They should cheer up the participants, and in some contests they can help the team score points.

Well, that's it! There are teams! All guys are dexterous, brave, strong, not afraid of any obstacles. You can go on a trip to the unknown country "Risovandia".

Suddenly appears new hero- Blot "K."

K. - Where are you going? To the country of Risovandia? What for?

Ved. - Help Pencil find his home.

K. - A pencil? You don’t have the courage! You won't even get past the first obstacle!

Ved. - And you, in general, who is! I went in, did not introduce myself, you don’t know us, but are you already saying that we cannot overcome the obstacles?

K. - Yes, I, if you want to know, Blot! I also live in Risovandia country!

Ved. - Oh, you Blot! Then come in, sit down and see that our children can overcome all obstacles and help Pencil. Really guys?

The blot passes, takes the chair away from the child, sits down.

Ved. - Blot! Well, what are you doing!

K. - How what! I have to sit down too!

Ved. - Why, look, we, and put a chair for you.

K. - Okay then, I'll go, sit down. But you still won't get to the country of Risovandiya "Nikoda"!

Ved. - And we will not make plans! Let's better invite teams to overcome the first obstacle, a strip of mountains and bumps. The team of "Paints" will overcome mountains, and the team of "Brushes" - bumps. Listen carefully to the assignment. It is necessary to connect all mountains and all hummocks with one line. Each participant, running, can connect only two mountains or hummocks, return to the place and pass the baton to another participant. Reade set Go!

At the end of the competition, we award one point to the winning team.

1 competition: Together with Klyaksa, we call one player from each team. We invite them to finish drawing the figures.

2nd competition: We invite children to take turns to draw little men performing different movements. The condition of the competition is that the movements must not be repeated. The team that draws the most movements gets a point. Fans can help teams.

3rd competition: We call the team captains and suggest drawing a portrait of the Blot.

4th competition: Blot offers the team "Paints" a drawn cloud, and the team "Brushes" - the sun. It is necessary to finish painting with raindrops or rays of the sun. Fans can help teams.

Ved. - Here we are in the country of Risovandia! It's time to count the points and determine the winner.

After summing up the results, Blot enters the conversation.

K. - Well done! These are the children! I didn’t think you can do everything!

Ved. - Yes, you wait! After all, we have not presented the winners with a present yet! They get our Pencil! Now he will live with them in a group. Take care of it!

K. - Yes, yes! But I, too, did not come empty-handed, brought each of them a pencil.

He takes out pencils cut out of paper, each of which has a sweet prize attached - candy.

Ved. - Let's thank our Klyaksa for the gifts and invite her to our group to drink tea with sweets.

Summary of a plot lesson in drawing with paints in the preparatory group

Theme: “Wonderful book”(Paints).

Software content:

  • teach children to reflect the plot of an episode from a fairy tale, passing it characteristics: heroes, their appearance, emotions correspondence of the plot to the text of the fairy tale;
  • learn to compose, use different image plans;
  • learn to select a color scheme, if necessary, mix paints to obtain the desired shade;
  • to bring up creative activity, the ability to show your attitude to the hero through drawing.

Stroke:- Guys, look, I brought you such a book today. She is so bright, there are such colorful illustrations! There she is! Look at the cover she has. And on it is written "The Tale of Tsar Saltan." Have you read such a fairy tale? Do you know who wrote it? Right! A.S. Pushkin. Let's rather look at the illustrations that the artist painted for this fairy tale.

I open the book without illustrations.

Oh guys! And the illustrations have disappeared somewhere! Yesterday I looked, they were all in place, but now only the text remains! Probably, some villain enchanted them to make the book ugly, and they threw it away. What do we do? Maybe, you know? Right! Let's draw the illustrations ourselves, and then paste them into the book. We can do even better. Well, shall we try?

I distribute plots between children.

And in order for the drawings to turn out fabulous, we need to visit a fairy tale ourselves. Sit comfortably, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes.

I turn on the music.

Have you heard the magic fabulous music and immediately found themselves on an unknown land, where the castle of Tsar Saltan is located. And now each of you has seen the plot that he will draw. Remember the traits of your heroes, see what is around them. Examine everything in detail to go back and draw what you saw.

Now the music is getting quieter and it's time for us to return. Now you will open your eyes and find yourself in kindergarten again.

Now you can pick up your brushes and get down to work like real illustrators. Just to begin with, sit correctly, place your feet straight under the table so that it is convenient to draw.

Independent work of children.

Partial demonstration of drawing techniques;

Approval, praise, verbal encouragement;

If necessary, I use the child's hand drawing technique on a draft;

I automate the technical skills of each child: the ability to hold a brush correctly, paint with the end of the pile and the entire surface, convey perspective in the drawing.

I warn the children about the end of work in five minutes.

I analyze children's work:

Now Karina will be our editor-in-chief at the publishing house and will choose the best, in her opinion, plot for the text "Three girls under the window ..." Why did you choose this plot? How did you like him? Is everything drawn correctly here? Guys, let's take this story into our book?

In turn, I suggest that the children be the chief editors and choose the next illustration for the book.

After all the pages are filled with pictures, I summarize the lesson:

Here's what wonderful book we have illustrated with you. She is now again very bright, colorful, and now she is not afraid of any villain, right? Well, those guys whose drawings were not chosen in the book, let them not be upset. We will arrange these drawings, make frames and take them to the exhibition.

Synopsis of the lesson on visual activity in the middle group

Theme: “Lukomorya has a green oak”(Thread painting, drawing with a glue brush, foam rubber).

Software content:

  • to teach children to draw a plot for a fairy tale based on the model of a teacher in an unconventional technique: perform an oak trunk using the stuffing technique glue brush on a stencil, a crown of a tree using thread-writing technique, a cat, using a template and a glue brush;
  • learn how to adjust the pressure of a simple pencil when tracing a cat's template, draw with the end of the pile and the entire surface;
  • develop memory;
  • foster a desire to use in work different techniques drawing.

Prior work: reading an excerpt from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", a complex thematic lesson.

Stroke: Guys, now I'll read you an excerpt, and you listen carefully and tell me from which work I took it. Deal?

I am reading an excerpt from the poem "The Lukomorye has a green oak ..." to quiet calm music.

Is this work familiar to you? What is it called? Right! Do you remember how we read it, even attended a class in such a country? Do you want us to make Lukomorye ourselves today? Then look how I will do it. I will take a blank sheet and put a stencil of an oak trunk on top of it. Then, I will take the foam rubber, put some brown paint on it and start applying it from top to bottom, densely filling the entire surface of the barrel with paint. When the trunk is ready, you can proceed to the crown of the tree. To do this, you need to take a glue brush and spread the whole crown with glue. Then take the green threads and glue them. So it turned out real green oak... It remains to make the cat itself. There are different cat templates on the table: the cat lies, sits, stretches. You need to choose one that you like more and circle it with a simple pencil. Then we take a clean glue brush, pick up orange paint and, holding the brush vertically, with the very end of the pile, I begin to wet it from the head, gradually moving to the tail. I try not to go beyond the contour. Then I paint the cat's eyes, nose, mouth. This is how I got Lukomorye. And now each of you will make his own Lukomorye. You can get to work.

I spend individual work:

Help in creating a pattern;

In the selection of elements, colors;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha, I work on the formation of technical skills: the ability to hold the brush vertically, paint with the end of the pile and the entire surface.

As the children complete the work, I wash the picture with water.

I conduct an analysis of children's works: - Look what Lukomorye turned out to be for Sasha: the oak is so spreading and the cat is just like a real one - fluffy, fluffy. What do you think, is it good for a cat to live in such a Lukomorye?

I take one or two more works and also do a detailed analysis.

Today in the lesson we drew Lukomorye, and for this we used different drawing techniques: with foam rubber, and with a glue brush, and even with threads. And the work turned out great. Now all our cats have their own home - Lukomorye.

Synopsis of the lesson on visual activity in the middle group.

Theme: "Bakery”(Dough modeling).

Software content:

  • to expand the knowledge of children about the process of growing bread;
  • learn to sculpt a variety of bakery products: rolls, pretzels, cheesecakes, etc.;
  • to teach to use in their work the methods of transforming a cylindrical shape: twisting, folding into a ring, etc.;
  • learn to transform a disc-like shape: twist, fold, etc.;
  • consolidate the ability to decorate your work with small details, use a stack;
  • encourage any manifestations of creativity, foster respect for the work of a baker.

Prior work: conversation with children on the topic "Where does bread come from?"

Stroke: Music sounds ...

Guys, aliens came to us this morning. They learned that we have an unprecedented product on Earth. What do you think this product is? Do not know? Then now I will ask a riddle, and you will immediately understand what is at stake.

Raised, raised
They beat me, beat me
Crumpled, crumpled,
They baked in the oven
Served to the table.

Right. This is bread. Where do we get the bread from? It probably grows on trees, and people collect and sell it? No? Indeed, this is the hard work of people. Let's remember together what needs to be done to grow bread. So what should you do first? Plant the grain. What happens next? What do people do when the ears are up and ripe? That's right, they reap. So what is next? The ears are threshed. Then the grain is ground into flour in millstones. And already the baker makes the dough from flour, and bakes a variety of bakery products: buns, cheesecakes, braids and much more. So today we will be real bakers and we will cook different dough products. You have a piece of dough on your tables. Divide it into two equal parts and make any two baked goods. In order to get a donut, you need to roll out the cylinder and connect the two ends, if you twist the cylinder, you get a braid, if you roll it, you get a bun. And if you roll it into a cylindrical shape, you get a roll. Now each of you will think well what he will sculpt, and after that you can start working.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to properly sit at the table.

I do individual work:

I remind you of the sculpting techniques;

If necessary, I use re-display, verbal encouragement, praise;

Help in decorating work small details.

I warn you about the end of work five minutes in advance.

Analyzing children's work. I involve the children themselves in the analysis: I suggest finding the most original work. I ask, what did you like the work with? Is the work decorated with small details? What is interesting and unusual about work?

To summarize the lesson: - Today in the lesson we remembered how people grow bread, we tried to sculpt dough ourselves. I liked the work of Sasha, Masha, Katya: they showed creativity and independence. And Vadim and Sveta will try their best next time and they will get different original products.

Synopsis of the lesson on visual activity in the senior group.

Theme: “Portrait of my dad”(Modeling in the technique of bas-relief).

Software content:

  • to acquaint children with a new method of sculpting using the bas-relief technique;
  • teach to carry out a portrait of the Pope, passing it individual characteristics: color of eyes, hair, mustache, beard, etc.;
  • learn to apply plasticine in a thin layer, use various sculpting techniques: rolling, rolling, flattening, etc., use a stack when sculpting eyes, eyebrows;
  • teach to follow the sequence in modeling: from general to specific;
  • encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings for loved ones in the image, foster a desire to talk about them.

Prior work: acquaintance with various genres of painting.

Stroke: On my easel there are several works made in different genres... Find among them portrait genre... Well done! How did you guess? Right. On such works, the face occupies most of the sheet, the eyes, nose, eyebrows are drawn very accurately and correspond to a certain person. In addition to the face, the shoulders are also visible, but there are no arms, legs, or torso in the portrait. Let's see who is depicted in our portrait? And who knows what kind of holiday our men will have? Let's make a present for our dads, grandfathers, brothers and draw their portrait in class today. But let's draw in an unusual way, and in the technique of bas-relief with plasticine. Take a look, I'll show you how to do it.

I am doing a partial demonstration of methods of drawing with plasticine: eyes, nose, eyebrows, lips.

Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy hair daddy has, whether there is a smile on his face.

Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can proceed to the implementation.

Independent work of children. I remind you how to properly sit at the table.

I do individual work:

Assistance in applying plasticine to cardboard;

To clarify the proportions of the face;

In mixing plasticine, to obtain the desired shade;

If necessary, I use re-display, verbal encouragement, praise;

Individually with Alena, Sasha, Ksyusha, I reinforce the ability to use the stack correctly.

I warn you about the end of work five minutes in advance.

Analyzing children's work. I invite one child to tell about his dad, about who he is, about whether he succeeded in portraying the way he wanted. I note the positive in the work, I also mention the shortcomings.

To summarize the lesson: - Today each of us made a gift to his dad - he painted his portrait. We will frame these portraits and present them to dads for a holiday.