How to draw a rooster in a phased pencil beautifully. Draw a rooster

How to draw a rooster in a phased pencil beautifully. Draw a rooster

This is the average lesson. It may be difficult to repeat this lesson and adults, so I do not recommend drawing a rooster on this lesson to small children, but if there is a big desire - you can try and try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What do you need

In order to draw a rooster, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Each bird is not only unique in coloring, but also has its own anatomical structure. In order to correctly draw a rooster - you need a personal presence, if possible. Yes, I'm talking about drawing from nature. I understand that it is very difficult to do, but it will give you a big forget. I can still advise not to neglect the photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric items: circles, squares and tracks. They create a form, it is them that the artist needs to see them in the surrounding items. No at home, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. So build complex items are much easier.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

As always, we will draw a rooster phased pencil. At the last step, you can paint with colored pencils or paints.

1. The first step of the pattern. Draw simple contours

First, it is important to distinguish three areas in which you need to draw neck, torso and the tail of the rooster. The contour lines can be arbitrary shape, the main thing is to accurately draw their size, because it will depend on this proportion of the future rooster pattern.

2. How to draw a rooster, the second stage

The rooster on the crestings grows, and below the beak "earrings". I do not know what they need them need, but they need to draw them. Draw an oval for the head, and just below the contour for "earrings".

Draw after this two contours for the paw, I think it will not be difficult for you.

3. General outline of the shape of the body and the tail of the rooster

Look carefully to my drawing and try to accurately cover the overall rooster contour. Immediately after that, you can delete extra lines from the pattern. In addition, at this step, you need to start painting two bird paws.

4. Figure rooster in detail

This step is simple, but the most time consuming. Start drawing what it seems easier. It seems to me that the paws of the rooster draw the easiest way. You can then separate a zigzag tail from the cock of the rooster and draw the contour of the longest and extreme pen.

The next pattern of the picture is the wing, you can draw it arbitrarily.

And now you can proceed to draw the head of the rooster. Draw a beak and correct the contour of "earrings"

Highlight the area in which then draw the rooster. And finally, draw the initial contour of the rough scallop.

5. How to draw a plumage rooster

At this stage, the rooster drawing will be fully completed. Highlight tail feathers with curved lines, add another zigzag line on the peel neck and draw your eyes. Look, what other details I missed, and add them to your discretion. For example, I forgot to draw rooster spurs on the paws. But they necessarily have every rooster. If you paint the paint pattern of the rooster, make barely noticeable contours for different colors.

6. How to draw a rooster. Final Step

The black and white rooster pattern is not at all look. It is desirable to paint it. Just keep in mind that if you do not know how to use the paints, it is easy to spoil the picture. It is better to take color pencils or markers and color them. If you need to draw a rooster with a simple pencil, then do, focusing on my drawing.

As always, I advise you to draw at least simple on the background, for example, a wooden fence.

So, first of all, I performed a linear drawing of the rooster with a pencil HB:

Then brightened all the lines with a whip and began drawing a rooster with colored pencils. I decided to start with the tail, so as not to pushed by chance with the hand already drawn. And first of all I used a black pencil to repel then from the darkest tone.

As it moves from left to right, the drawing of the tail of the rooster began to acquire more realistic outlines. To transfer the gloss feathers, I took advantage of several shades of blue and green colors. I will not list them, it is easier to say that more than half of the pencil box took the entire drawing of the rooster.

The total approach when drawing feathers was the same - the darkest sections were first painted, then a certain color was introduced (or rather several shades) and polished was injected at the end. I used exactly the same approach in the drawing of yellow feathers:

As you can see, yellow feathers on the rooster turned out to be quite a lot. If you do not fall into excessive realism or hyperrealism, then it suffices to understand the general principle, as feathers are located and what they give shadows and shades. And then you can no longer draw a thoroughly every smallest feather, but to recreate a more common picture, where the character of these feathers will be transmitted, i.e. They may even be located in a few other places or may be less than in the original, but they will not lose their realism.

In general, in the drawing of the rooster, there are quite a few complex elements, especially for beginners. These are numerous feathers, shadows, overflows, a coil of a rooster with an interesting pupil texture. Therefore, do not rush to fulfill the entire drawing immediately, for one sitting. When drawing a ridge of a rooster, I used a few shades of red, as well as cold purple colors in shadow areas. On the top was a little white gel handle, imitating the pupil surface of the ridge. Highly in copying here really did not want to go away, so I allowed myself from the soul to poke the handle in chaotic order. It turned out in my opinion quite believable 🙂

At the end, I still worked with the paws of a rooster. Here I had to study the other photoforeeresses to understand how the roosters were arranged, because At the main photo of the paws were shown as much as I would like. Be sure to add a small falling scattered shadow so that the rooster did not hang in the air. And here is a drawing of a rooster Ready:

Of course, it is completely impossible to describe this process in the article, because The work lasted more than 8 hours and most techniques applied to color pencils were used. But, I hope that at least some idea of \u200b\u200bsuch drawings I am for you. As you can see, even children's pencils can be achieved good results in realism.

Finally, I suggest looking accelerated video process of creating a rooster pattern with colored pencils:

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Hello! Today we have prepared a new simple drawing lesson for you, with which even a novice artist should cope. The subject of the lesson - how to draw a rooster.

In general, this is not the first bird on our site, because quite recently we painted the chick (by the way, he was also completely simple), but today we have a guest of the chicken. Yes, it is very funny sounds, but it is such a definition of the word "rooster" is given in Wikipedia.

The rooster is a rather popular bird - for example, it is this feathery that is a symbol of France (football fans probably recognize the logo with a gallic rooster in the center). In Russian folklore, the rooster personifies the light - remember, it was his cry who drove away from all sorts of evil, even becoming not in itself. Probably, in modern conditions, a crock of a rooster could even drive. Let's start to get acquainted with the lesson and find out how to draw a rooster!

Step 1

Let's start drawing with such a fot the rounded figure. It is difficult to compare it with something to give guidance guidelines. The only thing that this figure looks like - on an outdated chicken ham. Probably the author of these lines described too many bird drawing lessons lately.

Step 2.

Draw a scallop at the very top of the resulting figure. Just below, inside the shape, draw a large eye and opened the beak - it is a little similar to the logo of the company "Nike". Pay attention to the lower half of the beak - there is an inner part there.

Step 3.

Now draw a small feature in the form of a semicircle just below and left the eye. Svetanichim is a narrow part of the body from a wide gear pattern, as in our sample.

Step 4.

Draw a folded wing. It should diverge into four major tip on one side and smoothly spin on the other. The wing is located right under the gear pattern, the position of its slightly inclined.

Step 5.

In this step, we will work on the main pride of the rooster - a lush tail plumage. By the way, we have another drawing lesson dedicated to the pennate, in which we are talking about.

Step 6.

Actually, in the penultimate stage, we draw paws - first they narrow it very smoothly, and then sharply pass into ordinary thin straight lines.

Step 7.

We erase the extra guide lines, paint the eye with a soft simple pencil.

Drawing lesson For you prepared artists of the DrawingForall site, all the best and do not forget to visit our VK page - we find small interesting news and their repostees right there. To new meetings!

The main " Choosing a bike " Beautiful rooster draw in stages. How to draw chicken and rooster

In addition, we use a simple medium hardness pencil (HB), drawing paper and toned pastel painting paper. The image of the rooster is performed in stages. We begin with the drawing of the scheme on paper for drawing, draw the part of the bird. Then the drawing is translated into tinted paper and we work on it with oil pastel, but you can complete the work and on ordinary paper.


On a sheet of paper for drawing with a simple pencil, we draw two ovals. One taller is more - it will be a torso, there is a smaller head over him - it will be a rooster head. We connect big and small oval line - the bending of the neck.

From the big oval down, we spend two lines - the legs of the rooster.


Draw a triangle of a bird beak. From the large oval to the right, we plan the tail of the rooster cool with a curved arc.

Over the head of the head we conceive the scallop line.

Under the beak we place two semi-scenes of earrings.

Add the neck bend line.

Cross-draw rooster paws.


Inside a large oval, we plan oval wings with a slightly pointed end.

Drawing smooth lines of the contours of the pants and the lower edge of the tail.


Draw cloves scallop. In the oval of the wing draw the lines of the plumage.

Add drawing feathers in the tail.


Draw a "pants" of legs and paws with a sharp protrusion Spur.

We translate drawing on toned paper. For which shadow the reverse side of the paper sheet with the pattern. We apply it to a toned paper sheet to a sheet of toned paper and, by jumping the contour of the pattern, we translate the image to the tinted sheet.

Light strokes cover the shallow brown brown color casing, top of the wing and some tail feathers.


The shallow red color is drawn scallop, earrings and feathers in the tail.

The remaining places pass lilac. We specify the tail plumage and the wing with black shallow. Head and scallop are passing by a red-brown chalk.

Draw a rooster, yes so that friends get excited from admiration? Easily! Fishing the scheme of drawing a cockerel for every taste, inspire and decorate the image of the birds of your room. Do not doubt, the volatile singer will not remain in debt - will certainly bring good luck next year.

Simple rooster pencil

Rooster - a born leader, requiring special attention and respect for his person. Therefore, placing the winged in its album, as you should try - the owner of the next year does not like Nari.

1. At the top of the sheet, draw a circle. This is a rooster head.

2. Dorisuy Shay. Pay attention to the proportions.

3. So that the rooster came out by a real handsome, decorating his head by scallop.

4. The bird's beak consists of two sharp parts. As the rooster turn to the side, the pictures of two small triangles on the right of the head.

5. It's time to draw torso.

6. Decoiled the tail of the feather beam.

7. Draw a rooster of eyes and legs.

8. And now Dorisui Wielshko. Clearly fuel the line, add strokes.

Drawing ready!

How to draw a rooster with colored pencils?

The fact that the human ear seems to be clicked, cathedral and cauchane, in fact - chicken speech. Scientists have identified more than 30 values \u200b\u200bof the chicken language, starting from a simple "time to postpone the egg" or "all here, there are many worms here!" Before calling a partner in the marriage period.

Let's depict another bright representative of the chicken colored pencils, because he asks: "Draw me!"

1. Denote by ovals the main parts of the body of the rooster.

2. Draw your eyes, comb, beak and earrings under it.

3. Now you can outline the paws.

4. Add the tail of the tail, detail the paws.

5. And now - most importantly. Coloring a cockerel with colored pencils.

First, it is clearly drawn the eye, fasten the comb and beak.

6. Neck and paws will be yellow.

8. Clearly wander the feathers.

9. Black pencil add contrast pattern.

Congratulations! Giddened handsome rooster ready.

Draw a rooster step by step

In the wild of females chickens, there are many dangers. The most terrible of them is predators. That is why the representatives of the weak gender who surround the eggs and raise offspring, have a plumage, reliably hiding them in the forest. What you can not say about the roosters! That's who can boast luxurious feathers: red, bright red, blue with green overflows ... Sin does not portray such a handsome in its album. Let's start?

1. Draw on a sheet of paper two oval: big (torso) and a small (head). Connect a slightly curved line (neck cockerel). Light movements of the pencil mark the foot.

2. On the queue - beak. Image of it look like a small triangle. Then draw a bent arc - the future tail of the rooster. Browse a comb and earrings, add lines on the neck. Cross lines indicate foot.

3. Inside the large oval, we have a line that determines the boundaries of the rooster wing. Do not forget to outline "pants" on the legs and bring the contours of the tip of the tail.

4. Detail the tail and wing, drawing a plumage. Draw the scallop teeth.

5. Well, wander your paws with sharp claws. You can finish drawing with colored pencils on ordinary paper or transfer to tinted and paint the oil pastel.

6. Light brown color head, legs, part of the wing and some tails. Comb and earrings will be red. Purple color flood the bottom of the body and the wing, as well as the tail. The circuit of the contour of the head and scallop with cherry blossom, and the wing, torso and the tail - black.

How to draw rooster oil pastel

Interestingly, roosters have a sufficient level of intelligence and are able to remember those who are bad or well to them. Therefore, not benazy, depicting the next handsome, and then in 2017 he will remember you.

I propose to draw a rooster oil pastel. Here the main thing is to paint the bird correctly. See the photomaster class and repeat after the author.

1. First draw the rooster (partially use the upper schemes). Red seized crest, eyes and beaks.

2. Go to paint the feathers. Start from light colors, gradually adding dark shades and shadows. You have to get a bright drawing.

3. For this little masterpiece you will need pencils of all the colors of the rainbow. Drawn dense strokes background.

Drawing ready. A bright rooster will decorate any interior and will certainly bring the happiness to his talented owner.

Agree, the rooster is a very beautiful bird? Roosters with multi-colored long tail feathers are not inferior in beauty even peacock. And what an important and proud view of the rooster ... True, draw Petush Vivid, if you live in the city quite problematic. But on the Internet you can find a lot of pictures with the image of this bird. And if you need a picture of a rooster, you can simply draw it from the photo.
As always, we will draw a rooster phased pencil. At the last step, you can paint with colored pencils or paints.

1. Draw simple rooster contours

Initially, it is important to allocate three areas in which you need to draw neck, torso and tail. The contour lines can be arbitrary shape, the main thing is to accurately draw their size, because it will depend on this proportion of the future rooster pattern.

2. How to draw a rooster, the second stage

The cock on the head grows graze, and below the beak "earrings". I do not know what they need them need, but they need to draw them. Draw oval for the head, and just below the contour for "earring". Draw after this two contours for the paw, I think it will not be difficult for you.

3. Total body shape outline and tail

Look carefully to my drawing and try to accurately cover the overall rooster contour. Immediately after that, you can delete extra lines from the pattern. In addition, at this step, you need to start painting two bird paws.

4. Figure rooster in detail

This step is simple, but the most time consuming. Start drawing what it seems easier. It seems to me that the paws rooster draw The easiest thing. You can then separate a zigzag tail from the cock of the rooster and draw the contour of the longest and extreme pen. The next pattern of the picture is the wing, you can draw it arbitrarily. And now you can proceed to draw the head of the rooster. Draw the beak and correct the contour of "earrings". Highlight the area in which then draw your eyes. And finally, draw the initial contour of the rough scallop.

5. How to draw operenses

At this stage, the rooster drawing will be fully completed. Select the tail feathers with curved lines, add another zigzag line on the neck and draw your eyes. Look, what other details I missed, and add them to your discretion. For example, I forgot to draw spurs on the paws. But they necessarily have every rooster. If you paint the paint pattern of the rooster, make barely noticeable contours for different colors.

6. How to draw a rooster. Final Step

Black and white figure rooster At all "does not look." It is desirable, of course, to paint it. Just keep in mind that if you do not know how to use the paints, it is easy to spoil the picture. It is better to take color pencils or markers and paint the drawing. If you need to draw a simple pencil, then make shadows, focusing on my drawing. As always, I advise you to draw at least a simple landscape on the back background, such as a wooden rustic hedge.

In this lesson, you can draw a gradually beautiful parrot Ara.

It may seem that it is easy to draw a sparrow, because we see this bird constantly in the yard. In fact, draw the sparrow is difficult, much easier to draw a large bird, for example, such as a rooster.

If the rooster is a very beautiful bird with a bright and colorful plumage, then swan, perhaps the most elegant bird. That is why draw the swan is needed very carefully so that he does not turn into a goose.

Stork and rooster have become unique and rare birds for urban residents. But if the rooster can sometimes meet in the city, then the stork can only live outside the city, away from the city noise.

The eagle is so powerful and predatory bird, which represents a threat even for adult chicken and rooster, not to mention chickens. However, the proud and beautiful view of this bird is forced to forget us, that this is the largest and dangerous flying predator.

If you managed to draw a rooster right, you will not draw a lot of work, especially since the crows can be painted from nature, it is enough to look into the window.